The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 26, 1877, Image 4

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l-nttrr rnl lliittrr linking
In packing butter it is essential Hint it
jo well tnniped together, leaving no
nsaures or air cells. This ci n be well
uone only when in a mollow condition,
and by putting in small quantities at
-nce and stroking it lightly a number of
times with tho ladle; never rub it, but
Rive it a direct, positive impression at
each stroke. The butter should never be
Waced against the edge of the package,
iut alwaysn. the center, and bo kept
there all tho time n little the highest.
In this way there will always be both a
perpendicular and aluternl pretsnro on it
which will exclude the air and close up
all fissures. By so doing, the brine or
excess moisture will also get to the edge
of the pauRagc, where it will bo finally
t v.ten into and keen filled the pores of the
wood, thus rendering it constantly air
tight, and preventing the butter from
Kctting into tho wood, and so causing it
to adhere to the p-iekagu. If this is
allowed to bo done there will bo a loss of
a number of pounds to whoever under?
takes to use it,, by ft little that adheres
un uy inr more tlint gets nnecteu. un
the other hand, whoa tho pores of the
wood are entirely closed with the Bait
from this brine, not one pnrticle of but
ter will be either wasted or damaged ; it
will cleave from tho package perfectly
clean and sweet. Two pounds of butter
wasted is equivalent to one cent a pound
on the whole package. Retailers nnd
consumers generally understand this ;
and when they find a packago that really
costs them two or three cents a pound
more than they expected, by reason of
wastage, they are very apt to try another
dairyman's lintter, or if they are com
pelled to buy more of the Bame kind to
do so at a reduced price.
A poor churning of butter sandwiched
in between two good ones will condemn
a package of butter on almost any
Snarket, and the whole package of butter
will bring very little, if any, more than
if all was equally as poor as the poorest
in it ; or a churning of good white butter
between two of fine yellow, will detract
from the price fully as much as would be
equivalent to throwing the white away
altogether. It is therefore fur better to
pack such chuvnings separately or to use
them np at the dairyjwhile they are new and
in their best condition. Such butter is
useful if consumed after it is made, while
if kept a short time it will become nearly
worthless, and so detract from the good,
which had it been packed by itself would
have commanded a good price. I have
known a dairy of butter to bring more
money after throwing out a whole pack
age that had a poor churning in it than
was offered for the entire dairy. If a
churning nf butter does not fill a package
it should be covered with a damp clean
white cloth with salt on, to protect it
from dust and air, until another churn
ing shall fill it, whoa a dump cloth and
salt may again be put on nnd the pack
age sealed ami set away ready for the
market. . The best time to market butter
is when in its best condition, and butter
seldom improves with age.
Krffrtiftiitff IMvnrf Prnrs.
There is fao kind of fruit tree that
may have its fruit changed by regraft
ing so advantageously as the pear. The
facility with which giafts may be set
well, and the certainly of their growing
if the work is fairly performed, added to
the value "of a strong stock, render the
operation desirable when an improve
ment may be made in the fruit. These
remarks .will apply to both Btaudards
and dwarfs, but the low form of the
dwarf renders the work more easy and
convenient. We have seen bearing
dwarfs changed by threo years' growth
to full bearing trees of other and more
desirable varieties. .
It has often happened that the owners
of orchards have found themselves in tho
possession of worthless sorts, either by
the mistake of tho vender or too high
recommendation of unknown varieties,
or by the deterioration of old pears
by black mildew and cracking. Some
times tho owner would prefer to have
moderately good pours changed to the
very bent, but he is not always aware how
easily it is done. It c ists no moro to
grow Bartletts than Summer Bells, nor
Aujoiis than choke pears.
The older aud larger tho treo to be
changed, the greater is tho number of
grafts to be inserted in it and the corre
sponding labor required. At the same
time, the larger will be the crop of fruit
produced when it comes into fruiting.
The process is very simple. .First cut
oil' branches of a suitable size for the
insertion of grafts all over the tree, nnd
at as nearly equal distances from each
other as practicable ; then remove the
other limbs and shoots, and insert grafts
into tho stumps made by cutting the
first mentioned branches, and the work
is done. It is true sometasteand judgment
should bo exercised so as to give tho
tree handsome form and to distribute the
new roots evenly through the new head.
For trees which have reached a good
bearing condition the insertion of two
or throe dozen grafts into the head of
each will afford a speedy change from a
poor to an excellent pear. Even a dozen
grafts will answer. One man will graft
" twenty-five trees and more in a day. In
some instances three years have thus
given a heavy crop of Bartletts on trees
that before produced worthless fruit.
Country Gentleman.
Domestic Kcclpta.
Pop Oveus. Two cups of sweet
milk, two cups of flour a little heaped, a
bit of butter as largo as a walnut, two
eggs, ouo large spoonful of sugar, nut
meg and salt. Melt the butter, add the
milk slowly to the flour to avoid lumps.
Bake in cups or gem pons, all heated,
twenty minutes in a hot oven.
BnoiLixa Meats. When meats are
' broiling on a gridiron over hot c6als,
the sudden heat applied seara the out
side, which shuts in tho juices, and the
rapid application of heat soon cooks the
meat through, if in moderately thin
slices. It is then tender, juicy and pal
atable. Tiio.46 who never broil their
fresh meat, fishor poultry, do not know
the excellence of a properly cooked dish
of animal food.
Balloons. One pint of sweet milk,
three eggs, one pint of flour. Separate
the eggs, beat the yolks until light, aud
mix with the milk and stir into the flour
gradually. Beat it well with one salt
'spoon of salt; then whisk the whites
until stiff, and stir through the milk,
flour nnd yolks lightly. Butter small
cups, till them half full of the mixture,
and bake in a quick oven. When done,
' turn them out of the cups on to a heated
dish and send to the table hot. Eat with
sauce, or butter and sugar worked to a
- A bill has been passed by the Legisla
ture of Tennessee to reduce the salary
of the governor from 4,000 to $3,000 ;
supreme court judges from- $4,000 to
$3,000; judges of inferior courts and all
special judges from 2,500 to 82.000.
The bill, after it receives the promised
signature of ' the governor, goes into
effect after the next , genera) county
election, .
