mu -Mvotntt. Mrr A. Parsons, Jr., - - Editor THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1877 Secretary Rehur desires all hearts of bureaus in the Inferior Department to report at soon as po?sH,le on the fol lowing 1)0n; Organisation and methods of doing business; tl e force employe 1 and the character of the em ployment the efficiency of the force employej.and uhat reduction 1 practicable. A Great Xalloiial Work.. The Illuslrnfed Ifistnru of Ihr, f(r tennirtl EuhilUion, with a full description of the Great Euitding una an tlie oinects of interest Kx limited in them. i,t James TK Me Cabe, author of "The Centennial Jlwtoru of the United K'alesV Kto. Embellished with over 3(H tine ?n- fravings of buildings and scene in me ureal Exhibition. The National. Publishing Co., of Philadelphia have issued a large and handsome volume hearing the above title. The Intense, interest every w here manifested In the great Exhibi tiou, and tin; eager desire to obtain a complete and connected account of it, M ill unquestionably cause this book to have a very extensive sale. This History of the Centennial Ex hibition is not a dry list of the articles exhibited. It is a superb volume of 874 pages, from the pen of one of the most popular authors of the day. Mr, M'Cabe received the constant and sympathetic, assistance of theC'entcn nial authorities, and enjoyed peculiar advantages in the preparation of this work. Ho went, note-book in hand, through every department of the Ex hibition, and the result of his labois is a work abounding iu brilliant descrip' tloiisoftlie great World's Fair, He traces the history of the great enter prise from its Inception to its triumph' ant closing day. He then takes us through every part of the Exhibition grounds, giving brilliant, accounts of every building and other features of interest within them. We are taken through the Main Building, Maehin ery Hull, tho Agricultural and Horti cultural Halls, the Art Gallery, the Government Building, and oil the other structures, and our deepest at tention is held all the time by the descriptions of the rare and beautiful objects contained in them. The book is written with a vigor and brilliancy which render it a com plete and life-like picture of the great World s Fair, and -which make it In valuable to ail classes of our people To those who have visited the Ex hibition it will be a pleasing souvenir of their visit, and enable them to re call the magnificent scenes they have witnessed. To those who -ould not make the journey, the book is a neces sity, for it will enable them to enjoy the delights of a thorough acquain tance with tho groat Exhibition in the quietude of their own homes. There is not onother book in print which gives one-fourth of the infor mation contained iu this work. It is Huperbly Illustrated, and the price is so low that all can afford to secure a copy. The book is sold by subscrip tion only, and the publishers want agents in every county. TWO CASES THOUGHT TO BE CONSUMPTION CUE CD. Dr. Fennel's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic is decidedly the best remedy for Chronic Coughs. In recent colds and coughs his Im proved Cough Honey readily cures. But in coughs and lung and throat diseases of long standing, the system must be demised and regulated and impressed with the healing influence of the Blood Remedy. It places the system in a healing condition. Then the Improved Cough Honey, used with it, readily causes long standing coughs to yield. The following il lustrates its success in severe couhgs. Woodland. Cat., June 