The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 12, 1877, Image 2
Henry A. Tarsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, JULY 1?, 1877 Mediisr of the Republican State Con vent ion. Headqua htehs Republican Statu Committke, llnrrlsbiirg, May 29th, 1877. In pursuance of n resolu tion of the Republican State Commit tee, adopted at n meeting held in liar rigburg, this dtiy, a Republican State Convention, to be composed of dele gutes from each Senatorial and Repre sentative district, to the number to which such district is entitled in the Legislature, la hereby called to meet In the city of Ilarrisburgh, at twelve o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1877, for the purpose of nominating enii'll dutes for Supreme Judge, State Treas urer and Auditor General, to be voted for at the ensuing general election on the sixth day of November next. 5y order of Committee. HENRY M. 1IOYT, Chairman. A. Wilson Norms, Secretary. Cincinnati, July 7. During the week ending to-day over $2,500,001) of the new lour per cent, loan have been taken by the citizens of Cincinnati. Washington, July 7 The total amount of subscriptions to the four percent, loan received in the United States to dute is $13,-22,200, Cincinnati, July 8. A company of Light Guards left Covington last even ing for Grayson, Carter county, Ken tucky, tinder instructions from the governor, to report to the sheriff of Carter county, and to nssist him in ar resting a band of horse thieves and des peradoes who have long been a terror to the citizens of that county. The thieves are numerous and well organi zed and armed. It is expected they will offer desperate resistance to the officers. Detroit, Mich , July 7. Swarms of grasshoppers nave recently made their appearance in portions of Oakland and Ionia counties, in this state, and are ravaging all manner of growing crops, to the despair of the farmers. About four thousand acres of grow ing grain have had havoc played with it by the grasshoppers. Entomolo gists pay these insects are the red legged locusts, not the Kansas grass hoppers. Nevertheless they are very destructive, though incapable of long Mights, and farmers in the afllcted lo calities are cutting down their crops in order to save them." One Mobk Testimonial. It 1H twenty-five years since I was hurt by the falling of a tree, injuring my back, and at times I have been unable to dress myself without help, always having a pain in the small of my back, having blistered it a great many times and used a large number of plasters with only temporary relief In the spring of 1S71 I began taken E. K. Thompson's Barosma, or Back ache, Liver and Kidney Cure, followed with marked benefit. I have taking six bottles, which removed the ex cruciating pain. Words cannot ex press what I have suffered. I have not been as well in twenty-five years The Burosmu is worth more than gold and I take pleasure in testifying to its merits. I. W. Light. Breedtown, Cherrytree Township, Jnii.2tt, 1875. For sale by E. K. Thompson, Titus ville, Pa., and druggists generally. Trice, $1,00 per bottle. u Van dyke s sulphur soap. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long b? kcialiiv, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, lias endeav ored for jeers to combine nn extkhnal treatment. He has accomplished this de. nimble uesi'Lt in tlie preparation of his compound 'SULPHUR SOAP." the merits ef which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our renders. Price, 25cts. by mail, 3octs a box ; 3 cakes COcls. by mail 75cts. OlKce, 50 N. oth St. Wholesale Dki-ot, 400 N. 8d St. Philadel phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. Xew Advertisements. Sates cf Advertising. One column, one year, l . i. , .$75 00 40 00 !" ' " 25 00 " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square ol eight lines, one insertion $1, fvo inser tions, $1. 00, three insertions $2. Business cards, len lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable ijuarterly. Administrator's JiotlHs Estate of John Adam Btibeck late of 8t. Mary's Borough Elk Co., Pa., do ceaned Letters of Administratis upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, ull persons in debted to said estate ure requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to JOSEPH 8TIBICH Adn.'