The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 09, 1876, Image 4

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Medical Nolra.
An Excellent Jelly fob thb Sick
Room. Take Hon, sago, pearl tarley,
bnrtahorn shaviogn, each one ounce;
simmer to three pints of water to one,
and strain it. When cold, it will be a
jelly, of which give dissolved in wine,
milk or broth, in. change with other
Protection for Weak Eyes. Dr.
Mngnus is strongly opposed to the rise
of blue glasses, so much used in Ger
many to protect the eyes, and prefers
the gray and smoky glass. He considers
blue glass especially irritating to the
eye, and says that many bird, reptiles
and amphibians possess yellow or red
dish oil drops in the eye to neutralize
this blue color and protect the eyes.
The Probabilities of Sickness.
The business of life insurance is largely
based on purely mathematical calcula
tion, involving the laws of probabili
ties, the object of which is to determine
by careful comparison of extended sta
tistical returns, and like information,
the probable duration of a person's lifo
at every year of his existence. On the
tabulated results is founded the scale of
premium charges, proportionate to the
risk assumed. While every one is, of
course, interested in knowing how long
he ia likely to live, he has a more imme
diate Rud vital interest in learning how
often ho is likely to be sick, and for how
mauy days per year he will probably, by
ill health, be incapacitated for work. Dr.
Reginald Southey has recently been de
livering a course of valuable lectures on
" Individual Hygiene " in London, and
in one he introduced n table of "Expec
tation of Sickunss,-' which he had pre
pared, and which is as follows : At
twenty years of ago, calculate on four
sick days yearly; at twenty to thirty,
five or six days; at forty-five, seven
days; at fifty, nine or ton days; at fifty
five, twelve or thirteen days; at sixty,
sixteen, days; at sixty-five, thirty-one
days; at seventy, seventy-four days. Of
course this refers to people of average
good health, and not to those who may
bo afflicted with any ineradicable or
chronica ailment.
Corn Culture.
A paper by Oonrad Wilson, read be
fore the American farmers' elub.'on corn
culture, reported the success of the Wil
son competition. In this the writer
said : It will perhaps interest the mem
bers of the club to know that the com
petition in corn culture under the offers
made to farmers last spring has been
fruit ul of good results. The results
thus fur received are of mueh interest
as indicating the possibilities yet to be
developed in the cultivation of this ce
reul. Some ehaugeB that were found ex
pedient in tho pi m of this competition
have already been announced to com
petitors, and will bo more fully explain
ed when the report is published. 1 have
long been convinced that the average
jield and profit of the farms of this
country might be largely increased, and
in some cases doubled in amount, with
comparatively small addition to the
present outlay, and that this result is en
tirely within the reach of a preat ma
jority of American farmers. When it is
considered that to double the leading
crops of this country would go far to
ward doubling its wealth and prosperity,
it is easy to see that the importance of
such a question rises to immense pro
portions. A possibility so vast in its conse
quences my well inspire the tillers of
the soil with new energy of purpose,
and with new conceptions of their call
ing. It is to the promotion of such re
sults as this tbat my own attention has
been directed for a number of years
ymt, cauil tliu Miuiuiuma uflbreU 111 DU1S
competition are simply but parts of a
result. When the results of this com
potion are given to the public I shall be
able to present some facts and figures of
sufficient importance to fully justify the
effort that has been made, and, in addi
tion to these, still other facts and figures,
accumulated from various sources, all of
which will tend to show that the possi
bility of yield and cost for Indian corn
are such as to warrant the position I
have assumed nanvly, that seventy
bushels of shelled corn per acre, and a
corresponding reduction of cost per
bushel, are so entirely within reach of a
majority of furmers as to leave no rea
sonable excuse for coming short of this
result, aud still further to show that if
the census returns at tho end of the
present decade do not indicate such an
average for tho whole country, it will
be the fault, not of those intelligent
farmers whose yearlv crows alreadv ex
ceed this average, but of tho large class
ui uaprogiesBive larmers wno invariably
fall below this standard.
