van Jljsr; a. r9jM, Jr., Editor. ;c?.c2aY, ::ov. istii.. is:e. IVrolerim Statlst-Jcti for Ortober. We tV.o 'n fol'owirir; from the Petroleum report cf thr- OH City Der rick for the monfh of CvtoUr. A greater number of well bus tarn com pleted than for any previous month. Total number of wells completed for month, 272, distribute! as follow: Butler and Armatronr;, H weiU, num ber of dry holes li, lncreo oftlaly yield POO barrels; Cinrion, W w-'llf", tliy holes 9, iurwo of dally yield, 1050; Venango; Warren and Forest. SO wt-lls dry holes. 14, Increase of dally yield, 200 barrels; M'Kcan and Cattaraugus, C5, dry holes 3, increase of dally yield, f50 barrels. Total of wells completed, f72, dry holes, 40, total increase of daily yield, 2700 barrels. It will be torn from the above that the number of dry holes obtained in Clarion county is only 9 out of 90 wells drilled, and most of these were obtained in at tempting to fiud an outlet. In liutlcr the dry holes form a circle round the outer edges of the great district, with a few scattering here and there over its broad surface. As yet Clarion county maintains its former excellence kb producing territory. From the pen- oral tenor of the report a material fall ing off in the production for t he win ter months is evident. Up to Nov. 1 st, 567 wells were drilling, and 8G3 rigs up and building, which shows well for a busy season throughout the oil region. General White Elected. Returns from the Congressional con test in this district indicate the elec tion of General Harry White by a ma jority of about 1,700. Indiana eounly pives him, 2.-107; Armstrong 700; Forest 0. This county gives Mr. Jonks 240,.and Clarion, 1,291. The contest was ona of the most severe within our experience, and the result in this county shows how closely Republicans adhered to their candi date, reducing Mr. Jenks' majority of two years ago four hundred votes. l'erhop3 there were other reasons for this falling oil'. Two years ago Mr. Jenks had made no record as a Demo crat, and his neighbors having full faith in Ills ability as a lawyer and knowing him to be a true gentleman, stepped out of party lines to elect him to the honorable position of Congress man. His record as a member, how ever, was that of a Democratic par fizan, every measure proposed in cau cu3 receiving hitj support, and new he is measured, net on his merits as a gified alt lney and courteous gentle man, but as the notorial of which a Democratic member for this 20th Con gressional district is composed. We opposed Mr. Jenks' election from this standpoint, and wo are pleused to know that In the heat of the contest uo one so far forgot themselves as to allow their party feeling to lead them into a personal contest. Or the successful candidate we have taken-frequent occasion to express our opinion, and we vV.l now ju.t add, that he is not an untried man, ourpeo pie know him to be trustworthy, and that in the ensuing Congress they f.hall not be misrepresented. Brook ville Tcepubiican. Ghoo'ln? a "President. Every vutor will understand Ly this time that he dees not vote directly for President aud Vice President. Ths4t might be the best way, but it was not eo provided in the Constitution. He votes for as many electors as his state has Congressmen and Senators. In this State we have 29 because we have 27 members cf Congress and two U. S. Senators. The v lmio number of electors in t he United states is 3'ift, necessary to a choice ls.j. These elec tors are generally selected by the Stute Convention'ot' each party, and voted for by the people at the polls. In some States, Colorado for instance, the elec tors are selected by the Legislature, being Republican or Democratic ac cording to the politics of that body. The electors who are elected meet at the capital of their respective States and vote by baliot for President and Vice President. The certifled record of this vote is transmitted to the Presi dent of the U. S. Senate. On a given day the Senate and House meet in Joint convention and in their presence