B5 OEO. A. RAT1IBUN, Attorncy-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Tru BALL dk .VCAVLET, Attorney- tt-Lw. Office in New llrlck Building, RidRway, Elk Co., Pn. Mala St 8n2if. L VCORE A A4 Mil LEX. Attorn eys-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment, Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '76. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Ta. Agent tor the flowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold en. Repairing Watches, etc, docewith ie Hist acouraov as heretofore. flatis- fact! an gvuiranteod. tlnly J. 0. W, J1AILET, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tIhzo1. Ilidgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aocl lent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES 1). fFLLERTON, Snrgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his profrspional ser vices to the citiicus of Ilidgway ana sur rounding country. All wovk warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's liuiUtine, tip talra. first door to the left. 73-n-S21y G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and rnnnncputisl, S. vV. cornet o Main and Mill ptrectH, Ridgway, Tu. full assortment of ettrefe.llv selected For eign nit J Domestic li. 1'tewriptions rarefnlly Uinpenurd l all hours, day or night. vln3y T. S. 11 MIT LEY. M O, IMiVMi.Miin nna Surceon. Utfive in ltruir Store, corner I'.rond and Main Hi. I:i.ii.iice ccrncr I'.road St Vpr.osin the t:,il'.'ge. Ollice hour irom to 10 A. M. and Horn T to S 1. M. lniyl. J. S. U OR DWELL, M- Eoleclio Physician and Purgeon, litis remov ed his oRicc Irom Centre sircct. to Mait si. fUdgway. l'a in the second story of the ie Ivrick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's s'ore. OBiio hours:! lo 2 T M 7 tfi 5 P M inn:: house, KinnwAT, Elk Co., Pa V. II. SCIl HAM, Proprietor. Thankful f-r the pslronsge heretofore o liberally bestowed "pon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict in tention to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to ir.erit a continuance oi the same. Oct SO lMU. KERZEV KVUSE, Cknthsvilik, K'..k Co., Ta. Jons (loi.Mss, Ptopviefor TliHnkful for the patronage herelolort a liber illy I'estowfd upon him, the nv firorrietor, hopes, tv ptiying strict nt '.ention to the Cur.it'or: fttd cenveaienot o" giust. t merit .i continuance of tht tmme. Ea. fa v. L UMBER AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, A. GENERAL- COLLECTION AGENT No '-'CO Walnut Place, ("10 Wuluitt :-'ti't,i PHILADELPHIA. PA. h 41-ly The undersigned represents the fol lowing roiiuKo 'omprniu'D for this District. Aetua lLiUfor.1 7,000,000. 'orth Uriti-h Mercantile... 10,0(10,1)00. Herman American, N. Y... 2,000,000. Niagara N- Y 1 ,000,000. Amazon, Ohio 1,000,000. 1'aterson. N-J -100,000. Farmvillc, Vu 2A0.000. Travelers Lifts & Accident.. 4,000,000. Correspondence solicited front those desiring insurance. " P. 15. WACHTEL, I14U13 St. Mary s Pa. II. HAYS, tl..IK IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grroeries. and General Variety FOX ELK CO., PA. Cur try I'. O vtnlTir. txecntor's 'otice Estate of John Ratlin, late of Ben eingar township, Elk Co, rluccafced. Ltttcrs Test amenta rjf opoii the above estate have beun granted to tho under signed, nil persons indebted to said es tate aro requested to make payment, ond tho huving claims to present the Mtmo without deluv to n52t3 JOHf G. DETII, Exr. ExectitoiV Kollco. Estate of Elizabeth Cordcs, lute of Bt. Mary's borough, Elk Co., deceased Letters 2'cntamvntari upon the above estate have been grunted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to fcaid estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to MARY SEVER1N, Vvpfl CONRAD MARQUART. f ljXrs" SCIENTIFIC FARMER. BOSTON, MASS. Science ia knowledge, scientifio Is knowing. Can better motto be Mdopted la the interest of a profitable culture. Kntering familieg in every section, Never has it failed to give satisfaction To the Intelligent farmer, In all things practical) For it treats of the doctrine of ujcs In matters that pertain to the farm. Cannot you afford to give it a trial? Tor only Ode DolTnr ft year, And your name and address plainly writ ten, Remitted to the Scientific Farmer Co., k Boston, Mass. Much of monthly value will be received, inabling you to profit from others eiperi ence. Reflect that ideas turned to uses are money. Five Copies, 6 eenlaeach. THIS COLD WEATHER RE mindo U3 that POWELL & KIME have a nice lot of Thermometers on and JP YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II tlAGERTY Main Btroct, Ridgway, T DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS' WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provision The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES H ItAGERTY NAILS AND GLASS, AT POWELL & KIME'S. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN 1UDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Ljvery stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Btigpies to let upon the most reasonable terms, j6ia?He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad utreot, nbove Main All orders left at the Post OiBw will receive pronuit attention. Aug'iOlSTltf WO 1. 1. EN SOCKS A 2s D MITTENS at 1X)WELI. & KIME'S BUCKWHEAT Graham Flour at FLOUR. AND POWELL & KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new etock jtwt arriving, at POWELL KIME'S. AT POWELL KIME', YOU pay rash for goodi, ami got more than the worth of your ensh. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. FLOUR, 1-ORK, FEED, CORN Mcul, O.-Us, always on I'.und at POWELL & KIME'S Rl bottom pri ces A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes ut POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be Mire; but sill are n Hi tie cheaper ihun t any other Riore in town. n."oT mIilaTes for 'cook- Ing, also choice syrup h1vua on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. K'S. PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple Vkoktabls Hai.m that will re move Tak. rKBCKLES, I'lPPLKd ad Ulotciies, leaving the Skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair oh a bald head or sin ooi li luce. Address lien. Vandelf or Co.. Box 8121, No 6 Wooster St., N. Y ERRORS OF YOUTH. 4 GF.NTLEMAN who suffered for years A from Nervous Debility, Premature Ue chv, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for (he sake of suffering hu. manlty, send free to all who heed it, the recipe nnd direction for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can do so by uddressing in perfect confidence. JOHN C. OGDEfC, 42 Cedar St.. New Yolk. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight euts per. yard. 1. EABLEV, M, D. W. It. UUUAH, M. D, D RS. EARLEY & HARTMAN. Dr. W. B. Hartman, formerly of St. Mary's, has associated himself with M J. Earley, M. D in the practice of medicine at liidgway. Jiy close at tention to business they hope to re ceive a liberal share of the patronage or the ijuuiic. ur. u. nartman can be found at all hours, either at his rooms, over the post-omce, or at Dr, M. J. Earlev's Drug Store. Dr. M. J, Earley can be found at the residence of Dr. C. R. Earley, or at his Drug Store. Surgery, und diseases of women and children & speciality. E. K. (iRtSR, Dealer in all kinds of cabinet Ware, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen-and extention tables, wood and marble top tanas, wooa ana marnie top bureaus, what nots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, pring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, tc. &.c. Cane seats replaced with aerfomted wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from C05 to the oest machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also i large assorted stock of ready made cohins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway i'a, voiiaipaaprs'7 BUTTER AND LARD AT P. & K'S. FUR!, A EMALL LOT AT POWELL KITE'S. Arrhal and Departure of Blalls. Eastern Dally except Sundays; ar rives at 2t22 p. m., IcavTS at 6:16 p. m.; Western Dally except Sundays; leaves at 2;22, arrives at 6:16 p. m. Brook vllle Dally except Sundays arrives at 12 m, leaves at 2:80 p. m, Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and Thursdays at II a. m. leaves Wednes days and Fridays at 9 a. m. onnty Officers. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons, Geo, Ed. Wels, and Julius Jones, PherllF-Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCattlcy. District Attorney C. H. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Oeo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Schrjenlng. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedcrt, W. H. Osterhout, (Jeorge Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S, Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, George Rothrock. Township Officers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfleld, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Teace Charles Mead, Jas, D. Fullcrton. Beliool Directors 0. B. Grant, Jns. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cttm mings, W. 8. Service. Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jas. Riley. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Oeo. Dickinson, John Walinsley. Auditors-J. H. Ilagerty, James Pch fleld, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. S, Kline. Constable L W. Morgester. Churches. Lutheran Rev. I. Brenneman, pas tor. Services every alternate Sunday, In both English and German, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. the pastor Sujerintendent; Geo. A. Walker, assistant. Grace Episcopal Rev. m. James Miller, rector. Services every Sunday at the usual hours, 1 1 h. m. nnd 7 p. m. Sunday seliool nt io r. m. ah are cordially itu ited to attemi. Seats free. Methodist Rev. A. nn Camp. nastor. Services every Sunday nt 11 a. m. ana 7 p. ra. Minany ecnoot ai 30 a. m C. K. UollHduy, mipcnn tendent: Geo. R Dixon, assistant. ounar Folks' UiOlo i ians nt p. m Regular Orlicial JSleeting the second Mondiiv of each month at 8 P. in. Roman Catholic-Uev. Uatlier wnner pastor. Services every otlier bunuuy at 10 a. id. Pkksbytkriax. Rev. A. J. Mont gomery, Pastor. Services every fourth Sunday in the Jutneran cuurcnat n A. M. and? V. J1. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. R. Division WINTER TIME TADLE. rV aniufter SUNDAY, NOV. 20. 1870. V the trams on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. NIAGARA KX leaves Rtnovo... 4 4" p m " " ' Linn if oort.. b -68 p m " " Emporium 0 60 p m " ' " BtSIarys.,. 7 4o p in " " " Kiugwny .,. J 14 p m arr nt. Katie.. 0 1!0 p tu KKIB J!.ii loaves nutnlelplita ll p ru " Ronovo 11 00 m " " Lujioriiim..i...l2 65 p m V l 40 p m " Kidgwuy 2 It p m " ' Efiuu ,..v...3 SO p ni ' art'ivu at Erie .... 7 85 p in EASTWARD. DAY KX leaves Kane ...( 00 a w ' " Kid(;way.l....i..6..:i( a ni " " Bi Marys. ,.i,,...;7 20 a in " 11 Emporium ..8 10 a m ' " Driftwood...,. ..8 68 p ni ' " Ker.oro 10 Itp m btiib m.wij tetivr.s trie.., ll. uu a m ' " " Kane 5 60 p ui " " " Ilidgway 4 49 p lu " St. Mary's 616 p ni " " bmboriuin ..... b JO p m " RetloVOi , 8.B6 p m " " arr. at Philadephiii... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express con nect east with Low Qrede Pivision and ii N. Yl 4 P. R. R, WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Bup't FROM QES Z). S. FORBES, The following chatty letter from Gen Forbes relates ill a pleasant way his experience with Dr. Fen tier's Golden Relief. What he says will be appreciated by the thousands who have experienced instant relief from pain by the use of that wonderfully effective Compound: Fredoniai N Y. April-Mh, 1875. Dn Fenner Dear Sir You will please send me another bottle of your Golden Relief. It has become a fixture In my house as a medl cine. We consider it Invaluable, and cannot do without It. I must here rclute an anecdote of your valuable Golden Relief. Hi tile nth of 1872, in Jumping from my Cdrrhge I sprained my ankle and was unable to walk. An agent of the Buffalo Courier called ut my bouse (of course you know what he called for it was to collect my subscription), and finding me In great pain he commented telling me a won derful story about a most wonderful medicin that he had found in Butfulo and that he would go and bring to me for trial, as it was in bis valise. Imagine my suprUe when found it Was your Godfth Relief made here in Fredonia I I sent to you for a bottle and af ter using It a few times the pnln entirely lea und a speedy cure was obtained. This agent of tho Courier said he could not live without it, as he was an almost Constant sufferer from Neuralgia, and that it was the nly medicine that gave him Instant relief So you will see that others appreciate your wonderful medicine as well as mysfelf, and will add that In all the numerous coses where I or my family have tired it, it has never failed to give relief. Bo you will not wonder that We have learned to rely on it in all those eases lor wuicn you recommend it. Yours truly, V. S. FORBES. C. T. Moore, tioprletor of the Celebrated wholesale tea and coffee house, 14 Front street, Rochester, N. Y., certifies that Dr, Fehner's Golden Relief cured hihi of sore throat more speedily thaii; anything be has ever fcraud. His family has learned to rely on it In Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Toothache, eta, and would not be without It. C. W. Tenant, Fredonia, X. Y., certifies that two bottles of Dr. Fetiner'i Golden Relief cured htm of a bad Rneumatlsm, after all other treatment had failed. The best families in the land are now keep ing it constantly in the house for family use, and attest to 1M extraordinary powers and hoaling capabilities to conquer pain and an nihilatedtsease from the system, Ask for a ciruurlar entitled "People' Remedies." For sale by dealers. FOR YOUR STOVES AND TIN Ware call at W. B. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets. IFE, Growth, BEAUT T. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dy; makes harsh hair toft and ilky; cleanses the soalp from all impurities, causing the hair lo grow where It hag fallen off or become thin. Can be applied by the hand as It dots hot stain the Bkin orisoil the finest lineh. As Hair Dressing It is the most, tierfeet the world has ever rroduoed. The hair is re- ovated nnd strengthened, and natural co'or restored Without the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into tnls country, it has been the wond4 and admiration of all clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article hat will absolutely Without deception, re store gray bair toils original color, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce air on bald heads of its original crowth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation Betore or after its use, or accompany ment'of any kind being required o obtain tnese aesirame results. Hera Is the Proof Of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. fead this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Qarrigues one of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. 1 nm bappy to add ray testimony to the great, value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to lis ongi nal Color, aud the hue appears to be per manent, I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the se cretions It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased he hrst bottle from Edward R. Qarrigues, druggist, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when 1 commence-! us use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 Nonh Ninth street. Phila. Ur. Fwayho a Bon. Respected friends! l bave tne pleasure to inform vou that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London UBiroior restorer. Her iiuir was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the fallinr off entirely stopped. anj a new growtn ot hair ts the result. E. 11. UARKIGUES, Druggist., cor Tenth and Conies, Phila, BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayno & Son:- Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six Domes London Hair Cnlor Ke stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than auy thing 1 have used in the last nine years. If you please, send ine one dozen bottles C O D care W 8 Fogler & Son Druggists, fi0 723 Tremont street. Boston. Reepectfully yours, ADA BAUER ISo o'J Uutluiid square. London Hair Color Restorer aud Dressing Has completely restored my hair to its original clor and youthful beauty aod caused a rapid and lnxuriaut growth. MKiJ. AjNME MORRIS, No 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. nr. Dalian ot rtiiladelnhia, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients aud friend, as well as by myself. 1 therefore spc.ik fro".i eiLpsrietu-e. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAVNE SOS 380 Ni.rth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, I'a., soic rroprieiors. T II K li 11 N 6 8 CONSUMPTIOH! This diktrersiiigand dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cotigli, uiglit sweats, hoarseness, Wasting ticHli lever permanently cured by DOvTOU SWATNS'S CeMPCFiTi, 5YBI7P OF 'UlUu CES EU Y. lillO.M'UITIS A premonitor or Pul inuunry CoiiMimptiou, is Characterized by cr.tnrrli, or tumiuiation of the mucuin mem brane of the air passuges, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, puius in the che&t. tur Alt bronchial uffec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry H A (SOVEREICN REMEDY Ilctnorrlliige. or Spitting of rflood, may proceed Irom Hie larynx, truchia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical etertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraiu ii g of tuo voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction ol the spleen or ilver, Sic. Dr. SvTOj-nc's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, iuvigorating the .nervous Hystettii The only standard rcinciiy for hemor rhan) bronchial nnd all pulmonary com plaints. Con?uiilptive8- or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetab.e remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con cumpt-on, but over every ehronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to us natural standard the stomach is improved Iti its power to di gest and