0 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1877 An Eastern War Inevitable. London, April 9. A diApateh from Constantinople says the Hnrtc rejects ,tlie principal clauses In the protocol, and refuses to admit tho Russian de clination of disarmament. It also de dines to send an envoy to St. Peters burg, and finally Insltss upon being left alone in dealing with Montenegro. War is now considered as inevitable and imminent. The Surrender of Hostile Indians. Washington, April 9. The follow ing dispatch was received at army headquarters this niornig : Chicago, April 8. General W. T. Sherman, Washington D, C. : General Crook informs me that 1,500 hostile Mlnnlconjon Uncpapaa and two Ket ties are on their way in to surrender, and were last heard from at Bear Butte creek, on the Fort Reno route. Thev were accomoanied bv Suotted Tail and Joe Morrille, a scout, who sent this iutormatlon to Cnptniti Vroom, of tho 3d cavalry, at Dead- wood City. Crazy Horse with the taieyennes, ugaiailus ana Arapahocs are coming in on the west side of the Black Hills. Sitting Bull with his small party were followed to the mouth ot i'owder river but could not be communicated with, and have gone towards British Columbia. If ull this proves true it will only change the character of the contemplated op erations in tho Department of the Platte. There will lie no change of those contemplated in the Department 01 JJHKOUIU. Pit. Sheridan, Lieutenant General. After the Funeral. Agnln ! Once moro the Tammnny-Twpeil-Tllden King led the cohorts of Democracy to a miserable, disastrous defeat. Once more have Democrats, In their listen ing to the advice of corrupt, dishonest, un reliable plunderers who call themselves lenders, been fooled, robbed and defeated. Once more has tho New York combination led the way to a victory for the money changers, and to slavery, surTcrhiK and dis aster for the patient, willing but deceived nnd misguided people. McClcllan in 1604! Seymour in 1;63! Greeley in 1872 I Tilden in 170 ! Four times in wicked, corrupt, unprinci pled succession has that New York Wall street ring of plunderers, railroad wreckers and bulldozing sharpers in whom is none of statesmanship, lei the way with their blat and blather of roughs and gumblers to politi cal disaster, till at lust the Democratic party Is left to-day broken, routed, beaten, de moralized, disintegrated, wrecked, ruined nnd without a leader or bower to recover from this terrible defeat we have tried our best for 12 yenrs to avert. The voice of Clod kept ringing in our ears: "KA.Ml.-i.LJ. TILDEN WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES." We wrote it, nnd printed it in the Demo crat, and a million of Democrats have damned and vililicd us for again telling the truth. We have been offered fur more money to support him than we ever expect to own. His brother and nephew have been in Chicago, und their agent offered to us one fourth of Tikluii's salary for the entire term of President if we would commit ourselves and the Dkmockat to hi in and lift our prophecy. Before the St. Louis Convention, at that convention. and after it, we have been waited on by Tilden's friends, who we have reason to believe, spoke from and for him, offering to us largo sums of money to abandon the Grectibuck cause and to help swell the drunken chorus for tho man of wealth and wretchedness. Honesty, not barrels of money, is what is wanted in this country as the yeast to leaven tho political loaf. We knew and all the world knows that It was the money of Tilden, spent for him by bis hirelings, that gavo him his nomination. It was his money that paved the way to the Governorship of New York from there to St. Louis and that is paving for him the road to hell. Not all o1 those who as delegates voted for Tilden, re ceived from that barrel of money, but many of them did, or were influenced by a desire to have a candidate who could spend liberally. The interests of the people were Ignored. Honest men like Royard, Sanford E. Church, .Tugde Davis and Gov. Hendricks were lost sight of. In