DAIOBL SCtTLL, ttlOIt ITE1FF OP ELK IXIUNTY, IN ACCOUNT WITH Tilfi BE V . KKaI. aciluOL DISTRICTS. January 1, IW7. To balance duo Horton Reboot vlHtriot M last settlement .,., , So 00 IfiOOO Bjr Dalanoe dneltortoti School dlitrlot " oo a&ooo THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE KANE. IUDQWAY AND ST. MAHY'S STATE KOAO IN ACCOUNT WITH THE FUNDS UPBAID ROAD FOR THE YEAR END ING JANUARY 1, 1877. January 1, W77. To balance In hand state road treas urer at lapt settlement . SIV, So " am't rec'd from treoa. M'Kcnn co. -mm " " " " Elk county 8,397 66 $8,1W98 Hy atn't paid Geo. b. MpsnrtiRof, Jr., iur uuiiuuig iffu mnc oi roau,.,,tii " amount pnldTanning and Lumber company for labor, etc...,..,.., " ain't pd. Wilcox I,. co. aco't of 76 t. (( ( VJQ " " Itall A M'Cauley, atty's Benrloe two years . " " " J. L. Brown, sec'r 2y'rs ' M.B.Kllno, fnak gdUpl'a " amount paid ou bond No, 14.,, .... 1,807 86 479 97 116 6o 45o oo 81 oo 2S oo 8oo l,2flooo 1 1., ..,,,. 1,820 OO 645 66 Wo oo Otto oo 682 25 f7,6M 12 ,. 1.0o588 21.. 17 lM.ii,,,,,, 7!lltl.l.i balanoe due fund,, 89,159 98 We, the Undersigned, Auditor of Elk County, having met at the commissioners' ufnoe. In Rldgwnjr, In laid county, on the first Monday of January. A. p. 1S77, being the Rrat day of the month, which -wa a olid'a, we adjourned to Tuesday. January Sd, 1877, at which time we proceeded with the Settlement, and do hereby certify that we have carefully exnmlned, audited, settled and adjusted the accounts of tho commissioners of tho Kane, RlrgWay and St. Mtry's State Road, aud find It correct, as net lttrth In the foregoing report. In witness whereof, wo lmn hereunto set bur hands, the 24th day of January, 1). 1877, W. H. IIYDM ) GEO. T. HOTITnOCK, S Co, AUd'ra, R. I. SPANUI.ER, , J Attest M. S. Klink, C'lfrk. RA TIM & CHAMBERLAIN. (Successors to U. A. tththbuti,) Attor-neys-at-Lntv, Main titm.-t, llldf? way, KIk Co., Pu. HALL & M'VA I'LL'', Altottieys-Bt-L-. Office in New llrlck Building, Main Si fctdnway, KIk Co., fit. v8h2if. L VCOrTe & lIAMRLEN, Attorneys-nt-I.aw, lUilgway, JClk County Pa. Office ncfoss the hail from the Democrat cstaJbltHhmont. (.'(films for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, FiftgraVcf and Jeweler Main street, HiilgWay, I'n. Agent Tor the tiowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold i'en. ltepn illug Watches, etc, tlorewith te same accuracy as heretofore. (Satis action guaranteed. Vlnly W. BAILtiY, ATTUHSEY-AT'IiAW. Vlnol. Ridgway, KIk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi Jeul Insurance Co,, of llUflftird, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon DentiBt, having pciflnllclilly lo Cated in ltlgtny, offers hie professional ser vices to the dtitttis of Kldgwy aria sur rounding country. AH work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. etairs, first dour to th! left. 73-n'bi ly G. G. MESS Eli G Ell, Druggist and Fnrniaectttifit, fT. W. Ctffnei of Main and Mill streets, Hidgvray, Pa. full assortuieat of carefully selected For eign and Domestic DVngs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed fit all hours, day or bight. VlnSy T. S. HARTLEY. M. IK, Physician aim Stfrgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner Broad aud bppositf the College. JRi98 tionrs from b lo 10 A. M. and Horn 7 to 8 1'. M. Tlj2y'.. J. S. li OR I) WELL, M. Kclectio riiysisian slid Surgeon, hosremoT ed his office from Certire'stitet, to. Mail st. Kidgivay. Pnit iti tie second stdfy of thf hex brick, building of John 0. Hrtll, oppo site Hyde's elofe. Offieo hours!-l lo J, V M 1 to V P M HYDE HOU&Et Hii9WAt, i Co., Pa s:iiHnkfal for tlt pHtronnge litrrctaforc o libVirull; bifsiowed upon Uim, the new proprior, h'.'pcs, by pay!ftg atflct at lention 40 fb comfort ghd cofite&ieucs ol guests, a l f fit u evntihtmiifa ci thi dame. Oct 30 lCOif, ' "kersey, iiuuxk, CKftTHtmLK, ER CO., Pi. John OoxLins, Yttiptttut. Thankful fPr tli patfVDxgs fcercrtoiort eo uberiiiy sestoweu upon him, the new proprietor, hopee, ry ptying strict at tention to the comfort ami conteOienot ef guests, t' merit a continuance of the same. O. FA Y. LUMDEH ANDrieUHANCfct'OM MISSION BROKER, AJfrlJ QENEKAli COLLECTION AOENT No 316 Walmit Place, (318 Waliittt Btrett,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. ti 41-lJr The undersigned represents tbe fol lowing reliable Companies for this District. Aetna Hartford,. 7,000,000. North Drlttsb Mercantile- 10,owu,000. German American, N. Y... 2WO,000. N lagara N. Y , . . 1 ,500,000. Amazon, Ofalo., (....- 1,000,000. Paterson, N. J , 1 1 1 ...... 400,000. Farmvllle, Va.v ...., 250,000. Travelers Life & Aeeident. 