The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 01, 1877, Image 4

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Home of (i,e
llenuli nf the Blue (Jla
The excitement over the blue gloss
cure in Providence, 11. I., hns not been
excelled anywhere else. The local
papers have daily reports regarding the
results of the treatment. We select the
following from the Prt :
. Mr- Henry O. Wood, bookkeeper, in
Will. A. WoillVa lli tvlf itanViiifT oaf uliliali.
With Some Account of their Ways.
, It was an enticing invitation from my
only married sister, Helen Lawrence,
that moved me, Harry Burton, salesman
of white goods, bachelor, aged twenty
eight, to spend my fortnight's vacation
at Hillcrost. Tom Lawrence s cigars
garden, plenty of handsome girlB, and
unlimited leisure for reading these were
the inducements offered me. Inciden
tally, as Tom and Helen were to be ab
sent on a visit, I wus just to keep an eye
on the children, who, I was assured,
give me "the slightest
w - "ler , v"8huigtoii and Hut- an j clnrot and horses, a splendid flower
. una uetu 1uun4t.11 mm
rheumatism for. several years. The at
tacks came on at irregular periods and
confined him to the bed for weeks at a
tune, and for one whole winter he was
unable to got out. Medicines gave him
ouni renei, ana wnen tue disease , wonid not
seized him ho felt there was no escape ! trouble."
w.c ujiiure except uurr c. k. m Kemembeniig Uuilge, the elder, as a
pain and careful avoidance of the least ; i,oy of uv, with a serious, noblo face
exposure. Recoutly the dreaded disease Ml'd prent) j,ro penetrating eves, and
attacked him in the shoulder, arm and . Toddie as a linppv little know-nothing of
foot. He had previuusly inserted six tbrec BUnimPr8 with a head of tangled
unit. BmB iu i-nuc ,wu.iw.t, yoiiow hair, L set out tor llillcrcsl Wltll
aml he at ouco prepared for a bath. The ; ut nppreheHim ,f impending woe.
foot was exposed to the combined rays of At tfie o tjie trip I hired a hiu-k-tne
white and blue light for an hour, mau to tirjV(, me to Tom's. On the way
wnen the pain and soreness disappeared, j mu. horses shied violently, and the driver
Cm the following day the pains left his exclaimed :
shoulder and arm, and for the first time ' ' xhafc was one of the imps 'that
ho had driven the disease away within j,ite CIIBS tjmt senrcd the bosses. Thero
lorty-eight hours from the time it seized
him, and within twenty-four hours from
tho time the treatment was commenced.
Mr. Samuel Boyd, an aged gentleman
who lives at 72 Pearl street, has been
afflicted for over two years with weak
ness of the limbs, resulting from heart
disease, and during the last year his
right foot became useless, dragging on
the floor when he was assisted to and
from his bed to his chair. The use of
both limbs was very much impaired and
latterly he had no control over them. He
had three panes of blue glass placed iu a
west window. A snUicicnt trial has not
been given yet to ascertain whether he
will be permanently cured, but tho good
effects, thus far, after only two or three
days bathing, convinces him that he
will regain his strength. He is able,
while sitting in hi 3 chair, to swing his
legs at will iu any direction as easily as
he ever did. . All he lacks is sufficient
strength to bear tho weight of his body
(being a very portly man), to enable him
to walk as formerly, liis strength is re.
Then Toddio " runned away," and got
himself stung by a hornet, and rushed
;'n, sobbing :
Want to be wocked. Want slung
Toddie, boy, one day.' "
And I had to rock him and sing, line
by line, after Budge, some absurd little
doggerel about a basket, beginning :
' Whore In my little bantik gone?"
Said Toddie, boy, one day.
Mlclilunn Matrimonii!! MrMrry Fnnr
('Illinium for n llrldr who.t- Hrrnnd
llrlilnl Crrrnionjr vrn Arrnnoril In Ar.
corilnnrt nlik Hip M ill of hrr lrnr lr-imrtrd.
When he was sexnhod, those children
beguiled mo out to a treacherous muddy
brookside, in eareh of jaeks-in-the-pnl-pit
J Toddio tumbled in, and so did
B'.ulue. and in Dulling them out I wus
most horribly spattered I Hurrying
homo, a carriage overtook us witli ladies I
in it. Could it be ? of course it was 1 j
Miss Mayton hen-elf I i
"You seen to havo been having a real .
good time together," said she, as tho '
carriage passed. " llemember, you are '
j I all going to call on me to-morrow after-:
And so wo did, Toddie bearing an ex- ,
piatory bouquet. The children raced off
to watch a grassentter, and I sat down ;
to a delightful cliat with Miss Mayton. ,
AT.... .-....- Dmiiini iitmifirr tlm tin imimr
l,.,.iv, t. ItilWrnt. nii.l somehow the 1UR Vivacious,
About twenty years ago there lived in
central Michigan a curious old Benedick
named Dodsworth. At the age of fifty
he married a girl of twenty, and when
the burden of sixty years bore him
down his wife was only half liis age.
Dodsworth was noted for his peculiari
ties, but tho climax came when ho found
himself on his dying bed. Ho was
worth about $30,000, and ho hadn't ft
blood relative living, so far as he knew.
Ho wanted to leave his property to his
wife, as the pair hud lived very'lmppily,
The most tolerable sort of revenge is
for those wrongs which there is no law to
remedy. But then let a man take heed
that the revenge be such as there is no
law to punish ; else a man's enemy is
still beforehand, and is two for one.
Why Advertise 1
People nometlmps auk why does Pr. It. V.
