A UDITORS Ki'wlntg and Expenditures of Elk Connly ror the year ending January lst,1877. January 1, 1877. i o tax received from uiiaontel mnus " tax " ' n,,llpntnr 18,940 64 7,109 80 ", " " muted lands ret'd to county comn sold by treasurer " tax ree'd for lands rdeeined from Co. " tax " from lands ret'd (o commissioners " amount received on note of County vs. John Kail " amount received on uoleof County vs. William fit commonweallh coM eol. "jury lees received " tines collected " nm t ree'd from Jos. Wind- folder on Imllanoe duo at hist tetl lenient 237 PI 2 40 187 1 I'Ol 25 Iti'-' :!i .'.! 00 VtH H V It4. , -'S,"'7ti W EX Pl'Mil 1M in J By am't paid Midi. Weldcrt for services as Co. com'r. " am't jmid YV. H.Ostcilinut for services as Co. com'r. '' am't paid UeorpeHeusclier for services as Co. eoiu'r. " am't paid V. 8. llorton, 1SS 40 201 IH 400 00 eoinnussioner a clerk " am't paid HalUfc McCnulcy, commissioners' counsel " nni't paid 1). Hcull sborift' " am't paid officer's fees, eou stublcs ' am't paid officers fees. justices ' am't paid offlcer's fees, court crier " ain't pd.ollleers fees. tipstaves " ain't paid prothon'ry for '73 " am't jiaid prothon'ry for '70 ,; am't paid Co. auditors and clerk for 1870 " am't paid janitor '' am't paid constables, com monwealth costs " am't paid justices com. costs " am't paid witii'scs,com costs " am't paid assessors, ass'iiifr " am't paid assessors, regis'ing " am't paid crand jurors 100 00 1,1 Hi 74 onus 0 45 8750 22 50 323 IS CO 00 170 00 bo oo S78 90 !J 45 010 70 !!C7 9'J 150 25 771 78 1,072 42 672 37 87 5 25 " um't paid tntversejurors " am't paid jail, expenses " am't paid Dixmont hopital 1'or support ol A 1'arsons, $170 71 For support of Conrad Nist 183 41 For support of JI. Gregor l'-tl 71 For support of Mary Kreirr 170 00 For support of K. Williams 1 10 40 " am't paid W. penitentiary 243 00 "am't paid advertising au ditors' settlement for 1873. 400 00 " am't piid for printing and advertising 284 80 " am't paid " elec tion proclamation 230 00 " am't paid for election ex penses 0SJ8 08 " am't paid for road views and damages 433 52 " am't paid for stationary and postage 235 00 " am't paid for bounties on wolves, etc. 89 40 " am't pd. for lights and fti 07 lo " am't pd forivpaira to public buildings. 180 80 " am't jiaid for court house expenses, cleaning, etc; 28 78 " am't pd jury commissioners and clerk 55 02 " am't paid inquest a 70 22 " am't pd otlieial stenographer 100 00 " am't paid Ceo. A.liathbun, auditing prothouotary's ac count 9 00 ' ain't paid Ceo. II- Dixon, institute expenses, 175. 140 00 " am't jiaid .State tax for 1875 318 43 " nm'S paid for improving court yard. 81 01 " ain't jiaid J. "Powell, interest on bonds redeemed. 2:U 00 " am't jiaid for repairs, etc. wi treasurers office 53 20 " uin't puid for miscellaneous oxidises. 48 24 613,321 73 Assets and Liabilities of Elk Comity. January 1, 1S77 To tax due from unseated lands, subject to commis sion and exoneration. 9,041 23 tax cine irom collectors, sub ject to commission and ex- oneraiion 7,154 82 " ain't due from Jones town sbip for support of A. Par sons, a lunatic, at Dixmont 449 80 am't duo from lienzingcr township, for support of C. Nist and Mary Kreig 902 93 am't due from St. Mary' boro' for support of Martin Gregor, a lunatic, at Dix- nioni MG 55 " am't due from Fox town ship for support of Kate Williams, a lunatic, at Dix mont 438 59 " am't due from Jones town ship for support of Julius iStelling, a lunatic, at Dix mont 100 7-1 " am't of note against J. Dunne 58 15 " am't of noteag'nst D. Kunes 11 80 " am't due from Lock Haven boro' for support of John Condon, a lunatic, at Dix'nit 