His excellency Gen. Junn Manuel de
Rosas, ex-governor and dictator of the
Argentine confederation, died lately at
his farmhouse at Swathling, about three
miles from Southampton, England. He
was bom on the 80th of March, 1793,
and was consequently within a fortnight
of eighty-four yeors of ago. The de
ceased, who has resided at and near
Southampton for the Inst twenty-five
years, was seized with inflammation of
the lungs on the eighth of March, after
having imprudently exposed himself to
the inclemency of the weather, and,
despite the careful and unremitting at
tention of Dr. John Wiblin, F. R. C. S..
who has been his medical adviser and
confidential friend throughout the whole
period of his residence in England, suc
cumbed to the attack at the hour named.
La Dona Manuels de Rosas de Terrero,
the devoted daughter and companion of
the ex-dictator, arrived from London the
day previous to his death, and was in
attendance upon her father during Ins
laBt hours. Her husband, Don Maximo
Terrero, left Southampton bo lately as
the 24th of February, in the Royal Mail
company's steamship, Minho, for Buenos
Ayres, with all the necessary authentic
documents to recover his wife's and the
general's property, which they inherited,
apart from that acquired from the state.
Manuela was the deceased general's only
child, but she has two sons, aged respec
tively twenty-one aud nineteen years, the
eldest of whom completed his examina
tion recently at the School of Mines in
London. Gen. Rosas arrived in Eng
land, after his overthrow in Buenos
Ayves, iu 1852, being brought over in an
English man-of-war, under the command
of Caj)t. Day. a member of a Southamp
ton family, and at once adopted
Southampton as his place of residence.
He occupied a large house iu Roekstone
place, Carltou-cresceut, for several years,
and then removed to the farm, where he
remained till his death. this place,
called Burgess-street farm, of the extent
of about four hundred acres, he rented
under the late Mr. Joha Fleming, of
Stoneham Park, and on it he has ex
pended immense sums of money, finding
his amusement and pleasure in its daily
personal superintendence.
The general has been quite infirm from
gout for some years, but he might be
seen constantly riding about the grounds,
aud his greatest happiness seemed to be to
sit on his horse and give orders to those
employed. His love of what may be
termed despotic command was so great
that no one was allowed to speak a word
Gunpowder for Europe.
While a state of sluggishness prevails
among our manufacturers of gunpowder
such as hns rarely if ever before been
known, they are buoyed np with expec
tations of 'large orders from the bellig
erents in Europe, should a conflict ac
tually commence. England holds the
only natural deposits of saltpeter in the
world, the entire receipts coming from
Calcutta, but here in the United States
we have liberal supplies on hand, and
though, in case of hostilities, an order
in council prohibiting tho export of salt
peter from the East Indies will follow
immediately, our manufacturers are not
in the least concerned lest the supply
fall short. A similar order was issued
during our lote war : nevertheless the
country was abundantly provided with
ammunition, and the ability of manu
facturers in that crisis to meet every de
mand is the only criterion from which to
judge of their capacity in the future.
That the United States will be heavily
called upon for gunpowder, in case of
war in Europe, is already shown by
numerous inquiries from abroad.' ,
Russia has already made a contract for
powder, which is in course of shipment
to Cronstadt, and as well known tho
Turkish government have been quietly
receiving large quantities of arms aud
ammunition from this country for the
last eighteen mouths. Their wants ap
parently have only been restricted by
the available quantity of piasters. Rus
sia is not likely to buy much in England,
and the relations of the British govern
ment to either of the probable combat
nuts are such that she cannot afford to
hazard her uentral position. Therefore
it is reasoned, purchases of war materia
will be made largely of a neutral power0
far removed from the conflict, nnd on
upon whom there can be entire reliance-
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Mmoltr, Pont and foul' On,
And nil worry with Arcs that will not burn, and
whoro it in impossible to cook properly, can nil
bo remedied ud a Rfivinf? in fuel obtained.
Bend stump for circular. Henry Colford A Co.,
76 Bansoin St., Philadelphia.
Rhenmatism cured at once by Durang's
Itheurrmtio Itemed?. Hend for circular to Hel
pheiiHtino A Bentley, Washington, D. 0.
For Aernnts.
Send for Ontfilnsue to
ft Rnrclair St., N. V., and
I 70 W. 4th St., Cincinnati.
OP Til 15
" Let me see," says the nurse of a sick
man, "the doctor said one teaspoonful
every ten minutes; that makes six every
hour, say seventy-two (luring the night.
I shall give him seventy-two spoonfuls
right away, and have a chance to get a
little sleep myself."
This large sum he profusely lavished,
and, indeed, squandered away, during
the first ten years of his residence in
England, at which time his liberality
was unbounded to all with whom he was
brought in contact. In the latter years
of his life the ex-dictator was entirely
and absolutely dependent upon his for
mer finance minister, the ex-officers nil-
except by way of acknowledgment of ! dor his command,- and the amiable family
commands or. in answer to questions. I of his daughter's husband. Formally
General Rosas always paid his farm at- ; years General Rosas end the late Lord
tendauts and laborers about one-third Palmerston frequently exchanged visits
more than the current wages in the dis-; at the farm at Swathling and the manor
trust, but he had the peculiarity of only ; of Broadlauds, and an extensive cor
eugaging them day by day. Each man , respoudenco was carried on between the
was puid daily, and told whether he ! two.
would be required on the morrow or 1
not. This singular feature of his char
acter sprang from a determination never ,
to be bound by any permanent engage
ment, but in the result the men found
themselves generally iu regular employ- i
ment, and very few changes were made, j
So strictly disciplinarian were his habits i
that each man's time was calculated hour j
by hour he worked, and fully to carry I
tins out, particularly in the summer
months, he had always a night watch
man specially employed, both winter and
summer, to ring a large bell under his
bed-chamber window every half hour
throughout the night. It was always a
characteristic of tho deceased that he
paid well for labor, but lie wos rigid iu
seeing that the labor was performed.
General Rosas fled from his country
without anything m the shape ol prop-
Sulphur Soap
All Local Skin Diseases;
Permanently Beautifies tub
Complexion, Prevents and Hems
dies Rheumatism and Gout,
Heals Sores and Injuries '
op the Cuticle, and
is a Ksi.iAnLtf Disinfectant.
