to irT.ry A. Parsons, .lr., - Editor. TIll'llSDAY, mm. Ul ST., J870. "Mr. Tfceodore Schwartz, Consul of Ottninny nl. I.oulnville for tho imt Ibirty yearn, .htm rreeiveil ofilcinl notice from tho (lerniun Consul Uon rrnl (it If cv York Hint lie will lie re lieved April 1st, 1S77. Tho cftusii! of thcMemoval U not a jktsoihiI oik-, but produced by a liiw recently euncted re quiring all coiitui!) of the empire to bo lawyers. This lmv takes efl'ect, Jiuiunry l.-it,tit which time tlie phiec of merchants mill hanker, who are now in wo:t part Oorimin eonv.ilS in t'.io United States, will be filled by men triiiued in 'iliploniury mid the aws of naiioiM. That einpresionnl committee, sent to South Carolina la surprised to find 1:iattlu! electoral vole of that state is not even in doubt, and Mr. Abbott, it T-emoenitic member from MnaHachiw ettrt' ii coiiHtrained to ask: ''What arc the people complaining about?" Xo prolct of Attorney-General Cocke :;guint the Florida cnnvasii ha ever been presented to tho board, and the cnnviirwr are therefore unanimous on the record. The fuels about the at tempt to bribe a. South Carolina elector are to be made public. Well known If cw Yorker are said to be concerned, ?'milh Weed being one. Sonic start ling developments are expected, and there is already a perceptible tremor in Democraticcircles. Win'). O. & 11. Fire Marshal Keady, of Brooklyn, on the Brooklyn Theater fire, says there whs a lack of proper precautions ayainst lire, 111 discipline among the employee:!, t'ne mennsi of exits from the gallery were not good enough in rase of tire or panic, and that had the audience been notified when the lire win first discovered by the stage hands, they could have got out of tho tiuilding (safely. Ho thinks the re '.vo?t of the actors to the people to sit down, however well meant, was very c.;vi!rous, both to the audience and ivi'tor :!. He concludes with n recom mendation that all public buildings, Rt'hools, churches, hospitals and thea t r, i e thuroiighly overhauled at once. It i;; worthy of note that almost as soon a.4 John Morrissey, the pugilistic politician, declared all bets off, the II-mi. Ah mm S. Hewitt issued a pro clamation declaring that Governor Tiiden was duly elected President of tho United States; that all Congress has to do l-i to give expression to the will of the people on the second. Wednesday of February next, and that (he citizens of the country should see to it that the Democratic candi date is duly inaugurated on the 4th of March. If Tiiden has been elected, it is passing tst range that Morrissey should deprive the Democrats of the money they iiad fairly won. We are i-iclinedto think that, notwithstand ing the high sounding proclamation of Abram S. Hewitt, there is sonic doubt in the Democratic camp as to whether Tiiden is elected. Vitt.4nu-gh Dti pafch. The News without Poison. The Jfcw York Observe i- Ifdms to publish the hrrt amity ncti.'wqtcr, and repudiates all unsound or objectionable teaching. Even itj advertising columns are free from all quackery and dangerous ad vertisements; and the whole paper, both in its religious and its Foculur do partmcnt, is filled with pure and en tertaining reading. While we com mend the position of the Observer in thi. mutter, vc also heartily endorse it as one of the most desirable peri odicais for any household. The price, S'3,l" a year post-paid, can hardly be made to return as much good, spent in any other way. S. I. Prime it Co o" Park Row, Xew York. Reduction in Pricel CHEAPEST AUD BEST! THE IIARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot i'OK 1377. To nil new subscribers and to nil prrsfnt subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates: 1 copv, 1 vear, postage prepaid. ..S7.00 V eopivs, in club ) " " ...12.00 T. " " " " ...27.50 lf " " '' " ...50.00 copy miring Uic session of the... Legislature 2.00 1 copy, 1 year, and 1 copy, 1 vear, of cither HARPER'S MONTHLY or iiARPi::R S RAZAR, postage paid on ooin, THE WEEKLY' PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates: 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid. ..2 00 4 copies " " ... 