365 00 '' am't of judgment against Cameron county 270 50 "am't of judgment against Patrick Lamb et til 40 27 "am't of judgment against Kidgway township 214 73 "am'tdue from Joseph Wind folder, former treasurer 5,809 59 " am't due from Jacob M,o Cauley, treasurer 1,791 30 "am't Benzinger township, r Jad orders for 1870, held by com'rs to apply on note ot William I i Zelt 135" 00 $28,110 22 LIABILITIES. -By county orders outstanding " county bonds outstanding " Interest on bonds to Jan. 1st. 1877 am't due Dixmont hospital " am't due D Scull, sheriff am't due Fred. Sehooning, prothonotary, etc., ' am't due townshijis, Win folder's balance 638 08 7,395 00 884 48 724 73 158 10 . 178 52 3,538 11 12,017 04 15,108 58 Excess of assets. $28,110 22 ' Redemption order on bal ance due from Josejih Wind feldor at la&t s'tle'lut, jaid 103 57 13,427 20 14,040 10 Excess of ReceijiU ?28,0G7 30 We, the undersigned, commissioners of Elk county, do hereby eertifythat the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the receipts and expendi tures, &c, of Elk county for the year 1878, and the usseta and liabilities of the tame. Witness our bands this 20th day of January, A. D. 1677. MICHAEL WEIDERT.) W. H. OSTERHOUT, Ca. Comre GEORGE REUSCHER, ) iUtQBtW. S. Horto.v, Clerk. AMOUNTS RECEIVED FROM THE SEVERAL COLLEC TORS OF ELK COUNTY DURING 1878, County State. 84 9ft 6 08 408 88 11 88 276 77 1 03 38 87 67 41 201 02 155 M 108 53 13f,4 1.10 22 13 04 432 82 ii IS 97 45 64 208 05 2,1 OT 153 21 2 40 G4 174 14 14 Oil . 324 07 018 22 12 CO 174 02 If 2 30 210 00 350 37 200 00 08181 1(1 00 43 50 701 27 40 00 4"0 00 J. V. Ilouk, col. Rldgway tp. 1805 L. Ellithorp, co). Highland tp '71 J. It. Morey. col. Jay tp- 1871 1). AUIebcrger, col. Jones tp. 1871 H. H. Wensel, col Itldg ytp. '72 J. K. Gardner, col. Itldg'y tp. '73 K. Morey, col. Bcne.etie tp. 1874 Jacob Morey, eol. Fox tp. 1874 Geo. Feust, col. llorton tp. H4 W. C. Healy, eol. Itldg'y tp. 1874 T. Irwin, eol. Hprlng Creek tp'74 C. II. Winslow.col. Bclto.'t tp.'7" Nich. Dewalt, eol. Ben.'r tp '75 John Ivncli, collector Fox tp. '75 li. Kllllhorp col. Highland tp. 1875 Nath. Hippie, eol. llorton tp '70 M. Miller eol. Jay tpl7: Theo. Cook eol. Jones tp 1875 J.S. Cliiimplou col Millstone tp. '75 J. W. Molester, eol. UVdg'y t p. '75 It. Weld, .ii(etiier col. St. Mary's boivm;h I,s7.' l. l. W Inslow, col. Bc.'to tp '70 Ml. Clatt.eol. jton.lniror tin 1870 Jacob Mover, eol. Fox tp. 187(1 I'uii. l'lmfon col. llorton tin 187U (ltviu iKidgoeol. Jay tp. !S7el Theo. Cook, eol. Joiicslp. 1870 lame Cliamjilou col Millstone tp '70 I. VV. Morivestereol. Hidir vti) 1870 Albert Wels col. St Mary's boro. nor NT Y TAX. 15. lMlleol Hldgway to itsliip 1805 102 i Total, $7,100 ::o fit? r. AMOl Ms 11 i: FHOH THK HKVKKAI. COLLECTOR OK EI.K COUNTY. JAN. 1. 1877. Wm. Clyde col M illstone tin 1873 53 04 T. Campbell col Highland In 1874 31 00 14 00 311 05 17 48 27 OH 501 21 5 13 255 50 1 09 1 02 105 23 484 57 803 132 00 73 80 337 10- 624 00 231 38 99 74 544 39- "22 0g' 073 40 (ieo Foust col. llorton tp 1874 A J Avery col Jay tp If 74 C H WinsfowcoliSenezettc tpT5 X Dewalt col Ben.'r tp 1876 ilohn Koch collector Fox tp- 1875 "ii iMiirnorp. coi Hiirn. in. if75 Nath Hippie col Horton tp. '"ii M. Miller collector Jay tp 1875 Theo. Cook eol Jones tp 1875 K Moody eol Spring Creek tp '7ft D D Winslow eol Benezette tp 1870 M. Glatt col. Denzimrer tn 1870 Jacob Moyer col. Fox township '76, T. Campbell col. Highland, tp 1870 Dan l'hnlen col. Horton tp. 1X70 Olivin Dodgs col, Jay tji. 1870 Theo Cook col. Jones tii 1870 James Champion, eol Millstone- township 1876 J. W. Morgester, collector RUlgway township, 