The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 31, 1877, Image 2

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    mm Stffwjak
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, MAY 81, 1877
Meeting of the Republican State Con
tention. Headquarters Republican
State Committee, Haiiisburg, May
2ith, 1877. In pursuance of a resolu
tion of the Republican State Commit
tee, adopted at a meeting held in liar
rlsburg, this day, a Republican State
Convention, to be composed of dele
Kates from each Senatorial and Repre
sentative district, to the number to
which such district Is entitled in the
Legislature, Is hereby called to meet
in the city of Harrisburgh, at twelve
o'clock, noon, on
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for Supreme Judge, State Treas
urer and Auditor General, to be voted
for at the ensuing general election on
the sixth day of November next.
Ry order of Committee.
HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman.
A. Wilson Norris, Secretary.
After the nomination of Judge Fet
terinan tn Allegheny county on Wed
nesday several delegates boasted that
they recived a hundred dollars for
voting for the nominee.
The New York Sim's cut of Presi
dent Hayes with the word "fraud"
stamped across his forehead has cost
that paper a loss of 5,000 subscribers.
The Sun will learn after awhile that
all such attempts receive "their just
recompense of reward."
A Washington special to the New
York World states that 80 per cent,
of gicenbacks destroyed during tills
month for national bank notes issued
will reduce the legal tender circulation
on the 1st of .Time to $3(30,000,000 leav
ing but $00,000,000 to be reduced before
the limit fixed by the resumptionn
act is reached. The greenbacks re
tired under the sales of coin which
commenced on May 31st will be added
to the amount of this reduction when
they are cancelled.
Fletcher Harper, who died in New
York city on Tuesday, was the last of
the four brothers whose great publish
ing house is known wherever English
books are read. The New York
Ilettrld says that lie was the ublest
member of the firm, possessing nat
ural powers which would have made
him a man of great mark in any
calling. It is no secret that he was
the real editor, the controlling mind,
of the Harper periodicals, and that he
framed the ixilicy and suggested the
characteristic features of those jour
Great preparations are being made
in England to receive ex-President
Grant with fitting and appropriate
honors. It is also intimated that the
government at Washington lias in
formed the llritish ministry that it is
expected that the same honors will be
shown to hint as were bestowed on
Napoleon and Louis Phillippe. Be
that as it may, however, there is no
doubt that the English as a people will
vio with each other in extending
courtesies to the distinguished
stranger, and that the government
will leave nothing undone to show its
appreciation of him as a military hero,
The fame of General Grant is world
wide, and wherever he may go lie
will be recognized as a Representative
American, who served his country in
the field and the executive office with
distinguished honor, and he will be
surprised to find that he is almost as
well known abrord as at home. Wil
liamnporl O. & II.
Au Insane Freak.
a max runs a freight train into
A man, supposed to be insane, com
mitted a strange freak Tuesday after
noon on Washington avenue, which
resulted in his death and the running
of two freight cars into the Delaware
at Pine-street wharf. Locomotive No
69 of the Philadelphia, Wilmington
& Baltimore Railroad, about 3 o'clock
was standing on Washington avenue,
between Front street and Delaware
avenue, having annexed to it two
freight cars, and during the tempor
ary absence of the engineer and fire
man au unknown man jumped into
the cab of the engine, and opening the
throttle-valve, let her go down the
avenue at full speed The switches
being turned in the direction ofl'irne
street wharf, down the train went un
tii it struck the bumpers at the wharf
with such terrible force that the en
gine was thrown from the track and
the two cars precipitated into the
river. The man was thrown out into
the water and drowned. The en
gineer and fireman returned to the
place whore they left the train, but,
not finding it they made inquiries,
and were informed that it bad been
seen running in the direction of Pine
street wharf. They hurried down to
the place indicated and discovered
that the engine and cars had been
wrecked. The engineer at once
stopped the throttle of the engine, and
then Informed the railroad authorities
ef what had happened. Arrange
ments were at once made to remove
the wreck. Shortly after the accident
the police grappled for the drowned
man, and after about fifteen minutes'
labor succeeded in finding the body.
