The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 11, 1877, Image 4

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FrmZ T.' r ,,,e M" VPrll8
ciiTnla nnd li, l)i.n,,cr. a.l Denths.
I. Dentil of Father Boulun, aged 101.
l.f i'-Vld m New Yo,k of the BteBin
1 w ,1Cr', 'ith tho snivivors of the
US llnud VTet,,t ft"l tl'e dTimmito
wplosiou Denth in New Bedford of
T1'"0?' J- Clifford of Moinn-
T i' 8,' "'"-tv-Beveu veiirn.
, Av'jlert Buhver, Lord Lvtton, ni
Vointod to tmcoeed Lord Xortiibrook na
Mooroyof India Deuth hi Loudon
'" Anthony Kutlmehild.
J. Denth of Commodore John Pope,
nged eiKhtr-seven year.
0. Wreck unci burning of n rnilrond
u-iuu near Odessa, Uussia J seventy per
foua killed. . . .Denth, in Boston, of Com
modore Stephen Deeatur.
9. Death, in BoBton, of Dr. Samuel
tt. Howp,
10. IMonBoiuutmiilt appeals to Diwaeli
lur the release of tho Fenian prisoner.
II. Denth, nt Sunta Fe, of Oenernl
Hovdon Grminrer. . . .The jurv in the trial
0f("-K D- Lord, at Buffalo, disagree.
. . The Spanihh Btenmer Algeria
"reeked off Cabriu : twelve liveH lout.
12. The United Whites Heimte adopt
rewolutiouH declaring that they have the
power to remove their president pro
tempore nt will.
ltuilnuy eollihioii near Hunting
don, Fnghind' ; thirteen lives lost.
27. Death, in Paris, of Frederic
Lenmitre, the actor.
28. Death, in Washington, of Kepiv
Hcntativo H. If. Starkweather, of Con
necticut, nged iil'ty vonrs Dentli, iu
Hungary, of Francis beak, nged seventy
seven years.
1. Denth, in England, of John Fi later,
biographer of Dickens and Goldsmith ;
sixty-four years.
4. One hundred and six miners killed
by tire damp explosion nt St. Etienne,
5. The gallery of Hobinsun's Opeia
House, Cincinnati, hills during n Sun-dny-f.eli(Hi
festival ; twelve lives lost.
7. Dentli, in Brooklyu, of Benr-Ad-niiral
Ntrinphiini, ngej seventy-seven.
8. Great live on Bioudwnv, X. Y. : loss
10. Death, in Annapolis, Md., of
Roverdy Johnson, nge.l seventy-nine.
12. Four men killed in a colliery ex
plosion. Weal Pittsburgh, Pa.
17. Death, in Hartlord, Conn., of the
Kev. Dr. Hoiaee Bm'.lmell, aged seventy
lliree years. . . .Collision of the Franeonin
anil Strathelyde I steamships) in the
English channel. Fifty persons drowned.
23. Death, in France, of the publisher
Amliroise Finnin Didot.
2-t. Death, in Monrovia, of ex-President
Koberts of Liberia.
28. Death, iu New York, of Charles
Edward Horsley, the English musician ;
fifty-one years.
M Mil. If.
1. Death, in England, nt Lady Au
gusta Stanley, wife of Dean Stanley.
2. The House of Representatives pass
es resolutions of impeachment against
V. W. Belknap, secretary of war.
(i. Eleven persons killed in a railroad
disaster on the Baltimore nnd Ohio rail
road. 7. The Homo tr the Aged, Roman
Catholic, burned iu Brooklyn ; eleven
lives ot.
1G. Death of Prosper M. Wet more:
aged seventy-seven years.
17. Death of the German poet, Ferdi
nand Fiviligrath ; sixtv-six venrs.
21. Death, in England,' of Colonel
Charles C. Chesuey, the famous military
2'.. Bursting of the dam at Lynde
brook reservoir, Worcester, Mass. Ljss
of life and immense destruction of prop
erty.... Mr. Seheiiek having resigned,
the President nominated 11. H. Dana,
.li'.. as minister to Engh'.ijd.
Mr. Iiu
0. Election of Mr. Ingersoli. governor
of Connecticut.
4. Dentil, in England, of the Earl of
Sheffield, aged seventy-four years
Articles of imiiea hiiieut of ' Secretary
Belknap laid before the United State's
Senate Rejection by the Senate of
the nomination of Mr. Dana.
(". Death of Protestant Episcopal
Bishop Johns, of Virginia Sinking
of a ferryboat on the river Dee. nt Aber
deen, Scotland ; thirty-two lives lost.
. . . .The confession of ilames Kerrigan,
a Kente iced ' Moily Maguire " murderer,
esposes secret rj of the Order of Indepen
dent Hibernians. . . .Fatal explosion of a
powdfT ii.i;-ai:ie vi Salt Lake City.
('. C. invention of "Greenback party"
in Cihliilbu-i, iik.
7. Denth of Maximilian Tiunoczy, the
cardinal archbishop of Salzburg, aged
seventy years
!S. Cambridge wins tlie University
boat rare vnv ,t oi W. O. Avery, iii
Washington, for alleged complicity in the
frauds of the whisky ring Fatal ex
plosion of a boiler in Binghauitou.
10. Arrival in New oik of Genera
. Prado, president ni IVrn. .. .Death, in
New York, of Alexander Tuiney Stewart.
13. Avery anil McDonald found guilty,
'at St. Louis, in the whisky trials and
sentenced to imprisonment. .. .Funeral
of A. T. Stewart.
14. Unveiling of the Lincoln statue on
Lincoln square, Washington.
15. Arrival in New York of Doni Pe
dro, emperor of Brazil. .. .Foundering
of a Russian corvette while enteriug the
1'ilU'iis; loss of all persons on board.
10. Dentli, at SI. Louis, Mo., of Trus
ten Polk, ex-United States senator; at
Medina, ()., of H. G. Blake, ex-representative
in Congress.
17. Death, at Detroit, Michigan, of
Orestes A. P.rowiibon, nged seventy
three Sinking at Hannibal, Mo., of
the tugboat Dictator; nine lives lost.
22. Death of Princess Isabella, of
Portugal, nged seventy-live years.
23. Death, in Henderson City, Ky., of
ox-United States Senator A. Dixon;
seventy-four years.
25. Burning nt Rouen, France, of tlie
Theater des Arts. A number of soldiers
nnd actors killed Death, in New
York, of Barney Williams, the actor.
28. Queen Victoria, in a proclamation,
nnnounees her assumption of the addi
tional title "Empress of India.
29. Denth of Thomas Aird, the Scot
tish poet, nged seventy-four yenrs
Death of Chief Justice Edward W. Gil
pin, of Delaware, nged seventy-three
years Suffrage restored to the in
habitants of Alsace aud Lorraine.
30. Denth, at Florence, Itnly, of Jamea
Lorimer Graham, the American consul.
6. Riot in Salonica, Turkey; assassina
tion of the Frencbmnd German consuls.
.... Great explosion of rend-rock at West
Hoboken, New Jersey, . . .Death of John
A. Searing, ex-representative in CongrosB,
in Mineola, L. I. ; aged sixty-one years,
7. Death, nt Flushing, L. L, of the
Rev. Dr. W. B. Sprngne, nged eighty
10. Opening of the Philadelphia Ex
hibition. 11. Return home of the Prince of
Wales from India.
13. Death, in New York, of Judge
16. The famous political conference at
Iho Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York !
Prohibitionists in Cleveland. O.. nomi-
j nnte Green Clay Smith for President of
; the United States.
