The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 01, 1877, Image 2

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    Wit twmk
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
Xcws Items.
are so
service will
in Ohio
Longfellow isseventy years old.
The cat-lron filibusters number
Speaker Randall hits prohibited
smoking in the House of Representa
tives. Mr Tilden has failed to rench the
Presidency, but then a county in Neb
raska has been named after him.
The whites ami blacks in New
Iberia parish, Louisiana, have had a
conflict and great excitement prevails.
Outside speculation ruined Postmas
ter MnArthnr. of Chicico. who is a (le-
fnnltor to the extent of $8.000 The
amount is secured to the government
Senretarv Robeson says that the
present naval appropriation
small that the foreign
have to lie abolished.
All the Presidents elected by the
Rpmihiionn nartv were born within
175 miles of Cincinnati, two
and on in Kentucky.
London. February 28. There were
in I rn.nths from small-uox in London
last week, which number has only
been exceeded in one week since the
present epidemic began.
Mr. J. M. Sears, the young million
aire of Boston, feels poor. His prop
ortv hns shrunk so his taxes last year
we're only $31,000, a falling oft' of 17,
000 from 'llu; year before.
Kuronc want for 1877, 3,000,000 bales
of cotton, and, upon the basis of 6,000,
000 for America, and liberal estimates
elsewhere, it Is calculated there will be
a deficiency of 5,000.
The Altoona Mirror says thot scv
eral engineers nnd liremen recently
took an oath before an alderman of
that city not to drinkany thing intoxi
cating lor six months.
New York, Feb. 27.-Mrs. A. T. Stew
art has given toiler brother, Mr.l'liarU's
P. Clinch, the venerable ex-Assistant
Collector of the Port, the title to a
mansion in Thirty-fourth s.tuct, oppo
site the Stewart palace. The property
is worth $30 000, and was included in
her husband's estate. Sim nlso in
tends alluwinK bcr brother an annuity
of $10,00n. He litis removed from
fctiitvn Inland to his new home.
Newport, Vt , February 27. Efforts
are l,ein made here to ariesr Rev.
Charles Thorp an Episcopal minister
of Berrv, province of i.jttcbcc, who
eicped "last Saturday with a younjr
laiiv of rpr-pei-t:dle fumily, leaving his
wire and three children. As Thorp
could not he held, he left for Utica, N.
Y., the girl going to Lowell and re
fusing to return home.
Washington, February 27 A tele
gram to the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, to-day, from Agent Cham
berlain, dated Atlanta, Ga., says
Deputy Marshal Goodwin and Agent
(jivmison will reach Cartersville to
morrow with fifty distillers from Gil
merand Farren, ix of whom are ini'
n'irnted in the recent. Kiilin'il id-nt
Mv.-Int.vre. On the rs-.M a hiVgo num
ber of distilleries were destroyed.
Cincinnati, February 23. V din
patch to the Gazette from Springfield,
Ohio, say Governor Hayes, whiio en
route from Fremont to Columbus,
passed an hour in Springfield to-day.
lie was escorted to one of the hotels,
and, being introduced to the people,
made a brief speech He expressed
congratulations that in a week's time
this" business which has occupied the
attention of the country for eight
months woubi be ovu'. He hoped
that the people would acquieso quietly
whoever might be tjie person declared
elected. He believed tlmt the country
desires peace and security, and thought
this idea should be the expression of
the people to tneir representatives at
Washington. Realizing his hick of
special fitness for the duties, for the
performance of which he might be
called upon, he placed bis trust in
Almighty God, who rules the destinies
of nations. These remarks were re
ceived with tremendous applause and
the crowd did not disperse until trie
departure of the train.
(i. B. Barrett & Co., Wholesale
Jewelers, Removal.
The long-established, favorably and
well-known, ns well as first-class and
reliable house of G. 11. Barrett & Co.,
of Pittsburgh, once more appears in
our advertising columns, soliciting the
business of the 'Trrtilc." Their
present locution at 68 Fifth Avenue,
though central and suitable in many
respects, must be exchanged April
1st, for the larger and handsomer suite
of rooms at 77 Fifth Avenue. The
Inrtre and fiist-iiicreusin trade has
necessitated this change, while it will
enable them to make a much finer
display of goods. Their stoci is large
und fall, their sahsnu-n obliging,
while the firm are gentlemen so long
and favorably known to the trade
that it would be useless for us to speak
of them more than to say : try them
and learn from experience what we
have leurned in the same way.