4,000,000. Correspondence ewliclted frotn those desiring insurance. P. B. VVAC1ITEL, i4U13 . St. Huff's Pa. J W. II AYS, tAt4 It) Cry Goodtf, ffotisfig, Gftcsfies. and 0oeral Variety, FOX, ELK GO,, PA. JEfirlty J. O. vln47tf. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COCli ing, also ehoice syrup always on' hand at POWELL KIME'S. . ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. A K'S. k Mmxkt THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1877. ArrlTftl and Departure of Malls EtuiternDally except Sundays; ar rives at 2t22 p. m., leaven at 6:16 p. m.; Western Dally except Sundays; leaves at 2i22, arrives at 6:16 p. m. Brookvllle Dully except Sundays arrives at 12 m,, leaves at 2:80 p, m. Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a. m,; leaves Wednes days and Fridays at 9 tt. m. County Officers, President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wettnore Associate Judges Hons. J. K. Whit more, Chas- Luhr. Hherlfl Daniel Pcull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley, District Attorney J 1 K. P. Hall. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary. Ac Fred. Schcening. Deputy Prothottotary W, H. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. Ht Osterhout, Oeorge Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, George Rothrock. Township Ofllccrsi Jude of ElectionWill Dickinson. InspcctorsJftmes Penfield, P. R. Smith. Justices of the fence Charles Mead, Jas. 0. f uiicrton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler, N. T. Cum- mihgs, W. 8. Service, EUR. J. Miller. HupcrVlsors O. li. Fitch, Jas, Wley. Trensuter w. H. Hyde. Assnssor-M. S. Kline. Asulstant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Wnlnisley.- Auditors J. 11. Hagerty, James 1'en fleld, J. S. Powell. (Jlerk-M. B. Kline. Countable J. W. Morgester. Chnfchtsi LullH'tttu Rev. IiDrenncmnn, pas tor. Services every alternate Sunday, in both English and German, at 11 a. m. atld 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. the ptmtor Superintendent; Geo. A. waiKcr, assistant. Grace Episcopal Rev. Win. James Miller, rectoi'. services evvry Sunday at the Usual hours, 1 1 a. Hi. niid 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10 ft. in. All are cordially invited to fttU'fitt, cttts free. Mel Hod 1st Rev. A. Vflii Camp, pastor. Services every HiilHlnyat ll a. m. and 7 p. m. Untidily sfliool at 9:80 a. m C. E, H'jlladtty, ittperin tenderttf Geo. R. DIon, assistant. Young folks' Bible CIhss at 8 p. m. Regular Ofllcial Meeting the second Monday of each month at 8 p. m. Roman Catholic-Rev. Father Maher pastor. Services every other Sunday at 10 n. m. PKfeSMYTfcKlAfr. Rpv. A. J. Mont gomery, Pastor. Services every fourth Sunday in the Ltttllt'fttll church at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Cttl8TAlORO8 HAIR DYE, Cristadoro'e Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, aud is easily ap. plied. It Is ft ettindnrd preparation, and rt fttvome upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lmty ot Gentleman Sold by Druggists. A, CKISTADOHO, P. O. BoJc, 1533, N-?w York. Nt-44 RAILROADS PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & RiHf It. It. VMMtlx WlltlER TlSiE tABLE. rN ahJafter SL'NDAY, NOV.20, 1876, J the trams on the Philadelphia & Erie Uailroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leares Henovo 4 45 p n " " lriitsrood.. 6 oo p m Emporium 6 50 p m ' " 8t Mary,., 7 4o p tn " " " Hldgway.,, g 14 p m arr at Kane.. 9 20 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m ' " " RenoTO 11 00 a m " " Etnporiuui 12 55 p m " St. Mary's.vi.,,. ........... 1 46 p m " Hidgwajr .:..4..mtu 2 11pm .3 30 p m 7 85 p m " arrive t Efle ut.um, EASTWARD, DAY F'X leaves Kane.... ..iii.O.OO a tn " " " Riogway,J.(,7,56am " " Si Marys..;j..7 20 a m " " Emporium. .......8 10 a m ' Driftwood..... 8 68 p m " " Besoto .........10 10 pm ERIE MAIL leaves ri. ......... 1 1.00 a m " " " Kant......, 9 60 p m " " " Ridgwsy 4 49pm " " 8t. Mart's.., 5 16pm " " EmpWiaru ...v. C 10 p m " " KenoTO.... ,..., p m " " arr. at Pbiladephia.. 7 00 a m Day Elprtfts and Kiitgarn Elpress con nect east with Low Grade Division and B N. VI & P. K, R. WM. A. DAhVVriti. Qe''l Stp't. QUOTATIONS l9 White, PoweU L Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Ftb. 6th, 1877. ID. ASKED U. S. 1831. ......... 1 14. do 6 30, o '05 M and N........108 do do '65 J and J- 110 114 109 110 dor do '65 do ......... .U3i 114 do do1 '66 do 116 117 10-40, dor eotipotf ..MM...114 do l'aoiho 6 ey Int. off 123 New Reg. 1881......rf..........lll " C. 188-I....,..,.......ni Gold.v.v,.v.v..............M ,10&f 1 Silver .. 100 100 rennsyWama e' iVtf 461 48 Readitfg ..........-.v.-,; 14 14i Philadeipbta & Eri ...v.v.. ...... 131 181 irfingn navigation. ........ do Valley. ' United B B of N J......... e. (fiv.. 19'9 189 Oil Creek 7J 7 Northern Central ....ex. div 25 26 Central f ftfmiportalioa 38 Nesquehonicg 62 North Pennsylvania,. ......-.. ...... 48 38! 62 48 C & A Mortgage 6' '84. .v 110 110, POWELL 6e KIME are getting all kinds of new goods every day. We frequently happen In at their store and always bco something new. Although they are no bands to blow, they keep ouietlv shout theirbufllu(ef, arjftj al- Ways keep their stock complete. f YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES 11 HAGERTY Main Street) Rldgwayt Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS BliUKS, UATS AND UAPM, glass and queens ware, wood and willowware. Tobacco and cigars A Largtj Stock of Gfoceriw and Provisions The BEST BttAND.1 ot FLOUR Constantly tin hand, and sold Hs cheap as the CHEAPEST . JAMES It HAGERTY NAILS AND GLASS, AT POWELL 4, KIME'S. EW LIVERY STABLE IN N RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally that he has started a Livery Stable rtd trill keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. IfctrHe will aiso do job teaming. Stable on Bftmd xtfetrt. above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention! AUgilOlSiltt WOLL EN SOClirt AND MITTENS at . POWELL & KIME'S BUCKWHEAT l'LOUR. AND Graham Flour at POWELL KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S. AT POWELL KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and git more than the worth Of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS a nice liltlc assortment, At POWELL 4: KIME'S. FLOUR, TORIf, FEED, CORN- Meal, Out, always Ort hand at POWELL &, KIME'S nt bottom pri ces. A FEW MORE" OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; blit s ill are a little cheaper than at any other sioro in town; CAUTION. All persons are hereby etoui'oned not to purchase, nt in nnjr Wnv meddle with, the foilowisg dl'sCribc.) pitfperty now at the LSelmool .Mill, KIk Co., I'u. : One hundred thousand ftct Hemlock Lumber, more or ltss. One hundred and seventy. eight thousand Pin Sbitfgles, more or lees. 1 purchased the same at Sheriff's Sale. J. II. HAGERTY. Deo. SO, 1870. n 00t3. ' PIMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe fof prepar ing a sirflpls Veoetabli Ual that Will re move TaA, FHECKLE8, PIPPLES atd BkOTcnxs, leaving Hid skin soft, Clear and beautiful ; also instructions for produoing a luxuriant growth of Irnir en a bald head or smooth lace. Address rn. Vandelf A Co.. Box 6121, No 5 Wooster St., N. Y- ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who coffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature De cay, and all tbe effects of yonthful iu discre tion will, for the sake1 of suffering hu. inanity, send free to a!) Who need it, the recipe and direction for Waking the simple remedy by which he Was oPre'i. Sufferers wishina to profit by tbe advertiser's ex. perlence can do so by addressing in perfect connaen'.'e. JOHN B. OGfM, 42 Ceda Si., Nw toft. A NICE LOT OF NEW PHINTS at POWELL 4 KIME'S, only eight ents per' yaf J. K. t. CABLET, Mi D. VI TRS- EARLEY . IfAKlMAH, i V, A HAK7MAN. r. W, fl. HartrtJutt,- ftxrAherl of St. Mary's, BBS associaiiu nimseif wltn M. J.. Earley, M; P in the tractice of meaicine at magwar isf close at tentiou to business they h&bt to re' ceive a liberal share)' Of tbe pHtronage of tbe public. Dr.- W B Hartfnan can be found at all bouts, either at his roonis, tuter tne ptst-oJnee or at Dr. M. J.-Earley'sDru Store, Dr. M, J. Earlev can be found at the refcitienco of Dr. C- K. Earlet, pr at his Druir Store. Surgery, aiid diseases of women i and chll lldren a speeialhy dealer in all krflcls ttt tubihdt mte, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen and extention tables, wood and marble top tands, wood and marble top bureaus, what nots, looking glaw8, ofd and marble top1 cnamber suisff,. mat tresses pring bed bottom, bed Bteadsy etibs, Lafcrtv'a metnl lined Wood bumips Ac- Cane seats milaeed with oerforated wood seats, Weed sewing aiachin reduced from $6& to $V, the est machine in the market, and pic ture frames mde to 6rder. Also a large assorted stock- of ready made comnw constantly on) baud aftc? trim med at shortest notice. All the above gooiLJ are sold at panio prices. Ware Jiooms in masonfo building, Hi Kidgway Pav 5n49tpdSfr2777.- v DfilED APPLE8 AT TOWELL & KIME'S. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONOdN HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Df makes harsh hair soft and Iky; ileanses the icalp from all lttlpuritlcg, causing the hair to grow Where it htit fallen off er beflomU thin. flati be applied by the band as it dues hot stain the skin orjsoil the finest linn. As a Hair Dressing it is the most peileot the world has ever produced, t he bair is re novated ahd Strenflhtitied. and natural co'or rSBtoreil witiioUt the application of mineral sttDstanBCS. Since the introduetion of this truly valu able preparation into tnis edtitltrv. it has been the Wotldef and admiration of all clas ses, as it bits proved to be tilt) Only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair id its original otilof, health softness, lustrand beauty, antl produce hair on bald bends of its original growth nil color. This beautiful ttnd frasi-antl perfumed article is complete Within ilDelf, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or acoompanyment of fldy kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hera lit III tr6of of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. 7?0ftd this Home Ortifletlte, testified to by Edward B. Qarrigties one of the most ompetent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man Whose Veracity none can doubt. I am happy to odd fiiy testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which reHtored my lift it to 113 oriiri ual Color, and the hue appears to be per manent. I am satiffied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the se cretions. It is also a beuutlful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Gnrrigues, druggisl. Tenth Ind Coates street, who can also testify niy httir Wns quite gry when 1 commenced its nS. MHS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth etreeti Phlla. Dr. PWavnS & Coni KSpreSted friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London u air Uolor Kestnrer. ' Her Jmir was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the fulling off entirely stopped, anj a new growth of hair is the result: . a. UAHK1QUK3, Druggist, flor Tenth and Cotttes, Philo. BOSTON TESTIMONY! July 22d, 1871.lr. SWflyne & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hnir Color He stoier, which 1 liko very muoh, in fact bet ter than nnv thing 1 hale Used in the last nine yeare. If .ru please, send me one dozen bottles COD care VY S Fouler & Son Druggists, No '23 Tremont street, lioslon, Kespectrully yourn, A OA DAKEIt No 09 Rutland Square London Hair Color lu'stdrer ai.d L'tessiug lias coiopletely restored my hair to us original color and youthful beauty; and caused a rapid and Inauriant growth. Mlt3; AJVJN11S MUlvHlo, fto.olo North Seventh Stieet, Philadelphia. Vt. Daltoft or Flnladlphia, says of it. The London Hair Color hestorer i3 used very eltensively among my patients and friend?) as well as by myself. I therefore speak from eipsrience. 75 GENTS fm BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. S WAYNE a SON 830 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietdrai solo uv tLt ntovcaisTs T II B Ji II ;N O S COMStJMPTlON! This distressing aud daneerous complaint aud its premonitory symptoms, neglected coiifjh, nigllt sweats, hoarseness, Wusting flesh lever fietnaneutly cured by DOGTCB SWAYWE'S CSKPOVNi. SYRUP OF WILD CHE S3 Y. BRONCHITISA frettofcitor ot Pul monary Conttttuption, is ohttracterized by catarrh, or intlamatiou of the rtlucum mem brane of tho air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest. For all bronchial affec tions, ftpr'g throat, less of vuico, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Sherry IS A SOVERE1PN REMEDY Hemorrhago, or Spitfinf of I'liod; may proceed from the larynx trauhia, bronchia or lungs and arises lrom various causes, as uudue physical erertioD, plethora, of full ness ot ihe vessels, weak lungs, overefrain ng tt IbS voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction ot tbe spleen or liver, &o. Dr. Swayue's Compound Syr up of Wild Vhetrfi strike 4f. the fo'tft of (lisensS by ptlfifjjtlg the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to liealtby action, invigoratiog the nervous system. The only standard remedy for hem or rhatiet, oronchinl and all ptilmonary com plaints. Consumptives or luose predis posed to VeriK langs should riot fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its niarveions power, not only over con- cumpt-on, but over every chroma disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its Use the CoagTi is Ifroseaed. tlie night sweats diminished, tho' ftiih subsides, the pulse returns to its nattiral standard, the stomach Is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate' (he f0od, Sad (very organ has a purer aud better (rjality '.of blood supplied to it, out of which rew re creative and plastio material is made'. Prepared onfy if 6r. swayne&son, 839 crth Sixth Street, rhiladclpliia. So id by all Prominent Druggists. Itching Piles! WleS, piles, iTCfnrxrjt PILtSS, posiiivELT ctaiib by the ose of sWAWfes OIntMenI flOME TiiSTfMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Priifihii or Pru rigA, or more (Sotomohly tnoWn as Itching Piles. Tne itcmng at times was almost In tolerable, increased bv scratohintr. and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a bos of S wayne Olntmentj Ua use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure- can now sleep undisturbed, and i would advise all who are' suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at oocfe. I bad fried prescriptions almost innumerabe, without finding and permanent relief JOSEPH tv.f!HRfsf. ' , . (Firm of Boedel 4 Christy fioot and Shoe' House 644 North fieoond 8treet. Philadelphia. Skin diseases. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a specifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum. Braid Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Soaly. erusty, cutaneous Er'. rupfions. Perfectly .safe and harmless even on the most tender infant, Pnoe 50 cepta. Sett by tnau to any address on re- IwaSws auacea. Celebrated all over the world for its remar kakle cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphi litio complaints. Jjesoribe symptoms in all communications, address letters to DS, WAYNB dtSON, 1'hiladtlpb.ia. a7yl. Froid tlid PuttsVUlo Miner's Journali Onr Cjniidldate for Auditor" (Jenoi'ah It Id With feelings of much gratlfl cation that we see the" tinme of our honored townsmari, Jdllrt Ai it. Pass mdfe. Esq., promlnehtly' rJattted by many of the leading Republicans of thQ State as a suitable persoii tipon WliOm to confer the nomination for Auditor General at out next Republi can State Convention. AVhert a prosperous Commonwealth j is about to select from Its citizens a pfopcr person to serve lrt SO high and sponsible1 A Rttjlticlty, H is well that the' people shall tie informed of the tltiallfleutionH arid thar'itdef Of the hrondscd triindldate lirid it is with a view tif pcffb'r'ming this pleasant duty in this Instance, that we publish the following" slteteii Of cJitf toWrisniari. Mr. PassniOfe Is a son of the late John W. rassmote, BSq., Of Cliester county, arid Wa3 born on the SOtli day of June, 1830, fil West Nottirigliaui township, In that county, Where he was feared under' tile' strict teachings of tile Old Qutlkef School. In the yeai? 1800 Mr. Passniore, desirous of entering into li more active business life than the place of his nativity af forded opportunities for, became a resident Of our town, where he hits evef since been pfOhiirieiltly known in our business, eddCatidiitil, benevo lent and social entcrp'rise'fl, ad One of our lettditig citizens. Ytit & period of several years after coining here, Mr. PtisKhiore was a teacher of one of our higher public school and subsequently conducted an academy for young men, with niarknd ability' and Success, as uiafly Of the pi'omirient young busi ness and professional men here can testify. Having entered upon a student's preparatory course for the study of the law. under the preceptor ship of Hon. John W. Itoseberry, Mr. Fnssmore was admitted to the .Schuyl kill COtirity1 liaf in November, 1865. After eoirihieiicihg tlie practice of the lawatoiir Hut, lie was singled outby the officers of the Metropolitan, and other Insurance companies, us rt suita ble person to take charge Of their busi ness in this community, aiid sometime thereafter Was promoted to the respon sible position of Manager and Attor ney for the Metropolian Life Insur ance Compntiy for the State of Penn sylvania, which position he still fills with credit to himself and his com pany. Mr. Passmore was one of the few en terprising citizens of our borough who founded the Ijliitittrie' institution of the Benevolent Association of Potts ville, and has ever since its creation been one Of its active managers. To him. probably more than to any other person, we are in indebted for the de sign and institution of the Benevolent Association's llo'nic fof Friendless Children, tit which he has been the President since its crt-ation. There are no public or private institutions in our cOlnhiunity of Which Our people are nlore proud tliaii Of these, and it may be said that through their able management, these institutions have beeoriie the most effectual medium through which to distribute Charities and provide homes for the friendless, that have been established in tttiy part of our Commonwealth. Mr. Pass more does u6t belo'rig to that class of men coniniolilv called politicians. He hits sefved at various tiiites in the capacity Of School Director, President of the School Board, and other non political ideal offlcss, but he has never been a 'candidate for any political office, and we doubt not f bfit it is more to gratify the wishes of his many friends in this and other communities than from any private