The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 15, 1877, Image 4

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    The Newsboys' Dogr.
Jay Charlton, the New York corre
spondent of the Danbury JVctc', nays in
thatpapor: The newsboys make a Ht
tag out of the evening papers, which is a
godsend to them. In these hard times
many a poor family lives off the pennies
f the gamins. It would be queer if
these sharp, ragged lads, reared in pov
rty, with no softening influences, did
not demonstrate some sentiment. And
they have. They have ft dog. She is ft
honielv, yellow little dog, crooked leg
ged, Bhort haired, unattractive. But the
boys love her, and give her bits of their
oread and pet her with an affection
touch more hearty than some Fifth ave
nue belle gives to her pretty poodle.
She is no aristocratic dog, and never
ventures into the upper tcndom. The
dog knows her place. Tlio street is pood
enough for her; for do the boys who
' love her not live in the streets ? During
that slack time of the dny when the boys
neither shine boots nor soli papors they
sometimes play ball in the narrow, dirty
streets among the trucks. The dog al
ways has her plnco. She is a sort of
short stop or outer, and enjoys the sport
as heartily as any. When the boys
shout over a good catch the yellow dog
barks a joyous yelp; and I have even
Been her laugh and shnke her homely
sides with glee. At nightfall there drive
into' the narrow stre?t several wagons
uaed for carrying forth the last edition
of the papers. If any other wagons than
these happen to go in the yellow dog
barks warningly, as if she were mag
nanimously trying to tench them the art
of self-respect. For this homely dog
has a nice soul. She is homely of ap
pearance, but not of mind. I have no
ticed that the best hearted girls are
sometimes not pretty. Socrates was
homely, but his spirit was flue. So with
" Nell," the newsboys' dog. Moralizing
over this dog, I have wondered why
these boys did not adopt a beautiful
.poodle, a delicate blnck-nnd-tan, a lop
eared spaniel. They might steal a dozeu
any day. I one time asked one of the
gamins where I could get a verv pretty
dog. Ho brought me "Nell1 on hi's
arms and srid I might take her, she was
so pretty and lie was sure she would
enjoy the country nir. He did not like
to lose the dog, but he would tell the
boys that she was better off ; as if she
had gone to the spirit land. Suppose
this dog should get lost? The boys
would get her back in a dny. The eyes
of these gamins would find her. They
would welcome her back with open
arms. And she would crawl into the
arms of some "poor fellow as he slept
some night on the cold stones, and would
think that the ragged shirt next to the
warm heart of the gamin was the softest
Life in Deadwoml.
Deadwood, one of the Black Hills
cities, is a lively town of two thousand
inhabitants. Of course, savs a corre-
spoudent describing it. it's tho central
camp, where all the gambling, fighting
mid business is done. Everything rroes
on a grand rush night and day. There i experimented with transplanting trees of
is no regularity .about anything. A man different ages from Mie to four vears
opens a place of business nud makes lots from graft, and he preferred the one
of money, then he gets the prospecting : 'cr trees. Tliey can bo taken up more
fever, starts for the gulches and shuts up nearly with the entire roots, are s t
his shebang. When a place is closed up it I quicker and are not checked in the
means that the owner is out digging, lias ! growth.
been killed in a fight or is off on a spree. ! Keep Mock Warm.
TW? no 'n.u,,,ic'P',11 government at all. I A cow fed on twenty pounds of h..v
livery man thinks he s mayor of the town, j daily, having no shelter in the wint.-V
mnym mi a U'f ,,--VS al1 11 Heii'm Pxcel,t; P'haps nil open shed
mass meeting, draw up resolutions, etc., about to tumble down, would be in no
incorporate the town and i better condition in the spring than she
hao a board of aldermen; but at the end ; would lie It led on ntiecn pounds dallv
of the week nobody knows what has be- . and kept in a warm Btuble at night and
come of the resolutions or tho aldermen. ; allowed the run of the barnvard in
e start a new city government every pleasant weather. This is a result that
two weeks and bust one every week if has substantially been proved a thou
thore is any saiJll tjme8. Now we will compute the
baloons all over tho place, and whisky ! loss to a farmer on ten cows, which me
lour bits a drink. They put two barrels left through the winter on the uni -roup
on end, nail u board across for a barjtected svstem; and manv bnriis afford
and deal it out. A miner who wants to but slight warmth to stock over the open
treat pours some gold dust on the bar- air, being boarded up vertically, with
rel head and says: "Set 'em up." They ! cracks between the boards from a half
never weigh the dust. Sometimes a man inch to an inch wide, and nil Mich burns
won t put down enough dust, but they come under the losing svstem of wintcr
never say a word; ami if he's a little , ing stock. It would be fair to estimate
tight and pours out t m or fifteen dollars , hay to be worth g 15 a ton ns an average
worth they never mention it. They value throughout the country. Ten cows
have three faro banks running nil the ! not well protected will require fifty
... , ....... ii.m u imc Il-r II I-
puts a httlc gold dust in a dollar green
DacK aua at goes for two dollars. Ten
dollars worth of dust iu a ten dollar
greenback goes for twenty dollars, and
so on. They never weigh dust at all,
but guess the amount.
Every man carries about fourteen
pounds of firearms hitched to his belt,
and they never pass nnv Tl,
D, "--u luej won a pile ot checks warm stublo, for ut Wst four mouths or
they tlirew cm all over tho j.hice, ami I 112 days, worth thirtv-sev.-u nn.l oik--Bome
were too .Iruuk to hamllo 'cm. SS-i ! half cents daily, or durin 112 davs
tlie cltedvs cot plave;! out. Xow a mnu ..! in.iini.ii. .... 1. ' i'
r""" Ki- ins gun out nret is the can be repaired, doors made to shut
best man and they lug off the other fd- clo aud thus the comfort of domestic
low s body. Our graveyard is a big iu- animals can bo enhanced, to sav nothiijo
stitutiou, and growing one. Sometimes, : of the Bavuig in fodder. Farmers do
nowevor, the plnce is right quiet. I've i you realize this important fact? ' s'-ne
known times when a man wasn't killed for cf you do not seem to realize it at all- a-id
twenty-four hours. Then perhaps they'd such men nre alwavs talkinof "hard
lay out live or his a day. When a man ' times," being slack 'in all they do
gets too handy with his shooting irons , , .
and kills five or sis, they think He isn't . ,l ur,n" r"rk'
safe anil nnn liim nvur i..i .1 Curing Dork so that it will nlwnva 1
him. They don't kill him for what he i
has done, but for what he is liable to do 1
I suppose that the avei age deaths amount
to about one hundred a mouth- but the I
Indians kill some. i
A Truly Wondei-iiil foimtrr 1
i uoiiuiiiiu couuiry.
The American Engineer thus lumps i
mo wonuers 01 our country: The greatest !