.s. limits. Administrator's Sale ! BY virtne of an order of the Or phans' Court of Elk County, the un dersigned administrator will expose to public sale, on THE PREMISE, tit one o'clock I. M., on SATURDAY, AUXJUST 11. 1877. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Fox, in the county ot'Elkund Mate of Penn sylvania, adjoining lands of Fiaicis O'Neill (formerly tSniith Mead's,) and described us follows: Bounded on the east by land of Earley and Her shey ; on the south by lands of Francis O'Neill; on the west by lands be longing to the John Malone estate, and on the north by lauds of J Seifred and others, containing about one hundred acres, upon which is erected one frame dwelling house, one barn, lime kiln and lime shed, and other out-buildings. aid tract, known an the M'C'rcady farm, is well fenced, in good order, and has a number of bear ing fruit trees growing thereon. TERMS OF HALE. One-half of the purchase money In fash on the confirmation of the sale by the court, and the other half with in terest thereon in one year, secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. HENRY M'CREADY, Administrator of the Estate of Hugh M'Qieady, deceased. July 12th, 177. Light Upon Tarls Urccn. POPULAR, HI8INFO RMATION EX AMINED AND BET RIGHT BY THE CHEMISTS. From the True Citizen. State Assayer Hayes, of Massachu setts, publishes a warning agaiust the use of Paris green for the destruction of potato bugs. He says that there Is danger, in the common mode of dig ging potatoes, that the poisoned earth may adhere to the tubers, and through lack of careful washing before using, prove fatal. He also speaks of the danger attending the presence of a poison in the household. In regard to these cautions Prof. Chandler, President of the Board of Health, says : "There Isjust as much danger in having Paris green in a house as there is In having a loaded revolver, or any other deadly weapon It does not poison the potatoes, but It would impregnate with poison lettuce or salad that is to be eaten raw, and therefore ' too much care cannot be taken in its use, and every precaution should be taken to prevent it being deposited by the wind on other plants. The subject has been discussed by Boards of Health, and It has been de cided that ofthe two evil, Paris greeu and potato bugs, the former Is less, and therefore no warning has been sent out against its use. We have, however, strictly prohibited its sale at retail in the city, I do not consider Its use so dangerous but that the nn checked ravages of the bug would be infinitely more so. The ordinary Paris or imperial green which is used in the war against the bugs is scientifically an aceto-arsenite of copper. It is the same green com monly supposed to be so dangerous when used in coloring wall paper. In Watt's Chemical Dictionary this popular superstition is treated ns fol lows : This compound is much used as a pigment, on account of its splendid green color. A great deal of needless alarm has lately been excited about the supposed deleterious effects of this pigment. It is extensively used for staining wall papers, and persons in habiting rooms thus prepared are said to nave had their health seriously de ranged by the arsenical fumes evolved from it. Now, it is utterly impossible that arsenic should volatilize from shell a compound at ordinary tempera tures. It does not decompose at any temperature below redness. The only way in which danger conid arise from the use of paper stained with an arsenical color is that particles of the compound might be brushed off in dusting t lie paper, and thus .mixed with t lie air of the apartment ; but it is not in this way that the supposed accidents are said to have occurred, The panic lias arisen from a mistaken notion as to the volatility of the arsenic. That the use of the pigment is not really dangerous niny be safely inferred from the fact Unit no bad efl'ects are experienced by the work men engaged in its manufacture. At Petrolia, Venango county, the people on Friday night were disturbed by the re port of a pistol and screams by a woman. It was soon after discovered thai Mrs. Boss" Farrell, while drunk, had shot t girl in her employ and wounded her severely. The assailant subsequently de manded a drink of whisky at a hotel, and being refused she broke a window and de molished a stove, after which she skipped 'lie town. Administrators' Kotiee. Estate of John