VKO.H CONSTANTINOPLE. Thf "Holy Witr" It ulra-.rillr.sri, Antlinr. '.dl-ltniiinnro of the I'nllnh I.cclnn. A correspondent,' vritiug from Coii stni.tiuoiilp, Bnys : The proclamation of the Bheik-ul-islnm lias flrjil the entlm Binsm of the Turks in a manner nnver be fore heard of in the nunals of Ottomnu history. By 1 10 lower clauses this derla ration that a " holy mil " is inaugu rated is only regarded ns another justi fied pretext for committing nil sorts of outrages and brutalities. The obliga tions 'which the "holy war " lays upon the Turks have just boon declared as follows : First. The sultan must place him self at the head of the faithful. Second. All faithful Mohammedans who have at tained the age of thirteen years must gird the sword and join the army. Third. All non-combatants, such as the aged, women, children and invalids, must do the work of those who have gone to meet the enemy, anl endeavor to support them. Fourth. The commander-in-chief of the faithful is permitted to con fiscate for the public weal nil the nation al treasures and domains, even those of the mosques. Fifth. In order the bet ter tJ undergo the requirements of mili tary warfare, all commandments of the Koran, interfering with the proper carry ing out of the war measures aro tempo rarily suspended. As a reward for their exertions, all faithful Turks lighting iu the enemy's country may retain anything nnd every thing that con.es in their way, such ns money, houses, etc. Those, how ever, who fall in this cimpaign, even if during their entire lifetime they were the vilest of sinners, enter Pnra'diso at onee. The most important injunction is this, that the "holy war" once de cl arod is never to bo terminated until the enemy has either been subjugated' or c inverted to the faith of islam. The Polish legion, organized here under command of nn Austrian, General Arthur Zimmerman, is gaining a large number of recruits. An agitation com mittee, for the purpose of calling upon nil exiled Poles, no matter where resid ing now, to arraign themselves under the banner of tho legion, there to fight their old enemy, is nl.-so doing remarka ble work. This committee is in con stant correspondences with the central Polish committee, at Geneva, whence it receives its instructions. A most unto ward event has, however, befallen the unlucky Poles. The general committee, desiring to furnish the legion with an nble commander, commissioned Count Raezyuski to proceed at once to Con stantinople, and place himself there in communication with the minihtor of war preparatory to his assuming command of tho legion. Instead of proceeding at once to Constantinople, he tarried some what at Warsaw, where be became ac quainted with n most fascinating young woman, Miss Kvasmeka, viho so charmed him that instead of proceeding to the legion on the Bosphorua, he married her and took n long honeymoon with her to Hpuin some say for tho purpose of visiting Midhat Pasha and having an understanding with him how to act phov.M he succeed in petting tho com mand of the legion. He is now once l'.vnv, endeavoring to obtain the posi tion ; but if he does, the government e;iii'.iot b- too careful in watching his movement",, since his recent long and se cret conference with Midhat Pasha, who continues to be hated in a most unmerci ful manner by the present sultan nnd bis stall". Two eminent Poles have also been sent to London and Paris to solicit men and moans for the Turkish cause. It is believed that the commander-in-chief of tho Polish legion will finally be con ferred upon General Wroblen'ski, who used to be a prominent member of the Paris cqmmuue, but resides now in London. Alligators In Florida. Notwithstanding the immense num bers of illigators which have been killed during the lust four or liveyenrs in this State, they do not seem to decrease in numbers as one would naturally sup pose. Captains of steamboats on the St. John's say that they are ntill ap parently as numerous as ever, although very large ones are seldom seen now in this part of the State, but in the marshes and la'ces of the upper St. John's and all over the more southern parts of the State, they aro still found in largo num bers. No one seems to know tho length of time required for an alligator to como to years of discretion nnd size, and if there are nny marks by which the age can be kuown, they are" kept secret, but it is certain that they are prolific in their increase, a iiant often containing two hundred eggs, most of which hatch, nnd, unless destroyed by violence, a large proportion of the young are raised. A few years since, the skins were in de mand at fi'om'rifty cents to one dollar enali, and thousands were slaughtered. In ouo instance, n single individual killed within a spa':e of five months over one thousand to fill a contract, but as that species of leather soon went out of fashion the business declined, but seems to be reviving again somewhat. Another inducement to their capture is the teeth, which frequently command high prices, and nre a standard article of commerce in the Southern markets, mostly for ornamental purposes. The largest Florida alligator of which tho writer has been able to obta'u an authentic account, measured eighteen feet in length. Those exceeding fifteen fee are very rarely seen iu this State. Jacksonville Union. A Lady lu a Smoking Car. We witnessed an amusing incident, last Friday, while on the river train from St. Paul to Hastings, says the Furmiug ton J'resn. A lady of good proportions, Wv;ll