It was that of a man beteen 35 and 40
years of age. in shirtsleeves and dark
pants. The proprietor of a public
house on Washington avenue stated
that shortly before the taain was
btarted the drowned man entered his
place, took a drink, and remarked
thatitw3 the last drink for him in
ihia world Forney's Press.
The Great Frauds In Lnzcrne County.
Scranton, Pa., May 27. The audi
tors appointed by the county court a
year ago to make an audit of the Lu
zerne county finances for the past
seven years have finished their labors
and the result will be published to.
morrow. It reveals a record of official
dishonesty unparalleled In the pre
vious history of the county and shows
how for seven years past the commis
sioners, treasurers, sheriff's, clerks and
others have stolen boldly large sums
from the treasury. The thefts took all
possible shapes, such as bogus con
tracts, changing records, altering
figures, retaining taxes. Positive
proof wns furnished by the creditors of
$')0,000 stolen from time to time, but
the full amount of the seven years will
doubtless reach $100,000.
Governor Potts, of Montana, against
whom charges of nialfeasauce in of
fice had been trumped up, has been
vindicated by the President, who
made a careful examination of the
case, and then dismissed it because he
found nothing in it. It Is to his credit
to state that the financial affairs of the
territory are In better condition than
those of the other territories, and that
he has proved himself a good gov
ernor. He will now return to his post
with the Presidential blessing, con
scious of having discharged his duty
with fidelity, and certain of not being
On Saturday at Pittsburgh John
Council, with another man, stepped
on an elevator to remove a stone which
had been raised to a height of 120 feet.
As the men got oil the platform it be
gan to descend. One of them saved
himself by jumping on the first land
ing. Council endeavored to jump on
thesccond landing, but the downward
course of the elevator was so rapid
that lie lost his balance and was
hurled down the opening to the hot
toin, turning over and over in his de
scent. He had his scull crushed but
was living in the afternoon.
Kootstown, Ohio, March 28, 1876. Dr.
M. M. Fenner, Fredonia, N. V., Dear Sir
If you waut one of tlie best testimonials
or your Blood ami Liver Kemeily and
Nerve Tonic, you van get it of Mr. James
Phelps, of this place. He is a reliable
lunii, and hud been pick five years and
spent some two thousand dollnra for medi
cine and treatment. Oue linlf dozen bottles
of your rcnedy cured him. He had an ab
scess i hat wns discharging when be com
menced Inking the medicine, from a pint to
a quart a day. lie wug unable to leave his
bed. Is now about and attending to his
business. The abscess entirely hculea be
fore ho hud taken three bo; tics. He has
been the means of our selling very much of
your medicines here, and everybody likes
thera. We, as agents, would like very much
to bave you write him lor a statement of
his exact condition, lours Truly,
GREEN & SI'ELMAN, Merchants.
It is now everywhere concoeded thai Ibis
is a remedy never before equaled in real cura
tive value. It accomplishes several impor
tant indications, chief among which may
bo mentioned:
1. It completely cleauees and purifies
the blood, quickly overcoming constipation,
causing the liver to throw oil' its bile, and
cleansing the eniiro alimentary canal, rill
ing it of worms and other vermin inhabit
ing nn unhealthy stomach and bowels
This acliou renders it peculiarly valuable
in the weukuesses, thick and impure blood,
billiousncss and lussiiudcs incident lo the
change from winter to spring. It causes
ihote feeling dull, heavy headachy, op
pressed and blue to become clearheaded au I
cheerful within two days time, luthus re
moving all humors ficin Ihe blood, it cures
nil blood diseases from a pimple on the
fiue to a grave scrofula.
2d. It has woi.dertul healing and nutri
tive properties tor ihe relief of all irrita
tions and intlnmniation within, and restor
ing nnd building up the system. It thus
strengthens and heals the Stomach, Nervous
System, Heart, Lungs, Kidueys mi all
other tissues.