Gremlins Waioni.
A good wagon costs a considerable
sum, and it should De taken proper care
of. aud made tr lust hj lnno n a nnpcitila
. O I
lew persons understand the importance
ui luorouguiy omug ine axles, etc, of
wagons aud carriages, and still fewer
know wLich are the most suitable lubri
cators to use, and the proper way of ap
plying them. A well made wheel will
endure ordinary wear from ten to twenty-five
years, if care is taken to nse the
right amount of the proper lubricator;
but if this matter is not attended to, a
wheel will bo used up in fivo or bix
years. Lard should never be used on a
wagon, for it will penetrate the hub and
work itself out around the tenons of the
spokes at d spoil the wheel. Tallow is
the bebt lubricator for wooden axletrees,
and castor oil for iron. When oiling an
axletree the spiudle should be riped
clean with a cloth wet with spirits of
turpentine, and then apply a few drops
of castor oil noar the shoulder and end.
When greasing an axletree, just enough
grense should be applied to give a light
coating; more do.s more harm than
good by working out and damaging the
To Dispone of Curculioa.
A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer
states tbat he kept a plum tree from our
oulios by sprinkling the ground under
the tree with corn meal. This induced
the chickens to scratch and search. The
meal was strewn every morning, from
the time the trees blossomed until the
fruit was large enough to be out of dan
ger. The consequence was that the
fowls picked up the curculioa with the
meal, and the tree, being saved from the
presence ot insects, was wonderfully
Her Starving Children. A porr
woman was before a court in Lancaster,
Pa., for stealing. She is the mother of
three little children, and had been de
serted by her husbmd. The charge was
stealing a loaf of bread to keep her tit
tle ones from starving. The prosecu
tion did not push the case, and the court
discharged her with a reprimand.
" Why didn't yon put on a clean col
lar before yon left home I" called out an
impertinent young fop to an omnibus
driver. " 'Cause your mother hadn't
sent home my washing," was the ex
tinguishing reply.
Excessive Credulonsness.
The appended letter, says the News
paper Reporter, has been sent to a pro
minent business man of New York, and
is so remarkable an illustration of the
persistency with which some tof n allow
themselves to be duped as to be worthy
of publication on that score alone. A
further reason why it should appear in
our columns is that it Berves as a caution
against dealing with certain of the Wall
street genus, who live on their wits and
what they can swindle unsophisticated
folks at a distance out of : - . -
Octobeb 7, 1876.
Dear &ir I received a pamphlet
from you a day or two ago and have
read it, and now do not know what to
do, I shall make a statement to yon Of
my case and ask your advice. I am a
farmer and a renter and a poor man,
with four children to keep. My beloved
wife died some two years ago, and I have
not married' since, but keep a hired
housekeeper, and can hardly make both
ends meet, and am in debt some $300.
One year ago last month I received a
oireular from , of Wall street,
stating if I would send them $100 they
wonld invest it in stocks for me that
would pay from one to six hundred per
cent. So on September 14, 1875, I sent
the firm above named 8106.25, and they
receipted for it, and said they invested
it iu Lake Shore. They claimed they
bought me one hundred shares at 66J,
and so I waited till the thirty days were
up, and I saw by the papers that Lake
Shore had gone up as high as 61 J, and 1
thought I had made a nice thing; but in
a few days they wrote to me they had to
sell to cover Fhort sale, and had made
nothing ncr lost nothing ; so I set tbat
down as a nice swindle So last April I
received a circular from , stating
they bought and sold on what they
called guaranteed chances, or they
guaranteed you from all loss ; so about
the middle of April I sont them $112.50,
and they claimed they invested in Lake
Shore, and also claimed they lost; so you
see with these two firms I lost $218.75.
