FARM, GAUD EX ASD HOUSEHOLD lloueehoid Hint, To make a dyo for ooloring pine wood proen, of a shade Ilka that of tries an 1 plants, take throe pints of strong vine gar, add four onnoes of best verdigris, ground fino, one-half onnoe of sap green, and one-half ounce of indigo. Boil the wood in this for several hours. For tunneling valuable glass objects whiiih would be din figured by common commit, oLrome cement may be used. This is a mixture of five parts gnlatine to one of a solution of acid chromate of limo. The broken edges are covered with this, pressed t 'gather, and exposed to snulight, tho iffcfc of the latter being to render the compound insoluble even in boiling water. To Make Good Waterproof Boot Greasb. Tske one-half pound of shoe maker's dubbing, one-half pint of lin soed oil, one-half pint of strong solu tion of iudia rubber. Dissolve the whole with a gentle heat (it is very in flunrnable), and apply with an ordinary blacking brush. Ono application will insure dry feet for several months. To Keep Cider Sweet. If after the first racking the fermentation still con tinues, it is better that the operation should bo repeated as often as any scum rises to the surface. The final racking should ba performed in fiue weather. VVlwu the bottles are filled they should be set by, uncorked, until morning, when the corks muHt be driven in tight ly, and secured by wire and melted rosin or any similar substance. A Eemedt for Corns. Bind raw cotton ou your corn at night before going to bed, and then saturate the oot ton with spirits turpentine. It will re move the most obstinate corn, either hard or soft, in four or five applications. The skiu will be apt to peel off the toe, but this is rather an advantage, as it helps to remove the corn. White Lead Paint from Old Lead Pipe. Roll the lead out into a thin sheet and place it in an earthon pot with a little vinegar in the bottom. Then bury the pot in fermenting stable dung or spent tanbark. The aootio acid of the vinegar corrodes the metal, forming a superficial coating of acetate of lead. The carbonic aoid sot free by the decom posing vegetable matter displaces the acetic acid, combining with the lead and forming the oarbonate (white lead). The acetic acid thus released attacks more metal, which is again carbonized, and thus, with a small charge of vinegai, the operation is continued a long time, and a large quantity of lead changed into carbonate. Plowing In live. On the farm of President Clark, at Amherst, Mass., was a poor, gravelly field of six acres, which yielded only oue-half ton per acre. Liiist fall the Hold was plowed, and one ton of recti fied Peruvian guano applied to the whole and harrowed in. The piece was then sowed to winter rye, resulting in a crop this year averaging nearly five feet iu height when plowed under, and whiiih g od judges estimated would yield, if liurvented, nearly thirty bushels ot' grain to the (lore. But President C'ark is oue who generally induces na ture to produce about as he wills, by following out tiie principles she has hernolf laid down. The soil here was lacking in orgauio matter as well as in plant food, and this was the readiest means of supplying the deficiency. The rye was plowed un ier just before blossoming, though on general princi ples the better way is to turn it under when nearly ripe, at the time when the crop has taken into itself the largest attainable amount of atmospheric and soil matters, A large niz ;d swivel plow was use 1, plowing to a depth of seven inches, and was followed by a subsoil plow stirring seven inehes deeper. An other ton of rectified gu ine was applied to six acres and hirroed in, and then seed d to grass and winter rye. Thus thrt lot will ho quickly uiul effectually s ipplied with a la go ii uount of organic uti'l mineral elements of plant food. If allowed to mature, according to the esti mate, tuo crop plowed in would add to the soil of available plant food about 227 pounds of nitrogen, 2U0 pounds of potash, and 121 pounds of phosphoric aaid, which would nearlyequal in value tue two tons di guano. Farm Nate. AGRicuLTuitAii Wisdom. An English farmer recently remarked that he fed his land before it was hungry, rested it be fore it was weary, and weeded it before it was foul. Charooatj for Turrets. A Califor nia paper highly recommends charooal for fattening turkeys, and says that it should be pulverized and mixed with mashed potatoes and corn meal, as well as fed to them in small lumps. It men tions that in two lots of four each, other wise treated alike, there was an average gain in the weight of those fed with the charcoal of a 'pound and a half each. In commenting upon this another writer nays : While we condemn the practioe of mixing the pulverized charcoal with other food for turkeys, compelling them to eat it whether they want to or not, we have no doubt of the excellent effects of supplying them with charooal broken into small bits, especially when fatten ing for market. We have had evidence of what we say, and for a number of years have recommended charcoal for this purpose." Lumps