The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 19, 1877, Image 4

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The Nnd Rnmnnre wild which PresjInVnt
llnrlmnnn wns i.Ih Connected.
The faat of an interesting but sad
roruanoo connected with the early life of
the late Dr. William A. Muhlenberg lins
often boon hinted at, but its full details
nal never before been published until
they appeared in the obituary notice of
the distinguished clergymau and philan
thropist as published in the Laucastor
(Pa.) Intelligencer. The engagement
of marriage between President Juntos
Buohanan then a yunug lawyer of Lan
caster and the beautiful Miss Anu
Cileinan, of that place, was terminated
by the snieideof the hapless young lady,
beonuse, it is said, her parents objected
to the marriage. A similar attachment
existed between her sister, Miss Sarah
II. O ileiunn, and Mr. Muhlenberg, at
that time fifty years ago rector of St.
-James' church in Lancaster. Her father,
Robert Cleman, a proud runl wealthy
citizen of the town, also objected to this
marriage, although he had been mainly
instrumental in calling the young rector
to his charge. His course produced an
unpleasant feeling in the church and the
congregation divided into two parties,
espousing the cause of the rector and the
haughty father respec'ively. While par
tisanship was still ruunin: high Miss Cole
man iii 'd of consumption, as her parents
said, but of a broken heart as believed
by most people of tho town. This sad
event bn' Intensified the division in the
church, of which Mr. O ilemnn was a
leading member, and cn June 10, 1826,
Mr. Muhlenberg commuuicated to the
vestry his intention to resipn on account
of reasons which it was unnecessary for
him to stats. A committee of five was
appointed to confer with him with a
view to get him to reconsider his deter
min ition, but with thanks for their kind
ness he declined to do so in a more lengthy
letter, in which ho stated that his course
vra taken after due deliberation and
thut it was not necessary for him to enter
into details regarding his motives ; he
trusted that they were pure and such as
he conld think of with complacency "in
reference to the great day of accounts."
At the same meeting a communica
tion was received from Mr. Edward
Coleman, brother of Miss Sarah Cole
man, the reading of which was deferred
until a future meeting. On June 26,
1826, the vestry received the more per
emptory resignation of their rector,
datad New York, Juno 26, and asking
that it be received at once. It was ac
cepted, and the wardens were instructed
to draft a reply expressing the sorrow
of the church at his resignation. After
ward, a t the same meeting, the letter
of Edward Coleman, previously laid
over, was read. It announced to the
vestry that " in the event of all connec
tion between the Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg
nnd St. James' church 'ieing dissolved,
absolutely nnd forever, on or hefore July
1, nnd not thereafter, the sum of 5,000
(which, but for circumstances not neces
sary now to dwell upon, would have been
left to the church by our departed sister,
Sarah II. Coleman) will bo placed in the
hands of the trustees for the benelit of
the church by her heirs and legal repre
sentatives." The offer was signed by
Edward Coleman for himself and the
other heirs of his decease I sister.
A committee was appoiuted to inform
Mr. Coleman that such a dissolution of
the connection between Mr. Muhlenberg
and the church had taken place, aud the
trustees of the church were ready to re
ceive the money. Mr. James Hopkius
protested agaiust the appointment of
such a committee, and before the reso
lution to answer Coleman's letter xassed
he withdrew from the meeting. At a
vestry meetiug held June 30, a memorial
vas presented, signed by Sarah Yeates,
Mirgaret Yentes an I Catharine Yeates,
requesting the vestry to puss a resolu
tion that Mr. Muhlenberg should always
bo invited to preach in St. James' pulpit
whenever it was unoccupied. They said in
their letter that they had not had time to
procure other signers, but they had no
doubt this was the wish of a majority of
the congregation. To this the vestry
r-olved to respectfully answer that Mr.
Muhlenberg would always have the
courtesy shown him that other Protes
tant Episcopal clergymen received, but
they did not think it necessary to pass
such an unusual motion. Against such
treatment of Mrs. and the M.sses Yeates
Mr. Hopkins again protested, as disre
spectful to the memorialists nud dis
courteous to Mr. Muhlenberg.
So the matter seems to have rested;
but, although Mr. Muhleuberg often
afterward preached in the church, lie
always stood in the chancel and never
again occupied the pulpit. The $5,000
gift wi!8 accepted and paid, the com
mittee appointed to confer with Mr.
C lem -m reporting that in the prosecu
tion of their labors they had encountered
grave d Inanities, "busy-bodies aud
tale-bearers hail infused an acrimony
into tin unfortunate business which
otherwise it would not have partaken
of." The committee had endeavored to
ns uag i this nnd hoped that its asperities
would be softened, but they had only
measurably succeeded, und a condition
of strife prevailed which was much to be
With Dr. Muhlenberg's death the
last of the actors in this hapless drama
Las passed away. The funeral services
were held nt St. Luko's Hospital, nnd
remains were placed near that other
institution, at St. Johulnud, whose exis
tenca is ulso due to the dead clergyman's
Christian energy and thought fulness.
Worms in Hogs.
A correspondent of the Indiana
farmer writes : In the years 1857 and
1863 I lost two fine lots of hogs, and
cholera was tho disease, so thought by
all, and they died in various ways.
Koine died vomiting, and some bled at
the nosa till death ended their bleeding;
some cramped until knots raised on their
legs and bodies as large as small guinea
eggs, aud others wandered off and laid
down nnd died seemingly without a strug
gle. I made a careful examination of
sixteen of them, taking those that died
as above stated, and the examination
resulted in the same thing with all.
Worms were tho cause. About one foot
from the mouth of the stomach (or
paunch as it is commonly called) the
worms had gathered and perforated the
entrails for ubout ten inches; the worms
were still hanging about half through,
but all dead when examined, and I ex
amined several as soon as dead.
New shall we claim the disease de
scribed as chol -ra? If so. keen the
hogs whilst growing clear of worms, and
the dreaded disease of cholera will
caase. This can be done by giving
plenty of strong soap suds, salt aud
ashes, copperas, etc. But lias not fine
keeping, euch as forcing growth, pre
paring breeders for shows at fairs, in
bree.iiug, etc., injured to a great extent
t ie constitutional make of our hogs;
They are certainly not so hardy now as
twenty years nrro, with greater enre
given. Hogs that have died here this
season, all seum to have lung disease.
But one examination that I heard of
showed the lungs to be rotten.
The Elder Booth.
