G-EU J. RATHBVN, Attorneyat-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. UALL & M'VAULEY, Attorneyi-at-lAW. Office in Nw Brick Building, Main Bt &ldwaj, Elk Co., Pa. Tn2tf. L UCORE & ItAMliLEK. Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 16 '70. Vll AXLES 11 OLE Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tor the ,1owe Sewing Maohine, and Morton Gold ?eu. Reptiring Watches, eto, docilh ie ratno accuracy as heretofore. Satis fact? jo guaranteed. tlnly J, 0. W. BAILEY, ATTORSEr-AT LAW. ltnu1. RIdgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for tn Traveler's Life and Aeol Jient InKuranoe Co., of Hartford. Conn. J A3! EX D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, hating permanently lo cated in Rigvav, offer hii profeeeionsl ser vices to the cittieus of Ridgway ana sur rounding countr. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, tip stairs, first door to the lift. 73-n-8iMy G. G. MESSENGER, Druegiit und PartnacetiMst, 3. W. corn of Main ami Mill sued". Kidgway, Pa. ruli assortmslit of carefully selected For oien mid Domestic Dings. Vrewiptioni carefully dinpenssd at .ill hours, dny or bight. 2'. & HARTLEY. M. I)., Physician ami Surgeou. Other in Dl-r.g iiie. corner Broad and M'tin StJ. Hejidiiice corner Hrond 8t. opposite the foil. ge. Oflioe ho.iis Irom 6 to 10 A. M. and from 1 to 8 P. M. Tln'Jyl. jTs. KURD WELL, M. D., FajIcciio rhytician and Surgeon, hasresnoT H hi" otlioe from Centre street, to Mail el. l'iditway. Ph.. in the second story or the brick building of John Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. tWo hours:-! lo 2 I'M 7 to 9PM HYDE II 01 HE, KtixiwAt, EL Co., Pa V. fl. SCI! RAM, Proprietor. i i.r..i ihn tmtrnn'ie'B heretofore io liborally bestowed upon him, the new ontion to the coailort iw mu.,i.... guests, to merit a continuance 01 fttno. Oa 30 Ibil'.'. ;. o. fa r. LUMBER A'D.I"8L'nA2fCE COM MISSION BROKER, AMD GENERAL COLLECTION AUENT .So 2Ct5 Walnut Place, (,310 "Walnut ytr?et.) PIIlLADELVlIIA. PA. n 41-1 v 11. HA r.v. Di Goada, Kotioas. Grfoeries and Gorm-al Varioty, FOX ELK CO., PA. I.Mr It U '. O: V III Ilf. J .i;Li:v. M. I. n. II II t HI MAS, M, 1), D RS. EAliLEY ii 11 ART MAX. nr. V. n. nartmnn. fhrmcrlv nf St. Marv'a. baa associated himself with M. i'. llnrloy, M. D. in the practice ot medicine at Ridgway. Ry close at tention in business they hope t' re feivo u lilv'i'itl shave of the patronage rf the public. Dr. W. B Ilartnnin tan be found at Mil bourn, iither at his room, over the post-office, or at Dr. M. J. Earlev'a Drug Store. Dr. M. J. Earlev can' be I'-uuid nt the residence of Dr. C. R. Earlfj, or et hid Drug (Store. Surgery, 'und diseases of tvameu audcbildnu h ppocialltvi e. k. mr.su, Dealurluuil kind of I'uhifnl ware, troodand cane aer-t chairs, kitchen and Mention lahlts, wood anil umrblo top tands, wood Pt?d 1'iuvbh: top Imreaus, h'hat notx, Jwklng gUwen, Wood and tnarblo top cliuiuber n:tM, mntlreeses, prim? bed bottoms, bed ttcadb, cribs, Lafunv'K metal lined woud pumps, J;C., Catie s-i-ttts repluced With ocrl'oratcd wo- d Meats', N ceil sewing aiachine mitincd from f6f to t-io, the oest inueliim; in the market, und pic ture frame? made to order. Also a larpo assorted stock of rendy mude coti'ms constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above f oodf are eold at pauiu prices. Ware Rooms In masonli; building, Ridgway I'u. v;m4t'lrjdapr27,77. .TEV LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISIIE3 TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that ho haa btarted a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggica to let upon the most .reasonable terms, 2TIe will also do job teahilng. Stable on Broad street, above Main All.orders left at the Post Office Will receive prompt attention. Aug01S71tf 1 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, bud all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the exke of suffering hu. inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction fur making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers , wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex. per.euce can do so by addressing in perfect eonfiienjo. JOHN B. OQDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS stt POWELL & KIME'S, only eight mU pen yar J. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dyet makes fanrsh balr sOft and silky; oleaness the scalp from all imparities, causing the balr to grow where It has fallen off or become thin. Can be applied by the band ae it does not stain the skin orjsoil tht finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfeot the world lias ever produced. The hair Is re novated and strengthened, and natural co'or restored without the application of mineral substances. Since the Introduction of this truly valu able preparation Into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all olas ses, as it has proved to bt the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray bair to III original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produoe hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after Us use, or acoompanyment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hop It lh Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Aead this Home Certificate, testified lo by Edward R. Oarrigues one of the moet competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to add rny testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origl nal Color, aud the hue appears to be per manent. I am satisfied that tbie prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the te oretions. It is also beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle front Edward B. Oarrigues, druggisl, Tenth and Coales street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its uo. MRS. M1LLKR, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Pwayne St Son, Kespected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her Lair was fast, lailiug and quite gray. The oolor lias been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is tho result. . 11. OARRIGUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Contes, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayue k flout Last winter while in Treuton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re stoicr, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thiug I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one doxen bottles CUD care W 8 Fogler & Son Druggiste, No 723 Trcmont street, Boston. Hcsportfully your, Ail A BAKER No 69 Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing Has complexly restored my hair to its original color and youthful bcniilj, and cuueed a rapid and luxurmut growth. MRS. ANSIS MORR13, No CHS North Seventh Street, rhlladelpliia. Dr. Dallon of Philadelphia, sys of it. The London Hair Cclur heOrer is used very extensively nmong my patients and frieuds, as well as by myself. 1 therefore pek from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAVXE .1 SON 30 North Klxtlt Hirer-t, Philadelphia, Da., sole Proprietor.. aoi.if rtLJL itfti fjrjtsrs 1 Jl K I. V S (i CONSUMPTION! 'l itis ditre8iugaui ilangeruus complaint ;iu l its premonitory symptoms, nrgl-tcd dii.gli, night sweats, iniarsenefs, wasting fleHli lever permanently cured liy SXTOS SWAYNS'S COMPOVifi, SYBW OF VIU CHS'iiiY. JDKUM'HITIH A iremoifer or I'ul uiuniiry Couniini'tk'ti, U fluarse'erir-ed by cntnrrb, or iufl.iii:!i"l tf the miioum lucm brnuc of the uir pnaiingca, Witli cotiii and expectoration, slum breath, hoursenciis, f niUM in Hie chest, l'or all btoncliinl nti'eo liaus sore ihroat, lass of voice, coughs, OR SWAYNE'S yrup of wiia Caerry l.S A hOVtUK!''N BEMRDV Hemorrbdire, flf Mpittinj uf P!od, may proceed frolu the larynx, irnuliia, lironclnn or lungs and arises from various cau.,es, as uudue physical elrtioo, plfctliora, or full ness of the Vessels, weak lUDgs, overstruiu n g of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swayne'i Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidney to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The obly standard remedy for bemor rliano, bronchial and all pulmonary cou plaiuts. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marveinus power, not only over con. cumpi'On, but over every chrooio disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its UBe the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard theatomiiCh is improved In its power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new re creative and plastio material is made. Prepared only by OR. SWAYKE&SON, 339 ortk Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Solo bt all Projunkkt Dhiuoists. Itching Pies! PILES, PILES, ITCIIINO PILBS, FosiTiVKLt ccnio by the np,c of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with cne of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more ootnmoiily kuown as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased br scratching, and not unfrequently beeome quite sote. I bought a box oi 8 wayne's Ointment; its useg.ve quick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure- lean now sleep undisturbed, and 1 would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost Innumerabe, without finding and perms nent relief JOSEPH W. .CHRIST, (firm of Roedel & Christ,) Boot and 8boe House 841 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. SXI2T DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment ie also a specific fm Tttter. Itch, t'.lt llheum. Kjald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's itch Blotches, all Scaly, crusty, cntaneous Er uptions. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price 60 cents. Sent by mail to any address oa re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA, Celebrated all over the world for its '8a,J' kakle cures ot Scrofula, Meroural and Flyphi litis complaints. Describe symptoms in all communications, address loUeri to PB. W AVNK & tOV, Philadelphia.- 7yl Rldyway Public' Schools Principals report for month ending March 21st, 18 l 7. n3 n Is 65 85 ?5? S? H TEACHERS. EJ Ci .8 E. fl 3 9 83 3i I8! 209 a Mi8Ii. E Wilcox Mlssrt.D.Kinnlcr Mr. and Mrs. J. li 7k 13 17 82 90 Johnson. Jo 86 Summary. 174 02 HIOH HCIIOOL DEPARTMENT. At- re. tntl port ant'c in t. A GRADE. A v. I Oen cla's PTHl sta'd aver Inn. ngo. Ida Luther Carrie V. Luther Helen M. Little May M. Littlo Jennie M. Sheeley Julia Flynn Alton It. Chnpin Jennie Gresh Lizzie J. M'Cnulev 11 GRADE.' Hattic E. Minds Tillie C'uitninlium Ida M. Olmsted Dorle Irwin Minnie M. Service Rhoda Wilcox Bessie Steele Orin Head Oscar Gardner Thos. J. Malone Dosie Rhine1? Willie Mensenger Otis G. Kelt Lowis W. Ely Mich. Meenan Albert Fitch Emma OlmstM C GRADE Katie O'Connor Emma E Ross Aggie Burrett Nellie E. Schram Joseph Jnekaou Lewis Lesser E J Luther Ira C Sherman Daniel Ii wlu Charles Johnson Jack E Burrett Adelbert Avery Michael O'Connor Fred Ely Clyde Kitno Lizzie Walker Willard M'Vean Clara Brooks Florence Stafford Chas Mceri an Lorenda Warner Ada Young D GRADE Maggie Shean Muggie Flynn Addie Bordwell Lizzie Shack Viola Neill Henry A. Pnino Dan Cunningham John Shuck Elmer Gardner Michael May G C Kiine Patrick Holland Willie Median Willie T Neil 1 Edward Paint? Russel HurtiiKtu HOI 90! fH' 100 88 08 70 82 81 90 100 98 KM) 100 100 98 100 100 100 33! 95 98,100 loo'ioo P,K) 100 76; 100 100 100 m 90 86 1 95 65' 100 95 1 85 65 80 89! 84! 89! 80 68 "4i 811 83 95 100 100 38 100 90 100 loo; ioo 80 100 Go' 100 20! 95 95 100 loo'ton 9i 78 83 CO 87 88 06 99,100 62 j 80 ,100,100 1 100; 05 38 90 100! 95 761 89; 09; 84 98; 91 60 70' 74 i I 64' 85 . 88; 61; 98; 100; 100 80 lOOl 95 100,100 I 98100 1(H)! 70 ! 45 UX) ilOO; 85 ;100 95 i 75 100 ! 78 100 i lOO'llKJi 98 76; 08 100! 90; iw 9o: 90; 35 100 : i ! 100 1001 100 100 100 lOOt 79: 98! 711 8;l Hi: 77i 91 ! 'I 8S; 90, 100, 95 i ioo; oo ' 85 100 97, : 08, 95; 88 ! 85: 90; i 78! 95, 73! 100: 95' 9:t 0-J 100l 85 8 75! 70! ! 08' ilW 95; 87 0l 65! 82 90' i Arthur Horton D. SUB-GRADE Ella Lubv 23 108' 67 G.. Ella Kiine Rosepha Meycra Mack Kiine Eddie Powell John Hetilev Minnie Kline Annie Kline Jennie Hall Amanda Liudgren NN'illie Schrnin, Chauncev Wilcox Kittle W'iiitmore Edward Bailey George French Henry Keennn Josie MiMsc-tigcr Willie Luther Johnnie G Whitmorc Rollan Cook John Lubv Martha AValluT i So.lOOl 90' 97 '10 1 100 89; 90 i M 100. I 95 MO' 87 I ss; 80i81 1 as; 70, si I 80' 90' I 70' 90! ioo' 100! I'lO 85! 100 85! "U'O 100: j 72 100 ! OS 80; : Stv 00 ! p.i; 00 ,100! oo! 93 ; 02' 95! 93! Hit 7S; 04 60 i 8(1 : 70! 88; 92 ' 95 100: 05 100 "5 100, : eo'ioo; 8 88 1 N'TK R M KDIATK Pnt'A RT.M EXT. 'cither late nor absent: Clarice Bordwell; Nelly Jackson, Ella Wil hams, Flora Irwin, Sadie Scull, Alice Neil!, Bew-ie Scribner, Hannah Ma loney, Lizzie Flynn, Gussle Wood ward, Wallie Dili, Coryell Ross, Glenn! Johnson, Josie Weaver, Geo. Shack, Charlie Scribner und James May. TViose ti-ho rxci lkd in scholarship : E Grade : Ada Malone, Alice Neill, Flora Irwin Guasle Woodward. F Grade : Bessie Scribner. Ella Williunis, Lizzie O'Brien, James May G Grade : Georgo Shack, Louis Egler, Coryell Ross, Gletiul Johnson, Wallie Dill, Lizzie Flynn, Sadie Scull. PHIMAHV DEPAftTMF.XTi Names of those present every day. Benuie P. Little, Charlie Lesser, Eddie Holaday, Warren Irwin, Willie Shean, Albert Gorton, James Daly, Johnnie Dalj, Eugene Willard, Johnnie Hartnian. Mary Sheening, Clam Willard, Nellie Holaday Sanies of those who excelled in scholar ship. B Grade ! Eddie Holaday, M'arren Irwin, LouielRhines, Eugene Willard. C Grade : Willie Cunningham, Frank Wickwirej Frank R. Oyster, Annie M'Govern, May VanOrsdtill, May O'Brien. Perfect in Deportment i Libbie May, and Lena Hawkey. Promotions : Warren Irfcin, Eddie Holuduy and Louie Rhines were pro moted from the