GEO. A. RA TUB UN, Attorney-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. J1ALL A M'CAULEY, Attorneys-t-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main 8t Rid(way, Elk Co., Pa. 8n2tf. L UCORE A HA MliLEN. Attorneys-at-Law, Rldgway, Elk County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '76. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and .Ttwcler Main street, Ridgway, Ta. Agent for the dowe Sewing Maohine, and Morton Oold . i'n. Repairing Watches, eto, dooewilh te tame aocuraoy as heretofore. Satis ."action guaranteed. Tlnly J, 0. V, BAIL EY, ATTORNEV-ATLAW. lni,l. Ridgwajr, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool Jent "Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES IK FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur rounding country. AH work warranted. OlBoe in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and ParmaceutiBt, N. W. cornel of Main nud Mill street?, Uidgway, Ta. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at .ill hours, dny or niglit. 'InJly T. S. HARTLEY. M D., Pliysiciau un i Surgeon, llftioe in Drug Store, corner Broad and Milin tfts. ".esidence corner Urnad St. opposite th College. Office hours irom 8 to 10 A. M. an I from 7 to K V. M. vln'Jyl. J. S. BUR DWELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mail st. Uidgway. Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Oilido hours: I to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE HOUSE, UinowAY, Elk Co., Pa W. II. SCII RAM, Proprietor. Tli'atik ftil fYir Mia nntrnnAce heretofore so liberally best owed upon lnui, the new proprietor, hopes, By -paying sirict a. tcntion to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Ut 30 180H. E. i. FA Y. LUMBER AND. INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, NI GENERAL COLLECTION AGENT No -'Ui Walnut Place, 1,310 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. II 41-lv I)'. HAYS, DUA1.B. IS try Goods, Notions, Grccenes. and General Variety, fOX ELK CO., PA. r Eurlcu I. . vn I7iO A karlky,. i w. u iiikiman, m. n, jRS. E4RLEY HARTMAN. Dr. W. K.'Slnrtninn, fnriiietiy of St. Mary's, low associated himself with M. .1. Earley, M. D. in the practice of medicine lit Ridgway. By close at tention to business fliey hope to re ceive a liherul share of the patronage of the public. Dr. W. B. Hartman can lie found ut nil hours, either ut liis moms, over tlio post-office, or at Dr. M. J. Earley'n Drug Store. Jr. M. J. Earley can be found at the residence of Dr. C. H. Earley, or at his Drug Store. Surgery, and diseases of women and children a speciality. P. K. O'KKSH, Dealer in all kitds of cabinet ware, wooiland enne neat chair, kitchen ana e-xlention tables, wood and marble top Kinds, wood an. I marble top bureaus, what imts, looking glasses, wood and nuirble top chamber suits, mattresses, prills? lied bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Lafcrty's metal lined wood pumps, Sc., Ac. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood scuts, Weed sewing machine reduced from to Vi, the nest machine in the market, and pic ture frames mailt to order. Also a largo assorted stock of ready made incci m soonest nonce, .ah rim nnove goous uie mull ui panic, prices, are liiioiiw in masonic building, Ridgway Pa. vn4!)tpilupr27'77. T-L.-M- t ll'l'llV JTtlll 1," IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Kidgway, and tho public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon tho most 6THe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will rucelve prompt attention. Aug'-i01871tf EEEOES OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering hu. juanity, aend free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can do bo by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OODE!, 42 Cedar St., New York. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight ntsper. yard. OTATEMKNT OF THE AUDITORS 8KT TLEMKNT Of THE ACCOUNTS OF lUpQWAY TOWNSHIP FOB THE YEAR lS7o. O. B. Fitch and James Riley, Supervisors and ex-offlclo overseers of the poor of Ridg way township, In Recount with the several funds. road rtrsD. To nmonnt tax levied on unseated property jagj 51 To amount tax levied un seated prop erty loot 13 Exceis of expenditure, 973 61 ... J3"'""0 2 By amount expended building and re pairing roruls Ac 843 By supervisors service 1870 8JB so tii ova poor fund. To nmonnt tax levied on unseated property 63)84 To amount tax levied on scutcd prop- erty 685 15 To amount received for rent for house on south street 18 00 To amount received from Horton Tp.. 61 HO $1225 85 By amount paid for keeping and sup plying paupem 985 81 By amount paid for keeping and trims porting trumps 48 fll By amount paid O. 13. Fitch's bill tor services v 21 00 -, 10ii5 SI Excess of levy of tax 170 o2 1225 85 8IlE WALK FIT HP. To amount of tax levied 314 86 . 