the President cf tho Senate opens all the certificates and tiie electoral votes are counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be President if Buch number be a majority of the whole number of elec tors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then, from the persons having the highest number, not ex ceeding three, on the list of those voted tor as President, the House of Representatives shall choose im iueiiatolyr by ballot, the President, livit ;u choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representative from each State having one vote, Some former Congresses adopted a Joint rule providing that either House might object to the vote of a State and throw it o: L'ut Congress failed to adopt this joh.t rule at the last session, bo no such rroviaiou now exists. An effort w:ii made by Senator Morton lxt vln!e:a to have the Constitution boumended as to refer all 6ueh ques tions to the Supreme Court. But the Demeratio House took no action in the matter and the whole power of deciding any contested case will rest with (-'enator Terry, af Michigan, the President of the Senate blnce the death, of Vice Preeident. New York, November 11. A Are broke out at Perth Amboy, N. Y. at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon,' and spread fo rapidly that It was feared the whole town would bo destroyed. At 9:30 P. M. the fire was still raping. The entire block on Smith street, from High to Rector Mroot was burned to the ground. The fire originated In McCormlck A Connory's grocery shop from one of the employee carrying a lamp among theconl oil. The follow ing prominent place were burned; Davlnson'i clothing store next to Me Cormlck'e total loss, nothing snved; Garretson's meat market: J. L. Hare's carpet and furniture establishment, stock partly saved; W. II. Moore, drug store, total loss; Post Office and Western Union Telegraph Office to tally destroyed. It was feared that tho Parker House, a large hotel, would be burned, but the wind blow ing in an opposite direction, the fire did not reach it A steam fire engine arrived from Elizabeth at 7:30, and soon had the tire under control. A Rnhway fire company arrived at 7:45 Water was scarce none being nearer than the river, and they could only do good work in saving property. Mc Cormick fc Conney lost everything, not even saving their books. The party who caused the fire was burned seriously. The total loss is about $30, 000. A man named Koscher was assaulted near Locust Dale, Schuylkill county, on the 4th, by three men, and so badly heat en thnl ho died in a lew hours. John Leiiuan. James Lochlin and Michael Colgan were arrested for the ollense. List of Jurors drawn for November Term 187G: ORAXD. Benezette (Jeo. Rothrock, farmer. Bcnzinper Philip Kreckle, farmer; Peter Wilhelm, farmer; Charles Rit tcr, farmer. Fox N. C. Bundy, farmer; John B. Cuneo, farmer; U. W. Rogers, farmer; Win, E. Hewitt, farmer; Eugene A Thompson, farmer; Thomas Dollinger blacksmith; Michael Gllleii, stone mason. Highland E. Hovencamp, school teacher. Horton John Keltz, millwright Edwin Aldin, laborer; S- M. Bundy, laborer. Jay Cornelius Connely, laborer; Luther Lucore, farmer. Jones-Joseph Houghtailing, laborer. Millstone Harrison Catts, lumber man. Ridgway M. J. Early, physician; David S. Luther, carpenter; James M'Govern, laborer. St. Mary's Lewis Geisc, laborer; B. F. Lawrence, laborer. TRAVERSE. Benezette R. W. Petriken, farmer. Benzinger John Nissel, school teacher; John Kreckle Jr. laborer John Gregory, farmer; John Kraigle, farmer; Jacob Ilanes, farmer. Fox Patrick Callahan, farmer; Clinton A. Bundy, farmer; Charles Brown, farmer; George English, far mer; Robert M. Wilson, fanner; James R. Taylor, farmer; Joseph Schrivtr, Laborer; Samuel Brown, laborer; C. R. Keltz, millwright; Joseph Emmett, blacksmith. Horton John Brown, farmer; Stephen Fox, farmer. Jay L. E. Leggett, laborer. Jones Charles Horton, laborer, Jackson Lucore, laborer. Ridgway Walter S Service, gen tleman; Samuel W. Miles, plasterer; G. G- Messenger, merchant; B. F. Ely lumberman. Spring Creek Mathew Sbanley, laborer. St- Marys Xaverius naberbush, carpenter; Anthony Bieberger, car penter; Joseph Krat't. carpenter; Michael Bauer, stone mason; Philip Fisher, bar tender: Henry Fochtman. blacksmith; John Freindle, black smith; John Leitner, painter; Joseph Deitz shoemaker; James Rogan. hotel keeper. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINER? AND E&ESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to tile citizens of Elk county, that she bason hand an assort ment of fashionable miiiincry goods which will he so d cheap Also dress making in all its branees. Agent for Dr J. Bail Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitw Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. -THE CHEAPEST IN LHE VOKLD.-S PETEP.SOIf SMAGAZ1NE. Great Reductions To Clubs."a POSTAGE PRE-PAID TO MAIL SUBSCRIB ERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has tho best Original stories of any of the ludy's books, the bust Colored r ush km l'lates, the best Receipts, the best Steel Engravings, &c. Every laiuily ought to take It. IT Givts MOKE I OK THE MO.NKY THAN ANY IK THE wi'Kld, It will contain, next year, in Its twelve numbers OXE THOUSAND PAGES! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! TWELVE MAMMOTH COLORED FASHIONS! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OK MUSIC! It will also give Five UkiginaTj Copy right Novelettes, by Mm. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Bendict, 'Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, . Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories, all original, by the best authors ol America Its superb MAMMOTH COLORED FASHIOX PLATES are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved on steel, twice tiu usual size. TERMS )AIways to Advance) J2.G0 a year. 2 Copies for S3.C With a copy of the pre in iu in picture (TxJO) '"Corn wall Us Surrender." 4.80 a Bve dollar fcUKittvinu, to me person getting up trie Club 4 Copl e for With an extra copy of the e.00 ainguzine lor ifii, us a pre mium to the person (jet tinr un the t'lul.. 6 Copies for ?9.60 f With both an extra copy 7 " " 11.00 I of the MagmlDe for 177, li.60 una tne premium picture a five dollar engraving, to the person - totting uo the L1UO. Address, post-paid, CHAKLE8 J. PETKRftON, S06Chtwtnut bt., Philadelphia, Pa, JBpecluiens sent gratis, If written for Gubscbibe for the Advocate. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of nundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levaria facias alias levari facias, and testutum fieri fiu-lna ittnued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I, DANIEL ttcULL, High HherlfT of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House, lu Ridgway, ut one o'clock P. M. on MONDAY NOVEMBER, 20TH.W0. ALL the right and title of Daniel Sorlbnor to the following described real estate situated in the Village of Kicigway in t nc county ofElkHlato of Pennsylvania to wit: Being the south halves of Lots No. 70 and 71 agreeable to the manor nlot of the town or village of Rldirv.ay as Re corded in the olllco for Reeordlnu Deeds In and for said count v ami be ing of ground conveyed to F.lliiua C Horton witc or Cliarlcs A Hortou ly Henry (tout hers, wife and Albert Wjf lisby deed dated July ad 1Hi9 and Re corded in the Recorders Office In and for said county the tit 1 1 day of July )to0 In Deed Hook "11 ' page 107 &, which was also, conveyed by Charles Horton midwife to Charles McVoan by deed dated the 8th day of Mav 1H01, and recorded In deed' book "M"' page t5 tCc and the same laud cou veyedto the parties of the first purl by Charles McVoan and wife, by deed dated the 0th day of April, 1807, and iweorded as aforesaid in deed book "M" page f'J &c, reference thereat had, the recital of title, will more fully appear. Also being tho property known ns the David "Luther lots. There is erected on said lots a two story frame dwelling house 20 by 25 feet, addition 12 by 20 feet. Also a frame barn 35 by GO feet. Seized nnd taken into exculion jts the properly of Daniel Scribner, at sale of Edwin Paine for use. ALSO, all that certain town lot in the borough of M. Mary's Elk County Stiitf' of lVmiHvlviiiiiii. Mlnntonti iMist side of St. Midiae! street, containing one nuncireu toot iront on said st Michael street, by two hundred feet deep at right angles, ana Known as lot No. 06. on said St. Michael street, according to the map or plan of said Rorough of St. Mary's Upon which is erected a plank house 10x20 feet, 1J stories aiui a good spring ol water thereon. Seized and taken in executiou as the property of John Huber, at suit of Jacob Rappel now for use of Prank Locker. ALL of the defendants interest in and to the following real estate situate in licnzinirer Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, being parts of warrants isos. 4ioa ana nut. jioumieu and described as follows; Beginning at a post at tiie southwest corner ol land of Stephen Henry, said post being likewise tiie northwest corner ot me land belncr described, thence along the line of said Henry's land and oilier lands east three hundred and fourteen (311) rods to a post; (hence south one hundred and twenty-four and two tenths (124 2-10) rods ton beech; thence west one hundred and fifty-live and two-tenths ( 1 65 2-10) rods to a post; thence south one hundred and twenty three and six-tenths (12:1 G-H) rods to a post on the north lino oflvriegle's land; thence along said line south (S9jj) west one hundred" and twelve and eight tenths (112 8-10) rods to a post, on the east side of the Olean or North St. Mary's Road; thence along said road north westerly two hundred and fifty-three (253) rods to the place of beginning, containing three "hun dred and twenty-three aud eight tenths (323 8 10) ueres and allowances for Stores' Avenue. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nelson "Wemnier & John P. Wemmor, Copardners, trad ing as N. J. Wemnier & Son, at suit of the Union Banking Company. TERMS OF SALE. The f&llowing niasi be strictly eomplied with when the property ig struck ofr: 1. All bids must be pnid in fell, except 1mm e I lie pi u i n i i rl orotucr lieu cretlitcr be comes the purchaser, in which case tiie cos-tson the writs must he paid, as well as all hens prior to '.hat of the purchaser, and a duly certified list of liens shall be fuvuihhed, including mortgage searches nn the property sold-, loge'her with such lien creditor's receipt for the auiouut of the proceeds of .he sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled o. 2 Ail shIch not settled inimtduitely will be continued until sit o'clock, I'. M., at hirh twiie nllprt-pcity not settled lor nill n?;iiu t3 put up. android ut 'be expense nnd risk of the person to whom it was first M ruck off, and who in ease cf deficiency at hucj re-s.ile. hIoiII tmike good the same and in no iiistanae will the deed be piescnied in court fo. cunfiuini iou uii'es the bid in actually nettled lor with t'e Sheriff as UAMKLSt U U Sheriff Sheriff Office. UiJcway, l a. 1 October, 25. 1876 Sce l'ui don's Digest 9th edition, page 41G: mi ll's Forms,, page 384- Aduiiiilstrator's Notice. Kmitte of Michael llemdle deueiihcd. Letters of Administration upon tin shove e-ilute have been granted to the under tigned, all persons Indented to said es tate are requested to make panieut, and those having claims to present the eauie without delay to N27i6 JOHN B 11 KINDLE, Adtu'r ADMISLSTRATOIt'S NOTICE Estate of Cornelius Wainwrlght, dee'd. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to RALPH JOHNSON, Admr. A CARD To all who are suffering; from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, tc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FHtUOFCHAhOE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in (south America. Send u self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bible House New York City. TEAMING. The undersigned having providep himself with a team of horses, wagon, etc., is prepared to do job teaming of all description. A large stock of sea. soned hardwood on hand, and- for sale atreasonuble figures. Your pationage is solicited. W. A. DERBY. Sept. 21s 1876 8m. Executors' Notice Estate of Frederick Dippold, de ceased. Letters Testamentary uuon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make uav- ment, and thoee having claims to pre sent tne same witnout aeiuy to J Exrre O. L. BAYER List of Cases to be tried In Elk County vonri, Aoreinber jerm, ib?o. civil list. 1 John Tudur va II. Woodward et al. Mo 6 August term, 1870. z Kiias Moyer vs P- w. Hayes ct al, No 17 April term, 1874 8 Souther, Willis & Souther vs J C Honk, executrix, to. No, 31, Septem ber torm, 1870 4 J. V . Houk vs Snvlor Jackson. No n, January term 1870. ft Sarah V. Wilcox, widow, etc vs Josso and John Plait. No 21 May term, lH7rt (I JusK P Hall vs I) Ktinesetal. No lli May lenn 1875 i.ornelitw Wninwr kM vs Wal lace II JoIhimoii ot al No I I. Selitem- her term l87f. 8 1 he Ctiltimli;t Iiimtrancc Co vs Jacob Kraus. No 213 September term 1870 I) The Columbia Insurance Co. vs Jeo Helmut. No 211, September term. lK7fl 10 The Columbia, ltiHuratice Co vs Anthony Schauer. No 2l-". Sciitcin- ber term 1870 II The (.'iilumhiiL Insurance (V vs Angt-liea Klatisinan. ICx'r, Ac. No 254 September term, 1875 12 J. W. ltrown vs 1) 11. Polen. No M, September term, 1875 l;l John Munn vs Lewis 8 Dodd. No 41, November term, 1876 14 Klenora Walker, ao vs Joseph Seager. No SH, September term, lb70 Casts at Jsmc iiud undetermined in J:'lk County Ccuiimon l'lcas, ut No vember. Term, 1870. 1 Illrnian Woodward vs Thomas Toizer. No 2'.i, November term, 180'.'. 2 A H Packard vnjohn Kaul ot al No 18, April term 1870 8 R A Weed vs 11 C Rowman. No 21, April term, 1870. 4 M M'Ou Hough vs Jacob M'Cauley No 3!', April term. 1870. 5 W. L. Harm's vs the Tanrferdale Coal Co. No 1, November term 1870 0 (Jcorge Schneider vs Ueorge .uceKcr o iu iNovermoer term, I8i0 7 Reuben Wlnslow vs Edwin Fletcher No 20 November term, 1870 o jonuatnan Uoytiton et al vs A. C Finney et al. No 1 January term 1871 0 Daniel Stroup vs D F Anderson et ul. No 2 January term, 1871. 10 Frank A Looseh ot al. vs frank Keller. No 22, April term 1872 11 lsae 1' Martin vs O Dickinson No 27, August term. 1872 12 Rorough of St. Marys vs Charles Kuten. iso a, November term, 107a 13 Thomas Keller vs. The Penna, Jl It Co. NO 1&, vember Term 1872. 11 Rorough of St Marys vs Charles Kuffon. No 2, November term, 1872 lo The St Marys toal Co. vs George Rettger. No 2-5, November term, 1872 JO August weeger vs Martin JiurD street ho 21, November term, 1875 17 The Clarion River Nav. Co vs Moore Bros. No 41 January term, 1873 18 John DuRois vs M V Tyler- No 15 August term 1S7;1 l'J John Dullois vs David Tyler. No 20, August term, 1874 20 Miles Dent vs Charles St John ot al No 4 January term, 1871. 21 The Com. of Pennsylvania use of J A 11 auk vs Andrew Kaul. No 07, Janiuir' term, 1874 22 Urown & St rut hers Iron Works vsJohn G Bryan. No 11, April term 1874 23 EMns Maekoy vs H May No 61 April term, 1374 24 Timothy Gtillfoyls vs Henry Tietge, No Wl April term, 1874 20 Louis Gciss-: vs Muiogund,'!., ex'r. etc No 12 April term, iv; 1 2f Jhn Andrews G T "Wheeler & Co. No 03 April term I $74. 27 A fallen vs Moore P-ros No Go, April term, 1871 28 SV Wilcox et al v. Josnsnnd John Plait No 21, May term, 170 2') fouthtr, Will's & Souther vs Jeanctte C Houk, Kx ic. No til Sep tember term, 171 ;;o James K P Hall vs 1) Kunesund Mary Kuues. No l!'o May term, 175 31 Cornelius Wninwright vs w II Johnson et al. No 1 1 September term, 1870 32 J W Brown vs D R Polen. No 51 Sept term, 1875 3 George H Pag vs U S Tyler. No 93 Sept term, 1870 4 A 0 Allen vs II V May. No l'J3 September term, 187 3r Samuel r'aerman vs V 8 Service & Co No 253 September term 1875 30 P Kemmerer vs Adem Uemniorer No 31 Nov. term, 1874 37 The Columbia Insurance Co Vs J Kraus. No 243 Sept term, 175 38 Tho - olumhiu Insurance o vs O Sehiuit. No 24 Sept term 1875 39 The Columbia Insurance Co vs Anthony Scluurr No rieptember term, fii ,4') Tbo t.'iiluinbia Angelica Kluusman Insumiice r v ,'o -04 fcepteni- bur term, lci 11 Enos Moyer vs Williitm VodJ. No 187 May term lfr7i- 42 tliurlss A Moyer vs David A PoiAthm No 15:J Miiy term lfc"' 43 Andrew f-piliane vs Michael Glutt o DO fc'pt term l7fi 41 John Tudor vs II iiain Woodward et al 45 J V Hmik vs S Jaekswv Jso 13, Jan. term 187i 4tJ Elias Moyer vs P V Hayes No 17 April term, 174 47 Elenorn Walkef vs John 8fHgor No 89 Kent term 17B 48 John Munn vh Lewis S Dodd No 44, Nov term, W't. Laws itclatiug to Newspaper Subserlp lions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers wbo dn not givo express notifs to-lba contrary, are cooaiilereil wieb iDg to continue tbeir subscription. 2 If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals,! he publishers may continue lo send theui until all arrearages are puid. 3. If subscriber? neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are uirectod. tbe are held responsi ble until they have stilled their bills, and ordered them discontinued, 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible, u. The courts have deciJeil that "reftis ing to take periodicals from the ol3ce, or re moving and leaving them uncalled f Jr is primt facie evideuce of intentional fraud. " rt. Any person who receives a newspaper and makee use of il. whether he Las ordered it or not. is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay la advance, they are bound- lo give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, ii'thev do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are suthoriied W seud it ou-, and the sub scribers will be held responsible uuiil au express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. at V.B. SMITH'S', Pbints! No uso talking, Powell & Kime's. Go to LIFE, Growth, BEAUT 7. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Mot a lyej makes harsh balr soft and silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities. causing the hair to grow where It has fallen off or bcoome thin. C'in be ftppliej by the hnnd as it docs not stain t li o skin ori'oil the finest linen. Ah Iliiir Dressing It is tho most, perfect the world has ever produefd. Tho hnlr Is re novate I anil Mrenilienel, anil natural co'or tesloted wuhotil the anrlicntion of ininernl sulislanccs. Since the inlroduotlon of lliis tralv valu able prepnratinn into tnis country, it has been the wonder and ailiiiiration ( f all clas ses, as it tins proved to be the only article mitt will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre nnd benuly, and produce Imir on bald heads of its original growth and col'ir. This beautiful and frarn.itly perfumed nrticlo is complete within itsdlf, no waHliiti( or preparation before or iificr its use, or accompany nient. of any kind being required to orjiuia lliesc desiriililfj reiit'.ls. Hera Is the Prcof of its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. i'cad this Hume Certificate, testified In by Ivl wind II. Omiigues one of the most competent Dntgnisls and Chemists of Phila delphia, a ui.ui whose verncity none cao doubt. 1 am 'lappy lo add tnv teslimo ly to the lrcat valuo nf the London liiiir Color Hn storer which restored my ha.r to its origi uul Color, and the hue appears lo be per manent. I am SiitUfjed that this prepara tion not a dye but operates cpnn the se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. 1 purchased the first buttle from Ij.lward B. Oarrigues. druggist, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify niy hair was quite gray when 1 commenced i is use. MHS. MILLER, No 730 North Ninth street, 1'hila, Dr. 8wayue is Son, Hespccted friends: I Lave the pleasure to inform- you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Millor. is delighltd with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer." iier hair was fust falling and quite gray. Tho color has been restored, the fulling off entirely stopped, aai a new growtb ot bair is the result. . il. iMRRiaUKS, Druggist, cor Tenth and Contes, Tbila, BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871 Dr. Swayno & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured Six botlies London ilair Color Re stater, which I like very much, in fact bet tor than any thing I have used in tbc last nine years. If you please, send tue one dozen bottles C U 1) care W S Foglcr & Son Druggists, No 723 Tremont street, Boston. Respoctfully yours, At)A BAKER .o tyj Kuthinu Square. London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing Has completely restored my bair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant erowtb. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No 61 Horth Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Daltou of Philadelphia, says of it The London Ilair Color Restorer is used very extensively among toy patients aud friends, as well as by myself. I therefore i-poak from experience. 75 CENTS PES BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNB SON 330 North Sixth 8trect, Philadelphia, Pa., dole Proprietors. SOLO ni'ILI, on Mi GISTS T II E LUNGS COHSUJIPTIOH! This distreneingand dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, uil'.t sveats, hoarseness, wasting flesh lever permanently cured bv swayss's co:-ipou;i syrup op wl: liUUNCHITI A p-emonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by cntarrh, or inllamatiosi of the tuueutu tttetu brano of the uir paKangca, with cough and tip-'-'toralicn, short breath, honidtnead, pains in the chest. I'nr all bisnohiul atTec tioua, sore throat, loss of voice, cough, DR. SWAYNE'3 Compound Syrup cf Cherry I IS A bOVtttEIPN ItEMSU Heniorihng?, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed lrotu tue larynx, iraehia, bronchia or lung aud avisos from various c.iun-s, as undue physical exertioo, ple.hoia, tr full ness of the vosc1h, weik imih". iwe:raiu ng of the voice, suppressed evacjiit.on, ob strtv'.Monofthe cpleea or liviv, its. Or. Sv..".j tie's Cfiiioni;d Kyrnp cf WLa Clierry. Ktrikei at. the root of disease by purifying the blood, re-iturir.g the liver and kidneys to healthy aonou, invigorating the nervous eyitem. Ihe only Ftuu'lard lemcly for tieir.or- rliuno, brsnohiiil nnd till pulmonary cora-pt-iiuts. Coneuniptives o those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use ibis pie-it vegctab.e remedy. lis imirveious power, not only over con- cuutpt-on. but over every cluouio uiseise where a gradual alterative action is needed I nder its use the cough is looseued, Hie night sweuts diiuinislied, the pain subsides, he pulse returns lo Us tinturul standard. the btoinueb ia improved in ita power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out ot which new re creative and plastic material is niude. Prepared only by BR. SWAYNE&SCM, S33 Xortk Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Prominent Druggists. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCH ISO PILES, rosiTiVELT curkd by the use of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with oo of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as itching Plies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, iacrensei bv scratching, and not unfrequcntly become quite sore. I bought a box ot Sway ne's Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a Btrfectcure. lean now sleep undisturbed, and 1 would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure is vi ay ne's Ointment at once. I had tried piescriptions almost innumerable, without finding and pernio nent rejiof. JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Itoedel Christ,) Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKI IT DISEASES. Bwayne's All-healing Ointment is also a gpecilio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Kheum, 8iald Head, llrvsipelas. Barber's Itch lilotchea. all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er ruplioua. Perfcotly safe and- harmless even on Ibe most tender infant. Price 50 coat Sent by maillo any address on re ceipt of price. SWATHE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world tor ita rema ble cures et Sorofula, Mercural and Pyphil itio complaints-. Describe symptoms in all ocmmicanutioaddrest nsleltera to UK 6 W AVNE and 80N, rhilado.lphia. n7yl rEO. ;OR 'T-'i . r ' v"' t?T j'.'.'Sm T V.'. &- 'iitiWUW. .... ...- .-1,; t..r . . . 1 .. . . I . JODDS &. CO,. rttir l v A l.i i;,-,- 1 "'t.-O j S it i ..'I. , .r.icr. h I TIIj ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAI'EK IN ELK COUNTY". TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAH GIVE US A CALL FOIl JG rI WO UK. I CA UPS; TAGS, ENVELOPE?, LETTER HEADS, NOTE BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &0. ORDERS liY MAIL- PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgw7, Elk Co., P. S & CO.'S ORG-AN -,: ff t anS mrcMiM never before sttaitid ;K ...... , ,. n, .1 rsi 1 1 , H I H.W 3.TV1M. ROW mlV CambridareDOrt. Mass. ;:tatc St., f biwset S8 Ladgate Bill, London, Mi. icl of Mtfctoil moilc and vsluible rw1 maii r i vr y-r, or t-n cfiit. a number. Ech num I hi; xiuii'fl Are surely getting better notwith standing the croakings of politicians; else whj- should our most sagacious merchants venture to lay In " such tremendous stocks of goods. We no tice that our downstairs neighbors, Messes Powell & KIme, are opening up one of the largest and most com pute assortments of merchandise that we remember ever before having sen in our town. Indications too are. that they have made no mistake in ventur ing to increase their business,' for there is a constant rush for their new goods. Every department of their well arranged sales rooms seems to be well filled not only with the' choicest of seasonable goods, but also -with well' pleased and satisfied looking customers If you have not already been there this week, we advise you to go at once, "4'ou will never be sorry. ,' i F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP r.o ro J AM La H HAGKKTY Main Strse., Ridgway, Ta. II V GOODS, NOIIO.N3, HOOT? SHOES, HAT3 AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN S WAUE, WOOD AND VILLOW-WAKE. TOBACCO AND CIGAR. Croocrics aad rrjvisicns. Ti e P.EbT i:KA.N"v3 ul FLOtJKi Cciinttiiitlj' on, Ctrl fiId eg cheap' u the 111 i:api:st. JAM Ii H A01CHTY. MANY YSAES C? OAHSTOL SS' 23AF.CII PttUfl JCED IT. WOOD'S IMPHOVE Ii'AlU KtSTOR--ATlVtl in unlike any other, and has no equal. Tho Improved has new vegetable toitic prspatitite, restores grey hair to a loy, naUMl color; restore faded, dry i.nrsh aud fu.llir.s; hair; restores dresncR. gives vigor to tne hair;, restores hair lo preaiuturely ball bend-.; removes dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions; removes irrits j tiou, itciih'jj and s.-aly dryness No arti- ' cle iirodunen riu?ii wfiiirlAi' etfvt!. T,v it, cc for Wood's Improved Hair Keslora live, aad don't b put off with any other att;!e. 6o!d by all druggist in this placo u ii J deuleis everywhere. Trade supplied F.t manulac:urers' prices by C A- Cock & Co , Chicogo, Solo Agents for the United States aud c'auadas,- and by Johnston,. Ucilouay & Co., Philadelphia. ZIj. NEW EIVEItY STABLE DAN SCRIUNEK WISHESTO IN lorm tli6 Ctttzcus of Ridgway, aod tha public gCLerally, that he ha started a Liv cry Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Uuijiaa. to let upon the most reasoaa ble term. C&IIe will also do job leaning. Stable oa Broad street, above Main AU orders left at the Pout Offiot will ner prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. 1 B. Wachtel, St. Marys Pa. repre- serits the following Ooinpanys for' Ellt and McKean counties North Briiish and Mercantile-27,600 000 iEtna, Hartford ..7,000,000. Paterson. N. J UKrXJO Amazon of Cincinnati 1,000,000 German American, N. Y 2,000,000 Niagara, N. Y -UOO.OOG Kochester, Pa , 130,000 i r. i,lle& Accident, iiartiora -4,ooo 000-n-7-i-l3. D il- ii! Executor's Notlce INSTATE of Charles Broekl, de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon llie above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to suid cstato are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the fame without delay to CHARLES LUHll, iixeoutOB.. 8W,