One evening, when the elder
was playing Richard III. in a Baltimore
theater, in his maddest mood, just as the
second act was about to commence, a
messenger covered with dust rushed be
hind the stage, and, before he could be
stopped, was in conversation with the
tragedian. "What I" said Booth, as he
pressed his long fingers on the broad,
white temples as though he had tried to
clutch the brain beneath, "dead, say
you? My poor little child my loved,
my beautiful one ?" And then, seeing
the curtain rise, he rushed ou. The
scene between Anne and Gloster was
never better played. The actor gave
the words of the bard with thrilling ef
fect, but there was a strangeness about
his manner that told his mind was not
upon his character. Still the multitude
applauded till the old roof rang again,
and those behind the scene stood breath
less with eager delight. The third act
came out, but Booth was nowhere to be
found. It was a bitter cold
night, and a farmer, as he drove his
wagon to market, was startled from his
reverie as he saw a horseman wrapped
in a large clonk (and it opened and dis
played a glittering dress beneath) ride
rapidly past him.
It was Booth in his Richard III. cos
tume 1 Madness had seized him, and,
regardless of everything, at the still hour
of midnight, he was going to pay a visit
to his dead child. Drawing his flashing
i sword aud throwing Ins jew eled cap from
! his head, he lashed his horse's flank with
I the bnre weapon until the animal snorted
in pain. The tall, dark trees on each
side of him touched his heated brow with
I their Bilver-frosted branches, aud, think-
ing they were men in pursuit, the mad
actor cut at them witu a sword, nnd
cursed them as he flew rnpidly by. At
last, after o gallant ride of two hours, the
horseman camn in sip-lit of a coimtrv
i 1 .,.! t .!...
KLiivc uiu, mm, ub no anw 11113 umit;
tops of the monuments peeping through
the dark foliage like snowy crests upon
the bosom of dark billows, he raised a
shout wild enough to have scared the
ghosts from their graves. He dismount
ed, aud awny sped the riderless horse
over hill and' dale. It was the work of a
moment (and the insane are cuuniug be
yond imagining) to wrench the wooden
door from the vault containing the body
of his child. He seized the tiny coffin
in his arms, and, with the strong arm of
a desperate man he tore open the lid,
and in a moment more the cold, blue lips
of the dead child were glued to the mad
nctor'sl The next morning some mem
ber of the tragedian's family heard a wild
strain of laughter that appeared to come
from his sleeping room. The door wns
forced open, and Booth wns discovered
on his bed, gibbering in idiotic madness,
nnd caressing the corpse of his little one.
Cruelty to Tisreoiis.
Tho Wilmiugtou Commercial says :
The extreme cruelty practiced in pre
paring pigeons for shooting matches is
but little known beyond the bounds of
a portion of the sporting fraternity. The
uninitiated generally suppose that the
pigeons are taught, caged and let off
again in the vigor of life, to become the
target of the marksman, but quite the
reverse is the case. The chance for life
on the part of the bird is an unequal
one nfter it has undergone the cruelties
required by tho modern pigeon shooting
That a place exists in this citv, nnd
that, too, on Market street, where pigeons
aro maimed and cripplad for shooting
matches is well known to those who
practice the " sport," and to bad boys
who make a business of stealing
pigeons and selling them to this artist
in cruelty.
"Yes, and he stuck pins all through
it," was the expression of a little boy
when narrating what he had Been at the
place refurred to, to some other boys,
but which wa3 overheard by a kind
hearted lady passing by at the time.
The lady, pursuing her inquiries fur
ther, was enabled to gather tho whole
cruel programme of torturing the birds.
In their native state they are too vigor
ous and swift for the marksmen, n to
remedy that they are illy fed. Then
their b.idies are to be filled with pain,
which is done by sticking pins under the
wings and pins through their toes, and,
nfter remaining in this condition for
some time, the toes are cut of close to
the pins.
The most cruel thing of all is spit
ting tobacco juica into the birds' eyes,
and the injection into them of a mixture
o:' turpentine and cayenne pepper. Alter
all this preparation the bird is ready to
bs placed in a spring trap box to be let Iu starting up it cannot see
where to fly, and the extreme pain in its
body makes it whirl round nnd round, iu
which condition it is shot by the marks
man and put out of misery.
A bystander at the shooting match on
Wednesday, which was to have taken
place at Perry's tavern at Brandywine
Hundred, but which, on account of the
interference of Constables Woodward
and Hickmau, of this city, took place iu
Pennsylvania, just over the hue, says
that on that occasion a pigeon was about
to be let off, but did not exhibit life
enough to make difficult Bhooting. The
keeper of the pigeon, in order to make
it gyrate around at a lively rate; took it
in his haud and putting it to his mouth,
deliberately bit off the rump of the
bird. His act was much npplauded by
the shooters.
The Canadian Sclioolinnrin.
The drudgery of the schoolroom may
drive tho schoolmistresses of England
and Wisconsin into insanity and suicide,
but the Canadian teachers thrive and
grow fat on it. One of the big school
boys of the Dominion asked his teacher
one night if he could escort her homu
from singing school, but she politely de
clined the offer. Ho neglected his
studies, ran away from school, and put
pins into his schoolmates. She finally
lost patience and gave him a flogging.
The boy told his father that tho fair one
whom he had courted had turned and
whipped him. The indignant parent
sued tho teacher and obtained a judgment
for $3.50, which she paid. The next
moiuing she remarked to her scholars :
"I have whipped a booby soundly,
which pleasure cost only three dollars
aud a half. Now, if any others of my
scholars are inclined to imitate him, they
will have the kindness to step forward,
receive the money and the flogging, nud
then we will go on with our studiep,
I am here to instruct you, not to be
courted." Nervousness will never kill
off bo plucky a schoolmistress.
Not a Singer.
The Columbus (Ohio) State Journalt
the editor of which is intimately acquaint
ed with President Hayes, Bays the report
that Hayes is a good singer is absolutely
fulse. The Journal impresses its denial
by saying: "Hayes cnu't sing any more
than a canal boat. He stampeded Av
erill's whole cavalry division once trying
to sing 'John Brown's Body;' They
thought it was the long roll."
Two Terrible Friends.