motives that he would accept th3 position for Which he is named. During the active and successful campaign of our party in this county in the Fall of l7, Mr. .rasmore was the Chairman' 6'f the Republican Standing Coih'hii'ttee, arid probably' at no time in the history ot our party am we accomplish ai greater victory In this county than in that eventful campaign. Through his popularity and able administration tho followers of the' Republican catiso' stood firmly together, and manfully did their duty, We theft elected a Congressman, As sembiymari, P'rofhofiofai-y, Recorder, Register and Co'm'missioiier, and re duced a conceded m'ajoTity on the State ticket of 1-300 irt this1 county, to a little over 3C0. He Was m'ade the Chairmau of the County COiilveh'tion last ye&f', and lias for a rfuhiher of years past neia a nign position in tne councils aftmt party. Mr. rasSinofo' h.ts fn.Mn'y friends in this co-iiiity, Who Will rejoice at the nromihetite that sfeems o await him Certainly nb better choice could bo made fOr this posltiorl. His character as a' gentlerttaf, Ms intCgrifv as a man his Iilgit oraer ot quanncations, most emifi'entlv befit bim for' this important and responsible oflioe; and should he be nomiiiafed hisgenefal acqfiainfance and friendship With many of the lead ing citizens of our Commonwealth, as well as with' tho "masses, Would he guarantee of an o'vefwlielmirig" ma jority at the election.- We know that Mr. rmmo-re bis many friends In this county Who will Work most assidously for liM fiOtolnation and electfoit, and he in so Well atid favorably kWOWu throitgbout the' State that wfe feel as sured that so etfolig ten effort made for so strong a eariditlatf eaitfrWt Ml to Win. There is another' Cofisi'deriation that should engage ttre attention or our lie publican itfz'etfs throughout the State, and that hi the fact that our great An- f linu1t coal rec-ion is not reBresented iif one of the tlepartmeuts of Statq at Harrisourg. The good work that has been done in this section corld be re warded in no better wat flian confer ring upon one of it,a most honorable citizens the nomination for this office, and we niay" already congratulate our friend. Mr. Passmoic. for the nattering mtnnef In Which the announcement ot bfs- candidacy hat) been received by the l'.epublican press ana tne citizen genoraily tnrougnout tne totate SUbscriba for the Advocat ej Givb us a call for job work. Call arid see but stock of envelopes. "tou oan buy note paper and envelopos ohonp at the Advocate otnee. for your: stoves And tin Ware call at W. B; SMITH'S, corner of Mairl and Mill streets. Call at this oflioe fdr stationa ry printedot Without printing. "We 6dll envelopes hy the pack Or thousatid cheaper thttri the cheapest. liAsf Week the Dcmticrdi an- otirtced to Its readers, In speaking of the r'oad Viewer's' rdport, "that tho re tort Was eohfiriiica rtfst arid ordered to be opened fifty feet Wide " That will do for Width biit how lorlg Was the re ort or'dered to be ? H. H. WilSoS, CitrpthU'r and oiner, requests its to announce to the citizens of Ridgway, and vicinity, that he will attend promptly to all orders in his JlHfe. AI! kinds of Job Work solicited. If you intend bUilding a ouso ho will give Voii estiniates fur lumber, etc., and btiiltl yoiir house at reasonable figure's. First-class work merl employed, arid nothing b'it first class Wofk turned Out. FROM THE PRESIDES T Oh THE ,,NEW YORK STATE TEAt'ItERS' ASSOCIA TIOX. Dr; Fennur's ItnpiOved Cougb Honey (1) Will in-tkk tip a eOldiii the, before any t'Ough lias yet formed in two to three hours. (2) It Will relieve any cough in . one hour Or less. (S) It is tlie. best remedy known for the re lief Of irritable and worrisome children. It is ple5inv to take hnndsonie in ap pearance, safe Hi ils action arid Certain n its enect- It docs not dry l ite couim but loosens and heals. From the lowly cottage to' tho princely palace and offices of State come orders and commendations: From Prof. II. R. Sdnfoi'd, Presi dent of (he New York State Teacher's Association, Sipt. of Public Schools at Middlemen, A'. Y. etc. Prom repealed anol present use of Dr. Fenner's improved Cough Honey in my family, I niri free to say that 1 consider it tile best remedy now known for t'oifgiis. Its action is prompt and l-Pliable; lit the frequent colds sO cOhliitorl iiirioiig children tlie the use of the Cough Honey will prove a great boo rt. It. K. t5AiU'UltlJ. From .Toiiii ii. Mirier, a wealthy banker Of Fredohin, Y. I was afflicted With H hi'.frusdilg cough. rhreedosvs Of Dr. Fenrter's Improved Cough liOney entirely relieved me. (J. li. miAiiat. Painted Post, X, Y., Aug. 20, 1H75. Dr. M. M.