1 ' THE DEAD MES'S LEVEE. Plure Where the Tlend f Ntr York Hold Their Perprtnnl HlMe llereptlomi. Twenty-sixth street, on its last block nxt the Emt river, hits ploomy and sug gestive surroundings. Where ft broad gateway pierces the long high stone wall upon the northern side one gets a view of the enormous Bollovue hospital build ing, charmingly surrounded in the ge nial summer time by green grass and trees, but itself a gigantic monument of pain and denth. All the. year round hnudreds of poor wretches groan mid writhe in those long wards; not a day passes that the death rattle is not heard from the throat of some sufferer; not a night that men do not bear away from its gloomy doorway, on the ground fljor, to a little house neor the college budding, long, shapeless forms careless ly draped, extended upon biers. On op posite sides of the street, near that gate way, stand two medical c 'lieges. Just back of this college building stands a smaller one. It is the morgue. Behind it and at its sid are outlying de pendencies and contingent reminders iu the shape of strangely connected rooms and various sheds. Here tho men bring those ghastly shape ntr nightfall from the hospital. Entering one of these sheds we Hud thirty or lorty cheap cof fins of pine wood, stained or painted a dull brick rod. Several, of which we, raise the lids, are empty. Others have inmates. In one we discover the fuee of a womau, horribly emaciated, and of bluish-white, skim-milk color. The nose stands out thin and prominent; tho teeth are seen throush the partly separated lips; the eyelids have not been closed so tightly but that one sees a glinting line of tho dull pupils beneath. Perhaps she is not more than twenty years old she may, however, be forty, misery has so aged her. In another of the red boxes there is mi 'old man with a line head, prominent brow, square jaws, ami a splendid beard. His hair is almost white, and so placid are his features that ho seems but sleeping and dream ing some seriom dream that causes him to set his face sternly. A' third coffin, a small one, contains the corpse of n child, a meager little thing with sore eyelids and thin blue hands, bound to gether on its breast by a strip of muslin. The last we opened displays the re volting clay of a bloatod, mm-sodden, diseased vagabond, a loathsome filthy creature, a mere animal, so dirty that dirt seems deeply ingrained in his evil face. Is it possible that the death of a man like this should have been regretted by any one ? Could any one have loved or cared for him? AVIio can tell how long a faithful heart may have clung even to him; striven in vain fur his redemp tion; wept over his miserable fate ? But sptculavions are idle and not pleasaut upon such a topic. In another room we find a more stylish cotHu, its lid screwed down, and the at tendant informs us that it contains the body of a man recognized in the morgue by his relatives and awaiting removal nt their order. The bodies that we have seen nre those of persons who have been patients in tho hospital, excepting the tramp, who died over on the island where he was serving out in the work house a ten days' sentence for habitual drunkenness and vagrancy. A door from th room admits us bv the back way intj the morgue, to reach the ftwr of which we have to desceud two or three steps. We are in a largs room, through which runs, dividing it into two halves, a great glazed partition with a door in the middle. The front door is wide, the window is broad, nud there is an abuudauco of light. The floor is tesssdatod tiling. Iusido the cage or initlnsure are four stoje tables, two with bo iies upon them, above the f.tces of which dungles a now useless rubber hose with sprinklers on the end of it. In war u weather cold water was kept Constantly dripping upon the d'jad faces but it is more than d-viht'.'ul if it ever pre-e.ves corpses. Its prin ;ipal ine is to Initio fli s from deposit ing ta ;ir e$,'sand breuding maguots in t.'ie eyes an i noses of the dead. Mr. A. M. Vitite, tLe kee ?r. ;it'ormed in that a corpse will here keep well througn four or even live i oil mouths and still be iu itf msive, but tuis is pre-sapposiii, that it was iu pretty good condition when it came. No ice is used on them. The morgue is a cold damp roo.n, always ut a low temperature, even in summer, and so humid that in wititor b kii;s turn browu nud mdilo.v before they decay. Only two ho lies are on exhibition at tho time of our visit mo is that of a man who has been here soma nine weeks without anybody claiming him; the other that of a young girl who was dragged from the river a week ago. There were others earlier in tho day, but friends have claimed and taken them away. Now and then a carriage stops before the door, nd a heavily 'veiled womau comes iu, gazes at the dead faces, and then either shrieks or faints in demon stration of her identification of one, or else turns awav aud departs muttering : " N i there ! Tnank God !" Upon the wall opposite the dead folk's compartment are exhibited a great many photographs, carte-de-visites, and a few tin-types of unrecognized corpses. Out of the entire number but one female face is pretty, and but one man's coun tenance that has anything noteworthy in it. Being free to the public, the women drop iu and retail their gossip; outside the building old crones sit about, knit ing in hand. One young Irish woman, not long ago, idly sauntered in with some of her friends out of mere curiosity. She had a bundle of keys in her hand, which she carelessly jingled against the partition. Suddenly she dropped the keys andcreamed. She had recognized her husband on one of the slabs. Communists In llussiu. The London Post's St. Petersburg letter says ; The condemnation of the youthful demonstrators before the Kasan cathedral has been followed bay suit against 150 persons of both sexes for secret brotherhood, the circulation of treasonable writings, and preparatory steps for a communistic re lutiou. In vestigations by a special committee of the Senate, which create a crreat sensa tion, prove that a well-organized plan l:p, exposing tne nicers to local