Judge Storrett.
Harrlsburgh, February 26. The
Governor has appointed James F.
Sterrett, of Allegheny county, Judge
of the Supreme Court, to fill tho va
cancy occasioned by tho death of II.
W. Williams.
James P. Sterrett Is at present the
President Judge of the Fifth Judicial
district- He was born In Juniata
county, educated nt the Tuscarora
Academy, entered Jefferson College
in 1842 was graduated In 1813, read
law at Calisle, completed his studies
at the University of Virginia and was
admitted to tho bar of that State in
1848. In 1849 he removed to Pittsburg,
and fromed a law partnership with
the late Judge Raird. When the com
mission to revise the laws of the State
was formed in 1801, Mr. Sterrett was
rppointed one of its members, but re
signed after acting a few months. On
the death of Jndiro M'Clure, of the
Court of Common Pleas of the Fifth
District, Mr. Sterrett wus appointed to
fill his place, in 1S02 he was elected
President Judge and reelected iu 1872,
lie is now placed npon the Supreme
bench in the place of Judge Williams,
Patentees and Inventors All
persons desirous of taking out a
patent, or who have business of any
kind to be transacted at tho Patent
Office are advised to place it in the
hands of F.dson Bros., Patent Attor
neys, Washington, D. C. This firm
is strongly recommended and rank
hisrh iu their profession. Their fees
are very moderate. See their ndver
tisement in another.column.
Age of Leading Men.
Samuel J. Tilden is in his OHh year.
William A. Wheeler is In his 67th
Ulysses B. Grant will be 65 April
27, 1877.
Simon Cameron will bo 78 March 8,
Hamilton Fish will be GO August 3,
Thomas F Bayard Will be 49 next
Oliver Perry Morton will bo 64
August 4, 1877.
Allen O. Thurmau will bo 04 No
vember 13, 1877.
George F. Edmunds was 4!) Febru
ary 14, 1877.
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen will be
60 August 4,1877.
Thomos A. Hendricks, will bo 68
September 17. 1877.
Rutherford R. Hayes will bo 65
vea rs old October 4. 1 877.
William Maxwell Evarts is 6!, this
month, February, 1877.
Thomas W. Ferry, president pro
tempore of the American senate, will
be 50 June 1, 1877.
to consu5pti7es7"
The advertiser, having been permanently
cured of tlmt dreiul disease, Consumption
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the menus of
euro. To all who desire it, lie will send a
copy of the prescription used, (free of
charge) Willi the directions for preparing
nnd using the same, which they will hnd a
8i;he Cihe for Consumption, Astuma,
Bronchitis, sc.,
Fiirties wishing the prescription will
please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 194
feun., WilliaiDshurgh, N. Y.
Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and
silky; oleanses the scalp from all Impurities,
causing the hair to grow where it hns fallou
off or become thin.
Hates of Advertising,
One column, one your $7o 00
) " 40 00
! 25 00
" " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser
tions. Si. 60, three insertions $2.
business cards, ten lines or ledS, per
year So.
Advertisements parable quarterly.
Nvv Advertisements.
Executors' Not ire.
Estate of John Taylor late of Fox
Township Elk Co , deceased. Letters
T( at .t in cnt nrn upon the above estate
have been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and
those having claims to present the
same without delay to
Gfc'O. B. TAYLOR. ) .p, .
$50,00 each for PANTHERS.
8,00 each for BLACK FOXES.
4,00 eacli for CROSS FOXES.
10 on each for LYNX.
in.00 each for OLD OTTER.
5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER.
5.00 each for YOUNG WOLVES.
6,00 each for WILD CATS.
6,00 each for FAWNS.
1.00 each for YOUNG BLACK &
The above price I will pay, the
Animals to be in good and thriving
condition. Aninuilscan be shipped to
me by way of Punsu'awney Pa. For
further information write to
Marion, Indiana, County, Pa.