The Eureka (Nev.) Sentinel tells a
good story on one of the boys who lives
at Mineral Mill, nnd who happened to
arrive in town during the progress of a
b ill. His social instincts prompted him
t attend, but his attire was not quite up
to the mark, and he applied to a friend
for the loan of the necessary articles of
apparel. The friend consented with
some reluetonce.and, arrayed in borrowed
plumes, our hero engaged in the fostivi
ti s. The owner of tho garments watch
ed him as he threaded the mazy dance,
and after it was over.aud he had ensconced
himself in a scat by the side of a fair
charmer, approached him nnd broko
looso with the following remark: "See
here, D , them pants is new, nnd I
wish you wouldn't set down nud make
knees in them." D came very near
fainting with mortiflcntion, nnd abruptly
left the ball, followed by a sympathizing
friend who had overhenrd the remark and
felt sorry for his embarrassment. D
stripped oft those pants, aud, nfter much
solicitation, accepted the loan of another
pair from his new-found friend, nnd, af
ter some hesitation, returned to the ball
room and soon forgot his troubles in the
Biniles of the company of the fair dancers-.
A polka was called on. He wns on tho
floor with tho belle of the evening, skip
ping and hopping as gracefully a3 that
exhilarating d.mce would permit, until,
out of breath, ho promenaded, with his
fair partner on his arm, in close proxim
ity to the owner of the breeches, who
had been looking on in evident delight
at the abandon of the wearer, nnd ns he
came by him he gave vent to his pleas
ure bv shipping D on .the back nnd
exclaiming: "Go it, old fellow; burst
thunder out of the breeches if you want
to; I don't care a cent as long ns you en
joy yourself." D dropped Ins par'-
ner and rushed to the depot just in time
to catch the train.
Olive Logan does not npprove of the
training of English husbands. " In
spirit," she says, " the lazy and obsti
nate 'gentleman' who flings himself
into an easy chair nnd bids his wife get
up out of here nnd bring him his boots,
is the same narrow minded, ungenerous
tyrant the Digger Indian is when he
packs the load on his squaw and tramps
himself untrnnimelled by her side.
Dentists have now learned to work
around a sensitive nerve without the
nerve having the most dibtaut suspicion
that anything is going on; aud they enn
extract a throbbing molnr so dexterously
that the tooth sometimes keeps on ach
ing a day or two before it finds itself out.
An old Scotch woman reminded n
preacher who arrived at the kirk wet
through to get nt once into the pulpit.
"lea bo dry enough there.
"By Their Works yo Shall Know
The Irishmnnwho thought the driiggint stingy
becauHe the emetic was ho small, is only sur
pawned in his parsimonious drollery by those
who persistently adhere to the use of those
nausenting. disgustingly large and drastic pills,
while Dr. Pierce's Plenaant Purgativo Pellots,
which are sugar coated, nnd little largr thnn
nniHtard seeds, will, by their stendy and gentle
action on the liver, correct all torpidity, thus
permanently overcoming constipation. In
South America they have almost entirely super
seded all other pills and are relied on fully by
the people, and often used aa a preventive of
tho various affections of tho stomach, liver and
bowels, so prevalent in that climato. Pierce's
pocket memorandum books are given away at
drug stores.
Smyrna. Aroostook Co., Muine. Nov. 6. 1876.
It. V. 1'iEitcE. M. I.:
Dear Sir-1 write to inform you that I have
used your reliefs for noma I line, and 1 find
them to be the best medicine that I ever used.
I have also used your Favorite Prescription in
my family with entire satisfaction. I have seen
your People' Common Hcuse Medical Advisor
and I liiink thp.tit is the best thing that I havo
ever seen. Your truly,
C. Bheiiman.
Vegetable Pulmonary lialsam. the great New
England cure for couidis, cold. and consump
tion. Culler Bros. 4 Co. '8. Boston, only ge:miao.
Tive Thousand Books Given Awny for the
While Pr. H. James was attached to the Brit
ish medical ntall iu the Ka-t Indies, his high
position enabled him to call about him the best
chemists, physicians pud scientists of tho day,
aud while experimenting with and among the
natives, ho accidentally made the discovery that
consumption can be positively and perma
nently cdred. During tho many years of his
sojourn there, he devoted his time to t he treat
ment of lung disews, and uprm his retirement
he left with usbooks and papers containing full
particulars, showing that every one can he hi
own physician aud prepare his own medicine,
and Mich information as we havo rcveived we
now offer to the pulilic without price, only atk
ing that each remit a three cent stamp for post
age. Address Cli YliDOOK & CO., 1032 Itace
St., Philadelphia, l'a. ,
Dnrang's Rheumatic Remedy never
fails to cure rheumatism. Hold by all druggUts.
From Mrs. Robert Turner, -of Unadilln, N. Y.
" I can say with the utmost confidence that I
think Ijh. WiktaiTb Balsam of Wild Cheiihy
the best cough remedy I havo ever known, and
believe I owe my present existence to its won
derful curative powers, having at one time been
nrougut very low ny a u dressing cough, accom
panied with "spitting of blood and other symp
toms of that dread destroyer, Consumption. I
tried many remedies without effect, until a re
sort to the Balsam was had, which, by the bless
ing of Divine Providence, soon restored me to
" The Balsam is now our resort whenever any
of our family is attacked with coughs or colds,
aud it has never faded to give the desired relief.
I keep constantly a supply on hand. During
the past ten years I have influenced many per
sons to make" use of this remedy, and always
with the same success." 50 cents and tl a bot
tle. Bold by all druggists.
A positive cure for rheumatism Dn
rang's Rhoumatio Remedy. Send for circular
to Helphenstine A Bentley, Washington, D. C.
Smoke, soot and coal gns, from defec
tive drafts, prevented. No more worry with
fires for cooking or heating. Send stamp for
circular to Henry Colford, 726 Bansom street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
For ten cents we will send a scientific
book of one hundred and sixty choice selections
from the poetical works of Byron, Moore aud
Burns ; also, fifty selected popular songs and
other writings. The poetry of these authors is
true to nature and the finest ever written. Des
mond & Co., 915 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.
There's Something in a Name,
Juliet to the contrary notwithstanding. The
name of Dooley is now synonymous with
delicious, light, healthy biscuits, rolls, griddle
cakes, pastry, etc. The genuine Dooley's Yeast
Powdeb is sold only in tin cans ; the fac timile
signature of the manufacturers in printed on
each label.
When you visit or leave New York stop at the
Grand Union ' Hotel, opposite Grand Central
depot. 350 elegantly furnished rooms. Rest res
taurant in the city ; prices moderate. Baggage
taken to and from said depot free. Cars and
stages pass the hotel for all parts of the city.
A friend of ours who is chief clerk in
the governmental dispensary, says that no med
icine chest is now complete without Jomsoi'i
Anotlyne Liniment. We always supposed it wan
urescribed bv law : if it is not, it oiiLrht to be.
for certainly there is nothing iu the whole matt.
iia meaiea oi so mucn importance 10 ine soiuier
and the sailor as jannnnu ii AiMdyite Mnvtunit.