dressed, and of a genteel appear ance, came into tho smoking car, just as the train started, and was fixing herself in position, when we ventured to say : " This is the smoking car." "I know that ns well as you do, sir," she cheerily responded. Why, how selfish these men are; they never want a lady to enjoy what they do themselves." Of course we subsided. Seating herself nt her ease near an open window, the lady at once proceeded to draw from a neat case a cigar, which she lighted and then puffed away with evident relish. She minded her own business until a rude customer of the masculine gender (a little too full of beer) ventured to take a seat beside her. J5ut this merely she did not resent. Pulling out his cigar he asked the lady for a match. She politely responded, niid continued smoking, pufliug the fumes out of the window. A minute or two afterward the masculine hitched a little nearer and made some inquiry that madam did not consider relevant. She rnised her voice, and iu clear and very distinct tones remarked: "You are getting impertineut, sir. . It is none of your business where I am from or where I am going to. I have the same right to sit here that you have, and if you don't behave yourself I shall speak to the con ductor." She then proceeded coolly with her smoking, and that chap got up and dusted, OLD HOUSES OF JiEW YORK. Nome Ancient IMn.n-.lorm which Iliivr a II In. lory. Tho corner of Cedar nnd Greenwich streets holds the oldest reridence iu the city, being what was called the " JJei'ch house," writes a New York correspondent of tiie Rochester Democrat and O'ifoni' clc. This spot is 700 feet f om he Hud son river, being all made gi-oimd. Or'jv nally it was ttie ferry house, when the trips to New Jersey we'O made by cnnnl boat. At the Jlenyh house, it is said, George Wash ;ngi,on lauded on li's fl'jt arrival iu tills city, vi 1730, wheu he was tweutj-tjiU years old. lie came on liicsehnrlc'liuni Mon 't Ve joa, 113 ecp ble to M10 custom 01 ihnt t ine, attended by hs servant, le l'n'oed here a few days, pod t'lea weut o HuJoo. He was enle.iij'aed 01 tV'j ' Vi by Iieve Rob-i-'so-i, a voted V-'i' '" wi'O I'ad set tled ?i lira ci'ynad a.'1'.i mn; ,-ed Miss Pb'Hipse. Ttio InJlei p-.ul her s'ster Mnvy were tie he! j to t'ie immense Pl'iilipse estate, wlvch e::teaded about tweuty-five n'ei 00 encli title of 'e Hudson and wns about ei milej ii width. It is s;i;d iliiit Wi's1"' i-,to l win disposed to niak-e M.i ',v TVipse hii bride, but the 'I'viec.tl'u iiol, c. e to bu y herself iq the V-'g- i'ii w'tde ie?s. fe'e attei-wivd uim-r'eu Capi. Koje-- Itto-"!, ii'i officer in the 15 :tis'i ny, who for a wh'l.e eejoyed poises j.'o-.i oi' i'jo n-.e lse estate, which wai aenva d cCMtlici ted. The Beach bop;;e is nosv to 00 pp'led down and the b'ievUbo cove edbya grocery a-nl ee.ne.t loi".e. Tiie frame 's reniavl.ab'y ii 003, be' g made of oa'i, and wuuM ln;t io ceitu 'es. There n e three nnc;eot dwe,:ugs, stand :g oa a clect i:.je. but nfcn ins tance of a mite npiut, wlvc-li have i lie -est'iig ln'slo' leal nssoc'.ii,:oos. I.fae fbut is ttie Tiiocne mansion at N'Ue.' ei'i street, near the E'jjhi'i nveine. Tit's was i i its day njjiaad eSiab'Luie it, a id is enle ed through a stale'y bat! wiih spac'oas pa'tors nod other si;, as of for mer d;3 lity. It is now, howeve-, a laje: beeo e.iiab"'sl)me.'t, wit'i a vast dVog paviUo-i nod bn'-room. Ttie groe'ds form a fi'e phice fo-.'picn'c pa' I'c.i, pud eomet:neT 5l'0 ae there nt oace. 1 we it thioiKjh the stately roo .is, nod thoi'sht what tales they coold J elate (if will's had language) of the p'e-idJd sc?ees 0? for mer g'ti ideiu. Th's was ttie i-eeort of the B it:sli office's ii'nl geni' v of the city wheu the Thoroes he'd bercltie'r country sqjit, and uo doiibt saw moie of b'gii l:fo t'inu n iy mausioa of the L'od i'l th:s cUy. It is budt to last, nnd, (hough a wooden structure, seems not for n day, but for all time. Hamil'ioti's Grease is passed daily by multitudes who have no idea of its e?;st e'lee. So bttle do New lo -kers kuow of their ow'i c'iy that few of the trovelcs on the Eighi h avenue road ever hea'd I of the holism, or eve'i of its ii'usti 'Oi's i proprietor. Tiie Eighth avenue, after! you pass the Thore mansion, sl 'vis a ridge of high and rocky laud which is to ! a largo degree covered with second- I growth trees. - The passenger on ihe! .c.ds, if informed of the fact, may easily designate anid the geoeral foliage a taU ' group which differs irom n'l its su'-! roundiugs. Tiie foljise is compact, and I its b'uibs are almost interwoven, towering I up as a gniTd mass of greenery. They ! ave the thirteen plane trees planted by i Hamilton in honor of the thiiteeu ; States. Th's was iloue ou i!e format ion ! of our present govcmieot iu 1787, j Tliey have n1! flov'sbed, nnd wh;le, bke the States they rep'-eseet, uo;r e;zo is j unequal, they are as a mass a gi-aed ; spectacle. The Thome mnos'on is co'oer E'ghth i avenue and N;"etieth si i-eet, while t"e j Hamilton Grange is on the same avenue j One Hundred ami Fo-tr-lhi-d street. llie Grange is isolated and lonely ; as ever. To reach it fioia aoy d'rectiou ! one must go through a grove of a wild and neglected character. Ttie G"ange, ; like tho Thome mans'on, is a sqinVe ' striicUire with u spac'ocs linU. It is of ! two stories, su'roiioded by a - piazza. ! The view ove-look;'igtbe E'ghtU nveuuo ; road and Harlem plains is ve'-y line, and I 110 doubt this led Hami'toa to choose such a siiot 1'or h''s cnu lti v