applica existed, based on the principles of the j in, and having nothing to fight but International-Social Democrats. As an , prostration. Dilute sulphuric and nitro instance of the sicniticance attached to muriatic acids operate in like manner. the trial. Prince Gorchakoff. despite his . ailina.its au I laborious duties, has a'. ready appeared twice in court to watch the case. NoTHisa New. There is nothing new under the sun. A o respondent of the Detroit Free Press writes that in the Luneratian library, in Florence, he saw a map of the world, drawn jn 1410, showing clearly the course of the Nile, its divisions into two streams and its con nection with the two great lakes, solving the question long ago which Speke and BartJn, and Livingstone have been working at so diligently in the present age, Fashion Notes. Chenille, remains in vogue. The Breton is the coming costume. Easter cards aro very artistio this season. Mandarin is the leading shade of yel low. Smoked pearl buttons are very fash ionable. All the now shades of green have a yellow tinge. Silk chemises and drawers are no longer fashionable. Netted fly fringes in Moorish designs are most sought for. The Breton vest crops out in many of the spring costumes. Oray kid gloves have the run of fash ionable favor this season. Round capes will toke the place of Dolmans as the season advances. A few elegant modified Oainsboroughs appear among the spring hats. Japanese bracelets ore seen in tho Japanese curiosity shop windows. Farasolottes (little parasols) of every description aro in use this spring. Comfortable broad soled, low heeled sh M's grow in favor every season. Polmaus have almost superseded every other kind of wrap at the moment. Torchon lace crops out on everytihng, from bonnets to camisoles and chemises, All kinds of rings are fashionable for engagement tokens nt the present mo ment. Colored silk embroidery on tine nain sook and percale- underwear is coming iu vogue. Easter eggs and ptun-i?- presents are of unusual beauty and novelty (hit. year. Breton jackets, waistcoats, basques and costumes are the rage of the moment in Paris. Buttons set on in overlapping rows ap pear on tho cjlhus, cull's mid pockets of many costumes. A pretty fancy in dress trimmings is to put a chenille cable cord on the edges of collars and cuffs. Camisoles and night robes of foulard silk are taking the place of chemises and drawers of that fabric. Mantillas of black or white lace have almost suspended the use of the domino for ladies ut masked balls in Paris. London women wear their street dress es demi-trained, but use invariably a skirt supporter to shorten them while walking. Sheer white India muslin or. organdy makes a much more becoming and effec tive bridal dress than silk, satin or bro cade. Eggs as nu Article of Diet. There is no article of food more whole some aud nutritious than that supplied I'.T egg9 There is a difference in their flavor and quality, owing to tho differ ence in the diet of the birds; yet there are no eggs of winged creatures which nre unfit for nourishing the human body. Their chemical composition is nearly the same, for the white aud yolk are almost ! invariably present; nud these consist, in the first cuse, of albumen and water. Egs require for digestion about as much time as mutton that is, from three to four hours. They are most readily digested when boiled until the white becomi s partially consolidated. An ordinary hen's egg weighs from one and a half to two ounces; a duck's egg from two to three ounces, the ej;g of the Bea gull and the turkey from three to four ounces, and the egg of tho goose from four to six ounces. The solid mat ter and the oil in the duck's egg exceed those in a hen's egir by about one-fourth. According to Dr. Edwerd Smith, in h's treatise ou "Foods," an egg, weighii g an ounce and three-quarters, consists of 120 grains of carbon and eighteen and three-fourths grains of nitrogen, or 15.25 per cent, of caibou, aud two per cent, oi nitrogen. A writer in the Scientific 'Farmer ei timates that tho value of one pound of eggs as food for sustaining the active forces of the body is to the value of one pound of lean beef as 1.584 to 990. As a flesh producer, one pound of eggs is ubotit equal to one pound of beef. A heu may be calculated to consume one bushel of corn yearly, and to lay twelve dozen or eighteen pounds of epgs. This is equivalent to saying that three and one-tenth pounds of corn w;ll pro duce, when fed to a hen, ono pound of ear,'B. A pound of pork, on the con trary, requires about live and cue-third pounds of corn for its production. When ergj are twenty-four cents a dozen, and porn ten cent s a pouml, we have a bushel of corn feed producing $2.83 worth of egars and $1.05 of pork. Judging from these facts eggs must be economical in their production and in their eating, and especially fitted for the laboring mau in replacing meat. Diplithei-hi Examined. Dr. S.;inuel E. Mortimer lectured in Xe'.v York upon the pathology of diph theria. The symptoms that "the phvsi- I cian is oble-to note are drowsiness, slight sore throat, swelling glands near the ul cerous spots,' and a full, fast aud wiry pulse. The tonsils are of a darker red hue than the surrounding parts of the throat. As the disease progresses the ulcerous spots throw out a thick, tena cious, pseudo membrane. Within a few hours the patient experiences intense nervous prostration aud a labored breath ing, indicating great distress. If the remedies remove the pseudo membrane the patient is often too low to rally, and dies of sheer exhaustion. This is the case as the physician gen erally sees; but it is, in fact, only the second stage. Before an inflammatory sjmptora appears, the patient remem bers that for twenty -four hours or so he was in wonderful spirits. If the physi cian had been called in then, he co'uld have reeoguiiel the hatching mischief and destroyed it in the egg. The dis ease is so comparatively new that nearly every practitioner has some remedy that he b diev'es to be a spec'fio. That which tin lectu:er had tried with most succesj is the extract of Pinus Canadensis, the