The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 07, 1877, Image 3

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    GEO. A. ItATlIBUX,
Muin Street, Itldgwny, Elk Co., Pa.
Att orneys-at-Ltw.
Office in New Brick Building, Mnin St
Ridiway, Elk Co., V vSn'JIf.
Attorneys-nt-Law, Ridgwuy, Elk
County Pa. Office across the hull from
the Dkmochat establishment. Clnlms
for collection promptly attended to
"Jne. 13 '70.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for llio
ilowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
?n. Repairing Watches, etc, dorewidi
ie ame accuracy as heretofore. Bntia
lactlon guarautccd. vlnly
.. O. W. I) A 11, ICY,
tlnio1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Ageot. for the Traveler's Life and Acoi
Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Kigway, offer his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Uidgway ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted
Office in Service ft Wheeler's ItuiMing, up
stairs, first donr to the left. 73-n-.1ii-ly
Druggist and Pannacentisi, S. W. cornel
of Main and Mill streets, tiidgway, I'a.
foil assortment of earelully selected For
eign an J Uininvt ii! Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed ' hmirs, day or
night. vln3v
T. S. 1 1 Ml T LEY M I).,
I'hywieinu m i Siirgi'uii.
Ollice hi LJiK t ore, corner liroad anil
Main Sik. Ii!ideuce cornier limud St.
opposite the Col1 -go. Ollice Ininri Ironi
8 to 10 A. M. an I limn 7 to I'. M.
- vln-Jyl.
. S. JIO lilt WELL, M.
Kcleclic I'liysician and Surgeon, has remov
ed his oltic tram iVinre turret, to Mail st.
Itidgway. I'a,, in ! In; second story of the
new brick building of John . Mall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
O.tiec lioiirs: 1 to 2 1' l 7 lo '.I IA M
W. !!. SCHRAM, Proprietor
Thankful for the. patrouigi liet etofmt
0 liberally bestowed upon him, ihc new
proprietor, hopes, hy paying strict a.
tcntion lo the comfort an I convenience ot
guests, to merit a continuance oi t J
tltl 30 lftti'.l.
" :. C. FA V.
X) -in Walnut Place,
("Hi Walnut SI !(,)
it 41-iy
'. II . II A i .
Dry Goods, Hotline, Grrcc-rice.
and Genoral Variety,
Karlcy i". t.
-I i -1 7 1 1 .
M J .iii.t:t. .u. n w. a ii in : ii i- m. p.
Or. ". 1?. llnrtuiuii, funncrly of St.
Mary's, has ns-m -intcd liim.-oh'willi M.
.1. Earley, M. i, in the piiiciicc of
lilcdi, inc at Ji!;ivay. I'.y dose at
tention to lnii:i'-i-; t'lti-y linpo to re
ceive a liberal .-.hare of the put ronnue
of tin- public. Dr. W. Ii. ilas'tninn
can ho found .-it nil Ii mirs. fit lu-r ut his
rnoiiis. over the' po.-i-oiiiee, or at Dr.
M. J. Ivirley's Drtnr Store. Dr. M. .1.
Earley can' he found at liio residence
of Dr. C. II. Earley, or at his Drue
Store. Surgery, ami dicnse.s of
women tiinl children a speciality.
c. k. ;iii:sh,
Dealer iu all hinds of eal-itiet ware,
wondaud eaiie e.-it eliairs, kilrlii-n ami
cxlenlion tallies, w ooil am! marlili! top
tumls, wood ami niarlile t . . j Inireaus,
xvliat iiotx, looking filas.-ns, wood and
marlile too ehainher .suits, malt resses,
priilfT lied hottoins, lied si rails, rrihs,
Luferty's metal lined wood numjis,
itc, te. Cane seats reilard with
.jerforated wood seats, Veed srwin'
ni'li'tlillA ViXI I If I f'lVIII fl", la. 1 lljl
our In ,nh I m i in f 1 1 j . niiil lilt.-
IV. .....w i.. .,,..1,.,.' I. .. ..
1 al..lll.n ffld.ll lf .'llll.l. .11.1 .1
.rire assorted sloek of ready made
,'olllns constant Iv on hand mid trim-
nird ut Hhortest notiee. All the nliove
iroods lire sold ut ianie miees. Ware
Knoiils in liliisnnii. li'ii liliiui i Mi lir,-;i v
I'a. volH!tr1atir:Vi 7.
dan scitiiiXEit wishes to
inform the citizens of Jtidgway, mid
the jiublio generally, that his has
started a Ljvery Stnhle anil will keep
and RugRies to let ufion the most
reasonable terms.
fcaylle will ulso do job teaming.
Stable on Brond street, above Main
All onlers left at the Post Ollice w ill
roeeive prompt attention.
Attg201871tf .
" erSosof youth.
