The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 28, 1876, SUPPLEMENT, Image 1

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UinOWAY, KLK CO., PA. DIX'KMBKU 28, 1870.
NO. 4.-.
BY virtue of sundry writs cif fieri
facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni
exponas, levari facias, alias levari
facias; and testatum fieri facias, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Klk County, and to mo directed, I,
Uauiel Scull, High .Sheriff of said
county, do hereby give notice tliut 1
will expose to public sale or outcry, at
the Court House, in Kidgwuy, at one
o'clock. 1. M , on
MONDAY. JANUAKY. 2i. 1877.
ALL' that certain piece or parcel of
lana m united in tne township oi 1-ox
eounty of Elk and State of I'eniinylvu
nia. Hounded and described as fol
lows to-wit:
Being Lot No. (51) fifty-one ii the
Village of Centreville agreeable in tiie
plot or draft of said Village as filed in
the office for the .Recording of Deeds
in and for said County said lots, con
taining (57J ) fifty-seven and three
fourths square rods more or less and
being a part of same land conveyed to
John Green by Samuel M. Fox and
Oeo. Fox M. D administrators of
Samuel Fox, by deed dated the 9th
day of November, 1840, Keeorded in
.Deed Book A page 304 d-c, there is
erect ed on said lots a t wo story frame
dwelling house 22x34 feet, said
lot is under good fence, aiid oilier im
provements. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of P. J. Kunzelman, at
suit of Charles and Magdclena Gill.
ALL the right title interest, claim
and demand of defendant in and to
the follow tig described land: Begin
ning at what formerly was the south
east corner of Charles Leggett's farm,
which is iu the north line of Patent
No. 6030 and from thence west, along
said line ten chains and thirty links
to a corner; thence north five chains
and twelve links to a corner; thence
east ten chains and thirty links to
a corner; thence south to the place of
beginning being five chains and
twelve links, containing five acres and
forty-eight perches, being situated
in south part of Patent, No 6o20 in
Jay township Elk Co., Pa.
ALSO one other lot or piece of laud
in Jay township as follows : Be
ginning at the southwest corner of
land formerly owned by Wm. Bart,
iu patent 502'J and running thence
west 20 perches and 12 liuks to the
northwest corner of said laud; thence
west U perches to the center of the
road leading from Charles Leggetts, to
Caledonia; thence along the center
of said road to the south line of said
pateut, No 5020; thence east to the
place of beginning, containing one
half acre, including all the land lying
between the aforesaid land formerly
owned by Burt and said Bead.
Seized ami taken in execution as
the property of Joseph T. Southard at
suit of 11. E. Moorey.
ALL that certain tract of bind iu
tiie town or settlement of St. Mary's
in the county of Elk and State of Pa.
Beginning at a post on the north St.
Paul Street; thence east two-hundred
and sixty perches and two thirds of a
perch; thence nei'lh nine perches,
thence west two hundred ami sixtv-
six perches; and two thirds of a perch;
thence south following the line of the
street nine perches to the place of be
ginning containing ( 1-3; fifteen acres
This lot containing one two story
frame dwelling house 3ux2'j one
barn 40x30. Also a good spring of
water and orchard.
Seized and taken into execution
and to be sold as the property of the
widow and heirs of Michael llindle
deceased at suit of the Wilcox Tan
ning Company
ALL the undivided six-fortieths
parts of all those certain messuages,
pieces, parcels or tracts of laud situate
lying and being in the eounty of Elk
and State of Pennsylvania, known
and described us follows, to-wit:
1st Containing 555 l'J-20 acres, be
ing the eastern half of warrant, No.