Laws Relating to Newspaper Stibscrip
tions ami Arrearages.
1. Subscribers who do not give express
notice to the contrary, nre considered wish
ing to continue their subscription.
2. If subscribers order the discontinu
alion of their pcriodicals.lhn publishers mny
continue to send them until all arrearages
nre paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to
take their periodicals from the oP.ioe where
they are duectbd, they are held rcsponsi
b!e until they have st illed their bills, and
ordered them discontinued.
4. If subscribers move toother places
without inform'ng the publishers, and the
papers are sent to the former dirootion.
they are held responsible.
6. The courts have decided that "refus
ing to lake periodicals from the ollice, or re
moving nnd leaving them uncalled f-ir is
priiiid fetch; twidenco of intentional
ti. Any person who receives a newspaper
and makes use of it. whether be has
ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub
scriber. 7. If subscribers pay In advance, they
are bound to give notice to the publisher, at
the end of their time, if they do not wish to
continue taking; it otherwise the publishers
are authorized to send it on, nnd lliu sub
scribers wili be held responsible nut il uu
express notice with payment of oil arrears,
sent to the publisher.
I have a limited quantity of line seed
from a new and unequuled variety of
Hunch wheat, put up in 11 lb. sacks which
will be sent prepaid on receipt of $1- The
wheal is fupcrior to the favorite Clawson
variety, has a Ntrong straw, nnd stni.ds up
well when growing. Tliis seed is the
product of experiments last year, from
which the yield was nt the rate of 87
hubels of wheat to one bushel of seel.
Ouly 500 sacks are ofered for sale.
7S4 14ih, STREET, Washington D. C.
not easily earned in these
III I 'tnes but it can be made in
t,ree months by any one of ei'her sex, in
any rilrl f 'be county who is willing to
work steadily nt. the employment, that we
furnish. S'0 per week in your own town.
You need nol bo away from home over
night. You can f ive your whole time to
the work, or on'y your sparo moments. It
costs nothing to try the business Terms
iinil S Outfit free. Address at once, IL
HALLE'f I & CO., Portland Maine
KSf A ota mi-Major hu not mada lu ad.artiaa.
mast dlMinot, wa wlil Uuarprat ud alaox.
raaa at aa fellawa :
K. It. FOOTE, ..,
Aitthar of Plaia Horn Talk. Modioli Commas Boom,
B in Story, au.. 10 Laxlngton iwM (.
Eurt lit BUM, New York, aa IDrKD
PuTUmuf, trr.u all form ot Unftrina or VKronu
lii iiunr. mil rc-jolvm loUora torn all part ot the
Dj turn original lent of eonlnotlng a lloalcal Prao
Woo, ho i uco.Mfuliy troatiag numoroiu iiotionU In
Kurone. tho West ladles, Dominion of
Caucaa, and Iu oTory part ot tho United Hiaua.
Or delotorioui driign uied. Ha han, during tha pa
Iwenty three yean, troatod tucMMfiiUy tianrly or qolu
40 0UU came. AU facte conniictrd with each eaaeara
earehilly recorded, whether they be ooatmunloaud fey
otter or in porK.ii, r obnerred ly the Doctor or hla
aaunclare phyaieiao. -in er are au hum
uedlcal men.
Are Mated. All Invalid! at a dlitanoa are reqrlr4
an.wor a Hut of plain qneeUone. which elleite eoerj
ymptnm uocier which the laralld Mllera. All eaev
muiiouiloru trtaud ttrictly confitonnal. k complete
yetem of regietering pt aruetaaee or oonf iwloo.
Liet of qnetion tent free, on application, to any pari
of the worlil. Siity pace pamphlet of Htidehom o
ooeaee. alao arat free. All tbeae teetimomala ara
bom thoee who have beea treated by mail and express,
Autics is orrios, oa at "a", rasa or CBaaaa.
OaU OA or addrea
Ho. 180 Lexington Ave., . Y.
Can be applied by the hand as It docs not
slain the skin orjsoil the finest linen. As
Hair Dressing it is the most, tier feet the
world has ever produced. Tho hair is re
novated and strengthened, and natural
co'or restored without the application of
mineral suostance.
