THE 1I0MR OF ( KUniliiriKS. Tlii Men nrNnlr Who I.lrr In.f nck.nnvlllo, lll.IIMnil Wllllnii. nitllinrn, fol amlth Km.bcII, Fnthpr mirlliliiia nnd Oihrrn. A corrMponili'iit of tho Gincinnnti CWmrrc(i writos an follows from Jnck Honvillo, 111. JnckHonvillo is n snrjirise to Btrnngprs. Tlicy do not pxrct to see in a new prairies Stuto a town embowered m elniB, and showing evidences of cul ture and refinement. Jacksonville is a rich, proud, aritocratic city. Among the many persons of Jackson ville noted for their wealth, eccentricities or intellect, William Millmrn, tho blind preacher, has more than local celebrity. Iu this town his boyhood was passed ; here he pored over the text books of our college, taking in knowledge painfully, a word at a time, through his one failing eye. lie was for years an eloquent Methodist preacher, aud became known widely by his appointment as chaplain of the Congress of the United States when a mere stripling, ilo was after ward pastor of rich churches in Eastern cities, but left tho church of his youth nnd became an Episcopalian. He pos sessed a wonderful memory and a deep, rich voice. It was a sight to bo remem bered when he came from the vestry room, clad in his snowy gown, his figure commanding and his face grand, and without book or prompting, although he is now perfectly blind, went through the service as never a reader did before. Iu tho course of his sermon I once heard him repeat " llock of Ages." No idea can bo given of the pathos and fire of this recitation as he gave it. The audi ence were in tears ; tho rector in whose stead Mr. Millmrn was acting wept audibly. The old Methodist magnetic fire dwelt in the blind preacher, and moved Episcopalians as it had formerly moved the followers of Wesley. After n brief aud brilliant career in the Church of England, Mr. Milburn returned to his first form of worship, and, as an humblo Methodist, intends to finish in Jacksonville his life and life's work. Jacksonville is also the home of Sol Smith Russell, tho facial comedian, known by all lovers of fun. Here he al ways comes in summer time, and spends his vacation in his early home. He is a young man of good habits and a gener ous heart. . His parents, being conscien tious Christians, opposed his choosing the stage. Convinced it was his field of life, ho went out of his home followed by a mother's prayers. Presents come often to tho old couple ; they are made comfortable by their actor sou. Off tho stage, when not acting tho fool profes sionally, Sol is a dignified young gentle man, and is received into tho best circles of society in this prim town. His new wife (Oliver Optic's daughter, of Boston) is a handsome literary young lady, of whom Jacksonville is vory proud. Iu Jacksonville old Peter Cartright, now gone to his reward, once lived. This eccentric backwoods preacher was like Jiill Means' dog, " when he took hold, heveu nnd yavtli couldn't make him let go." He was a stout, short man, dressed in homespun, and wore a very broad brimmed gray felt hat. Ho took very short steps, and leaued on a knotty hi'kory stick. His face was round and brown, aud was covered by large knots of warts. His hair was worn short, and stood on end. His lower lip projected, and his blue eyes I never saw melted or tearful, but always looked pugnacious i and warlike. Into heaven by some means he was determined men should go. If they would not follow the music 1 tinkle of the bell wether, they should be driven and whipped into eternal life. In this strange nmnner I supposo he really succeeded iu hounding and scouig ins a multitude of souls into tho sweet fields of Eden before he passed into the peaceful land. Another equally eccentric Kentuckiun, also a Methodist preacher, was Father Stribling, a tall, gaunt, long featured man, of most wonderful gravity, made ludicrous by his nasal tone and big words. In no ordinary lauguago did this old oddity express himself. The most simple requests or answers were by him twisted into a quaint para graph. Following his plow around his corn field one day, an unseen visitor heard him address the oxen : "Whoa ! haw, JJrutus and Cassius likewise !" Asking for gunpowder at a store, he as tonished the lounging strangers by say ing, iu his peculiar, slow, drawling man ner : " Have you any considerable quantity of that fiuely pulverized and dark colored compound which will, if placed in a hollow tubo of iron or other metal, with various other ingredients not necessary to specify at this particular moment of time, and which, if ignited by mechanical or other means, will cause a loud detonation, accompanied or proceeded by an explosion, often, if properly superintended, causing death to man or beast." Jacob Strawn was at one time the largest cattlo dealer aud laud owner in tho State. Ho weighed 300 pounds, and drove about in a low bugy drawn by two stout mules. Ho never had any thing to do with bookkeeping. He kept tho whole of his immense business in his head. It was his boast that he had never forgotten or failed to meet an en gagement or nade a mistake in his men tal computation of interest and princi pal, lie was very gruff, always in a hurry. His courtship was governed by this hasto nnd brnsqueness : " My name is Jacob Strawn I haven't time to waste I want to marry yon; think about it,- and give mo your answer when I come back this way to-morrow." After which laconic message ho drove rapidly away to a cattle sale. John T. Alexander, another noted cat tlo man, tho owner of the celebrated Uroadlands, the model farm of Illinois, the" largest east of the Rocky moun tains, died hero last year. Broadlands, in Champaign county, is now subdivided nnd sold. On tho top of tho main tower of tho Morgan county court houso, in Jackson