following their leader, whom for policy so many of the would-be leaders en dorsed, all of them are now defeated together. To-day the Democratic party has no leadi r. It has long since forsakeu principle. It pro tested in the morning against unconstitu tional measures, held its peace at noon, eu dorscd it at night, and dug ltsgrave by moon light. Pomeuoy's Democrat. " WAS BILIOUS AX D MY SER VES WERE QUITE UXSTRUXQ. II w many people could truthfully make the above expression at this time? And how many will continue that way untill finally attacked by fever or some form of disease, or else wear it out by letting it nearly wear their lives out of them, being unfit for business for months ? There is a man living in the town of Sheridan, whose post ofrtee address is Fredonia, who has a way of rapidly Betting aside such difficulties, and not allowing them to Interfere with his business or his chances of life. Here is what he says : Fredonia, N. Y. Jan. 6th, 1872. I certify that I had been out of health and constantly running down for more than three months ; was bullous my eyes and complexion being yellow, and my nerves were quite unstrung. Had lost my appetite, my mouth tasted bad, my head was stuffed up and felt dull and heavy, and I had entirely lost my ambition. In this condition I be gan taking Dr. Fonner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonio. I began to gain as soon as I commenced taking the medicine, I have now taken one bottle and feel entirely oured. It is truly the most valuable medi oine 1 ever took. It is surprising how fast my nerves became steadied and invigorated, and my appetite Improved after I com menced to take It. I euruestly advise every body seriously affected to try It, It is pleasant to take also N. WHITAKEK. Sold by dealers in medicine. SEW MUSIC. . Drifting With the Tide, A new Song and Chorus, by Will L. Thompson, ia said to be even prettier than the famous "Gathering Shells from the Sea Shore," by the same author. Any niusio dealer win man you either of these beautiful songs on receipt of price, 40 eents. Both have handsome picture titles. Published by W. L THOMPSON & CO., Eafet Liverpool, Ohio. BLANKET SHAWLS, AT POWELL A KIME'S DRIED APPLES AT POWELL & KIME'S. New Advertisements. Mercantile Apratment, LIST of Uclaitero of Metohandlic, Liquors, &o., in Ut ('minis of Elk, Male of l'nnsylvanii, .March UOlli, 1877 I MERCHANDISE. BIHEXKTTK. ClnM. Nome. Ta. 14 William E. Johnson, store. 14 3 l.eroy Wlnslcw, nor.. 14 .Miles Dent, store. 14 Miles Peal, miller. 14 R. tV. Petriken, miller. rox. 12 Joseph Kocb A Sou, More. 13 .T.J. Taylor 4 Co., slot. !4 Koch & Er,, store. 14 John M' Million, store. 14 Herman glricisley, store. 14 Adolj.h Timm. store. ' 11 Mrs. John Kelii. store. 14 Michael Mohan, sioie. JAY 14 E. H Dixon, more. 14 Charles Webb, miller JONF.S. 0 Wilcox Tun. & Liitrt. Co. store 13 A. T. Alirich. store. It James C. Malone, store. 14 Martin Sowers, store 14 O. A Jacobsm, store. 14 M. M. Sclmliz, meat market IIOIIT0N. 14 .Joseph, s?. Hyde, store. 14 A. Short, (tore. 14 J. Cuueo, store. miHlWAY. 0 W. II. Osterhout, store. 10 J. 8. W.ll. Hyde, Btore 11 Hyde & Cnrtiss, store 11 Vnwell & Kime, store 12 Grunt it Horton, store 13 ChatlesR. Karley, store Vi M'Gloin it M'Gepln.n. store 11 James II. llngerty, store 14 T. S. Hartley, stoie 14 0. U. Messenger, store 14 Onirics Holes store 14 James Wnodwnrd, store 14 L. A. liremlel, store 14 h. K. Gresli, slore 14 itobert I Campbell, store 14 W. B. r mi tli, store 14 Jacob Uutierfuss, store 14 J. S. Powell, store 14 Mrs. A. Huhlman, store 14 II. M. Unlle, stoie 14 Wliistletown Lumber Co. slore 14 J. S. & W. II. Hyde, millers 14 M. J. karley. store ST. MABV S BOBOCOn. 