The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 29, 1877, Image 4

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ne of NnMiri-ft Tells the Ntnry
of Hint Illnoily Iny.
v Texns corrosponilent of tlir New
lork World tells the following J I -went
th a great throng to Hun Antonio anil
gathered the facts here detailed which
give the Mexican aspect of the old fa
rndinr stwv of the battle of the Alamo.
Alio recital as given is a carefnl transla
tion by Colonel Ford', commonly known
Jjs ' Old P.ip," a frontier member of the
Texas Senate. The old Mexican soldier,
the raconteur, is named Francisco Bu
errn, born in Ounnajnato in 1810. Ho
becnino a soldier in 1828, was of
the r.rmy that Stormed the Ala
no in ISM, and was cap
tured by the Texnns at San Jacinto.
He became a citizen of Tfltas, nerved in
tho Avar of 181(5-7 atfninst his native
country, and in the Confederate army in
the war between the States. He is now
an honored and njjod of Browns
ville, and his recital of facts a Keen by a
Mexican at the storming of the Alamo
lias peculiar value in the eyes of your
Southwestern readers.
Sauta Anna was joined at Laredo,
whoie ho crossed the lt.o Grande, by
General Cos, who, in violation of the
terms of liis recent surrender at Han An
tonio, was forced to join Santa Anna and
return into Texas. The movements of
the Mexican nrmv were crentlv retarded
by fires on theprairies, which rendered tho j
horses of the whole force almost useless.
Denf Smith, a famous Texan scout, wax
the author of this mischief. Santa Anna I
united a day at Medina when he was !
nu t by Senor Xovavro and a priest, who
gave the general accurate information ;
rs to the strength 2(38 men in the ;
Alamo of the Americans in Sau An-'
toruo. A sudden ruin storm and
" H-thcr " made the river impassible,
and a forced march and immediate as
sault impossible. Xest day he resumed
the march, General Mora in advance
with orders to seize the mission of ihe
Conception, a massive stone structure
deemed by Santa Anna a more defensi
ble stronghold thau the Alamo. A can
non shot was lire 1 when the head of the
advancing column reached the cemetery.
The town was not defended, ar.d Colonel
Mora was ordered to take a position
north and C:wt of the Alamo to prevent
the escape of the ga-rison. This was
lata in February, 183(3. Santa Anua led
4,000 men and awaited the coining of
General Ta za with 2,000 more. A bat
talion crossed the Sau Antonio rive., and
took possession of houses below the
Alamo to build a bridge across the river.
Thirty men of two companies 6ent the
next day to make a reconnoissance wero
killed. A light earthwork was thrown
up above the Alamo. The firing from
the fort, now invested on every Bide,
was ' ceaseless. An earthwork nearer
the fort was constructed at night. On
the third day of March General Talza
arrived, and the plan of assault was de
fined and made known to tho division
commanders. On the fifth of March
scaling ladders were distributed. At
three o'clock ou'the morning of the sixth,
ever memorable in Texiiu song and
story, the Battalion Matamoros was
movod to a point near the river and
above the Alamo.
They were supported by 2,000 men
under General Cos, this wing of the
army being commanded by General Cas
trillon, General Talza leading that below
the Alamo. Santa Anna spent the night
in the earthworks near the Alamo. The
vvholo force was to move silently upon
the fortress at the bugle Found and not
to fire till in the trenches of the Texans.
Tho bugle was heard at four o'clock. '
General Castrillon's division after half I
nn hour's desperata righting, and after !
repeated repulses and uuheard of losses, I
succeeded in ellecting an entrance in tho
upper part of the Alamo in a sort of out
work, now a courtyard. The fighting
had only begun. The doors nnd windows
of tho Alamo building were barricaded
nnd guarded by bags of sand heaped up j
as high as a man's shoulders, and on the j
roof were rows of sand bags, behind j
which the Texans fought as men never i
fought before muzzle to muzzle, hand !
to hand. Eul'U Texan rifle shot exhaust- j
ed its force and spent itself in success. ve j
bodies of Mexicans packed together like i
a wall of flesh. Muskets and riile.s were
clubbed, and bayonets and bowie knives
never wrought such fearful caruago.
The ceaseless crash of firearms tho j
shouts of the defiant, desperate, be-
leaguered Texans, the shrieks of the j
dying, made tho din infernal and the
scene indescribab'e in its sublime terrors.
Eauh room in the building was the scene
of a desperate struggle with fearless men
driven to desperation and conscious that
esenpe was impossible. They fought
even when stricken down, and when
dying still struggled, not with death, but
to slay Mexicans. In the long room
used as a hospital the sick and wounded
fired pistols and rifles from their pallets.
A piece of artillery supposed to bo that
which Crockett had used during the
siege, was shotted with grape and canister
nu I turned upon the desperate occupants
of this apartment.
After the explosion the Mexicans en
tered and found the emaciated bodies of
fourteen men torn and rent nnd black
ened nnd bloody. Forty-two dead Mexi
cans lay at tho doorway of this room.
Bowie, whose name tells of his fearful
knife nnd deeds, lay stark nnd stiff on n
cot in this room. He was helpless nnd
iu bod when tho place was invested, ten
days before.
Eleven Texans fired with terrible
effect from the roof of tlie building,
where they used three or four field
pioe.!3, which they charged with nails nnd
pioees of iron. Baerra, like all others,
gives his peculiar version of the story
that recounts the fasts affecting the
death of Travis and of Crockett. These
two were found living, yet exhausted by
death-dealing, nnd lying among the
When Travis was discovered he gave
a Mexienn gold, nnd while conversing
with him General Cjs, with whom
Trnv's had dealt most generously when
San Antonio was captured by the Ameri
cans, appeared. Cos embraced Travis !
nnd induced other officers to join him in j
asking Santa Anna to spare Travis' life.
The president-general sternly refused. !
Then Crockett, from among the corpses, j
stood up, utterly exhausted, by weary i
sleepless days nnd nights and by five !
hours' constant fighting. !
Santa Anna was enraged beyond mens-1
ure that his orders were not executed. :
lis directed the soldiers near him to fire j
cm tho two Texans. Travis was shot
first in the back. He folded his arras
across his breast, nnd stood stiffly erect
till a bullet pierced his neck. Ho fell
upon his face, while Crockett's body was
riddled with bullet. The corpses of
2,000 Mexicans were buried; those of the
dead Americans were gathered and
burned, a holocaust whose fires lighted
tho way to Texan freedom.
I have given faithfully the Mexican
version of this fearful story. '
An old restaurant keeper says that tlie
way to get up a reputation for tender
beefsteak is to keep sharp knives for
customers' use. ' "
A Column nf Flntno nvrr Thrre Mllrs High
A blcano In Kealnkrnkaa liny.
