rrofcRslonnl (rlinlnnls In England. The " Register of Hnbitunl Crimiiinl in England nnd Wnles for the years 18G9 to 1876," has just been printed in the printing -works of lier majesty's prison, Brixton. The ponderous volume is bound in black, and contains the nnmes of 12.1G1 criminal, with all their aliases. A summary of the proportions of ha bitual criminals born in particular locali ties gives rather surprising results. Stafford stands at the head of the list, raised to that bad eminence by thirty criminals out of a population of 15,946, which gives the- rate of 1.881 professional criminals to every 1,000 inhabitants. Worcester comes next with sixty-seven criminals out of a population of 38, 116, a rate of 1.745 to the 1,000. Where the numbers nre so small the difference might seem the result of chance, but the returns extend over seven years. Taun ton comes next with twenty-seven crimi nals, among 15,400 inhabitants, a pro portion of 1.745 to the 1,000, and Lan caster has a proportion of 1.681 to the 1,000, or twenty-nine out of 17,245. Manchester, Hereford, Wigau, Preston, Shrewsbury, Liverpool, Stockport, War rington, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Black burn, Birmingham, Bristol, Chester and Han ley follow close. The metropolis, which heads the list for number of habitual criminals, pro ducing 1.503 nearly threo times as many ns Manchester, the next town on the list has tho low proportion of ,461 in 1,000 when its habitual criminals are compared with its total population London thus conies out not only better thau the towns already mentioned, but better than such places as Yarmouth, Ipswich, Brighton, Oxford and Cam bridge. The places which produced more than 100 habitual criminals were London, Manchester (630), Liverpool f 551), Birmingham (313), Leeds C210), Bristol (180), Sheffield (.172), Preston (112); 4,447 of the criminals came from towns or villages which contribute fewer than twenty t the returns. The habitual criminals whom Ireland contributed to the prisons iu England and Wales were 1,082 in number. Those who had been born iu Scotland were 158. Of the total number of prisoners, 8,612 were males, 3,552 females. In spite of the merciful presumption of the law as to women acting under the direc tion of their husbands, the percentage of married female prisoners was 59. 12. On the other hand, tho single men were twice as numerous as the married men (67.2 per centum of tho whole to 32.8 per centum). London Times. Light Wines. It is a common fallacy among us to suppose that a cure for intemperance would be the general introduction of the light wines, which form the almost uni versal and, as it is averred, uon-intoxi-catiug drinks of European nations. The following from an Italian newspaper, La Vcdrtta, published at Florence, tells a different story. Thsresa S., a young Milanese teacher of embroidery, passed her birthday gayly with her relations, solemnizing the occasion with a frugal dinner, at which there was not wanting a generous pro vision of various kinds of wines. Theresa, who in time gone by, had abandoned herself to melancholy, and nlso to a cer tain kind of suicidal monomania, seemed now on t lie contrary to show an extraordi nary How of good spirits. The glasses, tho bottles nnd flasks were passed round in the most rapid and boisterous manner, and the cmbroideross took an active part in this souflle, till at thtt termination of the dinner, she caught up a knife and thrust it repeated ly into lier iireast, sending forth pierc ing cri ;s. The abuse of the spirituous drinks had brought back the fatal mania nnd unhappily there was no remedy be causo the blow was given with unusual lorce. This is merely one clipping from a daily paper in a country where the lightest of liprht wines are raised, and where it is supp ;sod that they cannot intoxicate ; perhaps if those who so ar dently advocate their general introduc tion here, were to read more of the Italian papers, they might see cause to modify their opinion. To hay that there is no intoxication in lands wlr. re brawls nnd murders nre common, would be to assert that fruit is borne without its treo ; and while stupid drunkenness is certainly not so often exhibited in public in Italy and Frnnce, a ; iu more northern climes, we think it is fair to presume that the exceeding volatility of tho one, and the irritability of the other nation, is duo to the state of constant nervous excitement produced by the universal use of light wines. That this excitability fail? to reach tliH stages of heavy Btupidity nnd fierce insanity which intemperance is wont to exhibit to us, is perhaps owing to the l'isitiitle produced by the i the underfed condition of climate and the people. r.e ther of which would apply on this side of the water. A Prince of Thieves. The thieves of Paris, like the Parisian police, Lave long been supposed to be preternuturally acute. A thief of Buis Ojlombc.? has lately proved how much he could excel either. M. IJourdnis owns n piece of property in the place indi eatjd, which two years ago he rented to au eligible tenant. M. lJourdais dwelt in another piaca, nnd for a year and a hulf his rent wus sent to him with the most perfect regularity. No landlord could ask for a better tenant. At tho end of eighteen months M. Bourdais r dived no remittance, and wrote many times to Bee what was the trouble. He received no answer. Finally, after some months of delay, he determined to go to ois-Colombes, and upou arriving there what was his surprise to rind that noth ing of his " place " remained but the ground itself. He sought diligently for his house, but nla-i ! he ha 1 no house; it h id been dismantled, demolished and removed. In a ra.o lie laid his griev ance beforo tho police, who nre probably now searching for the dwelling with the bast quality of microscopes. The polk e are, however, doin better work on a more crying evil than the theft of housef, ani aro ut present diligently snekiuq; to c'.oso