3HS By amount expended building and re pairing side walk 29103 By supervisor O. B. Fitch's services O 60 301 Excess of levy of tax 12 113 $314 30 we, the undersigned, auditors of Ridgwav township, for 1H77, having met on the second Monday of April 1K77, for the purpose of set tling the accounts of the several township of ficers, do hereby certify, that In tho presence of 0. 11. Fltrh and James ltiloy, supervisors nnd ex-ofllulo overseers of the poor of wid township for 1870, we settled their accounts with the several funds thereof for 1876, nnd that the above statement Is the result of said settlement. Witness our hands this 15th day of May, A. I). 1S77. JAMES TEN-FIELD. ,,,,,. J. H. I'OWKI.I,. f Auditors. Attest, M.S. KLINE. Clerk. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF FOX TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 2ND, 1W77. 110 ad rrsD, ASSETS. By amount due from Henry Lnrgnv, Collector 103 34 By amount due from P. W. Hays Col. :ty 74 By amount due from county Trens. 60 70 By amount duo from P. M'Cready. Collector 11 44 By amount due from Elk Co., on ac count Joseph WiniUflder 325 57 By Cash in Treasury 3 03 By Excess of Liabilities 1153 03 S174S 75 MABILITIKS. To outstanding orders and Judgments 1748 75 I'OOH H'.VD, AKMKTS). By amount due from J. Hewitt Col.... 403 81 By amount duo from Denis Toomy, overseer 40 03 By amount duo from Elk Co., ac count Joseph Wlndfi'ldcr 1S2 11 By om't due from unseated taxes '70. 235 00 By amount eash In Treasury 30 !Ui 010 31 MAllIMTIKS. To amount due Elk Co., for support of Kate Williams 308 2"i To outstanding orders 577 IK) To excess of assets i!3 00 SSM0 31 Amount of taxable property 111 Fox township $210,510 00 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Fox Township, hovingsuttled and adjusted the ac counts, of said township find the assets nnd liabilities of the funds as above set forth. JOHN HEHSHEY.l P. A. JOKDAX. - Auditors. J. it. MEUEIiITH.j Attest. .1. J. TAYLOR, Clerk. Fox, April 30th, 1H77. AXXITAL STATEMENT OF JONES Tl IWXSIIIP Jones Township In Account with funds of said Township. KIXKII'TH. To amount overdue from county com missioners 1,200 110 To amount seated tax levied 1,1 'il 02 To amount eash from county trcas Iil2 2-3 To amount cash from Collector 'J heo. Cook 131 06 To amount cash from Collector Valen tine .Miller ss 2l S3, 1 13 52 FXl'KSmTUItK. By aiiioiiiit of ouLslauding orders re deemed fill 09 By amount paid Supervisor .Miller and laborers under him 1,571 27 By amount )ald Supervisor Bomiert anil laborers under him 82020 By amount paid for lumber, etc., used by .Miller 170 9S By amount paid fur lumber etc., used by I.onuerl 10 Oil By nmonnt paid for oilieers and print ing 00 00 By amount paid lor town treasurer's commission 51 03 By amount taxes in hands of Collec tor If. A. Maunelt, subject to com mission and exonerat luiis 870 S.K By amount In hands of treasurer 2 57 ?3,IS1 52 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. AMSKTH. Amount due from Collector Miller for 1x73 63 01 A mou nt (I ue from Collector Theodore Cook, IN74-5 212 84 Amount due from Collector Attlebar- ger, 1870-1 116 27 Amount duo from Treasurer Win d femr 207 22 Amount due from Treasurer M'Cauley 200 00 Amount due Irom Collector Munnett, 1877 370 88 81,170 22 MAIIIMTIKS. Amount road orders outstanding 798 SO Excess of assets over liabilities S77 92 tl.170 22 POOR ACCOUNT. UECKII'THj . To amount from Collector Miinett RS 00 To amount from Collector Miller 52 00 $117 00 EXPFNMIITlTItF.S. By amount paid Wilcox Ilouso for board 10 00 By amount paid indigent and blind... 12 20 By amount cash in hands of treasurer 10 7K By amount commission paid treas 2 37 By amount outstanding orders re deemed T2 65 S117 00 By order Board of Auditors. n!2-Ul JAS. H. WELLS, Clerk. Comity Ofllt'orH. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wotinore Assoeiute Judges Hon, (ico. Ed. "iVeU, and JulitiH Jones. fiherill Daniel Scull. T rensurer J aeob M eCuule v. District Attorney C. II. M'Cauley. Co. (Superintendent Geo. It- Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. HcboDiiing. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton. Coiiinussioners Miehael Wedert, VY. H. Osterhout, George Iteusclier. CommisHinnerH' Clerk W. 8. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, It. I. Hpang ler, George Rothrock. Township 0 flieer s. Judge of Election Will Dickiuwon. Inspectoix James Pentleld, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fullerton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. t'um mings, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jns. Kiley. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. 8. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walnisley. Auditors J. II. Ifagerty, James Pen field, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable J. W. Morgester. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still nre 8 little cheaper lhan at any other store in town. Executor's" Notice. Estate of John Ktuil, late of Benzln ger Township Elk Co., deceased. Letlen Tcntamcntary upon the above estate have been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ANDREW KAUL, Exr. n"t0. Executor's Notice. Estate of Michael Sehincbeck late of St. Mary's Itoro. Lctlert Testa mentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delny to JOHN SCHWARTZFISCHER, Exr. n"t0. Apple ton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to be 10 in all, of 80U pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can all'ord 10 do without it who would keep well informed. Price $0,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judsou, Frcdonin, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk couniy. Address him for particulars. fepl"-tf $TTrTis not easily earned in these III limes but it enn bs made in three months by any ene of either sex, in any part of the county who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $(ti per week in your own town. You need nol be away from homo over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business Terms and $" Outfit free. Address at once, H II A L LETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II II AO ERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WAKE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Coiistaiitlv on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES II HAGERT V GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is flooded with applications for seeds but obtain ! lie siune Varieties, and nil the new ouch, by otdeiing from the undersigned Beside my own specialties 1 am preparer! 10 turuish tiny of seed from atiy cata logue ni n Win-omit of ten per cent from list prices, for the convenience of those who wnut an assortment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of l.'lvuiic lies of choicest Flower reeds a complete flvwer garden, price $1. No. 2 comprise a complete culieciion of Vegetable seeds for a Miuill family garden, price $l.o0. 1'ackngcs of I he two sets con bine J for 2.00 Sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. The ' seeds in these collections would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purchau'd of any dealer. H. V. SMITH, 734 13th STREET, Washington, D. C. JL il JL JCjJlN X Ochanical devi- ccs. trade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received proR attention. INVENTORS-"". a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to its patenta bility Ifiee of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UM'IL PATENT 13 SE CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecule ca ses that have been hkjf.ctkd by the Patent Office. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing bclore the Patent Ollice. Send for circular for further iufomation, terms and references. Established in lSUii. EDSONBIIOS, Solicitors of L'. 8. and foreign PATENTS. 711 0 street, W., VYithingion, D. C. uUtl3 CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. Cristadoro's Hair Dye la the SAFEST and BEST; it acts liiBtanta neouHly, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN tho SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. IIVING WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. 50,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00. ...-each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. 10,00 -.each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER. 5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 6,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 - each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK d- CROSS FOXES. The above prico I will pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Puneutawney Pa. For further Information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. 1 A i II-" THURSDAY, MAY 81, 1877. Fame. It SCHIl.tKlt. What shall I do to be forever known? "Thy duty ever!" This did nill many who yet slept unknown.- "Oh, ncverl never! Thlnk'st thou, perclinncp, that they remain unknown. Whom thou know'st not? Hy niiKol trumps In heaven their prnlso Is blown) Divine their lot!" Rain is much needed now. Flour Is declining In price. Yesterday Decoration Day. Court is well attended this week. Potato bugs are appearing in swarms. D. A. Pat 11 to re lias built a fine new burn. Sec "Caution Notice" In another column. Eggs are from eighteen to twenty cents a dozen. Wo print neat visiting cards. Call and see samples. The court proceedings will appear in full in our next Issue- The organ-grinder pest has made its appearance on our street-). The work on Dickinson Bros, new barn is progressing slowly. Decoration Dny was generally ob' served throughout the State. Hon. Geo. A. Jenks, and