ALSO 2d Containing ol2 J acres,
being the eastern half of warrant
ALSO 3rd Containing SG2J acres
being the western lmlf of warrant
4 too
ALSO lth Containing 1020 acres
being parts of warrants No. 4107 and
ALSO "th..ContainIng 102:J 2-10 acres
being the whole of warrant 4070
ALSO (ilh Containing 'J40 2-10
aires being the whole of warrant
ALSO 7th Containing 020 acres be
ing that part of warrant 43''2 lying
east of turnpike
ALSO blh Containing 400 acres,
being the eastern part of warrant,
ALSO 0th-Con turning 1805 0-10
acres being part of the northern ends
of warrants No. 4380, 4)00, 4077 and
ALSO loth Containing 555 10-20
acres being the western half of war
rant No. Hoi
ALSO 11th Containing Wo acres
being the western part of warrant No.
ALSO 12th Tract described as fol
lows to wit: situate and lying and
being in the township oi' Fox in the
County of Klk, bounded and
described us follows to wit: Beginning
at a po.'t or stone iu the north line of
John Homing's land; tluncc west 130
perches to laud of Michael Hack;
thence north along i-aid Hack's laud
lj percle-; thence by said lands,
13it perches: thence north about 42j
perches to the south-west corner of
land occupied by John Suuiiiierland;
thence east about 14 rods to the .south
cast corner of land occupied by Dennis
Tooin.v; thence north about 20 rods to
Peter Connor's land; thence east about
70 rods to a post; thence south uhout
121 rods to the place of beginning,
containing 128 acres more of less
ALSO, 13th One other tract
situate and lying and being in the
township of Fox aforesaid bounded
and described as follows to wit: Be
ginning at a post on the Milesburgund
Smeth port turnpike, and on the east
linn of the George Liebel lot; thence
north 104 perches to a maple being the
north east corner of said Llcbel lot;
thence continuing northerly 77 rods to
a post making in ad 181 roils; thence
easterly 40 rods to a post, on the west
line of the Kersey mill lot; thence
somberly 101 rods to a post, being the
northeast corner of a piece of land
purchased for the ltidgway Co. now
occupied by M. Hack; thence westerly
20 (twenty) rods to a post, being the
north west corner of said piece of
land; thence southerly G5 rods to a
post, on the Milesburg and Smeth
port turnpike; thence north westerly
along said turnpike 30$ rods to the
place of beginning; containing 50
acres and allowance for Kersey mill
road being a portion of the' lands
described in a certain deed made by
George Weis and wile to Elk county
Improvement and Mining Company,
winch said deed is dated April 17th,
A D. 180"), and is recorded in the Re
corders office of Elk County in Deed
book K, page 405 &c ; these lft tracks of
land, above mentioned being the
same which the Elk County Improve
ment and Mining Co. conveyed b.v
indenture dated March 7th, 1871 and
Recorded in the Recorder's office, in
Elk Co. ii Deed Book O page 122 &c
. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of J. S. Bates at the suit of
Geo A Bates and T C Bates.
ALL the right, title, interest,
claim, and demand, of defendant in
and to the following described land:
All those town lots iu 'Winili'elders
edition of St Mary's situate in Benzin
ger township Elk County Pennsyl
vania on tiie east side of 4th street
more generally known us Winill'eldcr
street bounded on the north by Depot
street, on the east by tlieP 4 E R.
R Co's lands and Foclitman's laud on
thesouth by Mrs. Terney's land and
on the west by 4th street
The first of said lots described as fol
lows: commencing at the inter sec
tion of 4th street with depot street:
thence southerly along said street 35ft.
thence easterly lluft more or less to
lands of P. & E. R. R. Co.; thence,
northerly Soft more or less to depot st;
thence westerly along depot street to
the placeof beginning, containing4'00
square feet more or less, upon which is
erected one story and one-half frame
dwelling house' ? 7x2-3 feet with coal
shed attached, said lot is under fence.
Second lot joins the last described lot
on the soulh is 40 feet on 4th street,!
by 120 feet more or less deep to the I
lands of P & K H R Company, upon!
which is erected a U story frame
dwelling house 18x32 feet, said lot is
enclosed by fence. A third lot, adjoins
the last mentioned lot on the south,
being 00 feet on, 4th street by 12'- feet
more or less deep to lands of P & E
R R Company upon which is erected
a one ui d one-half story frame
dwelling house 17x25 feet, said lot is
enclosed by fence.