some of the gaining houses of the o ipihd, and thereby advertising some of tiiem which have hitherto not been gen erally known to the public. Distribution of Silver Coin. A new regulation has just been mode by tho United States treasury depart ment to facilitate the distribution of sil ver coin. Any broker depositing SI, (XX) or more iu nationul currency at the near est government depository wilr receive at his place of business the same sum in silver coinage upou receipt of the notioe of deposit hero. Hitherto the treasury ha"' required customers to get silver at rational depositories. The distribution i silver coin continues without check at the rate of a quarter of A million a week, or about twelv million a yea. Communication Between Ant. Nothing is more certain than that Rnts set great tor. by tho lorvre of ants (whether of their own tribe or not), nnd that they will carry carefully to their ne4s any they can lind. Sir John Lub bock, therefore, put two glasses, the one filled with lnrveo (from three hundred to six hundred), nnd another containing only two or three (of which, however, any one taken away was immediately re- filaccd by another), in positions occessi ile to an ant's nest, and then put one of the tribe Lasius nigcr to each glass, noting on lier return to the nest how many companions each brought with it; but all these companions on their arrival at either glass of lurvno were imprisioned till tlB end of the experiment, bo that they might not, by their return to the nest carrying larvro, betray in which glass the larger number was. The result was that in every case here recorded Sir John quotes the total re sult of all the experiments occupying fifty hours, and the individual result of five of the experiments occupying eirht hours, but not, of course, the individual result of every experiment the nnt visiting the glass with few lorvto brought either no companions or very few the largest number of companions ever brought by her was three in ono hour, in which she herself made ten journeys; wlnle the one visiting the glass with many lurtto never brought less than seven compa- ions in nn hour's time, nnd once brought sixteen companions within that time tho remarkable fact being that in the hour which she brought most companions she made tho fewest journeys herself, while in the hour in winch Bhe brought fewest companions with her she worked singulnrly hard herself. Uut the most hnsl of these experiments 1 was the one in which Sir John reversed i the glasses, leaving the ant which hnd been hitherto engaged on the small heap with hundreds to work nt. And the re- suit was most remarkable. The nnt ul,i,.l, l.n.l r,r..violr lmvnrrl.f. eorrmnr... I I .' o - I lively few companions, how brought twenty in the two hours during which the experiment lasted or at the rate of ton in t.lin hour while the other one. ! which had hitherto brought many com panions with it, though it worked hard itselt, brought only oue compnnion throughout the two hours. It is clearly impossible not to infer that each ant while working at the. larger heap communicated to its companions in the nest either its greater need of nssist- ance or the greater booty to be had,.! while the other nnt either communicated its indifference to assistance or the small ness of the booty to be had. London Sjjectator. - The Funeral Baked Meats. The Allentown Chronicle says ; Prob ably there is no other county in this State, or the United States for that mat ter, where feasting at funerals prevails to so great nu extent ns in Lehigh county. The custom prevails nlso iu the counties of Berks and Southampton. When a rich farmer or farmer's wife dies, the breath is scarcely out of the body before J preparations lor tne usuni lunerni least begin on a grand scale. Oxen are killed nud the fatted calf is brought to the block. Fowls nro slaughtered by the hundred. The ovens nnd the cooking stoves nre kept busy for days, cooking, roasting and baking. Immense supplies of bread, pies nud pastry nro provided. The neighbors generally do this work unbidden. On the day of the funeral tho feasting commences early in the morning and is kejit up to a lato hour in the day. Half n dozen tables are kept ' going, and nearly all the rooms of the liouso are occupied by the feasters. Everybody who attends is supposed to eat two or three times a day near neigh bors ns well as those from a distance. i l l l . . , , y , . , . . 1 hundred persons are feasted at one of tin. iniiLi uuuuil J- luuciuio, xiiu nuioca of attendants are also put up and fed. Close as our farmers proverbially are it is considered " mean " to stint on solemn occasions like these. In fact the im- incuiate family ure not considered at till the mutter. They are the mourn ers, una are ut the mercy ot the volunteer attendants, who t;ke possession of the house and arrange everything to suit themselves consulting the family, of course, but taking it for granted that their most extravagant suggestions will be approved. Now, all this shows a great stretch of hospitality and liberality, but it is high time the custom waa abandoned. While a rich family may be able to afford it one not so rich must lind it a very serious and expensive business. The custom, w believe, prevails nowhere except in the German districts of Pennsvlvairia. Cross-Examination. The direct examination of n gas fitter's ; i 'tn f--lt kv persons who cannot locato any wif , tho plaintiff in a divorce suit tried ; prticukr tlwease. If they work, it becomes -ry . v . 1 f ti t I labor! if tuev wulu, thev noon tire: nientnl m ,:m Frnnciaco dieted tho fact that ; crrorts ,,0001;ie a and even jovn nro during five years her husband had given : dimmed by the Hlmdow of thin weukneax 'which lier only two gowus, one hat, one pair ! is c itt over their liven, ltocourse ia had eoiuc of shoes, aud two or three pairs of gloves; ; tim to Btimulnnts of a dan. rou8 character. hiirft lipr tears Tho cross-examination T,' Rjv'ue " I'Uymciam to refrain from active 11 uce lier tears. 