6 00 JO " " " ...10 00 3.3. ' 11 11 and 1 copy togetting-up of club 15 CO 2o conies, 1 year, postage prepaid. and 1 copy to gclter-up of club.. .2250 ' C'"py, 1 vear, and ontj copy, one year, of cither HARPER'S MONTHLY or HARPER'S BAZAR, postage prepaid on both 4.50 The subscri rit 1011 price of HARp. ERS MONTHLY and HARPER'S BAZAll is S-100 each, thus securing tlie subscriber a copy of tho Weekly Patriot for SO cents in addition to what ho would have to pay for either of Harper s publications. All orders must be accompanied bv the cash, cither by check or post office oruer. Now is tho time to subscribe. Get all the news and the best of reading matter at less cost man any where else by sending your subscriptions to the DAILY and WEEKLY PATRIOT. Address, PATRIOT PUBLISHING, CO1., IlARBISBmCl; P. twt mikoitrle NEW ADTERTISEMEXTS. J. KAHLRY, M. D. . W. B. IIAR1HAN, M. I, & HAUTMAN. D RS. KART.KY Dr. W. 11. Ilartman. formerly of St.. Mary's, has associated himself with M. J. Hurley, M. I), in the practice of medicine nt Ridgway. l?y close nt tcntipn to business they hope to re ceive a liberal share of the patronage or the public. Dr. W. B. Ilartman can be found at all hour, cither at his rooms, over the post-office, or nt Dr. M. . I. Farley's Drug Store. Dr. M. .r. Farley can be found nt the residence of Dr. C. H. Farley, or at his Drug Store. Hurgery, and ' diseases of women and children n speciality. TEAMIXtJ. Tho undersigned having provided hliii clf with n team of horses, wagon, f c . Is prepared to do job teaming of all description. A large stock of sea boited hardwood on hand, mid for sale at reasonable figures. Your patron age is solicited. W- A. DERBY. S-pt -2lst r8T0 Cm. Vick's Floral Guide a beautiful Quartely Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored J-town' J'tafr, with the first number Price only 2o cents for the year. Tho first No, for 1877 just is sued in German and Knglish. Vick's Flower & Vegetable Garden, in paper oO cents: with elegant cloth covers f-I.-OO. Vick's Catalogue "00 Illustrations, onlv 2 cents Addre-s. JAMES VICK, Rochester, X. Y. Clli-tad. o's Jliir Dve is the s.Fi:sr md REST: it nets in-danttt- neou:-ly, producin shades of I Hack or thc most natural Drown; does NOT slAlJi tlie SKIiN.nnd is onily ap plied. Jt is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Uentlenuin. Sold by Druggists. ' J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, l.V.ii Xew York. Nt-41 VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the lnop.t beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 100 pages, hundreds of line illustrations, md fix ( lirnino l'tatcs ot ! lowers. beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 00 cents in paper cov ers; $1,00 in elegant cloth. Printed in Gorman and English. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick's Catalogue 300 Illustrations, onlv 2 cents Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y, TICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS ART PLANTED PY A MILLION PEOPLE IN AMEHIC'A. SUE. Vick's Catalogue SCO Illustrations, onlv 2 cents. icli s J lorai Uuuie. ouartcjv, lo cents a year. N ick s J-lower and etrettiblo Garden, "0 cents; with elegant cloth covers Si. 00. All my publications are printed in English and German. Address. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N . 1 . THE SUN. KZW YORK. 1877. 1377. The different editions of The Sun during tlie next year will be the same ns during the, veur that has just passed. The daily edition win on weeii nays be a sheet of four pages, and on Sim- lavs a sheet of eight pages or 5(i broad columns; while tlie weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions anu character mat are already familiar to to our friends. The Sun will continue to be the strenous advocate of reform and re trenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integ rity for hollow pretence, imbecility, anil fraud in the administration of nubile affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the peo ple and lor the people, as opposed to government by frauds in tlie ballot-. hox and in the counting ot votes, en forced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers a body now not far from a million of souls with the most carefu.l complete and trustworthy accounts of current events, anil will employ for this pur pose a numerous and carefully selected staff of reporters and correspondents. Its reports from Washington, es peci'illy, will lie full, accurate, and fearless; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law docs not give them, wliiip it will en deavor to merit the conUdencc of the public by defending tlie rights of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. 