IMorc, of IlnfTalo, N. Y., apen'd ao much money
in adrrrtixinR hia family medicine, which are
so well known and anrpasa all other remedies
in popularity and aaK It in woll known that
A. T. Stewart considered it good licy, and
undoubtedly it paidliim, to spend many hnifflred
thousand dollars in advertising his coods, yet no-
lindy questioned tho excellence of liis merchan
dise. The grand secret of success lies in offor
inR onlv goods which possess merit to sustain
themselves, and then through liberal and persis
tent advertising making tho people thoroughly
acquainted with their good qualities. Men
do not succeed in amassing great fortunes, es
tablishing a thriving and permanent business,
and rounding substantial institution line jir,
Otnttrmrn, I hereby certify that I hT had Cf
irrh far ton Tears, ami fortlieliuiialxTeii-
a terrible sutferer. 1 wns rendered partially deaf, hi4
burring In the head, palna acrowi the temple, dlrr.y
spells, weak and painful eyes, awullen and ulctraira
tons lis, hard and constsni cotili,aevcre psla aortaa
the chest, and every Indication of consumption. My
tiod .rhrri all tha time. Tha matter accumulated,
to rapidly In my head and throat that I eonld nut keep
them free. Frequently at night I would iprln- out of
hed, It teemed to me, at tha point of snflocatlon. I
would then have recourse to every means In my power
lo dislodge tho mucus from my thoat and head before
being ahle to sleep again. For a period ( alxyeara
my tonsils were ulcerated and so much luliamcd that
he conies, rnunin'. Wonder where
t'other is? Wo cull 'em the 'imps,'
cause they're so uncommon likely at
mischief I' "
The offending youth was Budge, in a
very dirty sailor suit, and tho other
" imp," who bore down on us in a cloud
raised by thrusting a branch into the j
dust of tiie road was Toddie 1 j
" They're hiy nephews !" I gasped.
The recognition was mutual.
"You're Uncle Harry." said Budge. ;
"Did you bring us anything ?"
" firing us anything ?" eelioed Toddie. j
" I wish I could have brought you j
some big whippings," said I, severely, j
"Get into this carriage." j
Iu they climbed, each with a very i
dirty towel, knotted in the center. ;
"They're .not towels," explained;
Budge, "they're dollies; wc don't like!
buyed dollies ; these is lovely." j
" I want to shee yours watch," re- ,
marked Toddie, rolling into my lap, fol- ;
lowed by Budge. j
Obediently 1 showed them the itial ot j
worth turned heel on tho usual custom : "e. hemes beiauso no .loo not over rec
... i i , i- ,. -ii . I ommend tliem, and when tried they give sntis-
antlsaiil 111 his will . i f net ion. Hi Medical Adviser, a hook of over
In case my wife Ceba does not take j ie himdrod pngea, illustiatod by two hundred
unto herself another husband within ' ond eighty-two engraving and bound in cloth
thirteen months from date of my burial i B1 K''t. iH offered to the people at ho moderate
all bequests otherwise made in this will ; (- Y'TK1 1 .'Vi" .!"JV!!
are to revert to the State of Michigan, to
be used for building and furnishing
home for old women.
Whether Celia wns pleased or dis
pleased at this provision deponent saith
not, but tho old man had not been under
the sod more than six mouths when the
widow was said to be looking out for an
other man. If it was singular for the
dying Dodsworth to urge his wife to
marry again it was still more singular
that he
that almost one hundred thousand havo nil end v
been Fold. Hi memorandum books are on
every druggist's counter for frco distribution.
Tho popularity of Messrs. .Tnnic S. Kirk A
Co.' Koap. manufactured iu Chicago, is shown
by the unprecedented salo which their goodh
havo reached during the year 187fi. Tliis by
far is tluj largest soap miiiiHfiicturiug concern
in tho United States, producing and selling in
all parts of this country, from tho Red river of
A.irtta to Now Orleans, and from l'ortland.
should desire the ceremony to Me., to Han Francisco, 25,000,000 founds an
turning slowly, and one persou instead my three-hundred-dollar timekeeper.
of two can now help him from his bed to
his easy chair. One peculiarity in Ins
case is tluit he cannot bear the buth for
any considerable length of time, not
being able to remain under the rays but
a few minutes at a time. As his strength
increases he is enabled to prolong his
stay in the bath. In this case, as in most
of the others, tho bath produces drowsi
ness, and unless the pain is intense, the
patient drops off iuto . a peaceful slum
ber. Mr. Boyd's limbs were entirely
useless for three weeks previous to tak
ing the baths, and obtaining control of
his limbs so soon may be considered very
remarkable. Tiie progress of the treat
ment of heart disease in this ease will bo
watched, uud it is to bo hoped that the
aged sufferer will be permanently bene
fited by the treatment.
Mrs. H. B., wiio lives at No.
Bridghani street, has been taking blue
sun baths for a chronic difficulty dur
ing the past two weeks with remark
able results. She had been under the
treatment of physicians for months, but
no relief had been obtained. She con
tinued to grow worse and worse, and had
to bj assisted by her husband from the
b d to her chair. The husband prepared
a window with bluo glass, and the suffer
er began to grow stronger and is now
able to walk about the room unassisted.
She feels a great deal better and believes
she will ultimately be cured.
A number of Horists, horticulturists
and gardeners are experimenting with
blue glass, but snflicient time has not
elapfced siuce the commencement of the
trials to determine what will be tho re
sult upon vegetable life. Mr. Henry
Randall, of Seituate, furnished a portion
of his house with blue glass, and to give
the theory a fair test he planted two beds
with tomato seed, under exactly tho same
conditions, where one would receive the
combined white and blue rays and tho
other the ordinary sunlight, The plants
under tiie blue light germinated anil
made the:r appearance first, and to-day
those uuder the blue glass are more than
three times larger than the others and
have healthier and more sturdy stalks.
Mr. Randall is convinced of the effect of
the blue rays upon plants, and will ar
range blue glass throughout his hot
About Wisconsin.
The territory now known as the State
of Wisconsin was claimed by France, on
the ground of discovery by its mission
aries and teachers in 16'JO, who governed
it until they ceded it to Great Britain iu
It was held by the British n
but yet he could not leave it without di
playing mime of liis peculiarities in the I Pierre's Grand Invalids' Hotel at Huffalo,
iiriiviuiiiiiH of flm will. St,.in. r.l.l imtn i which cost over two hundred thousand dollars.
display a moan spirit wlien making thoir Zl
wills and draft in ft provision cutting the romu.r the people genuine and valuable. Dr.
wife off with a shilling, if she marries I l'ierco doe not attempt to humbug yon by
nL'iiin. This old man wnim't of flint f tclliim von that hi (loldcn Medical Discovery
stamp. His young wife was good look- wi" ,'" 1,11 disease. Ho ava : "If your lung
A . 1 r . I,l( .uln,1 1,. AmiDitnindnn ii t 1 liant'firtr
fond of society, and it ITi ,. ' ,.. . ' .,' i'
piazza gradually tilled with the ladies of : "'"J "PI "no woiiiu mourn j coughs avd all curable bronchial, throat and
!i i ..... u,. i i,,.;i- ,.,,' for her "late departed any great ; lung afTec ions. I behove it to bo unsurpassed
the house. S dd ily , h lek atoso Therefore Mr. I)oda- ' as a remedy " The people have confidence in
j lingers "in the lit tie whuelsof the eutter
I grass," mid rushed up to me, sobbing :
' " Sing, ' Toddie, boy, one dav.' "
My blood seemed to' freeze, but when
' Budge explained that " he always wants
I that song when he's hurt," all the ladies
j urged me, and I wrathfully picked Tod
! die up and hummed the detested air.