18. Duatli. at St, Paul. Minn., of Gen. !
Willis O'Gormnn.
i 1!. Denth, in St. Louis, of Julia Mat
1 thews, tho English actress. . . .Death, in
Boston, of Owen Marlowe, the actor,
forty-six years,
! 20.' Dentli, in Scranton, Pa., of the
! Rev. George Peck, D. D., nged seventy
nine yenrs.
24. Denth, in London, of Henry Kings
ley, the novelist nnd poet. . . .Return to
England of the Challenger after its fa
' Moiw expedition.
27. Dentli, in Peolh, of Francis Pa-
lucky, tho historian.
: 2l. The United States Senate declare
that they have juristliction in the Bel
, knnp impeachment case.
30. Great fire in Quebec; live hundred
houses destroyed.
31. Abdul-Aziz, the sultan of Turkey,
dethroned; his nephew, Murad Effendi,
' proclaimed sultan.
1. Abdul-Aziz dies and the Turkish
government nnnounees his suicide.
8. Death, in Amherst, Mass., of Dr.
William A. Stearns, president of Am
herst College, aged seventy-oue years.
Death, iu Paris, France, of Madam Du
devant (George Sand), aged seventy-two
15. The Boston forger, E. D. Win
slow, released from custody in London.
10. Tho Republicans nominate Hayes
and Wheeler for President and Vice
President of the United States.
17. B. H. Bristow resigns his seat as
secretary of the treasurv.
20. Death, at Portland, Me., of John
Xeal, the writer, nged eighty-three years
....The President nnnounees to Con
gress the release of Wiuslow and another
forger, Brent, by the British govern
ment, nnd the abrogation of the extradi
tion treaty by that act, unless Congress
should regard it differently Death of
General Antonio Lope;; tie Santn Anna,
at Vera Cruz, aged seventy-eight years.
5. General George A. Ouster and .iitl
officers nnd men of his command killed
by ludians in Montana.
27. Dentli, in England, of Harriet
Martineau. aged seventy-live years.
'J8-20. Tilden and Hendricks nomina
ted by the Democrats for President and
Vice-President of the United States.
1. Death, in Rome, of Joseph Ferrari,
the Italian philosopher.
4. The Centennial of American liberty
is celebrated throughout the United
States, notably iu Philadelphia.
0. Conlliet between whites nnd colored
people in Hamburg, S. C.
9. Burning of Castle Garden, New
10. E-Ligious outbreak in Colombia,
South America; ten lives lost.
11. President Grant receives tlie resig
nation of Postmaster-Gcnerar Jewell.
12. James M. Tyner nominated and
continued postmaster-general .... Dom
Pedro, emperor of Brazil, sails from New
York for England.
14. Explosion of the boiler of the Eng
lish man-of-war Thunderer; terrible loss
of life.
15. Death, in Edinburgh, of Alexander
Russel, the editor of the .ScuUtiittn news
paper. 19. Cornell University wins all three
raees in the Intercollegiate, regatta at
20. Capsizing of the yacht Mohawk iu
New York bay off' State'u Island; Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Garner," Frost Thorne, Miss
Adele Hunter and Peter Sullivan
22. Death of Ex-Governor William
Haille. of New Hampshire, nged sixl v.
nine yenra.
20. Death of Ex-Uniled Slates Senator
Alien T. Capcrtou, of West Virgibia,
aged sixty-tive yeura.
L!'J. Ex-Queen Isabella returns to
1. The L nited States Senate failed to
convict Belknap. . . .President Grant, bv
proclamation, declares Colorado to be a
Suite. . . .Sinking of a Hat bout on
Bawbee's lake, Mich., nine persons
15. Cong rei-s adjourns. ... The entire
business of Westport, N. Y., de
stroyed by tire. . . .De ith, in England, of
Henry Lowtlier, Earl of Lonsdale ; fifty
eight vears.
19. 'Dentli of Michael C. Kerr, Speaker
of the House of Representatives ; titty
31. Eti'endi, sultan of Turkey,
deposed, and Abdul Humid, his brother,
proclaimed his successor.
4. The town of St. Hyacinthe, Canada,
destroyed by tire ; 4,001.) persons rendered
12. Death, in Richmond, Vn., of
'General Henry A. Wise, aged seventy
14. Death, in Louisiana, of Robert
Barnwell Rhett, Sr., agtid seventy-live
1. Death, in San Francisco, of Jamea
Lick, the philanthropist : eighty years.
7. Death of ex-Sultan Murad' Effendi
of Turkey V lire occurs in the Ger
man bark Europn at New York ; !:c
workmen killed.
VI. Explosion of boilers in a nail mill
in Pitt .burgh, Pa. ; fifteen men killed.
18. Death, in Maryland, of Francis P.
Blair, Sr. ; eighty-seven years.
21. The winding bark Florence arrives
; at San Francisco with tho intelligence of
, the wreck of twelve American whaling
ships of tho Arctic fleet, with immense
loss of life.
30. Five persons kiilled in a collision on
, the Delaware, Lncknwanua nnd Western
railroad, near Goldsborougb. Pn.
31. Cyclone in Eastern Beugal, Re
ported loss of 250,000 lives.
1. Turkey accepts n two mouths' ariu
i istice in the Servian war.
3. John S. Routt inaugurated the first
governor of Colorado.
4. Death of General Giles A. Smith, a
veteran of the civil war.
, (i. Death, in Rome, of Cardinal Gin
; camo Antonelli, nged seventy, . . .Death of
i Thendoro Vou Heuglin, the German ex
; plorer.
i 10. Formal closing of the Centennial
Exhibition in Philadelphia.
17. A hurricane iu Porto Rico destroys
destroys forty-five vessels ami a large
part of the coffee nnd sugar crop.
18. The floor of a theater talis iu San
Francisco ; seven persons killed.
23. Arrival in New York of the steamer
; Franklin with William M. Tweed, who
was captured in Spain.
5. Burning of the Brooklyn Theater ;
1 newly 300 lives lost. Death of Henry S.
j Murdoch and Claude Buiroughs, the
I actors Extradition virtually resumed
between the United State und Great
; Brituin.
9. Buriul of the unrecognized dead iu
Brooklyn Crisis in the Mexican Rev
olution ; President Lei do and his cabinet
captured by General Dinz near the city
1 of Mexico.
15. Dentli, in Washington, of Inspector
0 irTtJSwniSy faster in Wnles; '
seventeen person killed. . . , i
m Terrible disaster on tho Luko Shore
Wliat ii Chemist Hum Done for I'nnice. I ,
in modern society, md list rial progress
in eioseiy eoiinecieii wun scieiu me i
studies. iTtictiem men lire dependent
on students, nnd tho success of the latter 1
in original researches insures success to
the former in increasing wealth. An
humble scientilh' observer in France
lias made larger contributions to the na
tional wealth than eminent financiers
like Sully and Turgot. A competent
judge declares flint Professor Pasteur
has saved enough to France by his dis
coveries to pay the entire indemnity to
Germany. He is n grent chemist, nnd
one of the most skillful experimenters in
the world. For ninny years he hns been
subjecting the theory of spontaneous
generation to the most severe scientific
tests, nnd is positive in his convict ion
that nil life, so far as we know it, springs
from living seed or germs. He onil'inns
the maxim of the ancients by his own
experience, (hum1 cinini ex nvii the
egg must always precede life. In the
course of his experiments to discover by
the microscope the various kinds of seed
invisible in tlienir nnd capable of growth,
he has found the kev to diseases in the
grapevine, in the silkworm, and in wines
and vinegars. France has a large com
merce in wines. But from cancel un
known to the manufacturers these wines
lose their good Uiilities, turning sour or
bitter and unlit for sale. The experience
of the best dealers has been bullied in
seeking a remedy for the difficulty. Pro
fessor Pasteur put some of the spoiled
wine under the microscope and soon dis
covered the cause of the trouble. Mi
nute organisms were found in the wine
in every instance, and the fhinge of
quality was duo to their presence and
growth. Of course they grow fruui
g Tins, and if the germs could be de
stroyed the mischief would be averted.