19, 1873. Dr. M. M. Fenner, Fredonla, N. Y. Dear Sir Please send inc2 dor., bottles Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic I have cured two cubes that were nailed consumption of au aggravated type here, with It. I use your Improved Cough Honey with it In these cures. . P. C RANDALL. From Major J. W. MoNutt, late of Mb Penn sylvania Cavalry. JIcNutt House, New Bethlehem, Pa July 12 '75 Vr. M. M. Fenner, Fredonla, N. Y. Dear Sir In March last my son F.lwood had a terrible coimh, resulting from niPHlH. I procured two bottles of your Improved Cough Honey, which produced a complete and permanent cure. I have recommended it to others, and know its action and success are nlways certain. I oonsider It the best cough remedy now known. No one who has over tried it would be without it when needed or fall to recommoud It to his friends. It in pleasant to take. Children do not object to it. Yours truly, J. W, M'NDTT. For sale by dealers in medicine. Ask for a circular entitled People's Remedies. ' A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but s'ill are a little cheaper than at any other bSre in town. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK iiig, alsrt choice syrup always on hand l POWELL & KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. 4 K'S. WOLLE N SOCKS AND MITTENS at p61vELir& KIME'S THIS COLD WEATHER RE minds us that POWELL & KIME have a nice lot of TherniomeUrs on ant' FOR YOUR STOVES AND TIN Ware call at W. B. SMITH'S, comer f Main and Mill btrcota.. BLANKET SHAWLS, AT POWELL KlME'S DRIED APPLES AT POWELL & KIME'S. Sew Advertisements. , Jlercanllle AppralsuienU LIST of Retailors of Merchandise, Liquors, &8., in th Cuuuty of Klk, Stale ofl'tuutvlvsnift, March 2Uia, 1S77: MERCHANDISE. IIKNrBKTTK. CIhm. Nnrua. Tax. 14 William I'. Juhnson, stort. 14 8. I.eroy Winslcw,. score. 14 Miles Dent, store-. 14 Miles Dent, miller. 14 H. tV.Puriken, miller. rox. 12 Jospli Koch & Son, store. 13 .I.J. Taylor & Co., store.. 14 Koch A Knr,t store, 14 John M'Mtilicn, store. 14 Ilermnn Btrossly, store- 14 A'lolph Tioim, store. 14 Mr.. John Kelt z, storo. 14 Michael Mohan, sane. 14 r.. II Dixon, store. 14 Charles Webb, miller .TOSKK. 0 Wilcox Tnn. & Luin. Co. store 13 A. X. Aluricli, store. 14 James C. Malune, store. 14 Martin Sjwci i, store 14 0. A Jacobson, More. 14 M. M. Scuultz, meat market H0RT0N. 14 Joseph S. Hyde, store. 1-1 A. Short, (tore. 14 J. Cunco, store. B1U0WAV. 9 W. H. Osterliout, store. 10 J. H. & W. H. Hyde, storo 11 Hyde fc Curt iss, store 11 I'vwell & Kime, store 12 Grant $ Horton, store 13 Clint les K. Earley, store 13 M'Gloin & M'Gechuii, store 14 Jaoios H. Hngerty, store 14 T. S. Hartley, stoic 14 0. 0. Messenger, store 14 Chitrles Holes store 14 Jnmeft Woodward, store 14 I.. A. Ilrcodel, store 14 K. K. Gresh, store. 14 Robert I. Campbell, btore 14 W. 1!. Smith, store 14 Jacob Rutierftiss, store 14 .1.8. Powell, stoic 14 Mrs. A. liulilman, store 14 H. M. Rolfc, store 14 H'histlctown Lumber Co. store 14 J. S. & W. II. Hyde, millers 14 M. J. Karlcy. store ST. MARY'S BOROCOn. 10 Gifford, Hall & Haul, store 10 Coryell & Ituss. store 10 Joseph Wilholm, store 11 Jobu Walker & Son, store 12 W. C. 8patford ,t Co., si ore 13 W eis brothers, store 13 John E. Weidenboarner, storo 13 Chap. Lubr & Brother, store 1,1 Posenbeimer & Tcgler, store 14 Weidcnburrner & Witniun, store 14 I.. Blakely, store 14 George It. tinnier, store 14 Charles M'Vean, store 14 John F. Wachtel, store 14 Edward M'BriJe, store 14 Charles Miller, storo 14 Adolpli Fochtman, More 14 Joseph Wilbelm, store 14 C. L. Bayer, st-oa 14 Alois Lefllcr, storo 14 Mrs. M. E, M'Nnil, st. ro 14 Agnes R. Killeiati, store 14 Williem fc Dornisli, store 14 John Krug, meat market 14 Joseph Eckel, meat market 14 Charles Kufen, meat market 14 fl. C. M'Gill, miller 14 Mrs. C. Neiuiiller, miller HOTKW AND EATING HOUSES. BKNFZKTTK. Ti Henry Blush, hotel Ji L. Wiuslow, hotel 7 John Daley, eating lioiiio nrsziNQfctt. 