ville, stands a bronzo figure of justice blindfolded. At the trial of William Robinson for the murder of tho Hon. Murray McConnell, a few years ago, the ladies' sympathies were nil with tho young prisoner, and in spite of tho testi mony the jury returned a verdict of ac quittal. The ladies had, duriug tho whole trial, surrounded tho prisoner's counsel by loads of flowers, and by every means showed their interest and feelings in tho case. But the morning after tho murderer's release it was found that some just and indignant citizen had climbed to the tower and placed in ono side of justice's uplifted scales great bunches of flowers, which weighed down one side, while the other stood high aud empty. It was ono of the most wither ing sarcasms I ever saw. Robinson could not have be m aequltt d but for the influence the flowers aud upplause of the ladies had on tho jury. In our cemetery lie gallant John J. Uardin, the hero of Buena Vista. Ho came to this State from Kentucky early iu life. After his death in battle, his widow was married to Chancellor Wal worth, and his daughter being married to Walworth's son, was the mother of Frank Walworth, who murdered his father, the novelist, author of " War wick," etc., a few years ago. Tho old house, from whose doorway Hardin went nt the head of his company, accompanied by fife and drum, is yet standing, and Illinois treasures proudly the memory of the gallant dead. Dick Yates, Illinois' war .governor, afterward United States Senator, lived in Jacksonville. Here his family a roso-w rent hod brick man sion, surrounded by spacious grounds. A Night In n Japanese Inn. Wo entered the village, which was onco a city containing over a million in habitants, and put tip nt a native hotel, kept in native style. Obeying tho cus: torn of undressing tho feet, wo passed many guests sitting on mats and mak ing the chopsticks flv in a way that would r.niko an American envious even iu a railroad eating house. UpBtairs wo went, and were shown into a room whose walls consisted merely of paper, parti tioning ono room from another, but which were scrupulously clean. Order ing supper and somo native wine, we were quickly served by a rather good looking maid. While waiting the result of our order, we were served with " tidbit " pastry nnd with somo snek-co ; also a bowl con taining live coals, together with pipes ; after which, giving us time for a smoke, the courses began with fish, not cooked enough for our tnste ; then eggs, chicken, sweet potatoes, rice and tea. No bread wns served ns, nor butter ; but, as tile tea was remarknbly fine, nnd as the eggs, though small, were duly seasoned with rock salt, we made a good meal, rendered awkward by lack of ex perience in using the chopsticks, which were pencil shaped, and using by hold ing or pressing tho food between the ends, the guests meanwhile peeping through the partitions and giggling at our frantic efforts to eat gracefully. Whilo eating supper, the governor of the place sent a constable to obtain our names and residence, that we might be under police protection, we being the first white men that ever spent a night in tho place. Supper being over, we took a short walk through the town, and, as there were many pilgrims iu the place who had never seen a Caucasian before, we were the "observed of nil observers," especially our friend, nn Englishman, who is six feet two inches iu his stock ing feet, and was a giant among them. Going back to tho hotel, our friend asked us if we wished a bath and shampoo. Answering iu the affirmative, he gave the order, nnd hearing a low nnd somewhat sad whistle, which we had heard both by day and by night in Yokohama which, though it had excited our curiosi ty, wo had failed to inquire the reason of he went into tho street aud brought in a blind man, who, he said, was to do the shampooing. The bath being ready, wo went down stairs nnd were shown into a room, whose wet floor proved it to be in constant use. After finishing our bath, we donned our gown and returned to our room, where the "blind man" took us in charge. Commencing with our feet, he knuckled us all over, prying iu between every joint nnd muscle of our back and limbs, except the region of the chest, and which, after he was through, made us feel as limber as an acrobat. The sun rose unclouded on the follow ing morning, and after a breakfast served on the floor, similar in quality to the supper served on the evening before, we paid our bill, which nmouuted to SI. 75 this for both of us, including our wine. The Luily of Seven Watches. Early iu the month of February, 1823, died Mrs. Traverse, iu England. This singular character was ninety years old at the time of her death. Her residence was Sutton, near St. Helens. It was only in the year 1822'ter dressing for the assembly nt Warrington, she directed the bellman to go round the town to in vite such persons ns wero desirous to have a look at her to come to the inn where she and her man were, and when she thought the people had looked long enough she ordered them to leave to make room for others. On this occasion she was adorned with seven gold watches hanging to view in various parts of her dress, a great variety of feathers of vari ous colors, with ribbons aud other arti cles corresponding. At another time she went to the assembly determined to be in a richer dress thau any lady there, so, in addition to her seven watches etc., she stitched a quantity of Bank of Eng land notes all over her dress. About twenty years before her death she aud her daughter were iu the habit of attend ing races, fairs, shows nnd quarter ses sions iu their neighborhood, and being good horsewomen, aud having excellent cattle, ten or twenty miles was no object to them. Their dress in those