Judging from experiments in other
liquids that heat would bo fatal to the
germs, ho subjected the wines to a de
gree of heat which they could bear with
out injury and found that nil the germs
were destroyed. Tho wineniakers profit
by the science of tho chemist and save
millions of dollars formerly lost by the
spoiling of the wines. Having been suc
cessful in making wine unalterable he
turned his attention to vinegar. This
was subject to changes which made it
putrid and worthless. He detected an
other kind of organism iu vinegar, and
taught the dealers how to destroy it in
germ and keep the vinegar unhnrined.
He next attempted to find the cause nud
cure of a disease which was ruiniug the
silk husbandry of France. Silkworms
ceased to spill ; they lived and fed as
usual, but produced no silk. Cultiva
tors were puzzled to understand the mat
ter ; and, utter vain efforts to read the
riddle, were inclined to give, up silk
raising as a practical failure. But
Pasteur with his microscope saw what
the sharp eyes of the growers could not
discover. He found that the disease,
called pebriie, was due to a minute para
site in the intestine of the silkworm,
which spread through the body and filled
up the sack where the silk ought to form.
The pi sr insect attempted to spin, but
there was nothing to spin from, and its
usefulness was ended. Pasteur followed
up the inquiry by watching the growth
of the parasite through all its changes
till he found the stages where it could be
destroyed without injury to the insect.
He thus made the foundations of silk
husbandry secure and permanent, and
saved one of the most valuable indus
tries of France from utter ruin.
The Cos! ol' Wheal.
The eo.-it of wheut by netilid iieeount 1
witli the Held is given by eorrespou
dent of the Miehigun Winner, who wiys :
Not long cinee 1 was Koniewhnt imiUhed
nt lending a report of the proceedings nf :
11 errtiiin " runners' Club," in v.hieh was
given sniue rnilgh guessing ut the cost of
rmsing v. heiit. I luive aimed to keep an
exact iieeount nf the labor done on my
wheat ernp wliicli has been harvested the
past K itsnli, and have attached to it ami
the other items of expense what I con
sidered to lie a fair valuation.
Below will give you my iieeount with a
field nf twenty-three acres, which may at
least amuse your readers :
11 ilnvn plowing, nt iri.oit pel' d.iy irT.50
iliiys dne-'Kiii;.'. lit 2.o(i pel' day 1:1.75
ill days dinwiiiK muimre. at 'J.-Vi per day 8.75
ii days -iprendinn liaiiiui'e, at if 1.25 per day 7.511
5 duys junking, ut '2.5(l per day 11!. .Hi
l!'. dajs driiliiii,'. at it2.Sll per dav (i.2."
j:t;. liiihliel ol seed, at 1.20 per bushel.. 2s.-D
Kurvestiii 5(.s5
'I'lira-liini.' 2ll.7i
lntere.-t on land ut seven per eent ll'.i.'ll
Tax's 7.:J
Wear of tool In Oil
'j'oial eot
Di-diu tiiijr per ucre
Net tola!
. .i-:l2u.ll!
. . :i.iio
value of straw.
Machine measure gave 127 bushels,
which, at the above estimate, would ho a
trifle: l"ss than seventy cents per bushel.
The soil in which this crop was raised is
sandy loam. The wheat grown in another
Held the same vasou cost me eighty
cents per bushel.
A Mother' Iiilliience.
l'f'iiii their mother, we are told, the
Wonicys inherited, the nne. his placid
temper, his calm perseverance, nml Irs
dauntless courage, and the other his
tluent speech and gift nf song. From
his mother Sir Walter Scott imbibed his
love nf poetry and painting; and hits
Wi'lt Illft'M llfOVl' thllt. it Will Hi. Tiliniili
ffiit.'ou's Hun Kii't.s w.n-o n-iiipli'd
with a iniKerulile tciupiT u l.-giu-v ii'iiiu
a furiims itu.l iickln mother. Old J.n
re JSiiiiitimrte was nevor lifiitcii in uuv
lirnject Khc uii.lcitiiiik. Her energy vns
Kimiily iinloiiihi... mnl this lust trait
linn liceii Ktrikin.uly illustnttfil thi'niiKli
i tut the whole nf the Kitat NuuoIiku'h
lift1. It aviih ii'om hiis mother that
" liohliy BnniN," an Scoti'hiiK'ii lovii to
full him, imhiht'il his love for hoiij; for
hhe litrfil "to tfivo. wiiij.'S to tin1 weary
hours of her checkered lifo by eliantiiiff
KinifiH and lmllads hhe herself hil l eom-
iioKeil." Pacriek Henry hud nuuiy u j
lesnoii iu conversational jiower, his
mother traiuinp; the gift in tho imimits-
iiiff hid. Dr. Johnson's mother iilways j
argued wiih him in order to do him
good, nlthoiiffh bhe knew that the will- i
fill, lnu'ly hoy Bometiines deliberately !
took the wrouff fridf. Philip Doddridge's j
mother created his tasto for scripture
fcceiu-B and scripture subjects by teaching ;
him from tho Dutch tiles nroiind their 't
old fiitrhioned heiu'thpluce. ;
Mrs. Myra Chirk Gaines is a very little j
yt JUiau, possessing eyes of piercing bril- !
liancy, which liave cliauging hues ; borne- I
times they tire, black, pometimes a steely j
uray, anU sometunes ultie. hue is an
agi-eeable woman, talks charmingly, nnd
has th merriest of luughs. Vku she
gets filial possession of her fortune she
meius to build iu Washington a large
lu t'jl, where members of Congress w ill
be u We to live with their families without
spending more than their salaries.
Advice 1 Worklligincn.
cwi.Mri'VV trn;1' 1 i f t-'
' , ' '
.. . V i ... ... "'""" " 1' v
in v ine iiu in, nun wrillen 1 Hem n letter
saying Hint lie Inm not the tune to do no.
In his letter, however, lie reviews
plat form nl considerable lemrlli .lia.
agreeing with the .principal parts, and !
given i iieni some excellent ll'IVlee, Of
olio oi tlie planks lie suys :
"i:il;lit Iimiiih for tlm lircHPiil. . m-,i
worliinu ilny, nml li'cnl iiiitilHlniiciit of nil yio- '
In my judgment this would inmovo;. 1
ish (he world, iiiiIohm we provide (lint no !
nine i.ouie.1 person sunn tvork less tlinn '
eignr, nours m tiny; im.i tlie enrorce-
mem oi mien ii regulation would employ ,
a torinulaiilo
sinniiillg iiriny of police,
Then, 1 'to not see how if in possible to
apply the proposed rule to farm Inborirv,
or to the work of women in keeping
house. In farm work it is important, hi
follow the order of nature -to work while
it is day, to make liny while the sun
shines, aud make up for excess of toil
through the long days of dimmer by rec
reation during the long winter evenings.
