GEO. A. It A TUB UN, Attorncy-at-Liiw, Main Street, Rllgway,Eik Co., Ta. HALL & AfCAULEl', Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Mnin St RidgwnY, Elk Co., Pa. tSn'Jlf. L WORE & II A MR LEX. Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Otlice ncross the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '78. CHARLES HOLES, Wntclinjtilw, Engraver and Jewelor Main Btreet, Ridgwny, Pa. Agent for the .dowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold fen. Repairing Watches, etc, doc with e tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis .'uctiim guaranteed. Tlnly A 0. W, RAIL KY, ATTORNEY- AX-LAW. vln.i.j1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent, for the Traveler's Lifts and Acci Jcnt Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES I). FL'LLERTON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigwny, offers his professions! ser vices to the citizens of Ridgwny ana stir rnuuding country. All work warranted. Olfice in Service & Wheeler's Ruilding, up Btaii'8, first door to the left., 73-n-32-ly G. O. MESS EAGER, Druggist and Pannnceutist, N. W. cornet of Main and Mill streetn, Ridgwny, Pa. full nssortnietit of carefully delected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or niglit. vln3y T. S. 1 1 MIT LEV. M I)., Physisinn ana Surgeon. OHice in Drug Stol e, corner l'-roud and Main Sis, lti-sidi-nce corner Rrniid St.. opposite I ho College. OHice hours lrom 8 lo 10 A. M. an 1 from 7 tu H P. M. vln'Jyl. J. S. li OR DWELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, lias remov ed his otlice from Centre street, to Mail hi. Ridgwny. Pn in tlie second story of the tic jv liriek building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Ollioc hours: I to 2 P M 7 to 0 V M HYDE HOUSE, RinawAY, Elk Co., Pa W. 11. SC1IHAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ni tcution to the comfort and convenience oi guests, to merit a continuance oi tin game. Oct SO 1800. :. a. fa y. LUMPER AXD.IXSURANCE COM MISSION BROKEN, A XI) GENERAL COLLECTION AGENT Xo 210 Walnut Place, ("10 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. ii il-ly 1)'. JIA YS, tn:.LK is Dry Goods, ITotions, Grrceries. and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. tUtr.'etj I', tf. vln 1 7 1 1 ". M. J. KAIU.KV, l. U- W. II 11 A HI M AS, M. I. JQltS. EARLEY HAItTMAX. Dr. W. H. Hartniun, formerly of St. Mary's, lias associated hiui.-'clf with M. .1. Eurloy, M. I), in the practice of medicine ut Rhlgwuy. By close at tention to business they hope to re ceive a liberal share of the patronage of the public. Or. W. ii. Hartniun can lie found at all hours, either tit his rooms, over the post-otlice, or at Dr. M. J. Earlcy's Drug Store. Dr. M. .1. Kurley can' he found at the residence f Dr. ('. It. Kurley, or at his Drug store. Surgery, and diseases of women and children a speciality. 1J. If. UKKSII, Dealer in till kinds of cabinet ware, wooditud cane seat chairs, kitchen una cxtcntion tables, wood and marble fop tands, wood and marble top bureaus, what nuts, looking glasses, wood and marble lop chamber suits, mattresses, pring bed bottoms, bedsteads, cribs, Lafcrty's metal lined "wood pumps, Jfce., &c. Cane seats replaced with tie rib rated wood seats, Weed sewing: iiiiich i tie reduced from $05 to $45, the oest niiichine in the market, anil pic ture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made eoilins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the nbove goods are sold at panie prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway Da. v5n40tpdapr27'77. TEW LIVERY .STAPLE IX RIDGWAY. DAX SCRIBXER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable utul will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. BgTHo will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf " errors of youth. A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, ud all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for tLo bake of suffering liu. ftttv. send frpn in nil whn need it. the rt'tnpe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can do so by addressing ia perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 CedurgJ., New Yolk. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS ut POWELL & HEME'S, only eight ents per. yard. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni etponas, levari facias, alias levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose lo publio salo or outcry at the Court House, in Ridgwny, at one o'efock P. M. on MONDAY, MAY 28T1I, 1877. All the following described lot of land situated in the township of Fox, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to witt Com mencing at a post at the northwest corner of John Mover's land; thence west by lands of Isaac Hays for'y-lwo. and three fourths (-1-3) rods more or less to a post, thence south by other lauis of said Enos Hays one hundred and seven (107) rods nioro or less to. a beech trees thence east partly by lands of A. Lindner seventy-two (72) rods more or less to a hemlock tree ; thence norih five (5) rods more or les to a pest; thence west by lands of Thomas A. Gross twenty-nine and one-fonrlh (29) rods more or less to a hemlock tree ; thence north by lands of T. A. Gross and John Moyer one hundred and two (102) rods more or less to the place of beginning, con. tnining thirty (;J0) ncres more or less, be ing part of warrants No. 4083 and 4001 , excepting, however, to the parties of the first part all the mineral rights also, one half (J) acre of lnnd in Fox township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribe! as follows to witt Beginning at a post, on Jacob M'Caulcy's line, seven and three-tenths (7 3-10) rods south of the northwest corner of a certain saw mill lot, sold by Jacob M'Cauley to J. V. Hays ; thence north (71) east eleven (11) rods to a post on tin line of P. W. Ways' mill lot; llieuce north seven and iluee tenths (7 .1-10) rods to Jacob M'Cau ley's line ; thence north seventy-one (71) degrees west eleven (11) rods too post, the nbove mentioned northwest corner of aforesaid mill lot sold to J. W. Hays by said Jacob M'Cauley' ; thence north seven and Ihree-tcnths (7 3-10) rods to the place of beginning, containing one half (.) acre. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Esther Arncr and John Arner, at suit of Matthew Smith. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Jones township, Elk lotinty, Pennsylvania, bounled and des cribed as follows: Beginning at a birch Iree corner; thence north fifty-six and one half (501) rods to a posl corner; thence west lifiy-six and one-half (-30.1 ) rods lo a post coiner; thence south fifty-six and one half (5ilJ ) rods to a post orncr ; thence cast fifty-six and one-hilf (3(iJ) rods to the place of beginning, contaiuiug twenty ncres of land and being part of warrant No. upon whit-li is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, 'JO feet, front by 2(i feet deep, with wing or shed, 11x0 feet, one story high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John A. Anderson, ut suit of Wilcox Tanning Company. ALSO. All the right, title, interest, claims mid demand of defendant in and to I lie following described land: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Ridgwny, Elk county I'cnn sylvruia, being the west part of lot No. 111. beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 1 12, occupied by Chns. Mead, a post in i lie north line of South street; llieuce westerly along the north line of Somh street thirty (30) feet; thence northerly parallel with the cast line of lot No. 141 one hundred and sixty (100) feet to I he alley thence easterly along I lie south line of said alley to a posl, the northeast corner of lot No. 141 and the north-west corner of lot No. 142: thence southerly along the wist line of said lot No. 11J one hundred .ind sixiy (100) feet lo the place of begin ning, containing forty-eight hundred (I'lOn) sfjiuM-e feet of land more or lees, on which is creeled 030 one-: tory and it half frame dwelling liotfe, 20 l'e--t by 21 feet. Ssized and taken ill execution ns the property of V. S. Service, ut suit id Carrie I). Willis, Ad-oiuistratn., ALSO. All that.', cerinin piece of laud situated in ihc village of IScnzctto, Elk cuuiily, 1'ciinsUvaiiia.. and numbered on i he pin' ot suid village as No. 0 on Second st reel, In-in-t t-ixty (110) (ix;t front on Second e-treet mid extending one hundred and fifty (l-'ll) feet in depth lo an alley, bounded on ihc northwest by Second sireet and on tho unrtlipust by lot No. 7, beiug the P.i mo premises oonveyed to said purties of the first part by Keuhen Winslow, Sr.. and wife, by dated July 2Mih, lS'lli, recorded in Deed Book "L," page 000, Sc., upon which is erected oue two-story frame house, 10x24 feet, with cellar and wing at tached, 1120, one and ono-half stories high. f-eized and taken in t-xecutnn ns the property of Dennis Taylor, at suit of E. Fletcher nhd Bro , for use of Johnston & Brcvillici. ALSO. All that certain tract or parcetof land siluuted in the town of Caledonia, iu the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, knowu as the Caledonia Hotel properly, bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning nt a post set for the cer tain point of lot No. 3 sold to Benjamin Brownlee f'-om Beading and Bartles ; thence west along the middle division of warrant No. S2y-j fifteen and nine-teulhs (15 0-10) perches to a post ; thence south forty-three and one-half (4;!l) degrees east ten and scvcn-teulhs (10 7-10) perches to tho northwest side of township road ; thence north forty-six aud oue-kult (4ti J) degiees east along said township road eleven aud eight-tenths (11 8-10) perches to the place of begiuuing. containing ubout sixty-three perches, upon which is erected one two- story frame house, 1 SjSjO feet aud bnscuie!, with wing 1Sx30 feet, two stories high, with cellar and kitchen attached, lti.20 feet aud barn, 24x21 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the