1 110 eross-exammauoii ,ftbor rroduC(,H uo ha r,(M1its. Whv? The then opened nud lasted several hours. BVHtem js debilitated dud needs to be built up Judge Morrison finally lost patience, properly. I'ebl-viax Kvbup will do t:;ia very Ho declared that he did not bee that a thing. Like the electric current, it permeate' single point iu favor of tho defense had : the entire sytHii, aud harmonizing with the lppn Urniirrlit out lv tli fi cniinsid An' corP01'eal fuucUoiiH. it raisca up the enfeebled been orougm out iy tne couusii. An , aud brin J0 col(ir to tho check an(, experience of seven years on the bench, iiO,,0 to tlie despondent. It does it a work he remarked, had convinced him that iu promptly and wel'. Bold by all druggists. nine cases out of ten a protrncted cross- j examination did more harm than good to 1 The public are hereby assured, through the side that conducted it, besides wast- i the columna of thin paper, that Paranns' 1'ur- nig tne time 01 tne court, ine judge might have added that through cross examination low-toned lawyers acquired proficiency in legal blackguardism, es pecially when there is a lady in the witness chair. The Anonymous Coward. Did it ever occur to anonymous writers who send scurrilous aud abusive letters to newspapers with whose opinions thf y chance to differ, that they are placing themselves in an attitude so mem as to ; deserve contempt? When meu Lure j tho courage to express their sentiments cither verbally or over their own signa-1 tures their views must command respect-1 ful consideratTou if temperately uttered. Uut when they resort to the shelter of 1 irrespousible vilification and the protec- tion of the untraceable letter, they j should not forget that he is not usu illy considered above the grade of a brute ; who seeks to drive his knife or strike his blow under cover of darkness. The knife may sometimes wound, the blow occasionally smart but unless it be from the hand of utter degradation the pain cannot be so, great oh that of him who has played the part of the bravado. I.uuatk'K. An oil tnau named Springmrin came to WaHliinprtoii to be inaugnratoj as President. J le claimed to Lave document from the Louisiana returning board Hliowing that lie should be counted iu. He wus sent - to the lunatic asylum, This makes", aaya a Washington letter, the ixtu insaue person who bai corns hers to b inaugurated) The American Newspaper Pros. In the sort of moral interregnum con sequent on the failure of tho bnllot to give an undisputed head to the nation, an nnusunl responsibility has been cast upon the press. It seems to be general ly allowed that this responsibility has been well borne, and that even the party journals have on the whole, and consid ering what party fipirit is, shown them selves moderate, rencoiinblo nnd loyal to the public good. Having drawn upon myself tho wrath, always outspoken, of the American press, by combatting the exaggerations, as they may be now said to have been judicially pronounced, of Mr. Sumner's famous npeech on the Ala bama question, I shall perhaps be the loss open to suspicion of partiality in saying that unless I am much mistaken, the level, both intolleetunl nnd moral, of American journlisin has been visibly rising during the hist ten yenrs. It hns fully shared that general upward ten dency, the reality of which, notwith standing all the utterances of despon dency, I, for one, cannot doubt. Among the sources of its improvement I am in clined to reckon the increased ascen dency of native over foreign writing nnd management ; for though tho fact may be unwelcome to Eurwpcnns, the im ported elements of transatlantic journal ist have, as a rule, by no means been tho best. All this may be said without denying that there is ground for the complaints which aro still heard ; and room for the exertions of those who are endeavoring to give young men the menus of training themselves more high ly for a calling which is of almost fear ful importance in any free country, nnd, above all, in a country so greatly swayed by opinion ns tho United Stutes. je- mitian s Mayaztne ., .. . , . . . ., . Mr- .Ma,rx;.ft vi"100111" f he Frenrfi "t'Y" " '"" "ri""- "!"":" uVl-u """' lingers, emereu ins nosrru, aim found its way to tho interior of his throat, where it fastened upon the mn cous membrane, notwithstanding all en deavors made by Mr. Marx to discharge i it. Finally, gorged with blood, it drop ped into tho casophngus, from whence it ffns discharged only by powerful emetics, which occupied two days. Farmers, .Mechanics, mid all persons who appreciate the value of keeping n memorandum of business trnnsnc- tioiis, daily ovents and items of interest or importance, for future reference, should call on j their druggists and get Dr. 1'ierce s mcmoran- dum liook free. The doctor's Grand Invalids' j Hotel at Buffalo, which costs, when finished, j two hundred thousand dollars, will he opened i early iu June next, for the reception of,'patients i afflicted with chronic diseases and deformities, i It will afford the most perfect facilities fur the i cure of such affections, and its faculty of phy sicians and surgeons will embrace graduates from both American and European medicul schools who have become distinguished for their skill. The People's Common Sense Jfedi cal Adviser, bv Dr. li. V. Pierce, a work of over nine hundred large pages, illustrated by two ' hundred nud eighty-two engravings, and ele gnutlv bound in cloth and cilt. is sent to anv address by the author on receipt of one dollar and ffty cents, Aimosfone hundred thousand copies have already been sold. S. A. Cit.ua, Esii., druggist, of West Alexan der, fa., says : " I sell more of Ir. Tierce's pre- pcraiions man an others comiineu. ineygive satisfaction in every case and I can cheerfully recommend them to tho public." The inventors of Burnett's Coooaine - knowing that when the loss of hair occurs, it is generally from that part of the head where the