days was such as to nmazo the whole neighbor hood. Itfra. Traverse's daughter died many years before her mother,sinco which tho old lady was in the habit of attending thoaters nt Liverpool, Prescot, War rington, etc., aud assemblies. When ever it wns known sho was to be nt the theater a crowded house was the sure cousequeuce. Tho managers of country theaters sometimes got her to bespeak a play, sho of course attending, having the usual number of watches, etc., about her person, nnd dressed more gaudily than imagination can paint; and yet it does not appear that she was insane, but was desirous of attracting notice and to have it believed that sho was very rich. Her manners were coarso in the extreme, her person masculine, and a front, ns niny be imagined, for anything. She was avari cious, aud possessed of a handsome property. Dom Pedro Applauding. The emperor of Brazil is an indefatig able and restless tourist, but there comes a time when nature will have her rights, aud she doesn't always take them conve niently to Dom Pedro. Lately, after spending his day in energetically explor ing a certain Italian city, he was obliged to attend in the evening some scientific conferenco. Sented in a comfortable chair, ho appeared to listen with extra ordinory attention to the orator of the occasion, and that gentleman, very much flattered, judged it wise to embroider his discourse with an excessively pom pous aud dill'uso eulogy of his imperial auditor. Tho rest of tho audience thought it only polito to applaud his re marks, and immediately made a great noise. Dom Pedro, waking suddenly out of a long and sound nap, imagined that this applause was addressed to the scientitlo opinions of the lecturer, and instantly began to clap his hands with a convinced and instructed air. Tableau ! A young Parisian, noted for the num ber of duels in which he acted as a Hocond, wim called on ly a friend to wit ness his Rigiinture iu the marriage regis try. Beforo the ceremony was performed the force, of hubit overcame him and he exclaimed: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, cannot this affair be arranged ? Is there no way of preventing thifc sad occurence, A bill has passed the Illinois Legisla ture authorizing railroad conductors to ! stoD trains and nut off evervbodv playing cards for money or using ob siene language. " Mr. Jones, don't you think women nrn more sensible than men?" asked Miss Smith. And Jones, nfter scratch ing his favorito bump for a moment or two, said : " Why, certainly they are they ninrry men, nnd men only mnrry women." Miss Smith bent a hasty re treat. Puck. Portnlile or ('anipmltlnn Itnnflnn.. There is probably no Hrticlo of nnuinfnetiiro fo universally needed an a reliablo low priced roolliiR, which can lo rcnilily applied without tho aid of "killed labor, and in no other direc tion ha ro great a want been an inefliciently supplied. The remilta of experiment with foltH, conienta and other compositions havo so fnr been anything but satisfactory. Numerous so-called "cheap roofings" have been produced, advertised, used and found worthless. In view of tlieso facts we aro glad to be ablo to speak favorably of an article which, from our own knowledge, and tho testimony of soma of tho most extensive and best known manufacturers and merchants of this country, has proven a reliable aud economical substitute for the more expensive kinds of roofing. We refer to II. W. Johns' Patent AsliestoB ltoollng, the manu facturers of which make no extravagant repre sentations, but claim it to be the only reliablo portable roofing in use, and from careful inquiry we behove their claims are well founded. This roofing is prepared ready for use, can be easily applied by unskilled workmen, is adapted for steep or flat roofs in all climates, and when finished with the white fire-proof coaling forms the lightest, handsomest and coolest roof in the world, costing only about half as much as tin. Samples, illustrated catalogues, price lists, and any desired information can bo ob tained from the H. W. Johns' Manufacturing Co., patentees and solo manufacturers, 87 Maidun Lane, New York. This company have recently cdmpleted a new manufactory, the most extensive works of the kind in the'world, and havo reduced their prices to a basis which place their goods within the reach of every one. They also manufacture liquid paints, nil shades, which are guaranteed equal to any for general purposes and the most durable "for outside work of any paints in use. In body and rich ness of color the Asbestos Paints surpass any we have ever seen. Fire-proof paint, an eco nomical substitute for white lead, costing only 75 ccuts jier gallon, for the protection of fac tories, bridges and other wooden structures against lire, is also valuable for the class of outbuildings, fences, etc., which aro usually allowed to go uupnintcd. Hoof paint, steam pipe and boiler coverings, steam packing, uheathings, linings, cement, etc., all of which can be relied upon as being in every respect as represented, and we adviso our readers before pnerhasing paints or roofing, to send for sam ples of these articles nnd compare them with all others. 'The Aire ofllcnHon." The boy that went to the mill on horseback, carrying the grist iu one end of tho bag and a stone in tho other, when reproved by the miller, and told to divide tho grist, replied that his father nnd grandfather had carried it that way, and ho, being no better than they, should con tinue to do as they did. Similar, or equally as absurd, reasons aro accounted as sufficient by some to warrant them in indiscriminately con demning Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines', even though there is overwhelming proof that they posuess the merit claimed for thorn. For many years the Golden Medical Discovery has bceii recognized as the leading liver and tilood uicdi cino in the market. Each year has brought an increase in its sale, aud it is now used throughout tho civilized world. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials are on file in the doc tor's ollice, attesting its efiicaey in overcoming aggravated coughs, colds, throat and lung affections, also scrofula, tumors, ulcers and skin diseases. Are you suffering with somo chronic malady? If so, nnd you wish to em ploy medicines that are scientifically prepared ; that aro refined and purified by tho chemical process employed in their manufacture ; that are positive in their action, and specific to the various forms of diseaso for the cure of which they are recommended, uso Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. Full particulars in Pierce's memo randum book, kept for free distribution by all druggists. Five Tlioiisnml Bonltn liiven A way for Ibc ASHinM While Dr. II. James was attached to the Brit ish medical staff in the Fast Inilien, his high position enabled lu'm to call about him the best chemists, physicians nnd scientists of tho day. nud while experimenting with nnd among the natives, no accidentally niaile the discovery that (oxsrjii'TiiiN can be positively and perma nently ixHED. During tho many years of his sojourn there, ho devoted his time to the treat incut of lung diseases, and upon his retirement ho left with us books and paper containing full particulars, showing that every one can bo his own physician nnd prepare his "own medicine. nnd such information as wo have received we now offer to the public without price, only nsk inc that each remit n three cent staum for nost- nge. Address CKADDOCK & CO., 1032 ltace St., Philadelphia, Pa. PiUunett's Flavowno E xthacth. The su periority of these extracts conflicts in their per fect purity and great strength. They are war ranted free from tho poisonous oils and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now in the market, Uofilev'H VpahI Pnivfter Is prepared on scientific principles, and from ingredients that are the most effective and wholesome. It has received tho highest en comiums for these merits from eminent chem ists, scores of our best physicians and thou sands of intelligent cooks and housewives. The genuine can be had only iu tin cans. Srnlcliinir Unlnriii. It is a fact widely and amply attested that where the powerful and pernicious drug, qui. nine, aud other mineral poisons, administered as remedies for fever aud ague and bilious re mittents, fail to yield moro than temporary re lief to the sufferer, Iiostetter's Stomach liit teri scotches thoso tremendous epidemics most thoroughly, and by strengthening the system aud regulating its functions, protects it against malarial attacks. No resident of a locality where the above maladies prevail, or where they aro likely to break out in consequence of me pouomng oi ine atmospnere uy noxious ex halations, should fail to take practical cogni zance of tho above important truth, and by a timelv use of the Bitters avoid the ravages of maladies so disastrous to the physical constitu tion, i nere is not iu existenco a riner tonic, corrective anu neieusive coram. nurnnu'ai It lipiiinnlin lcniiitiilv Has been boforo the publio turuo yuarn, aud lias never Tailed in a tangle- case of rheumatism, no matter how aggravated tho catse. Write to any person in Washiiigton city, where it iu manufactured, aud you will learn that thia is true iu every respect. It is taken internally. Afteb an exm'ricnc of over twenty five years, many leading physicians acknowl edge that tho (rraefntberg JUamhairs Uterine l athoticon is tlie onlv known certain remedy for dirteascs to which women are Kuhjuct. The (irarfrnlterg Vegi table J'illn, the mont popular remedy or the clav for biuoiifiiess, neadacne, liver complaint and iliwaseH of digestion. Hold by all druggUtH. Keud for almanacs. Gracfeu- berg Co., New York. With a cake of's 8i;li'hcb Koxr and a commodious bath tub, the victim of chronic cutaneous eruptions call improvise a sulphur bath, which no professed bathing establifhuieiit can supply. Give it -a trial. It in sold every where. Depot, Crittenton's, No. 7 Sixth avenue. Now York. Hill's Hair t Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c, If Vnu nrn IlilimiH tone up your liver. Take Quirk's Irish Tea. Sold by druggists at 25 cents a package, riiiiolie, Rout and Conl (inn, And all worry with tires that will not burn, and whero it is impossible to cook properly, can all be remedied and a saving in fuel obtuined. Rend stamp for circular. Henry C'olford & Co. Tib HaiiBoin Ht., I'mladclphia. Wo should not hesitate to recommend to any friend of ours, Parsons' Purgative Pills they are scientifically prepared, and aro adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine, Dticidedlv the best remedy that has ever leen discovered for rheumatism, swollen or stiff joints, flush wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts ana uurus, is Jolmsou s Anodyne l.iniuieut. We use it, and always recommend it to our friends. Information worth thousands to those out of health. Kelf-help for weak and nervous suf ferers. 1' acts for thoso wno uave neen dosiil drugged and quacked. Tho new Health Jour nal teaches all. Copies free. Address, Elec tric Quarterly, Iew ork. 1NfAI.ll PKNSKINM IX'KKAKKIt Writ ('ML. I.. HIM. HAM 4 CO., AtUirnnys for O'lallua, ratenU, lnil Tltlea, WASHINOTON, It. U. BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT, The best family newspaper published ; eight pages ; Aft' aii solum ntt readins. Termit-yd pur uaam; clubs of eleven, 915 per uuiuiila in uiivanco. Hl'Kll.UEN COPY iiHATIK. Tho Markets. BeofOalllo Native inja) 11 Texas and Cuetokoe.. 