'i he price of tlie daily Sl n will be 55 cents a month or f(i,5u a year post paid, or with the Sunday edition $7,70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $1,20 a year, 1x1st paid. The AVeekl Sun eight pases of CO broad columns will be furnished dur ing 1877 at tlie rate of 1 a year, post paid. Tlie benefit of this largo reduction from tho previous rate for The Weekly .can be enjoyed by in dividual subscribers without tho ne cessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends choose to aid in extending our circulation, we shall be grateful to them, ana every such person who sends us ten or more subscribers from one place will been- titled to oneconv of lue paper for him self without charire. At one dollar a year, postage paid the expenses of pa Jierand printing are burcly repaid: and, considering the siise of the sheet and the quality ol Its contents, we are con fident the people will consider The yKKKLY Si: the cheapest newspaper published in the world, and wo trust also one ot tlie very bet. Address, The 8l'x, New City, X.Y XEW TIME TABLE P. & E. It. R. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2tth, 1871 WILCOX, Mail ImM 4:13 p rn " West 2:47 p 111 Day Express East 6:2 a in Niagura Express West :53 p m BIDQWAV. Mail East 4:49 p m Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East C:56 a 111 Niagara Express West... .... 8:14 p ni bt. mart's. Mail East - G:l.r p m Mail West 1:46 p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West 7:45 p n CRISTADORO'S un.m live ill Co 3 THE INDEPENDENT. FOIl 1877. In KtMitlon to all its former xceUenoien, licretofort anrpaed by no other religious weekly newspaper iu lb world, will offer ee?ernl ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES. of gtenl importance and valne. FlltST. We shall print llirough the yenr SERMONS by the moft eminent clergymen of the country, of all denomina tions, from Mninn to California. Our rend ers will, therfore, hate the pleasure of henring (he most, fnmous ministers of New York, Prooklyn, Hoston, Philadelphia, Cincinnali, Chitago, 81. Louis, Sin I'ran cisco eto. SECOND. We shall publish a series of articles on CHRISTIAN WORK, by Hc. Stephen II. Tyng, Jr., D. D., which will be itivnluablo to clergymen, teachers, and every CliriMinn man and woinim. THIRD A new Serial Stony of Ameri can life willbe begun about the middle of December' lis title will be A PAPER CITY, by D. Tt. Locko (Rev. Petroleum V. Nnsby) It vividly illustrntes the present era of sperntation, of living wilbout work, of making money without capital: and will he one of the most spnrkling and attractive terinls iter published. FOURTH. Wo shall publish a scries of articles from tho pen of Elder Rrewsicr. Jr.. of lirewstcrvillo. ?.hms., on men and things, religious and politics, and every top topic as it comes up. FIFTH. Our great premium for the year we believe to bo the. best ever offered v.z: The Works Cf Charles Dickens in the famous and unsurpassed Household bunion of Messrs, Lee & Bhepard, the well-known publishers of Boston. Look at cur offer! To each and every person whether already a subscriber or not, who sends us $3, we will forward Tun Inue pendent one year, postage paid, loeelher with any one volume lvora the following list: 1. The Tickwick Papers. .r00 page: '2. Our Mutual Friend. 510. a. David Copperficld. C20 pages. 4. Nicholas Nickleby. filti pages, o. Martin Chuzlewit. fl'10 pages. 0. Dombey and Son. C32 pages. 7. Old Curiosity Shop, and Reprinted neees. o-iu pages. 8. Little Dorritt. fK)4 pages 9. Weak House. o.2 pages, 10. Parnaby Rudge, and Hard Times 570 pages. 11. Oliver Twist, Pictures from Italy, and American Rotes. uOu pages 12. A Talc of Two Cities, and Great Ex pectatiotis. 014 pages. 13 Christmas Stories, and Sketches by Boz. oil) rages. 14. Uncommercial Traveler, and.additional Christmas Stories. S.jG pages. 15 The Mystery of Edwin Drood, A Child's History of England, Master Hump hrey's Clock, eto. 500 pnges. For FIFTEEN SUBSCRIBERS we will send DICKENS COMPLETE " Every number of Tub I.ndepknuf.nt con tains ii'i liireo octavo pages forming weekly magazine in itcelf, whereas all other folded religious papers have only from 10 to JO pages, 01 much smaller size. Thus Tub Indkpf.ndent offers for $ twice as much as any other religious journal in the country or the world and is pre-eminently THE PAPER FOIl KAP.D TIMES. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of The InnerES pent with premium, $3,00 per annum in auvanco. 0 months, no premium...?!, 50, in advance to, Specimen copies, containing full list of otner premiums, sent free upon cpplica (ion. Address THF, INDEPENDENT. P.