r A"-- It, JS-Y Btopr ruu uu 41 T' it friglf v fag t Ul IJ. It,. - Hill,- I wit I 5? t .vi inn ( At CHAMBERLAIN. (fMieoessors to O. A. Rathbun,) Attor neys-nt-Law . Main (Street, Ridg- way, Elk Co., Pa, d H' At LEY, Attorneys-at- bw. Office tu New RHck Running, win o. R'deway, I lk Co.. a. 3n'Jlt. Z, VCOliE & If A MB LEX. Attorneys-nt-Law, Ridgway, 131k County Pa. OlTlcc across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Clidm for collection promptly tit tended ' .Inc. 16 '70. .. u . bailvy, r.'ORNfiV-MM'AW. ItiilirWRr, Ilk i ouhly 1 1- the MllftlKV' rmeler ona u.. .,f I'uftiird. Conn. .(.lu it. i-CLLKRTuX, ,hv...ju l'tfiKift, Imvinsr permanently lo tut -1 ' u i: !).' of1'" Ids professions! scr ticos u i'"-' citizens of Ridgwny una tmr rounli:.; eonmry. All work warranted, n-f.-c in S-i-viee A Wtitelcr'a Uuilditm, up Ma.ua. ti-sr 'iui.v to t he left, 7.1-n-:-ly (V v vessel ;Eit, pmagi-t and ravPiRCcnliBt, N. V.'. cornel f Main and Mill streetP, Ritlgrrny, Pa. i- aK.xi' inienl of carefully selected For-i.-mu, , !.,m.-tic bulge. Prescriptions .'i ;-f:t.: wwou.-'ril nil liotirn, day ot '. ,s. HARTLEY. M. L)., Pliyaioipn ftiiii Surgeon. Office in Drug P'.'HP, corner broad and Ma;a !"'.. lU'siilem-e corner broad St. oj.pofiiP tlio loll.-pe. Otlice hours from f. to 10 A. M. and from 7 lo 8 1'. M. vluliyl. . .S. JJOh DWELL, M. Eclectic Physician and tin-goon, lias remov ed his nft.ee trom I'ciiire stieet, loMait st. kidgway. i'n., in il'e spotlit story of the ho brick building of John U. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store. OiU.-o l.mir..! - I l - !' M 7 lo 'J P M HYDE HOLME, Illl'UWAV, liLli Co., l'A W. II. SCIJ HAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore to Liberally besowe4 upon liim, Hie ne t:rcr,iietor.' lope, ty paying strict a.. etino.i to the uouit'ort and convenience ol Pl'iests, to merit a continuance oi tut nun. o. Oct 30 1HI; t'GKTlla.'rtl.T.E, UhK C.O.i John ('oiMJJS, rroprletof. Tbankful for tho patronage herclrtorc liber lily bestorcd '.'pon him, the new pi o p rietor. hopes, hy pej'iug HtriC! at tnitiun lo the comfort ncd convelii'-nct if gujfts. !. merit a ccuiliiiimneo ol tht name. i W. IAYS, nKAt.8 'S Dry Goods, Motions, Groceries ' and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. ft- ! ii ITtf. ti. K. OKrH, Utnlci-'iii all kintf.4 ofi-iibini't warn, iVnoiland enno si;ut clinirs, kitciien and t'XteutioU table, wwd St'.d iiiarblu tiij biiul.-i. Wooit nil. t iiiiirhie t! bureaus what not, looking uliisses, wood am tuarble top i-hanilxT suits, mattresses, iiihiij bed butt. )!!, bed st'ad:, cribs, l.afcrtv s metal ' lined "Vm,i jim;'s i?., tVe. (.'ane setiln reiilaeed with eri'. irared wood scats, Weid sowing uuvehine re ltn-f.l i'roi:' .-i'." to ?t-1, tin .-'' . -.iii:e In t he market, mid jjie r !.-. ..ii, ies mail..' to order. Also a iarw assorted stock of ready eolllin constantly on hniid ami mod tit shorlest iiotiee. All the icoui's are sold at nunle tiiiees. made t nm- abuvo are Uoojih in masonic bnildiiijr, K;df.;'ay Pa. vrmitpdaprL'T'Ty. .--t--"i : -e- w - - - r Charles Hulls, Walcliniiik.M-, Engraver uml Jeweler i ewin Mncliiiic, mid Murloa Gold n. Hfpninn Wutchia, etc, itctcwith Earuo accuracy iib lielelufcri.'. 8at'iH. VU-Al UllIl'OU. VlIllV QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell & BANKETS AND iOKIiM No. 42 fcuth Third B,t l'hiladolpbia, Nov. L'Sth. 170 Co. ASEKU est, o!U. S. 1S31. c. ..1173 1171 do 6 i!0, o '05. M and ft ..lo:M 10'JJ Uo do '" J und J llL'5 do do 'ti'i do Hog 112 115 do do 'jo uo .IKiJ 117 10-40, do coupon.... 113 111 do l'acitio li'a cy lot 121 1231 Kew 5's Keg. 18S1.... . 