Fourth lot, adjoins the last men
tioned lot on the south and is '.( feet
on fourth street bv 12o feet, more or
less to lands of t he P & E R R (Join
pany, upon which is erected a one and
one-half story frame dwelling house
17x25 feet, said lot enclosed by fence
. Fifth lot adjoins the land (Inscribed
lot on the south, being 00 feet on
fourth street by 81 feet "more or less,
deep to lands of P & E R R Company,
said lot is also enclosed b' fence
Sixth lot, adjoins the last described
lot on the south, being 80 feet on
fourth st. to Terry's lot by 80 feet deep
more or less to lands of Fochtman
Also one other lot situate oil the
east side of fourth street bounded on
the north by P Malanlies lot; on the
east by A. 'Fochtmau's laud; on the
south by II Eckl's land; on the west
by fourth street, containing in Iron ton
fourth street 200 feet by 2-10 feet deep,
said lot is under fence
ALL the right, title, interest, claim
and demand, whatsoever, in to or out
of all the following tract, piece or
parcel of land to wit, as follows: Be
ing in the township of Spring Creek.
County of Elk, and State of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as fol
lows, being part of warrant No. 2775
warranted in the name of Wilhelm
Villink and others. Beginning ata
saddle back riK'k on the left baud of
Spring Creek; thence north ("lj thirty
one-degrees west (lO) nineteen rods;
thence north (5) five degrees west,
seventeen (17) rods to a hemlock tree
on said left bank of Spring Creek;
thence north (00) sixty degrees east
(40) forty roils to a pos; thence south
(30) thirty degrees east (07 5-1 )) sixty
seven and live tenths rods; thence
south C -' i nine and one fourth degrees
west (5 5-10) rive and five tenths roils
to the place of beginning; containing
(15) fifteen ac's more or less, on which
is erected the billowing b'd gs to wit:
One large water saw mill, one frame
school house, four frame dwelling
houses uhout bixlS with additions, one
log house about 20x30. Also one frame
barn about 30x4o feet. The above
houses are Used as tenant houses in
and about said mill properly. AIo
an undivided three-fourth interest, iu
to or out of the following tract, piece
or parcel of land, situate and being iu
Spring Creek township, Elk County
and State of Pennsylvania, bouuded
an J described' as follows, to-wit: Ou
the north and east by lands of Nelson
Strong, on the south by warrant line
of warrant No. 2780, oil the west by
Miiistonu township line; containing
451 ucres more or less, und being part
of No. 2775.
ALSO all the right, title, in
terest, claim nnd demand whatsoever
of X. M. Brock way the defendant, in
to or out of the following mentioned
and described real estate situate in
notion township JUk County I'cnu
sylvunia. j
J(' One tract oeginning at asiigur ;
maple, ut the north west corner of the
lourtli Hi vision of tract No. 12 12
thence south fifty-six and ont half
(5U.J) rods to a sugar maple; thence
east one hundred and thirty-four
(134) rods more or less to a 'small
maple; thence north one hundred and
twenty-seven 1 127) rods to a post;
thence, west seventy (701 rods to u
post; thence south eighty-eight (88) !
rods to a post; thence in u direct line i
to the boundary first mentioned fifty-,
eight and three-fourths 58j rods,
containing seventy-five 75 acres be
the same more or less.
2d One tract beginning at a birch
tree at the north-east. corner of war
rant numbered forty-two hundred
and forty-two No 442; thence west
one hundred and ninety-five and one- 1
riii-.n . ' . I
nun i iiwj i rous more or less to a uost I
.1 ......11. I . , , . ,
thence south by lands of A W. ifentb
eighty-nine and one-half 80J rods
more or less to a post; thence east
eighty-nine and one half 8J rods
more or less to a post; thence south
seventy and one-half (70 rods more
or less to a post; thence east one
hundred and eight and one-half 108
rods more or less to a post; thence
north one hundred and sixty 100
rods more or less to the place of be
ginning, containing one hundred
riity-scven and one fourth 157) acres
more or less Being part of warrant
numbered four thousand two
hundred and forty two 4242 .