Burnett's Coco'aikk is the best and
cheapest hair dressing in the world.
Rheumatism cured at once by Dnrang's
Rheamatio Remedy. Bend for ciroular to Hel
phenstine It Bentley, Washington, D. 0.
Veterinary surgeons all 6ver the coun
try are recommending Shn idarit Cavalry Con
diion rovUr for the following trouble in
how 1 Lord of pietite. roiiKlinexn of the hair,
stoppage of bowels or wider, thick wator, coiight
and colds, iwelling of the glands, worms, horse
ail, thick wind aud heaves.
Scald head and numerous other diseases
of the scalp, for the cure of which so many
forms of ointrnont and plaster have been in
vented by medical men, can be simply and ef
fectually remedied by washing the head with
Glenn's Hum-hcb Soap. Sold everywhere.
Pnpot, Crittenton's, 7 Sixth avenue, New York.
IIUl'i Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, GUc
C-s;n, Colda, Influenza, Hoarsenes3, DiUcnlt
Breathing, and all Aflactlons of tho Throat,
Bronchial Tubes, and Lnngs, loading
to Consumption,
This infallible remedy is composed of the
Honey of the plant Ilorcliound, in clumical
union with Tar-Halm, extracted from ihi
Life Principle of the forest tree Aueis
Balsamta, or Balm of Cilcad.
The Honey of Ilorcliound soothes A!!D
SCATTElts all irritations and inflammations, and
the Tar-halm cleanses and iieai the throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. Five
additional ingredients keep the organs cool,
moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great medi
cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou
sands of lives bv it in his large private practice.
N.B. The Tar-Balin has no bad taste or
PRICES so cents and $i ter COTTLE.
Great saving to buy large size.
"Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure
in 1 Minute.
Sold by all Druggists.
0. N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y.
Cltl 12 A PEST Article evprnffered to tht public. On
J recnipt of 13 ctit. we will send by in:iil, post-paid,
Mie L-idiua' ffold-pliited ornamental Shawl Fin, also one
ot the newest Kyle Hat ornHmenU. Thee goads aro of
tho ncwHst nnd latest desitrns; are worth t-n times the
m- Jiov. Try us, you will ttnd agnin. NKW YORK
MAXtTFAiiTURING CO . 231 Church Stroet, N. Y.
Worth of Mimic
During the Ycnr.
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The Great Blood PumriER
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Orur sir I have taken aevnra! bottles of yonr VEflR.
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The tupertontij of these Ezlraett omsiVi in
their ptrtct partly unci gnat ttrniylh. They
uih wivrunttM fr,0 from iliu 11 4i-uuum oils
und i cl i wblcU enter lulo the timiriu.ii.ioii l(
many ui the fitlltiou. fruit lLvma now in I ho
JiittAtft. 'J hny aro lint oii'v ti uu to their nainen,
but nre prep.irel fmn, , ,iitot tho best qiialiiv,
and He w highly concentrated that m couinuri
lively .aiall quautity ouly ued l) uJ.
. frot. If nil'. Made Compound
I I, trie only irpirltinti.ont pick.Keof wliicn
Will lorce the iH-ird to rrow thick nd n,
on the tmonthnl f (willwiit Injiirj I In II
fekVA fndrt1. V CPtiTi per nuckntw. pntpldi 8 fc
,r . jm v t in avur nr mnnrv rrn-ri mil i itt-
Htrptifrth Combined with Ulilno.
TTpm tfwilpt of ii Pnnt-nfflo money order, w will
deliver to the tprnm or rai1ron.l
i Vineh niinre teth, HM inchen loinr, for 9 4 .50
40 S inch iqimre tmth, lOH incite long, for 3.23
SWKKT'S M'PQ CO., Btractt, It. T.
KEEP'S SIHKTS-onlyons finnllty-The Beet.
Keen' Patent Partlr-mnde Dram Shirts
Can be finished m ny an humming a Mandkerobief.
The Tory heft, nix for 7.M.
Keep' Custom Mhirt mido to measure,
The very bert. si for !MYO.
An e!nnt nrt of jrenuine (Inld-plnt Oollur and
Rloere llnttrms Riven with erh hilf dos. Keep Shirt.
Keep'uRhirtn aro dptivixred FIlRKon reoeiptof price
In any part of tho Pninn no expresa ehftrRoa to pay.
Pump' With full dirortion! for helf-meannrement
Pent free to any addrean. No rtnmp required.
Deal dimrtly fit.l tbe Mfin facturer and net Bottom
Price K"ep M mifwctiirina; t'o , jilH ttercer St.,W.Y.
Every Year You Lose
More than one conta On re always rtirht No piy till
tettod and united No rink, we piy freight Be your own
A sent and Save Commi'inna Four Ton lln v Wrn!p
enmpleta (none better) jlijO. d.-firprrrt. Rend for free
Price List nil UcaIqs and judge for yourself.
Itutlrr's I.ltrrnry Ki'lcctlnim Throe Pnrtn.
Freli nnd MpnrklhiK Nclprtlnno. In Proe .nd
VMrB. tor ut-B in Piiblio nnd Privnto School,, nn the
Phtforra, at the Toucher's Desk, and by the Family
HftM Prioe Papor. 3.5 etn.i Cloth, extra, 75 eta.
Sent by mnll on receipt of price.
J. H til TI l'll . CO., Plillndr-lpliln, Pa.
COLLINS &. CO'. S (&&3tf&
Cl j, oTtbv oil
VCWf) AnnocffS 77J
Collins & Co.
12. VVairu St NEW-YORK City.
'YY'ORK FOR ALL to sell the two best aubaoriptlon
' ' books of the year. 1st. 3EVI, CUSTER'g
COMPLETE LIFE, elegantly illuatrated. ItU the
most faicinatind Biography published in year. It con
tain a full account of nil hi profit Tndinn fUlita. 2d.
COAST, beinx a trip of over Ifi.coo miles by Gen'l J. V.
Ruslinir, t:tken by order of the United States Govern,
ment. It is elegantly illustrated. A wonderful and
plotting trip. J'rirr very ri'tiMOiinbli. Everyone
can make money Helling these books. Addroas,
SHELDON & CO., 8 Murray St., N. Y.
111 f JWJ'--W-A PZ J
Blgheit priie al Centennial for the Beit mod Cultivator.
GEO. V. RUE, Hamilton, 0.