Then in July, 1876, I saw a notice over
the name of , Park Row, New
York, stating if any person sent them $5
they would send him a half paid bond
aud five certificates in a drawing to
come off July 4. Well, I did not draw
auythiug, so they sent me a cote a few
days ogo stating my half bond would
participate October 2 ; but as yet I have
not hoard from them, and I do not know
whether this $5 will be lost or not.
Now, this money I borrowed the most of
it, and you may know just how I feel.
Next I got a circular from , Deyst.,
New York. I sent him an order for
$12.75, aud he sent the things. I got a
lot of pictnres called the Lord's prayer,
and 25-cent paper P. K. and perfume,
stone and shell and Chinese washiug
blue and starch polish ; but times are so
hard aud money so scarce I conl 1 sell
hardly auy. I did not clear fifty cents
per djy. Now I am almost dead broke,
and do not know what to do, ua I be
lieve by the reading of your pamphlet
that you are honest, and I write to you
for advice aud to see if you think any
of these parties could be made to give
up any of tho money they have swindled
me out of. I am poor but honest, aud I
thonght they would do just what they
said ; but instead of that I am afraid all
they wanted was tho money. As to
agents, the country here is flooded with
them, and times are hard and money
very scarce, aud people cannot buy if
they would. By the reading of your
circular I think you are a wealthy man,
and a man ot groat business qualities
and of good judgment. I am young yet
(thirty-two) and poor. Now please give
me advice and tdl me just what you
thiuk I ought to, do, and your advice
will be thankfully received.
Respectfully yours,
O. W. Foucn,
Big Prairie, Wayne Co., Ohio.
Stokes' Release A Retrospect.
The most aristocratic inmate of Au
burn State prison, snys the New York
correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazf.tte,
has been restored to liberty. Not eince
Ben. Rathbun, the Buffalo forger, ex
piated his crime in that place of punish
ment has it held a more noted prisoner
than EJward S. Stokes. He went into
the New York Tombs a blooming young
man, whose elegant form aiid beantifnl
countenance commanded general udoiir
ation. I saw him tho day after his
arrest and noticed his extraordinary
beauty. He comes out of his ordeal a
gray headed and shaky invalid, pre
maturely old, and good for nothing but
to be a pensioner on his friends. I well
remember peeing his father when lie
came to the Tombs to vi lit his uufortu
nate Ran. He was a sad laced old man,
and has siuoe then gone to the grave.
All that he had was spent to save that
son from the gallows, to which, indeed,
the latter was once sentenced, aud which
ho legally deserved. I called lately at
the Grand Opera House, once the favor
ite Lanut of Fisk, and made some in
quiry concerning the condition of the
building. It was purchased by Fisk
for the use of tho Erie railway. The
latter had a spacious business establish
ment a mile down town, but this did n t
suit the prince. He wanted to consoli
date his realm iu a manner convenient
to himself. He lived near the Opera
House, and so did Miss Mansfield. His
stables were near by, and it was but a
short distance to Delraonieo's. To com
plete the arrangement, he moved the
entire Erie business up to the Opera
House, and obtained for this spnee a
rental of $75,000 a year. Since Fink's
death the company offices were removed
to their former abode, and the Grand
Opera House is now found to be on
elephant. The play room may bring a
rent of $4,000, and the stores as much
more, but there are taxes, repair.?, and
insurance to be met out of this income.
All the spacious offices are still vacant,
and the loss in ronwl is $00,000 a year,
being iu the aggregate $150,000 since
Fisk's death. It is hard to conjecture
any nse for this spaoe, because the con
struction of offioes has unfitted it for any
other purpose. Such is the condition of
one of the best situations on Eighth
avenue. Fisk's entire estate was insuf
ficient to pay his debts, aud his wife is
said to be dependent on the bounty of
others. Seldom have filiv human A-r-
pectations, bated on fraud, been so sud-
ueniy ana so enectuauy blasted.
The German Navy.
