The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 31, 1877, Image 4

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Tlie rolWmm With the F41lvr Collar, aaa
How He t'nniiht a Bui-alar
" Yes, the breaking np of the old
Mixth I'rccinct station house did come
JUTtty lmrd on some of the 'men who
had been there for yearn, and had kindo'
Kt usod to the place, you fcuow," snid
mi old policeman to a Kew York World
reporter, "bnt none of 'cm took it so
much to heart as Banjo."
" Banjo I" exclaimed the visitor ;
" what a curious name for an ofliocr."
" Well, as to the name, it is a little
curious, ain't it ? But as to Banjo's
boiii' an ofliccr, you see he ain't just on
the reg'lar force, although we call
hiin a BerKcaut, still it would be sayin'
a leotlo too much to say he was a police
inau." "Audit he is not a policeman, pray
what is he?"
" lie's a dog, sir."
"A dog!"
" Yes, sir, aud he's beeu on the force
luor'n a dozen year. He used to be down
nt the Sixth, you know, and when that
precmct was abolinhed and part of the
men sent to the Fourth and part to the
Fourteenth, I toll you there was a row
as to where Banjo should go. But Banjo
lecided not to go anywhere. Some of
the men said that ho didn't want to
offend any of his old friends by goin'
with either party, but I don't believo
that; I think it win love for the old
place. Anyhow, there on the steps of
the Sixth, Banjo stayed, nnd nothin'
could get him away. I used to go by
there every even in' on my way to the
Fourteenth, and I was sure to see him
lyin m the steps of the station house.
He always appeared ghul to see me, and
would walk up town with mo us fur as
Canal street, and then he would turn
'round and be oil' like a sh t. This thing
went on for nearly a month, and Banjo
began to look sad and down-hearted like,
nnd I couldn't stand it no longer, so one
evening I coaxed him up to me, aud
takiu' him into my arms I brought him
howlin', sir, and mad as blazes when
he saw he was above Canal street up
here to the Fourteenth. 'When I put
him down inside the door, he looked
around a minute and then walked into
the guard-room and made himself to
home, and he's staid here ever since.
Would you like ti see Banjo ?"
" I should, indeed."
"H.'re, ilanjo; hero, Banjo Sergeant
Banjo !" called the old policeman.
A small roly-poly of a dog, with
black and whitd spots, and with a
lazy swagger in his walk, stepped into
the room.
" Now, Toby," said tho policeman, se
verely, " who asked you to come in ?
That's not Bmij ," explained the officer;
" ho must 1)0 ori' on patrol duty. That's
Captain Toby. Wo calls 'im Captain,
you know. He's lazy and fat, and stays
around the station house most of the
time. But Banjo is a great fellow for
patrolling. Shall I tell you a story how
Banjo caught a b:tr.;lar? was
one dark, rainy night two no, three
years ago come Jane, when I was out on
my beat, and Banjo was trudging along
beside inc. Suddenly 15mjo stopped
before n store ami growled. I kuowed
something must bo up, or he wouldn't
have acted so.aud I crept up and peeked
through the shutters. There was a
feller u-eruckiu' the crib as cool as a cu
cumber." " ' Ah ! my boy, I've got you,' says I,
ns I slipped in through the door, which
ho had lett unfastened; but I had crowed
before I was out of Hie woods, for the
chap heard nie eomin', and quid; as
lightning his lantern was out, and I felt
a blow on my head I hat knocked me
nearly 'sr i-ible, aud the fellow rushed
past me into the street. 'Good-bye,'
pay., f to myself, 1 1 don't expect you'll
wait for ni.i to come out and catch you;'
but here again I was mistaken, for the
feller win waitin' for me, though much
against his will. Banjo had quietly
taken a grip in the slack of the gentle
man's trousers, and then seated himself
on the curbstone. It wnm't no use for
the feller to sweur and kick; Banjo held
on like grim death until I come up and
relieved him.
" It's nearly time Banjo coine in from
his rounds. Oh ! here ho is. How are
yon, sergeant? He ain't really a ser
geant, you know," whispered the officer,
" but it kind of ilatters him to cull him
Banjo wagged his slump of a tail at
the officer, and walked gravely over
to inspect the visitor. lie gave him a
cold, scrutinizing glance out of a pair of j
clear, brown eyes, aud apparently took a j
few mental notes for future reference; j
then he went over to the officer for a few
minutes' conversation.
Banjo is not a large dog; he is of a j
square aud rugged build, covered with i
u rough brown coat of hair slightly j
tinged with gray for he is growing to j
be qnito a veteran ho hat no ears or i
tail to speak of, and has a shrewd, in
qninitlve, but strictly honeot air. He
wore a now hilvcr collnr, nuil secmeil a
little vain of this oruament.
" That collar," said the officer, " was !
bought tor him yetiterilny, when wo pot i
u liceuse for him. This is tho first day.
he 1ms worn it. Weil, fan jo, I suppose i
you want to turn iu it' you would only
take n pipe, my boy, it would rest you I
ever so much but we never could learn
liim to smoke. "
Uanjo nodded, and walked sedately off
to bed.
A lU'sisar With a Hank Account.
" This is Antonio Sulvatore, an' he is
a bepfsur," said OlHeer Chiardi to Jus
tice Wandell in the Jeil'ersou Market
jiolico court, New York. Antonio had
only one arm, aud was a lad about ten
yenrs of age. As the boy stood iu the
prisoner's dock tho officer produced in
evidence a tin pluto bearing the following
inscription: "Ladies and gentlemen,
on the third of July, 1872, at ten p. m.,
ns I was coming from l'hiladelpliia on
the railroad cars, I had the misfortune to
lose my arm. T pray pity to bestow on
me your charity." " He had that hung
from his neck," said the oilioer. " When
I arrested him I asked him why he didn't
sail papers. I make more money beg
ging,' said he, and I believe him, for he
has a bank account. "
" How much money have you in the
bank, Antonio ?" asked the court.
" About 3100," answered Antonio.
"In what bank?"
"The Lleecker street bank."
"Indeed!" said his honor. "You
are quite a capitalist,
The prisoner shrugged his shoulders,
it said nothiutr
but Baid uothiuc'.
"Have you over been to school?"
asked the court.
" I go to night school," answered the
"How many are four times five ?"
" Twenty, sir."
" (ionect ! How many are five times
" Twenty-five."
" ( to foot," said the court. " I'll try
you iu geography. What's an island I"
"A place where people are locked
up," said Antonio. -
Correct 1" said Lis honor, as he
w'gued the commitment New York
War with Ilnsula Sfcftl nnd llr-rnlsm of
Srlinmyl Town of Knltnrn Knleh ( linr
nrtrr of Hie People.
Sukura Kalch is a fortified seaport iu
Circassin, on the north nstcru coast of
the Black sea, and about 100 miles from
Batonm. It was once a place of some
importance, and is snpposed to bo the
historic Sebast pol.s. It ws captnrtd
by the Russians in 1791, aud its deca
dence Las date 1 from that time. The
region about is sparsely settled, the
whole province probably not containing
more than about 100,000 souls. Becetit
dispatches reported that a violent com
bat had taken place tin re, the Russians
being driven ont. Ten tin nsand natives
joined the Turks, while the town was
set on lire by them, and the forlitlcat ions
seized. " All the surrounding coun
try," Bays a dispatch, " is ris ug iu sup
port of the Turks." Further reports of
Ru-sian iv pulses have also beeu received.