Judge Souther are In town this week. Our foreman is sick which will ac count for our being behind time. Dr. C. R. Earley will please accept our thanks for several valuable works. The Republican State Convention will be held at Hurrisburg on August Ulith. Strawberries h..vj appeared in this market at from twenty to thirty cents a ipiart basket. Sewing machines that used to sell for sixty-live dollars van now be pur chased for thirty. live. Give us a call for job work. We can print bill-heads, letter-heads, state ments, cards, lags, and envelopes. The balloon ascension came offat this place, last Wednt-sday, as advertised, anil was witnessed by a large number of people. Tho Pi inter's new house has re ceived the first coat of plaster. Now is a good time to pay hiin as it is plain to be seen that he needs the money. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CO UN Meal, Oat j), always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. Casper Wilhelm, w! committed rape on an old woman at St. Mary's a few months since, has been found guilty ''as in manner and form in ilicte'd." General Grunt is now in Europe, he 's received cordially wherever he goes. Already enough provisions have been tendered the General to last him a fort night at least. The Millstone oil well is down 127(1 feet, with a good show of oil. In fact about a barrel of oil has been taken out by meat is of the sandpump. The well will be sunk deeper in .1 few weeks. If you must form harsh judgments, form them of yourself, not of others, and, in general begin by attending to your own deficiencies first. If every one would sweep up his own walk, we should have very clean streets. Last Saturday ten or twelve volun teer workmen, headed by T. A Neill, proceeded the place where Peter Clark's house was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago, and re-built it for him We wish Peter better luck in the fu ture. County Superintendent Dixon's little daughter, between six aud eight months of age, was severely injured the other day by jumping from its mother's arms and striking head-first 011 the floor. Its scull was slightly fractured, but, we a re glad to be able to state that the child is improving. James M'Afec, Merchant Tailor, over Powell & Kline's store, is making cheap clothing and excellent fits. The work he turns out shows for itself every time, and places hiin in the first-class as a cutter and fitter. The story having been circulated that he was about to leave town soon we are authorized to say there is no foun dation for the rumor. If you want to obtain good fits at low rate give M'Afee u call. Judge Wetinore decided to take the bonds of the constables elected at tho spring election. The opinion of At torney General Lear, in reference to the holding over of township officers, seemed to warrant the belief that the old constables would hold over. In consequence of which decisiorf several townships in this county, Ridgway among tho number, hud no contest for tho last mimed ollice. Geo. D. Messenger, Jr-, is the new constable for Ridgway township, The Warren Mail boys: A project is on foot to build a single rail safety railway, as it is called, between Brad ford and Glean to accommodate the increasing oil trade. The road is on the plan seen at the Centennial Exhi bition last year, got up by Gen. Roy Stone, formerly of this place. A pre liminary survey has been niado be tween the two points, by Ger.. Roy Stone, Col. Wilcox and A. J. Post, a competent engineer. The plan of a single rail has been known 10 engin eers for many years, but Gen. Stone is the first to bring it into practical use. Its cheapness is its main recommen dation, and if found practicable it will be constructed us an additional outlet tor tlie Brautora oil. Ridgway Pnbllo Schools Exhibition. The exhibition at the school house on Friday evening, last, was well at tended, and well received. Sometime before the hour for opening the house was uncomfortably packed, a number being obliged to stand. Without giv ing individual praise we will say that all did well reflecting great credit on teachers and scholars. Below we ap pend the programme: Song of Welcome, by the school. Playing School in Vacation Class from Intermediate Dep't. Wedlock (Charade) Lizzie M'Caulrv, May Little, Ida Luther, A. ft. Cliapin. Living Flowers (Tableau) Class from Primary Department. Music Maigloekchen's Lauten Kittle Whitmore. Der Leetle Baby, Minnie Kline. Comedy of an evening Eight Characters. Music The Last Rose of Summer May Little. Mistletoe ) ron8 Mrs. J. D.Fullerton 11 wi. Pantomime-by '24 persons Bough J,,.ftn() Aen.