Henry A. Torsous, Jr., tdltor THURSDAY, APRIL o, 177 A number of ourcoiiU'tnpornrlo cv press the belief that the liorrlblo ills closures confnineil In the eon fi-wion ul John D. Lee tihould lend to the fpei'ily prosecution of all the prominent Mor mons who were implicated In the Mountain Meadows massacre. It Is now evident that the pignut In crime was a natural outgrowth of the pecu liar organization Rrigliuni Young had established hi Utah, nnd of the perils by which it had become environed in 1S57 on account of the rebellion nnd hostile attitude the Mormon authori ties had assumed towards the United Stnte9. All American ciliens were regarded i.s enemies of the Utile empire the chiefs of n monstrous im posture had undertaken to establish within our territoral dominions, and our army was then on the outskirts of Utah for the purpose of compelling its inhabitants to recognize the fait that nt least n seniblnnce of allegiance was due to our National Government nnd its agents nnd cfliccrs, not withstand ing the assumption of every vital elc ment of political authority by lirigham Young and his favored associates. No ytate or Territorial Governor ever commanded n tithe of the obedience which the high priest ot .Morinonism exacted from all his followers. He controlled them as the Southern planter controlled his slaves, and as fumed the right to give them the land? of the nation, to bestow or take away other property, and to make the only laws which commanded their respect It is hard to realize that our free country has afforded in his rule the most complete illustration of absolu tism that has disgraced the history oi modern times; and now that this monstrosity is tottering to its fall, it is a question of public interest how far the powers of the Government can be advantageously used in hastening its destruction. BLANKET SHAWLS, AT POWELL KIME'S DRIED AFPLE8 AT POWELL KIME'S. New Advertisement. One of tl.o c hief obstacles to the suc cessful prosecution of Lee's accompli ces in the Utah courts arises from the fiet that Mormon witnesses must furnish proofs of guilt sufficiently cogent to satisfy Mormon jurymen. It would probably be eusy to convict a number of the surviving participants in the massacre if the ollenders could be tried in any other Jerritory or State than Utah ; but in view of the statements that Lee a conviction was only possible because he had been ostracised by the head of the Mormon Church, and because Brigham Young had instructed Lis adherents to facili tate the success of th-. particular prosecution, there would appear to be bat a slight prospect of the conviction of other offenders unless sonic such device as n change of venue cr nu cx elusion of ?, )i-iio:-'i fjv.i.j ti e. jury box is nk'jled. It is folly to expect a tri bunal composed partly of men who look up to llrigluini Young as a being endowed with superhuman contro. over their temporary and spiritual welfare to convict him of a terrible crime. I'.ynny ordinary standard ol judgment lie stands condemned al ready of a- lonir list of infamous offen ces, for his life is made up mainly of a succession of villainous practices, but it is not easy to see how he can lie con victed by his dupes, his dependents, and his accomplice?. Nevertheless such a strong impetus has been given by Lee's confession to thojust feeling of indignation excited by the monstrosities of Morinonism that means will probably bo found for hastening the doom of that "Iwin relic of barbarism." If thecourts can not act effectively, Congrc.