L-miuui m America is me i alls of ATiag- I
ara, wliere the water from the great up- i
per laKea form a river of three-fourths of j
a mile in width, and then being suddenly I
contracted plunges over the rocks in two I
columns to the depth of one hundred !
and seventy-five feet. The greatest cave !
m the world is the Mammoth Cave of j
Kentucky, where any one can make a
voyage on the waters of a BnhterrnA.n !
nver, and catch fish without eyes. The sweet as long as it is covered with brine. ' g. the bell rings at the terminus, the t have used it in other cases of colds in my fam
greatest river in the known world is the Ordinary flue Onondaga salt is tram Btops. All out for Eternity I Show j ily, with the same satisfactory results. I oan
Mississippi;.: four hundred miles long just as good as the coarse salt if the ! yur ticket now for getting into the ; conscientiously recommend it "to all who suffer
iiuecou vuiir-y in ine world is the i
vatiey oi ttie Mississippi. It contains
500,000 square" miles, aud is one of the
most fertile regions on the globe. The
greastest city park in the world is in
Philadelphia. It oontaius over 2,700 acres.
Tue greatest grain port in the world is
Chioago. . The lurgost lake in the world
is uatie oupenor, which is truly au in
land 8611. beinor four humireri nml thii-tv i
miles long nna one thousaud feet deep. ! using a little of the salt between the
The longest r.iikoad at present is the 1 pieces. Boil and skim the ingredients,
Paoifl j railroad, over three thousand j an(l when cold pour over the meat, odd
miles m length. The greatest mass 0f injof wutr sumcient to cover entirely,
solid iron iu the world is the Iron moun. In sis weeks the meat can be taken out.
tain, of Missouri. It is three hundred
aud ilfty feet high and two miles iu cir.
.'I 'M 1 . I. L :
kuiu. iuo ucoi npeuiinen oi trrecian arch
itecture in the world is the Girard Col
lege for Orphans, Philadelphia. The
lurgest aqueduct iu the world is the Cro
ton aqueduct, New York. Its length is
forty nnd one-half mils nnrl if arc(
$12,500,000. The lai-gest anthracite coal i
deposits m the world are m Pennsylvania,
the mines of which supply the market
with millious of tons annually, and ap
pear to be inexhaustible.
Hint on Prnnlnn.
A correspondent of the American
Farmers' club writing on the pruning
and training of fruit trees offered tha
following suggestions : Apple trees in
gardens and orohnrds that are-fcllowed
to grow freely and naturally,, require; t
have only their Lends thinned out, and
especially in the center, so that light and
air may be freely admitted to every part.
Young trees should bo closely looked
after for a few years after planting, so
that by the judicious removal of ill
placed shoots or branches and the short
ening -of others, the tree may be en
couraged to assume a neat style of
growth. Standard and pyramidal pear
trees should be treated in the same way
as apple trees, a good thinning rather
than hard pruning being quite as desir
able in their case as with apples. Hori
zontally trained trees against walls re
quire, however, to be treated somewhat
differently, if only for appearance sake.
The flowers are borne on spurs, conse
quently these only should bo left un
touched ; and the shoots made last season
should be pruned close in, say to within
an inch or so to their base. The pro
duction of fruit bearing spurs, rather
than unfruitful shoots, on the main
branches, should bo the object aimed at !
in nrnniiicr ninl if. uliniil.l l.Ainn
mind that hard or close pruning is not
favorable to this process : consequently
be sparing with the knife in the case of , uooa-ye I May yon have a prosperous
the horizontal leaders, which may In ! voyage, large sales and great percent
nailed in their entire length if well ; ng,e?' there 18 one th!,13 1 forgot to
ripened. Standard plum trees also re- , ?k f on ," " ,J'W,,.ftt tr,lin nre .vou
quire to be well thinned out if good I np to !lke' T,clV ?on U
nrmia f fiim fmif ora in I take tlie live o clock Sunday; afternoon
trees on walls, which are generally
in fun shape, must be treated i Ve,by 0,UIKT morning in the com
nuch the same as pear trees. Iu .' me"'" establishments by the time tho
e, also, the flowers are borne on '. merelmnt? gf down town." My brother,
iruiueu in i
pretty much
thin r-nnp. n!
snurs. so that trie linear, wnnrl nr.,1 i,
growths as are not required for nailing
in bTiould be cut close back. The l,m,lpr
mny be nailed in their entire length iu
this case also, if well riv.ened if m.t
cut buck to the well seasoned wood. He
careful in strong growths not to cut back
more than is absolutely necessary.
Hand pruning in such cases menus 'a
more vigorous growth Btill in the coining
season. Prune weak shoots close to en
courage vigor, and cut tho strong ones
ns little as possible to repress it, and you
will soon get a well balanced tree The
flowers of the peach and nectarine are
borne on the shoots developed the pre
vious year, hence the system of pruning
to be followed in their ease is totally dif-
fereut from those before mentioned.
The shoots which bore flowers ami fruits
last season must be cut out us fur us
possible and the young growths made itt
the same time encouraged ; and if trained
against walls (as is advisable with at least
the nectarines) nailed in their places
Btrnight and neatly, at from two to three
I inches apart.
i In answer to the
ouestion asked
' w'lllt nPe trees should be set out for mi
orchard a member replied that he had
i I I Hi S II illlV l.l.iin 1 inn
no matter how fed, would be at le it
$5; consequently, farmers who ttu ly
their own interests build warm burn--,
but so as to be well ventilated in mild
weather, and thus pave enough in fod
der iu a few years to pay the cost t f
them. Ii;it much can be 'done with old
buildings to make them warm; battel s
nmi 1 1 ti ..iiil.l ,-v..r.H 41. n ..1... 1.1. - r
Bwcet is ujt a liffi-'ult matter, provided
the necessary reqtusites are furnished
l,ork from .voung pigs from sis to ten
montl ol.I and plenty of good salt. A
writer in the Country Gentleman says :
Cut the pork up into suitably sized
Pief,N' after U llns lost ftl1 the'auimal
heat b t it h , . ,
lowed to freeze. Pack closely in a clean
tiprlit cask, in alternate layeri
ersof pork and
hel to a whole
(two hundred !
salt, using from half a busl
bushel to each barrel (
poumJs). A portion of the salt must be
reserved for tho brine, which must be
boiled and skimmed aud saturated with
salt- When cold pour over the nnrfc
taking care to provide sufficient brine to
cover the meat at least two inches. Lay
heavy flat stone ou the pork, to keep
it from floating, and t,h m-lr iit vr
ms weigm is nsea. me barrel shonl.l i
always have undissolved salt in the brinr,
For bacon, hams and shoulders use
eight pounds of salt, one quart of mo- '
lasses (or its equivalent two and one-
half pounds of sugar), two ounces of
saltpeter, one ounce of saleratus, anil
two ounces of cayenne pepper to each
oie hundred pounds of incut, trimmed.