-tJiM.'u.tic. Train to Mauro (Dialogue) Win. Messenger, Willie Schram and Jen nie M. Sheeley. Music Two Merry Girls (Duett) Jennie and Katie Gresh, Piano Ac conip't, Mrs. P. R. Ernhotit. The Country Pedagogue (Dialogue) Casper Kime and 14 Others. Early Rising, Katie O'Connor. Music Mother Says I Mustn't By George Himself, Piano Accompani ment by Prof. Brack. Centennial 1770 and 1S70 (Dialogue) hinniii Reman and Nellie Jti Selirain Music Two Angels, Jennie Gresh. Sam's Gal Casper Kime and Fred. l-.iy. Music Sad Hour of Parting By the school. Upon the conclusion of tho exhibi tion Friday evening it was decided to have a second etitertainment on the succeeding Tuesday evening. The Tuesday evening performance was even more fully attended than the one preceeding, of which we also print the programme: Music Jennie, the Flower of Kildare. Katie Gresh and Kittie Whitmore. When the Cat's Awav the Mice will Play (Dialogue) by J4 persons. Music Chicago Fire Bells Minnie Service. Twenty Froggies (Recitation) - Henry Willard, aged 3 years. Living Flowers (Tableau ) 20 little girls from Primary Department. Music Fra Diavolo Fantaisie Bril- liante Prof. Chus. Brack. Fat Brigade, By 7 Little Bovs. The Merriest Girl that's Out Ella Kime, Piano Accompaniment, bv Prof. Brack. Sam's Gal Casper Kime and Fred. Ely. Aunt Hetty's Reflections on Matri monyJennie M. Sheeley. Music Remembrance, May M. Little. Fit for a Lawyer (Dialogue) Julia Flynn and Others. Bill Arp on the Rack Viola Neill. Music Beautifull Moonlight (Duett) -Jennie and Katie Gresh. Oration City of Constantine Win. Messenger. Centennial 1770 and 1S7U (Dialogue) Emma Beman and Nellie E. Schram. Mm her Says I Mustn't By George Himself, Piano Accompaniment by Prof. Brack. Train to Muuro (Dialogue) Win. Mes senger, Willie Schram, and Jennie M. Sheeley. Music Fantaisie Cominue Introduc ing the Melody of the Yaller Gal that Winked at Me. Gesie Becker a German, was found hanging to the limb of a tree in York county recently. He lived with his brother and a day or two before he was found, while leaving tho house, of he said he was going to hang himself. No attention was paid to his remarks until his protracted absence created a fear that hu had carried his threat into execution. Becker was seventy-one years old. A Lowell Muss, newspaper an nounced that twins had been born to the wile of Jonh Dixon. Mrs. Dixon, who lived in Lynn, read this news, reflected calmly, nnd was certain that no such thing had happened to her. She went to Lowell, and found the mother of the twins in a second wife of Mr. Dixon. The bigamist was ar rested. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, is to marry the widow of the late Gov ernor Pickens, of the same State. She was the second wife of her late hus band, and was much his junior. She was a noted beauty, and created a great sensation in St. Petersburg, whither Governor Pickens took her as a bride when he was sent thither as minister. Ex-Mayor Good of Allentown, came to Philadelphia on Monday. On the next day he wrote home that he has left Allentown forever; that he was troubled about his business, and was so overworked that his brain would no longer act. He further says that there is nothing dishonorable in his course as no one will sutler loss through him, an examination into his all airs shows them to be all correct. He has not been heard from since. Governor Hartranft has ordered warrants to be issued for the execu tion of the following persons who have been convicted of murder: Al exander Campbell, Carbon county, June 21; James Carroll, Hugh Mc Gehan, Jas. Boyle and James Roarty, Schuylkill county, June 21 ; Patrick Hester, Peter McHugh, and Patrick 'fully, Columbia county, August 9; Thomas F. Carley, Montgomery county, August 9. The Schuylkill and Columbia county convicts are all Mollie Maguires. After all that has been said and written it appears that Senator Don Cameron was after something else than public affairs in his recent trip west of the mountains. Ruinorsays that he was looking after a beautiful and wealthy heiress of Pittsburgh, and It was to press his suit aud win the hand of this charmer that he tar ried in the Smoky City. Mr. Cuineron is a widower, about forty-seveu,years of age, aud worth a good million Too lady is young, handbome, refined and wealthy. State Notes. A Luzerne county minister has been dismissed for lying. Judge Orvls is president of the Bellefonte temperance union. Four thousand 'people in Delaware county havo signed the Murphy pledge. Tho decrease in tho valuation of taxable property in Allegheny county this year as compared with last is over $81,000,000. The Beaver planing mill, William sport, was destroyed by fire on Thurs day night. Loss between $15,000 and 820,000. A Lancaster county cigar maker has just completed the feat of working ninety-six hours without rest or sleep. Elias Grubc, of Chester county, took a dose of borax and saltpetre by mis take and died twenty-four hours after ward. His wife had procured the fatal compound to exterminate bugs. James Ackley, aged