-s may be induced to udopt some of the repres sive legislation that has been pressed upon its attention. Since it is posi tively known that the most inhuman massacre ever perpetrated on Ameri can soil was the work of Mormons, who claimed to act under the convic tion that their duty to their Church required them to slay scon s of help less men, women, and children, and since the won't charges ever made against the Mormon lenders have been substantially proven, no plea founded npon the necessity of respecting religi ous freedom should prevent the Gov ernment from using every available agency for the extirpation of all the hideous crimes that have too long been practiced and condoned in Utah. J 'urw ' '. THE YO rst FOLKS' MOXTIIL Y Good sound food for the mind is ju.it us essential to its moral health and vigor as healthy food for the fctomuch and pure air for the lungs are to the health und vigor of the body. In view of this fact it is the duty ol every parent to be careful what kind of mind food Lis or her children nie feeding upon, for impressions made in youth are lasting and can never be en tirely effaced. As the twig is bent so the tree glands. If the mind is allowed to feed upon the vile "yellow back" novels and sensational publi cations which are having tsuch a wide spread circulation among our youth to-day, just so surely will the mind of the man follow the bent of the inipres , eiona acquired therefrom. There is plenty of good healthy reading io be bad. - We have on our table now a young folks' publication called the '"Yousg Folks' Monthly" pub lished by Milton George, Chicago, 111., which, while it is highly interesting and instructive, and is read alike by ol i and yosLg, yet la of a high moral to-ie, always avoiding the sensational and low. fcend tea ceats tor one month's trial and aee for yourselves. The terms are only 1,00 per year, 5 copies fort 4,00. Address the Youno Volkb' Monthly, Chicago, I1L MoiTHiilile ApraNuifitt. I 1ST of ltviiiilnr of Miiilmmlln, j 1 liMiorx, A'.!-, in till County nt' Elk. Mhip ul' I'tniiH) Ivuniix, Muieli lllb, 1877 I MERCHANDISE. ItKMlKITR. (.'In. Nkron. Tt. 1 1 William K. .lolinnon, lor. I t 8 I.eroy W limit, w, Mnr. II Miles Pent, Wore. M Milt's IHmiI, miller. 11 It. iV. Fetrikeu, miller. rox. 12 .los.'jili Korli (i Son, store. :t .I.J. Taylor & Co., slum. M Koch iV Km, si or. M .Itilin M'Mnhon, more. It llerin:in Sluo'sley, slnrif. 11 Ailoli.li Tim m, shuio. 11 Mrs. John Krlit. Rti.ro. 1 1 Michel Mulmu, siore. M K. U Dixon, stove. 14 Charles Webb, miller Junk. n Wilcox Tun. & Liira. Co. sloro 13 A. T. Aliirieli. store. 14 James 0. Mnlonc, siore. 14 Mini in Sjwers, stere 14 O. A .tntfobsm, store. 14 M. M. Schuliz, meat market IIOHTOJi. 14 Josejili S. Hyde, store. 14 A. Short, (tore. 14 ). Cnueo, Btore. in I'O way. 11 V. H. Ofterliout, stove. 10 J. S. A- W. II. Hyde, store 11 Hyde & Curtiss, store 11 Powell & Kime, stove 12 Oriitil tl- II orloa, store IK Cliinles it. Kavley, store 15 M'Gloin & M'Geplmii, sloro 11 James II. Hngerty, etor 14 T. S. Hartley, Btoic 14 O O. Messenger, etoro I t'liurles Holes store 14 James VooJwrl, s'ore 14 L. A. llremlel, store It h. K. (jresli, store 14 Ko'iert I. Campbell, store 14 W. B. Muhli. store 14 Jueob IJuttcriuis, store 14 J. S. Powell, store 14 Mrs. A. Uuliluiau, store 14 H. M. Koll'e, stoie 14 WUistlciowu Lumber Co. slore 14 J. S. & V. 11. Hyde, millers 14 M. J. barley, store ST. MAUI'S B0H0COH. 10 Gifl'ord. Hall & Haul, store 10 Coryell & Kuxu. siore 10 Jopejili W ilheliD, store 11 John Walkei & Son, store 12 W. C. Spatfortl & Co., Bioro 13 N ci3 Hrutliers, store 13 John E. enleuboerncr, store 13 Clias. Luhr & Brother, 6tore 13 Posi-nheimer Tegler, store 14 Weiilenbivrner & itmun, store 11 L. Blakely, sloro 14 George II. Garner, store 14 Charles M' Venn, store 14 John F. Wnelnel, store 14 L'dwurd Mliride, store 14 Chnrles Miller, store 14 Adulpli Foolilunin, alure 14 Joseph V illielin, ?tor? 14 C. L. Buyer, store 14 Alois LeHlcr, store 14 Mrs. M. L M'Xuil, Blore 14 Agnes B. Killeiiin, store 11 WuIriii & Dot ni.