10 Cifi'ord. Hall & Haul, store 10 Coryell fe Knss. store 10 Joseph ilhelm, store 11 John Walkei & Son, store 12 W. ;. Spairord & Co., s ore 13 Vieis I'rotlicrs, store 13 John, E. Weidenbojrner, slore 13 Chas. Lutr & lirotlier, store 13 Sosenlieimer & Tegler, store 14 Weiilenboerner & Wiitntin, store 14 L. lllakely, store 14 George fl. Garner, el ore 14 Onirics M'Vean, store 14 John F. Wacli'el, stole 14 iUiVHid M'llnde, store 14 Clinrles Miller, store 14 Adolph Foclitmiiu, store 14 Jo.epl. Willielni, store 14 C. 1. Bayer, store 14 Akis Lettier, store 14 Mrs. M. E. M'Nall, slore 14 Agnes B. Kilieian, store 14 Williem fc Dornish, store 14 Jolm Krug, intai market 14 Joseph hckcl, meat market 14 ( Inn lea hufeii, meal market 14 R. C. M'Gii;, miller 14 Mrs. C. Neiuiitler, miller HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES. RENFiZKTTfi. 5 Henry Blush, hotel 5 L. Winslow, hotel 7 John Duley. eating house BEKZ1NGKI1. 6 Frank X. Sorg. hotel rox. 6 Jolm Collins, boltl fi Joseph Koch, hotel 7 Andrew Hau. caiing house HOBTuN. 6 Joseph S. Hyde, hotel JAY. A. J. Rummer, hotel Aruiel Turley, hotel .ionks. F. B. Patterson, hotel Martin Sowers, hold biiiqwat. W. II. Schram. hotel M'Fiirlmid it Murphy, hotel Frank l'ailmnn, hotel James S. Mnpiimis, eating bouse 8-'. MANY S UOUOVdU. John Waohlel Son, hotel Jnred M. Mecum, hotel Anthony Fnchtmau, hotel Jnmes itega.., hotel Mathias ellendurf, hotel Lawrence Vogel, hotel J. F. Wintlelder, hotel Henry Lubr, hotel John Vaughan, hotel George .cliuut, eating house 7 v illuiaa Uies, eating nouse 7 Mrs. A. Klausiimn, eat. house 7 Jnoob Kruus. eating house 7 Anthony uhauer, eut. house 7 Win. Zell. rutin x House 8 Fred. Kenoie. eating house 8 Marnu llubur. eating bouse BUEWElUliS. CENZINGKR. Sorg & Wesluitzer rox. Audrew Hau ST. MABV'S BOl'.OCGH Chas. Lnhr 4 Co. U illirtlll till' Lanreuce Vogel BILLIARDS. Jones. A. C. Allen. 2 tables BIUOWAV. G. W. Rhincs. 8 tables J. S. Magiunis, 3 lubies ST. MABV's BOBO Oil. J. F. WiuUielder. 2 tables A. C. Allen, it .bles $25 00 25 00 23 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 40 00 THUS. J. BURKE, mar22-3t Mercantile Appraiser BUCKWHEAT Graham Flour at FLO UK. AND POWELL 4 KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at TOWELL & KIME'S. AT POWELL A KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, ami get more than the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIl'S. a nice little assortment, at l'OWELL & KIME'S. PIMPLES. I will mail Free she reoipe for prepar in it a simple vkgetavls Balm that will re T.u FHKCKLkS. Pll'PLES Slid Blotcbes, lesvinK 4be skin soft, eleer and beautiful ; also insiruouons lor prouuwug a luxuriant growili of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address Bee. Van del f & Co.. Box 6121, No 6 Wooster H., S. V- NOTICE. V. S. INTERNAL RETEXt'E SPECIAL T AXES May 1, 1877, to April 30, 1878, Tho Ucvlxett NtatutPS of the U. H., Hi'ct ions 3232, 3237, 82.W, and 8230, re riulre pvery person engaged in any BimincsM, avocation, or einnloymen't which rnlen lilin llahle to a Sl'EL'IALTAX, to PUOCUUK AND PLACE COSPICUOU8LY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OH PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP denollngthe payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the Speclal-Tnx Year beginning May 1, 1877, before commencing or con tinuing business after April 30, 1877. . return, as prescribed on Form 11, is also required ty Inw of every person liable to Special Tax as above. THE TAXES EMBRACED WITH IN THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Rcctillers $200 00 Denlers, retail liquor 25 00 Denlers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers In malt liquors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail... 20 00 Dealers In lenf tobacco 2.3 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco... 500 00 And on sales of over $1 ,000, lifty cents for every dollar in exces-s of $1,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco 5 00 Manufacturers of stills 60 0u And for each still manu factured 20 00 And for each worm manu factured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00 Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, lirst class more than two horses or other animals 50 00 Feddlers of tobacco, second class two horses orother ani mals 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class one horse or other animal 