Eight beautiful ever-blooming
Monthly Itv, pot-prown,
sent safely by mail, post-paid, ou
21 varieties choice Flower
Keodn aont TtnBt.iiaul fnri-
Special Trice Lint of jZ
ieed(t sent to market Kardeucrs
and (ipnlara nn ntilit-atinn R3
Complete aud Elegant Iorrlp
ive i'ntnlfine of Seeds and
Plants sent on receipt of 2 ct. stamp.
Address. B. A. ELLIOTT & CO.
Ill Mn flirt t.. PrTTsnrnnTT. Pa.
With Skirt HupportPr end
8i'lr-AdJUAtinB 1'ndK.
Secures IIealth nnrt romroTiTO!
Botly.witli GBicnandr,r;AnTTot
Form. Three Gnimenlo ,nout
Approved by all hysioinnii.
AliliNTH W A N T h I .
Simples by mil In Coutii.$2,
Sattecn, 1 75. To Aa?nts it
lio i-cnlH Irps. Order Mzo twj
inciicn smaller tlmn sraiet Ui
erne over tlie dreEP.
VTaraer Boa. 763 Broamv
WilhorM C'oil Uvcr Oil nml IJinr. TIip
jrru.t pjpulurity nt tins s:.fe and eiUcnciou nrupirtnjn
ik nl'joe uttributublo t it intrinsic wtrth. In ilio earn
of Coutrhs, Odds, Ant lima, Hmnchitis, Wnuopiiue t'otK'
tiurol'itiuns Humors, nnd all (-':Hi3tirnptive .Sympt'ims. it
has n superior, it eiual. Ivot no an nonlect e.irly
syinptnniH of dioie, when n R'cent time nt hand
whifli will ullovinte all cupiiiints of tlieObwt, Tiiik
unmr. Minuiat'turca oniy uy A. li. rtlLllUH
Chemist, 11osin. .S'ld liyn
liy nil druf
CATAIItlT. Pond Kxtrarr I uearlv a Spp
ci:ie tor tliudiae-iso. It can Jiardly be ti
fcllod, even in old au I olwtinuto casen.
The relit f in va prompt t!iat no uue who
has VVrV t'!f it will ho wif 'inn tit.
Extract Hii' uld b inuvury tannly t jU
ruuU weather. It remnveH tho Hfrono
aud rouhueK, aud woltoiiH aud lic-uU
tho fkin promptly.
IinEUMATIti.U. liuriiur severe and cnana'le
wciithrfi', no one subjeet t- Uu'im.a-?c
PtiUMHbould boonediiy without Ptnl'i
. Extrnct, whir-h ulwnyn roIi-'Vf,
BORE Ll'Mi.-i, I ONsit.WPTlON, ( Ol.iiH
TO L Tuw i-i-M w-itl-(r tftM the
luiitfi H.irely. Hive PoudM Exrrnci:
ou luud uhvays. It relieved tao pain uu I
"ir"H the diHet.He.
CIIILnLAiNS will be prompMv relieved and
uiMiujtely i-ured bv bithfiiLf tij aldicttU
"irrs w't'u Puii'lHExirurt.
FROSTED MM S.-Pond t a: r:irt Invaria
bly r'lit'veu ttitt pain nud ii xaUy t'nri'N.
nre prouiptiy uurud by t 'm ujj of Poiid' ,
"Fxtrnct. Ii ucver faiW,
niSTORV und Vv of VmuV Extract, ii
B,tx, . i'.',",rU'jlp ""o.Font f'rt. na-M.l.calionto
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine.
It an invaluable remedy for
. . ... . Bostov, Oct. jo.
I have uaed less than a bottle. The dandruff and
the irritation which caused it, have entirely disap
peared, and my hair was never before in so good
ccrdition. A. A. FILLER.
Chicago, May ia, 187.
Since the recent use of your ' Cocoaine," my pre
viously bald head has been covered by a luxuriant
growth of hair. I had always esteemed your prepa
ration as a dressing, knowing many person who re
garded it very highly as such, but njver before knew
how valuable it w&& as a restorative.
Bangor, March 5. 1C68,
Vour Cocoaine" is the oily dressing for .he h.-iir
used in my family for the last eiht years, 't not
oniy stopped my wife's hair from coding out, but in
creased itsgruyth. lam al-o under obligations to
thk tame " Cocoaine" for saving my own r.arr, whicl1
vai vrry fat mining out previous to usm? t'tir.
valuable preparation. j. C. MITCHELL
Watefvillh, Ma , Sept. te..
I purchased a bottle only, for the purpose c a hair
dressing; but. to my surprise, it has emircly removed
the irritation of so long standing. I have recom
mended it to several of my friend;, who were afflicted
in the lame way, and it has wholly Eradicated ihe
disease. JOSti'H HILL, Jr.
New Yomc, Sept. ta.
For some time past I have been using your Cocoa.
Ine, and think it far preferable nkth,ln1?). J ,VV
ever used lor the hair. FRANK U.SLI&.
Manufacturer and Proprietors.
J. Li iLtf MAUIIF'n
I Roses
THOSK who have snffcred from the rarloui nnd eon
plicated forms or disease assumed by Catarrh,
and have tried many physiclnnn and remedies without
relief or cure, await the answer to this question with
considerable anxiety. And wrll tln-y mayi for no
disease that can he mentioned Is so uuiversHlly nreva
lent and so destructive to health as Cstarrh. Bron
chitis, Asthma, Concha, nnd seasons and fruqnently
fatal affections of thelar.ra follow, In manyeasesacast
of simple but neglected Catarrh. Other sympathetl 1
affections, such us deafness, Impaired ere-sleht anil
loss ot sense or smell, may be referred U as minor but
nevertheless serions results of neglected Catarrh, bed
enough In themsolves, but as nothing compared will
tho climt'erous alTcctlons of tiie throat and lunirs IlkolJ
to follow.
1"T can b enred. There Is no doubt shorn It. Tki
Immediate relief afforded bj 6avpoiid's Radtoas
Cuiib pub CATAHnn Is but a slight evidence of whal
ay follow a persistent uxo of this remedy. The hard.
Incrnsted matter that has lodged In the nasal passage'
to removed with a few applications the ulceration
and inflammation subdued and healed i the entire
membranous linings ot the bead ere cleansed and
purltled. Constitutionally Its action Is that of a pow
erful purifying agent, dcsl roving In Its course through
the system the acltl potmn, the destructive agent In
catarrhal disease.
Each package contains tr. Banford's Improved tat
allng lube, with full directions for use tu all cases,
'rice, S1.00. Korsale liy all wholesale nnd retail drug.