1870 Hirmnn lilsenian collector. Spring. Creek townshiji, 1870 v ei cji &t iM.ary s borough 1870 Total $7,154 82' Those marked with a have paid since settle ment. uucou .1 i.xiweu y(7.. ireaswer ot j-jik couniu. in account with said county for Vie year ending .lanunni 1, iei . January 1, 1877. To amount of county tax received from unseated lands 18.940 64 amount of county tax reed from col's 7,109 30 seated lands returned to county com missioners, sold by treasurer 23" 91 amount of tax received for lands re deemed from county 27 73 amount of tax received from seated lands returned to county commissioners 2 40 ' tax re c on note of Co vs. J Karl 187 14 tax ree'd on note of Co. vs W Zelt 201 25 jiroceedsot county commissioners bond to i,lk County Hank 975 00 am t received of Jos Windf;ldr, by or der on the several funds for balances due him at last settlement 946 5i $28,027 04 10.24515 5,502 07 By co. com'rs receipt for co order red'd co. com'rs reeeijit tor co. bonds red u exoneration orders received refunding orders paid redemjition orders jiaid eo. t-vx ou-laanifa sold to co- and costs treas. commission on amount ree'd treas. commission on amount dib'd ll 7 23307 105 47 200 C7 600 16 615 03 520,830 58 balance due fund 1,701. 3f $28,027 04 STATE TAX ACTOl'XT. anuary 1. 'i 1. To amount received froin"colectors 1 17 CI $147 61 By State treasurer's receipt " balance due account 4 80 142 81 $147 CI SCHOOL FUNDS. REXEZETTE SCHOOL FCXIX January 1. 1877. To am'ticeived from unseated lands 4,828 64 1 4.828 64 3,040 64 C5 50 By school treasurer's receipts- tax on lands sold to county " refunding orders redeemed " paying Joseph Windfelder balance duo him at last settlement " treas. commission on am't ree'd " treas commission on am't disb'd 0 08 269 2 95 23 00 50 3,552 22 1,270 32 " balance due fund $1.828 64 lfEXEZETTE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. January 1, 1877. To amt. tax ree'd from unseated lands 2,414 50 $2, 414 50 2,000 00 32 75 7 ei: 47 63 40 15 By school treasurer's receipts " tax on lands sold to county " refunding orders redeemed '' treas commission on amount rec'd; " treas commission on amount disb'd! $2,128 14 280 87 '' balance due fuiyl $2,414 50 BEXZIXGER SCHOOI5 FUNDi January 1, 1877. To amount reed from unseated lands " amount reed, from seated lands sold- 2,302 80 9 94 $2,312 74 340 14 " balance due treasurer" $2,652 88 2,513 00 3 75 88 82 4018 51 13 By school treasurer's receijits tax on lands sold to county "refunding orders redeemed " treas. commission on amount ree'd '' treas. commission on amount disb'd 52,662 88 BENZINOER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND January 1, 1877. To amount tax ree'd-fvom uoseatod land3 608 40 f 008 40 200 00 7 92 12 17 4 16 By school treasnteVa receijits ' refunding orders redeemed " treas. commission on amount ree'd " treas. commission-on uniouut disb'd $224 25 384 15 " balance due fund $'508 40 fox school fund; January 1. 1S77. To am't tax reed from unseated lands 1,078 62 $1,078 62 10 45 " balance due treasurer $1,089 07 1,045 00 By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed ' treas. commission on amount ree'd ' treas. on - " disb'd VOX SCHOOL BUILDINQ FUND. January 1, 1877. To ain't tax received from unseated lands By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed " treas. commission on am't ree'd "treas. " on " disb'd " bfttunce due fond HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amt received from unseated lnnis By nehool treasurer's receijits ' tax on lands sold to county " jiaylng Jos. Windfelder balance due him at last sett lement " treat), commission on amount received " treas. " on " disbursed ' balance due fund HOKTO-ST SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands; '' " tax reed from seated lands sold By school treasurer's receipts ' ' treas commission on amount received " treas. " on '" disbursed " balance due funit nORTON SCHOOL BUILDTXG FUND. - January 1, 1877. i s amourn tax reed from unseated lands '' balance due treasurer By school treasurer's receipts ' treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed JAY SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed' from1 unseated lands " balance due treasurer' By school treasurer's receipts " redemption of refunding orders " tax on lands sold to county 1 treas. commission on amount received " treas sowimissfon 011 amount disbursed JAY SCHOOL ItciLDIXG FUND. January 1, 1877. Toa-mount tax reed' from unseated lands By redemption of refur.dli'g onlzv tax on lands sold to county ' treas. commission on amount received ' treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance due fund Jones school Kuir. ' "" January 1 1877- To amount tax reed from unseated lands To uniouut tax reed from seated lands By school treasurer's receijits ' redemption 01 reiunding orders ' tr;at? commission- on- miKiunt veeei-wl treas commission on amount disbursed balance due fund $2,407 40 JONES SCHOOL UUILDIXG FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received' from unseated lands By school treasurers receijits ' redemption ot reiunding orders ' treas commission on amount received treas commission on amount disbursed 1 balance iTuc fund- MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUKD. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands- amount tax reed from seated lands sold By sghool treasurer's receipts jiaying jos. windtelder balance due linn at last settlement treas. commission on amount received treas. commission on amount disbursed balance due fund" MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. January 1 1877. To amount tax- received rrom unseated lands t By school treasurer's recei pt treas commission on amount; received' treas commission on amount disbursed-- balance due funti- RIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND: January 1, 1877. 3,074' 07 $3',07407 2, 447 62 44 12 To amount tax recu irom unsuutou lauus By school treasurers receipts ' tax on lanus sold to county paying Jos. Wiutelder balance uue mm tit last settlement "treas commission oil amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance due fund1 $3,074 mDavAY school building fund; January 1, 1877, To amount tax reed from unseated lands By school treasurers receijits ' tax on lands sold 10 county treas commission on amount received treas commission on amount disbursed balance due fund SPRING CREEK SCHOOL FUD;. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reca. irom unseated land " amount tax reed, from seated lands soli By school treasurer's receipts $2,508 39 2,24300 6017 treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed "balance due fund $1,089 07 1 67 21 67 20 98 - . MARY'S SCHOOL FUKD. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated land " amount tax reed, from seated lands By redemption of refunding orders" " tax on lauds sold to county " paying Josejih Windfehter balance duo him at last settlement "treas. commission on amount received ' treas. commission on amount disbursed " balance due fund 642 70 $542 70 05 00 1 18 10 8 10 12 ,$527 15 , 16 65 $542 70 1,347 93 ROAD FUNDS. RKNEZETTE ROAD FUB. January 1, 1877. To amoun t tax reed from unseated lands $1,847 93 645 00 4 83 61 47 By township treasurers receipts " redemption co com'rs road orders " redemjition