in Udders. Take poke root and chop it up fine and beat it into pumice ; take a teaoupful and put in a quart of meal, and feed to a cow whose udder has lumps in it, and they are re moved at once. The remedy is infal lible. Singular Case. Two fatal cases of blood poisoning have ocourred in Liverpool, which will, unfortunately, strengthen the prejudices of the iguorant against vaocination. Two- fine healthy children fell ill soon after vaccination by the publio vaccina tor, and died. The only explanation suggested wa3that the "atmospherio causes arising from the peculiarities of the neighborhood and the houbes in which the children resided might have, in consequence of the vaocination, led to the disease which resulted in death." The jury returned a verdict to the effect tli it the chillreu had d'el from the effects of py-n'a, consequent upon vau- ciaatiou skillfully performed and from a good souroe, but what were the precise caisei leading to the blood ooisoning, t!w medical evidence did not enable the jury to say. In Africa. In the -elevated regions of the interior of Africa, where there are no dense primeval forests, extensive swamps and pestilential jungles, cattle aud horses show no sign of infection or poisoned 6tate of blood. They flourish in uncounted herds. And in those re gions men are healthy, vigorous, and in-elligent. THE EASTER QUESTION. Ilowlt Apnrnrs tn a CleTf-r Fnrialnn Jonr. nnllet, Divested of Ceremonr. Albert Millard's "Lettres Fantais istes " are among the most notable fea tures of ootemporary Parisian journal ism. This is his latest production, ei. ti tle,! " Turks and Servians; or, Woe to the Victors." 8ooi! A battlefield. The Turks have jn-t laid out the Servians, who take to flight. lurks Allah bo praised 1 We have conquered 1 Three cheers for Mahomet I (lhey carry the u.. ws to Midhat Pasha.) Midhat Pasha The deuce you have 1 Quick: lose no time; go and apologise lo the Servians. (They re enter Servia. ,) Turks Ho, ye iServisus, we have just walloped you. Yew are absolutely wipod out. Wo tender our apologies and re grets, and are prepared to make any compensation you will indicate. Servians We want nothing. We will acoept neither apologies, regrets nor indemnities. We don't care for you. We are the conquerors. Turks (risiug on their ears) Oh, jou are I Sorviaus We are. Turks Say it again, will you I (The Servians do. The Turks trounce them, and return to announce the victory to Midhat Pflfcha.) Midhat Pasha There yon are again I Will yow never give me a rest f Go back to Tehernayeff, fall on your knees and offer him an armistice. Turks So be it. (They do ko. ) Tohornayeff What 1 Apologies J An armistice ? You offer this to us as if we could acoept it I It is our privilege to make conditions. Turks But wo are the conquerors. Tciiernayeff Well, possibly yow are. Turks And you the conquered. Tehernayeff Admit it. But don't push it too far. I am not of the patient breed. Turks "Yon ain't, eht Tehernayeff Not much. Turks Not more are we; and we may as well have it out now, once for all. (The Turks sweep the Servians from the face of the earth.) (Enter Midhat Pasha.) Midhat Pasha Great Allah I What shall we do now? The Servians are thrashed, flying, abolished. My army has not left a platoon of them together. We have nothing left but to capitulate. We must capitulate. (He goes in his shirt, with a rope round his neck, to offer reforms to the Servians.) Servians Our termB are high. We must have ten thousand Turks decapi tated. Midhp.c Pasha Done 1 Servians Also our autonomy. Midhat Pasha I guarantee it. Servians Likewise much cash. Midhat Pasha Have all you will. Is that all ? Servians-Lord, no I Wo want Con stantinople. Midhat Pasha Oh, come, now" Servians And besides and unless yon agree to our terms " Turks Well? Servians Well, mind your eye. Turks That's rubbing it in. (They f ill on the Servians and reduce them to sixteeu in number.) Now, will you huve a little common sense ? Surviving Servians We muot have the Black sea. Turks We'll Blaok sea you. (Addi tional unpleasantness. Eight severely wounded Servians remain.) Now that we have you down to a fine point let ni hope that we may come to an amioable understanding. Servians We may, after you have abandoned the orrors of Mahomet. (The eifc'ht Servians are reduced to two.) Turks Well, let us have peace. Servians We must have the moon ! (The last Servian bites the d iet.) Turks Allah be praised I That is the la-jt of them 1 Whul does Europe say ? Europe They wanted the moon. You must give them the moon 1 Turks Give whom the moon f E'irope--Givo it to thb Soivians I Turks But there are no Saivians 1 Europe Let us not discuss prelimi naries. You have been asked to give them the moon, give them the moon. That, is indispensable before we go any further. Turks Nevertheless Europe No "nevertheless give them the moon. Tin kn All right. They shall have it. (Aside.) ' Bub how shall we manage it? (Curtain.) The Age of Rocks. At the first meeting of the session of the Liverpool Geological Society, the re tiring president, Mr. T. Mollard