The German navy list for 1876, just
published, enumerates the German war
navy as follows : Ironclades, eight
frigates and three corvettes; cruisers,
fourteen corvettes and nine gunboats of
the first class; vessels for coost defense,
two ironclad gunboats and five ironclad
gunboats, eleven torpedo boats, eight
gunboats of the second class, six avisos,
and two transports; schoolships, one
ship of the line, one sailing frigate, four
corvettes, and three brigs; vessels for
harbor servioe, nine steam transports,
three vessels serving as bariaoks, five
pilot boats, and ten vessels for the trans
port of coal.
The Electoral Tole.
Senator Morton, of Indiana, in a con
versation with a reporter in reference to
the electoral vote of the United States,
says : In 18G5 the twenty-second joint
rule was adopted. I worked as follows:
When the Senate and House assembled
In joint meeting to count the electoral
vote, if any objection, no matter how
trivial, was made with regard to the vote
in any State, the two bodies separated
and a vote without debate was taken.
If either of them supported the objec
tion the vote of that State was' oast
out. Recognizing tho suicidal policy of
this rule, I battled against it until it
was finally repealed. I then introduced
a bill providing that, in the event of an
objection being raised to the vote from
any State, that objeotion oonld only be
sustained by a confirmatory vote from
botn houses, t or three years I strug
gled to get this bill through, and it did
pass the Senate twice. On the first oc
casion it was quashed in the House, but
on the second, last winter, Senator
Thurman, who had been its strongest
advocate, moved that the vote bo recon
sidered, and the bill went to the wall.
Just before the close of the session
members became alarmed at the situa
tion, and were anxious to have prompt
action taken in the matter, but it was
too late. And now we are thrown back
npon the rule, or misrnlo, which pre
vailed prior to the twenty-second joint
rule, thus leaving -the power entirely in
the hands of the Vice-President. This
custom of leaving the deoision to the
Vice-President arose from a casus
omissus in the Constitution, and the
effect was made evident by the case of
Wisconsin in 1857. Owing to a severe
snowstorm the Presidential electors in
Wisconsin failed to meet on the ap
pointed day, but cast their votes on a
later date. When the electoral vote was
being counted by Congress an objection
was raised against Wisconsin on the
ground of non-eouformance to the law.
Vice President Mason, of Virginia, re
fused to entertain the objection, and the
vote of Wisconsin was counted, as he
alone had the right to throw it out. So
you see we are in- precisely the same
position to-day, and must depend upon
the judgment and impartiality of one
man. I grant you it is too great a
power to be vested in one porsou, and
therefore it is that I tried to remedy it.
Four Lltlle Red Toes.
A ragged, starved faced elf of seven
or eight, having a weather beaten basket
on her arm, searching for bits of coal
and splinters of wood around the docks
iu New York. You may have seen such
sights every day. The gaslight made
hor pinched face look all the more sor
rowful, and somehow it seemed as if
her ragged dress looked more forlorn
than iu the broad glare of day. As buo
moved here and there, searching as
carefully as men look for gold, four lit
tle red toes peeped out from one dilapi
dated shoe. They had been bruised
and hurt aud frost bitten and stubbed
against 6tone and plank till the poor
child limped wearily. Her white face
provoked no sympathy, her fluttering
rags were unnoticed, her forlorn look
called forth no word, but the eyes of a
dozen men who loitered about the wharf
watched the four little red toes moving
here and there, and every heart grew a
bit softer.
"Five cents would buy more fuel
thau she can pick up in a week, ' whis
pered a brawny rivtrman as he felt for
his wallet.
The four little red toes were at the
edge of the wharf. The black waters
cast up their shadows aud blinded her,
and a shriek end a splash startled the
men wio boa beeii wa telling. They
ran np ana ciown, peered into the dark
ness and called out in trembling voices.
but the river gave up only the old brown
basket. Four little red toes were drift
ing with the current, past wharf and
boat and slip, and a white pinched face.
wearing a look of terror, wits turned
this way and that by the eddies. In
some bare room, up long flights of dark
.stairs, a mother waited and waited till
she fell asleep in her chair, but there
was no clatter of a pair of old shoes on
the stairs to aronse her, and when day
dawned she lifted her head in a startled
way, thought for an instant that sh9 saw
four little red toes over by the door, and
cnen sprung up to cry out :
The long night has passed awav.
and the poor child has not come home !"