Since the Introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, it has
been tho wondor and admiration of all clas
ses, as it has proved (o be the only articlo
Hint will absolutely without deception, re
store gray bair toils original color, he.ilih
soilness, lustre and beauty, and produce
hair on bald heads of its original growth
anu coior.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
articlo la complete within itself, no washing
or preparation before or after its use, or
nccompanynient of any kind being required
to oni'iin tiiese uesn-able results.
Ki,re is the Proof of its SUPERIOR
feat! this Home Certificate, testified lo
by Edward B. Gurrigues one of the most
competent Druggists ami Chemists of Phila
acipnia, a man whoso veracity none can
I am happy lo add my testimony to the
great value of the Loudon Hair Color Re
storer which restored my har to its origi
nui iOior, ami the line appears to be per
manent, l am satished Hint this prcpura
lion not a aye tmt operates upon the se
cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes the growth. I purchased
the first bottle from Edward B. Gurrigues.
druggist. Tenth and Coates street, who can
nlso testify my hair was quite gray when I
commenced its use. M1IS. MILLER, No
730 North Ninth street, I'hila.
Dr. Hwayne At Sou, ttespected friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you that
lady of my acquaintance, iMrs. Miller,
delighted with the success of your London
Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast
falling aud quite gray. The color has been
restored, the falling olT entirely stopped
an I a new irrowtli ot hair is the result.
Druggist, cor Tenth aud Co.ttcs, I'hila
July 2-Jd, fH7l. Dr. Swayue & Son:
Last winter while iu Trcutun, N. J., I pro
cured s.x bottles London Hair Color ltc
sloier, which I like very much, in fact bet
ter than any thing I have used in the last
nine years. If you please, send me one
dozen bottles COD care 8 Fogler ii
Son Druggists, No T2' Treniont street,
Doston. Kespectfully yours, ADA BAKER
No u'J Rutland Square.
Loudon Hair Color Kostorcr ai.d Dressing
Has completely restored my hair to its
original color and youthful beauty, aud
caused a rapid nnd luxuriant growth.
MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No.tilo North
Seventh .Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dalton of riuladelphin, sys of it.
The Louduti Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively iiiuoug uiy patients and
friends, as well us by myself. I therefore
speak from experience.
75 ?S3 SOTTLE.
Address orders to Dr. SIVA Y.N E .SON
830 Nuih feixih (3i reel, l'liihulelpliin, I'a ,
soic Proprietors.
The appeals will be held in the several
townships of Elk County as follows.
Jones, at tin house of Martin (Sowers,
Tuesday, February 27th, 1877.
Highland, at the house of Levi tllimorp,
Wednesday, February 28lh, 1877.
Millstone, nt the house ot Harry cats,
Friday. March 2nd, 1877.
Spring CreeK, at the housi or J. nomas
Irwin, Saturday, March, 3rd, 1877.
St. Mary 8 Horough, at uennnger lown-
ship, School House No. 1 Monday, March
6th, 1877.
Benxinger, at School House No. 1, Tues
day, March 0th, 1877.
Jay. at Hie house of DavidChase, Thurs
day. March 8th, 1877.
Ilenezet, at the tseneiet House, rmay.
Merch, (Uh, 1877-
Fox, at the bouse of John Koch, rues-
day March 13th, 1877.
Horton. nt J. 8. Hyde's store, Wednes
day, March, 14th. 1877
Kidgwnv. at the commissioners omce.
Friday aud Saturday, March 10th and I7lh,
For unsealed lands at tho Commissioners'
Office, Friday and Saturday, March 16th,
and 17lh, 187".
And for reviewing military enrollinont nt
the Commissioners' Oilicc on Saturday tho
17th of March, 1877
At which liino and place all persons fcel-
insr themselves aggrieved by the assessment
of 1877 or military enrollmeut of 1877 can
attend if they see proper.
