HOW WEALTH IS LOST. So linknVftva Bud r i . ,,.. 1 ""prill wno were Worth Hunrtrcd. of Tfaou.aml. r . ho recent death of one of Uie old time merclmut princes of Boston, who Jeavea an insolvent estate, nnd the still more recent failure of nn old-established iJostou house that had weathered the iiireo great financial storms of 1837, f8o7 and 1873, recalls some remarkable instnuces of financial ruin, caused by speculation in untried fields. In 1858 there was a large firm engaged mi tuo boot and shoo business, probably t that time the largest in Boston, which concluded to dissolve. The aggregate of the available cash means of the firm was vl, 200,000, and there were thrio iu the firm, each of whom took his $400,000. Ana senior partner invested bin iii paying securities, and died a fcwyettl's niter, having doublod his capital; the junior partner did tha same, and when a died he hod nearly trebled the amount. The other partner accepted tiie honorary position of president of a nk, and became interested in wild speculations iu mining and new inventions, and to-day he is almost a I'iiujn r. About forty years ago a young man iSouiU Mniket street; he rose gradually tromoun position to another till he hod ncquiiod knowledge and money enough to Mtrirt for himself, and he chose the thna nt. field of St. Louis. By iudus rv. npoli'Mition iiml Klirmr.lnocu lio a clour cash fortune of 8800,000. Pur chasing n beautiful estate within twenty iniles of Boston, and adding thereto by elegaut aud nonUy buildings and out buildiugs aud conservatories, he settled down to enjoy himself. But he was not natisfted. He invested his all iu a patent, and that man to-day is laboring r'mef T.oi i ! . ; . v -a Hard to gam daily bread for himself and iamUV. came one ol the leadinsr mnrithnnta nt I tlin irnllaw c iui ,,;, , . . , ".VV . " """""B iuu uie singe. tamt fity. About twenty years ago he AV hen it was found that life was in ditu tleeided to retire from active business I ger, the curtain was lowered and the pcr nul return to his native Stiifi TTn lm.i foi liiiinnn nliniwl,...! nr i m id one of the leading commission formauces, nnd promising him the sup Ury gtiods merchants in Boston over- port of the community. He consented to -eehed his competitors in trade, nnd ! repent the trial lliadn ln'niunlf n-1 end crisis, when most of our lending houses went to the wall. As collateral security for notes given for about $30, 030, he took shares iu an uncompleted i-ouiiecrea wit l a com ininp. Jiisveri,,. !,., fl,;. .f.-l, l"T.l "W ...... , c.ln. liuerul ropredeutej more than a imnoritv r'l"'6 he1V1ll"yJ brokers :,. xtr lii iii , , . in u all street to bear the stocu and buy -v u owuj;. ix; buuceciieu, una ne nt-: prevent the threatened violence He A lew UHTS a" tne later of Iu.1?? nJmittud thiit he cleared $i0- sternly refused to interfere in the'sliaht- , 0 al)aUl1ollp'l l'hlo appeared before Al (100 by tne operation. Thr war came on, ; est degree witli the strife which had now I ""rmnn McKelvey and charged Boyd and he succeeded iu obtaining from the government severxl large contracts. At the of the war he' could chink out nt leiust two millions of dollars iu solid cash. But he was not satisfied. 1 . .1 ii Rail- : id ho; i two : i-uira M-iieiues were an ine rage, am went iu, seeing m the future his millions swelling to ten millions. He has lost his own money and led his neighbors tj ruin, and is to-day an ob ject of pity. Thirty years ago a young nud promis ing lawyer was retained by a railroad corporation iu New England, then labor ing under great difficulties. He soon got nt the true inwardness of the situation, mid, availing himself of the knowledge, invested right aud left 'n its securities at low figures. Those securities afterward became appreciative values, and he found himself almost, a millionaire. Ho nuivhiisieil n. ri.1pii.1ii1 i.ufofp lmnin . - v.'iiin, il-uniu n ii. uiui imuoii or tuo arts, a leaning agri- j cukurist, and was esteemed for his bo-; nevoleiiee His income was almost prince- j t-i i"-1" "-"'""" ,,f'VIC' uuu ue were wortti more, and he who were able to get seats fonud' them ;. His ambition was to ! selves in a most decided minority infill p,.and in 0110 brief year, they were numerous enough to 'make a possessor of 8900,000, he j chaos of diabolical noises when the cur- .1.1.3 ULlll IJllUJ, mount to the top, from beincr tho in t , ? . 1 ' ; - i,vv,to no (lieu a recipient of chanty. . in 181J a young man from a neighbor- . wlio hail nusmcss mini till the crisis of 1837, utarteJ ufrosh. A few years fonud him nt tho top of tho huhler, his credit good and his trmiMti'tions immpuse; he hud ncquirod ti seeoud aud handsomo for tune. Iu n day, as it wore, he lust all, aud lie not money enough to buy his uooiKtiiy meals. jNut began again at the bottom, nud laid the foundation for a third ortuue, which , was destined to be threefold greater thau I tho other two ..,t he was a mau never ; to bd satisfled. Three years ago he conM ?J u.AJ'T rl -nt0 i Of dollR srs I'P.sli. Xuree months nsro lie 1 , w ' h f T maiu?- ?iib m 1 tl f '. r i him- t'U and irMly.JJoston Traveller. Tho Remains of J. Wilkes Booth.- i To dispose "of certain absurd stories ' that have lately appeared in the public prints, the Baltimore Gazette says that President Andrew Johnson ordered the remains of J. Wilkes Booth to be deliv ered to his family, nud thnt they sent John H. Weaver, a Baltimore under- taker, to Washington to reeeive them. A I bos was taken up from the Arsenal build-; B'loU V'll,"v1a the word- Colonel Dur ing and delivered to him. It was found i yT , Kho';l,tei1; " Guards, lire !" The to contain skeleton wrapped iu un array ! ''o10'"11 mstantly flashed forth with blanket. On the ii-ht loot was au army i V'".