- Femier, Fredoiiia, N. Y. Dear Kir I hiive itsed Tour im proved Cough lloiieV fOf tlie past two years for asthma and colds, and find it tlie best remedy 1 ever tried, it is a eai pleasure to recommend it. lours truly, J. W. BORST. leport"of Viewers. K. I-:. "Wiliafa, Jeroitie i'owell and N. T. Ctiiilrriirigs httviug been at the November tern! o'f t'ourt appointed viewers to view a r'Oitd to lead lrom the foot of Broad street td State road near the house Of W. H. Osterhout, in Ridgway township, crittT'ed upon the discharge of their ditties aiid made re port at tlie January tCffh tis follows which repoit was confiritied and the road ordered to be opened fifty feet wide. To the itbnbl'dbtt the, Jildfjeti of the Court tf Quarter Sessions of Elk Couniif j td January 'Term, 187"! The undersigned Viewers, appointed by the annexed order of coil ft to view and lay out a public road ffoiff a point on the State road near the house of V, H. Osttfhout, iri Ridgway township, to the northern terminus Of Broad street, in the" village Of Kidgway, respectfully' do report: That having given due notice to the Owners of lands through which the proposed road would pass, arid alsO public notice, as required b'y law, they met on Satur day, January 20, 1877, arid being all present, aiid t.Cing first duly sworn, proceeded to vieW the ground proposed for said road; arid, deeming said road necessary, have laid out the same, as shown on tho annexed plot fifty feet in width and twelve hundred feet in length, and do return the same as a public foad. TM eeriits line Of said road so hud Out begins at the h'orth'ern terminus of Broad street, at a point distant twenty-five feet in a north easterly direction from the northeast corner Of lot No. 44, and rtfn's thence north tWeufy-six degrees and ten minutes West for a distance' of about twenty-two' feet aCf'Oss latid su'pposed to have been' heretofore appropriated for the tise' Of the public as an alley fheh'Ce, sarne course, ac'ross iand owned by J". S. Hyde about 897 feet to the Ceh'tre Of Jilk cf'e'ek : thence ac'ross land 0wu6d by W. II. Osterhout, same course', about 105 feet to the south boundary line of the right of way Of the Philadelphia & Erie Rail road c'ohip'ah'y ; f hence, sam'e course across land occupied by' the said rail road company atyoux Ho teet to a poin intbeSfute' road, distant tWefity-Hv feet hi a southwesterly difeCtioti from W. li. Ostfcthotit's ferice. said point being in the north boundary line of the said railroad company's right Of way. , "W. II. OstefhOut Was present dur ing thO view, arid signs a release for fill claims tot damages oh account of layyf h out and opening the proposed road through and across his land, Which release, it hereto annexed. The distance, as before stated, across land oWned by J. S. Hyde is ahtfut 897 feet. This distance IneltfdeB the measurment accross two races, tWo ditches, one-hrtlf of' Elfc Creek, and some ffWaffipy land,- Iti Sill about 477 feef, leaving 420 lineal feet, or an area of less than balf an acre, of meadow land oeeupied by the road, for which we award hJiit the sum of seventy five dollars damages. All of which is respectfully 8ub' toitted. . E. WILLAKD; BuiveyOr, N. T. CUMMINCH J. POWELL. fbe aitpeala will be held in tlie OeVtiraf townships of Elk County as follows. Jones, at the hotlse of Martin fljwera. Tuesday; February 27tHj 187T. Highlond, at tbe hotite bf Leri EUlitorffj Wednesday, February 28th, 1877. Millstone, at the house of Harry Cats, Friday, March 2nd, 1877. Spring Creetc, at the hoiisi of Thomas' Irwin, Saturday, March, 3rd, 1877. St. .Mary's Udrougn, at weniinger xown- hip, School House Nil. I Monday, March 6lh. 1877. . . . Beniintfer, at Schonl Uotiee JNd. li lues- dar, March 6th, 1877. Jay, at the house of David Chase, Thurs day. Mareh 8tb, 1877. lieneiel, at the JJenelOt nouse. triaay. March, Bth, 1877- . Fn. at the hotfe of John Koch. Tues day Maroh l8th, 1877- . Horton; at J. 8. Hyde's store', Wednes day, March, 14th, 1877 , Kidgway, at the Commissioners omoe, Friday and Siitur lay, March lfjth and 17lh, 1877. . . For unseated lands at the Commissioners' Office. Friday and Saturday, Maroh 18th, and 17th, 1877. And for review ins rhilitarv enrollment at the. Commissioners' OtHoe on Saturday the 7th of March, 1877 At which time and place all persons foel- ing themselves aggrieved by the assestsmenv of 1877 or military enrollment 01 IOi I can attend if they see proper. ljy order ot the Board,. W; S. HORTON, Clerk. Kidvtay, Pa., February Oth, 1877. tonrt Prdcecdiiigs. The following are tho proceedings of the ate term of court; CIVIL. 1.. S. liodd U. S. B. fi. fa. istied and slayed, feigned issue di rected aud verdict for plaintiff; arguea and judgment opened. Verdict for plain tiff for the judgement, with interest from July29thj 1S74. Surtfh V. "trilcos, n'idow of Clark A Wilco, decease 1, &o.