A letter from Honolulu, dated March
1, says : The prime news of the hour,
nnd nn well the freshest, is the intelli-
Eoiice of the grand eruption on Manna
ion and a submarine outbreak in Kenla
kenkua bny. As yet the details received
hero ore meager, but the general ac
counts sgree in pronouncing the recent
outbreak of the old safety valve of this
hemisphere the grandest on record. Tho
eruption began between nine nnd ten
o'clock on the evening of Wednesday,
the fourteenth of February, with great
violence and without a moment's warn
ing. The point of activity was the old
crater on the top of the mountain. When
the eruption began the flnmeB suddenly
burst from the mountain and formed a
magnificent column of fire to the height
of 16,000 feet nbove the summit. From
tho deck of the stealer Kilnuen, lying
nt anchor nt Kawaihae, five distinct
Columns of fire could be seen belching
forth from the'mountain, apparently not
from the great summit cinter of Mokna
wcoweo, but from a smaller crater, situ
ated porno miles distant from it, called
rohakuhnnalei. The sight was a grand
one, ns tho columns of illuminated
smoke shot up almost instantaneously to
nn immense height in the air. The ve
1 ity with which thry ascended wns
cell that the flirt 5,000 feet v ere r assed
int-ide. of a minute. A few t nys after
intelligence reached hrre that tho fire
had disappeared, to the great diEnppoint
ment of thousands who were preparing
to stait for the scene. But soon after
n ws came that the great pyrotechnic ex
hibit .on of nature was still on the boards,
or otherwise the wntcr, and that the ani
mation of the spectacle was enhanced by
frequent earthquake shocks.
It is the general opinion that the
stream of lava is flowing rapidly down,
tho mountain side toward Kahuku in
Kan. When last seen it had progressed
a number of miles from the place of its
first outbreak, but did not seem to have
reached the woods. The illumination
was so brilliant that all parts of the
island were lighted up, and even on
Maui the reflected glare was so great
that in Waikapu it wns supposed that
the' caue fields nnd mill buildings of
Makee's plantation were on fire. Ona
spectator, who has witnessed a number
of eruptions, says that he never saw n
more magnificently illumed smoke cloud
from any previous one.
On tlie twenty-fourth the steamer
Kilauea arrived with a party of excur
sionists nt Kealakeakua bay the place
where Capt. Cook met his death. There
they found that a submarine volcano had
broken out near the entrance to the har
bor the preceding night. About a mile
from shore jets of red, green nnd yellow
fire leaped from tho waters, interspersed
with columns of steam nnd spray that
glowed with innumerable rainbows, the
spectacle being one of tho grandest
sights conceivable. Iu this locality the
water is boiling and whirling like an iui
msnse caldron or one might better
my, kettle of fish. Thousands are seen
fl ating on the surface, ready cooked for
the repast of swarms of Kanakas, en
gaged in gathering the dainty abund
ance in their c.mojs. Large quantities of
lava are also thrown up and float for
some time on the surface.
'Dip mnttpr is
j... u...iv w
either buoyed by the intensely boiling
water or sustained by gases that gradual
ly ooze from its pores. One specimen of
tho strango matter emitted from the
seething waters is a light, porous sub
stance resembling charred suprar. An
other is much similar, with the exception
that it sparkles with silvery flecks. The
submnrine eruption is nppareutly from n
seam in the bottom of tho sea, about a
v,. uul.v.u.. uuvu. i
nulc in length. It reaches tho shore and j
is traced inland between two and three
miles. The flames on the water were
first noticed by the natives nt three
o'clock on the morning of the twenty- i
fourth, and created much consternation. ;
Tli3 depth of wiiter here was forniorlv !
from thirty to sixty fathoms; but if the
eruption continues, very Jikely n ret-f
will be formed, which would render this
bay ono of tlie liuest harbors on the
As far as known no damage has
yet attended the eruption.
Pleasant Thought;.
By steps we may ascend to God.
Eternity, thou pleasing, dreadful
The man that makes a character
makes foes.
That is most wretched fortune which
is without nn enemy.
Extended empire, like expanded gold,
exchanges solid strength for feeble
The devil never yet tempted a man
whom he found judiciously employed.
The renscn why lovers ore never weary
of one another is this they are alwnjs
talking of themselves.
Pride i3 not tho heritage of man; hu
mility should dwell with frailty, and
nhmu for ignorance, error and imperfec
tion. Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but
pride runneth deeper; it is ooilud as ft
poisonous worm about the foundation of
the soul.
When there is no recreation or busi
ness for thee abroad thou mnvest then
have a company of honest old fellows,
in leathern jackets, in thy study, which
may iind thee excellent divertisement at
n mi'.
Philosophers have done wisely when
they told us to cultivate our reaBon rath
er than our feelings, for reasou recon
ciles us to the daily things of existence;
our feelinps t ;nch ns to yearn after the
far, the difficult, the unseen.
AgCH of Prominent Men.
Samuel J. Tildei. is iu his sixty-fourth
Willinip 'Wheeler is in his 11 ity -seventh
Ulvs.wa S. Grant will bo fifty-live
April 27, 1877.
H m m Cameron is in his seventy-ninth
y ar.
Hamilton Fish will be sixty-nine Au
gust 3, 1877.
'J h m is F. Bayard will bo forty-nine
ni xt October,
George F. Elinunds was foity-niiie i gojoum e devuted his time to the treat
Fi.'bruary H, 1877. i ramt of lung diseaKes, and nxin his retirement
Allen G. Thurman will be sixty-four
November 13, 1877.
Oliver Perry Morton will be fifty-four
AiiRiist i, 1877.
Thomas A. Henclricks will bo fii'ty
eiftht Sept. 17, 1877.
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen will be
sixty August 4, 1877.
William Maxwell Evarts was fifty-nine
February, 1877.
Thomas W. Ferry, president pro tem
pore of the Senato, will be fifty June 1,
The man who returned from the Cen
tennial without a medal is confident that
he oould have taken ono4f they had not
been bo carefully guarded by policemen.
Lemons for Consumption.
An exchange gives the following recipe
for consumption : Tut a dozen of wl o'.e
lemons in cold water nnd boil until soft
(not too so t) roll and squeeze until the
juice is all extracted, sweeten the juice
enough to be palatable, then drink. Use
as mauy ns a dozen a day. Should they
onUBO pain or looseness of the bowels,
lessen the quantity and use five or six a
dny, until a little better, then begin and
Use a dozen again. By the time you have
used five or six dozon, jrou will begin to
gain strength nnd have an appetite. Of
oonrse, as you get better, you need not as many. Follow these directions,
and we know you will never regret it if
there is nny help for you. Only keep it
up faithfully. WeVknow of two cases
where both of the patients were given up
by the physicians, and were in the Inst
stages of consumption, yet both were
cured by simply using lemons according
to the directions we have stated. One
lady in particular was bedridden nnd
very low ; Lad tried everything that money
could procure, but nil in vain, when, to
please a friend, she wns finally persuad
ed to use the lemons. She began to use
them iu February, and in April she
weighed 140 pounds. She is a well
woman to-day, and likely to live ns long
ns any of us.