3rd One tract beginning at the in
tersection of the Mountain Road
with the road leading from Brookville
to Ridgway; thence N 70a ease nine
teen 10 rods along the Brookville
road to a post; thence south 25.) west
eight 8J rods to a post; thence south
8!P west twelve 12 rods to a post in
the centre of the Mountain Road;
thence N 33 west four and one hull'
4J rods to the place of beginning,
containing one-hulf (J acre more or
4th One tract beginning at a post
on the bank of Little Toby Creek
near the bridge; thence down the
bank of said creek south 47 west five
5 rods to a post; thence north 38
west to the centre of said road leading
from Brookville to Ridgway; thence
by the centre of said road to' a post in
the Hickory Kingdom road; thence
south 20 J east seven 7 roils to the
place of begiunieg, containing one
fourth of an acre more or less
5th One tract beginning at a post
four and three fourths (-111 rods .nsf.
from the south west corner of wnminf.
numbered forty four hundred 41-01;
thence east bv said tract numbered ;
irty-four hundred (4100) one bund-
Bd thirty nine & one-fourth I3'.'ll i ds '
j a post; thenco down Little Toby '
Creek in the centre of the stream by
lis various courses aim instances to a
post at the mouth of county line run;
thence north fj.S3 west tweutv-three
and one-half -' !) rods to the place of
i i. .i ;.. .
ui-iiiuiu. mm resei ving
the Charles Lyman lot which is
described as follows: Beginning ut
the intersection of Mountain lioad
with the road leading from Bidgwuy
to Brookville; thence north 7ou east
along the Kidggwuy road nineteen
l'JJ rods to a post; thence south 125
west eight (8j rods to a post; thence
south 8('C west twelve (1'J rods to a
post in the centre of the Mountain
road; thence north ii:J east four and
one half (41) rods to the jdaee of be
ginning, containing one half ".'' acre
more or less.
ALSO excepting and reserving the
tiie James M'Clelland lot beginning
ata post, standing in the south line of
tract numbered forty-four hundred
L440V and on the west bank of Little
Toby; thence west by said tract
numbered forty-four hundred (4touj
sixty two rods to a post; thenca
soulh live;5) rods to a post; thence
north 81 east thirteen and one fourth
( Oil) rods to a post; thence south 45
east thirty two (3i) rods to a post;
thence south 84 east nineteen (1ft)
rods to a post; thence by the bank of
Little Toby at high water mark to the
placeof boginiiing, containing seven
and one tenth (7 1-10) acres.
ALSO excepting and reserving out
of the said boundaries so much of tne
Valentine Mohney lot as may be in
cluded therein, said lot being
described as follows: Commencing at
at a post ou the north side of the
road at the south east corner of Kay
Giles land, thence north by land of
said Giles eighteen and one third 18 j
rods to a post, at the south west
corner of warrant numbered forty four
hundred 4100: thence east eight (8
rods to a post, thence south east
by laud deeded to Adam lletrick,
twelve and one half 12, I rods to a
post by the road, thence by the road
south ill" west liftcen and one iiflh
(15 I 5) rods of the place of beginning
containing one 1) acre and seven 7)
perches more or less, the whole ot tne
tract containing about nineteen (1!
acres and the portion thereof hereby
conveyed containing ten 10) acres
more or lesson which there is erected
one large saw mill 8i;x50 feet with ad
ditions ."'0x1:2 and sxl' feet.