11) ft 10 Milch uw an 00 0o0i Hogs 1.1 Of.V( U7H Off II Drttmed..,, 07 (4 (Mb 4 Lain ilia. 09 (r I'ntinn I aiinming 1l' II 1 '. mall flnn.1 . . I. J it a ft Worst) llert '. 1 IK) (it 1 6J no. X Milwaukee 1 M f 1 M Btatn 1 io vt 1 1 RlalA . . . M A. Rv Ilarl llarlov Malt 1 w (( 1 911 Oata , mi-u . i'rn Rrn a , , a ,,,, I Mixed Wratern nerewt - M (4 M (a 70 (4 Corn Hav. Str iw, per cwt ............ M (4 80 oa ia in Ho IV. .... (us iu su 75's Pork mess City Steam. .. ..ism (aid no Fish t Mackerel, No. 1, new .18 Oil ( 20 oo . 80 (a) SO no. 'J, new..,,, mji j viuu, pur cwt j .v-.., .... v, tt w, ,.,,, ... 1 in ia 4 7 (a 4 7 PMroleum : Crude CWHtgW Kfrtued.. ,k viiuiuiiinni-eoB as (A 2ft Texas FIwcb 20 (4 35 Aufatrai.fin Vlnnis Da At Bnttar 1 8fati V0. 9J Wentmi : Choice 16 17 Western : Onort to Prime. 14 fii lfl Ohwee: Rtute Factory 1 uh mutu n hi mm en 0H ( 07 Wwrtern 12 Q 14V Btate md Pennsylrauia 13 13 fiTTTFAfi.. Eg(7: lotir HC0 911 uo Wheat: No. 1 Milwaukee 1 M ( 1 95 64 65 K1 A 1 y- 85 a 85 Harley 8i a g3 Barley Malt 1 00 S 1 10 .ntl.inpT.eini Heof ( Cl tie: Extra 8lieen. 08 A 07V 08X4 09 T0U (4 700 llnpn: UreHSeU Hour : Pennsylvania Extra. . . Vhoat: Red Western a in (all! 10T' ICS 7J (4 70 C9 (aj GV 50 C4 81 llXiailX Reflued...1S 14 (4 20 M (4 iO 19 (4 US Rye Corn: Yellow..,, Mixed Oat! Mi ml Petroleum : Crude., 'ool Colorado,,. Telns , California. BOSTON. Beef Cattlo , 05Jffi MX OCX Sheen . P5J-4(4 OB (4 Hogs,. o- ......,.. no FlOlir WiltrOllRlll Slirl Minnnanl. a i.n jh, n 4K 09 uui u .11 1 iru 7 78 Oats " 6 5 (4 44 (4 IS (4 05,r,-4 04 (4 07 (4 07 68 47 ool Ohio and romnyivanli xx".. muuuruia j;au,.,,,, BRIGHTON, MASS. Tleef Cattle.. Hheep 07 08 07 ..times Ho;:s , WATKBTOWN, MASS. Poor to Choice Beef Cattle 5 75 lit I Sheep " . ......,......., i ,o o in Laml 8 75 (4 6 75 $5937 Mario by17Arriit In Jan. 77 with my 13 new artU lcs, Humpies free. Address C. M, Liningtotty Chicago, p fV ran En poi noons I no rtnu . h I I I I I ?'".b"' Hnrahain'1 now "IlLnu.," Knurl In ll mm Hrecllne," "(iam Fowl," or "Raking- Fowl. Ul ann f.iof for .Hnrt.l." Mailed fornrU-a by "Foul- irr World." 11. rlfnrd. ct.. oh. lln- . lowl-raiaara,) or hj litO. 1. lilKMlAM, tlrou, Jlaaa. lltST I'ltKHiril IT. S. IVnt.-m.inl K.hil.itinn Al.tONTS WAN TKD ! Mortals and Kiplomns awanled i..... .a.v pictoriai BIBLES HOO III HmC rntlnilM. Aririrppft for new ciriMilnrn. A. .1. imi-.HAN iX- CO.. !3( ARCH Street, Pin la. SOLID STEEL HARROW TEETH Slri'imlli Ctiinbliiril Willi l.iulitncn. lTIHin rpci-.nt of a PitstittlrA monAV r-rrl-ir. wn trill leliiin- (i ttii; expn-Kf or milro.Ti 41 Vltirn S'l'i'tre Icelli. Inlv incllea lunjf, for S-l. 50 4H ?-inch "ijilare leetb. luj in-'tiua Ion, for " U,t. SICF.I.Y HOXK.n. SWKKT'H M'K't; CO.. SymacUkE, N. Y. THE BLACK HILLS. Ait" Anvricnn WonderlinTl, by II. N. Mafjuirc. Itat spent ta yc.trs in tlic II ill and Yellow stime roinn, The lairs, lull est. Slid only truthful account of (iolif anr Silver prosjccis. iprlriiltuntl and Orizing resources, C lunate, linntin mid l-'isliinc. tlic Indiana, kud Setllrra' Adventures aud Cunflkt iviih tli cm, Mining and Wild Western Life, and the (trmid Iai urn i t onnersoi wus niosi rtmartcHuie cuumry-n aicruiu, UoilinR Geysers. nWe Scenery, immense Gorget, etc. Iliuxtr.-ited with 97 Fine tntTTavl nirs. and a larrc tnw Mtn. Corrected to Mnrch i. I'rke, only lOcent; by mad, 2cul&. Sold Ly ail Newsdealers, or sent postpaid, by DQNNLLLLY, LUYU & UU., Pubs., Chicago, III. The Best Polish in the World." Wistar's Balsam Wistar's Balsam Wistar's Balsam of of of Wild Cherry. Wild Cherry. Wild Cherry. A CASE OF CONSUMPTION. Eat Stoneham, Oxford County, Me., Me., J 12, 1873.) May MF-ssna. RKTH W. FOWLE & SONS: Grnlltmrn-l feed it my duty to write a few word, in favor of Dn. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHKR. RY. In the early part of last winter I took a aorere oold, and shortly afterward, a di.troaning couch wo. added to it. My friend, did everything they could for me. but without arail. The best physician, that could be procured did not relieve me, and ray oougb. con tinued with me all throueh the winter with increasing; severity. I kpit blood three or four times a day, and my friend, eonsiderino; my oaae bopeloaa, gave me np aa a ropjtrmed runumjttict. I was in thia condition when I heard ot Dr. WISTAR'S BAL8AM OF WILD CUKR. RY. I began it. use, and before I bad taken half a bottle of it my eougb and all my other troubles left me, and I was cured. I feel so truly indobted to this great remedy for what it has done for me that I send you this voluntary testimony, hoping it may be the means of inducing other, who are suffering aa I wi to make use of it. It is the be remedy for lung complaint, that I ever heard of, and I am constantly recommending it to my friends Your, witil respect, Mica. MF.LISSA M. BALL. Wistar's Balsam Wistar's Balsam Wistar's Balsam of of of Wild Cherry, Wild Cherry. Wild Cherry. tnwdwl in Wn!l Rt. RtwV mVe fnrtnno rvnry month. Hook seni trw explninin ri.rythinit. Ad Irpw RWTKR VAX, Wnnkm IT Will Ht.. It. Y. THE POTATO BUG wnii F. W. Devoe & Co's Paris Green. For cirpiilnm hnw to n. Aririmra por. Kill ton nnl Will. him flw., NtW York. Mnnnfnclnrorn of White liad.doliirn.Varnishnn.Oilrt, nnd Pnintft KFAPT for Vhk. ADAMANT Hard Motnl High Polish Adjustable Booms WoortAlron Run Stendy Light Draft All Sizes. NEW YORK PLOWS. Do the work of best steel plows, Whilemuch cheaper to repair. Agents wanted. PLOW CO. tl McrVinall -.. N. T 100.000 Facts for the People I For ttiB Kurtnor, tho Merchant, the llorpemnn, the Htnck-rnifinr, tho Poiiltry-teppRr, the Bee-ltepper, the Lh borer, the Fruit-miner, the nrdwner, the Doc-tor, the D.iiryman, the lioimelmld for every fntmly who wnntti to save money, The Hook it 1 lit IJHh ('riitury. V ti "l! Vtlit Ail Male ani Keinnlo A (rents coming mnnty on it. Sntf to us nt once for extra terms. 