3d. It is nn active aud permanent Nerve
Tonic, thereby adapting it. to all grades of
'nervousness" by building up the nervous
fyeiein. Nerve medicines will not act, un
less associated with cleansing remedies.
Hence the beauty of this compound.
40). Dy its healing and nutritive quali
ties it becomes the necessary and best
remedy in all chronio Coughs. Assicted iu
these cases by Dr. Fenuer's Improved
Cough Honey, the lungs and throat readily
0th. Owing to its Healing, Nerve Re
storative and Cleansing properties, it be
comes the best remedy now known for all
that long list of aliments peculiar to temales
It is therefore a vegetable compound, so
made up of the choicest plants carefully col
lected from every country and clime of the
world, as to possess the rarest Alternative
or Cleansing and Purifying, together
Heiling and Tonic or Nerve Strengthening
and Restorative properties combiued.
For sale by dealers in medicine.
F. A. Lchmann, Solicitor of American and
Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All
business connected with Patents, whether
before the 1'atent Office or the Courts,
promptly atteuded to. Nn charges made
unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir
cular, nlltf
who was wounded or contracted perma
nent disease in service can get a pension
by writing to John Kirkpatrick, Cambridge,
Ohio. N-lOoil
is permanently located at the St. Charles
Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and De
fortuities of the Spine, Ulterino Displace
ments Dyspepsia, Hernia and Piles suc
cessfully treated by the BANNING S VS
TEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or
send for descriptive pamplet, "The House
You Live In." Mailed Free.
The advertiser, havlug been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to bis fellow sufferers the means of
cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used, (free of
charge) with Ibe directions for preparing
and using the same, which they will hud a
Bronchitis, ic,
Parties wishing the prescription will
please address, Key. . A. WILSON, 194
Peon., Williambburgh, N. Y.
r. & K'S.
White, Powell L Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, May 15th. 1877.
V. 8. 1881. c 115J 1ICJ
do o w, e no, M ana h Called
do do '66 J and J Ill 111
do do 'C.r, do 1 1 4 J
do do '05 do 1 1(
10-40, do roupon 1132
do l'acifio 6 cy Int. off 12oI
Now ,r Keg. 1881 Ill J
" C. Ib81 Ill
Gold 10GJ
Silver... 100
100 J
Pennsylvania ex ive
Philadelphia, & Erie
88$ 31
m iu
8 it
m is?
82 32i
130 130
o 0
16J 18
si nr
'41 4.5
44 45
Lehigh Navigation
do Vnlley
United B R of N J ex. div..
Pittsburgh, T. A Buffalo B. It
Northern Central ex. div
Central Transportation
North Pennsylvania,
C 4 A Mortgage li's '8'J
...loss 107
Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2Gth, 1870
Mail KitHt
4:13 p m
2:47 p m
0:22 h in
8:5-3 p m
4:49 p in
2:11 p m
6:10 a m
8:14 p m
5:15 p m
1:40 p in
7:20 a m
7:45 p m
" West
Day Express East
Niagara Express West..
Mail East
Mail West
Day Express East
Niagara Express West..
sr. maby's
Mail East
Mail West
Day Express East
Niagara, Express West...
Hates of Advertising.
One column, one year $70 00
J " " 40 00
I" ' " 25 00
" 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For the relief and
cure of all derange
ments in the atom,
noh, liver, anil bow.
els. They are a mi J
aperient, and nn
excellent purgative.
lining purely vege
table, they contain
no mercury or mine
ral whatever. Much
serious sickness nnd
sulTering is prevent
ed bv their thncltf
nso; and every tnm'.ly shouM hnve them on hand
for their protection and relief, when minimi.
Long experience has proved them to lie the anf.
est, surest, and best of all the fills with which
tho market noounds. liy their occasional use,
the blood is puiilleil, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelled, obstructions removed, and ilia
whole machinery of life restored to its healthy
activity. Internal organs which become cloggc-il
and filuggUh are cleansed by Aifvr' fill, and
stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease
Is changed into health, the value of which chance,
when reckoned on the vnst multitudes who enjoy
It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating
makes them pleasant to take, nnd preserves their
virtues unimpaired for any length of time, to
that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable.
