tail Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, NOV. 23HD.. 1876. From tlioltttnliunth liHimtcL, Iii(tlscmt Talk. Just now tin- kulor of U'tli parties aro 'Churgliift each oilier with deliber ate fraud, and an attempt t corrupt the lmlltt-lxx. An Individual who lietens to tin-in, who U Ignorant of the wiles ami ai'hmnw politician wnnc time rtnort to tocarry tlu-lr point and secure a victory, wouM come to the conclusion that they are all the very pinks of moral infection and honesty. Kvcry one of them denwnu-e fraud In as Btrong terms as the English language supplies, and declares he wants nothing more than the votes emit In Louisiana and Florida shall be counted fairly, by which he generally means that they shall be so counted as that his candidate shall not be left out iu the cold. The height of honesty, In the estimation of these gentlemen who have gone down Booth to exer cise their powers of numeration, Is, that their candidate shall be declared elected, If not by an overwhelming, at least by a decisive majority. If any othi count snould be made the partisans against whom It shall be made will cry, "fraud," until their throats are hoarse. This Is our opinion, which wc base not only on the declarations that have been made, but also on the course which has usually been followed by nolitlclftus. WeW'lieve that there Is nut one of those who have gone down South, but is convinced that his can didate has been elected, and If the votes should be counted till doomsday, he will not change his mind upon this subject. Every one asserts there has been fraud, and that It must be ex posed. When men indulge In de clarations of this kind, they are not In the best frame and temper of mind for coming to Just and impartial con clusions. The animus of the leaders of the two parties is seen in the indiscreet words ts which they often give utterance. It has not been' an uncommon thing, for nearly two weeks, for papers and politicians to hint, and in some iu otanccs to declare in so many words, that ii the vote does not show that shci'r candidate has been elected, there mu"t have been fraud perpetrated, airU that the lcpicscntative of those who coniuulled it, can never be in stalled Presfdent of the United States. Even some very grave men, who are not accustomed to be demonstrative on any occasion, have not hesitated to declare that if any other candidate than the one of their yarty should be counted in, he cannot and must not be inaugurated. Such language Is un American, and unwise. The univer sal law among us is, that the majority shall rule, utul if it should be declared that Hayes 1hh a majority of the eleo trs choirun he must he the next Presi dent of the United States. it If, on the other hand, it shall appear that Tilden is the choice of the people of the country, there must be no ob structions thrown in the way to pre vent his entry into the "White House as the Chief Magistrate of the nation. 'the country is not prepared for another war, and such a th'tig as determining at the point of the bayonet wh shaft be the next Presi dent of the United States, sboirld not be thought of for a moment. Those editors and hair-brained politicians who suggest such a thing as war to dit rininc the question, would be the vry last persons who would shoulder a musket or unsheath a sword. They might take great pleasure Id seeing othess engaging in mortal combat, but they would be very careful to keep in the rear, and out of range of musketry and artillery. When-Abraham Lfncola was elec ted honestly and fairly to preside over the country from the 4th of March, lsGl, for four years, the cry of the disappointed was we will never sub mft, amf a- vile rail splitter shall not be allowed to exercise the functions of Chiel Magistrate in this country When such talk wa first indulged in, some people langhed at it, and said it was merely the bluster of braggarts, who had no serious intention of carry ing their threats into execution. But as the time for Lincoln's inauguration drew near, It began to appear that there was some reality in the threats uttered, and if it had not been for tbe extreme caution exercised, he would never have escaped alive out of the haads of the "plug-uglies' of Balti more. But the people were determined that the man who bad been fairly elected should be installed President f the United State, and he was. Despite the opposition shown to his Presidency Abraham Lincoln stood at the helm of the ship of State for four years, and never disappeared from the deck even when it M as in flames, and the noble craft seemed as I f it wull bo burned to the water's eigoi Somo of the paper of the country made