It seems to me that, you have il suffi
ciently considered tho relations of (lie
farmers In the possession of the seasons,
or the exigencies of housekeeping. A
code, to have universal application, must
not In1 frame 1 with particular reference
to the cities or to one sex or claAs. 1 also
object on higher g rounds to (he eiglit
hour regulation; I hold that it would act us
a fetter upon the workingmnu. It forbids
him in the yenrs of his strength the full
exercise of his faculties; it would pre
vent him from making the extraordinary
exertions that ho might be willing to piit
forth to give his children a better start
in the world than he himself had; it is
a restraint that would prevent promo
tion, put away ambition nnd guard
against the nccumulntion of a compe
tence. Men are equal iu rights, but
there are degrees of capacity, and you
can only enforce equal rights, 'tint equali
ty in works,
Heartrending Scene
A correspondent, writing of the ilis
j aster to the British steamer Circassian,
at Hridgeluiinpton, L. 1., says : Amid
, the howling of the tempest and the roar
; of the waves there wns borne t' our eais
, the voices of the poor fellows in the rig-
gmg, singing Jiyiiins nud praying in
chorus to (iod. There was hardlv a dry
eve on sdoi-tt nnionir im ns xvn liw.v.1 tlinu,.
thrilliug and supreme npienls to God. :
Among those on the wreck were ten !
Hhinnecoi'k ludians, who, as a rule, are '
very good men. )uring this agonizing
scene, which lasted for hours, we heard I
these ini'U pravintr. The beach was !
liuoil with liuudri'ilft of jH'uplo, uiiiuy of
llieul Wdiiicu, siililiiug pitt'ouslv. Homo
of tliciii were tlie wives of tin doomed
men. The wind en kIioi-p raged with
toii'ilile viiilcnce, drivi'iiR tho people
hither nud thither. Tlie life saving
crewi of Nouthhmnptoii, dintuiit rive nnd
11 hull' mili'H, nml Enst Hiunptun, about
the wiine ilistuiKV hml tirrived, briiiKinf
their lnovtiii'K.with them, nnd but did not
attempt to une their life line when firing,
an nothing could be douo. They, how
ever, tired 11 'number of lilunk shots to
try nnd reiiiiiiimte the eournge of thoHe
mi lionrd.
Indiileiiee is the mother of invention,
ttek'-posst . sHioii is nine points of the law.
(Vish ndviiuceM At'entinii to u rieh
widow. The drop eiirtain, like ehi'rity,
covi va a niultitiule of wenes. It makes
11 (litlVvenve whether you jmt " Dr.'" be
t'or.' 11 mini's mime or nl'ti r it.
Colonel Ocorgs E. Waring, of Ogden I'ui ni,
near Newport, li. I., will soon bein the publi
cation iu ticiuuXKu's Hontuly of a series of
papers of spoeiul interest to those living in the
country, in viucb will be considered the advan
tages ollerei'. to furnierrt trout a concentration
of their hoiioca nnd farm buildings into village,
c specially as n relief from the duUiienH nud isola
tion of remote farmhouses, as affording butter
education i'ur children, nnd ns limiting tho
farmer's life more attractive to the young. An
other paper will treat of the work to bo done
by "Village Improvement Associations." fcitill
another paper will give explicit instruction as to
the lue.ui. for civinu a eoud sanitarv condition
to the illn:e mid to the country house. Iu tho
l'KOSl'l:tTl i nl M UIKM:ltS INT11I.Y
for 1K77 other papers iiunouuced that will
be of e.-p. cial interest to farmers. Among these,
Mr. Charles llarnard's articles on various in
dustries of Civet Hiitain, including the History
of some experiments in Co-operation, a dcscri
tion of the Hri!i-h V.'orkiHau's Home, nud
Clarence Cook's articles on Household and
Home Decoration, all profusely and elegantly
illusti. tc'l : a department called the World's
Work; inunhtr entitled Home mid Society,
which will treat , of domestic life, the Cfijo of
children, elc. :
i;i:m:iiai, .ic i,i;i.lan's ru aviii.s,
In ;jan in Ihn ,l..nuary S uiiinkk, with " A Win
Ur on the Nile," will run on lhroii(;li the joar.
There will be three serial stories :
" jnvn itN,"
by that popular author, J)i.Hoi.i.asi cthe
editor i, author ot " bitter K''' " Kathrina,'
"Timolhy 'l'iteomb'B Letters," Arthur IJoimi
custlc," uud the story of ' Hevuiioaks."
The scene of this latest novel is laid on the
banks of the Hudson. The hero is a young
ninti who has been always " lint to a '0n'a
oii'di ulriiHjfi," but who, by the death of his
i mother, is left alone in the world to drift on
the current of lifo with a fortune, but without
a inu'imsc. Another serial, "HIS JNHElil-
I TANCk," I iv Vims Til vi-ton, w ill begin on tho
completion of " That Lass o' Lowrie's," by Mas.
KaXK, 'J'ol'KOUKNKl'l', HoVKHKS lllld
; McKay will coutribtito short stories. Kaxo
! "
: fAimmit bassett-s ho.wanck,
' printed in two or three monthly pari .
i r ', "'i .. ;'n" i)u ,.j,i!' (i. ' V.. ii;. , IZt
I rranco. and the mnuavine will uIho pnblih a
rritioal paper on Toiucuencfl', bv 1'rofenhor i
JiovKHiiN, aeeoinpnnied by a jiorti'ftit of the :
fuuioiiH Itusnian pntriot. i
Tliu Ivlitorinl Department will contimie to !
employ the ablest pen both at homo and :
abroad. There will bo lrtterg on literary mat
ter" from London by Mb. Wki.fobd.
The lepnrtment of iric-n-irae will bo filled j
Willi the choicest bitH of American humor. '
Kckuinku'm Monthly ia tlie only American j
mo(;azine (besideH Ht. Nicholas for tho lioys j
and O iris, by the hamo publinhers) that has j
found any considerable numlior of readers ,
abroad. bi BiBNKn is issued Himultaneously iu i
Loiidrm and in New York. 1
The ihli Timet (English) snva :
" It puts to shame all our menthliea."
15 Moiillm for 84.
To new subscribers who wish to get the oneil
iiiK. chapters of " That Lass o' Lowrie's,'' we
will send 15 numbers for fc-4.00, beginning with ;
the magniticent Midsummer Holiday Number
(August, 1H7G), and ending with October, 1877.
ttiM) a year ; S5 cents a number. Postage pre
paid. CiT Bend 25 cents for a specimen num
ber. hi HIIlNLfl rjt t'O., T43 llroadway, N. Y.
suirJoua hniite iu fire nuikim?
Ouo illuming Miiig Bridget O'FmtoI
Hllilittd up a jiiitroleiuu barrel ;
"Now," fho Haul, "I U have a toine Hi .
ai purely she did,
For when tliey found Bid
She was bakfil like a brick,
Only dryer.
Be Not in Haste. Tho following in "ordiIryau
timely, theno diu-k moruings, when lute ! 1,7 6o"nwfekr.
vising and early breakfast T occasion ha- I !. "SM1. i Cii.WtlftWLltt.
It Was Strong- Enough. I
An Indianian wont into a Chicago j
saloon and asked for a "gin cocktail with j
Borne strength into it." The bnrkeei er '
made a mixture 6f alcohol, pepper sauce, !
nbHinthe, limes and painkiller. " Tho !
lllfliiiliiini flfiiftb ,'l " 41... II.! 1
7V.7..n ".,1 a.i.'...,t .. I... ..J
mine to his eves, his mouth coiitrnete.l
to about the sizo of
a Safe kev hole, nml
when he had sufficiently mastered h-8
emotion to sponli he said: 'How muck's
that?' 'Fifteen cents.' responded the
barkeeper. The, customer nut down 'n
, quarter Mild said: 'Keep (he change
have something youreelf;' then, wring-
ig t10 barkeeper's hand, ho added
"J'lmfs the (list good gin I've tasted
since 1 left home-something like liquor;
it's Noll (if imiek in b.kiiiir I, .,1,1 n,l Mw
In letting go. Coino and see me, and
I'll give you some corn whisky Mint's
belter still whisky that's like swallow
ing ii circular saw whole, mnl juilling it
up again. ' Tlio barkeeper mi hour later
nsked the patrolman if he hud heard of
an old mini being found (lend on the
sidewalk, and when the officer said tn,
he dniiced a few jig steps, nnd cried :
'Hurrah, he's gone somewhere elno to
die 1' "
A Safeguard Against Itatt.