j But the little tyrant was not satislled,
I and successively required me to " sit in
: a wockin' chair," to "sing the words,"
' nud to " sing louder," till at last, before
j that audience and her, I was obliged to
I sing that dreadful doggerel, line for line,
j as Budge repeated it. My teeth were
j set, my brow grew clammy. At lust
I heard some one whisper :
j " See how he loves him 1 Toor man ! j
he's iu perfect agony over the little fel-
! low." ' !
j But the agony was a prelude to a most !
' unexpected rapture. An apprehensively
' accepted invitation to dinner, where Toil- '
! die titled his soup over Miss Mayton's ;
i dress, led to a twilight tctc-a-Mc, which !
Budge interrupted by niforrauig the lady:
" Uncle Harry 'spects you, Miss May
ton." The little rascal had, that very morning,
demanded to kuow whether I didn't
" love" Miss Mayton, and accepted with
suspicion my assurauce that I " respect-
ed " her very highly. Now, before I
could stop him, he continued:
" Only what he calls 'spect, I calls :
love." !
There was an awkward pause some- j
thing must be done. 1
" Miss Mayton," said I, " Budge is a
marplot, but a truthful interpreter. 1
" When I loves anybody," observed
Budge, " I kisses them."
Miss Mavton gave a start. She did
not speak ; she was not angry. Could I
;t 1... l,nl- O T nla.1 mi U,l.rA'a oiio- !
IU lit- tlllll i JL UV.ICA Ull Ji IU IV, ! Pug" , . -.
creation, once, twice. She raised her ! lu. ff
hea'.1 and I saw that Alice Mayton had
surrendered at discretion. Then Budge
and Toddie came in for a share of the
eminent surgeon In regard to an operation oh thrm,
but nt his request postponed H. The constant tnflam.
matlon and ulceration In my throat, cansed by tho
poisonous matter dropping down from my head, had
so Iriitnted and Inflamed my lung that 1 coughed In
cessantly, a deep, hard cough. Meanwhile my STntem
began to show tho effects or this disease, that I lust
flesh, grew pale, and showed every symptom of a;
early death by consumption. When matter had
reached thlsstngn, or about alz month ago, I began
tiie use or dank' inn i kaptcai. i,urb tor tTjii;n,
began to Improve rapid.
The first dose seemed to clear my head as I had
After using the 11 ret bottle
lv. The first dose seemed
not known It to be lor years,
It seemed gradually to
arrest the discharges. It Hnpnni my eouoh in thre
aay. iiy using it as a garg
flatntnatton ana swelling o
soon ceased to trouble me.
flatntnatton and swelling of my tonsils. so that they
e. i no aorcneN irruw n-.r
chest disappeared, the burling noises la my head
had reduced me to the verge of the grave disappeared
reniied. mv senses of hearlnir and of fleeing were com
uclciy resiorea, ana every symptom oi oiiuiw um
Dy tneuse oi noroiiD b rt dioai. ukk fubvibhh,
I have been thus becnuse. ns a druggist,!
navo seen a great deal or Buffering from Catarrh, aud
nope 10 convince many mm iniiw. kicki. rcinuuj.
1 am fntnlllnr with tho treatment ot Catarrh as prac
tised by the best phyMclnns, and have conf tilled I lie
most eminent about my caf". I have used every kli.d
of remedy and apparatus thathuvo nppenrcd during
ret lod of six yean past, and luive, while following
heir use, taken great earn of my general henltlt, but
Oht nlned no rellel or encouragement f rmn any oftliem.
Since curing myself with Sanfjki'b Radical ti na,
I have recommended It In over one hundred cases
without a single ease of lallnro.nnd have In numerous
Instances received wholesale orders from partita to
whom I havo sold one bottle. Thlslsthe only patent
medicine 1 have ever recommendt. tl. never having be
lieved In them before, although constantly engaged la
thelrsnle. Very gratefully yours. -....
HoBT0N.Feb.S3, ls?i. (.EOHGE F. DINSMOHK., ss. Feb. M. 1S7S.
Then personalty appeared the said George K. IMne.
I more, and made nnlli that the foregoing Bluicmeui oj
Ullll BUUSCriucu 18 irue. neiorcnie,
J ustice of the Peace.
n FATlIlli Klc, FOP OAI.B Pa., Md., .
Va andlla' Ba.g.ins! J. hiLKtWii.MiNQTow. Pr.L.
diQCi'l MONTH. Awntii wjnttl eretrwher,
t?ZoU Address O. HRRUNO, Ravenswood, 1)1. ,
JL by VAWDKnnt aim.Witi.t, Oo-i 1 Dutch St ..N.Y.
i OENTS wanted, on salary nf enmmlsslnn. Wew bust.
iV new. Address J. B. Mai.F.V A Co., St. Iritis. Mo.
&KK9 A77 A Week to Agents. I O Outfit Ttm.
500 S 911 P. O. VICKKKY, Augusta. Maine.
tfift Itntt In your own town Tem-.s and Pit outni
00 fre,. H. HA1.I.ETT 4 OO., Portland. Maine.
a A 1 A YVI'I'K
Catalogue and Sample FRKK.
1 1 If itasaan o., wew i tk.
IK i9n per day at home. Samples worth SJij
0 10 lUfYm, (?TlNSONACX..P r!l'.nd.Mine.
(fiOf A DAY to Agents. Sample free. 33 jpaM
CaUKue. iTFLKTCHKK. 1 1 Oey St.. W. Y.
ante wanted. Outfit and
Augusta, Maine.
O it at home. Agent
id terms free. TKUK A ( 'O
DTUnl lrn,Tehot00,70Bt.ylea. tn.Cnt.frim.
IlLlULlLn WnSTrnw Ooa-WoB, Chleago, 111.
THE rPEFI'I, COMPANION s cheapest book
published; paying largest, percentage to Agents.