Eight thousand troops.l, 500 Circassians,
50,000 rides and swio mountain batter
ies have been dispatched to that country
from U. n tantinoplo to aid in n'i n.ntir-;
rcction in tie mountains of the Caucus- j
us. Iu the meantime it is reported that .
the second son of Se'i.amyl, who lives nt '
St. Petersburg as an officer of the impe
rial guard, ho . been sent to tho Circas
sian country to take part m appeasing
the re! el ion which hasbrekeu out iherc.
It is also curiously stated that Sehnmyl's
eldest son has been tent out .by th)
Tints to e.iinmand the ('ircassiaus. It
will therefore be rt matter of interest to
le.iru of the remarkable career of 1
Schainyl ami of the tribes whose chief
tain he was for twenty years.
The people of the Caucais have long
been known as n warlike, adventurous ,
and semi-barbarous nice. This region
is uhijut 700 li.iles long, an 1 varies in
width from sixty to 120 inih s. No other
coui.try mi th j f lobe contains so many
different nations or tribes. Iu Strabo's
lin.e seventy dialects were sp.-kcu. At
present thero nro'more limn 100 Per
sian, Turkish Finis : aud Teutonic words
being auio.ig t'toso that are found. T'iie
prevail; g religion is the Mohammedan,
but Christians are numbered a moiig them.
For n century and a l.alf they were plit
up into an iniinite number of clans
or petty tribes, when the oggrcssion of
Peter tho Great incensed them into or
ganization, and in 1785 the encroach
ments of tho Russians had become so
preat tint the war cry v. as i.oitndej, and
it has seldom been silenced tiuce 'lhe
Russian-' have, on the other hand, been
great y incensed nt tie barbarism sh jwn
to.vard the Chris inns of Georgia. In
1701 .the Circus ian lead.r was made a
prisoner nnd put to War follow
ed more bitt -r and desperate tha i ever.
One f their chieftains, thirty i r. f- rty
years ago, after years of hard fighting
against the Bus iuiis, fell at llimri, with i
all his friends except one dead around
him. Tiiis young Mirvivor was Sehamyl.
He thirty-seven years i f age, said to
have been a silent and earnest ninu,
learned beyond his people, aud believ
ing himself inspired from AVah. Th y
afterward called him "Tl.e Prophet
Warrior of the C tueasus."
His survival of the great conflict nt
Hiniri had so much of mystery iu it f. r
his people that he in regarded by them
with reverence, and Lot Jong afterward
he win again the sole survivor of n bat
tle, and eventually established himself
in full aud complete authority over the'
people. He mado Lis headquarters at a
place built upon almost inace ssible
rocks in the mountains, and fortified it
with trenches, earthen parapets, and
covered v aj s. Ho great did his power
bee. line againi-t the R issians that in
18:jil the Czar Nicholas, irritated by his
boldness and defiance, sent a powerful
army against him, with orders to capture
Siliamyl ahvo or dead.. A great bat
tle was fought, in which the Russians
suffered enormous l.ssesnud Schamyl's
force was annihilate!, but Schainyl him-,
self escaped. But it was a Pyrrhic vie-
tory. Every tribe in the Caucasus was
enraged and in arms against tha czar, .
and liel: ed t str-ngthen tho cause of
Schainyl. He adopt d the i uerrilla
system of warfare, and in that the moun
tains and r .vines gave him further aid.
The Russians could not cope with him.
He coutiuually encouraged them to cross
the boundary line, aud when they had en
tangled themselves among tho troautuius
of tho ra.ines tho Circassians would
shoot them from the overhanging rocks
above. On one occasion the Russians made
a formidable attack, but wi re repulsed
with a loss of 2.000 men. Ine czir was
greatly niortilied, and sent another nrmy
and u new general. It was nearly anni
hi atetl, and the geueial-prince came
near being made a prisoner.
Sehiin , 1 then assumed the offensive,
and in 1818, 1850 and 1833 made irrup
tions into Ru:-sun territory, at one timo
driving them back eight leagues. After
tile Crimean war Russia renewed opera
tions in the Caucasus, and continued
i them until 185'J. Her army eoizcil the ,
Circassian stronghold aud drove Schnmyl
to a mount mi fort near the Caspian so 1.
Here he made a last de-ponde struggle, '
but was captured i nd taken to St. Peters
burg u prisoner, wh. re he received con
siderate treatment. The wis
conquered at least Russia considered
time tin- Georgian Christians would no
louger be persecuted and pe ee has
since prevailed. In 18G1 nl .ut 200,000
Circus inns removed to Turkey, ni:d
made their home on the western nnd
northwestern shore of the Black sea.
English eulogists of those people have
called them the handsomest, bravest and of mankind; others have pictured
them as semi-barbarous bauds of out
laws, living entirely by plunder, given
to polygamy, and selling their daughters
in Turkish markets to the number,
sometimes, of 1,000 a year.
Schamyl did not remain long in St.
Petersburg. Russia assigned him a resi
dence in Kaluga, 100 miles from Mos
cow, with a pension of about 8,000. In
January, 1870, he went to Mecca, Arabia,
and soon afterward to Medina, where he
died in March, 1871. At w York Tribune.
A Bruve Hontcupgriu Woumu. j
Mr. Gliulstone writes : " A ulster and '
four brothers, tUe four of course till arm
ed, are making a pilgrimage or excursion
to a church. The state of war with the i
Turks being uormal, we need not wonder j
when we learn that they nro attacked
unawares ou their way. in a pass where
they proceed in single file, by seven
m...... .i ?. ,......i.,..
j by shooting dead the tirst of tho broth-
' ers nnd dangerously wounding tho sec
coud. The odda ure fearful, but the
light proceeds. The wounded mini loans
agninst tho rock, and, though he receives
another and fatal shot, kills two of the
Turks before he dies. The sister presses
forward, and grasps his rifle and his dag
ger. At last all are killed on botli sides,
excepting herself and a single Turk.
She asks for mercy, and ho promises it,
but names her maidenly honor as the
price. Iudifrnaut, and perceiving that
he is now oft' his guard, she stabs him
with the dagger. He tears it from her
hand, they close, and she dashes the
wretch over the precipice into the yearn
ing depths below."
A Hover Blossom,
He wanted the police to record him on
tho blotter as "Old Tete Clover, tuff
knss from Livingston county," and when
he came out for trial ho promptly re
marked :
" Who calls for this old boss?"
"Old man, why this enthusiasm?"
asked the court.
"I'm alius happy nllus feel like a
crow in a cornfield," replied peter.
" Yon were drunk yesterday I"
" You bet I wns I I had ono of tho
blizzenest old times you ever rend of."
" Cool down a little, Mr. Clover. I
may have to blizzen you before this
blizzen business isover. Getting drunk
nnd stealing a gate is very ferious busi
ness." " I'm old Pete, and I've only got one
way of talking, Fquire. I expect to get
a grand racket, but I've got n hundred
dollars hero to pay the bill."