Huts are accomplished ropn walkers,
and are able to make their way even 1
along very small cords, (ionseipiently I
so long as they can mount upon the
lines, Holding edible suspended there
from in sale from tdeir attacks. A corre
spondent of the Huston Jnuriiut of
CiniiiHri uses wires, upon which circu
lar pieces of tiu arc strung, and hangs
his meat, grain, etc., between the tin
pieces. The ruts cannot pass the tiu
circles, because, as they attempt to climb
over them idler wulkiiig out on the
wire, the pieces revolve. '
'Down In the Mouth."
Wlicio tli.-re in a eoiitinunl dromiiiiK ilimn
info the bnok ef the month, with imtiitimi nnd
hillmiimittiun of the inisitl cnvirii H nnd tlircmt,
with Iiu wkititr. Kpittinn. nnd n kcmhc uf fnlln(,ss
nliniit tho hind, bu nut ilocc-ivtd or limcv it n
Niniple cold. Vou are nfllictcd with thnt'Wri
hlo woiiri' of thin elinint' Cntanli, Llie fore
rutuiui of Ci,iHinnition. In itrt enilv Htngt-H a
few ImttlcH of Dr. Knw'H ('nlnrrh IU mi;dy will
i fTcet on entile cure. When coutiiined, Dr.
Pierce's tiolden Slediiiil DiHtoveiy should L
USl'd ill eolini'i'tilill with till. Ileltii.rlv Tl.n.i.
tiiinuird meduiiu's have been beforo the pnhlic
'".""J' yeni-K. nml Ha ir use has been nttended
w". tli- l.tot rriitilyin( HiieoesH. A fuU din-
cimsKiii nf ( atin rli nnd itii rntiunnl tivntumnt in
pontiiiiicd in '-'JTio l'Miplu's Common Hraii-e
Sk'dicnl Advi it," a book of over nine liiuidivd
papcrt, illutiiiti d with over two Inmdied and
uixhty-tn-o uiraviuKH, bound in elotli nnd Rilt,
liriie, poNt-paid, 1.50. AddrcH Publisliini,' Dc
pnrtiuunt, World's DUpumnry, lliiffalo, X. V.
1'voiu Simeon Manpi.ut, lisip, of Owego. X. V.J
"Some years since I was attacked with a se
i vere aud distressing cough, tho long eontiuu
. ance of which much alarmed ino. From what I
; had heard of Wistah'h IUlsaii ui Wild Cukuiiy
I eonclud-d io give that preparation a trinJ,
which I did, nud by its use obtained immediate
and permanenl relief. Again, n.hout five years
: ago, 1 was taken with a severe hacking cough.
accompanied with pain in the chest and side,
: tickling in the throat, etc., which so reduced
: my health and strength as to unlit me for at
, tending to my ordinary business. I applied to
j well known physicians, and used their preserip
i Uons without any perceptible benefit ; when,
; after having been conllned to my room for
several months, 1 again had recourse to Wist ui's
ItALsAJt. and to my great joy fouud. as before,
immediate relief, and two bottles restored me to
perfect health."
50 cents mid sl o bottle, bold by all druggists.
Nol To-uiorrow, or the xt Day.
: Hut uow, if you lm a cough, cold, or any irri
. lation whatever of the organs of respiration, use
Halo Honey of Hurehound aud Tar. It is a
vegetable balsam, compared with which all
other pulmonics are valueless. Sold by all
druggist.). Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one
, minute.
There cau be no mistiike nbout it,
"Matchless" plug tobacco token the lead.
Old tine cut chewers say it gives better Hatis
faction and is cheaper than fine cut. You
cannot be imposed upon, as each plug has
the words ' Matchless P. T. I'o." on a wooden
tag. Try it once and you will always chew it.
Manufactured by the Pioneer Tobacco Com
pany, New Yoik.'
I Vegetnblu l'liliuunuiy lUUani, the great N?w
; Kiighutd cure for couglin, cuhU and cuimuup
' tion. Cutler iiroi. i I'o.'d, Boston, only gtmiiiit.
Pkhsidkntial Mansion, Washington,
! ). i'., Airil S3, lfi75. Monsrs. HolplieiiHtiuo &
' lii iitU'V G'entu : Tor the pint soven yeairf my
j wife him lit en n K'iv;UHUfk'rt rlruin t hL'tuiKitir-ii).
( Hnr doctor it failing to give Uvr ivlU'i', hhc u-n'ii
1 three bottle of lUiriin'H ltciiivdy, nnd n )jt
j mantnt cure was tlie result. Win. II. Crook.
executivt; clerk for President tlrant.
Wouthy OF Xotk. An excliunge suys i
tlii iu iii K'unvly u ilay jiasscii that o do r.ut 1
lii'iir, tilli r frcnu iicrHuim criming into oiu
ciliice or iu some utlicr ay, nf the wucceM of
Jultiifvii'ii Anwlijiw l.iniimut in tliu cuiv oi i
cough and colds, tip prevalcut iibout Inwu Ju.-t I
now. I
If wi can bt'uclit t!ie lviulovs of this j
pHIur any by rt'Cniiiiiii'mling J'arnoim' 'nnja-
Hoc l'itii itu the bent nnli-bilious minlkiue in ;
thft crjuntry we me uillini; to do no. We htivu
hud about an nuod a clutmcto know asnny one. j l'l!KIOV; '.M.'JE V?.!' .
Viil l..i Wr.t.. I'm. I. I11.NI.1IAM i H I.. AU'(
A Viihlnlilc ;ifl. By an arrniignmpnt with Iho
PubliHlinr, wh will fcfnrl eveiy rnarler nf thii pap. r A
aaliililu I'ar-kaffurif IVunfifrir Ficturiiii Jre. Srrnd a-r-MPt
atniiip fur iot:!r.. Tlit'y am highly colored, Imauulul,
ami r-imily trani,liTrrd tn any uljjti't, m ae In iunliile ex
actly thH inuht beautiful pantuiir. AKelPri WHtittnl.
.1. 1.. I'ATIK.N & 1X1., IC Wdiiam Street, NeYurk.
$3.00 for $1.00.
'V 1 1 J 1
All lite UTeut weekly iiewKpnpem ofillie size
nml chtiriii ter ul TIIK 'IIH'AJO I.KtMJKIt
i-liiirBO 83.0U per yeiir, while THE I.KUfJElt
roils hiti til. Oil.
Tii I.MinKn it Iho BKST V.irui!- P.ipnr In tha Unitnd
Stiitep, only f-'1it.i, binlMmly printed: containing
t'vury weHli'ch'iice trni.letn.1 st'irian, an installment of
an int.rotmif anil rzeneral raiiUK for
riUI ami -nuiu, fur the fiiriuer. tor the housewife, and for
all c-lnshii-r. Special care it taken to make itu tone uni
formly chunte and moral. Send !tf I, and Id cents for
postage, and your addreia to
The People Will Not Be Deceived.