McLaughlin late of St. Mary's Boro. Elk Co, Pa., de ceased. Letters Tebtrtnientary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUOHLIN I AHmrV PATRICK M'LAUOHLIN J Adlnr 8 nint'3. Notice. In the matters oftliePeti- In Elk tions of Joshua Davis (a C o u nty creditor &c ,) for the ap- Common pointmcnt of an Auditor to Pleas No. state an account of the as- Ssieptem sets of the M'Kean p;ik ber Perm and Forest State Road. j 1877. To all wliuin. it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, to state un account of the assets and liabilities of the M'Kean, Elk, and Forest State Road, and distribute the funds of the samo, will attend to the duties of his appointmcut at his office inRidgway, Elk Co., Pa., on Tuesday the 17th, day of July 1S77, at 8 o'clock A. M. at which time and place all parties interested" can attend or not, as they may think proper. J. O. W. BAILKY, Auditor. Ridgway, June 27, 1877. Applet oil's Aiiitriinn Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is lust out, making it half complete, as there are to be 10 in all, of 800 pages each, one being Issued in two months. It makes n complete library, and no one can at ford to do without It who would keep well informed. Price $6,00, a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. J udson, Fredonla, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sepl7-tf AT POWELL KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. County Officers. President Judge-lion. L. D. Wetniore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. Sheriff Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob Mci'auley. District Attorney C. H. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixon. Prothonotary, &c Fred. Scluenlng. Deputy Prothonotary W. 8. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Osterhout. George Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk w. S. Horton. Auditora-W. H. Hyde, It. I. Spang ler, George Kothrock. Cheyenne, W. T., July 8.--H. J. Smalley shot nnd killed his brother Andrew yesterday near M'Pherson, Nebraska. The Hinalleys were travel ing overland from Morline, Illinois, to Colorado. A quarrel originating in Andrew wishing to return to Illinois terminated in his brother driving him from camp and shooting him. The murderer is In jail at North Platte. Whitehall, N. Y., July 7. The Keesevllle nationnl bnnk was robbed last night by seven or eight masked burglars. The watchmen were bound and gagged, the vault of Marvin's spherical safe blown open and the contents carried nwny. The bnnk loses $7,000 in currency, Jd.Ooo In the town of Chesterfield bonds, $1,(hM) in government bonds and $1,000 In Essex county bonds total $15,000. Parties who left packages in the bank for safe keeping have lost to the amount of rrom $.i0,0Oti( to $00,000. Bills receiv able at the bank and collection notes wtre also taken. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- Ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL a KIME'S. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering Int. inanity, vend free to all who need it, the recipe ond direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing lo profit by the advertiser's ex. Vrrii-rr can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN n. 00 DEN, 42 Oedur St , New York. SCGAI1H AT POWELL AND KIM K'S are high to be sure; but still area little cheaper than at any other store in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOl'R, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, ahvavs on linml nt POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri- Notice. All persons arc hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trustingany person on my account, without my written order, ns I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRKXCII. Ridgway May 2, ls77.