dropcrty of Luther Lucore, nt suit of B. E. Morcy, for use of Erasmus Morcy. ALSO. All that certain tract .of land situate iu Beuezetle township, Elk county. State of Pennsylvania, known and num bered ns number five thousand and one (500) aud bounded us follows, viz : On the north by warrant forty-nine hundred ami ninety-six (4'JOO;) on the east by war rant five thousand (5000 ;) on the south by warrant five thousand and ten (5010,) and on the west bv warrant five thousand and two (5002.) ALSO. The one undivided half part of a ocrtaiu tract, piece or parcel of lund situate in Jay towuship. in the county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a beech corner; thence north seventy degroes east ninety perches to a small hemlock ; thence south about nineteen degrees east oue hundred, seventy four and a half perches more or less to a maple ; thence south about seventy degrees west eighty eight perches more or less to a post, and thence north twenty degrees west about one hundred seventy-four and a half perches to the place of beginning, contain ing ninety-eight acres more or less, and being the purport number four (4) of the Morris Webb estate. ALSO. The undivided half part of a certain other tract or piece of land situate in Jay township, in the county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, and in great lot 481)3, bounded aud described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of suid g-ent lot 4803 ; thence west on the line of said lot 4803 so far that a due south line to the north line of the lot or piece of land belonging to Charles Gardiner, which is part of the aforesaid great lot 4803, aud from thence east on the north line of the aforesaid Gardiner lot to the east line of the aforsaid great lot 4893, so that a line to the plaoe of- beginning will make and con tain ninety-three acres and three-fourths of an acre, strict measure. AL80. All that eertain tract of land situate In Jay township, Elk county, part of warrant No. 4803, onntnining two hund red and seventeen acres more or less, being the same assessed in the name of Wood ward A Finney. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of Hiram Woodward, A. C. Fin ney and S. D. Barrows, at suit of John Tudor, now for use of Isaac Breneman. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of lnnd containing two hundred snd seventy fivo (275) acres, situated in Benezette town ship, county of Elk, Stale of Pennsylvania, being part of warrant No. 5481, which was sold to John Brooks, of first part, by the treasurer oFtlk county, by deed dated June Oth, 1850, and was located by Edward Vos burg, by lines marked on the grounds, be ginning at the corner on the narth line of warraut 5481. about one hundred and ninety-eight (10S) porches from the north west corner of said warrant ; thence east about oue hundred and forty-five (115) perches to a corner; thence south three hundred and twenty (320) perches to a cor ner on the south lino of said warrant; thence along the said line one hundred end forty five (145) perehes to a earner ; thence north to tho place of beginning. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of lund situate, lying and being in Benezette township. Elk couuty, Pennsylvania, de scribed ns follows: Beginning nt a post, said post being the northeast corner of It. Johnson's lands ; thence south along the said It. Johnson's eist line one hundred and two (102) rods to a post; thence north fi;ty-four (54) degrees west ninety-one (01) rods to a post on the line of tho railroad; thence north forty-five (45) degrees east seven (7) rods; thence north thirty-eight (38) degrees east twenty-one (21) rods; thence thirty-four and oue-hn!f (34) de grees east fourteen and three-tenths (14 3-10) rods; thence north thirty-two (32) degrees east seventeen and two-tenths (17 2-10) rods to a post ; thence east thirty seven (37) rods to the place of begiuning, containing twenty (20) acres and ten (10) perches, being more or less. They reserve one-half tho coal and miuoral rights to Ralph Johnson, Jr. ALSO. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Benezette, county of EIk nnd Stale of Pennsylvania, known as part of warraut fifty-four hundred nnd eighty (54-SO,) bounded ns follows: Be ginning nt a stake and stones in Stephen hollow in the south line of said lot; thence north twenty (20) degrees west sixty (00) rods to the Sinnernalioiiing creek ; thence west fifty (50) rods; theuco north sixty nine (00) degrees west fifty. eight (58 tods thence north seventv-eight 7S degrees west thirty-two 32 rods- thence west forty 10 rods; thence south seventy-five 75 degiees west eighteen 18 rods to a post on the west line of said lot ; thence south, ninety-seven and forty one-hunl-redihs 07 40-100 rods to a hemlock in the southwest corner of said lot; thence cast two hundred tweu'y-thrce nnd fifty-eight onc-hundredths 223 5S-100 rods in the south line of said lot to the place of begin ning,, upon which is erected