A GENTLEMAN who euflercd for year
from Nervous Debility, Premature Do
cay, and all the effects of yoiitUI'ul iudUcrc
tion will, for tho sake of Buttering liu.
inanity, send free to nil who need it, the
reeipe and direction for oiakiug the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's ez
perience can do so by addressing iu perfect
4'J Cedar tU., New York.
at POWELL 4 KIME'.S, only tight
en taper. ypH.
O. R Fitch and .Tames Illley, Rnperrlsors
anil ex-olliclo overnrcm of t lit-poor of HIiIk
way towiiMliip, In ;nccount with the aevt-rnl
To amount tnx levied on unseated
propiTtj- 1382 54
To amount tax levied on seated prop-
ertV 10M n
Excess of expenditure,
37S (17
1174 1)1
By amount, expended building and re-
pllirillK nifld Ac 8421 4S
By supervisors service 1870 .. sjb ku
H,30 29
roon fund.
To amount t&x. levied on unseated
property 520 gj
To uiiiount tux levied 011 seated pron-
m erty CM 18
To ninount n-eeived for rent lor houso
on soutli street IS 00
To uiiiount received rrom llorton Tp.... Al Wl
Slii'i 85
By nmount paid for keeping and sup
pi. vim; paupers 0S5 81
By amount paid for keeping and trans-
portinu trumps s 01
By amount paid o. II. Fitch's bill tor
services 21 no
I To o2
lii") 5
Excess of levy of tax
HIllK WALK Ffxn.
Toainount, of tux levied
Itv nmollllt fYlinfiilol l.ullflltm nit.l
JU so
pairini! slilo walk 2S1 (fl
By supervisor O. 11. Fitch's si-rvlees II im
Kxeess of levy of tax
.mi 4:1
12 M
-114 :m
e, the undorsliinrd, auditors of Ridiiwav
township, for 1ST7. Iiavinu met on the second
.Monday of April 1S77, for tho purpose ofsct
tlini the accounts of the several township of
tlcers. do lien hy certify, that in the presuiice
oft). II. Filch and .lames Riley, supervisors
and ex-olllclo oversei'i s of I lie poor of said
township for IsTil, we settled their accounts
with the several funds thereof for INTO, and
that Ihc nhove statement Is the result of said
V jWj'!!ew' our bands this l.'ith day of May,
.! A MKS PENFIEIil). 1 ..,,ro
.1. s. I'iiWEI,!,. Auditors.
Attest, M. S. KI.IXK, Clerk,
assk.ts ax1) mabiutiks of fox
Township for the year exiu.m;
Al'HII, 2X1 1, IN77.
lio.lll KCSI). ASSUTS.
By amount due from Henry Lnrgnv,
l ollector .'... pa 34
By nmount due from 1". W, Hays Col. ;w 74
lly inni'Miit dm; from eounly Trens, (XI 70
By amount due from 1". jri'ieady.
Collector 11 41
amount due from Klk Co., on uc- '
count Joseph WindtWdcr .121 57
Cash InTrcHsurv : n:;
Excess of l.lahiiitics ll.VI t
1.1 vnii.nirs.
oulstanli:iu orders mid luduments
I'iioU U NI), ASSKTf.
amotiut due from J. Hewitt 1 'ol....
amount, due from lenis Toumy,
Overset-r .
amount due from Elk ( o., 11c-
count Joseph Vind:'elili-r
am'l tine from unseated taxes '7'i.
iimounl c.-isli in 'i'rciisury
17 IS
4C1 81
va 11
M 00
:! Hi!
I.I A 111 I, ITU'S.
To amount due Elk Co., for support
of Kate Williams :! i"
To outstanding orders 577 on
To excess of nssels a.t oa
Mini :1
Amount of taxable property in Fox
township tJin,."!!! on
We, the, Audltois of l-'ox
Township, luiviiiif settled and nd.lusieil the ac
counts, of said township liml tin' assets and
lialulilies ol tin1 funds as nlmve si t lol'ltl.
1. A. JORDAN'. Auditors.
Attest. .1. .1. TAYl.i H, Clerk.
Fox, April Hath, ls-,7.
Jones Township in Account Willi funds of
said Township.
To iimomt overdue from county com
missioners l.-'1l (hi
'I'u iimi.uiit n nli d tax li-i icd I, I'd !i-.'
Yn amount cash from county ireas
lo amount cash from Collector '1 heo.
Cook l'!l 00
To amount -ash fii.m l olleclor Valen
tine Miller X !! a
I'y amount of ouistaudini; orders re
deemed .VI i;!i
lly amount paid Supervisor Miller
and lal. nets under him 1,571 2;
lly amount paid supcrvl.-or Bonnci t
and laborers under him y'i -I
By amount paid Ibrlumbcr, etc., used
by Miller ith a
Uy 11111111111I paid for lumla r etc., used
by Bnnncrt id (XI
I'.y amount paid for oiliceis and ii int-
iii'-' mi 1.0
By amount 1 aid tor town treasurer s
commission , ict
By amount taxes iu hands of Collec
tor R. A. ManncM, subject to com
mission and cxoneratiniis :J7i! 's
By amount In hands of treasurer 2 ."7
si, 1st ra
Amount due from ( 'ollcctor M lller for
l7:s m 01
Amount due from Collector 'J'heodore
Cook, s7l-"i -jpj K
Ainounl due Iroin Collector Attleliiu-
irr l7n-! no 2;
Amount due from Treasurer Wind-
fclder 2(i7 22
Amount due from Ticasnn r M'Caulev 2011 on
Amount due trom Colleelor Mannctt'
H77 ,t7ii ss
sl,17ii 22
Amount road orders outstanding 7!W .'10
Excess of ussets over iialiilities .177 (12
91.I7H 22
nKi i:i t'ls .