Primary to the Inter mediate Department. Visitor : It aflbrds me grCut pleas ure to be able to state that about fifty persons visited the schoolit during the month a large majority being patrons, Iu closing thi report we desire to express our thuuka in behalf of the teachers and pupils of the High School Department, to Dr. Hartley, J( O. W. Bailey Esq., Mrt. J D. Ful- lerton and Miss Ada Young, together with the class of little girls from the Primary Department, consisting of Maudie Hime, Clara Willard Hattie Oyster, Belle Hartley, Mary Bchcenlng, Daisy Klme, Nellie Hola day and Maudie Miles, who so kindly came to our school room, and gave us such a rich treat in form of a mnsical entertainment. Such little bright foots, with the happy thought thev bring, are like oases in the lives of teacners ana pupils ana will long be remembered and cherished by all who were present. J. B. JOHNSON, Principal THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 187?, (lossip, Eggs are eggft. Plenty of water. Next Sunday is Easter. Yesterday van rery windy Subscribe for the Advocathc Last Sunday was Palm Suuday Rafting and running Is now the or der of the day. Tho County Musical Convention Is In full blast here now. The Wilcox school report will ap pear in our next isue, Men are paid ft. 25 to run to Spring Creek on a raft and walk back. J. 8. Maginuls Is excavating in front of his saloon for a coal hole. Sometime next month we expect to have a real live oil well In Ridgway. "From darkness light" printing ink is the businessman's light house. If you earn one dollar and spend two the chances are you will never be rich. A robbin was warming his toes, by blowing on them, on South street yes terday. Two more new subscribers last week, and still we have room for more. There lssaid to bo strong surface in dications of oil on the hill Ride above Osterhout's tannery. "Winter Btill lingers In tho lap of Spring." The expression is entirely new and copyrighted. There Is no kind of a job in the printing line that we canuot do. Call and see our samples. H. S. Thayer is having his new store fitted up for a WHHamsport firm. See their announcement in another column. Ladies If J'ou want nice visiting cards give the AdvocatA office a call Come in and see our new script and our Damask and Glass visiting cards. To-morrow evening there will he a grand concert.at the M. E. Chtiich.uii der the direction of J. William Suflein, who lias beeu holding a Musical (.'on. vention at this place since Monday. The concert promises to be one of great interest, and well worth going to sec. Admission 35 cents. John D. Lcc the Mormon butcher was executed, at the scene of the massacre, on Friday lu.t. In 1857 a party of emigrants wi re brutally mas sacred by Mormons und Indians un der the leadership of Lee. He leaves a long confession implicating Bri.Hbani Young, and others high il authority in the Mormon Church. II is stated t licit the new army bill, to be submitted to the house at the extru session of congress in June, will provide for a force of only 17,000 men and an appropriation of a little less than S37,ooo,ooo. It will provide that uo money xhall be paid pauy railroad for the transportation of property or troops of the United States where such railroad received a land grant on condition that it should be a public highway tor the use of the Govern ment. Tin: Rksult ok a Neui.kct of Dity. The borough auditors ot Chester Springs, Cambria county have got themselves into a peck of trouble, through their own negligence. It seems, says the Johnstown Tribune, that their failure to comply with the law requiring them to publish the an nual statements of receipts aud expen ditures of that district bus induced some of the taxpayers to enter suit against them, and the chance are that the fine which attaches to neglect ol this nature will be imposed. It is rather rough on the Auditors, but they should understand their duty properly, and then there would be no risk of this kind. There are, no doubt, several towuships in this county where the law Is a nullity as far as making annual statements public are concerned, and it behooves those in terested to attend to this matter, or they may likewise sutler a like ordeal. New Store in Ridgway. Silverman & Co., the well known Millinery end fancy Goods firm 01 Williamsport, Pa. have rented the new Siore Room next to the Post Office at Ridgway, and will on or about the 10th of April, open one of the Largest Stocks of Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions, In this part of the Stale. They have a wide known repu tation from