This popular and inexpensive rcme
ay accomplishes tho same .iebults
At: costly Sui.PnuR Baths, sinco it
permanently removes Eruptions
and Irritations of the Skin.
w:iys obtiated by its use, and it ren
der's the cuticle wondrously fair and
Soiies, Sprains, Bruises, Scalps,
Bums and Cuts arc speedily hkai.f.d
by it, and it prevents and remedies
Uout and Kheumalism.
It removes Dandruff, strengthens
the roots of the Hair, and preserves
its youthful color. Asa Disinfectant
of Cictliing and Linen used in the sick
room, and as a Protection against
Contagious DI8EA8K3 it is uncquulcd.
Physicians emphatically endorse it,
Prices, 25 and 50 Cents per Cake,
Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 60c and f 1.20.
21. B, There li economy In buying the large cakej.
Bold by all Druggists.
" Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye,"
Black or Brown, 60c.
M.CRITTETO, PropV. 7 Sixth Av. NT.
Hlrrnmh Combined with I.lMhfnem.
Vpon nwiwipt of a Pnat-nffloe money order, we will
deliver to the esprpss or railroad
4(1 Jt-inh square tMth, In, inches lonir. for fjl .nit
to ).-inch square tooth. tin, inrhoe Ions, for 3. led
moF.t.T noiitn.
SWEET'S M'FO CO.j Btiucp, W. T.
SEED llltll.L
Windom, and others of equal note, contribute an article
Kvdrt. Rhermnn, Key, HehnrR, Morton, Blame. Fnnter,
during the ypnr.
Tin- NnNliv'l.f'tlera are written exclusively for the
The iientand Cheapen ranerin me worm.
Siirctiiirti I'nrlrw sent Free to any address.
Bend Postal. Address, ...
II I. A II r.." TOIPnOa iFiun.
All Glass BETjEivrHAHPoRCEiH Limed
Loss a.INconveMieNce AVOIDED Bi
-1875- 1873-
OH GLASS OR I in liuvcuaAwu vrircEa
eel .N ' il
Blghnt frits at Ceetrnnlsl for the Bott Hand Cultivator.
GEO. VV. RUE, Hamilton, 0.
I Medical Advice Free! Ssfe:.
1iiivrr7ira "HtronaT Hint 'M'npi" ms
A. m m awm A Wank tft AffefltS. J? 1 0 Outfit fWft
$55 g $77 pJo VICKRHY, Annual. Maine.
1 " ... i i . it- mm
85 to $20 yTftio'rT.g.K
S66 mToTp'" flir"
a a wppk. Catalogue and Bample FRKB.
40 KKlION CO? I Ift Ma-en t New Yorfc.
nrilTC Hi pnre TllnntrntWI Clotie Pre.
AGENTb. rloaTOH Novfxtt fio. Boutin. Mum.
h.T n iiA.,ntr t nnd Wnrrnnts hnnrht. hipprt
ST Hll B'r" ' w"" " " """'
ft-l dy at home. Aent wanted, ymm ana
TUJ.25 Srrn. free. TK17K i (.. n. Muno. .
lHrsv a ntv . a van In. Rnmnle free,
Catalogue, h. 1 f-KTOH Kfl. I
. Latest
Invention, nnd
Only machine
in tut worta
Tension cl
Stltc .
of vrr m.chlnt.
SCIPI U C Br" "hot $3.00, 70 styles. IH.Cal.frre.
llteULl L li Wkrtf.rn Oum WonEg. Chicago, in.
$20 ::;
Kveru Family ahoitlit have it Itetiff-
Are YOU a mliiicrilior to any? If not, then discharge
that UUTY NOW liy nutiscrihinR to cnat gooa
olil reliable Family Journal,
Priori $209 a Ycnr, Pom n up Inclmli'il.
Note. In Clubs of Five or more subscribers, the price
is $fg.lj n Ye:ir BHch.
Tts sned-thouuhts fur Runl!iy-fhooi, ' TCcws of
Churches," nnd the "Work of our Church," at Hohie
nnd Abrond: its porrpKpondoiice from all pnrts of the
world : its nbto contributions from eminent ninn, nnd its
editorials, ronko it one of the Cheapest and Moat Valu
able Futility Newspapers in the Country.
It will contain (at freuuent tnterviil!) Sermons by Rev.
Dr. Wadsworth and other eloquent divines, any one of
which will nmply pay for the subscription. Hend the
amount by Puitt-oftice money ordt-r, chi-ck, or registered
letter to Till. IMC lII VTKIt I AN.
151 V? Chestnut Street, Phlli.
Waphinoton Ckntfnniat. IMkmohial, OUctfi., addi
tional, pi tin: or fi MM in putors.
Specimen Copies of Tin Pr'iivrriHii sent free.
KoTK. For I 1.50 We Will (TIVrTHK riir.BHVTKHIAW
one year, and one copy of the HlliLK DICTIONARY
bound in cl:t!i,over hK0 pages, which rytiitN fur ! t !.
Trade Hark In bass
Send Postal Card foi Illustrated Price Llrt, &C
Willcox & Oibbs S. M. Co.,
(Cor. Bond St.) 058 Broadway, Mew Yovk,
Fr3in"l" nop',;! et..: Tj-rlJ. IO ft'
w. Jinking, Demoukst, 17 K. 1 4 tp St., N.Y.
omothlna Nw. H. 8. inothbot.i,. ZQ8 B way, W. Y.
TH A "OliTC In th bet piirt of MarTland, at panic
F 'A ft prlcw. For ontloo. with roup nod
in co nut, a na rosa ii mn. "
Pj FKOT Cure for prnm-tnrp rlphilitr. Son d for c rm
Pw H. KABR. S32 Broadway, Ww York
A IVTonth.-AircntJi wanted. 30 beat 1W
a a WATCHES. A Oreat rienaaiion. nampio
C8 Watch and (Jutflt tree t Ajtpnta. Bettor tlinn
Made by 17 A pent, In .Ian. 77 with
niv l.liu-wnriicic. r.iiii"c.'
Blue' glass hns been tested in the
roynl gnrdeus nt Kew, Enfrlnuil, nnJ the
rft'eet, ns reporteil by the ilirector, shows
that blue rays retard the growth of
ThoiiNnnilHOf Atlldnviti.