"Are you a farmer ?"
".Yen, sir, nnd I can farm blixeu right
out'of any farm in tho world."
" Have you a tenrc here?"
"Yes, sir, and they can out-run or
out-pull nny other team iu Michigan."
" Will you start for homo this morn
ing ?"
"Yes, sir, or ntv o'her morning you
say. I'll go, or stay, or bo lined, or do
jest ns you say.
"Well, you il tietter go, hut 11 you I
should be found drunk ntraiu inside of n !
venr it nn'"lit, cost, vim fi ' i
"Old Pete is n-w-1 r-i-t-e, and you
can bet on it, and now good-bye
where's my hat gimme my money -'rah
for you, old boy, and who'll show me
out o' here ?" Jh troit Free J'rrss.
A Slmiice Occurrence.
A gentleman bought an umbrella, and
taking it into his hand, put down n sov
ereign in payment. Presently the bill,
having beeu made out, was presented;
but when tho shopman put his hand
forth to take up the money, it could not
be seen, 'lhe gentleman thought it ex
traordinary the shopman equally so.
The former was sure he had deposited
the coin, the shopman equally certain
that it had not reached his hands. What
was to be done ? It ended in the gentle
man agaiu paying the amount. Some
little time after, the gentleman was
ar'oin in the shop, and being there, took
occasion to ask if the sovereign had ever
bei n seen again. " No," said the young
man, "we never found it." Just then
the gentleman, opening his umbrella to
show what he required altered (some
trifle or other), gave it n shake, when
out rolled a sovereign ; the very one of
course so long missing. The strangest
part of it is that the umbrella had been
constantly used since the day it was
Spilkins' Position.
Spilkins wns Lnvinff n ilriiiu jiut ilowu
t'.irotifrh lii.s front gnnleu the other iluy,
necessitating a general tenring np of
il i'ging and ilowcr liod. A neiglibor
clniuceil to pass nml asked what was the
mutter :
",Oh," replied Spilkins, "I'm in the
position of a man who has been turned
ont of house and home."
"How's that," asked the other.
" Why," said Spilkins, pointing to the
scene of demolition about Lim, "don't
yon see I've had to take up mv bed, and
walk?" '
Tho inventoi'B of linriiett'n Cocouine -1 know
ing that when tho lusa of hair occnrn, it is gen
erally from that part of the head where the
greiitest heat U necessarily goneriited, and that
animal fats by their nature induce heat rather
than alleviate it-turned their attention aud
pharmaceutical science toward vegetable oils,
as the basis of a medicament to promote the
growth and preserve Hie beauty of the hair.
The uh inu cocos, or t'oeoanut Oil, presented it
bell' most strongly, as possessing ninny proper
ties peeuliai ly adapted for the purpose ; but its
odor was objectionable, and its density (except
weu exposid to heat i seemed for a longtime
to di fy all efforts to render it available, for
popular use, iu cooler climates, liy a seieittilie
selection of other ingredients, those which v. el I
chemically combine with the oil have been dis- i
covered, and they together have produced a
compound, which is umiualilieilly pronounced
to be the best that has yet appeared.
In the form presented, this oil is permanent
ly deodorized and held in a combination w hich
peculiarly adapts it for the toilet ; Hurnctt'B
Cocouine is unrivaled iu delicacy and agreea
bleness cooling iu its nature and posses-scs
su h a penetrating affinity for the secretions of
the skin, that it is rapidly absorLed.
Its greatest ellieaey is best seemed by a per
fect cleansing, before its application, of the hair
and scalp, under which eireunisfiuices this oil
allays irritation, and removes all tendency to
dandruff and invigorates the action of the ca
piiliaries iu the highest degreu. Its effect upon
the glossiness and richness of the hair is such
as e.iiiuiit be surpassed i and it is offered to the
public in the linn belief that it only requires to
bo known to supersede all other preparations.
vie are comment mat no one who will mane a
trial of its eliieacy will be willing to return to !
the use of any other preparation. j
Joseph IJumett & Co., liostuii, manufacturers
and proprietors. '
Tlip WvHt Kcctllifrnii!
Of failiiif,' ciutl'V, Unit to which the fatrired-
nnt man "f hn.-incss, the iTaiii-fatiyiicd iiiitliur.
thu tired advocate or the weary artinaii can
rcMHi with the pvutc-t certainty that it will re-
vivo his overwrought jiowvr," in Hontctti r'n
Stomach Bitters, a must (,'eiiial tunic curd in I, as '
well ai a l.cni'ii remedy for disorders of the j
stomach, liver, IjinveU and iiriiinrv or(.rans, and
a means of cnidicatiii(; and ueventini; intermit- i
tent and remittent fevers. It not only enriches j
tlio I'looil ana creates a new timu ol energy m
the Kyttm. hut it hits the effect of expelling
iiiiimiiticH from the life current whieh heget
disease. Tim injurious influence of abrupt
transitions r.f temperature, of nn unwholesome
climate uud injurious diet, nro counteracted by
it, and it promotes digestion, appetite and sound
repose. Give, it a trial and be convinced.
Siillln of llloml.
YVu.Lsr.oHo', Essex Co., N'. 1., Aug. 18.
Dear Sirs : During the summer and winter
of 1858 and 1S53 I was afflicted with a severe
pain in my side aud chest. This wan accom
panied by a very bard cough, and I frequently
raised large quautitiea of blood. I called upon
a number of physicians, all of whom prescribed
for me, but to no effect. For six or eight
mouths I continued to grow worse, when 1 wan
i induced to try Dr. Wistar'a Balsam of Wild
Cherry. I .found great relief from the first
bottle'. I afterwards iftcd two mora bottles,
1 since which timo I have been able to attend to
' my business as before.
Yours truly, Royal Goff.
; 50 cents and 1 a bottle. Hold by all druggists.
Gi.ess's SrLPiirn 8oap in a positive inapira
tiun. Ic wns a lm p .y thought tn combine the
rtmiL'dv, which of all others id beuolieial ia tho
majority of cutanooim diseases, with a pleasuut
niul cure soap, by nieauit of wlnt'U it cun uo
brought in contact with affected partn. Sold
everywhere. Depot, Critteuton'B, No. 7 Sixth
avenue, New York.
Hill's Hair 4 Whinkcr Dye, black or brown, 50c.
I Whnt u l
1 Do you ak. my
Whnt U looley' Vrant I'ow.ler
lricinl r It ih maUe lrom tlie
j cream-taitar made from urapeacid exprusitly
- for thcao manufacturers. The result is that the
LincuitH, rolln, walllea, cake, lux-ad aud pantry
produced, are beyond compurUou.
Durniiff'i. llltiMiiiinlif llempilv
Has beeu before the public three your, aud has
never failed in a tingle cane of rheumatism, uo
matter how aiairavated the caws. Write to any
person iu Wai-hingtou city, whero it iti manu
factured, and you will leai-u that this in true iu
every respect, it tsueu inieruaiiy.
Information worth thousands to those out of
henlth. Self-heln for weak and nervous sur
ferers. Facts for those who have beeu dosed,
druL'Led aud nuucktj. The new Health Jour
ual teaches all. Capiei free. Address, Elec
tric Quarterly, New lork.