11 1 i H2J ' C. 1K91 Oo!J Silver I'enn3ylvsuia cx iva .... Reading Philadelphia, & Erio .... Lehigh Navigation do Valley ll J I 112 10H 108 1UU 100 431 40 211 22 13$ 13J 27 278 IS 4SI CuitedRUot'NJ es. div., 137'138 Oil Creek i 3 Nortboi-D Central r v. i ex. dir 254 25 ntral Traasportatiou 4u 40 V 62 41) 107 esquehoaing M 50J u-tu fennsyivaula 48 a. orirnp f,'a 'K'l kit A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause oi Debility and Si o nasi fully explained in a ltee octavo Tr e tise by Dr. O PHELPS Isrown 2 Grand Street, Jersey City. N. J v virv MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing an, y uhould send and get a copy at once. s H in cent free, prepaid by wail. Addresi r author as above. v0nl210t ' 4 im i .ill nrw mwnw-iMtiwni l A THURSDAY, DEC. 2 1ST, 1870. One colurn, one year ..,..$76 00 40 00 26 00 , 16 00 TfAneient ndvertisements per aquare of eight lines, one insertion $1, ttto inser tions, f 1.60, three insertions f 2. lluninefs cards, ten lines or leas, per year f 5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Arrival and Dcpftrtiiro of Malls. KoHtcrn Pally except Sundays; ar rives at 2:22 p. m., leaves nt 6:16 p. m.; Western Daily except Bundaya; leaven nt '2:22, arrives at 5:16 p. m. Ibookville Daily except .Sundays arrives nt 12 m,, leaves nt 2:30 p. m. (Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and Thursday at 11 a. m.; leaves Wednes days nntl Fridays at 9 n. m. Lodge Meetings. Elk Lodge, No. 379, A. Y. M meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Klk Chapter, No, 230, It. A. M., meets the third Tuesday of each month in Masonic Hall. Knnpn Comnmndery, No. 40, K. T. meets the fourth Thursday of each month in Masonic Hall. County Ofllcers. President JudgB-Hob. Jj. P. Wetmorc Associate Ju.lges---H'jtis. J. K. Whit more, Clias. Luhr. fheritr Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob MeCauley. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Co. (Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary, &c Fred. (Schrening. Deputy Prothbiiotary W. iS. Hortoti. Commissioners Michael Wcdc-i't, W. II. Osterliout, George Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton. Auditors W. H.'Hyde, R. 1. 8pang ler, tleorgc Bothrock. Township Ofllcers. Judge of Klet'tion-Wi!l Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfield, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Pence Charles Mead, .Ins. I). Fullerton. School Directors O. U. Grant, Jas. Oardner, (). T. Whi"-l"r. N. T. Cum mings, W. 8, Service. Hug. J. Miller. .Supervisors O. B. Fitehf Jas. Riley. Treasurer-W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Oeo, Dickinson, John Walmsley. Auditors J. II. Hagerty, James Pen field, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. (S. Kline. Constable I. w. Morgodr. Cliiirclies. IUthernn Rev. 1. Rn nneittan. jias tor, .Services every alternate Sunday, in both Knglish nt'id German, at 11 "a. in, and 7 p. m. Sunday f c-hool at Hi a. nil the pastor Superiiitendent; (Jco. A. Walker, assistant. Grace Kpiscojinl Rev. Win. James Miller, rector. Services every Sunday nt the imunl hciivs, 1 1 a. m. and 7 p. ni. i-uiminy school at to a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Seals free Methodist Rev. A. Van Camp, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at l.::o .i ii ' V. lIxH-iflnv m..,l., teudctit; Gen. 11 Dixon, assistant. Voting Folks' Iliblc Class at u ni. Regular Citlcitii iieetiug the six-oml Monibiy ol'eiieh nioiitliat B p. m. Roman Catholic-Rev. Fat ii-r Maher pastor. Services eVCi'y other fUtmlay at 10 ti. in. pRKsnYTKitf A .V. Itev. A. J. Mont gomery, PtiF-ior. Services every fourth (Sunday iu the Lutheran ehuri-hat II A. M. and 7 P. M. i taken n!rually, and Positively Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Neurfirla ii jLum ngo. Cj.-8old by Wholesale and iUUUDruggisti everywhere. Bend for circular to HELFHENSTINE Sc BKNTLET, SrugeitU, WASEINCIOK, D. C RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD l'liiliidclpbia & Ei-'e R. R. Division WISTKa TIME TABLE. ONv aud after SUNDAY, NOV.'