6 Frank X. Sorg, hotel tox. U John Collins, hotel 5 Joseph Koch, hotel 7 Andrew Han, eating huuse IIOltToN. 0 Joseph S. Hyde, hotel JAY. 6 A. J. Rummer, hotel 0 Armcl Turlcy, hotel JO.NIiS. " F. B. Patterson, hotel U Martin Sowers, hotel B1DQWAV. ft W. H. Schram. hotel 6 M'Farlnnd& Murphy, hotel ) Frank I'allman, hotel 7 James S. Muginnis, eating house sr. mary s Honoi'uu. 5 John Wuolilol & Son, hotel 5 Jared M. Mecuin. hold " Anthony Fuehtmau, hotel t James Rogau, hotel h Mathias Wellendorf, hotel G Lawrence Vogul, hotel u J. F. Winifclder, hotel 6 Henry Lubr, hotel a John Vaughun, hotel 7 George Schaut, eating house 7 William Uie, eating bouto 7 Mrs. A. Klausruan, cat. house 7 Jacob Kraus, eating house 7 Anthony dchauer, eut. houe 7 Vim. Zelt, eating House 8 Fred. Kenote, eating houso 8 Martin Huber, cut iujj boue BREWERIES. . BBNZINQEB. Sorg ii" AVesmitier $25 00 FOX. Andrew Hau 2d 00 FT. MARX'S BOROUGH" Chos. Lahr & Co. 25 00 William (lies 2-' 00 Lawrence Vogel CO BILLIARDS. J0NB3. A. C. Allen, 2 tables 40 00 KIUQIVAI. O. W. Rhinos. 3 tables CO 00 J. S. Maginnis, 3 tables 60 00 ST. MART'S BORoroH. J. F. Wiudtelder, 2 tables 40 00 A. C. Allen, 2 tables 40 00 THOS. J. BURKE, mar22-3t Mercantile Appraiser. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Graham Flour at AND POWELL KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S. AT POWELL KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more- than the worth of your cabh.- SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. PIMPLES," I will mail Free she reoipe for prepar ing simple Vkgstable Balm that will re move Tan, FRECKLES, FIPl'LES and Blotchks, leaving the skin soft, dear and beautiful also instructions for producing ".luxuriant growth of hair on a bald bead or smooth face. Address Bee.. Vandelf -Co.. Box 6121, No 6 Woostfr Si.. N. y- NOTICE. C. S. INTERNAL ItETESCE SPECIAL T AXES May 1, 1877, to April 30, 1878, The Revised Statutes of the U. S., Sections 8232, 3237, 8iW, and 3239, re quire every person engaged in any IniwiiiCHM, avoeatioti, or emploj'inen't which renders) him liable ti a SPECIALTAX, to PROCURE AND PLACE COSPICUOUSLY IN HiS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP denoting the payment-of wild SPECIAL TAX for the Special-Tax Year beginning May 1, If"", before commencing or eon tinuing btifdnes after April 30, 1H77. return, as prescribed on Form 11, is also required by law of every person liable to Special Tax an above. THE TAXES EMBRACED WITH IN THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Recti tier? $200 00 Dealer, retail liquor 25 00 Dealer, wholesale liquor UK) 00 Dealers iu malt liquors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers In malt liquors, retail... 