one two-story dwelling house 20x30 feet, with addiliou 10x18 feet, frame barn, 40x50 feet, and we'l of water. Seized and taken in execution as the properly of Martin Enz, at suit of D. J. M'Donald & Co. ALSO. All that certain tract of land in the town or settlement of rSt. Mary's iu the county of 101U and State of Pennsylvania, situate tin Klizabeth road ; thence west one hundred and thirty-three (133) perches and one third J) of a porch to a post; thence south tltirty (30) perees to a post; thence east one hundred and thirty three 133 perches and one-third j of u perch to a post; thence north thirty :Hi perches to the place of be ginning, containing twenty-live (25) acres and being number two on Elizabeth road in the map or plan of the .town or settlement of St. Mary's, upon which is erected one one-storv log house, 18x21 feet, and frame barn, lskttJ feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Car. Schneider, at suit of i;asper i-;mmert. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land situated and being iu the township of Jay, in the county of imk ami fttite or J'ennsvivania, known and described as follows, to wit; Commencing at the southeast corner ot -Merioah ii. Ijticore tarni, where the new road starts and runs through the orchard, on the old farm formerly owned by Benlamin Lcgirct. now deceased, and being part of war rant nuniuer lour thousand eight hundred ami forty.four (4844; thence along the south line ot said old farm or warrant No. forty-eight hundred and forty-four 444 east sixty-four rods to a stake; thence north to the north line of said old farm; thence west along said north line about fifty rods to the northeast corner of Re becca C. Morcy 'k farm which is a part ot said old lann.J and lrom thence south along the east line ot K C. Morey's farm to a stake on the road ; thence along the road, tluough the orchard, to the place ot beginning, containing lifty-one ami one-fourth olJJ acres more or less, upon which Is erected a two-storv frame dwelling house, 20x20, and one log barn, 24x30. ALSO. One other tract of land, situated iu town, county and State atoresani, and being part or said war- runt number four thouraud eight hundred and forty-four 4844, bounded and described as tollows, to wit : Commencing at the northwest corner of George V. lluller's farm at a stake in the road, running thence easterly along the road between 11. ,. Leggctt's and (t. A. lluller's farm; thence easterly along said lluller's line to the east line of suid old farm ubout forty-eight r81 rods more or less ; thence north along said east line to the notheast corner of said old farm; thence west along the north line of said old farm to the northeast corner of the above fifty-one acres of lund: thence south along the east line of said lifty-one acres or land to the place of beginning, containing thirty six 30 acres more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of K. V. Morey, at suit ol J B. Coryell. ALSO All that certain traot piece or parcel of land in Bcnzinger township, Elk Co.. Pa. on St, Michael's Koad. Beginning at a post on said St. Michaels Road ; thence soutb 51" east iotiowing me line of St. Michael's Road, thirty pcrshes ; thence south 40 west seventy perohes to a cost : thence north 54 west thirty perohes to a post: thenoe north 40 east seveuty nerobes to the place of beginning, con tainine thirteen aores and being so muoh of the northerly part of number two 21 on St. Michael's Koad iu the map or plan of the town or settlement of St. Mary's. Upon which is erected a log dwelling house 1 8v0 ftet 1 1 stories bieh and a frame barn 30x40 feet. Said land is all itn proved, and in under fence : has an orchard thereon, and a good living spiing of water and is bmit iota mile from 8t. Mary's Borough. hized and taken in Execution as the property of Yost Wehler at the suit of JOSCpU UUUBIW4 This last above described property to be gold at the Court House in Kidgway on Friday, June 1st, isii, at one o clock r, M. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is stmek off: 1. All bids must be pnld in full, except where the plaintiff or others Hen creditor becomes the purchaser, in which enses the costs on the writs must by pnld, ns well as nil liens prior to that of the purchaser, nnd a duly certified list ot liens shull bo furn ished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof ns he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M., tit which time all property not settled for will ngain be put up, nnd sold nt the exptnse nnd risk of the person to whom it was first stuck off, and who, in case of deficiency nt such re-sale, shall make good the same, nnd in no instance will the tleed be pre sented in court for confirmation un less the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL, ShcrilT. Sheriffs Office, Ridgway Pn., Mav 1, 1877. j See Purdon's Digest, ilth, edition, page 440. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1S77. STATEMENT OP THE AmiTOns SET TLEMENT UK THE Aivunvr" hi.' milUWAY TOWXM1IP KOll THE YEAH 1S7H. O. H. Klteli nnd .tamos ltllcv. SnnervUnm nnd ex-olllelo overseers of the poor ofl'.iil" wny township, in Recount with the several 1I1IIUS. KOAD fVSD. To ninoniit tux levied on unseated property 13R2 si To amount tax levied on seatod luop- iTiv ami 13 C (17 IIT.'I til Excess of expenditure. R I7M 2.S Jly amount exivnitod InilldhiR and re pairing roaus o c 3123 4S Ry biiperv isurs servu-u l.-jiu ;(u bu S:!700 & l'OOR FUND. To amount tnx levied on unseated property 520 84 To amount tax levied on seated prop- 11 -v ; Boil 10 To amount received for rent for liouso tin south street R no To amount received from ilorton Tp.... 51 80 122.-. K"i tty amount paid for keeping nnd sup- plylmr paupers 085 84 Hy nmount paid for keeping niul trans porting trumps 4S 94 lly 11111. unit pniil 11. II. 1-itc-lfs bill for services 21 00 1055 M 17o-oi Excess of levy of tnx SII1E WALK ITltD, 11 SO 511 3D Tu nmount of tux levied :iu 311 By nmount expended building nnd rc- pnii-ing side wulk 2P1 OT By supervisor o. 1J. l-'iteli s Btrvloeii.'.... U 5o Excess of levy of tax 12 (111 $-114 30 f. tile undcrsi-'iied. nuditors nfRlilnu-nv township, for IS77. hnvliig mot on the second .Mommy 01 April ihn.ior Hie purpose of set tling tin-111 nuts o ihu si-vernl lownshln 01'- lii-ers. do hereby eerlilv. Unit in the iirnsenee oil I. fl. l'lti-li nnd Jnmcs Hi ley, supervisors nnd ex-olllcio overseers of tho poor of suid r..i.lil.. '. 1WT.: ..... l...i ..... .... ,.- miiivu UlVir IlITUOllll IS wiiii me several Minds t ncreol lor is7i . mul Unit the above statement is the result of said settlement. It iiess our hands this 15th day of May, ' JAMES PEN-FIELD.) . ,u,r J. M. 11 (WELL. -Auditors. Attest, M.K.KLINE. Clerk, AM) LIABILITIES OI- KUX Tl WNSHI1 l-'OIl THE YEAR ENIHNi; M'ltlL ND, lh77. liUAD FUNll. ASSETS. By amount due from Henry Lurgav, t'ollcctor 1R-I si ny amount due lrom 1'. Y. Hays Col. 80 71 ny amount ciim nom county Treas. tin 70 ny amount due lrom 1 Jl Creudy. Collet-tor 11 41 uy niimniH due lrom Kilt Co., on ac count Joseph WlndlVUIer S'i5 3' lly I ash In '1 icnsury :) a: By Excess of Liabilities HM 91 H7IS MAHII.ITIKS. 10 outstanding orders and Judgments 174S 75 TOOK l-l M), ASSKTS. By amount due from J. Hewitt Cnl.... 4(fl 81 uy amoimi uiiK lrom Denis looinv. t iverseer 4'i hi 11 amount uuo lrom Co., ac count .loscnli 'Indlelilei- lli- 11 By am t due from unseated tuxes '7ij. 2,1,5 oa ny umouiit easli 111 Ireasliry ;j 3H SUIS til I.IABrl.ITIES. To amount due Elk Co., lor support of Kate Williams To outstanding orders To excess of assets SOt) 25 577 (10 IU 06 f'Jlli 31 Amount nf taxable property in Fox township 824f),5in 00 We. the Ulldcrslirncd. Auditors of Knx Township, hnvingsettlod and nillusted thoae cmiuts, of said township llnd the assets nnd luijiiiiji-s 01 1 iii-Kiiios UN uoove set, ioriu. JUIIS 11KIUS11EY.) 1'. A. JORDAN. V Auditors, J. It. MEUEDlTH.j Attest. .1. .1. TAVI.nR. CU-rk. Eox, April S'lth, 1S77. Flour is declining In price. Rev. I Rhen'kman lias moved his family Into the Lutheran parsonage. The woods above 15. F. Ely's mill have been on lire for several days. Inn Ridgwny and Fox township statements appear in this Issue. J. S- Powell has a new awning in front of his shop. The report of the Sunday School Convention, held ut Wilcox, occupies considerable space in this issue. Rev. 11. Q. Miller of Sniethport will oilieiale in Grace Church on (Sunday next at the usual hours. 1'ocxD. A pair ot spectacles, on depot street, the owner can get them by calling on Mrs. R. II. Coats. The Tunning & Lumber Co., I01 between 400 and 500 cords of bark at Scubondu. by the recent fires- Ttio rain storm last nignt was a blessing in several ways. Vegetation is benelited, and the fires extin guished. Several townships have as yet published no statement, in accordance with the law. We advise the uegli gent officers to look out for breakers. Several children were poisoned at Grant's tannery last Saturduy by eut- lng poke root. JNone of the cases proved fatal, although some of the children were very sick. fl - Appletou's line ritau Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, maklug it half complete, as there are to be 16 in all, of 800 pages each one being issued in two months. It makes u complete library, and 110 one can afl'ord to do without it who would Keep well informed. Price $6,00 a vol ume in leather, or ?7,00 in elegant natr 1 uruey. u. 14.. juuson, rredonia N. Y., controls the sale in Elk couniv A .1 ,1 1 . : M - . 