The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 04, 1877, Image 2

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    Site jiliiflfKfe,
snry a. rarsons, Jr., . - Editor.
Utah's official vote, jut promulga
ted, shows 21,. 131 vo'oo for Cunnon,
Mormon, ajeainist 3,Pi2 for Boskln,
ftnil-poJygamlRt. The totnl voro of
the Territory i 23,376 ngnlnsi '.'0,381 In
"VJ OTICI1 The lute CoiiiniisisionerA
), ,of the Bi Ll'v'-- State KHd will
petition the l.CKiHluture, at its next
fcession to pans n Inwniitln.miritrthc-rn
to collect the Taxes levied, pav indebt
edneuij, and settle owountH. "
Dec. Srihj 1870. It.
Cantlon Votive.
AH parsons arn hercbv cautioned tint to
purchase, or In nnv wav meddle wit h the fol
lowing described properly lu possession of
Justus Woed.
Two hones, double harness, slnglo harnes,
two wignns, one rmlr sleighs, one single
sleigh, one bucuy, three Pics, one cow, three
tons hay, one plow, one hnrrow, cue outline
box, four acres of In ground, h lot of
st raw and household goods. 1 purchased the
e&me nt Hheriil's sale, nnd have left tlieni
with the suld Justus Weed for u time only.
Deo. 2Sth, 1S70 3t.
Set do.v for trial at Tni; tan.
uary Term of the Court of Common Pleas of
fclk county, commencing, Monday. January
1. John Munn vs. Lewis (. JJodd, No. 115,
August Term, 1871.
2. Sarah V. Wilcox, Widow, elc, vs. Jesse
and John Piatt, No. 21, May Term. 175.
3. Jas. K. P. Hull vs. 1). Kunes el No.
1C-5, May Term. lf-."j.
4. Samuel Hnermnn vs. V. S.FIervJce &
Co., Jfo 86. Kepteiiilicr Term, 1S76.
5. Frederick Collins et al. vs. Andrew
Hanson, No. "3 September lVrm, 170.
8. George A. Knthhun v. C. H. Keorlcy,
No. 137, September Torm 1S78.
7. Leonard Wtttman vs. Thomas Sullivan,
No. 1S September Term, 1S76.
3. Bnrbera Eekl, Widow of Bernard EcUl,
deceased, vs. Edward Babel.
3 K. It. Dixon vs I.uther I.ucorc, et al.,
No. 37, November Term, 1S78.
P.ldgway, Pa.. Dec, 25, '70.
f,fOTICE Is hereby piven that the under
li signed Intend to apply to the General As
sembly of the state oi reimfej-lvanla, at its
rext session, for the passage of an aet en
titled "'An Act to provide for the payment of
the debts and distribution of the tunds of the
state Road authorized by the Aet of first of
May, ism, entitled ' An aci appointing com
missioners to lay out and open a State Road
In the counties of M'Kean, Elk, Korest and
Clarion, and tiio several supplements
The said Aet will give to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Elk County jurisdiction to col
lect the funds of said road nnd apply them
1st, To pay the costs of the proceeding: 2d,
To pay the Inst debts lawfully contracted by
the late commissioners of said road, and yet
unpaid: 3d. The surplus to the several town
ships from whence the fund Is derived. Tlie
proceedings to be lnstiluted by petition of
ieiuu in ici colcu, turn me luiiut.-i nt-tjf!.-
sary proceedings to be had after ten days
notice shall have been elven to the proper
auinoi lues oi ir.e several counties anu town
ships Interested, and also by publication in
tueh county.
.1. C. JAMES,
T. 8. .TAMES.
W.M. W. GlifFFITIt.
Licence Fctitioii.
The following license petitions have been
flicd in the Court of Quarter Sessions for
January Term lt77, and will be presented to
the said court on Wednesday, the I'llli day
of January, 177, at 2 o'clock V. M.
('That If any person or persons shall neglect
or refuse to llfi bis, her or their lici-ii-ic, with
in viptkks HAYS after the same has been
granted, such ncrleot or refusal, shall be
deemed a forfeiture of suld llcuise "
Pili dou V. 2d, Page it I J.)
Rcriezetl'; Henry Blosh; P. I.. Winsiow,
Jtenzlii;; X. Surg.
Pox John Collins.
IUdgway V.'tn. 11. Sehram; Murphy .t Mc
Earlaud. bl. Marys Anton l-'ochtinaii; Lorentz
Vofial: John Wachtel & bonj Anthony
Sohaucr; James Iloan; Henry Luhr ; Joseph
I Wludfolder.
Rhlsw ay- James Mnglnnis.
St. Mary's Win. (ielsj Jpcoh Kraus .
Bt. Mary's Joseph Wllhr-lm,
I KED. SCllU-::sINO, Clerk.
"jY vli'Uv of sundry writs of fieri
. Ji:"f.-!as, ftlios fieri t'ueiaii, venditioni
i-r.o:i:'.s, !o..tvi liieiis, nlius levsiri
ll"!": and testatum fieri tnt-his. lsned
lutoi'tho Court of (.'oimnon Tietis of
Elk County, iind to me diiected, 1,
JDauiel rScull, llitrh .Siu-iii' of said
county, do hereby give uoik-e that I
v iLl expose to public iale or outtry. ut
tiie Court House, In Ridjjway, at" one
o'elock. I'. M , on
MONDAY, JAXUAKY, 2i. 1877.
ALL that certain piece or pa fee! ;:
iar.d s-ituated in the township of Fox
couuty t"f lik and Stale of Pennsylva
nia, "hounded find dcfieribed :is fo
jG'.vs to-vit:
'.i! Lot Xo. (51) flt'ty.(-:c in the
Vl!ie of CVntrcv'ille nfi-ecuuip in the
pioi or draft of wuid " ; i I . I m
tae t'lliee for trie lieeoiuii;-- ot'i'eods
;o uml for tiuid County said lot-, cm -talniiiK
(it7!J) ilfty-seveu nnd throe
fourths sqnuro rods more or lets nd
being a part of same land conveyed to
Joint Given by frainiiel M. I-'ox and
C'(.-o. fox M. D- udniiuiatrators of
Biiinuel Fox, by deed dated the ftli
day of Xo vein her, Ih-Jit, Jtccorded in
Ileod Book A pae o'Jlit-e., there U
ei'ictt'il on said lots a two story tranie
iiwei!in;r house '-'.:M feet, said
lot i.i umlor good fence, and other im-
. TXl IrVliOI.I n.
."'.sued nnd taken in execution as
m.j .ojv'rty of 1. J. Ktiiizc-lniuii, at
suit f Citurics anil Mudelena Gill.
ALL the right title interest, claim
and demand of defendant in and to
tho following described land: Begin
ning at what formerly was the south
east corner of Charles Lpirrett'a farm,
which is in the north line of Patent
Xo. 6030 and from thence wet, along
said line ten chains and thirty Jinks
to a corner; thence north live chains
find twelve link to a corner; thence,
east ten chaios nnd thirty links to
a corner; theuca .south to the place of
hetJiiiiiitg beiii rive chains ami
twelve links, containing live acres and
forty-tight perches, bciiiy; Mttiated
in south part of Patent, Xo. 601 in
Jay township Llk Co., J'a.
ALSO one other Jut or piece of land
in Jay It v.'i'.ii'.'p is ii Hows : Be
g'iunip at tiio souiliwc-t comer f
laml i0r.ue.l3- by Vv'm. Lurt,
in pau-nb Coy and ru-anintr thence
west i'J jiereiies nnd links to the
north weAt corner of saiil land; thence
weed 0 perches to the center of the
road leauh:j; from Charles Logiretts, to
Caledonia; thence along the center
of said road to the fcouth lino of said
patent, Xo 50L"J; thence east to the
jilaco of beginning, containing one
lialf acre, including all the land lying
between the aforer-aid lund formerly
owned by Burt and said Head.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Joseph T. Southard bt
unit of B. h. Moowy,
ALL that certain tract of land in
the town or settlement of 8t. Mary's
in tho county of Kill and Etato of jri.
Pejjlnni? f, at a post on tho north irt.
Paul tjtreet; tlience east two-hundred
nnd sixty perches nnd two thirds of a
pereb; thence north nine perches,
thence west two hundred and sixty
fix perches; and two thirds of a perch;
thence south following the line of the
street nine perches to the place of be
ginning containing (lo) fifteen acres
This lot containing one two story
frame dwelling house ftdxUfl one
barn tOxHO. Also a good spring of
water and orchard.
Hei.ed and taken into execution
nnd to be sold as the property of. the
widow and heirs bt Michael Ilindlc
deceased at suit of iho Wilcox Tan
ning Company.
ALL the undivided six-fortieths
parts of all those certain messuages,
pieces, parcels or tracts of land situate
tying aud being In the county of Elk
and State of Pennsylvania, known
and described as follows, to-wit:
1st Containing 655 19-20 acres, be
ing the eastern half of warrant, Xo.
ALSO 2d Containing 62" acres,
being tho eastern half of warrant
ALSO 3rd Containing C62" ncres
being the western lialf of warrant
ALSO 4th Containing 1020 acres
being parts of warrants Xo. 4107 nud
ALSO oth..Contalning 1023 2-10 acres
beinst the whole of warrant 4078
ALSO LIU containing IMU -'-10
ncre being the whole of warrant
ALSO 7th Containing 620 ncres be
ing that part of wurrant 4302 lying
east of turn (tike
AJ..SU stii containing 400 acres,
being the eastern part of warrant,
ALSO t'th-Containiiig 1to5 6-lO
acres being part oflbe northern ends
of warrants Xo. 4SSII, 40110, 1077 and
ALSO loth Containing 655 19-20
acres being the western half of war
rant Xo. 4404
ALSO lllh Containing 620 acres
being the western part of warrant Xo.
ALSO 12th Tract described as fol
lows to wit: situate nnd lying and
being in the township of Fox in tho
County of Elk, bounded and
described as follows to wit: Beginning
nt a jtost or stone in the north line of
John Homing's land; thence west, 130
perches to land of Michael Hack:
thence north along f-aid Hack's land
Ijj perches; thence west by said lands,
P10 perches: thence north about 42
perches to the south-west corner of
laud occupied by John Stunmerland;
thence east about lt4 rods to the outh
east corner of land occupied by Dennis
Toomy; thence north about 20 roils to
Peter Connor's lnnd; thence east about
70 rods to n post; thence south nbout
12-j rods to the place of beginning,
containing 128 acres more of less
ALSO, 13th One other tract
situate aud lying and being in the
townsliip of Fox aforesaid bounded
and described as follows to wit: Be
ginning at a postontheMilesburgand
Sinethport turnpike, and on the east
Hup of the George Liebel lot; thence
north 104 perches to a maple being the
north east corner of said Liebel lot;
thence continuing northerly 77 rods to
a post making in all 181 rods; thence
easterly 40 roils to a post, on the west
line oi' the Kersev mill lot; thence
botuherly 10 1 rods to a post, being the
northeast corner of a jtiece of land
purchased for the Bidgway Co. now
occupied by M. Hack; thence westerly
20 (twenty) rods to a post, being the
north west corner of said jiiece of
land; tlience southerly 00 rods to a
post, on the Miie.sbiiig nnd Smeth
port turnpike; thence north westerly
along said turnpike S'.'V rods to the
place of beginning; containing 50
ncres and allowance for Kersey mill
road being a portion of the lands
described in a certain deed made by
UcorgeYVeis nnd wife to Elk county
Improvement and Mining Company,
which said deed is dared April 17th,
A- 1 '. 113, and is recorded in the Re
corders olllce of Elk County in Deed
book K, page 493 &c; these 10 tracks of
laud, above mentioned being the
same which the Elk County Improve
ment and Mining Co. conveyed by
indenture dated March 7th, 1871 and
Recorded in the Recorder's olllce, in
Elk Co. in Deed Book O page 122 &c
Seized aud taken in execution as the
property of J. S. Bates at the suit of
Ueo. A. Bates and T C Bates.