Japanese Proverbs.
If you hate nny one, let him live.
Regard nn old mnn ns thy fnther.
We cannot build a bridge to
The world is just ns a person's henit
makes it.
The tongue three inches long can kill
a man six feet high.
If you do not enter the tiger's den,
you cannot get her cub.
Send the child you love most on a
journey (to save him from being spoiled
by indulgence).
Cbin-esb Free Masosrt. A Chiua
n.a i thus explained to a reporter the ob
ject of the Celestial Order of Free
Masonry : One Chinaman he bad steal
he belong put him out. S'pose
Chinaman lazy no work put out.
S'p se good work no steal he sick
we pay ; he die, wo cachee box and put
him in.
Tho New Orleans Times says that in
that locality " tho horrors of political ex
citement nre gradually yielding to the
tortures of base ball."
The Important Question.
Of all loathsome diseases catarrh Btanda
pre eminent. It renders its victim as disgust
ing to himself as to others. And the most
l,n,ilili,,r, ,,f all tlin flint iiu
presence is offensive to those around him. If
any disease deserves the name of universal, it
is this. Dietetio errors and tlie follies which
fashion imposes upon us tend to foster and dis
seminate it. To the pitiful cry of its victims,
is (hire any cttre fur catarrh f there is but one
answer consistent with Christian reason, (rod
has never sent one evil into the world for which
lie has not sent the remedy. For the greatest
of all spiritual and moral evils, the Great Phy
sician lias . prescribed a potent nnd never-failing
remedy. He has given explicit rules for
tho treatment and preservation of the spiritual
and moral man, but Ho is silent in all matters
relating to the physical man. It would be an un
warrantable detraction from His benelicent
! character to suppose that He had afllicted the
greater portion of humanity with an incurable
. Ti ,. . - ... . n-i.
God of Christianity in a God of love, of mercy,
His mesHago in " good will to all men." The
earth and all contained therein waa intended by
the great Designer to supply man's wants j and
Hiirely he has no greater" wants than reme
dies "for his infirmities. Science is rapidly
proving that the earth is fitted to supply man's
uttermost need. Sew medicinal plants arc con
stantly being discovered and new properties de
veloped from those already known. For ca
tarrh, the most potent remedy yet discovered
"Wr-Sage's Catarrh Remedy: Its eflicacv has
bcen testd in many thousand cases with uni
form success. Cases that had been repeatedly
pronounced incurable, readily yielded to it. Iu
confirmed, or obstinato cases, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Jlcdical Discovery should be taken in
connection with the nre of the Catarrh Itemed-.
Full particulars in Pierce's memorandum books.
They are given away by druggists.
A positive cure for rheumatism Du
rang's r.heumatic Remedy. Kond for circular
to Helphentitiiie & Detitley, Washington, D. C.
Noiith Seabsmont, Me., Sept. 9, 1870.
. Tiar Sir It gives me very great pleasure to
inform you of the benefit received from tho
use of Peruvian Hyrup in my own family. My
wife, fur the past ten years, has been in feeble
health very much debilitated generally. Last
spring she concluded to try a buttle of Peruvian
Syrup, and waa so well pleased with the result
continued its ue until three or four bottles had
I ecu used, and she is now in better health than
at any time fur ten years, and has increased in
weight from 110 pounds to 126).;. I have em
ployed physicians, and used a reat variety of
patent medicines, to the extent of hundreds of
dullars, and I know she received more benefit
from tho Peruvian Syrup than all the rest to
gether. My sales on tho Syrup arc very large and con
stantly increasing, and I do not hesitate to
recommend and even warrant it to give satisfac
tion. If you desire, you are at liberty to use
this communication ai you fee fit, as it gives
me pleasure to recommend so good an article to
buffering humanity. Yours truly,
Itiu'el Pearre.
Jloro ' than fifty years have elapsed
since Johnson's Anrulyne LinimetU waa first in
vented, during which time hundreds of thou
sands have been benefited by its use. Proba
bly no article ever became so universally popu
lar with all classes as Juhiusnn's AHOtlyiie Lini
ment, Burnett's Cocoaine kills dandruff, al
lays irritation and promotes tho growth of hah'.
Pills which contain antimony, quinine
and calomel, nlinnld bo avoided, as Bevore grip
iiiL' raiiia would be their onlv result. The iaf-
I est, sureHt and best pilU nre Various' Purgative
or Anti-Bilious I'M.
After an experience of over twenty
five rears, many lending phveiciana acknowl
edge that the (Iraefcnberg Marsliall's Uterine
Cathojicon i tho only known certain remedy
for diseases to which women aro subject. The
Urae fenberg Vegetable J'itls, the most popular
remedy of the day for biliousness, headache,
liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Hold
! by all druggists. Bend for almanacs. Oruefen
j berg Co., New York.
j Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the groat New
. Fnglaud cure for conghs, colds and cousiunp
! tioo. Cutler Bros. A Co. 'a. Boston, ouly genuine.
Fire Thousand Books Given Away for tho
While Dr. II. James was attached to the Brit
ifih medical staff in the East Indies, his high
position enabled him to call abmt him the best
chemUts. phvsicians and sciontints of the dav,
' and while exirerhnenting with and among the
native, ne accidentally made tue discovery tuot
conhumption ci. n he positively ana perm;
lie i-rOKitivt-iy ana
I nanll y . i i j c-r Tliiritirr llio niaiiv VAita rtf iu
be left with us Looks aud paiieru contniuine full
particularv, nhoniiig thut every one can be bis j
own itiTKician and prepare bis own medicine,
now offer to tbe publio without price, only ask
ing that each remit a three cent citanip for post
age. Address CK AUUOCK & CO., 1032 ltaco
St., Philadelphia, I'a.
Cries of Murder In the Night
Appall us. A bad cough ringing through the
house in the hours of darkness is equally sug
gestive of danger und death. Boot he, quiet
and cure it with ' Hale's Honey of Horebound
and Tar." Other remedies may have disap
pointed you, but this never foils. Sold by all
Tike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute.
Durang's Eheumatio Remedy never
ails to cure rheumatism. Sold by all druggists.
. ' i ' '
Elevator, Annnnelator and Exchange.