seiit. The1 house is built of wood, u id has all the oruanieuts of i's day. The parlor is spaeioiis, the kitchen is on the basement, nnd the upper or second story is devoted to sleeping rooms. It evidently was meant to be a festive place, and saw some gay scenes, but all this was stopped by the dnt-l. The duel occu'ied on (he eleventh of July, 1SC1. a sensou wheu Hamilton wou'd natii-aMy bo nt his country seat. F.'om tiiis p'laco he drove down t the poiot wliere the skiff Was awaiting him, nnd where both he and his second, as well as the surgeon, embarked for the sceuo of blood. Tho former of these twp companions was Nathaniel Pendleton aud the latter was Dr. Hosack. Hamilton never saw the Grange again. Be'ng brought from tho fie'd fatally wounded, ho wa conveyed to tiie house of a friend (Wil'iani Bayard), whe.ro ho died. Kara 'd's house st'll stands, its loca'ity being Jiuie Bt''eet. Tho dreadful intelligence was couveyed to the Grange, and M-s. HamUou with 1 her children were bionght ifowa to j meet the greatest of earthly misfortunes. I Hamilton left nu embarrassed estate, but tiio lami'y were successful in retain ing the Grange, which rema'us in its possession. No private property cau show an older tenure than this, which has not changed 'hands in u:uety years. The profile of the ) ;dge, as I have said, defies the march of improvement thus far, aud it may be hoped that it will be a long time befoie tho Grange shall pass away. It now belongs to a Mrs. Ward, a relative of the Hamiltons, nud the tennut is a policeman named McDonald. The ridgo, as you move toward the north, expands into a broad table-laud called "Washington heights." This has the same fine view of Harlem plains aud also the Hudson river, being at a noble height above both. The Jumel house is in a direct line with the build ings previously mentioned aud is a mile above tho Grange. The grade of the street is as follows : Thome mansion Niutieth street; the "Grange," One Hundred and Forty-third street, aud the "Jumel house,1' One Hundred and Sixtieth street. All are ou the line of the same avenue. The last mentioned dwelling recalls the Washington episode previously referred to. Itoger Morris, a captain iu the British army, married Mary PhiUipse and became the lord of her spacious estate. The manor house stood iu Yonkers, where it is now used as the city halL It was too fur from the city for the gay capta'u and the bride. Hence they determined to build a suita ble mausion ou the lower part of their property, aud they chose a site which gave a lovely prospect of the Hudson river, the East river, and other beauti ful scenery. The establishment was one of the g'auuest of that pre-revolu-tionnry day. Tho house was of the same fashion with the Thome mausion, but in prospect there could be no conipaiison, Capt. Morris, however, found hii pros perity to be very brief. The war broke out and as Le took part with the king his estate wns lost by confiscation. Washington -ii his cI'ep.-' -oes ret'-eat from New York in September, 1775, held his headquarters lee for a few hours, and aiJ:u all his troubles may have then remf oibered Mary Phillipse. On the retn 'n of pence the property wns sold by (he commissioners of con fir.cntion, and it soon passed into Stephen Jumel N handi, wMh one brn dred aci es of Jnod, for $10,000. At the s.une .time he bought tlre hundred nces of Jnod in WesU;lies(er county for $20 per ac-e. The Mo is house wns iles'rab'e as a oovv'-y sent, but was never a home for ihe Ji'-pela. who soon wet lo far's. Stephen Jumel hal married a deep!" iai "'giiing member of ll'C rrini. inonctC, who managed linn in ai nd oit moo er ' ill she got control of h:s p 'ope-ly, biit then left him to die iu Dqg'eci. Ai'ier his death she wns sole m it. tress of the grand estate which at ( -ac'ed toe cupidity of Aaron Bu'T, who win then nea-ly (bree score and teo. He nianried tho ano'eot heiress, but found he had his mastc. He wns not al'owed to control the property, and as she soon got tired qf b's company she til" nod linn out of the house. Madam Jemel was the fi"st woman that Burr had ever met that could meet him in aU h'3 iet-iyues. He saw that she was more thau h;s match, aud wkely withdrew f om a place which be hoped to wiu ns a home foo bis old age. Twelve yenrs nf e -vn-d the madam heard of his don ill. S!ie had never ndopted his name, but was ttiH b's legal vife ; the udIoi, how ever, bad never troubled her, and his death wns n trifle. Tie Jnniel mansion shows ronrks of age, because the madam reglecled i's ca' e du-'eg the latter pa-t of het 1'fe. She 0'ed iu 18G5, aged pifety, since which t;me it hos been in possession of Nei :ou Cha je. He ha3 been in I'tigat'on w'ih obher contestants ever since tho old woman died, aud the end is not yet. He has beaieu his adversaries thus far, but their cipims were bnsed on kinship w'th the madam. Now, however, he is called to battle w!th the heirs of Stephen Jumel, who claim (hat the madam ob tained the property from her husband by fraud. Tiie case may reach tp'nl in a year; meanwh;le Chase holds the entire estate for hischihb'en, being himself only n!' iis.'ee. He is row above s'tty, but ha3 married a second w'fe, who has one or two ch'hb'ea. . . A very noticeable pecub'arit.y in these aucieut bouses is (he concenlmeot of the 8ia!vcvse. In order to give all possible breadth to the hall the loiter is ai the rea , and is p'xitected from, observation by a part'tion. Pnsiing tbropgh a door you see an awkward stair full of aagles