assimilate t lie food, aud every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which pew re creative and plattiO material is made. Prepared Silly by DR. SWAYNE&SGN, 3.1t) North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold bt all FRortiNE.t DbI'uoists. Itching Piles ! FILES, PILES, ITCIIINQ PILES, positively cubed by the uae of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicle'd trif't t-De of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching files, ine itcmng at times was almost in tolerable, increase J bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite ante. 1 bought a box ot b irayne a Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and lira short time made a perfect cure. I tan, now sleep undisturbed. and I would advise all who ai-6 suffering with this distressing complaint to prooure Swayoe'i Ointment at onoe. I bad tried piescriptions alruoH ihftiimerabe, without finding and permanent rener JOSEPH W..CIIRIST. (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Boot and Blioe House 844 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. SKI1I DISEASES. Bwayne's All-healing Ointment is also a speciiio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum Scald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, ertisty, cutaneous Er ruptionti Perfectly cafe and harmless eveu on the most tedder infaut. Price 60 oouta Sent by mail to tidy address oft re oeint of orice. SWAYHE'S PAlTACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its remar kakle eures ot SCrofdla, Mercnraland Svohl litio complaints. Describe symptoms in all communications, aaaress letters to DR. W ATMS SOU, Philadelphia.--n7yl MriTrJli'Iii1rftMll-iTl iJ i Has THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 18??. (Josslp. SAVE your eggs forHaBtef. TliEsnowla fast disappearing. Heb the Mercantile Approver's List. Mns. James II. Ilugerty U seriously ill. We have rumors of marriages after lent. THE boys aiid girls had a nice little sleigh ride last night. Mtt. and Mns. Daniel Bcribner are blessed With & son. TitB Triennial Tabular Statement will be found in another column. The song of the robbin and lullfrog will soon be heard in the land. A oentIjEMAN from Lock Haven Intends starting a tailor shop here soon. Eggs are sellttlg here now a3 low as twenty cents A dozen. Cats are not quoted. We publish a long temperance arti cle from a Wilcox Correspondent in this issue. Mrs. L. Lefever died ttt Ostcrhout's tannery last week and was burled last Sunday. We hope in our next issue" to report some encouraging news from the Wil cox oil Well, It is a fact that a test oil Well Will be put down in this vicinity as soon as spring opens. Oeo. A. Rathbiln, Esq., will move Into D. D. Cook's houee on South street about April 1st. I.EARN'to labor and to wait" Is a good motto, but "Pay the printer" would oft times save its use. Candidates for Sheriff Scull's old snoes will soon become as thick as bugs oil a Kersey potuto patch The secretary of state has been taken from New York ever since the organization of the Republican party Seward was the first A two story addition will be put on the house now occupied by Parsons, the printer. The house will be occu pied, as soon as ready, by Mr. S. Jack son. J. Powell Is having a two'-rtory buy Window put on the house occupied by Mr. S. Jackson. We understand that Mr. C. R. Kline, is to occupy the house. Donald Cameron was elected, no Tuesday last, to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate, occasioned by the resignation of his father Hon Simon Cameron. Give of thy wealth to the poor, and also give us a cull for nice visiting cards aud all other kinds of fine iob printing. You are earnestly invited to call npd see our samples. According to the new schedule the fare from Chicago to New York will be $20, to Boston $21, to Baltimore 117 50, Philadelphia $18 25. Bales from St. Louis arc three dollars higher than from Chicago. Ciiahles Meenan, alias "Omaha Jack," who served a term In the peni tentiary from this county, for the rob bery of a freight car Ut St. Mary's was killed at IWund Island last Friday, while, as is supposed, stealing a ride. He was buried at St. Mary's on Sunday. He leaves a wife. Reports from the Wilcox oil well tduy f.ay that pumping has been commenced, and that the well was producing at the rate of from eight to ten barrels a day, when an accident occurred causing a suspension of busi ness. We will report progress next week. On Ft-ldoy hist snow commenced falling at this place, and continued coming down, more