Four little red toes, washed by the
waves to snowy whiteness a white face
growing more ghastly as the weeds and
grasses set it in a frame of green ; aud
iu some book in heaven was recorded
"Another sonl is treasured here."
The Freedmau's Rank.
United States District Attorney Wells
has commenced two suits in the supreme
court of the District of Columbia against
uenerai unver J. .Howard, as commis
sioner of refugees, freodmen aud aban
doned lands, aud as trustee and lawful
custodian of the irregular or retained
bounty fund, the first for 8150.000.
whioh it is alleged General Howard has
failed to account for, and the second ft r
the sum of $20,000, which tho complaint
states is the balance and interest due for
premium and iuterest on United States
bonds belonging to the government and
appropriated for the use of tho Freed
man's bureau, which have not been paid
over by General Howard nor expended
lor the use of the bureau. The com
plaints are dated as of the twenty-sixth of
October and the defendant is required
to plead within twenty days after the
service oi tue papers.
Jonsonby's Failure.
A discussion in the Jonsonby house as
to who should get up and light the kit-
ouen nre terminated in favor of Mrs.
Jonsonby. " If you would like to spend
tne winter in Bulgaria, dear," said Mr.
Jonsonby at the breakfast table, speak
iug as pleasantly as he knew how", and
with a faiut glow of hope lighting his
face, "I will buy you a ticket and get
you ait tne oiotnes you want." "And
where is Bulgaria!" demanded Mrs,
Jonsonby, sharply. "It's a famous
European watering place: heaps of com
pany thero just now, I hear; most of
em going to stay all winter," replied
Jonsonby, with a guilty sinking of the
neart. Airs, jonsonby said she d find
out something about the place before
she decided whether to go there or not.
and Jonsonby rose from the table and
The Christian Leader (N. Y.), in
speaking of Merohant s Gargling Oil,
says : " Mr. Hodge is a gentleman of
liberal tastes and excellent judgment,
and the Gargling Oil Company, under
his thoroughly jndioions direction, has
become one of the strongest and soundest
concerns that grace the commercial an
nals of onr State. Other medicinal
specialties, in addition to the Gargling
Oil, are beginning to claim the com
pany's attention, and of their great suc
cess we have as little doubt as we have
of their intriusio merit.
A Proclamation.
By the President of the United States:
From year to year we have been accus
tomed to pause in onr daily pursuits and
t t apart a time to offer our thanks to
Almighty God for the special blessings
He has vouchsafed to us, with our
prayers for a continuance thereof. We
have at this time equal reason to be
thankful for His continued protection,
and for the many material blessings His
bounty has bestowed. In addition to
these favors accorded to ns as indi
viduals, we have espeoial occasion to ex-
Sress onr hearty thanks to Almighty
fod tbat by His providence and guidance
onr government established a century
ago has been enabled to fulfill the pur
pose of its founders in offering an
asylum to the people of every race, se
curing civil and religious liberty to all
within its borders, and meting out to
every individual alike justice and
equality before the laws. It is more
over especially our duty to onr
humble prayers to the Father of all Mer
cies for a continuance of His divine
favor to ns as a nation and as indi
viduals. By reason of all these considerations, I,
Ulysses S. Grant, President of the Uni
ted Slates, do recommend to the people
of the United States to devote the thir
tieth day of November next to tho ex
pression of their thanks and prayers to
Almighty God, and, laying aside their
daily nvocatious anil all secular occupa
tions, to assemble in their respective
places of worship aud observe such day
as a day of thanksgiving and rest.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed. Done at
the city of WashinKtou this twentv-
sixth day of October, in the year of onr
J-iord one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-six. and of the independence of
the United States of America the one
hundred and first. U. S. Grant.