Ists throughout the f.'nlted Stntes. WKEK9 A POT
Eii, General Agents and Wholesale Druggists, Bos
oltaic Plaster
Collins' VoUftlo
Collins' Voltato
Collins Voltaio
Collins' Voltaio
Collins' Voltaio
Collins Voltaio
Collins' Voltaio
Collins Voltaio
Collins' Voltaio
Collins Voltaio Plaster
Affections of
Affections of
Affections of
Affections of
Affections or
Affections of
Affections of
the Chest,
the filings,
the Heart,
the Liver,
the Spleen,
the Kidneys,
the SDine.
the Nerves.
Affections of
the Muscles,
tho J oints.
the Bones,
the Binews.
Affections of
Affections of
Affections of
fold by all nruggists. Price S5 cents. Bent by mall
On r.'cuiit of '5 cents ror one, $1 2Z for six, or J25 for
twelve, ran-mily wrapped and warranted, by WEEKS
ft POTTUt, Proprietors, Boston, Maw.
Cancer, CaUrrh, Rupture, Upiuin ll ibit, etc., SKN'f
r KKK on script of Hump. Add'ess llr. HntU' flLiuen
ary, No. ta North Hi Ii Mrwt, St. liuia. Vl.i.
.10,000 olfH Solrl iu Tiro Months!
mm twain's
New Hook, AlvpiiinrrH of Tom Sawyer,"
is the bM)k th t outfHlls evervthine, ani fiRantfi mnke
tnniiHy on. Don't fnol nwny ti-ue on ltil workn, bnt ent
this live bo k. KrwI for ciroularK to AMKRICAN PUB.
CO., Hiirtf 'i.t. Cnnn. : Chit-agllljOtneinnut.. Ohio.
FOS IVEST P0LE1E2 ditlbled Is ths V. S. Semes.
A gaa ihst would, loai of a Scger, meters or Henie.
Tancost Veisi of th Pilot or liy disesn mil
fin you i poesies. Also Fesiiona hctciaci ui HEW
OTOTT LAWS. "TEE B073 IH BLUE," as 8-t)gt
monthly pitsr for Boliiera, 23 ets a yaar. E7
Collier tales It. Fill particulars asl circular! free.
Address, iwith itaap,, COL. HATHAH W. FITZ
BESALB, D. S. Cilia Attorney. Washlcgtoa, fi. C.
Send for Paoiphlel of the Htliable Barliagton Roil.
y.curess, j.;cs ccsilrs::tcr,S. t K. E. E.
The Kent TritHH without
i A. Tiiii? Mow I nuruiKH over invtnuKi.
'.TotiIDc & ' tnimtiiK claim oi a cor
V 1 dvV t iin radical cure, bnt a guar
vZS&ly unteo of n ciiMt'irtable, aa-
auce. we will u ke b.icit ano
nay full irli for nil thnt 'to nn
t V inr nil Hint 'Id Dt RU.t.
Price, 8inKlo,lit.o cut, is I ; for b'tli bi!H, Snt b.
mail, nost-.nfitd. on ruuotUL of Drieo. N. It. This Tru
wrx enni; mora Uuiiturot tljan 'my "t thase for whicl
eJtriivnxrint claims aru made. Cin'nlars free.
rOMKlCOY TKUSS (JO., TIC Broadway, New York
Woodward's Ornamental and Fancy Alphabets.
Four puts jimt published. 50 cants each, post-paid.
ilrildv, FiKiirt-M, Aniiiialn, L,nnili)riiiea.
Two parte just published. 50 cents eaeh, post-paid.
W oodward's Designs for the Fret Saw.
Two parts just published. fit) cents each, poet-paij.
Order free Catalogue by Pnatal card of Art, Architec
tural and Rural books. ;k. F. WtlOliW Altl,
Fubhaher, l:(l Chainhera Street, New York.
JKO. S. TILHEY & COS WaU St., Kaw York
pkai.i:i:s in
One l ofiimp H'i'i VttgcH. M'rlce $4.23
Sold by Sit bncrljit Ion only.
For further particulars address
I. AI'I'I.FTON A- ., PiililiNhers:,
all) nnd tj.)l Itronilwu.v, N. V.
Havinn improved tlie qonlityof our Warp, now befnr
wlil amler tlm " PKKKLKiSiS " ticket, we i-liull hereafter
tFMi f'.r.lie. improved quality, the bruntj " WUITK
We shtttl hImo manufneture a lovenr qnnlity of Waro
whicli will be ..ld un-.Hr the 41 PKKKlJKKM brand
Knquirefor "WI11TK ISTAR AAA" Ourpet Wuxpof
nil lending Dry Goods pHalers.
fr the money lender.
Interuftt rmid i.tini.
annunllj first year in advance, be
furity 4 to IU timet the loan in
land alone, exclusive of the build
intv'S. (Preatint cash value by iwum
iHpprai&br.) No iuvsHtinent infer
No payment more promptly met
Itest nf rnlHritnrtAi trivtin Kunrl
ftnmp for particulars. I. S. II. JOHNHTON,
XiP'tiftUirof Mortgage Loans, 1ST. PaTL, Minnesota.
Mazarine Blue Glass.
For curative purposes antf i tiinulatinit the growth ol
nima mid vtwtthle life, hxaminnd and approved oj
General Pleaaunton, and his oeruHoate acoompnoini
each purchase. (Ji.abs cvt to exact mt.k, with tub
diroctiun fur use and arrannment ia the eaeh.
For Whoknale and Kwtui), hy
each per msil. French Plate (iLarb Dkfot,
General Plntiw.nton'i 2iKt In 21 1 IS. Fourth INt.
Bonk on BU1B and SVN LKiHT. PHU.AnEi.VHia.
A GREAT OFFER ! We wi" Aurin
H Untttl UI rtil 1 thra Ilnrd Tlmr
dfapoHP of lOO PI ANOS dc OlMJANS. urtr a
eiM'oiiiUlniiiil " fintt-i-litfit hi uk em fiK'lidlnu
W'ATEHf' at lower irlre lor rah or IneiulU
iii p tile ur n Irl mil H pitid Inr tlion ever btlore
ottered. VVATI US MUM) KOITAKK nnd
I PUHillT PI MSiV OIUiANS (lnrludinu
their NKW KOI VI.MU and 1WM IXMU) nre
AH F.S'VH ANTID. Illuelralrd atalouue
.tluiled. A liberal diiicouiii to TachetMinifi'
Oturtkcs. SrhitftlM, lAKijen,etr. sheet nillM.C Ht hall
rnetiirerK ami lenler 40 liual I4lu Siieeli
llnlnii Sminre, N.