-Vr, 17G, the trains on tho Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will rub us follows: WESTWARD. MAGARA EX leaves Ronovo..., 4 45 p ai li Mp m ti 50 p m 7 45 p m Drift ffood. Emporium tst Marys.., llidgway.., an- at Kdne. 8 14 p ui 9 20 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p ni iicuovo 11 uua di " ' Emporium 12 55 p m tit. Mary's 1 4ij p UJ l'iiltwiiy . 2 1 1 p ui ;;o p iu , 7 o'5 p in " " Euuo nivc at Eric EASTWARD. YjS. leaves Kane " " llidgway " Si Marys ' Emporium ' Driftwood..... DAY .0.0(1 a iu ..7.5ti a ui ..7 20 a iu ..8 10 a ui ,.8 6S p ui 10 10 pm 11.00 a m 11 50 p m 4 49 p m 5 15pm C 10 p ui S.iij p iu ' lu-novo ERIE MAIL kuvfs Erie.. ' Kane ' Ridgway ' St. Mary's... Emporium .. ' Renovo.. an- nt. Plrtlnilfr.lii T fill . ... . .... , ....... , u. "'J " xpress ana Mugara JSxpross con- N. I k P. It. I;. WM. a. n.UDWIN. cn'l Sup't. Exciulors' Notice. Estato of Frederick Dippold, tit ceased. Letters Testamentary upon tlio above estate have been grunted to the undersigned, nil nersons indebted to aid estate are requested to make pay in tn i, iiuu muse naviug claims to ore. . 11 . . cL-iii mi! sumo wiiiioui, ueiay to I HAliLJv.'S JjLilllv, C. L. BAYER. x'rs AUMIMSTIUTOK'S X J TIC Estate of Cornelius Wuinwiight, tlec'd. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to tho un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to RALPH JOHNSON, Admr. Radiest Home at W- R. SMITH'S. tt'fef-cBltE for the Advoc ate lWMJ WJMJ4' H",i V.IAaxWHViWgt ,V,t. .Wia ESTABLISHED 1800 SILVERMAN?? & CO., MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, LADIES TRIMMED HATS from 7Scts..81 tl.M, Si! and upwards, LA til E9 FURS from J2..W, Sfl, U, t5 to t!o per set. HEAL MINK SEST a low as S8.00, Velvets and VelveteeiiB, in nil colors. Very cheap. Blnck English Crnjie, Flowers and Fenthers. A Full line of Hosiery, OloVes and Handkerchiefs, Ladies and Children's Knit Woolen Goods und Underwear, Shawls and Dresses, &c, &c, nt prices to defy competition. We keep all First Class Goods and positively no Auction trash. We will send samples of anything In our line, and should we receive your orders, will attend to them with every possible cure. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Wcnre agents for Madame Demorest's patterns. Catalogues sent free on application. Mil liners and Dress Makers supplied at New York wholesale prices BILVCRMANN . CO., n34 37 Wost Third IMreat, Opp. the Court House, Wlllionisport, T&. THE Office, over FoWell . $2.00 A YEAR-$iM0 IN ADVANCE. SPECIAL TERMS : Demorest's Monthly, with premium, and Advoc'ctie, for $3.50. Read the Premium List. Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. JJ USJNhSS CARDS, VISITING Ill HEADS ENVELOPES, BOOKS, CheaijhjaiulNcalbj Printed, Estimates Furnished ORDERS R Y MAIL WILL RECEIVE FROM PT ATS EXTIOX. Address t HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., It IDG WAV, ELK CO., PA, jEW LIVERY STABLE IN . RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgvhty, and the public generally, that ho has started a Livery Stable and w 111 keep :OOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Rtitwics to let tipon tho most reasonable terms. CSTHe Will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left nt the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aiuj201i71tt' Cardinal red, enl Brown and Navy Blue are tho prevailing colors in Powell & Kiine's dress goods depart ment. Go and sec. W. R. Smith, who was for aeveral years in the employ of W. S- Service, has started a shop at tho corner of Main and Mill Streets where he wift be pleased to aiect his old friends. WSaaanWh 1 1 mwt m mum ill LA DIES' AND CHILDREN8' O O A T S . LADIES AND CUILDKEWfl' U 11 S ! F V 11 S HEAL AND IMITATION A I 11 GOOD F II S :):. LADIES COATS as low ns 2.Sd. tihd from tli nt up to mm). HKAL HAIR SWlTCTIErt froln 7flcl8fl.a3, $2, 94, nmt S. worth dmililc the niiinry, III.AI'KMLK KHIXGKHlowni4iiets.,nn(t from that Up to 60, H. 81, t.60, S2,!i.jtiier ard, ADVOCATE. Kime's Store, jtitln Street. The ADVOCATE for .