By the President.
Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State.
A Rival to Jesse Pomeroy.
Francis Van Barrisrar. the lad who shot
and killed a little girl at Camnville, N.
Y., accidentally it was supposed, has
been detected in offenses at Great Bend,
Pa., which mako it appear auito prob
able that the former offense was no less
than n deliberate murder. One evening
the lad induced two little boys, aged five
and seven years, to enter the barn of
William Luk with him. aud lockinsr the"
barn ho told tho boys he was going to
kill them. He seized the younger of the
two children, a little son of Mr. John
Shipley, and, says tho Great Bend Re
porter, commenced a series of fiendish
aud inhuman treatment, which undoubt
edly surpasses anything of the kind on
record in this country. He stripped tho
young boy of all his clothes and buried
them in a manure pile, and then secur
ing a heavy strap which had a three
quarter inch buckle ou each end, he iu-
Uicted such blows on the head, shoul
ders, back and legs of the little fellow.
as to cause the blood to flow in streams
to the floor. At last the littlo follow, be
coming exhausted from the effects of
t his inhuman treatment, sunk helplessly
to the floor.
The young fiend then attached in cood
hangman's order the strap around the
little fellow's neck, and lifting hiul to au
upright position, carried him to a ladder
that was standing against the loft, and
proceeded to hang his victim thereon.
tie placed the strap over one of the
rounds of the ladder, aud just as he was
iu tho act of suspending his victim in
tne air, air. lUeUiearv s son. who had
made his escape, came npon the scene
with several other youug boys, and seiz
ing tho fiuclioh creature, took him be-
xore a justice, from whence he was sent
to jail.
An Unfaithful Wife.
A man iu Wisconsin has applied for
a divorce, npon tho ground that his
wife had married him under falso pre
tenses. Ho says she told him while ho
was addressing her that she could hoe
an acre of potatoes and split two cords
oi. wood Detweeu breakfast and dinner
and she had proved herself a fearful
fraud, because she could only split half
a cord, aud hoe three times across the
field. It seems hard that men are con
tinually to be made the victims of these
designing women. Why will wives trifle
in tms manner with tho tenderest affec
tion of their husbands ? Why will they
shatter their heartstrings ? How much
happier would have been the home of
ine y lsconsm woman u sue nad emu
lated the example of Shoshone snnaws.
One of them goes out and digs turnips
all day, and then wheels them home at
night iu a cart, while her self-sacrificing
husband, in the depth of his unspeaka
ble love, sits on the front doorsteps
smoKing ijong uacK tobacco and medi
tatiug upon the number of drinks of
pyrotechnical rum he can put in h s
jug with tho money he gets when he
sells that squaw. True , love is
hopeful of the future.
The Consumption of Lead. . "
The United States consumes 60,000
tons of lead a year. Wo last year imr
ported 7,000 tons of lead; producing
at tho same time 53,000 tons. Two
countries only, bpam and Great Britain,
are producing more lead than the
United States. It would only require a
slight increase of lead to (rive ns a sur
plus for export ; nor can any limit be
placed on future production. We do
not need any protection. Lead can be
produced in this country as
auy other. Lead has become an inci
dent of silver mining everywhere west
of the Rocky mountains. Argentiferous
galena is found everywhere. A few
years ago the miner did not know what
to do with this base metal. Now he
wantn nothing better than to find that
his silver mine is carrying a large pro
portion of lead. The day is not far
distant when 50,000 tons of lead will be
annually shipped from the port of San
rrancisoo to Europe. Lead will be
parted from the silver and both products
wui oo sont in tne market. The con
sumption of lead iu the civilized world
is enormous, and it is increasing rapidlv,
The cheaper it becomes the more general
win do its use.
. Chapped hands, face, pimples, rinc
worm, ealtrhenm, and other cutaneous affeo
tions cured, and rough akin made soft and
smooth, by using Junipkb Tab Soap. Be care
ful to cet only that made by CaswbU, Hazard 4
Co., New York, as there are many imitations
naue witn common tar, all of whioh are worth-
leaav com.