Kendall 4 Co., Boston, make a very generous
offer. Our readers should respond.
Cross llnahnmU nml Hi-olrllna Wives.
" Doincmtio infiilii ity," wliioli newspaper ro-
riorter nowadays credit with playiiiR mteli an
mporl ant part ni lilV's tlrmnn, in often tlir re
sult of lingering or clirouin iliwnMi. What
husband or wife can lie clmerfiil, smiling unci
tiliiisiiiit, whim ciinntiiiilly mtnYriiiff frimi the
tiirlnma of sonio drrad ' jlixiMine V I crimps the
linxl'nnd'a liver hemmes torpid, nnd he expert
rnreH liitter, iliHiHtreralilo Unto or timisea, Iiiih
rliilly ai'iiHiitloiiH, nlterimtiiig Willi tircat hunt and
drviH'K" of ttm surface of lim licidv, pnin ill Iiih
aiiica, Kliimlduraor liack, eycx and skin aro tinned
with yellow, fwla dull, imliapoHcd and dizzy.
Throng'1 hia mifferhiK ho lieconiRS gloomy,
doHpondi'lit, aiidoxco(iiliii:lyiri'italilp in temper.
Instead of roHtirtinR to ho rrliahlo a remedy
an a fnw HiimM doweaof Pr. Vieroo g purativ'o
1'cllct, and following up their action wilh tlui
ilso of tlolilen Medieal liiKcovrry, to work tho
hillnry poinon out of the ayatem and purify tho
lilood. If ho play the part of a ' penny wine and
pound fooliMh" man liuwill attempt toeeoiinmizo
liy aaviiiR thnimtiill cost of thevo niedieinea.
Continuing to aulTer, hit liervcmn nynti in lio
cimiea iiiipnired. and lie ia fretful and peevixh
a lit auhjr'et to liccomo omhroiled in "donii-H-tio
infelicity." Or tho good wjfo may, from
her too luhiiriouHdiiteB or family rnrea, lnvve hc
comi! Biilijert to Bitch chronic affection aa nro
peculiarly incident to her Hex, and heinp reduced
in lilnod ami alreiiKth, HitlTeriiijr from hneliaehe,
nervoiiHiicHH, hendiieho, internal fever, and en
diiriuK pninatoo nnmrioui to mention, nhe may
hecomo peevish and fret fnl -anything l.ut n
peniul helpmate. In this di plini'iMe eomlilion
of ill health, should she act v.eely and employ
lh'. Pierce a Favorite Proscription, it will io due
lime. ly its coriliul, tonic nnd lerviuc propi r
tii's. ro.itorc her health and tianifoini In r from
the peevish scolding, irritnhli -t. inven d invalid
to a happy, cheerful wile. Laving aside levilv
and spiulonir seriously, hiishands nml wives,
von will lind the family Mudii inea uljove men-
tinned reliuhlo and potent remedieH. I'm- full
(inrtii'Uinrn ot tneir properties, and uses, seo
PiereoB memorandum book, which
away by all druggists.
in given
Afteii an cxpi rienco of over twenly
I five years, many leading physicians nrknovrl
' edge that the 'rain.'n nj Marshall' s I'terinu
I Valhnlimn is tho only kiiov.u certain remedy
for diseases to which women arc subject. Tho
tlratfrnlmrii 'vavlahle I'ilts, the most popular
remedy of the day for biliousness, headache,
: liver complaint and disease of digestion. Sold
I by all drug.istH. Send for almanac. (Iracfeu-
berg Co., New York.
i In liinil t l lie 1 "mill !
' If you are bilann take (lan k s Iri.-h Tea.
I Sold by all druggists nt 2" cts. n package.
Sud'iiur Soap,
As a ren ;dy for Diseases, Sores,
rsis; iia a Jccd'trher.ih'ninJ'ectani, ant!
iner.iH of preventing and curimt
liliiunmlism and Ootitj and
IJath, " (ti.EXN'j S'lt rnuu 3iAr" is
incomparably the lust nrticlc ever
offered to the Anicric-iu public.
The Complexion is not only fieerl
fiom I'lMIM.M, i j lotc n es, Ta n , FliEC, and nil other blemishes by its
use, but acquires a than? arf.kt
i elicact and velvet y f FTNEsa
li.iouli the clarilyinir and uiollicut
FIED. The contraction of obnoxious dis
eases is prevented, and Uic complete
disinfccliou of clothinir worn by per
sons afflicted with eontfifji us mdadi.rf
is injured by it. Families ind 1'it.s f
Ll.Eits provided wilh this iuiniiiablc
purifier iiave at hand the hun
I!il!!is. Dandruir is removed, ths
loiir iclaincd, and grayncss retnrdui'
by il.
TiticEs, 2i5 and 50 Cents peu Cai e.
Pun Box, (3 Cakes,) Guc. aud if iM.'
N.ll. Tli-re li economy I-. buying the Urge cskt.
" Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye
Mack or Hrowu, 50 tenia.
C. N. CEiTTEMON, Prop'r, 7 Sixth khU
"lU IMH ti! (Ltiko ii. 1o) I
tiruiKVoii tilo'l TidillK "t t-r :it
Joy Wpe!l shall l.-o TO A I.I.
i'Koimj;." To ah ri'iM'U'
is ilie tit of the now boc k in
I'rens.i tirtt titiiiu' Wr. .MoitiH JH
Nhw S.m iiiohi. Kible Itiulinu.
Teniitt-r-Mifc Aililrcfii'B, :unl Pr iytr-Mlinif Talks, ilc
livfrt'il in HOSToN, reported Vnrti:i tim Hxpre(ly for
the l"'ti Ulnlv, Over p 'Kf, with l.ill mill
Iorti-i:MiH if tloinlv nnd SitnU4.v. Acwus' Out
tit niiiih'd tor ,i)rrnlN. S'-.-nrt- i.;rri'oiy at oiKe.and
u bnsin-'s oin !iini of i t per itmntli.
i;. He Tli ilATf lM.blif.luT, Sb"i;idw, N. .
The Crt eiooo Prnancn
Reliable Evidence.
: H.illic SO-L'Pt, llru4.klja, N. Y., Nov. It. UU.
1! H. KTKVi Sri. Kt.n : .
sit -l' ii'-rsi.nnl In ni-t'l vi- v.'.i fp.,m t- ii-e,
in w-ll us I'nnn pi-r.-mal kn"'.vli4.ltf 'f i1i--h h-.., i-ur.;
t:r-r'l'y has M-i-iiiHtl iilni'i.t iii:v.4cii:i':s. I .--m 4i:n-t
ii.-ii-l ly iil'il niticiT.'lv mci'iimu-n 1 H.h V I'.i r.'I I K for
U,e c...'..,.lin.. lorwliich AM Ks' P.'V.V llbOW.
I. :tt F.i-t'.r i '.ilvary I:i pi ist Cbureli, Siicruuit4iitu, ('at.
Vrui'liiie U SnltMlv All li;iiuuils.
a rori i..ut xf:nsi'Ari:Jt.