and very inconvenient, but by this sacri fice a fide hall is gained, and this, with ill par'oi's on each side, was supposed to be a fuH conipeusa,:ou. The Thoruc mansion aud (he Grange are destitute of any memorials of their fonner owners (except the frees above meDiioned), but iho Jumel mansion has all the madam's necumulation of pretty and interesting hiugs. Among these is a strange look ing trunk, which is said to have been oace the property of Napoleon, and ac companied him to Waterloo. Other cu liosties of similar character are there, rendering it the most ioterestitig of all the ancient houses iu this city. "Wbnl Everybody rinya Mum be True." Tho iucontrovertilile teKtiuiouy offered by those who have lined Dr. Pierce's Favorito Tre Bcrijition induced tho doctor to hcII it under a positive guarantee. Many ladies have refrained from lining it ou account of a general feeling of prejudice against advertised medicines. Let me ask a question. Are you prejudiced against sewing machines becauso you have seen thern advertised ? or can you "doubt the ingo uity and skill required in tlieir invention ? Again, would you refuse to insure vour house because the company advertised that it had paid millions in losses, and vet had a capital of several millions? Do such advertisements shake your confidence, and creato prejudices? Then why refuse to credit the testimony of those who have found the Favorito Prescrip tion to be all that is claimed for it in over coming those ailments peculiar to your aox? Why submit to the use of harsh, and perhaps caustic treatment, taus aggravating your maludy, when relief is guaranteed, and a posi tive, perfect and permanent cure has becu effected in thousands of cases ? Waiiasu Station, I1L, October 24th, 1870. R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sit Allow me to extend my most sin cere thanks to you for the great benefit my wife has received from the use of your Favorite Prescription, .he suffered almost intolerably before using your medicine, and I had tried the skill of several physicians but to no purpose. Filially, I thought I would give the Fifvorite Prescription a trial, and she it now sound and well. Very gratefully yourn, D. A. IIcxTEn. liecrfulneea the Off spring; nf Ilcnlth. That equable state of thu muid which is un ruffled by trifling incidents, and looks on the sunny side of things in general, is the result of a healthful state of tho brain and stomach. The dyspeptic aud nervous invalid may al though this is rare indeed feign cheerfulness, aud may bear tho harrassing symptoms which persecute him with au assumption of heroic indifference, but in reality he is tho victim of despondency. To experience genuine cheer fulness of the mind, the stomach must recover its lost tone, tho thinking organ its normal quietude. Uostotter'B Htomach Hitters are the best remedy lor mental depression, since they overcome the nervous debility and indigestion, which originate and foster it. Persons suffer ing from infirmities peculiarly incident to the uecuno oi lire, lamca in delicate health, and convalescents, derive solace and vigor from its use. Drive away the blues and revive the droop ing energies with this grand stimulative tonic. Aiter an expirience of over twenty five years, many leading physicians acknowl edge that the (Irai'fenijrrg MarnhaU's Uterine Calhnlivon is the only known certain remedy for diseases to which women are subject The Graefenburg Vegetable Pill, the most popular remedy of the day for biliousness, headache, liver complaint and'diseasee of digestion. Bold by all drugitists. Rend for almanacs. Graefeu berg Co., New York. Delightfully Cool. Travelers visiting New i'ork during the ex tremely warm weather, who were fortunate enough to stop at, that superb among the best noteis, me uranu uentrai, speak in tiie nignest iiraite of its wide, commodious, halls, and spacious airy chambers. It is said to be the coolest, as in other things the best, house in wow lorn. Before buying any Turbine Wheel, send for K. F. Burnham s New Pamphlet and Reduced Pnoes, Address P. O. Box 613, York, Pa. A Valuable Gift. To every reader of this paper, who is bick or has an invalid mend. will be furnished free, by mail. book which will explain how Hcrofura, Humors, Nervous and other Chronio diseases may be perma nently cured. Address P. U. Box 1627, Boston, mass. Information worth thousands to those out of health. Self-help for weak and nervous suf ferers. Facts for those who have been dosed, aruggea ana quacked. The new Health Jour nal teaches all. Copies free. Address, Eieo- irio yuarieny, riew ion, I'lenift near It In Mind that if your grocer does not have, and will not get, Dooley's Yeast Powder for vou. vou can send 20 cents for quarter, 85 cents for half, or no. cents ror one pound cau, direct to uoolev dc Brother, New York, and you will receive it by return of mail Always use it for the delicious Vienna rolls. Burnett's Cocoaine allays irritationremoves dandruff, and invigorates the action of the capillaries in the highest degree. Pond's Extract. " The Vegetable Pain Destroyer." There is no pain or ache it will not abate, no bruise or burn it will not extract Uie agony irom. I sell more of Hatch's Universal Cough Rvrtip than or all otner similar preparations. 