Although searching, they are mild, and opernto
without disturbance to tlie constitution, or diet, or
Full directions are glv n on the wrapper to
Sneli box, how to use them as n Family rhysie,
m l for the following complaints, which thrse
I'ilt rapidly cure:
For lvicila or Imlfiri'MInn, I.latleai
tip, L.tttiu ur nnd . of ,tiM'titt, they
mould be taken moderately to stimulate the stituv
icn, and restore its healthy tone and actinn.
For SA ver C'onilatnr and its variolic syni(-.
toms, lllliou liotiluclK. Mic-k lli-ixt.
Iiclio. JttumlU'1 "l- tirci-n Mi-l.n(-. Mil.
Ion Colic and lllliou ' ,-r. tliey should
lie judiciously lake'.. .r eo-h case, to correct tlie.
diseased a jioii or remove the obstructions wliicU
cause it.
For ItyxriitprT 01 Olarrhopa, but- one
nild do-c i gcneralh- rciiired.
For Itlii-umativiu. (Jiinl, drawl, t'al
itatioM of tlie llvurt, Huln in ib
ftitlp. Muck and Loin, thev should be contin
uously taken, its required, to change the diseased
action of tho system. With such change those
coin plaints di-;jnear.
For 1Di-oim,v and lj-opicul Mnllins,
they should lie taken in large ami frequent doses
to produce Ihe ellect of a drastic purge.
lor feuii-t'ion. a largo close ahould be
taken, ns it produces tlie desired effect bv sym
pathy. As a Mnnrr PHI. take one or two I'ltl to
promote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach nnd
bowels, restores Ihe nppetite, and invigorate tho
system. Hence it is olten advantageous where
no serious derangement exists. One who feels
tolerably well, olten Hurts that n dose of tlie'O
'! make him feel decidedly better, from their
cleansii. ft aud renovating effect oa the digestive
Dr. J. C. A TER CO., Fractlcal Chemiatt,
1 41. PARK ROWT " "
a new stoek just arriving, at
pay cash for goods, and get more than
the worth of your cash.
a niee little assortment, at
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of Geo. Walnibley late of St.
Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased.
Letter Testamentary upon tho above
estate have been granXed to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make payment,
and tiiose liaving claims to present
the same without delay to
n4tii Administratrix.
All persons are hereby forbidden
selling yoods to, or trusting any person
on my account, without my written
order, as I will pay no debts thus con
tracted after this date.
Kidgway May 2, 1W. ullH
Philadelphia ft Erie R. R. Division
ON and after BUN DAY, NOV. 2(1, 1S70,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
trie Railroad will run as follows i
NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo..... 4 45pm
Drift wood.. 5 68 p m
" " " Emporium 6 fl) p m
" St Mnrjs... 7 45 p in
Kidgway... 8 14pm
arr at Kane.. U 20 p m
ERIE .MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m
" " " Henovo 11 00 a m
" " " Kmporium 12 65 p m
" SI. Mary's 1 4(i p m
" Ridgwny 2 11 p m
" " ' Kane 8 ;J0 p m
' arrive at Erie 7 35 p m
CAY EX leaves Kane (J. 00 a m
" " " Hidgway 6.50 am
" " 81 Marys 7 '.'Oam
" " Emporium 8 10 a m
" " Driftwood 8 68 pm
" " Renov'o 10 10 pm
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m
' Kano 8 60 p m
" " " Ridgwny 4 4!)p m
" St. Mary s 615 pm
" " " Emporium. 0 10pm
' " " Henovo 8.85 p in
" " hit. at 1'hiladephia... 7 00am
Day Eipvess and Niagara Express con
nect eist with Low Orvde Division nnd D
N. Y! it P. P.. P...
Oen'l Sup't
Tlie undersigned believes that he
has the principal agency in this dis
trict from the fact thnt lie lias written
nearly one thousand policies, in the
past three years. He, therefore, in
vites those having Insurance to effect
to compare rates, nnd companies, be
fore making application elsewhere.