Reade, O. E., delivered the annual address. The subject was an interesting one, be ing a calculation of the amount cf solid matter removed annually from the sur face of England and Wales in solution iu rain or rather river water. The re sult of the calculations, which were of au elaborate nature, showed that it would take 13,300 years to remove in this manner one foot in depto of solid matter over the entire surface of Eng land and Wales. This calculation was oompared with others. As throwing light upon the age of sedimentary de posits, the calculations, taken together wit - the amount of matter annually brought down in river water iu suspen sion in the form of mud, are extremely interesting, and Mr. Reade deduced from them that the minimum amount of time which must have elapsed siuoe the first sedimentary rocks we know of were laid down, is in roundnumbers 500,000, 000 years, thus supporting the views of Lyell, Hutton and other geologists as to the immense age of the world. Medical Science in Servia. Servia has hitherto done without doc tors, says the London Standard. In a few of the large towns, no doubt, there were medical, men, mostly brought up in Vienna, but in the villages there were absolutely none. Their place was I should perhaps say is supplied by "wise women " called " babas." These "babas" proless to have an intuitive knowledge of medicinal plants ; but the Servian peasant plaoed much less trust in their medical than in their magical skill. . Their performance in this line was remarkable, and their patients had every faith in it. The most commonly fatal disea-es in Servia are consumption and congestion of the lungs. The staple remedy for the latter ailment Is to administer to the patient three apples grown on the same bough. If after eating these apples, which are sup posed to have some mysterious connec tion with tho Trinity, the patient feels no b'etter, then, but not' till then, the wise woman adopts more vigorous meas ures. The unfortunate malade is laid on the ground on his stomach, the wise woman scatters salt over him, and marches around him mumbling oabalis tio words. This seems to be a kind of exorcism, and would indicate a belief that the illness is caused by witchcraft or demoniacal possession. Merchant's Gargling Oil has won for Itself a world-wida reputation as a lini ment useful in rheumatism, sprains, bruises, bnrns, scalds, etc. This prepa ration was first manufactured in 1833, and siuoe then has steadily grown into the favor and confidence of the people. The long term of years during nhioh it has constantly been brought to the nofioe of the publio, together with its immense sale, give evidence of an in herent value which cannot be doubted. An objection to its use that of staining the skin has been entirely removed, so that it now leaves no stain whatever. Al though called "Family Oil," and pre pared intentionally for human flesh, it auswers as well for beasts; and will be found one of the best remedies for all purposes, where a liniment is required, that has ever been manufactured. The Druggist, New Lebanon, iV. Y, One of the British scientists has been at work on dogs' brains. He finds that the brain of man's faithful friend is smaller than that of the wolf, and that the brain of a Newfoundland dog is very little larger than a terrier's. We would advise those of our readers whose buildings or fences require paint ing, or whose roofs are in Deed of re pairs, to send at once for pamphlet and prioe list of Asbestos Paints, Roofing, Roof Paint and Cement. These articles, whioh are of unquestioned reliability, are also the most economical of any in use for suoh purposes. The Centennial Exposition medal and diploma of merit have been awarded to the manufacturer, Mr. H. W. Johns, 87 Maiden Lane, New York , who within the past twenty years has built np the most extensive and suc cessful business in this line in the world. Mr. Johns also manufactures Asbestos paper, cloth, steam pipe and boiler coverings, steam packing, sheath ings, etc, whioh are in use in every civilized country. According to information published at Ghristiania, the late census shows that on the first of January this year the total population of theakingdom of Norway amounted to 1,817,237 souls. The total population of the towns in Norway amounted to 332,938, the remainder of the population living iu the country. Pimples on the face, rough skin, shipped bands, eajtrheum and all outaneorja 4 lections oured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of JunifkbTab Soap. That made by Caaweil, Hazard A Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as thore are many imitations, made from oominon tar, whioh aie worthless. Com. Cut This Out, The Qrand Central Hotel, Broadway, New York, is, in every respect, a firat-olass hotel. It has few equals, no superiors. Every line of stages pass the door. It is easy walking dis tauoe to prinoipal stores and places of amnse msnt. The rooms are large, airy, and elegantly famished. The table and attendance all the most fastidious could desire, and last, but not least, the prices have been reduced to J 2. 