- Bhn).,r nw l?avicr report which ehoo, cut open ut tho top its entire distlng'shes the service-charge from length, as if to accommodate a swollen ; X,.0 mfre l,owJer ull'l P"Per of lield-duy. foot. On the other was a large cavalry : f. g up " seft "f mif?r-v filtea boot. A reporter of the Uuzcttc ex- ' or 1111 nistant were clearly seen the hu nmined the bones iu and above the shoe : m'",1 f"rms ell,8tlrP e steps nnd nn.l fimii.l tli,.f tl. i,-, ....... i i. ; roofs of the ndiacent bnildincs. the " ' ...v. 0 ii tin uiuacu junk i ubove the nuklo. Still, the identity of , the remains was not satisfactorily estab- ! lished, especially ns there was no portion ; of tho spiual vertebra missin and no ! mark of any ImHot nnon tTi'piri A ' brt,therlor 'iooS TLtZl .bo ! Buitl that Wilkes had his tooth plugged i with gold iu a peculiar maimer Ho de- 1 scribed the loc'it:ou of the tooth flI1( ! lrew with n rn:iUa l.!L JT" which was ot unusual size. Th Uh i were taken out. aud the tooth wak found ; plugged as described. The reuiaiim were JurieJ iu Green mount cometerv. in tin? Bame lot with his grandfather, futlier,auil fhildxeu of the family. Swallows. lu Sweden the swallows, as soon as the v inter begins to approach, plunge thein- J K"m "no 1110 iiiues, wuere tney remain 1 usieep auu muueu uuuer tlio ice till the return of summer, when, revived by the new warmth, they come out from the water aud fly away as formerly. While the lakes are frozen, if Homebody will break the ice in those parts where it ap pears darke than the rest, he will find masses of switllows cold, asleep, and half dead, which, by taking out of their retreat and warming, either with his hands or before a fire, he see gradually ta vivify again and fly. Iu other coun tries they return very often to the cav erns, under tho rocks. As many of these exist between tlio city of Caen and the sea, ou the banks of the river Orne, there are found during the winter piles of swal lows suspended ia these vaults, like bunches of grape. The same thing may be seen in Italy, wher , as well as iu France, it is considered very lucky by the inhabitants when swallows build nests on their habitations. THE STOKY OP A MOT. Thn Orlnrrrl llrtwren Twa Celebrated Ae. tors, and Whnt It Led Ta A Terrible Hrene nt n Mew York Thrnier In ige. In the spring of 1849 the English actor Macreiuly was playing in New Tork, and during his engagement there, the bitter rivalry existing between him and Edwin Forrest culminated in a ter rible riot and the death of thirty per sons. Forrest assorted that while he was playing in England Macready had secretly suborned several English writers to write hiin down and When the Eug lish a jtor came to America to play, this charge was urged against him by the adherents of Forrest. The story of the riot is as follows! On the ercniiig of May 7, Macready wb- to appear in "Macbeth" at the Astor Place Opera House. Ihe en ure auditorium was crowded with an assembly of tho most formidable char acter, resolved that the actor should not be suffered to play his part. There were comparatively few of the friends of Mac rendy present, most of the scats being secured by the hard-handed multitude, who had made tho strife an nrtnir nt j the favorite of what they culled the kid- Kioveu ana silK-stocUinged gentry. It is disagreeable thus to recall these odious distinctions, but the truth of history necessitates it. Suffice it to say that the tragedian was ovorwliolmml tvii.h l.iVuoo yells, derisive cries, followed by all kinds of mishiles. Chairs were l.nrV.l tv ,,n,i,i.. xi"" 2: 'Pnilv urn. i i- i , . " . v x -- 1'ur.tju iu iiilbk ins engagement aud re turn to England. But the press con- uuiuul-u iu me mosi scoroiung terms the outr.ige which had been done him. nnd insisted that he should appear again, and Should be upheld at any cost. A letter was also sent him, signed by forty-eight : I friif.lnm.ii. iiw.l,..l:.. " - r n . . , d luiimuuK I'liujv oi ine most eminent nnd influential names in tho 1 f.jf,v nro-inr. 1,m ....: l Iu the meantime tho Courier and In quirer had openly accused Forrest of being the author of the violent scenes on the evening of the seventh, but con vinced of its error, and threatened with liliol 1,n,l i:.,i..l x ..I . ' T . '""-""'". rrueieu auu umpi.y iiuoiogizeu lor the slaniter. For- rest limi n.i i.ovo i xi proceedings. The worst that can be said I r' tutu uuu L'c BUiU ! i of lum is that he refused to interfere to ! uetuehed itself : from him aud fastened itself on the community, aud was liTnng I oetween its too and bottom. Tho and scornful tone of the t.vpss tr.wn.vl those whom it called rabble, rowdies, lower classes, greatly incensed them, and called forth the counter epithets l .fillings, English clique, codlish aris tocraey. It was perfectly plain that a fearful tempest was brewing. Both par- ,'D,.A 1.. ,. , i. 1 ..v, ,u iju-i,ir,uiiim acro.'diugiy. Tlie 1 rived lute nt uight nt a hotel in a town enemies ot tlie Englishman plaearded i not a hundred miles from Oswego N the city with lnllammatory hnud bills; i Y. In the morning thev got up (as is nnd, ou the other hand, the civic author-1 usual with travelers) niid went down to ltien detailed 501) policemen to the scene I breakfast, leaving their doors open aud o. trial, and ordered two regiments of ; things h ing about the room. The cham soldiers to be uuder nnns at their quar-, bcrmaid saw the doors open and imme ters, Ou the evening of the tenth of Mav, Forrest was acting tho "Gladiator" m the Uroadway Theater, when Macr-en lv attempted tjuct " Macbeth "in the Astor Ifaee Opera House. Tho latter house had been so well packed bv its friends with stalwart men that the Bowery bovs wa" wer nule to get seats found them lu,iu oi uuiiiuiicai noises wnen the ciir. tain roe. whereuon the moot. r,f tl,. found themselves incontinently hustled JJilt their wnrtv wjs too stromr. and tilled now with tun to.