Pa3k as cloaelv on nnnnihlA in a .nob-.'
rinsed and hung up to be smoked. Some
like a few cloves aud black pepper added
to the pickle. If a " dry pickle " is pre
ferred, rub the hams once daily witli 4he
above mixture, in a tub, until the pickle
has all been rubbed into the meat. Hiuus
prepared in this way never need " fresh
ening " before cooking and will keep in-'
definitely, if secured from flies,
The Italian lottery system brings, in
not less than $12,030,000 a year to the
national exchequer. ' . - . '
i-n Kopt in a
A Icrajymitn Tnlk to the 100,000 Com-mr-rrltil
Traveli-ra or the I'nlted Ninlcs.
Kov. T. De Witt Talmage preached a
sermon in his Tabernacle at Brooklyn,
to the 100,000 commercial travelers iu
the United States. He said
.. Now .you, tha commercial traveler,
have received Orders from the head man
of the firm : you are to start on the long
excursion. Well, what is this little pack
age In the valise ? " Oh I" you say,
" that's a pack of cards. There's cer
tainly no harm in a pack of cards is
there ?" Instead of answering your ques
tion I will tell you . that there are thou-,
sands of men with as strong a brain as
yon have who have dropped down into
the gambler's life and into the gambler's
hell. Want's that other bundle in the
valise? "Oh," you say, "that's a
brandy flask." Well, my brother, just
empty the contents and fill it with chol
era mixture. It's very important to have
something that will help you in case of
sudden illness. Only one more advice
to yon and then I will have, done with
your baggage. Take some stood whole-
j some reading ; let it be a historical work
or even a worn 01 nction, or some work
that will be of particular advantage in
your business. Got a Biblo with large
;Now you are readv to stnrt. You have
i v?nr, J1Be"vonr r,Rht hand, and your
I !ilun?V aud 8Aawl stPPed in your left.
i tl(l J' save a day by that, and I
1 ?on nre starting wrong, Subbiith break
i lng Wno vvitci in this world than it
- lja.v.s lu.tbo next- H the Sabbath is giv-
. en ,r th? elV,loy?Vt Y1 Bivcu for tho
. e.lnP1".v'- 1 he dollar that you earn on
i. t! i i n i i . , ..
the biiuuatu is a red-hot dollar, and if
I you put it in a bug with five thousand
Honest ilollnrs that red hot dollar will
j burn a hole through the bag and let out
all the live thousand honest dollars with
i it.
For a few weeks now vou will piisb half
. ' . . '
your time iu the railroad truin. How are
you going to spend" it? Don't do us
most of the commercial travelers do sit
reading the same newspaper over and
over again, looking listlessly out of the
W11,'lmv 01' spending three or four hours
"A the. !""k,nPLcnr- the nastiest place in
-'"teni1oni. Instead of tint call Hhake-
speare and Tennyson and Ezekiel and
Paul, inspired men of God call them to
stay with you and talk with you.
I But you have come now to the end of
your railroad travel. You saunter out
among the merchants and begin business.
; There are two things you must remem
ber. First, that all tho trade you get by
the practice of treating always damage's
the house that gets it. Besides, you
, can't afford to injure yourself for the
sake of your employers. Again, I charge
' you, tell the whole truth about everything
you sell. Lying travelers will precede you
and lying travelers will come after vou;
don't let their lying competion tempt you
to do ns much.
But it is almost night, and yon aro
getting buck now to the hotel. You go
back to tho hotel. Now comes the
nightly tug for the commercial traveler.
Tell me where he spends his evenings
and I will tell you where he will spend
eternity. There's your room with the
hooks, thcit-'n the Young Men'n Chris-ti-in
Assoeiatirn room, there's the dou
bling Fal(-u, the theater and the house
ot luluruy. llio tlu'ttter Jc) von think
tho titrryilifr iu that I)lapo till olevt li
o'clock at night will improve your bodily
iieaun or earuiiy lontiueR ? Jo man ever
found tho path of commercial success or
heavenly reward through the American
"Well," -you say, " I guess, then, I
will go to the gambling saloon." You
will lirst go to look on; then von will !
go to play. You will make !?10(i or 8-"0()
or $1,000; you will make 1,00(1 then
you will lose alL Then you will borrow I
some money so ns to start anew. You
: will make f?50, then S20H, then $('.00; '
, then you will h.seall. Those wretches
of the gambling saloon know how t; j
tempt you. Tin y lead you ou and lea.l ;
you on; but, murk this, all gamblers die j
poor. They make great fortunes, but '
thy lose them. You say: "John Mor- '
; riss-'y is a brilliant exception." John!
Morrisdey is not dead y t. I winh he
were, (Sensation.)
"Well," you say, "if I can't goto
tn? theater ninl can t go to the gambling
saloon I guess I will go to the house of
infamy." Halt ! (in a stentorian tone).
There are. other gates of sin through
. which a man may go and yet come out ;
but that gate has a spring lock which
' snaps him in forever. Ho who goes there
is damned already. Ho may seem to be
f Gjmp;u-atively free for a little while, but
he is only on tho limits and JSataii's
police have their eye ou him to bring
him in any minute. 'The curse of God
1 is on that crime. There are men here
I to-day whose heaven was blotted out ten
1 .y,:a" a""- Tl,iere 13 no J'iBPrthat they
1 oe lost they are lost now. I look
'lowu .t',ro""h, the,r gl'irms eyeballs,
1 do7l luto the lo'fBt caverns of hell.
! h' commercial traveler 1 I prny for
y to-day, 1 here are two kinds of days
: vhtQ ?ou wiu specially need divine
.grace; the one when you have no buc-
fess that night you will be tempted to
Pi ve way to strong drink ; the other dny j -
b,e w,he J'ou hl h great succes-
uu;'tlle llevl1 tell.s J'OU you mtist go and
ueieuruiu luui suecess. .. i
There is nnother day, the last of your j
life. I don't know where you will spend
iO-more probably iu theLlroad car or I
in some strange hotel. I see you on i
your last commercial errand. The train
of your earthly esistence is nearinff the I
depot of the grave. The brakes are fall- I
tiw oi me uuiuiug cny ui ucKet i
-heU in the blood of the Lamb. What
sIla i4 Profit A man if he gain the whole
worltt ad lose his soul ? t
Thirty-Six Altitudes.
! Twelve boys, by count, were grouped tatiou of the lungs or some chronio throat dis-
around a toy cannon on Miami avenue to j ease. " Brovn't Bronchial Troche" are an
I fire a national salute, says the Detroit ; effectual Coccm Bemedv .