-h, store 11 John King, nttttt u.nikfl 14 Joseph l.cktl, meat aiarlcet 1 I Clinrles Kiifon, meal market 14 R. C. M'Mill, mi!ir 14 Mm. C. Neiuiiiler. miller AND EATING HOUSES. NOTICE. U. S. INTERSIL BETEXUE SPECIAL T AXES May 1, 1877, to April 30, 1878, The Revised Ntnlulcs of the II. H., Heel ioiih 11232, 3237, 323H. and 3231), re quire every person engaged in any business, avocation, or employment whieh renders him llnhle to a SI-Kt'lAlFAX, to PHOt'UltH AND Pl.ACK t'OStpirroUKIiY IN HIS lOS'l'A ItlilKUM MNTDH PIiACK OK ItrsiNIWA STAMP denotlngthe payment ofsnld HI'WIAb TAX for the Sieclnl-Tax Year beginning Mny 1, 1S77, licl'orc commenuliig or con tinuing business niter April ,'), 1877. return, as prescribed on form 11, Is also required by law of every person liable lo Special Tax as above. T1IK TAX KM KM ltlt.(T'.l WITH IN TIIK PROVISIONS OK TIIK 1,AV AllOVK tM'OTKI) ARK TIIK KOU.OWINU, VIZ: Rect liters ,-H) (Ml Dealers, I it nil liquor 2: 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor Inn (Ml l)enlei- in mnlt liquoi-s, wholesale "itHMi Dealers In malt liquors, retail... 20 uo Dealers in leaf tobneco 2." (Ml Retail dealers in leaf tobacco... r00 IH) And onsnles of over f I,(KMJ, llftv cents for every dollar in excess ofl,(MM. Dealers in mnnufaelured tobneco f 00 Manufacturers of stills M 00 And for each still maun- fact u reil And for each worm niunu fact u red Manufacturers of tobacco Manufacturers of cigar Peddlers of tobacco, lirst class more than two horses or other animals Peddlers of tobacco, second class two horses or other ani mals Peddlers of tobacco, third class . one horse or other animal Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class on foot or public con veyance Rrcwers of less than 500 barrels Rrcwers of 'Vio barrels or more.. 100 (MJ ANY PKHSON. SO 1.IAULK, WHO SHAM. 1AM, TO COM PLY' WITH 111 K FORKUOINO KKonitKMKNTS WILL 111 SI H.IKCT TO SKVKRK PENAL TIES. Persons or Firms liable to lnv nnv of the Special Taxes named above must annlv to E. Cowan, Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue at Warren Pa., and pay tor ami procure l no Special-Tax Stamp or Manips tney lii'oil. orior to Mnv 1. lSu. anil WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE Snecial-tax Stamps will be tranciniltn.l bv instil lllllv Oil receipt from the person or linn ordering t lie same, of specihe directions so to tlo to-rether with the necessary postage stamps, or the amount required pay the postage. The postage on one stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail ten cents additional should ac company the application. GREEN B. KAUM, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Otiice of Internal Revenue, Washington, I). C. Jan. 23d, 1877 TF Y'OU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP REMOVAL OF WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our large and Increasing bnslnc demands more room, n1 w wilt, Jafter April 1st, 1877, occupy 2d and 8d floors of "M'Callum Building" 77 Fifth Avnu (nearly opposite our present location,) and will offer to the trade one of the largest, and best stooks of goods in the United Slates, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Brontes, Jewelry SiWer fc Plated. Ware t-o &. Close Cash Buyer? Invited. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY C. B. BARRETT & CO., 77 Fl Avanue, Pittsburgh, Pa. n2tl3 ST, CLOUD HOTEL, Sit) (HI 20 00 10 00 10 00 Ml 00 00 10 00 10 (10 ,r.n no Arch SI root, Between th and Slu Streets, rjiiLADELnnA, pa. Dt.ak Rim:' Since the close of the Exhibition the "St. Cloud has been repainted and frescoed, parlors re furnii-bea, new carpets. &o. The honse In all its appointments is un surpassed for conifort ; the culinary department being excelled by none. During the enicuninl (he hi. Cloud adhered lo its regular rates, and endearored lo extend tlie same couiforie lo its patrons as It had pretiously; in this particular it stood alone. Air. (. W. Mullin has associated with hnn his aon, ueo K. .MtUlin, ana bawara i. lleiin. of Ft Wayne, Ind., under the firm name of G. W. Mullin & Co. Thanking you for rust caljonaee nnd hopini to extend the bosnilalitics of the St. Moud with the same encouragement as in the past. We are. rexpect fully. f 3.00 PER DAY. O. W. MULLIN & CO. J USA V. U.VKER, Room Clerk. J. T. LKILK3, Cashier. n5ml. Execntors' Xoticc. Eslntc of John Tnvlor lute of Fox f ownshlp Elk Co , deceased. Letters TeKttniienfaru unon the above estate have been grunted to the underslirned. all persons indebted to said estate are reiiuesteii to make payment, nnd those having claims to present the same without ilclnv to OKI). B. TAYLOR, 1 , li'Jtd JA.MK3 II. TAYI.OR. f EX W. TlVIXti WILD ANIMAL K 1 WANTED. Jod.oO ..oneh for PANTHERS. ,K each Tor BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for (.'ROSS FOXES. 