-. rible a temper to be thus easily circum vented. The mob iustnutly assailed the theater in front aud rear. 'The thunder ing plunges with which thev rushed against the doors shouk the building. and volleys ot htulie shattered the hm-i-i- f ti, ' 1' ! , " V ,,m . u mile away. Meanw le t he X "en regiment of the national guard was marching to the spot. It was received with r coll's and hoots, clubs and paving V" offl. botU civil and mil- itiirv iiuptI pvai v L.vaiti.ui .1... rrni-pi-a Hliiwtiuff ,n,ou them. All was vaiu. The more ffiey linrouRaod, expostulated, piitrwitn,! ti,..',..,.! i i dor the mnh Rr-f.,,,,,,1 n,k largo uuinber of the soldiers wern ilin. . uiiuiui u wovn ,11c i ublt b Bevere wounds, and it appeared 1 " boo, ,,11VU'. tnrougiug assailauts raiglit wreiich their wennons from thrm At last the reluctant order tvus given by Geuoml Hull: "Fire!" A single mus ket replied. The mob laughed iu de rision, nud Dressed forward, flenprnl llloil repeated: " I ire !' Only three . , , " . , . o-f i iCI! lliml)s. alul wmjOT' 111 fl-ont, the ; ulJlow'fJ muitituue spread through the S(l'Yn'u "IKl streets and then nil was ; darl1, 'lue moh broke and fled, leaving tbirty dead bodies on the ground, and as W erely wounded The law by j lts f 'owe vinaicated its authority ! e "1JS riKhtful tmgedr. uud flight the paBHiouate nud thoughtless ! populace a lcssou whicli it is to be hoped whir cinuimstauct d will ever call for a8fll A Newspaper Exhibition. Au international exhibition of news papers and autographs is now opened at Prague, iu Bohemia, and will last for one month. The newspapers, uuder the headings of their respective countries, have been alphabetically arranged aud uumnereu. Aitiioiign iresii pubuca tions have arrived daily since April 27, I ine louowiug specimens were catalogued atthatdate: From Bohemia, Silesia aud Moravia, C23 dirlerentpapers; from Hun gary, 350, aud from other portions of the Austrian empire 800 ; from Germany, 1,616 ; from Russia, 235 ; Turkey, forty, two ; Servia and Montenegro, sixty five j.R'jumauia, twelve ; Greece, thirty threo : Italy, U10 : Switzerland. 264 : France, 233 papers and a valuable col lection of caricatures, mostly colored. j issued during the last days of the empire, the Franco-German war, aud the com mune, iron, fapain, 264 papers have arrived ; from Portugal, thirty-one ; Great Britain and Ireluud, 296; Bel gium, thirty-nine ; Ilolland, forty-five ; and from Sweden, Norway and Den mark, eighty-two. An enormous col lection is promised from North and South America, as well as from - tho Asiatic; empires. A Farmer's freaks The grave opened in Lawreiicoburg, says the Cincinnati Unquircr, recently. Five years ago the people of Lawrence burg were shocked by what was supposed to be a foul murder between that place nnd StinmanBville. The victim was John Buckhorst, a farmer who lived on the Manchester pike, ne sold his farm at considerable sacrifice, obtaining his wife's signature to tho deed with some difficulty, and on the day prior to the supposed tragedy he Visited Sunmahs ville and Collected about $1,000. In the evening he started ostensibly for homo. The next day his coat, hat and shirt were found torn to threads, near a spot that bore evidence of a terrible struggle. An old farmer named Fnllte was nr. rested on suspicion, and n creek near the spot was dragged for the body, bnt with out result. The fuct that Fidke was flush with money was regarded as suffi cient circumstantial evidence to warrant summary action A vigilance committee wss therefore organized, and a rope was prepared, and bnt for the earnest plead ings of some sober-minded men. noor Falke might have been hanged as the mnrderor of Buckhorst. Meantime Biiekliorst's ! pendent upon charity, the farm having been sold and the money collected. She nas thus lived ever siuce, aud mourned for her husband as one dead. Aud now comes tho denouement. One day an old neighbor of Buckhorst, being in Hom,8V),ue', 8ftw n mnn driving n hack i wuoiooiied very much like his old neiffh- bor Buckhorst, and after pressing him drew from him the acknowledgment that ho is the same who disappeared from Lnwreuceburg five years ago. He is working iu a Louisville livery stable, and takes a new alia evyry few weeks, lie has been known in Louisville as J. fth.l " " 8 W1 j "e"n"u- A Domestic lloimmec. J ames Boyd is one of the wealthiest voting farmers of O'Hura township, Pu. Miss Minnie Brown is the daughter of another wealthy farmer of the same neighborhood. On the seventeenth of last August Alderman McKelvey, of Al legheny, was called to unite the two iu marriage. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the family onlv, but in a little time after the knot had' been tied Boyd excused himself for a few moments, nnd left the room. Instead of returning he sprang into his carriage, drove home, and from that time to t.liA , ' . , fresent lms never visited nor spoken to , UPKUlll""i me latter was placed ,,m'er 0 "on f SI, 000 for liis appear- once at the j une sessions. The parties are among the most respectable people of the neighborhood, ami the young wife and her family arc heart-broken at the situation. A Joke on Itai iiiini. All f'Mf.l'lv om.f Ittniar. n.,.1 o .. . . . . " ....... imu t. HICUU UI diately locked them up. Iu half an hour up comes our elderly friend inquiring for the key of his room. After a while the chambermaid is found, who opens the door with profuse npologies, some what after this fashion: "You know them show folks came' last night, and, as they're a pretty rough lot, I thought I'd better shut your dour." "Ah," saya our elderly friend, "them show folks are a pr. tty rough lot, eh ? Well, that's true ! Tily name's 1 T. liarnum, and I'm the boss of the show, but we're a pretty rough lot, 'tis true !" . It .Mittlit be luiiirrrd 1 hut Lecau! the Cirand Central Hulel ia knuwu os the larpet ami hct tirt-clasH hotel iu New urk that its prices are neccssarilv the highest. Unt thin is not theense, an the lust rcductinn tu t2.5H and J3.