Free Frets. One boy can fire a national , - . . ' '
salute as well as twelve boys, but it is KheiunatiBin cured at once by Dnrang's
1 well to have eleven extra boys squatted i Eheumatio Hcuiedy. Send for eiiciJarto Hel
around to give advice. A tin. box con- rtme & lleutley, Washington, I. C.
taining fonr ounces of powder was con- j i 'j oi i '.
tU, situated, and, at aW mo ment j AaUa goj, o 8r
a spark of tire was communicated to it t.u-ed by the Cof.ell Lead Co., euecsors to
by some careless hand. I he cannon tlie New LeaU CO., 63 Centre St . New York
uiiui v uji, uiib ynxj i-uya uiu, x-n'JU Ul
the twelve lads struck an averasre of
three different attitudes, making thirty
six different .' poses " in all. Some went
over a lenoe, some around a corner,
others started for home to see if things
had changed any, and one lad hopped
around on one foot and called oit : "I'll
sell my sheer of fourth of July for fifteen
... Tht D,ack Rodi
The office of the Blaok Bod, the in-
cumueni oi which came into prominent
notice at the recent opening -of the Brit
ish Parliament, is so old that its origin
Ls all but lost in obscurity. The holder
was ( riginally a ecrvnnt about the court,
his emblem denoting thnt he was to keep
ardor,' And see that people behaved wi!h
decorum in the House of Lords. From
time to time his status improved and the
emoluments increased. . His duties are
now mostly confined to snmmoning the
House of Commons, in the name of the attend at the bar of the Hon e
of Lords to hear the opening or valedic
tory speech from the throne. The House
of Commons makes it a point to shut its
doors in the face of the messenger, to
show that they are quite independent of
the Lords. The Black Rod has to knock
thrice at the door of the Commons, when
the sergeant-at-arms interviews him
through a small aperture in the door;
and keeps him waiting till the speaker
is informed of the messenger's presence,
and says: "Admit him." Black Rod
then advances gravely along the floor,
bowing to the speaker every three or
four paces. After delivering his message
he retires backward, as he came, and
makes it a great point in that most awk
ward process to go over the same line as
on entering.
As the late Dr. Brainerd, of Philadel
phia, was onco walking down Chestnut
ttreet, a gentleman asked him : " Sir,
cau you tell me how to find tho sheriff's
office?" "Yes, sir," Was the reply;
" every time you earn 85 send $10.
Wonders of Modern Science.
The perfect accuracy with which scientists
aro enabled to deduce the most minute particu
lars iu their several departments, appears al
most miraculous if we view it in tho light of
the early ages. Take for example, the electro
magnetic telegraph the greatest invention of
the age. Is it not a marvelous dogree of ac
curacy which enables an operator to exactly
locate a fracturo in a submarine cable nearly
three thousand miles long ? Our
" clerk of the weather ' has become so thor
mirl.l 11 . . . .
""S"'.' -" mm mure mom wavwaru clo
merits of nature that ho ran accurately predict
their movements, lie can sit in Vasliiui.(nn
and foretell what the weather will lie to-nior-rnw
in Florida or New York, as well as if several
hundred miles did not intervene between
him and the places named. And so In all de
partment of modern science, what is required
H "10 knowledge f certain nigns. From these
I 41. A cinl.tiula ilnli - ...... 1 I .. ..
tho scientists deduce accurate conclusions re-
garniess or uirtance. A few fossils sent to tho
i expert geologist enable him to accurately do-
tcruiino tho rock formation from which thev
were taken. He can describe it to vou as er-
fectly as if a cleft of it were king (in his table.
80 also tho chemist can determine the consti
j t-ition of the sun as accurately as if that luniin
; arv wore not ninety five million miles from his
! lalxiratory. The sun senjs certain tignt over
I the " iutinitudo of space " and tho chemist
classifies them by passing them through the
spectroscope, jjulv tho presence of certuiu
I substances could produce these solar signs. So
also, in medical science, diseases have certain
unmistakable signs, or symptoms, and bvrea
j son of this fact. Dr. Fierce, of the World's
, Dispensary, has been enabled to originate and
' perfect a system of determining, with the
! greatest accuracy, the nature of chronic dis-
ease without sw ing and personally examining
his patients. He has spared neither pains nor
! expenso to associate with himself, as the
! faculty of the World's Dispensary, a largo
number of medical gentlemen of rare attain
ments and skill graduates from some of the
j most famous medical colleges and universities
of both Europe and America, liy aid of I.
1 Fi. ire's system of diagnosis, thei'o phraicians
mid surgeons annually treat, with the most
! gratifying success, many thousands of invalids
. without ever seeing them in person. In rocog
, niziiig di.-eases without a personal examina
tion of the patient they claim to possess no
, inirariiloiiK j-owcrs. They attain tlu ir knowl
edge of the patient's disease bv the pn.oticil
application of well established" principles of
iiv -1- rii science to the practice of medicin.
And it is to the accuracy with which this svm
tem has endowed them that thev owa their
almost world wide reputation lor' the skillful
treatment of all lingering or chrome affections,
mis system or practice and tho marv
1 cohh wH.-h lm l .-.. nnni. ,i .i.,,.,i, it a.l
, iinnstrnti tlic fnot that li.-cafes disnlnv ocr'tnin
I'.lienonifciia, whii-Ii being Miilijected to scientific
aiinlyHU or synthesis!, fnriiinh abundant and
; unmistakable data to uide the Judgment nf
' tliB skillful practitioner nribt in di-tcrraining
tho tinture of dinoa.scd condition-). Tho
j amplest rowmrcoH for treating lingering or
chronic diseases, and tho grouted skill, are
I thus placed within the easy reach of every in-
valid, however distant he or nho may- rosido
from tins physicians making- tun treatment of
such affections a specialty. The peculiarities
; of this scientific system of practice aro fnllv
, explained in the appendix of "Tho l'eoplo'g
I Common Sen.e Medical Adviser" a book of
i ovor nine hundred largo pages, which is so
popular as to have reached a sale of almost
one hundred thousand copies within a few
j months of its lirst publication. It is sent
! (st-paid) by the author to any address, on
receiptor one dollar and fifty cents. Address,
It. V. Tierce. M, 1)., World's Dispensary,
j.uuujo, ,ew lora.
Washing freely with OlenVs Sn.rnrR
- So.u- parts affected with tho obnoxious skin
diseases, which havo usually been dressed with
offensive sulphur ointments', will effect a certain
cure without leaving behind any disgusting
I "lor. Huld everywhere. Depot, 't'rit teuton's,
1-7 Kixtli avenue, New York.
j llill'sllaii-i- Whisker Dye. black or brown
Patentees -and inventors should read
advertisement of Edson ISros.iu another column.
I Jiimson's Anodyne Liniment is, with
; ont doubt, the safest, surest and bes- remedy
j that has ecr been invented for internal and ex
ternal use. 11 is appiic&tilc to a great variety
of complaints, and is equally beneficial for man
or beast
We hive seen it stated
in various
papers throughout the country lhat agents for
the sale of Sheridan' Carnlry Con'lition Pou
tr were authorized to refund the mouey to
any person who should use them and not bo
satisfied with the result: We doubted this at
first, but tho proprietors authorize us to say
that it is true.
A positive cure for rheumatism Dti
rang's Itheumatio Itemedv. Bend for circular
to llelpuenstiuo A Bentlcy, Washington, D. C.
Inflammation of the Throat And Lungs,
Morley, N. Y., Kept. 24.