-O. Box 2787. - - New York Can't be made by every agent ml ff mj etL'iJT UIUUIJ1 J II 111. UUBIllCCD . , . . ! . ,. we lurnien, uui mose wuuug 10 worn cut. caisily earn a dozen uodars a day right in their own localities, nave no room 10 ex plain here. Business pleasant and honoa- ble. Women, and boys nnd girls do as well ns men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything eluc. We will bear expenses of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics their sons and daughters, nnd all classes in need of paving work nt homo, should write 10 ns ond learn all about the wori nt ence. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine- NOTICE . A GOOD PAPER. EYKnvnoDY knows The Indei-ensest, of New York, as the leading, most enterrris- ng, and nil agree, most rendablo and in structive of our numerous religious papers It is not slow to recognize the fact that the popular passion for Chroinos has died out, and it makes the remarkablo offer of any on.e volume of Dick en's Works, a hand somely illustrated and bound duodecimo, to anybody who will subscribe and send the regular Three Dollars subscription. This is equivalent to offering (lis paper for a dollar and a half. Everybody wants some volume of Dickons nnd everybody ought to want Tin: Independent. The Times Arc surely getting better notwith- Ptandingthc croakings of politicians; else why should our most sagacious merchants vunture to lay " in such tremendous stocks of goods. We no tice that our downstairs neighbors, Messes Powell & Kinie, are; opening up one of the largest and most com plete assortments of merchandise that we remember ever before.having seen in our town. Indications too are that they have made no mistake in ventur ing to increase their business, for there is a constant rush for their new goods. Every department of Jtheir well arranged salesrooms seems tojbe well filled not only with Jthe chiest of seasonable goods, but also'with well pleased and satisfied looking customers If yoa have not already been there this week, we advise you to go at once You will never be sorry. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED1 CATA LOGUE Fifty pages 300 illustrations with Discriptions of thousands of tho best Flowers aad Vegetables in tne worm and the wan to grow them all for 1 Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Viek's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. . Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paperr iu elegant cloth covers, J,uu. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y, The underslirned renreoenta the fol lowing reliable Companies for this District. Aetna Hartford, $ 7,000,000. North British Mercantile.- 10,000,000. German American, N. Y... 2,000,000. Niagara N. Y 1,500,000. Amazon, Ohio 1,000,000. Paterson, N. J ... 400,000. Farmville, Va 250,000. Travelers Life & Accident- 4,000.000. Correspondence solicited from those desiring! nsuranco. V. 1$. WACHTETj. n41tl3 St. Mary's Pa. E. a. FA Y. LUMUERlANDlNSURANCE COM MISSION BUOKEIl, AND GENERAL COLLECTION AGENT No 2C6 Walnut Place, (310 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. n 41-ly WHAT PAYS? IT PAYS every Manufacturer, Merchant, Mechanic, Inventor. Farmer or Prnfp- man, to keep informed on oil the im provements ana discoveries of the age. IT PAYS the head of every family to in Irodiice into his household a newsnaner that la instructive, one that fosters n taste for investigation, and promote thought and encourages discussion among the members The Scientific American which has been publifhed weekly fur the last thirty-one years, docs this, to an extent beyond that of any other publication in act it is the 0 nly wecklv rmDor rjublishad in the United States, devoted to Manufac tures, Mechanics, Inventions, and New Discoveries in the Arts nnd Sciences. Every number is profusclv illustrated and its contents embrace tho latest ami most interesting information pertaining to tho Industrial, Maclmnical and Scientific Progress of the World,- Descriptions, with Henuliful Engravings of New Inventions; New Implements, New Processes, and imt proved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Reccipes. Suggestions and Advice by Practical Writers, for Workmen and Em. ployers, in all the various arts, forming a complete repertory ot new Inventions and Discoveries; containing a wecklv record. not only of the progress of the Industrial Arts in our own country, but also cf all New Dircoverics nnd Inventions in every bran oh of Engineering, Mechanics, and Science abroad THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of. a'l Industrial publications for the pnet. thirty-one