their Williamsport store, as being first class Merchants, lair in their dealings and as regards selling Goods cheap, they cannot be beat, due advice will be given on what day they will open the store. A fine display ot GooUs and great Bargaius may be expected. Their slock will comprise the following Goods; Ladus' aud Children's trimmed aud untriuiiueU Huts and Bonnets, Silk Ribbons, Laces, Feathers, Flowers, Black' Eugiisit Crapes, Crape ana other Veils, bilk Velvets, Velveteens, Velvet Ribbons, Lace Scarfs, Old Ladles' Cups, ChiiUreus' Lace and Merino caps and Copes, Linnen Col lars and Cud's, Roughiugs, Siik& Lin nen Hand'kf's, Ties, Silk and Worsted Fringes, Corsets, Bustles, Hoopskirts, Embroideries, Kid aud other Gloves, ("Parasols, Pocket Books, Hair Goods, Jewelry, Hosiery, Ladies and Genu' Satchels, Ladies' aud Children's ready made Suits and Undergarments, Picture and Motto Frames and every thing belonging to a first-class stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods, and Notions Fearful Disaster. , Under date of March 27. we find an account of the breaking of another reservoir. We give a few extracts 1 Tho StftfTordville reservoir belonged to tho reservoir company, com posed of the owners of mills on the stream below. The clam was raised six feet during the winter, und tho storm last night tilled it for the first time. Close by the reservoir stood the satinet mill of E. A. Converse j hext was the shoddy mill of J. Bastihe; then the machine shop of S. A. Lldon. A mile lower down was the Phiionix nianyfacturing compnny's cassimerc mill, at Hydeville, and three miles be low there the Glen Mills cotton warp factory stood, at Glenville. TlieCon ncrsville manufacturing company's cnssinieremill nnd G. M- Ives' granite mill for making cotton goods were on the stream nt Stnfford Springs, about five miles from the dam. The reser voir was about a mile nnd a quarter long and averaged a quarter of a mile iu width. Thetlani was about twenty feet high, but short, the s( ream bed be ing narrow for some distance below The water is the head of the Willi mantic river. Years ago a dam on a tributary stream above here gave way and caused great damage. Hartford, Conn., March 27. The losses by the ConverevllIe disaster are 'now estimated at from $500,000 to t'l, 000,000. One person, Richard Spedd ing, a well known citizen nf Stafford Springs, is thought to have been drowned. Stafford, Conn., March 27. All the dams on the streams front Stnll'ord ville, and till the bridges below the Springs, arc swept away, making n complete wreck of our valley. It is thought otie or two lives are lost. New York, March 7. The World's special from Hartford says" the reser voir which give way this morning at Staflbrdvillc is about a mile long by a quarter to a half a mile wide. Every since the addition w:is put on there have been fears of the dam. .There cent filling was its first tc?-t. In. snite of open gateway and other precautions, a leak began about the waste pipe. The water constantly made its way through the dam along the edges of the pipe, as laid been predicted, the wall having been made of frozen ma terial which the approach of spring loosened. Men Were at work all day .Monday trying to patch up the holes and only stopped yesterday morning when certain of failure. The water driving the great iipe out of its place tore the dam to pieces about six o'clock and started down the valley, as is usual in such etwes, The water chose queer and unaccouulnblo paths, spar ing some buildings directly in its way while it tore 111 hers to pieces which seemed sure to stand. Of twelve mills on (he stream only two were carried away, a third, the Granite mill, was damaged while tho rest escaped. The stream, beginning at Staflbrdville, (lows through . Hydeville, Glenville and Connersevilieand enters the Willi mantic river at Stalford Spring. This place with its ,IH)0 inhabitants, lias become a summer resort on account of its mineral springs. Its business i, all incidciitial to the manufacturing interests. The Hood washed about a tenth part of the village out of exis tence, including the most cent r:. I and business portion. From the moment the flood struck the town to its subsi. deuce there was not ten minutes' time yet the danmye done in that time was more than can be made up in years if it dot s not entirely prostrate tho com munity there. Mr. E. C. Penney, of Glen Mills, rode his horse down iu front of the Hood and gave such warn ing that no more than one life was lost. The people had been expecting the warning and at once found places of safety, though the