refunding orders "taxes on land sold to county " treas. commission: on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 20 80 12 23 $050 83 607 94 $1,847 03 "balance due fund 1,041 67 81 49 BENMNOISa BOA I) YVttD, January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands ' amount tax reed from seated lands sold $1,073 10 j 880 00 ' 21 40 r , ' By redemption co cofnrs road orders " redemption refunding orders " paying Joseph Windfelder balance him at last settlement " treas. commission on amount received treas. commission oil amount disbursed .17 60 $019 00 154 10 $1,073 10 " balance due fund 611 83 $.-H83 07 66 $579 89 AF.tiINOEa ADDITIONAL BOAD FCSD. January 1. 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands " amount tax real, from seated lands sold 608 00 10 23 11 10 By township treasurers receipts SOft'-39 redemption oireiunaing orders ' paying Josejih Windfelder balance due him at last Rctt.lciiictit " tretvs commission on amount received treas. commission on amount disbursed 1,62.3 77 Si. 625 77 balance due fund G'622 $1,001 99 1 560 00 42 35 FOX ROAD FUND January 1, 1ST . To amount tax reed from unseated lailds 24 57 32 02 32 05 By township treasurers receipts "redemjition eo. ccmrs. road orders " redemption refunding orders " trcvi. commission on amount received " tieas commission 011 amount disbursed " balance due frtnil $1,091 09 353 11 $353 11 7 70 5 20 0 00 15 320 07 333 04 $353 11 HIGHLAND U0AI1 FL'Nli; January" !, 177. To amount tax received from unseated lafids By townshiji treasurers receipts ' redemjition co comrs road orders' 1 tax on lauds sold to county treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 2,454 40 8 00 $1,457 40 2,300 00 800 40 1'5 40 10 ?2,403 31 64 15 " balance due fund HC.TON ROA-D FUND.- January 1, 1877. To amount tax roe'd from unsealed lands " uniouut tax reed from seated lands " balance due treasurer By redemjition co comr's road orders ' townslnji treasurers receipts ' treas commission on amount' received 'troas commission' on amount disbursed "35 56 $735 50 70000 2 40 14 71 14 05 f 73i"itf 4 4i $735 50 JAY ROAD rUXD. January 1,1S7. 10 amount tax reed irom unseated lands amount tax received from seated tauds By redemption' co comrs " redemption refunding '8. road ord-118 million refunding orders 289 08 tax 011 lands sold to county jiaying Joseph Windfelder balance due' him at last settlement 1 43 $?4()"6"i 250 00 5" 05 S 81 512 treas commission on amount received ' treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance due fund 207 88 72 63 $34053 jay cash riho January 1. 187. To amount tax reccL irom unswued lands- By' townshiji treasurer's receipts taxes on lands sold to county 97 75 " redemption, raunding orders " treas; commission on amounfi received " treas commission 011 amount disbursed $07 75 25 00 1 05 - 50 27 45 70 80 "97 76 " balance due fund JONES ROA-D FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lauds ' amount tax received from seated lands By redemption co. comrs. road orders redemption co. refunding orders " townshiji treasurer's receijits ' treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 5 67 60 50 40 00 2700697 407 10 balaisce duo fund' MILLSTONE HO AD FUND; January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands " amount tax reed, from seated- lands 07 8S1 86 " balance due treasurer By redemption co. com. road orders ' township treasurer's receipts " treas commission on amount received " treasl commission on amount disbursed $831 80 574 00 980 13 44 114S 61172 22014 MILLSTONE CASH FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands ' amount tax received from seated lands $831 80 2,478 64 29 75 By township treasurer's receipts " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed balance due fund 80 82 2,888 03 170 80 $067 02 RIDOWAY ROAD FUND. Januaryl, 1877. To amount tax received from un $2,608 89 seated lands... 