Uy order ot the Hoard,
W. 8. HOIU'OX, Clerk.
Ridgwny, V , February 0th, 1877.
i i m m w. ' i r j w n i t wb h nvi jf sa
virion p. vv wiwo u
i-,tt -,' ! - -- T Jfr. :3 ZrL TZL iiiiKC
. I ;.-Jrj.jl.i-.:-Vvw,,V--"CM
?T'r-,-'TT'v ""n-rr: -rL.a i-rr,vr'. a
mm it
i&$ uBfmm it ill
m ilfipt If yi
I 'r-se rr.tnnrl;r.ljli in itr itnoiltB CiT:t-.:iti-- for 'liuu;ii::ll efir.cta
.i.w.ic'3 iit .mil I roi.-si.-nai. ana an om.vac-it ri any imuji,
xprcMJon never ueiorc atiaiiwa.
' BeauWul New Styles, now ready.
T II K it II M G S "
This distreFsing and dangerous complaint
nnd its prouioLitory svmptoms, ucglectcd, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting
lesli Iviver purmaneiitly ciue.l by DJwTOil
BRONCHITIS A preuicmltor or Pul
monary Connimption, is characterized by
catarrh, or iullamatiou of the miicuni mem-
braue of the air passages, with cough nnd
expectoration, short breath, hoarseness,
pains in the chest. For all bronchial aliei;
iiods sure throat, loss of voice, coughs.
Petkrsojts Maoazine for March
opens with (in exiuisite steel enprrav
ing, "Coining Homo," which is alone
worth the price of the number. This
ip followed by u tloublt-slzed colored
fushion plate, with live fitrures, u very
beautiful ullnir. Then eome.s u eoh,r l
patUrn fur u tidy on Java canvass:
tiien n c-hurtriiiiy enruving, "The
Fast Express. ;" and then home forty
other illustrations of fashions, work
table pattern, etc-., &c. "ihestories are
uuusually goid this mouth. We no
tice particularly a powerful one by
Mrs. F. Hodgson Burnett, "Mademoi
- selle Huzette," and also Mrs. Ann S.
Stephens' stirring novelet, "The De
pendent Cousin." We do not'see-how
any lady can do without this maga
zine, for it combines more attractions,
and for a less price, thau any other of
the kind. The price to feiugle faub
scribers Is only two dollars a year. To
eluba it Is cheaper still. It is not too
late to get up clubs for 1877, and per
vitins manv who thoucht they could
not afford it, earlier in the season, can
afford it now, when timet are wimi
taUeablii getting better. Specimens
are sent, gratis, to those wishing to
tret up clubs. Back numbers, to Janu
ary inclusive, can always be furnished
Address Charles J. Peteksox; 806
New Yai li-lie-i of Flower and Vegetable.
Don't writM to vour member of congress,
wlio i flooded wilh applications for seeds
but obtain the same Varieties, nnd all the
new ones, by ordering from the undersigned
Uesnle my own specialties 1 am prepared
to furuii-h ar.v kind of seed from any oata
Ing ue nt a discount of lea per ceut from
lint prices, tor the convenience ot tliose
who want an assortment I have prepared
two collections. No 1 oonsis:s ot ljvarie
lies of choieost Flower f-ee-ls a complete
flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises
a complete colled i in ot egetable seeds
for a small family cavden, price Sl.tiO
Packages of the two sets cotnb'itied for
ent postpaid lo any address ou receipt of j
price. The seeds in these collections
would cost double the money, made up in
separate orders or purchased of any dealer.
11. 1). SMITH,
734 13th 8TREET, Washington, D. C.
ces. trade-marks, designs, and compounds,
babels registered. Infringements, re
issues und interferences will received
prolt attention.
model or sketoji of their invention, and
we will give our opinion as to its patenta
bililyifree of charge. .Fees moderate, and
CURED. We will, upon coutingont fee, prosecute
cases that have been bkjecteo by the
Taleut Othce.
We have clients in every State in the
Union, and invite inquiry through your
congressman as to our standing before the
Patent Ollice.
Seud for circular for further iufomation,
term and references. Established in 1866.
Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign
711 Q street, J W., -
lVstbirg'fln, 1 C. .
JIMeJ to Jtft JTfbeit Tl&n Komt Talk
mndUUdical Common. Sn:AUQ
J)rlMe Science in Story.
lerJitrtfcukurs address .
ITurrayHiUBjblijhinS Conpsuiy mdTbt
Sr. Berrtr's Tonlo Bowel and file Fills.