or less, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On St. Pat rick's day (last Saturday) tho sleigh ing was good, and on Sunday the sleighing was improved by those pre pared to enjoy it. Taken at tho best the month of March Is a fickle one, to-day sunshine, and to-morrow snow, rain, or slt-el; . Biugham Young tlio Mormon Prophet who Is now inhisTTih year, is reported very ill, and it is hardly ex- peted that in the natural course of things he can live much longer. His death will most likely cause- consider able commotion In the church as the members are known to bo divided into factions which are very hostile to each other and war between them 1ms only been prevented by the Influence of Brighum. It It thought that the announcement of his death will be the signal for an outbreak among them which may finally end in the disintegration of the Mormon church The latest "joke on Snyder" came oft' at Clarion a few days ago. A lazy chap, from Brookville, had quartered himself on a one-armed stage driver, and utterly refused to work. The woman of the house seemed to have been well enough satisfied, but the husband demurred all to no purpose. The "boys" of Clarion gave him do tice to leave, or take a riUe on a rail. He failed to head the Warning. The "boys," as good as their word, ap peared one night'and gave him a ride gratis, notwithstanding the protests of the victim and the woman; Lights were carried that the passers by might see who was being honored, and at every hotel and public place, ho was invited to make a speech, all tho time protesting against the treatment. Af ter the parade he was given fifteen niinute9 to leave Clarion, but asked, and was granted, time to pack his "duds," T?lien he was "escorted" be yond the limits of Clarion, on the road to Brookville, at 10 P. M. The treat ment is a little rough but without dov'it it served him right. Wlloox 5otes Wilcorf Pit., March 20th, 1877. The sun has good sleighing on which to cross the line. Col Wilcox Is at home for the first time since Christmas. Oil Well No. 8 is tubed, commenced pumping Saturday night, broke the sucker rods and it will take a da or two to repair damages, and then we will see what wo will sec. Lone Wolfe's howl about the excite ment In Wilcox Is purely the Im agination of an excited brain. Every one Is perfectly quiet here, no one has sand In his pockets, or bricks la his hat; But the operators have plenty of saiid in their giaards and are bound to put the thing through or Lust. ' Some practical oil operators were here yesterday from Bradford, leased five hundred aore3 of land and arc to have a rig up and commence drilling inside of a month. They think the show is good for first class territory. The young man at an evening party a short time ago Who Was discovered to have a piece of court plaster on his lip that was not sore snys he don't see how in the World It got there. The fellow that 'snee.ed out tho lamp at the school exhibition last night says that's the way he always puts them out, PETE. The Musical Convcntlw. We again call the attention of all lovers of music, to the Convention to ue neiu at itwgway, eomniencing- Monday evening, the 2ith Inst. Every one will admit, that the culti vation of musical talents tends to ele vate the social, moral and religious standafd of individuals and com munities. Turn ottt then; from every portion of the county, and Improve this opportunity. Prof. Suffern, the musical director of this convention is unequaled in his profession. The jlurptty Temperance Movement in flortu western l'ciins) Ivaula. Mn.- Editoh. Your readers have doubtless, long ere this, been made aware of the general working of the so called "Murphy Movement," which has so interested the people1 in the western counties of our Common wealth during the past few months; of its inauguration at Pittsburg ; of the small body of earnest Christian and otlier workers being awakened to the enormous extent which the vice of Intemperance had assumed in their midst, meeting together and resolutely determining to no all in tlieir power to aid in arresting its further progress and averting the many dire evils which always attend it ; of their suc cess in securing as a leader In their work Mr. l-'rands Murphy who had then risen to some prominence as a Temperance Orotor ; of their first pub lic meeting and the unhoped for In terest that was there manifested; of Mr. Murphy's memorable words at its close when he said "Pittsburgh is ours;" of the great and mighty work, there commenced being carried for ward until thousands, yi-a