The Orand Central Hotel, New Tork, ban the
largest passenger elevator in the world. It Is a
good size room on wbeela t and Its interior Is a
marvel of curiously carved and inlaid decora
tions. The hotel annunciator is also tlie largost
in use. Its face is covered with between six and
seven hundred dijls, each controlled pv its own
separate wire. The grand exchange U also the
largest. It is a magnificent expanse of marble,
sweeping through a full block, from Broadway
to Mercer. The cuisine or the hotel is also man
aged on the same generous scale. Bix separate
meals being provided for Its guests daily yet
the Orand Central is the cheapest first-class
hotel in Now York, its rates being from 2.50
to 3.00 per day!
Dizziness, headache, pain across the
eyes, inflammation of the eyes, copious watery
discharges from tho eyes and nose, aro symp
toms of catarrh. Sanforj's Radical Cure for
Catarrh will at once cure those symptoms.
Capt. R. H. Young, U. S. Armv, says:
" Sharps rifles are the best in ihe trot-' ;" and
so say hnudreds of thousands of others who
have used tlie " Old Reliable " during the
past twenty-seven years. 8end to Sharps Rifle
Co., Uridgepo.t, Conn., for illustrated price
list, free.
" 5lfcc1lftf Kffir and raisin Poultry by menna
of Home Multure alone. Tito Cnntenninl and
aeveral Hoi Mvtlntm nnd 12 D,plnmns have
boon nwirdRd to Professor A. ('OlillKTT,
No. 7 Warren Street, New York. TeitimoninU
a nJ .V. . lle 8ent on "ce'Pt of 3-eent stinip.
Ktrcnirtli Combined with I.lKlilness.
Upon receipt of a Post-office money order, we will
deliver to ft express or railroad
4(1 Vinch square teeth, In, inches lone, for 8 1 .00
40 Viuota sutlers teeth, 10 inches long, fur 3. 2j
SWKKT'S MTU CO.. STiurtJBr:, N. V.
Vm will send you a bnnisome Can-
;et, cont lining the following sr-
icies oi .lowelry : l Handsome set
f Klperebuttun. 1 tint's Kine
vatc!ich:nn, 1 set of Hpirsl-ttuds,
1 Coral BcRrf-pin, 1 Lady's Wedding-ring-, and 1 improved
Collar-button. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re.
funded. TtVLOH t Hat, Jewelers, tilt Morton St., N.Y
Tlie FAU.WEKM PMON, Published t JMlnne.
nfinl.H, .HI nn., i devoted to the great Whunt and
Stock Growing Interests of the Northwest. Parties who
design or contemplate moving West, and wih to become
conversnnt with tlie Misisipp. Valley and the bvnutiful
country West of the MiBiwim. River, should subftcrilm
lor me rii.ur.Kn' t .iu:,tii8 nnty Agricultural
paper in tins section.
soecmn. I erinn 5a. I a it yniir; hn
O. Trinl CoDi Tlirre Months. AO cent.
8;imple free. Address, F, It.HKKS' I N ION.
JHinnrnpHlNt .llimi. For Advertising purposes it is
the best medium in the Northwest.
iviomiis, 91.1
For 9155
UHuitl price
) 3 AO elegant
hrat-cln.8 new
7 octave Rose
wood P i a n o
fortes, superior
tone, over
strung bc.iIo.hH
snme style n
cut. Wnie for
Kist th Street, Now York.
Supplied to Dealers in large or small quantities : by the
gallon or put up in bottles.
Private formula prepared in strict confidence, of
Inks, Mttcilnge, Chemicals, Medicines, etc.
Doing a Inrgo business, with uiot-t approved machinery
and under the fupfrintendence of a killed CUomiht, we
cun oiler grunt inducement to tlie trnd.
in v Noiti:,
Proprietors Wnlpole Color Work. UoMnit. Mri.
Hub Pat dlffertDgfram all
'cnp-ibftp, wtib 8ir AtijuttlDf Btll
in center, ndtpta Itvclf to II pU
tloot of tot body, while tb ball la
tht rap presses back tbe in
testines just as a person
would with the finger H uh
licbt rriinre tbs Hcrola Is bold
eeurfl dar t.1
iyht, sod radical care enlu. It it ,
Pnt bv mall. Circular! frp.
durable and ohoap,
CQQLESTON TRUSS CO., Marshall, Mich.
My Annual CntuWuw of Veiretafllo nnd Flower Soetl
tor 1477 will be reuily by January, and rent I'rer tu nil
who apply. Customers of la&t Benson need not writo for
it. I offer one of the largest collections of Vegetable
Seed ever sont out by any sued boue in America, a large
portion of which were grown on my six seed farms.
I'rtHtttl (firrr'iu(ty"ur cultivation ttt ttmi oaf Vd'r. All
Seed sold from uiy ehtablislmtent warranted to be both
fresh and true to name; si far, that should it ;rnve
otherwise 1 will refill the order gratis. As the original
introducer nt tho llutiliard and Alartilcllcid aouaslics,
the Mnrblehead Cabbage., and a score of utlier now
Vegetables, 1 invite the patronage of all uho are nnjritxta
to halt their Sertt .r rtth, true, ami y' the very beet utrain.
Sew Vrtictiiblf'N n Specialty.
JA.1IKS J. II. (iKWiOltV,
.Hitrlilelirml. .Hnwu.
By nn ftrranRemfnt with T. L. Craetn 4 Co., Ill) South
Fourth Ktrei't, i'luhidelphia. Pa., they HKree to send t i
each of our MihHctiherit, lr.'t a Numplu of the celebrated
Dobbins' Klertrio &m, itroTided they receive tho nd
dru&A laid liltoHij conU, vrtticu exactly p:iys tliH P'-uUko
onthomiHp, Taii nonp wait prtmiMinct'd by Urn C'onton
nial Jtidtfus to 1 tlioouly pure family simp made in
America. Our rcidt ru huvn nil hetird id this ump. We
hfivu ui.ide thin urniriKuniunt that thoy muy nil hare an
opportunity of cheaply touting for themsolves its inwriu.
bend your addruss und fifteen cutiU tor pontage diruct to
HO Moutli Fourth Hlreot,
Standard Flavoring Extracts,
For Flsvorlnff Tee Creams, Custards. PiM, Blaao
Mange, Ji-llka, Suucei, Soup, Gravin, etc.
Wm have been jrpreBuly permitted to lite the nsmrs
of a hoht of the bed Grocers ami Uotcls iu the couutry.
Wc, give a lew bclbwi
TaiTKRR IIoi-.w.
lUVKua lloi'klC
McDewkll k Auavj.
rirrn Arvxra Hotel. I Acksb, Mfbrali. Cowdit.
'WaaiuiMSTaa Hotel. Talk A 'IiLruau.
Coxtixsxtal Hotel. Tiioursox, Clack Eovr.