number in peril was not great, the stream bed being in a narrow gorge anil the houses out of j danger. The whole community was out to see the flood, which was a sight never to be forgotton. The water did not seem to be water tit all but ad vanced, like a great mass of sticks and stones, rolling over and over It gouged a channeLihirty feet deep In the road, tore up trees by their roots nnd carried oil' soil from gardens, sub stituting rocks so that its track is a waste. Every dam on thestrcam was carried oil', and instead of dill'usiiig it self the volume of the Hood grew greater until the Wiilimantio river was reached. Uclow Stall'ord spriugs the only damage done was the road and bridges. The river was able to absorb the Hood without further in jury to property. The whole district where the stream had created industry is now changed to a waste channel. Live lords are geltim; to be so com mon a thing in New York and its vicinity that people don't seem to know how to treat them any more. My Lord Bufort has recently had an awful time. After spending ten days in tho Tombs, where he was lodged for some slight, indiscretions that it seems even lords may be guilty of, lie went to Jersey City, where he was bounced about in a very unloruly ami uhttiuilicd munuer. He was ousted from his hotel aud slept in the police station; his valet was arrested lor peddling without a license; he was luken in hand on the suspicion of be ing a sneak thief, and finally both were released because "the authorities couldn't tell whether he was a fraud or not." He probably is not a fraud. M hen a noble fraud has operated in this country lie is not lodged in police stations; he lias moved iu society cir cles and found a sing lodging in the warm heart of some American maiden who ootcs. on lords and believes them Just too sweet for anything. Bufort was a real lord aud had no such luck ; he was wailing for remittances from his mother, who will be glad to know that he is out of jail. The pity about this lord is that he drinks, and on oc casions of intoxication wants more room iu the world than even genuine lords are entitle to under our popular system of government.i Hereafter when wt hear that one "is as drunk as a lord" we shall know what lord is referred to PhHmhjphia Times. Wilcox Notes. Oil tVell Nflt 8 Is a decided success. It flowed five barrels In fifteen minutes at tht; end of which time the valves became clogged with sand which interrupted tho flow. Every attempt to pull up the valves would result iu a jet of oil almost as high as the derrick. Old oil men unite in pronouncing it, at the lenst, a hun dred barrel well. When oil comes out of a well as fast as a two Inch pipe will permit it, there are no ifs fir ands about it. Persons who go to doubt come back convinced. The oil men of Bradford arc seriously alarmed lest their interest there be materially in jured. Capitalists are here as thick as flies around a molasses barrel. Horses and vehicles arc iu great tlehland. Squire Aldrlch came home from the well on Saturday with three runners Instead of four. Moral Boys when you are Invited oot for a sleigh ride don't fill Jtiur pockets with sand on the home voyage. Why is a certain young gent the happiest man iu town? Because hes) always W(h)innies with joy. Mr. Si W. is thinking seriously of becoming n partner In the firm of M. Potter & Son. Once I was happy but Sow I am forlorn my nfibctions are all tattered and torn since B-B-eame home iu morn. Shakespeare. Oh for a Utile skiff to row my shat tered aflec'ions across the "long gre(e)n" sea of matrimonial bliss. Longfellow. The young folks say the sleighing to the oil well is povr, but the hugging is delightful. Moore. Yesterday frrcnonrl two young ladies called tit a dry guodrt store on Woodward avenue to look at, one of the latest styles of circulars. The one who wanted to purchase was amazed and disappointed to find the circulars made without sleeves or arm-holes. "Well, that's the Kyle," sttld the salesman, "and they are very popular. They are meant to cover both shoulders and arms." "I guess I won't buy one,'' whispered the girl to her friend. "If 1 had a beau how could I take hold of his arm with that circular on," "Why you goose" re plied the other, "you let him put his arm right, around you of course ! That what It's made that way fori" "Mister, I'll take that circular!" promptly observed the anxious party, and she had it sent home. Detroit 1'rtc I'refi. . By special request the young ladies of this plaee always wear the above mentioned circulars when they go sleighing. Wilcox Free Frew. Mr. E. A. is