Thaw pUU an on lafalliui remnJj tor eanatlpaUon
. j nil aaiuMd br wMkuaN or aupprsuton of the
m-iiuluo isMian of th buwtli. ThT vary gsntly
tuoreu to aotirity ot tho lnuttlnsl osnsl, pruduos
mil suols snd rUr pile at on. Thousand hars
kn carad by than. Prica 60 eaata, aant by mail na
rwvint of price. Praparad only by P. ALFRED
RE1CHA.BDT, PaaiutAuuY, 40s JocrrH Avutoa,
Nkw Yoaa cm.
Br. Berger't Compound Jlnid Extract of
Rhubarb and Dandelion.
Tha butt oombination of purely veratabla nadlolnaa
to aiidnly replace Calomal or Blaa Pill. It Mimulati-a
tha livar, Inorrawa tha flow of btla, and thua ramoveai
at oaua lurpidity of toe lirar, bijioaanaaa and habltuij
aon.tipation. and tha diaeaaaa ariaing from such aa
a.uianaia. aiak haadaaha. flatultnae. ttc Thaaffao.
livenaa ot thia Ixtraot will ba provad, ytaiblj, at ones
to tha patitnt, aa oaa r two bottlaa ara autnclant to
alaar tha complexion oeautiruuy, anu remora punpies
and ataina cause- by brer troubles. Prioa 91 per bottle.
I battles, S3 ; will be sent on receipt of the prioa
to aay addiaaa. free of oliurjje. aPrepared only by
aruri, Vaw Xowt Out.
Commencing Sunday, Nov. 110th, 186
Mail Kast .'. 4:13 p m
" West 2:47 p m
Dny Exjiress Kust 6:22 u m
Xiugant Express West 8;55 p m
Mail East..
Mail Weft
Day Express East...
Niagara Express West...
sr. habv's.
Mail East
Mail West l:4ti p iu
Day Express East 7:20 a in
Niagara Express West 7:45 p m
4:49 p m
2:11 p iu
6:06 a in
8:14 p ni
C;15 p m
Lodge Meetings.
Elk Lodge. No. 379. A. Y. M meets
the seeond aud fourth Tuesdays of
each month in Masonic Hall.
Elk Chanter. No. 230, R. A. M.f
meets the third Tuesdayof each month
in Masonic Hall.
Knapp Commandery, No. 40, K. T.
meets the fourth Thursday of each
month in Masonic Hall.
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry-
Hemorrhage, or Spitting of I'liod. nay
proceed from the larynx, trnehia, bronchia
or lungs and arises from various causes, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or full
uets of ihe vessels, weak lungs, overstruiu-
ng of tho voice, suppressed evaluation, ob
struction of the spleen or liver, o.
Dr. Sway lie's Compound Syrup of AVild
( lierry.
strikes at the root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring the liver and kidueys
to healthy ui-liuu, invigorating Ihe nervous
Ihe only stauduru remedy lor heuior-
rhnno, uronuhial aud all imluiouury com
plaints. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should nut tuato Use
this great vegetable remedy.
lis marvelous power, not only over con
cutiipt-oii, but over every chronic disease
where a gradual alterative action is needed
Under its une Ihe cough is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain suhsides,
the pulse returns to Its natural standard
the stomach is improved in lis power to di
gest and Assimilate the food, aud every
organ has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it, out of which tew re
creative and plantio inotoriul is rcade.
4 Prepared only by
a:Wortli Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Sold by ah Prominent Dsuouists.
Itching Fifes I
I'Ositivrly cuuki) by the use of
I was sorely aiilicteJ with one of the most
distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or uiore commonly known as Itching
Piles. The itching at times was almost in
tolerable, increase i bv scratching, and not
unfrequently become quite sore. I bought
a box of Ssrayno's Ointment; its use gnve
quick relief, and in a short time n-.-i'ln a
perfect cure- lean now sleep uudiiiturbtd,
and I would advise all who are suffering
wilh this distressing complaint to procure
Swayne'a Ointment at once. I had tried
prescriptions almost innumerabo, without
finding and perms nent relief
(Firm of Roedel & Christ,)
Boot and Khoe House 844 North Second
Street. Philadelphia.