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class on foot or public con veyance 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more., loo 00 ANY PERSON, SO LIABLE, WHO SHALL FAIL TO COM PLY WITH THE FOREGOING REQUIREMENTS WILL BK SUBJECT TO SEVERE PENAL TIES. Persons or Firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to E. Cowan, Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue at Warren Pa., and pay for and procure the Special-Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to Mav 1, 1S"7, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Special-tax Stamps will be transmitted by mail only on receipt, from the person or firm ordering the same, of specific directions so to do, together with the necessary postage stamps, or the amount required to pay the postage. The postage ou one stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail ten cents additional should ac company the application. GREEN B. RAUM, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. - Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C. Jan. 2Ud, 1877 IF YOU WANT TOIJUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES 11 HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN'S WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Largo Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAGERTY Sates oi Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 i " " " 40 00 1 " " 'J5 00 i " " " 15 On Transient advertisements per square ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, SI. 50, three insertions $'Z. Business cards, ten lines or less, per yea, $5 Advertisements payable ipmrterly. QUOTA l IONri White, Powell L Co. BANKERS AND I'.UOKMtd, No 42 "ouih Third treet. Philadelphia, March Gib. 1877. UlU. A8KKD 0. S. 1881. c 113 1131 do 5 UO, o '05, Maud N lunj 08 do do 'U5 J and J.. 108 IO'.iJ do do '65 do 11 4 Hi! do do '05 do 114. 114 10-40, do coupon Ill 111 do 1'iicino ti's cy Int. off 1-3 1-oj New 5's Reg. 1881.. ...110r 110j " ' C. 1881 lll't lloi Gold 105 1U5J dilver ...100 100 PeunuylTania ex We 43 43 Heading 13 13J Philadelphia & Erie 11 11 Lehigh Navigation 21 f 21 do Valley 45 454 United R K of N J ex. div.. 136 188 Oil Creek 0 7J Northern Central ex, div J0 21 Central Traasportaiion 38 30 Ne8quehouing.u. 47 47 North Pennsylvania - !46 47 0 & A Mortgage ti's '8'J )0ijl 100 NEW TIME TABLE T. k E. R. R. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2tth, 1876 WILCOX. Mail East - .4:13 p m " West p m Day Express East :'22 a m Niagara Express West 8:55 p m B1UOWAT. Mall East - 4:4 p m Mail West -i:" p m Day Express East 6:66 a m Niagara Express West 8:14 p m r. maby'. Mail East 6:15 p ni Mail West L4 P ni Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Exnress Vest :45 p in - a REMOVAL OF WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our Urge and increasing buslnn demands more room, nnl we will.Jafler April 1st, 187i. oocupy 2d and 8.1 floors of "M'Callum Building" 77 Fifth Avenu (nearly opposite our present location,) and will oHer to the trade one of the largest and best locks of goods in the United States, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Bronies, Jewelry Silter A Fluted Ware do., &. Close Cash Bnver Invited. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY C. B. BARRETT CO., 77 Fl Avanue, Pittsburgh, Pa. I)2t Id . . - , ST, iGLOUD Arch Street, Between 7th and 8tli Streets, Dba Bin: Since the close of the Eihibition the'St. Cloud Ims been repainted nnd frescoed, parlors re-fumit-hed, new carpets, &o. The house in all its appointments in tin. surpatsid for comfort; the culinary department being excelled by none. During the Centeuninl the hi. Cloud adhered to its regular rates, and endeavored to extend the same ooniforts to i; patron as it had previously; in this particular it stood alone. Mr. 0. W. Muliln has associated with hi in his eon, Geo K. Mullin, and Edward L. Bean, of Ft Wayne, Ind., under the firm name of G. W. Mullin & Co. Thanking you for past pat jonnge aud hoping to extend the hospitalities of the St. Cloud with ihn