1N(KAM, SMITH A BLACK, 731 Walnut Strtet. Plnlfldeiphia, Pa. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornaments. Price On. Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 A GREAT OFFER ! ! Wo ,"" d,,r,,, n uiitni urrtn i i ti.,riinrHTimi- dUnnnp of I PI.OS nml IIKIi.WS m-w nnil nrroml-liMiiil nf liml-i-lnna maker in. rhiilinar W ATI-: lis nt Iiiwit nrlrcn lor rnnh or Inntnllnii-iitn .r in Irr iintif linlil lor Hum rv.r lii-liii-,- nll.-r.-il. WATKlis' 4iltAM StH'AKK mill ri'KICHT I'l.tNOM nnd IIM'M IMMi TlllilU Nl:v SOI.J K.MJl nml HOI DOIKI nrn llio Hl:sT .MAIM;. 7 Oi'tiiTi- I'innnn I SO. 7 I -H iln ft HHt iml ll-i-il n yi-iir. "a" Mni Omniia i0, 'ii;',s' ' Wroiw !(1S. N SliiM l7.. IDMiiliagSH. I '2 Mii imrd a yeiir.lii licrli-i-l orili-r nml ,vnrrnlili-il. I, m ill nml Tluvi liiiu Ai;i: rs ANTI-;i. llliixirntril f niiilnvm-a .lliillril. A I i In-nil llUf-lllllll to Trarlt-ri, Hini'trr, fhtrchn,'lc. Sllf'ft Mxhi- m Imll rili-i-. IIOH AI K WATKHS & SONS. .Iln initni l nriTM, at Kiihi HiliM.,.Y. U 'T'TTTi, I Aromn,oin nllm.vlraandof ovi-ry J-1-'1-i I ilri i)illnn, frum the llixlilcfat, llilCHtf and innrit rli'itnnt in usa to the lirnvliHt and NtrnliKftt renuirnd for any kind of works aro CONCORDI 1 ",,nl,,d ln KlroilKtll and iliirnbility. Thoy raciaiveil tlm lilatli ct wrllliMl nvnrd nt the rcntpnninl KimBitinn. TT A HMTTIRS "I Ki'milno nnle. X1H.SXUjBO. ,hoy rn NlnlI11,p,, with nnr iinino and Trnili- .11 ink. A liliaral T? TAAT A T? Tj he K0" fnr information J VV IllVi ,.lt wil ,.onvir, ny . miin nrlls linrnriu, nn llm t'niirnril llnrni-nK Hint nrc not mnilii by iih. Kxtra induuementn olTnrftri. Sind inr circnlnrs and price liat. ' Address J. R. HILL & CO., Coiif rI. 'N. ir. KnnstiH flisfiliiy of prxxlncts nt Ontonninl Mir- pnwil nil other Sliitcs. K aXSAS At ll'IC! It.W. '0. (ilU-M InrROSt lioily tif rbihI lanils ill K.XS.4 nt lowest priecs nml liest trni. rU-iityiil liov't lnnils 1'ltrK for Hoinosteiids. Forcopvof "KANSAS 1-Ai ll K' llom rVi'KAn," nililnwa, hmttl I Ji, 7. Jttv,, Stt Una, Kan huh. FIFTY-TWO Ol' THK MOST I'KOMINUNT STATESMEN of tte COUNTRY Wh WRITE i'OK THR TOLEDO BLADE (XhhOd'h M'Hiter). Kvarta. Khnnnan. Kev. Scllnrx. Murten. Hlinno. Fncrnr Winiloin. and otiiera ot equal n-tu, oiMiLribute an article irilnr I tin veiir. TIm Nllnliy l.l-lle r aro writlon exclniiivoly for the Tile Host and Cheapest Pnner in the World. rii'i-iiiii'ii Copic Ni'iit Frri! to any addreaa. Send ruatal. Adilre. " HI,AIl-:, Tnlfiln, Ohio, $ 7.20 PER QUARTER FOR TEH QUARTERS. R ASOIM & HAMLI f CABINET ORGANS. HIGHEST AWARDS AT FOUR GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS Paris, Vienna, Santiago, 1867; f 1873; W I87SJ PHILADELPHIA, 1876. UIILV UKUANI Alain ED fJUST TUSK AT Cl.tTIRKlAU Grttltvarltt Iff Mul, at t.rirat erJuoA unuii ,.,n...k Asa, workniutK mmIi nrc w.tJwitt untifuattd fathtif wtnufactTt. EXAMfLtlS OF KKT CASH PRICES r F lv octave double reed oraan. fcl fC with tremulant, OlUU Five Octave organ, nine stops 1 1 A with volx celeste, fXJ.ffc Sold far monthly or auarUrl mum(N1i. mr rrntfd tin Hi nt jwt. A tuptrwr organ urn now be ptirthaitd bp tht taty ptimet ql f pr fuarter or tin quarttn, Vataioettf frtc. MASON St HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 1M Trtmont St. St Union Sq. S0 Wabaib At.. BOSTON. HEW YORK. CHICAGO. THE $10 to $1,000 E WW. r . id MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of ZtfYIIE. HOME OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ME. Directors' Office, No. 153 CIIA.llTElli:i 1H40. Assets, - - - $8,129,925.68. JOHN E. DeWITT, President. All Policies issued after Anrll tut. 1 STT. whioh chall n t ontiin pr vision fr a Barren ior value at the M. une m n-l? jrteiture uw, aa bol-jw, will be entitled Prailical Rgsults oi tlis Maine Non-Forfeiture iw, Fassctl February. 1877. Illustrated by a Whole Life-Policy, issued at Age 30, ' And allowed to La dm after the Payment of Three or more fnll Aanual Preminma, Preminma ha Tina 1 Paid wholljr in Cub. Additional Time Under tlie Law. Premium! paid before Lapse Ae whtin .topped. Aice at No. Amount. Yean. Day.. ueaiu. I 4 6 T 9 10 11 11 IS u 15 16 17 18 friftl MIH 1,185 1.3H2 l,6"il 1,816 2,013 9,270 2.4H7 S.724 2,1 8,178 S.lll) S.liU S.K.M) 4.(1 1 8 4 6 7 7 S 9 f 10 10 11 11 11 11 913 170 '3 67 26 837 2.15 114 927 147 8116 7a ii 870 330 Sri 87 39 41 48 46 47 4 60 62 6H 66 66 67 60 60 S6 87 88 8 40 41 42 4 44 4ft 46 47 tn Active Agents APPLY TO DIRECTORS1 OFFICE OR no.) tl recelv Bread. t only EONEY OF IIutiElIOUllB AUD VAR FOR THE CURE OF Songoa, Ooldi, Iudnenia, Conncncus, DifBcnlt Breathing, and all ACectlosa of th Thror.t, Bronchial Tribes, and J.'.aga, leading to OoasamrUon, This infallible remedy is composed of tlic Honey of the plant Ilorclicnuui, i.i chemical onion with Tar-Bai.m, extracted from the Life 1'RiNCiri.E of the forest Itcc.Aukis pAt.SAMF.A, or Halm of Cilead. The Honey of Horeliound SOOTHF.S AN1 BCArrERS all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balin cleanses and the throat and air passaccs leadinc to the limes. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful nclion. l.ct no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi- :ine ot a famous noctor wno nas saveci inou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smell. PRICES SO CENTS AND $1 TER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy large size. "Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. CEITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. G!1)D1.I illOMTlt. Acent. wanted .yerywhar. CiCoW Adilross (1. P1R1UINH. Kay.ntwood. 