Evory family requires an Authentlo Rlntory of th.
and want the onn tht wna planned before the opening
of the F.iir ami required tbe labor of my lare eoi ps of
Artists. lhotii! iuiKrarcr. and DraUKhismen tor
fc.nicwver. and UrouKaimen ior
tun months to
which wu made ex
xuie int
nl- lliil.w.i u" utii v.i and in It are only ailHleiiUo llltu.
t.-iitions Kivinir a Romplte panorumaof the ,x position
f...ra i?a inception it clone -pivtme . of active lite
tv.A r-.... i; iirn.-,rfi. Art kihilnU aurroundec.
:S tiv. lite
by vtf tt'in(fnvinT at once a correct idea ot dimensions b
eoiuparison Stiite Days and their attendant ptearitry
Ciiiraetr nl.cKhes true to lift. in fact aueli a mid
pnrtr'.Kure r s gives the reader a perfect knowledge of
all branches of t:ie Exhibit ion. ,
tiVvry one ou fee ins specimen paes ana p.oafciovvus w
oy THH -
Centennial Exposition !
fmniinn E fiirfr
U?- Ja 'g
sucu L.ioks as um aimu.uuod as , iiuwinea, '"1.v ... ,1B AGENT is ooranenaated for his sr
lB,lu.ilini.i:t'.thrMtvii.UKiaotiiiJUpp.,witli4tj0ull jmumuiu.
Iilxj iilu.MMti.aM in eali, auj prinuij u payor thro. rsjrAny wlilo nwakf), enterirlii niiin or
liniHs tha Lnlg'.it uud onst.usnd inordinary octavo booka. waUHn com muke amull rorluiie by sirudinsT
Arl'hawlutprwo, term, aud torritory, for our l'reilliuill IiUl, ofleriliM llueriBl In.
. r r- nrniDTMCMT ' rinoeiiif ial lo llione who work for Iho"! linen.
AtiEfCY DEPARTMENT, j ""nd lor "ho docuiueuu. They will be aent
Iiank Lealis's Putlishinjj House, lire. -4l,Jf,;.INCiNNATi times co.,
d3T Penrl Mreet, New Vork CwcuuiAti. Ohio.
it. 0. ftmnortk & Co., Dfnrtr. Ool.t GimiUmtit.
Prompted bv ft fcllow-trnlitiir for thoRO talllrted
rntnrrli.I 'lnli to ncld my tcBtltnoiiy In behalf of Saw
Fonn's lUDioAt. I'ubh ran CATAmii. 1 Imvo beon
ionlr ftullctvd wllh tlilB feftrftll dlsrviBefor fourjrenrsi
nnd linve tliod evcrv known wlfhont Avail
until I bought ft bottlo of tlie nbovo Com from tou,
which trnva tun nlmopt Inntant relief. It being ft con.
lltutlonftl an well nn n locnl remedy, I believe it to be
dll tint In clftlmed for It, a ItadtcM Cure for Catarrh.
cry truly yot
DBMVJtn, Sept,
'With Jenaon, BUM CO.
ff !. J. O. flotwnrlh Co., Ventrr; fimiltmen, i
t inke pleasure In recounnendliiff SANPonn'fl ltADiuir.
ev nn for CATAnRf! to nil who arc afflicted with thl 1
dliCAtc. 1 tvaa irrealtynlflicted Willi Itfor ftlouirtlmo, ,
and cured It v illi two bottlca of the above Cubk. i
Abont a year afterwards I wan ftiraln taken with Cn. '
tnrrh qntto Hevnrely, ai.d Imrnoil lately aeut for another I
butili), which flxitil mo all rlKht, gtvlnif mo relief from i
thn Hint dote, t am cnnUdcrit thnttliliraoieriy will do
nil that In claimed fur It. and more too. WlflhliiRyou !
feticcoea lu It lutroductloii, 1 ma, very trnly yonra, I
DtXTEK, Oct. 4, im. of Smith Doll. ;
J. O. Jloniwth i Oi,, Dir, Cot..' 7n'd :
', f hfivo twert fUNFomVH Hamoal emit roa i
CATAnitlf, mhI IttmRfflvnn perfect (mtlfllftctlon. IhftTd
tried nlmoit r.vorythintf, nnd It In tlie only thlnff thnl '
rir Riven mo teller. I therefore tfik pleasure lu .
rcoitiniM.rllnK It uhp to bH uitlWitfid with Catarrh of i
any kind, ami olior thin at my t'fitlim.r.T to Its bntflti.
Very tnil, W. H. UECKKU, t
iJITTVEB.Oct.l, lb76. ,
Lar.ii pncl:ft(frontftlti!ihnfor'l,fLlmprood TidmUnff
1 .00 ,er nnrknfcr.
wun i ii ii uirurTirin ior nw in nil enara j'rlre,
K'rr anle by all Wholcnala and Itr-
lull llrilfKlnt14 tlioaiHlioutthr United Sliitcfl. WKKKS !
6 I'OT Kit, Ueuiuai AK''Ota and WhoUsalcDrusKUIs, I
il(,ion. ,
Afford the most grateful relief in all j
Auctions of the Chest and Lungs.
Mi rn. Weeks & Pan Fit r
tlmtitmtn. IlavinK (or many month pat nuffcred
With t very lamn ftldti, vallf-.d hymy iliyH.rhm Chronic
PkmrlfV, funded hy a K.nm-r Injury tmd Mtrain, and for
whir-li IiiNtil unmy prfKcripvlouh aud liniments, aa well
im lltn Ho-rill'.d rhL-Diniiti rtirt'H, without tho kiut
tj-Mi'Mlt, uiy physician recommended one of your Coi
livs' V'ji.i ah; i'LAai K itu, whkli, to my ffrcat Hurprise, .
rtli.-vt-d lli (mil. and fuieum' nlmool, Itmncdlntely,
and I have been tOile ti nltend to my household Bf- i
fair fvcrnlnci ivUU peitytit pho and comfort, where ,
nt htlcjif the Bppllriidon of your lnvuluabln olnstfir '
-van ncurcFiy ntiluto do anything. I consider them .
tilirtltU. undblmll adli iiltipuri; rr.ounund Lbm
t tie uilli'.-toU. Vonrp respectfully. !
Ollaho. Me., April xi, lt;i.
1 heri U no medical or protftcllrfi Rppllhnot tttat
win jn ove no i-riitcful and ( tfcctlro In TlckllnK Coavhit,
Irrigation nnd Horeurwi of tho ('licit nnrl t. in. era V
believe then, capablu oi pre voutiug ftwlou dlewe
ol thvHu orgttii;-.
Pi1l-' ?-i penis.
Solil lr oil druritiau. Mallei) on
rccii.l of price. 'H ecntj for one. Hi
iK-.'S. 'Sl.Fi'S.U'.11'. "'iwpi'cJ. warranted, b
Wfct.K fOTTEK, Proprietor!, Iloston, Maid.
for all. cr .1
Tim lU'Hf TruHH wilhD'A t
iiieiui niiruiKS evur uivouuMi.
Hit bumbuK claim of a our
I tin radiunl enru, but a guar,
nntue uf a ciitul'ertiibl, ae
vmu ttii'l balsfnetery appuV
aace. Wn v. iU livke back nnd
Tw.' li.II line' t'r tnat d'i u.r suit.
'.'ii-e, siu-i.-, L'i L it. SI l I'jr bntli sulo-. JiKJ. Sent by
mill, P'lbt li:i'l. c:i l-tfdllif nt p-icH. N. H.ltlis TrabH
A'll.!. cc UK mi ip i ll-iptaray than fuiy nt tlmaufur wuicb
itr::v rt; titt rl iinis iiri, mti.le. l':iri-i'l-LTl Irtsi.
xjl.Hoy TKISS CD .T HI BruaflwaT, iSow Yf.rk.