50 and (3 per day. In consequence of the many inferior imitations. the manufacturers of the colebrated " Matchless " brand of plug tobacco have been compelled to proteot themselves by a trade mark. Every plug now has the words ' Matob lees P. T. Co. tlieieon. The Pioneer Tobaoco Co., 121 Water St., N.Y.,are the manufacturer. Mr.W. C. Coup, mauager of tho N. Y. Aquarium, has had made, at great expense, a beautiful chromo of the Aquarium for persons who cannot visit it. As a pioture it would be cheap at five times the price. Bee adv. The Rev. Matthew Bonner, M. D., late medical missionary to China, is curing thousands of dyspepsia, ladies' "morning sick ness," foul breath, and all disorders of the stomach and liver, by the uie of "Ching." It is th Chinese sovereign remedy for those dis-odi-m. Bend $1 for a box, or a stamp for a oircular, to post-office box 111, Troy, N. Y. Oue More Unfortunate. Almost every day the papers chroDicle the suicide of some pour unfortunate whose mind has been enfeebled by dyspepsia, over whose earthly horizon a heavy' gloom has gathered from the untold aud untenable agonies of this cruel complaint. Dyepepeia is one of the most depresni.ig diseases sffliciiug humanity. Is is oosmopuhtan in its nature no country is oxompt from its visitations, no family free from its attacks. There is a balm in Gilcad ; it comes in the shape of the Peruvian Syrup. For years it has been scattering its blessings abroad. There is, probably, no disease which experience has so amply proved to be reme diable bvthe Peruvian 8yrnp as dvsDJDs'a. The lunet inveterate forms of this disease huve been completely cured by this medioine, as ample testimony of many of our first citizens prove. Physicians are Amazed, Patients delighted, the doubtful silenced, aud all who have eyes to see, cr ears to hear, more than satisfied by the absolute certainty with whioh Hale's Honey of Horohound and Tar cures coughs, ooldt, hoarseness aud every atfeotiou of the lungs and turoat tending to consumption. Bold by all druggists. Pike's Toothache Drop cure in one minute. A case of chronic rheumatism of unusual severity, oured by Johnson's Anodyne Lini ment, is noticed by one of oar exchanges. A Urge bunch came out upon the breast of the sufferer, and appeared like part of the breast bone. Used internally and externally. The sweetest word in our language is health. At the first indication of disease use well known and approved remedies. For dys pepsia or indigestion use Parsons' Purgative Pills. For ooughs, colds, sore or lame stomach use Johmen's Anodyne Liniment. Tbe Markets. I I3B B sat Cattle Prim to RxtealliUloaaa Oommon to Good Tezaua...... HllohOowa .. .....60 Hol Iilva. i7JO 10 CO 75 00 Dialled..,,.. ............... Shosp. rinfm llt ....... ....... Cotton Middling flour Extra Woatern State Extra s Wheat Bed W astern 1 Mo. g Sprliij 1 Bye mat.. Barley 8tato.. Barley Malt Oate Mixed Western Oorn Mixed Western. ...... ....... Hay, par owt Straw, per ewl.. ...... -. Hops 7i Bigga 7ti Pork Mom.... ......17 Lard l"laa Mackerel No. 1, new. ........ 19 " Ko. a, new 8 DiyOod, p owt Eei-riOM, Healed, per box: Petroleum Crude ...: U Wool California ffleeoa..... Texas " Australian " ............ Batter State...... Western Dairy Western fellow...... Western Ordinary Cheese btite Factory " Saimmed...., Western 'to-fUt, B0rVAI,O. Flour.... S Wheat No. 1 Burton 1 0H 68 O Wtt ilk, a 11 80 J a 75 70 m t co 88 n 1 M as l . M (A E8 IS 9 80 65 fc) 1 'JO 81 ft 48 58 ft 00 6U 60 10 ft 80 08 12V A17 38 09 v tie 01 17 00 00 41 8 SO no 8 10 ai na 31 i 81 28 41 IH it 80 18 It 07 18 M At lined, 18 1)8 8 28 ft a 9 08 68 08 3f 9 78 oorn Mixed............ ....... Oats , Kye Barley , . HUJJBXraU. Beef Cattle Extra 51 64 8 4 S8 87 m ID 9) m 91 t8K 061f 0k OeX cueey. ..... . ... , uoga unseed. Floor FeuDsylvaula Kxtra.. ....... ( 87), A 8 60 Wheat lied Weatern...,. I to A 1 so Rj It 11 Oorn Yellow. .....i... ......... . , 17 9 18 Mixed ts fc It Oata Mixed go A ii letTOjeum Orode,,,,..ls16 Befloed, it With the exeention of the tivramid of Cheops, the spire of the Btrassbnrg cathedral, 461 feet In height, has hitherto been tno most elevated build ing in the world. It has now been ex ceeded by the lately completed spire of Mm Rouen cathedral, which is 490 feet high. A FEKRLUH8 KXTKIIMAL Si'KUIKlC AND BKAUT1F1K1! OP THB SKIN. GLENN'S BtTT.PIi Oil WOAP, At a remedy for Diseases, Bores, Ahhasions, and Roughness of thr ktj, , as a OtWiiorizer, disinfectant, and ii.r-.iihs of (iicventiug aud curing Jti.iumhtiain and (lout; and as uu Adjcnct- of the Toilet and the Bath, "Oi-knh's Hui.rHun Soap" ;s inconipnrubly the best artiola ever offered to the Aciericnn public. The CoMPLMMrN is not only freed flOln t'TMP.'