looking welher.) Every time a certain youug gent in town stumps his toe he cries in anguish My Jessie! Ditto a young lady Oh m(P;ercy ! I Rev. Mr. Hoffman on last Sabbath preached a very able sermon on "Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Married ladies tire requested to ac company their husbands to school examinations especially evening ses sions. JOE. Wilcox, Pa.,- March 27th 1877. Oilweil No. 8 is not fairly down to business yet. They have had a great deal of trouble, with the pump. Have taken up the tubbing twice aud now they think it is split and will have to come up again. Notwithstanding all this they have slaved twenty-five barrels of oil in the lust week. There is hardly a doubt but that it will be a paying well when it gets in good working order.- A few days ago nt-ws came from the oil well that it was flowing at the rate of a barrel everv two minutes. A party of would be oil princes hitched a fast team to a light pair of pleasure ooiis and away they da died for the well. Visions of liquid wealth floated through their brains. They talked of nothing but oil. Discussed the problem of the great oil belts, each one was sure he knew just whereto strike the jugular. On they Hew with lightning speed, but what a change etinieover the spirit of their dreams when arriving at the well to find the flow had flown and not a drop of oil was it producing. Liko a spoiled child she had settled down into one 01 her periodical sulks. All the coaxing that could be brought to bear had no elfeet not a tear would bho shed. With faces as long as a sucker rod this party wended their way homeward, w hen striking some bare ground In the road they took a runner out of the hind bob and over they all went into the mud. Then they walked to town through mud and slush the doggotulest looking loi of men that ever a sleigh, ing went and got slew FPITE. Harried; ELL IS G OO D W IN On Vied ucs day March th, 1877, at the residence of Hi ram Carina n, Portland Mills.Elk Co., 1'a. by Janus D. Fullerton Esq. vViudfiehl Ellis to Miss Martha Good win, Portland Mills. Norfolk, Va., March 24. The mam moth excursion steamer Rockaway, just completed at tho shin-building es tablishment of O. W. Deaeh, was sue cessfuily launched this evening. The launch was witnessed by an immense throng of eltixens who ave taking deep interest in the success of the extensiv ship-building industry but recently started here. The Jtoekaway was built for K Cornell White.of New York, and is intended to ply between that eity aud Rockaway Beach. She is two hundred andninety-three feet long, and is said to have more carrying capacity than any other vessel engaged in the exeursiou business in America. The llockaway leaves for New York to-night in tow of the steamer Wyiuiuke.- 1-emiHj lvriHld Sewsi TPS Pttxtort Itullins Mill ha rcAurhtx! work. Wllllnrtsport ti to havanew dally' Tan Rcllufoo'inmlttoes hi Sdranton havetbylr hnncM full. A boot and shoo factory l to be entabllohed at Wlllsboro. Vallpy Furnace, at 8haron, ia runnlrg on Bessemer Iron. The Columbia and Port Deposit railroad will be open for travel April 1st. The Rcranton Times says that the tnlnes ttt that suction are woTltlng on one-third time. Nino thousand dollnrs have been sub FDrlboi by the people of Oil City to erect new opera house In that place. The Huntingdon county treasury Con tained almost ttt the last settltment, and the county is vlrtualljut of debt. TheScrnnton Fkee 1'kf.Ss Is disgusted be cause the members from that district have' not secured thopnssiigeof a now county bill. There are ninety-two distilleries In the Eighth district, composed of the counties of llerks, Lebanon, Schuylkill and Lehigh. A large dwelling and storehouse at Not tinghafo Station, Chester county, was con sumed l:y flro on the 13th Instant. Loss, about J'U.l'OU, The Heading paper state that since the 1st of March there has been a general Improve ment In the local freight business of the Heading roml. A child of Dr. Ulssenger, of Bowmansvllle; Lancaster county, poisoned hlniiylf 011 Tues day ly drinking a medical preparation in his fathcr-'s study. A colored ministor at Sewtohly has been Huspruded for unbecoming conduct. lie was too familiar with a man led stcr. l'cter Nordic occasionally gives the Wll liainspoi tors a church, but ho charges tbom three dollars and a half lor gas. The llom sditli' IlFil.M.n snys that e.-('f)ri-gressman John TiHtorm Is about to enn-rtho ministry. The HnMv. ln lnccmnitlve work's nt. Philadel phia have lately received an order for flvo locomotives from Uracil and ono from Austria. The lower Siis.Ut.'l;anr.a river furnaces aro mukinjrnboiU tv"-l!fihs of the Iron they aro cajiable nf producing when running steadily.