ALL the right, title, interest,
claim, and demand, of defendant in
and to the following described land:
All those town lots.' in Wlndfelder's
edition of St Mary's situate in Bonzin
ger township Elk County Pennsyl
vania on tho east side of 4th street
more generally known us Windfehler
street bounded on the north by Depot
street, on tho east by the P &E. R.
R. Co's Inndsnnd Foohtinan's land on
ther.outh by Mrs. Terney's laud and
on t he west by 4th afreet
Tho first of "said lots described as fol
lows: commencing at the inter sec
tion of 4th street with dejtot street:
thence southerly along said treet si 3 ft
thence easterly 140ft more or less to
amis or P. & E. it. K. Co.; thence,
iioiiherlv 35ft more or less to denot st;
tlience westerly along depot street to
the place of beginning, containing4'J00
H putt re feet more or less, upon which is
erccteil one storv nnii one-halt mime
dwelling house 17x25 feet with coal
shed attached, said lot is under fence.
Second lot joins the last described
lot on thesouih is 40 feet on 4th street,
by 12'.) feet more or less deep to the
land.-s of P & E R It Company, ujion
which is erected a 14 storv frame
dwelling house lix3J feet, said lot is
enclosed by tenec
A third lot, udjoinsthe last mentioned
lot 011 the south, being 00 feet on 4ih
street by 12'i feet more or lcr-s deep to
lands of P&ER It Company upon
which is erected u one and one-half
story frame dwelling house 17x25 feet,
said lot is 'enclosed by fence.
Fourth lot, adjoint the last men
tioned lot on the south and is 00 feet
on fourth street by 120 feet, more or
less to lands of the P & E R R Com.
pany, upon which is erected none and
one-half story frame dwelling house
17x23 feet, said lot enclosed by fence
Fifth lot adjoins the laud described
lot on t lie south, being 00 feet on
fourth street by SO feet more or less,
deep to lands of P cfc E R it Company,
saiil lot is alstenolitsed by fence
Sixth lot, adjoins the last described
lot on the south, being SO feet on
fourth st. to Tierny's lot by 89 feet deep
more or less to lands of Fochtman
Also one other lot situate on the
east side of fourth street bounded on
tho north by P. Malony's lot ; on the.
eastby A. 'Fochtman'tj land; on the
south' by B Eckl's land; on tho west
by fourth street, containing in fronton
fourth street 200 feet by 230 feet deep,
said lot is under fence
Seized and taken into execution as
tho properly of Joseph Wiudfelder at
suit of Andrew Kaul.
ALL the right, title, Interest, claim
and deniuud, whatsoever, in to or out
of all the following tract, piece or
parcepof land to wit, as follows: Be
ing in the township of Spring Creek.
County of Elk, and State of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as fol
lows, being part of warrant Xo. 2775
warranted in the name of Wilhelm
Willink and others. Beginning at a
saddle back rock on the left hand of
Spring Creek; thence north (81) thirty
one degrees west (19) nineteen rods;
thence north (6) five degrees west,
seventeen (17) rods to a hemlock tree
on said left bank of Spring Creek:
thence north (60) sixty degrees east
(40) forty rods to a post; thence south
(30) thirty degrees cast (07 5-10) sixty
seven and five tenths rods; thence
south (1) nine and one-fourth degrees
west (5 5-10) five nnd five tenths rods
to the place of beginning; containing
(15) fifteen ao's more or less, on which
Is erected the following b'drgs to wit:
One large water saw mill, one frame
school house, four frame dwelling
houses about 16x18 with additions, one
log house about 20x30. Also one frame
barn about 30x40 feet. The nbovc
houses are used as tenant houses in
and about said mill property. Also
an undivided three-fourth Interest, in
to or out of the following tract, piece
or parcel of land, situate nnd being in
Spring Creek township, Elk County
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to-wit: On
the north nnd oust by lands of Nelson
Strong, on the south by warrant line
of warrant No. 2789, on the west by
Millstone township line; containing
454 ncres more or less, and being part
of No. 2775.
Seized nnd taken into execution as
the property of L. F. and H. M.
M'Onfl'ick nnd James A. M'Clellan tera
tenants, at suit, of Hiram Carman and
Jerome Powell now for use of Jerome
ALSO all the ricrht. title, in
terest, claim and demand whatsoever
of. Ji. Broekway the defendant, in
to or out of the following mentioned
and described real estate situnte 111
Horton Township Elk County Penn
sylvania. 1st One tract beginning at a sugar
maple, at the north west corner of the
lourth division of tract iso. nvi,
thence south fifty-six and one half
(jujj reus 10 it sugar limine; uieiiee
east one hundred and thirty-four
(134) rods more or less to a small
maple; thence north one hundred ad
twenty-seven UJ7) rods to a post;
tlience west seventy (70J rods to a
post; thence south eighty-eight (88)
rods to a post; thence in a direct line
to the hoiindnrv first mentioned fif'tv
eight anil three-fourths 58 rotfs,
containing seventy-five 75 acres be
the same more or less.