tens of thousands, have placed their names upon the pledge of total abstinence and released themselves by one solemn word from a bondage in itself the most terrible and degrading. Of its wide spread influence throughout Venango, Erie, Butler nnd Crawford counties, but.of ctiurwe.this knowledge can only be general to most of you, and thinking that a few words from an cyo Witness to the actual working of this great reform movement, ex plaining their manner of action and at the same time staii ue some of the immediate results attained, might be of interest to your tenders, I pen this hurried article. It was my privilege to be in Titusville, the Metropolis of the Oil Regions, at the time of lis inauguration there, and was permitted to attend the large mass meetings which were held nightly in the Opera House, under the direction of Prof. Evans of Pittsburgh, a member of the "Murphv" Executive Com mittee. The meetings are based on religious principles aithough eutirely devoid of sectarianism. Calvinists, Wi-slyans, Episcopalians and Ro manists are together interested in the great work, indeed, the controlling and underlying power of the move ment seems to lie in the three prom inent words which stand out on the pledge lu clear bold type. "God Helping me." The meetings n re al ways opened with Prayer and Scrip tural Reading, showing that the lead ers rest fur tlieir ultimate triumph wholly on the help which may be given them from above. After the opening exercises Mr. Evans makes a short pithy address, brimful of love to the fallen and degraded and earnest desire for their redemption, he pleads with liis whole soul for tho cause, at times almost reaching forward to the audience and plucking lost men as "brands from the burning" in the in tensity of his desire for their rescue. He knows into what depths the drunkard has fallen and upon what dangerous ground the Indeiate drinker stands, having spent the best part Of his life as a victim of the fatal cup, and can sympathize fully with those who now are clasped tightly with the fearful fetters of intemper ance closing invuriably with an earn est aud direct appeal to all to come for ward and niyn the jrtedge aud while some familliar hymn is being sung us "Hold the Fort" or "Rescue tho per ishing" the aisle begins to fill with men and women anxious to be first on the Temperance Roll of Honor, and every other moment tho house will ring with chefcrs as some poor fallen drunkard goes up, with faltering step, aud with trembling hand, places his name to the Pledge. Often, If well known, he is invited on the stage to testify to his determination and pur pose before the lurge assembly and ask their sympnthy und help. Old men with gray halr.whose whole lives have been spent in "riotous living," young men just starting in life and middle aged men in the prime of their career.standlng together, acknowledge ing their past errors, oftentimes relat ing experiences that would bring tears to the tye of the strongest man, and asking, In earnest and unmistakable language, the aid and prayers Of their fellows and urging former companions in vice to travel with them in the up ward road to virtue. Then the great business of the meeting, which always is pledge slgnmg, continue" uutil the hours for closing cofilrs wnen tne audience is dismissed with the bene diction) only to return arid witness simillur scenes the next evening. In order that earnest faithful Christian men nnd women may lift their united petitions to Ood that his choicest blessing may tttiend the work a noon day prayer meeting is held daily in the churches, alternately for two hours. Such is the plan for united wcrk, hut the individual work must not be forgotten, hundreds of faithful men und women leave business, household cares, pleasures, everything and engngc In personal eflbrt, talking of th cause to this one and that one; encouraging a weak brother here, and pleading with a strong minded opposer there, scattering pledges from house to house, aud speaking a word in sea- . ... -a 1 . son Whenever it is required ana m the work has gone on until in Titus ville the army of workers numbers one thousand, in Oil City the same num ber, Franklin one thousand, Parki City one thousand and many thous ands more in other places and I hear that M'Kean Co., is "Holding tho Fort'- und that great mass meetings, are being held in Bradford nightly under the efficient leadership of Jno. F. Clark one of the strongest advo cates of Temperance that Pennsyl vania can boast of. And now, friends of Temperance in Elk cbtttity, christian