1 nav sold it for about six years, and my customers would certainly not continue to buy it if it were not a valuable remedy. C. 0. Hiimiins, Friendship, AIL Co., N. Y, IytrPlR.M lint It Ik, nnd How n C orn tt. First the slonuvoh don't woilt right, then eomeft bud feeling af ur eating, flatulency, head ache, dullucRR and melancholy, sometimes nausea and vomiting. The liver aoon becomes torpid, tben UliousnoKfl, constipation or possibly diarrhea, follows. Then comes the kidney af fections, with pain iu the back and more or less rheumatism or neuralgia finally the nervous system becomes affected, aggravating all these and adding other symptoms, until it is all aches, pains, woakness, dullness, irritahilitv, bad tem per and a miserable feeling throughout A Dimple, pleasant and cheap remedy for all this is Van JJnshirk's Invigorant, oiily 60 cots, Druggists sell it. Vau linsld k & Co., proprie tors, 18 Vesey 8(. Now York. Hold by 1riiKBlt. That wonderful bilious loincily. Quirk's Irish Tea. It loxta only 25 i ts. a package. The Markets. KW TORI.. Betl CUlo-Ntlve 11) 11X TnxttS aud Cherokee.. 0 vO I K mucduows so 00 Hons Mve 11. ur.'O 00 1 ties Llrosscd..., Bb(p Lambs. Ootion MiiMH'is..." Flour--W .-stHrii fiCKid to Oluik'f . Suit' fit oil lo Choir Whoatlti d W'("-l. hi No. 3 Mi.Wrtukee B Slate Barloy Htate Barley Mult Outs M'Xid Wenti'ru , Oorn Mixed Wcsteru Hay, perefft .. Straw, per cwt 0 . vH HSjtW MX li in 1 ! Ml 10 1 tvi 1 7R 16 6 1 811 d 9 00 (4 r6 a 1 15 (A 1 75 8 (4 63 1 80 (4 C BO 15 9 10 IS 10 43 Hi 70 615 A Hops 7flV 10 !C;17 ... Pork M.m Ijiril C'liy St Fish Mtict'Tcl, No. 1. new.... " So. 2, new..., pry Ood, pur cwt Herriuir, Healed, per ix, ...14 15 114 11 ... 11S 11X ...11 00 ($20 00 ... 8 50 H mo ... 4 f0 4 60 4 (3 14 Petroloum ;ruiif 171 Wool CiilKorula Flewe 47T ilefiiirri.., UK l a r 45 '.3 IS 11 in ll'i 07 16X Tia " AiutnUnn " Butter H-nto Wectrrn ClioUie UnsUTu -tioud to l'riiue Western 1'lrklua Cbeese Slsie K:ictory Stale Hkiimued Western ( gR9 Kttlle ud Penpfylvtito)'..". 12 8 '0 17 II l;l IM OH 111 10 BOFrAi.O. Flour 7 w 9 CO Wheat No. 1 lliivuukee j flu 1 90 Coru Jlixcil 51 M Oala 4g ,4 40 R.ve 18 9l Bailey 8) fa (13 Barley Walt 1 00 1 10 pniLAnr.LPniA. Beer uattle fextra Blicep Hos ln--sed Flo.ir feut;s;.lvaiiia Extra Wheat lied Western Ryu ', Ooru Yetlow..... t. Mixed Oats Mixed P tro'euro Crude lnkSlO'i Wool Colorado Texas California BOSTON. Beof Oaitlc Sheep Hors Fiour Wlsronsiu aud Mimiesola., Corn Mixed Oats ' Wool Ohio and per.ntyiv nia XX. C.il!fon:ia Kalll IlitlnHTt'.N MASS. Beef faille hem 1.3111 in .' Ho s or a oih ( 5 (4 07 IIK1s(i (OVf 7 .'0 8 0) 1 05 (4 1 '& 911 (A PJ Ti9 ( 60 ti I h 4. ($ 47 Uetliil....l4V 7 H l)4 18 4 SO H (" SS 05'4iai (9 OB (Si 09 6 7? ( J SO 01 63 CI C 15 . 41 at, n iiit(a 2 rsv? oc. t.l lit. '.. 19 III I" llil . 75 (it 8 75 r. i . s fo S 7 T n 7 WATKliTUW N, ft. I- I'oO" le I'lio,. f . , li. Mt C: Rlii.- I1II liM. 1 lie Berkshire Kills Sand Springs W I M J A M STOW N, .If ASS. This l.etiutifiil jitrul popular Si i minor rMirt will benpon for ('.' r..-itu.nt Kn.' U.lnm- ,. lord from !10 to 9 .j per wvk. (i.iBiind bvlU in evt-ry room. New ana mi criT ntc"nuiiolitinm f,r private liveries. Superior bathing, onti fur rii culi.r. jJIi.lJAtJi,r!rori. Iwt-p. H.-iU-nt Partly ntado Inaos Shirts ii Ijp iutPhp.J tis HHfy ns tmmmiiifi a Handkerchief. 'I ho vurv best, six for M?.M. Kfcp'B (Jurftom Siiirts ttii'.dc to measure, The very bst, six for )$).Oi. An el-Ktnt si-t of tf'-n'iina Gold. plate Collar And .NU'ovt) Itiittonti uiven with each half dr.. K.ei's Shirts. KwpV S'jirt nr nVlivnre. KHKKon receipt of pniw In any p-irt of the Union no oxprofi charges to ptiy. Sample with full dirt-tiora for sell-timunmcment Stti.t Kre 1 1 .my eddrt'as. No stamp required. Iel dinM'tly with the .Maniilai-turnr nnd Kt Huttnm Pricoi. Kei MtinufHoturin; Jo , I Mercer St,, N.V IKHJ)! (l.ukH ii, 10) 1 In-inyou 4, hi i 'I'i'iiu of fiieat Joy which chall Ui TO AM, im:oiij;. to ah Vopi in thu title of t ti i new liaok in liit.co it 1 in 111 if tfr. Affiiiflv'H Mltf Surmm. llihtn I'uS.l.na. Temponnce A.Mr'-ses. nnrl lrnver-Meetinz Talks, du- live red in BOS ION, repoitej Verbat.m fin-shly for mo ti'wii if -tn 1, !.. jfT 'hup paireft, wiin 1,11c illttl I'nrtrinl- of .Hourly nnd SiinUi'V. An'n Out lit niiiile.i for .jt nits Setmru tern ory ut once, and a, uiiBiiif-i'i ui'r'n.ii 01 1 1 m per nvun n. JO. ii. THMAV, Pnbliivr. Rrandwfty . N. Y. m tti ks nva Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Warerooms, 18 East 14th Street, EfltabUsheai834. HEW YORK. Sendor IllvtiraUd Cirwlar and Price Litt. 'j iii: jvj-jw Providence Line BOSTON Via PROVIDENCE DIRECT. A WHOM: NKJIIT'S ItKST. om.v r ii 1 1. i s (: hah,. TI.tIE ll IIIM TIX THR XKW M(iXI!'f('KXT HTKAMHIt JAE as noliusotta ("The 1'iiliiri! Siriimir t" I In' Worlil,") AND TUB WORI.D-niCNOWNHD STHA.MKIt Xtliodo Xslaiidl. ("The Oiipi-ii of the SoiihiI,") Will on and nft"r .11 A V 7 leave (doily) rora Pier 20. n. n... hkh of Wnrren Mreet nl .1 I'. ftrnvin nl I'rcvidrni'e nl II A. .11. ml Kiixliin 7 A. ,11. No inttjrniediatu landings btitween Ituw York mid I rovi- uunue. SI GLOVE-FITTI IMG CORSETS.. 1 CORSETS. k g l51 teSa TheFrind5of tni IS BarEvUMRIVAlllOCOIISET g Ifi f iseffjwiSm!aJi are now nu mbcred by C? i are now numoerecDy i miLLiuna. p-icesaremuch reduced MEDALRECEIVED AT CENTENNIAL. Get the Genuine and ..beware of imitation!. ASKALSO FOR n THOMSON'S VM 'AXYUNBREAKABIEJIEIU :llfiVv y The best koodiinide. 