Partial list of companies.
AKTXA HAHTKt iHl' 7 ooo 000
NOKTI1 liitlTlslf A M. KXtll.AXli. 1,1 (hhi.i KMj
I-IHI-: ASSi.H'IATlOX PJIII.A l..ini.(K)
XIAOAKA, .Y a,'ifHl.(HI(J
TKAVia-iais' LIKE HAIilKdHli -iiimiMJ
V. li. VA( IITKL, St. Jhirj .M.l'H.
hp: society store.
A new store started in Hidgway un
der the auspices of the ladics of Grace
Church, with
as Agent and Saleswoman,
A fine assortment of goods on hand
and selected with great care.
ladies ties.
toilet sets'.
linen suits.
cii;li)i:en suits
sample silks.
Machine silk, thread and noodles.
Also a line lot of Dress (foods. Fancy
work of all kinds. Framed mottoes
tr., c. All cheap as the cheapest
and goods warranted first class. Call
and examine our stock.
Agent for tlie Society.
1 I'-'lt 1 -J V w v . ! j -ay,
A onr OviVL. tir fiiu ". made suivartlree
iTxnt'"t"Miv.T tlirftinefc, vpv.ill interpret and olaba
rnLe it a f"liin :
ic. roo'n; r.i.,
An'hor of I'l.iin :t o "I I - MMle.i' V r.i. in -a fi-n.
-n.f hi t'rv. .. V-'J J-rxniKtmi Av-tn: ('mn
fci-t VMh fiinstt, :Vr V .rk, uft IxpkfkniiU.'N
I'iiv.ii' iA s. tnuih nil fornis uf Jnuti ttj tr i:h,-unic
!)ts !. nn t r. .i-ivi U-1 1 pr- lrom sll '.irtr of th
OlVII.I.Ktl V.'n.tU?.
Hy ).! oriijui'it trip .f coiirinrtlrff a Modicnl Trim
tvi tn I- tiee--i f-il v treit :u mitt crmi T3ii''it in
fttirorvn. thu W'cfcl LimIIcn, ItotKliiiou of
Cuitu Ju, UiitI in t very j-art uf th' Unitw! hiuu-fl.
Ot i!pIit"rloti tlrri.H n-t'il. Ho 'nun. uuriiw tho imst
t jwwy tiiri'i jfi'tiv. iieisietl MicefKIully ne'ry or quite
i0,U''5 f-i. All fit' t- iMiim-ctt tl with caeh caR ftr
ciri f'llly r'nir-i''i wliether t'uy b oi-inri.tttiifiattd hy
tf'.wv i In iht-oii. r vrvv( liy tho lctor r til
HD-ttH-in'tt i!iy-it:t.uin. 'i'nd 1 utter are all udentifio
mctticiil men.
Are trt'tteii. Ail 1:ivttl,rt at a ilistnnoc nro requlrrd
Lii a;iwrr a lUi .f piuiii tteittioii. which elicits eery
yniitMi iinJiT w ii n un invuli'l t-a:Tarii. All com-mun-i'
iitttnt irtn'Wit Ktriftty con litientmt. A compXa
ijtitu.n of ri"t"Htw ir-rtiifF initiiakPH or coufiuiou.
L,i4t of n'H'.tHvin Htjiit frr un nppliciaixii, to any pvl
i-f ill wori.l. Su-y-ivku-ii p'lmpril. t of Evi;nxm Of
tii;rci:s4. mit tref. All Oh -p tentiinuniiilA an
(rt;n I'mn' wh h ;v kvn trUHl hy T.uil and yxpret
Anvi -k i oFficii, oh Bf Kvii- rrEE or charoe.
Cull 011 or attUw
an. e. 3. rooTB,
Ho. 120 Leringtoa Ave.,y.T,
lHwfaHo .rtll VTM-la Pt-a'n !fomi TaVc
and JWw CitiiuH. Sense: Also
1'r f iots Scunctin S&ry.