Bwayne's All-healing Ointment is also
a specilio for Tetter. Itch, bait Rheum
S;ald Head,. Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er
ruptions. Perfectly safe aud harmless
even on the most tender infant. Price 60
emits. Sent by mail to ilby address ou re
ceipt of price.
Celebrated all over the world lor its remar
kukle cures ol Scrofula, Mercural and Hyplii-
lit!, rnmiilt.'i.l 1 ......-! 1. .. i.
..... uaunuu ayuipiouis in an
cuuiiuiiiiiuuiiuus, uaarues letters to Ulv,
w AHb bON, PhiUdilj.hitt.-n7y!
BY virtue of the powers vested in us by
Ihe provisions of a certain mortgage
executed and delivered by the Kersey Coal
Company to the undersigned, diited the 1st
day of June, A. D. 18(18, nnd duly re
corded in the recordi-r's, office for Elk
county, State of Pennsylvania, in mortgage
book B." page l.):t, &c., as well as by
virtue of the authority of the decree of tho
Court of Common Pleas of Elk county,
Stato of Pennsylvania, silting in equity,
foreclosing the mortgage aforesaid, we will
expose to public salo, at the court house, in
Kiilgway, in the nuid oountv of Elk, on
A. D. 1877, nt one o'cIock P. M., nil the
rights, franchiees and property of the
Kersey Coal Company, including real es
tate particularly deseribed ns follows :
All tliose two certain tracts or pieces of
land situn'.o in Fox township; Elk county.
State of Pennsylvania, one being bnuuded
and described 'as follows : Regaining at a
post nt the northeast corner of Eli I'.
Kvlcr's land: thenco cast, partly by laud
of Natlv nnd D. t. Hyn't, one hundred and
eighty-seven rods (187) to a beech; thence
south, by hind of Horace Little, one hun
dred anil bixty mils lo a post md Btoness
thence west, by lands of Joseph Cook and I
Jesse Kyler, one hundred and eighty-seven
rods to a post; thonc-o north by lauds of
Jesse Kyler and Eli P. Kyler, one hundred
and sixty rods to the place of beginning,
containing one hundred and eighty-seven
acres, tnoro or less, b eingpnrt of the tracts
os. 4U78 and 4)79, and ihe same con
vej ed to Joseph S. Hyde by fc iw ird Mo
juono nnd El'en, h's wife, by their deed,
dated 9th day of November, A. V. 1855,
duly recorded in thu oilice for the record
ing ofdiicds in Elk county, in deed book
"V," page 43!, &c.
Al(0 Another Iruct adjoining tho ono
iihuvo described, nnd is hounded and des
cribed as follows : Reginning nt a chest
nut iree standing in the west line of war
n.nt No. 4078 ; thence ea.t, by lands of
Eli P. Kyler and J. S Hyde, one hundred
rods, more or lesn, lo an elkwood ; thence
north one hundred nnd sixty-nine and six-
tenths (16!! 0-10) rc-ds, more or less, to a
moplo tree ;' thence nest one hundred rod,
more or less, to a beech ; thence soulb, by
warrant No. 4:J74. one hundred and tij-ty-niueand
six-tenths (tti'.l 0-10) reds, moro
or lc-g to the place of beginning, contain.
ing cue huudied and sit ares, uiore or
less, being part of tr;ict No. 41)78, and the
eauie land conveyed 'o Joseph S. Hyde by
Bit field P I.ittlo nnd Lydin A. M.. his
wife, by their deed dated llh day of July,
A. I). 18-jO, duly recorded m the othco lor
the recording of deeds iu Elk county, in
deed book "11," page 7-37, A O.
Also All tho following described tracts
of land situate in llie township of rox
aforesaid, bounded and dcaoribsd as fol
lows: One tract beginning at n postal
Ihe south side of the Milesburg and Smeth
port rosd, on the western line of Daniel
Hyatt's land, forty-six (40) perches, more
or less, lo a hemlock , thence west forty-
three (43) perches more or les9. to an elk
wood tree on l.ihel's line; thence north
along said Libel's Hue, seveniy-four (74)
perches more or less, to the MileBburg aud
tfmethporl road ; thence easterly along said
Mile.-burg nud tmeihporl road to the pluce
of beginning, containing sixteen (16) acres
more or less.