2,109 50 To amount tax received from seated lands. ......... 1 13 80 83 05 0 74 "$W09 3 08 00 3 70 87 13 3-5 06 $436ii $2,122 86 By rcd'm co. com l'ond orders 1,707 Oft By red'm exoneration orders 248 83 By tax 011 lands sold to Co. 23 48 By treas. com. on am't received 41 0. By treas. com. on am't disbursed 30 12 2,02 38 00 48 $2 122 80 By balance due fund RIDUWAY CASH FUND January 1, 1877 To amount tax received from un 3,63"0 85 $3,03985 1.000 00 1,97000 82 85 4914 71 81 69 97 seated lands 3,528 83 10 amount tax received irom seated lands..... 13 30 $3 642 13 By township treas, receipts 295738 By tax on lands sold to county 39 20 By paying Jos. Windfelder bal- ancedue him at last set'mt 128 40 By treas com. on amt. received 70 Oil By treas. com. on amt disbursed 61 72 3,179 27 460 68 $3,630 85 3,250 82 By balance due fund 285 81 $3 042 13 2,400 71 4 43 SPUING CHEEK ROAD FUND. January 1 1877. To amount tax received Trom unsentcd lands 1 770-37 $2,471 14 L7 98 00 ''42 13 duo a", 67 49 42 37 61 To amt tax reed fr seated lands 10 60 1 780 0 By fedtn co com foad orders 1 410 00 By treas com on amount reel 83 74 By treas com on amount disbd 28 20 i,W2 73 508 41 1 473 04 813 03 ?1,780 97 By balance' due fund $2,471 14 SPRING CHEEK CA8H FUND. January 1, 1877. To amounttax received from un seated lands 1 767 40 To amount tax received from seated lands .....-. 20 40 614 33 33 $014 00 210 00 10 58 825 31 1'2 20 11 72 $1,78780 By township treas receipts 1 033 01 By treas; com. on amt received 85 7.3 By treas. com. on amt disbursed 20 07 009 00 4 70 "$01400 1 000 33 007 47 By balnnco due fund $1 7S7 80 HT. MARY'S ROAD FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands 40 03 To1 amt tax rec. from sealed lands 10 32 1,34705 $l"ii47 05 200 00 1,034 00 1 33 5W94 24 71 17281108 00 07 Si',347 03 :.o 3.5 By township treas receipts N- O'l By redem of refunding orders 2 .Ml By tax on lands sale to county 08 By trens. com. on amount received 1 10 By trcils. com. ouam't disbuscd 01 40 51 3 84 $39 35 By bilaiicediie fund 1,550 07 $1 650 07 158 50 1- 275 00 4 80 !!0 02 28 07 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax rec. from un seated Jands 24 58 To amt tax reed from seated lands 12 27 85 00 1,407 00 62 08 $1 550 07 Hytownsmp treas. receipts Ky redem of refunding orders By tax 011 lands sold to county By paying Josejih Windfelder balance due him at last set't ' By treas. com. on amt reed. By treas. com. on amt di.-ibd 20 140 0-i f8 73 4!) 1 413 51 9 30 ..... 70 7C r,52!) 47 1,284 00 187 00 20 05 29 42 $l',52u"47 By balance duo fund 11 13 ?30 8-3 POOR FUNDS. FENZINOER, POOR FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands 1 SCrt 80 To amt tax from seated lands 1 03 1 308 45 880 64 . 22 10 11 37 B.v township treas receipts 2' 008 18 61 00 $2l'lt"i3 1 745 00 49 90 By redemption of refunding ov, lJy paying Joseph Windfelder balance due hi in at last set'lt By treas. com. on amt received By treas. com. on amt disbursed 27 37 18 28 31 59 059 83 408 00 By balance due fund. 87 75 41 7.3 38 23 1 808 45 FOX POOR FUND. 1,994 27 124 86 27ll9 'i'3 January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands 335 43 3..5 43 By township treas. receipts 105 00 By treas. com. on amt received 6 71 By treas; com, on amt disbursed 2 10 3S3 41 "$3834"i 350 50 5 7 1 50 7 57 7 27 ,...... 