Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor. T H UK A Y,T AIU Alt Y 11, 177. Inventors, in order to obtain valid Pat ehnuld employ attorneys of high Hiitiditijc. MrF, Ednn Urns., Washing Ion, D. C, are tin old, experienced and successful firm. Their ability nnd teal lo promote the interests of their clients Is at tested by the next of references. They fdmre the fortunes of the inventor, since their fee is not called for until the Talent is allowed. Fend for their circular. V.Gn-47. PCnVKLLtt- KlMKnre petthifr nil kind of new goroU every titty. Vo frequently happen In nttlielrstore nnd nlway cee eoniethinjjc new. Although they nre no hiunls to Mow, tliev keep quietly about tlielr btislitem, nnd nl ways keep their f took complete. THIS COLD WKATHKK RE nilnds tis thnt TOWKLL & KIMK have a nloe lot of Thermometers on hand. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT OtTcE. The lute CotmnissioiiTrs t N of the Hisj Level State Roml will jii'tition the Legislature, at It next Session to pass a law- authorizing: them to collect the Taxes levied, pny iudebt ediies, nnd sett le accounts. W. S. OVIATT. Doc. 28th, 1870. 4 1, TEAMISr The undersigned having provided himself with a team of borne, wagon, i te. is prepared to do job teaming of r.U description. A lnrge stock of sea soned bardwood on band, nnd for sale nt reasonable figures. Your patron age is solicited. "V- A. DERUY. Sept -21st 1870 3m. CnuliotiSoticc. AH poisons nre hen-liy cnutionod not to rmrehiise, or in nny wny meddle with flip fol lowing described property in possession of lustus TVood. Two horses, double harness, slnjrle lmrness, two wiiirotiK, one piilr slettjhs, one simile slolfih.one bnsuy, threo plus, one cmv, thtvi tons liav. one nlow. one harrow, one ctutinir box, foiir neres of wheat In ground, n lot of struw nnu nousonom poiMis. i purrnnspu me same nt Hlierltr sail' nnd have left them v illi the uld Justus et il for n time onlv, I). C. OY8TKM. Dee. JMtli, Ot. LIST OF CAUSES. SET TWS FOR TRIAL AT THE .TAN imry Term ot the Court of Common Picas of i JKeounty, coinmenclng, Moudny, January 1. John Mnnn vs. Lewis S. Dodd, No, 115, Atiiut Term, 1S7I. 2. Huriili V. Wilcox, Widow, etc., vs. Jesse nnd John Piatt, No. May Term, 17!, X Jus. IC. P. Hall vs. 1. Klines ctnl.. No. V. May Term, 175. 4. Samuel llaermnn vs. W. S. Service & Co., No :iVt, September Term, 1X73. . 1-redertek Collins et nl. vs. Andrew Hanson, No. a, September Term, ISTil. il. Weorisc A. Hnthbun vs. c. II. Kenrlev, No. IV, September Term 1x711. 7. Leonard Wittmnn vs. Thomns Snlllvnn, No. lsx, September Term, 176. :t. ltarbern Kekl, M'blow of Bernard F.ekl, (b eeiised vs. Kdward Uabel. !l K. II. IHxon vs Luther Lueore, et nl., Xo, , November Term, lfCtl. KHK1). BCIKKNINO, Clerk. Kidgwny, Pa.. Dec, 2S, '7(1. NOTICE. fTOTICK is hereby plven thnt the under. IN slimed Intend to npolv to the General As. seinbly of the State ot Pennsylvania, nt Its next session, for the liassaire of nn net en titled "An Act to provide for the payment of the debts and distribution of the funds of the State Hond authorized by the Act of first of iay, ism, enmieu" An Act appointing com missioners to lay out and open a State Road In the counties of M'Kcnn. Klk. Km-pst. nml Clarion, nnd the several supplements the. to." ' The said Aet will give to the Court of Com mon Picas of Klk County jurisdiction toeol-U-rt the funds of said road nnd npplv them im, io pay lue tiism oi me proceeuiiitf: 2d, To pay the just debts lawfully contracted by the late commissioners of said road, and vet unpaid; Hd, The surplus to the several town ships from whence the fund is derived. The proceedings to be Instituted by petition of any person luieresieu, aim me iiruier neces sary proceedings to be had after ten davs notice shall have been given to the proper authorities of the several counties and town ships Interested, and also by publication in each county. JOSHUA DAVIS, J. C.JAMKS, T. S. JAM KM, WM. W. URIFFITH, A. PETK1WON. docJI-Jt SHERIFF'S SALES. 5"Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri Oiacias, alius fieri facias, venditioni ii.inas, levari facias, alias levari r.ias; and testatum fieri facias, issued cit! of the Court of Common Pleas of i. 'i County, and to me directed, I. Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry, nt the Court House, iu Rklgwny, at one o'clock. P. M,, on MONDAY, JANUARY, 22. 1877. ALL that certain piece or parcel of larul situated in the township of Fox county of Elk nnd Stateof Pennsylva nia. 1 Sounded and described as fol lows to-wit: Ruing Lot No. (51) fifty-one m the Village of Centreville agreeable iu the plot or draft of said Village us filed in the office for the Recording of Deeds iu and for said County said lots, con taining (67J) fifty-seven and three fourths square rods more or less and being a part of same land conveyed to John Green by Samuel M. Fox nnd (ieo. Fox M. D- administrator of Samuel Fox, by deed dated the J'tli day of November, 1S10, Recorded in Deed Rook A page SlUdv., there is erected on said lots n two story frame dwelling house 22.o4 feet, said lot is under good fruce, nnd other im provenientii. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of P. J. Kuim-lmnn, at btiit of Charles and Magdeleua Gill. ALL the right titla interest, claim nnd demand of defendant in and to the following described land: Regai ning at what formerly wis the-south-east corner of Charles Leggctt's farm, which is in the north line of Patent No. 6030 and from thence west, along said line ten chains and thirty links to a corner; thence north five chains nnd twelve links to a corner; thence cast ten chains and thirty links to n corner; thence south to the place of Li-ginning being rive chains and twelve links, containing five acres and forty-eight perches, being bituiited in south pure of Patent, No. G0) in Jay township Elk Co., Pa. ALHO one other lot or piece of land in Jay township us follows: Re ginning at the southwest corner of land formerly owned by Win. Dart, in patent 6(9 and running thence west 20 perches and 12 links to the northwest corner of said land; thence west 8 perches to the center of the road leading from Charles Leggctts, to Caledonia; thence along tli center of said road to the south line of said patent, No S029; thence east to the place of beginning, containing one half acre, including all the land lying between the aforesaid land formerly owned by Burt and said Read. (Seized imd taken fa execution as the property of Joseph T. Southard at suit of B. 15. Moorry. ALL that certain tract of land in the town or settlement of 8t. Mary's tu the county of Elk and State of Pa. Reginnlngat a jxwt on the north Ht. Puul Street; thence east two-hundred nnd oixty perches and two thirds of a perch; thence north nine perches, thence west two hundred and sixty six perches; nnd two thirds of a perch; thence south following the line of the street nine perches to the place of be ginning containing (15) fifteen acres. This lot containing one two story frame dwelling bouse 80x2H one barn 40xil0. Also a good spring of wnter nnd orchard. Helaed and taken Into execution nnd to be sold ns the property of the widow nnd IicIm of Michael H hullo deceased nt suit of the Wilcox Tan ning Company. ALL the undivided six-fortieths parts of all those certain messuages, nieces, parcels or tracts of land situate lying and lielng in the county of Klk and Stnte of Pennsylvania, known nnd described ns follows, to-wit: 1st Containing ft'ifi 10-20 neres, be ing the eastern half of warrant, No. 44i4. ALSO 2d Containing B62J acres, being the eastern half of warrant 41011. ALSO 8rd Containing rtl2J acres being the western half of warrant 4KHI ALSO 4th Containing 1020 acres being parts of warrants No 4 107 and 440S ALSO fith..Coiitaiiilng 102.1 2-10 acres being the whole of warrant 47tl ALSO dh Containing 140 2-10 neres being the whole of warrant 4;mi . ALSO 7th Containing 020 acres be ing that part of warrant 4:('2 lying east of turnpike ALSO Htli Containing 40t acres, being the eastern part of warrant, 4:l'.4 ALSO nth-Containing 1S05 0-10 acres being part of the northern ends of warrants No. 4:180, 4;l!t0, 4077 and 40H2 ALSO 10th Containing rV 10-20 acres being the western half of war rant No. 4404 ALSO J lth Containing 2 acres being the western part of wnrrant No. 4:t'.4 ALSO 12th Tract described ns fol lows to wit: situate and lying nnd being in the township of Fox in the County of F.Ik, bounded and described ns follows to wit: Beginning at a post or stone in t lie north line of John Homing's land; thence west 1;0 perches to land of Michael Hack: thence north along said Hack's laud 1ii perches; thence west by said lands, 1:0 perches: thence north about 42J perches to the south-west corner of land occupied by John Siimmerlaud; thence east about 184 rods to the south east corner of land occupied by Dennis Tooniy; thence north about 20 rods to Peter Connor's land; thence east about 70 rods to a post; thence south about 12o rods to the place of beginning, containing 128 acres more of less ALSO, loth One other tract situate nnd lying and being in the township of Fox aforesaid bounded nnd described ns follows to wit: Re ginning at a post on the Milesburgand Smethport turnpike, and on the east linn of the George Liebel lot; thence north 10) perches to a maple being the north east corner of said Liebel lot; thence continuing northerly 77 rods to a post making in all 181 rods; thence easterly 40 rods to a post, on the west line of the Kersey mill lot; thence southerly 101 rods to a post, being the northeast corner of a piece of land purchased for the Ridgway Co. now occupied by M. Hack; thence westerly 20 (twenty) rods to a post, being the north west corner of said piece of land; thence southerly So rods to a post, on the Milesburg and Smeth port turnpike; thence north westerly along said turnpike 80 rods to the place of beginning; containing 50 acres and allowance for Kersey mill road being a portion of the lands described iu a certain deed made by George Weis and wife to Klk county Improvement and Mining Company, which said deed is dated April 17th, A- D. 1805, and is recorded in the Re corders office of Klk County in Deed book K, page 4Vo &c ; these 1-1 tracks of land, above mentioned being the same which the K1U County Improve ment and Mining Co. conveyed by indenture dated March 7th, 1871 and Recorded in the Recorder's office, in Klk Co. in Deed Book O page 122 &c Seized and taken in execution as the property of J. S. Bates at the suit of Geo A. Bates and T C Bates. ALL the right, title, interest, claim, and demand, of defendant iu and to the following described lamk All those town lots, in Windfelder's edition of St Mary's situate in Benzin ger township Klk County Pennsyl vania on the east side of 4th street more generally known as Windfelder street bounded on the north by Depot street, on the east by the P & E. R. R. Co's lands and Fochtman's land on the south by Mrs. Terney's laud