Willasd's Hotel. Hall t: Ileus.
ElTTAW noVSK. U. 11. rtEESS St JCC3.
Dubkbt Hovsb. I Joscrn B. Par . V.
BDaasu. ZIoitse. O. ii IU SIcMillait.
Occidkhtal Hotel. I QUTTIXO at GY,
Ottawa Dossi. David CaAwrona.
8uith Baos. Js Co. Clack ft Mkader.
The tvpertnrttt of there extract cemnUtn tn theirperfect
purity and great strength. TUey aia warranted lie. lroia
Ihe poiaoaoua oils and ooids which enter Into the compo
sition oi many oi tu. locutious iruit flavors Low ia las
CATARRH. Pond's Exit-art is nearly a fcpo
cidc for tins disease. It can hardly bfl ex
celled, eren Id old and obstinate easra
The relief ia so prompt that no one who
. J""1 ever tried it will be without it.
(.struct should be in every family this
rouifh weather. It removes the soreness
and routrhness. and softens and iieala
the skin promptly.
EIIEUMATIS H.-Duriug severe and changeable
weather, no, one aubject to Rhouina.'ic
lains should be one day without fund's
t-nnv w ,';fjrncj;i,:!'.nl",nysr'lirvr,
bORE 11. ,Ni;:ONfslJMPTioN, tOtiiUH,
OJiUts. llus mid weather tries the
'wy- It relieves tho i.axi and
vmuut.Ai.ig will U6
mil n v iivu .
ill be promptly relieved ou
t cured oy bathm the afaictci
i Poiid'aExirnct.
DurtR with
jrUUTEI) I.IM US.-J?oud-jEx,VnPt
zz f5sw vsr via v?$si$-
are prompuy CUred by ff. use oflVud
-..- . , .1 I MV. 1.. .Til'..
iV " "ever tails.
r. ffPri' f,'.'lrait freo.nn ai-piicatioa ,,
Special Notice to Our Readers !
To fll the New Palent Improved EYE CTJPH.
Guaranteed to b the bent paying tuAYivM nfered to
Agent bp any litmus. An easy and
ptcamnt employment,
Tbe Talue of the celebrated new Patent Improved
Eye Cne for tlie reetoratlonof atobt breaks out and
bis Boa in the evidences) or over 6,000 enlne tes
timonials of cure, and recijnmiioiiied by more than
1,000 of our beit pliyaloiaua la their practice.
The Patent Eve Cujm re ecl-titiflo and physio
logical dlaeoverv, nd a Alt.. R. Wtfth, M. D.,
and Wm. Uratlet, M. D., write, they are certainly
the greatest invention ot the age.
Beed the following certlncntee t
Fkrqcsoh Station, Ligan Co., Ky.,l
June eth, 1872.
Dr. J. Ball k Co., Oculist".:
Gentlemen Your Patent Eye Ctipi re. In my
Judgment, the moet eplendid triumph which optical
science tial ever achieved, but, like all great and
Important truths, la this or in any other branch of
clence and philosophy, have much to contend with
from the ignor .nce and prejudice of a too ekeptical
public J but truth ii mighty, and it will prevail, and
It ia only a queetton of time as regards their general
acceptance and Indorsement by all I have in my
bands certificates of persons testifying In unequlv.
ocal terms to their merits. The most prominent
phvslcians of my county recommend your Eye
Cups. I am, respectfully, t. A. L. MO If KB.
William Ubatlet, M. D., fJalvisa, Ky., writes:
"Thanks to you for the greatest of all Inventions.
My slgbt Is fully restored by Ihe nse of your Patent
Eye Cups, aftur being almost entirely blind for
twenty-six yens.
Alkx. R. Wyeth, M. D., Atchison, Pa., writes i
"Alter total bliudnefs of my left eye for lour years,
by paralyBls In the optic nerve, lo my litter aston
ishment your Patent Eye Cups restored my eyesight
permanently In three minute"."
Rev. 8. h, Fat.KiNSDVnr, Minister of M. E.
Cliurcb, writes; " Your Patent Eye Cups havo re
stored my siulil, for which I am most thankful to
the Father of Mercies. Uy your advertisement I
saw at a glance that your invaluable Eye Cups per
formed their work perfectly in accoidauce with
physiological lawj that thev literally fed the eyes
that weie starving for nutrition. May God greatly
bleas you, and may your name be enshrined in the
affectionate memories of multiplied thousands as
one of the benefactors of your kind."
Horace B. Duhant, M. D., says : " I sold, and
effected future eahs liberally. The Patent Eye
Cups, they will make money, aud make it fast, too ;
no small, catch-peuuy affa r, but a superb, number
one, tip-top business, promises, as far as I can see,
lo be life-Ions."
Mayor E. C. F.Liti wrote u, November 16tn,
1803: "I hava teie.l tbe Patent Ivory Eye Cups,
and I am sstislk'd they are good, I am pleased
wilh thein. They are certainly the greatest inven
tion of the sue "
Hon. Horace Onr.F.LST, late editor of the New
York Tribune, wrote: " lm. J. Ball, of our city,
is a eousciontious and rei ousiblo man. who is in
c.ipalilo of intentional deception or imposition."
Prof. V. Mkhiiick wri es: "Truly, I am grate,
ful lo your noble inveut:ou. My sight is restored
i,v v., nr V iteut Ere Cut's. May Heaven bless and
preserve von. I have been using spectacles twenty
years. I'mn seventy-one years old. I do all my
ivritlng without glasses, and I bless the inventor of
tlie Patent Eye Cups every time I take up my old
Mleol ,...11 "
Ai'OLPH PioiiNnEno, M. D., physician to Emperor
Kniwb on, wrote, after having his sight restored by
our Patent Eve Cups: "With gratitude to God,
aud thankfulness lo the inventors, I)n. J. Balt. At
On 1 b reliv rucoiiimeutl the triul of the Eye Cups
(iu lu'.l faith) to all and every one that has any tin-
pafrca evesiui, iiciicviufc; a, i. uu, ma. bhivc mo -
pcriinent with this wonderful discovery has proved
successful on rue, nt my advanced period of life
ninety years of age I believe they will restore the
vision to uuy individual if they are properly
ComtnonuY'af a of Manachuettst Eex, ss.
June 6tb, 1873, personally appeared Adolph Biorn
berg, made oath to the following certificate, and by
him subscribed at iWOr. hefore me.
La whence Citt, Mass., June 9tu, 1873.