Fi r),rtvkirs address .
irurivivKiiiVublbhirroapaiiY J20EistZ8aa
Dr. Ji3rj3:'j Ijni: Low el and Pile Pilli.
TU'e iil are an infJli!il remedy for constipation
n 'il s eniwti by wiukims or aupprcasion of the
torirtu ti-t ttiotum uf ttut bowelii. They very gently
ttvTe&Mi th-t at'Livityof tho intcHtinal cnnr.l, pruduot
afi -it-' rfiil relieve pilenutone. ThmiMindt hare
hs.Mi curel hv thoiu. Piioo 6J oi-nts, aeut by muil on
r.H'mfc uf prirj. Pn.parod only by F. ALFRKD
RK(C!iIAIUvi t'UARUACiHr, Fourth Avimjk,
Skw VoilK C'lTT.
l)r. Baror's Co.nuouad Fluid Extract ct
Rhubarb and Dauuolioa,
Th ttmt ooml)iti:itiiii of purely vevntahlg rnTtlolnek
v eu'lMy -Mlao Calomel or Blu Till. It stimulates
toi, incruse4 the flow ot bile, ami thus romnvee
atono toi peiiiy uf tho liver, biliontness aDil habitu;t
sou-tipatioti. an I the d.sea& arining from such aj
dyip'Mia, siol. hAad-iche, flatulence, eto. Theeffeo
tireneu of tht Kxtraot will be proved, vinibly, at on
do th.i pitienn, a one or two bottle, are auiQcient to
el thi ooiniedon bean tifi illy, and remove pimples
and Ht iin ouiaed hy lwr iron bi en. Price 81 per butlle.
6 bottlua, 9-r i will be sent on receipt of the price
to anv addrona. frut of chure. Vrepared only by
avxtfua, Mw Yonv Crrx.
I will mail Free ebe recipe for prepar
ing simple Vkgetaiii.k Balm thnt will re
move Xam, FKlXKLfcS, l'lPl'tES aud
Ulotcueh, leaving the skin loft, clear nnd
beautiful ; also instructions for producing
a luxuriant growth of bair on a bald head
or emooth face. Address Sen. Vandelf fc
Co.. Box 6121, No 6 Wooster Bt.rN. Y.
Fea Reduced, Entire Cost S55,
Patent Offico Fee $35 in advance, bal.
ance $20 within 6 months after patent al
lowed. Advice and examination free.
Patents Fold.
nl-ml Washington, D. C.
WtnrJ 8iaiJ? whJhii
BY virtue of sundry wrils of fieri facias,
alius fieri fncitts, venditioni exponas,
levari fncins, alins levari facias, and testa
tum fieri faolns, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Elk Coutily, and to me
directed, 1 Daniel 8cull, High Sheriff of
snld county, do hereby givo notice that 1
will expose to publio anle or outcry at the
Court House, in ltidgwny, at one o'clock
P. M. on
ALSO All thnt certain irHct picco or
parcel of land in Donzlnger township, Elk
Co., Pa. on St. Michael's Koad.
Beginning at a post on said St. Michaels
Road ; thence south A4 east following the
line of St. Michael's Road, thirty perches;
thenco Boulh 40 west seventy perches to a
post ; thence north 64 west thirty perches
to ft post ; thence north 40 east seventy
perches to the place of beginning, con
taining thirteen acres and being so much
of tho norllierly purl, of number two 2 on
St. Michael's Bond in the map or plan of
the (own or settlement of St. Mary's.
Upon which is erected a log dwelling house
18x20 feet 1 stories high and a frame barn
,'10x40 feet. Said land is all improved, and
is under fcucc ; has nn orchard I hereon,
nnd a good living epiing of water nnd is
about J ot a mile lioin t. Mary's Borough.