and on the west by 4th street The first of said lots described as fol lows: commencing at the inter sec tion of 4th street with depot street! thence southerly along said street 85ft thence easterly 140ft more or less to land of P. & K. R. R. Co.; thence, northerly 35ft more or less to depot st; thence westerly along depot street to the place of beginning, containingl'JOO square feet more or less, upon which is erected ojie story and one-half frame dwelling house 17x25 feet with coal shed attached, said lot is under fence. Second lot joins the last described lot on the south Is 40 feet on 4th street, by 120 feet more or less deep to the lands of P & K It 11 Company, upon which is erected a U story frame dwelling house 18xW feet, said lot is enclosed by fence. A third lot, ad joins the last mentioned lot on the south, being 00 fi-vt on 4th street by 12'J feet more or less deep to lands of P & E R R Company upon which is erected a one and one-half story frame dwelling house 17x2.3 feet, said lot is enclosed by fence. . Fourth lot, adjoins the last men tioned lot en the south and is 00 feet on fourth street by 120 feet, more or less to lands of the P & K R R Com. pany, upon which is erected a one and one-half story frame dwelling house 17x25 feet, said lot enclosed by fence Fifth lot adjoins th land described lot on the south, being 00 feet on fourth street by 69 feet more or less, deep to lauds of P fc K 11 R Company, said lot is also enclosed by fence Sixth lot, adjoins the hist described lot on the south, being 80 feet on fourth st. to Tierny's lot by 8!) feet deep more or less to lands of Fochtnian Also one other lot situute on the east side of fourth street bounded on the north by p. Malony's lot; on the east by A. Focbtniau's land; on the south- by B KcklVland; on the west by fourth street, CAiitaining in fronton fourth street 200 feet by 2:i0 feet deep, said lot is undertones Seized and taken in'o execution as the property of Joseph Viudfelder at suit of Andrew Kaul. ALL the right, title, interest, elan and demand, whatsoever, in to or out of all the following tract, piee r parcel of land to wit, as fwflows: Be ing in the township of Spuin Ceeek. County of Elk, and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as bil lows, being part of warrant No. 2775 warrauted in the name of Wilhelm Willlnk and others. Beginning at a saddle bnck rock on the left hand of Spring Creek; thence north (81) thirty one degrees west (10) nlnc'Ujrn rods; thence north (5j five degrees west, seventeen (17) rods to a hemlock tree on said left bank of Spring Creek: thence north (00) sixty degrees east (40) forty rods to a jxist; thence south (80) thirty degrees east (07 fi-Hi) sixty seven and five tenths rods; thence south (Itj) nine and one-fourth degrees west (5 5-10) five and five tenths rods to the place of beginning; containing ( 15) fifteen rc's more or less, on which is erected the following h'd'gs to wit: One large water saw mill, one frame school bouse, four frame dwelling houses about 16x18 with additions, one log house about 20x30. Also one frame bam about 80x40 feet. Tho above houses are used as tenant houses In and about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fotirth interest, In U or out of the following tract, piece or parcel of land, situate and being in Spring Creek township, Klk County and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nir.l described as follows, to-wit: On the north and east by lands of Nelson Strong, on tho south by warrant line of warrant No. 27H0, on the west by Millstone township line; containing 454 acres more or less, and being part of No. 277ft. Sel.ed and taken Into cxccuiion ns the property of L. F. nnd II. M. Powers, mid H. T. Daugberty' John iw uniui'K nnti James a. iM'i'ieiian tera tenants, nt suit of Hiram Carman ami Jerome Powell now for use of Jerome Powell. ALSO all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand whatsoever of N. M. Rrockway the defendant, in to or out of the following mentioned and described real estate situate in Horton Township Klk County Penn sylvania. 1st One tract beginning at a sugar maple, at the north west corner of the fourth division of tract No. 4242: thence south fifty-six and one half (otijj roils to a sugar maple: thence east one hundred nnd thirty-four (134) rods more or less to a small maple; thence north one hundred and twenty-seven (127) rods to u post; thence west seventy (70J rods to a post; thence south eighty-eight (88) rods to a jst; thence in a direct line to the boundary first mentioned fifty eight and three-fourths 58J rods, containing seventy-five (.75 acres be the same more or less. 2d One tract beginning at a birch tree nt the north-east corner of war rant numbered forty-two hundred and forty-two No 4242; thence west one hundred and ninety-five and one half l'J5j rods more or less to a post; thence south by lands of A. W. Heath eighty-nine and one-half 89J rods more or less to a jmst; thence east eighty-nine and one half 89J rods more or less to a post; thence south seventy and one-half (70 rods more or less to a post; thence east one hundred and eight and one-half 108 rods more or less to a post; thence north one hundred and sixty 100 rods more or less to the place of be ginning, containing one hundred lilty-seven and one fourth 15") acres more or less. Being part of warrant numbered four thousand two hundred and forty-two 4212 3rd One tract beginning at the in tersection of the Mountain Road with the road leading from Brookville to Ridgway; thence N 70 east nine teen 10 rods along the Brookville road to a post; thence south 25J west eight 8 rods to a post; thence south 80 west twelve 12 rods to a post in the centre of the Mountain Road; thence N 33 west four and one half 4J rods to the place of beginning, containing one-lialf (j acre more or less. 4th One tract beginning at a post on the bank of Little Toby Creek near the bridge; thence down the bank ot said creek south 47 west five 5 rods to a post; thence north 8 west to the centre of said road leading from Brookville to Ridgway; thence by the centre of said road to n post in the Hickory Kingdom road; thence south 2(1 J" east seven 171 rods to the place of beginning, containing one fourth of an acre more or less 5th One tract beginning at a post four and three fourths (4 rods east from the south west corner of warrant numbered forty-four hundred 4400; thence east by said tract numbered forty-four hundred (4400) one hund- red'thirty-nine one-fourth 1301 r'ds to a post; thence down Little Toby Creek in the centre of the stream by its various courses and distances to u post at the mouth of county line run: thence north 38 west twenty-three and one-half 23$) rods to the place of beginning. Excepting and reserving the Charles Lyman lot which is described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of Mountain Road with the road leading from Ridgway to Brookville; thence north 70 east along the Kiugway road nineteen 11 rods to a post; thence south 2ol west eight (8) roils to a post; thence south 8o west twelve (12 rods to a post in the centre of the Mountain road; thence north 83east four and one hair (4j rods to the nlaceof be ginning, containing one half "J'' acre more or less. ALSO excepting and reserving the the James M'Clelland lot beirinnimr at a post, standing in the south line of tract numbered forty-four hundred 4400 and on the west bank of Little rp..V..,. l a I s . lUVIItB WCSt UJf BUKI iraci numbered fnrtv-fmir hnmlnxl rxiimi sixty-two (02) rods to a post: thence sou i u nve i) reus io n post: inenee nn,., SlO.,.,.1 ll.i..t,,,. .... .1 (131) rods to a post; theuce 6auth 45 east thirty two (32) rods to a post; thence south 84 cast nineteen (19) rods to a post; thence by the ban U of Little 'loby at high water mark to the jjiut-c ui ueKimmig, coniaiuiug seven and one tenth (7 1-10) acres. ALSO excepting and reserving out of the said boundaries so much of the Valentine Mohney lot as may be in cluded therein, said lot being described as follows: Commencing at at a post on the north side of the road at the south east corner of Ray Giles land, thence north by luud of said Giles eighteen and one third 18Jj rods to a iostF at the south west corner of warrant numbered forty four hundred 4400; theuce cast eight (8 rods to a post, thence south 23 east by land deeded to Adair Hetiick, twelve and one half 112JI rods to a post by the road; thence by the road south 61 west fifteen and on fifth (15 1-5) rods of the place of beginning containing one 1) acre and seven f") perches more r less, the whole of the tract containing about nineteen (10 acres and the portion thereof hereby conveyed containing ten 10) acres more or less on which there is erected one large saw mill 86X50 feet with ad ditions 60x12 and 28x18 feet. Gth One tract beginning at a sugar, and running from thence, east, one hundred and sixty-nine (160) perches; tftene north one hundred and sixteen lie) perekes to a post; thence west twenty four and three fourths 24i) perches t a post: thenee down Little loby Creek in the centre of the stream by its several courses to a post, by the mouth of the County line run; thence north 88" west twenty three and one half 23J perches to a post; thence to place of beginning, contain ing eighty-one (Plj acres and the usual allowance. Reserving and ex cepting out of tho boundaries so much of the Valentine Mohney lot above described as may be contained therein. un ineanove aescriued piece or parcel of lnnd there are erected the following buildings, viz j One shingle mill 00x40 feet. One born 60x40 feet. One boarding house about 80x40 feet. Three small dwellings 16x20 feet each. One tool house 10x12 feet one story. One 1... 1 iJ i,D r i - urn ii "Ao ieet. th One tract bcclnnlnor nt n nnst at the southeast corner of C. Nulf's nimi ; men nort h 88 west bv land of A. W. Heath eighty four "84" rotls more or less ton post; thence north 2eust nineteen . und one-half -10J-rods to the place of beginning, con taining ten -10- acres and thirty-eight -38- perches more or less. 8tli One tract beginning at a post nt the southeast comer of land of Theodore Fox; thence east one hun dred and thirty-one 131 rods to a post In the west line of the Jasen AVods worth lot; thence south by suld "Wads worth lot seventytwo 72 rods more or less to a hemlock ut the southwest corner of snmn; thence by said lot and other land north 00 east 'one hundred and eighty 180 rods more or less to a post; thence south ninety-four 94 rods more or less to a post; thence west by lunds of Chauncey Rrockway, and others, three hundred and thirty eight 338 rods more or less to a post ; thelice north ninety-live (05) rodsmore or less to a post; thence east twenty four 24 rods more or less to a post; thence south 05 east thiity-four (34) rods to a post; thence north Gli east thirty (30) rods to th phice of begin ning, the last three courses being by land of Theodore Fox, the above de scribed lot of land