.E. PLOTCKS3,TAR, FbEO- kle9, and uii other blemishes, by its use, but acqiures a tkanspabjcmt DRI.1CACT artf Y&IVBTT WITNESS through the uiafifyinft and emollient ucilon of this wholbsokb bbaoti tier The contraction of obnoxious dls- -eases is prevutrtea and the complete disinfection oi clothing worn by per sons afflicted with contagious maladies . iusured Dy ;t iTi.MLLiiss and Trav elers provided with this admirable purifier have at bans tse main Kr.w I'iii. OF A SERIES OF Sulphur li.tths. baiidruff ia removed, the L&ii retained, and graynees retarded Ly It Medical men advocate its use. Prices, 25 and 60 Cents per Care. t-na Box, (8 Cakxs,) 60a and $1.90. N.H. Thsre Is economy la baytnf the large oakea, " Hil!-s Hair and Whisker Dre, lliack r Browa, 60 Cents. C CMTFlfMS, Prop'r, 7 Siith At. I.T A "a'li! hT ono Agent Iu 47 daye. ISne Pnnipli-e froo. Address, . WUEfJ . M. I.IMXJTOX, Ihlr.rt (Mil e d'O C edtyearemuUby AraU Mlllnff oor Chramw, u) 8 U H iDe 3 Crtyom, Plrturt end Chromo Crda. IBS i.m 3r?L Jplft. worth 05, lent p. for R5. Uliutr. (rif raTosu free. 1. H. UU 1 OHD' S SONS, BOSTON, MISS. EUPEON! If you have Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headaohe, a Burn, or a Bruise, procure a bottle of Eupeon, It will give instant relief, as thousands can testify. Foi sale by all Druggists, H. A. HTJRLBTJT & CO., 75 and 77 Banuvilph Street Chicago, Agents for the Proprietors. Whether You Travel or Not, INSURE AGAINST ALL KIDS OF ACCIDENTS BY A YEARLY POLICY IN TUE Life and Accident Ins. Co., OF I1AKTFOKU. CONN. Asonts 33vor y vv liore Til It KB OKNTRNNIAL MKDAT.8 AND THREE HUNOKAHLK MF.NTIONS AUK U1VKN TO Boynton's Furnaces (Out or Plate Iron). TT.nartfnl). urinnr.rl fit, hcnlinv I1WKLM KGH, OHURUUE8. SOHOOL8. KTO. MOST POWERFUL AND DUKABLF KURNAOR NOLO. OVF.R UO.OO'I IN UKB. BOYNTO.VH 'l87(t ltAI,Tl.HOKE FIRE PI.AI'K IIKATKK. Extremely powerful In heaUoa. Attraotlre, brill list dnrAble, econotntoal. BOYNTON'M "Tile" Oprn-Jrnl Htove. Thn most attractive llhrarv atnvM avar made. Send for olrculajo. Estimates given for heating. Cor- raeurti denoe eollolted. BI0BAKD8ON, BoyNTON A no., Mannfeotnrere, No. b:h Water Street, New Yort. Highest Honors O CENTENNIAL I MASONS HAMLIN Cabinet Organs SUnanimouslv Assigned Jtho "FIRST RANK IN TUB SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments! MKDAX8 OF EQUAL MERIT han httn aaardti oil artfefai dtemtd vortAy of rteognition, so that It will be ees tor many makere to advertise that the; hare re eelfed " highest medals." It Is br the JUDGES' BK PORT8, ONLY, that competing articles are aeelaued their comparative rank la exoellenee, Prom these reports the following la an extraot: "THR MASON 4 HAMLIN OKU AN OO.'B exhibit of Reed Orpans and Harmoniums thows instrument ol the flKHT RANK IN TUB NKVKRAL, KB. ((UIKITKK OK INMTKUMENT OF TUB t l.ASSt vl .i Smoothness end equal distribution of tone,sco of expression, reeonanoeandelnglngqnallty, fre m and quickness In action of kere and bellows. with thoroughness of workmanship, combined with sunplloltr of action." (Slgntd by all lAs Judqti.) The MASON t II AM LIN ORGANS an thus declared lo SANK FISST, not in one or two respects only, but in ALL the IMPOR TANT QUALITIES of such instrumenU and (hey are the ONLY organs assigned this rank. This trlumuh was not anexpeeied, for the Meeon liati.lln Cabinet Orcana h.i. nnlrormtv bun awarded the highest honors In competitions In America, there havlDg been soeroelr eix exceptions In hundreds of oorn. petitions. They were awarded H1GMKBT HONORS and first medsls PARIS J8S7 : VIHNNA, 187i SAN. I I AGO. 1876; PHILADULHUIA, 1876; and haTa thus been awarded highest honors at rvery World's Bxposl tlon at whioh th.y have been exhibited ; belos- the only American organs which have ever obtained any award at any competition with beet Kuropean titers, or la any Knropeau Worla'e Exposition 1 uisf on hawing aTMaeoM Ham LI Oksah; do tot taks any other. DaaUrt o1m inferior otqoma Mflaus. t Ay art paid Iwyer eommunoa. for tUling Am, NKW 8TTLK8, with KXTKNDKD TOPS, yif aincanr, ana outer unprovemeote, exni- itea mi me (IKNTKNNIAL; elegant new oaaes In great variety, rrlous v.rv lomeii amiatrj,nt with ba.t material and workuianbto. Organs sold for oeh or tnstallmente, or rented until mut pae. Mvrry Organ warranted to give entire eatii'action to eeery reaMnhl. pureh-teer or THB wi'kxv Kkicaxao. ILLU jIuaIVO UA1 ALOCUE.S cent rree. MASON A UAMLIN ORGAN 00.-154 Treaaont Street, boston ; 25 Union Suar.. New York; SO and b'4 Adams Street, Ohloaga TRAVELERS REMARKABLE LETTER From a Gentleman known and Hon- red from the Atlantio to the Paciflo Coait. '.-'- ' TTv. A. TIawkvii. Wk.ld.l.ttM...). n ' wrmriitt rfBiaimruriin, ti MUicmriie 41 life k mm. I". ton, Mass.: Gentlemen, I hure for an me months felt It ft duty that I owed to Buffering htimftnUy to write ynn, ni of flAxroBD'B Radical Citr for Catarrh. For ?im me srvai nenem inai 1 nave acriyen irom ins more than 30 yeara I have been atnicted with this very troubleaoma complaint. I have tried all tho remedi ji that I could find, out without material or permanent benefit. Last fall the disease bad arrived nt Hint ntnte that I moat hate relief or die. Tho entire memhran oueayitembad become to Inflamed, and theatomnch o disordered, that It vh a doubtful matter whether eonidfio to me Faeino coast, or if I did po whether sheula llTfl to come back or not. I saw an adver