20 00 Dealers In leaf tobacco 25 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco... 600 00 And on sales of over $1,000, fifty cents for every dollar in excess of 1,00. Dealers in manufactured tobacco 5 (X) Manufacturers of stills 60 00 And for each still manu factured 20 00 And for each worm manu factured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobucco 10 CM) Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, llrst class more than two horses or other animals 50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class two horses orother ani mals 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class one horc or other animal 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class nn foot or public con veyance 10 00 Brcwers'ot' less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 5oo barrels or more.. 100 00 ANY PERSON. SO LIABLE, WHO SHALL FAIL TO COM PLY WITH THE FOREGOING HKijn R KMENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO SEVERE PENAL TIES. Persons or Firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to uownn, ueputy col lector of Internal Revenue at Warren Pa., and pay for and procure the .special-lax stamp or stands tney need, prior to May 1, 1877kand WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Special-tax Stamps will be transmitted bv mail onlv on receltit. from the person or firm ordering the same, of specific directions so to do, together with the necessary postage stamps, or the amount required to pay the postage. The postage on one stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail ten cents additional should ac company the application. GREEN B. HAUM, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. OIHce of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C. Jan. 23d, 1877 TF YOU WANT T0"BU Y GOODSCHEAP CO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY COODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAGERTY Rate: of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 40 00 25 00 15 On Transient advertisements per square ol eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions 92. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. HANKERS AND liROlvEHcJ, No. 42 fcouth Third fc'treet. Philadelphia, March 27th, 1877. BID. ASKKU U. 6. 1881,'e - 1121 H2J do 6 20, e '05. M aud N 1081 10SJ do do '65 J and J- 10.SJ 108A do do '65 do 1 1 1 J lll do do 'Cu do 113 118J 10-40. iloeoupon 110 113J do l'aoifie 0's cy Int. off 128J 1232 New 6'g Reg. 1881 100 110J C. 1881 100 U0J Gold 104 104J Silver 100 100 Pennsylvania ex ive 41 J 41 Readme 131 13 Philadelphia & Erie 10i HI Lehigh Navigation. 22 22 do Valley 41 42 United R H of N J ex. div-134 135 Oil Creek 0 6 Northern Central ex. di 21 Central Transportation 88 UD Nesquehoning 45 47 North Pennsylvania, ' 45 C & A Mortgage 0's '80 108 109 KEW TIME TABLE P. Si E. E. IU Commencing Sunday, Nov. 20th, 187C WILCOX. Mail East. 4:13 p in 2:47 p iu 6:22 a m 8:55 p m 4:49 p m 2:11 p in 6:66 a m 8J4 p m " West Day Express East -.. Niagara Express Wefei..- B1UQWAT. Mail East .. Mail West Day E Drees Eat Niagara Express West ST. MARY'S. Mail East- 5:15 p m 1:46 p IU 7:20 a ra .7:45 p ni MaH Wtt ........ ... Day Express) East Niagara Expr3 Weal REMOVAL OF WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our lnree and incrainir 1877, occupy 2d and 8d floors of "M'Callum Bulldinn" 77 Fifth if nirW opposite our present location,) and will otter to the ti ado one of the lareest and best stocsii of goods in the United States, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CM)CKd, Bronies,' Jewelry Silver A- Plated Wareito., &. Close Cash Buyers Invited. C. B. BARRETT & CO.. 77 Fl n2iI3 9 Arch Mtreet, Betwee Jth and Slh Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Dkar Fir: Sinr l 1,a ,f Hm r,iKH ir, ii.o s ct..,l i... v, . i freftcopU, f nrlorg lefnil'a, new cnrpel, &c. Tho house in all its appointments is un. tuirpiibseil for comfort; the eulinnry tlepnrtnient being excelled by none. During llio Centcunial the ,bt. Cloud Adhered to its regular rates, ami endeavored to extend the same nnmfnrli In its no t tnnB n t l.n.t . ! 