seventy-seven years, was run over and killed the other day on the railroad in Allegheny city. He was picking coal 011 the track when struck. A Scranton negro caught. a white man in his wife's bed the other night and beat him so severely that a fatal result is not impropable. Mrs. Phoebe Suppler, of Montgom ery county, committed suicide by hanging on Friday last. She had re cently lost tho sight of an eye, and the fear that she would become totally blind disordered her mind. On Friday morning Alexander Dob bins, of Gaysporl, Blair county, lost a two year old sou by drowning in the Juniata river. Twelve years ago to the day the 'same gentleman lost a little boy in the same manner and in the same place. Johnny Britten is the name of an eight year old Pittsburgh pickpocket. He has been in the habit of ingen iously slipping up behind ladies and inserting his hand into their pockets and removing all the valuables there from. He Is under arrest for the last offense. Barney M'Calniont, one of the Mur phy temperance speakers and con verts, of Pittsburgh, has brought suit for libel against the Rev. Mr. Moore, publisher of the Millerstown, Butler county, Review, and the latter has given $"00 bail for trial An article appeared in the paper charging M'Cal niont with debauching. Three card monto men beat C. W Wheeloek, of Oil City, out of $1,800 in checks and drafts while en route to Chicago the other day. Wheeloek was detained at a Chicago hotel while one of the operators hastened to New York and had the checks cashed. Two of the swindlers have been arrested. A little daughter of Noah G. Her shey,a farmer, residing near Maytown, Lancaster county, was burned to death recently. Her mother had been engaged killing caterpillars, with burning rags. The fire not being suf ficient, she sent the girl for oil, which the latter poured on some rags on tire. The oil burst into a flame, and the lire was communicated to the child's dress. Death followed in a few minutes. Horace Milburn, who is credited with having stolen nearly all the chickens in the Tioga valley, iias been sent to the penitentiary. He and another party stole thirty from Judge Bently and the next morning bor rowed his wagon to take them to mar ket. When the wagon was returned two of the chickens were found under the seat. About one o'clock 011 Thursday morning a lire at Hout.dale, Clearfield county, destroyed the dwelling houses P. Tan key and Charles Kinney, Gib bons, Bros.' store, Mrs. J. D. Sprout's dwelling and store, George Hagerty's dwelling house and bakery ; a lot of furniture belonging to J. II. Fore man ; A. B. Ashtou's bakery, house hold goods and stock. The merchan dise was insured. The probable loss is $2.",0o0, with no insurance, except on Ashton's property. At Scranton on Friday night a meeting of workingtnen was held at which the action of President Gowen, of the Philadelphia and Reading rail road, in connection with tho Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, was denounced. The following resolution was adopted: "Wo notify our store keepers aud business men in general that we will not patronize them as long as they continue to order their goods over the Reailing railroad y- its branches, uud until said company re verse their tyrannical orders.'1 Recently the residence of an aged couple named Foley, in Cambria county, was visited by two men who represented themselves as United States detectives in search of counter feit money. Foley denied having any money, but his visitors insisted that he had aud ransacking the house found a trunk under a bed containing over $700 in gold, which they ap propriated. The owner being feeble was unable to make any resistance, and the villains have not been heard of siuce. An "Egyptian soap" man came in with the circus lust Thursday and soon drew a crowd. He had no diffi culty in selling small packages of com mon bar soap witli $1 or more thrown In, despite the hard times. The fun ceased, though, when a man, old enough and big enough to know bet'. ter, paid $lo for a chunk of soap, sup posed to contain $20, but which on examination had only $1. He un auimously decided by a large majority to keep out of the soap business here after. Some persons only learn by costly experience, that it k didlcult to beat it man at hinown game. War ren Mail. A horrible accident recently occur red at Jobnsonvtlle, Northampton county, by which several young men were seriously Injured. Mr. Hiram Kressler engaged his son, a young man about seventerti years of age, a young colored man about the same ago and several olhet young men, to blast rocks In a large field. The young men had drilled a hole in a large rock, and were preparing the charge to blast, when It exploded prematurely, knock ing them in all directions. Mr. Kres sler's son had both eyes blown out and his face considerably disfigured. The