$3.00 CARDS WEDDING CARDS. 3HTIIWIN11 BOOKS, JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Prt dbY Goods, notions, roots shoes, hats and caps, glass and queens ware, wood and willow-ware, tobacco tand cigars' A Largo Stock of Grbceriea ant! Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES II HAGERTY umi HEADS, Tho fenchers' Institute! The Elk County Teacher's' Institute convened at IUdgWay, on Monday Dec. 11th, at 8 P. M. With County Su perintendent Geo. R. Dixon in tho chair. After prayct by Rev. I Rren nctnan, W. S. McPherran Was elected vice president, J. S. Hlllnrd, nnd Miss Belle Klunicf, Secretaries, nnd C 8 Luther enrolling officer Tho dis tribution of ;thd "rtlusic page supple ment" and "teachers' notd books'' was followed by a lcssotl glveil by the Co. Supt. on 'tlio use nnd tho misuse of the apostrophe." This was succeeded by an explanation in regard to tho best of printed questions which had been circulated and nlso ttfgent ex hortations to the teachers to take full notes of tho Work done and to attend regularly and promptly upon all in stitute duties, Roll made out. Adj. to meet nt 7 P. M. evening SESSION J. A. Morrison gave an original de clamation tirt "We strive to conquer." The Co- Supt. followed with a talk on Institute work. The recitation of "the Widows Choice" and "tho Char coal Man" by Miss Chidistcr, of Syra cuse, N. Y. waa most excellent. ''What is a teacher's duty in regard to the health of his pupils?" Was next dis cussed by Messrs M'Phcr'r'aii, Sawye, Burlew und Dixon after w hich the in stitute adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock A. M- Dec. 12th. ' TUESDAY MORNING. The Lord's Pi'nyer was repeated hy the Co. Supt. The minutes were remf and approved. Roll called. '-Do you think the pupils Ought to have a Voice in making rules for the school?" was discussed by Mt'ssfj Morrison, Saw yer, Fee and Dixon. M iss. Chidester gave a talk on tho "Importance of Elocution." Prof. A. N. Raul), of Lock Haven, followed with instruc tions on "School Government." Af ter a recess of ten minutes. "Should leading tjuCstldhs be asked?" was dis cussed by Luther, Prideaux, Hoven eanip nnd Dixon. Prof. Raub on "spelling" and the Co. Supt. on "Let ter Writing" closed the session. TUESDAY" AKTEftSobN. "What is yonr opinion of dunce caps" was discusse'd by Messrs Rurlcu, Sawyer, Prideaux aild Vb'gt. Duct, by Miss Frey and Mr. Bcrnharl of St. Marys. Mr Hovencunip illustrated an excellent method of proving multipli cation and Prof. Raub followed With a lecture on Orthography, Definitions, anil "Leilei' Writing." Recess ten minutes, after Which Miss Chidester gave a synopsis of tho history of CalisthCilios, ehoWtng the benefits of the science aiid closed with a class drill in this branch. "How should those teachers be treated WlitJ shirk public examinations and teachers' in stitutes?" was debated by Messrs Johnson, McPherran and Hillard. Music by the Institute. Class Drill in Calesthenies by Miss Chidester closed the session TCESDAV KVESfr.yh MiifitJ "Beautiful Venice" ty a Ridgway Choir. Lecture by Truf, Mc Pherran on "Thought, What it has done," after which Miss Chidester re cited the "Childwife," by Dickens, Prof. Raub followed with a lecture on "Talk." Music, "Gathering Shells on the Shore'' closed tho session. WEDNESDAY MCl'IMi W II Prideaux, W S McPherran, J B Johnson, Mis J R johhsoh, and MiStf A F Taylor, were elected to serve as a committee Cn permanent certifi cates. W II Prideaux, H A Campbell aiid Miss BE Wilcox were appointed to serve as a committee on resolutions Tlio Institute then went into re gular session'.