large amount of tannio acid therein pee.lily clearing the pseudo membrane nJ the salts that act to the bpst advan- tage are those containing most acid. The inference is that the poison, being ono that an acid neutralizes, is au alkali. It is in the blood, as is shown by the unnatural deposit of the plastio .lymph and a condition of the blood similar to that produced by high mercuralization. The standard of drunkenness varies between London and EJiuburgh. A wit ness iu a London court recently testified that " a man is properly drunk when he cannot walk ;" in Edinburgh, at about the same time, a witness gave it as his opinion that " a man hasua' enough till he cuuna' speak," A Bonne-Douche. A skillful free luncher in Syracuse has been iu the habit for some -time past of walking into a certain saloon and helping himself to a particular choice bit of turkey exposed to view on the meat table, twisting it off the body of the fowl and cramming it into his mouth whole. A day or two since one of the attendants thore doctored this coveted morsel by splitting it open on the under side and inserting a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper. The fellow came in as expected, and on going out pounced upon his customary game and mode a single mouthful of it. The result may well be imagined; it was a tearfnl scene all ronnd, though more painful to the chief actor than to the spectators. Trof. Tyndnll's Warning. In concluding; an address to the Kturlenti of University college (London), Prof. Tyndall.who is unquestionably one of tne moHt indefatigable brain workers of our century, (mid : "Take care of your health. Imagine "Hercules as oars man in a rotten boat ( what can ho do there but by tho very force of his stroke ex)edito the ruin of his craft. Take care of tho timbers of your boat." Tho diHtiiiKiiished wientist's advice is equally valuable to all workers. Wo aro at to devote all our onerKies to wielding tho oars, our stroke fall tlnn and fast, but few of us examine or even think of the condition of our boats until the broken or rotten timber suddenly :ivo way and e llud ourselves the victims of 'a calainity wiiH'li coum have Imrii easily avoided bv a little forethouKbt. What Im'kiiii 'with a slight frac ture, or perhaps even a cureless exposure to dis organizing Inilueiiees, ends In the complete wreck of the lifeboat. The disease which began with a slight headache or au undue exposure to cold, terminates iu ilenth unless its progress is checked a id the disease remedied. The Hist symptoms, I ho liernldsof disease, pivu no indi cation of the Htreiigth of the on-coining foe, ami the victim trusts that his old ally. Nature, will I'Mermninle Ihe invader. Hut Disease is an old general and accomplishes his most important movements iu (he night time, and some bright morning Minis him iu possession of one of the strongest fortillcntions ; and when be has once gained a stronghold in the svstcin. Nature ig noininionslv turns traitor ami secretly delivers up the wholo physical armory to the invader. Like tho wily politician, Nature is alwavs on the strongest side, and the only way to insure her support is to keep your vital powers in tho as cendant. Keey your strongest forts tho stom ach and liver well guarded. Do not let the foo outer the arterial highways, for ho will steal or destroy your richest merchandise and impov erish your kingdom. To repulse the attacks of the foe you can find no better ammunition than Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. (Full directions accompany each package.) His Pleasant Pur gative Pellets are especially effective in defend ing the stomach and liver." His Ooldcn Medical Discovery for purifying the blood and arresting coughs and colds. If you wish to become familiar with the most approved avstem of de fense in this warfare, and the history of the foe's method of invasion, together with com plete instructions for keeping your forces in martial order in timo of peace, vou can find no better manual of those tactics than " The Peo ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. D.. of tho World's Dispensary, liitf falo, N. V. Sent to any address on receipt of 1.50. It contains over nine hundred pages, illustrated by two hundred and eighty-two en gravings and colored plates, and elegantly bound ui cloth and gilt. An Experienced Traveler, Who has tried all the principal first-class hotels of the United States, declares that for comfort and excellence, combined with low rates, the f Iranrl font! Hr.4..1 .1.. X' A' 1. . ....... 1 .-., ui, .....au.. ui, lurh. leads them all. The Litest roduc'tion is from ; 4.00 to $2.50 and 3.00 per day ; although the Orand Central is the largest first-class hotel in New York. Rheumatism cured at once by Durang's j Itheuuiatic Remedy. Send for circular to Hel I pheustiuo t Bentley, Washington, D. C. I Medical success in which every poor. suffering man, woman and child throughout the land is deeply interested Collins' Voltaic Plasters. They are without price, almost, since they cost but 25 cents, and always cure. Money in Poultry. Prof. A. Coi bett, of No. 7 Warren St., N.Y., has received the Centennial and several gold medals, also 12 diplomas for his new process for hatch ing eggs and raising poultry by means of horse manure. This valuable discovery will give f 500 yearly profit from 12 hens. Catalogues, circu lars and testimonials sent on receipt of postage. A Guinea is Scarce Yellower Thau the complexion of a person becomes who omits to regulate his liver when that important gland grows neglectful of its secretive function, iorcver, the stomach under such circumstances becomes disordered, the bowels are constricted, pains in the side aud between the shoulder blades are felt, the head aches, aud the nervous system shares in the general derangement. This concatenation of evils is, however, easily reuieuinuie wnu inai maiciuess regulatuig tonic, IJostetter's Stomach Hitters, which insures the secretion and flow of healthy bile, acts gently but effectually upon tho bowels, and remove's every symptom of nervous or digestive trouble. The result is that