greatest heat W necessarily generated, and that animal fats bv their nature induce heal rather than alleviate it turned their atten tion and pharmaceutical science toward vego- table oils, an the basis of a medicament to pro mote the irrowth nnd I reserve the beimtv of the hair. The oUittn cocos, or Cocoanut Oil, pre sented ltsell most strongly, at ponseHsing many properties peculiarly adapted for the purpose"; Imt its odor was objectionable, nnd its density (except when exposed to heat) seemed for a long time to defv all Bbl f,,r p0pUar usei j efforts to reader it avail- m cooler climate", liv a pi'ientifie selection of other ingredients, thone which will cnemically com In no null the oil have been discovered, and they together hiive produced a compound, which is unequalitie-JIv pronounced to be the best that has yet appeared. In the form presented, this oil is permanent ly deodorized, nnd held in a combination which peculiarly adapts it for tho toilet ; Burnett'd ('oco.une is unrivaled in delicacy and agrcea bleness cooling in its nature and possesses fmch a penetrating aflinity for tho peeretions of the sliin, that it is rapidly nbsorbed. Its gitest erticacy is best secured by a per fect cleansing, before its application, of the hair and scalp, under which circumstance this oil allays irritation, i-mioivs nil tendency to tlainl mjf, and inriijurnlm tho actiun of the capil laries in the highest degree. Its effect upon the glossiness and richness of the hair is kik-Ii as cannot besurpassed ; nnd it is offered to the public in the firm belief that it only requires to be known to supersede all other preparations. We aro confident that no one who will make a trial of its erticacy will be willing to return to the use of nny other preparation. Joseph liunNKTT A Co., lioaton, manufac turers and proprietors. A Sense of Weariness I galive Fills contain no injurioua principle, but 1 that ther may be administered to childreu and i the modt weak aud uhiittered conatitutiona iu binull doaea, with great certainty of aucceax. For ten cents we will send a scientific book of one hundred and sixty choiee selections from the poetical works of iiyron, Moore ai d BnrnH ; txho, fifty selected popular sona a:i other writings. 1'ho poetry of theae authors H true to nature and the finest ever written. Des mond & Co., 915 Kace St., Philadelphia, Fa. A positive cure for rheumatism Du ranp'8 ltlieumatio Hemedy. Hend for circular to Uelphenbtine & Lentley, Wahiiigtuu, D. C. A Cough, Cold or Soie Throat Requires immediate attention, and should be checked. If allowed to continue, irritation of the lungR, a permanent throat affection, or an incurable lung disease, ia often tho result. "Bbown's Bronchial Tboches," having di rect influence on tho parts, give immediate re lief. For bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, consumi. live and throat diseases, Troches aro used always with good success. Dr. A. Johnson, one of the most suc cessful practitioners of his time, invented what is now called Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. The grunt success of this article in tho cure of bron chitis and all diseases of throat and lungs, will make the name of Johnson not less favorably, if less widely known, than that of Louis Na poleon. Durang's Rlieumatio Remedy never fails to cure rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. Some of those philanthropists who are devising plana for contributing to the comfort and improving the health of the poor, would find money expended in the purchase of Glenn's Pulphub Soap serviceable in bettering the physi cal condition of the latter. Depot, Critteuton's 1 Sixth avenue, New York, Hill's Hair t. Whisker Vj, blacker brown,S c. At Which Hotel I Experienced travelers nsnallr know, before leaving home, at what hotel they will stop, in large city like New York. Olhers have no place selected, and depend upon the recommen dations of their friends, or select place at random. It is much l etter to bo thoroughly posted beforo starting and o wo make known to our readers, experienced or otherwise, the latest and lowest reduction, nt the Grand Cen tral, tho largest and best hotel in New York, which has reduced to 12.60 and 13.00 per day. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the ureal New England cure for oonghs, colds nd consump tion. Cutler Bros. A Co. 'a, Boston, only genuine. Rheumatism cured at once by Durang's Tihctimatie Hemedy. Bend for circular to Hel phenstiue 4 Bentloy, Washington, D. C. 15 flout Fllrtntlon C'nr. Ton atai-maw, by mull for IQctn. K H. HaFF, 1 14 Ontre Strwt.W. Y, nUL.ll I wt Boston Novkltt Co., Boston, Mui. LT A 'N'T,T?T1 Men nnd women out of work to " writo for th extraordinary induoe- mentti to Agontn on our family paper with IU fourmiperb i rvmiuiiiB. y no. n jbAixun,, xJ tiAwiey at.t Boston, rK.lf lIKATFn.-rscd on nny I,nnn. fur 25 ei'tit. hi. niKui.. in mi n -iri-ftm, Si-tit DDHiuafJ AOKNTS WAtfTRI) KXMNHH, Deep Itlvi-r, ('nnn. Aauresn, mm-: r. s. hm k iook.-a Rwistnrof th7 I. Offl'-e nndnr tho O'lvernment.thrniiKliont tho U. 8., with nilnrii's: inclm I'tiit-offices, Custom limine", Clnrkihipi. i-tp. (Irait eh.-inre for niri-nt. Pr're Htcti. Adilrois SOIII.K A CO.. Wamiinuton. I). C. I Nnt eur Out. Nnltl by V.iIi;iiiii..kc J. s. iiiiicll A c:o.. r-. ny iiuiH. :iOc. Circnl-irs free. !JS Di-jr Street, New York. I'M'SX K,lfE,,.!n"M S- CVntrani'si Rshibiiiim. AOhMS WANTI.l) ! MeHnls ond l)iulo.,,n nwnrdod ., i miAvs pictorial BIBLES l.HOO IMilMrntlnrm. Address f ir new eirrnlirs. A.. I. IIOI..UAN A- CO., M30AR0H Street, Phils. OUR PETS. TWO On RAT SENSATIONS Fur Afrrnt.. Send for (tliirtii to K. V. BIMDUMAN. fl Bnrclnv St.. N V . nnd QUEENS OF TIIR REPUBLIC! HI) W. 4th St., Cincinnati. SOLID STEEL HARROW TEETH SirrnKlli I'nmhinrd with I.lulilnr-nii. tTpon receipt of a Pout-office runner order, we will nt-livi-rtothe exprens or rnilrond i inch .qinrre toeth, ohi inches lnn, for S4.50 40 ?