10,00 -.each for LYNX. 10,00 eaeh for OLD OTTER. r,00 each for YOl'NO OTTER. f.00 each for YOUNO WOLVES. r.,00 each for WILD CATS. f."0 each for FAWNS. 1,00 eneh for YOl'NO BLACK A CROSS FOXES. The above price I Mill pay, the Animals to he in good nnd thriving condition. Animalscau lie shipped to me by way of Punsutawney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana, County, Pa, UEO.WOODS&CO.'S" PARLOR ORG-AJSTS 7 TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advortiser having been permanently cured of (lint dWnd disuse. Consumption, by n simple remedy,' is anxious to make known to his fellow snH'ercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions fur preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a SlBB C'CBR for CoNelMPTIO.N, A STUM A, Bronchitis, &c, Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Hey. E. A. W1LS05, ltd I'm n. , Williamsburgh, N. Y. HOTELS m.NKZKTTK. 5 Henry L'lush. hotel 5 L. Wiuxlow, hotel 7 John Daley, eatiug hou:-e lir.SZISOER. 6 Frank X. .Sot;;, hotel rox. f John Collins, bottl h Joseph Koch, hotel 7 Auurtw Hnu, eating louso llul'UN. 5 Joseph S. Hyde, hotel JAY. ") A. J. Rummer; hotel 6 Annul Turlcy, hold JONt. 5 1'. U. Paltcrsou, hotel 5 Miirtiu Sowers, hotel ItlDCWAI. W. II. tchram. hotel fi M riirhind 4: Murphy, holel fi V'rank Pullman, hotel 7 James S. Mnninnis, eating bouse ST. M.SBY S BOHOVOU. 6 Juhii Wncht'sl & Son, hotel 5 Jured M. Mecum, hotel 5 Anthoio Fochtman, holel f Jiinies Uogttw, hotel 6 Millions Wvllctidorf, lioiel ft Lawrence Vogel, hotel ." J. Ir'. Win Holder, holel 5 Henry Luhr, hotel "j John Yaughuu, hotel 7 George thaut, eating hotteo 7 W illiam tiicj, eating houte 7 Mrs. A. Kluuisjian, eat. house 7 Jacob Knius. eating house 7 Anthony Schaucr, eat. house 7 Win. Zeli. eatiui House 8 Fred. Kenote. eating house 8 Martiu iluber, eatiug hous UHEWERIES. BEN71.SCLU. Eorg & Westnitjer i-3 i ox. Andrew llau tT. MABl'd UOllUk'laH (. has. Lnhr & Co. 25 illiam liien l.uwreiiuc Voire! MLLlAimS. JuNtS. A. C. Allen. 2 tables 40 00 tllllOWAT. G. W. Rhines. 3 tnbles 60 00 J." S. Mnginnis, 3 tables &0 00 ST. MABY'S IIOKOICH. J, F. Windiolder, 'i tublea 40 00 A. C. Allen, Rubles 40 00 THUS. J. IiUUKK, si2i'-St Mercantile Appraiser. 00 5-00 00 00 00 GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Ta DRY' GOOIV, NOTIONS, r.OOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S. (JLAS-t AND OUEENS YVAHE, WOOD AND AYILLOWWARE. TOBACCO AD CIGARS t A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CH EAPEST JAMES II HAGERTY Eaten of Airertising. Due column, one year $75 00 jo uo 25 00 15 00 Transient adYertisemeuts per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 5. Advertisements payable riiarterly. SEED WHEAT. I have a limited quantity of fine seed from a new and 4uueualed variety of Uanch wheat, put up in U lb. sacks which will be sent prepaid on receipt of .1. Tho wheat is superior lo lie fuvoiiiet'litnson variety, has a strong straw, and si.it.ds up well when growing. This seed is the product of experiments luet jtar, from which the yield was nt the rate of s" butjiels of wheat to one bushel ofsted. Only 500 sacks are ofered for sale. II. I). SMITH, 734 14b, STREET, Washington D. C. nipl. CV"""ia not easily earned in these fT) I t I times but it can be mndo in dii-ce n.ouih's by any one of either sex, in ttny part of the comity who is willing lo work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $'M per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give yonr whole time to the work, or only your spare nu ineuts. It co.it:; milling to try the business Terms and 5 Outfit free. AdJven al once, IL HALLETX & CO., Portland Maine, onej. BL'CKAYHEAT Graham Flour at FLOUR. AND POWELL KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS anew btockj nst arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S. AT fO WELL 4 KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more thuu the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WIUI'S. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. PIMPLES. I will mail Free- h recipe for prepar. inn a simple Vbobti.ii hhu ihut will re move Tah, FHbCKLtS, FJPI'LES aid Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear und beautiful ; also instructions for produomg a luxuriant growth othair on a bald head or euiooth faoe. Address Beu. Vandalf fr Co.. Uox 5121, No 6 Woottr St., N. Y- QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell & Co. UANKEKS AND BKOKEKd, No. 42 .outh Tliird direct. Philadelphia, April id, lf77. in. AsKitn U. 8. 1881. e H2ii Ui'i do 6 20, c 6I. M nnd N do do ,,ir J uud J do do '05 do ... do do '05 do 10-40. do eoupon do Pacitio ti's cy Int. otf New 5's Keg. lshl... 0. IMht .... Gold Silver Pennsylvania ei ive otJ d Heading 1"4 l;Jl Philadelphia & Erie !i 10 Lehigh NaviKalion- - - 2'-j ioi lllf 11 nil 12:1. 1102 111 1 1 ,.i 5 1 1 i.i il. ...... .vg 100 100 10HA .KWi .1112 IIS Ill 11 llo) 110$ div do Yalley United R K of N J ex. Oil Creek Northern Central ex Central Transportation Npgijuehoning - Worth Pennsylvania, . 0 & A Mortgage O'i '8'J 41 4U div- 134 134 1 M 44 43 108 20A 88j 40 48 109 J:47 l) m 6:22 a m :5o p m SEW TIME TABLE P. & E. It. K. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 'Jtitli, 187G wacox. Mail E,ist - :l f P m " West -: V Dav ICxorcss East .. N iugaru Express West 81D0WAY. Mail East Mail YVest . Day Express East Niagara Expresn West... sr. mabv's. Mail East Mail YVest Day Express East Niagara Expnws West..- 4:48 p 2:11 p C.-&6 a 8:14 p 6:15 p 1:46 p 7-.-20 a 7:15 p GARDEU SEEDS. Sew Yarietles of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to vour member of congress, wtio is flooded with applications for seeds but obtain the same Yurieiies. and nil the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Uesidc my own specialties i am prcpiireu to furnish nny hind of seed from any cata logue at a discount of tea per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who wuul nn assortment l nave j repnrru two collections. No 1 consists of lttvnrie lies of choicest Flower seeds a complete fljwcr garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection oi teguiamu seeua for a small family garden, price 1--j0-1'acknges of ihe two sets combined for 2.0l Sent postpaid to any address or. leceipt of price. The seeds in mese cuueeiiuus would eost double lue money, mane up in separate orders or purchased of any dealer. 11. D. SMITH, 731 13th STUEET, Washington, 1. C. PAlENTSi: ces. trade-marks, designs, and couipounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues uud iuicrt'ertnces will received proK ntteution, INVENTOIiSiS a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to its patenta bility .free of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS 81 CUKED. We will, upon contiiiijerit fee, prosecute m bpii iliot have been liKJECTun by Ihe Piiteul Otiice. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through, your congressman as to our standing colore tne Patent .Office. Send for circular for further iufomation, terms and references. Established in lbuo, EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Washington, D. C. nil 13 t'EISTADORO'S HAIR DYIs Cristadoro's Hair Dyo is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing tho most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorito upon every well p pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman Sold by Druggists. J. CRIST ADORO, I O. Box, 1533, , New York. Nt-4i TRUSTEES' SALE. f3 Y virtue of the powers