1.. . a 1. : i : 1 i . . t vio iv iitiu yreviuusii iu Mr. CI . V . Mllllitl xmm naBAainl.,1 it. .... - - - - uuu ncovifini c Tf nu it i in ii i O RUUf tw n. UI11U. ttUU IiUWBlU U Bean, of Ft. Wayno, lnd., under the firm name of O. W. Mullin & Co. Thankintr rou for r.nst. Tint tnnnna nml hnriinir (a flTtanl (Iia KAuoilnliiina nf Ct Cloud with tlio same encouragement as in the 3-9 PER DAy. ,IOSA. V. 11 A K E R, Room Clerk. .1. T. LKILI.S, Cashier. Exocutoi'si' Notice. Twttntfl of .Tdllll Tni-lr. t,.lo !... Township 101k Co , d'eeeuseil. Letters rr i... i i i . , J. VKHiuirimii if ll"Pll me OUOVU eHltlTC have hern crnnted in flip iinrl.rul.rn.rl all persons indehted to said estate are leiiuemeu hi juuKe pnyilH.-lir, ntlll those linvlnir rliiinm tn inwni ti,n same 'withom delay to " GtO. H. TAYLOR, 1 , n2t0 JAMK3 H. TAYLOR. ( hx r- I1VINU WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. $r0,00 eaili for PANTIIEUS. 8,110.... each for 11LACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS EOXES. 10,00 eaelr for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER. 5,00 each for YOU NO OTTER. 6.00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. o,00 each for WILD CATS. 5,00 ,-ach for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNO I1LACK it- CROSS FOXES. The above price I Mill pay, the AnimalH to he in good and thriving condition. Aniuialsean be shipped to nie by way of l'linsu'awney l'a. For further itiforniatiou write to .IOIIN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana, County, lfs. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having hrrn pcr.iinnently cured of that drend tliscnse, Consumplinn, by a simple remedy, is nnxiotn to make known to Ir.s Iimiow saturers Uie tneiitis oi cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription iict, (free of charge) with the directions lor preparing and using the same, winch llicv will him a Sums Ci;bk for CoM-iJirrioN, Asthma, ISiioxt urns, ic., Tiirtics wishing the presnripthm will pleaxe naaress, Ucv. t.. A. WlLStj, ll' l l'enn., Willianisburgli, N. Y. SEED "WHEAT " I have a limited quantity of ttiii ee-d from a new and ntiHinale-l variety of Hand, wheat, put rp in 1J h. rni?l: .-Mh will be sent prepaid on receipt of . The whcM is Mtperior to the fuvoi ile I.'Ihi.miii variety, has n Ktrong straw, and nurds i.p well when gi-OAinjr. This seed is the product of experiment)) nst jtur. frmn which the yield was at tho rate uf h bu shels of wheat to one buphel of seel. Onlv 600 i-neks are ofcrcd for snle. II. 1). SMITH, 734 14'b, Sl'RKET, V i:eliingtuu D. C. 11113. (."'""Ib not easily earned in r l,tc III times but it cm ho )..) le in Ihree months by any one of either hps, in any Prt of the county who is willing to work Ktcadily at the employment that we furnish. $ti(i per week in your own lowu. You need not be awuy from homy over night. You can give your whole lime tn the work, or only your spate moment.-. It costs nothing to try the business 'ieriiu and $5 Outnt free. Address lit out", 11 HALLETT At CO., rorlUud Muiue. oney. GARDEN SEEDS. XevT Varieties of Flower and Vefceliilile. Don't write to your member of congress, who is flooded with applications for seeds but obtain the same Varieties, nml all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties 1 am prepared to furnish any kind of seed from any eula logue al a discount of tea per cunt from list prices. For the convenience of those who want an assortment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 cousisU cf vm ie lies of choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price SI. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable seeds for a email family garden, price $1..10. I'acknges of the two sets combined for Iji-'.OO Sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. The seeds iu these collet: ions would cost double tho money, made up in separato orders or purchased of any dealer. H. 1). SMITH, 731 13th STUEF.T, Washington, D. C. ces, trade-marks, designs, and cuiuputtula. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and iutevferuices will received prolt at lent ion. INVENTOBSi: otild a model or sketch of thoir invention, nud we will giro our opinion as to its patcnla bilitylfree of choice. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, proeccute ca ses that liavo been Kf.-it.ui Ei ly the Patent Ottice. We have clients iu every Statu iu the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing belore the Patent Office. fiend for circular for further infomatioc, terms and references. Ebtablished in lsjtiC. EDSONBllOS, Solicitor! ofU. S. and Foreign PATENTS) 711 & trtreet, N. W., Washington, D. C. o2t 13 CRISTA. DO KO'S HAIB'DyE'. Cristadoro's Hair Dyo U the SAFEST aud BEST; it acts instantaneously,- producing the most natural shades pf Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and ia easily ap plied.. It it a standard preparation, and a- favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists.- J. CRIST ADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 V'IIOLKflAT,B EXCLtJSI VELT Awanua. PilUhnrnh. f. una jmi ucuinr it moou atones I.I. IT XI 1 1.' J T p;st, Yit aro, respectfully. G. . MULLIN & CO. Bml. TKTJSTEES' SATiE. BY yirtue of the powers vesstcd in us by the provisions of a certain mortgage executed aud delivered by the Kersey Coal Company to the undersigned, dutcd tho 1st day of June, A- D. 1S08, and duly re corded in the recorder's office for Elk county, Mate of Pennsylvania, in mortgage noon ii." page, fto., as well as by virtue of the authority of the decree of the Court of Otmrron l'lcas cf Elk county, State of I'cnnsylvanin, Kitting in equity, foreclosing the mortgage aforesaid, we will epose to public sale, at the cottrl house, in UHawnv, in the mid county of Elk, on FRIDAY. TI1E27TH DAY OF;APKIL, A. D. 1S77, nt one o'docK P. M., all the rights, franchises and property of the Kersey Coal Company, Including real es tate particularly described as follows: All those two certain tracts or pieces of laud situate in Fox township; Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, one buinz bounded and described us follows : fieginning nt a post, ni t lie lini-thcust corner ol Lit r. Kvier's laud; thence east, pnrtly by laud of Nuili. mid D. D, Hymt, ouo hundred and eighty-seven rods (lH7) to a beech; thcucu sotii ii, n v land ol Horace Little, one nun dre-1 and tiixty rod to a pott md Mores: tlieut'.e west, l- innas ol Joseph Coo and Je.-i?c Kyler, one hundred and eighly-scvuu rods to a post i thence north by lauds of Jesse Kyler and Eli P. Kyler, one hundred ml sixty rods to llm place of beginning, containing one hundred nud eichty-Beven acres, more or less, beingpnrt of the tracts Nos. 407!? and 4'J7! and the mine con veyed to Joseph S. Jlydc by t'lwiird Me Quone nud Ellen, his wife, by their deed, dated 5i li uny of November, A. 1). 