renewed tone is given to tho entire system ; the sallow, haggard appearance of the face to which biliousness gives rise is superseded by the glow of health, and the frame gains iu substance as well as vigor. We have sold Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup for about four years, and it has steadily gained in popularity from its first introduction". We keep all the cou 'h remedies considered standard" in this section. The Bale of the Universal has become greater than anv, per haps greater than all others combined. We do not hesitate to recommend it. Nichols & LvTLE.Westbury, Cayuga Co.,N.Y. A positive euro for rheumatism Du rang's Rheumatic Remedy. Send for circular to Ilelpheustiue & Bentley, Washington, D. C. One-Fourth of the Mortality In this country is due to neglected coughs. This is a statistical "fact, and it is equally true that no cough or cold would ever prove fatal if the great balsamic remedy, "JIalcs Honey of Hurt hound and Tar" were taken in the early stages. Reflect on this. Sold by all druggists. ' Pike's Toothache Drops cure iu one minute. Durang's Rheumatio Remedy never fails to cure rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. Asthma. It is useless to describe the tortures of spasmodic asthma. Those who have suffered from its distressing paroxysms know what it is. Jonas Whitcomb's Remedy has never failed to afford immediate relief. For ten cents we will send a scientific book of one hundred aud sixty choice selections from the poetical works of liyron, Moore and Burns j also, fifty selected popular songs and other writings. The poetry of these authors is truo to nature and the finest ever written. Des mond A Co., 915 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Paestebs and Grainers, send for new prices of metuUic graining tools for " wiping out." J. J. Callow, Cleveland, Ohio. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the great New England cure for coughs, colds and consump tion. Cutler Bros. & Co. 'a. Boston, only genuine. The National Life Insurance Company of Ibe tailed Wtaten of America. In marked oontr.it with the onpleeeant development! thfct have appeared recently, concerning certain compa niei, we are glad tJ note the reiulti of an official exami nation of this Company. Although Daring a charter direct from Congreei, it doea not attempt to diaavow its reaponsibiuty to State insurance laws. By mutual agreement, on behalf of the State depart menu of New York, MaaaachuaetU, Pennsylvania and Miohigan, the Hon. Samuel U. Howe, of the latter State, eommeaoed on January 8tb a rigid examination of the booka, aaets and liabilities of this Company. Commit ioner Row was aaaisted by Prof. Wataon, the well, known actuary, and V. H. Lott, Kq. The detailed examination continued without interrup tion until the loth of February. The reaulta are highly gratifying to the friends of the Company and the pubtio generally. On the 1-Hh instant the Company received from Commissioner Howe a renewal nf ita authority to do business in Michigan, together with hia written aasur anoe that he found tfie Company able to ooiuply fully with the alnruent laws of hia State. The entire reserve la invested in United States bonds and first mortgages. On the 31st of December, loTtj, it had a grand surplus above all liabilities of tll,41U,&U.li3. Its receipts in 1S76 exceeded its diubursemunts by over $.UXJ,lul. although it paid in death claims nearly a quarter of a million dollars. More perfect seourity could not be uttered to innurera. It is almost unnecessary to say that thia Company h nothing to do with the National Capital Life Insurance Company of the District of Columbia. Unlike the latter concern, the National Life Insurance Company of the United States of Amerioa is not reinsunna other oomoa. nies, and is not resuonbible in any WMy fur the liabilities or policies of the Republio Life his ur anoe Company or any other corporation. Agents Wautd in thia oounty. Address, li. M. Ill SRI.I Manager, IMVuluul hu, fbUadelyliia, Pa, Very Courteous Judges, The judges at the recent Oodefroy trial for murder in Pjiris, were so exceedingly deferential to tho prisoner, that the Charivari pays its respects to them as follows: "So, my good friend, you ac knowledge having killed your wife?" "Yes, judge." "Permit me to observe that you were perhaps A little too rough in opening her throat with a razor." "I was, judge." "I would suggest, then, if you mnrry again, that it will be better not to have a razor in the house." "I will promise you, judge." "Do my questions fatigue you J If so, we can postpone the case until to-morrow." "They do not, judge. I would prefer having a verdict to-day. I am very un comfortable - in prison." "You are un comfortable I Why did you not let me know ? I could have sent yon to a coun try house I have near Paris, and tvery Sunday we could'have gone fishing to gether." The editor of the San Francisco Post has been shown a monster orange, which weighed three and one-half pounds and measured circumference twenty-four inches. It was grown at Riverside, Ban Uernnrdino county, upon the grounds of O. W. Oareelon. Tho tree which pro duced it. is just four years old, and had a number of other oranges besides this one, which were but slightly smaller. What a Day Does. Take a calendar, snys a Washington letter, and check off the even and uneven days. O.'i the even diiys iliHpntehcs may be expected from Ijouisiunii, Buying that the Packard men are hopeful and the N id tolls men " much oust don n." On-the uneven days the Xichollri men will be hopeful nnd the Packard men "cast down." Iiupmiiuit. When you vi.Ht or L-avo New York stop at tho Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central d ipot. 35'J elegantly furnished rooms. Best res taurant iu the city ; prices moderate. Baggage taken to and from said dejKit free. Cars aud stages pass the hotel for all parts of the city. 10 Per Cent. Iowa Farm Mortgages, nought and Sold nnd t 'nllecfion made in all parts of Iywa. Any information desired tiven froe on applies. tion. Address J. A. MTCHPATKICK. Sev.da, l.nva THE BEST lowest paler. rns Send for Pamphlet of the Eiliablt Burlington Eoal. IN iiuurcss, mm tcEir.::scter,B. i li. S. E. THE UNITED STATLO BUTTER COLOK. Tbe best Llouid rnlnr In tlw orM. .ml the only mm awanlnd Centennial Prlis Medal. It ,lvn u butler a gi'Min ycll. wcolor like June trsji butter, produeltis outer i.iles snj ut ,,1Cr frioe. benldei Improving butter In color aud llnmr nnd ketol'ir Is far superior to Aouctto, csrroH or uy oibcr color matiufs. ,Tv 'natheonlT lluld cnlor tbM will nnt color butternil'k If ofh?, Thm"?re Shu"'l"- " r"n.l will color loo,. ,,ondi of butter. Tbe belt and cheni.e.t tore-color while l.utur 1 will send, on receipt of money, True byt.re. to auc otliro r.st of MlMltilppI River, 1 lb., aj.ool lb.. Ms. " I'nn icr, club tofetber sod tn lt Ae-nt. w.utal. Out oli and prelcrve. - B. gaiTII, MJ Ares Street, l-hllaile nbla, I'a. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. r WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST-CLAS9 SEWINC MACHINE ACENTS, AND 500 MEN OP ENERGY AND ABILITY TO LEARN THE BUSINESSOFSELLINCSEWINCMA CHINES. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, BUT VARYINC ACCORDING TO ABILITY, CHAR ACTER AND QUALIFICATIONS OF THE ACENT. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Wilson Sewing lactone Co., Chicago. 887 829 B30ADWA7. Mew ?wk. a Sew Orleui li. ZIAG'TS WANTED FOR HISTORY fli Ienten'L eiHiBrnon! It contains nearly 400 flno enirravinRa of buildlnrs and scenes in the Grout t'xbibitioa. nnd is tho only gtithentie and ootnploto liMury published. It ti-entn of the grand liulldinea. wonderful exhibits, enrioaities, great events etc. Very client) end Bells at eiarht. One Agent sold 4S copies in ono d iy. Send for our extra terms to Agents an.l a full docrintion of the vnrk Address, NATIONAL I'lTHMMHIN'r; (JO, ,. ,, Phiijwihiia, Pa fiATTTTflW Unreliable and worthless books on rr-V AViV 'he Kihihition are being circulated Do not be deceived. See that the book you buy oontnini 018 pages and nearly -UK) fine engravings. THE BEST PAPER PUBLISHED IS THE Toledo Blade (Xasby'a I'a per). Commencing April , the Tnlrtln Wcpklv Rlnrte will contain oauh wek. nn art icle from ono of the follow, ing ditfluipuished gi-ntlemon : "Ml. Will. l. ICvurl,, Secretary ofSMte. Iltin. John Slierumil, Secretary of tho Treasury. IJoil. I. .!. lii-v, l'..btinatr.(lenerl. lion. 'url Si Inn z, Secretary of the Interior. Ilou. .Iun. N. Tj nrr, Ute Poitmaetei-fieneral. lloii. O. P. .llortoll, Mena'.ir from Inriiina, Ilou. .Inn. A. Illttiue, Senator from Maine. II nn. I linn. I outer, j!fnreentntive from Ohio, and 4.1 other Statesnum and Public Men. The Publishers make this aiutouncement by permis sion. Specimen Copies of the Bluilo mailed free to any address. Send a Postal. Address, " 1II.AHK," Tolnlo. Ohio. BEAUTIFUL enafcA11!1118" PARMEPS" WIVES'. SONS and DAUGHTERS, aintionl f,S.nrrl beautifv your HOMES avid vK&SYfiS ile SOIL to 'ho BEST AD VANTAGE and most ECONOMICALLY ATJ??r1SJTJand bcst GUIDES and CAT ALOGUES in tne WORLD. DeSVJE,?,?J? haT?n8rTa FABM or GAS. fo?Rt?SldJBend tPoatal-Card at once irE. t?. decnptive CIRCULAR : or 10c. for Illustrated Catalogue. 136 pages. p. 0.1 B. K. BLISS & SONS, No- 6712. 34 Barelsir St . 1Vn V.'.t, Mr annua! Catalogue of VedtHb!e and Flower Beed for 1N7 7 will be ready b Jammry, an.ltswn FrwtoMl wlio apply. Ciuttmitira nf ltttt aeKHun need nut writu fur it. I otlarone of ttie Inruet collections of Vegetable KmaiI avaar aaanr ntit tv anv staais1 toinca in A I..- portion of which were grown on my ttix bBed farin4j rrnien atrec-f loni jot rwuiourtOH on vry patkoye. All Beed sold from ray establishment warrant id Ut be both frenti end true to name; no far, that should it prove otherwise I will refill the order gratis. As the original iutroducerof the Hubbard and MarbleUead iSquabiiea. the Marblehead Cabbages, and a aoore of other new Vegetables, I invito the patronage of all trho art anxiut In hav their Seed frith, true x awl f the very best strain. New Yt-jt'tiiblt'rt a sperm It v. JA.)1LSJ. II. iJKFIJOIf V, Mttrbletiend. Ma. CATATKFI.-I'ond'a Extract it nearly a 8pc title for turn disease. It can hardly beex ci'iiod, evou iu old and obstinate caeea. The relief is so prompt that no ou who lias evrtr e.l it will lie vilhnut it. t'IIAPPEt IIAM A NO FAC E.-Pond' Kxtr.ut eh. iild bo in every family thia rouii weather. It removes the aorenesa and roua-hueaa, anil aofteua and licals) the sltin promptly, RIJEUM AT1S U.-Dunu.- severe and chanjreabla wcamer, no one subject to RbeumaKo Pains should be one day without Ponii'8 Extract, which slwars rollevpe. SORE Ll!N.t:ONSUMPTlo!,"co"6HS. t OI.DH.-lliui cold wither ti-iee thV Lung only. Have Poud". Extract ou baud lvroy. It relieve the pain an i ciro the disease. CHILBLAIN will be promptly relieved and ultimately cured Vv bathing the alBloted n ntM with Pond' Extract sore x&wtizz; MI6TORV nnd H.e af Pond's Extract la Vrk. BuU by Drumta," EXTRACT A, PEEKLBMJ external SPECIFIC and BEAU IFIER OF -TUB 8 KIN. t LEIsTN'S SUD'HUR BOAP, t As a ren jdy for Dibeasrs, Sonics, Abrasioni and Rouohneas op Ton Skin; as a Jeodorvur, disinfectant, anil means of preventing and curing Kiifumiitism and Oout; and as an Adjunct of the Toilet and Tim Bath, " Glenn's Stn.rncn 3oap " is incomparably the beet article ever offered to the Americnn public. Tho Complexion is not only freed from Pimtles, Blotches, Tan, Frec kles, nnd all other blemishes by ita use, but acquires a trans arent delicacy and TELVETT f -.FTNESS through the clarilying and mollient aciion of this wholesome beauti rrr.R. Tho contraction of obnoxious dis eases is prevented, and the complete disinfection of clothing worn by per sons afflicted with contagious maladies is insured by it Families and Trav elers provided with this udmirabld purifier hate at hand Tint main ESoPNTIAL OF A SERIES OF SlllphuT Itatlis. Dandruff Is removed, the linir retained, and groyness retarded by it. Medic a i, men advocate its ush. Prices, 25 and 50 Cents ter Cake Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 60c. and $1.20. N.B. There Is economy 1 buvlng tba large cakes. " Hill's Hair and WhisVcr Djc,' Black or Brown. 