- The Lord's Prayer repeated by the Superintendent. Music by the Insti tute. Roll called. How may correct manner be Cultivated was debated by Messrs Keely, Vogt, McPherran, John son and Luther, l'e'monstration of the extraction of ''cube foot" by Mi Taylor, a pupil of Mr. ft'awycr. Prof. Raub followed with a lecture on "Grammar" and Miss Chidester with a lecture on "Articulation" and con ducted an exercise in "pronunciation" Recess ten minutes. "How do you stop profanity?" was considered by Messrs Wharton, Johnson, Satvytr, Burleu, Luther, Kcclcy raid McPher ran. Mr. Hovencamp illustrated a method of proving Division. MrSD Owen of Pittsburgh, clwscd the session with a lecture on Geography. WEDNESDAY At'TERSOOH. "Is it practicable to adopt a pro gtnnnie of study as well as n pro gram hie of recitation?" was considered by Messrs Prideaux, Burleu, Luther, Johnson, Morrison and Raub The next in order was a lecturS oil Etymology by Mi' Rurlcu. After ! which the roll Wiis called. Music by Mr Bernhardt and Miss Frey, and Prof. Raub resumed his talk on Gram mar. After recess Mr Owens resumed his lecture on Geography aiid Mr Pri deaux recited "Nobody's Child" and "Wounded." The heart antl its func tions Were described by Prof. McPher ran. Music by tho Institute. Method of teaching "Ilistory" given and illus trarcd by J C Whirton. Adjourned. WEDNESDAY EVi'NINO. Miss Chidester gave an elocution ary entertainment which was attended by a largo and appreciative audience. THURSDAY MORNINO. The Institute was opened by the repitition of the Lord's Prayer by Jtho Co. Supt. Music by Mr Beruhart and Miss Frey. Minutes were read and roll called. The subject, the Impor tant qualifications of a good discipli narian was discussed by Messrti Hil lard, Sawyer, Wharton and Luther. Miss Chidestci' followed with a lecture on "Composition" and "Letter writ ing." Music by the Institute. A class in mental and practical arithme tic by Prof. McPherran. The class was composed of Mr McPherrau's own pupils.-, Recess. "Should teachers Without certificates bo employed?" was argded by Messrs Chtidwick, Wharton, Brown and Johnson FVof Raub talked on "Arithmetic." The question "Should written contracts between directors and teachers bo made before schools are begun?" was debated by Morrison, Wharton, and Dixon. Miss Chidester followed with a talk on "Articulation" "In flection" nnd phonic spclllngi After music, Trof. Raub. . addressed the school directors, of whom n largo litini bcr were present. After recess a class drill by Miss Chidester in calisthenics. "Should the secretaries of the school boards Carefully examine the monthly reports t)f teachers before signing or ders on the treasurer for tins teachers' salaries?" was debated by Sawyer and Prldeauxi Tho question "Should teachers be freqr.cfitly changed?" was considered by J C Whaton, JScFher ran Mr Scbenek, Supt. Cameron, Co. antl Mr Reach Of Meatlville, Essay by J C Wharton entitled. "Tlid Re lations of Directors and Teachers." The discussion of the essay closed the sessioli. TltUltSDAY EVESlNlii Lecture by Theodore Tilton oil flic Problem of Life. I KIDAY MORNISU. The Lord's Prayer repeated. Roll called. S A Owen distributed tracts on Geography and closed his discus sion of that subject. Should teachers receive pay as If teaching while nt tending the Institute, was discussed. Music. Essay on "Health" by Dr. Striessly. Miss Chidester gave an ex ercise in "Inflection." After recess Prof. McPherran announced that the Committee on Permanent Certificates would meet to examine applicants on Dec. 30th lS7o nt the Ridgway school building, Prof. Raub gave instruc tions in "Grammar" after which the Committee on Resolutions reported, and the following resolutions were adopted. RESOLUTIONS. 1 JtcMlval, that we, as teachers recognizo tho importance and effici ency of the common school system and wish to realise Otit responsibili ties and connections with the work as teachers, directors, antl superinten dent antl fori iii order that the greatest good inn.y be accomplished it is neces sary that nil these constitutent parts should work harmoniously and in View of this fact, we would recommend that all co-operate for the promotion of this hnrniouy. 