(;eilrmi-In the early part of last winter I
was suuaeniv attacKea with a very severe cold,
which settled ou my lungs, producing a painful
c"",gV' m' nd inflammation of the throat
that my complamt was disease of tho liver, and
was treated for that disorder. After suffering
three months I tried a bottlo of Dr. Wis-
5"" 5A"V,"' ..V,u. ?" v4
! as the best remedy which can be had.
-r ..( ..u,
Yours truly, Iahcbs McAllister.
0 cts. and SI bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Brown's Bronchial Troches."
Coughs and colds are often overlooked. A
i continuanoe for any length of time causes irri-
Burnetts Flavoring Extbaots are
nsed and indorsed by the beethotols, confection
ers, grocers and the Hi st familiuf in the oountry.
Vegetable Fulnionary Balaam, the great-New
England cure for coughs, colds and oonsunip--tiou,
Cutkr Eros. 4 Ca's, lloston, only genuine.
Durang's Rhoumatio Remedy never
fntU to cure rheiiDisttmj), Bold by all druggist.
w k Model Xevr Tork Hotel.
The Grand Central Htl, New York, ( i
model establishment. It is superb in style and
appointment. In size and capacity for aoevm
nodation, it has no equal. It was the first lead
ing hotel to lower Its rates from 4.00 to $2.60
nd 3.00 per day. : It reputation t nnsnr
passod, ana it receives fresh indoi semen t daily
from thousands of ita attests. '
Songhi, Cold i, IaSnfnia, Eoanoncis, , Difficult
Breathing, and alf ACoct;oa: of tba Throat,
Bronchial Tnbes, and Lungs, leading
to Consnnylioa.
This infallible remedy 13 compojed of tin
IIonev of the plant llorchound, in chemien'
union with Tar-Halm, extracted from tin
Like Principle of the forest tree Amu.
Balsamea, or Halm of Cilcad.
The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES ANl
SCATTERS all irritations and inflammations, am'
the Tar-balm cleanses and heals thetliioa:
and air passages leading to the lungs. Fivi
additional ingredients keep the organs cool,
moist, and in healthful nction. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great medi
cine of a famous doctor who lias saved thou
Sands of lives by it in his large private practice.
N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or
Great saving to buy large size.
"Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure
in 1 Minute.
Sold by all Druggists.
0. N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y
firrnt Discovery. (imtUmm, wnd I Oct, and stump
fr gjmtpltt and prticulftrw. lr. FoBtarBinfihamton.N.Y.
2M) Etc., FOR SAI.Kin Del ., Pa., Md
Va. and Ma. Bargains. J. POL Wilmington, Dkl
IF YOrit IIAlIt 14 (iHAV, ilonl inr 81 n
biittl for linir rwtorpr. but send a HiWr Pim fnr
myjiojMilrr Heoine, nd prt-nar it yourwlf for cents.
C. L HARTLKY, 870 Xnratrand Ave., Brooklyn, NY.
"aj 3 3 Q S
FKI.T '.KPETIJ ai to ctsiwr yd. FKI.T
f'l-JI.Ii fur rooms in nisei of rlaut-r. FKI.T
IMIIiriNIJ Mid (-III1.M;. For lirculur nd
Sample, wddrwH V. J..FAY. CHmrien, N. Jor-wr.
a CM TTTI'C r T T A Tff
rs I nvi iiiottt tncenious (levii-c eTer invented
t'T catcLing nil kindtf'nf UnU or vmitP
J.ftsyt'i set, suited to any bait, and enn
Si until rdcaMd ; and this i. done witnout
Vj roilinii t'te li.Tdf. UnivrnrtHy rn-- m
J tlH'luN-il bv niHirtsmrn. Sunnlrt V-.v m.til
Si-rid vtiTTip f ir illnetr.-ted circnljT. p-nta
KAI.U-: .I,AV CO., 71.1 Sanmn St., PImIc.
PDICAL ADVITF A -pw rmphir.t on-spo
r, V, . V . c1"1 '" fhroni Uissifcs
C-Sir- l1"". Rupture, Opium Hnbit. tc, RRiV
H.KIj. on rm-c'-pt nf m .inp. Adrtrt-m Dr. Kntti' Dihne '
mn: !a. 1 2 North Mill Ktrort, St. bniin, Io.
Qrattloboro, 7t.
EgrSend for Illustrated Catalogue
I 1 50
The attention of Advertiser; .h palled to our
Li;t of Weekly Newspapers.
Send for a Catalogue.
itth w: i;mxtuotvim:s.
No extra charr for cuts, tr.ide mark. unuanl dinplay
or ax)vfrtisnipntK tn-crtcd npri,j two or iti'trp colunin ;
only ticmtistven cutt are r'(nired for the wholo numlttT
of nnwip iiii-m. CutH htunilJ act Lu ovir two und uni--eiglitli
inclien in widtb.
AilvprttoenifTits am. in nil eti, wnt to fill of tVfH '
p"prM n tti d;tjr t!ny on; r-ctfived, and oppnur in the
.owitig iMtuus w.tht'Utany tU'liiy.
npwpipcru nre of the hotter cl : the quality of
rap.-r f iiliisled ttiem ik of a hiieher p. tliat ujmm)
f t T conwrn ; they are better uu t"d by higher
fiiretl men, having gre.-iter esjwriwnce. Their uggnatv
and averau circuliun ie lnrger.
To wn'l an advertising order to li50 newopnpere
would rwiu'TH an investment of $34.)0 for ptr,:
atitiom-ry would cot nenrly a uinch:tlia inbor of
addreMing tj() t-nvelopea in cnnttideriltle ; to write
ltlotl ordertt would lo a grunt tuk; t print them
wot:I I cot something. Our price for a five-line adver
t;aeineot in the whole I p.ipera, one week, is
31 .OO. or 93.00 lena tlion the ptUgu.
To have an tdvertitjeinent set up in the form of rend
ing matter, and inserted in the newu oolumtiMof newa-
riutent i a very etlirient mode of ndvertiing. Tneae
ita of newKpHpPTft offer adv.mtagt in t lie repect which
no other newhpipers or list of newspTn p'bafe. Man
ufacturera and merchant' dee; ring t publish a deeenp
tinn of their wurea or establishment will find thin plan
very serviceable. By publishing a Heries of brief notices,
they can soon make the merit 8 of their goods familiar to
the people of the regions in which these papers are pub
The circulations given are from the American News
paper Directory for 1676, and in hundreds of cases are too
feiiiiill. Fur inrttance, the Chicago Lutyrr, which appears
at 4,000 circulation, actually tnsnes I 3,MK) weekly.
This is the only list of Co-operntive Newspapers which
has ever exhibited to the advertiser the circulation of the
separate papers and on this lifct the actual ct'Mracter of
each piper, whether the best or the onlv piper in & place,
is plainly indicated in every oaae. bend fur Catalogue.
Of the paper enn be found in the office of Beals k
Foater, 41 Park Row, New York. A pirtial file, to
getherwith samples of all, may be found as lot) Worth
Street. New Yoi k ; 114 Monroe Street. Chicago, Iir.i
3415 Kast Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis. ; f Waba
shaw Street. St. Paul. Minn. ; 143 Race Street, Cincin
nati, O. t 22? Second Street, Mump his Term.