I TVip T?a5t
' AAJO uuos'
A First-class Family and
Political Newspaper
The pricu of I lie Daily Ildilimi i 110 per Yoor (imt
K6 id), tliu Keiui-wuekly KiliHon Ka.',JO per Vanr
postage p.-iitll, ami
The Weekly Edition S1.C5 per Year
As a Literary,
Family,- or
Political Newspaper
It is tmi'ACuMed by any in the cuuntry-
The "Quenei anil Aniworu" and the Auricultural
depurtmeut are wurtta mum than Ibo pi ice cif the paper.
tWSumpl. lupin SKXT FKKK in u;.;illVori
Adilrewi. Tll INTlilt Ol'U.tN,
I III J.nUe Sll'Cfl. iiicni III.
puis mm
mi i
The People's lleniedy.
The Universal Pain Extractor.
Note: Ask for Pond's Extract.
Take no other.
Hlt'liius of nil brlioiils.tiiul Ikn ai quireil tlie title
' Tht ttoiUSt tlniHjt, ' for Piles, Sprain,
I. aineueu, Itiirns, SealiU, Mm !?,
Korenesa, Uoil, Clcem, Did bores,
WoundM, eic.
PO I'S KX'l'HACTnlMcureiiToothache,
II. aditr lie, Sore I'll ru I, Hoarse lies,
iiutiui,N'eurnl;tn,;oic, Uiarrbiea,
etc. It is ilio pieal ic, itlc (or lleiuoi rliaes
from all orimns, aua promptly arrests tleeuing
from auy source.
Bend for pamphlet, address,
fOHJ'fl SZIUCI CO., IS JSillw Uu, Hew Tort
Ill I II K1 No publirity. ThiM short. Terms in1
" 1,000 TonlinionisiS. 1
Il. ..m. lilt V V M VH. I InmrT MV'I
(Intiiilns ttntlin Violin SHnps. also for Bnnjn or tlui
tnr, 1 .1 nn, V!l.-. rac'i, or ! sort "; "'n
ly nurilon rii-Hint, nl nrire. D..iilir! Send rirj Tor cil
nl"il"e. ,.sli:M;l It, tin..irt.T of Mil 'iirnl Inntril
iim ... . t, I si .iti.ti, I'M! Iniiiilii rsSI., Iie OI K-
foil 10 CENTS), n.nin r tn"lf., v. will him
m fr on. T'r. III. lnii'l""ni. Hikut. fl'Cf.
I no tpiir tiimrMT illaMrntM 100 i.riitn
H Ifow to Print
Worth fn ttmwi Mif ro-t tn e' fry Hn'-liii-m
tttyKi & Vn.,TOl ("h"ln'it Ft., Pt.ilmlflflilA,
Card. uil Itu.incmi, the beat. Kino it) Iff, from W W.QW p.
$1.00 $1.00
Osgood's Heliotypo Engravings.
The ehnicmt household ornament. I'trita
On Dollar each. Send for catalogue-,
$1.00 BOSTON' MASS $1.00
Facts for the People I
Vor tho l'nrniir, 11ih Rtfrrlinnt, Mm llitrpomnn, th
KtMcl r:iit-r, th l'onH ry-k'-i-ptT, t!in Hi'n-k'"'rwr, the
l.ntMirtT, I he lrti it rii vr. I it i'ril(in'r. t hn I -Ktor. t
Iiry(i--ir, tho 1ni'lm1i for fvi-ry fiimtly who wants
to ' Dioncy. Tin Hook l" tttr UMli I't'iiliiry.
r rs van At;i;.Ts,
M(.1m nnH Kt'iniilt' Acntp erin iiir nmm-y nn it. Kftul
to nn at in-f fm- nvtrn l-Tnin. IN(;K AM, SMITH A
hWK. '.t Wiilnnt Strift. VliiliifMpliiH.r.
i nni entttly Mtrnfil in thn-e tim)(,
Ititt it can tm ntn (( in (limn iwnt Im
ly nny ono t ithir mpx, in nny
Ii.-irt tf tin- cmitilry who in willing
o work stwidily t th employment
tbnt w ftirni-h. S(ill or wwk in
vonr own town. Yon nowfl not
awny from hnin over nilit. Yon enn irivn yonr whole
tiffin to t 'n work, or only your pth moments. W hv
n(o-ntH who :iro mukiiiK over M'iO ppr flay at th bnni
iichh. All who nK'i"' i. nil.- c.'ii iniik money fust. At
th prnwrnl timo nmnoy t- nnot ho tnndo nt on wily ami
rupiMl.v f.t nny otVor h-in-t-. Il c Bi s m t hin to try the
hn-iitw-H. ii-r'tn i.ini Out 'it fr-o. AddrtB nt onco,
II HAI-I.tiil' A ( ., lMtl)tiil. M fillip.
" The Best Polish in the World."
Ventilating Bosom Pads.
Tittpnrtintr t t!;- woirer n .;: n t form. Rmni-le
p iir aunt by mill, l'rice, Hit ctH. ; i xtra in.-ility 75 cts.
sto wri.ii .it ArirTriciN. co.wpaxv,
llfnntlwn.v ir Vitrk.
Standard Fiavoring Extracts,
For Flavorin? Trc Crt'sm?, Custnr'U. Th, Itlane
Mullet', Ji'lliva, feuuets, Hou., Oravivs, etc.
Wo hav h"rn PTprfaly ppmiittfl to u-e thp nnmra
of it hrtst of tlio hr-ht (iroctrs and Ik-tel iu the coiiatiy.
We give a tew below i
rirJtt:il IFnrsF, P. S. VritttrR.
UtViiliB HuL'bK. MrpEWl'LL & AUAUfi.
Wlbiuinbtku Unrt.i.. I 1'akk Si TiLiui;u.
T.VTAW IIoCftK. I G. II. r.LEKB & BrO.
ST. ?.DUi3.
&OLT11I.RN JtuTr.L. IAVII) NlCIi'i) Otr.
Pin r.MAX llor-.i.. ( -.-a-.ton Co.
f.Mii't;::i-u. lit-1 I ft r-.iNt; .V i
Oi'iAn'A Il-jusr. !'i;'.'vr-..-..-.
picw a: r-r. .
jntiutfi ai tf ti- ti't t!r. : i-.h, 'l b' ;
tli pcicinfi!9 mi;, mill n-y. le- v. U
eltit.n ol naiiy o Xuuut.wu
I I'iSINT F llOMtl!, M::s As.iik r.l.WAHlis'
I.i..' st.iry. m I AM or ll..iO.
" Mrs. Kibvjnls is .ne of tlm lirii:lil?st :mJ f.i)shst i f
the ivm-1 wriurn ol tii-.' il.iy " J (r;il l-.-tu-.
a-MFK ON Till' PI.. tlX. 11 (
. ( r:. ik'I. l.lii-lr.iO' I. JVJ.dO.
Tli.. I.t-st lo k on tho In ii.ius put-lishi'il.
:i-tiik i'i.i:trrii:s ok a;i.i(;
lir.-i. ll.i'.vs'is. of liiH Alliimy '...i,:v ...
vet.Tiii One vol.. lint-'J p.tin(.
ifftni ly Jl.u-ir ut-ii.
l-i'Kii:sr toxsi.d. i; thfo. t.