-iiich equare U-eth, fiht inches long, for 3.2d NHT.I.Y DOXED. fSv !? ET'8 MTO CO. . Syracuse, lNjY. AfiKNTS WANTK! KVRIt WllKRE TO SELL THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAH H. SEWARD. One Volume 822 Paes. Price $4.25. Sold by Subscription only. For further p.-irticulsrs address II. AIMM.KTOM .V- CO., PnblNlicr., f4il ami 551 llrnntlwny, IN. Y. IT BELLS AT HIG1IT." FHffl LESLIE'S HISTORICAL REGISTER OF THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Is tho only onipl-to Pictorlit History of tho Centennial lblish 1. A m n-ti p m irama, l.OOt) hira ir.tv : i'j. m my of tlv n hain 11' bv 3) inches. Aeiit a:!f,,,1. A I lri,. AxaTTV D-p irtm:it, F.it.V.C i.jMs Hj'MSiiiv i otj-;i.' BUTTER COLOR. Th beit Ltauld Color In the world, and tht only out awarded CeoteDQial Friie Mrdal. It girei to butler a (oldea Uew eeler like June g rase butter, producing better vise aaa at higher f rie, betide tmprovtog butter to eelor and oavor and keepltig. far superior to A doc t to, earrou er aoy etner eeler nanuCae tured, and the only fluid-eolor that will sot color buttermilk, If added to cream before churning. 1 pound will eolor 1000 pouada of butter. The bent aud cheapest to re-color white butter. I will end, on receipt of money, free by expreu, to any offlee Bait of Miiiiisippt KUer, 1 lb., $2 00; 1 lb., Pamere elate together and trr It. A genu W anted. Cutout and preiarre. IIS. B. SX1IU. K1 Area Street, Philadelphia, Pa, PILES ! Dr. Brown's llcrbnl Ointment Suppositoribt are guar antfiud to cure any caso of Rglos that can be found ia tho United St.-.tes. A sample box of theo Suppaitories will bo, Kent free by mail to any aufferer on receipt of 2) cent:, to propiy post-Ke and packing. Rutar price fjtl. A.lWj. Ir. O. rilKLI'S I5HOWN, 21 i ran d St.t .lorwey t'itye N. J. A GREAT OFFER! Wo will (liirlnu flif.f ll-il-il Tifni-N ilUin-H- of ()() I'l AMISA- OlM ANN, new anil Mccni'd-!i'i uil or' fli'sl-f-lnH iiuikel-N hw-liulinir WATERS' lit lower pric es tin i n-.li orlnsiiill inenis nr in l-t urn il imitt Inr iliuii ever before nlli-reil. VAT; ;i!M NIM AIIK mill I I'KKiHT I'ltMIS 0!;JAN Ihii-lmlliiu llieirMW Mil VBMIt mid IKM DIIIKi nre Die lKST M ti:. I.Ol'AI, nntl T 1! A V K I.I (; Alil-:TS WAN! I"l. llliiHliioi il ( iilnlnHiies .luill'll, A libel-Ill llim-oifllt to Trarhtr; Minintcri, chnrcht.t Srh'itil. fil-iri, rr. sheer inmate nl linlf price. IIOItACi: WATKIIS WINS, .Mnnu. IneliirerH hiu! llenlei-s, 4U Eust 14lll iSlreet, riiinil Siiiiiii-i', .. V. IV VOL' HAVK CONSI-Jll'TION, a bud colli, cuuuh. or ai:y trouble n-ith the throat or lungs, try PANCRMC EMULSION COD LIVER OIL WITH THE . tjlophoHi1iitvH of I. i nte fiiirf Soda. tnmmcndod by the 1nr!n(c pbyiichns throughout tho r-.untry. s n itprinv mudirine for purifying the hi. i-l. fik'i euro f;r Ithoum ntim. Nuiir.ilRia or Kcrofuln, it Ins n i tvpinl. A-k yitur tlruit'jint fur it ; ak vnur uliy niciin nVint it. VM. W. ItAKTLKT A CJO.. llanufac turin L'.itjuiiiits, I HI) High Street, Bogfrn, M:hb. Noi Did, but Tested and Approved iiirr rrirj::r. f'o-ir I7ir a' rhi't'a-r'a. $1.50. Mr. lturrVn Site, 1.&I. 77if r-Ki.i'i.J Ctnh. If 1.2.V and H-ndtd. 1.U). ttmth.l t t'tuzte ard it .SVy.-.r, Ths l.'and'.lph), hif '... v. ?1.50 rtth .o.'ne Hrrcdi A. $1.0(1. Out OinX Lift, .l.'J"i. Tb-if. lio-fx. !l.!iO. Will t'ar4i.,t Z.i'.rorv, 8 roll., il.wi. 7Ar '.w I'rlse S orit. 21 iVt., $2fi.7r,. The tX.tMi .'Vi'ii- Stutico. Vt vola.. iJI.60. The 'imty iiuu!;, IS IJiitill.'iBUt'S free. lliihloii l. I.OTHItOIVJ,0., LPulilMier. BILLIARD TABLES. Bfst in Use. Hi'H. Cli.tll. Cues m l everytliinic niipert-iinina t-j Billuirds. t 1iwest lrice-i. Hiv ng tho larK"t stick ml rinsst rttciliticH for mHtlufncturinK. -iriicrs cm be promptly lillcd. Cimi Kpcmrl-hiinfl Tuples c!ie-.p. The l!u,M!il Cl'E. an illus triitwl ncwip.tpur sbnt frua on '.ipplieati.in. H. W. COLLEIiDER, 733 Broadway, H. Y. WANTED ! MISSOURI COUNTY, TOWNSHIP and TOWN BONDS, INTEREST PAVING AND DEFAULTED. JHD. S. TILHEY & CO Wafl SL, Kew York. IKALtll8 IN CITY and RAILROAD BONDS. zarine Blue Glass. K ir curutivd purpotes and timiil:tin the irrowth of Animal aivt yefft-Utblu li fa. Examined and i.ppniyed by lieiiKral l'leaaontim. und his i'.ertitiuat accump-'inyins; eavh purchiLsd. (.1-ahs CL'r to kxact HI7.K, with full itruL-timi fur use nnd arrittiKenH'nt in the saau. Fwr sale. Wlmleiale anil ttetail. by Ali,at i Ili..IA lllN II. KIIOF.MAKEIt, iach per mail, Eltr.NrH Plate (Jlabs Dkpot, liemrul Hle.sontin's SJO. n 2 I 1 N. I'ourtll Ml., Bullion 11LUE and SUN M'iUT. Pllll .Mikl.ruiA. 1 LOWEST PRICES. ' Stni for PampMtt of the Unliable Cu.-liEgton F.oid. U'i!rss, lizi CcEEi:lc:c:,E. t V. 1. 1. IN The united staTEo Q' I JCOLLENDER I f fly St I tik. - Ii I lZ THE NATIONAL DISEASE. IS IT CURABLE? THOSR vhohftTe tutTered from thtTarlontftnd com plicated for mi or rlitHR miiitned by Catarrh, nnd liaro tried many physician and remedies without relief or cure, await tha answer to thli question with considerable anxiety. And well they may; for no dike use that can be mentioned is so tiurrersally preya Icnt and to destructive to health as Catarrh. Bron chills, Asthma, Conths, nnd serious and frequently f.iUl affections of the lunu follow, in many cases a case of simple but neglected Catarrh. Other sympathetic affections, such an deafness. Impaired eve-siiht and joss ol sense of smell, may be referred to as miner but neyrthefesa serious results of prelected Catarrh, baa rnouirh In them1ves, but as notnlns; compared with the rtnnRiiroua affections of the throat and lungs likely to follow. IT CAN BE CURED. IT can be cored. There la no donbt about tt. Tha Immediate relief afforded by 8 n roan's Radical CtjKa roa Catarbr la but a alight evidence of what may follow a persistent use of this remedy. The hard, ncrusiea mannr tnai nas lofigea mine nnani passnirea s removed with a few applications t the nlceration and Inflammation subdued and healed the entire Membranous linings of the htad are cleansed and ire nurtuua. constitutionally