- Water hits born let Into the West Branch canal between Lock Haven and Wlllamsport, and navigation M ill be ret umod on the 1st of April. The to?i:l receipts from the Girard estate for the year 1.S7II were S710,i8.78. Uver 175,000 por visited Girard college during the centennial seasun. On Friday last tho Oak mil coal breaker, about live miles from Scranton, was burned to U10 ground by incendiaries. It had not been In use for four years past. The YIHtcbar:-e Daily saysitls accounted a Joke upon the Seruritonians that they went to Harrisburg to divide the county and only succeeded In dividing the city of iscranton. The coal miners In the Wyoming region are organizing associations for mutual relief aud to protect themselves against sudden stop pages and reductions In tho wages of labor.. J. M. Beugler, an Ingenious mechanic, at WHHamsport, has Invented a jig saw for fancy wood working that bids fair to make him a wealthy man. Twenty-two sheep were killed and tMrty wounded in one night recently, in Mercer county. The loss estimated at S200, tell upon one man, Henry Brown. The Item about Joseph illshow, of Wil Uamsport, being 103 turns up every littlo while, as it soi'ms to have dune for the last ten years. Joseph, when shall we Mishow ? A son of Mr. Sitgraves, of I'lttston, aged 11 years, committed suicide on Thursday by hanging. He had been confined in a room for some otfensc when he committed the rash doed. One ? tho stacks belonging to the Lehigh Coal Company, on the Lehigh Valley ltaii road, below East Putin. Junction, has been put In blast, and preparations are making to blow In tiio other stack. Mr. Charlc Wister, of Germantown, lias received from James Dufl'y, of Marietta, one of the State Fish Commission, about two hundred black bass, and deposited them, alive and wriggling, in a stream near that .suburb. The Lchlfch l.ttr-Whesi WorSs, at Ffrrj Dale, arc shipping orders for tho Great West ern F.allwuy of England and nnrrow-gaugB wheels for the Bench line on Long Island, the Royal Land Improvement Company of Virginia, tho Texas and Klo Grande Knllwoy and others. Tho Bedbank Furnace, the luvgest ;iron es tablishment in Clarion county, will continue to run, having purchased 22.003 tons of oro from the sllgo Furnace Company. The Arm has 17,500 tons of metal on hand, holding lor higher prices. While widow Campbell, of Carbondalo was absent upon a visit to her son, under sentence of death In the Wllkesbarre Jail, her house was set on fire and burned by some of the enemies of her son. This Is u most detes table and mean revenge. It Is stated on good authority that about ol.iiOO tons of pig iron, which embraces tho entire stock which tho company has had pledged for loans nt Port Kiehmond and Heading, wero sold by tho Heading coal and Iron company yesterday to New York parties at a price which Is understood by our infor mant to beil-5 per ton. The suprome court has decided that on a louse of land made hi 1770 by Thomas Pen nington to Jonathun Evans, for 60tf years, during the term of the lease the lessee hud no right to cut trees, or In legal phrase, "com mit waste," A hopeful representative of the original lessor bus thus protected tho rights of his remote posterity. Tho Benevolent Association of York hired a stone quarry near that pluce, where a largo number of otherwise unemployed laborers have been kept ut work, ul ten cents an hour, during tho winter. The result of Hie work U estimated to be ubout threo thousand perch 01 broken stone, ready for piking streets or rouds. Joseph Parks, superintendent of the motive power, on the Mountain Division; Pennsylvania P.allroad, will this week re ceive a consignment of brook trout and other species of gmne-flsh, which will be properly distributed iu the streams in tl e vicinity. Mr; Parks Is a true disciple of Sir. Isuao Walton, and will put his pets whero they "will do the most good." The President hits adopted a Very frank, open plan, which will give sat isfaction on all sides, in asking Secre tary MeC'rary to prepare u complete list of troops now stationed in the South. This statement will show what a big bugbear has been mado out of a very little thing. Tho number will scarcely exceed four thousand all told which certainly it not a large enough number to justify all tho hullabaloo that has been made about it in the way nf political capiat. BUTTER AND LARD AT P. & K'S. FURS, A SMALL LOT AT POWELL KIME'B. FLOUlt, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces.