The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 04, 1877, Image 4

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    n Indian Dust Storm.
iiif? nf 41' K.rn,ulpuv ns to be well dcgorv
ffli'i Khvton, among
llTlfi '""I'Wn of mulnlntl
of irJn 1 ,V dm? l,y -""n
ulfi "lny cl".V, cloeplv fmrovrd bv
MuterpourHOB, nnd ovrrtnid by a lnver of
fi .Vi a'K smooHi, rounded stones, cn.ll
f.f .'.""es " by the people, because
1 r bluck mul scorched nppenrnuce,
1 i? ?ttS.l. probKlily, of natural Band
mast attrition Seen in autumn or in n'
Ju of draught, it appears a blonk,
howling wilderness, fit home for the'
whistling, heat laden dust Btornis that
oiten sweep acroRS its surface in the hot
months; but in late spring, after a few
timely showers, it presents an intennin-
We sea of wheat, the vivid green of
which gives place iere and there to
Htreaks and patches of dark shaded
The approach of a dust storm over this '
place in the dry season, and witnessed
froin one of its boundary hills, is-a grand
fiud impressive sight. At first but a
speck on the distant horizon, it rapidly
elongates until it Btrekhcs from eaHt to
wvt, a mighty, threatening wall a thous
and feet high and thirty miles in length.
Nearer and nearer it conies, phantom
like, its rushing noiso being inaudible to
the spectator. Now one wing is pushed
forward, now another, nearer still : and
now the birds kites, vultures, nnd a
stray eagle or two circling it, front are
visible, and one by one the villages at the
foot of the hilkare enveloped and hidden
from the eye : a few minutes more and
he summit of Khekhbudin, till then
bathed in sunshine and sleeping in the
sultry stillness of the June morning is
shrouded in yellow, scudding clouds.
Vanished is the grandeur of the scene in
a moment, and nought remains but the
stifling, begriming dust, flying and eddy
ing about in all directions, penetrating
everywhere. Outside nothing can be
, Been but a darkness which can be felt,
and nothing is audible but the .whistling
of the wind and the fliipping of bungalow
chicks : but inside the lamps are lighted,
and a quarter of an hour is idly passed,
until the storm, which generally expends
ite fury on the hillsides, subsides or pass
es on.
( liunsdiif the lletunis,
" My son, my son," niildlv exclaimed
a reproving mother, nccordiug to the
Burlington down) Jlatrknyc, "untie
that cut from the gate latch, take in that
rope you've stretched ncross the side
walk, let your little sister out of the
woodshed, unfasten the cellar door and
Jet the hired girl come up and get to her
work, tke that sign of ' boarders want
ed ' off Mr Posonby's front door, let
Mr. Jasper's dog out of that barrel,
throw that paper of gunpowder in your
pocket cut into the street, and then come
here and tell me where you were Friday
and Saturday that you weren't at school."
The buy said he wasn't prepared to an
swer just then, but he would insist on
throwing out the report of the school
teacher on the ground that he (the boy)
had been unduly intimidated from at
tending school by the terror of long,
hard lessons, and further by the practice
of bulldozing in the parish', as he could
establish by trustworthy witnesses. :
Pending the decision of the board he
filed a number of protests, but his mother
pronounced his attitude revolutionary
and sent to his father's office for troops,
which arrived about teatime, and the '
local government was at once supported
and ordered enforced, and ns the boy
went up to bed without any supper, and
in custody of the trxps, the throes of a
free people, struggling in the iron grasp
of a domestic despostism, could be heard
away down on the next street, where the
other boys were lifting gates off their
hinges ami carrying them down to the
Mould Have ' Mere of It.
The Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise says
tliat a young scapegrace in that city, who
hud left his parental roof in New York
under a cloud in lS(i5, concluded to
" put up a job on the old gentleman nnd
make n raise." He accordingly tele
graphed to his father in Xew York :
" Mk. : Your sou Walter was
killed iu tho Con. Virginia this moraiug
by n fulling cage. What slinll we do
with the remains? M. L. Barker."
Almost immediately a telegraphic
order came for $150 nnd the larconic re
ply : " Bury them." The fictitious M.
L. Barker seized flie $150 nud went on n
spree, and a few weeks afterward wrote
to his father over his real name ns fol
lows :
" Dear Father : I have just learned
that an infamous scoundrel named Bark
er sent you a fictitious account of my
death nnd swindled you out of $150. lie
also borrowed $85 from me nnd left the
country. I write to inform you that I
mn yet ulive, nnd long to see tlio old pa
rental roof iigiuu. I am in somewhat re
duced circumstances, the accumulation
of the hist rive years having been lost
a disastrous stock operation nud if you
would spare me $200 I will be ever
thankful for your favor. Give my love
to idl. Your affectionate son,
" Walter."
A few days later the young man re
ceived the following :
" Mv Hear Son : I hnve buried vou
once, and that's an end of it. I decline
having any more transactions with a
corpse. Yours in the flesh, Father."
The Yield of Silver.
From the report of an English parlia
mentary committee, which during tho
current year has made an exhaustive ex
amination of the subject, it appears that
within the past fifteer years the annual
production of silver has increased from
forty-five millions of dollars to seventy
millions. Adding to this production the
sums which have been thrown upon the
market by the action of Germany, Aus
tria, Italy, and the Scandinavian States,
the aggregate for tho period of four
years between 1872 and 1875 inclusive
being three hundred and seventy-three
millions. Tho principal consumers are
Russia, Eugland, Spain, France and the
United States, India, China, Japan and
the East generally. Among them these
have taken three hundred and sixty
eight millions, of which amount India is
estimated to have absorbed only forty-
five lniiuous, about one-half the amount
taken in the previous four years. The
position of France is exceptional. Since
the recent war her imports of silver have
exceeded her exports to no smaller an
omount than one hundred and sixty
eight millions of dollars.
A city surgeon adopted nn ingenious
plan for collecting hia fees. He had two
bells. When he rang one the servant
knew the fee was paid, ond bowed the
visitor out ; when he rang the other, the
servant said: "I tliink, sir, you have
forgotten to hand the doctor his fee,"
and he would not open the door until the
fee was paid.-
Florida Grange (Iron's..
Florida( the Italy of Amcricn, is rap
idly growing into one vast orange grove.
An orange grove with 1,000 bearing trees
is a lifelong competency for any man.
To purchase such n grove would cost
$100 n tree, or $100,000 for the grove.
Trees return an annual income of 15 to
$M0 ench, and they will benr fruit fifty
years. A Florida letter Bays : A man
may plant 1,000 trees this year. In ten
years he will have nn nverage yield of
100 to the tree, or 100,000 oranges to his
grove, worth from $1,500 to $1,000 on the
trees. In five years longer, or in fifteen
years from the planting, he will have
500 oranges to the tree, or 500,000 or
anges glimmering in the green foliage of
his grove worth from $7,500 to $15,000
on the trees. He will thus have by an
original outlay of, Bay $2,000, in ten
years an income of $2,500 a year, in
creasing of itself to $10,000 per annum
in the next five years. His property will
be worth at a low estimate $50,000 to
A man who is in a hurry for nu income
selects a wild grove. Then cutting the
tree smooth off about six feet from the
ground, he inserts a number of sweet or
ange buds between the bark nnd wood of
the stump; covering them carefully, bo
that the air cannot get to them. These
buds sprout readily, and in three or four
years he has n fine grove of sweet orange
trees growing on sour orange stumps.
These transformed trees are the hardiest
nnd healthiest that can be found. An
other short cut to a mature orange grove
is to buy young trees and have them
transplanted. In any of the leading or
ange counties, a man can buy four-year-,
old trees at one cent apiece nnd have
them transplanted for twenty-five cents
apiece. These trqt s will bear iu three
years from the transplanting, and iu live
years will produce 1,000 oranges to the
tree worth 815 to 25 before they nre
gathered. This is a favorite method of
starting a grove and creates quite a de
mand for young trees. There nre a great
many men who grow seedlings to sup
ply this demand. An acre will produce
1,500 seedlings that in four years will
be worth .1 apiece. As the profit is so
enormous, the labor so light and the re
ward so certain, in orange planting, it
may be asked why Florida is not "one
solid orange grove ?"' I reply that it is
very rapidly becoming so. The number j certificate to one messenger' in tliose
of new trees set out in the past ten years States and refusing it to another. He
is simply incredible. These new trees . intimated, however, tlmt in doing this he
have hardly begun bearing us yet ; when j by no means intended to say that the ite
their fruit does come on, the world will j publican returns were not the hue ones,
be astonished nt the amazing fertility of , it luUst' be borne in mind that Mr.
our "American Italy." j Ferrv is a candidate for re-election to the
Some idea of the extent of the new Senate, and it is possible that this firvt
Kiin en nmy uo imu mien can to miiiu
that within a radius of ten miles of Lees
burg, iu Sumpter county, there are 52,
000 trees that will be bearing full fruit
age iu three or four years. At 800 or
anges to the tree, a very low estimate,
there will be furnished annually, three
voars from now, from this half fi county
10,000,000 of oranges. This is but one
of a score of similar orange centers. Mr.
Bishop authorizes the statement that in
the-past ten years there have been 900,
000 new orange trees set out, or wild
trees reclaimed in Florida. This will
involve nn addition to the then crop of
100,000,000 of oranges. But the de
velopment is now going ou faster than
ever. It is probable that 40,000 new
i. .'11 l. A XI. . .
m nnn T Z i " V 4, ' 1 Hydrophobia ns a cause of death ap
. l 1 "1? rY 1 f1 lllllt pears to lave greatly increased in Eng
J have met who does not know of two or t u r- A, Tt i n!u.-.'n
three men who nre putting out groves !"ml M Yel1 nS "l T H Aol' , n rr
in vrnnr voniti 111 tmistivi vpnrrt Pluhlifr
ranging from two hundred to one thou
sand trees.
A Sea Captain Outwitted.
The Xew Uedford (Mass.) Mcrc-itru
says : Some months since one of our j
Ne' Bnlford captains, who of late
has sailed from New York, was stniiding
ou n wnan in unit ciry waiening me pre-
parations for sailing being made aboard t
his craft, which was to weijrh anchor iu
half an hour, when he was hurriedly ap
proached by a man who, with an air of
trepidation, as if pursued, begged the
favor of a private word. Upon the cup
tain assenting the new arrival produced
a gold watch in a chamois skin case, with
out fl chain, and began to argue the tarry
mariner to invest in it, stating that as he
was crx anxious to get it off of his hands
he would sell it for $50, whiclihechiimed
to be one-third of its real worth. The
captain turned a deaf ear to his induce
ments, believing the timekeeper to have
been stolen, and the fellow was turning i called in England tlie Pomeranian dog.
sorrowfully away, when for once our This is because he was first known in
friend's innate greed for a bargain got j Europe as coming from Fomerania, but
the best of his ideas of right and wrong, h0 reached Fomerania previously
and calling after the retreating sharper, from Hnno of the neighboring Senndinii
he offered him $5 for the watch. In the i vian or Kussiau countries toward the
twinkling of an eye a transformation took retie circle.
place the chamois skin bag with its
valuable contents being deposited next
to the captain's heart, and a crisp green
back finding its way into the hands of
the mysterious man, who - rapidly ilisnp
.' ... . ' l
ieare.1. Meanwhile the captain, fearing
....1 11 1 1 ..1 1 - ! .
st through some legal claim he might
be mado to return his purchase, lost no
time in goiug aboard and hauling out in-
t ) the stream. When well out of the
harbor he drew a long breath and went
below to examine the beauties of his
new acquisition;, m the pr voey of bred out event mill v m countries
cabin. ith eager eyes he drew forth
the chamois bag, untied the cord that
closed its mouth and drew forth not the
watch, but a small flat turnip, in which
was inserted a smnil stick ingeniously
carved to represent the stem of a watch
as felt through tho skin covering.
llencfiU'toTS of Science.
Paris is to have a new society, to be
called the " Si K-iete de Autopsie Mutu
elle," the members of which tire by mu
tual agreement, and by properly exe
cuted will and testament, to leave their
bodies after death at the disposal of the
! society for dissection, with tho view of
: promoting pathological and physiological
; science. The society is to have power to
' dispose of the body as deemed proper,
! but the skull, with its contents, will be
turned over to the Anthropological So-
i il i -i 's . .. ., ,
ciety, that it may verity, it possible, any
particular quality talent or propensity
for which the testator
may nave ueen
noted during life.
How Interest Grows.
A ease icJl under our observation a
fow rlnVM nrrn wripi-friin r-Arfnin liuvfina n,n.
I , Y fit i oVo " , , 1 V- ;
trusted a. debt of $40, ami from time to
. w.D xuw-u Wu .u uuu u. f, t tue laBt nm Uo mude wa8 of twenty
amount was $209.52. Ihen a mortgage u Lour8. durati,m; that the storm
of sixty acres of laud was given to secure WM llliudillg ,ma he left the track in a
payment. A few days ago the debtors bcuumt5(1 condition, entering the caboose
miulesale of forty acres i at 8300, J to keep from freezing, being exhausted
-Plof0 fV','1' ,w,1,K"h then "raonntf(1 byliard and continuous labor; that he
jwva.oo wiucii uuii grown irom ine
origiuul ono of $10. The party who held
the mortgage was rather miserly in hia
way, nntl the parties owing the debt may
certainly be thankful that they escaped
with even a small part of their former
. A colored man eloped with and mar
ried a white girl in Campbell comity, Ky.,
and oilloera were ant to arrest him. The
colored man shot two of hia pursuers,
unu tried to Hhoot liin wife'a father an I
brother. That night he was found dead
w ith nix bullet wouuda iu his body.
Kcfm-lnn to Define hie 1'millnn with
Mtect to llie KltTtnml Count,
: Ferry, president pro tern, of the :
;d States Senate, said in a converaa-'
tion that he had not indicated to nny
person his intentions in regard to count- j dreu. After a long and tedious journey
ing the electoral votes. He had, how- i they reached Doadwood, in Dakota Ter
ever, decided views nij to what his duty rito'ry, and from thence departed to the
ns president of the Senate wns, nnd said j vicinity of the Black Hills. Hero Mr.
that he should endeavor to fnlfill that ! McMillan located a claim nnd went to
duty honestly and conscientiously. He work. He hnd been employed on his
had declined repentedly to be interviewed j claim but a short time when he contract-
md would not authorize anyone to speak I
for him. When told that a senator hnd
said Unit in no event would the president
of the Senate assume to count the votes,
nnd reftiBO to entertain nny objections
coming from a member of the House in
the joint convention, Mr. Ferry Bnid :
"What would behave the president of
tho Senate do? Let the country goto
the dogs?"
Mr. Ferry went on to say that he
hoped that the joint committee of the
Senato and House would ngree upon
some plan of counting the votes which
would be satisfactory to both pnrties.
He insisted thot ho had made a fair com- j speedily secured, but who was there to
mittee on tho part of the Senate, and in-1 take charge of the four little ones and
staueed Edmunds nnd Morton, who, lu j deliver them safely in Butler ? They
said, did not agree on the question of had to cross hundreds of miles of tern
how the votes should bo counted. He tory, and certainly could not go alone
intimated that he had placed Mr. Logan just at the advent' of the bleakest por-
on tne committee partly lor personal rea-
sons, tie Biinl lie -was very nnxions tlmt
Lonn should be returned" to the Senate, ;
and tlmt he thought that l,v iilneing him
on this committee he would hnve nn op- ;
portunity to uid himself in his coming :
senatorial contest. He iutiniiited nlso ;
tlmt Mv. Riiiidnll hnd not acted fairly in
making up the House committee, inns- ;
much ns he had placed 5Ir. Willard on
it, who wns quite certain to act with the
Democrats. He'pointed out the fact nlso
that there wns no (Southern representa-
tive on the House committee, while he
hnd placed Mr. Buisom on the Senate
committee because ho was a lnau of
ability, and was n representative South
ern mini.
Mr. Ferry defended his action in re
fusing to give receipts to tho messengers
' benrinar returns from Florida, Louisiana ;
i and South Carolina, and said that he hnd
done so because he did not want even to
aiuienr to ureiudcro the ease bv crivinrr a
pauses him to be so reticent .00 the sub-
iect of counting the electoral votes. H
says, however, that he has no .doubt of
his re-election, and he will not eveu go
home during the holidays to look after
Ill's canvass, feeling quite certain that his ! The fourth anttlifth days of the trip were
frh'iids will take eareof hiiu. It was hia ' so cold that Mrs. Kill mry found it neees
duty, he said, to remain in AVashiiiKtou j sary to use the spirit lamp as a means of
and receive the returns from the elector-.
id colleges, and added that he was keep-:
ing these very valuable documents in a
very secure place in his personal cus
tody, and tLat he had not divulged to any j
person where or how he was keeping !
them. !
Hydrophobia and SiH. Hours.
with 1801 there was an average of four
! eases a year; in the five years ending
i with 187-t the average was forty-three
I cases a vear, mid it is thought tlmt it has
n disease to suddenly increase in so great !
Jefn-Ce ns this imiilies neeessnrily the
01,Pration of some very erlective 'eause ,
been still worse m lHYo and l7b.
For !
n,,t oiicration iu the earlier years, nnd 1
when an increase so great is observed in
I countries so wiiieiy separuieu as iMifiiun i
! and the United States all causes related
i to climate and to communication of the
I virus from one to another are of course
i excluded. But if we find active in each j
! country a recently introduced agent ca- i
j pable of originating the disease we may i
j conclude with reasonable certainty that j
1 that is the cause of its increased prevnl- !
mice. In either country this reasoning i
! points to the Spitz dog as the offender, j
In Eugland, as well as in the United
i States, this animal is of recent introduc- i
.inn Hut lie luiH another name. He is
; - jn this countrv the date of his intra
..111 lllin (.11(11111. lilt Ullir VI um mnw 1
i. ... t i'. .i.,. ,;t.,i ,.i i,f ;c I
j there were any specimens brought earlier j
than the return of Kane's expedition
IIIICIU'U 1..1U11UI lie IIVIIUILI lt ii.-vv, irnw ii,;
' illiriU l.T li 11.I.HHI .11 11. IJ'I 1(11 .ct miiinK
HplVad through the countrv is due to
' . 1 . . ... .
there is no record of it. So far as known
the Kneeiniens bronelit bv that, exuedi
j tion. In the case of each country the
great increase of hydrophobia is coeval,
I Uot perhaps with the introduction, but
! certainly with tho extensive distribution
i of this animal. Hydrophobia seems to
wjifre ine iiiiuiiain nit-ic-iiiui en iiuiu .io -
..i ii.
sible contact with others in a wild state,
In Prance and Germany it is constant
for there the starved wolves comedown
in winter and bite the dogs. In England
it was comparatively unknown a few
years since, ns shown by tho statistics
n noted above, and in the United States
it was the same. lint the introduction j
of an animal only removed by slight dif-;
fereuces from his condition iu a wild j
state, and a great change of climate, with
its ueculiiir eiiect on his
?flect on his neivous sys-
ddenly revived an old evil,
tern, have su
which will continue to trouble us till we
exterminate this species of dog. Xt w
York Jlevald.
A Hard Position.
Frank McGraw, the brakemun on the
V....1, n.,. ...! ,...,'l,..i,,,l vim 1 lwirr.
.lew J.1111V vrunai iiiiiiwc.i.1 nni . r-
i,,; to fl thp truin C!UlBea the aPci.
; dent ,lt Lool7eTviu thereby Honiawiu
Woodworth lost his bfe. has been ar-
restoil en a charge of niaimhinghter, the
coroner's jury having rendered a veriliet
charging MeGraw with negligence. Mr.
MeGraw teutifietl that he hnd no Bleep
during that week except such an he
snatched attunes in niscauoose, unu nuu
, uot UaJ hi(J clothe8 off for seven days;
snatched at' timed m inn cuuoose, ana nau
i1M1itirifji011t of the caboose window
ns the train passed, but was too lute to
prevent the accident. He was admitted
to bail iu the sum of $1,000.
A man went through the bSitkruptey
court. -He had owned a flue horse and
gig, and they both disappeared for a time,
but bv-and-bve the horse and gig wero
doiiis sen-ice for tlie same owner again.
On being anked what this meant, the
niiin's renlv was : ' I went through the
bankruptcy court, but the horse and gig
went round.
A Itoniniulc Inrlilt-nt of lACe In llie lllnrk
A family left Butler. Pa., afew months
ngo w
nth a view of loeatmir ui the far
The, family consisted of Mr.
Alexander McMillan, wife and three chil
ed a fever and wns compelled to faike his
bed. The only doctors there were the
miners, and they did what they could to
aiicvmtn lus snnenngs, but m vain.
While ho lay sick Mrs. McMillan died in
childbirth. The helpless condition of
the bereuved family was brought to the
attention of the people resident in the
vicinity, and as Mr. McMillan was sick
and penniless, with but small chances of
his recovery, it was deemed best by the
people to raise, subscriptions and send
the three children, as well as the newly
bom babe, back to their grandparents hi
uutier. ine necessary amount was
tion of the winter Benson. A day or two
passed und the situation of the children
came to the ears of a widow lady named
Mrs. It. A. Kilbnry, nnd she volunteered
to take upon herself the duties incum
bent upon the safe delivery of the little
ones at the home of their'grnndpnrents.
The mission was n perilous one, and Mrs.
Kilbnry greatly feared the ell'octs of the
weather oil the children, to say nothing
of the news that the Indians were ngain
attacking tho wagon trains. Nothing
daunted, however, the little lady deter
mined to perform the. duty she "had un
dertaken. The day of departure was
lixed for the morning of the twenty-third
of November, nnd nt an early hour the
settlement was astir with men getting
their wagons in line, horses harnessed,
placing goods . nnd provisions iu the
vehieles and savin? KMKl-bve to their
friends. Eventually tho train of wagons
ivedoffinthe midst of a snowstorm.
On the second day the snow was found
to be over six inches deep and the
weather extremely cold. Great were the
siilferings of the children, although nil
that was possible whs done for their coin
fort. On the third day from the settle
ment evidence was found that hostile In
dians were in the neighborhood, nnd an
attack was expected. That night the
wagons were all placed a in circle, save that
containing Mrs. Kilbnry nnd the chil
dren, it being placed in the center. Tho
men made every preparation for defense,
but fortunately no Indians appeared.
heat in the wagon, and the calorie de
veloped from tJie little flickering flame,
she thinks, saved the life of the baby at
least. Cheyenne was eventually reached,
and Mrs. Kilbnry nnd her charges were
taken on board the train for the East,
and in due time she reached Allegheny
City, and immediately proceeded to But
ler. There she, found the grandparents
of the little ones, who were overjoyed to
meet them, but the joy was speedily
turned to grief when the intelligence "f
the death of the mother was gently !
broken by the brave little laity. Airs.
Kilbury's mission accomplished, she re
turned to Allegheny, and, ufter deliver
ing a letter which was intrusted to her
bv Mr. Isniel V. Ho.urton relative there. !
w train ior ner ininuev noiue.
fmntiev home.
Tho notion of Mrs. Killmry in this ease :
iB wrtn'nly to be commended un that of a j
"",'. Christian, self-wimf icing liuly
,,U3 snowu numiuuu nu muu-
ness worthy of the emulation of till
gooii people.
Indecent riibliciitioiis.
On this subject the ('hri$tiitnOljncrccr
suys: w e i.ave more tiian once caned at- j Mutl.llUlHB o ,,luB toWeo talif, tho loild;
tentiou to tlie efforts made by an organ- j 01ll ,lll0 cut Bfty it gives better witix
izatiou of gentlemen in New York city j faction and is cheaper thau line cut. You
nnd Brooklyn, formed to put nn end to a I cannot be imposed upon, as eaeh plus has
business of" which it is almost a shame to j fIlu Jiatchli'ss P. T. J'o." on a wooden
. e t i ; t.iir. Trv it once and vou wul alwavs chew it.
speak, but which has gained a fearful ui- i itmfaeturea by 'rioueer Tolicco Com-
w-r . t
lluence within tlie most sacred precincts
of our social life. We allude to the
society for the suppression of" vice, or-
ganized to break up the traffic in indecent
books and pictures. One who has not
4 .. .. . . -
seen the statistics and heard irom tlie , "v ., . b -.. ..w .
. , ., behevo tliat m everv easo but one thev decided "
officers of tins society on account of the , iu fHVOr o shendan'g Cavalry Condition 11:
methoils anil means by which this in
famous business is prosecuted, can have
no conception of its magnitude anil of the
I extent to which it has been carried on
i among the youth of bath sexes, in homes
, . ' . , ., , . ,
and m schools. throuKhout tlie country.
, ill 1 " 1 1
ilK liiiint Biiuilviiif; ie triiii-iuiis uaic urm
made from time to time by the arrest of
puilty parties, who have hiul their agon-
, - . .11 1 1 111
i cl1 swretly at work wherever clnlilren
1 n.i.l v.Mifl. n-avu la f.tlllnl Tlj.t DTW1 it 111 IT
HUH J I'llLll "VII. V !.',. 11(, 11UV
the purest homes or the best of schools.
Merdiant'H (iargrling Oil.
This very useful article 18 now receiv
ing the very highest commendations from
the press, and multitudes of witnesses
who have tested its efficacy. It is con
t -l.i . f , ...
i "" u " '. " I "":y",
and in its refined, purified state it is re
garded as one of the most powerful lini
ments for tho removal of rheumatism,
neuralgia and the sufferings arising from
sprained joints, bruises, etc. Aylmtr
(C 11". ) Times, Feb. 25, 1857.
The Chicago Ledger is said to have
spent 50,000 in advertising the past two
years, and, by the looks of tlie newspa
pers throucliout the United States, we
j Hhtmkl it woldJ toke n8 mnch to RO
thiti ye(a. Aud to ctlp tho climax
the proprietors have announced their pa
per at $1.00 a year. How it is done is a
mystery, unless they have more than "a
barrel of money " to give away. We be
Ueve, however, it is the theory of the
publishers that all they ask of the reader
is to pay for the white paper and post
age; for their labor, when the paper
reaches 100,000 or more circulation, their
advertising will pay the profit. While
they are building up the paper they do
not solicit advertising, and hence the
readers get a great paper for $1.00 that
is worth $3.00. As the publishers have
the money, no doubt they will succeed.
Address The Ledger, Chicago, 111., in
closing $1.00 for subscription and 15
cents for postage. Lhieago Times.
Capt. McNelly's rangera have, in the
last few montliB, captured or killed
about seventy-rive of the worst despera
does in western Texas.
The Boston Daily Advertiser men
tions " an organ specially constructed by
the Mason & Hamlin Organ Company
for tlie celebrated Dr. Franz Liszt is now
on exhibition at their warerooms. The
instrument is to be used iu the Liszt
concerts in Europe. It it constructed
in ninny respects on an entirely new
principle, and is in all respects a truly
wonderful instrument. Ita qualities of
tone and power are simply surprising."
It is certainly a great compliment to
these American makers that the great
European musicians send for their
I St. Nicholas for January, tiith its cliccry
greeting on the cover, it exquisitely beautiful
frotitiBpiece, the wonderful variety in its pages,
and its '
Will olinnii everybody, both old and yonn.
Among the more notable paptiri will bo found
a " Letter to a Ycmng Naturiilinl," by William
Howitt, the poet, and "Hie Wars for jnniinry,"
by Trof. lW-tor, the astronomer.
Will alio eontiiin a paper by Horace K. Hcudder,
" Croat Grandfather' ltooka and Picture","
with fae-tiinile reproductions from the " New
Enxland Primer" and Wcbxter'n old "Rpolling
Book." " Undge'i Visit to the I'eiitmuiial," by
tho author of " Helen's Uables," and " Tho
Modern and Mediirval Bnllad of Mary Jnno,"
with silhouette drawings by Hopkins, will be
found amusing and entertaining, Ik-sides
" HIS OWN MASTER," by Trowbridge,
There, are abort er Btories and Poems, lthyn n
and Nonsenso Versos, Hixtorical Sketches, a
Fairy Tale, Comical Pictures, Pages for Very
IJttle Folks, etc In short, this in tho New
Yeahs Krunut of ibat magazine, of which the
London Daily A'ac slid . " We with w eould I
i poin( to it equal in oar turn I'criodieat I.itera- :
j tvrc." I
j Bend one dollar for a trial Hnbseiiption. begin- j
j ning with the November number, with William I
I Cullen Bryant's "Hoy of Mv Bovhood," and i
tho New Year' numlifr wilh Willinm llnvvitfu i
! " Letter to a Young Naturalist ;' and tho Febru- '
; ary number, which will have
1 By Tom HttoirEs, that earnest, honest, strong
! hearted Englihhinnn, who is known all over the
world as " the friend of the tchootbt'!."
j Subscriptions received by all booksellers. Hold ;
; by all newsdealers. JS.OO a year, 25 ceuts a '
, SciiniNtJi & Co., 743 llioadway, New Yoik.
. A SliCUKT. X. confides a secret to his
! friend, who hastens to repeat it. Meet
ing him afterward, X. says to him,
; pointedly: "What would you think of:
the man who divulged a secret intrusted 1
:to himr "Think! Why I should:
; think thiiTne had onlv imitated the other '
man !" " !
The Latest Hotf.Ii Reduction Le- i
tUurtcvatit House, Jirondway, Twentv- '
r - 'K'1'"
and liveiity-Nintu bU., ;cw York 100
moms ruine d to $;i.0(l a day, 200 rooms re- ;
uiioi'U to a.50 a day, vutli Ihmum. lioonm with- :
nut beard, 41.00 a day and inward. Elevator 1
: and all modern iinmivrmcnts. (Vmvenient to j
I all places of interest to the vir-Hor. Street cars t
pass the Stiu-tovnut for Central Par!;, the dcpotii, '
and All parts of tin; city.
j A traveler, on entering an inn in the
j north of Scotland, nsked for soup. On !
j being served with it, he remarked to the
hostess that it wasn't very good. " Deed
, sir," quoth she, " it's no very Strong, but
! it's bet."
Sore Tliront, Cuug-b, Cold
Ami einiilar troubles, if muTered to progress,
result in serious pulmonary affections, Dften
tinies ineurnble. " liroirn't Bronchial Troches '
reach directly the seat of Uie disease, anJ gie
almost uistnut relief.
Down wltli Prices.
Iu tin-He times of general reduetioii, that man ;
is shrewd who anticipates the wants of the pub j
lie. Mr. Powers, of the Grand Central Hotel, j
Broadway, Xew York, is the pioneer in reducing I
prices. Others have since followed suit, still
this is the only first-class hotel iu the city where
e can stop at $2.50 and 53.00 a day.
Do it at Once !
; i
! If A tithe of the testimonial uow on hand of !
I the vnluo of Dr. Wihtaii'h Dalham of Wild ;
J-"t"."J r.r. : ' T. ""VI" "
and lie will t U vou tliat Hus llalsam is a real
bleseuig to au aflecU'U witu tliroat ir luni
All kindred auectioiiH, mcludiii
trim- 1
sore throat, croup, hoarsi-ness, pains in the
iu lileeUmg of tuo lungs, yirlu to its wou-
l dtrfnl nnwer. Wh adviKA snv one tiivil nf i-viK-ri
' menting with iliysieians' jjr'eHcriiitiouH or quack
; medicines to drop tbi-m at once and use this
' Hai.ham or Wn.ii CiiF.HitY. 50 cents mid $1 a
! buttle. Knld by all druggists.
Jlll.-ll LRU lit? 1IO 1111D1IIIVI-: lllllllllf 11.
rni i . . . i l ;l
j pany, New York.
! The propriety of giving condition i
medicine to horses, cattle and sheep was dis- !
i cussed and admitted by many of the agricultural j Oii-r-ni(rlwiil Mia Mint.. I11JB full nuA u'o i
j'uwovrs. iioou juugiuent.
Everything about Banford'B
Ouro for Catarrh invites confidence.
It is the
(irescniitinn of ime of our ablest yiliysiciuus,
and prepared by oue of the largest and most
reliable drug houses in the United fcitatcs.
There is, probably, no way iu which i
we can benefit our readers more than by rcc- ,
omincudint; to them for general line Juhnfon's ;
Jnui'.yn J.iuimint. It is adapted to almost all !
the purpoiies of a family medicine ; and as a j
Bjieeitie for coughs, colds, whooping cough, sore-
I nesii of the chest, lame stomach, rbeiuiiatisin, i
spitting of blood, aud all ltm? dilliculties, it has
i uo equal that eer we saw or lieard of.
I !
A most refreshing and healthful insti- j
I ttitiuii is the morning bsth, and it is double !
lu ni -acini when (Ii.enn'b Sn.riirit Suav is added. I
Use it in prefi-rence to the costly scented soaps, j
which sometimes injure instead of improving '
tlie skin. I)eiot, C'l it teuton's, No. 7 Wxtli avo- i
uue, New York. ;
Hill's Instantaneous, Iluir I)ye is a standard ;
article. i
"Health Corsets, and why not? i
Hasn't there been enough evil yet by tho old j
t-tylo of corset ?" Dr. Warner's Health f'orset Is ,
approved by all physicians. Trice bv mail, '
$1.75. Wariier liros.," 763 Broadway, N. V.
Good Advice. If there is any of our
retidi-rB who doubt tho wonderful curative effects
of Uurftiig's llheuiiiatio Hemedy, let thnm writo ;
to any prominent perwm in Washington city, i
whore it ia manufactured, and they will learn I
that it will do even more than is claimed for it.
Bold bv all retail druggist, and at wliolc-bnle in
all largo cities. Trico, 51.00. !
Bee advertisement of James' Hitters. '
New To uk Pitbchamiho Aiiencv. All kinds of
eomuiir.flion.9. executed fiiitliftilly and prorui'tly by .
su experienced buyer. Letters of inquiry should
contain stamp. Address Mrs, L. De G. lil'KD, i
100 W. 17tb Street, New York. j
A Tnlunble Gift. B sn arrangement with the
Puhlihlier, we- will Bend every reader of thi paer
ample Package ot Tranafer Pictures free. Kuod U-cent
stamp for pngtojee. They are highly oolnred, beautiful,
and easily transferred tu any object, en a to imitate
actly the most beautiful painting. Auenta wanted.
J. L. PATTEN i. CO., 102 William Street, New York.
Peofaoor Mut, mrt, U- jt rvir,ie4
tmm U WutM, ell tor CmUl
ii ft m htifkt, aclcr of ayai hui
Uci of kii, md le jo (errarl pittutt
mf yer faura kmelaad ut if, lai-.iai of
ti m U tiu nd ptM where et
will flm m, Hid ike date af Mtrriie.
lilnM. Prf. UAUTINeZ.4 Pru.M
fc.. B . Utm. rWoMUe;!
Tt soils faster thsn any other book. One Agent sold
n rxmiAJi in une An. Thu is the onJv authentic and
complete liiatory pubfinheU. Send for our eitru torniB to
Atcunte, Katiuval Publibhikg ia., riuinQe-ipu's, .
j)l.bE. JtiOIKltl..
jPuEVktmvE. for all Kemalk Ouui'LaiiiTa; therenie.
diae are atrialy aciunHrto, and in full aooord with Uie
turmulaa and Practice of the moat eminent and iuo-
oeaBful phycianB uf Kurope and Auierica, auoomuaniuU
t-j neat uuox aeacnmnic i kmai.k bjomflaimt. iim.i,
carefully and aceumWly detailiiic ayniptuma by nulcU
aU qiauaae may distini'tly be recnirnlKid, with fulleni
Illicit dlrButi-na fur the lle ol 0n urtiper riueuitt
jT. icaled. - slMnimt nnd umiliticl tnt ni.oe ean
full Ui 111 df rUo,l, Kc.r circular c.inl.iiniim full pjirticu
ArB.addreMaorcall IR. .1. liliNSl.K't IIAE, 1116
Green Avenue, Bracken. E. D.. New York.
Ooagd, Colds, InSnema, EoaTitnsai, Difficnlt
lirentbing, and all Affection of tha Throat,
Bronchial Tabes, and Imngi, lsading
to Oonsnmptlour
This infnllible remedy is composed of the
Honey of the plant Horchound, in chemical
union wilh Tak-Bai.m, extracted from the
Life Principle of the forest tree Adeis
Bat.swe.x, or Balm of Gitcad.
Tli TInnew nf Ilnrhnnnrl cnnTime avn
u i a ' i
?a i i tit? nil il l iiuuunsHiiu innnmmnuons, ana
the Tar-halm cleanses and iif.als the throat
nnd air passages leading to the lungs. Five
additional ingredients keep the organs cool,
moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great medi
cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou
sands of lives by it in his large private practice.
N.B. The Tnr-llnlni has no dad taste or
Great saving to buy large size.
"Pike's TootliHolio Drops" Curo
in 1. "Minute.
Sold bv all Druggists,
rii.vui.vcnd wk.siehn uvn w.m
111. Cat. iiw.
jhkb. Cliicaga, Ul
HAnrr n iti:i at iiomh.
Nti publicity. Timpahnrt. Terms mod.
crnts. 1,(MM T.Btlmt)nial. Jit- !
scribe case. Hit F. It. MARSH. IJuirtcy, Mieb. j
Wilson Sewing Machine Co, Cnicaso.
827 829 B2C4EV7A7. Siw 7rk, or iTtv OiImbi 1.
The Christian Union.
'. Undenominational. Evangelical, Proi
estent, Christian.
Honry Ward Beecher, KmTOB.
! Lyman Abbott, witob
I. BcpcUrrN Scrmmti Kvrry Wrok.
i AliltoUNS. S. l.ciifinN l-;verv VV'veU.
reriul Niury by 12. E. I'isi;3.
I MIMrll per rear. T.i Clergymen, ra..r0. T!.ee
i nmntlis nn trial. centi. AkuiUh wr.ntnl. Send .tunu
i f..r annipUi Address HOHATK) C. KI.NO,
Fublicher, SJ7 Park PlAce, New York.
Only machine
tn tne tvorta
Tension and
Stitch .
Traile Mnrk In bAB.
of crery raachlat.
Send Postal Cord for Illustrated Price List, fcc
Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.,
(Cor. Bold St. fi.'iS Hroadway, New York
V p7-'Tf-''"S ?! o -nf! STHnTTTV! ! '.?"Tt :
E j-AlvlvxliXtD u,UU 01"JOlU.ViJjH ,
ju-1 for n Bipev-i'nt n cpy ot' tha
(EUiLli-uod 1855.)
The Oldest, Largest, Most Ert tar
prising, Interesting, Insti-uo.
tlvo and .Valuable Ferm,
Stock and Family Jour
nal of America.
ins every week muro valuable information in ill the
fferent departments ol Agriculture than any oil
paper of the kind in the country, and a Family Depart
cent uneiiualed for interest and value for the housriiold.
Single Subscriptions (52 issues)..
Ia Clubs of ten r oVTr, only. . . . ,
Tiie nitmt libernl PremluiiiH or Cash
r iHhioim ever lvrn by auy firl-rlnniipaper9
nre o1loret to Club Asci-tn.
Hi'inl fur Hpcchui-D copies nud premium Ujtf
free Address
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine,
For promoting the growth of and Beautifying iht
Jlttlr, and rendering it Dark and Qlosej,
The Cocoa ink holds, in a liquid furm, a larfapr
jtortion of deodorized COCOA-NUT O I L, prepared
expressly for thi purpose. No other compound pot
tws'- the peculiar properties which so exactly suit
the various conditions of the hum.m hair.
Bovro:;, July 19.
Mr.ssKs. Toseph Bcrnutt & Co.:
For muny months my hair had been falling off, ;
until 1 wai fearful of fusing It entirely. '1 h. sMa
upon my head became gradually more aud more in ,
named, bo tliat 1 could nut touch it without pain.
By the advice of my physician, to whom you hai
.shown your process of purifying ihc Oil, 1 commenced 1
its use the Ja-it weclc iu J une. The first application ;
ullayed the itching itnd irritation. In three or fear
day the redness and tenderness disappeared, t .
hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth
nev.' hair.
Voars, very truly, SUSAN R. EDDY.
East Middleboro. Mass., June 9, 1804.
Messrs. Bi rnett & Co.:
When my daughter's hair came off the had been
afflicted with neuralgia in her head for three years.
She had used, during that time, many powerful ap
plications. These, with the intense heat caused by
the pains, burned her hair so badly that in October.
tSOi, it nil came off, and for two years after her head
was as smooth as her face.
Through the recommendation of a friend, she was
induced to try your Cocoaink, and the result was
astoni-hing. She had not used half the contents of a
bottle before her head was covered with a fine yountf
inches in length, very mick, soft and fine, and of a
nair. in iour mourns ine nair nas grown several
arker color tnaa lormeriy.
With respect, WM. S. EDDY.
Manufacturer and Proprietary
Tn " Patent Xtobx m Hahdls Taili
Kiclusive Maker, of the "PATENT IVOUY" or
'u,,l.,i.l Knhu the i.,,t duruble W IIITK II AN.
liiilL known. I tie uiau."t MHlliirnciuwri in Ainpnr.. ijrimnai maaeraor uie llauu HI II AMM.U..
Alwiiya call for " Trade Mirk " " MI' HID F.N tXTLKRY CO." on the (.lade. Warrantod and olil by in Beilera ia
Sulkry, and hy the .ntlUDEN l l'TLliU V CO., 48 t UuuibBre bireel. New York' - -
W. E. Checker flayer, g ., Bat 111,Wbttf,M.
A DORRRS Bodiwwi Colt. Mill T'l'mtjli lr-tltuMt.
V KnUmttEoo, Alioh.. for Jonrnul Penmaiiihip.
lnu and mmpln lro. Mrhll ' Uckport., N. V
WnWRV murto.ultiniifirdiTti for hrt-im rtm
l j. 8militriH.. Oh.OIiioi.4(:o.,!liloKO.
Mlllt a VTMAk Ahh. AT...- .i. i'.
Ol O a ilnrat hmm. A(tnt wnnfmi. Outfit .nil
VJ. Ll tnmis fr. TKUK A I ;Q.,ny !. Maine.
lnirinurddrBin Hot )t1 1'hilildelp'. P.'J.
AGENT5 ftr II IO.MKhmm 11 KE. J. M.
4 OKNTS wnnred.nn Mlnrynr crmroiwiiin. Nfwbltai.
lY nun: Aridreiu J. B. Ma6kt 'o . St. Louis. Mn.
F.mplnrnifnt fof all. Chmrao 4 Noraltr
il frpB. I-VHon Co.,119 Xisan wt..N..
UIU t-'amoirnw
P .-Mb In nn. nn tmn
n tnm. H. tl A l.l.K I J X Portland, Mnine.
Ttrrr.l and f oittnf;
5iO a V' k Salarr cuarantd to mal fpmalp. flond
tji-in ilrculara. K. M. HOUINK, Cincinnall, O.
15 tft $7(1 F 'i at home. Samples worth Ha
IJIUU f... rJTINSON 40O.. tfr Innd. Mnine.
fylr Catalogue. K FLKTCIIKIt. I I iiHy StZ
tU-' ' J WUNVON PP.. t.'hii-ngo. III.
J. M.
$55 to $77 .?KTahZT
PE1ICI0IIS No "!' how aliKhtljr diial.lBd In
' J mi . now jmH. Advice nnd circlilw
frie. T McMichak Atty., 77 SansomSt.. Pliila.,Pa.
i'tTVUJ:?. A Grelt Sensation. Rampln
Watch and OiitRt free to Agrnts. Hatter than
Gold. Address A. COUI.TKK OO., t'hicago.
A Month. Agonta wanted. 30 best aoll
in articles in the world. One snmpln free.
Address JAV llltO.NKON, Detroit, Mich.
Iff Itm MUX for TumpiiK M frinii'.nft VU. .
mm m mm m n cnincry. A a stress JtmiAlJij VVLM-
MIU.CO..Klp. n. y.
rapfdlr with Stencil and Key Chfrk
n, (Jnt-'iIoiTtia nnd Hftmnlc FKKK.
. fcipncer,H47 VVasta. 8t.. Jltmton, Mnsa.
PARTNER IX EVERY COUNTY. 10c. forcotalosrne.
National Fla, PumIis and Rocpiptn. F. O. Uaytok,
AgtMfr.ollight, useful mrticlea. Boa 57a,New HaTen.Ot.
A .IfONTIff hotel anrl trarpling exp""
piid, for Hitlenitietia NopeddlinK. Addrebf
MuNiTon Mani'F'o Co,, Cincinnati, Ohio.
y.a h? by ono Ai:cnt In 57 cltivs. Hi new
urtlcics. SumpN'S frvv. Adilrvus
C. 91. LI.l:TO..CIil4nro.
Mm tn cll to. Merrhanta. 9!XI
a month and trm-eling- fznrnfea
paid. Ovm Mfg.Oo.,Kt.rjmiiR,.Ylo.
AGENTS. Twenty Ox II Mounted Mimmr for
a. If 1.. Sssmplm, P"t paid. 80c Stretched Cliro.
inifl, all siaea. at luvr prices. Cat-ilofrne free. Conti
KjENTAL Chhumo Co.. 37 Naagan Street. New Ynrk.
SK l A ST A II l and we n ill end yon a Specimen
Copy of the CUICKKT ON TIIK HKAIi'l H, our
niamniGth lpaee. Mcolumn Ilh atrnted Literary rnd
family Journal. F. M. Luptun t. a I Park K-.v,N. V.
('myuii. I"
iirt-lf hy Airfiitt srlltiiff jui t'tirwi.-.f,
t'lrs nrirf ClirriTim Cni. i2A mm
i OtUlof it free. J. II. UtT W'lU)'
p tliiin.l lm ttin, 1 ttr--.-V"NS,
AN ! !
Spud for ctrctihr nf a. nnwplnnly which
2( per cent. t flf per cnt of Sclvx-I
ltilh mnr be sarrd by good conduct and
ii mi .ni(iy.
P. 8HEK.M AN, A. M., Briclgeton, J.
Kailmad and Eipreas
ltuineta tautfbt. Situa
tiona guaranteed, or
joney refunded. Send Rtamp for circular. Address !
W. U. TKI.KCSKAPH IKSTITUTK, t-"reeport, Ill.s
K. I'ITI'11'S tVAtill.v Pilvmr tiv
Hainiile I'oiiv. Phimt I'nrer. Ill
3) jund
.,ji;ni iii , nun, nun iiiiiNtrniinim,
PHIien, 3S renw i.v mull. Andreas to 714
IT AT? Q 7 " tnntwatitrdtMllall and
.v..r. , , ' "rlr " atielct nf real inotll
wjSiSpV1" '''ST11 ounhe.. H,ii, pro.
I iflBlga. Fartu!ttiarilr. J Vnnn ki 1....I. v .
$100. REWARD. $100.
TniR MOUSTACHE 'irrMticM on nimnotb fha
l.F ibe ute or Ivkk'm ItR&UD KitKiK withoui
Injury, or will forfeit f 100. Price bv tnnil q
eftlea raektK yh cent, for ibroe 50 cent.
A. L. SMITH A CO., Ak'U. Palatine, I1L
' T!lrOTAT.1?nftTVi MAX AHKLElt'S New
; tilDOW-XVOOm liooh. OiTTHKLi:san: iHwkin
iue ma.:t. Splendidly illuntriited with ninny humnroua
IrawirRH. Will aell at aight. Het cumiiiiiMun- Agcnla
l wanted in erery pine. Term find rircu'.ir f -..i. .
, .1. MjKI'ODhAlir 4 (JO., 723 Chestnut St.. Phils.
CI nDillJtll?xcir,,' Tickets 1
OnlyTwo fhsnueaof Cnrn'!' tii-kTi.i, ' snl t..r
raw KlKlliyiU."T- A rii
circulars to V. YINllLIN'ti, (Jenerul Eatlurn Agtut, No.
Aator House, Xaw York.
B Ol 1-nrH : l.f icK l une
Prof. Hull' Mastr '3iiioHtid
IB tbeunly repartluil,oiiv jni:k.'i: ut (
will lorw llie beard to iirow tliii'k lt(l '. .
on the sinw)thrt furv ivithutil iniurv ' it. ii
diyt In every rone, or money chi-erlnlly r
tunfttd. So centi pi-r parkasc, poslpniiii 5 for
ftlcenU. K. W. JONLS. A.hUuii. Man.
A?IY PERSON of ordinary intelliKenee cun oam a li.
'nT by Cf "iHl.nii for tho llluKtintoil Weekly. K.peri.
flnct is.m t . eceBar tiio only ruiiuiaaa -iituiiiaif in nU
luccdsnful ' jHinesK, industry and oiiitkv. rioiM
ticulein. 4'Iiiih. rilll'llM ov t.o., I I VV'r.nt'ii St.. N. V.
flJOKA Ka rrA c fr an 'mra(t rauiei
, belnti worn, bt': I if rail-
rt tB!r 1MB; k.. leml
Buiwlr.lT. tm Unuelm.
ranlylB, veal lUhMy m line AlM4
UvmiU.. B B.PJ.U.BI . win '.Nft4 au.i. FupMcB ittt
iM 14 H.dlW Ad-U ml ft BUil, itnu Ta. flTLSA.
few Pn-ii aMt PklUiririu afaToivu at Darowtrrf.
hiiolii liult. Lest in llie world
i ures iijrK't.M; w-hfiiulluth'T
rtnietlH'H fntl. Te etlmotiiaU
nd ('Irt'itlurs Pent fi ne on sj)
Pt.;atlon. lo 1. J. WHITE,
7 Motwl Ktrret. New York.
I Send Us Fifteen Cents
andrecclvo 1 I" I'lurin NIvW : !III' nnd
lumrurlion XI lion lo mni n MliiK) I'l l
p.-..iliM i:iiiiiiiiKNiiinN. The
WHll'K. SMIT11 i CO.
KiibiuN. Mass.
Qpnoe, Catarrh, Rnnturi'. OiiTum H.itit. etc .
on Rr
etc , SKN' .
ii.b.-un mr,,v hijiikii. iiiiins ir. niiiifi uigre m
I 3nry, .No. a North Kill Street, St. Louis, Mo.
James'v Family Bitters
Ocre (nickly and Permanently. fiidipeiiUon, HeaAache
and BitioudiieBH relieved with one doe. Kheuiu itiMii,
Kidney nd ldver (JompltiintB c'urfd in a few day. L'urv-B
pilen. Bcn.ful and hrysipel&s liko magic. Tht-y are
made of Valerian, Mnndrake.Cranm Itark, (iold n Sonl,
I'AC. Wtiolfoale and KUil hy AUAMS.
108 John LStrett,N. V
i .. and by DniKgist. True, ft 1.
IViiprietor, triKkln, N. Y.
. 01. U. JAMLS. ;
i i
; Ctolarfrw. SpoeinonBMt ofTTpe, Cuis, 5. tan contaj
I The Eclipsii Automatic V.x inffuisher Burnennnkea
' all (Jtjjil Oil Lrtinus 1'prfectly fiWi. They oimnot ex
plode; rnunot be ti licit wtiile tuiniin: mntiintiy mtin
(fuitbed if dr)ppd, bnikon r upMt. Put out at easy as
ns. M-tiled t nny nddreHM for Hi) cvntn. Sold hy all
rujjmcU. A few Ag-'ntt, malu uud ttmali;, wanted.
j "iiSlSSpSIa MAyUFACrnTHIXG rO.,Cincmnitl.O.
: (Manufactory in lioweil'i marble building, iMc nn.X
Chestnut btreeU), and rsceivt by return mail. Vobi'AuK
. PitfcPAiD. a (.'(impi.kte Set o( the five principal
Bleifantly carved in hlark Wnlnut Vod,and finely
1 finuhed. Kiact duplicates of thso whirh were luauti
S tortured in Machinery Hull dunnK the Exposition, aud
j which thousands were unable to pun-haso-
1 t.r.T Till. BEST. Kvery American wiinW it in 11114
' TIIK BENT. Kvery American want it in hm
q.inun.PeriU. th-t ..t V7ur Mfll.lMUI.HI?
nouie. :.iib enfrariniffl. mni cost over
huw the best exhibits. Low price, inimense utlutf. bead
0 W. ZIKGLKU i CO., HIS Arch St .Philadulphia.Pa.
nr iimiilitr. trinm and anniiilM wnirri vini.
iple 1
The Host Triiwwi:hout
Motnl 8priiK9 evr invented,
k No hutnUuK claim of a cr
I tain radical cure, but a guar
an Wo of a comfortable, kp
curo and satisfactory nppli
ancfl. We will tike back and
pay full Jtrlctt for nil tliut it u-t nuit.
b. like cut. K4 1 for both side. SO- Kent by
Price, sinxle, like cut, I
mail. poHt-iiaid, on receipt ot pric. N, U,--'lhia Trues
will HE mora Ruuturstt than t.ny ot those tor watch
oxlrivnaant claims are mitde. Circular fruo.
',K(1V THI1NS ni.TH 1 .r nn . v.iyt . v.
Established 184$.)
Drattlotooro, "KFt.
SrSend for Illustrated Catalogue
n. y. n. r,
No. 62
plenae aT ihui you saw the udvvruee.
bivik la thle paper.
'VrvTri n - AmAirli-in Prnoa . l?W
1.75 -63 Murray 8t., Nlw YoiiK. K x
j cht-ii.c-fct unl hest hiiuu iinU TrJw 4J!nir
! strlf-liikliiir prlmlnu ircssea J-IVWZ
j- . Win rw Mll-tbl:. M. ulcq llJ M WW Brr ff7 -l . V.W
Ml . c-l I inU lULl.tU9, I . T. 'i .1