hi action is mat or a pow erful purifying agent, destroying In its course through the srstem the acid poiton, the destructive agent In catarrhal disease. Fach package contains Tr. Banfords Improved In nllnv Tube, with full directions for use In all cases. haling tube, with full directions for use In all cases, t'i irl rice, $1.00. For sale by all wholesale and retail drug- rlsts throughout the United States. TEH, General Agents and Wholesale Druggists, Bos rut ton. Collins' Voltaic Plaster IS THE BEST. ASK FOR Collins" Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Piaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins' Voltaio Plaster. ' Collins Voltaic Plaster NEVER FAILS TO QUICKLY Believe Affections of tho Chest. Kelieve Affections of the Lungs. Eeliovo Affections of the Heart. Beliero Affections of tho Liver. Believe Affections of the Bpleen. Eelievo Affoctions of the Kidneys. Keliovo Affections of the Spine. Fveliev) Affections of the Nerves. Relieve Affoctions of the Muscles. Believe Affsctiona of the Joints. Believe Affections of the Bones. Believe Affections of the Sinews. Bold br alt Draifirlrti. Trice 25 cents. Sent ty mall on receipt of V5 cents for one, 11.35 for Blx, or 2 '15 for twelve. rareHilly wrapped and warrnntcd, by WEEKS & I'OTTLK, I'roprlclorB, Boston, Mass. Kl AAA s,,ll Dnllv. The nmrest ond best Ht'iUvl' thinar out. Kveryliorty Ihy. one. Sell" t sivlit. " I CHnnot tell a lie. 1 c-irry my little lb.t'-liet." Sen-i lOctn fnmnniple. 3 for 25 ct.. to K. . rMFl', I 1 -I Centre St., N.V. Agenta make lj! 1( a d.iy. Try it. N-thing wo Cheap nn J y-ithing r n tmp-rt-nt. I will forward a useful f lircul ir to evi-ry P'-rs-m who owns real or jiemnnal propi-rtv. Tree oI'I'iim. v. il. vi:i:ks. ns iiinuiiiiv, n-- Yoi ij. INKS, MUCILAGE and CEMENTS, OP EVERY DESCKIITIOX, W implied to Dealers in large or siuull quantities: by tho H-iTon or put up in bntttei. Prtrnto formulas preparod in utrict contidence, of Inks, Mucilafffl. Clionucils, Medicines, etc. Duinjc l.i re bufiness. with iinint approvei mnchinery and under tbe Kiiperiuteudcice of a skilled CbemiHt, w can offer ureat inducements to the trntle. IH'1'I-.K SOItRN, , Proprietors Walpolp Color Works. KiiNtom 3fffiwti THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS illsiaPid differtmrrfm mil others,! cup-thp, with 8pir Adjuittni Bftll io oeoter. sdapta ttnelf to all ponl tioDSof tb bod, wbtle tti ball to ih eup presses back tti in testines just as a person would. wltU tbe finsrer wpo Utbl iTfur tb HcrJl. la beU cscurely d-T nii'i lilttht. and a radioal eur cor'ant. it u tasj, dumb)'' nd ehwp, Kf 'tt tr mull. rtreulats fre. CCOtEttTON TRUSS CO., Marshall, Mloh ClEZ A YK AH. AfiKNTS WANTED rfaal II I on our (-rinul Ctiiiiliinnliiin Jff S I'rompuftitNf rcprM.ntin( 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted ererywhera. Tltf blirwewt tliitifc ever trird. S los mndo Iroai this when nil niiifli Huttksfil. AUo Ajrentswrnifidiinour M.Ui M IICKNT FAMILY I'd IILF.S. Superiorto nll.ther. With Inv:irtM Illus trato.l Aid and Sup;Ml itiu-1iii,". Tfii'Hi' tur(i ln-til !tcVi'i(l. Full P:irti.-nlirstrin. Ad-lm- .l illN K. POTTER A CO.. Piiblidmra, VH IJ.4DUUMIIA. CAUPET WAEP. TO THE CONSUME!?. MriTiniT imurovp'I liiv 1111; mlity of our Witri, now beinx rv.l.l uuifer the " FKKKl-iiSS" ticket, we nli.il! lu-reaftwr topt, for the iiupruvi'd quality, tho brand "WllilK ST A K. AAA" We Hhnll a!so manufactitrd n lowr qiiniiry or nrp. which will be sold tin-lnr the " PKKKLKSS" brand . Knuiiim for "WHITK STAR AAA" Carutit Warp of all lendinx Dry Goods Doalera. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. or- WE WANT SOO MORE FIRST-CLASS 6EWINO MACHINE ACENTS, AND 5f0 MEN CiF ENERGY AND ABILITY TO LEAPr. THE FOSINESSOFSELLINCSEWiNCMA. CHI NES. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, BJT VARYINC ACCORDING TO ABILITY. CKA ACTFTR AND QUALIFICATIONS Or VHE ACE.4T. FOR PARTICULARS, ADUflESS Wilson SewM Macnine Co.. Cmcago. U7 829 BEOiSWAT, Siw York, ot Kiw Cttoaa U. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. With flilrt Support r and tSt'lf.AdJuslina Pads. Secures Health anl Comfort of BoOy witll ( back and Hkautt of Form. Three Garments in one. Approved hv all i hysiciana. A K N T 8 WANTKD. Samples by mail, In Coutil, $t; Saueen, f 1 T6. To Agents at S5 cents less. Order Blue two Inches mailer than waist mea sure over the dress. Winier Bros. 763 Broadway .5 T. SMITH'S EAGLE CLAW, 1 tie mot niKuniouit (lev lue crer invented for catching all kinds of titli orifome Kasjtu ut, Buittfd tn any bait, and can b ud eer whr. ISothinj? can escaa ntil releasd ; and this t dune without aoilinc th hand. Universally rvcom mended by BiK)rtsmn. Sample. bj mail, ISenn ttanip irr niiistrtitfa circular, ai Agents ,PhUa. K AC.LK CLAW CO., 713 hausuin bt Recommend Heartily. South Boston. Mr. 8TKVENS: tirar Sir I have taken several bottles of Tiinr VKGE- TINK, and ara convinced it is a valuable remedy for Uyspopsia, maney uompiaint, ana general aeoiuivy ui the system. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from the above complaints. Yours respectfully, M US. UlflHUa r tv r. r. 886 Athens Street. v ixrrr.i "wnBoa's compouisd or nim nv PURE COD LIVES ATT a TT T TT13 U'ilbor'a Coil T.lver Oil nnd I.lmc. - The era t uonuUrit of tins sufa snii lbcoiom preparation is alona altnbuUMa t'i its intrinsic wort a. In tha oore ofUaughs, CoiUs, Asthma, Bnmebitia, W ioouiik' '. jb. Korofiilous Humors, and all ConsumptiTa Syusut .fciB, it hs no siiperior.if anusl. lt no ono noa-lac tbi earlf srnutonis o( disvssa, when an aent is . :.t tana whi. h will alUvi.te all aoinp'.a'.ute af tb,-' hMt, Lungs or Throat. Manufactured olilr ly A. B. IVaJOB, Choiiiist BoioM.bold b)f all drojuieU. CHEAP. SIMPLE, RELIABLE -MyiTfjAias.