2d One tract beginning at a birch
tree at the north-east corner of war
rant numbered forty-two hundred
and forty-two Xo 4242; thence west
one hundred and ninety-five and one-
hall (.Hit) j rods more or less to a post;
thence south by lands of A. A Heath
eighty-nine and one-half &9J rods
more or less to a post; thence east
eighty-nine and one half 89J rods
more or less to a post; thence south
seventy and one-half (70 rods more
or less to a post; thence east one
hundred and eight nnd one-half 108
rods more or less to a post; tlience
north one hundred and sixty 10(V
rods more or less to the place of be.
ginning, containing une hundred
fitty-seven and one fourth 157' 1 acres
more or less. Being part of warrant
numbered four thousand two
hundred and forty-two 4242
3rd One tract beginning at the in
tersection of the Mountain Road
with the road leading from Brookville
to Ridgway; thence X 70 east nine
teen 19 rods along the Brookville
road to a jiost; thence south 25J west
eight S rods to a post; tlience south
so west twelve L'2J rods to a post in
the centre of the Mountain Road;
thence X 33 west four nnd one half
4i rods to the place of beginning,
containing one-half (A acre more or
4th One tract beginning at a post
on the bank of Little Toby Creek
near tho bridge; thence down the
bank of said creek south 47 west five
5 rods to a pest; thence north 8S
west to tho centre of said road leading
from Brookville to Ridgway; thence
by the centre of said road to a post in
the Hickory Kingdom road; thence
south 2u' east seven 7 roils to the
place of "beginning, containing one
fourth of an acre more or less
5th One tract beginning nt a post
four and thrco fourths (4 rods east
from the south west corner of warrant
numbered forty-four hundred 4400;
thence east by said tract numbered
forty-four hundred (4400) one hund
red thirty-nine one-fourth 139 r'ds
to a post; thence down Little Toby
Creek in the centre of the stream by
its various cotnves nnd distances to a
post at the mouth of county line run;
thence north 3S west twenty-three
and one-half 23J) roils to the place of
beginning. Excepting and reserving
the Charles Lvman lot which is
described as follows: Beginning at
the intersection of Mountain Road
with tle road leading from Ridgway
to Brookville; thence north 70 east
nlong the Ridgway road nineteen
1191 rods to a post; thence south 231
west eight (8) rods to a post; thence
south 80 west twelve (12 rods to a
post in the centre ot the .Mountain
road; thence north 33east four and
one hall' (41) rods to the place of be
ginning, containing one-half acre1
more or less.
ALSO excepting and reserving the
the James M'Clelland lot beginning
uta post, standing in the south line of
tract numbered iony-rour hundred
44o'j nnd on the west bank of Little
Toby; thence west by said tract
numbered forty-four hundred (4100)
sixty-two (62) rods to a post; tlienca
south five (a) rods to a post; thence
north 81 east thirteen and one fourth
(13J) rods to a post; thence south 43
east thirty two (32) rods to a post;
thence south 84 cast nineteen (19)
rods to a post; thence by the bank of
.Little Toby at high water liiarK to the
place ot beginning, containing seven
and one tenth (7 t-iuj acres.
ALSO excepting and reserving out
of the said boundaries so much ofthe
Valentine Mohuey lot as may be in
eluded therein, said lot being
described as follows: Commencing at
at a post on the north side of the
road at the south east corner of Ray
Giies land, thence north by lund of
said (Jues eighteen and one third liei)
rods to a post, at the south west
corner of warrant numbered forty four
hundred 144001; thence eirst eight (81
rods to a post, thence south 23 east
by laud Ut'eded to Adam Hetrick,
twelve and one half 112 1 rods to a
post by the road; thence by the road
south '61 west fifteen and one fifth
(15 1-5) rods of the place of beginning
containing one 1) acre aud seven 7)
perches more or 1-hs, the whole of the
tract containing auoui nineteen ( iuj
acres and the portion thereof hereby
conveyed containing ten 110) acres
more or less ou which there is erected
one large saw mill 80X60 feet with ad
ditions 60x12 and 28x18 feet.
0th One tract beginning at a sugar,
and running ltTii thence, east, one
hundred and sixty-nine (109) perches
thence north one hundred and
sixteen 110) perches to a post; thence
west twenty four and three fourths
i24) perches to a post: thence down
dttle Toby Creek In the centre ofthe
stream by Its several courses to a post
by the mouth of the County line ruu;
thence north 88 west twenty three an d
ono half 2SJ perches to a poDt-
thence to place of beginning, contain
ing eighty-one (81J acres and the
usual allowance. Reserving and ex
cepting out of tho boundaries so much
of the Valentine Mohney lot above
described as may be contained therein.
On the above described piece or parcel
of land there are erected the following
buildings, viz: One shingle, mill
60x40 feet. One barn 66x40 feet. One
boarding house about 80x40 feet. Three
small dwellings 16x20 feet each. One
tool house 16x12 feet one story. One
barn 16x28 feet.
7th One tract becinnlnor at a nost
at the southeast corner of C. Nulf's
land ; then north 88 west bv land of
A. W. Heath eighty four "84" rods
more or less to a post: thence north
enst nineteen and one-half -191-
rods to tho place of beginning, con
taining ten -10- acres and thirtv-eieht
-38- perches more or less.
et h One tract betrinninsr at a post
at the southeast corner of land of
Theodore Fox ; thence east one hun
dred and thirty-one 131 rods to apost
iiime west nne or tne jnsen waos
worth lot; thence south by said Wads
worth lot seventy-two 72 rods more
or less to a hemlock at the southwest
corner of same : thence by said lot and
other land north 60 enst one hundred
and eighty 180 rods more or less to a
post; tuenco south ninety-four 94J
rods more or less to a post ; thence
west by lands of ChauneevBrockwav.
and others, three hundred and thirty
eight f3381 rods more or less to n nost :
thence north ninety-five (95) rodsmore
or tess to a post ; thence east twenty-
rour rods more or less to a post ;
thence south 05 east thiity-four (34)
rods to a post ; thence north 01 east
thirty (30) rods to the nluce of becin-
iiinir. ine lasi mree rntirxpfi nntnir nv
land of Theodore Fox. the nbovo de
scribed lot of land containing one
hundred sixty-six nnd two-tenths
1100 i-W) acres of lnnd more or less.