vested in us by If the provisions of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by the Kersey Coal Company to the undersigned, dated tho 1st day of June, A V. ltstiB, ana amy re corded In tho recorder's office for Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, in mortgage book "H." page PJ3, fcc, as well as by virtue of the authority of the decree of the Court of Coma on Pleas of Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, sitting in equity, foreclosing the mortgage nforcsaid, we will expose to putflio sale, at Ihe court house, in Itnlpwny, in the Bant county oi (.IK, on FKIDAt. TIIK aiTII UAX Ur AL'K1L, A. P. 1S77, nt one o'cIock V. M., all iho rights, franchises and ptoperty of the Kersey Coal company, including real es tate particularly deseribed as follows : All those two certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Fox township; Elk county, Stnto of Pennsylvania, one lieing boinueu and described as follows : Xleginuing at a post at tho northeast corner of Eli P. Kyier'i land ; thence east, partly by laud of Nath. and 1). D. Hyatt, one hundred and eighty-seven rods (187) to a beech; thence south, by land of Horace Little, one hun dred and sixty rods to a post ind stones; thence west, by lands of Joseph Cook and Jesse Kvler. one hundred and eighty-seven rods to a post ; thence norlh by hinds of JtHse Kyler and Eli P. Kyler, one hundred and sixty rods to the place of beginning, contaiuini! one hundred and eighty-seven acres, more or less, being part of the tracts Nos. 4078 and 4l!, and the same con veyed to Joseph 8. Hyde by Edward Mc Quone nnd Ellen, his wife, by their deed, dated 0th duv of November, A. P. 1800, duly recorded in the office for the record ing ofdieds iA Elk county, in deed book "F," page 431), &c. A'so Another tract, adjoining the one above described, ami is bounded and des cribed as follows : Beginning at a chest nut tree standing in the west lino of war rant No. 4078; thence cast, by lands of Eli 1'. Kyler and J. S Hyde, one huudrcd rods, more or less, lo an elkwood ; thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six tenths (16DC-1C) rods, more or less, lo a maple tree ; thence west one nunurea roas, more or less, to a beech ; thence south, by warrant No. 4374, one hundred nnd sity nineand six tenths (Mi!) 6-10) reds, more or les to the place of beginning, contain ing one hundred and six acrc, more or less, being part of tract No. 4078, and the Fn:e lnnii conveyed to Joseph S. Hyde by Litfield P. Little and Lydia A. V., his wife, by their deed dated ltlh day of July, A. U. lf j'J, duly recorded in tho olGce for the recording of deeds in Elk county, in deed book "H," page 7"7, AO. Also All the following described tracts of land situate in the towuship of Fox af j'esaid. bounded nud described as fol lows; One tract beginning at a postal the south side of the Milcsburg and tfiaeth port road, on the western line of Daniel Hyatt's land, forty-six (4(1) perches, more or les.-, to a heciluck ; thence west forty three (43) perches more or less, to an ellr wood tree on Libel's line; thence north along said Libel's liue, siventy-f.mr (74) perches more or loss, to the Milesburg and Smethport road ; thence easterly along said Milesburg end Smeihport road to the place of beginning, containing sixleeu (10) acres more tr less. Also One tract beginning at a post on the mill road; thence west eighty one (Hi) rods lo John iSemeling's southeast cor ner ; thence north ninety-two (V2) rods lo a stone corner; theuce cast ninety-six (OH) rods to mill road; thence south twenty six degrees cost twenty (20) roas thence south ten degrees west twenty (0) rods, menco south thirty degrees west twenty (20;) rods; thence soiuh fiftceu degree west thirty-two (32) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (00) acres more or less. Also One tract begiuuing at a posi- ; thence east, by laud of George Weis, seventy-eight (78) rods lo apost.Oience souih sixty-one nnd two-'hirds (Gl j) rods