' for Catalogue address
14 Park Bsir,
Burnett's Cocoalne
rruveula the Hair from Falling.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Promolej iu ITealtliy Growth.
Burnett's , Cocoaine
' Is not Greasy nor Sticky.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Leaves uo Iisareeuble Cdor.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Eubduts Kofruetory Ilulr. .
Burnett's Cocoaine
Eoetlits t'ue Irritated Scalp-Skin.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Affonk tUo lUcnest Lustre.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Is not an Alculiolis AVosb, .
Burnett's Cocoaine
. . KUls Dandruff.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Civet Jlaw Life toJbeBair.
Burnett's 'Cocoaine"
Bfinialn Longest in Eflaet.
M rent.
w Pt"'l.
j fEataoiishcd 1846.)
Istrh for ten year, and ftwthft lstslyftrthavobecfi
a-fcrrrible. auflnrer. j was rendered partially deaf, had
earring In the head, pains across th temple, dtzr.r
pells, weak and patnfiil eyes, awollen and ulcerated
tonsils, hard and constant congh.tevere pain aorosa
tna chest, and every Indication of consumption. Jrtf
ticad ached all the time. The matter accumulated
so rnprUly In my head and throat that I could not keep
them free. Freauently at olfrbt I woald spring out of
bed, It seemed to roe, at'thn point of anffocatton. I
would then have rooouraetocrery tneana In my power
to dlslorlpe the mucus from my tboat and head before
being able to sloeo again. For a period of sit year
riy tonsils were nlccrated and so much Inflamed thai
could with difficulty swallow. 1 Anally consulted an
eminent snrifeon In regard to an operation on them,
but at his request postponed It. The oonstant Inflam
mation and nlceiatlon In my throat, caused by ties
poisonous matter dropping down from my head, bad1
so Irritated and Inflamed my lungs that I coughed la
cefwa'ntTy, adeop,bard ceugb. Meanwhile my system
began to show thee Tacts of this disease, to that I lost
flesh, grew pale, and showed Tery symptom of ao
early death by Consumption. When matters bad
reached this stage, or about six months ago, 1 began
the use of BAifpon-D'a Radical Crna fou Catabrit.
Alter using the first bottle I began to improve rapid
ly. Tho first dose seemed to clear my bead as I had
not known it to be lor year. It seemed gradually to
arrest the discharges. ( stopped my cough in threa
By using It as a gargle I soon reduced the In-
nu swelling oi my lonsni, ro mn mrj
to trnuhln mn. 1 un anrcnpflS srroH niT
chest disappeared, the burning noises In my bead
ceased, in v senses of hearing and of see Inn were com
pletely restored, and every symptom of disease that
had reduced me to tho verge of the grave disappeared
by the use of Bah ford's Kdioai, Cubbfob Catabbh.
j have been thus because, as a druggist, I
have seen A great-deal r suffering from Catarrh, aud
hope to convince many that this la a great remedy.
1 am famlltnrwith the treatment or Catarrh as prac
tised by the best phyiclans, and have consulted the
most eminent about my cae. I have used every kind
of remedy and apparatus that save appeared during a
rerlod of six years past, and have, while following
heir tieo, taken great care of my general health, but
obtained no rellei or encouragement from any of them.
Since curing myself with Banfobd's Badicai Curb,
I have recommended It In over one hundred cases
without a single case of failure, and havo in numerous
instances roceived wholesale orders from parties to
whom I have sold one bottle. This Is the only patent
medicine I have ever recommended, never having be
lieved in them before, although constantly engaged la
their sale. Very gratefully yonra,
Ji08TOX,Feb.J3,lb73. faEOKGS F. DINSM0R8.
Bttttolk, 99, Feb. 23, 1B75.
Then personally appeared the laid George F. Dins
more, and made oath that the foregoing statement by
him subscribed is true. Before me,
Justice of the Peace.
Cures Patns and Aches.
It eqiinllzcs the Circulation.
t subdues Inflammatory Action
t eurcs Kupturcs and Strains.
4t removes Pnln and Soreness.
It cores Kidney Complaint.
It strengthens tho Muscles.
It cures Ilheu mat ism and NcuraMft
It Kelnxos Stiffened Cords.
It cures Nervous Bhocks.
It is Invaluable In Paralysis.
It cures InflAinmatlon of the Liver,
It removes Nervous Pains.
It cures Spinal Weakness,
It Is Grateful and (soothing.
It cures Epilepsy or Fits.
It Is Bafe, Itcliable, and Economical.
It Is prescribed by Physician.
It Is indorsed by Klcctrlclans.
Sold by all druggists fur 35 cents. Bent on receipt of
45 cents for one, $1.25 for six, or f.35 for twelve, care
fully wrapped, and warranted perfect, by WEEKS A
POTTfcK, proprietors, Boston, Mass.
Send Stamnfor ApentsCtttioruaof best selling Novel
ONLY ehtMren's pnpor of its el.iss published. ROcts. a
iM'l'- l,:tt'R P"tnot. Siiit'i 1 n-yant. All. (..N.;1.
TfA VfT'V K;w!ly niiide with our Stencil m.
IVXVr I J 1 Key Cheek Oatlit. Circulars Kre
-I N . v Stm .'Koirn. 1 0A Folt-on Rt,. NewYurk
J VIA T Cure fr nn-nviture debility. Send for circu
ar nrcf llon Oil. H. KAItK. 3i Hrondway, New Vurk;
dml;nntl.fl of Oanitjil Kmv
modM i,t m.rntiiiff in otMka. i.iii.
llilioKHiliii-. I'rnlim .nr.. Kj
plnnntnry rirrnlnr rnt IVfP. J4II(EAN iV VO.,
Iln-korii. US Urnnit Slriirt, P. O. Bin :l.";tH. Nsw York.
Tut CrtET BinoD PiminER.
., Pnorrop.NCE, R. I., IfA Strf.
H. R. STKVKNS, Esq. :
I fort tmnnd to i'X)rii wjh mr .ifmnttir. tbn hint
Tntii.i I i-lacn upon ynur VF.OKTINK. M- family haTf
;wt it f'-r tti- Inst twoy.irn. In normus-ilf-l-ility it i.
inramrcltlo, and 1 meommnnd it to .11 who may need ai
inviKoratiuK. rt-noynting tonic. ' .
t). T. WAI.KKR,
Formerly Pastor of Bowdoin Square Church, Boatpn
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
A TWiig of Beantyis a Joy Forever.
The f.ondnn TiHi:inK Co. have just i'Mied a lnrn-e
m.nirnilicpnt. mml iiiitrn series of color chmmntic work
of art, Pttihr-icinj: t!irT tinndHome anii(sfiiifit'uiott'W'c
ntitli-d timl lth-N-4 Our lluints Tlir in 111:
Slirphrril, iml I'rt.iM' Hit l.tinl, Thpftn mntto
a-H in olii Kniish tvpo. beautifully rmlinHifhett wit1
vincn nnd roRes ninnitiK throucch the entire work: in tin
cwitpr of thu first letter " ( " in a ltv.tlior tone liinx hp
two chihtrpn to mHit, a prnyer, whil to hnr rifrhtfr
two hirn.T chihlrrn, with hpautiftil flowing rol,'i. ainfiin.