6 30 "l83'41 113 81 221 02 By balance duo fund 335 43 HORTON POOR FUND. January 1 1877 To amount tax .received from unseated lan bs 283 15 To amt tax reed, from setd lands 87 89 02 234 00 5 78 4 68 By township treas. receipts.... By trea. com. on amt received.. By treas. com. on amtcisb'd..... 8,013 82 2 52 $3,016 32 2,201 00 800 604 15 0032 55 40 2,888'oil 127 89 $3701032 244 40 By balance due fund 44 60 289 02 MILLSTONE POOR FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from... unseated lands 701 06 To amt tax reed seated lands... 10 35 808 81 402 00 10 10 8 04 By township treas. receipts.... By treas. com. on amt. received By treas. com. on amt disb'd..... 1,131 54" 16 35 14789 15 42 $'l.'l03 3l 918 00 200 00 22 05 22 30 li02 3l' 426 20 By balance due und 8S2 11 808 31 RIDUWAY POOii FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands 882 82 882 82 600 00 278 63 10 00 17 44 15 57 By redem. co. comrs poor orders By township treas receipts By tax on lauds sold to county By treas com on amt received By treas com 011 amt disbursed By balance due fund- 642 77 14 85 $057 02 643 78 1315 10 87 '''6Ti 822 63 00 29 882 82 44 86 ST. MARY'S POOR FUl'li Januafy 1 1877 To amount tax received from . . , unseated lands 1 . To amt tax reed from seated lands 4 33 16 43 83 ' 83 16 12 By treas com on amt received By balance due fund 16 49 STATE ROAD FUNDS, KANE. RIHO WAY AND ST. MARY S STATE ROAD FUND, Jnntiarv 1. 1877 To amount rceelved from (in seated lands, Bezinger 11 ' Jones ' " Ridgway 2,485 8tf 8,018 85 8,528 40 9,028 20 44' 79 8,867 65-89- 20 179 76 By red'm refunding orders By State road treas receipts " tax on lands sold to county. " treas. com. on amt. received By treas com. on amt. disbursed 168 24 8 799 64 228 69 By balance dUe fumf $9,028 20 M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST STATE 110 AD FUND. January 1 1877 To amt. tax reed from ucseated lands Highland 1 047 18? To amount tax reed from ttnseated lands Jones 2 271 6 $3 818 71 By redm. refunding of. Jones . 10 00 By treas. com on amt. received 66 87 By treas com on amt disbursed 20 76 67" 3 242 14 By balance dus fund $3 318 71 RIDGWAY" AND RROOKVILLE Sf ATE" ROAD FUND. January 1 1877 Toamt tax fr ttn'sd Ids RidgWy 3 528 48: To amt tax reed from unseated lands Spriug Creek 1 767 40 6 295 88 By tix rceelved co comrs State road orders Itidgwav 3 810 00 By tax received eb comrs State road orders Spring Creek By tax on Ids sold toco Ridgw'y By State road treas receipts By treas. com 011 amt received By trea com on amt disbursed 945 00' 39 20 775 64 105 13 100 61 6 275 4 20 4f By balance due fund $5 295 88' JACOB MTAI'LEY, ESQ,, TREASURER OK ELK COUNTY, IX ACCOUNT WITH THK COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA FORTIUS YEAR ENDING JAN-' VARY 1, 177. Tnnunry 1, 1ST". To amount tn'.vrn license received'... " mminnt ontiim hoiiso li,rn'. roc'fi " a-iionnt ivtiilinrs" Minnies lor 1S7H, 400 00" 450 W 681 Of 180 IW 125 00 ns prr ini'i-onii'll" nnprnlxcr'H list ' iiiiumnt, bllllnrtl li'-PnHM! for 1H7, ns iht lpoicnntllo iippi-nlsei's list. "amount lirewi-rs' licptisvx for ISTtf, nr. per incirnntik' appraiser's list " t.un 'joutcq paniulilet, luws, 1X7(1 10W 81,710 00' R.v Slate Tien, i -Vpts tavern lteprises " eat. house. " rt nl tors' ' " liHMiml " " I'l-ewcrs' " stooo' 4H5 2T 171 U(T 47 50 " lialaneo due eom'lh, less commix- ''' Hloii on whole amount reeeiveil 231 7.T 81,71000' V", the unilersiKiie.l, Auditors of Elk county, linvlm; met at tlio commissioners' otllce, lu Kiduw-ay, In said county on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1S77, being the llrst day of the niont.h, for the purpose of miditing,' seltlini; and adiustiiiK the accounts of tho several county