To ami. mil from Collector Mnnrtt
Toainount from Collector Miller
." (HI
52 0'J
SI 17 00
r.X I'KVIilTrar.s:
By ninount paid Wikux House for
board pi on
By aim. mil paid indigent ind tilind... 12 20
By amount cash in hands of treasurer l!l 7S
By amount commission paid Ireas 2 :)7
By amount outstanding orders re
deemed 72 CtTi
$117 00
By order Board of Auditors.
nl2-n J AS. H. WELLS, clerk.
County Ofiii'crs.
PrcHitli nf Jiule-llon. E. J). Wi tnuire
AsMii-iiiti' J mlgos Hons. tico. Eil.
Wois, and Jnlithi Joni'H.
hcriir Daniel Kriill.
Trensiiri'i' Jueoli McUutiU'v.
)istiii t Aftorniy V. II. M'Ciiuliy.
t'o. Siiin'rinti'iiilent Goo. K. Dixon.
Proth'iiKitary. &c Fivil. Si-hii'iiing.
Ui'inity Prothonotary W. S. Uoi'tun.
Coiiiitiissionc'i'ti Mii'hael Wedi-rt, W.
II, Osterhnut, tieorjri" Koiischi'r.
Cuniiniririioiicrs' Clerk W. s. Ilorlon.
Auilitors W. II. Hyde, It. I. Hiiang
lor, Unorge Bothrouk.
Toviislii Oniicrs.
Jiulgo of Election Will Diekiiir.011.
Insieftors Junu'8 Ponficlii, 1'. 11.
Justices of the Pcuce Chtuk'8 Meuil,
Jas. D. Fullerton.
School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas.
Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. t'nni
mings, V. 8. Service, Eng. J. Miller.
Kujiervisors O. Ii. Fitch, Jas. Itiley.
Tmisurer-W. II. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Assistant Assessors Oeo. Dickinson,
John Wulnisley.
Auditors J. II. Hagcrty, James Pen
field, J. S. Powell.
Clerk-M. S. Kline.
C'onstahle I. XV, Morgesler.
KIME'. are high to be sure; but fetill
are u little cheaper than at any other
H'ore in town.
611 JUltwak
The Mistletoe Btmgli.
The mistletoe Iiuiik In the castle hall
The holly branch shone on the old oak walls
And the hiiroirn ret itinera wnreldlth and gay,
And keeping their Christ ma holiday.
The baron beheld with n father'n pride
Hln bountiful child, voiinit lovcll's bride;
While ahe with her brluht eyes seemed to be
Tuo Btr of the goodly company,
"I'm weary of danelnn now," she cried;
"Here tarry a moment I'll hide, I'll hide!
And, Loveil, be sure thou'rt lirst to trace
The clew to my secret lurkiliir-place."
Away she ran, and her friends, becan
Each tower to search, and each nook to scan;
And younK Lovell cried, "U, whero dost thou
I'm lonesome without thoe, my own dear
They sought her that night! and they sought
her next day!
And they sought her in vain when a week
passed away!
In the hliiliest, the lowest, the loneliest spot
Younif Lovell sought wildly, but found her
And years flew by. and their irrlef at last
Was told as a sorrowful tale long past:
And when Lovell appeared, the children
"See! the old man weeps for his fairy bride."
At I earth an oak chest that hndlnnglnln hid,
Was fount! In the castle, they raised the lid,
And a skeleton form lay mouldering there
III the bridal wreath ol that lady fair!
O, sad was her fate! In sportive Jest
She hid from her lord in the old oak chest.
Baldwin's gallery will he closed, af
ter iheliOih or June, uniill fall.
Wi'. publish the court proceedings
this week.
The rains 011 Monday anil Tuesday
were very beneficial to the growing
D. W. Baldwin will remain in this
place until the -Oih of June, after
which date his gallery will be closed
until fall. (Jo now 11 ml get your pic
tures at once while it is yet lime.
Services in Lutheran Church next
Sunday at the usual hours iu English
and (termaii. Funeral Services in the
morning on the death of Samuel
Steiner's children, by ltev. I Brene
uian. The forest fires in Michigan arc still
raging, and have already entailed
great damage and threatened much
more. The whole country seems to
lie suilering from a general drouth,
anil the flattering crop prospect of a
month ago may yet be dissipated.