yenrs. It. is the oldest, largest, cheapest and the best weekly illustrated paper devoted to En gineeriDg, Mechanics, Chemistry, New In ventions, Soience nnd Industrial Progress, published in the world. Tho practical Recipes are well worth ten times the subscription price, and for tho shop and house will suve many times the cost, of subscription. Merchants. Farmers, Mechanics, En gineers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, and People of all TVofes-ioL'S, will find the Scikxtiiio Amkrioan useful to them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, OHice nnd Counting Room; cvory Reading Room, College and Schoid. A new volume corn-nonces January 1st 1877. A year's number contain pages ond Sf.vehal Hundued ExfiaAvixos. Thousand of volumes are preserved for binding nnd reference Terms 513.20 a year by mail, including poslage Discount to Clubs. Special circulars, giving Club rates, sent free. Single copies mailod on receipt of 10 cents. May' be had of nil NoWS Dealers.' PATENTS. &ssz Seientitio American, Messrs. Munn t Co are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in tlie world. More tuan tidy thousand applications havo been made for jatcnts through their agency. l'atcnts are obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions nui Sketches examined, nnd advice free, A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Patents arc often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to the inven tion by such notice. A Phamphlet, eon" taming full directions lor obtaining Talents sent free. The Scientific American Refer ence Book, a volume bound in cloth and gilt, containing the Patemt Laws, Census of ihe U. S., and 142 Engravings of mechani. movements. Price 25 Cents. Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. MUNN &C0-, 37 Pink Row, New York. Prancli Oflice, Cr. F & 7tU Sis., Washington, 1). 0. Lawn Relating to Xewspnpcr Subscrip tlous anil Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not givo express notice toiho contrary, are considered wish ing to continue their subset iption. I. II subscribers order the d&ccutinu. alion of their periodicals.the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. i. It subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oflice where they are directed, tuey are held responsi bio until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers wovsi to othe places without inlorm;ng Ihe publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have deoided that "rcfus ing to take periodicals from the olhce, or re moving and leaving tlicm uncalled t r is nnma lacle evidence of intentional traud. (i. Any person wno receives a newspaper and makes nse of il. whether ho has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they arc bound to give notice to tlie publisher at the end ot their time, it they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and Ihe sub scriber will be held responsible uutil au express notice with payment of all arrears, Bent to the publisher. SCIENTIFIC FARMER. B0ST05, MASS. Science is knowledge, scientific is knowing Inn a belter motto be adopted In the interest of a profitable culture. Entering families in every section Never has it failed to give satisfaction- To th intelligent farmer. In all things practical; For it treats of the doctrine of Uses In matters that pertain to the farm. Cannot you afford to give it a trial? For only One Dollar a year, And yoiynuuie and address plainly writ ten. Remitted to the Scientific Farmer Co l)ostonr Ma83. Much of monthly value wilt be received, Enabling yoa to profit from others experi ence. Iteileet that ideas turnoi to uses are money Five Copies, 75 cents each. Do not forgot to call at W. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill Sta ueforo purchasing arove. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not Dye; makes harsh hair toft and silky; cleanses the icalp from all Impurities, causing the hair to grow where it lias fallen off or become (bin. Cun be applied by the band as it does not stain the skin onuoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. The hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural co'or restored without the application of mineral substances. Since'the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all dai ses, as It has proved to bo the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair to its original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald beada of its original growth and oolor. . This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is coinplcto within itself, no washing or prepnration before or after its uso, or accompany mcnt of any kind being required to obtain those desirable resuHs. Here is the Proof of iis SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. y?ead this Homo Certificate, testified to by Edward H. Oarrigues one of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. 