1 1 AuuiecD 111111 ii)i l'lu iiiuitne, sepl"-tf. Elk Count- S. S. Convention. This convention met at Wilcox, In the chnpel of tho Dutch Reformed Church at four o'clock P. M. of the 8th Inst., and was called to order by Mr. A. P. Preston, chairman of the Elk Co. S. 8. Association Committee. The Convention was organized by electing the Rev. Robt White, of St. Mary's, Chairman, and II. M. Camp bell, of Wilcox, Secretary. The exercises were opened by read ing a selection of scripture and prayer by Rev. Crittenden. The following constitution for the lk Co. S. S. Association was sub mitted by Mr. A. H. Preston, nnd was adopted and signed by all present. CONSTITUTION. Art 1. The name of this organiza tion shall be The Elk County Sabbath School Association. Art 2. The object of this associa tion shall be to promote the Sunday School work of tho county, co-operating with both union and church schools already established, and rend ering assistance In establishing others whenever practicable. Art. 3. Pastors of the churches, ofllcers and Teachers of the Sunday Schools, and such other persons as ore actively engaged in Sunday School work in this county, may become members of this association by sub scribing its constitution. rt. 4. The officers of this associa tion shall be a President, two vice Presidents, a County Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Secretary for each Township or Rorough, or other convenient districts, to be elected al the annual meetings of the association. Art. 5. The duties of the officers of this association shall be such as cus tomarily devolve upon like ofllcers. The peculiar duties of the Township Secretaries being to collect and trans mit to the county Secretary, in time for his annual report the statistics of the Sabbath Schools of their respective districts. Art- 0. The annual meetings of this association shall be held at such places as may be chosen in the month of May in each year. Other meet ings may be held as ordered by the as sociation or its executive committee. Art. 7. The President and county Secretary, together with five persons appointed at each annual meeting, shall constitute an executive commit tee, who shall be charged witli the management of the work of the asso ciation during the year. Art. 8. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meet ing. Upon motion of J. O. W. Railey a committee of three was appointed by the chairman to nominate officers for the permanent organization of the S. S. Association. The chairman named J. O. W. Railey, Jus. E. Pugh and A. R. Preston us sulTi committee, with instructions to report at tho evening session. The convention then adjourned un til 7:4-i P. M. EVENING SESSION. This session of the convention opened with music by the choir, fol lowed by reading of the 78 Psalm by Rev. Robt. White, ami the recitation of the Lord's Prayer by the conven tion. Mr. A. R. Preston, in a tew well-selected remaiKs, uaue an wel come to the convention, and to the hearts and homes of the people of Wilcox- Responded to by Rev. Robt. White, iu behalf of the convention. After music by the choir, the Rev. Mr. Gillette of Kane, entertained the convention by an eloquent address upon the position of Sunday Schools in relation to the church. At the close of the address Mr. A. R. Preston ottered the following resolu tion, which was adopted. Resolved That the Rev. Mr. Gil lette bear to the S- S. of Kano the salu tations of this convention, aud request their attendance here. The committee appointed to nom inate officers for the S. S. Association reported the following persons as of ficers for - the ensuing year: Presi, dent, W. II. Osterhout, of Ridgway, Vice Presidents, J. C. Malone, of Wil eox, aud C. msiow, ot lieiiezette : Secretary, J. O. W. Railey, of Ridg way ; Treasurer, Mrs. Horace Little, of Ridgway ; Executive Committee, A- R- Preston, of Wilcox; Jos. Patton, of St- Mary's ; Geo. R. Dixon, nnd Rev. Wm. Jus. Miller, of Ridgway; and Rev. E. Chilcote, of Renezette On motion of J. E. Pugh, the officers nominated were elected by acclama tion. The question, "what is the object of Sunday Schools was discussed by Rev R. Crittenden, A. R- Preston, R. W Drown and others, the principle ob- tects stated being "to prepare the young for eternity." "To dilluso knowledge of tho Rible and to teach the young to live nobly in this world." "To dive out skepticism, " &c. Mr. J L. Drown then called for the reading of the 3rd section of the constitution which was read by the Secretary. Mr. Drown moved to amend by adding, af ter the word work, "or thoso wishing to become so." The motion not being entertained by the chair, Mr. Pestou finoved to amend the Bid section, by striking out the words "actually en gaged," and inserting "interested." Tho amendment was agreed to. After music by the choir and bene diction by the Rev. R. White, the us sociation adjourned until 0:30 A. M of May Dth. MAV liTH, MORNING SESSION. The association was called to order by Vice President J. C. Malone, ut 0:30 A. M. aud waa opened by prayer by Rev. R. White. The association was then entertained by u very interesting exercise in responsive Diblo reading conducted by Rev. Crittenden, fol lowed by the temperance gong "Dai it Down," by the association. One hour and twenty minutes was then devoted to answering questions from the question drawer. The first question. "Shall a teacher be placed over a cluss of young men or women who is not thoroughly orthodox, or ho Is at all skeptical?" This ques tion was answered at length by Geo R. Dixon, who believed we should get thoso who are orthodox if wo can, but get teachers for all classes of the best material at hand, whether orthodox or not. 2rd "What Is the best method of conducting question reviews ?" 