The Thin a' Borne dispatch says. It
is stated that a large portion of the
i()il,()(H) which the I'ope has already
received from pilgrims has been re
mitted to London and deposited to
provide against the needs of the Holy
See while the P011tilic.1l throne is
vacant and for the first rciuircments
of Pius' successor.
The diftlctilty between Mexican
authorities and United States Consul
Slitter at Acapiilcf), has been satisfac
torily settled. Mr. Sutter was ac
quitcd of I ho charge of shooting and
wounding a drunken fellow who had
assaulted him iu the Consulate on the
ground that the act was iu self-defense
and justifiable. The department lias
also riiiived information that the
Omaha was at Giiy.(iuil on the l-'dli
of May.
The debt statement shows a reduc
tion of the debt for May of Sli.'-'M ,lf74,
"!. The reduction from July 1, lsTii,
to date istfiiil.iMi.niiL'.fii' ; currency bal
ance, !?4, ."il ",.- lo 17 special fund for the
redemption of fractional currency
'i.TtiJjT'-l ; special deposit of legal
tenders for redemption of certificates
of deposit Kyiin.iiuii; coin balance,
if luK,l;i7.iiS';i, ;!", including coin certifi
cates, s4',407,.j(HI outstanding legal
tenders, flli'i, i,r.Si.
With the Milliard Hunting circus
is Mr. Alex Greenwood, the only one
legged bare-back rider in the world.
Mr. (ireenwood lost his leg at the bat
tle of Vickshurg and since then has
devoted his time to learning the most
diliictilt feats of equestrianism until
now he is excelled by few bareback
riders who pessess both limbs. Cor
delia and Victorelli are gymnasts of
rare merit who have played with suc
cess in all the large variety theatres of
the country. Their horizontal bar act
is said to be unequalcd Edinbury
New York, May 31. The funeral of
the late Fletcher Harper took place
this morning in St. Paul's M. E.
Church. The edifice was filled with
members of the book trade, employees
of the firm, friends and relations of
the deceased and members of the
family. The Moral tributes were rare
and costly. Informal services were
held first at the house in Wes't
Twenty-second street. The pall-bearers
were Thurlow Weed, Eugene
Lawrence, George W.Curtis, Henry
Dialer, William 11, Appleton, D. F.
Randolph, Augustin Smith, It. M.
Hoe, Jacob Sleeper, Lemuel Bangs,
Charles Parsons, and P B. DuCludllu.
The remains were interred iu Green
wood Cemetery.
Wilcox Notes,
Refreshing showers.
Well No 3 is full. Two sets of tools
and huiul pump in it.
That back-action double extension
gate of Jefl's is just tho thing. Pat
ent applied for.
And now we are tohuve a circus,
and people that are two iioor to buy
potatoes to eat, will find some way to
raise money enough to get into the
Dry O, how dry, t-ays ('Egypt" and
yet it is evident he had taken some
thing just before looking at that colt,
Stark says he don't want any more
boys' jobs.
Esqr. A Id rich must have been iu a
tight for he has had his whiskers
chewed oil".
"Egypt" saya "Pete" was fooling
arround Jell'. Brown's place und got
wet. Jes bo. Jell', keepa the right
kind of fctiirt' to wet a man with.
That don't say anythiug about ginger
ale does it? PETE-
Court Proceeding.
May term 1877.
W. B- Weed who had been ap
pointed reporter of the several courts
of Elk County was sworn in.
Tho following licenses were granted
John Daily, Beiiezette, eating house;
George Helmut, St. Mary's borough,
eating house; John Kroll, St Mary's
borough, eating house; Joseph Koch,
Fox township, tavern ; Frank Poll
man Rldgway, tavern ; J. M. Mecum,
St. Mary's borough, tavern.
A. J. Rummer, Jay township,
tavern, was refused license.
John Koch vs Joseph Wlnilfehler.
Rule to show cause why the Sheriif
should not pay $400 of money made
on II fa into court.
J. K. P. Hallvs David Klines and
Mary Kunes, Ejectment and judge
ment for plaintiff for land described in
writ. Rule to show cause granted
why judgment should not be opened.
1. W. Hayes vs. Elias Moyer. Pro
ceedings stayed.
Jackson H. Schullz vs. II. W. May;
arn'ucd and continued.
Jeremiah Elliott vs Isaac Bowman;
assumpsit Verdict for plaiutilt' in
the sum of thirty-two bin id red dollars.
Sarah V. Wilcox, widow of Clark
Wilcox, deceased, vs. Jesse Piatt and
John Piatt. Ejectment for 40 acres
land in llorton township Elk County.
Verdict for the plaintiff.
John Koch vs. Henry M'Crcaily.
Administrator of Hugh M'Creuily,
deceased. Continued.
D B. Winsiow, et al. vs. The
Betietts Branch Impf Co. Trespass on
the ease, damages sf2U0J. Continued.
Jacob H. Walter, trustee et al. vs.
Thomas L. Kane and Ida Anderson
Ejectment for warrant 4112 in Jones
township. Continued.