Many having used "patent " and prepared
mediciiios nnd failed in Hurling tlio relief
promised, are thereby prejudiced against all
medicines. Ih thin right t Would vou condemn
nil phyiciana liccousc ono failed in giving the
relief 'promised ? Some go to California inxcareh
of gold, and after working hard for months
aud liudiug none, return home and rav there
I is no gold there. Does that prove it V Jinny
I Buffering with catarrh nnd pulmonary affections
j have used the worthless preparations that
i crowd the market , and in their disappointment
I my there is no euro for catarrh. Does that
prove it ? Does it not rather prove tlint they
liave failed to employ tho proper remedy V
thoUHand.s of people in tho United
orlh nf Music
luriiiK the Year.
Kriry number tiaa Kg pages of Musio and Muaical
St.rii. Ski'telies, Edit'innls, Ittem, Lentous, etir., etc.
CtioioH of Four I'leunnt Premium Volumea Free to every
F.ulr.cviler ut I .oil a Yeur. Send Btamp.ry'u par
t Inrs. or l.i cents for aamule, with tuft fon of
P. P. HiUi. Alclre,
.1. Clll Itfll A- CO. i Cliirlmintl, O.
Het in Uhb. Italia, Cl. th. Cues
noil everytliitiK RppertniniiiK to
Billiards, nt Iiwest Prices. Ilav
itifX the liirirst atock and tineat
tncilities i'T lualinfiicturinir,
tnlera enn le prniuptly liiled.
tio'nl necnd-haml Ti'tiles che:ip.
The BiLL!AiutCrF. nn illua
truted newspuper sent free on
738 Broadway, Y.
Kl.;i;iS SII I ItTS only one quality The Best.
Ki'pp'n l:iti'nt I'lirtly-nindo UrefH tihirts
Mn be tiniwlied as ns noinming Handkerchief.
The vcr- btnt. Rix fnr $?.M.
Keep's Custt'in Shirt.- nuidf to measure,
Tlio very luwt. ix fur S(.(M.
An elt'ij int mt of Kenumo (itila-iilnte Cnllnr nnn
Slcm-ft lluttons Riven with ich half doz. Ktmp's Shirts.
Kepp'n Shirts r dfliren-d Fit I5K on rciptof price
In any pjtrt of the I'nion no express chnrm-H t pny.
Samples with full directions for helf measurement
Sent Free to tinv ndlreb. No stauip required.
IVil dir'tlv with the Mnnfncturer and cet Bottom
Prices. Keep M;inufiicturing Co . Ht5 Mercer St.. N.Y.
i 4 ifCS
Pleasant ss Wine ! Harmless as Water!
Many persons have obtained the Iwt lua-th f
their lives by the nse of this exclieut and popnl tr
remedy. Nenrly every form of debility and dienBO
bnsbeeu cured by it, mid will, out any of the ufiml
advertising it has become to favonb-y known that
it ia being sent for iiom nil parts of the country,
and lue laciimes lor iu:iKiti(,' n unve u;m iu tie in
creased to the capacity ot hundreds of thousands
of bottles to niett the constantly increasiup demand.
The succesB of this remedy has 10 parallel, and
wherever known it has acquir d a rtpuintiou iiever
equaled by any other n;ediciue, Its woudrrful
niiiulC-UKe eue". surprises 11 u.' evi-r.y uue
t-'ood, aud insures good health and stlcngtb to all
who take it.
It is a certain cure for dy?pepi:t, constipation,
biliousness, heidache, m-nraiia, aud all affections
of the stomach, liver, kidneys nud nervous steiu
and for every form ot uemJity it is wmioui aoum
the cheapest,' pleasanttht aud best medicine iu the
Price only 50 crnl for Half-pint bottles.
VAN Kl'S!vlK V ()., I'roprhtorN,
IS Xvnvy Strrrl w York
Wont I'ointlur, Vrofltiihie, atui JTro
noinical l-'artn imitetnrnt in l'ne.
Fully Wnrrniitcd in Every lteect.
Send for circnlara to the
l.lltlp Kn 1 1 m. N. Y.
Dealers, rirrittnrn tree, n. r inn
OW TO IH KF I" 2fl to per Week SKI.T-
lW TEASTO KAMIWKS. Circnlara free. Art'.
THR CANTON TEA CO., M S Clni irberaj't. .IV ew York.
a year to Airenta. 0 "" a
(2S Shut im frrr. For terms ail-
il ria. J. Worth it- Co.. Sf.tMtiii.Mo
r. T5--f 1 Old tetritlmnte Pnmearn
Send IOr IrrOOl J a New Plan. No Public.-.
Hona or Pntent Wares. Hi Prntita. Airentj Wanted.
S. F. MYERS CO.. 411 IotIs Street. N. Y. City.
Men to travel and take orders of
Merchints. Salnry I 2IO a yer r
and all traveling expenses paid.
Address Cr.M MnnTg Co.. St. Umi, Mo.
ACiENTS' PROFIT per week. Will
irove it or fort
inst natented.
Addreaa W. H. CmnFRTFn, 21 8 Fulton St.. N. Y.
mm mm mm, mm. r. l
Cmma IaII it nt fnffoit rm. New Article
OJ I lUlS it mtented. SnmpleB sent free to
VnnlMl Avenli in evrv rouiiiv m sen our
r- !('. r m -T . 'I'-'itii.t . '
Km Hon i
. r,. iir."i
highest AWAnns AT
Thcro nro
erty, but a bliort time niter nis nigut i statc-H who enn mnkenn anmuvit that Dr. rn(,'e 8
General Urnuiza himself Buceessfullv Catarrh Iteniedy and Dr. Pierm-'H Golden Medi-
h.wpp-oil tlinnitv nf TJiir-iios Avrps nnd i C'A PNcnvery have effected tht-ir entire cine.
ln.B.egea tne city ol liiieuos aj res, una j M(mv had ,ost B Rense of Hnl(, for nionthft.
then cllBOmbni-ROed liosas proijerty, i flnd iiieees nf linne had leiwatedlv been removed
which enabled the refugee to realize lv
the sale of his cattle about 100,000.
from the namil cavitien.