tisement of this medicine, and although being very Incredulous about specifics or nostrums of any kind, yet Jn sheer desperation I trld this, and was nt ones bsne filed by It. The changes of climate, a chronlo disease of the liver, and my ago over 10 may pre Teat my entire restoration, but the benefit I derive from lu dally use Is to me itiralitable, and 1 am hoping to be completely cured, and at last arrive at a respect able old age. If this statement of my case can oe of any service to those afflicted aa I have been, and enable you to bring this remedy Into more general tine, especially on the Bv.iuc cuui "wnero u is muca neeueui. my oojecv in writing this note will be obtained. very iruiyyotirs, uunky wkltH. Avboia, N. Va, J une, 1776. of Wells, Fargo A Co. tiallnrr Tnhn mnA Toll .1 1 ...... l .' .11 tL'"'fS ami uu ctliinu nil unu ill 1111 UHrU'rJ, Price For sale by all wholesale and retail (gists throughout the United Htates. WKKKS ATTttJ "1 1 A Xl-i.-t 1 gists, Boston. Mass. 8 COLLINS9 VOLTAIC PLASTERS o IiOeal Falna, Lameness, Soreness, Weakness, Numbness and Inflammation of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, Bowels, Bladder, Heart and Muscles, are equal to an army of doctors, and aores of plants and ahrubi. Even In Paralysis, Epilepsy, or Fita, and Worrous and Involuntary Mus cular Aotion, this Plaster, by Bullying the Jferroug Foroes, haa effected Curea when eyery other known remedy baa failed. BOLD BY ATJi DBTJOGIBTB. Prioe 25 oenta. Sent on receipt of prioe, 2B oenta for One, l.ati for Six, or $2.25 for Twelve, to any part of the United Btateg and Canadas, by vVxUJiKB ft POTTER, Proprietora, Boston, booseys' w.,:: IIOOHEV oVTlO . 32 t I 4th iii;sni. Ful free by malL Street, New York. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH OORSET. With Skirt Supporter and Nclf-Adjuatlns I'ads. Secures Health and OowpoitTOf Body, with Gback and Beauty of Form. Three Garments in one. Approved by all physicians. A HE NTS WANTKD. Sam pies by irjail, In C'ontii, fl ; Sattean, 1 75. To Agents at 25 cents less. Order size two Inches smaller than waist mea sure nrer thprirnaB. n&2Si Warner Bros. 763 Broadway, li.T, Established 1846.I J.ESTE7 & CO. Brattlotooro, "V"t. fSend for Illnstrated Catalogue. NEW WIJLLCOX & GIBBS Latest Tnventinn. and Only machine tn the worta with Automatic Tension and Stitco. Indicator. Droducins most Marvefona Results. Trad Hark In bus ot every machine. SILENT SEWING MACHINE, Send Postal Card for Illnstrated Price List, &c. Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., (Cor. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, Mew York, A clove ol' Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient baa remoTwd tbe aeny of rbenmatlem, and Its continued uia ntlrely healed the KheuraatlBin I a not little noderatood. Horn ?mpirlos reftcrc to einhrooa tlnne, whioh are rallv danerona. It is now aoknowl edxed to be a blood direa, romltinfi f'ora acidity. Tbla uperlent oorreota all auoh acidity, and thus enrot the disease. AU rheaiuatlysiitl4ttsr are advised t try It. D ll,U MI A Li Li 1IHUUUIOTQ. J. & P. GOATS have beeai awarded a Medal nod DIpIoiuh at the Centennial Exposition and commend ed by the Jndaea for "SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND EXCELLENT QUALITY OF SPOOL COTTON." ... A. T. G0SH0RH, Director-General. ; aiai,. i J. H. HAWLEY, Pres. Alfx. R. Uptkleb, Bt'eretary pro tem. For Singing Schools!! Haka them doubly Interesting by introducing THE ENCORE By L. O. EMERSON. 95eenfa $7.80 iter doen. THE ENCORE rvmraim tx Fstat-Ulana RlemvnUrv Course, with the best kind of exercises, aire, tones In ono, two, three or tour puts, lor praouoe. . THE ENCORE Uontalne 100 paaee tilled with bright, wide-awake, easv (leee and tonr i art aontrs. Thne It la a good Glee Book as weu aa ouikiuk nuuuvi wa. THE ENCORE Contain 50 of Hymntuaw and Anthems of the best ouarto er. Mr. I. O.. EMERSON (Half a mtllioa of whwe hook bave been sold), has nam. hmn MZflAllfttl u oomDOKMor arraaser of mnsla ezaotly adapted to tb publio taete. His " ttvot " in this &UT0MTIG 1AW matter la lniaiiDie. men try THE ENCORE. For sale br all prominent dealers. SpeoUnens matted, poet-iiv, for T eeau. . . . w OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. . M. PITSON dc CO., - . , , . .'..: 711 Breadway, New York. J. E, DITBON eV CO., Baooesaors to Lee A Walker, Phil a. MERIDEN CUTLERY CO. Received the' HIGHEST CENTENNIAL PRIZE tAMST Uast Rambim Tabli Ksira," MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF ''i.' ' Will IT, IMUs ' - '".""7' I'lrtiiiii autnrv-rn in Amnr Ok. UiliTlnai .il.tH:rft .U trift tiUlilL.i4.n.t a i THE GREAT NEW A liniutlfttl Oh'ninn LlthOBTajh ef this vavl Marina even varl"t?oT.itllJI iLl f hi amTTit" ii1!""1!? '? ""'. end one of lb. fineet In the world. It bee and Ithi 'nmster !VtII Fllh. nd ",d ""P'oal Flsa to Ibe bate Whale, the nraolons Shark, The charee Is rnarte slmplv'to eover the expense nf the wrannlne trihe .nj nnrtu. Parties who remit 3 will be entitled to seven UthoerapheV tffv Sil?XiSf7l, .III h. , them. In even