Geo. A. Rathbuu vs. C. It. Earley.
Case upon promises, damages GUu.
Verdict for the defendant.
Barbarba Eckle, widow itx1., of Ber
nard Eckle deceased vs. Edward Babel.
A. L. Short et al. vs. Ralph John
son tidmr. of Cornelius Wainwright
deceased. Continued.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvit
nio at the suggestive of F. H. Keller,
vs. Daniel Scull, et al. Debt upon
official bond in $'0U0 Petition by
plaintiffs counsel for change of venue.
Rule to show cause granted.
The Meridan Cutlery company vs.
W. S. Service and Wm. H. Schrani
late doing business under the firm
name ot W. S. Services & Co. Case
upon promises, damages $230. Rule
on W. II. Schrani to pay
The Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, vs. Casper Wilhelm. Commit
ment of defendant to county jail by
Justice Brandon for rape. The jury
found the defendant guilty in the
manner and form as hestands indicted
Messrs. Hall it Ames plainlilf's attor
ney move to ipiash the array of jurors
upon the gro und that by a standing
rule of court the number of Oyer and
Terminer jurors drawn and sum
moned should be fifty but in this case
oiiy forty-eight jurors were drawn
and summoned. Motion directed to
be tiled and overruled. Also motion
to quash indictment for the following
leasons; there was no information
filed of record upon which to base the
indictment; second, there is nothing
upon the indictment to show that wit
nesses if any were sworn before the
grand jury ; third, the defendant was
committed to jail by the Justice of the
Peace without a hearing and no effort
t ) prove by the said justice that no op
portUjUity was given to defendant to
have u hcaring.and motion directed to
be filed. Defendant arraigned and
sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars
to the Commonwealth and costs of
prosecution and undergo un Imprison
ment by separate and solitary con Hue
ment at labor in the Western Peni
tentiary in the county of Allegheny
for tho period of two years to be com
puted from this date and stand com
mitted, l'C.
Commonwealth vs. Wallace S.
Tomkius. False pretense und forgery.
Deft, found not guilty und county to
pay the costs. Deft, discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Hartmau
ami William Mulone (Lewis Rhines,
Wilson Greenwult and Barney Fan
nin discharged.) Larceny. Wm.
Hartmau, Win. Malone and Wilson
Greenwult were guilty in manner and
form as indicted. "1 n the trial of this
case the evidence having shown that
William Malone will be eleven years
of age in August next, and Wilson
Greenwult, Will be thirteen years of
age on the 27th day of September next,
and that William Hartman is about
sixteen years of age, and in the Judg
ment of the court of Quarter Session
it would be injurious to said defend
ants and prejudicial to their morals to
sentence litem to the penitentiary, or
jail for the crimes of which they have
been convicted. Therefore, they are
committed to tho House of Refuge of
Western Pennsylvania in tho county
of Allegheny to be dealt with accord
ing to law. June U, 1877. By the
Commonwealth vs. Morgan Lane.
Assault und Battery. Defendant
pleads guilty and sentenced to puy a
fine of $10 and cost of prosecution, and
remain in the custody of the Sheriff
until sentence Is complied with.
Commonwealth vs' Dennis Sullivan.
Assault and Battery with intent to
kill. Deft, found guilty in manner
and form us he stands indicted.
Com. vs. John Nolan. Assault and
Battery with intent to commit rape!
Not a true bill the prosecutor Mrs. M.
E. Puis to pay the cost.
Com vs. J. H. English. Desertion
oflamily. Forfeited und respited to
next term. 1
Ii. Bon ham. Assault
Deft, guilty and sen
tenced to pay a lino of five dollars and
Com. vs. Michael Culluni. Assault
and Batter to kill. Deft, not guilty of
felony but guilty of a lnisdeamcanor
In unfawfully cutting, stabbing ami
wounding. Sentenced to pay a fine
of f 10 and costs and undergo an im
prisonment by separate and solitary
confinement at labor in the Western
Penitentiary for the perion of one
Com. vs. Benjamin Stewart. As
sault and Battery. Deft, guilty and
sentenced to puy a fine of 23 and
Coin. vs. John Salter et al. Culling
trees- contrary to law. Nolle pros,
entered upon payment of costs.
Com. vs. A. J. Avery. Fornication
and bastardy. A true bill.
Com. vs. M. J. Earley. Affray and
threats to kill. Deft, not guilty, but
to pay one half t he costs and prosecu
tor John Loechinger to pay one-half
the costs. Costs amount to $83,84.
Com. vs. Frank Pollman. Selling
liquor to minors and on Sunday.
Deft, not guilty but to pay one-third
the costs and prosecutor Benjamin
Stewart to pay wo-tliirds the costs.
Deft, arraigned and sentenced accord
ingly. Com. vs. Dennis Sullivan. Malici
ous mischief. Deft, guilty and sen
tenced to pay a fine of $10 and costs,
and undergo an Imprisonment in the
Western Penitentary for the period of
one year and ten days.