Bend for circular to Umpire State Pub. Co., Wew York.
Ttosi' Eplleprle
hoss BROS., RioRMo.m. Is'n.'
kll Btamu ee riTel enred br Dr
LrlLtroT BemeiiloT. Tsial PA.oaAoK aaiT rar.s.
ATrill'.H. A (Ireat Sensation. Sample
Watch and Outfit free to Agents. Better than
Mold. Adrin A. Clrl,TKH A CO . rtninsm.
Men to sell to Merehanta. )fQ
a month and trareling expense
pvd. Oem Mfg.O-. st.Iuiis.Mo.
DCMCiniUQ fo mattor how elightiy disabled
r tllvlWIaO creaaee now psjd. Advice and cin
ar', V KrmllvinnHew!thonrStenclln
iMAil JJ I Key Uheck tlntflt. CircuNrs Free
KiriPTntinn Mfn-tM hv (iovimnr of Nw Ronth Wilf
from New York. Ant.AO. t"M. rr nrtipulnrp apply to
R. W. C'AMKitfin 'A Co., H Smith William Pt.. NVwYf rlt.
liny mrw mnr1 br Afmti etPnr nor Chmnio,
rnyotn, I'li'iun? tm v.nromo i,rtri. m-
nlxa, v..rth 5, v-Ll p ttt.liil tnr fft. II 111 r
. J. II HI kKUlt fA
No o-callcd irrcnHP enter into thnw
iiniH. (July pure rchued tallow ontl vegcuihlc
oils are used, cniitiiiiiini; lio adulteration. Fair
and weij,'ltt always rulinMo. Tliia is
tvliy their soaps are, ho popular with nil good
and cconomieal housekeeper.
"Want to shee wheels go wound, .
said Toddie.
" No." said I. fearful of dust.
"Want to shee wheels ro wound,"
repeated Toddie; "want to shee the
wheels pro wound. "
"I tell you I can't, Toddie; dust
spoils watches. "
" Want to shee the wheels go wound," ,
murmured Toddie ap;ain.
Abruptly I pocketed the watch. Toi- j
die's jaw dropped, nud he cried :
" Ah h h h. Waut to shee the ,
wheels go won ound !" j
" IStop that noise this instant !" '
" Yes oo oo wants to shee " j
" Todtlie, I've got some candy in"
" Wheels go wound ! Ah h h h !" j
"Toddie, dear, don't cry so. There!
are some ladies coming iu a carriage. "
"Ah h h h. Wants to' shoe t"
Madly I snatched my watch from mv 1 s-es ; two or three ladies appeared,
vtoeket. oened the case, aud exoosed I llutl B'"u
the works to view. The passing carriage
stopped; my name was called, aud, '
looking up, I saw bright eyed, fair ,
faced and Binding Miss Alice Mayton, a :
lady whom for about a year I had adored
from afar I The ease with which she
greeted me, praised actually praised
"Come. boys. Then I'll call with the
carriage at three to-morrow, Miss May-,
ton. Good evening." j
I shall not tell you what I thought or ;
did during that interval, except that I j
bought my angelic nephews everything
they wanted, beginning with candy and i
those dreadful children; and let me dis-I UUK l" ' 11 Rom camugf. ;
cover that a bouquet from the Lawrence : Khu.U worJ ab" ? rule
garden would be an acceptable offering, j mth Miss Mayton except that it was ,
enverte ' mv confusion into delight. I suddenly interrupted by a runaway goat
When the carriage started again, Toddie . nod two boo-hoomg boys; and that mght ;
Patentees and inventors should read ad-
vertisoment of EdHon 15roH., in anothtir column.
j There are probably a hundred or more
I person in this and neighboring towns, who
! daily Kiiffer from tho distressing effect of kid
ney troubles, who not Know Hint Johnson r
Anmhne Liniment i almost a certain cure. In
scvero cases, great relief may be obtained, if
not a perfect cure.
We notice that the agricultural papers
all over the conntry recommend the use of Mtri
tlan's Camlry Condition Pointers. Exchange.
Farmers and others in this section havo long
known and appreciated tho advantage of these
powders over all others.
From a Pistinguished Jurist.
"I have tried the Peruvian Hvrup, and the
result "fully sustain your prediction. It lias
made a new man of me, infused into my system
new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremu
lous mid debilitated, a when yon last saw me,
but stronger, heirtiiT. and with larger capaeitv
i for labor, mental and physical, than at any time
lulling the last live years.
If the board of health, which spent
thousands of dollar in the general distribution
or deodorizer to prevent the apreaa of con
! tngiou fever, would bo consistent, they
1 should gratuitously distribute's Kci.i'iiei
! Soap to the victims of the contagious eruptions.
! Sold even-where. Depot, Crit teuton's No. 7
i Hixth avenue, X. Y.
I Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c.
bn ncrfornioil nndnr tlift fullouHiwr pir- ! nnally.
cumstnuces, viz. : i
"And it is made incumbent on suid I
Celia Dodsworth that in taking a new j
husband the marriage ceremony shall be I
performed in the big barn on mv farm, I
on the II road. It shall take place
at ten o'clock iii the evening, on the
main floor, without lights of any de
scription, with all doors shut, nud a
free invitation shall bo extended to all.
The clergyman shall stand in the stables
and tho bride and groom on tho main
floor, and the principal parties to the
ceroniony shall be dressed in black
The witlow announced her intention
to faithfully obey in spirit and letter,
the will was probated and the twelfth I
month had scarcely passed before she j
issued an invitation for the public I
to attend a wedding at tho big !
barn. Just who tho groom was to bo 1
no ono could positively assert, as the l
widow had been keeping company with ,
a widower, a bachelor anil two young j
i men, and as tar as any outsider could
she loved one as well as the
i other. Being good looking and talented
aud having a fortune behind her, it
was not strange that she should h.tve a
number of suitors. She seemed to en
ter into the spirit of the affair with
great zest, as also did the minister ;
and to further mystify the people in
attendance the bride entered the barn
alone at ono door, the groom nione at
another, and no one knew that the
minister hud arrived until his voice was "A Slight Cold," Coughs.
he U'd iu the stables. ! Few are aware of the importance of check-
lliero wero at least two Hundred i jg a cough or " ruoiit cplu," which would
people present, aud each one under- ,.k,M to a nli j remcdv i,,lt) if negated, often
a.1i1.i. lVi'1 e j.-.l.1' 1
Hiooa inn. even u e i siriKiug oi a inau-n niUlcU tho h ''i,-otrn' Bronchial
would urealt tiie will. Alany jokes were TrocUes give 6ure aud Blmost jmmt.diat,
passed and considerable contusion cx- ! .. .