Wilson Scwinff Machine Co., Cbico
827 829 880ASWA7. nw 7a:l. or lS7 D:1msi
l IIU skirt (supporter au
liell'-Ailjusting l'uc's.
Secure? Heai.tii and C'oa'i'or I t
Body, wit li (jnAcE and Ue.xtt or
Form. Three Garment lnac3.
Approved by all i livslciai!3.
AliliSTS WaNTI'.D,
Kam pies hy mail, In Coutil. 12 ;
naiicun, ii io. to Apenis ai
S3 ccnLsledii. Order size twe
Inches smaller tl.un waist mea-
fyi ! . pure over tne oref.
fV; Varner EroB. 763 Broadway ,N.Y.
All .il'diit its Soil, Climate, Resources, Prnducts, tnwn
and its Ptmlo arejfivun in the KANSAS FAlt-UiT'
a lO-p!iKe Wnekly, ui itB tifienih yer. Pugu p- .,
H muutU. (or all cunt. Address
J. K. HUDSON, TornKA, Kasas.
Hus qititkljr taken a high pl.tce ain-mff axricultural
jtmnuls. -V. i'. 'JtihuHt V hav cciiuidurel k
aiimtiff tlm best of our exchanwi-s ami a wortiiy rprtsin.
tttive of tlia Vest. -I'mrtiral farmer, Pliil'a Our
KanH friendt iAiuuM fet-l much prido in tho hwh char-lU'tt-r
aud Ktfrliiiy wonli of ihtjiratatH.-vKripulturai paper.
.V.iK.Mlf Litetitutk J-urnl Vi uhftirfullj credit
it with U-in(ono oi tiio tusst c-litt-J of our Western affri
cultural tclian,fi.'ii( of tU 'lime, Sovr York.
1 Alitor 3 WAN i En iUH HISTORy
1' .
iiu- '1'iSU I'm r-n-riivii:.. of b-iildinifS ard !
. ill till- (iffc I i-.ii.'ii'. I'm. ;m-l i i t'.jr niiiv m iitij.:il ic j
mW-? Ii:.i.t p .iW;mi. It t;vit . ut t!io xr.ul
i , i.'-'l l-'i r liiliil.-. . ur.'j.itii'... crt.i r-v'its.' iU: 1
i it . :i
IM Olid Ah'TJ wii 4
i oiu- i l.-nu t-i Aeutft
Jt..! .1 ! i-.i- win v.'
NAVilJ.SAl, 1-i Ki.ISlil.Mi I'O..
i''Hi, I'A.
nri-li -''li' .slij, b n-lM rin
h vluli-'i'tii ill't' tii'imf circuiiitd.
D- I'.
w 1. '.'t' rhur t fu1 liiiti,: ;. im Ijiij' c;iiit iiaii
.'iki ;t'itl Iiu.' r'nfrain....
1 I'
Wrnill iliirlnit Ilii-M'H AI!TI:s nnd tb
I M 1 1 . 1 1 ViS lo 1'i'briiiir.v UI. iIisiiukv or' lot)
I'l l(IS .V lviANS, lii'w llllrl ni-i'iiiiil-lmiiil,
I lci' lrit'.- lor i'iikIi. or liiNliilliliciilN, 1
..i..M Si)i ' A UK null I I'K It i HT I'f
II rl- -III! l!llllll-rn. III'IIIIIIIIM 11 .1 1 l.lll till
til II II
iiini OU('lll'IUI (llllu:HfiaNnra
Hie ltlT II AIr. wiir.'nmt-a I'urSIV vruni.
AIJKTMJVANTKP. l!l.,-,rl.-.l r,alBue.
liir iiirr rs r.tnl Ui-,:Wr,ijr.Hi t tlbSu.riii
ll ll
BOYS, Read This j GIRLS, You Also!
; Mouth Organ.
A Novel Invention.
Music on Cai'ds.
3, 3, 4, 9,
7,- 8, O, O.
Anyone run pliiy tunes sweetly. The manufacturer.
price is j(MI by uu'.ll. Imt write to us and w. will toll
i-uu Hriw io lit.r iKt: w-riHorT monky kasilt.
Adilrr-s Till: I'ISKNHVTF.KIAN,
15 1 'J Cutai ni t Snittr. PuixapkiA-uia, Fa.
WORK for the TIMES !
milE C'INt'lNN T1 VEEKXY TfMES, pub.
imntill ior Ulirr v-i rtn yearn, una i-;iiiunai lu irsc
. 4 th UniuIlt rUll 0n shudea of politics.
terana inuuonce, v-. i pn
runs in uverv State and Tnn-i
(.inn. fur 1 fii i. hIoiih worth tha urice oi the onner.
i which la 2.00 ar: i club, of tea or mare, .(Ut.
own mill rar n .'f,wui uo invniuau. in niifiooitinix qui
for Kf.w Plac es of Kiwiukni k.
Embracing Illinfii, MisBouri, Kunsai.WiMmnain, Minafr
mta, Iowa, Nebraska and llikot, handmmieV colored,
ramified, and hunff on roller worth Hi.OO, will ba
prenled free to every uubbcriber ior the TntFS
who remit Jfcg.tH) fftrtlie paper one year. Or a .Now
jUiin ul'llio I'iiimmI Ht ait', jiibt publit.hed, worth
M3.aO will he sent with tiu I imks V.W a Vjr, to
any ouo who will piy for the Mnp iUu?. All wilt bo feint
by mail, pontage paid.
A Ult llOAAlCV tlr Tuts ISllIijli
l E
iS20,Q00 IN GOLD
An a remedy for Disbasrs, Sores,
Abrasions, and Roughness of tuk
Bkin; u a deodoriser, dmrtfattant, nd
means of preventing ana curing
KbcumatiBm and Gout; ar, as iiu
Adjunct of thb Toilet nd tbr
Bath, "Gijinii'b Hulphuk fc af !l '.a
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Tbe Compiaxion ifl not on! frw J
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use, but acQur?8 a rz&xsixztjfT
UKLicAcr am' rxiv rtt butsb
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aotion cf this wnoi.EsciaK Biui'.-
Tbe contractiott of obnoiout dis
eases is prevoutea aud tr,soop:rte
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elerb provided wiih tis adiaitabie
puriber havk at hand tara wain
liaths. lftiidruif is rezr.orad, tie
Lair retained, grayueea retarded
by it
Prices, 25 aho CO Cams per 04.,
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N.B Tbara If aoenosiy la ba.; ii JJ$ti UJ.M,
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Black p Br0W2, 60 Cenlg.
1 Wlill'i iirs'KH. Chi'-
hnt .!'!. Til o.v. Ill f
i. fnr,
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ASTHMA '" "ni'.y
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DFIKKSS H'ipiii.-i '.li-f! ml Tirn;ih Irirtit ito.
IvHl.iiiuiZ'xi, Mi'.-ii., I r .l":':rnl itni I .'iiidT-iiili.
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A ft AY to Aur.nH.
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r Affcntf). S:miiiles iKKJ
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1 X.MM-"
aTthmaSPECIFIC, T'!S,wjii
Trik! packf ttt.
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tif WKiiti-il. tiiiitunxiKtiU All x Vo., rtiM., f
WATCIIKH. A Orrat Su-iution. Sanipla
Wiitch tin t Uuttit frt-t n AL-nth. (V-ittT than
Ool.l. A-l.iro.v- A. (.UH-fI KU ( . Citj.-H.r,,.