111. GET P.fRXHAM'S LAST NEW BOOK ON 1'Ot LTRY 'IIoW to ItlliHP 'owIk nml Ekzh fop market." Mailed for 25 eta. and 8 cont.atntnp y Utll. 1". Ill UN 11 AM. I". (). llnx 11, Irli'OMr, IfnHn. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. t'l.i t;, , , a . j Willi Phlrt RnpportPr and KrlCAtlJustins l'ndn. Pecuro. Health anil CniipnnT of Ilmly with (InacKanil Ukaiitt of Form. Three Garment. In one. Approveil by all i liyalcianA-. AOK.NTN WANTKD, Rn tuples by mall, In Cnntll, $2: Bntletn, tl 76. To A penis at 95. renta Iprs. OrHpr alv.a turn Inches smaller than waist mca- eure over tne areas. WunerBw 351 BroadVaT.g Y. Recommend It Heartily. SODTIl lloflTON. Mil. RTKVKNSr Itrftr Miri iiium tnknn ftnTftrnl hot t Ion of rour VKfK. TINK. nnd am convinced it is ft valuatilo remedy fur D.vpp.i., Kidny Uuiupluint, and Ronerttl d'.'Uility of ttie hyRttti. I enn heartily rccommnnd it tn nil ttifforing from tbo dovo ctimpinintn. vuurs roHvnctiuny, 31KB. ItlUillvUlt I" A It HUK. Athen Strent. Established 1846.) J.ESTEY & CO. CSend for Illustrated Catalogue. XTRACT CATARRH. I oikI'h txlmi l is nearly a Hpo- cine lor ima aiaeasc.. 11 can liaruiy no e clled. even in old and obstinate caaes 'ihe relief is ao prompt that nn one who has ever tried it will bo without it. CUAPPEIi HAN lS AMI FAt'E.-l'ond'a rjttrurl alioukl bu in every family thia i-ous-li weather. It reinnvea the soreness and rouhucaa, and softens and b?alH the akin nromptlv. ltHElTM ATISSI. Durinif severe and chan .anble weiuner, no one auoject to Khtmuiatir j-ivina anniiiii oe one nay without I'omri F.xtl'ni!!. whirh alu-nva SORE 1.1 M.S. t ONSU.MI'TION, f IH liHS, OI.DS. l int -. Id .-:itlur trie, the l.unita aorely. lbivo I'oiiiI'm F.xtrnrl 011 1, ,nd alnnya. It rei.uvaa tho pn-u and r-ir.'. the iliae.-oo. CIlIIni,AIN will be promptly relinvad and ultimately cured by Kilhinit the alllicted liarta with rond'H Exlrnrt. FROSTEIf MMIS.-l".,inrr.ExirnctlTnrin. Illy relieve, the pulii aud liliully I un a. HOllE THIIOAT, qilNSY, IXFI.A1IEII TfiNsn.f Ami air pa " I'li'mi'Lir uy i,o UPO CI I'DlldV III(TOU. nml Vwh of I'nmVm F.xrrnrt, I ' ....... . . rJI,",,letforni. aentfreeonappliontionl New York. Kohl by Druaviata. UNION Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. shill have been tn force ihrea full vasts and whieh leist e piivalent t the value arisins under the terms of to an iaa oeneno anaing iroin the same. NATURES REMlDYTX m TH Dr t at Btoo o PuwirtE Jr Amount Due if Death occur, on Last Daj of Extension. Inaurane. Preminma and Inter orer the eat to be deducted. Amount of Due Heira. Premiuma. folic. No. Amount. ,000 ,0110 ,(- ,ouo ,0UI ,0110 .ono I 4 6 6 7 8 8 lo 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 P6P.87 1,041.18 1.H3SM8 l.tse.oft l.sso.oo S.SM.74 2,477.1 2.848.24 S.'Jli.HS 8,116.76 8.6H6.28 8.7 36 4,117.61 4.2i8.6S 4,271,86 4,827.66 t,240.18 8,68.K2 e.ww.i-a 8.844.M 8,w 7,SuD26 7.622.M 7.1M76 6.7K4 16 6,664.26 6.214.78 64.66 6,rX2 48 i,76.4i 6,726.14 6,67146 t8.6M.19 t.OM.81 7.6H6.82 8.420HK 6,84126 6,47U6 4,8H6.; 4.2.16 1.140 26 8,868.71 8.026.66 lJ ,uu ,0110 ,UI0 ,u ) ,UI0 ,WI0 ,uuo 1,477.48 1,164. a 1,867.14 L686.4t Wanted. TO ANY AOF.N0Y OF THK COMPAHT. IT A I f I EV I tl IU JlS. 4t irVIl 1 L. POWDER. aC I a clfl Pr Day: work fnr all, Tnrma frrc O.W. 90 10 I U VVASlirtl'RM I'll., Middlplxirn, Mas. 1lt INTF.IIH, bpI "irnnsi flnl" t'nafF. mail hy VAWiiKniioHj.rra jn.sjtMt sMT VTM KAIOI, V.te., I'nW f Xl.F. In fa.. Mr). Va. and FlaBariiiiiii.. J. HULK. W ilmiuhtiiw. t'Ft RC a wrwk In yonr nvm town. Tnrtna ami . nutt OO rW H. IIAI.r.KTr A- I P , I'-.rllnnrl. M.iinw . A C K O ry Wwkl.i Aacnla. Hlllo. SOD H S77 P. I. HHKRHY, Alnr.iata, Maine. CS H A WliKK. Oatnlnxna and Rnmpln KKK.K Cl-All KBLTON A CO.. I 111 Naaaau St.. N..w Yorlt. Aflront f'hnnce tn MaVr Mmr,. Onod Airr-nta wnntad. Writs at once to Bran Mrn. Co., Unffn lo. N.Y. nrifll rn"btM'.'oTia. m.mi.VM. K 1 1 ULV L II WitaTienw Onw WonFS. Chicago. Ill' S12 n rlny at homo. Aaonta wantod. Ontflt and tonna trM. TKUB A UP., Auanata, Maine. 1?I,K(TKH! IIKI.TW.-A NEW, CHEAP, PER. I J FK.I1T Unm for nramatiira debility. Rand for olron- larnrenll on Dn. H. K A KK, w.lig Broadway, New York. A'JENT!-iirnppe ( lirninn. In Hip W'orld. DoNTlnr.KTAL OHnoMO Co.. flrt Nnaann Rt Now York! Ifnhhpr Trr-r, Stamp. A Bnhhar Oood. FND FOR CATALOGUE, or aak yor Rtationor. nmathin. Now. H. R. iNGirnflni.T. 911.1 R... TV V tfjafl WATt'HES. A Oroat Rpnaatlon. Rnmpl. Jlk,."! Watch and Uutfit fre fci A;i.nta. Ilutlnr than $2500 a Year tn A iron. n..tni .i m tiSSImt linn Jrrr, j- Or ll-rillS IUl- ilreaa. J.irirtAr-'ii.. w. iu,. Mo, $350 a" iInnlh. Accnta wanted. 30 beat sell- articlos in the world, (inn anniiile free. roaa.l ll HI(IIIV. I,..,r..,i Ui,.h. o OH! AOKNTS. OH! EVERYBODY. Till- ,11 1' ST AC If K Prolrrlor only 85 cent., rircnlnra fr'o aa air. C. H. BARROWS. Willim.ntic. Ct. o WANted Men to traypl and take order, of Merchnnta. Snlary mi2IMIayear and all Iravelina exnenaea naid. A dd reaa OEM ManTg Co., St. Loniw, Mo. . W. I.TUTninj, Tfarta, f Onttar, Flnte, Comet. ajaaBBBBaaV . 1 " vi,inar,ine neai in uae. r Wlli-alor in Miuirnl Inrutneiita, Mimic. 8trll,ga. Catal.tru.-a lm-. 