.... i.. . i li. i ...- ... relief.
lHieti, nit- ui iciigui tue iuiiuhut
Cures Pains and Aches.
It the Circulation,
it suliilitcs InllaniluBlory Action.
It cures KuptureB and btrnlns.
It reni'tvi'B l'ttln and Soreness.
It cures Kidney Complaint.
It strenutlicns the Mnselefl.
It cures llhctimtillBin anu ncuruiKm
When You (Jo to Xew York
Xo. Toddie, of course not." !
"Then you's baddy man, an' de Lord ;
won't let you go to heaven if you don't !
love peoples." '
You may believe I was glad to get j
those children home and turn them over i
to the girl ! At dinner they found fault j
i with my blessing, and taught me the one j
i their papa says. Then they condemned I
; my version of Jonah, aud Budge gave
oiio certainly much more graphic. And
i Anally, after requiring me to say my ;
prayers tirst, that performance, too, was
'. boldly criticised. Budge prayed with
a face tit for an angel, and then Toddie :
j closed his eyes, wriggled, twiste' , j
: breathed hard and at last began : ,
" Dee Lord not make me sho had, an
; be.di mamma
doppity (graiHi
1 dish house, au' everybody else, an' my I
; dolly. A-a-mon ! I
j " Now give us candy," said Budge, j
1 echoed by Toddie. ,
T ...... .liti.. .li- ni.d an'iiM)1 I
17fit It wnu lu-lil l.v fli leitiuli i.nfitii .. ei. . ,
' ,.;;,- , J V i r , ' last ttlie purler, where 1 passed a de-
nntil 1782, when she ceded all her pos- j ,. , evenimr with mv books. That
CJhlO tO the ; , i . fn,.,l,i l..,-,l ft .-'ilia ibill-ir lita i
young demon, aud made mo get up and
murmured : i . rr - V i.i ......n..i.,i..l i uouueed that all was ready. The cere-
Ucken Hawwy,does you low that i K,"" ! mou-v was . gone through with, and at
goat WUS bad to me." I ' B couciimion, aumr .. tvuig
The next day was wet and those chil- . 1" t motlprllte,
, , .' n. i for Iirule kIib wn IiikkpiI hv n linn- 1
dren led mo a ternoie me ! ineir oniy - - ., . -i , i known that tho Grand Central the lartroit of
. . -r i . .. .v : dred men. nod wns then earned home. luu l"""u v-uuui, i.u. mfciuiui
rem comiort was jonan, or riuuer. : .. . ' : ; ,, ; , . '
the ' whav-al ," a picture of which Tod- a J'stauce of a mile and a half, m a big
die tenderly caressed, murmuring :
It is desirablo to atop at tlin best hotel. The
best hotel at pre .eut is witbiu the reach ot the
It should be generally
" Dee old whay-al, I loves you. I '
finks 'twas weal mean in Djonah to get ;
froed up when you hadu't noilin' else to i
eat, poor old whay-al !" i
Aud Toddie amused himself for some ;
time with a big r bos for a whale and a
dead mouse for a Jonah, till a mishap oc- j
curred which ho mournfully announced
by spying : ,
" Djonah bwoke he tay-al !"
The next morning, I got a letter from
arm chair.
Now comes the mystery. When the
lady was set down at her owu door the
widower, the bachelor and the two young
men each claimed to bo her true and
lawful husband. None of the crowd
could say who was the lucky man, the
minister was at sea and the bride herself
seemed to have doubt. The widower
was the man of her choice, but in the
confusion he could have been hustled
aside, and he did affirm that au attempt
tho first-class hotels, ha reached the lowest
" hard pan" reduction yet made that i, the
best first-clap accommodation for 2. 50 and
43.00, instead of $4.00 and 5.C0 per day.
n..' ..... on' I. in ' I .Ullt lull, ll'nu .-.: 11 X
, .... ......., .... -1 mi' l.tb Unrrmoa ' lUllll 111 UlllllH. me HUUUfll
ierl nir nil mvn neon i in -.". .v...
-1 . - r , 1 . i.i i ii
wuo coiuu ue bo tovaoie w
XUC 11-.V .llU-.-.Jj, JL fi,-- . UHV. ....... .
Helen, inclosing one to her from Alice was made to choke lain and get him out
A Uood 1'laee to Stoji.
When vou go to New York, the Tremont
House, fifiS liroadway, kept on European plan,
is the place. Inn can nave a eomloi talile roon
for 75 cents and $1.00 per day. Vou can get a
good meal for from 80 cents to 50 cents. You
will be near all the wholesale dry goods Houses,
and the cars and stage passing the door will
take yon to any part of the city. I was satisfied :
I know every one w ill be who gives them a trial.
It l'.claxes btlllcncil Cords.
It cures Iservous miocks.
It Is Invivlnn le In I'nrulyflB.
It cures Intlnnimfttlon ot tlio Liver.
It remover Nervous Pains.
It cureB Spinal WcakneFS.
It IB Urntelul and Soothing.
It cures Epilepsy or Fits.
It Is Safe, ltcllable, anil Economical.
It Is prescribed liy I'hyslclnns.
It IB Indorsed Iiy Klcctrlclans.
Sold by all druiri$lt. for lis cents. Sontonreee1r of
55 ei nls fur one, l 29 for slT.or 2.S5 for twelve, care
fully wrnppetl, and warrnnteu ncnect, oj n .a.o
I'D 1 TKIt. l'roprletora, lloslon, Moss.
Prof. IIuII'h Muclc 'uifinund
ts the onlv prtrpHrutiun.iiiK- package jf whtcti
wilt tont!ie lifnrtl to cnw tltitrk ml hvJ
iin (In iii.-i.thc! f- cr iwiiii-ut injury) in 81
diVR in every -bm, nr tnimi'.v rhrertully re-titint-fl.
" rent i r n-irkrf , tmfltpfiWIJ 3 fOt
Mtri-nt. K. W. JON KS. A-hIonl. Mm.