JHotirlt. Affentst w-mtrrt. SO bent eell-
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II U,S fif Pnnunc nd R-inninff Ma.
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p tiii. lor mi!c
hutel and travplinR expensed
men No id(Uiinr. AddreKa
in: roii Mam f'u Cn Cincinnnti, Ohio.
? n le by one AKt'iit In f,7 (lays, ir, new
art it: U K. S;nnp!i.'S fri'e. AtUlri-f,
' 31, LlN.NTOX.lIiidiKO.
lllsOC d?ttre infulf by A(rnti tr-MInt? omt CI.
. Picti-ie Hrt;l C
F nit"-. W'irifi .,..( .,
Canh. i'2
I in-' tr
; 'N. ii'isniN mas-;
CSfA'O A KTAMI nnd we will nendynu n Spneimeit
KJ wpy ot tlie LKlLivhT U. 1 H K tlr.A ti i H
riamtuuta lb paxp,
b'airjiy Journal. i
trJ-eoliiinn 1 lit strut ml;r;rv i:n.l
rk U.m-.V.Y.
M. Luptrfjii At ).,u3 P.
I Sure rItff i PirTiir i
MMHUmaUW- liarlnstuwii, .Musi.
ttiM'lit'it intlt'tn l.-r nur l'ioH-;
" FIOrilllltK'llf 4nilllk llll'lllt cu,Ai
C'lilon lTiliitfi-il W,t.M. ' i ni.O,
M r i. r ) curp.l, fut-1 suvr-d, unrl 1 t"rt inc-re'e.
nTfTMiTTurr, - t"l lV nliiilyiiia till, h'liiriil 1).'U.
LrH-liUn X. I 0 s, ivl Hfinm rircuhr i
muiu&i'- j to li.-mj l.'uliorrl. T'JU S-ms.un M..
, Pliiln.. I'll.
GKM UEATI.:?. l's-d on any lamp. Uesti onl
ciiuuilfv. Heals iui;k. ftc, rluii-klv. (iri'ltl COII-
veiiiiicc iiIuIiim, :s ni n i..r-jaiil fi-r '5 i-t.. Ajrnta
w.T ;ii.4. Adili-.-.-i S. II. .IKSNIAIiS. I'n-i-p Kii-iT.rJoun.
AUENTS. Tivnnty
llxll Monntfl C'hromt'fl for
it-nuid . Oi. Strt-U-'u ii C'hro.
i if 1 . 'i iratniiloi, i
?1! (H2 e. at r,v i.rii v. t'.tt tU.H'i t','i. t'tiNTi.
SntalChhomo Co., 117 N"a-s.iu Srnt t. V'-.V --v.
I -n.iul iu i'loclu with UIu-tiuliniiM, 12
Pri.t's, 3. reitis li uttiil. Aittlrenn to 7li
or Tuv't Bitnivatiful tl.jafuMatnl
ir.U r, 1 ur'J i.i patjh Co. to tt-H
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w AJAM X J eiiiel'tt t:ti'iit, lui-i'if. h-tMnraSin
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V-itnii;tf I ( '! ( t'i.
MAX AIF1,KltS yvw
ltlMlU. Ol'TKKI.I.H uuv bo-ik. til
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Excursion Tickets t
OnlyTwo Chanvett nf Cri ! uirk Tin.1 ! Sen. I l-r
cixcaUr to t'. VlS(iI,INi.f tiomrjl Kutft rn ApT.i, No.
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I"rf. Iliiirtt Maxlo 'iitoiir.ii
U the only jTtpmi.lii'ii.uin.' itockiiiif vi wln:tt
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d ' in fverv ram?, or runncy clM ertully re
fiiurt'd. 25 ft'iifi I'.t (irtckac, .islpi.iili 3 fur
at cent. K. JONIIS. A4tl-.Ml.Mu-w
Inw'Hnt" the merits of Tlie Illiis.
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tnioii yoiu- wtnk tkii full v in
ter. The combination tor this -i';s:.n Hnrp;i nnytbitifc
beretofure attempted. Tt'iius -ut fruc, A;lf!rt -:-.
CtfiAJJ, CtUtJAS A CO., 14 VViinunSt., N.--w York.
flftfl CTA mmvwJLBBfrr mn fnttirl
wZOlf D. J. P. Vitlcb, belnBiwoiTkaMyi: Ifrfcd
I nvtLiu DM. 1 ITIXftt iUSUMAUC KjPT. HT 4
Utt fllH, ft Mlilllrll
nM im i:m
'.dtlM Mm I 1T BaVll, fUTU. iMItN V.
MtiDnnil inn riast
JrM Is. PITU&ja.
at aJ.UMM AT PftUQQU-n.
Electricity la I.lfr,
J. I ill ri ill ll, lifM .11 1IH- Orill
tcuri't Iuii-hfc wiu-ii nil oilier
drcmiMljes lull, li-isllumiilait
nml .uciiltti'S sent free on an
. J, WlMifcV
New Vorli.
V F El ! f! A I fl 11 V I f4 F A 4l-ril!o Pamphlet on Spe.
r.UiOHL. HUVILC oi;1 ud ( l,,ni0 Disenhes,
:il and 'liriinio Disenhes. U..l.;i .1. KKNT'C
ri'-KK un r.-ipt of nfciimp. A-lilreiis Dr. riuttaDiapii'.
nary, An 12 North Hill Street, St. Louis, Mo.
"T. UUmi, Kupture, Opium Hiibit. etc., KEN4
YonaR America Press Co.,
53 JJuhrav St., Xbw Yuhk,
rlttii'ftt ind Uvmt hiuiil and 1
'-ii-it.kintr printitigc reta
Q-t t Mli-.i,.'t. si , kco 1 il liia. rr mt4
.VII ft Tirt Jl-J (IM tjt 1 U lOt.
. rot iiiK
OlreuUri frca. Cpoclmon Bsck of Typo, Cats, Ac. ten cents.
Afljustatfla TaMQ.
Can be made any height, or fn l
ed up. Kor Cutting. Itii:r
Writiujf, Gamea lnvilid!-, Clul
drun, etc. l'r pricen and fctvh'S
nenfl for c..t-ihji'e. 5ention t'iis I.AMiUK A KAHUK.NT,
7fia Bmadwny. N. V.
His Sermons and Prnvnr Mnnt.
n Talka arn in tho authorized pditinns fnnu Verbatim
Eepnrta, in the New Book nnTllm Trtw
62( pagrs, U2. His Ti VTiViiAl JUI,
fit. A IS TTTsT"WfJSt New Vork Sermona ani
jLit.U XlXJlPiUrO, Talks are in the Book
from the V. V. Tri'ftrm. VrirhHtim HoportS, 604 patioa.
T.. li. TRKAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y.
The only eomrUl,ricJ-U iUuntntUd lotc price work.7TO
payes.unty .50. 'iTriHtaof tltirieittiiatiisltery.Krc'.ud
LiuldiiiiErJ, woua.i l nl exhiLitslc.iri(iitiH.-.,ht.i. Indorsed
by tke utHoialii andcleiKy. I itMl'iitt utb yd in 4
V0tfKt. KnpOlk fiplt'llttitl KIUT'-. UiOO'tWlllit
eel. For full pirticiiirrt wrire iuit.k!y i-, Jluitiivup
WJ S ak. ftl IKlfiKH iibSl'ilMtf Illip-
N. V. N. r,
Nt. 1
Bleae kiiy ihai yon it iho utlveriUe.
l U (hla paper.