The following mtist be strictly com
plied with when the prdjieity isVtriick
1. All 1jMm must lie iniI in full,
except where tlie pluintiti' oi-wthers
lien creditor becomes the purchaser,
iu which ctises the cost on the writs
must by paid, ns well as nil liens prior
to that of tlie purchuxer, ami u duly
certified list of liens shall lie furn
ished, includiiiK niortgnue searches on
the property (sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt for tlie umouiit
of the proceeds of the sale, or such
portion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock 1".
M., at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold at the expense und risk of the
person to whom it was first stuck nil',
and who, iu case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and
in no instance, will the deed he pre
sented in court for confirmation un
less the bid is actually settled for with
the heriifas above stated.
J) A XI EL KCCLI,, HieiiiY.
Sheriff's Office, l;idgway
l'a., May 1, 1H77.
ee l'urdoti's Digest, !)th, edition,
page 44i!.
List of Juliu s for Alny Court.
uhaxu ji nous.
Iicnzinger. .1. .1. Volincr, school
teiichci'; Joseph Hnine?, tinnier.
Fox. Il-iys Kyler. tiirmer; John M.-i-lonc,
farmer; Dun (,'oiby. Carpenter : Juo.
Kttnilmnn, Carpenter; Tlionms Sullivan,
laborer; Charles II. Hyatt, laborer.
II or ton. Jno. C. M'Allistcr. farmer;
Harvey Parsons, farmer ; Jchn Brown, far
mer; Win., laborer.
.!m. llohert Burke, laborer.
Innnq lulm Krnnu-r. fn rtmnv '
Ridgwny. Huniel Scriluier, livery: N.
T. CumniiiiH". hii'ibermini ; J. B. Connor,
lumberman: II. !S. Thayer, coal dealer;
Michael L'nilcy, laborer.
ft. AbiryV--.lofcp'i .scl.auer. laborer:
(jeo. Libtr, laburi-r: Henry Fochtmau, ,- Aiuhtny Biebeiger, enrpen
ter ; Aiuliony vliancr, saloon keeper.
mAVi.Bfi; -unions.
Bcnraitte. Simtin P. Bmninp, painter :
Ki.hert M illi-aii. genlleiiian.
Benziner. K. X. Brig, laborer John
Heiudle, bar tetnler ; Mklmel Neibert, car
penter; Michael Markci, eaipi incr; W il
liaai tii oss, tanner ; JoHeph Liiuxel, fanner;
Cliar'es b'vhncidcr, tanner; Philip Voun,
limner; John VYjiluinn, fanner; Joseph
chaiivr,; (leu. Nis.vell, farmer;
Jacob Stluuid'-r, Jr., farmer; Michael
ijlntt, fariuer.
Fox, Henry I.niirey, fariiu-r : Hiram
Hewitt, farmer, 1.. W. Molmu, Jr., farm-r
0. A Brown, fni nier ; 'I'hcmns Malone, f ir
mer. Hoiloii. lit .ekiiili llnrlon, favmer!
Jacob Fields, cabinet maker.
Jay. las M tiutciiinn, b. borer. ,
Jonei llobcrl Mined, Clerk; J. L.
Brown, merehunl ; ti OCailick, shoemaker
Michnel Dill, frrmcr.
Millstone (i;ill;ey Parrot, fanner: it.
W. Painter, laborer.
Ridgwny Uavid ln'ip, luboier; J. B.
Rice, laborer; tieo. U. Dixon, Co. Snerin
lendnnl ; J. 8. Powell, sad'er; Charles
Holes, jeweler; J. K. Whitmnre. sawyer ;
0. II. Mattorl. sawyer; F. 1'. Eenger, tin
ner ; H. V. Uiini;, merchant ; John Kem
nierer, fanner; fiaiiiut-l Oirdni-r, farmer,
spring Creek Thomas J-llerson, laborer
St. Mary's John Frank, laborer; bonis
(Jeis, laborer ; bonis Knuhaiiinr, laborer ;
Anthony Auuniii, stone imisoii ; Charles
Kuffeii, butcher; Frank Vauiibauni, shoe
maker ; K. Leui, Co., Surveyor.
Laws Relating to Newspaper Substrip
tions und Arrcr.rr.tre.