light of the affair of Lincoln's escape from assassination at the hands of the Baltimore roughs, and wrote many a caricature of the manner in which be succeeded in evading them, by donning Tartan plaid and a Glen- gary bonnet. Vo ear scarcely think that such a thing will bo again at tempted- during the present eentury, and we hopo not for ever, but when heated partisans keep up the constant erv of resistance, at any cost, it is difficult to say what might take place, Some one party must buffer defeat, uud of this both parties should be tatlsflort. Until cnitnut succeed, and the one which the people shall reject must prepare to bear up under defeat If It were rowdies and roughs only that were giving utterance to tbe de claration that there should not be an inauguration, unless their candidate shall be counted In, we could, perhaps, pardon the Indiscretion, but when we hear men of standing, Intelligence and professed patriotism, talking In this way we have no patience with tlrem, and are ready to pray that the country may soon get rid of them, for so long as they remain here they will only bo disturbers of the peace and destroyers of the nation. There are good and sincere patriots who will pay no attention to the empty threats made by a few cowardly politicians, but It would be much bet ter if they were not uttered. Unless fully convinced that they were fairly elected we don't tclleve that either Governor Hayes or Governor Tilden would allow himself to be escorted to the White House by armed bands of men. The candidate who shall be de clared duly elected must have a reas onable assurance that the people de sire him to be their ruler, or he will not aceept of the offlne. The Indiscreet remarks of some par tisans, who deslreofllce more than any thing else, have a tendency to Inflame the passions, and beget bad and revolu tionary feeling. It Is to be hoped. therefore, that all will patiently await the result, and when announced will abide by it It is thought that the cost of elect ing a President Is about three million dollars which ought to be quite enough to secure a good one, but none at all after such expense would be rather extravagant If It were not for the fun we have to think of. A scientific examination of children In the Portland, Maine, public schools shows thai about twenty per cent, of the pupils in the grammer department and eight and a half in the other de partments have defective sight. De fectivo lighting of the rooms is the cause. Blaine is likely to be elected Presl dent of the Senate as soon as Congress assembles. This Is with a view to providing against any vacancy that might occur in the office of President should Congress refuse to go into joint convention to complete the election of the President next February. Blaine would then be President for the ensu ing year till a new President could bo elected and inaugurated. Blaine would be a bigger man than Tilden and Hayes together then. "I am willing to risk my reputation as a public man," wrote Edward Hine to the Liverpool Mercury, "if the worst case of small-pox cannot be cured in three days, simply by the use of cream tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar disolvcd in a pint of hot water, drink at intervals, when cold, is a certain, never-falling remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, never causes blindness, and avoids tedious linger ing." Ir is well to recollect, during all this excitement, that the Presidential electors will not meet in the several States until the first Wednesday in December, and that their votes will not be connted until the second Wed nesday in February. It is oh this late date that the presiding officer of the Senate, in the nresenco of the two Houses of Congress, must declare who is elected President. But Congress will meet on the first Monday in De cember, and there is no reason why the two bouses should not, and every reason why they should, in the time intervening, agree upon such rules to govern the counting of the electoral vote ts will secure the peaceful and lawful adjustment of any -dispute that can arise. This is the very first busi ness to which Congress must give its attention, and it will be well for the leading men of both parties to consult together upon the subject now, tbat the necessary rules may be adopted without delay and the anxiety of the country if the election ultimately prove as close as it now. appears be alliyed as speedily as possible. Times. Dujing tbe opening performance at Moure's Opera Bouse, in Sun Franoisco, Saturday night, the floor gave way and eight persons were killed and about one hundred wounded. The opera house was