(m, from tho old piico of ii.Ui) per day, uiuktM it t om-e the eheapewt, as it is the hest, lirst -clans hotul in New York. And bv tho way, tho Urand Central i doing the largest hotel busineKs in New York. .. . " Niirviviil of Hip I'liiem." I ho lugt nioiis doctrine )iroioundcd by Mr. Darwin, tho tircU-ss investigator of nature and her laws, is as npplicab'e in d.ittnnining tho fate of medicines as in that of the animal spe cies. Every year new medicines are brought lie fore the public, aud are soon completely dis carded as their sale rapidly decreases. "Onlv those medicines which are 'best suited to the people's wants turvive the lirst test. If thev "aro tried and found want inu " in tin.'J which they are claimed to possess, no amount ?! t-avcrtiiing will wuko them popular. ( Of all rue remetliin evpr,l,,r.r,l n. ...,i. ..,.... "i" . : V' l"'""- I iiupumr us ui: i-ierce 8 rumuv niedi- ciiioa. llieir hale hits Mteadilv increased caoh ; year, aul wholesale drtiKuistH assert that tht. nreseut demand for them in ir-..!i..r i,.,n before. If you would patronize medicines scieutillcally prepared une Dr. Tierce's funiily medicines. Golden Medical iJiscoverv is altera tive, or blood cleansing, and su uueipialed m.u iraicui x iuasani t'urgative 1'tllets, 1 scarcely lurRer than mustard seeds, constitute I nu agreeable aud reliiililo phvsin ; favorite Pre- Hcnption, a remedy fur debilitated feinnles ; Lxtract of Sniartweed. a magical remedy for puin, ' bowel complaints, aud an unequaled liniment ; for both bunian aud horsi ilesh j while his Dr. SaKe's Catarrh Itemedy is known tho world over as the greatest specific for catarrh and "cold in the head " ever given to tho public. Thev are sold by druggists. " . Tho HrbriN l'ihi SvhIoiii Must eitlu.T )aes t)u-i)Ui;U the Latuiul chanuels of exit, the boweln, the kidiuiva nud the nnrca. ' or. in dofuult thereof, jioion aud disorder the ! rtuidri of tho nyiitc-m. Iii oidor to effci't tho , coinjileta expiilwioii of this daugprous refuse, the organs through w hich it pusses off nuiKt l iUe and unobstructed. Fortunately there '? ce,''uln '"fans or rendering them so when Ii iVo Bud by diffiMing a genial warmth through the cimxlatiou, oiKouraj;e inoderato itrKpiration. l? thu triple effort the exodnn of tkefurol and oih?r"iie d .h system freed from peril it would otherwise in eiir. The actiou of the bowuls which follows tho use uf this benefieeut alterative is easy and unaccompanied by griping, aud its stimulative effect upou the urinary organs very coducive to their looal health. I)yln iHin Wlmt It la, nnd Mow to Cure It. First tbo stomach don't work right, then comes bad feeling after eating, llntuleucy, head ache, dulluess and melancholy, sometimes nausea nnd vomiting. The liver soon becomes torpid, then biliousness, constipation, or pos sibly diarrhea, follows. Thou comes the kid- uey affections, with pain in the back and more or less rheumatism or neuralgia ; finally the nervous system becomes affected, aggravating all these and adding other symptoms, until it is all aches, pains, weakness, dullness, irrita bility, bad temper and a miserable feeliug throughout. A simple, pleasant aud cheap remedy for all this is Vanluslirk's Iiivigornut, only 50 cents. Druggists sell it. Vun !us kirk &, Co., proprietors, 18 Vesey street, New York. Afteb on exxrience of over twenty five years, many leading physiciaus acknowl edge that tho (frarfenkerg Marshall' i Uterine Cathnlieon is the only known certain remedy for diseases to which women are subject. The Graefeitburg Vegetable l'Ula, the most popular remedy of the day for biliousuesa, headache, liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Bold by all druggists. Rend for almanacs. Graefeu berg Co., New York. Asthma. Thousands of the worst casta of asthma have been relieved by using Jonas Whitoomb'a Remedy. Ia no case of purely asthmatic character has it failed to give relief. ttortnr, 11 rVela t.lke Hnll of fire! Bo pcki oftentimes the auffurer from dv pspsia. After Mtinir, it seems as if tlipre wss voritsble ball of fire running up and down through hi otomach. If he eats much he feels it t if he don t eat much he feel it. It deBtrova his enjoyment of life. If the doctor be really doxironii of cnrinir hia patient he ehonld not experiment with the unTerer, he should recom mend him to tme Peruvian Bvrnp, whose merits have been tested so long, and alwara satifc torily. Balls of fire in the stomach and Peru vian flynip can't dwell together. Hend to your dmppiHt, he keeps it always ready, and try it. It will work like a charm. lthenmatlsm shel potit life tnvnrlnMv liene flted by stilphur bathiiur. The dillicultv of pro curing trustworthy siilplv r baths without the dangerous exposures incident to public bathing bonnes, has been fully met by fllenn's Invalu able Hulplntr Honp. It is sold everv Depot. C'rittenfon's, 7 Bixth avenue. New York. IlilVs Hair A "Whisker Dyo, black or brown, Boc, We have sold Hatch's Universal (Jougbf vrnp for about thn c years. No medicine of tho kind soils as rnpldly, t.r gives such uniforni satisfac tion. It has grown in favor from tho first of its use in this section. It takoa tho lead of all those preparations that havo been considered standard. itomxsnN & Mk.vdki.u Fuirhaven, Cayuga, Co., X. Y. Information worth thousands to thoso out of hotltli. Self-help for weak and nervous suf ferers. Facts for fbnsn who l.D.