brothers and sisters, what shall be our position in this great movement which bus for its aim tho "lifting up of the fallen" and 'rescuing of the perishing" shall we stand idly by with our eyes wide open to the degrading scenes which are be ing daily enacted on our streets and in our saloons ; to the misery, nnd sor row which is how in our very midst as the eil'ects of Intemperance, or, shall we join hand lu hand with our sister counties and make our voice heard and influence felt in this the greatest of all reform, the raising of a brother man from the depths of vice and sin up to a higher plane of life and usefulness? Whut shall wc say ? A"MURPHA-1TE." Wilcox Pa. March 17th, 1S77. Pennsylvania Sews. There were Klxty-flvo dcntlis in rittsburgH last week. A lurgo Hteiim tannery Is to he erected nenr Ciirweiisvlllo, ('leurllekl eount y. lli-.vii"klsvll!q4 jelt'erson county, hhd 2H store lost year but. only 13 have survived. Tlu-re arc n number of cases of small pox in Allcntown, nc-uording to the Eastern papers; Klnce the opening of the temperance cam pntiin In Krie 1,330 persons have signed tho pleduu. Mrs. Jlills, of Corry, wns found dead in hor barn lust week. It is supposed her death re sulted irom a Jcick utven by a vicious cow. At West Chester, on Tuesday last, Mrs; Margaret Graham, more familiarly known us "Aunty Graham," uttulued tho remark able use of 10U years. Luke Flood, who murdered Alexander lllnck at .Modoc C ity In Iieeembcr last, Is to be tried ul the coming term of court iu llutler. It cost S. S. Grimes, of Wuynesburi;, Slt).iV) tor what he knows about tho game laws of Pennsylvania in connection with squirrels, lie killed nine out of senfeon. It is stated that the Boston and Maine rail road company has concluded u contract for .15,000 tons of Clearfield coal. This company lias heretofore used Cumberland conl. Twenty rounds wore fought between two men employed in Hoach's ship-yard nt Chester, on Monday, when the wive of the combatants put In an appearance and led their brutish husbands home. Tho oflleers of the l-'lrst National bank, of Allcntown, hicli is winding up its business. allege that there is no occasion for uneasiness. Its assets are ubuniunt to pay all it owes. Tho East on Express pujs there aro six sis ters residing lu Houth Easton, who, together, weigh l.iil pounds. One year ago they aggre gated 1,230 making a clear gain during tho centennial yeur of one pound. V. Itoardmau Heed, a former editor of the Philadelphia Sunday l'ress, who pub lished uti article charging Mrs. Annie Ualley with having abandoned her husband and eloped witli another person, has been sen tenced to pay A fine of 8100 and costs, Colonel M. it. Horn, of Catusanqua, has on his dairy farm near that place nine Ayrshire hellers, real beauties, four Ayrshire cows, one Aldcrney cow, four lievonshirecows, aud oue Ayrshire bull, all full blooded. Mrs. Ciiroliuo F; Schugart committed tu'' clde by hanging in a wood shed attached to the bouse in which she lived, In Erie, on Sat urday. Her husband had gone for a doctor and when he returned found her suspended to a beam and lifeless. The cause wu sick ness, poverty and despair. The Lewistown Gazette says: A. M. Shoor, of Yeagortdwn, Miitlin county (who hasheaid his twenty-third child cry), vtus re-elected justice of the ptucoul the lute election, which hinds the veteran hero at the threshold of h 1 twenty-fifty yeur as an expounder of Justice to those that err. The Inkstand in his otllce has been In use over one hundred and sixty years lu a Justice's olllce. Tho Iiloonisburg Columbian says, Mrs; Sallie Snyder, an aged widow, committed sui cide on Wednesday, February 28, by drowning herself in a spring, ner the resideucO of l'hln eas Vouug, lu Orange township, where she had been living. The water in the spring did not cover her head, and she laid with only her face in the water. It Is said she bee tried to freeze herself to death several times this winter, fchu was about 75 or 80 years old, and bad been supported by the poor directors for u number of years. We have tu York at this time, says the Press; a first cousin of Curl Uchurz, who is a tailor by trade, and working at tbo establishment of Mr. Ucorgo Kuble. Tho gentleman corres ponds regularly with bis lucky relative at Washington. He says he used to make bis cousin's clothing, and was always npon the most iutlmuto terms with the new cabinet officer. No doubt the tailor will soon be ele vated lo a position mure suitable for the rela tive of a cuMuct oltirer, by '.Us more ford'' nut cousin. V