situated over a large livery stable, and formerly te n used as a State armory. About a thousand persons were present. When the floor gave way the entire audi torium, carrying with it the stage and gallery was precipitated to the stable be neath. Tbe light were extinguished, and a soene of fearful oonfusion eusued. The name of the killed are: T. W. Perry, jani tor of tbe Court House; Erauk Meyer and W. J. Fob ter, oompositors in the Beoord and Union office; Henry Vaea, Eira Wool son, formerly County Treasurer; Michael Tiernan, and two unknown. The perfor mers escaped wiih some bruises; Eddie Peak, of the Swiss bel'.ringers, and Mrs, Wilson, a variety performer, being most in jured, neither seriously. Many of the wouaued taken iron tbe ruins are in a oritical eondition, and a number will probably die. A furniture wagoa containing a party of thirty .six persons on their way to awed ding, fell over a bridge near Cincinnati Saturday night, falling a distance of twenty-five feet. Three persons were probably fatally injured, and nine or tea others were more or less severely hurt. The dead body of a man was found rlng on tbe Panhandle track near tbe Columbas depot, Saturday night, just after the mid' night tram left there. A paper was found on his body, on which was scrawled, "Thurston Every, Knox oounty, Edwards Poad. I oojwluded to kill myself." On tbe other side was a memoranda of work done. It it supposed he threw himself un- ner tbe train. Jcdjre Waller B. Lowrie. of Meadville. died in that city Tuesday, Nov. 14th. He was about 69 years old. Starting na old oil wells alone Oil Creek has been quite snocessful, rood pumpers beli'f obtained at a moderate cost. M.v Rachel Cook, the oldest person In CraWord county, died a few days ago, aged liw years ana dvs monws. Tilden seems willing to sneak into the White Hiuse by tbe back door., crawl np through the cellar-way, cone down the chimney, or break in with a crow-bar. Any way lo get in. Indianapolis Journal Erie li the banner county of the State In the number of it T. M. 0. Associations, there being Bine of these organisations within It limit at Eric city, Falrvlew, Qirard, Albion, vTellaburg, North East, Corry, Harbor Creek, and Union City Another lingular turn In the state of the Presidential coolest ia made In tbe asser tion thai a loss of 2,218 votes for Hayes In Louisiana has beeu incurred through a printer' plunder In placing the nemos of Hay and Wheeler at the head of the ticket and omitting the name of the Slate elector. There seems lo be considerable information on the subject of eleetors ac cumulating for the people of the United State out of the Centennial eleotion. A Woman Stsikis ncs Hubbard with an Ait: A melancholy afiair occurred in 8pring Creek, Warren oounty, last Friday morning. Mr. E, Jewell became enraged at her husband, because of some difficulty regarding property left ber by her first husband. During the dispute Mr. Jewell suddenly seized an axe and struck ber husband with it. Tbe blade bit him just under the shoulder blade, making a wound over five inches long and several Inches deep. It I supposed that it will prove fatal. The woman was arrested and taken to jail. At last report she showed signs of insanity. A sineular case ha deen developed In New Tork, wherein a woman is accused of having sworn voilence against six men, one of whom has already eerved three of a twenty years term in tbe penitentiary, and now it is strongly suBpeoled that be was innocent. Her plan was to appear at in terrain as a poor and unprotected girl just from Ireland, ask far lodging at a police station, and feigning illness wauld send for an officer, and subsequently swear out a charge of outrage, and show marks of ill treatment In evidence. It is thought she oan be convicted of perjury, but that can scarcely help soma of her victims, who, like him in prison, may have suffered for years from unjust ascusations. Such a case as this is a publio misfortune in add ing to the doubts and difficulties .which al ready surround tbe determination of a class of cases ia which a woman's oath is about all the testimony expected on the part of the prosecution, and against which the most solemn denials of the defendant avail noth. log. $999 Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we lurniso, nn loose wining io wore can eaisily earn a doicn dollars j day right in their own totalities. Have no room to ex- nlain here. Business pleasant and honoa tie. Women, and boys and girls do a well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expenses of starting yow. fartieuiar free. Write and see. Farmer and mechanics their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write lo us and learn all about the work at once. No is the time. Don't delay. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine TEASING. The undersigned having providep himself with a team of horses, wagon, etc.. Is prepared todojob teaming of an uesuripiieii. j. mrgu aiuua, ui sen soned hardwood on hand, and for sale at reasonable figures. Your patronage Is solicited. W. A. DERBY. Sept. 21s 1870 3m. Executors' Notice. Estate of Frederick Dippold, dc ceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are renuested to make nav ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same wltnout delay to UHAKLJSS IjVtlli, C. L. BAYER. Ex'rs ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. Estate of Cornelius Wainwright, rlpn'rl Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been cranted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are renuested to make payment and those having claims to present the same without delay to JtAiirH jvnxavzi, Admr, Ayert Cathartic Pills, For the relief aal man of all derange aaaals la SBC ssooe. Oca, Uvcr, and bew ail. TMrareBB.ua aperient, aad aa excellent naiwattve. Belnf oarer vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serious sloknets and sufferuif is p reran t- ih; and every lamfly should save lira on hanS for their protection and relief, when required. Lonjr experience has proved tbtra to be the saf est, surest, and beet of ail the Ml with which the market aoouds. By their occasional use. th blood Is puraed, the eorruprlons or toe sts lem expelled, ototraotloM removed, and the wnoie macDinerr or uie resiorea io iu bcbiut activity. Internal erf ane whloa become clogged and sluggish are doomed by Ayr' tll, and stimulated into acton. Thus incipient disease la changed Into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who eoio H, eaa hardly be computed. Their sugar eoatiag makes them oleosant to take, and oreserves the! new virtues unimpaired for any lenfu of time, se that they are erer fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although arching, they are niild, and operate without disturbance to io ue eonsuiuuon, or ait I, or crupation. I"ull directions ore rtTrn on the wraoner te ach box, how to use them as a raraily Physio, and for the following complaints, which thee TUli rapidly cure: For Dyepaatala or 4i'Mtta, LImIm. ma, laufutfr and lm ef ApMHM,iiit; ibould be taken moderately to attnrafaM the slon ten, and restore Ms healthy tone aad action. for a.lTr CawBlariate and Its various symp tom. Billows lleaSash, Otak MmX kika, JawMdlc or 1wm Msawoeo, asik loots Calls and bIIIIom Vvvoro, they should Be Judiciously taken for each ease, to eorrsel the diseased arjioa or remoTS the obetniccrons whka eause it. For UyewaeoiT at DlarrhtM, but' one aild dot is generally required. tot SseisHiss. aiaaa, Clratvol, Bal. Mcsetoa f eaa Haare, rata la ska Ida, atk and aaiata, they should be eontiu aously taken, a required, lo change the diseased action of the system. With such change thoee) complaints disappear. for Keraaey aad Wraaeaeal Owolliatira, easy should be takaa la large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drasoo purge. For Sprnlea. a large dose should be taken, as it produces ins droved effect by sym pathy. As a ZMmsmt FHI, take en or two Pillt te promote digestion and relieve the stomach. Aa occasional dose stimulates tbe stomach and bowels, restore the appetite, and invigorate the system. Hence it la often advantageous where a serious deraafement exists. On who reals tolerably wall, orun ands that a doe of the fill make him foal doddediy bettor, from their sleaah.g aad renovating affeot oa this dJfMtiv apparaia. rasraain bt Dr. J, C. ATM S CO., I.OWMH, MAMS., V. B. A. toa iiu by iu rauottim itbiw Subscfibe for the Advocate, NEW ADTERTISEHE5TS. To Ts Woasiae Class. We arc now prepared to furnish alt elaatct with con stant employment at borne, th whole of the time, or for their spar moment. Bualnei new light and profitable. Person of cither set eaail earn from M) eenta to $6 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole lime lo th business. uoy ana girl earn nearly a much a men. That all who ibis totie may send their addres. and lest th business We make tbi unparalled oBert To such a arc not well .satisfied we will send on dol lar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, sample worth several dollar to commence work on, a copy of Home end Fireside, one of lb largest and best Illus trated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, OKOKOE Slinsoa & Co., Portland, Maine. Caution. ncniioger, township. Nov. 231 1870. ALL person arc hereby warned not to pnrcbas any or the following named arti cle now in th possession of Karl tibnelder, of Beniinger township. Elk Co., Pa., as said article were purchased by the undersigned at Sheriffs hale, and arc left in the possession of said Schneider for time only: 1 Uow; 160 bundlee of oats; 1 ton of bay; 1 fork; 1 shovel; 1 cutting- box: lot of old harness; 1 harrow; 1 plow; 2 axes; 1 cant hook; o'chiehens; 1 cupboard: lot of dishes aid 2 tables, 1 heating stove; 1 cook stove, ana lurniture,' i ctoos. - UKORQE NISSEU UXLLXm? AITS DBESSMAma. lf R8. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk lvl Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assort ment ot lashtonabie millinery goods wmcn win oe soiu cneap. Also aress' making In all its prances. Agent for l)r. J. Bali d (Jo.'s 1'atent Ivory and Lignum Vltw Eye Cups. send ror descriptive circular. Of THE CHEAPEST IN LHE WORI,D.-a PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. gtsTGrwat Reductions To Clubs.t POSTAGE FRE-FAID TO M AJL SVIIHCRIU- EllS. PETEIWON'H MAGAZINE hns the best Orieinul Htoriee of any of the lady s books. the beet Colored Kaablon Plates, the best Receipts, the best Hteel fenrravlngs, Ac, AC Kvcry family ought to take It. IT eiVES MORE rOK T1IE MOMJSY TI1AN ANY I J THE would. It will coutaln, next year, in Its twelve numbers UNK THOUSAWB FAUKM FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEr. Pt.ATER! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERN8! TWELVE MAMMOTH COLORED FASHIONHl NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTHI TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC! It win also give civs original corv right Novelettes, by Mrs. Ann S, Stephens, Frank Lee Bendlct, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Marietta Holler, and Lucv H. Hoover. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories, all okiuinal, by the best autnorsoi America its superu MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES are ahead of all others. These plates arc en graveu on sicei, twic;e the vnval size. TERMS )Always 3 Copies for t3.60 In Advance) 2.00 a "year, Witha cony of the pre. mlum picture crr.ijo 3 " 4.M) 'ComwnlliH s HurrcndtT,' a five dollar pngruvini!, to the person gvttiug up the It 1UU f With an extra copy of the 4 Cojjl .pa for $3.80 S.UO .Mnimzmo lor int, iik a pre mium to the pursson get tine ui the Club. 6 Copies for With both nn extra copy of the ManHztne for 1K77. 11.110 11.00 t and tbe premium picture a Hvo lollnr rnjfrftvlnir. to Adlres, pcwt-pnld, CHARLES J. PETERSON, SOSChoHtuutHt.. PhiliirteliriiU. Pa. aT-Speeimcussunt gratis, if written for AnminHrator's Notice. Estate of Micbael Heindle deceased. Letters of Administration upon the above estate huve been granted lo the under signed, all persons indebted lo said es tate are requested to make vavmeut, and those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN V, MEINDLE. Adm'r a card to all -who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions of vouth. nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, tc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in fcjouth America. Send a self addressed envelope to tlie Rsv. Joseph T. Inman, i(ifioH D. Bible House Xew lor City. ,.. CBABLSS A. DAXA, Editor. Ut goto IfrttMj) Jfoitt. A Newspaper e ikFiwan TNatea. Intended fa feast Maw lank, iDOladiug Warmer. Veehanlu, MerenaaB), Fret nsloaal Men, Worker, Thiaker. ami all Mao a of Honest Folks, aad tk Wlrss, So, t4 tsMghtsrsof sllsaea. 'iNLT ONE DOLLAR A Y1AB I OHK, HTJNDKKO COPIES FOB lie, Jt ls tfesa Oa Crat a Copy. I.at there k it Olav at vrf rt Ofloe. KMI-M'KKKLY kJVM, i) A TIAB, Of th same else aad general eharaetor .. fHB WKKKJ-r. hat with greatat variety feUacellaatouBraadtncaad nmlshlDg th aws to ltsaufteorlbrwfta grwtwtMsBoM. tiaaa F comes twlc a wk laiteat of once oaly. THE DAILY BCIT, M A YBAaV. A precmmentlr readable aawipassr. with tke arrat clroulatlon in lha world. I'r.a. Ino oendent, and fearteM In polllln. Ail Ilia saw from arery wkara. T can ia a aupr by malL SO esat a aioalb, ot $1 a eat. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY aPM. five eoptas, oa yaar, separately atf drMad. rar Dslaara. Taa eoetM, eaa year. Msaratoif sddraaaa tiu4 aatxiraao) tothgaurapofo)ao. Elcht DHaa, rwaniy eorte. en yaar, ssparatslr d4rasa (and aa asura aopi th gaiter ap of eisST. allta Debars. r'y eoplea, oa year, to one address iaa to Send. W eakly oa yaar lo gatMr moot elok), Tblny.'