-ly Notice. The firm of V. H. Beuree & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on at the old stand by V. H. Beuree, who hereby solicits a continuance of lh patronage bestowed on the old firm. W. II. BEARCE, E. W. ROLF. Wilniarth, Pa., June 1st, Is77-nl7t:i MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this met hod of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she litis on hand an as sortment of fashionable liiillinciy goods which will be sold cheap. Als'o dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. .1 Bail & (V Patent Ivorv anil Lignum Vitus Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. NEW TIME TABLE P. & E. It. It. Commencing Thursday, June 1S77, WILCOX. Mail East 4:H p in " West 2:47 p in Day Express East 0:22 a m Niagara Express West 8:22 p m RIDQWAY. Mail East - 4: lit p in Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East 0:-1C a m Niagara Express West 7:45 p in HI. MAHV'S. Mail East f.;18 p in Mail West l:itt p m Day Express East 7:2(1 a m Niagara Express West 7:18 p ni PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost$55, 'i in aJvunce, bnl ance $20 within (i months ufter patent al lowed. Advice and ion free Patents 8old. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO., nl2ml Wnt-hington, 1). C. BOOTS, SHOES AND Rl'BRKRS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S. JTAF.Z7S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray ob Faded IIaik to its youthful color, making it Bolt, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extrome old age. It is the most economical Haib Dbesswg ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, 6ays, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and! consider it the Best Fbepabation for its intended purposes." Mold by ail Drvggitti, and Dealert in Medicines. Frioe Out) Dollar. Buckingham's Dye i FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Ilcnewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in on preparation.', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofE Bold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL I CO BJ&mJA, XXL QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. UANKER8 AND BROKERd, N- 42 gouth Third Street, "iladelphis, July 19lh, 1877. ,, BID. ARRKI U. 8 do do do looi. 0.... 110 l . , 1" ........ M. ........ 11 lib ?, "2 lot. 0 'Go do ,,o 10-40, do coupon uo l'aoino () cy 1!M New 5's Reg. 1881 112 " " U. 1881 H1J 11U " 4J, Reg. 18'Jl 101) 109J " " 0. 18'Jl 108 109 Oold or,J 105 Silver ion 100 Pennsylvania 83 83J Rending m 12j Philadelphia & Erie 7J 9 Lehigh Navigation M 19 19J do Vallev 94 1 as Cuited R R of N J ex. div129 129 129 J I Ittaburgh, T. Buffalo R. R 6J Northern Central e. div 13 Central Transportation 29 Nes(iichoning M 45 14 40 41 worm 1'ennRylvnnia, 40 0 & A Mortgngo C'b '89. .107 108 Biijf enrneu in tuese I I times but it eun he made in three n.omln by any one of either Bex, in any part of the county who is willing to work steadily at. the employment thai we fiiruUh. $00 per week in your own town. You need nol be avrsy from homo over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your ppare moment?. It costs nothing lo try the business Terms and $o Outfit, free. Address ut once, H HALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oncj. GARDEN SEEDST Varieties of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is Hooded will applications for seeds but obtniu the same Varieties, and all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties I am prepared to fiirni.xh any kind of seed from any cata log vie tit a ilibcount of ten per com from list prices. For the convenience of those who want an assortment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consists cf 13 vnrie ties of choicest Flower seeds a complete tlcwcr garden, prict $1. No. 2 comprises n complete collection of Vegetable seeds for a small family garden, price $1.m0. I'ltcknges of the two sets con, tunc J for f2.lH) Sent postpaid to any address ou leccipl ot price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the luouey, made up in scpiirulo oid.irs or purchased of any dealer. H. D, SMITH, 73-1 18th STREET, Washington, 1). C. PATENTS." secured for me- hauieal devi ces, trnde-murks, designs, and coniprunds. Labels registered. Iiifritigeint uts, re issues ii ml interferences will received pro It intention. INVENTORS s h iiuld scud us H model or sketch of their invention ami we will give our iipiuinu us to its pnienla bilitvitice of charge. Fees nunlcmte, and NO t'llAJUiE UNTIL PATENT IS t!E- CL'ltED. We will, upen contingent fee, pioseeutc ca st s Hint luive been MKJU'TKii hy I lie Piitenl tlttice. We have clii uts in every t:ttc in tlie Union, ii nd invite inquiry ilnouli yctir eoiigi essmnu as to our standing belore the I'n I i n i Otlice. t-'eud tin- circular forfutthcr iiifntuiitioii, tcrmaud references. Established iiilNiiti. EDSON BROS, .Solicitors of L. t. and Foieig;i PATENTS. 