containing one hundred sixty-six and two-tenths ( loo 2-10) acres of land more or less. 0th One tract situate in (he town ship of Fox, Klk county, und Snyder, Jclterson county, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a mist in the west line of warrant num bered forty-four hundred (4100); thence soutftt wo hundred and eighty six (28t()) rods more or less to a post lit south west corner of said division number 8 of said wurrant 4400 thence enst thirty-three 33 rodsmore or less to a post; thence north 02J east thirty-three 33 rods more or less to a post ; thence south 70J enst forty two (42) rods more or less to a post ; thence east thirty two (Hi) rodsmore or less to a post; thence north 38.', east fifty-four und three-fourths 54 J rods more or less to a post in the east line of division number three 8of warrant numbered forty-fourhundrcd 4400 ; thence north two hundred und forty three 243 rods more or less to a post ut the northeast corner of division nuiii i cr three 31 of warrant number forty four hundred 41001; theuce west one hundred and sixty eight (ICS) rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing two hundred ninety two nnd seven tenths 202 7-10 acres of land more or less. Reserving, how ever, all the minerals with the "right of working the same or any part thereof. lielng part of division number three. r -i .. M ,i i I in iinii, liuiiiueieu lony-iour iiumireii i4iij. On (he above piece or parcel of land there are erect eil the following build ings, viz: One too story dwelling 25x30 feet kitchen 10x48 one and one half stories washroom 15x20 feet one story high one wagon shed 18x30 feet two stories high one burn 24x40 feet one barn 30x40 feet one blacksmith shop 20x22 feet One cow stable 12x18 feet one sled shed 12x30 feet one wood shed 12x40 feet one chicken bouse 7x7 feet one dwelling 10x20 and 10x32 leet. 10th. Also one other tract situated in Horton township, Klk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning ut a pine tree at the north east corner ot warrant nunitierert torty three hundred and forty-three "4343''; thence west one hundred eighty-nine and one-third (180 1-3) rods more or less to u post on the north line of said warrant numbered forty-three hun dred and forty-three (434:!;) thence soutn six ltuuilreil and twenty-nine (029) rodsmore or less to a post on the south line of warrant numbered forty-three hundred and forty-two -4342-; thence east one hundred and thirty-nine and one-third-130 1-3-rods forty-four -44-rods more or less to a to a white oak tree; thence south 45 east sugar-maple tree; thence north 4o east thirty -30- rods more or less to a post; thence north six hundred and forty (04o) rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing seven hun dred and fifty -750- acres more or less. Being the east part of division number one (i) ana tour (J) of warrant num bered forty-three hundred and forty three (4343) and the east part of divi sions numbers one (1) and four (4) of warrant numbered forty-three hun dred and forty-two (4342). Reserving and excepting nevertheless out of the said preuiises all the minerals in said lands with the right of mining or working the same or any part thereof. Hth. Also one other truct of laud situated in Fox township, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post four anujtjjbree.fourths (4 3-4) rods east ivoni tne southwest corner ot war rant number forty four hundred (1400) thence east 'iiy-oiie (41) rods to a )ost; thenee'lvuth 7d west; theuce thirry (3) rods more or less to a post: thence 'north s west to the place ol beginning, containing one una one half (11) acres more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of N. M. Rrockway at the suit ot Powell & Kime, Kuigway, P. AI.SOAI1 of defendant'! intercut ii), to, or out of a ccrtiiin piece of real t'smtc Hitunte In roj lowiiKiup, i-.ik connty, i-cnnyivniiiii, and bounded and oVweribeil as follows: lie- L'iuniiiit at a post on tlio Koutlicrn side of the Itlilettburg and Sinctliport turnpike furt y-tive hoj perciim earn, oi itiUKwny lowntmip uue, thence north three hundred und ciislit (;) perches more or les to u pot on the Houtliern wurrant line of warrant No. 4.!7t; llienee enst nloiiK said warmnl line twenty-six ; 1 Iierches more or lew to a post; thence north hree hundred (HOOi pert-hen more or less to a nost on the Mllesbnrtr und Kmetlmort turn pike, thenee westerly iiIoiik said turnpike to place of beginning, containing titty Ju)uci'ea more or less. (Seized and taken In execution ns the property of Pntrlck l.nniu ut the milt of mzarus Moycr una outers. TERJIS OF SALE The following must be strictly complied with when the property is struck oil: 1. All bids must lie paid in fell, except where the plaialiff or other lien creditor be comes tht pnreliaber, iu which onse the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly certified list of bens shall be furuibhed, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with snch lien creditor's receipt for the amoot of the proceeds ofll.f sale, or snch portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled io. 2 All sales not settled immediately will be continued until sit o'clock, P. M., at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off, and who in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall ntuke good the same and in no instance will the deed be presented in court for eonfimation unless the bid is aotually settled for with the Sheriff as DANIEL 8CULL, Sheriff, Sheriffs Office, Ridgway, Pa. December. 