' Praifio to iml." The back muii(l of th entire mutt
is n bcfintiful I.TKlMcapc ScHite, r'prpntinir Hoini
Thpfe threo lu-autirul itrHtnitimi, Bizo Idxi incliRa, aeni
rwist-ttiiil on receipt of ct. ich. A il I tbkk l.nnfloit
VuhliHliinir Co., lH.i and H5 W. Second Htreet.
( ittcinn.iti, Oliio.
L at eft
t vention, and
prod -icing
Murve ons
Only machine
in the vwriu
Tension anc'
TraJt Mrk In ta jfcSmir of every mactiioe.
Send Tostal CarU for Illustrated rriceList,
Willcox & Gibbs S. N. Co.,
;Cw. Bond Bt.) C&8 Bmdwy.
Instrnction Book and Catalogue
Flnont Faith Ion Exnoalto
and Compendium of Vuetal
Iiiroriuutlon ever seen In this
country. Bend your address and
TWO Stomps, and yon will get It
liu ri turn tnHil "
We will send the PATTERIf
Willi CtOTH MODEL, com
pleiK, of this New and popnlar
Prlnce Polonain CBtr
to any lady who will send her
address aud TKN I'EJjTH (or S
Staui ps) to pay mailing ex Domes
r.JK Bm (Oil. 6 EaiU4thj.:aw-Yerk City.
Burnett's Extract
.. l'er cooking purposes. '
Burnett's Extract
uJre-tmineuttif svjwn'or."
Parker House, Boston, -r
Burnett's pxtract
. ' ?A'
Burnett's .Extracts
filth At. Bowl, S. T.
Burnett's Extracts
"Vtod exclusivity for wiim."
Continental Hotel, Phila,
Burnett's Extracts
The superiority rtf Iheie Eximctt ermtittt in
their ptrftxt purity and great ttnnyth. Tbey
ara wa'ruHtul free frum the puihunom ails
nnd loMswlilcli enter Inro the composition of
mai.y oi tliu ficlltious fruit flavors now Jn the
market. '1 hey aro not only true to their names,
out are prepared from fruits ef the best quality,
snd -o liiuhry roncentrnted that a compara
tively s:uall quantity only need be usud.
" - . ' .
I TBI "PiT.KT I.nsr Bums ST....
- .......
Kiolusive Mr.kers of t PATENT IKIRVn at
Cllnl-i l Kuile. .i.e iuo-t durable WHITE II AN.
"r.M-'.,.ll n.r .' 'I r.i M.iL ""MkHinS-J f!l!TI If BV
tiutleiy, end u um (l iill UJf.'.x tlTUSUV t'U.,
Trma and AS ttiifl
Fortinnn, mtiinn.
cm a t A W F,i:K. U at nan e ana nnmpie rnr.r..
f 840 j?BLK8 ?Oa. lift Na-auttU, New York,
$510 $20 RTrTrCwW
A BAT to,
Rample 9nm.
dT a horn.
nts wsnto-1. Ontflt and
tnna rre.
TKUB (JO., A-irt. Mainn.
nruni irfs7hitii.(in,TOtTiis. m. .ri
ntlULYtn WHSTTRW OOW WonKS. Ohleayi. III.
6KKOO7-T A Wask to Ants. I O Outfit Frtt.
eUO HVM P. O. VldKRHY, Ana-imU. Mh'tio,
epilepsy ifjaaAftAV"w
ncMC!niU9r """' how siKsnur aiaanien
. i v i - otkjm now pn'u. .
en-ja now
Advice and circular
f". T MrsflrBAM
tr.. 77 SnnomW
t WATCHKS. A tlraat Bistlon. Hampla
m Watch and Outllt frea to Aaanta. Better than
CJold. A'ldrex A. I.MUn.TKH A CO.. Chicairo.
A Mnth AcmiU wanted. 36 best II-ins-
articles in the world. One sample free.
Addraas.lAY llllSON. n-tmit. Slicb.
MnnnV'Q A nrrdntci". 110 pnitea : papt-r enrera S0.
IHUUUI O doth $1 : "-nt post .paid on receipt of price.
Rhodes k McClure.pnhl'ra, H t Waahington St .Chicago.
Mi-n tn sell to Merchants. SOO
a month and trawlinu expcnse-i
n, n r- WV '"' V"
Willi I No publicity. Time ahort. Terms mod.
VI Will ,,rntV l.fMHI Tf.timonials. Do.
scribe case. lilt F. K. MHS-t. o-iiney. Mich.
WsarTCn SAI.KSMKN to trni-H snd sell floods
AN I tU , )onlrr. Salary MRKRAU All
traTellnr eTfienses psid hr firm. Address
l. ti. HOPKKK A- CO., Cincinnati. Ohio.
(JpAA A Ycnr nnd 'ETponsrai tog-ood Aoiirrs,
Dl"W who a ivmtod everywhere in a strictly
Adlr '.
and pleiaint bnsinesa. Partwiilars frea.
i' i-?'i'( "- '.. utT,fnlM. Itn.
ii a i rr A I ICTfJ A I I A
ri y run hwo i i
rrom New York. W:t7.i'. "ld. l'or pnrticiiiars apj-
8:w.(!tv.RmiCo., iM South Wil
0-iflcfir I'trnn maneliyArl'l"i"'C"'"S
111 Jll .n L ii Crayoni. Picttira atH Chromo Card,. ISA lam.
VV ; pies wattk wnt M S HB. 11 -mr.
.,.i.....l,.!-,.fr,,. j.h Bi'KKiimi- Wn W'lST'iv y
lNTrn"nl Ui solicit orders for onr ;oodsj
Mil I LU prrnianrnl rninlo? ninirii guod
t a .si
on F nrtii? -t'tf WnrUv. trtnu
YOI' ran Meoura a
Mclusivn for yonr
cofit. No ewrfwrt
rannired. Pldasant
ilnresins; ,lnp. T.
pnylnsr bnalnwiu
county, t a sirmll
and small cnpital
nnd honoral-lff. bv
AVHIIntftwon , Cincinnati. Ohio.
$100. REWARD. $100.
Tan WOUBTACHR produced oo a smooth hoe
br the an of Dykk h Rkabd I-Xihih without
Injurr, r mil forfeit tl00. Priro br mail ia
MAk-d parhncr 5 crnt, Ihr thrrc M wot a.
A I. SMITH A CO.. Ac'. PilaHni. III.