1 W&V Se ! the name of tr) TuniunM.nri thm Trade Mark.aCROWN.art I stamped on every Conetasteei Kansas display of products at (Tntenniul snr psssed all other Slates. PACIFIC K.W. 4'0. offers larRC-st Iwiy of good lands in KAKSAtt at lowest prices nnd best terms. Plenty of Gov't bind I'KF.K for Homesteads. Foreopy of ' U4fA PACIFIC N'1'FAI,' address, Limit ComtninMioner, K. r li if., Saiiita, Kansas, Pittsliiirgli Manulactures at Wholesale Prices. Bm cnntiininx Crauro Ju, Covered Sugar Bowl, Sd-hid Holder, Covered Hotter I) sh, li GolileU, a eiulit inch Oval Uithea, Wuter Pitcher, Kven-inch Hinh hruit i'-,liwi, l i Imliviriiml 8:iuce Dihe, 1 Cuke Salver, all of K""d quality tilusi, for the box. ..63.IM) Box containiiiK 14 dozen half-uiut Table and 4 dozn 1 ID Covered Jelly rumbUrH B'ix .fin1"1.".1 ialea Tbl nl 4 4otn Uncovered Jelly Tuiuulern vaaOO WindowGlru,Uoj au ft re WMiM Third. l.'h 8.76 6 by Will by 15.. II by 14 to IS by 21 . 18 by 22 to 20 by :l . 15by3o to2j by3U.. It Best. Second. . IB75 3.6U 4.00 8.75 4 4.W 4.00 v.n. jr.. nl ion ik UKJtoSd 17 44S Kaili, Keg of 100 lbi K.75 a.uo ta.a tiM We will furni.h iny of above articled at pricea atated "d 1 or .teamlKmla here: The m oneV niuat in a.l case, accompany the order. Bend K o 11 EN U V 11. VAt'K, Kfc. Bo,A38,3pitUbu,gb.. 'tITATfl. tl.l. WOTSTArnS w III. Ay 1 nr.AFn i- lui-a on .mMh f h. tt. nasi of lYK Vtt ItKA II l i.U X I H . mit it)MT7, or wtllfirfrlt JHflut, f-rift hywtiti I hhm porkur. 'J rtntt ; 1 porks mlr f erfi , A. 1 hMITII k fO., ri iiui. III., M Afrwtt. THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. Thk Srif conttniiM tn bn thm ntrmnnn drlTnrnte of reform nnd retrenchment, and nf the Biibsti'iitimt of ntiitorimKnfihin, winrlnm, ni intfgrit for h"H w pr tmncm, inibM-ility. and frnnd in the artmimMrntion of publio nffriirs. It contend for thm unTernmnnt of the pmple by the people an I for the people, an opposed to fiofnmmeiit by fraud in the hnllot-bnx and in the count n of tf, enfnroed by milttnry violence. It endenvori to aupply it readers a body now not far from a million of soul with the moat careful, complete, and trust worthy account of current events, anil employ", for thin pmpnuea numemm nnd onrefnlly ".fleeted etitfT of re porterfl and oftrenpondentii, Ite reports from Waehfna' lon.enpeoially, are full, aoonrate, and fenrless; and it doubtlr-M continues to dserTe and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurp ing what the law noes not (rive them, while it endeavors to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of un justified power. The price of the DAn.T 8rw i 55 crnts month, or a Tear, post-paid ; or, with the Hundsy edition 7.70 a jnr. . The Sum, it eJitlnn alono, eight piges, 9120 ye'iT', pnt-p 'id. Thk Wkf.ki.t vr, oielit piar'1 of pq brond columns, Is f u nifjlied i't 9 I futir, post-paid. SreriAL Notjce In order to introduce Thr Rrw more widely to the public, we will send THE 'WFKKLY edition for the remainder of the yeor.to Jan. 1, 1978, post paid, for Half a Dollar. Try It. Address THE WI N, N. Y. I'lty. NITED STATEi INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway. OBGANIZBi 18.0-e ASSETS, $4,827,176,52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AMD APPROVED C LAI 1IS MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE AT 7i Oy PKESEKTATIOX. TAMES BUELI., - PRESIDENT. Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility ALMOST INVARIABLY YIELD TO TUK Tonic and Invigorating Effects -OF THE- PERUVIAN SYRUP SYRUP PERUVIAN -OR- Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron. READ TKE FOLLOWINC: West Faiiilee, Vt, Jm. 11. 187L 7)fir Sir For reven r einlit yoars psst I hare bwn in icKir lie:iHli, aiirt tor the past year or more vrv lueble. Iv html tli ci.ntinnetl to decline, nnd mv flnsh and strength whs ted awny.nntil 1 wuh unnlde to work or even Ko np Atnint without KM-nt p.hnu'-tioii. I Mi(Trcd fnun ireipiunt una immtMiiK tittucKH or pa:nt.tuon it me tio;irt: mv food ilistrffSMil inn. c.-ini-inir itcidity nnd iwiin in the stomach, nnd I mifffred from nxtreme ntirvous- ness, constipation. ;md ituihty of tho system conornlly, my blood oing thin unit poor, and flnptiit-h in circuln lion, and I was for vi'iir BufTcritiu nil tttt trturs f a Lonurmt'd dyspopNO. About nix iimnthn mnrt- 1 n-nclnd- a i wouia try a tioiriu oi rr.nv ia m iu r, ina ecpived ho tuurh bene-lit from it tht 1 iinril"an'1 live not ties morn, and hnv uontinut-d tiio wo or the hyrnp until quit recently, li h.m rTft.irt'd myliPivlth ( such au extent thnt I fe;l niyn'f as pood a new. My diges tion is (Toon.nna mv woiiriii Iirn inrertsfn tn tnu i"it four monthn trnni lilt t i l; p-'iindn; my htivncth has returned, and my m'liernl health i thus ui'n.iermHy im nrovnd. and I enn t ml v say 1 owe it all to the ut-e ot your i'KllliVIAA hYKll'. 1 earnr-Mly ri eomnunil nil uffHnTB from dyspepsia nnd dfuihty to five it ji trial hoping it will do them s murh irood as it hait me. Mna. 8. B. KKMIS. PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRU FROM A MERCHANT. NoiiTiI RraIirmont. Me.. Sent. 1. 170. Dtar Sir It uiven me verv ureiit ilf;im;rn to inform yon ot tiie bene tit received from the use of iKliU VIAN SYRUP in my own family. My wife, for the pant ten Voarx. hail been in feeble lienltll rerv much debilitated uenertillv. Ijint fpinv he oitt.dudtd lo try a bultlu of PKUUVIAN' SYRUP, anl waa well jileased wi ti the result continued it tie until tiiree or four bottles had been u-ed. tnd tt.t m n-w in better health tlr n at ilnv tittiM fur ten vkim. and halt incrnfied in ueivht from lit) pounds to I hare employed physicians, and used a ifro.it variety of pittent inedteines, t the exlont of hundred of dotrirs. and I Vimw hlio receied mere benefit from the Pi HUVIAN hYUUP thun alt the rest together. My s.i Irs on the Kyruo "re v-ry lit rue and constantly incronsiiiff. md 1 do not hesitate tn recommend and even warrant it to give satisfaction. If you desire, jnn are at liberty to une this communication as you see tit, us it give me pleasure to recommend so good an article to suffering buman.ty. Vcurs trulv. IT1UKL PEASK. PERUVIAN PERUVIAN SYRUP SYRUP RESTORED TO COMPLETE HEALTH. Brooks. Me., Sept. 7. 