Pete Conver o f the Forest J'rcss told
Mr. Hackett the advance agent of Hil
liardaud Hunting's (ireat 1'ueific Cir
cus, to tell the editor of the Elk Demo
crat, that he could not say tooniuch
in favor of the great show. Of course
this story isut'er straight one and o
course Uncle Peie of the 1'rcmt knows
Why sull'er with a pain in the back
when there is a remedy'.' The Ba
rosma, or Back ache, Liver and Kid
ney Cure never fails to relieve intlam
mation or soreness in the lumbar
region, caused by a strain, cold, or
female weakness, us hundreds testify
every dny. We do not recommend it
for all diseases ; only the above us it
ucts,dircctiy on the liver and kidneys.
Prepared and sold by E. K. Thomp
son, (twenty-three years in the drug
business.) Titusville, Pu.
Price S1.U0 per bottle.
The Hillard and Hunting circus
which exhibits hereon the Kith is tho
only exhibition traveling that has a
legitimate claim to tho title of circus.
This establishment is a circus only, the
proprietors clam nothing more, noth
ing less. Relying upon the attractive
qualities of the arenic talent engaged,
nicy attempt to make no outside dis
play ; they adopt no high sounding
title as their nomenclature, they do
not posesstind therefore do not adver
tise cages of animals with jaw break
ing names but they do claim to
have a circus and the best on the
Slii'rinan'.s Reforms.
From tliel'lillu. Times Washington Corres
pondent. Washington, May SI.
At last the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing appears to have gotten
down to the bottom figure iu tho
number of its employees. This week
tho force was reduced by sixty-discharges,
und now everybody has
something to occupy his or her time,
which probably could not have been
truthfully said of any department of
the public service during the last ud
adminlstration. Idle clerks in ollice
no longer ornament tho establish
ment; several of those expensive
figure-heads, superintendents of divis
ions, have disappeared, und all assis
tant and sub-assistant superintendents
have been discharged or promoted to
tho place of their former superiors.
When the requisition for this bureau
for next month was sent down, it was
brought back by the astonished offi
cial who had been aecustomed to audit
it, with tho, remark, "I see you have
drawn for $30,000, probably intending
to send iu another requisition latter
in the month. It would be better to
draw for the 70,000 or $80,000 at
once." He could scarely believe he
heard aright, when informed that lei-a
than one half of the usual amount
would be required. This saving of
upwards of $ 30,000 per month is a ease
of real economy and practical reform
that must be appreciated by even the
mo6t skeptieul opponents of the present
administration und reflects credit
upon Secretary Sherman and Messrs
McPhcrson and Irish, who are directly
responsible for it. Democrats who
boast of the economy of the last House
of Representniives intiy wonder why
they never thought of inquriring into
this mine of economy, and, like Mr.
Holman in a recent letter to a gentle
man in this city, will tear their hair
and rend their gameuts when they
come to the Capitol next winter und
find tho Republicans have robbed
them of tho credit of saving the half
millions dollars per annum. It is
true, however that the House did
make u faint elfort at one time to re
trench expenses In this bureau, which
was defeated by the Senate. The re
duction in the working force in the
Engraving and Printing Bureau does
not lessen its producing capacity, so
there need be no delay in furnishing
banks with the currency they may
The Great Pacific Circus will give
two exhibitions iu this place on
Saturday 10th day of June. Of course
every body will go, that can ufl'ord it,
und some that evnuot ufibrd to, and of
course everybody should, us it is only
once in a lifetime that we see a gen
uine, first class circus in this "neck of
woods." "All work and no play
makes jack a dull boy." is a motto wise
und good, then take your children und
go yourselves! and no mutter if it does
cost u few cents, remember it wtil
make no difference a hu mired years
deuce; then go to the show on featur-
uiiy, loth ot June.
Com. vs. J.
and Battery.
There wns considerable talk on the
streets Saturday last, concerning the
supply of water for the village. By
the deed of John J. Rldgway to
Timothy Ives and others, published
some time ago, J. J. Rldgway con
veyed all the wuter beyond what was
needed for tho county buildings in
trust for the citizens of the village he
had laid out.
In the deed form Rldgway to Al
bert Willis recorded in deed book II
page 175 the water from the large
spring is reserved with the right of
relaying and repairing the pipe und
the deed to the Commissioners was re
corded before the one to Willis, the
Commissioners had received it and
laid a pipe and are trustees ot nn ex
press trust.
Rldgway is entirely without facili
ties for extinguishing fires, yet with
an ample supply of wuter. for this pur
pose. If a six inch nuiiu was laid from the
spring to Muin street the reduction ol
insurance onthe block from Broad
street to Mill street would more than
pay interest on the investment. The
outlay of the county, at the most,
would be the cost of pipe and laying
from the spring to the corner of the
public square.
It is for the interest of every one
owning property in thevillage that
the wuter should be saved and applied
to the use contemplated in tho deed.