11swer by Rev. White, with remarks from others, who expressed diilercnt opinions, though all agreed (hut teachers and officers of the Sunday School, should thoroughly prepare themselves upon the matter to be re- iewed. 3rd. "How shall we teach our children to be strictly temperate In principle and praclicc ? Answered by Rev. Crittenden. "Dy home example'' and teaching." 4th. "Should our Sunday Schools be taught to repeat the ten command ments in concert. Answer by Rev. Hoffman, in affirmative Cth. "What is the best method 61 conducting musical exercises in Sun day Schools." Answer by J- O- W. Railey. A variety of opinions were xprcssed by members of the associa tion. Utli. "Shall we repeat the Lord's Prayer as Christ gave it in (Ith Matliew, or otherwise." "Answer bv Prof. McPheran, who believed weshould re peat it as given by Christ. The Rev. R. Crittenden then stated that he had many times oill-red to pre sent a copy of the Dible to any person who would repeat the Lord's Prayer, word for word, as given in the Bible, and had never been called upon for a Dible, as all who nt tempted to repeat, it had failed. The same offer was made to the as sociation and the first Dible won by Co. Supt Geo. R. Dixon. The 7th question, "What are the iieneiits ot ts. . ljUiranes V" was answered by Jus. E. Pugh. 8th. "Shall we have novels in the S. Library?" Answer by J. L Drown in affirmative, as to a certain class of novels. The regular exercises were then continued. What are a superintendent's du ties?" .was briefly answered bv Geo. R-Dixon, who classified their duties as executing, legislative, and judiciary. 'What is the best time for holdin Sunday Schools. This question elici ted a variety of answers. Messrs Pres ton, Drown and others, favoring after- ternoon, while Messrs Crittenden, Pugh, and others, argued strongly the benefits of morning sessions. Adjournd until - o'clock, P. M. AKTERN'OON SESSION. The association convened at o'clock, J. C. Malone presiding. fter prayer by Rev. R. Crittenden. there was an illustration of black board exercises liy J. O. V. Bailey, the les son illustrated being from Acts, 3rd, 12-2(ith. Rev. White moved to amend the 0th article of the constitution, by kav ing the time for the annual meeting of the association to be fixed by the executive committee. J. O. W. Railey moved to amend by inserting the month of May. Amend ment agreed to, ana tlie motion as amended agreed to. The Rev. Crittenden was then called upon for an explanation of in stitute work, which was responded to by an interesting exercise conducted by Mr. Crittenden and participated in by tlie entire association. Method of teaching in Sunday School, was illustrated by A. R. Pres ton, by a class drill of the Wilcox Sun day School, which received general commendation. mis was louowetl hy remarks on class work by Rev Crittenden. The length of S- S- session was trfcn discussed by Messrs Bailey, While, Brown, Straight and others, the time stated by the diilercnt gentlemen vary ing from one to two hours. On motion, the association proceeded to elect delegates to the State Sunday School Convention, to bo held in Har- risburg, June, 12, 13th and 14th. Messrs. 'W. S M'Pherran, Robert White, J. L. Brown, J. C. Maloneand O. W. lSailey, were elected. On motion the association adjourned until 7:30. WEDNESDAY EVENING SESSION This session was devoted to addres ses ny ltev. it- Crittenden, upon tlie depth, breadth, length and precious ness of the Bible to every true chris tian. Mr. A. B. Preston spoke of S S. work ; Rev. Mr. Hoffman and W S. M'Pherran on S. S- Libraries; a gentleman from Renovo spoke of hi love for, and interest in Sabbath School work. After the closing ad dresti by Rev. Robt. White, the aSso ciatiou adjourned "S'i(te die." J. O. W- BAILEY, Secretary I am indebted to W. S. M'Pherran, of Wilcox, for the minutes of the lat ter part of the Wednesday afternoon session, and the whole of the evening session. For myself and all others who attended the convention, I can truly say that the hospitality of the Wilcox people is all and more than thev uromised. The fatted calf was killed, and we were welcome to par take, without money and without price. The meeting of the association was a decided success, and enjoyed by all Who attended. J. O. W. B The pupils of tho Ridgway school will give a public entertainment at the school building 011 Friday evening May 25th. Tho exercises will consist of dialogues, tableaux, charades, re firntinim. orations, vocal and instru mental music- Proceeds to be used in paying expenses of entertainment ana rent 01 piano. State Jiotes. Truckers nt the Piltstirgh markets who in good times sold $200 worth of vegetables a