170. Dear .fr From early youth I wan in feeble health, troubled with humor in my hlomi, weiikneHB and detnlity of the system pener.illy : wns unable to lahitr much.nnu only t tuune litfht buiinetis, and then only with greut caution. Kven years aim the past sprimr, I had a terere attack of Diphtheriit.which U tt my litubB piiral-ednd uttelesH, bo i was umible to wnlk or even to fit up. Noticinx the advert.semt-nt of PKKUVIAN SYRUP.I conelude.l to frive it trial, and to mv jrrent joy mon found my henlth uuprvin. I continued tbe use of the Syrup until three bottles hnd teen used, and watt restored to complete health, and have remained so to this fitty. I attribute my present health entirely to the use of rr.i:uiAn Dinur, nnu uoiu it in ihk ehiun-iiion. 1 ounnot speak too highly in its prHise. I have iu several cases recommended it in cases very similar to my own witht e same good results. Yours truly, KETII V. F(VLE V SONS, Proprietors, 80 llurrison Avenue, Iloston Sold by nil drnggintM. I'Rmphletw free. STAN Bubbiiav $.nn on r TT 12m FLAVORING EXTRACT: fit f ULV CnWFSTKliN-UUH WonK8. Chicago, IU. MFR AMI ITf!A!,Tf1 WITIMM'T Il?rC3. r l rrr lr. P .nooaH's great ww ft BLUE ard Rhu n,,w f,r ". I . JL - ! Thn nn, prachcnil) I I Iiil I IT I trfiting rhi now tintTriP ',.iM, " , ' ally absorbing t.pic. Know how ( ji.;. t in tr' itiiii-n' . nnd tc'N ot inuny iMnc4sKful cutm maW by tltR tie of tbi wonderful medinm. Oil cul iro it t tfrni 'o par'v ipcints, J. M. RTO?)TART A CO., , 723 Chennnt St., Phlla. i ( T'XTT I Are made in nil nty ivn and of pvrry liliJ drerrlptloiif from the liffhtrvt, flnretf and moKt rlritnnt in nse to the hravleH and Htronffont required for any kind of work; are c o n c o r d i r0rz:v:. iv?, trctiffth and ilnrablllty. They reoaived tha hlffh. rt written award at the Centennial Rxpoaltlon. TT A T 'VTTP a Q " I None srcnnlne nnlew XliV,l XLlOO. thr ar. .tamned with our name and Trade Mark. A liberal "p T71 T A T3 TV will be a-lran for Information JXJZt VV JXSXXJ thu ronvlet anj one who aelln harnem as the Coneord llnrne hat are not made by ns. Extra Inducement offerad. Mend for oiroalan and prioa Hats. Addraaa ' J. R. HILL & CO.. Conrtord, TV. It. THE GOOD OLD JSTAND-BY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. Kmtadlirhrd 35 Yeahs. Always otirea. Alwaytt readr. Always handy. Ha. never yet failed. Thirty million Arire trntrd it. The whole world approves the glorious old Mustang the Best and Uheapeat l.inimeul In existence. 2.1 cents a bottle. The Mijanc Ijihimenl cures when nothing elee wilL BOLD Y AM. MKDIO'INB VP.NDKBS. mmm tl Ifllriilmiu f.'pn iih nntort-i'nii fihotit mnvstiTnN. It is dnirerous t. t'(iiui. tin t(om:mh. tn msn the bowels bi prostn:t t ie nn vi:is sy iom with furious evacnents N.-itore 1ms eiven a s.imp. in the famouf Seltzer Sprinc, of w!mt tho t il :.tis. cn-t ipated, or dys jieptic system nedK lor its re-t.r:tioii. Mid in Tarrant's l-UVrvrnTiit SpMzpi' Aj)rrict Science has improved on Nature by pombinina; all ihe vi'lunble inareilu-pt of the (ierttum b'ountuin in a porta ble fotin, n'fj o nittimr those wliiuli h;ive no medicinal virtues. This itirreeable and pdent saline alterative eh.mffps the condition nf the bl md nnd purifies all the lluids of the body. Sold by all drupgitts. Eev. J. P. LUDLO WWRITES: 37S Baltic Stiieet, BnooKLTM, N. Y., Nov. 14. 1B7. I H. Tt. STF.VKNB, EsiJ. ! Dtar air From pi-rsonal benefit receivea by its ne, as wrll as l'rom ierrtou:il knowli'tlso of tlioso whoso cures tlieri'by liavo si-emi-il almost miracu lous. I can most heartily unil Hiucerelx reeomminl the VrotxiMi l'ur tho cunijilii hits which' it isrlaimuil to cure. JAMES V. LliUI.OW, Late Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, bacraiucuto, (Jal. SHE RESTS WELL. fiorni Poland. Me,, Oct. 11. 1878. Mr. H. H. Stevens: Dear Air 1 have been pick two years with tho Liver complaint, and during that time have taken a great many di Cerent metlu-Jncst but none of ihcm did me auy Rood. 1 was rostlesa itthtH, and had no appetite. Hiuce taking the Veuktine I rest well and relish my food. Can recomtnoud the Vkoetine fos what it has done for me. Yours resncctfullv. Mna. ALDDltT liICXlU witness of tho anove: Mb. GEOliOE M. V A UGH AX, Mcdlord, Mass, Rev. T. WALKER SAYS : PnoviDFNcr, R. I., 1G4 Tuan:;it Street, II. R. Stkvkns, Lkq. : I feci hound to express with my signature tho hlch value I place upnti your Vkoktisk. My family have lined it for tho hint two years, lu nervous debility it is invaluable, and I recommend it to all who may ueeu au luviyuruuug renovating ionic. O. T. WALKER. formerly Pastor Uowdoin-square Church, uosiou. NATURE'S REMEDY. The Grot Biood PuRiriER NOTHING EQUAL. TO IT. SnrTtt Salem, Mass., Nov. 14, 1370. Mn. II. R. fiTKVENs: J)car Mr I h:ivo hern troubled with Scrofulft, Pnnker. and Livcrcomplaint forthreo years Noth ing ever did me any good until I commenced usiug the Veoetink'-. 1 sin now fitting alnn tirst-rate. and still using the Vegetisk. 