We, the undersigned, having personally known
Sr. Adolph Bioruberg for years, lielieve bim to be
an houeat, moral man, trustworthy, and in truth
and veracity unspotted. His character is without
reproach. M. BON SE r , Ex-Mayor,
B. B. W. DAVIS. Ex-Mayor,
Ret. W. D. Jocruan, M. 1)., of Cuiliicutue, Mo.,
who has used, aud seen other parties use our Eye
Cups, writes : " To those who ask my advice about
your Patent Kye Cw I am happy to state thi.t I
believe them to' be of great advautago in many cases,
end should be tried by all aud neglected by none.
TuIb is my honest conviction." .
deader, theso are a few certificates out of thou
sands we receive, and to the aged we will guarantee
your old and diseased eyes cau be made new ; your
impaired sight, dimness of vision, aud overworked
eyes cau be restored; weak, watery and sore eyes
cured ; the blind may Bee ; spectacles be discarded ;
sight restored aud vieiou preserved. Srectacles
aud surgical operations useless.
please send your address to us, ond we will send
you Vi.- book, A GE.M WORTH HEADING 1
Save your Eyes o,nd Jiestote your Hithtl
51 . rnrwao AMay your Spectaetetl
By reading our Illustrated Physiology and Anato
my of the Eyesight, of 100 pages, tells how to restore
impaired vision and overworked eyes ; how to cure
weak, watery, inflamed and near-sighted eyes, aud
all other diseases of the eyes. Waste no moie money
by adjusting huge glasses on your iiose ana uisng
uring your iace. Hook mailed free to any person.
Send on your address
To tell the fateut Eye Jup4 to the hundreds of
people wit Li diseased eyes aud impaired eight in
your county. Any persou am uct n our Ageut.
To Rentlerneu or fadies, $5 to fc20 a day guar
anteed. Full particular bluI Ireo. Write ii"iuedu
ati'lj to
3D3FI cT- HATiTi &s CO.,
No. 235 WEST 33d STK-tET,
(P. O. Box 037), NEW YOUK CITY. N. Y.
Do not mi ss the opportunity of being flrat in the
field. Do not deluy. Write by flrut mail. Great
inducements and largo ptofltn offered to farmers
during the winter niuutbu. and toanyperaon who
waiitM a first-clas puyin busims-f.
The Cresslrool: I Faterson City ITurseries'
Floral Calendar. Journal, and 8 Fnmplc I'l.mts. 3 rta,
UtUFrce. i. GKEIVES, Sue, llox U7,l'alcrnua, S.J
mnpnnii p t it i t.i r-w
hn more terlinir qunliti(s tlian any other borry yt
offerri Ut the public, nrnilncing nvor fonrtwn thoimnnd
qmrt pnr ncrc. in rifia culture, 11 airecuuns nro iuiiuw
ed. Bund for tircu!r.
Having improved the ounlity of our Wrp, now bt-inir
Sold under tlie " PKKKI.KSS" ticket, we sLvill bereifler
r.tni.t, for the improved quality, the brand "AVHITK
We sh:i II nlso mnnufacture n lower nnnlity of Warp,
Which will he sold under the ' PKKKLKSN " brnnd.
Knquire for "WHITB STAR AAA" Carpet Warp
of all lea rl in k Dry Goods De ilers.
liver 4(H Fine EiitrrnviiiKx, coalina itio.fMMI.
The finly b.w.k fairly aliawitis t:ku line costly exhibits of
the Art tisllerv nnrf Mmn Itiulrlitiff. Vi(tp-artike AeentK
are quitting a II inferior boeks for tnis. iivt t lies ileal.
Knn for circulr. term., snd sample entemvinff.
I'.W. y,IK;l.l:it & CO.. 5 1 H Arch St.. Phils.. Pa.
JHO. S.TMEY HUB Wall St., Hew York,
Mazarine Blue Glass.
For eurativB purposes and uttmu latin tha growth of
animal an'l vegetable life. Eih mined and approved by
(cnernl Pleas m tou, and hia certiticate acoukupanyinii
mach purchase. (ii AKH rur to exact hizb. witU full
direction for uae and arrnnKenifnt in the aaau.
Fur anle. V ti u .. I e and Ht tuil, by
Also, at 12 IJK.v.I it, SUOP.HAKEltf
sach per mail, I-'jikm h Plate (iLB8 Dkpot,
(ioneral Plt-aimntnn'a O.i lo 2 1 1 N. l-'oiirlli Hr.
H'M.k on HLITK nnd WUN JJiillT. Phuuklphia.
Bud for Pamphlet of thi Riliabla BuliogUn Eoal.
Addreaa T tr l rrr-rrt-r't. 9 V T)
I . B33MS3T0:f, IOTA.
IN THE united st,
SO' a and DAUGHTERS, attention I
JPSrn to beautify your HOMES and
.-FINEST and beat GUIDES and CAT
-Everyone having: a FARM or BAR
BEN should aend a Postal-Card at once
for PEJiE descriptive CIRCULAR; or
10c. for Illustrated Catalogue, 136 page.
r o Boa, B. K. BLISS & SONS,
- 6712, ?4 Barclay St, New Tork,
As a ren -ady for Dissaum, 8oru,
Abrabioni and Rocohnkm of thb
Skin; m a Jeodoriur, disinfectant, and
means of preventing and curing
Rheumatism and Gout; and as an
Adjunct of thb Toilet and thb
Bath, "Glknu's Suijhuk 3oap" is
incomparably the beet article ctot
offered to the American public.
The Complexion is not only freed
from Pimples, Blotches, Tak, Frec
kles, and all other blemishes by its
use, but acquires a trans abeut
delicacy and yelvety t ..ft nubs
through the clarifying and uiollient
acilou of this wholesome brauti
fier. The contraction of obnoxious dis
enses is preTentcd, and the complete
disinfection of clothing worn by per
sons afflicted with maladion
is insured by it Families and f rat
elers provided with this udmirable
purifier have at hand the main
Baths Dandruff is removed, the
hair retained, and grayness retarded
by it'
Medical men advocate its use.
Price, 25 and 50 Cents per Cake,
Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 00c. and $1.20.
N.B. There la economj r. baring tb Urf oakss.
" Hilt's Hair and Whisker Dye,"
Black or Brown, 60 Cents.
C. S. CE1TTENT0N, Prop'r, 7 Sirth At. H.T.
a year to Afents. Outfit mnd a
$5 Shot Hun J'rtn. For terras !
drest,. Worth & Cq. St.Loviyll
The bet fmnily newspaper published; eight pages; fifty
mix ftnlmittin rHidinaT.
Terms $2 pr nnnura; clubs of eleven, 15 per
annum, in nrtvnnr.
One piek.-gn of ('nttnn Hcril by mall, prepaid, en
tne receipt oi unc lfonnr in currency.
Address, J. II. WIHTI.OCK.
Kiil'itiilnf Afabnwia
Music Books!
Gems of English Son?
Gems of Scottish Song
Gems of German Song
Gems of Sacred Song.