2 Jieso!vc, that iii tliG silecess of tho present Institute we recognise the oaf llostness mid efficiency of our Co. Superintendent. That we consider the holding Of Institutes one of the great est aids to the elevation of our schools through the Improvement of teachers and the awakening of public interest, and Would therefore entreat all teach ers to attend, o Jicoolcal, Unit the institute petition the Legislature to pass a law regulating the question of the time be ing allowed the teachers while attend ing the Institute. 4 Eexolved, f!!:tt(iie thanks Of the Institute are due and are hereby ten dered to the P E. R. It. Co. for the usual reduction of their fares; to the citizens of Ridgway for the active in terest they have manifested in the In stitute; to the proprietors of the sev eral hotels for the liberal reduction of their rates; to the Press of tho county for tlie publication of tlio proceedings of tho Institute; to Prof. A N Raub and Miss Florence Chidester for their able and practical instructions d tiring tlie week-, W. II. PRIDEAt lEAUX.l PBELL, f OX. j Com. oil Kes. H. A. CAM1 15. E. WILCOX T It 1T1 I f . A 1M1 BELLE K1NNER, l hot' EJIOM THE PJESI1:T()E THE NEW YOliK STATE TEAVJI E11S ASSOVIA TIOJST. Dr. Foniic'fs Improved Cough Hoiiey docs not dry the cough, but lousensand heals. Its action is upon the entire system, stimulating tho glands of the skin to increased action, epViiirtg tho pores, softening nnd relaxing the dryness and construction of tlie skin ami per vading tho kings, even to the remotest air cells, removing obb'trttclions, equalizing tlio cupiliary circulation, allaying tho hacking, tickling of throat and cough, inducing easy breathing and movement of the chest, and rupidly healing and reducing to its condition of health every Irritated nerve and fibre. Frmil Vrof. II. ft. Sdnfird; President of tho Sew York Statu Teacher's Association, .Supt, of Public Schools at Middlelown A'. 1'., etc. From repeated and present use of Dr. Fenner's imprtrved Cough Honey in my family; I anl free to say that I consider it the best remedy known for coughs. Its action is prompt and reliable.- In the frequent colds so common among children, tho use of tho Cough Honey will prove' a great boon. II. R. SANFORD. Will you continue to endanger your life and annoy your friends with that cough? For sale by dealers in medicine. Beautiful Dress Goods at 1'oWcll & Kiine's. (Sugar, Tea, CoH'ccs, Canned goods' Everything in the Grocery line cheap at Powell & Kline's. Belleeonte Flour. A splendid article at Powell & Kiine's for 7 per bbb Powell & Kime have a special de partment for Boots and Shoes, in which y6u can find anything you want for Ladies, Misses, Children, Gents and Boys. You can find any thing you want there. Call at tho corner of Main and Mill Strcot for yortr Stoves and Tin Ware. NOTES. lilEslelt'liing Is gbodt Now make new resolutions fbf 1 877 CatiioLic Fair lu Magiunis' Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening. If you wish to buy note paper and envelopes cheap, call at this office. Green wood is selling here this Winter at $1,50 a cord. Fine toilet sonps nt Mi S. Eurley's drug store Th complaint of soro thrtrat 1st ah most universal in this section. The seasonfor deer-hunting 6hds January 1st, Ir is necessary to hurry up your" leap-year parties about these days Work on Hyde's new storo. Mill progresses slowlyi Lumber operations are quite exten sive in this section the present season TifEits will be a Christmas tree at tlie Episcopal Church. Wish some one would bring us some potatoes cn subscription. Ji'DtiK Dickinson, is now od the street again, after his brief illncssi Tub sleigh bells are ringing every day. SEHicr.:i iii the Lutheran church next Sunday, morning