Widows who Burned.
j 4nml Itliiterliil I. Alwava lteipiinilc
, to great renH. Yott may have the best flour,
epf;s, mil!., hhortening, however, and still have
j poor bread, cake, pastry, etc. Why? You
i didn't use Poolf.y's k.ast Powheh. With thin
Junpr Bahndoor, the lirime minister of ' last magic element to give order, harmony, and
Teiiiiil wwiit in lmtlia nt Rnrimnttx! nuvm to Uin rest, tho
he entered the river befoi-e sunrise fur i
esnlt in a mathematical
Xrv it, and be convinced.
that imrpose iu the highest spirits, and
after performing his nblutions he Bat on '
the bank to say his prayers. Soon after I
he was noticed to be motionless. On his j
followers approaching hiin they found '
that life was extinct. An express was
sent to the capital, and orders arrived i
to postpone the funeral rites to the first ;
of March. The three principal rauei s
(widows), his brother and son arrived,
and the ranees expressed their desire to
siicrilice themselves. Tho brother tried
to dissuade them, but he failed, aud the
funeral pyre was prepared with pandal
wood, resin and a large quantitY of ghee.
When the arrangements had been made
the ladies bathed, performed poojah (an
Kast India sacred rite), ami made pres
ents to the Brahmins. The next step
was they took measures for the govern
ment of the country and to maintain
peace; then general directions, were
given to tho brother-in-law. Their last
act was to release tome prisoners. They
then entered the funeral pyre quite un
concernedly, muttering prayers. The
corpse was then laid on its back, and the
eldest ranee took its head in her lap and
the two others took the feet. They were
then surrounded by odorous combusti
bles, and the ranees gazed upon the fea
tures of their husband as if forgetful of
every other consideration. The fire was
then applied by his son, nnd all was
over iu a few minutes.
Clancy ift Poultry.
Tiof. A.Corbett, of No. 7 Warren St...Y.. has
received the Centennial and several gold medaln,
also 32 diplomas, for his new process of hatch
ing eggs and raising pou.try by means of horse
manure. This valuable discovery will give iSUO
yearly profit from 12 hens. Catalogues, circu
lars aud testimonials teuton receipt of postugc.
Every Year You Lose
More Uinn one cists Ours at way rltit no pay till
tfsted nnd Miited N'n ri-k, wo ray freiitht He your own
a ,,.,., Uafui'miimioiionii Kimr Ton lliiv Sen 1 1.
. i-Utr (nnnfi letter) rMtVrW. hend for free
Price Lint all size Scale und jtitltfo fnr yourself.
It I N ;i J 1 1 A M TON,N.Y.
I 0 aV5C-- XOLLIN S & Co.
PRlCE 212 Water St NEW-YORK City.
4 M !C';f
Ainr Ladu'i "Armure" tiX
Lady's "Armure
""Jhn Intcst iuusrftiiilHr myH
B will tint ii 1 li in it ii i- ii iu..
im:t), to pay man expciiM-n.
Paris, Vienna, gantiago,
I867J I873 m I87SJ
Grent turirtw of xtyltt at priert vhirh teaufil he impitttiblt for
worn-ui i tirctttnet ciiiouiunet)tiatfijannti'i iormanujaauTt,
Five octavo double reed organ, D1 OH
with tremulant. 'tplUU
Five octave organ, nine stops, mi 1 A
with voix celeste, pJ. -Lfc
Sold alto far monthly or quarterly paumtnt', or ret.tnl MHfil
rent pnyt. A Mtpertor oronn mny mi l-t pnhnir-t hyt'tttaty
ptymtni ft.w ptr ttr Jut ten quarters, t uinltmutt jrec.
1M Trcii). i. i St, -.'5 L'nion S-i. WMliR.h Ave.
,H n WrrW nl to Aeenrs. Tbe Work
inilijwnmsble to K. A. M. N-nd for Dmrrtpti?.
Masonio Works, 7 31 Broadway, New York.
The GreenTirook & Patsrson City fariss'
ral Calendar. Journal, nnd S Sample Plnnto, ii.j
mnAnT!n 'c:Jtopoll'it ur.ler for our coods;
UMVUil V CUcrtiiniioiilf uiilormrnli ioil
JLJ aalrn r. Trnrolinii .jiicriw" 1'ael l.y Cnnivatir.
t'l.lon F-irtK- ' ' ' Wnrlil. rlivinlinll, '
Pure and Wholesome Water
Onn onlv bo obtnined hy risine tlio Silienlril Cnrlinn
Wnter'FiltiTH. Ilhistrnted Prioo Lift frro on uppli.
cntionto H. R. MF.XSINO. Wntor St.. Xhw T..rk.
10 Per Cent. Iowa Farm Mortgages,
Bouuht and Sold and t!illerlnn mado In all pnrtii of
tow Atib Jnfnrmntinn dnwirpd irivpn froo on appllon-
tion. Addresa J. A. FITCIHPATRK'K, Nornda, loiva.
-n. Kv mm), IWc. Circulnrs free.
US Iey Htrfot, New York.
Hold bv Wittchmnkerft.
r. s. iur(;h a no.
Siilos. Irito Prolits. Snd 2.5
Out tit cum.
ve will sona ine rniirru " im
E iiiV3 iftl'l.ik tlnHrl of thin Km
I'rncriiBtintition in Hie TliUT of l.ifp
As well ns of time. Don't coquet with a cimyb,
ti cold, or any lung or throat eomnluiiit. With
out oven an liotu-'s delay procure 'Hale'H Honey
of Horeliound and Tar." '1 licre'n no discount
on itrt oix-ratinn. A euro is the inevitable re
Kult. Sold by all chutiiKts.
Pike's Toothache Urops cure in one minute.
100,000 AGENTS WANTED ! !
irrollK FOR ALL to Bell the two best subscription
Iwiku of tho j-.iiir. 1st. (iKVJ, t'TSTIilt'S
C'O.III'I.I'.Tl-: Mi l-:, elugantly illustrutBd. It is tho
most fiiHi'in-itir.K Ki.ijsrupliy published in yo:ir. It con
tains a full account of all his great Indian fights. 2d.
thu ;ui:at west am the pacific
COAST, beinir a trip of over 15,000 miles by Gen'l J. F.
RuKling, taken by order of tho United Statos Govom
oient. It in eleg.intly lllustnitud. A wonderful and
exciting trip. 1'riccn very ri'aoniilili'. Kveryono
can make money selling thene books. Address,
SHELDON & CO., 8 Murray St.. N. Y.