caie this noUee .hoelri ha ant Ant anA fi i remlt W. tnev will have twelve sent to waj. Aaaress, W. D. Potter's American Monthly 50, IllustbatbD; Beat Family Majraslae In th Country, at 03 for 187 I ooptea ose f ear toi or (W 10 eoplM for SOoonlf Sabeorlben KnrTrloppdlR, qaaHo, 8.U00 Illostra- an aoopy of Pottr'i for 1877. S ttonslpiioe,4'tf5aiTen to the person send- id is eino. for itue at au rvws ntaias, oents a nnmoer, nueolaJ Terms t nonta. J. R. FOTTEB A Co.. Hhlla,, Pi. One Dollar. IHICAGO EDGES OneDoBlav. IHICAGO EDGEil ne Dollar. ne Dollar. OneDollarB HiGAGO EDGEfi sm-- ne Dollar. KiGAGO EDGER ne Dollar. IHICAGO EDGEB One Dollar. Rkicabo ne Dollar. HIGAGO EDGER ne Dollar. IHICAGO EDGER n(SM THB LEDGER la ft large 48-oolumn paper, ably edited, handsomely printed containing every week choice completed stories, an installment of an interesting illustrated serial) and general reading for old and young. Send your name and address, plainly written, Inclosing ONE DOLLAR, with fifteen cents for postage, and we will end the paper to you for ono year. Addross . THE LEDGER. . CHICAGO, II-Xi. f!f!!GAG0 1 EDGEB W r EL , glilCAGO EDGEil EDGER m' -aj TAdLc UUTLER - YORK AQUARIUM. , aijr? 50 Iff tertt J COUP, ills., Nw Yor, jiquBrlam. nronnwnT nvia oin mirnrj n flay to AtM. Sample free. H. Albert, Boston, Ms. Aa'ta wVrtr.S' "? Mxarlnea Bla dlewrant. A l w.nteq. Bend stamp. Hnnt a t)o.,Rockland.Mas. EXv1-.??," ""I 8an.n for elrenlar. Mme. JFNNIKB, Box 48Q:, W. Y. Oltr. " (i U...lne. 1. VtltbtiiW'!. Y, AQEyTSmLrVarggT.fiPx5- R E V0 L V E R V ,bot 8- ' "i. ., IILIULItn Wththbn dun WoRK,Obloao,IlL rkl ( f Rn"'1org,n 'or all. Chromo A Novel TXt OatalogTiBfree. Felton Oo.,llliNawen st.N.Y IVfueW fin!!(!IFIfi. Slit la ttl Worti. Tri.iF.4at.w ftTHIv1"'1't'lt'V T. rufHXM I III., 1II.H It., Pblia,, Pa. PoaTtarra. Mr., Ir.wa br eiarklaerv; l,..r.tM r a,o see, null w.auj. Su.nn., up. Mrt Oe rbua., fm. W?, "DTriT FKItE. Beet Obenoe Yet Write Vl et Onee. OOLLIWg OqJlllnton Plaoe.N.Y. $55 g $77 P. O. VIOK 1 ente. namplee FREE. RT. Anj-nwta. Maine. ) f a Week Halarj rnaranteed to male female. Send m ' ' stamp for olrcnlarx. If. M. Bodlne.lnrllanae's.Inrl. $15 for .UK ""te Mammoth flataloirne free. F. 1gj-iiyj! 'U WASfW A Oo., 1 I I NafM.aaBt.,N. y; WANTFn An Aotlve Atnt to teanairethe eroln ..." V eale "f I lirare and Ti'haono In everv onnntv. n.trp.s w Y. TOBACCO Qt.. 3S Rnwlok St., N. V. SHORTHAND.-Instrnctlr.n In this fa-olnattog stnrlv e ven bv mall. florTesricnrjc -ollclt(l. Inclose tramp snrl arldrm WM. B. N YK, New Bedlord. Mars" WANTED can eaMlytnak$10rerdaveelllne; . ,onr new article. Arrolr enrlv lor rboloe terrltorv" ii- m p rrvwr ana Agqe uo. H Broadway, New York. S350 A month. Agents wanted. 8 best sell '"J rtlol In tj world. One sample free Add'ss JAY imONMOTV, Detrolt.Mlch. A MONTH, hotel end travellou expensee paid for nleempn. Nopeddllnir. Address Monitob MANiir'oOo.,Olnolrinatl. Ohio. WIMP JJII-I.S for Pnmplnn and Ronnlng Machinery. Address TORNADO WINDMILL CO.. KLBA. N. Y. $3 WATCHIW. A tlraat Sensation. Sample Watch and Outfit fret to Aqente. Better than Hold. Addrers A. OfUJLTBR A CO.. Chics to. $M1000 i d1rn- B AXTPR Invested In Wall ht Stook" makne fortnnee everv month. Rook eent free explaining everything. CO., Benltere, 17 Wall St., N. Y. T ,C C TiT t TP sn'1 Material Inwt r than ever. aJJJ MS. I Send lOo. for t,i-strated Oatalotue. NATIONAL TYPK CO., ""ae- L??3rd St., Phlla., Pa. '" hrert Calves. Chester White, Berkshire and York bire I'.gs. Hcotoh.MkFe and Shepherd pup, Poultry and I yeona all finest lmuortrd strains, bred and for sale br rsncls Morris, Morton, l ei. Co., Pa. Send forclronlar. The New Work. Indlspen able to F. A. M. Sella at eight. Kxolnelve territory given. Send for Decrlptlve Uatalnrne. Redrllng A Co., Pnbs. Standard Masonlo Works, 731 Broadway ,N.Y, a ;en ENT.-Tenty 9x1 1 Monnted Ohromos for rtayTAl. CBHOMO Co., 37 Nasfan Btreet, New York. w m Q- OUTFIT FREE TO AIJENTX. men aad 'JV J women. Article pessennes a great charm for both. Sells at slgbt to everv y, mtg l.dv and gnt. SrutUTlFHl NovEI.Tr Co., Af.tor Plsoe, New York. TJO We w1tI "lartyon In a bnMneft's yon can A, V make S.Vl a week wlth'tnt ?antti.l. nn. TVTfiTffTTV and resneotable for elller sex. Aoentb tlAVAl JZi Jt Kupplt Va., -4HI Riwery, N. Y. flebhard'e Great Book of and I 1-entlnni to the Working er ,, , - tjia.ea n-w to stnrt a muney !" Rf; rPTC. making Kiihln M.wllh ortvith. "XfJ a7f on, raUal. Vr!c. ft( e-Pt. Add' OrnwAWp A ('.. J III Clln-on St ,I)tr it Stleh. BUTTK.R ard (,'HKK.HK O lorlng. Kxltaol rt ( lieere Rennet, used by the I.""i:er 1 alt!: Iu Knr' re and Am,rlcs. tend for Prl.rf- at'.- ' Iri-'-lur Frfr. M -'e Aent 'or the U.S., Mr.B. It SMM'H.3'27 Arc-, St .I'll la fa. "rled and awartie 1 Hitrft.t Cn h ,n sl Prize 'edal. FARMERS- or their sont wanted thin fsll anr. winifr. ( 1 or 2 inrni'h tn.) to ?)! tn the farmer-n in tlii-ir oven countifH Hiuivrsi nleUiit, pri MU K'Hd. Particiiium In n. J. V'OE'lU, !