60 Cents. C. N. CEITTEMOJ"., Prop'r, 7 Siith At. H.Y. S2S00 n 3 viir in a ki;iii. fiirw mwi f fil .s(i f;t'T free. For terms mi dress, Worth U- Co., St. Louis, ito THUS. PAY'S BOSTON RECEIPTS A new cook book, 220 Economical Itecelpts, PRICE FIFTY CENTS. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Bookseller!, BOSTON, MASS. Housekeeper of 20 yenr' Kansas displuv of products Ht ( ViUrnniril ur pnwuMi nil oth.r States. HA VSAS lA(IH(! It.W. &. offers larHCfcl body of eood kinds in KAXNiN ut lowest prices mid tn'st terms. I'ienty of Wov't IhihIs I'KKE for Hontestrads. Korropy of "KASKAM IMl'IKH' llOM HTKAD,' address. Lan'i Commissioner, K, 3, Jir Sulitia, Kansas RANDALL'S . PULVERIZING AND TUB WARRIOR MOWER. deservedly concedkd to be the Most fnimlfii; l'rofitttlh- an.l fo nomcal IVnwii linjtlrinents in l'ne. Fully Wnrriitni-il iu livery licepi i t. Send fur circttlnrs to the WAKKIOIt .MOWF.lt CO.UPANV, IA tile PhIIh, N. V. WiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. From SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Hermon, New York. " WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY give universal utisfaction. It teems to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs and allaying irritatmr :Auc removing the eauee instead of drying up the Cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Balsam the best Cough medicine with which I am acquainted." WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. From R. FELLOWS, M. D.. of Hill, N. H. 14 1 have made use of this preparation for several years, and it has proved to be very reliable and elBcacious in the treatment of severe and long-standing Coughs. I know of unt patient, now in comfortable health, who has taken this remedy, and who. but for ita use, I consider wuuld not now be living.1 WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. From E, T. CJUIMBT, A. M., Principal of the New Ipswich (N. H.) Appleton Acaut'iuy. "For more Lim fifteen years I have used DR. WIS TAR'S BALSAM UK WILD CHEItRV, for Coughs, Ccr' nd Sore Throat, to which I, in common with the rest oi mankind, am subject ; and it gives me pleasure to nay that 1 consider it the wry Lett remedy with which 1 jm acquainted." WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. from A. DUNKLEK, Esq., Postmaster at West Brat tlehoro, Vt. " I am subject to n eoiVt. followed by hard ! ., lur which I u-o the BALSAM, and find it the rrau iy lor a coaa or aore throat that I ever wua acquainted with. My fctnily also are as inuoh in favor of it as iiiysell. In fact we always have it in the house, and would aa soon think of duing without flour as jour excellent 1SALSAM OF WILD CHKKHY." WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. From Hun. RUFU3 K. OOODE.NOW of Main. "I hav. trlod WI8TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OHF.HKV for an exceedingly trouulesum oough. Tha eBiiol was all that could be desired. The use of lus than oils bottle relieved me entirely. Auvjuc great varieties of meJioine. which I have used, I have found none equal to vVltiTAR'S. Its ourutive properties in coaea of cough I regard aa invaluable. Prepared by &ETII W. FOWLE oV 80XS, HO Ilurrb.au Avenue, Jloaian, and sold by Dealers aenrrnlly. 60 cut. aud St a bottle. HARR0W APPMTQ f?4 P" 111 nut rer! OftUlr.rn, Yn nULIl I Oi Burton Novclty Go. Bontm, Mwi, SOLID STEEL HARROW TEETH rttrt'liaTtn roitiblnrrl with T.lritneail. Upon receipt nf a Pust-rifftre money order, we will deliver to the express or railroad l Vmi li solium Uieth, nl innhes lone;, for SI. AO 411 S-ineh square tenth. 11114 imMies long, for 3.23 Ntnwi.T nnxlrn. BWRKT'S M'F'O CO.. Stacpi. 9. X. Thf) Hem Trn withrat Metal Rprlnira ever invente l. No hunilinn claim of a cur. tain radical enre, bot e guar, antae of a entnttirtaUle, se cure and a.t.isfaitiiry sppll m... We will take back and nay full rtrlrt' for all thnt do not su.l Price, siturle, like out. SM J for both sidne. Kent n mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. H. Thie 1tu wn,t ctm mom Ruptures than any of thoeefor which Itravsgmt elaitns aro mide. t iiroiilars free. POMEKOY THUW CU.,74 Broadway, New York. Woodward' Ornamental find Fancy Alphabets. Fmir rj'rts Inst published. eenta each, post-paid. WOODWARD'S ARTISTIC DRAWING STUDIES. Hernia), Flit tirr, Animal, I.nnilet npr.. Two parte Just pnbtlihed. 60 cents each, post-paid. Woodward's Designs for the Fret Saw. Two p-trts just p-ihlished. 60 eenta esoh, post-paid. Order frifi Otnliiiriie bv Postal card nf Art, Arohiteo tural and Roril IkkHis. ttl'tt. K. W IHHIWAUII, Pnhlinher, 13H Chunhers Stn et. New York. IT MIOrr-iM AT WIC1I1'A., Um LESLIE'S H!ST3allCAL RE3ISTER Or TH!'. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION iMSa ontjrcomn.otfl Pictirt il Hi-itiry of tSn Ontminil fMibj'ht I. A tii un-nit 1 1 i'i r.ini i, I ,(()') I rge ntm. nyi, in inr of tlMtn hwuu 1 1 , lv SJ i'i ih'H. Atfenis Waiiifff. A'l'lt'MHi, Ajw.y Dnuirtmit. i'llAXK L1ML(R'.4 PlfniJV.IIWtr llOTTST?, . J 7 Puuvrl trout, Nu York. WANTED ! MISSOURI COUNTY. TOWNSHIP and TOWN BONDS, INTEREST PAYING AND DEFAULTKD. JN0.S. TILNEY&COTTe Wall St., New York, nEAi.Knii iw CITY and RAILROAD BONDS. AUE.NTS WANTKIt KVEKYWIIEUK T SELL THE AVT0BI0ORAPHT OF WILUAU H. SEVARD. One Vnlmne. Nt'l VaffCH. 1'rlrc 8-t.Hi'. Sold by Subscription only. For fnrther particiilatu address 1). API'l.KTON A- CO., Pnbllelier., 640 nnd 661 ilrnfultvu.v, N. V. CARPET WARP. TO THE CONSUMER. Havinir imprnred the quality of onr Warp, now beinf sold nmler the " PHHItLKSS'1 ticket, we shall herenftnr "'jopt. for the Improved guulity. the brand "W11ITK O I A 1. A rV A V elinll nlo rnanufactrire a lownr nunlity of Wtrp which will bo mrlfrtho " PKF.RLFCSS " brnnd. Knqnimfor " WHITK STAtt AAA" Uarpt Wurp of till Inadiiiff Dry f.im., Ip(iflr. IVIazarine Blue Glass. For otiMtive porposes ant.i timulnttnft the srowth ot .nmml and vnRetable lifp. Kxatnined and approved bv (leneriil Pleasimtdn. and bib certificate aocompitninr eHch piirchnne. Ji,ah rm To v.xact BI7.K, with ful. direction fur use and nrrfimtftni-rit in the sash. For stilp, Whnli.nlo np.l Uptnil. bv Alflo.at 2 ItKNJA.HIN II. filFOEHAKKR, ncll per rn.nl, FltRNf'R Platk (il.AKS Dlpoi. t.enoral Pli-snmtim a ?'