-- All Glass betteithiPokceiaiH uhed . IQSS AWcONVE(JlErlCE AVOIDED BY UD5a.JdCLAMP5.'n DNEPitCE FIRST PREMIUMS NEW-YORK AMERICAN INSTITUTE., -I87S-I876-- PHILADA f SIMPLEST fRANKLIN INSTITUTE IB7 NTI rENNIAL . IB78 J BARREL-CEMENT JAA1 S on TIN COVEWSaho WIRES PATENT" rnA Ol AS KbfwSRVwMen gfa?a.awnMl 'sensible tti 3 truss AS B5 enta. wantd. NATURE'S REMEDY.V EGmHE THt &REAr Blood PuwirtEH raETTER , 1 I. THAN 'I PORCELAINJ V AND f J CHEAPESq rr ce 5 HALE'S HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAB FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Golds, Inflnania, EoarMnoai, Dlffiou'w Breathing, and all Affaotloni of tha Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Langi, laadlnf , to Consumption, This infallible remedy is composed of tin. Honey of the plant llorehound, in chemical union with 'Tar-Balm, .extracted from tin Life Princin.e of the forest tree AuEii Balsamea, or Balm of Gileftd. The Honey of Horchonnd SOOTI1E3 AND scatters all irritations nnd inflammations, mid the Tar-balm ci.p.ansps and .iif.au the throat and air passages lenilinc to the Ittnef. Five additional ingredients keep the ergans cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from tryinc this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm lias no BAD taste or smell. TRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 TF.R MOTTLE. Great nvini; t' liny larpe sire. "Pike's Toothiu-lio Drops" C;:r in 1 .Minute. Sold by all Druggists. J. N. CRITTENTOU; Prop., H.Y. Tor II we will send free by mnll aud Kuaraa V their safe arrival : 1? Rosea, all rtlfl'erent ports, rw 20 Verheita, nil " " 10 verbenas unci 6 kop. nlfrerent sort:. IS Basket or IUmUUiik IMants ' 8 Bed til 11 Hants and 6 (..en.nltims, ' 10 (iernnlmns. nil tllfl'crrnt sorts, u 12 Double Tubcrnse. liluoinliif bulbs. u 12 (.ladloluft, flue blnointug bulb? C Tuberos and 6 ilndiolin. 1 riant (.'latalotrue of wipuffes free. 4j !Swp't t'li9tnut Trn" fVir fl. 9r fiO Strawberry IMant. 4 rorls, " 10 Concord tirape Vine, 10 (i rape Vines, fi sorts, 8 Currant Hushes, 4 orts. " 12 Itaspleri !. 4 Mrt!. A list of tnaibthlf 'l'nes and Vine and if-J-VA' Descriptive Oitiilcuue free. 61UK113,1I AliMSu.N & Cu..lulut"v(Uc. I.ukex'o. U NEW WIIiLCOX A GIBBS Latest Only machine Invention, andV. producing s N the vorta Antomatic Tension and - Stitch Indicator. mosL Jfanelons Kesults. 1 Trsdv stark Id bs. f tT.rj nscbta. SILENT SEWING MACHINF. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, Jtc Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., iCor. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, New York, Established 1846. T Srattlolsoro, XTt. tsrSeud for Illustrated Catalogue. BEAUTIFUL , FABMERS, FARMERS' WTVE3. 3C1V3 and DAUGHTERS, attention! Learn to beautify your HOMES and CtfLTIVATE the COIL to the BEST AD VANTAGE and moat FCOM OMICAXLY. FINEST and best GUIDES and CAT ALOGUES In the WORLD. FrVeEyon? having- a FARM or GAR DEN should send a Poet il-Card at onoe for FREE descriptive CIRCULAR ; or 10c. tor Illustrated Catalogue, 136 pages. p.o. box, B. K. BLISS & SONS. No- 6712. 34 Barclay St., New York. FASHION5, Tim latest most popular tyl We will mail ihU Pattern sat Cloth Model free, fur 1 Ocu.(o( 3 stampB), to pay mall expenses. We will send tha Pminrn with Cloth Model of tills New Priiicenii Polonaise, fret for Ten Ceuta (or 3 stamps). "Princeu Polonaite." To pay maill us expenses. Siitli's Instrnction-Booi & Catalogue. Ilundrrdajot i.nrge iiiuatraiion or tne N Atylfs wiin fiiiiple Incitrticiioim In He lrp.ininkiuE." "CuMlnB Out," "Fiillnn," New onie ate Hend Two Mump slid et It lV return mali. llulb 1'attrrim aud Ilnok (or 23 cis. (or 8 stamps). SEE our .TILES TEST OUR PATTERNS. A. BURDETTE SMITH, t.r. P. 0. Box i066. It East 14th St., N. V. City 9 CATARRH. 1 oiiil1. Extract i. nearly a Spc. tifij ortuidisu;sy. Itcan hardly beet. c-?..ik1, evn in old and obstiuat. euse. 'n. reV.ei Is so prompt that no on. wb Iisbc. iv trln l it will be witbnnt it. CHAIfEI) HANDS AND FACE.-Pond's r xlMi l slK.uld be in every family this rourfli waatber. It removes the soreness and roug-hueas, and .often, and Ileal. t'.iH skin promptly. RHEUMATISM. Duriu- ssrsre and changeable wtalher, no one subject to Rheumatic Pains sbould be one day without Fend'. Extract, which always relieve., SORE LCNiS.C ONSf.MlTlON, COlfiHS, i ui.iin.-iuu i-om weatuer tnea the Lung, sorely. Har. Poud'a Extrart oa baud always. It ralievu tb. paw and cures tbe disease. CHILBLAINS will be promptly relieved and ultimately rured by bathing tb. afflicted rarta with Pond'. Extract. FKOSTElj LIMltrt.-l'oud'. Extract Invaria bly relievo, tho pain aud fiually Cures. SOKE THROAT. OCINisY, INFI.AMEII TONfelLS 2NU AIR PABfSAtiVs are iiroujptly cured by the use of l'uud'a Extract. It never faiU. HISTORY aud l .r. of Pond'. Extrart, i . )',"r!1';hletform.seutfreeonaTplicationt POND'S EXTRACT CO., 98 Maidea ImuI, Now York, bold by Prmafiata. AUTOMTIO J Lady's 'MrmrKV OverskirL i4 EXTRACT MERIDEN CUTLERY CO. Received the HIGHEST CENTENNIAL PRIZF. TH "PiTXHT XvOBT'HAJtDU Tabu MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS ft'S' ,"'jT? Jf r 01 "PATKJIT JM i Vv niost aursbi. WH1 utlery, and by tk M win eaii inr , r.yi m . TH, Rum f!nn for Cstsrrh Tf.m.dlr. In firaf miss. C. BKIX, Bn 2HH't BpringJdMssSj k flTWTS Our irnorls sull nt night to wiT fsmllf. liXXj)H X O Ad's Bnilth Mf. Oo..WorcBW,MMS. PtNTKI, km "HtrnriB Slnt ' t'lmej. rniirta by Vll'llirmnoH.Wr.M. Co., 1 S Dutch BU.W.t. AiflA WEEK. CatalojNM and Barapla FRKK. i n4 Rampla'FKKK. Nassau St., New Ymk. PKK O J77 A W1ttn Amnts. I O Outfit fr iKV, AtiKiista, lilaina. 93 IU U rm KTINSONACO..!'. rllnnd, Main Sfifi i ""kin pur own town. Tprms and OS mitflt Int. 11. M AI.I.K. I T Hortlnnd. tiiiim.. $12 n dny at hntnft. Airnta wantd. Outfit and vrnms fmn. TRIIK ,t m. Ansrnrta. Mitina. T)&) CauioguB. 1.. 1-i.r.rcnnu. 5nmple fre. 32 pan I I IoKt..N. y. Brtfnl II rB'shots)j.oj,7ostTiMi. ri.nti.ff". IU ". W ' H.P "nwgTTBim Ot'M Wom:s f-'Vir i. Til- joo r,n". Ft., rov m r. in nft..p.. Md. w. .nil Pis. Rfrg.