1. Fuiiscribers who d" not give cxpreps
notice to the contrary, are considered with
ingto continue Iheir buhscription.
2. If i-ubsciibers order t lie discontinu
ation uf their periodicals, tlio publishers may
continue lo eend them until all arrearages
are paid.
li. If subscribers neglect or refuse to
tnke Ihiir periodicals from the orlicewhere
they are directed, they are held responsi
ble until they hare s-.ttled their bills, and
ordered i lie in discontinued.
4. If tubsci ibers move lo oilier places
without iuforining the publishers, and ihe
papers are sent to the former direction,
they are held responsible.
o. The courts hnve decided that "refus
ing to lake periodicals from Ihe office, or re
moving and leaving them uncalled f ir is
pri)iit J'vic evidence of intentional
fraud "
(i. Any person who receives a newspaper
and makes use of it. whether he 1ms
ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub
scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they
are bound to give notice to the publisher at
the end of their time, if they do not wish to
continue taking it otherwise the publishers
are authorized to send it on, and ihe sub
scribers will be held responsible umiluu
express notice with payment of all arrears,
gent to the publisher.
Executors Notice.
Estate of John Taylor late of Fox
Township. Elk Co., deceased. Letters
Testamentary upon the above estate
have been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and
those having claims to present the
same without delay to
GEO. B. TAYLOR, v . .
Ii2t0 JAMES R. TAYLOR. x lk'
I have a limited quantity of fine seed
from a new and uneqiialod variety of
Ranch wheat, put up in 1J lb. sacks which
will be gent prepaid on receipt of $1. The
wheat is superior to the favorite Clawson
variety, has a strong straw, and statds up
well when growing. This seed is the
product of experiments lust year, from
which the yield was at the rate of 67
bushels of wheat to one bushel ef seed.
Only 600 sacks are ofered for sale.
734 11th, STREET, Washington 1). C.
Ueo. Woods &'Co.s
.U ?l iJiYV-'' --zr&
si's v Jten kuwrs XVfl 11 m mC a
I'luse rcmarkiVs in-lr-tmcnt.i o..iici-.;i fut r.mii:al cffcctn and cxnrewion never before tttaineit.
AilnnieJ fcr rr..Tcar ru i !'r ifMnl. aiul :ia orn.-n-.icnt in any parlor, if Beautiful New Styles, now ready.
Gr'.Q. WOODS -, CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass.
WAWIROOHSt r.ns WMnk-tnii Si., lin.tor.: I 'irt Stato St.. Chicago? 89 Ludfrste Hill, London.
T'TTC TITT?.f Ar - A IcaJIiK; Musical Journal of selected music nrl valuable rendin
X XI j IUA llUiVliii'l.fc , jniiiir. l'v miilfor Si ner vpjt or ten cents a number. Each umhr
iort;i-rs fm --- w .-ih -."it..- fin-it e',rtic-l misk. GEO. WOODS a CO., Publisher, Cambrldgeport, lat
Our large and increasing imsine demands more room, and we will Jnfler April 1st,
1877, occupy 2d and 8d floors of "M'Cailum Building" 77 Fitth Avenue (nearly
opposite our present loea'ion,) and will oiler to the trudc one ui'the largest and best
slocks of good? in the United Stales, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Bronies,
Jewelry Silver i- Plated Ware (i-c, &.
Close Cnsh Unvfr. Invited. W HOiJ'.S A I.H KXCLL'SIVELY
C. B. BARRETT & CO., 77 Fl ftvanuo, Pittsburgh, Pa.
(.iflli-i1, over Powoll tl' K
2.00 A riwlli-$l.oO IjY .'.! b) lME
Demoj cst 's .MontJdij, with premium , itl .-hlvccate for
J.oO Head the, J'remium List
Peterson's Ma cur.i n c, and The .1.1) 'OVATE or 3.00
Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates XumishecU
LMa: fli -vfti
9 -i
inii-'s i-'tciiv. Main fsirott.
UE 1)1)1X0 VAJWS.