1 Jt Tr,-nim,t St. Iloaton. TT4,"rVCTaTMVG Procured or No Pay, for eyery Pjll OH 1 n wounded, mplnred.accidenU ally Injured or dtaeaaed Roldier. Addreaa, Col. N. W. r 1 1 .HKKAI II. o. H. maim Atfy, Waahinirton, D. O. OPIUM IIAniT CI REII AT HOME. No publicity. Time ahort. Terms mod. urate. I.OIHI Ti-stimoniala. I DK. F. F.. MAHRII, tJuinoy, Mich. And Nnt I , aa... . .a . . i siiiii a in iiiiiiii i if I ,. ,t.,i Sold l,y Watchmaker.. My mail, Itllc. Circular, free. ,T. H. BIRI.'H ft CO., 3H Dey Street, New York. KITCIIOI.CNE. KITCIIOI.IM-:. Soan "counted out." Aak your llrocer tor lame. free. .ample packaare. If yon don't art it. nt: o.nii,. Aa-enta In the trade wanted -HAMPKN M ANI'FAI TPUINO CO., 414 GREENWICH HTHHF.T, NEW YORK. Co South !SS riii.AP iio.iiioh! Ticket.. Reli fomiation aa tn brat locations. Send lOc. for Southern Hrrnhl. Add'. (1 A INKS ft YINOLINO, No. Aalor llonae, New York. TEAS.prbicei staple article pleases everybody Trade continually In- ero-ifiinff A (rent wanted everywhere! drist indncpmenU d'-n't wnpte tno nnn tor circular to kuhi1 m .WKI.L8, 43 Vwor 8t.. Now Ynrh. P. O. Rm VIOLIN STRINGS! Oemtinn Italinn Violin Htrinwu. filo for BbtiJo or OuU tnr. nnii 2ihi. each, or ) I .(! nnd )tjat.z. Rnl by mail on rwnipt f pricH. P.n!tTr ! Si-nd curd for cut efogue. .1. HAKM-FIti Importer of Mnirnl Inrtnw tnvnts nnd it-intf. Hwm nu iiiiiith m., t-fw urn. A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE A:,.fl?,n.f.".l',,.,m,,y,',,',n 8? Unncpr, OHtniTh, Rtipttirw, Opiiiin ll.iPit. t-tc, tivyii r Jtnr. nn rpcfipr. ni niaiiiii. AU(in-tij nr. itmitv iiiton wiry.No. 1-4 Ndrtli Hilt Strpt-I. St. Uhiik, M i. Prof. Halt MtiKln t ninpoiinrt ll the only prepsrntiitituiif packneot whu-ti will trce the benrd to Bmw thick nd heavy on the minothrtit face (without injury) in 'Si d-iya in every caic, or nmnry cht'crtulli re tunrtfd. 25 centa nrr package pnnipfiid i '3 for .V) ecnU. i.. W. JONKS. Ahland. Maan. KMr'a-i"- - " IWotti KKFI"S Sill HTS only onw qunlity The Rert. Knon'ii Patent Pnrtl v-mndfl Dri'si Shirts i!an be finished a enny at. fipmininn a llaiutkeichief. 1 ne very nest, aix mr a .ini. Kfep'a Utiin Niiirta miidh to meosure, I'hi vr hi.nt. six for fttl.OO. An elesant sot of trrnnlne (iold-nlate t'nllnr and lve Buttons given with nnch half doz. Kwp' Shirt ft. Keep's Shirt-a are delivered FKaKK on rei-t-ipt (d pr;rs tn any part of the Union nn xprps flmrijeB to ptiy. Sitmples with full dirwutintiB for -If-iiM'fiburfimMit -ent rree w any rinnreMH. njo sTiimp retnri'il. Dual directly with the Mannfiicttirer and et Bottom I'ricea. Keep Manntnidnriny -p.. Kt. Merrer St., N.Y. GAS-LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY! SI Per IOOO Feet! Cheaper than Cnnl Gas Knfer than Koronene A more brilliant light than either. lndorand ty leaduiK ltisiirimee t'ompttnies. An ut untitle Machine Knitilv handled Adntited to DwelliiiKa, Factories. Churehis. htnres, II. H. Iep ta md (Mticea From Sinrle B inuir upw.irdR Nfitliiitg like it in the Country Send for I hitrnied t'atiloue. THK HIIAI.KK MANUKA(TITK1N CO.. P. O. Bon 37 No. 4 Murriiy St.. New York. $2500 A YKAK. A(. F.NTS WANTKD on our Omitl 'iiiiilihiuiion ProHpiTtiiH. reprHhHiittn 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS I wanted everywhere. The biaffOM tttlnp rvrr fried. Hnles mstie from this when all sinsle ltHk fnil. Also A trnnts wanted on our JlAilr l( K T FA .1111 . Y I HI Itl.aKS. Superior to all others. With InvitluuMe 1 11ns. trnted Aids and Superb Bindings. TliVHt HffuliN lirnt 111' nriil. full nirticnlitn tree. Addrft-h ill HIM K. PDTTKIl A CO., FuhliaherH, PIIILADKIJ'HI A. BILLIARD TABLES. Beut in Ue. Halls, Clolh. C.uen. nnd everything nppfrtaininK to Billiardrt. at Ijowei-t HricfH. llav ins the lament t.tock nnd finest fncilities for intinnfiHrtiirinK, orders enn he promptly tilled, tinod semnd-hnnd Tjihlei cheap. I HK IHI.I.IAltll KjVK, An 1IIII8- tratfd newspaper sent fieo on jipplicatiun. H. W. COLLENDER, 738 Ercanway. V. Y. 1,11 W K-k I J l.-'L'C .a.vaM. Bend for Pamphlet of the Beliabli Burlington Road. Aauress, j.sta ccrBl:ilcior,B. t K. T. 2. JN The united staTlS THIS NCW ELASTIC TRUSS )1aisF4 1.ffrr.of from all ntuora.ts cup-akspa, wdb Kir A.ijmit.iir ball Id aeotr, sdinu tif u :t n-i. Ussr itacbodf, bll it- biill lo iba onp presses bck f " In te tines juttt an a person wouid wiUi the togtn ub Mcbt prtoarc lh titnA h m-U eoralr dar aud nuhl. and a radical anra ir'im ll la mi. arable and obftap. sa( b? mail. ( lrrlara lr. iCOieiTOri tkum co.. wan hall, Mich. COLLINS & CO'S (&&&ts I PLOWS YOUR anooi-oS TO Collins &. Co. 212 Water St NEW-YORK City. Mattresses and Bedding FOR - Hotels, Institutions and the ? ' v I ). Feather, llnlr, AIohm, lliiak, KxrrlMnr oin. forliTB, KlnnkflH. Ili-d l.liu ii, t "In,'. fiend for Price Liat. WM. S. FOGG & SON, HI A- 173 lm Hi ii in Mn-el. N I : VkV 4 IKJt. Maize Flour Toilet Soap J Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! Maize Flour Toilet Goap ! A great discovery! new compound ! H soothes, softens, and whitens t he nkin. lins wtrndertnl ht nl nt mid superior ahhIiiiik propt-rties.And tt iiiniilly wniti'il lorthe batli, nnrtiery nnd general tilt. It is 'th;htfHllv per fumed, an t old everywhere et ) niodura-e prire. Itt iir--, tered in Pntfitt Orhce. lx'rt, hy the lunmilm'turHrs, M KKOX1',, VAN ft A At . K. J TL.' "j 1 1'1' 'V " l.' ORK DAYSOF GOD ! IW Phok. ILKUHF.RT W. M')UR1S. A.M.. I . 1 . The Ornnd HinUiry of the in Id Itfl'ort Admii. Its dttelaaii oriiciu. Lhrilliiur sud iiiVMternnm cIiiiium- in becoininK nt aiKHie for man. The heat Hum, Q I COlLLNCeR I ne hestituiA, wondt-rs Kttiu'. bo if 'in. re d il with ut 4'trcuiMr, T)na and realities ill 1'tnti aa shown nv olnar and eaaily underst'Md thtt all r ftilroniceMt eniiiiendMtions. Solid Ur .1. r. itM itiv v t o., riiiiBdfipi.iti headache: int. f a..'ri r.i.r.K, I. nil I ll., 4I.III.H- P1I.I.S nr ei.ri., lo cure M( K IIIAKA4 IH). NKKVIIl's IIIAIl. rur a . 1 ..... .. . j ... . ;' .. ...aa.aa r.. r. r II II.I.IA, JM ICII Hf.Nr, M.I I ri.os. NKSM, and will cure hut i-nw;. (ii.iee. MKi N. Kuinw Kt.. Iliiliniiiire, llil. I'rii-e rile.. poMiMie tree, fcnlil hy till ilruuuUl. nnd rnuii. Irr.Murea). If K KUKM tllowui d ilnnU, llaliiinorc, Aid. If Y N U No. I w HEN WKITINU TO A IIVEHTlnKua, pleatae a.r taiMa vai. MW IK avalveruaea Beat In aitla pKpor.