Wluit is everysbody's business is usu
ally nobody's business and wo fear
that it will only be after our town lias
been visited by a devastating fire dur
ing which the people must look idly
on the destruction of their property.
that any steps will be taken towards
saving und utilizing this wuter which
blesses Ridgwuy above most other
Dear Sir: Being a reader of
your paper for very many years, and
knowing as 1 do that locals are some
times very scarce 1 ventured to write
you concerning my trip from Erie to
Emporium, and present in my own
stylo what took place in a Jittle town
on the line of the P. & E. R. It. Hav
ing had occasion to stop oil" at Shef
field about fourteen miles east of War
ren, a town in which there is a large
tannery doing a thriving business. I
learned that a daring but unsuccessful
attempt at burglary was perpetrated
at the residence of its most prominent
citizen sometime during the latter
part of March. Tho facts of the case
as far as I can learn are about us fol
lows. The owner of tho property
having occasion to use a ladder for the
purpose of making some necessary re
pairs to the building, left the ladder
standing against the building to use it
if further needed. Tho would be
ljurglars hud u line opportunity af
forded them for entering in ut tho
upper window. They were two iu
number. They ascended carefully
and without any apparent difficulty,
and with a helping hand, inside,
affected an entrance, (part of the
household having sleeping apartifients
below) und the way being clear they
commenced their work of pillage.
Whether money, or or something
else was their object I can't tell, but
the supposition was among the very
many scientific men of that town that
the something else was what they
were trying to obtain. Tho owner
(innoccntasuchild unborn) hearing u
slight noise overhead thought nothing
of it; the hired girl had spells of sick
ness, and lie thought, perhaps, it was
her who occasioned it, and went to
sleep us usual, but in tho morning
upon inquiry found it not tho case.
Host and hostess repaired at once to
the scene of action. Host iiiijjos
(titimi exclaimed as lie entered,
whals up'.' Hostess exclaimed Ouy
lurs liurylartt. Search ut once being
instituted, nothing of value was found
to be taken. Tne bed looked its
though the thieves had got wearied
out ami taken refuge for the night.
The parties are known to us but we are
not desirous of describing such tran
sactions. The wee sina' liours-of the
Sabbath morning dawned upon us ;
the sun rose in all its glorious, splen
dor und shed its bright und refulgent
rays over ull, save the occupants ol
that household. Having had occas
sion to remain over till the following
Monday matters rested when one of
the parlies was insidiously seen wend
ing nis way to take au curly train,
tearfully scared, with dejected and
downcast looks nearly forgetting in
his fiight to appropriate, whut right
fully belonged to liim, his hut, boots
und trunk. But his comrade in crime
und without the leur of (iod in his
heart, and witli part of the constitu
tion in his mind a very little of
which lie obeys which bays equal
and exact justice lo all stood his
ground arms and munitions of war
came into rcqusitiou but thread und
needle won the prize und is still rov
ing about us usual. "0.uund on voit
hi chose, on la croit." Whut we see,
we know for ourselves Leaving my
friends to settle their mutters among
themselves us best they could I lelt
for Ridgwuy und spent u very pleas
unt und social time with my old
friends Dr. Stewart und Harry Pow
ers. The Doctor has aline residence
uud is doing u thriving und successful
business in his profession whilst
Harry is Vice President of the Oil
Company and becoming us rich as
time can make him. These gentle
men will accept my thanks
lor the spleudcd mess of trout
I received from them May their
shadows never grow less. 1 left for
home with many well wishes for the
friends I left behind on iny trip from
Erie to Emporium. When I pass that
way 1 shall pay you a visit remember
ing that "birds of u feather fiock to
gether." ' . READER.
The circus is coming! Whut circus?
Why the Hillard und Hunting's great
Pacific Circus which is one of tho best
circliscB trnvidiiiir Tho Im-oro l,;n
- iugv villa V 1 1
the boards on the opposite side of the
street illnstvitrs lioitoe tlimi u-n ......
write, the wonder and beautites of
circus. This establishment is a circus
only ana not a menagerie and circus
CO! 11 hi tllll mill llillu loml.lii,. .1...
munagerstogive the circus all their at
tention, and make it u show worth
seeing. Next week Saturday is the
day June 10.
A Citizen of Forest County Blown to
Atoms hy n Torpedo.
I from the Forest ltenuhlleRn 3oth nil.)
Peal In front uitio-glyccrine liavo gem-rally
occurred to strangers and at distances
from Forest Co., wliloh bas had a tcnilcucy
lo lessen the horror always felt,wlicn u
friend or acquaintance inecta with a violent
deeili. fiat now wo arc called upon to
clironiolo the death, rroni this explosion, of
a lifo-lotjg citizen of Forest Co., Mr. John
Allison, of ast Hickory, who lost his lifu
last Sunday, near ticrnhgrass.