-A 1....... .'i.iv iicii mr.wu, drugged and quacked. Tho new Health nnl teaclie all. Copies free. Address, Elec tric Quarterly, New York. The gourmet talks eloquently about tmftled qnnils, pale ile foie gran and other such delica cies. Pin him down, though, and you'll find he admits tho supreme importance' of good bread, biscuit, rolls, etc. Here all agree on the basis of true gastronomy. To be sure of the moBt delicious things baked from Hour use Dooloy's Yeast Powder. , . , Oh My llenil Aelies ! Then take a dose of Quirk's Irish Tea. The great bilious remedy, price 25 cts. a package. T1!?. A 61 "lowMt m t he world-Importer - -tl p ptioes Ivrpput Onmpnnr in Amenoii itnple article plpieea everybody Trade continually in. iroftBina Agent vunted everywhere bent indncenuntl don't waste time send for Circnlar to HOHI'RT WKLI.S, 43 Vesty St.. New York. P. Q. Bo 1 asV. Ihe Berkshire Hills Sand Springs. GREiLOCK . HALL, WIIUAIHTOWN, .HASH. 1 his beautiful and popular Rummer resort will beop n Iorih.0.,":,P''on,0, uneita .1 line I O. B. ard from I I O to a pur week. (a nn.i bulla in evtry rnuln. New and 8uptrtnr aceoinmodi'.tione for private liTrnea Nuperior bathing. Send for circular. WMIVIv,Priiprirliir. P I A N f) Q "'.vnctaTc, fine ro.nrwonit case (not used In II UU nTer eix monthsl. only l:m; cost oivuer MOmEW f1' New i;rand Stimtre and Uprisfht finpjl a C J!'""09 at wtiolesnle. lireat barKaini. UIIUHrJO 'ly now, 4 nets reeds, 12 t .p. imb--""Jli'j nss "ctflve coupler, beuutirul vnlo Ftop. . . 'I eto. cunt owner :i.i0, only New 9 top Orirann I B, 12 stop f 75. Kara opportunities. Ileat offer ever Riven by any manufacturer. New Beatty instrument ready. Sent on 5 to IS dnya' teit trial. Aloney refnn 'ed and fremht nuiil both ways il nn-nti"-fjctiry. AuiiiIM Wunleil. Liberal discounts to reiiohrrj . Ministeni.eta. ritalogue free. Address lAMKI. V. BKATTY. iiMliinutoii. N. .1. Dunham & Sois, Manufacturers, Wft-ercoi.r;, 10 EaslUih Streol CBtabIihe:l ISM.) KZV YOIK. S-.ndfor iiiusirtted Cirtul r and VtVt itt IfEIT'S SIIIKTS-onlyone qnality-Tlm Bent, AV Kopp'B taicnt rnrtly-iniMln Dress Murti fun bo finigheii fw iasy n hemmine a Hun ilk ere In of. J ho very best, six tor &7H. K-f p' C'listiini fS'-irt iii.ul. t'i nm.iMiTO, The Ti?ry ber-t. nix fir Kf (H. An lfC.-mt hvt of ptnninn ( Collnr n,1 Klenvn lint tons nivpn with cjil-Ii b;ill KcepN Shirts Keep's Khirts ito delivtT?iI Kit I'K .m rw.Mpt if price In any part of the I'limn no ixpreii ch up, to piiy. Samples witli full'tiou fur Ni'lJ-mHiisinvm-iu Sent Free to any iul.irp:tri. No M.tmp rLitii-ii. Deal directly with the nni &i Hot torn Prices. Keep Munnf.ictnrinir . Hi." S!encr Ht.,X.Y. IES A p-iiilive remvUvtor laropsy ant ull iii.vait'8 ol ilia Kidney a, Hlu.ultir ami Urinary Or gana. Huut'l Kemcily ia purviv ..-toLte anil prepared exraaly Hie above diteSbei. it has cured thouaauti!. i-iery liotlle warranttd. Send to W. . Clarke, Providence, R.I. , for illustrated pamphlet. If your dniygiit don't have it, he will order it lor you. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. UsyUaV ITnriviiMcd fct tbt Kiilvt and the UmV.. Nu ariitUiut kdJ ile.'qitiw otln ut cover common iid Jflrurioiii tnnredi. ecu. Altt-rymrtof trletitlflr nptrrimvDt the miuiiifricturtfr of S. T. Habbitt'i Btt Soaj, hut jwrfected nrl nnw i.fffr to th publte The FINEST TOILET SOAP In tbo World. Only tht part vttt-ibl oils vt.ii in itt manv'arturt. ...For Use In the Numnrv it has No Eaunl. I Horltl ten tlliiPl Itlcuil to uvejy imiIIutuuiI I'auiilv illClirintnidom. j Satinde boi, ritiiirtlning 3 i-mko nt 6 t-21. caih, afut fritt u auy ad ' lUXta 0U rt-t'ffl of 14 fr-nt. AMrl Tt BABBITT. New York City. U rr mi oy au uruguu. Jti i it HpTTTi I Are made in nil nl.vloi and of evorj 1 I A1JjileHprl)lmi, from tbo liyhlfhl, ; I nneifS nnd moM rlrtftint in use to the linirMl : ( and Mtruiijci'Mt reiuireil for uny kind of w rk; rru ! CO TJ Ci n T? "H I " j J J XV L' I n- o r K 111 n 11 h Ii I p , fclrc nwilt and diirublllly. They receive d th lti,ul I I Vht vrilteil award at the Centennial Kxiitinn. ( I "PT A T? T'JP Q C! W I None Kvnaim' unlena ; with our name nd Triultt .llnrk. A liheral 1 "D KT A "R T wil' De Riven infonu.ition I ywJA.JXJJ that niu POi,vii- uny one wlio olN bnriipim nt the t'onrord lliirnrie thnt are 110 1 made by n. Kxtra inducements j offtjied. Send for oircutar and price linth. Addruaa J. R. HILL & CO.. Kansas display of ppKluc-tx nt i iiti'imial mr PrsrimI all olher Slates. H.ti tS I'ACIFM! K.W. CO. offers hirvest body of good lands in KASNAN at lowest prit-cs ana best terms. Plenty of (iov't lands litKK for Homesteads. For ropy of 'KANAK FACIFIC HOJlb N'l'Kall," address, iMHtl VummiMMiuiwrj K. I'.ltte., Kil I mi, Kiru. Providence Line TO BOSTON Via PE0VIDENCE DIRECT. A WHOLE NIGHT'S It KMT. OM.V ii .MII.I-.K Or- I!A:i TI Hi: CI) jllMTliS TUB NF.W MAGXIF1CKXT KTEA M Hit 3VX aisiHiioliiiisottf,, ("The I'm hue Hicuim r l I tie Win !:," AND THE WUKI.D-HKNOW.NKU STKAMKK riliocio Islmicl. ("Tlie((ueen of tin- KoiiihI,") Will on iand after ill A V 7 leafs (dill) from Piur go, N. It. loot of Warroa 8troi4 in A l. .., arriiiriK i.t I'rovi.U iice nt (i A. Hi. and Koslou f.. M. So luteriuediula landiusa bolvretui Now Vurk and 1 rovi. aonca Pittstogh Mlniiiasiures atWMcsaliFriS Bra oontaininir Cream Jug.florered Sueur II. tvl. So -on If jMi-r, Unvnrad lliittor Dish, I U'U.k'ts. 2 i'lti.t lIDiiu(,lM Pituhitr. 