,v mi:i.i i:v m wi
Th ru !
tinl r'ii'ill- b
ink ut ilk clu ptihlishfj. Clulh but!-
iRovols Eeccutly Published.
I!j .Hr. A XX ME Kit II A I! OS.
0u,?ht We to Visit Kcr ? 6vo, 1.00 cr 1.75
ArcUio Lovell, '' " "
i 3. Steven Lawrence, Yeoman " ' "
I 4. Phiiiti Earnscliiie,
5. Lah : A. woman of Fashion,
; C. Lstclle.
12:no, SI. 00 or 1.50
till ,ISTIX
1. Lady Judith.
: 2. Lialoy lioohford.
I 3. Dear Lady Disdain,
i 4. A Fair Saxon,
6vo, 81. 00 cr 1.75
12iiid. S100 or 1. 80
5. Paul Massie, " " '
! Kitliernf the above 6ent by mail, P'lbt-p.iid, uu receipt
1 ol the price.
3 Murray Street, N. Y.
Before purchasing Paints or Roofing, send for Samples, Illus
trated Catalogue, and REDUCED Price List of
lil(IKIi. with H'i'( Fire.l-rnof Coaling, for Ptecp or Flat Roots. The handsomest, coolest, most dur
uu'.e, nd only reliable portable Roofing made. Easily applied ly any one. Costs only half as much as tin.
I'A I NTS Twelve newest shades, and all standard eolors, ready for use. Guaranltttl in eiery respect equal
to the bst produced in this i jmtmj- general purposes, and more durable than sny others for out. id. ir or.
All th mftriali nr. prtparM f.t w '.i im' ! nilabl.or all rhmilt, and can it
tartly ai.plifl by any on: Liberal i:turtmelt la ii.H 101 Ji-rrAasM, VealirM, and lar.l. (on,iinri.
H7 ralrten XjUHo, Kow York.
... ... a.mar.wvi a 4V IB ST . lilt
Also f,.r .hby PIIII,AnKI.PIII HI AN
M. M. lll't'K A- t'O., SI
l.oul-t II. &. lllill.1 ev orl. ai
V I'PSO.N, Situ Fruui-is.-.i. ,
llTCAUTIOX.-n. pMit at, ta .linn.d again r"JS or .iiii n.iy sia'.rta or I, oho, at .,..,l..,;M p-,rv.,rling to ASbKSTOf. unlru Ibry In-ar n,r -... oil'! .bVr.jtfJiVnl'.
Tu "Paieht Ivobt" IUmdlx Tssli
" PATEVr' 1V?U Y
l.n iii-i e M .kers of the ' I
I -11 .1. I Unue . Ui. iii i-t d.,r !.! H ITK 11
i hii'uvii. i nn ui4li:.l ".i..niilii4'tiiivr-iin Aiocrir.i. .riii.ii..-M ;-,.,.. nn guM i,y mil Diliers Id
. ii vs oall" Trade M irk" MKBIUKN Ci TI.KKY CO. "on 'be liUdj. Wulr? L",uV " UT
V I'.iery. mil by ths J! t'ltlUKN t I'TI-EU V I O.. 40 CbiiinlM fcireol. ew ora, . -s,
utTf' w iTrt!OMK.
Roup " counted out." Ank roor Grocer for larg, fttt
nranfo nmknon If Vnti rinn1
in tlwitratle w intfd.-H M1KN M ANrFAOTTHINU
i t trpt it, ttnrr ngnm, ATPTitt
t'nrl;iH for tt
l (tlltt nnA the Bnh.
Nn ftrtirlctnl tud
itWPilnr odnn to
corvr ComtiioD and
delrltrlntu Inftedl
Afirr y-Mtiof
rlrntiAr etptrlmtot
th muriifuctnfft of
B. T. llabMu'i Bt
Soap tiu jwrfectvd
nrt now (.ffpr to tho
Onl iht yitrfM trqflahlt m V'r4 in it matf&r'vrt.
. F3 In the Nurnety it haa No Cqunt.
V nilt. t 11 li ne f im-1 tn cry n '. t nun litmily in( hrinUmlom.
Put, n.!.- )., i iintnhiitur :i rfllti' rf ft it. cli, sht frw to any ad
drrni on ri-i i)-t or t t nt. Aititro-
D. T. nM3!?ITT, Nw York City.
. nun rHirc puppvrirr una
.''4V C 4 .1 l..ln l.
Secnrcs nuAt.TH nrt rowroi.TOv
U.Hly, wilh Uracr anil -lITvot
Form. Three GnrmenlH .0 oni
Approve! hy all i hyslcim p.
Kaniplcdhy mil In Coitii. 52 .
Ratteen, ft 16. To Annie it
!15 crnm leRK. Onler t.ixo tw
mctiea smaller tlmn waiBt U3a
sure over tlio ilrcnu.
Warner Bros. 351 Broa. ..
Tho AnfOtilcr oTn lUllonw C olic, the indcrib
nblf pniiKH of Chronic Induration, tho debility and men
tal utiipor rewTiltmR from n cotiva habit, may be certain
ly avoided by n-KuhitinK tbn aytm with that acoHablt?
unrl retrtftdiitiii Stimibird HrHparntiftn, Taruant'i
iTtKLTZt'II A l'KltlUNT. frocitrHldw at all dniRKistf.
t T'TTTP I Are made in nil h! y leu and of every
A ( (Irsrilptlon, from tba Ifplitc!,
niif't.and iiihm t'lrttitnt in iue to the licnvlcnl
unil HtrmtueMt rmjuirt-d. for nny kind of work; are
KJ J j J X,J w orkmnnHliln,
ntrcrwlli nnd t tirnlti til ' They received the liiuh-
r.t writ I I'd tiMurd at the Centennial Kxpoaition.
TT A H W PQCJ M j None ctriiiilnc unlesi
Xlili-lJXili. Ithey ore Htnmpe.1
with our nuiiip nnd Trnde .llitrlw A liberal
T3 TpTTT A "T y will he Riven for information
A.VJU YV 1.J.J ttmt wi rnllvrl niiy one
who mvUh IniriM' it4 i lie Conrord tinniest
tlial lire not innile by im. Kxtra inducement
offer)!, rtenj for circulars and price lists.
J. n. HILL & CO.,
Concioi-il, IV. IT.
Kiiti1-!!-! (lisnlnv n? . rod net tit t 'niteiiiiiiil ur
pnw..,) nil ulli-T Smb't. Ii ANNAN I'AIIMC
IC.We t'i. till". -in lurjosl I tody f pool lands in
Ii A NN4N nt lvrst rif nml I terms,
t'leliiv of (iov't ! m I fur lIomrstt'n'K
Fori'!yof li ANNAN I'll II H
N'l'KAi" iidiln-ss, Lrttitl Lvntminsionvrj
it. . Jiir,, Sittinat Kittisits.
tii i;
Providence Line
whom: nu;iits ki:st.
o.m.v ii .iii.i:s of it All,.