18-36, Mily recorded in the ofliee for the record lug nfd:eds in Klk county, in deed book "F, page :;;, He. A'so Another trii.t udjoinlng tho one n)ove described, nnd is hounded mid des cribed as follows s l!eginning at a chest nut tree stiiniliug in tiie west line of war rant 'o. 407H i theucc east, by 1 inds of Eii 1'. Kyler and ,1, S Hyde, one hundred rod, mni-e or leM, to an elkwuod J thence i.oith one hundred nnd sixty-nine and six t i-r.f list (lGIMj-lO) ros. more or less, to a ample tiee; theucc we:.t. tin hundred rods, move or less, to a beech ; thence south, by warrant No. 4374, orio hundred aud sizty iiiiic and pix-tenlhs ( 1011 ti-Jt)) reds, more f- t!?f pt!- "f bpg'???!?!, crtntiin imr one liundved and si-! neres, more or les hi ing part of tract No. -l'Tct, and the smi.e conveyed to Joseph S. Hyde by Hitfield P fettle nr.d I.ydia A. M. his wife, by their deed dated llith day of July, A. i.'. ls.j'.t, duly recorded in t!ie ollice tor tliu recording of d-ed-i in Elk cotmty, in deed book "11,"' page 7."7, AO. Also All the following cioscril cd tracts of laud situate in t'.ie township of Fox afu'isaid, bounded and described as fol lows: flue tinet bi'Kinning at u postal the south side of the MiU-sbuig aud cmcth p(.rt vond. tbe wi-stu'-n lino of Daniel ilyittt's land, tony six i I'l i purchtrs. more or less, to ii. hei.iloeli ; thence west forty three (43) perches' nuro or les, to au elk wood ti-"-" on Libel's line; I hence uorth nloDj? said Libel's line, sevi-nty-four (74) pcrchc-s mure or less, to tbe .Milesburg and tmethpoit road: theucc eastei ly along said Milesbui-g and Smcihport road to the place of beginning, cootaiiiiug sixteen (l'l) acres pi ore or less. Aleo One tract Leglntiing at a post on the mill road; thence west eighty one (tjl ) rods to John Pemoline's southeast cor ner ; t hence north ninety-two (112) rods tn a stone comer; theneii e.isl ninety-six (Wj rods to mill road ; llunce south twenty six digiees east twet.ty (L'(J) rots thence sobth ten degrees west twenty (70) rods, thence south thirty degrees west twenty (-0;) rods; theucc south fifteen degrees west thirty-two (3'J) rods to place of beginuing, continuing lifty (GO) neres more or less. Also One tract begiuuiug at a post : thence east, by land of George Weis, seventy-eight (78) rods to a post , thence south sixty-one and two-ihirds (Olj) roils by land of J. seil'red; thenee west seveti'y cight (7H) rods, by land of I). D. Hyntt : hence north sixty-one and two-thirds (01;) rods, by lauds of lk-iimger & Eschbach, to the pluce of beginning, containing thirty (30) acres, being part. of warrant 4078. Also Ono tract beginning nt a post , thence cast twenty ("JO) rods, by lands of Denzinger & iCschbaeh ; thence south forty (10) rods by lands of D. D. Hyatt', llicace west twenty (20) rods, by landit of Put rick Murphy, deceased ; thouce uorth forty (40) rods by lands of Denzinger & Eschbach, to tho place of beginuing, containing live (5) aijres, also pan of No. 4078. Also All the coal, iron, ores, and other minerals of whatever kind, lying aua bring in or upon all that ceitaiu tract bituated iu Fox township aforesaid, beginning ut a hemlock ; tlicuco cast, by lauds of Joseph 8. Hyde, one hundred anl two (101!) rod to a water beech ; theuca uorth by laua of Horace Little, eighty-live (K-3) rods to a poll ; thence west, by land ol'Ooorge Weis, ouo hundred and two (102) rods to a post ; theuca south eighty-live (8-3) rods to the place of begiuning containing flfty-four (54) acres and thirty (30) perches, together with the right of ingress and egress, and to enter upon and into said land lor the pnr poso of examining arid searching for and of