. In 81 I N. Knurl li St., Itmk on I! 1,1 IK and SU N I.J'JHT. Pill HDHLrHlA U,U-?, Hr,V5h ! Time, dUpoHn 0 t()( JM iNOS .V OKI ;..S, new an. ?!7".".!!,.,-.l.,"i11 "f llrI-'-liii.i nuiLi ri Inrliulin: A I l.llv tit lo it prlifH for m.li or liinlnll. iiii iitK ... 111 l,.t iimil ,ai, inr limn i vor In Ion uliTpil. Hthiix' :; sH AltKiim ,'!f 'V'T ,'Y,f l Ai (.,.Vhl."lrlL "'ir..,':,K.!J,M.. I:,lt ,"'l IIOI'IMHK) nn 'J'.'iVl' iV A,J,t;.., M' ,,''! TltAVKI.IM. AfJIsNT-a . JM'Klf. I II11-1 1 nl i ll ( 1, tloi.e. Inlleil. A lilltTnl lliHrntlltt to Traehtrt, Ministers, Chirrhn. S-h,,ols, l. b:rt, el-. Slu-rt IIMINlr t hnl, lri.-.-. HUH. ( K YATKItS .V- pll.VS In,in. liiPluriTH nnd l nli r. 4i) i:nat I Ilk Strcfl. I nioti Sonnre. N. V. NKW WILLCOX A GIBBS Latest si.vention. and producing most Marvrloas Hesulte. Only miichlar in the tujrJa Mlta Amomatlc Tension ant ! ' stitcn tr Indicatoi'. Trad. Murk In base of ev.ry mscbla.. SILENT SEWING MACHIi5. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Trice List, iSe. Willcojs aft Glbbs S. M. Co., (Cor. Boud 6t ) 6S8 Urosdwsv. Now V . VE6BTIHE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the WMe System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative, Tonic, Sol vent and Diuretic. Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine ReliatilG Evidence. Mn. II. n. Rtkvfnb: Jcar .Sir I will m.et cheerfully add my t-titnnny to th antt number yon nave ulnvniy rewivcit in fiivor of yivii Kreot ami nooii medicine, VKGKTfNK f ir I not think enough can be said in it pr.ti.ttt, for I wan troubled ovei thirty yeur with that dreitdful diseue Catarrh, and hud such bad counhinfi i.kiIIh that it would .eem as thouarh 1 niivir i-oiiM hreathe any more, and VKUKTINK hs cured me; and Id", fuel to taank Cod all the time there is so Ifwd 11 uiB.licine as VKtiKTINK, and 1 also think it one of the licet medicine, for couKhs and weak, ainkinit fei liniri. at th- stiiniHrh, and advise evorvbodv to take the VKUKTINK. for I can aa sure them it is one ot the beat modi ctnea that ever wns. Mna. L. OORR, . Cor. Jlogazine and Walnut .Stre.ta, CiunbridKe, Mass. GIVES Health, Strength and Appetite. My daughter his received (rrest bene fit from the use of VKtjii riNIC Her dt-cliniog- health was a source of areut "rIvrrf'.n'.li'C.r (r'n1. A few bottle, ot VhOfcriNK restored her health strength and appetite. N. H. TILDEN, Insurance and Real Kstate Aajent. No. 4D Hears' Building, Bubton, Mass. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. C ha HT.Kfl town, March 19, 1869. H. R. bTKVXNs: Dear .Sir Thia la to certify tha I have useJ your "Wood Frepir-uon" in my family f.r aevrl var, and think tht, for Scrofula r (Janlnroiu Humor-, or Kheumati-; affection, it eannt be escelle i : and aa a IiUmmI p.ir.tinr or aprtu ; medicine, it ia tue be-t t'mnjr I h ive ever imed, and I have used aiiii-ti vrtbinif. I can ohe?r fully rec aniuond it to Any one in need of hucit a tn diuine. . Youth reaKH:t fully. Mill. A. A. lf NSMORR, tio. 19 UubboU htreet Recommend It Heartily. , South Bottom, Teb. T. 1870; Mr. Btevlns: Dear Sir I haTe taken seetal bottle of your VKGKTINK, and am oonrinoed it It m valuable remedy for Dwpephia, Kidney Complaint and general. dobUity of the ayntem. I on heartily reonmmend tt to all ufiuring from tne above oom plain ta. Yours r8p-ct fully, MRI. munhok parkrr, 66 Athena Street PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS,BostonMass. V t ceiln U Nold by AU Drucclau. PTIlTrn, e " irnaT Hint "rn"'""' Wi by VAMPKnMmm.WrLT.i Oo., IS Dutch St., W.Y.. AKBpfhevey A Week M Apente. 10 OMtfit Fret. OOlJ fi Ql I P. u. VH1KKHY, Augusta, Maine. 4a pet day at home. Hsmples worth Jfrl . 99 10 4U fr, r!TINSONr;(.,r rtl.nd. Mnlno. tA 7ek In yrrar own town. Teml and Mil cratfll Oil H. H M.l.K. rr t'O., Portland, Maine. A WKP.Ki Catalogue and Snmple FRKR. FKLTON aV CO., 1 If) Namau ht., Wew York. 151 O ft dfiy at borne. Affents wanted. Outfit and s terms tree. 7 tttir; i;tt., Atii'imta. Mnine SaSOfJA DAY to Aients. Sample free. R2 pare (l.tnloena. KFI.KTrTlnit.il Dnv St.. N. Y, DClr.l 1 CD"hofs no. w stylos, m.ctti.rn. tl 1. W Ut.1 T.H WraTKnuOnw Wonm. Chleami. III. A CrpTT"fVf a The only sore reti . .. Cri;il pnekanw AOAX1XT12X fw, .. Hirti-,arrv. l ;ipv..i-.i l. o. 8 i HMl"1 MillH. t roiH im.llltiliai. Ptffla, Pv Universal Bowholder Irter1 rtrenlsf. W. W. Rf.1T), Ant... Hm 6.ifH,'W Y.city. s Of . Ill Itnhber Ttpp. Stamp" Rubber floods. kP.Nf) FOR f'ATArxMlT'F,. or a.It vnnr RtPtioner romethln New. H. 8. iHOFBaoi.l., UOit B'way, N. Y. W wKcoNn.1? An M'liooi, hook l 1 A mailed. no.f.p.id, noon receipt, of hnlf pub lished price. A. B. CLARK. UI Na.ssu Ht.. New York. 1AitMKIf, hoy FISHER'S PATENT SK'KT.F. 1 ORINIKRR, Hy Forks, snd F.rm Bells. Hold bf Deslera. rirevlnrt Frre. H. FISHER, Cantow, O. A T "f G In the best part nf Maryland, st panic JI.11 13 prices. For catalogue, with map and price list, address Macha A OinaoN, Centreville, Md. OW TO MIKE niOtntmn pet Week REM. INO TEAS TO FAMIT.TF.S Ciri-nlnr. free Art's BO ANTON TEA CO., 148 Chambers St. .NewY.rk. pCMCinaiC r- matter how slightly disabled In- tlioiviu crii.s now na'd. Advice and circ-ilar 'rmm T MrMtcmm. Attv.. 7(H S.-in.oiu St.. hila..Pa, T tKT?V Ennlly mndn with our Stencil ami JJ1. Key Check Oi ey Check Outfit. Circulars l-roe Kf.1t.li. fl I'' lit 'Tl S . i.wV rk Tr-KCnUC BK1.TS.-A NEW, CHEAP. PER V FFCT Cure for premnture rtnhllity. Send for eWr.a. ar or call on f)B. H. KARR, 832 Broadway. Now York, nrinfiTAfC' i hrap mrsic. , fii t f I I Catalociins free bv mail. nOOSKY fV I'O.. !lg Eaat 4th Street. Kow York. AAI1A A Month. Apenta wanted. HO bent aotl AJxri!l in4 articles in the world, tine nample freo VUd Address .1 A V WIIONSOV n -r- ti.