World of Sonf.
Wreath of Gems.
Shower of Pearls.
Operatic Pearls.
Silver Wroath.
Moore's Irish Melodies
Ouilo nnennnlpil Bonk, of Bound Miwie. iclt with
"00 tu ''VI tirtari. sliest Music size. Best collection, ol
MonK", Dut'tit; IMiino ur UrKau ccconii:inirat nt.
Goms of Straues. Gems of the Dance.
Pianist's Album.
Home Circle, Vol, 1
Pianoforte Goms.
Home Circle, Vol. 2.
Piano at Homo.
Organ at Home.
t)tlite nnpqiuiled bound rolumen of Rheft Music foi
t;iann (or urienn l wun sue to puecs, nuua vritn exoc,
tioiisiiy Kooa piocos.
I'l-lcc or tlie nbore Hooks, earli 12.50 Ii
boarilst 83.00 In clotlif S4.O0 gilt.
School Mirsia Booub. 8. 8. 8ona Boous.
Hiell School Ohnlr. (111.) Tlio Bowi-rd, (35 ots.)
Wtiiiipoorwill, (50 cts.) ShiniiiK Kiver, (35 cts.)
Clm.n'ul Voices, els.) Good Nows, (35 cts.)
Sir- Kither Book mailt-d, post-free, for KetAil Prlc
0LIVEE DITS0N & CO., Boston.
t'. II. U1TKON tV CO.,
711 lirondwuy, New York.
J. V.. DITSON iV- CO.,
KiiorMBKom to T.V! A WAT.ltvn, I'lilln.
.S.-irs a Boston PliyMeinn, ' bu no equal a a, blood
turiner. Unnrinjt i.f it n tnanr wnndprful ciiroa, after all
nt r rf-modieti hud ffliled. I viijiud tho LuborMorjr and
ediivinced myself of its Kneral merit. It ia pivpnrptJ
from barkii, rot-tn and herbs, each of which ia highly
effective, and thf j- aro coinpfmndud in auch a manner as
to produce untumshing retulta."
Hood Purifier.
fs the Great Blood Purifier.
Will cure the worst case of Scrofula.
lud by Physicians and Apothe
1m recommendud by Physioiana and Apothecaries.
Has effected some marvelous euros in oases of Cancer.
Cures the worst oases of Canker.
Meets with wonderful success in Mercurial diseases.
Will radicate Salt Rheum from the system.
Cures the mokt inveterate cases of Erysipelas.
Kernoves Pimples and Humors from the Face.
Cures Constipation and Kesulates the Bowels
i&tion and Kisulates the Bow
emedy for Headache.
Is a valuable remedy for Headache.
W cure Dyftpepela,
Restores the entire system to a healthy condition.
Cures Pains in tht Sid.
Removea the cause of Dissineaa.
Relievea Kaintneaa at the Stomach
Cure Poina In tha Back.
(effectually 0urea Kidney Complaint.
U effoctive In iU our of Female Weaknaaa. . .
U tU ) jieat remedy for General Debility.
H. H. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vryi tlnr l Hold br All Prnsctsts,
-I n f'OMlf! PHOTOS, lOo., or Ton BMiitinii
f Aotresws, lOc, hi Husted Oo., Wiiaii. n. 1
CATAt-OOtTK and PeWholr OsrrlMi w lTrnwr
Hrrils frse for stamp. F. Fbexch, cird.W'rlt-
a f1 T?1VTrFO Our soods sll t tlnlit to stbit family.
AViiliXl X i Ad's Smith Mfg. Oo. .Worcestwr, M aas.
A FINK MII.TON IIOI.O 1C1I. sratror iw.i
po' t rid. by J. 1. LANSING. Schen.cUdr. W. Y.
PK1NTKRH, irrt "Mtronai Mint " Cn-rj, msnri
br VANI)ltBllUBlH,WLLS Co., 18 Dutch 8t..H.Y.
A C C O bff A wmm Armta. "sup mini
$09 t 4 I P. O. VICKKRV, Augiista. Maine.
K 4n tOt Pr ar at horns. RamplM worth J
0 10 9a(UfrM. tlTIN80NCO.,P. rMand, Maine.
ttCC awaek In ronr own town. Terms and 41 outfit
vDOfres. H. HAU.K1T A CO., Portland, Main.
H 4 A A WEEK. Cataloane and Sample KHKK.
l ) FKi'tO.N CO.. lift Nassau 8U, New York.
A CTTTHf A The onljr sure ren. . v. Trial package
0.0 X XlltjLA. free. L. 8WITHNIOHT. ! O.
BsfthttS WOI . sflslwkat..
Triaaoi pirn, t
pcph- rr, . mn. mis. r
fj-f! OUTFIT FREE. Best eU..ert. Write al
I O R Any at home. Acents wanted.
Outfit and
rtn. Mnie
tftOft A DAY to Asrwits. Rsmpls free. Hi jut
Ttj (Vulnetie. T. VI.KTOHHR. I I Onv lt N V.
Dmni 1 CD sbotS.OO, 70 styles. nl f-
1" " "V O TTl-TO S CHEAP Ml'SIC,
lit Fl '. Pi I n ratAloctira free h m)l
ffitWK av .;.. ar rja.t istn atreet, new rora.
T.tent Rrtler. Mecsnre. P.ner
ottrr. and rilottr conir.inert
50 N. Sth St.. Phil.
WANTFn-Thearfitre.sof ony hnTln AWTH.1IA.
Pimple of rnmenv .put frpe. Address with stamp,
C. I. WKWTI.AKK - CO., AHdlenn, N. Y.
HOW TO MAKE H?n toll 4 Oner Week SBI.T
THR CANTON TFA CO., 1 4 S Chambers Bt.NowYork.
FFCT dire for nrpmstorn dehilitF. Rend for circn.
la- or call on Tin. H. RARH, 832 Broadway. New York.
OCWCiniU? Va matter how slieMIr disabled.
tlsOIUlU erene. r"yr y-r A(in-e nncr
mil rneil or PITS enred by Dr. Rots1
Address. KOS.1 UliOS.. UlUHMiivn. Ivn.
1th onr Stencil slid
.itiit Circulnrs rree.
H V Al"
WATCHES. A Great Uensation. Sample
Wstco and Outfit free to Agents. Hetter tliar
(!nld. A.Wtw. A. CDin.TKH TO . (
I A Irfonlli. Agents wanted.
80 best sell.
Jl 'nf articles in the world. One KHinple, free.
-wwww Aim
ildrp .1 .. V ?lln.-!v
ti W PN
Samples of Curtice Flower snd flnrden
Seed, sent Fh'r'F. Send H-eent st -mp to
pT n-'nrn fo'tisn. NIAOAHA PLANT
Aitn SKKD CO., Buffalo, N. V.