TS& n, e mt aohusotts,
i"Tli4 l'.i,iri' srniiii i ol Hip V oil I,")
A."l) TDK VOHI.!))ii:S"')W.i:i) STEAMKU
Zlliodo Sfiilniicl,
("The (fiici ii iruii- s.,innl,")
win i ir I r 4 I ...:i... :
N. U.. fi.t nt" V..ri-i'n Stiv.-I i;l .j .' AI.. arriving ni
I'roviiloiii'f in i A. .1. mi l Itn-Kin 7 A. .M. No
inr -'-tiieauo i.i iiit.ii b iifiwuim Auw iork and 1 ruvi
dt iK-e.
Kr.iti.i.siiE!) Yf.aiis. Alw:tyi cures. Always
ready. Alvvr.ys hundy. Tins never yot failed. Thirty
miUi'tttt Afir te-tl if. The whole world approves the
tflorious old Mtibtiiiifr the Hunt nnd Cheapest Liniment
in uxiteitctf. .j cents a b -tile. The Mustnng Liniment
cures when nothinK tNe will.
261, 262,. 263 Broadway.
ASSETS. $4,827,176.52
j SURPLUS, $820,000
I, 4 l Ar.usy "SMSi, W.lti ,ol
Uiit-uusi TIIO.tll'.N
T A D la E
- , " r.TTiiiniini'RKKIlllAMM.K.
. - - - i4HI RI'BBKK I1AMM.K.
by VANnERBtiRrtH,WELl,saCo., 18 Untrh M..1VX
CC ffcwk In yvnr own t-owa. Tenr.ii and 5 outfit
0D f h. H At.T.K. IT H:Q.. Fortlnni. Mi ine.
w tv --iw trpn. bi
BT1NHON !.. 1
.-ind. M-iin
4 llrent t!hlnc i Mfikii Mnnpy. flood Affont. wnntpd
V Write t ono to Bl'fH Mfh. tin . Bult.ilo. W Y.
D ill A WKKK. Ctli.ii and Rumpln FRKR
I l Nnssnu Ml., New Y'k
ftRROftiriyA Week to Aitcnti. tIO Onitt rvra.
HOP I- S P. O. VII'KKHV, AiimiiU, Ma inf.
(t a flnvat home, Agents wanted. Ontflt and
tenm free. THUR i 01)., Aukhj'h, Mnine.
T L V U L 1 L 11 Wktbri Ocw Works, Cbloago, 111,
ni.ncirnin hp its a nfw. chfap. PUP-
1J KKI'T Cure for premi'lnre debility. 8end for circa
tr or oall on PR. H. K
AWT, Bit It Pmadwm, Kew York
kOI.II Hntiber Type, Rtampa Rnhber Oooila.
k4.Ni riiii caiamhii'k,
FIIU ;ATA1.0ll'K,nr auk your Stationer',
omethinir New,
H. H. INOFnHOT.I,, xll.l H lvay. W. .
nKIWOKF!T Qttartkri.t JornNAi.
Hinirle copies, H rtn.: Yeiirly, l c
. : . J. . . V ... . I .- ,11 r.m 4....
N. Y.
Vdrt'a W,
Jfnmhob DF.MOnrRT, n t.. 14th Nt
A Oreat Remat-ioti
Watch and Outfit tri U Avonta. Hf-ttor inn
watca ana urn
Gold. Addrop-
nii'i im i
ft yenr to Ajrent. fhttAt tmrt a
-J5 tVW . Kor terms ttd-
Iro-ij", J. W 'trth it- ro ,,.M,B,.W(7
A flrA XtTr'' can bn irndo Jn one rtny with
a iTOOa Weil onr4.foot Weix Avam. fiend
or our ftujtor book. I. 8. AroKR Co., Cincinnati, O.
Maf1flhv17Affent In .Inn. 77 frith
my 11 new nrt lr let. fi;unpU,t free.
Aildri'Ht f . J. LiniHit'ii' ( htr.igom
W. t.. TtATTiFN , Trarhrr of Oultar, Flute, Cornrt.
-Am. Tor l uton fit. uiiiiar.tni' ict in use.
JlJfalrr In Munii-al Imrtrninpntfu MtmiCt
StriiifTi. Ciitalugui'i frw. 1M Trv niont tit.
t. liuttoii.
The XTAt'lIK IMroleelor
only ?A cent." fren na air.
C. H. HARROWS, Willimantio, Ot.
M-n to travel and t.Ve nrdpra of (Salary 1 200 a year
and all trnvclinir exnenaea paid.
Address (iFM Man' fx Co., St. Login. Mo.
ent post-paid for cntw.
8. II. JENNISGS, Deep River, Conn.
T.ato War, Ro T!ie Doth In
It'iif." on H-nniTR M( nthlv : New
eitwlnn nnd Itoitt-tv T.'iw: &'rt4. a Yi nr. Snmnl
free, t'oi, N. W. FtTZGRRAI.D, Wnahinnton. D. C.
$19 to $1,000
Invested inTYall St. Stocks makes
fortunes every mnth. Hook seut
free explaining everything.
I In., vr
will nnrpp t diatribnte me of our eircu
e will aend v.oi a I II It OHO l IMI.T
A3I l'i nnd a 1H pfire, f-1.cdumn tlMia. p.vper
;t nioa ino''i-o il et-e. to pay po"t.ii7P,
nt wtnted VfA'O T, tr f'O . Horton.MaPB.
And Not
Wenr Oot
Sold hv Wnt.ihnoikRr. Hv miiil. 'Ml, rjrriilnra free.
. '-. KIROH CO.. as Hy Stroct. New York.
ItlfH ;OI-l 3I1NK FOK SAI.K lii Apiip
ttmtlitx I'oitnlv. Vfrufnln. Tim iulnhnrp1ti
ti-'fi tiy nuiiity mire t nun nny iinep 'inp in trtrnia. r r
bn itf PiilifitrniR or ('nlr.rtif'o A minprinr nt'p'UPff fnr
r' ipit ,litn Fnr pnrticnlnr nHflrPKft (iF". f HtniNER,
w s i KBf g ;nnrcn, Appom-nt'ii ;nnnt,v, virir'nin
TlTjl A Ci Th choicput in th worlil ftnporteTi -I
liil P priopn T-ntRPst fninpnny in nw'W-.,
t;ipp nrtirlf" plpnppft pvprybody Trmlp continnnlJy Ir
srcnpirir AepntB wnntprt pvervhprp hnst inlnponifcnt
-idi't wimtn tiniP nrnd for f'irenhir to ROM'T
rt-'-'M.S. 43 Vespy St.. Nw York. P. O. Rox 1IJ7.
p-v m nn rnii-RD roi l.!i:Y hooks t a
I wi h-y B irniinui'i ti w '!itvi'.j', rn-tt In
L5 E I U K"wl Hrecliii-.'- -flume r - I." r-r'-Uvf.' g I li
I Ir IKr;f" M iii. rl f. -j.r tf hv :.ii U
j I I'- W .rM. l,,rf.-fl. f" , t.- lvn .in; j.'I'"- lT
f owl-rrt,) or by, 1. IIQiMI W, ?i. lr.:sr. V...-.
Prof. litiiit'M .tauii' .t...nnj
1b tlie onlv prvpurutuiiLoiu- packHe nt which
Will torce'thc tit-unl to L'n.w tliii k ttt'tv'T
on the Brnmithfut tttcc t without injniv in 21
d yi in ifvery rme, ot nnnpy cti-ertnlU re
ftinit' rt. It cents in t P'tckatfc, pi.mpui'l i 3 for
SOt-enU- iu. W. JONr S. AhUmi. Mmts.
Fnwln and Ecu Mnrlirt."
Miilleil for 2") etf. nnd 3 wnt Mump
byGKO. P. ItVirNUAM.l.0.1i0X
The bent fmnily nwnpitper put dished ; eitfht pugoB ; tifty
i. ctiluuiriR rejuliriR.
tornif pr annum; clulu of eloven, $15 per
i mm, in h1v;hicp.
M'K i.iifn copy :ir Tiv.
KKFI quHlity-Tlif Ltest.
Kphp'w Piitont Pttrtlv-niftd DreRs Shirts
,'nn he tinidhed eny as i.einininfc a llundkeichief.
Th rer- hpt, nin f..r A?.(H.
-fpV ('nxloin Shirt inndf to men sure,
Dm rery lwtt.nii for 1MM.
An lff:nt nt-t of (fenninf (Jotd-plnte nnd
Ieve Untt'tnR nivtn with ech hnlf dc..'o Shirti.
K-cp'- Shirt r tiro dHiv.-rnd FKKKon rt-tvipt of price
In my part f thn Vnioii no nxprestt h;;rK- to pay.
Samolos with full direction for "df-Pie.isin emeiit
ijt Free to nny uddrpjM, No itninp repitred. dirotlv with tho MunnfiM-turer nnd cot Rot torn
Piipew K"-n Mnuf;i(rt'irT f'o , 1 (. ATercer St..N. V.
SI Per I COO Feet!
C'henvHT tlin !nnl Jr Stifcr (lihn Kero:.eno A
'liore lirdliitiit lift' it thn either.
Indorsed hy lo.idinK lifor.-inrB f 'nn'Pniie. An
Ititoinntifi Mm-hine l"p.ily .in-'!ed Atinpt 'd to
Itw.'llm.'s. K-f.rii'f. rtinrctH'S, Ston n Tt. H. l'potB
vid ricM From n Ninslo Burner iip'v.iHjs otv ug
:lle it in the Coumrv Send for I 'nti'l-.jji. t.
THK 81IXLLK MANTi;FA TI'lilN'i! t !..
P.O. H,x :i7m. X. i Mumir St.. ew York.
rft f ff A VKAR. A(tKNTS WANTK.D
TViOl II I on uur ;raiul otnliiiir.iioii
W J mf 1'rONpiM'lllM, reprmtHntin
wanted everywhere. The blgrgPNt tlilns over tried,
ShIpb made from this when nil single Books fail. Also
As-ent-wanted on our JI UJMl'H'FNT FA.U1I.Y
IMItlil S, Superior to all others. With Invaluable Illui
tritted Aids and Superb Bindings. Tliee Bofilfwlirnt
tlie World. Full Particulars free. Address ,IOHN K.
Collins &.Co,
212 Water St PEW-YORK City.
HtisPsddtfferlucfromstltitLtt tr
U Lp, tlb bir AilJOiliLf
eDtcr, sdKpu lifir to all im-bi-
SENSIBLE ti th eop rrcBftea back itiiiv
lla-na at th hinli. ahlii th hnl 1 n
TRUSS 3 teiit ine. vorara
lUUl rrnm its lU.nil . It Lrlil
darabl- anil cti-Mtp. e i lr mnil. Ctrcu1!! -p tre
CCCLESTON TIUcii CO.. fwfreh.ill, K!c-
!R. V. Iti:NS4KM CHIKKY nul n.3!-
it.nij: him ii rin;ii vwi ; 1t
i nirf U K llf IM hi , M inil HI Mk-
! atiif, DV.iMii TM' Ii:i riM , x M -I
i-i,.V. m;uvm'sm:ss, t-i.i i.ri.i y..
i liSS, uuil " ill vuvv nny nir, OKU Hill
. Fiituw M. I tu It :iimi I t- 'Ah
iMtiiK Trre- ."! Itv till (friiiuk! rui I'in -irv
Mori'M. i;UlJN4'i; - lluwaril l;a:-K
lliilliinoret IU
BKt in I '-f. lia'.K. ". th
nil evHrthiiK appeiti. iiiir.k tn
Hilll;trti, ft tUH.( I'lU-fh. iii;v-
(iicilitidS lor ln.'nuriH-tuT.i.K,
trders cn be pioinptly tiild.
fiiH-ii seo'ind-luiiul I'al.l'u t-1 ri.
Thf. Hll.l.lAhi) t I K, on illiiH
rnir-Hfl iiHWMiaubr wml fne vn
ri. W. COLLJb.rJI.LK,
738Broadway. KT
P.W.Devoe&Co's Paris Green.
I'or circulars how to uso, sdilrrsft cor I' ull
illiiim Sin., New Vim k. Mannfm l .1.16 Whim
U''i.ilH-li..llil,i'n I FoinlK hf.miy mil I HK.
W'e w ill t its' Times
.liMitnw.. tif I . Ill
li ml i-.iMiI.lmri 11 Itl-I' ll.k lllll I.H. I. kki.
. t AT I-. Its' ..I loner in ! f.ll.1.
r liinliilliiit ril ir l lt-1 in, In imul lor Ini.ll
vrr li.i.i,.' .ill.-n-.l. WATDIIs' laiAMI
sUI'Aim and I'I'IIII.IIT I'lAVO.S i. i.l
llftliWS dt I.l lUNii Till lit N I W
MM VIM It AMI IIOI DOIIt) nr.- I 111' 111 ST
MAUL. 7 lliiuvr 1'li.uun Sl.ii. 1 I-.. il
HiO IK.I l.".l it Sl'lir. "is" .np 1.1 yni.
N.lO. 4 Sl.llis S-J-. 1 Sli WHS. H Sl.'l H
Si. ",. IO Slops SSS. 12 Slims tjltXI mill, mil
iik-iI a yenr. in im-.-I.ti .inl.-r nnd wiirriiM.-.l.
I im hI iiii.I 'I'liiM liiiM AliKN'I's W A.NTI- r.
Ill.istriii.-U t'uliilonui's Alnil.rl. A liinli l
lliMl-.llllll In T"i'-i.i, ilin'.lm, clmf l,f, t r. Slit'. I
Ilii4.ii- hi linll'iPi'ii-p. IKtltACF. WaTKKs t
SONS, .Mn.iul'i.-iiir.-i-s, 441 lOn-t I lib si.,. Y
COLLINS&Ctf.S &t&&&Si&
ij TcOlLll.LtK j
Tho Only Haft,
Odorle and Durable
It received .he
Only Ceutenntal Medal.
ALo tin
BUST BE YVlxa MA Villi' B.
Florence Machine Co.,
Flobemce, Mass.
Agentt Hunted. '
Tk4 Cook, aril Otus.
NYWU Kojtl
pleaM say lo.ii yu HW lb aitveruso.
nem t) Wis tiMsr.