Most Popular, frofltabl ana) Ceo
nouiical Farm Implements in I'se.
Fully Warranted In Everj Heapect.
Bsnd for circulars to tha
IJttle FaUa, N. T.
Unrlinol liMon Ftioo I P-il tor n TrrntlsjV
HINTKII!. rt "StronB Wlnt " 'n. tnsds
ORKOwf? A Week to Agnnts. fll I O Outfit rrte.
9OO HWH P. t. VICKKltY, AngnsU. Main. ;
2R 4a Ofi per day st home. Nsmpl worth IA
0 10 tU frtm. flTINS(INrio . if f M, M'llne
CCfi swnek In rour own town. Tenr.s snd SH outfit
DO H. H AI.I.K.Tr A t'O.. P.,itlnd. flsino
C2 4 l A WEEK. Catalogue and Rumple FKKR.
p4U FKLTUN A CO.. lift Waaaan St.. Mew York.
900 FATcII't Fc. TOTI HAT T! In TeV., Ph., Mi.
Va. and Fla. Bargains, J. POl.K, Wll.MlNUTQW. Dki
spfrijTQ " Hln"trsfd Ontslogue. Fres
KUCII I O. BniToll Wovgi.TT '". Poi'on. Mi-es.
AOCft A MONTH. ent wtinted everywhere
itlZPU Addr. i O. PTT?P.t'NO. Rvenwonrl. T'l.
BPt FHrfntln Cfir-i von wrf. brwrll
for IQoto. K R. Haff, 114 Qpntrft Rtrwrf.N. Y.
m day st bmne. Agents wanted. Outfit and
Urmi frea. TiUTIt A (;c).. Anmti. Miu".
(JKQ K A DAT to Agents, flsmpls free. 33 pnge
H El U L" C.H WFBTF.nNOnw Wongs. Chleagn. 111.
DEMOTl T"T Qrf abtfptt .TornnAt. nr FAsmnits.
Rinal Coplos. A eta.: Yearly. 0 rts.. pt-fre.
Add's W. Jgwnmo Pfmobest, IT E. 1 4 th St., N.Y.
SOT.TD Ttnhfcer True. Ptsmps A Hnbhee floods.
RND FOR OATATiOOtTF, or sV your Rtntlfner
omethlng New. H. R. iNoy.nROT.l.. 2)5 n'way, N. Y.
A 1? "fitrC the best part of Maryland, st panlo
I1 ill Jli'lli prices. For e"t"!nene. with map and
price list, address Mancba A Gibson, Centreyjlle, Hd.
Tir"V"K,V KnsIlT tnndp with our Stenell'H
1'I.Vi.l a-J A. K,
y Check Outfit. Ciruulars Fv.
I PF.CT Cure for nrmatnr deMHIy. Rend for e:reo
sror eall on Tin. H. K A HR, Sg Broadway. New York
TrirACT7,A7'C' rnFAP wrir. Foil
HI M Pr Pl Oatslomea free h ma"l.
H()H1Y - rt. 33 Fa-I Mth Strict. New Yorlr.
A Month. Agents wanted. 30 best sell
ing articles in the wnrld. tine sample fr'e.
r..HV tll(iv.:nv n ""
Sff WATCHES. A Great Rensation. Sampls
m watcD ana iuwi rrwe ro agents, iiener mar
fimH OetM ..l.- A ISII'ITCll Pit ,.. - .
V'.WS fletM Vl.l.-.-.-. A I l M I r i ( ft. ,.. - .
AfSk. M fsfl M M a year to Agents. Outfit mt s
"MsTeT I 1 1 1 1 2a 'Viol '"n jrn. I' or terms ud
a M !X lrss. J. IIA fa.. J. .. Mo
TDII TDQV " FIT8 eured by Dr. Rass Epllcptle
BLrlLCr OI Itemeuiv. Tuiai. Packaok spnt i-iikk.
.ssw Ad.lrei. I10a LliUS., KlcllMoxn.
Send for Proof! !?'4Jr.tirnn,rTh'.'..n.
Horn or P'tt-nt Werns. Riff Profit,. Ap-Oti W-rttd.
S. F MVRRS 4 CO.. 4f Iwis Stroot. N. Y. City.
AORNTS' PPOVtTnprwwlt Will
nmre it or forfeit wn Nw urticlod.
jnut pwtonted Ritrrtlcn tnt frpp to
ll.AiMra-M W. H OntrEflTFH, 2 1 H Fulton St., N. Y.
TIT A TUT'T'PTl Mon women out of wnrk to
W All X JUU write for thenxtr',orri,in'ry irttince-rper-t
to Affert on norfimMv ponr with It fmir mmerh
rremiumw. JAS. H KABT.K. 2Q Ilnwley St., Ronton.
k W. I. IT ATTF?f , Tetrner of OuUht, Fltif-s, Cornet.
fc i ii.ssii i ni.uuiiar,in licit i i inc.
0fnler In Muii'nl I ristrninctit. MuIc,
Aini. (hi AAA Invested in Wall St. Stocks
-Sill Tli rSl I I fortunes every month, ltfxj
yl3 IU VX?tJUU fra,9 eKplfumnKo-.-erthiiiR.
liook btmt
Wnnlspl Ao-iuln in evt-vv Conntv to oar I
New HounelioTd Articli". Pt?nH lur circulurs. 1
!,. K. MRiiwirtf o., TM I-M'i . ' iiii'i'l, O.
CffOTf'K Snmpten of Oholce Flowor nnd Onrden
SI I'IH Roedit tnt Fond tK ront ntimn to
ti I V V. N pw rotnm rjotn, NTAOARA PLANT
9trr n W' v k net to Aeevn. Tho New Work
indispensable to F. A. M. Send for Pepcritttive
ratnlnvae. RKDHINO A CO., TTm TRHFIia
Masonic Works, 731 Brondwny, New Yoi k.
hii i w u pcrtnnnem em inoiiio:i! i -ioa
ilnrr. Traveling exiM'?isi' pn:
i y ( .nnpaiij
10 Per Cent. Iowa Farm Mortgage?,
Bought and Sold and Collect on mndp in 11 p irt of
fnwa. Anv infnrnmtion d"irfd pivnn fr.' on fionlicfv
tion. Address J. A. FITUHPATKICK. Nevnda. lown.
tfTJrt a (tOC nr "-ml y AfffflU wllfnc tar Oirnmot,
U) lU U)b U Crry,,' Hi.-turaj And C'hromo CurJi. inm.