Alto One tract begiuuiiig at a post ou
the mill road; llieuce west eighty one
(81) rods to John Semoling's soulheiist cor
ner ; thence north ninety-two (fli) rods to a
douo corner; thence cast niueiy-six (90)
rods to mill road; thence south twenty six
degrees east twenty (20) rods thence south
teu degrees west tweniy (L'0) rods, thence
south thirty degrees west tweuty (20;)
i-oda: thence eoutU fiflceu degrees west
thirty-two (32) rods to place of beginning,
containing fifty (00) acres more or less.
Also Ono tract beginning at a post :
tbenco east, bv laud of George Weis,
seventv-eieht (78i rods to a post , Iheuce
south 'sixty-one nnd iwo-hirds (Olj) rods
by hind of J. 8eifred; thence weal seeu'y
iuht (781 rods, bv land of D. V. Hyait;
thence north sixty-one and two-thirds (til S)
rods, by lunds of Benainger Hi Eechbach, to
the place of beginning, containing thirty
(:iU) acres, being part of warrant 407.
Also One tract begiuniug ut a post ,
thence east twenty (20) rods, by lands ol
Bcnzinger fc Eschbacli ; thence south forty
(10) rods by Innds of D. D. liyatt , thence
west tweniy (20) rods, by lands of Patrick
Murphy, deceastd ; thance uorin loriy
rods by lauds of Benzinger & Lschbach, to
the place of begiuning, containing five (5)
u'ires, also part of No. 4078.
Also All tho coal, iron, ores, and other
minerals of whatever kind, lying aud beiug
in or upon all that ceituin tract situated iu
Fox township aforesaid, beginning at a
hemlock ; thence east, by lauds of Joseph
8. Hyde, ono hundred and two (102) rod
to a water beech : thence north by lund of
Horace Little, eiuhtv-five (8-"0 rods to a
post ; thence west, by land of George Weis,
one hundred and iwo (11)-' rous lo a pom ,
thence south eiuhtv-hve (85) rods to the
nlice of beeinnine containiug flny-four
(04) acres snd thirty (30) perches, together
wilh the right of ingress and egress, and to
enter unon and into said lund for the pur
pose of examining and searching for and of
mining, manutacturing anu preparing me
said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals,
for market, and transiioi line the same, and
fcr these nurnoses to build roads anl
drains unon or under the surface of said
linds, as may be necessary and proper fur
the convenient use ana worxiug
and exp
ui? Hi Jl Uriri If UUU Li
nvnr.niw. rrtH wiiifiirton St.. Vti-tuiv. S70 Stair Kt.. ( hlcairot 23 LndMte Hill, tondo.
A Mn;k-al Jotirnal cf -elected music una vaiiwDw iwim
irntt'ir. Vv mm; f' i 5i vcr vcar, or ten cems a numuer. Mt.ii "'""
f ih- finest selected music. GFO, W00D3 L CO., Publishers, LamDnagepon, mz
riS -
Our large and increasing business demands more room, and we will after April 1st,
1877, occupy 2d and 3 I floors of "M'Callunt Building" 77 Fifth Avenue (nearly
opposite our present location,) nnd will offer to the trade one uf the largest. and best
slocks of goods in Ihe United States, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Bronxes,
Jewelry Silver & Haled Ware do., &. .
C. B. BARRETT & CO., 77 Firth Avanue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Offlco, over Povcll Kime's Storo, Main Street.
$2.00 A YEAU-$Lo0 TA' ADVAA'Cll.
Demorest's Monthly, with premium, and Advocate, orf
Bead the Premium List.
Peterson's Magazine, and Jhc ADVOCATE or $3.0 O
of the
mines or works, with a right to deposit the
dirt or waste of the said mines or works
upon the surface convenient thereto to
irnihw with all the l-iohts. property, im
provements, franchises and estates of said
company acquired or which may be here
after acquired.
i'KED. 8CHWEDLER.1 Tlugte.B
FUED. W.BILLINGS.; 1,u9te8-
Ridgway, l'a. Feb. 15, 1870-tit.
Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates Furnished'
Ware call at W. 11. SMITH'S, corner j
w Main and Mill streets. ,