2 SMven-inch HiKh Jruit Diahas. 12 Individual Kauoe Dialwa, I C .ke halver, all of good quality Ulaaa. for th box...w:l OO i'mTS ij-nhall-pint Tubla and 4'dra.n iiTj- .7 i T" """a lauia and 4 dozen Uncovered mm ma .r2-Oii Ml LAD . iii&fiJJ mUatto it's . aaaaW WindowGkaa,Box6uft BkZ Socond. TiiriT 6 by S to 10 by 16.... a-) ;a ri Vl si 11 hyU to IS I,, ulS rZ I 1 '2 lsh's3toaobyi Joo 3 76 1 jibyitoiMbj;ai.r: i;S3 l ., ,. .... 1M to d Naila, K"i of laoiba $3.7, 111 fl 4 7 ( 5 j , wl'' funu.h any of abova articlua at uricea ,t UI dehvered on b.rd cara or .toainlaiata Tlie n c i -i ninai, 111 a I oaaea aeoomiwny the rnler Ke id P o a K ' J ur Roateied lt.;,. Kofir u lltv.iV 11 vavrt"'!.- A.ld-tma. Hr.M 11. A.NttT, P. O. Bo JUH, I'.tUburgh A PEKBLBfS KXTEHNAl, Sl'ECIFICANO BEAD lFIRIl OF THE SKIN. t GLENN'S 8ULVHUR SOAP. As ren xly for Diseases, Sons, Abrasions and Bono n nebs of the Skinj as a JeKUrrizer,disvfectant, and means of preventing and curing Rheumatism and Oout; and as an Adjunct of Tns Toilet and the Bath, "OLENN'a Srji.rnon 3oap" ie inroninarably the best article ever offered to the American public. The Complexion is not only freed from Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Frec kles, and all other blemishes by iu use, but acquires a trans arert tei.icact and velvety f ftness through the clarifying and .nollient ncliou of this whoi.ksovie beauti- FtF.R. The contraction of obnoxious dis eases is prevented, and the complete disinfection of clothing worn by per sons afflicted with contagious maladies is insured by it. Families and Trav elers provided with this admirable purifier bave at hand the main essential of a series of Sulphur Baths. Dandruff is removed, the hair retained, and grayncss retarded by it. Medical men advocate its tjsb. Piitces, 25 and 50 Cents per Oaie, Per Box, (8 Cakes,) GOc. aud f i.20. N.B, There It economy i-. buying the large aha " Hill's Hftir tint Whisker Dye," Black or llrown, 60 Crnlg. C. N. CEITTEXTOX, PropV. 7 Siith At.S? VEGETINE. Hor Own Words. iUl.HMolin. Md , rVb. U, Mu. It. U. SlKM NK: litv sir Sinn fvr;d I havo ir-t a nre nn-1 very it'iinful lml. I liiul H"tn nhyiiriiilirt, but they couldn't fiiro m'. Nnv, I havi hirtrd f y.iur VKtiK TINK fnnn n lndy lm w;- nick f-r a Imj; tim.-, and bt'cume all well frmn ymir Vlv i'. I' INK ; and I 'nt and bought iiif t-nv bottle of Xi'A iK TI : K, mid aftt- I had UKeil huh bottle, tht paiiiH h-rt mm, an-i it ht-pi.n to heal, nnd then 1 Iioiik'hI out other ln-tt!i, i:nd I (nkt- it xt. I thnuk od for thin ri'iHcdy nnd yoiirm'lf; nnd v.i.-hitiK evi'ry biiluTt-r may imy i.t.ti'iitio;i li it. It is a blu-sHin health. AI kb. O. Wert llultiutore Street. Vegetine. Gafo and Suro. Mil. H. K. Sjkvknk: In your V KtiK.TINK was reonnnnended to me, and, yinldiriK to xw iierittiisionn of 11 friend, I coim-ntm! t 1 trv it At the tiiuu, I win KiitTorinfC from soiifral "tfbility and nervous prostr;'ti m. superinduced by over work aud inesrulur hnhits. Its woudHrful strcnicthtninij and curative propi-rtlet. iweined to nnVct my riuhilitntea Kysteni fr;tn tho rirst iIwh; and, under its persitent uae. I rapidly recovered, KHininR more than usual hraitli ana (rood fc.;nir. Sinue tliun I have hwitited to wive VKtiKTIXK my most umiuHliried indorsement, as being a fi'.fe. tiure and powerful aent in promoting health and reMirir.ff the wastcrl Hy-ateiu to new life and energy. VKtiK I INK is the only medicine I uh; and, ai long aa I live, I never expect to lind a butter. Yours truly. W. H. CIMRK, 1J Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. Vegetine. The Best Spring Medicine. chahlestown. H. U. STF.VEV8: Hiir Sir Thin i t certify t tint I linvH unod your j ' Klooii l'rejmr.-t ifn" in my family for nr-vsr'il yar. hivJ think tlint tr HcrofuU ttr 'iinkHroiir. Hun.or, or Rlieu- mtttio Hntctinnit, 11 c.innot lie excelled; Hna at s t lo d purit'ier and Hprinu medi.Mnu, it iHtlie het tiling I hitve evnr iiMHtt and 1 have used ulniotst everything. I can rliiMtrfully recomnifiid it tu any una in need uf such a medicine. Yours, Mns. A. A. DINSMOKK, 19 Ruiisel Street. Vegetine. What Is Needed. .. Boston, Fab. 13, 1671. H. K. Stkvenk, Eai. : . li'iir Mr AlMiut one year cilice I found myaelf in a feeble condition from freneral debility. VKliKTINK waa atronulv reoomniended t4i me by a friend who bad been much benefited by iu uae. 1 procured the article, and, after iiaina: several bottles, wua reatored to he.ilth and discontinued its uae. I feel quite oonBdent that there ia no medicine auperior to it tor those complainra for which it ia especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend it to thote who feel tint they need some thing to reatore them to perfect health Ileapei-tfully yours, U. I, PKTTENGIIX, l'irili of 8 M P, ttinKill 4 Co., No. 10 8ut htreet, Boston. Vegetine. All Have Obtained Relief. South Beuwick, Me., Jan. 17, 1873. II. R. Stfvkss, Eo. : I'tar Sir I have had Dysnephia in its worst form for the last ten years, and have taVen hundreds of dollars' worth of medicines without ol.t.iininir any relief. In KepteuilKjr Isi-t I commenced takum the VKl.KTINK, store which time my health has steadily improved. My food diireats well, and I have named fifteen pounds of P,B.h? T.h!'r8 "ra ''veral others in this place Using VtCiETlNIi, and all have obtained relief. Youra truly, THOMAS E. MOORE. Overseer ot Card Room, Portsmouth Co.'t Mills. 