0th One tract beginning ut a sugar,
arid running from thence, east one
hundred and sixty-nine (lti'J) perches;
thence north one hundred and
sixteen 110) perches to a post; thence
west twenty four and three fourths
24j) perched to a post: thence down
Little Toby Creek iu the centre of the
stream by its several courses to a post,
by tiie mouth of the County line run:
thence north HH3 west twenty three and
, thence to place of beginning, eontain
: ing eighty one (81 acres and the
usual allowance. Reserving and ex
cepting out of the boundaries so much
! of the Valentine Mohney lot above
described as may be contained therein.
Jn thealiove described piece or parcel
f 'an' there arc erected the following
buildings, vizi One shingle mill
00x40 feet. ' One barn 50x40 feet. Out
boarding house about 30x40 feet. Three
small dwellings 10x20 feet each. One
tool house 10x12 feet one story. One
barn lfix28 feet.
7th One tract beginning at a post
nt tne southeast corner oi u. iNult's
'an,l i then north 88" west by land of
A. V. Heath eighty four '"'84" rods
more or less to a post ; thence north
2 east nineteen and one-half -Hij-roils
to the place of beginning, con
taining ten -10-acres and thirty-eight
-38- perches more or less.
Kth .One tract beginning at a post
at the southeast corner of land of
Theodore Fox ; thence east one hun-
('m' "U1 thirty-one 11 rods to a post
.. (Kn . li ..i- . i. .. f . .1..
111 esi line oi iue uuseu vuus-
.......U I,... ll. 1 ....'!,! IW..1 .
wuiMi mij luence souwi sum vuua-
worth lot seventy-two 72 rods more
or less to a hemlock ut the southwest
corner of suim-: i hence by said lot nud
other land north G0 east one hundred
and eighty 180 rods more or less to a
post; thence south ninety-four 04J
rods more or less to a post ; thence
west by lands of Chauncey Brockway,
und others, three hundred und thirty
eight 3o8 rods more or less to a post;
thence north ninety-five (!'5) rods more
or less to'a post ; thence east twenty
four 24 rods more or less to a post;
thence south 05 east thiity-four (84)
rods to a post ; thence north 01 cast
thirty (30) rods to the place of begin
ning, the Inst three courses being by
land of Theodore Fox, the above de
scribed lot of land containing one
hundred sixty-six and two-tenths
1 100 2-10) acres of land more or less.
Oth One tract situate in the town
ship of Fox, Elk county, und Snyder,
Jefferson county, bounded and de
scribed as lbllo'ws: Beginning at a
post in the west Hue of warrant num
bered forty-four hundred . (44oo);
thence south two I hi ml red and eighty
six (28(1)) rods more or less to a post at
south west corner of said division
number S5 of said warrant 4-100
thence east thirty-three 83 rods more
or less to a post; thence north 02
east thirty-three n3 rods more or less
to a post; thence south 70j east forty
two (42) rods more or less to a post ;
thence cast thirty two (.V) rods more
or less to a post; i hence north S8.i east
fifty-four and three fourths 54j rods
juoie or less 10 u jio.'-l in ineeast iiiil- ui j
division number three 8of warrant
numbered forty-fourhuudie.l 44uOj ; j
thence north two hundred and forty, i
three (24:11 rods more or lees to a post at
the northeast corner f division 'num- j
thence north two hundred and forty
three 24;1 rods more or lees to a post at
tne northeast corner of division num
1 pr three H of warraiitmumbcr forty-
four hundred 440i): thence west one
hundred and sixty eight 18) rutin
more or less to the place of beginning,
containing two hundred ninety two j
and seven tenths 2'.2 7-10 acres ofi
land more or less. Beserving. how-
all the minerals with the right of
working the same or any part thereof.
Being part of division number three
:-l of warrant numbered forty-four
hundred 4 too.
On the above piece or puree! of land
there are erected the following build
ings, viz: One too story dwelling 25x30
feet kitchen ltixlSone und one half
stories washroom 15x20 feet one story
high one wagon shed 18x:!(l feet two
stories high one barn 21x40 feet one
barn 80x40 feet one blacksmith shop
20x22 feet One cow stable 12x18 feet
one sled shed 12x.'(0 feet one wood
shed 12x40 feet -one chicken house
7x7 feet one dwelling 10x20 und l(ix:!2
10th. Also one other tract situated
in llorton township, Elk eounty, l'u.,
bounded and described as follows :
Beginning at a pine tree at the north
east corner of warrant numbered forty
three hundred ai.d forty-three "434:1";
thence west one hundred eighty-nine
and one-third (180 1-3) rods mere or
less to a post on the north line of sail!
warrant numbered forty-three hun
dred and forty-three (4:I4-!;) thence
south six hundred and twenty-nine
(fiiit) rods more or less to a post on
the south line of warrant numbered
forty-three hundred and forty-two
-4342-; thence east one hundred and
thirty-nine uud one-third-lS!) 1-3-rods
forty-four -41-rods more or less to a
to ti white oak tree; thence south 45
east sugar-maple tree; thence north 45
cast thirty -3o- rods more or less to a
post; thence north six bundled and
forty (ti -lo) rods more or less tothe place
of beginning, containing seven hun
dred and fifty -750- acres more or less.
Being the east part of division number
one (0 and four (4) of warrant num
he red forty-three hundred and forty
three (4'i4:) and the cast part of divi
sions numbers one (1) and four (1) of
warrant numbered forty-three hun
dred and forty-two (4:;12). Beserving
and excepting nevertheless out' of the
said premises all the minerals in said
i lands with the right of mining or
working the same or uny part thereof
nil. Also one other tract of land
situated in Fox township. Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania, bounded und
ileseriheil us toiiows: Beginning at a
post four and three fourths (4 3-4) rods
turit from the southwest corner of war
rant number forty four hundred (44oo)
thence cart forty-one (41) rods to a
post; thence south 70 west; thence
thirty (30) roils more or less to a post,
thence north west to the place ol
beginning, containing one ami one
half Ui) acres more or less.
Sei.ed and taken in execution us the
property of N. M. Brockway at the
i suit of l'owell &. Kime, Bidgway, 1.
Tiie following iiitibl be strivilj complio l
willi when lliu property isslvuck off:
1. All bids nmsl be pnid in full, tucepi
whpiellio plainlifl rr oilier lion creditor be
conic? I ho purchaser, in w hich cme lh'!
costs on l lie writ must be pnid, an well as
all liciiK prior to lint of the puvchiiser, anil
duly certified lint of liens shall, be
furnished, including mnilgnge uearolies on
the property snlJ. togeihor wilh such lien
oi editor's reneipi the amount of the
proceeds of iha sale, or audi portion thereof
as he shall apenr to be entitled o.
2 All unlet not settled imrai dmnly will
be continued until ui o'clock, P. M., at
which time all property not sell led for will
nguin bo put up. and Hold at the expense and
risk of I he person to whom it was first
muck off, and who in case of deficiency at
suc!i re-srtle, shall make good the same and
in no instance will the deed be presented in
court t'u. coiifimniiou utilim the bid is
actually setiled for with t'le Sheriffas
Sheriff's Office, Bidgwnv, l'u
December, 28th. lt 70. f
See I'm dun's Lngest, Dili tditiou, png?
440: Smi h'a Forms, page 884.
TV OTICE. The lute Commissioners
of the Big Level Stute Komi will
petition the Legislature, ut its next
Session to pass a law aut horizing them
to collect the Taxes levied, pay indebt
edncss, und settleaccounts.
Dec. 28th. 1870. it.
List of Licenses.
For January Term, 1S77: to be presented
Wednesday, Jnnuarv, 2-lth. 1S77, P. SI.
TAVKitN, Williuiu H. Kclirnm, MTarlln,
und Alurpliy.
k ati no housk. James M:i(jlnnls.
Caution Xotkc.