4 BOOK for the MILLION.
HCIl'Pl I AHVIPP A 4lll..ite Psmplilet en 8p
' H",vC d.. end (,'hninio Disenses
.ver, (-iteirli. l.itptnr", l):tiiim Iltiliit, etc., NKN"
l.Ki-' on 'fi'i-ipt of ft.-itno. A lilri'si llr. Hntts' Iiene
'V No. Ti NorCi 1 Stre.l. Si. I.mtis, Mo.
It crmt-tinn nr;irl nnn eneravinirs nf buildinrs
iind Rcenett in the (irtvit Ktiilition. Hnd in the mil
nttlicnt.c nnd liir.ry iiil.ishcl. It tronts of
tlm prand huililini.. wrmdnrful cxliibitt. curiosities.
irvux pf!us. ftc. fry -l:-ip nnl col In nt ;irht. On
Atrent ct!fl -IS ctiii-n in one nny. h(;ii'l fr xt extrn
it.niiH ti Aiets Kti'1 full descrit'ti'tn of thp work.
rHU.AItVT.l'HIA. l'A.
O A TTTPTriTST tTnrpli;iMe nni worthlon tmr.k m
VAU iht Kxl;itltionnrH hHnjrcircnlted
Do n't lm Heceivpfl. Set thtit the liook you buy cmtjiim
'vit mn tK" iiu nwnriy tnr nne enKr-iviiii
avention, anii 2
most s
Only machine
in the tvoria
Tension aut'L
Tr.d. ll.rk In tM Y' ft " of ever; nscblDS.
Seed Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, &c
Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.,
(Cor. Bond Bt.) 668 Broadway, Maw York.
Ho. 41 Park Row, NEW YOKX,
A..i-tisor-i destrinsf to use either of tiie IJsts (not
tiillileihe't in tneir cttyl ni:iy oo:nuliniu:itB witli
Mesiir. itKAI.S A l'OSI'ICIl direct, as all orders Mill
twreaiter turoui;n tneir h in-ts.
A.J. AlKI.NS, l'rcliliMlt
Aiiii'rieiiu .'jvnu:imT union
sessions northeast ot tiie
United States. Wisconsin wns then
thrown untler the te r'.torinl government
of Ohio by the ordinmice of 1787. On
the fourth of July, 1800, Indian Terri- j
tory wns organized, mul it was attached ;
to that Territory until April 18, 1818, ;
when Illinois bectnne f State. It wa-i j
then attached to the Territory of Wis
consin July 4, 183(5; so that Wisconsin,
was governed by tho king of France j
ninety-three years, tho king of Great
Britain twenty years, by the State of '
Virginia one year, by the Territory of i
Ohio sixteen 3-ears, by the Indian Terri- j
to.'y nine years, by Michigan Territory j
eighteen years ami by Illinois Territory j
nine years. She continued a Territory i
of the Unitea Wtates nearly twelve years,
when, on the thirteenth of March, 1848,
. she became the thirtieth State of the
American Union.
Sowing on Horseback.
Numerous as have been the inst inct ions
of late for preserving the almost "lost
art " of sowing grain by hand, there re
mains one mode that has escaped men
tion, and which, when mentioned, will
probably be derided by those who have
not tried it. I allude to sowing on horse
back. Sulky rakes, sulky rollers, etc.,
are regarded as useful contrivances for
the saving of human labor ; but none of
your correspondents appear to have
thought of making the horse perform the
labor of walking, and carrying seed bag
and sower to and fro across the field dur
ing the operation of sowiug the grain,
And yet, after a long experience, the
writer has found that he could distribute
seed grain more regularly from the saddle
than on foot, and with far more ease and
comfort as any good seedsman will find
after a short practice. Grass seeds, how
ever, being lighter than grain, are best
sown on foot. Country Gentleman.
And That's All. They have a "citi
zens' movement " in Pittsburgh, Penn.,
and it was all going on very smoothly till
one man got up in the meeting and ask
ed : " Ain't I nominated for mayor ?
"No," said the meeting. "Nor for
treasurer?" . "No." "Nor for comp
troller ?" " No. " " Then, blast me, if I
don't make it warm for this movement,
that'Bftll." '
iind it for him: nud next morning, before
he was fairly awake, I was appalled to
hear him murmur : i
" Want to shee wheels go !
At breakfast he remarked : j
" Ucken Hawwy, daysh an nwfoo i
funny cliuut up 'tairs awfoo big chuut. j
I show it vou after brepspnp." j
"Toddle's n silly Jittle loy," said!
Budge; "he always says brt p pup for j
brskbus (breakfast)." j
" Oh ! what does he mean by chuut'
" I guess he means trunk."
A direful thought struck me. I rushed
I up stairs. Yes, he did mean truuk my
j trunk open 1 emptied. A blacking box
in my dress hat, aud rolled up tightly in
I my dress coat, one of those dolls 1 But
worse was to come. I made an exquisite
bouquet for Miss Mayton aud put it in a
box which I sent to her by the coach
man. To my surprise ho brought it
bick, ond Toddie, shrieking with de
light snatched it and excla:med :
" Oil, darsh mv dolly's k'adle ! Some
body put nasty ole flowers in it j I froed
'em'away 1"
Opening the box he displayed that
infernal doll 1 I viewed him so sternly
that he took refuge in sobs, wept plenti
fully on my shirt front, and murmured :
" I wau'tsh to love yon, and wantsh
you to love me."
Who could resist ? I petted and kiss
el him till ha was consoled, and resumed
h sovereignty, with the infantile oom
maid :
"Kish my dolly, too."
I obeyed, but closed the interview ab
ruptly, and wrote the best apology I
could' frame to Miss Mayton.
The next day was Sunday. In the
morning those boys invaded my bed to
"fwolio" and "wide horsie baoken,"
and I sadly learned how it was that my
brqther-in-law had grown so flat chested.
In the afternoon we tried the stories
again, and Toddie told, with the most
spirited gestures, how
" Dave, let ze sling go bang bequeen
Bliaff s eyes, an knocked him down
dead, an' Dave took Bliaff'n sword an'
sworded BliafTs head off, an' made it alj
bluggy, an Bliaff ruuned ft way."
learned that I
success of mv
seeing that a niuu
ith thought
less and unreasonable children must be
perfectly adortible to tho women ho
It Till."