1 -r-DllalSfr-i I 1 -rrAaT'A is nil- a-a1! - eP coop Tl'vr.jx Beware of V '';'':4''&A i :s:l I VEGETINE PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, fa Vegetin is Bold br All DtokrUU. ffiftft 2 Si77 t wk Aaenta. IO Oul Frn. SiOO f. igi 4 p ,, vickP.HV, Auiriiata, italna. BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT. The beat family newapaper published j aicht pagei ; Bftjr. aiioolumna readinar. l'erma-92 !or annum; clubi of aleren, 1 9 pel annum. In adrr-nee. "I'K'I.HUN (OPV CJltATI. GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. Thernendioftnit (.UNRIVAlllDCOKSCT I in) now numoerad by jll ,muiiuna. rVices art much reducadl MEDAL RECEIVED AT riMTn.ui.1 6t lhGnil(nA and beware of hnltatlont. Atxaiao row THOMSON'S UNSSrAKUlElmtSl Th test Roodt mtdt . Sea that the nimc of TUDMnnMaarflha Trade Ma rK.4 C n own. it stamped on every Corset Mitel. I CGOD OLD STAND-BY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. EaTAiii.iHMGt. 3!i Years. Always euros. Alwaya ready. Alwaya handy. Has never yet failed. Thirty mltlivnt hare et il. The whole world approve the Klorious old Muatanir the Best and Chaapost Liniment in existence, g¢a a bottle. The Mustang Liniment cures when nothing elae will. SOLD BY AM, MEDICINE VENDERS. i I niiHllnitfoiial TpiHlonrlrM.-The way in which : rtifferent hi lirtttimls ar ntfm-teti hy the saint raiiHos of I difHHu (li'pftirls tiptm tlm const ituti.n nnd tempera ntent. Soni i pnrflm. for itmtancf. are prona to IVvt rs( wime to Itilmns ntinrlc, unl nhr t-. ntrvout, affections. ... .... . ... 1'rnin'ii oiios LiMvuiik u n Tnrii of di)nii uvi.l, H,u i,.,.;n . l. . . i ' , npurution of Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aparient r1.. j In"n(' nrt'9t flfifea-ttfirn acatnst an a'tftck. j iiiuiviuuniK oi n nuioiiii a tin conslipnt'l liauit.or subject usr-pr-irs n. it IUIf If rvei Brn fsBSIiy eiCUM, inOUIa fpmunt lif t-drifiPi tr. tia mfs...liinF as...s:. e-peci lly in wsrm wt-:itlipr. It ia no lust potent at a lirt'i-iin t -inn no n ri'Tni'iiv. POWS EXTHACT PD The People's Eemedy. The Universal Pain Extractor. Ncte : Ask for Pond's Extract. Tako no other. POND'S EXT It A C T is daily prescribed byPhy. Hiciuus of ull Srliuulx. uihl arquired tlio title "Tht I'topk's Jtnnuli'' for PI Ion, Sprains, ranieiiewH, Kiirhn, Svaldai, Krulses, Soreiicai4, Holla, l leer, old Sore. WoiiikIh, nu:. ! POD'SKX'MtACTnlsoeiire.Tocthache, II on d c Ii o, So rv T h ro I, Hoarirnen, Ncuraly;iii, Colic, Utarrbaea. etc. ltn ine fw.iftV for Ilemorrhaicea) from all orir;in:i, uuU promptly arrests blmtino from auy source. I Send for pamphlet, address, PONI'fl IITSACT CO., 88 Kaldn Lui, Sn Tort. Ui TIIE NITED STATEQ ! INSURANCE COKIPANY. IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ; 261, 262, 263 Broadway. j 0RGAMZEB lSIO- ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AND APPIIOVED CLAIMS MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE AT 7 OJT PRESENTATION. JAMES BUELXi . . PRESIDENT. A VOVVhAit XEWHPAPEU, The Best IF vou WANT and the A First'cla88 Family and Political Newspaper Cheapest, subscribe for THE INTER OCEAN. 4 , ii iitii! hi ie i v ur THE ; afcr &T.a57"o? I 1 i&52SsssaS : jr s fflJCT. fMI The price of the Daily Edition is 8 10 per Tear (poet age paid), the Semi-weekly Edition 83.30 per Year (poatage paid), and The Weekly Edition $1.65 per Year (POSTAGE PAID). As a Literary, Family, or Political Newspaper U is unexcelled by any in the eountry. The " Queries and Answers " and the Agriti ltur.d department are worth more than the price of the paper, t r Coilui i'A'.vr ri!KK ou ait.tiiaiUm. Addreai, THE INTER OCEAN, 1 10 Lake btreel, Chicago, III, Terma and WIS ontflt " fmo. R llAl.l.F.ri' :0 I'nrtlanrt, Maine. tA C9n P-r day at bnma. Hamptea wnrtb 94 3 IU JiU TINS()NCO..l'.rlhnd.Main. l Great Chance to MaVa Money. Good Aarent wanted, a. Write at ones to lll'PH Mm. Co., Buffalo, NY.. o I.n FooniT f.nnd Wnrrnnta bonaht, hirhea eaeb price paid by H.Monlc ft lJO.,waahina:ton,u. J attlA WKEK. Uatalnjriia and Rumple FREE. ' KFl.Tl S CO.. I IO Naaaiin Hi.. New V.iik. nCVUL I L II WraTKRif Orrw Works, Chloaiw, III. (Sit 9 '"V home. Aaenta wanted. On IPX W terma free. TRUE i CO., Anyueta. M Outfit and aine. t M am s rear to Are: 51a: a." W 1 1 1 1 2S Skat (in fr. For terms a.l- f laUUljl dreaa, J. nHA . Co., $5937 Made by 17 Apentt lnln.77wlth myl.ltiowarttcles. Sampler free. AflilrfM f. M. Liningtim. Chiraga S3 WATCHES, A Oreat Senaation. Sample WaUih and Outnt tree to Aarenta. Better than Gold. Addreaa A. IU ll't.Tf H Co.. t hirago fikrt I" 90 prr Wri 3t TRAM to Familiei THE CANTON TEA CO., 1 4 rek Eaaily Made MplllnaT a. nana lor circular to 8 Chambers St.,NewYor. EIiKCTRIC BEI.TS.-A NEW, CHEAP, PER FKOT Cur tor premature debility. Hend (or oircn ar or sail on Db. H. K A KIV, H32 Broadway, New York OH I AGENTS. OH! EVERYBODY. The M 1! M T A 1" II K I'roK rlor only 25 oenta. Circulara free as air. O. H. BARROWS, Wilhmantio, Ct. o CHROMO FREE Illaa. pspwr for 3 tnonthe, if you will aftrm to diftribut sume of our blanki. In o lose I 3 cts.. to cover pofltnfre. KKMHI, A P., lioHton, Mubw. 4 And Not Wear Out. Hnlli tSs Uatal..... llik. fK I a J. 8. BFRCH A CO., 38 Py Strwt, New York, 41UU.UU n UKAW HMBD prwluewi on wth race by tiie uRof inn r,r nr. auu riiiAiriwito. te inn. or will i: '.". 1'ricc bt buUL la MsVlcrf Prof. Hairs Maclc Compoanfl u tht only prviiaration.oiie ptckftce uf whicft will force the beard to prrow thk k and heavy on the imootheit fuce (without tiijury) in fl dy in every ce, or money chfertully re fundrd. tS cents pt nnrkaae, postpiidt 8 for 30 rent. K. W. jONrS. A-hland. Maae. MFRAMJIKA1.TII M'lTIIIirT nitrNN. 