The deceased was running a light raft
of bill-Bluff don tho river for Mr. Collins ;
part of tho ruft was to lie delivered hi
Scrubgrass, and the raft was tied up about
a mile above that place on Saturday evcu
ing, to lay there until Monday, as the bill
could not bo delivered and receipted for
until that time. On Sunday morning,
Allison and a young companion called Km.
Withered, took a walk down the bench te
the monument, about one-fourth of a milo
above tScrubgrass, which wus crrcclod to
the incniory of two men who were killed
there by a nitro-glyccrine explosion a few
years ago. Near the monument Allison
and Willieicll found some old torpedoes,
some of them being cast, uud others raudo
of tin. Allison picked up I lie largest one,
and told Wilhcrcll thai he was "going lo
see what it was made of," at the sanio
pulling out his knife. Wilhcrcll begged
him not to meddle Willi tho torpedo uud
called his allcnlion lo tho great danger of
exploding it. Allison replied that ho un
derstood who! he was about, and com
menced picking at it wilh his knifo while.
Witlierell walked away a distauce of
feet, as afterwards measured. Directly af
ter he sat down the explosion occurred,
blowing Allison to atoms, and knocking
Withcrvll over and rendering him senseless,
the blood gushing out of his nose and cars.
He also received a blight scratch on the
neck and one uf his hands was somewhat
bruised. 11c thinks he recovered his
senses quickly, and immediately started
for the raft lo inform his comrades of the
fate of Allison. Un their return they met
persons from Scrubgrass who had been at
tracted by the explosion. Poor Allison's
liody was so scattered nud mangled that tho
largest single piece of him found was that
part of one leg between tho kueo and hip
joints. His remains were gathered up uud
buried on the tpol.
Mr. Allison was about 21 years' of age,
and leaves a wife and !) children to mourn
his untimely dcuth. His father, F. H.
Allison, is iu I he Black Hills, having
started there a few weeks since.
Francis illurpliy's Terms.
The New York Sun sent a reporter to iu.
tcrviow Francis Murphcy about the 200
per lecture letters which have received pub
lication in this vicinity :
Mr. Murphy, the reporter said, 'there
is a feeling lhat. you are making money.
Will you say whether you uro or not."
' 1 am not worth a dollar in the world."
I am really a pauper, and that 'is a hard
thing to bo. I have six children ; two I
am euueuting at college, one is with niu as
my private secretaiy, oue wita me because
he has nowhere elso to be, oue married
daughter, and a soa iu Pittsburgh. No.v
these little ones are absolutely dependent
on me for support. Seven years ago I
owelST.UUO. 't hat I have paid off all hut
JpjUU. My wife died in 170. Now every
where that I have becu 1 have relied cu-
tiiely upon voluntary contributions for my
support and my children's. It is hard to
be depcudeut ou reul charily but 1 am
human, and have wants. A few days ago 1
weut to Jilmira by request and delivered a
lecture ou temperance. For this I received
$2(.IU, and 1 ueeded the money badly. Then
I wsb urged to go to Titusville. I wrote
them tho letter that was printed iu the Bun.
I have also accepted some twenty other en
gagements to lecture at th it price. Then I
saw the Sun's article, and the Sun was
right in its reasoning, I had felt that I
was making a mistake, ouo that would
make the view the Sun took a just
one. People would say, '-Of course hu
preaches temperance when he can make
2U0 a night by it." I had felt that I
ought nottti do it, but 1 was persuaded
against my better judgment, and I cannot
blame the Sun for expressing what must
have been the views of thousands. I am
glad it did it, for it couviuced mo that my
apprehensions were right in the first place,
and 1 immediately cancelled every ono of
my engagements. At the same time 1
dou't think it is generally understood that
this lecture was outside of my regular
work. It is a specially prepared lecture
Heating of temperance us a social and
economic question wholly. It has nothing
to do wilh my work, that of urging on men
he duty and beuctit ot abstinence. The
only wrong about it is that it gives color to
the charge lhat I am making money oue of
my principles and that, of course, must, un
less checked, hurt uiy work. Yes, the Sua
took lue natural view of it ; and no oue can
Bay alter this lhat I get anything except
that which will pay my own and iny
childreuls expenses."
Churiestou, S. C. May al. The ar
gument In the Ellcnton conspiracy
case, in the United fc-tutes Court before
Chief Justice Wuite, wus closed to
night, and at the opening of the court
to-mcrrow after a charge from the
Presiding Judge, the ease will be given
lo the jury. The accused -are eleven
white citizens of Aiken county, who
are charged, under the enforcement
act, with a conspiracy to interfere
wiih the political rights of David
Hush, colored. Home 50 or 1300 whites
from the same county have been ar
rested and held to bail on similar
charges, but only these eleven have
been brought to trial us a test. The
charge of Chief Justice Wait to-morrow
is looked for with great interest.
The jury is composed of six white
and six colored men, with George W.
Williams, tho wealthy Charleston
banker, as foreman. The general ex
pectation is that they will be unable to
ogive upon a verdict.
Bauirduy June Kiih, ihe- Urea1
Pacific Circus will give an exhibition
ut ihis place.