I have not time to tell you how Budge
revealed to stately Mrs. -Mayton the re
lations subsisting between her " little
girl " and his "Uncle Harry," or how
that awful Toddie disclosed our secret to
the ladies of Miss Mayton's acquaint
ance by . solemnly declaiming some
" Lines to Alice" he had heard me re
hearsing iu the garden; or how the same
Toddie swallowed a " whole bottoo full "
of paregoric, and was hurried to the
apothecary's with such wholesome re
sults that he reported to his brother :
" Budgie, down to the village I was a
whay-al. I didn't froe up Djonah but I
froed up a whole floor full of uvver
Tom and Helen .c.iine home in due
time, aud at lunch that day toasts were i
drunk to " Her " and to " the makers of i
the match Budge and Toddie !" Aud
Alice insists that when a certain cere
mony takes place they shall officiate as
groomsmen, nor have I. the slightest
doubt that she frill carry her point.
Illustrated Weekly.
of tho barn. The bachelor vowed that i
she had promised to marry him, as also j
did both young men, and each was sure
that he held the widow's plump hand and
was legally married to her. The four ,
men had a fight,"Y.ut that didn't mend ;
: matters. The crowd ducked two of them ;
i in a creek, but that didn't decide the j
' question. j
I Just how it would have terminated had
not tho widower been a man of nerve no
: one can tell, us the other three had al
; ready appealed to the law, when the wid
; ower stepped iu and took his place as
i hunbaud aud settled with the others for
; 2,000 each.
One of the young men, now over thirty
years old, and having nil tho wife he
i wants (she weighs 230 pounds., is living
in Ju'.'ksoii, Mich. , and, during an intcr
: view had with him, he solemnly and
i earnestly assured the writer that ho was
i legally married to the Widow Dodsworth
! that night in the big barn. Another of
Is there one reader of this paper suf
forring from rheumatism ? If so, write to
Hclplii'ustiue & IJciitlev, druggists, Wanliiug
ton, V. C, for a circular of I)urang'a Klicu
matic Itemed.. Thin medicine is taken in
ternally, and will positively euro any cane of
rheumatism on the fuco of the green earth.
Price, ono dollar a bottle.
Vegetable rnlmnnary Balsam, the great New
England cure for couglw, colds and consump
tion. Cutler Bros. & Co.'t, Boston, only gonnine.
I I i
the parties lives in Clinton county, and
ha has time and again asserted that
ho is the woman's true and lawful hus
band, so help his God. Tho bache
lor is dead, but were ho alive and kicking
he would renew his oft repeated protes
" I married her, by gum ! and, by
gum, I ought to have her !"
B. . 4VM.Vrt W-.F TTt
l ijRU N WE LL?itf
Coughing' in Church.
The attendants of churches where !
coughing is liable to bo followed by i
critical remarks from the minister, j
should know that coughing is not such u
necessity as many im urine. It partakes i
of the nature of a habit. There is no
need for coughing at every little irrita
His Club Life.
After Commodore Vanderbilt joined
i the Union club and heard in the season,
the talk of its most voluble members
turn upon yachting he used to say that
I some day he would show them how to
! sail a bollt by taking the slowest yacht
in the squadron and winning a regatta
cup. Alter thus bantering the nautical
enthusiasts for several years he fulfilled
get along with. Were a
threatening you with a club or pistol
and offering to blow your brains out at
the first cough you would find that the
will power is most effioacious in suppress
ing these bronchial insurrections, A
French surgeon used to say whenever he
entered the wards of the hospital: " The
first patient who coughs will be deprived
of food to-day." And very few then i If any man has heretofore failed to
coughed. Dr. Brown-Squard says that recognize the necessity of saving, let
couguing may ue prevenieu uy presuuig ; nim loon around anu observe the condi
tion in the throat. You will be surprised I
on making an effort to suppress your j
cougu w see now iiuw couguing you cau , ------ - T Z Ii,V " n "
man to stand u i"ou,,i vuuoo u. uutjax jmui vu-
nena, tnac nau never approacnea a prize,
and beat the whole squadron in the East
river by his masterly management of the
sluggish craft, standing at the helm from
eleven a. m. until dark, when he brought
her in a handsome winner.
on the nerves of the lips in the neighbor
hood of the nose, by pressing in the
neighborhood of the ear, and by pressing
very hard on the top of the month.
The wretched punster on the Boston
Traveller says : It is so hot in the ast
Indies sometimes that people tan even
ndoors which explains, probably, why
Uiey call tliafc country "Ja-4oors-tun."
tion of men over fifty who are without
means and seeking employment. No
one will take them. " We can get plenty
of young men, why take old ?" people
say. " Why in the world do you keep
that old fellow ?" asked a hotel proprietor
of his head waiter, who had retained a
man past fifty, an excellent worker, in
the plate r99!U. -This fa the, prevailing I
Coophi, Cold. , Influ.nia, Hoarieneti, DlfflooU
Ert.thiDg, and all Affectioni of th Throat,
Eronchial Tubes, an' Lasgi, leading
to Comnmption.
This infallible remedy is composed of the
Honev of the plant Horehound, in chemical
unio.t with Tar. Balm, extracted from the
Life rsiNcirie of the forest tree Abeh
Balsam ea, or Balm of Cilead.
The llo icy of Horehound soothh and
scatters all irritation and inflammations, and
the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. Fivi
additional ingredients keep the organs cool,
moist, and in nealthlul action. Let no pre
jiulice keep you from trying this great medi.
cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou
sands of lives by it in his larce private practice,
N. U. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or
Great tavtng to buy large size.
"Pike's Toothache Props" Cure
in 1 Minute.
Sold by all Druggists..
0. Ns CKITTENTON, Prop., N.Y,
rn A A'fnnnr1 F iiiiM tn ffAod AOKNTl,
CpllWVI vhu are wmtt i cvrywiHru in fctrictlj
dreau J
ftit'l plenK'int ti.ites.
scribe puna.
-'.irtiuul-re irue.
I. Ull IB, lllO.
IIAI1IT I Itl l AT ltu.ui-.
No publicity. Time hort. Tenos iri'tt
Pit. ?,
1,IKM Toatiiufinii i
, J2. MARSH. il't-Wf :
creM now nvn. aotkii nnn ciromnr
1 MrMirwiKir.'.ttr.. 7Q7 S-n nn't ''Iv'i I'ii
A Month.- A(rnt nsnted. 30 best tell.
.ne Article? In the world. Onp Hitmpln free.