-'.. n WATCIIKS. A Great Sensation. Saniplo Jm VVatch and Outfit free to Aei nta. Hotter tnun M "old. Adilni"" A.l'UI'M pK rtl l h ii- f'HOIf'K Samples of Choice Flower and Harden SFKIIH Seeds sent TltFK. Bend XK cent st-ron to (J I V K N pay return Do.tna-e NIAGARA PLANT A WAV, and BEKD CO., Buffalo, N. Y. l5ft Vlc nt to Annt. Th New W- rk IndirtnnnMblp to F. A. M. Kend for Dpucrip'ive flntalnfftip. RKDHTNO A CO., Pum-iBTiiiltfl Mamnio Works, 731 Broadway, New York. WnHTPn rirn toai.ltnii order f..r our Roodi! Hit I LU prrnmniiiliiiile,v mo:!! 1 1:00a anlnrT. TlaVflmy txiHimt'S imi'l t-v ('nun unv. t Lion :r1cr- ' I Worln. ''. i..na(i, O. div tore mAe by Aft?riti Ml line jar C) r nn. rayoui, flctiirc and Lhrnruo t sr.l. sini- ""n mxr, ifnt n tp-.ij Irv Mftr. (i "vt - if3m W'enr 0f. S'-ld by Wftclimnkera. Hy mnil. !?Oc Circulars free. T. 8. B1R1M1 A CO., US Dey Ktrrvt, New York. Co South !SS P IIOMKS ! Ticket. HelU fthl itifnrmntinn nn tn best lopfttiona. Kend 1 () ctn. for Southern Htrni'l. Ad'I's AINKH A YTN(iMN. No. , Astnr lIinwe.Nfw York. H; taw I f itrai Citj- Kctric;' fli olondr. Journal, nnd S Snmple Tlnnts, '.I ct Peri Ctfl, J. nr.EIVKS, Bcc, ISox (SU. l'ati'raon, N . J AlUTCn !l UN to travel and ) to Di'nli'ri our i ii jjp, tj.nhjvjik.iMo iln-i (M-.nnntvn and Lamp (tOOiIh. No IVilflMnv. Knlnrv lilwral. hrs. XI nnaa pormnnont. Tlotpl nd trurolinir pinpti niiid. 1 MriNl'fQB Ol.Aflfl Co.. 2J4 Main St.. ilincinnnti, O, riltiT PIMIII'M IT. S. fVntnnnial Kxliibitlnn. ACENTS WANTKD ' Mndula and Dii,!om Pwrrdrd lor IIOl.MA.VsS -Dl TTTT 77 3 1,8M Iltii-Mrnt fnrtM. Adilrpcn fnr n circvli-rs, A.. I. IIOI,l AN V iVMi AlH'H Strppf. I hila. flT 1 4 The choicput in the wrM Import pr B JlJa pricRB Larcrrst Company in AnipriPii taplp artit'ln pleaxpa evrjliody Trade cmc inmiliy In orpa.inft Agents wanted pvprywherp hpst uu1iK'ntnta oop'i wanie nine kpoo for Circular to lumi m WRLL8, 43 VeNpy St., New York. P. O. Box Pror. Huir Mustf Cumiiouml It the only prtpmmlKHi.uiit- patxiiv ul Vl.ii:). will lircf the tit-unl tit antw HulU ami lit-uvy on llitr n:t)ithti.t fnev cwilln'iit injtti.v in 21 diy in pvery ripe, or money rtifcrinll,. re fniifl' d. ecnfi nrr pnrkturv, pn-tp"i'l ! 'A tJt .VM'i nt. K. V. JON I S. A.-liUinJ. Mast.. Investifrnte the mpritof The 111ns. trntpi Weekly before dpterminimt uuon vour work thin tull and Win er. Tho combination lor this Reason siirpnswpH unjlhing Bretrofortt attviiipted. Terms si'nt frpn, Addi-PHS, IV-JAB. CLUCA.S A CO., 1 I Warren St.. New York. OUR TWO OKKAT SENSATIONS For Airents. Send for Cat-ilnano to F.. C. BRIOGMAN. 5 Barclay St., N Y.. and 119W. 4th St., Cincinnati, QUEENS OK T1IK REPUBLIC ! PETS. 30,000 VnnlPH Soltl Iu Tiro Month t MARK TWAIN'S Sow Hon It, AilvcntiirtM of Tom Sawyer," is the book that outsells everything, nnd npontu tnnke nnpy on. Don't fool away timo on dull tvorltH, tint ppt thia live nook. Send for circular rn AM KRKJAN I'UB. UO., Hartford, Conn. ; C I den go. 111. : Cint- i n n nti, Ohio. The Morning Hour. A. ,,7. .Vow rrattu .tr ajentn. The jrre.it f-in'!r ml'FT)ption tXHik of the yenr. Meets a daily household wnnt. The -inthor is everj where known. His titlir houk have had irreat sale, and are in constant demand. This is hia crown ins work. Kxelusive territory, tor full particu lars, addreBs, J. H. EAR1K, Boston, Makh. Young .Amerioa Press Co.! uu iuuuiuii OI.,ibW 1UKK, lh imtt iimii lb rmtrj i tu. kaannaw. aril t-i cb?iion( and beat liunU nnd aeir-liikIotv printing ircsi'. Wf a-w Mir-ioicti k..iH-H I.Mt rvtr nsvlat. W Mil r fwltrw fr HW IXJLLAkH, tv-i xlaiMir Lain...,!1 a. tS j,,, tT-, le. f f.vt Olrcttlara fro a. Sooclnen BcaX ef Typt, Cits, &c. ton wnti J AGENTS Fonmm NEW BOOK GREAT EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED. Over.4(HI Fine i:nrn viiiH. costing 920,iHHK The only book fairly Hhowiiitf tho lino imstly exliiljitt of the Art Ciullury and Main HuiblitiK. Wide-awuke Auenta ire quitting nil inferior booka for this, tivt llio lt.'feU Send for cimnliir, term?., and sample enKravintrr.. r.W. 'AV.U A.t iV (.. 5IH Arch (St., I'liila., Pa. $S500Aii k'KAR. AOKNTS WANTFD nur tint 11 tl i ''lai.stat ronpcctUH, reprtiaeiitiDK 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted everywhere. The litfrvPHt lliinir fvrr IrlntU Sales made from this when all simtle Honk fnil. Aluo Aa-onta wanted on our MAGMr'ICKNT FA.HII.Y III lil.KS. rjiipcrior to all others. With Iiiv.-ilimhlc Illus trated Aida anil Snttprh Bindings. rriit .' ISoiilt h hrn t Ihp W01I1I. Full Particulars free. Address JOHN K. POTTKK it CO., Publishers, PH1I.AUK1.1'1UA! PILES! Dr. Brown's Herbal Ointment Suppositories are auar intead to cur. any case of Piles that oan be found in th. United States. A sample box of these Suppositories arill be a. it tree by mail to any sufferer on receipt of SO ee.it., to prepay postage and packing. Regular price 41. Addresa llr. O. I'll KI.I'S KKOHN, 21 I i rn ml HI.. .1 i-rary 1'ily. . . .1 . BEST TEAS, rnFFETM, AMI Ki'II W. Dealer, families, and conaumer. In general of above ar iclesblmulil call at JOS. STINEK A C'O. S wholesale warehouse, 178 and lhO Chambers street, cor. Wash inrton. New York, where they will tind the largest and choicest selected stock in the country at lowest possible wholesale prices, in lots to auit customers. Orders by mail will meet prompt attention, bend for Circular. Address P. O. box 4Z17. AGEKfa WANTED. CHEAP, SIMPLE, RELIABLE All Glass BETTEtvHAnPORCELAitJ Lined LOSS xseltkONVrTtJlENCr AVOIDED BY- LIDSatJdCLAMPL'w one piece FIRST PREMIUMS NEW-YORK AMERICAN INSTITUTE. rirrny. 1676-I87S WSJ' ""CM r HILAU A psiMfLLii - IB7 IfcHEAPElSt ruTrMMIAI .IR7B t PATENT-BARHEL-CEMENT JA,Ii rOR GI ASSorTIN COVERS anoWIRESI Olil CCLERIUTLD UNION JACK REVOLVER. J'i'Z shot. klBBM T-iA. ... tetmtor M eUte , load ed ,Jtti iXtll vijAoul r.w"viN4 tyUmHtr, Finely rilled, hnvilv Otckel-r.! TtllMl StaJl .Iftrrt) flri cvlli lei -plated, rowwooii cylinder. J UtvrimansXtfjami Jipisi that nt and mekanitn can t-niimre. Tkry tvm litw f H U to-ttU vantf. uliat'tt rtwJwr et r"ima6t i-riee, aini y i'i c-iu t,m.rt farar-Klu witM oil dH ,L. n-ariuitM thli rrvolwr io U exact I v a rir-iitrd, or w ifUntl thuiocy. Kut by mail, .run..tly, on rtV..i of Ifvouor.Ur f t bv ew, wi will Mtrtr M.v, ,hi """ FUEXCH MANt t ACH IUN; CO., Brockton, Miaa, N YNU No 14 WTflEN WRITING TO ADVEU1 IKHN. ft than k. 1 PORCELAIN f ' mA Jf v. r Hi- HI I Bnnl.