same encouragement ss ia the past, We are, respectfully. S 3.00 PER DAY. G. W. MULLIN fc CO. JOiU D. MAKER, Room Clerk. i. T. LK1LES, Cashier. uyml. Executors' Notice. Estate of John Tavlor late of Fox Township Elk Co , deceased. Letters TcHtamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pavment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to GUI. 11. TAYLOR, 1 , n2t0 JAMES It. TAVLOR. J'"x M- T IVTNO I j WAN $?)),00 IYTNG WILD ANIMALS ANTED. ach for PANTIIFRS. H.W each for BLACK FOXES. each for CROSS FOX ICS. 10,00 ,n,ii f01. LYNX. KMt each for OLD OTTER. r,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,H each for WILD CATS. fi."" each for FA W NS LW each for YOUNG BLACK fc CROSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Animals to be in ko1 niU thriving condition. Animalscau be shipped to me by way of Punsu'awiiey Ta. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana, County, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by u simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow .sufferers, t he mean of cure. To all who desire it, he will send n, copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find u Sire Cuhk for CojisvMr-Ttus, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c, Pnr:ies wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, U1 Pen n., Willianiaburgh, N. Y. SEED WHEAT. I have a limited quantity of fine set-d from a new and unerjualed variety of Hnnch wheal, put up in 1 lb. Biieks which will he tent prepaid on receipt of .1. The w heat is superior to the fuvoi ile Claw-ou variety, has a strong straw, and sui.tls up well when growing. Ibis seed is lite product of experiments lust jfar, from which the yield wus at the rate of bu)ipls of wheat to one bushel of seed. b7 Only 500 sacks are ofered for sale. II. V. SMITH, 731 llili, STREET, Washington D. C. ntl3. C-"7-"T'7' no' ns''y earned in li.eje III times but il can be made iu lliree u.ouius ny any one oi euiier Hex, in any pan 01 me county wno is wining to work steauity ai inc enipioyinetii tiiat we furnish. ?U0 per week iu your own town. You need not be awny from home over night, i ou can give your whole lime to the work, or only your pparc moments. It costs nothing to try the business Terms and $5 Outfit free. Address ut once, H HALLETT A CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS." New Varieties of Flower and Vegretnljle. Don't write to your member of congress, wno is Hooded with applications for seeds but obtain the same Varieties, and all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties I am prepared to furnish any kind of seed from any cata log ue at a discount of ten per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want an iiasortment I have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of 13 vmie lies of choicest Flower heeds a complete fl. wer garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable seeils for a small family garden, price $1.50. l'ackiigcs of Ihe two sets combined for 2.00 Sent puMpaid to any address ou leceipt of price. The seeds iu these colled ions would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purcbabed of auy dealer. II. D. SMITH, 734 13th STREET, Washington, D. C. A I Ej1 1 kl""'i1 dvi- ces. tiade-marks, decigns, and compounds. Labels legistered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received prolt attention. TNvFNTOttSiSS a model nr ske'eh ot iheir invention nnd we will give our ttpiniou us to its patenta bility tree of charge. Fees moderate, end NO t'llARGE UNTIL PATENT la SE CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases that have been BtJttiEO by the Patent OHice. We hare clients in every State in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing belore the Puieni Office. 8eud for circular for further iufomation, terms and references. Established in 1800. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of C. S. anil Foreign PATENTS. 711 O etreet, N. W., Washington, D. C. n2t!3 L'EISTADORO'S HAI'R'DYE. Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST uud BEST it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, und a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. M-44 HOTEL 3 PHILADELPHIA, PA. TKUSTEES SALE. BY virtue of the powers vested in U9 by the provisions of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by the Keisey Coal Company to the undersigned, d .ted (he 1st day of June, A D. 1H08, nnd duly re corded in the recorder's office for Elk county, .Male of Pennsylvania, in mortgage book -B." page 193, Stc, as well as by virtue of the authority of Ihe decree of Ihe Court of (.Vinnon Plena of Elk county. Stale of reunsylvanin, sitting in equity, foreclosh.g the moiigagc iifore.n:d, we will expoe to public sale, at the court house, in Ridgway. in the said county of Elk, on FRIDAY. THE 27TH DAY OF AVR1L, A. D. 1877, nt one o'cIock P. M., all the rights, franchises and property of Ihe Kersey Coal Company, including real Cy tale particularly deseribed as follows: All those two certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Fox township; Elk county. Stale of Pennsylvania, one being bounded and described as fodows : Beginning at a post at the northeast corner of Eli P. Kyler's land ; t hence cast, partly by laud of Nuth. and D. D. Hyail, one hundred and eighly-scveu rods (lfj7) to a beech; thence south, by liinrl ot Horace Little, one hun dred and sixty rods to a post tud stones; thenco west, by lands of Joseph Cook and Jesse Kyler, one hundred and eighty-seven rods to a post ; thence north by lauds of Jesse Kyler and Eli P. Kylcr, ono hundred and sixty rods to the place of beginuiug, Containing one hundred and eighiy-seven ocres, more or less, beingpart of ihe tracis os. 4078 and 4' 7f, and the sniue con veyed to Joseph 8. Hyde y b'1w ird Ma Quone ond Ellen, his wife, by their deed, ilattd Hth (lay of November, A, 1). 1855, duly recorded in the otbec for tho record ing ofd.eds in Elk county, in deed book "F," page 43!, &c. A'so Another tract adjoining the one above described, and is bounded and des cribed as follows : Beginning at a chest nut tree standing iu tho west line of war rant No. -1078 ; thence east, by lauds of Eli P. Kyler and J. S Hyde, ono hundred rods, more or less, to nu elUwood ; thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six tenuis lib'.' ti-K) reus, more or less, to a maple tree ; thence w est one hundred rods, more or less, t a beech ; thence south, by warrant No. 4374, one hundred and sUty nineand six-tenths ( ItiJMi-ld) reds, more orlops to the jila-a of beginning, contain iu one huudred and sii acres, more r less, beinn part of tr icl No. 4078, itod tho same land conveyed to Joseph 8. Jlydo by Bitfield P Little nnd Lydia A. his wife, by their deed dated lOth day of July, A. D. 185H, duly recorded in the o3ioe for the recording of deeds in Elk county, in deed book "11," page 757. c. Also All the foilowiug dcseiilied tracts of lund situate in the township of Fox afvi"esaid, bounded and described uu fol lows: Oue trad beginning at a postal the south fide of t'nw Mileiburg ami fcmelh porl road, on the western line ol Daniel Hyatt's land, forty-six 1 10) perches, more or lots, to n hccilock ; thence wc.H forty three (lj) perches more or less, to an elk wood tree on Libel's line; thence north along said Libel's line, seventy-four (74) perches more or less, lo the Milesburg and Smelhporl road; thence easterly along said Milesburg und Ir-tiiei lipcrl road lo the place of beginning, containing sixteen ( l1',' acres more or less. AUo Ono tract beginning at a post on ihe mill road; thence west eighty one (til) rods to John SeiiiHling's soul beast cor ner; thence north ninety. two CJ2) rods to a stone coiner; t hence cast ninety-six (lJ5) rods 10 uull loud; thence souih twenty six degrees east twei.ty (UH) mas thence south ten degrees west twenty (-0) rods, thence south thirty degrees west twenty (-0;) rods: iheuce south fifteeu Uegiees west thirty-two rods lo place of beginning, containing fifty (50) acres more or less. . Also One tract beginning at a post : thence cast, by laud of lieorge Weis, seventy-eight (7) rods to a post , ihence south sixty-one and two-'hirds (01 g) rods by land ofJ. Seifred; thence west seveu'y eight (78) rods, by land of D. D. Hyatt i: thence uorth sxty-one und two-thirds (lj() rods, by lands of Heiiainger & Eschbach, in the place of beginning containing thirty (30) acres, being part of warrant 407S. Also One tract begiuning ot a post, thence cast twenty (20) rods, by lands of Benzinger fc Eschbach ; thence south forty (40) rods by lauds of 1). D. Hya'l . thence west twenty 1-0) rods, by lands of Patrick Murphy, deceased ; thuuee uorth forty (40) rods by lands of Bciuinger & Eschbach, lo (he place of beginning, containing five (5) aires, also part of No. 4078. Also All ihe coal, iron, ores, nnd other minerals of whatever kiud, lying auU being in or upon all that ceitain tract situated iu Fox township aforesaid, beginning at a hemlock; thence east, by lauds of Joseph 8. Hyde, oue huudred aud two (10-) rod to a water beech ; thence uorth by land of Horace Lnt:e, eighty-hve (So) rods lo a post ; llienfe west, b land ol lieorge Weis, one hundred aud .wo (102) rods to a pest ; thence south eighty-hve (no) rods to the pi ico of beginning containing tlfty-four (54) acres uud thirty (80) perehos, together with the right of ingress aud egress, and to enter upon und into said laud tor Uie pur roi-e of examinine and searching for and ol mining, manufacturing and preparing ihe said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and Irauspoi ting Ihe same, and for these purposes to l-uild roads unl drains upon or under the purface of said hnds, as may be necessary and proper for the convenient use and working of the mines or works, with a rijiht to deposit ihe dirt or waste of the said mines or works upou the urface convenient thereto io eelher with all tho riuhts, property, iin proveiueniB, franchises and estates of said company acquired or which iuy be here after acquired. FRED. 8CHWEDLER. I Tll,alea FRED. W. UlLLlNOS. 1,U9les Ridgway, Pa. Feb. 15, 1876-01. Wft will Ktart vou In a business 1 0 vou can make 3u u week without JF A1- A-4puplta.; easy and reKpeclabie for , N. V. u4ml. Admluistratrlx's Notice. Estate of Geo. Walmsley late of St, Marv'a IlorouL'li. Elk Co . deceased Lettem Teutamentaru upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are reauested to make payment and those having elalnw to present the same without delay to ESTHER ANNE WALMSLEY, xiltS Administratrix, ueo. Woods & Co.'S PARLOE ORGKAJNTS . .j i.a J-.i.J.-l.l.l .1. . s-; 1(4 - E CU li ,j a u -3 M f . TgJ-"-gTVTyj.ii.jomcw-jr ' tj M l& -- fMws&W&&&fM ' J f Si g.1 P! G i 33! s i fijlw' rnm mwm 1 ksi Th.e rnrwV:hb iiitrtpwtt inr, t-ipu iti.-i f.ir Musical eff-:ct ami expression never belore Mtatnca. a), an-! ;w ..rnamuni in my pari r. f&" Beautiful New Styles, now reioy. GEO. VJOODS & CO.. Caivibridgeport, Mass. tV'.m.RdOSI-i: tins TV:MMn?tr, St.. Hmti'ii; 11Z Stalo St., fhicago; 28 I,D(lfrtl) HHl.londeB. THE VOX H'JMANA,7. A N.idii. muter, t'v trt.-itr ft-' H- - .s r-i'- f I.-..I imnie. THE ADVOCATE. Office, over Powell X- Kime'u .Store, Muiia Streot. $2.00 A YKlll-Sl.oO IJs JDVJXCE. SPECIAL Demorest's Monthly, with $3.50. Head, the Premium List. Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BILL HEADS. ENVELOPES. BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates Fui'nishe V ORDERS BV MAIL VLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEIsTON Address HENRY A. A FEW MORE OVER and Buffalo Robes at COATS POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to bo sure; but s'ill are a liitle cheaper than at uny other store in town. 5CTIfST3!3S "7 Mimical Tmirn-il of selected music nd valnablc reodinif inail fer 91 ytr ytir.ot ten cents a nviniDcr. r-ntn nuiu;. I3F0 WOODS & CO., Publisher, irambrwgepart, mss TERMS premium, and Advocate, or The AD VOCATE or $3.00 WEDDING CARDS. BOOKS, '-I i t.T Mil HEADS, PARSONS, JR., R I DO WAY, ELK CO., PA. FOR YOUR STOVES AaU UN Ware call at W. II. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets. WOLLEN SOCKS AND MITTEN at TOWELL & KIME'S