Prinoi'MM Polonaise. IVcc. for
Ten Ceul. (or 3 slumps),
"PtinetM PotonatM." To pay mailiuit expenses.
Smith's Instrnctiiiii-Booi & Catalogue.
ffi't. 11 bv
Both Patterns aud Hook for 23 s (or atompi).
P. O. Box 6055. 18 East 14th St., N. Y. City.
mm m the blood i
Peruvian Syrup
Is a Protected
of Iron.
Peruvian Syrup
cents for Biimples,
EC'SE C'O.f rinrlmintl, IK
AIMTFn WKN to travnl and to Prnlcrn our
Hli I tU new anbrnnknble OIt Ohiinnnys and
I jimn finodv. Nn Pfi.tllitifr. ShIbit liberal. Inipi-
iipbb parmannt. Hotel Hnd trnvclitin ptw Tinea paid.
AinNITon li.Afi do., zii ftinin fit., i inoinnan, u.
Irof. lliiira Mnclc Comiioiinfl
the only irepmtitn,oue packu;c wliicn
will force the bearcl to (iruw thk-k and hvr
on the iinoothett fitce (withnit injury) in 21
dsiyi in every caae, or mnney"chertiilly re
fundi fl. S5 cent pr psr kaire, pontpnwli S for
Accent. K. W. JUNKS, Ahlaiul. Maaa.
TlTl A G Tim choicwat in the world Importers
. JLliia io prices La rarest Company in AmtricH
itapie arucie pieasos everynony ixune oominiutiiy in
tsrntiinit Amenta wanted everyvvnere Dest inationivntB
WKLLS, 43 Veapy Ht., New York. P. O. Box IS1N7.
Invefttipnte the merita of The Illua.
trnted Weekly before determining
uiMin viHir work this fall and win
ter. The combination fur thi seawm sniaHseB nnytiiing
beretofore attempted. Terms Rpnt free. Address.
UltST PKH.fll'.U IT. 8. Tmnnlnl Exhibition.
4.UKNTH WAN HI) ' Mi i 16 mul Uililninn nwnrlrfl
for HOI, MAN'S
t.ftOO 1 lliiMrrntlniiH. Address for new circnli
Pictorial BIBLES
Peruvian Syrup
Men Who Live Long.
. Huf eland, public lecturer at Jena, who
published a work on longevity in the last
century, thus describes the sort of man
who linn the best prospect of long life :
He has a well proportioned stature,
without, however, being too tail. He is
rather of the middle size, aud somewhat
thick set. His complexion is not too
florid at any rate, too much ruddiness
iu youth is seldom a sign of longevity.
Hair approaches rnther to the fair than
to the black; his skin is strong, but not
rough. His head is not too big. He has
large veins at the extremities, and his
shoulders are rather round than flat;
his neck is not too long; his belly does
not project, and his hands are large but
uot too deeply cleft. His foot is rather
thick than long, and his legs nro firm
and round. He has a broad chest and
strong voice, and the faculty of retain
ing his breath for a long time without
difficulty. Iu general there is complete
harmony in all his parts. His senses
are good, but not too delicate; his pulse
is slow aud regular. His appetite is
good, aud his digestion easy. He has
not too much thirst, which is always a
sign of rapid self-consumption. His
passions never become too violent or de
structive. If he gives way to anger he
experiences a glow of warmth without
an overflowing of the gall, ne likes
employment, particularly calm medita
tion aud agreeable speculation is an
optimist, a frieud to nature and domestio
felicity has no thirst after either honors
or riches, and bamsheti all thought of to
morrow. - ,
American Standard Shot, of superior
tiiiixh, also lend pipe and slivot lead, manufactu
red by the C'olwtll Load Co., Kuccesu' to tho
New York Lead Co., 03 Centra St., Kew York.
After an experience of over tweuty
fivo year, many leading physicians acknowl
edge that the Graeft ttberg Marshall's Uterine
Cattiolicon is the only kuowu certain remedy
for diseases to which women are subject. The
Graefenberq Yeqt'table I'illt, the most popular
remedy of the day for biliousness, headache,
liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Sold
by all druggists. Send for almanacs, liraefon
berg Co., New York.
We have sold Hatch's Universal Cough
Syrup for about four years. Nothing that we
have ever sold gives such universal satisfaction
as a cough remedy. While we keep all the old
standard medicines of this kind, the Universal
has by far the leading sale. Our customers speak
in its praise without exception. We cau refer
any one who has not used it to scores who will
testify to its value. B. J. & L. 8. Stiiouoh.
La Fargeville, N. Y.
For ten cents we will send a scientific
book of one hundred and sixty choice selections
from the poetical works of 13yron, Moore aud
Burns j also, fifty selected popular songs and
other writings. The poetry of these authors is
true to nature and the finest ever written. Des
mond fc Co., 915 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.
A positive cure for rheumatism Du
rang's liheumatio Remedy. Send for circular
to Uelphenstine A Bentley, Washington, D. C.
When you visit or leave New York stop at the
Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central
depot. 850 elegantly furiushed rooms. Best res
taurant in the city ; prices moderate. Baggage
taken to and from said depot free. Cars and
stages pass the hotel for all parts of the city.
Facts for those who have been dosed,
drugged and quacked. Self-help for weak and
nervous sufferers. Information worth thousands
to those out of health. The new Health Jour
nal that teaches all, sent free. Address, Klcc-
tno Quarterly, Cincinnati, O.
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment may be
administered to children with perfect success,
in cases of croup, whooping-cough, influenza,
and almost any of tho diseases to which they
are uaoie.
Oppression after eating, headache, ner
vous dobilitv. are the effects of indigestion.
One, or two at most, of Parsons' J'urgatice
J'Uls will give immediate relief.
(iBm Beware
Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the great New
England euro for coughs, oold. and consump
tion. Cutler iiros. a uo. s. xjosuiu, oniy genuine.
Duruns Eheumatio Keniedy never
fail to cure rheumatism. Sold by all drugginta.
:s. -
iington Koil.
Seal for Pas;iiUi cf the Reliable Burlington Koil.
AiV.rtrr.. I ltd CcEEltr'cror.B. li. t. S.