711 O Mieut, N. ., Wellington, 1. C U2il3 Cio to J'OWELIj & KI.MK of the liraiul CVntriil .Store, Main Strict, for your groceries. C K I S T A 1 0 It O S DYE 9 ('risliuloro's Hair lye in the SAFKST and BEST; it nets iiistanta nooiiKly, producing the must natural shades of lilaelt or lirown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, mid is easily np lled. It is a tdtindard ire)iirtition, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Ccnllcnian. Sold hy DrugKfctN. .1. CUISTADOnO, 1. (). llox, 1533, New York. Nt-44 IIVINU WIEl) ANIMALS j WANTED. ?..,ti,t)0 eaeli for 1'ANTllKKS. N,IK) each for UI.ACK KOXKS. 4,ik each for CitOr-K FOXES. 10,00 each tor LV.W. 10,00 each lor OED OTTElt. 5,00 each for YOl'Nti OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUXti KOEVES. 5,00 enili for W 1LD (.'ATS. 6,00 eneh for EANS. 1,00 each for Vol NU 11EACK A- CROSS EOXES. Tlie ii hove price I will' pay, the Animals to he in good and thriving condition. Animals can he shipped to nie hy way of I'uiisirawney 1'u." Eor further iiil'oriuution write to JOHN A. KTEWAKT, Marion, Indiana County, l'a. SLEIUH HEELS AND WlUTri. a nice little assortment, at l'OWELL & KIME'S. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Ralph Johnson late of Benezelle Township Elk Co., l'a., deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the ithovu estate have heeli granted to the undersigned, ull persons indebted to said estate ure requested to make payment, and those having claims to present tlie same without delay to JOHN O. HALL, nl'ttl Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Cornelius Wuinwright late ofllenezctte township, Elk Co., l'a., deceased. Letters TesUtmentarfj upon tlie above estate liuve been guanted to the undersigned, ull persona indebted to said estuse are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to. JOHN WA1NWRKJHT, "l"tO Adnir. Executors' Notice. Estate of Joseph II. Dorniach, lateof t. Mary's Borough, Elk Co , Ta., deceased. Letter Testamentary the above estate have been granted to the undersigned.ull persons Indebted to said estate ure requested to make payment, uud those having claims to present tlie eame without deluv to JOHANNA DORNLSCli.l v , C L. BAYEI'.. f ulTtO. J 3 1091 1131 I 112 RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SO MMER TIME TABLE. ON ami after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows l WESTWARD. NIAGARA KX leaves Renovo-... 4 f!" p m ' Drill irood.. 5 42 p tn " " " "-I--..- 0 2) pin St Marys... , 18 p in " "n " Ridgway... 7 45 p m arr at Kane.. 8 4" p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " Rcnovo 11 00 a m " " " Emporium 12 Co p m ' Ft. Mary's 1 4U p m Ridgway 2 11pm " " " Kane 8 80 p tn " arrive at Eric 7 35 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Knne 0.00 a m " " ' Ridgway (i.oO a m " " 8t Marys 7 20 a in " " Emporium 8 10am Driftwood 8 68 p in I'.enovo 10 1 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m " ' Kane ' " Ridgway 8 60 p m 4 49 p in 6 18 p m 6 15pm 8.115 p m " " " St. Mary's. " " " Emporium " Rcnovo u rr. nt. l'liilndopliin 7 00 a m Day F.xpress aud Niagara Express con neel e ist with Low tirtide Division and ii n. y: & r. i:. it. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcu'l Sup't INSURANCE. The undersigned believes that lie litis tho principal agency in this dis trict troin tlie tact that he lias written nearly one thousand policies, in the linst. threo vpnw. Mo'n In. vites those having Insurance to cil'ect to compare rates, and fore making upplieation elsewhere. I ai'tltil list ot companies. AETNA HAitTKOHl' T.ono.lil m XOUT1I milTlSll ,fc.M. KNUl,AXI)..lil,"iKi,iHHi KIHK ASSOI IATIdN 1'1III,A i.ihiii.iiiki (iKltMAX AMKR1CAN, X. Y -J,imki,mhi X AliAltA. X.Y -J .vm iimi Tit A YKI. Kits' 1,1 FK 1IAHIKlilU I,ii,ikki r. Ii. .u Jl 1 I-.l., HI. JIlO VK, I'll, nTm". T HI'. SOCIETY STORK. A new store staileil in Tlidiiwav tin iler the auspices of tlie ladies of (irucc 1 liurcli, witn MISS A. E. M'EEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. E.MDKOIDEIUES. LACK EDGE FKIXUKS lIANDKKIUMlir.FS. LAPIKrf TIK. TOILET f5KT., LINEN SUITS. Cir.LDRHNh S-U1TS SAM PLK SILKS Mticliiiie silk, thread and needles Also ti line lot of Dress Cnods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes Aw, ,ve. All cheap as the cheapest ami goods warranted lirst class, ('all and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'K K!:. Audit for the ;-jocicty. EVERY SOLDIER who w as wounded or conti'iielcd pel mil lie nt disease iti service can gel a pension hy wrilini; to John hn kpntriek, Ounilii idjto Ohio. N-lOxl DR. BANNING is peiiimiitntly located tit the St. Chillies 1101(1, i iiiMiui gn, i n. oiKenses iii.u ie fonuities of the t liine. L'lleritie Diniilacc in fins 1'Y!