-(. l.uin, Alu. rp"Cl A C TbB cboloeat Id the world Importer! M. Wli l L'sa o rices Lai-iT-Aitr CnmninT In AmrlrA japle article plfl.vM erorybodr Tra-. o'nlnafcUF In rin AKnt6 wante-i everywhere bst tnduuen.ent dnn't wMt time nd for OhnnlHrto ROB'T WRLL8. 4 3 Vwwy St.. v. Y. P. Q. Box 1287. Sample ( op. Piinr nvrr. lO reolM. totind In 1 Iftih. -a tin UhioirHitoof 1 t'i. fffn, rt.T ri'iiin p? mull. AtldrMiv lo 114 "SSOUWsti "o'',Uelt. beat in the urTl Bka9. xTj IPCIrlrl TV 1st n ar.. . . . r IJ - i'loirsov YvlllIIBirUl'.tX Rremeillea full. Testimonial.. J and circulars 8?nt frt;e un uii- V nil- arion. to p. J. WHIT i''nti Htrcet.JSew Y irk. 1 iVIVI Itiin n.ui nf - oaiara n mi n txnv uurt of Ihn llnitnd Kt.ttMd. I 'unnva. Furop. whti whtoh need IrjTH-tlir ltlon. httfiitlnri. nr nrnne. viutl'D, cau iind auiitarjo by addrt-Mnir P. O. BOX 4iU.ii flew Yorfc. " Kejtrrneri, fimf-ehtnsV AGENTS. InTeatlirate themerlta of Thn Ulnr trated Weekly before dfiterrnlair noon vour work this fall a id win ter. Tbe combination for this ibwod Barpaffi- anythlcg heretofore attempted. Terms nent free Ad dree a. jJHAM. UiiUUAH a UO., 1 4 Warren ISt., New York. ttmJTAWO fr an Wntmrmit Ce. Dft. J. P., belnsrtworn.iayi: I grad- 144 la lM ulkia,Mlf, t Xh.tLam.tttni, Nturalri., O.Bt, KI4n h4 Uitv Immii, IfUftrulMBR. P1TLIR1 RUBUUAT1C aiMIDT, KI4y CvHUal, Jul iijmIbhi u rrrur'i tbur isw: str imua o u lir Mil, Mraimi nn, r wf II raftei't lu.pitUH1ltrtt- Ml HwdlBkl A4'.M Wit f BJI. aiiTU. etdNM 1&. flTUUL, , vr will I It nafeJI. ttaMtt tMurtk lUMl. Ph.LU.lpii. MILiIClMU AT HftUUUllTft PTni?P "BOWKtR'8 PRKSERVATIVK ' XI" I 4 XV will k twett the yer round. A. tample package, i-,nou4(h lokeep bKlf a barrel xwPt, sent To any aaareso ror oenti. a a areas n. La. it k C(..OhemlsU, 132 Milk Htreet., Kwton, Mum. 41 Tbli doe tba work phrieot)?. Older can be made Al nice aa champagne." Boston Weekly Ohb, A B 0 OK for the MILLION. Mr-nir.AI AnVIRF PXS?MaS Catarrh. Kuptur,. Opium U.bit, c.,8ENTriltE oar ccipl ol ,temn. Addrva,, lr. Bunt' Ilmen,srv No l! V. 8th St Lorj,, Mo A6ENT3 WANTED FOR HISTORY HI EXHIBITION It sells taster than any other book.' One Acent sold 34 ooples In one day. Send for onr extra terms to Agents, National PPM-iamao Co., Philadelphia, Pa. $10. $25. $50. $100. $200. ATFXAM1KU K ROTH I N-II M & CO., 12 Willi MiretBi, NewYorl. Bankers and Hrokeri, Invest tn toc kot alexltlmateobamuter. The Him num ber imom itf pstioc thoara'ida who bar beoo'e ilch tbronffh Frothinpl am A Oo fort nn ate favt&tineuti. Stock a pnrolian?d rid carried 'on mm dntred on margin from three to fl ve rer oert. WNfnct tor Clrr-nlnr. m shot Gur, A rfouble-barrel gun, bar or front action lock., warranted twist liarruls, and a oud ihnou-r, uu No halk; with I'Maitk, rouvh, aud Wad-fiittur. f.irais. Cau be sunt ('. O. D. with pnvilfKu to oxamlnu liefurt jut jinn nil). Sund 't'itup for oiruulur tu 1. I'UW i.Ll A; tS; 1 . . I t..t muati, O. Th Bent TruaN wUboa Metal Springs ever Invented No humbug claim of a or am radlca oure.but a -on ran tee of a ooinfortabi-, r ecu re, and atle factory appllnnce. W will take bath, and pay lull lirlff for all f.UXt fin tulf sniit Prlrta alnavlA i" oui, pa; tor uoiu .aea, q(. nent dp mail, post paid, on receipt of prioe. N. B.- Thin Trust cill curs nor 4 ttuptures than any of thorns for trhirh txfravnrant claim art mad. O Iron I are fre. POMKROY lpnbS PP., T4 Broadway, New York. WHAT Every Household Should Keep at hand la a remedy to enre without oall-lne- the doctor. Golds. Oonchs and Don. sumption prevail In almost every family. AKI.KrVM LUiNU BAI.K4II will enre the colds and oongha ana prevent oonsampuon. AH AN EX PKCTOK ANT IT Tl AH NO EOFAL III haruileee lo ihe mom detlrme child. It contain do Opluan In Any Form. Directions accompany each bottle. It la eold by ail drntfgisU and medicine dealers. The Orent 44 Hard Timet" Fa per. -The best, the oheapeer, the most po -olar. hnborlbe for the CRICKET ON THE HEARTH a mammoth 16 pace Illnstrated paper (slae if'rpr' rVfA.l),devoteJ to Literature, Romanoe.tTseful Knowl edge, Amusement, etc., eto. Oiily 01 pr y-ar, with eholee of thiee uremlums: the larK end b,tutiful enromo,"Tesor SoV any book by Oharls Dickens, or a B( x of Btar4onery ; paper without pitminm. 75 uenta per year. We also send It four uienlhn ou trial for only 25 rente. Bpecimin copy for stamp. Agenta wented. Addreaa, K. M. LUPTUN k CO., PubUsbera. 37 Psrk Row, Mew York. IN PRI 8P4-UTFITS READY THB CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DE&CIUliEi AMI II.1.LISTHATKU. A rraphto pen-ntotnre of lte history, rrand bnildlnae. wonderful exhibits, onrlosltlee, erreat days. eto. Pret lueelj HluelrHled, thoroughly popular, and vert oUeap. Jfu,t Imtnenself. .,6,(XlA A em a wanted. Kend for (nil particulars. Ti u will be tbe obanoe of I (Ml fears to ooln monev fast. Oet tbe onlj reliable history. HUBBARD BROS., Pnh... 13a 1 Banaom KtreetjPhlladelphla, Pa., or Bprlnftfleld Mesa f! A UTI (iKT B no deoelvetTbv prematnre books, V." ".f.f"11 aeeumlna to be "offi, lal," and telling wbat will happen In Amu.t end HepiembBr. N V M U No, 46 WIIKN WHITINO TO' ."."V". lhal w lb. latlv. j nx.nt la tbla ptovr. AridM. C m-r rraKjt r0C