1 consider thero is nothiiiK equal to it for Bitch com plain ts, Cuu heart Jly rccomuiend it to everbdy. Yours trulv. Mns. LIZZIK M. PACKARD. No. 1G Lujjrango St., South tiuleui, Mass. GOOD FOHTJJ.K CHILDREN Boston IIome, 14 Tyler BTnrET, Boston, April, 1H76. H. Tt. Rtfvkx! : Dear Wo foci that tho children In onr home have liei-il proally I cncliti'd by the Vkc.etink ynu have so kindly iriveii u.h iroin time to time, cipcci;.lly tuuev trvuuicii wtiii iui rv'roiiiia. With n siM ct. Wiw. N. WOHMEIX, Matron. rrcparcd by II. R. STEVESS, Boston, Mass, Vegetans is Sold by all Drnggists, D ARD AT U REREM ED Jh e . & r tjT B io o a Pi) r i r I c Ry NATURE'S REM EDY. -?l!E.RE.L-Bl00D-UR'F'IF- Matures remldv."S. The &Htw Bipod fvtttjr O. Jhe DReur Blood yj!mtx.Jr We hay. been expremly permlttrd to w the name, nf a ho.t of th. h.flt Grocura aud Hotel, in thu country. lrVogiveafew below: B08TON. Paaisa nooar.. s S. Pir.ara. hataaa Uouaa. HcDnrtLi. k auahb. NEW YORK. Fifth Atcvui ITotii. I AciicMiHK.i.UCnuMT. Wsirmaaria Uotil. l'na 1'n.roau. PHILADELPHIA. Cotikitai. Hotil. Tiiouraoa, Buck Sob. WASHINGTON. WllXiBD'a Hoiil. Hall k Hume. BALTIMORE. Eiitav nou. u. H. Hrr.tr. jao. CINCINNATI. Dvuit Iloun. B. Cavaom k Sox. Jo. . Pcible.. 8T. LOUIS. SODTDIBV XXOTKU ,AT1D KlCUOLaov. CHIC'.vJ. Staxtom Co. Houik. DS1 AOIT. RcaaiLL Ilouii. G. U. McUillax. FRANCISCO. Go. Pacific ft vccidkiital Uotklm. Cuttiku k Co, MONTREAL. Ottava lloc.i. Datid Ckawfoko. NEW ORLEANS. Smith Bftua. t Co. Claks ft Mkadks. SB lJnr, Tt,Q.. Hortl.md. Maine. . ft IO Outfit TrM. 3155 2 877 S. Vu-kM; '"-- Uatalnirna and Rumple 'r'R'"''''- 62 4I AJVKKK KKLTON A CO., I H HeM Stt O "Iny '"'ir.fi Aerit wanted. Outfit and C7 J tenns free. TRUE Airiinla. Maine. mn n ...... I, nnd Wnrrnnt. rionrht. blirhe. O V'ehprjcVVdbyriH.MonK Oo..Wa,lnKtnn.l.0 $5 to $20 .dsh8Tnr'.'iifr?-r:.n nfni To fMwWH- I&te&tSPS. 20 J f WATCIIKS. A Oreat nenaation. nampi 6 Watch and Outfit tree to A.enta. Better than VSit Gold. Addrwe A. (IOITI.TF.R CO.. Chicago. $2500 a year to Apentn. thitm mvf a Hil nnoi o"n r For Icrnia no ilrena,. Worth Co.. St.l.ani,Nt $5937 Made by IT Agouti 1n.lnn.7T with my Miirwnrtirlea. tiamplc" free. Adilrcia C. M. tinlral'm, Chirnyo M'AKTHttOIIEC'nll ewe-For not h neiej : nn der eare nf Friendn. All ejpn.e enTered by M3il a renr. Knwn. H. MAOILL, A.M., Pret.. Hwarthmnre.Pa. OH I A OF. NTS. OH I KVKRYBODY. Thd BIllMTAf'HK rrotoctor only 2il centa. Olrrnlnra free aa air. O. H. BARROWS, Willimantlc, fit. o Sold hy Wntohmnkers. Rv mnil. Itfe. 8. rilHfJH uu, 38 Dey Htreet. New Ynrk, Y Yormr Men snn Tifidie. snri enrn from JR 15 I to per month. (Jnod r,it?ition (runr. snteerl. RmHll inlnry while lenrnintr. AddNn, with stamp, M. P. Hayward, Oherlin, O. CHROMO lyiVZZ". TREE III its. pspw for 3 months, if yon will ("nre to distribute wme of our blankf. inclose 1 U cts.t to cover pos"f(re. ii:NTS AUVKRTIiFll.-Fnll nf solirl infof. mstiftn. indisnensble to Aeents. It is bv-ly. ri(rht, Bpiey, hriftifnf of rood thlnnrs. Articles on the rt or jvinRina Money, ncience oi nnvssBinir, now to nt Rich." nnd Instructions to Agents in each number. 23 cents a Year. Address. WM, P. KJMBAtJ. r. u.ijox new rom. A PAY HI'ltK made by A irents selling our Cbromos, OrHyons, Picture and ('hrn mo Csrds. 1 SJ. samples, worth sent, post-paid, for S-"i Cent. Illu-triitea Oatslorue frpp. If. IttFFOKII'M HONS, OMton. -iKstahlished kvu Stents Secured! lno Trnrlp Jlnrkn. 'iiKHllnrtH. ftr. F" nf'er n fh'nmni. ' ll m or dtlrp. MKNKY O I'' HPlt. Parent Riiht nfetts PMent Auency, I Barclay Street (P. O. Box 1141, i orK. BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT The best family newspaper published ; eight pages ; fifty x voiuiiiiin rarmniK- Terms !2 per annum : clubs of eleven. NIA tr annum, in sdvfinee. KPH'Hin I'lU'Y filfATFS. MILLIARD TARLF3. W in TTe. R.-.P-. fTMh.CtH-t nd everytlunK nppertaininir to Tdlirdf, nt Iiowet Priees. II HW mir th I arpest st(ck and finett "nilities for ninnufiicinrini t irders enn be pronifttly fillet , flood seeond-lmnd Tables cheaj . Thr KiM.iAiin Cr i;, an ilkh frntd newspiipor aent free on pnhention. H. W. COLLENDER, 738 Broariwity, N. Y. 2500 YKAR. ACENTS WANT!-D on our t.rnnd immIiIiiii tl n rimlMM'ltlN, reprosenting 1 OO DISTINCT BOOKS wanted everywhere. T1i? hlnvi'r-t t Uvm rrr r trli ""I"" niniin irrnn inia wr.cn an untr! iiM'ks 't, Al-o AtfpntR wnnted on onr .HAN HCKNT l Wll X Hi BI.KS. Knperiorto nil other. With li.vihi:.Wn llli , rated Ainu ann Supfrh Rin licirH. Ttif-f llf lu-t t lie A orhl. Full PTticuhir" frco. A') 'r-. .lOfiri K POT'I KK & CO., PuhliskiHrs, I'HILADKMMUA. 1 n n 0 0 0 a w w Facts for the People ! ror tne farmer, the Merchant, the Horseman, tho M.M-k rjmer. the Poiiltry-lni per, the Kee.kniK-r, ll.o Lahorer.the rriiit-rier. the IJnrdener. the Uoctor.the iKiryniar, tne imnscnolrt-tor every family who vrm tr o aannioney. Tin' llmik nl' the IfMli lilltiil Male and rimialo Acnt nomine ni..n.v on It Ron .4 n Ufl tft nnnp for evtm li.rma IVi : 1J .1 uvri'in . BLACK, f.tt Walnut stn'eV, ri'il'artelid.l,.' pi. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotyps Engravings. Jite cnotce.it Houtieltolil tii tin turn's. 1'rlce One Jtollur each. Send for cataloyun. JAMES It. OSGOOD & CO.. TJlOCTr. UT T r?c $1.00 $1.00 fV3aizo Flour Toilet Soap ! Maize Flour Ycitet Soar? ! .. raize Ft'cur Toilet Coi t A ere it diai'ovi'iy ! a new soup coiiipomid ! It n hft. $10 to $25 O ,1 COlLtNDEK I MieoH, ann wnile'.ia tn- hiii, Ii-ih iv-mlor'.iil healiniF itr.a . L;"'rHTnshiiir. nn.tk.rHei. Ml 1 i .-ill ill! 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