mining, manufacturing and preparing the said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and transporting the same, and for these purposes to luild roads anl drains upon or under the surface of said hnds, as may bo necessary and proper for the convenient use and working of the niiues or works, with a right to deposit the dirt or waste of the said mines or works upon the urfaie convenient ikereto to gether with; all the rights, property, im provements, franchises aud estates of said company acquired or which way b-o horc ufter acquired. FRED. SCHWEDLER. 1 Xius,eeg FHED. W.BILLINGS, j -"us-ee8-Ridgway, p. Feb. 15, 1876-tlt. No Vc will Hurt, you lu a business you ran make frVJ a week without Money C'lipital; easy and respectable fur either sex. U. A. Yvuutr, 'Mi ltow- eiy, N y. : ilml. Administratrix's Kollcer Estate of Geo. Walmsley late of St. Marj-'s Borough,. Elk Co., deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, aud those having claims to present the same without delay to- ESTHER ANNE WALMSLEY, n4ttf Administratrix. GlEO.WOODS&CJO.'S PARLOK Thr.-w ;'5niftrk.ib1 : iiv r-i-.i-it p i noitl,, Aduvrcd for Ami.l-.-jr .11: ! P- r i an o:p.,mc n.Tf XJfrtr.JS -A CCt ur t tif.-nTi-Mt.- m ,'i.u .'I'. .1.1' t .... l u ,..t - niPl.aWMUl tl sL''.-tt n. . 1 i-'iM i , rnTTP tTVtf TulTV A t"f 4 lau;i ; l.Ulj V JA 11 U A-' n- L Ai n.-ii-t. ; - : 5 : i : : : ! 1 as o I ' s n : : s !l i; i ti tr -ji: ti ti , cr X. -1 -I I V H -I I- r. -j. n . cr 2' 5 c - ;s a. -I C i t-1 til - i:1 c 1: -en i- ic-.' K';iMwC.C - C;t v. -1 c-. . o f. 1: 1- T ; : It jr o -1 -tj - ci i; 1 ;c -1 i : -1 1 h. .--1 '5 J 1 : iw " - 1 rf- 1 1 jr. -i i 4- --1 c. j -1 i 1 - r. -j 5: c 4- f ii 1 r. z is a; 1' e S. : 11 1.' u - ! Vl i- f "- ' X - lil z. 1. i- i- X. Ii . ?. : - c ;i t; c x - i - ii i j mi r3 2 I 1- r w t: ! y, ! 'r. u :. t; r. 1 ' i & i.r - 7- r' tr H M . ill fj, " ii ii S it'i. 5 ? i-ii"0 x C - Z.' ET Ii I S ti zn o Cf is I ifcl - ! mmpmmS lMlm t,i -a Kvt Tv,- 7:rwT7i7JKrav yTy I 'll" Jb Pen? tihl S3 3 til ifgf :Sf 4 HI 1 ym0m M .j., as T'3 - -Ki;tM-'l 'ri)T!.ti stin'.jlii. 1 ,-" T u S !t 1 t. f l r"- 1!" J'' t.Ii"- Am? V ' 2.5-4 i .-.. 1 - 'i,:AV ' .1" '"Mi I 'l C5"? -Ii . --7 tj .- t-. m!,'j-"P1':A ''') t''A;t;M" -o-T jj Hdrl ' " 1 -S- ::. f. i-'ll.-P.-y. p,i; JO '01 SSK - ; 1 , 1 1 z ' Z Ii ll Zi r! ti CX 3 S 5iA'pin) J"! 3irxui 'A'uodiud I sT .'Y - ! '1 4r Lr1 1111 in -iiiiiiiimi .Titi..i7ir g. : l: - r. 4- -1 - -r, 3' tt 'i. 7 .-1 i 'i - - - .:J1 m! i-i'HIIItu j jooH.t oiii If o ' i 4t:oi"l aoj tnuuxwi A.Mdo.ttI C. w V' -VlP' l, C5 - W I-" IS Oil m Vij aiiC 4- ii i; C 1 l '"M 1 wi 01 it c; THE ADVOCATE, Oflloc, over Powell $2.00 A rEAR'-$J.60 ORDERS BY MAIL WLL Address IIENRV K. PARSONS, JR., R1DUWA Y.ELK CO., PAr mxfmin i. J... ORGkAJNTS T f..r r.K'v l cfscta an1 enresrert flever Deiore anvneu. u in a iy parlor. W Beautiful New Stylet, now reaay,- fjr i-.-r.rir(eoriftr- M. .,'i'' - itv. - ,n rt,!nri OS T tt1aaf fftlf. LnnuAn. (17 I'.rti . lltimijut juB--w .-iw.jI frv.rnal of selected music nd valuable reftdintj ri:fi 51 f-r'.'-r, or trn rents a number. Each number is 8.21 It r- lJ !1 'J notjenrBA 'Ml c If M.10V jo oxj J nojicniBAI! I I 9- W if" ! IB n"llni0Ai 1 r' a " -5 . ;! :T it 1 r.L 'Jftiwivi i! c"3 S 7.: r. z' V'f 1 M" t XT' j'i iu'luih: iii;.uxttvi 5 -1 ' " ' ,',liluJi' j r: ttujiuniul i jn.t.) .i.iil ouo )n xoj.j J 5 -i5!ii I S 5. I" J" " xwi 1 fl SB a tr-- .fjuno,)' jo vuipmrtdivSoxSiiv .10 innotnu oiji.ij3Hv posSOk-fiTI XWT S' jo rmouiu aiuSoaSdv P S ICime's Storo, Main Btree- IN ADVANCE. RECEIVE PROMPT. ATTENTON