and evening. Will Derby claims that he cart haul more wood at a load than any other man Teams Wakieii, immediately, for bark hauling it Brookston Tannery, Brookston, Forest Co., Pa Tiik ice crop is now being harvested and is as clear as crystal and from ten to fifteen inches thick, We leant that the diphtheria is rag' ing at Kane, and that several persons have died. Go to M. J. Eariey's drug store for" fine toilet soaps, and first-elar-s per-funu-fV. .L Si Powell lias moved his harness and shoe shop, into the build ing formerly used as a bnrber s.hoii. THE inall or hoy who iook tho lamp from in front of the Photograph Gal-" lcry is hereby requested to return it. Rev. A. Van. Camp, has resigneti his position as Pastor of tliti M. Ei Church, this placoi He intends lo cating somewhere in Cninidai George Reliant, a j'tiung man of about 1!3 years, committed suicide at Benezette, this county on Tuesday, Dee. 13th 1876. THe lecture "Problem of Life," by Theodore Tilton, at the M. E. Church, last Thursday evening, was very well attended; Lest last Monday, a boa, or filr tippet. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to Mrs. M. Shechan, South street. There are several cases ot diph theria in town, among which we men tion Jerome Powell, Esq., E, J. Miller, Editor of tho Democrat, Miss Clara Brooks, Miss Mary Snyder, nnd B. F Ely's little dauglftcn The following item we clip from tho Philadelphia Public Ledger, and we think it fully explains itself: A nice county is Elk, in this State", when the grand jury lately stated for the third time, that the county build ingscourt house, treasurer's and pro thonotary's offices, and jail buildings are totally unfit for the purposes for' which they arc intended. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Dr. W; Hariniau in another Column. Doctor Hart man, has fitted up an office in J. II. Hngerty's building, over the post office, where he will attend to all calls promptly: The latest suggestion for solving the political problem is that two or three dozen Senators nnd Representatives shall put their names in a hat, from which seven shall then be drawn, who arc to count the electoral vote ami declare, without appeal, whom they please to be President. There are some merits in the idea. Weather prophets all agree that we are going to have a hard cold win ter. As a precautionary measure we notice Powell & Kime are getting in a splendid stock of ready-made clothing. For a trilling compensation they will lit you out so that you can laugh at tlie' antics of the Storm King, and defy his wintery blast. Go at once and bo made comfortable. Church Fair. A fair will commence in Maginnis' Hall to-morrow evening, under the auspices of the members of the Catho lic Church, the proceeds to go toward paying for tho new Catholic parson age. A large display of fancy articles will be made. The cause is a cood one and ?e hope to see the fair liberally patronized. DIED. STEPHENSON. On Wednesday, Dec. 13th 187C, Sarah, Wife oflsaao Stephenson, aged 63 year's last August. Deceased was married to l3auc Stenh- euson 41 years Rgo, and has for a great many years been a resident of this township-. POWELL. On Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1S70, of diphtheria, .Reua, only daughter of Jejonie and Amanda Powell, aged 13 years, 8 mouths, and 23 days. Tho announcement tlnvt sho was dead fell like a pall over tho entire community, whose sympathies went out to tho sorrow stricken frieu Js. It did not seem possible that it could be so; but yesterday in health and beauty, and to-day lu the "valley and shadow of death." A child, just blooming into womanhood, of sweet disposition , and character, long will she be remem bered by playmates and friends. Yes, the Kveet Gardner hath borne her bunco m ust thou at to tie her theuroawn v Iipu thclt behold her, lu nome c-."ui r -K' - 1 '' -i bis J'.cWs ofolonaiA,- 4 y