HH n Week net tn Aients. The New Work
indianenssble to F. A. M. Rend for Pesrriptire
Y5f C'Wnma BF.InlNO 4 PO.-. Pl'nt.lBHFBS
ir Masonic Works, 731 Broadway, New York.
SMOKE, SOOT nmTT'OAI. CS AS from defective,
drafts prevented : no more worry with fires for cook
nsr or bentina. Rend .tnmn for circular.
HKNRY COI.FORD. TM Ssnsoro St., Phila., Pa.
i1! fl tfl O C T snev T AranU aelllnr ear Chromos,
Crayon i, Ptrture nd Cbromo CrJ. ltv
p!i, wnrlli i'nt p tpfTi for Hfit. Il'mtrv
KIDDER'S PASTILLES by mall. StowellACo,
unariestuwu, ittass
RnnKkFFPINR MAOKEV. OnlylOpaa-es
DUUIMVtCrllVU to tdy. Worth its weirbt In
(mid. No storekeeper, clerk or mechanie cr.n afford to
do without it. Sent. not niM on rooeipt of 50 cents.
H. COI'TDINtJ BRYANT. Buffalo, N. Y.
And Not
Wear Out.
Sold hv Wtchmkeri.. Pv mini. ffl)c. Oirrulin free.
T. 8. BIRCH A CO., 38 DeyBtrrat. New)ork.
T7'VT CAT "K-f'intry Store. Stenm Rnw
rllv nAIjri Mill stock, s.w im. "tck
-try Lomler. Timber. Lnni. lnrpe Furm. T-m8 and Im
plemnnt. fpnt frr Inrpe Tnnnerr. Rnrk C'hepp. Anply
to M. KELLY. Kellyhhnrir P. 6.. I,ycomin(E Co., Pn.
Co South!
Chenp Tirketti. Reli
able informntion nn to
heat nmttnn. Pertrl tOrts. for Snnhrn Ifern-f. grid's
OAINRS St Y1NGL1NG. No. O Ator Houoe, J'vY"rk.
WAIMTFn MEN totmvel nnd to Hi-nlrrn onr
nil I L.U new tinbrpaknhle G1m Chimneya and
Lamp Goodii. o Pi'rlillinar. Pulary lihcrel, buwi.
nps permnnent. Hotel nod trnTelintr ",ttihpb pnid.
Monitor Glab Co.. 2G4 M nin St., f'incinnati, O .
YfHT can secure a ft i f T pnyitic Imfinef"
'xchisire for your I I I I I II connty, nt a Firinlt
lent. No tjrwrfenr IT I I 1 I II nnd Finnll enpitnl
"equired. Pleraant vl U w nnd lmnnn-ble, by
( ,fnw. T. 'HHnniMQM. f'inrinnnti. Ohio.
ICinisrHtion assisted hyGovornnrnf Nrvr Routb Wnlea
'rom New York. !H7.tjO. n-nld, F"r nfirU"lrirH mmly M
R. W. CAKHnoN A Ci. Smith Willpim Pt..NpwYrk.
Don't Be Annoyed Any More.i!;,.0;;
Ili'rwlrk, In. for a pair of Patent Rubber Shoe ITt-el
Snpportem. Lnst a lifetime nnd w.-irrantcd t keep
(lubber Mhnon from auminff off jit Kool. iOO AgcntH
ranted. Great inducements. S- nd ftr elrvul-trM.
Comblnntion of Cnnitnl N.w
mode of oneraiina: in ntouka. Loaa
tupOfaelUli. J'roflrH aura. Ki.
olanatory olrciilar aent frro. 310H1-AN V TO.t
Brokera, 38 Broad Street. P. O. Rox :rXH t New York.
HPT? A CI Th clloice"t in tbe world Importer
X JLixr? prices Iareettt Comprtny in
itaple article pleaae everybody Trude continut.Dy in
creasing A (rents wanted everywhere best inrtu .'"nienta
dnn't wnnte time fend for ('irr-itor to ROMFRT
WKLLR. 4 3 Vwy St., New York. P. O. Box I2S7.
Prof. Hall Made Compound
is the only prcpHntiou.oov packkie uf wlncn
will torcc the (K-anl to trrow thick and !.eivy
On the iiioothot Ucc (witlioul iejury) in 21
dys in ewry rnup, or inn-y chtvrttillv re
tutiilKi. 2.. Ci'iiU p'T nnrkn-f, tutst .nit. i 3 for
MiiPttU. Iu. XV. JUXI'S. A.iti.iMl. Mom.
i.T,,c V, Rupture; Upium IlaDit, et., HKNT
fKhh. on rereipt of stinip. Address Dr. Hntta' Dlttpea
ary. Nu. I a Nortli Sill Street, St. Ijiuis. .Mo.
The Morning Hour.A.,!,.
.ir rta,lyttr agent. 1 be irrent family mibfcription
mthor ia everywhere known. His other books have had
treat anle. and are in constant dem.nnd. This is hia
jrowuins work. Kxclunive territory. For full ourticu
lara, addreaa, J. H KARLK, Bobton. Mash.
OOK Ot thH VBJir. Mttall a Hnilir r.nncUV,..U Tl
H fitch' i
newspaper advertising thia remedy bus had a anle
iniKr i,nh(i any outer, n seiia tienauy, end nirtintaina
itielf, and our customers ripen k uniformly in its favor, aa
a aafe and efficient medicine of it kind.
Shopping Made Easy.
We take pleasure in offering our services ah purchflfers
to those desirina; any tiling procurable in New York.
Samples of material forwarded upon receipt of Ho cent a.
Send for a eirculur giving full information.
Addieaa CL,AKN K I IOWA 11 1 iV CO.,
61) W. th fetiuot, New York.
Young America Press Co..
63 AlUUKAY 6t.. Kkw York.
IJHshcitnU Ilia rsnirs laa buiisv, at a .Sa
cbeapuat aud beat hand and 1
vii'iukiri; iinniiiiBT uresacs.
atwaui-UWII BUsVaaI(aJlM txwt west mi4j.
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CifcUirifrM. SpeslmoaBsokoflTy. thti, Ac. ton oesuj
The Itrnt TriiNw without
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Will cube more Runturea than any ol those for which
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fiend quickly for proof of mbnve, opinions of ofhcia!fi.clersj
snd press, sample pjiaes, full description, and ex-ra trrmt.
Huhuaiid Bhur , Pubs., Phila.. Pa., A
PAIITIflN lleiiars of falaely claimed orhi inl and
lyHU I mil wort hooks. Wend for proof.
Only macblnu
Invention. and ,
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jlarve ous
Trse Uark la baas
of svery mschlue.
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N. Y. N. V.
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