ANY PERSON of ordinary intelligence can earn all
tna; by oat"aaamc for the Illustrated Weekly. Kxperi
enoe is not Bceasary the only requisite being, as :n all
auocecsful humneaH, industry nd viierey. Knd for nnr
ti o ulara. IJIiag. Ciiica iV t-o. I t Wfirrfn St.. V Yr
DON'T He Anno veil Anvmnre. Send 25 et.
to M. BO(;K, Hfrwick, Pa., for a pair of Patent
Rubber Shoe Heel Supporter. Iwit a lifetime and war
ranted to keep Robber Shoes from coming off at HreJ.
600 Aa-entawanted. (.rent inducements. Wend for circTa.
A WTtn iIKN to tmrol nnd sell to Tlrnlrrn onr
Mil I new tmhronknble Glass Chimnpys and
UmD (iooOs. No Ppflfllinir. Salnrv lihprnl. busi-
npfs permanent. Hotel snd t ravelins; expenses paid.
M9?9 (jLAfla Vt iiOi Main St., Cincinnati, O.
U.S. nnd loniiun Ftitt.J i
i;ent.s.7 1 1 t iiL..VartinUin,l A'. HUti. in I Vfl
fr ullnvvtmi's-. f'irrucif ttf (ntri;cMon!. i'ti. Bent freo
ADoems eon oncuLAn
fTlTjl k O The choicest in the world Importer
J-'J-Jili r prices Laniet Cnmpnny in Aniprtcii
sUple artiolo pleasi-s everybody Trade continually in
crensina; Agents wanted everywhere liest inrtncpmnits
don't waste time send for Circular to HOHKHT
WELLH. 43 Vesey St., New York. P. O. H 1387.
Prof. If si.l'a Mnwlp Cumuountl
v it the only preparation, uuu pntkiti! ut whicn
ui lorre uiv uraru iu uniw i;m it uiu nT
Ou the nix)thft face iwitl
piry) in VI
-frtiillv re-
JPGZFTmK d 'VS in everv rap, or mnm v
swBfifc Wfc fiind'-d. t' Cf nta per n-irka'i-. n'Sl'i
iTB'ls?, 50rMit- K. W. JOSKS. A"!.i. tnl. M
tit t s fur
I Hatk sold Hatch's Univorsnl Cough Syrup for about
three yenrs. I keep all cough remedies thnt are con.
si 'Wed standard in this section. None sell so well ss the
"Universal." My customers spnk uniformly in ita
favor. I can refer any who may iiupiire. to tlmae- who
have been cured of the most vtre chronic coughs. It
is said also to be unfailing ir nil mwn of croup.
8. F. MASON. Webster, N. T.
Genuine Italian Violin Strings, also for Banjo or Gui
tar, 15 and Oo. each, or ftH.,50and S2adoz. Sent
by mail on recnipt of price. Dealers I Send card for cat
Iv..,... . , uri wil Inmortur of Musical Instru.
pjcnte and Strings. Q4t 'liitiiiTM-rg !i.t lU'wrma.
Fourig America Press Co.,
.ctoHcsAbouMla Ih ranU7 I lb laairmM, frll lh
;heiipkKt iuiU best hand nnd
iiiiiKin(r ipiiiiinar prepiia
h t twsr swlf-tuUis s,r tcb(iatre-l C fast m IssJ
Wo Mil telwM f.r TH O 1AJLLAU3. t d I
BlialWnf DtiUinarrTt a, w iS frewa. ,!-. if, t"t PiVl
liOLLAtt-i. A brLE.V)li U UL.W PjiESEST.
Clrctlara freo. Cpoclmon Seok of Tjpo. Cuts, to. ten coats,
The llest Ttiihh without
Metal Springs ever in, en ted
No humbug claim ot a cer
tain radical cure, but a guar.t
anteo of & comfortable, so-1
cure and satisfactory nppli
ftncH. We will tiike back, and
nsv full nrlm for all that du not suit.
PHce, single, like out, )M t for both sides, Sent It
.r.all, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B. Tfc.s Trues
will ciiRK nt'tru Ruptures than any of those fur wtiih
extravagnnt claims nre made. Circulars free.
POM EROY TRUSS CO.. 746 Broadway, New York.
la tha only complete PictoriM Hiitory of the Centennial
published. A m wnmoth pinardiu i, I ,0001urgdenrav
Vlf m in ' tn"in being 14 'a by 2t -inchi. AtftiUtS
iVun i'd. Addre, Agency Dp irhnent,
537 1641-1 S'.fuet, Nu- Yui-lc
WONDER FIX AI'CTEHM! 25,000 of the
DESCEI11ED AJiO ulvwitAVKtif1
Sold in i ItOdaya. It beinn thn only romplrle tim-prtet
irr (7TO puyM, only !.uO, trenlinK of tho entire
hif.inrr.ern.nil Imililiiiu-. wiimtrrlnl pxhililtH,
ciirioaillt-K, r.-HI, to. ; il 1 1 Mrnlt-il and HI
ohaaper tbun any othor; f-vrrvboilv wanl il. One Ma
Mint rWd 3.5 in 4 weak.. U.COU ifl'nf uautrd.
Spnd vnrkly for proof ofatintr, opini-ms ol ofticit-ls.clerKy
and proaa. limply paRHS, f nil dwription. and 'rlra i.rmt.
Hl'ur.AUK Bhus .VuI.b., Phila.. Vn.,4 Sprinntield, Ma-a.
P.AIlTlnN "I'W""1 of fnlely claimed otticinl axd
UHUimm worthlHB. bookaSmd for iiriioQ
Wilson Sewing Machine Co.. Cniiia.
SKJ Mi MOADTAT. M,w ?atk. tt KT Orient Y
VyORK FOR ALL to sell ths two best snbsoriptien
books of the year. 1st. liKN'I. CL'HTEIt'rt
COMPLETE LIFE, elegantly illustrated. It ia tie
most faacinatins BiograBhy published in years. It eon
tains s foil acoount of all his great Indian fights. Id.
'OAST, bein s trip of over 16,000 miles by Oen'l J. Y
Kualinj, uken by order of ths United States 0(.Tem.
mens. Jt is elegantly illustrated. A wonderful I
exeitint trip. Price Tery reasonable. Every one
eoa make money selling thus books. Address,
SHELDON & CO., 8 Murray St.. N.Y.
t t z
To One aad All. Are Von KuftVrliifr front
a couch, cold, anthnia, brunuhitut or any of thu vtrio..ti
palinonary troublas. that so otUm end ia oontumptiou i
If m, use " Wilbor lMr f'ewi Litrr OH ami Lini," a af
anil eiltcAcious remedy. This ia no quack preparation,
but ia regularly prsjaorihed bv the mediual faculty. M.uu
u fact u red only by A. B. WII.UOU, Uheniibt, bout oh.
Sold by all druggtatt.
V. N. IT.
PeoM mmy ikut you mw lite advvrtUM I
wwpt to tlili paper.
linal makers of tbe IIARli ItrBUEU II AMM E.
i'A n
on tue blade. Warranted and auld Ly ail 1
. I .I..... . k . - .
vwwi.r. di. VVH nvir S Ui li ,
$66 lCTijTub.