28th. IMC. J 8ee Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 410: Smith's Forms, page 381. LIFE, Growth, BEAUT?. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Mot a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silkyj oleonses the scalp from all Impurities, causing the hair to grow where It ling fallen off or become thin. Can be applied bv the hand an II dnnft not stain the skin orisoil tho finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfcot tlio world has ever produced. The hnir Is re. novated and strengthened, and nuinrnl co'or restored without the application of mineral suostances. Since the introduotlon of this trulv vain. able prrnnration into this country, it. hn been the wonder and admiration of all olas- ses. as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair loits original oolor, hcAlth soilness, lustre nnu oeauly, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fravrantlv tierfnmed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation Dctore or ntler its use, or accompany nient of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hare la tho Proof of Ms SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Vi'ead this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward II. Qarrigues one of tho tnont competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity nono can doubt. 1 am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hnir Color Ke- storer which restored my hair to ils oriiri nal Color, and the hue nppears to lie per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the Ee- crctions. It, is also a beautiful hair dress ing nnd promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from I'M ward 15. Onrrigucs, druggisl. Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite crav when 1 commenced ils nee. MRS. MILLER, No. T'ji vA.u v:ii. i . in m iiumi muni aircei, i una. Dr. Swayno & Son. Respected friends: I have the pleasure to inform vou that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London ttair uoior restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite eray. The color has been restored, the fulling off entirely stopped, anJ a new growth of hair is the result. JS. 15. UAKIUGuES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July !!2d, 1871. Dr. Swavne & Fan: Lnst winter wtiile in Ircnlon. K. J.. 1 nro- curcd six bottles London Hair Color Rc eloier, which I like very much, in fuel bet ter than any thing I hnve u-cd in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles C 0 D care W a Fotrler & Son Druggists, No 72:! Treinont street. ISoston. Respectfully yours, A OA DAKKR No -j 'J Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer at.d Dressing Has cotiipleicly restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, nnd caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. nuts. AJxaiB MUKU13, No tJltj North Seventh Stiect, Philadelphia,. Dr. Dalton cf Philadelphia, says of it. 1'he Londpn Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively amoug my patients an 1 friends, as well ns by myself. 1 therefore speak fro'u enperiencc. 75 CS1TTS PES E0TTL3. Address orders to Dr. SWAVNE 60X 3.'!0 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SO.0MM. VG G IS TS T 11 li I. II xN (i C0HSU11PTI01TI Tli is disti-evsinfr nnd ilnnirnrniw AnT.u;ni 0 B-. and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cougu, nigm sweats, uoarscness, wasting flesh tevcr permanently cured by DJITDE UWilli.f. & L.LJLt'UUi.1. LLLl r r.V .V7T.T. CHsaav. miONCHITIS A premonilor or Pul monurv Contmunlioa. is slmm catarrh, or intlamntion of the niucum uieni- orane oi me air passages, with cougli nnd expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in ihe chest. For all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SVIAYNE'3 Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEKEION REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spiltine of P.Hod. mav proceed from the larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs and arises lroiu various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain- ng ol toe voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struciionol'the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swaj lie's t'oiiinoinul Syrup of M ild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The only standard remedy for hemor rhane, bronchial aud all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed lo weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetal. e remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con- cumpt-ou, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under ils use the cough is loosened, the mgbt sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, the stomach is unproved in us power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer nnd better quality of bioou supplied to it, cut or which new re creative und plastic material is made. Prepared only by DR. S WAYNE & SON, 339 SuitU Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Soil) lir all Prominent Druuuists. Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, positively cubed by the use of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing ot all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not uufrequently become quite sore. I bought a box ot bwayue s Uinitnent; its use gave quick. relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure- lean now sleep undisturbed, aud I would advise all who are suffering wuh this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerabe, without huuuig and permanent tenet JOSEPH W. .CHRIST, (Firm of Roedel & Christ, Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a specific lor Tetter. Itch, bull Rheum Saald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all benly, crusty, eutaueous &r ruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most teuder infant. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail to any address on re oeipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its remar kakle eures ot Scrofula. Mercural and Syphi litio eomplaints. Describe symptoms in all communications, address letters to DR. SWAVNE lt 60.V, rhiladtlphia. tiiyl. vE0. Woods ARLOR -trmr-t V ft These remarkable instruments tscs cio-icv-m. fif Adapted for Amaicur and Professional, aud an ornament X r; rf-v 'fill tern jiteii GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cam bridge port, Mas? TVAItttlOOMSi COS Wanhlnitton St., llnitnn; 170 State St., Chicago; Kl.vai-j i. niton. rrtTti1 TTlTV TTTTM A MA A lca.Iin- Mr.ical Journal or ?! '.::,'.!-readintf lHj VUA nUluAi.Li matter. Lv mail for $i nerve ir.o ' .' r...mlr Contains from to $i worth of the finest elected music. GEO. WOODS &. . , i . ..-v.'.v-t-..:;; V"t'0rt, MtlSSr Kctlnclion in Price! CHEAPEST AND BEST! THE HARRISM'IW Daily - and Weekly Patriot FOa 1577. To nil new puliscribcrsi atnl to all present subscribers rcncM'ing their subscriptione TIIK DAILY PATRIOT Will be sent ut the following rates: 1 copy, l vear, postage prcpnia....w 2 copies, (in club ) " " ...l'J.OO 5 " " " " ...27.50 10 " " ...."rO.OO copy during tlio session of the... Legislature. 2.00 1 cony, 1 year, nml 1 copy, 1 year, of either HARI'KU'S MONTHLY or HAMPERS RAZAR, nostatie naul on both, S0.2-3 TI I K W'K F.K L Y r..T RIOT AVill be sent at the following rates: 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid. ..:! 00 1 copies " " ... 0 00 10 " " " ...lo 0 j i- i ii nnd 1 cony tosetting-uii of i-lttb l.jOO copies, 1 year, postage prejiaid, mid l copy togettcr-up ot -Iiti ... ill 1 coiv, 1 year, and one copy, one year, of cither HARI'KR'S MONTHLY or IIARPKR'S I5AZAR, postit.if prepaid on both -t.'iO The subsci'itilion jirice of HARP ER'S MONTHLY and HARPER'S BAZAR is flOO each, thin seeiirinir the fitibscriber a cojiy of the Weekly Patriot for o0 cents-in addition to what he would have to pay iV,r titlur :' Hurjier'n publications. ! All oriiers must he ncconmanicd iv the cash, either by cheek or ii..?t oilb.-e i order. : Now is the time to subscribe. (Jet I all the news nnd the best of readinir matter tt less cost than anywhere else j by sending your siibicriptioiis to tho ij-il, ami l-.i-.K la I'.viHitii. Address, PATRIOT PUllLISHIXC!. CO., H.vuH:sr,i'Ki, Pa. Laws I'clittitig lo Xewspapr-r Siiljscrip lions nml Arrearages. 1. Suhscribers who di not givo express notice lotho contrary, are considered wish ingto continue their suhsciiption. Z. It subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals, tlie publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are pnnl. J. II subscribers neglect or refuse lo take their periodicals from the ollicc where they am direclud, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, aud ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other tilnccs without informing the mihlialicrs, and the papers are sent to the former direction. they are neld responsible. 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the office, or re. moving and leaving them uncalled f ir is prima facie . evidence of intentional traud." (i. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether ho has ordered it or not, is held ia law to be a sub scriber. 7. It subscribers pay in advance, they nre bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, ifthcydonot wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scriber will be held responsible until nu express notiee with payment of all arrears. sent to the publisher. A GOOD WORK. A Startling- Cause of Debility and Sio ness fully explained in a large octavo Tre lise by Dr. O. PHELPS 13ROWX, 2 Grand Street, Jersey City, N J. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any wiy should send and get a eopy at once, as it is sent free, prepaid by mail. Address Ihe author as above. v0ul240t $rv Arv Can't be made by every agent tttevery month in the business we furnisn, but those willing to work can euisily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room lo ex plaia here, business pleasant and honoa ble. Women, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furuish you a complete Outfit tree. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expenses of starting yon. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics their sons and daughters, aud all classes iu need of paying work st home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine- NOTICE . A GOOD PAPER. Eyebthody knows Tun Independent, of New York, as ihe leading, most euterpris ng, and all agree, most readablo and in structive of our numerous religious papers It is not slow to recognize tho fact that, the popular passion for (Jhromos has died out, and it makes the remarkable offer of any one volume of Dicken's Works, a hand somely illustrated and bound duodecimo, to anybody who will subscribe and send the regular Three Dollars subscription. This is equivalent to offering the paper for a dollar and a half. Everybody wants some volume of Dickens and everybody ought to want The lnufirEXDtM'. &0& ORGANS rv, "TJC. miisi'j.