.-. . -TrT-P1. p tn-l.l in, txr.c. II:. fir -
r.n'St-.lA"!fVa. J. H. IU:- KHR r' J'K. iHISi'MV ks
And Not
par Out
Sold hv W.Ttrhrmkarsi. Itv in nil. nn rir-ulnra frsc
J. 8. BIRCH A CO.. XH IVy Street. Now York.
Go South ! !SSSS'
heat locntiona. Pend 1 O eta. tnr Hnuthi-r n Hrrnl't, Add's
OAINRS VlNtil.INd. No. Atnr llnnao. Vork.
Kf AAA Nolil Pulls-. The newest nnd beat
sf a F. 71 f I thine out. Ereryliody biva on. Sells
it sieht. " I einnnt tpll a lln. T n.irrv mv litttn 11-it.libt M
Send I O ets for sample, 3 for 2ij eta., to JC. S. II A I'F,
1 1 4 Centre St., N.Y. Agents make S lOadny. Try it,
aWTPn-AliKN-TW-Tn sell the Boat Patent
iladf fnr H irninn fntxl int. Write f.-r PTtirnlrs
Ctnrinnnil, O. '
"() I'HII .1IOVTII. gnir-k
is. Larse Prnrlta. Sind vr
cents for samples. Outfit com.
: :i'i!'; 'o.. 'i-iM..n ti. o.
W4NTFn IKM to travel and aall to Pcnlt-i-H our
ii. uu new nnhreakahle (ilaae i;iiimn..a end
jimp Goods. No l'"lilliliir. Sahre lihernl, boat,
ness permanent. Hotel and travelinjr exnenea paid.
Monitor Ulasr C'n 2114 Main St.. tiim ii-.nali. O.
flTI 4 O The choicest in the world Importers
l liirie prices Larsrest Compnnv in Ami-r-eaT-staple
article pleaaes everybody Trade conlinunhy in.
crtainsr Airfnts wanted everywtiere beat indurenvr.ts
dcn'l watn time Fend for I'iranlar to HIII'l VT
WKI I.S, 4 3 Vcsny St.. Now York. 1. O. Bos I SI .
t7,'??.T, I'Slinill'M U. S. Cent-nninl I'.ihibTtinn.
AUKN'I S ANTI.l) ! Medals and Diplomas iiwr.'.. d
for nm.MA.N.8 pictorial BIBLES
lSCM liliiMtrntlniiN. Addres for nw eirrnlrs.
HOI, HAN .V j Q. 1MO A H(JH Street. Phila.
I will forward a useful i'ircuinr to every pi-rson who
owns i real oi personal propnrty, 1- rcivol' 'r-t.
W l.lvS, ITS lirouiUvny, New Vork.
$100. REWARD. $100.
Th UOlTSTAnHKiirndiinxtou aamooih hoe
tty tbo use of IIVKK'a Ukaud Klixik wi-liout
iajary, or will rorleil f loo. Price by mail la
sealed nsfiKace 25 ceiiu, fnr llirw fill cuiiis.
A.JBM1TH CO., An U. l'aln.iue, IIL
. . "r Agents.
Send for CatHloiniB to
K. ti. itKllMiMAN,
Barclay St., N Y.,und
ITU W. 4 th St., Cincinnati.
We Want a Few Gentlemen
In each State to represent our Specialty. App.icrnt
mut-t be honorahle, enert tic, of BKd adtlrcRt and com
potent to canvass union k th ht clnttg of the conimuni.
ty. To the rufht int-n an l:on -.hMh, pltiuutint, and numey
miikuiK bumness is present. hI. Wo Rive and require the
beat of Kelerence befure ciusinu; in eviry ciee.
Address for circular, J. P. PLUMING A (JO..
No. 2 Bund tStrt-Ht, Nm York.
5tonng Axuorloa Press Co.. i
tssrllsii acustn lh rontiirj ia t.t buinssi at
choitf tt it ud Uvut liauU and '
fieir-liililner nrlullnir nroin-t.
W wl ft
"i-iosfis n unowlsHr-sl lh bust rs B4. KJLTsUv I
s.,Io4j.r, fc, 1 rtt liOLLAHd. M,i V ivjML
Wict , w rrsa. . f ivk BsV,i
Fruit and Jelly Press !
Ono-third more mice than hy the c Id
process. A household nucesMty. Mvery
fanulj will buy lnart tnd callon
ijtoa. Liberal dibcount to the trade,
ror circular and terms address, with
American Fruit and Jelly Press
Coinparly, Cincinnati,! Ohio.
Agent.. Wanted In every Town
II lid i iMiiity.
$2500 v:
our liriiml X 'ma.KI.... .....
rnpeeiUH reprebeui.iiji
wanted everywhere. Tlie bltiifent tlilnv ever iiietl
Salta made from thia when nil eii'tfln KiK.kti iil. Al-o
AKenth wnt.d on ur M A ( i 1 1 li'K.N'P I? AM 1 1 -Y
Itlltl.f N. huptrior to all others. With Invaluable- llli.e.
truipd Aidn ana huiH-rh liindingii. Tlu' r Huolt bt t.t
llitf U nrld. Full Particular free. AddrHsh .J4Hi I-,
PtjTA'KK A CO., Publuhera, PUILADKLP1HA.
Mothers Who Have Daughters That
Have Weak Lungs,
Sbonld arrest the diseaM wbr-n it It in the incipient
atngea. It in indicated by a hacking cough, paina in the
chest, difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the lungs.
If this be permitted to run on. tubercles will form, and
Consumption will be the retmlt. A most valunble reme
dy will be found in A1XE.VM l.LMU HAL. IS A 31
to cure and oheck this diisease in its nrat stage.
Pur sale by all Medicine Dealers.
It contains nearly 400 flna enaranmra of baildinrs
and acoiui. in tha Groat Eihiliition, and ia tha uuls
authentic and omnpleta history uubliehed. It treats of
th. grand tinildinus, wundcrful nihil, its, curiosities
itreal ents. etc. Vers cheap and aells at sinht. Oni
Airent sold 4 8 oopies In una d. bend for our extra
tar jib to Agent and a full desormt on of the work
Address. NATIONAL 11 HUSHING l?6,
CAUTION ?,'S,'?;b,," nd ""hleaa booke on
V V h-shitiiuon are being circulated
Dr. not ba deoeiTMl. bee t hat th. book sou bus contains
UIH page and nearly 4QU tine ngru?ings.
WYMU . Molf.
mem U UsU mur.