( vs. Jeaa"6 Piatt and John Piatt ejciJtmcut for fifty ares land in Hoiton township, Islk county Pa. Con tinued at Cost of defendants. Jtmea K. P. Hall vs. V. Kuues et al pjectment for two pieces lana in jay iowu shlp, Elk county, Pa. Judgment for plain tig for land described in writ. Fred. Collins,- C. II. Hutchinson niid H. 0. Cloy; (rttsiee'S: vs.- Andrew Hanson ejeotm ent for 123 acres litud in Jones town ship, Elk county Pa. specifio performauoo of contract. Verdict for plaintiffs for laud described in writ to be released upon tho payment of $1,028 57, with interest from date and cost of sub, withid thirty days. Barbara Eckl, widow of Bernard Eckl,- deceased vs. Edwaid Babel sci. fa. sur judgment aud judgmout opened. Con tinued, E. H. Dixon Vs. Luther Lucore, u. u Xhurston, D E Hewitt and Samuel Belcher; debt damages $200; f erdict for defendJ ants in the sum of $39.25 CRIMINAL; Com. vsJohnNcill and William Malone larceny. Defendants arraigned and dis charged; Cortl. fi Charles E Green fornication and bastardy. Arraigned and discharged' Com. vs Walter S. Tompkins false pre tense and forgery. Continued and defendant to enter recognizance in the sain of $500; one with sufficient surety in like sum. Bail not furnished. Com; vs Casper Wilhelm rape. bcJ fendant arraigned and ordered to give bail in Ihe sum of $1,000 with one Sufficient sureity in like stini for his appearance at next ioriri; Ball not furnished. Com vs. A. J; Avery embezzlement. Defendaut and sureties called, forfeited and respited until next term; MCF..NHE8 OEANTKD; All the licenses applied for Were' granted; as follofis: Beneiette 6. t; ViirislCw, lienty Blcsh; tavern. Benzlngei' Fra tit Bord, tavern. Fox -John Collins, tavern. Bidgway W. H. Schram, Murphy Si M'Farland, tavern; James MaginniSj eil ing house. St.- Marys Antori Fo'tfhttii'an',- LWe'ntr Vogel; John WaClitel fc Son, James Rogan, Henry Luuv, Joseph F. Windfelder, tavern; Anthony Sohauer,- William Geis, Jaceb Kraus, eating house ; Joseph Wilhelm, Etore. A Document Yellow with Ag6. We publish tho annexed copy of an old document, handed us by Erasmus Morey, of Ucnezette townsliipr, Em Cr, and discovered by hint tn his father's papers. We noticed It several weeks no. Bee lit Knowiie' unto all men by these Presents that Mary Pudnoy, and John Bump sou, Administrators de Bonis non & on the Estate of John Pudney, late of Salem Dewur' Intestato by Vertew of an order of his Mujes tie's Court of Judlature held nt Sulem on tho Last Monday of October one-thousand seven hundred twenty fonr Impowcrlng the Said Mary Pudney and Juhti SaitinWn administra tors as above Siiki to1 mnkar Sulo of six acres of Wilderness Lrttfcf and ono Common Right of the said Deceased John I'udneya Estate fur the pa'yment of his Just Pebts, Now Kuowu you for and In Consideration of tho sumo of Twenty three pounds In Province Bills of Credit to" us In hand well Bind truly paid by buiiiell Muckentire cf Malent Husbandman In the County of essex wherewith we confess ourselves to bee fully Satisfied Contended and imicf Have Bargained and sold and by these Presents do fully Cloerly nnd'absolutoly Ilargntne und soli en roof and confirm unto the said Daniel Mackontire the above men tioned sfx-acres orWtliiernc'stfLRnd bounded Northerly on Darrlcll Mackontire Easterly ou James Qoold and Sumucll Pudney Westerly on Jonathan Ptfdney To have and to hold tbh-Jibrove said slx.aores of Wildernoss Land with all our ltight Title and Interest therein with all the Profits Privileges and appurte nances In any wise thoreunto belonging unto the said Dauiell Muckentire his heirs execu tors administrators and assigns to his and their clwn proper use and behoof for ever freo and Clecr- without any manner of Reclaime or Contradiction of us the said Mary Pudney and John Sampson orrr heirs executors and administrators' or any other person or per sons oy from or tmaer us And wee the Said' Mary Pudney and John Sampson our heirs exeetrtoTS administrators and assigns against alt manner of persons whatsoever by from and under us shall aud will warrant acquit aud forever defend by Verten of these Pres ents. Iu Witness whereof wee have hereunto set our hands and seals the sixteenth day of Junuaryand Iu the eleventh year of Ms Ma jesties Reign George by the Grace oroodof Oreat Britain! Franco and Ireland King De fender of the FuHh'lo. an Dout. 1721. Signed Sealed and do- The mark of livered In The Presence v of us Jolm'Tarbell Bea- Mury Pudney TL Bl - Juutun liolmau Salcni ltU Jauu'ary 17'2'l Mury Pud iVey and John Sampson personally appearing-' acknowledged the above written Instrument to be their actt and Deed Coram, Wm. Bodriey, Jus. Ptaja'.