-il cfTtKts aril r-Mjrcsrion .n'vc' ' store attain...- in any parl'jr. w Beautiful New Siy'es, now ready. THE BEST MAC-AZIHE.- A ('oifinnt!in o Ihr. I'r.'fiil, Ihr En tcrOiininif fonf (h: ,': vi'j'r!. Dciuorest's Illustrated Mont lily. The Model Parlor Mignzine of America, Contnins the essentials, of nil nihcrs, in cluding Home Interests in nil its depart ments. The only II citable Fashions in their details. The bcmlies and uliliiies of I,itrtre, Poetry, Sketches, Stori:.. Musio, notiertl turo, nnd every brunch a" entertaining r r. 1 useful rending calcul- o l to enlivfri l c! vato society and make n a. tt ac tive, nsef'nl nnd hnppy. This unrivaled Mjt?V ni l cniri.ic'iee its sixteenth year with ." : .ry, if 77, and ns heretofore, full of iv.- literary, enter taining nnd useful siit, e .i ? io which ii is devoted. With each number v ill '.. r. ?i:;.erti colored cabinet piotur- "' :!te whole cost, of the Mu.-. . ,:i oil, mounted on a mat rcn-ly . Every subscriber nt : ..-.v ' en titled to the selection c: ; . : ; i (of which there are eighteen.) .tci.cr I " or forwarded immediately on receipt of ihe Mibscription. Every article ofierl of first quality, including books, ny one worth the price of snbscripfion; Chromos from Celebrated Printings and equal lo the originnls, of large sie tnd suitable for auy parlor: Poncitr Coon Srcn-Ks: System or Uttr.ss CurriNO, (this received the Highest Cemeiiitml Award;) Sil-ev'i'lated Wire of nil kinds, Stutionery, Liner Marker, etc., etc., etc. ron CLUSS. Wc linre itrsr nnd more rn'imMt-, I'rc-miniu-ii-'. in o 1 1: n tr i'"ok? -,f all kinds Silver-Plated vnre, ItricUet .Saws, Scissors, Stere"--fpe, Ginis, Table Cutlery, C'ocks, .A'lj'i-tiii. :i-!tiii. .iii'-ujTiest iMl.lllli Machine". China Dinner an I Te:i Setv; mtil nu'.tc-r. a- f:!i-r desirable ar!:c:v. tf wbiel '. t'lii li.-t wi,V V. !r.in!-!icd on nppltcalinu O lh.' pllbl''-lT. U". JE.NMyfJS DF.MORESr, IT Kdst I Jtli Sttcct. -V. T. Agent? Ke-tiiirrd Evc.-y where. Tend for Particulars. PREWiUW U3T FDJ EACH SUB 1. trill subscriber .".t 3 is eutiiltd to a selection of one of the fulloivitiji t reiiiinui', lelivcrel or l'-,rwarili-tl by .;U iinmc 1 i u t ol v on the recf.-t of I lie cu-.-oriptioii. 1 ( 'hoir.n of e!!!":- ef (!' rLiM'-() OiT t'lirntuo. ''AlK.r t-e .-tunti, ' . 'n.7 ce H.ii.ie," (!! I 'tic-i Sin-iite:. ' "The Ctiplive Child,"' in n'.l tlu-ir oi i . : ; l-.-aaty. .Size, lf::l j inches. Ilt-tuii ' i il.j each.) An iidditl- 1 1 1 1 Chrniii'i i 1,1 bot had f-ir "(l cents, or two for'") rents, or three for 1.'-". including pjslujte: : i..r.unted on ennvaa nnd sti ec'ier f ,r r-.-;i:'i!, ot cents crnli, extra, v.liicli inc! . t.i iispor tation. i" A l'ri?,it ("i'-'a Stove. p ' . in -i spneo 1 inches square 1 tii . . Ji-t weigh only I;! ounces, l'-;::;.; : . , ,"1. lo ccms. (i letit.v J-.ne'- ' Ihe most iujiiiur ui iiiuvau I 'i .. . , . 1 ; .'i i r vfl i 11 c ut) IM 11 g S-i() pages haiulsoihj cli'th bir. ::t-j. Post tree. 7 Mme Demnrtri's lixcels; : yv ni fod Cutting Ladies' ! . i . . find l,lin. l-iia C.' " . -i-l.-. u... ... ..-.., i .1113. system rceeivcJ ; ' ...... .-,t.,:d. 8 A beautiii-t, ;,:-;.':, . iSspkin Uing. Postitj I. c. The i is sjljj while metal, dt-ublc siiver-pii.:-dj-liotily engraved, and ten" i p. n Kuvp,-.vW i'oi-uio J of silver stems nu'l '"nv. i. i "ni itie ia style and elegant in tiaish ftiel very hand some gift, from geutlcuiaa to a U'ly, or vice versa. U A fine, double id'.vtr-jlatcd Butler Knife. Post-free. Ill The Cliildrcn of the Abbey, a large, standard ami highly entertaining wk by, K. M. llocho. Octavo, cloth, gilt, over iAM pnges. I ost-lree. 11 XhaJdcns ef W.trsair, graphio work of ticiion. ! ;iss Jane P.i.-ier. Octavo, cloth, gill, i'..t piges. I'ost t.-c.;. 12 The Scottish Chi.-1, n s i hrd book of great interest and pov;. ,'. 1'y N ,.-s Jano Porter. Octavo, ckth, :, n .-- Ci-Opngeo Post free. h) A large box of I.'.mu; Sd nnd fash ionable Stationary, coti.r.nin 3 ouires of latest style note paper (itsjorted tiuts.) envelopes to match, i'cv -free. 11 Any one volume i' ir 'altcr Scott's Novels, each c i;o iu one volume; clear type, h:i:. '. -j .j ciy.U bind ing a new eJitiou, cro.ii, i . 1 1. I'o free, 1 Warerly or "Tia Sixty Years Siiicc.'' 2 Guy Mauuering; or the Astrolosor. 3. Tho Antiquary. 4 Koblloy. 6 Old Mor tality. IV. The Black Dwarf, aad a Le gend of Montrose. 7, The Bride ofLam mcrmoor. 8, The Heart of Mid-Lothian. 0 Ivah e, a Romance 10. The Monas tery. 11. The Abbot; a Sequel. 12 Keuilworth. 1;!. Tho Pirate. U. The Fortunes of Nigel. 15. Peveril ef ihe Peak. 10. Queutin Durward. 17. St. Hunan's Well. 18. Redgauntlet. l'j. Tho Betrothed.-20. The Talisman. 21. Woodstock; or the Cavalier. 22. Tho Fair Maid of Perth 2:!. Anue of Goier btoin. 24. Couut Robert of Paris 25 Castlo Dangerous: Surgeon's Daughter. 20. The Uighlaud Widow. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. Account cl tho Sootl Centenary. 15 A Triumph Linen Marker and Card Printer, for marking clothing, etc, with typo sullioient for several names, iuk etc complete. Post-freo. ' lb iancy Work, 300 pages. 6x8J inches. COO illustrations. i-oHiago, u cents. Uniform IT ir l.-l.l xii . I wmiyiM ii uuusciium iiiogancies y ju Postage 20 cents- r: ixe, i t"" priut and 18 Window Gardening. biodinir. Postage, 20 cents. b i1 6 l'J Dollar's worth of Mm. ikmr..... Reliable Patterns, post-free. Sclocted frtlu I'n uloue or Magaiiue iu ou order. .