-lrs. ,T. POI.K, Wlt.MIWOTOH. Drt. AOGA WO'TI. A rnt wnntrd TiTTwhf re fjt Arlrtr. n O. PIMKI' NO. rtsTrnsweod. III. 1IAV H Alt? ltrMrrpil p trif!ln cost.. MTP"n- m 11" nrriiw pi'm n'r i-c. inrrriipnlN rt njr mis: ston ' i'. mini. 3f7'' norpTrnnil at., Kmohlvn.N. y 17011 dAT T?-fh-rfnrniih-PATET J' t IV lyl IjVl ll""t immll on a most snl-.Mf. pspfiil nrticlfi. Ad's Bos i153. Boston, Mfts. t f Fnl'l l n fsrnlnpiiM trw h msl(. nOOSFY A- CO., JKRwl MthStrwt.Ni-w York. rjF A?-ITIN'S t PR No. PBTrrnT MA TTj, 2Ad. P-tnt. Rulpr. Mrssnra. Pnpnr URTIN IHFO. CO.. Cuttr. sna niottir commnert rj n. 5th St., rtiii. Tjii.irrTinr nm,T.-A nrw, chkap, pf.b Zi FFfT Core for prpnmtiiri. dpt'ilitv. Rpnd for clrrn larorcsll on Da, H. KARR. R32 Brosdwur. New York DCMCIfilUC No matter how slIrhtlT disabled. In. 1 a.iw.w.. ereases now ni' nid. Advice nnd circular 7 ( )7 Snnom St., Phils., Pa. -.. T. McMTrHARt.. Attv. EPILEPSY of FITS cured br Dr. Robs' Kptleptlfl Ite.ntuies. Trial Packaok hf.st vhkk. AdUrefi. ROSS IJKOS., KicHMusn, ln. "Tf VWV Knsilv mnflo with mirStmril anrl llllilUilL Ky IJhuck Ositttt, Cirmil.irs Kriw. S3 ATrilFS. A Orant EVnsation. Rnmnlo Watch and Oi'lfU free to Agint. lietter thitD AI.HA A nfnntfi. Affenta wnnted. SO bpt mlV Naiill inf rtit'l, n the world. tnn Kimplo free. WW a n 'i h A vrnr In Aront. fhMt tmtt i 0 Snot u'vn jit.. For tonus nl difss.y. U'.rtf. ,1 ( ... St. Hi W. L. nATTtrce, Tfsclirr ff Guitar, Fltife, Cornet. bWajBBBBK) AKt.fttr Tilton Pat.Gtiitar.thc licit in une. H-ipt m Mimrnl Iimtninieiitsi, Mtnio- S10 to $1,000 tnTMtd in Wall Rt. Stork maVM fortun- erpry month. Hfmk ent freo eplfiin:nr fvurylhintr. I MTCfl Wen tonntidt ordprn for our Boodnt illlllllllV. I'nlnn Vtliitrlat1 Wnrh. iriiiiinti, ( OPIUM 1IAH1T (I ltED AT HOME. N.i publicity Time short. Terms mod. ernte. I.OOII 'IVstimoniils, ! PH. F. E. MA HSU, (Juincy, Mich. scribeLO.s?: CIIOICH Rnmples of f-htilce Flowr nnd Onrden KKHIIS rieerts sent FI.-KK. Cenrl it-rent stninp to 'I IV UN pny return pote. NIAGARA PLANT A WAV. AND REED CO.. KrPFALn, N. Y. It l5.' n Vrrk net to Agents. The lndi.jiensr-l.le tn V. A. M. Send for I yrf f'-t-i.ii. WKoniNo en., pi Masoniu Works, 7 3 1 Rruadwny, N The New Work nn THtiPns ew York. Ahy iarf tflftiUtijr Accnti Miiiiik uur iruiuo. :oiik, li i t ure ft i id Chrottio (-Knit, 'l th ent It tin'd for ff . IMii'tru Co South ! rnr.i ihmiix! (!he:tp Ticket. Reli ftbb infomintion to best liicntioii". Senrt 11 rtn. for Snuthi HtroM. AtitV a A I N KS Jfc Y TN(i LI N. No. Ator Hmiwe, NVw Ycrk. WAIUXCn MEN to travel nd nell to Ornlrrw our Hll I tU nsw unhrffikMbie (ilfn L'liimneyn nnd LnmpGoodd. No I'l'fldliliv. Rnhiry I i hern I, bni. nes pernmnent. Hotel and trnvelin pTpi'nca paid. MoNiTdli til. AB Co., 2i4 Main St., Cincinnati. O. YOV con seeur 1 H O H H pnvliiu businBa ir I I I I I II fonitty, nt a nnt nil 'f IT I M I II "nd nnt nil cnpitnl it U U U JJ nnd honorable, by eiciuaire fur your cost. No tJnrienrt required. Pleannnt ' nddreMing .Inn. T. ViIlfnmfni Cincinnnti, Ohio. MrttnMtn Cincinnnt., Ohio. HO! FOR AUSTRALIA. Kmivrntion anited br Oorprnor of Nw South Wnl 'roin Nfw York. 5,17.tjt'. (told. Fnr pirticnlari apply o R. W. Campron A Co., 211 South Willnm St.,NewYork. $100. REWARD. $100. Tnw MOtlSTArHKvroducrdop ntmooth faca Iit the use nf Dvkk'r Hbakd Klixir without injur?, or will forfeit $I0U. Price by twill ia culra pukngQ ib cent a, for ttirff frf ceuti. A. t. K.MITI1 tt CO.. ak'U. l'aUriae. liU I Have aold Hutcha Univernl Conirh Hyrnp for four yenrs. I krop in (-tck all the cough runieiiifi nonttidur. ed ntnndnrd in thin nection. None sell o rnpiily or itio uch (reneral satiKfnctinn. na ' The Univrmtl," H-tdn't tou bitnr try a remedy that ta conuni-nded so highly by your nttifihbors? KPWIN P. FATLTWO, Oswego. N. Y. fTlTTl A G The choicest in tho world Importer 1 XZii tO prices l!irrent ConipHiiy in America staple nrtiule pie sites everybody-rTriHie contimmlly in uraasinfc Agents wnnted everywhere best inducements' don't wnste time send for f -iruular to KoliKI'T WKI.LM, 43 Vesey St., New York. P. O. Rnx Prof. lffala Maslc Coinounl Is tbe only preparation, one packsc ut whicn will force Die Iward to trrow thick sml heavy oil tttc inrrt.tlHat fuc iHtiht.ut injury in 21 djys in every t mo, or money flu ei Mill v rey liind' d. 25 rvnts nw nnrkae. nntpnit 3 ful fiOcenU. IO. V. ,.ili:S. Al)liifl. yum. VIOLIN STRINGS! Genuine Italian Violin Strinps. also for Banjo or (iui nr. ni 24K-. e;ich.or S"..Oand f&dx. Kent y ni:nlon rereipt ot price. P '.tiers '. Send card for cat-lofr-io. .1. SA l Ai Kltt Importer Miisteallnst' -i-wr.ttnn.t St-.n:r-, If M( Imnihf rn St.. NfwYork. t1HEAI'FT Articles over offered to the public On l receipt of l,cts. wo will snnd by mil. p.it-p;iid. onn Ladies' ffold nl.ited ornamental Slut w I P.n, also one f tho Bet-wast ttt yfe Hut ornaments. Theae ko kN are ut tha newent and late.it dehiens; are worth ten times tho money. Try u.y-n will send Atiain. NKV Yv)HK M ANUFACTl KlNft CO., .U Church Street. N. Y. riAG'TS WANTED FOR HISTORY UENTEN 1 It contains nearly 4K) fine entrrs'inRS of buililintrt nnd scenes In the Great KabibitioD, and is the only authentic and complete history pub'sished. It treats of the frrand buildiiiRs, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, (Trent events, etc. Very cheap nnd sells nt sight. Ona Agent sold 48 copies in one dny. Hend for on- extra terras to Agents and a full description of the work. . Address, NATIONAL PUHMKIUNi CO., Phii.ahkM'HTa, Pa. ft A TTT'TriTST Unreliable and wortlJep books on vAU Xlvlii the Kxhibition are beitiK circulated. Do not be deceived. See thiit.the bonk you buy contains 1)1 3 pugeiiand nearly 41 hne enKvinKS RANDALL'S PULVERIZING RARRnW, . AND THE WARRIOR MOWER. DESERVEDLY CONCEDED TO BE THE MoHt Popular, Profitable anil F.eo. notnlcal Farm Implement In I ue. Fully Warranted In Every Re.prct. Send for circulars to the WARKIOR MOWER C OMPANY, I. lull' Fnll-i K. Y. WnEN WRITING TO ADVRRTIKfcKn. plea., say that tsv advertutx t tkta iiaper. Kxifa. ;tadle cutlery. 10: N V.-!"' a?' o,, N. Y. N. IT. NaJ 3