colored man had one eye knocked out and both arms horribly mutilated. The other young men were Injured by being struck with the flying stones. The"Erie Dhpatoh says: "General Allen's friends affirm that ho has suf fered everything for the past ten years in consequence of t he infamous cou dtict of his wife. On her account ho has beeu socially ostracised wherever he has lived, but his affections for her prompted him to repeatedly condone ' her faults, hoping that she might bo induced to reform her manner of life. His treatment of her has been remar kubly kind and generous, and he de layed the step he is now taking as long as it was possible to do so. She lias been married three times. From her first husband (who Is now living at Warren I she was divorced: her second was killed during the war, and then she married General Alien. It is a sad thing for the general, and ho is deserving of tho sympathy which he receives from nine-tenths of those who arc acquainted with tho parties " Sew Advertisements. Caution Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or in any way nieddlu with, the following described property now in possession of Miehael Fearn: One sewing 'machine, one shop stove aud pipe, two chairs, one table, dishes and tinware, asl purchased tho same at Sheriff's sale and have left them with the said Michael Fearn for a time only. ROBERT MANETT. Wilcox, Pa., May 24, 1877. nl-ltS. "NEWTORE IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's BAZAAR of WILLI AMSPORT.PA. have opened a large stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Picture and Motto Frames, Hair Switches, &c, which they will sell at prices within tho reach of all. Don't fail to call and examine their full andcomplete stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Remember tlio place next door to the Post-office. nl5ni3. TWO YEARH AN INVALID CURED. "People's Remedies" are seven in number and are manufactured by Dr. M. M. Fenncr, Fredonia, N. Y. No one of them is put forward as a "cure all,'' but each Is adapted to a special class of diseases, as described in the circular entitled "People's Remedies,'' which is wrapped around every bottle. Each remedy, in its place, is curative in the highest sense possible, in tho present advanced state of medical science. hen thus adapted it will apparently work wonders. Many thousands of certificates of cures on flic, written by grateful invalids who havo been restored by them to health. Some of these are published in the cir cular above referred to, representing all classes of society, from tho lowly cottage to the princely palaces and offices of state. Ask your druggist for one. New Bethlehem, Pn., July 2oth. 1S7J. Dr. 51. M. l'ciiner, Fredonia, N. Y. Dear Sir: About two years ngo I had an eruption of the sklu and swelling of my upper lip and hot It legs. I could not war a boot for nine mouths, I lnui also a bud cough for about fifteen years. I met you nt the M'Nutt House, here, lust February, showed you ray swollen limbs, nnd you examined my lungs. You prescribed your lllood ' nnd Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, your Suit Rheum Ointment and your Improved Cough Honey. I commenced their use at once as you direc ted. Tlio ell'ect surprised mo, and and all who knew my case. Tho cough almost im mediately ceased. Tlioeruptloiidlsuppeurcd, nnd tho swelling went "down and out," It Is now about six mouths since I commenced the treatment. I Improved so thut I com menced work t'le first of March, and I now wear my boots and labor as beforo I was sick . No trnco either of the Cough, Swelling or Kruptlon remains. The cure Is complete, ami 1 feel as well us beforo I was sick. I am willing to bo tiuulitiud us to tho truthful ness of tho above, und will cheerfully answer nil lnnulrlcs- I feel us grateful to you as it Is possible for a restored Invalid to leel. Yours truly, J. il. SKVLER. NEW MUSIC. ' We have just received from tho Publisher, a copy of a new Temper ance Song and Chorus by the popular and favorite author Jas. G. Clark, en titled "Nowhere to go." This is the latest as it is one of the best of Mr. Clark's popular songs aud comes most opportune just now wheu there is such an interest in the tem perance cause. Mr. Clark's produc tions including "When the mists have rolled away," aud the "Two Vil lages" are known and sung through out the laud, their beautiful melodies, choice poetry, and rare ailaptation of music to the words rendering them universal favorites. We append the opening stanza of "Nowhere to go Homeless lo-nlght and with no one to pity, Weary of living aud dying with woe ; Homeless lo-nlght in the heart of tho city Frerzlng and starving yet nowhere to go. Mail post-paid on receipt of 83cts. Address, W. W. WHITNEY, Publisher, Toledo, Ohio. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL KIME'S. V