day cannot realize more than S--3 a tiny. Mrs. Catharine Xallin, of Minookti, Luzerne oounly, was killed on the railroad on Friday. She wan aged sixty years and tleaf. Miss Laura Pierce, aged sixteen, i in the Union county Jail, having con fessed that she fired a farmer's barn which was burned some weeks ago. Burke Bownes, a boatman, at tempted to jump 011 a train near Maueh Chunk while drunk last week. He fell under (he cars and was fatally injured. In view of the presence of mad dogs on the streets of Slnandoah the bur gess ot tliat town litis issued a procla mation notifying owners of dogs to muzzle them until August 81, 1877. Two daughters of the late John D. Lee, of Mountain Meadow, notoriety, have been living near Mill Run, Fay ette county, until quite recently, when they removed to Somerset coun'y. At Bradford, M'Kcan county, a boy named Thaddetts Smith was killed by unconeiotisly inhaling gas while lying on the cover of an oil tank, looking into it while the well was pumping. The hotly of Roderick Frazier was exhumed at Meadville the other day, after hming been in the earth 101 years Tho bones were found to be in a good stitte of preservation. The Chrictiati railroad men of Alle gheny ami Pittsburgh are about organ izing a Railway Young Men's Chris tian association, having for its object the improvement of the spiritual, moral and social condition of the rail road men uf the two cities. A Moiioiigahela city ghost in an old mill turns out to be a lot of young men who consumed the nights in making merry over sundry barrels of hard der stored in the mill. The ghost vanislieu Willi me tusappcarauce 01 the cider. The jury in tlie ease of Bott a Phila delphia preacher involved iu an ugly scandal, disagreed on Saturday, one juror refusing to join the others In a verdict of guilty. Subsequently ho was arrested on the charge that lie had stilted that it mattered not what the evidence was he would not convict Bott. A. II. Hodgson, the juror, was held in $1,500 bail. John Mitchell, a highly respected citizen of Aew Castle, Lawrence couuty, attempted to committ suicido last week. He had been laboring un der the hallucination that he had per petrated a murder and that justice was on his track, and while in that condi tion he slabbed himself several times tu the neck and cut lumselt across tno throat, almost severing tlie windpipe. He was in a dangerous condition ut last accounts. His insanity is attribu ted to failure iu business. Ellen Croft, a domestic employed at the residence of N. C. Barclay, editor of the Allodia ,S't, committed suicide on Saturday by taking strychnine. The following note was found in tho room where she died : I want you folk's to send my things home. I have a silver dollar, that is lor Lottie Croft. I want to be laid side mother. Lottie, I don't want you to think of me. Ellen croet. lam going home Iodic no more. I hope to meet my friends in Heaven. Good-bye, sister and brother." The Shenango Valley A'cics says : In 1875 tlie iron product in the Shenango Valley was 137,02-3, and the iroduet of the Mahoning Valley 113,- J'-I3 tons, total L'33,()18 tons, in iSitJ the product of the Shenango Valley is estimated to have been 150,000 tons, and tlie product of the Mahoning Val ley 134,000 tons: total 2j,000 tons. This gives the Shenango Valley an in crease of 12,075 tons, and the Mahon ing Valley an increase of 18,007 tons; total increase for tho two valleys 30,- 082 tons. The total capacity ot tue two sections is 5S1.000 tons. Of 82 stacks in tlie Shenango Valley, 8 are in blast, and of 22 iu the Mahoning Valley, 11 are in blast." Wheat Fluctuations. The advance of breadstuff's of all kinds forms a topic of conversation in almost every household, just now. The following comparative statement made iu the Pottstown Ledger of the ruling prices of wheat in April of each year, for the past ten years, will there fore be rend with interest : In lb07 wheat sold at $3.30 per bushel ; in 1S08, at $3; in 1800, at $1,85; In 1870, at $1,30; in 1871, at $1,45; in 1S72, at $1.00 ; in 1873, at $1-00 ; 1874, at $1.70 ; in 1875, at $1,25 ; in 1S76, at 1,40 aud 1877, at $2,15 per bushel. ' The highest price at which wheat was quoted dur ing tlie past ten years, was iu April, '07, when it sold at $3.30 per bushel. The lowest price for the same time waa in February, 1S70, when it sold at $1,20 per bushel. Towuship Ofllcers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfield, P. It. Smith. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead. Jas. D. Fullerton. School Directors 0. B. Grant. Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cuia mings, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors O. B. 1 itch, Jas. Riley. Treasurer W. 11. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson. John Walmsley. Auditors J. 11. uagerty, James Pen field, J. S. Powell. . Cleric i. is. lviine. Constable J. W. Morgester. THIS COLD WEATHER RE- minds us that rOWF.LL & KIME have a like lot of Thermometers on htuul.