AiHn'.l AX IIHIWI n "II. Mich.
Wl WTCn 8AM.BMF.N to trnwl nd sell f-norl
AN I tU tiT,,nlrri. 8.I.1T HRRRAI. All
trnTptinr pitirr.!-. n"H hv firm. Address
II. 44. ItODIil'lt 0., Cincinnati, Ohio.
tfVTHtl I UUpprmnnrnl ni
1'nlnn Iftfitivf - I
Tdcr fnf our ffoMnJ
plnmcnt e"w
1 rv i oinisiiNT.
1 1'ti. '"iMonninl..O.
'CVimliinntion of fJpltl." Now
pwrt of nrwratinir in ftorki. Jrn
IinitnHMilitf. rroliln Bure. Ki-
n tory rtrrulnr Bfnt frpp. MOWFAN V f'O-t
nkpm. as Rnind HtrMt, P. O. fini New York.
J (i .St..Viuhiiitn,l) .0. IC-t ib,
U. .S. nii'l i-oreiKi. Putru.1
li IHry. i'e
t fr,.m
8100. REWARD. $106.
This HOt'STACMR urnrtueH on ft nmooth ho
1 Iit th u or DvKR'n 11 k A bd Klixir without
jiiijury. or will forfeit SKO. Trloe br tit ml in
smith en., Art
ANY PERSON of ordinary intlliKence can earn ft lif-
mr Sv m.t- iinp fur tht IlliifUrutf:! WMklv. Kxtwri-
mt e m not, norfMirT -the nnty reuuiaite binff, aa in all
tucoersful binos", industry and enfrfry; Send fur par
BOOK find AriX,rVrTQtnnrtCTftrBym,'n'wr,tefof
Bllt I.K AUXili X O Ciruulars and rxtrn
tcrmi n the '.V.- fluairn'"t lithlr t- r th Yng " (on a
:. W. fiHAY Jt SOV. ION. Fi'thSt . " phta
mm mw mirte mpMIy rn
t Vs; r. -'-n ,1,1
mide rapidly rnnvarlnr
any punr
Out lit. 9
irw4.,'iitiiiiutili. (Miifl
Genuine Italian Violin Rtrinirs, also for Banjo or Oul.
r,lSnd UOc. each, or St.!. Ront
.iy iiiailon recatnt 01 prico. 11 '-imts : rwim t'.iru mr -i..i
logue. J. HAI-MiKK, lni,KTti-r of iluicnl lustra-
nmitsnn'.i nt-ini. . i;:.i t, hum.t .- - . ... t-
n. .Iftrk und f rrnt Aifiorirnn tli heat Straw
berries. TVn ncrea of Rrnhri'triti? (Su"fiHtro Itnup
berries, yielded l"t mmnipr JSl.n.lS. Send fnr i'nta-
f-gue. ",M-. " AK VlNNAMINBflN, . J.
(Jnirintned to b tho siniplpat rheTeft. moat rt.irnl1i
effect ire and the bust. BnJ" it. Trr it and be convinced.
Snmp'es ).K. I.nrge pmfltt. to ngenta. Addrt-nt
Harrrburg.i. v., f nnmy t'omyneihT ijock tsx .
I DAVR old Hfttrh'a ITnivormtl Cffiieh Hyrnp ftr atout
four yeara. By uaing it in ny own family. I been me
BHtitffpd of ita merit. It has become the leadinp article
of its kind, having by hr the best ahle of nny. Sample
bottles were freely given, nnd this led Xo its rapid
introduction. JAM KH .! )H NS N,
Cl-ytnn. .leff. !., N T.,
Ei-Mem!er of New York Legipl-iture.
SAl.KSMKN to travel ond sV1 ro
Duttlersour Unbreakable or Kureiu
UIhbh Lamo Chimneys. Monitor 8ufity
inrners. AutinaMo Kxttnitiiichera, lianip i.ooa, etc.
H.iUi n vtnr. hotel And truvelins oinnH3 naid t-o
l-jud men. Nil peililliiiK- N't risk, limt eeli.nif gouda
fonns America Press Co.
63 Murray St., New York,
halrij'lbouU Ik Naaur m (' tunmi, tS
htiipcMt unl bout hand and
tttir-fnklnfr rlatinic preitet.
tin sl VoltDT1? tJli'lMILLAlT? U- SL
flmUri T3$. npesiaen Bwlt of Tjpo, Cuts, Ac. tea teats;
Tn Urma vnrxntv fine. kTI. r I'T TI11Pt. TT.flW-
KUINC SfltMICS and I I.IMi IC KKNH, at well
a KHOIXHIKMIItONS, Azaleas. Muenolinn. New .
Conifers, Purple Bunch, New Shrubs, Ac. KOSJbiS bj
O .ni IIUI 1."..- I '...!. ..... .. .l.l-..
Box 09, XliiHliliiir, A".
The liont Trim without Springs ever invented.
No huinbntf clHtm of m cor
tftin radical cure, but a guar
antee of a comfortaUe.iBe.
cure and sntiHfacUiry appli
anue. We will tike back and
nnv full nt-iH fur nil that tin not suit.
Vce. simrle. like cut. !i 4 i for both sidus. t. Kent by "
mail, ptwt-paid, on receipt of price. N. H. This Truss
jtxl euitK more Ruptures than any of those for which
xtrai jttnt claims nr iniide. 'irculiint free.
PJMKUOY TKUSS CO., 7J Itroudway, JVew YorK.
All vlr. -ih an able, newny and fair-minded paper,
)pro..i!inc lite bot inaus of bouthero Kepubliuao
oi, oulu ro-ia tue
the lis (ling and representative Republioun journal of
Daily CohiiimtcIiiI, SIO per year, 83 oentt per
IP nith. Try it one month.
WreiOy ruiimicrriiil, neatly arranged, elearty
print. tl, tv.-ei'iilly edited a capital faiuily nawsuaper;
' lr yeur, 11 for aix months. In Clubs of nre,
&I.IH) eccli, pur your; Cluba of ten or mure, $ l.dO
da'h. , t
one copy or euner euiuon seni ireo, post-paid, to an
An Agent wanted in every neicnuornooa, to wnom we
pity Hit per cont. cash cinumisbion, ii? riandsome and
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MnnacerCoMMFHciAL, JonUville, Ky
Music Books
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One uiitl AU. Aro Yon l;iilif:-t;ij .ro:rt
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