Dth One tract situate in the town
ship of Fox, Elk county, and Snyder,
jcnerson county, bounded and de
scribed ,as follows: Beginning at a
post in the west line of warrant num
bered forty-four hundred (4400);
thence south two hundred nnd eiuhtv
six (280)) rods more or less to a post at
south west corner of said division
number 3 of said warrant 4400
thence east thirty-three 33 rodsmore
or less to a post ; thence north 02
east thirty-three 33 rods more or less
to a post; thence south 70J cast forty-
two rods more or less to a post ;
thence east thirty two (32) rodsmore
or less to a post; thence north 38 east
fifty-four and three-fourths r5431 rods
more or less to apost in the east line of
division number three Lajot warrant
numbered lorty-lourhundrcd 4iooj ;
thence north two hundred and forty
three 243 rods more or less to a post at
the northeast corner of division ntim-
t-er three 3 of warrant number forty
four hundred 4400; thence west one
hundred and sixty eight (168) rods
more or less to the place of beginning,
containing two hundred ninety two
nnd seven tenths 292 7-10 ncres of
land more or less. Reserving, how
ever, ull the minerals with the right of
working the same or any part thereof.
Being part of division number three
3J of warrant numbered forty-four
hundred 4400.
on the above piece or parcel ot land
there are erected the following build
ings, viz: One too story dwelling 25x30
feet kitchen 10x48 one and one halt
stories washroom 13x26 feet one story
high one wagon shed lhxw teet two
tones high one barn 24x-10 teet one
barn 30x40 feet one blacksmith shoi
.'0x22 feetOne cow stable 12x18 feet
one sled shed 12x30 feet one wood
shed 12x40 feet one chicken house
7x7 feet one dwelling 10x20 and 10x32
loth. Also one other tract situated
in Horton township, Elk county, Pa.,
bounded and Uscribed n follows :
Besrlnninvr at n nine tree nt the north
east corner ot warrant numbered torty-
three hundred and forty-three "4343"
thence west one hundred eighty-nine
and one-third (189 1-3) rods mere or
less to a post on the north line of said
warrant nuinnered lortv-tnree Hun
dred and forty-three (4343;) thence
south six hundred and twenty-nine
(029) rodsmore or less to a post on
the south lino of warrant numbered
forty-three hundred and forty-two
-4342-; tlience east ono hundred and
thirty-nine nnd one-third-139 1-3-rods
forty-four -44- rods more or less to a
to a white oak tree; thence south 45
east sugar-maple tree; thence north4o
eust thirty -30- rods more or less to a
post; tlience north six hundred and
forty (040) rods more or less to the place
of beginning, containing seven hun
dred and fifty -750- acres more or less.
Being tho east part of division number
one (i) and tour () ot warrant num
bered lortv-three huudred nnd lorty
three f43431 and the east nart of divi
sions numbers one (1) and four (4) of
warrant numbered lorty-ihree nun
tired and forty-two (4342). Reserving
and excepting nevertheless out of the
said premises all the minerals in said
lands with the right of mining or
working the same or any part tnereoi.
lith. Also one other tract ot lanci
situated in Fox township. Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania, bounded nnd
described as follows: Beginning at a
post four and three. fourths (4 3-4) rods
east irom the sputhwest corner 01 war
rant number torty iour numireu -tuuj
thence east torfv-one (41) rods to a
post: thence south 70 west; theuce
thinv (mi) rods more or less to a post;
thence north 38 west to the place ol
beginning, containing one aud one
half (1 ') acres more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of N. M. Broekway at the
suit of Powell & Kime, Ridgway, P.
ALKO--A11 of defendant's Interest in, to, or
out of tv certain nieeeof real cstato situate In
l-ox lownsnip, 1-..1K eoiiniy, j-ciinsyivuiuu,
and bounded and described as follows; Ito
uinning at a post on the southern side of the
Slilcsburg and Hmethport turnpike forty-five
(IS) perches east or mupway iownsnii line,
tlience north three huudred and eitdit i:Klrt)
perches iuoror less to a post on the sout hern
warrant lino of warrant No. 1874; thence east
alone said warrant line twenty-six )2ii)
perches more or less to a post; thence north
three hundred 300) perches more or less to a
nost on tho Milesburi! and Wmetlirtort turn
pike, thence westerly alonn said turnpike to
place of beginning, containing fifty )5U) acres
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as tho
property of Patrick I .a nib at the suit of
Laurns Moyer and others.
Tbe following must be strictly complied
with when the property is struck oil:
1. All bids must be paid in fell, exeept
where tbe plaintiff or other lien creditor be
comes tbe purchaser, in which case the
costs on the writi must be paid, as well ns
all liens prior to that of the purohaser, and
a duly certified list of liens shall be
furnished, including mortgage searches on
tbe property sold, together -rub such hen
creditor's receipt fur the amount of the
proceeds ofthe sale, or such portion thereof
as lie than appear to be entitled 10
2 All sales uot settled immediately will
be continued until six o clock, V. M.. at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up, and gold at the expense and
risk of the person to whom it wag first
struck off, and who in case of deficiency at
suco re-iitie, snail make good the same and
in no fnetanee will the deed be presented in
court ior counmation unless the bid is
actually settled for with the Sheriff as
SherifTs Office, Ridgway, Pa. ".
December, 28th. 1870 f
Seo Purdou's Digest, 9th edition, pace
ft- fmitk'a V . '3 2 A '
Not a bye; makes harsh hair soft and
silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities,
causing the hair to grow where It has fallen
off or become thin.
Can be applied by the hand aa it does not
tain the skin orjsoil the finest linen. As
a Hair Dressing it is tbe most' peifeot the
world has ever produced. The hair is re
novated and strengthened, and natural
color restored Without the application of
mineral substanoes.
Since tbe introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, it has
been the wonder and admiration of all clas
ses, as it has proved to be the only artiole
that will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hair foila original oolor, health
softness, lustre nnd beauty, and produce
bnir on bald heads of its original growth
and color.
This beautiful and frazraatly perfumed
article is complete within i( self, no washing
or preparation uelore or alter its use, or
accompany ment of any kind being required
to obtain these desirable results.
Hera la the Proof of its SUPERIOR
7'ead this Home Certificnle. testified to
by Edward B. Garrigues one of the most
competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila
delphia, a man whose veracity none can
I am happy to add my testimony to the
great value ol the London Hair Color Re
storer which restored tuv hair to its oriiri
nal Color, and the hue appears to be per
manent. I am satisfied that this prepara-
Hon not a dye but operates upon the se
cretions, it is also a beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes the growth. I purchased
the first bottle from Edward B. Garrigues,
druggisl, Tenth and Coatee street," who can
also testify my hair was quite gray when I
commenced us use. MRS. MILLER. No
730 North Ninth street. I'hila.
Dr. twayne A Son, Respected friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you that a
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is
delighted with the success of your London
nair voior Mcsiorer." tier hair was fast
falling and quite gray. The color has been
restored, tho falling off entirely stopped.
and a new growth of hair is the result.
Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, riiila.
July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swavno & Son:
Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro
cured six bottles London Hair Color Re
stoicr, which I like very much, in fact bet
ter than any thing I have used in the last
nine years. If you please, seDd me one
dozen bodies C O D care IV 8 Fogter &
Son Druggists, No 723 Tremcnt street.
Boston. Respectfully yours, AOA BARER
No 59 Rutland Square.
London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing
Has coinpletoly restored iuv hair to its
original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid and luxuriant growth.
Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dulton of Philadelphia, says of it.
Tho London Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively among my patients and
friends, as well ns by myself. I therefore
speait lroai experience.
Address orders to Dr. 8WAYNE SON
330 Ni.rth Sixth Slrect, Philadelphia, Va.,
sole Proprietors. ItaLL It M I G GISTS
Hi is distressing and dangerous complaint
and Us premonitory t-vinptoins, neclcclcd
coijgh, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting
tlech lever permanently cured by DOCTOR
hUONCHlTiS A premonilor or Pul
monary CoiiMimption, is characterized by
catarrh, or iutlainatiou of tho niucum mem
brane of the air passnges, with cough and
expectoration, thiol breath, honrsuuess,
pains m the client, ior ail bionchi.-tl ullcc
lions, sore, loss of voice, coaglis
Compound Eyrup of Wild Cherry
IS A hOVEREION lll'Mr.l'i
Hemorrhng?, or Spitting of Dlood, may
proceed from the larvnx, irachia, bronchia
or lungs and arises from various cuunes, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or full
ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain-
ng of tuo voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction of the spleen or liver, &c.
Dr. Swnyue's Compound Syrup of Wild
striken at the root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring I lie liver and kidneys
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
ilia only standard remedy for bemor-
rhano, brouchial un-1 all pulmonary com
plaints. Lonsunip lives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should not fail to use
tins great vcgel able remedy.
Its marvelous power, not only over con
cumpt-on, but over every chrome disease
where a gradual alterative action is needed
Under us use tbe couch is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
(lie pulse returns to ils natural standard,
thesloiiiauh is improved in its power to di
gest and at-similatc tho food, and every
organ has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it, cut ot which new re
creative aud plaetic mudu.
Prepared only by
839 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia
Solo or all Pboiiikent Dhuugists
Itching iPies !
rosmvKLY cubed by the use of
I was sorely afflicted with one of the most
distressing ol all diseases Pruritus or l i-u
rigo, or more commonly known as Itching
Piles. The itching al times was almost in
tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not
unfrequently become quite snie. I bought
a box of Sway ueo Ointment; its use gave
quick relict, and in a short time made i
perfect cure, lean now sleep undisturbed,
and 1 would advise all who are suffering
with this distressing complaint to procure
Swayue'a Ointment ut once. I had tried
ptcscriplious almost innumerabe, without
hnding and permanent reuet
justrit w.x'iuusr.
(Firm of Roe iel & Christ,
Boot and Shoe House 314 North Second
btreet, Philadelphia.
Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also
a specibo for Tetter. Jtcn, ban itneum.
Scald Head. Erysipelas. Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er
ruDtions. Perfectly safe and harmless
even on the most tender miaiii. t rice ou
ctntg. Sent by mail to any adJress ou to
ceint of crice.
Celebrated all over the world for its remar
Uakle cures ot Scrofula. Merouraland Svphi
litie complaints. Describe symptoms in all
cnmmiikie.atinua. address letters to l'tv
EWAYMK & SON, Philadelphia.--u"vl
.4 ts -v VklRi T S XV TTX TN
!jU. W UUli 4& A)?a
r 1 v a n w
."1 hr-iitt.o
a . ;
ee t ,-.
. 41
Its i
tr. t. . t
'3! .a
:li J
C s CTWinwm-i-wWs
fern ifel m
These remarkable instruments pnsv.-s canititit-s for musical effects and expression JieVc "''ftre Hit- ir -d
Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an ornament in any parlor. MSr" Beautiful Now Styles, flow ready
GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass.
TVAltr.ItO0.MS: "OS 'Tnnhineton Kt.. Kimton; 110 State Chicago! 28 Ladgate Hill, LonUu.'
fylTTTI "tTAV" TITTW A "NT A A Itlm - M-i-kM Journal of .elected nvuic and wimble r:
lilij V UA lllJiy.Ai.l.J.liii m.iiicr. I:v innil f t $t p?r yr-ir. or ten ecntj a numbtr. Each rai'-bT
Xmtains from $i to $i worth of the fin;tt selected num.:. GEO. WOODS &. CO., Publishers, Cambridgeport, Nass.
. FOIl 1877.
in addition to all its former excellencies,
heretofore surpassed by no other religious
weekly newspaper in the world, will olfer
of great importance and vnlne.
FlllST. We shall print through tho
year SERMONS by the most eminent
clergymen of the country, of all denomina
tions, from Maine to California. Our read
ers will, therforc, have the pleasure of
hearing tbe most famous ministers ot Tsew
ork. Iirooklyn, Bostou, Philadelphia,
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fran
cisco etc.
SECOND. "Ve shall publish a scries of
articles on CHRISTIAN' WOUK, by I!ev.
Stephen II. Tyng, Jr., D. D., which will bo
iuva limbic to clergymen, Sutibay-schocl
teachers, and every Christian man and
THIRD A now Serial Stony of Ameri
can life will'bo begun nbout tho middle of
December- Its title will be
by D. It. Locke f Rev. Petroleum V. Xasby)
II vividly illu-tvates the present era r.f
speculation, of living without work, ef
liikinj; money without capital; nud will he
cue ! the r.est sparkling and uttiactiv
t d ials jver publinlied.
rOLlUll. le shall publish a series from tho pen of Elder Brewster,
Jr.. of Urcwstcrvillo, Mss.. on men r.nd
things, religious and politics, and every
top topic ns it comes up.
FIFTH. Our rrcat premium for the
year wo bclicvo to be the bcr,'. ever offered
wo will send
Every number of Tim Jniikpeniient con
tains W lureo octavo piijies furminsr a
eekly inagtzine in itself, whereas nil other
folded religious papers have only from 16
to 20 pricey of much smaller size.
i mis i nn Ikoki'EXDKiNT ( Iters lor id
twice as much as any othuv tcI'iuIuiin
ouiual in tliu country or the world and is
SUBSCRIPTION PRICK ol '-fim Ixi.i.i-t-:.--
wskt witli premium, G-S.O'i per aiiuii-u,
in advance.
li meuilis, no premium. ..fl.oO. in advance.
" " ... Ii, "
T!ie Work3 Ci Chnrlaa Ditions
in the famous and nn surpassed Household
.dition ot Messrs. Lee .K r-iti-ii;iril, the
well-known publishers of lios-iun Look at
our oner: lo each ami every person.
whether already a enbscriber or not, who
sends us Si, we will forward The 1mk-
enbent one yc9v, postage paid, together
with ai.y cr.o voluiu; from the fnllowinir
1. The Pickw'ik Papers. ..00 page..
'2. Our Mutual Friend. C1U.
3. David Copperficld. C'JO puges.
4. Nicholas Micklcby. ol'l paiiCs.
5. Martin Chu7.zle.vit. f30 pages.
G. Dombey and Son. pages.
7. Old Curiosity Shop, and Reprinted
Pieces, u.10 paces.
8. Little Dorritt. 504 pages
(I. Bleak Honfe. u'oi pat;cs.
10. Iiarnaby Rudge, and Hard Times.
S70 pages.
11. Oliver Twist, 1'iclures Irom Italy, and
American Motes. 500 pages.
A Tale of Two Cities, and Creiit E.
pectations. 014 paces.
13 Christmas Stories, and .Sketches by Boz.
hit) pages.
14. Uncommercial Traveler, and additional
Christmas Stories. 3'j(j pa-ics.
15 The Mystery of Edwin Brood, A Child's
History of England, Master Hump
hrey's Clock, etc. G0 page.).
Specimen sopies, containing full list of
oilier premiums, sent free upon tpplica-
P.-O Box 2787. - - isciv Voik
Can't be made by every afient
every month in tho business
we turnisii, uui muse wining iu wui k. can
enisily earn a dozen dollars a day right in
their own localities. Have no room to ex
plain iiere. Business pleasant and houoa-
ble. Women, and boys nnd girls do as well
ns men. Wo will furnish you n complete
Outfit free. The business pays better than
anything else. We will beur expeuscs of
starting you. Particulars free. Write nnd
sen. Farmers and mechanics their sons
and daughters, and all classes iu need of
raving work at home, should write to us
and learn all about the work at onca. Now
is the time. Don't delay. Address TRUE
& CO., Augusta, Maine-
Etertbody knows Tbk Independent, of
Iew York, as the leading, most enterpris
ng, and all agree, most readable and in
structive of our numerous religious papers
It la not slow to recognize the fact that tbe
popular passion for Chromos has die! out,
and it makes the remarkable offer of any
one volume of Dicken's Works, a hand
Bomsly illustrated and bound duodecimo, to
anybody who will subscribe and send the
regular Three Dollars subscription. This is
equivalent to offering the paper for a dollar
and abalf. Everybody wants some Yc-lume
of Dickens and everybody ought to want
The Indepekm'.nt.
t e ' w 1 m 1 i
A Oombhmfionof the Unefut, (he
tcrtaining cttid the IBcautiful.
Dcinorcst's IllustrnfTd Monthly,
The Model Parlor Migaiine of America,
Contains tho essentials, of all others, irt,
eluding Home Intcresta In all its depart
ments. The only reliable Fashions in all their
Tho beauties nnd ulilities of Literature,
Poetry, Sketches, Stories, Music, Floricul
ture, aud every branch of entertaining so l
us.cful reading calculated to enliven and ele
vato society and make onr horaop attrac
tive, iiHcful and hapny.
This unrivaled Iaga2ine will coramenco
ils sixteenth year with January, 1877, and
ns heretofore, full of new literary, enter
taining aud useful piihieols to which it is
Willi each number, will bo given a superd
colored cabiuct picture (wotli the worth the
whole cost of the Magaiine. ) in oil,
m -Hinted on a mat ready f jr fram'cg ;
Every subscriber at tiirse J-)!'.ar3 ;"3 en
tii'ed to t lie selection ol a trezaiuci lof
v.iiic!i there arc eighteon:) aetlteisd or
forwardc-l iitiuje'liatvly on receipt of the
subscription. Every article otiered is of
firKi quality, iiieludinj Books, or,y one
! worth the pr,joe of suhsonplion: Chromos
f.-i-m CelebiHied Printings and equal to the
origimilr, of large si?.e and suitable for any
pai I. r: Pocket Cook 8:ovfS; SvsrtM or
lH-.Kss Cittinc, (this received the Highost
l eiucnnial A want;) Ji!er4l lalea Wire ot
all kitnU, Stationery, Linen Marksr, etc.,
etc., clc.
ton CLUBS.
We hnvn larger nnd mure valuable, Trc
inimums, inciniing Books of all kind";
Silver-Plated Ware, Bracket Saws, -Scissors,
Stereoscope, (James, Table Cnl'ery, Clocks,
Adjust ables. Fluting Machines, Knitliog
Machines, China Dinner nud Tea Sets; ami
tinnierou other desirable articles of which
a full li.-t will be tarnished on application,
to tho publisher.
17 Ft 14th Btrt. N. V.
Aient ncqnircd Everywhere. Send for
pnnrjiu'w li&t for each sub.
l-.cah stiltscriiier at is eiititird to a
selection of onk of the following) JVaiiim,
delivered or I'-jrwardiwl by Mi
diately on the receipt ofthe oubii
1 Choice or either oi tne siw .ii
Chromos. ''After the Storm," " li jnrj Snoel
Home," -Old llakcn Bucket, ' am' "Tho
Captive Child," in all their original eauty.
Size. 17x2'i inches. Retail pri $lo
each.) An additional Ohrotno can 's hnt
t'.ir ;'() cents, or two for 90 cents, or threo
f ir l,ui, including postage; or in anted
eu rauvus and strecher for f rami if, fK
cents ui eli, extra, which include trsi.-por-'
u A Pocket Cook Stovo, picks in as Vce
4 inches square 1J inches thick and we ha
jctuly l i ounces. Postage required, 55
i. .kr.i.v .tunes i.ook-jiook; the m
mm nt
U i ill
m Aim I'm f
flu m j
inV 1 (
osSi -
popular of modern authorities on Cooking
-Ull pages handsome cloth binding. 1
lice, . .
7 M :nc Dcmoi en's Excelsior System fod'
Cull in;; Ladies' Li-esses. Price, S3, and .
.Mine. Demore-t's Children's Magic Dress
Chart. Price $1,59. Postage free. This
j system received me I cntenmai Award.
I 8 A beamili!, silver-plated Napkin
! Riaji. 1'iifiiigi! free. The ring is solid
I white metal, double silver-plated, richly
engraved, and rests upou support lornied
of tilver stems and leaves. It is unique, in
style aud elegant in finish and a very haud
scino gilV: from a gentleman lo a lady, or
vice versa.
j A tine, double si'.ver-platcl Butter
Knife, l'ott-free.
10 Tho Children ofthe Abboy, a large,
standard and highly entertaining work by.
It. M. U'.ehe. Ociavo, cloth, gilt, over
CiJil pujres. Post-free,
11 i'h al tie as of Warsaw, i graplntr
work of liciit-n By Miss Jane Porter,
llc'avu, cloth, gilt, C00 pages. Post-free.
12 The Scottibli Chiefs, a standard book
of great interest and power. By Mies Jane
I'oi ier. Octavo, clcth, gilt, over COO pags .
PuH l'rca.
L! A large bos of beautiful and fash
ionable Stationary, containing 3 quires of
latest style note paper (assorted tints,)
envelopes to match. Post-free.
11 Any ono volume of Sir Walter
Scott's Novels, each complete in ouo
volume; clear type, baudsome cloth blad
ing a uc w edition, crown, dctavo. To
1 Waverly; or "Tis Sixty Years Since."
2 Guy Mannering; or the Astrologer. 3.
Tho Auiiquary. 4 Rob Roy. 5 Old Mor
tality. G. The Black Uwarf, and a Le
gend of Montrose 7. The Bride ef Lam-
uiernioor. B. The Heart of Mid-Lothian,
aivahc, a Rouiunoe. 10. The Monas
tery 11. Tbe Abbot; a Sequel. 12
Kenilworth. 13. The Pirate. 14. The
Fortunes of Kigel. 15. Peveril of tho
Peak. 10. Quenlin Durward, 17. St.
Konan's Well. 18. Redgauntlet 19.
The Betrothed.-20. Tho Talisman. 21.
Woodstock; or the Cavalier. 22. The
Fair Maid of Perth 23. Anno of Geie .
stein. 24. Count Robert of Par'. 2 '
Castle Daugerous: Surgeon's Daughter,
2(5. Tbe highland Widow. My ALiut
Margaret's Mirror. Account of the tdLo'.t
15 A Triumph Linen Marker and Carrt
Printer, for marking clotbiug, etc, with
type sufficient tor several names, ink, ete
complete. Post-free.
lb 1-ancy Work, 300 pages,
fixhj indies'. C00 illustrations.
Postage, 20 cents.
17 Household Elegancies
Postage 20 cents
IK Window Gardening,
' in site,
print ': ani
costs ge, ju cents
10 Dollar's worth of Mine. Demorest'a
Reliable Patterns, post-fee.i Selected from
I atulugiio of one order.