Dr. Brown'i Herbal Ointment Suppositories are guar
anteed to cure any cose of Piles that can be found in the
United States. A sample boi of these Suppositories
will be sent free by mail to any sufferer on receipt of
2U cents, to prepay postage and packing. Regular price
91. Address, lr. O. PIIELI'S 1IUOWN,
31 tiruiKl Nt., Jersey t liy, n. J
Are made in nil styles and of every
description, from the liuhlest,
finest, and must elemint in use to the heaviest
and titroitKcst required for any kind of work; are
o o n o o r d i rrA-.r.t
BtreiiHIli and durability. They reoeived the liltib
est written award at the Centennial Exposition.
TT A T XT T?CO M I None iieiiulno unless
H5lJX1 HiOO. they are utauiped
with our nnuie and Trade -Hark. A liberal
T? "p1 KT A T? Ti bo gi"en ' Information
IX Jui W JXSXU tin,t win couvict any one
who sells burnout tie the t'oueord Hume
hut nre not made by lie. Eitra inducement
offered. Bend fur oiroulara and prioe lists.
J. R. HILL & CO.,
ConoonL W. II
1)4 octave fine rosewood case (not
used ovr six montlu)), only W 130. Coat
owner hll,iO. Other icreut baitrmni.
fl DP A MC Nuiirly new, 4 leto ree(i( 12 stops, sub.
Ulluflli J buss octave coupler, npautiful polo Htop
mmmmmmmmmm etu. t'otit Owner tS(3Of only IjtJtJ.
Fivm icLiim Orirun onlv M'Att. Rhta nmiitrrnnitiea.
R4ETI nnCOWQ nnd upward, uted only
itiLLUUC-unw bhort time. Tue nliove er
mmrm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmm llllll.ll it ittl lllot r II IIU'llI
ur iu priii't'l onU r, and lullv vurr;in(f tl
(but not our own make). Have rcRnt1v been tiktn in
exrhmnre f"r our new celebrated II IS ATT Y 11 AN OS
hiui OlMi A Mt and having uo vpace for utoruo in our
warerotmiH, our nnmenue trade beinir daiv on the
oruHbe, beuce the above liberal otters. Hnat offer ever
Kiven uy any uianuiacturer, now ready, on our new in
strument. AaunU diHcounts siven awav in n?w l ah-
t.ett, in order to have them introduced where 1 huve no
auunta. fully warranted for kix ye;in ks atnutly nt-
uuwurda. Illustrated CaUl.'Kue (with linl uf teotiinoni
ahi, Home ot whom yon may know), lunt free. Very
liberal discount a to Te:ichrjt Mini-tors and Ohurebe to
teWnvSVAMt'K, Addreaa 1M1. F
u.Aa 4 i fueiuiiMtuit ixeWfjvriiex
auunia. runy warramea ior six ye;in ks strictly tir
cIush, and bent on 6 to 16 diss tmt trial. Money rufund
and fiiKht chartfei uaid Wh ways if unsati-fiicto
A k en I t Vii in I'd. New OrKana to the trade Mii a
Peruvian Syrup
Dyspepsia Four Years, Consli-
paoon ntt iiinaiiiiiiiiiioii oi
the Howe Is Tliree Veins, Con
finel to my Itoom Two Yours,
So I Could IV ol Sleep Without
Morphine. One I'suhiitte oi ,
Itiiuin's I oiidition I'ills made !
me Uat Well, Sleep W ell, and '
Tree from Pain, after being i
given up by l'lij sit ians.
Wkst Lebanon, Mk., Fel. 22, 1875.
Amkricax Mhiik ink Co.: I liave been Kick for '
four yenrs with IlysiiepiB, aud for the JaBt threo
ears, Constipation iiuil liinaiiiinatinn ol the How-
els. 1 have sutieretl All tho iiaiit 1 could emlure .
ami live. 1 have been confined to my room tor two I
ears, and could lint weep nlglitB without the iine
r morphine. 1 nave ueen given up iiy inijuieians
u pant cure. I have taken one package ol Dlt. :
Quain's Conuitium Pills, and they have dono
me more g od than all the doctors 1 have had. 1
sleep well, 1 eat well und have no pain. 'J'hey are
an mey are recouiiuenueu to oe. j-iee renu mo ,
three paokau'es, as two of luy neighbors wish to i
try them. 1 enclose fcl.50. i
xours truly, u vj 1 1 . liiiu. i
NeurnlKln and ItlieiimatiMii,
Liver and Kidney compiaini
ior Twenty-l ive Years Cured
by 4uain'i Condition IMIIs.
Danvkhs, Mash, July 10, 1K75. i
Amrkican Medicine Co. : Kor the last ;
live vears 1 have suffered terribly with Iseuralgia I
and Hheumatiem, also Liver and Kidney C om- ,
plaints, caulng severe pain in tne uaca aim uip,
often unable tut months to stoop to pick up any
Bniall article from the floor. 1 nave uau several
.castors, spent a great deal for medicine, which did
no good, and finally concluded I must sutler the
rest of my life. I happened one day to see your
advertisement in the Vonngatioalitt. I thought
the medicine was just what I needed, and 1 sent to
rou last Anr lor a package oi l ine, ueiore i uau
aken eight 1 felt like a new irson. Cau sleep well ;
nights, eat well, aud have no Neuralgia pain, can ;
stp as well as ever. My friends are a.toniehed ,
at the change in me. My sister has Buttered from
Inflammation of the Bowels, and Constipation, aud !
wishes to try your medicine. 1 intend still to take
them, ana wouiu not oe wimoui mem n iu,ijj
would buy them. I think they must prove a bless-
ing to thousands who will be induced to try them.
Enclosed you will find SI.0O; please oud two pack
ages. Yours respectfully, ,
01H3, 1. I. 1. A n.
Neuralgia for Six Years Cured
by Dr. (uaiirs condition
LUNENBl'KO, Vt.. Nov. . 1M4.
Dear Sir: I have been troubled with Neuralgia
for six years; have taken every medicine 1 could
hear of; found none that gave any relief until 1 re
ceived a package ot your Condition Fills, which
have cured me. nAKiuaw
A package of Dr. Quain's Magic Condition Pills
sent to any address on receipt of fifty cents by
American Medicine Co., Manchester, N. H. ror
sale by leading druggists, (leo. C. Goodwin & Co.,
38 Hanover St.. Boston, Mass., John F. Henryi
Curran & Co., No. 8 College Place, New ork tity,
Opnoral Agents.