olllcers, and being a holld.n , vc adjourned to Tuesday, .laniiary M, 1X77, at which lime we proceeded to audit, settle and aillust the aecountsof Mioseveral count v offi cers, and found ti't iii tiji rect, as stated 111 this our rcpi.irl. Jacob MCauley. Eft., TivftKur-'r of said county liavlni; bi-i-u iluiy uolillcd, was pris ent in person, After having carcfuOy examined, audited, set! led, and adusled the accounts of the said Jacob M'l'auley, wo found duo by him, the, said Treasurer, to the several funds, as is full V sdt forth in the foregoing report, the sui . of thii-ie -n thousand, six hundred and eleven ami cU'hty-two one-lmndredlhs dollars, and due to hm from the. funds net forth in said foregoing report, tho sum of live hundred, seventy-six and liltv-llvo one-hundredths dollars, h aving a net balance of the sum of thirteen thousand, thirty-live and twenty-twenty-seven one-bnuilredths dollars duo to the county of Elk, and ulso due to the Commonwealth of 1'cnnsylvaniii the sum of two hundred, thirty-ivntr and seventy three one iii'iidreillhs dollars. In witoess w hereof, we have hereunto set our haiii'.s, the-Jtlli dav of January, A. L. 177. W. II. HYIiK. n:t . T. If ITHPOCK, Co. Aud'rs. It. I. Ml'ANfiLER, J Attest M. H. Ki.ink, Clrk. THK COMMISsrONKRH OK KI.K COUNTY IN AOl'OlWT WITH SAIil COUNTY FUR THE YEAR ENl'INU JANUARY 1, 1877. MICHAEL WEIDERT. .Tannnrv 1. 1x77. To county orders received...., 219 Off- mo 0U' 210 (K)' ' S21U 00 RyJ day:;' serv Ices., W. H. OSTERHOUT. lunimry 1, 1X77. To county orders received 188 40' $188 40 818810 By 02 4-5 days' services OEORC-E REU.SCIIER. Jnnunrv 1, 1X77. To county orders received '20100 $2U1 00 Ry 87 days' services 820100 . m S20100 A NIEL RCULL, ESQ,, HIGH SHERIFF OF KLK COUNTY. IN ACCOUNT WITH 8AIH CO UN 1 y KIJ11 THE YEAR ENUINQ JAN UARY 1, 1877. -January 1, 1S77. To com Hi costs Imposed upon convicts 102 3G " line common wealth vs. u. 1). Cook 200 00 "Jury fees in sundry civil cases 62 0(1 " co.ord's lor bal.due at lust set'ui't... 482 54 " " " bheritf's fees...; 5x mi ' " " on Jull account 120 8t .. . 81,651 70 " balance duo Sheri H . 15810 Ry conveying J.Stelling to Dixmont " serv'g notices upon jurors. May T. " conveying H.Rutlibun to I'ittsbV " sorv'g notices upon Jurors, Sept. T. " Nov. T. " " ' " " Jan y T. " smirch made for Dennis bullivan, commonwealth versus him " drawing four Juries during 1870 " advertising general election " lees iu commonwealth cases " jail acc't, lor bourding, wushing, provisions, etc., up to Jun'y 1, 18i7 " baluuee due at lat settlement 81 .TOO Wo, the undersigned, Audliora of Elk county, having met ut the commissioners' ollice, in Rldgwuy, iu said county, on the first Monday of Junuury, A. li. 1x77, being the ttrst day ot the month, for the purpose of audition, settling and adjusting the accounts of the several county otticers, and being a holiday, we adjourned to Tuesday. January 2, 1877, at Which time we proceeded to audit, settlo and adjust tho accounts ol the several county ollloers( and found tlieni correct, as set forth In the loregoing report. Daniel Scull, Es,4 High Sheriff of aU county, was present In person, ami presented his account. ,yeoulm duo to ,:im- by tlle said county of kilt, tlie sum of one hundred, lifty-elght and ten pne-liundredlhs dollars, whlcli sum we hereby certify to be true and correct, as set lonli in the foregoing statement, in witness whereol, we have hereunto set our uuiius me sim uay or January, A. li. 1877. OEO. T. ROTHlUiCK.l R. I. SI-ANGLER, Co. Aud'rs.- w . rt . H Y in-'. A.HtM. t. K LIN ciort. ei,7o oo 120 00 111 00 75 00 111 00 11100 111 00 804 400 100 58 42 616 80 42 64