by land of J, Seifred ; thence west sevca'y- eight (78) rods, by hind of P. P. Hyait: then co north sixty-one and two-thirds (01 ij) rods, by lauds of lien.ingcr & Eschbach, to Ihe place ol Deginuing. coniaiuuig uiiiiy (3o) acres, being part of warrant 4078. Also One tract beginuing at a post , i Ihcuceeast twenty (20) rods, by lands of I5eii7.inger & Eschbach ; thence south forty (10) rods by hinds of P. P. Hyatt , thence west twenty (20) rods, by lands of Patrick Murphy, deceased ; thence north lorty ioj rods by luuds of lieiuinger & bschbach, to Ihe place of beginning, containing five (0) aires, ulso part of No. 4o78, Also All the coal, iron, ores, nnuoiucr luineralu of whatever kind, lying und being in or iij. on all that em lain tract situated in rox township aloresaio, Dcginning ai a hemlock; thence east, by lauds of Joseph S. Hyde, one hundred and two (102) rod" to a water beech ; iheuce norlh by laud of Horace Linle, eighty-five (80) rods to a post ; ihenoc west, by land of George Weis, one hundred and two (102) rods to a post; theuce south eighty-five (80) rods to the place of beginning coutaiuing fifty-four ( 54) acres aud thirty (30) perches, together wiln the right of ingress and egress, and lo enter upon and into said lnnd for the pur pose of examining aud searching for and of mining, manufacturing and preparing the said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and transporting the same, and for these purposes to build roads aul drains upon or under Ihe surface of said linds, as may be necessary aud proper for the convenient use and working of the mines or works, with a riht to deposit the dirt or waste of the said mines or works upon Ihe urface convenient thereto to gether with all the rights, property, im provements, franchises and estates of said company acquired or which may be here after acquired. i'KED. SCHWEPLER. .,., Fit ED. W.DILLlNGS.I 1,U8-ees-Ridgway, Pa. Feb. 15, 1870-Gt. w iJ'-M itf'wi mair.wai-c mmJvawqmtmfS JHFWr- E iJtSJF ! D 1 q hi lit m i I i?s Be sfcM 1 t-4' K-'A sH iau f l & m The remarkable hiJnmentV ',vM ( rUSmm never Ufore "'' Aclapic-1 lx Am;.tc.-,- SB-t l'r f.: ion il. and on..i.!.-:t.t i. any p r! . fsT Beautiful Now Styles, now ready. GEO, WOODS fc CO.. Caiv.bridgeport, Mass. n-mrgnnn-:. i.ir..u,,l.. SI. iv.vlr... I TO Sl!,i St .. i hlcacOt 28 Ludltate Hill, LonOOB. llAriillirvJll " 1 ,. A '....i.i: M-uir.d Jonro.il of fdeeted mnsic ane vaimioij naiinc I.-.- mail f"r it per v.ir, or ten cents a nnjra. ' ,iu... THE VOX HUMANA." lOntaip. frt-n- - -.1 .JiiiMC. r,fo. !5 k CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Mass. THE ADVOCATE. OfJice, over Powell fc Kimv'n Sturo, tuin Struct. $2.00 A YAll--$l.oO 7A ADV.JXCE. SPECIAL TFAIMS Demoresl's Monthly, with premium, and Arfc ovale, orf $3.50. Head the Premium Lis-t. Peterson's Magazine, and The Al) -(HUTU or $3.0 0 JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS. WEDmJTG CARDS. NOTE BILLHEADS, INVELOPES, STJVT mm; lTo We will Blurt you In a business you can make fcvu a week without TUT-,,----capital; easy nnd respectable lor iUWUb V eillicrsex. 31. -t. iuu"6,-'" - cry , J. Y. mini. Adinluistrfttrix'ti Notice. Estate of Geo. Walnwley late of St. Marv's lioroutrh. Klk L'o . deceased. Letter Tetumentuni unon the above estate have been granted to the under Bicned. all nersons indebted to said ea tateare reuuestud lo inaUe puynient, and those having claima to present tne same without delay to ESTHEH ANNE WALMSLEY, nlttt Aduiiuibtiatiix BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates Furnished- OKDEIeS JiY MAIL AVLL RECEIVE TROMPT ATTENTONf Address HENRY A. PARSON8, JR., RIDOWAY.ELK CO., PA. A FEW MORE OVER COATS ( and Buffalo Robes at POWELL & KiME'S. SUOARS AT POWELL AND KIME'l?ire high to be sure; but B'ill are'a little cheaper than al any other store in town. FOR YOUR STOVES AND TIN Ware call at W. II. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets. WOLI.EN SOCKS AND MITTENS at : POWELL & KIME'S