1 am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Be atorer which restored my ha'r to its origi nal Color, nud th huo appears to be per manent. I am satisfied that this prcpara lion not a dye but operates upon tho tc cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes tlie growth. I purchased the tirst bottle troui Kdward D. tiurrigucs, druggist, Tenth nnd Contes street, who can also testify my hair was quito gray when 1 commenced i is use. MRS. MILLER, No. "(30 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Swayne & Son, Kcspeclcd friends: I have the pleasure to iuforui you 'that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Itcstorer." Her hair was fust falling and quite gray. Tho color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is the result. E. 11. GAKRIUUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs, rhila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 2d, 1871. Dr. Swayue & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, X. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Ke- stoicr, which I like very much, in fact bet ter thun any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send mo oue dozen bottles COD care IV S Foglcr & Son Druggists, No 7123 Trcmont street, lioston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKUR No 59 Rutland Square. London Hair Cc-lor Restorer aud Dressing lias coinplctoly restored my hair to us original color nnd youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIli MORRIS, No,61U North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dulton of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients aud friends, as well as by myself, I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PEE BOTTLE. Address ordors to Dr. SWAYNE a SON 330 North Sixth Btreot, Philadelphia, Pa sole Proprietors. SOLD II W .ILL V VG (i MS TS tTie l ungs CONSUMPTION! This distrcrsingand dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting nc:;h fevev nermnnoutly cured by BJCTOR SWAYNE'S COJHWltt SYEUP 0? '.Villi CHSHBY. DltONCHITIS A prcmouitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or insinuation cf the mucum mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in t lie cheat, l or all bronchial uttee- lions, soro lliront, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYN'S Compound Syrup of Wild . Cherry IS A SOVEKEION RE1KY Ileniorrhago, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from Ihe larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, ftverstraiu- ne ofthevoico, suiipressed evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swaj uii's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. strikes at the root of diseaeo by purifying Ihe blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The only standard remedy tor ncmor- rhane, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or thoee predis posed to weak lungs thould not fail to uso this greut vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con. cuinpt'on, but over every chronn disciso where a gradual alterative action is net-ded Under its uso the couch is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pnin subsides, the pulse returns to ils natural standard, the stomach is improved In us power to di gest and assimilate tho food, and every orcan has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, cut ot which new re creative and plastic material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 339 North Sixth Strctt, Philadelphia. Sold 11 y all Prominent Douggists. Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosiTivuLT cubed by the use of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. Toe itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite soio. I bought a box oi Swayne s Ointment; its use gave ouick relief, and in a short time made perfect cure. lean now eleep undisturbed, and I would advise nil who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swavne's Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerabe, without finding and perms nent relief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Boedel & Christ,) Boot and Sitae Hodse 844 North Second btreot. Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swavne's AR-benling Ointment is also a specific for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum Soald Head. Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er ructions. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price 50 ceets. Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its reniar- kakle cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphi litio complaints. Describe symptoms in all communications, address letters to va SWAYNE SON, Philadelphia 7yl. &eo. Woods & Co;$ PARLOR (3 -"3 ci. . Si " jr&r-nmi Uwj-rT" iff T Tlina r-raarlcibl; i.i-.iruiiwt U t;m- ip i. t'i. , Adaored far Ainstcur anil I'tpfi'jsional, :t:d an Mnnweiit J H'0mMmmm0Mm' ill GEO. VOOD3 & CO-. Cambridceport, iviass. 1 Ai:i'RnOMS! r.n V.'aslilnJit.m St.. Huston: t ?0 Sliilr St., Chicago) 28 Lna?at HIU, Lon4oflv IT1TTT1 TAV TTyt A M A 1 ?.!. d 1 .'irnal uf icli ..Jt-t mutic and valuable rtading' llLti VUA XlUiuAllA, ma.l.T. fy f 4.i i-ryrar, nn rrnB H'lalnr. Each numtwr -XMitalm from ft to s woHl. ' ( -U...-.1 a.n.U. GEO. WOODS II CO., Publishers, tambfidgcpoft. Mass' ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PATER IN ELK COUNTY". TERMS TWO L-OLLRS A YEAK V. V GIVE US A CALL FOIl CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEA3, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, rHOGR AM M ES, POSTERS,:&C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE", Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. OEGANS to a 2 -YTi'rfrT" 1 1 5 m.iirtl rff.rta i i ar.y patter. md i mpression nevtr otiore Btiauieu. Beaut'ful New Stylos, now raly- THE BEST MAGAZINE. A Combination of thr. Usrfuf, the En- . tcrtainhit) and the J1 nutijul. iU'inorest's Illustrated Monthly, The Model Parlor Magazine of (America, Oonlnins tho essentials, of all' others, in cluding Home Interests ,in all 'its deparf mrnts. The only liclinble Fashions in ail their' details. Tho beauties and utilities of Literature,. Poetry, Skolches, Stories, Music, Floricul ture, and every branch of entertaining nnd; useful reading calculated to enliven and ele vate society and mako our notnes attrac tive, useful and happy. This unrivaled .Magazine will commence its sixteenth yeir wi'li .lanuary, 1877, and as heretofore, full of new literary, enter taining and usoM Biilyocls to whirU it is devoted. With each number will be given a supcrd colored cabinet picture (woth tho worth tho whole cost of Hie .Mngrmno.) in oil, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Every subscriber nt three dollars is en liib'il to the snlei-lion ff a premium (of which there are eighteen,) delivered or forwarded immfdintply rn receipt of the Mibticriptiou. Every .lrtiele ottered is of firSt quality, including Books, any one' worth tho price of subscription: Ohromo. from Celebrated Printings aud equal to lb originals, of largp size and suitable for any parlor: Piaitrr I'ooit grovKs; Svstkm m1 Cri i's!, (ibis receiveit the llghesl Cmitennial Award;) SilverJPlnlcil Ware of nil kind", Stationery, liinrn Marker, etc., vie, etc. FOR CLUBS. We have larger mid more valuable, Pre niimums. including Hooks of nil kiuds;-ilvcr-Plated Ware, Bracket Raws, Scissors, Stereoscope, flames, 'fable Cutlery, Clocks, Adjustable.!, Fluting Machines, Knitting Machines, China llnner and Tea Kots; nmS nuniCKiUS iither desirable articles of wliich a full lint will bo,, fuvninlied- on nppliealiou 4io ino puniiaiT. - " V. Dl'.MOUbSl', 17 V.Afl Mill Street. N. V. Agents P.ciluircd Iiv rywbero. Pcnd for' I'nrticubirs. t'RHSSnm LSST FOB tKH SOB' Dcnh subscriber nt j':5 is tnlilicd to ..I,...,-.,,,, rr i.-. nf the (.illovjipir prpinmnis, vllnlivcrcd or forwunled by Mail imuifl. V .'lately ou tho receipt ol'llie Subscription. 1'linian of of the superb Oi? Cf 1IAV renins, 'After the Mm in. "Home ewcea ... . .-. . It. -I.,. I liTl.n ,ni " i .1 - t .1 (vi i. iC hei. niin aim ,n!1,,7e Child," in their original beauty. N'''.'li'xW iiic-bc':?. I'.eiail price $1 7 -'1 An Dliromo can bo bad turi;!( IVnts, or iwo fir DO cents, or three forl?l.!5, including posture; or mounted' on ciinvn uuj ancelier for framing, &0 cents creh, ,..., .vi,.;, includcj tratispor- intiDii. 5 A Poc-5. , q f.1( t;t0TCi packs in a space 1 inches squiiS(, j i ilici,ca tlilck and weighs only HI omick - i0Jlllg0 required. 15 ccnls. tl 0 rcnt.y Jiine-S Cook-Book; the most populur of modern ,n lt t 10r i t i on Cooking, ilo pages handsom, clotll inaing. 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