Tones up
Nothing bo f-henp nnd Nothing nn Tmportnnt.
I will forward a useful to every m-rson who
I own real or per-winul property, lr ot C'iiht.
MEDICAL ADVIPF A -PuKB Pamphlet on pe
IIICUIHL. HUVIlC cial nu chrnnio Uiseiuwis.
Oancer, Catarrh, Rupture, Opium Habit, etc., NKNT
r Kr.h on receipt ot Ktamp. AditresH lr. Hutu' tlmpen
lary, No. li North Kill Street, !St. Luuis, Mo.
Peruvian Syrup
Builds up
The host fant'ly nowppaper published ; eight piiges ; fifty-
tix uoiuuni." retiuinK
Tennf-ii ptr unnum; clubs of eleven, 11-5 per
anrun.;in aHvanre.
!"-l'i:ri.UK ( IH'Y. l Hi AT1S.
Peruvian Syrup
t'.m Weak
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
Is pleasant
CAUTION. - Be sure you get the " PERUVIAN
A 82-pniEe pimphlet, containing a history of the
PHRUVIAN SYRUP, a valuable paper on progress in
medical soience. a treatise on Iron as a medical agent,
testimonials from distinguished physicians, clergymen
and others, will be sent riiEE to any address.
KETH V. FOWI.E !k HONS, Proprietors,
8U llurrisun Avenue, lloatou.
No leader of this paper
thouU lose the opportunity
to subscribe for
Special olfer
during balance of
year 1877.
Tb on a of the
dents In a" nutshell
Everv Buuscrlbcr also receives a uiuii"
"7J," Tnstrucllve. eutertaluiuif, aud uselul inouihly luagaiine. conductea bjr
. .r tr n..i. ..... Tl.a n.iiit r not r k Utile feature of this periodical is IU price, &o
UUUlc Uim Itrrs. HVl'l J duwviiuci bwu ' mava ef II
Ing Co., nt Dunne l.
airs. Laui
cents a y
a..,. l.,.un In UVl4rv anfili hnUMilktlU Def
' JL Z k.-e-k ui SUBBOHZBX1
and secure the year and Premium, both postage puid, to your addres.. t r remitting 60
SSuuF-' Tur union PUBLISHING CO.. P. 0. Box 1037. New York.
tu ueeu luriuer cuuiuicuuttiiuu uj um. vw wu vw
TIUC ANlJIN- I lrnt-lttrti1s DKaTkB
I I IVIL A (.ifeetOF.M fort.ilM nf t.a..llr,.
trader, bor fa'lB.r, atxt for EVER VBJDY dwni. a r.f.e-
in.' aNyii sua i
kundied (L-j0) of ioar JfupMli
s' fur 'i. Fin
.se, mil, (law rjatal. all ia ft MM OBUlUK etu.
Raa4 kai tw lorahesfM aais aT it i
Hm-mUsIiI.. im.
Hetsrr. UNO ft CO., B'aUleboiv' . Vi.
..("lo'I'.T uli.e-''. V'ri"irV,.."(.ii( tlieir Vail
pirn. R sejiae if I
JUIIN U. rulLU. M ..
tat l"0 (ear. iWAiaf it I Hi' rev
.1 IU.. ui.iaiJ la bet aJJtM. Tot
Cr. Trj -m Ba4 U Didart w lk m-i A -.
o...(. ill b
Hit a P di fferl Df from all ottittt it
eup thtp, with fieir adjutiiof Bull
1q eeotr, adftpu itieif to all Doii-
tlooir the body, ftbilt tht ball la
th eap presses back tb in
testifies just as a person
would with the finger h ua
llxtat DrHurej tb HeruU ! hli
eonrcty da aud tiifht. and radieal eur aenaio. It U if
dorablr and oheap. Hent br null. Circa lart fre.
ECCLfcSTON TRUSS CO., Marshall, Wlcr
Woodward's Ornamental and Fancy Alphabets.
lour pnrts just published. oO cents each, poet-paid.
Ilcntie. i-inures, Aiiimaln, l.uiulM'uiies.
Two parts just puhiitihed. 50 cent, eauh, post-paid.
Woodward's Designs for the Fret Saw.
Two part, just published. 50 ernts eaoh, post-paid.
Order frte Oatnlnsue bv Postal card of Art, Architnn.
ttiral and Hnral bmiks. lil.O. F. IOliVAltl.
Publi"hrr. I 'Mi Chambers StreBt, New York.
V A N T U 1 I : V K 1 1 V W 1 1 K 1 1 K
One Volume SS i'ouen. n ice
Sold bi Subscription only.
For further particulars address
II. Al-PI.KTOX A- II., PiihlUhern,
oil) nnd ait HioikIwu), ,. Y.
for the money lender.
Inturuftt Uhid eeinu
annually tirst year in advunre. h
curity 4 to lO times 'thw loan in
land alonti, exclunive of tin huihl
inxs. il'tneent caah value byivvirii.
appraiburs.) investiuiint v ivr. -,
Nn pityuieiits more priinitly me-.'
Hual nf refrtriCMt isi.-.n S.-ml
itamp for purticulfira. II, K. It. JOHNSTON,
mw-tintor t -SlortniKe Tx)Hnw, St. Paul, Minkebot
on our ; nt nil fuiiiliiiuitiuH
rospcctun9 representing
$2500 -
wanted everywhere. The blffse! lbln ever tried
au 8. ni
Salea made from this when
AKintH wunted on our HI AiNII-
mgie Kooka full. AUo
ltlltl.h r. buuenortoallotbera. With Invaluable Ilius
truUd Aidit and Superb BinduiicB. Tbee liookH but
the 'orll. Full Particulars free. Address JOHN J.
Mothers Who Have Daughters That
Have Weak Lungs,
VhouM arrest the disease when it Is in the incipient
bUftas. It is indisaUMl by a hacking cough, pains in the
uhtu-t, utfBoulty of breathing, or oppression of the lungs.
If this be permitted to run on, tubercles will form, and
fJonnumption will be the result. A most valuable reme
dy win b iouna in Ai.ii-.yn i.i ItAKsAI
w cure ii u cumjK iiuv uimmm iu xut untv k
for sale by all Medicine Dealers.
I stage.
No 10
Wviil Ss bU pMMt