3BLUE andRE'Dfi XyTrti. I m I jHi I Tnn only book prncticiilly I LICHT. f tmatinfr tin now univtrs Ally nbsorbinn topic. Hhnwg how to apply th trentinnt. nnd tlU of mnnv unccespful enrnnmanp by th n ne of thi wonrtprfnl medium, t'ir cnl rn rnd bft tr'n to early pplicnt. T. M. STODOART A CO.. j'Jt'l (MmMntit St.. phPa. CARPETS! CARPETS ! 399 Sixth Avenue, New York. FXTRAORntNAKV BARGAINS! f? Hriia.ela. 1 Hi to 1.2i per yard. f'$1.u.toSl 41) npr varrl. f'ARPKTS All Wool Ina-min". K5o. toialf. per yard. (.'AV. !'TS t'"tton and Wool Inrrraina, 4(lo , rjlo. pur yd. Wliiti, A Kam-v.a-.c. Wlo. porjd. OIL ULOTHS-AU Widtha, from 40o. tn per yard. Orrfrra h Mail .(,,,,;. WTF.I'MKN A. MPKNfEll. Fruit and Jelly Press One-third more Juice than by the old ?irocB(i. A h nu hold necpfldity. Kvpry amily will bnr one. Qnnrt nnd cralloa nifna. LilHrl diocount to the trade. For circular and terms address, with otamp, Americen Fruit Rnd Jelly Presi ompny, uincinnau. unio. Ascntn Wnniril In Kvry Town nml 'oiii uy. Maize Flour Toilet Soap! - Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! Maize Flour Toilet Soap! A great discovery ! a new nnnp compound ! It anothe , rjiIkos, nd whiten? the Kkin. hnt wonderful he;ilinn ami u,erior wnuhinir nropurtipa, and is pqunliy united for tho bath, miraery and Rpntrnl toilet. It ia dfdiKhtfullv pt-r-fnmed and aold evwryuhpre nt a tnoderatp price. Keffit tered in Pntrnt-Offlcp. iKTti, bvthe niannfai'fiirMra, MfK KON K, VAN H AA(KN A (JO., rhiladulphfi . itj r tZff A YPAR. AGKNTS WANTFD si II I on our rnn! rfiitibhinttt.n jJ J I'ruspt ctiiH, rtpreabnting 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted eriarvwhan. The l.lirarpi.t ttilnir evrr trled- S'llua miidn from this whon all airti'ln lto:.ka Al o Ak--nt minted on our JIlliMIK KIT F.ViM 3 l!l I! I. IX. Suniriorto allnlhura. With IllTiilnat.lB llli S tr-ilnd Aids and Stipirrb Rimliiiir. Tlll'-l' I I" I'll t I r VMI. Ktill r.irtionliiia frm.. Alrtros .HlHIS I . I'UTI'KR !0., Piibliahnra, PlIll.ADKI.l'UlA. .YOUR AnnorsS To) Water St INEW-YORK City, -3ILLKARO TABLES. lUit in IUIIs, Cloth, ruofl nd ererythirir rippertainimr U iilltiirds. at Ij.we.-'t Trice. H.iv V inr the lurK"t ti-k r.nd finest ficilities for miir.(M;i;lnr:ng, onlnrH cn b protuijtly tilled ti.f.d ee inddinnd 1'tildes idieap, Thf HiLLiAitn Oc t, in illus trated newHpaper sent free on application. H. W. COIjIjENTER, 738 Broadway, W. Y. 10 0,000 il ) Facts for the People ! For the Farmer, the Merchant, the Hort-nmin, the Stock-rftiMr, the Poultry ket pHr, tho Itee-ltHeper, tbd jjt.mrer. th Fruit liaultmer. the Doctor, the Dairymnr, the HoiiselmlU for every tmnily who wanu U hi. d money. The liooli of tlio IJMli C'riiliiry, FATTS FOlt AU;TS. Male and I'tiniile Ant ouiuiiifr money on it. Pend to nu fit onct ir etr tenim. INCKAM. SMITH A Hl.AtJK, 7 U Wnln n t Street . Philwii ejh n.t Pa. is not entity earned in those limn, but it can be inHiin in three inont hi !y any onn of eithnr sex, in i;ny li;irt of tlin ('omitry wiin i Milling to work ritH;i(iily i.t tt fcinjilo-n eiit thut wo furnish. per wtt.k in vnur own town. Vim n.-! m.t li awny from home ovrr nirht. Yon run ivo yo:ir wlioln tuise to (tie work, or only ymir nrn monn ntii. Wo have Jijf. nts who Hre )n ikiiij i.ver JH'iO p.r day at th- busi rest. All who vng 'jm at oneo cm miike money li-t-t. At the iroent timn money rininot he inatle bo ..nilv mil nipii'ly :it ary ot -r hii inn. It o sts n thine t trv the bnsifi v Terms nM K Ontt fr-e, A-hlreH i.t otict. II HAl.rKT T A V'Oy Pt'lTi:i. iiiis FOR 1C CENTS, acr S etnt ttmp for t.fitF, we will rnd inr one Tcnr, nv nannaiium n-pnc" i'ncr. DEL PRINTER'S GUIDE and uiso our uiiurtily liiutftr.ittt lu) nag luiruciiuu evua nMt liUfu ovut, c lit I lilt How to Print W orvb ten tlmci lh-J rmt tn c err ButiucM Man ud Prinivr. A-t-lreK, J. W. Unn day k Cu..7'iS ChOKtn it Ht.. Fhiln'tfli.lii. 1 I a&frtrA Fii.liht-rii, an.1 Xlmxirrti of the r.-lclirntBd M D D E1TPRINTING PRESS. Wt Oarda aad builnen, tbo best. Nice stylet, froai a)ti.UO up. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. I7 ehoieett household ornament t. trie One Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES It. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. . $1.00 f.op THE POTATO BU8 WITH F.W. Devoe & Co's Paris Green. tor o'ronliirti how to une, nddresH rr itl(rt ninl IJI'lllll S'., NfWork. M ;nifef.v. r ot Vr iittM Lei i.l 'o orm.ViirnMi-vOiU, :n ' Putrtw kpmiy f fsK. .!ffvOTRllF,r. Tt..nRHriwBSia !MF l"."ijN"TIME-KEEPtR, .Vi'p? f " VC-3-- II"1C( pmltn gt.H hi t e ff, 1 -9 1 i V. 9 rime-S. tal tlH ll.tlurUB,lt, I' C." a ek Etaaal ahM M alBMM Ml t I tfc I Hnatntl, ntn h ro I ta rtveipt ef amUf iari (.'., ie Iha.r neeu I r,aa. -t4 . Jt.,t iKi ' Je fct aeemaa. F tJ 4rtr ti Uf 4 ;:, fi erhuli f ej.u aMnal sne hi bf lMiif:i "-'. J"!4 ! roKD, H....rl. P(J... f IJ,.bM. kJie (MO) r ,H, 4 ! Ill IM Tti iViMuetv,W.. UtliiMiMa', Vh IN VINO VERITAS. After nine yenrn exnt-rlence we have docided to eft or our pure Cal.foi'tuii W innti and lirandy to familnj l.y tbo sal loo or untile o ut irreatly reduced tribes. Thtv-i Winns are delicutun for fmnily une, while their tut-, p irity renderis them invnt'itnle for medicmul und mcr tuent-'l pmntM. A trial is ouly ncoitaary to hiiow t U- ir miliori-iritv over adulterated foieign goodt. 44 Cnimi I'riiH'i't." tlj ohoiuebt American oiiauipaue, i uceialty. 8 end for circular and prii-.e list to ( UAMPKltl lS A CO., 4il AHirr.ijr St.. Nw York. FLORENCE. The Only Safe, Odorless and Durable OIL STOVE. T Onlv Centennial r-i VJJ BKBT SBWiXQ UACUIKK, Florence Uachlnt Co., VlASMXC, UaU. BEND FOB CIECULAE8. Agents Wanted, '. TU Cook, wilX Own. N y N u No 88 WHEN WRlTINll aras ll,laaiyDu. a w-ek In mur awn town VJ I CUL L t fi uEr. , $777 h m