-iiimii, lleiiiia imil l'iies siu- Resnfullv treated hv Hie RANMNiJ S Y.S TE.M ot Mechanical Sut'iiorts. t',ll oi send for descriptive l amnlet, The House You Live In. ' Mulled Fiee. N-lOml TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, luivinpr been permanently cured of thai dread disease, Consumption, hy a simple remedy, is anxious to niiihc known lo his tVl.uw tull'erers the nieiuis uf cure. To all who desire it, l.e will send a copy of the iirej-ciiptioii used, 'tieo ol charge) with the directions for preparing aud using (lie atnr, wlncli they will hint a M'lIK tlTIiK lur I O.vtl Ml'TloX, STUM A 1Juom.ui ns, &c., l'liriies wishing the prescription will please address, Itev. K. A. WILSON, l'.'l I en ii., VI lUianisnurgli, H, . WE WILL nuiii one aud one-hulf dozen or the most beautiful new Oliruuioi in French oil color ever seen fur j'l.'MI. They nre mounted iu ttxll) black en:iind ninl gold units oval opeuitij; mid outsell nuy lliing now befire the public. S . 1 1 i 1'. i o i i o n anai atiiecd. i wo siiuiplss tor '- cents or sex for CO cents. Seui 10 cents for t;i aud illuslinl ec ciihiliigue with chrouiu ol Moon light on the H nine, or 'M cents for two Landscapes in d I'lilla Lilies on black cround. ,1. LATHAM ittl. 110 Uaslnng ion til., Host r n Mass. DiigiiivnigM aud An U 0it9. A FUnTUNb. lilOJuue,bcpt.,.vi)t:t. Laws It ( latins," to Newspaper Siibscrip tions nnd Arrearaircs. 1. Pubfcribers who do not givo express notice lotue contrary, are considered wish mg to cnutinuo I lie ir subsciiption. 2. If subscribers order i lie discoutinu atioo ol their periodicals.the publishers may continue lo send theui until ail arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to lake their periodicals lioni the otlice where tuey aw directed, Incy nre nelu responsi ble uulil they have b. tiled their bills, and ordered tliein discontinued. 4. If subscribers move lo other places without inloriirng the publishers, and the papers ure sent lo tlie toruier direction, they m e held responsible. u. Tho courts have decided that "refug ing lo lake periodicals from the otlice, or re moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is iirimit J'avic evidence of iuleutional Ira ud." fi. Any person wlio receives a newspaper and makes ue of il. whether he has ordered it or nol, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound lo give notice lo tho publisher ut the end ot their time, it they do nol wisu to continue taking It otherwise the publisher are authorised lo send it on, and the sub' senbers wilt he held responsible until au express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. PATENT S! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55. Patent Oflii-e tee $25 in advance, bol ance $-0 within 6 months after patent al lowed- Advice and examination free Patents Sold. J. VANE LEWIS &CO. Washington, D. C nluiulm.i. PARLOR IS u -3 i ' - ..uj..1!', .H-.-V.: Adapted for Amytcir .taJ l'ri.ic-.-iotinl. a iU ii nrv.:::: Si COS Wnslilni-loii St.. Itokton; 170 Statu St.. Chicago! S3 Lndgate Hill, UB", V 1 'TTH? A fd A A lcailing Musical Imimal of elccted music and wlttaM LlIJaJ AINil, mnttor. p.? mail fnr $. wr year, or ten cem. a number. Each , r.ri'i .-fib- !.- ..-Irrtrrl if.wic. GEO, WOODS i CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, m- THE ADVOCATE. (ifliec, over Powell 2.00 A YKlR-SJ.oO 1Aj1 VJJYCE SPECIAL T.KU.US : Demurcsts Monihhj, icilli jyrcmium , and Adcofute, for 3.50 Head the 'Premium List Peterson's Magazine, and 'Jlic AJ OCA TIC or j'.OO JOB PRINTING. B USIjYESS CAR DS, T 'I SITING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates Furnished ORDERS I5Y MAIL WLL IUX'KIVK PROMPT ATTUNTON Address ' i HENRY A. TARSONS, JR., RIDQWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATEN T S. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, 1). C. 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