All persons are hereby i-nutlnhed not to
tin relume, or In uuy way meddle with the fol
Iowlnu described property in possession of
Justus Weed.
Two horses, double harness, single harness,
two wagons, one pair sleighs, one single
sloijrh, one buggy, three pigs, one cow, three
tons Imy, one plow, one narrow, one cutting of wheat in (ground, a lot of
straw and household goods, t pure I mod the
same at .Hhorilf s sale, and liuvo left them
with the Hitid Justus weed fura time only.
1). C. OYSJI KU.
Dec. 2Sth, 1870 3t.
uary Term of the Court of Common Pleas ot"
lilk eoiiniy, ruiuiuoncing Monday, January it.
1. John Mima vs.. lewis S. Uodil, No. 115.
August Teim, 1H74.
S. Sarah V. Wilcox, Widow, etc. vs. Jesse
and John Halt, No. ai, May Tenii, 1S75.
:i. .Jars. K. 1', ilall i. ll. Klines el til., No
13.1, May Term, IS73.
. Samuel llaei niau vs. W. S. Service ,t Co.,
Xo. 3.VI, f eiJlemlivr Term, IS75.
o r riMi'i'K'K Collins et al. vs. Amliew Han
somiMiiivr Term. is7(t.
7. Leonard Wiumnu vs. Thomas Sullivan,
X . September Term into.
li"!""iI',, IZ 1",URnX KckI
u. i:. ji. iiixon vs. i-iuher Liuore, et al., No.
, November ivnn ih7.
j . ui,igway, i'a Dec. as,"'70.
vrirru i; i;
TDTIl K i hereby given thai the under
i.1 signed intend to aniilv to the Ci neral As-
si inlily of the slale of I'eiinsylvauia, at its next
ui, fur the parage oi an act eniilled "An
Act o jiroviiie lor the pimm-nt of the deliU
and disti iliul ion of .the duels of (he Slale It. mil
aulliuri.eU by the Act of Hist of May, lstil, cn
t it h-i 1 "An Act appointing coiiimissHiuciM to lav
out and open a Slale Huad in Hie counties o'f
M'Kean, Klk, Forest ami clarion, and the sev
eral supplements ilic-reto.'
The said Ai l will give to the Court of t'om
inoii Pleas ot Klk I Viiintv Jiiris lirlion to collect
the f mills of said road and niiplv Iheni 1st, To
paylhe mats of the proeei'iling; itil. To pav the
just il.ilils liiHinll.v eonlracted by the' late
ciimniinMiiuui's of said road, nnd yet unpaid;
Si 1, The surplus to the several townships from
whence the land is derived. The proceedings
to he instituted by pclitioii of anv person in
lurosted, und the further neccs. iirv proceed
ings to lie bad after ten days notice shall have,
been given lo the proper authorities of the sev
eral coiiutii-s anil townships interested, and
nlw by publication in one paper in each county.
J1JSII l A 11 AV IS,
.1. C. J A M KS,
Dress Goods at Powell
t Kline's.
Sugar, Tea, Coffees, Canned goods-
Everything in the Grocery line cheap
ut l'owell A Kline's.
BiiLLLTONYi: Flol'I!. A splcudid
article at l'owell & Rime's for $7 per
PoWKti, & Kimk have a special de
partment for Boots and Shoes, in
which you can rind unythiug you
want for Ladies, Misses, Children,
Gents and Boys. You can find any
thing you want there
Call at
the corner of Main
for your Stoves und
Mill Street
Cardinal bed, Seal Brown and
Navy Blue are the prevailing colors iu
l'owell & Kline's dress goods depart
ment. Go and see.
W. 11. Smith, who was for several
years in the employ of W- S- Service,
has started a shop at the corner ol
Main and Mid Streets where lie will be
pleased to meet his old friends
Do nut forget to ca i at V. B
SMITH'S, corner of Main a d Mill Sts
before purchasing a stove.
Hadiknt Honieut
Sruscitusi: for the Advocatk.