.hr Delia, 'SI ifV",1"' prtlT Mraa (aad la SuI Waiyayearro gaiter bp of e7 nmrSfs Dollars. b kaadr4 sorl, aa year, land th Dalla tlT to on adsrsa Dne kondrad npes,n year, separately ao THE SBVf.WEEKLY SUM. FIT esis, ae yaar, sperelly ad1rM, Eta-ki OaUaua. Taa Bl, one rar. saparataly addrsaMd Had aa aatr eapy to gMtorap of ilob)T . olta Ddlsn, SJEHD YOt7R MOKET fj,,5, ., or drafts a aSfeJ"" eoarealwit. It aot, tnaa raj aMta)alaBlBMBy. ASdraee Abgalia at W. B. SMITH'S. Pkixts! No use talking. Go to Oh owtll (t Kime's. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR CoioR RESTORER Rot a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silky; sleanses the scalp from all Impurities, causir t'ns bait t grow where It has fallen off or beeoine thin. Oaa be applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orsoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. The hair Is re novated and strengthened, and natural eo'or restored without the application of mineral substances. Bines the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all olas see, as It hat proved to be the only artiole tnat win absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produoe hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its ass, or acoompanymentof any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Horo la tho Proof of Ho SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Aead this Home Certi6oats. testified to by Edward B. Qarrigues one of the most competent Drus-iists and Chemists or Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi nal color, and the hue appears lo be per manent. I am satisfied tbat this prepara tion not a dye but operates open the te eretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased tbe first bottle from Edward B. Qarrigues, druggist. Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my bair was quite gray wben 1 commenced its use. Nils. MILLER, No 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. swayne a Bon, Kespeoted friends: 1 have tbe pleasure to inform yon that lady of my acquaintance. Mrs. Miller, is delighted with tbe success of your London liairuoior Restorer." tier hair was last falling and quite gray. Tbe color has been restored, tbe falling oil entirely stopped, and a new growth of bair is tbe result. . B. UARRIQUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Thlla. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one doxen bottles CUD care W S Fogler Son Druggists, No 723 Tremont street, Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER No by Rutland square. ' London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing Has completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it. Tbe London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE SON 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., solo Proprietors. so Lit nytLi. onnoaiSTS T II E L I! N O 8 CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous ouuiplalnt and us premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting fieslt fever permanently cured by DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYBSP OF WILD CHERRY. iiHOiNCHITIS A preraonilor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or inflamation of tbe mucum mem brane of tbe air passages, with oough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest. For all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, less of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A 80VEEEIGN REMEDY Hemorrhage or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from the larynx, traohia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain- og of tbe voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction of th spleen or liver, &e. Dr. Sw ayncrs Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying tbe blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating th nervous system. The only standard remedy for bemor- rhane, bronckial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. its marvelous power, aot oaly over con- cumpt-oa, but over every chromo disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its use the cough is loosened, tbe night sweats diminished, th pain subsides, the pnlse rettmr t ha natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate tbe food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of whioh pew re creative and plastio material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE . SON, 889 Xorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Sold by ali Pboinbst Druguists. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosiTtvsLi cubed by the use ef SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or l'ru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Plies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a box oi 8 wayne's Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and ra a short time made a perlectcure. . lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayns's Ointment at oace. I bad tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding aad perms neat relief. rfuotrn r. uitttitsr, (Firm ef Roedel & Christ,) Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second (Street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a speoifio for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Soald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er ruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Pries 50 cents. Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its reina bis cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil itio complaints. Describe symptoms in all ocmmioanuua address asletters . to DH SWAYNE and SON, Fhilade,lphia,-n7;l G-eo. Woods & Co.'S P ART.OR Si - fej i 1 - sj . !?s g!r 111 ?it " ill I'hue rcmirliablc inMrumenU poraau capacitiaa for imastcal effacs end capiesejea Btw eai arjssaas. Adapted for Amateur and Profeaaumal, and an ornament in any parlor. xr BsestHM Hew HtSS, BOW NOdy, GEO. WOODS & CO., WARlinOOJISt 008 VTaitiUrtn Bovtenf tl I'Li Ll' 111 V U I 1 IU II IU A Fcaiui II 11 I II A I I I 111 n l w. n. . ... U w a Will 11 (IS irrjITI J2 to "1 l i II V w; "" . a. av . I .a. at. I J ELK C0U1TTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAlv GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WO UK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AC. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgwsy, Elk Co., P. OTIGrAN - - SB Hi II ksiikj 111 Uit lllll ibBsM! s aiimn Cambndgeport, Matt. tU At., CiiWftl IS l4fff.l Hill, IHMB. - ...! frtar a aao aaT fawtt aiawM B WkMnBT. PTS Dl .u.... v. 7 ----- - - - rrn ivnnnB m. rn VnKSiSaje r aaarta-ii-iaa-aaraairs i UbVI ws VVV wva r rTwTw-f wwnwir-pj-r.. T The Tinea Are surely getting better notwith standing the croakings of politicians; laa hv ahonlrl 'our mnat aararlnni " - - D " merchants venture to lay In such tremendous stocks of : goods. We no tice that our downstairs neighbors, Messes Powell & Kime, are opening up one of tbe largest and most com plete assortments of merchandise that we remember ever before having seen in our town. Indications too are that they have made no mistake In ventur ing to increase their business, for there is a constant rush for their new goods. Every department of their well arranged salesrooms seems to be well filled not only with the choicest of seasonable goods, but also with well pleased and satisfied looking customers If you have not already been there this week, we advise you to go at once. You will never be sorry. ' te m. JF-YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II- IIAGKKTY Main Street, Kidgwft, Pa. HY GOODS, NOTION'S, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly ot hand, and sold as ebeap as tbe CHEAPEST. r JAMES U. HAGKRTY. MANY YEARS OP CAREFUL RE SEARCH HAS PRODUCED IT. WOOD'S IMPROVED HAIR BB8T0R ATIVE is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable; tonio properties, restores grey bair to a glossy, natural oolor; restores faded, dry harsh and falling hair; restores dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to prematurely bald beads; removes dandruff, humors, scaly emotions: remnvna irriia. tion. itching and suoly drvneeo. Na anl. cle produces such wonderful effeols. Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restora tive, and don't be put off with aey other artiole. Sold by all druggists in this plooa and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' prices by C- A- Coek & Co , Chicago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canadas. and bv Jahoatait Holloway A Co., Philadelphia. . NEW LIVERY STABLE DAN SCR1BNEK WISHES TO IN form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and tha public goterally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGE8 Buggies, to lefjpontae vost reaseaa ble terms. 83Ue will also do job t tailing. Stable on Broad street, above Mala All orders left at tbs Post Office will prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. Tj B. Wachtai, St. Marys Pa- reprtv JL sentsthe fu'lowin- cr. n party tor Elk and McKeart counties North lirl'ish and Meican i e.l!7,50O00O iEina, Han ford 7,000,000. Patersort, K. J -400,000 Amazon of Cincinnati, 1,000,000 German American, N Y 2,000 000 Ki lagara, H Y .. ., .-.1,600,000 Rochester, Pa , -180,000 Tr. Llfe& Accldeiv, Har.ford 4,000.000 n 07,10 ' ' Executor's Notice. TESTATE of Charles BroeM, de Jjjceaswl. Letters Testamentary upoa the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to CHARLES LUHR, Executor. to, tt 0