Lnng fever, common cold, catarrhal
fever and nasal discharge of a brownish color
in nores, may De obecked at onoe bv liberal
use or tsntnaan t uavalry Condition Pouder$.
The fact that the proprietors of San
ford'a Badioal Cure for Catarrh are permitted
to refer to so well known and resoeoted a gen
tleman aa Henry Wtlls.E q., of Wells, Fargo
uu. Mprcwa, muss weign ceavuy in us favor.
Millions of hotting of Bttbnett'b Oo
ooAim have been s'd du.iug the U,t Ueuly
years, and the publio have rendered the verdict
hat it ia the beat hair dressing in the world.
Dr. Wlsfar'g Balsam of Wild Cherry.
The standard remrdv for thaenre Ot oorlgtia,
eolcK ltifl'ierjaa, brouohitls, hnaraenoDS, astit.
ma, whoop'iig connh.oronp, sore throat, diph
theria, diflioiiltvof breathing, qninay, phthisic,
pain in the aide and breast, npitfinR of blood,
liver complaint, bleeding of the Innga, and i
diseases of the throat, lungs, and oh owl, lt
eluding even onnsnmption. It Fetna IViffdlJ
Doceesary to dilate at Isugth npjn the virtu,
of Hi is favorite remedy for all disease of to
longs, throat aud chest. It was introdnoed to
the publio by Dr. Wister nearly half a century
ainoe, and by the. wonderful Aire which It
performed, gained an immediate and enviable
reputation, whioh la this day il bas fully sus
tained. From the gu'f of the 8t. Lawrence to
the shores of th Paoiflo. and ia many coun
tries abioad, there are few villages or hamlotn
without " living testimonials'' to the rapidity
and oertainty of its curative effects. The pro
prietors, mindful of their responsibility to tho
afflioted, exercise the utmost care in the selec
tion and compounding of the various ingre
dients of whioh the Balsam ia composed ( and
the aiok are assured that the high standard of
excellence on which its popularity la baaed
will always be maintained. ,
Beth W. Fowxk & Boss, proprietors, Boston.
Consumption Cored. ;
An old phyaioian, retired from active prao
tlce, having had placed in his hands by an
East India mirsionaty the formula of a simple
vogeiauio renieay, lor tne speedy ana per-,
msnenc cure of consumption, bronchitis,
oatarrh, aathma, and all throat and lung affec
tions, aifo a positive ana radical cure rcr
nervous deb litv and all nervous oomDlairts.
after having thoroughly tested its wonderful
onrative ponere in thousands of oases, fnels it
nis amy 10 disho u anown to ms snnertng
felloxs. Actuated by this motive, and a con
scientious dr-Pire to relieve human suffering,
lie will send (free of chnre) to all who decire
it, this reoipe, with full directions for prepar
ing and successfully using. Bent by return
mail by addressing with stamp, naminar thin
Saper, Dr. W. O. Bievens, 120 Powers' lilcik,
ochoetor, N. Y. , , i
1 i
The Grand Central Hoxin, New
York, baa reduced prices to suit the times.
The traveler can no? stop at a mat-class hotel
for S2.50 to 13 per diy. This is tho largest
hotel in Ibooity, and Mr. Powers has taken the
proper stop to keep it full. We recommend
the tiaveliug publio to give the Grand Central
a trial.
Tho family provided with Glenn's
SuLrcit Soap need have no foar, if it is used
freely, of ealtrheum, soald head, ring worm,
itch or any other of those annoying and dis
figuring eruptions, which children are so apt
to contract at school. Depot, Crittouton's,
No. 7 Sixth avenue, New York.
Perfect blacks and snlendid browus are
created by Hill's Hair Dye.
Tho. season for couehs and colds is
rnpi ily approaching, and every one ehould be
prepaid! to eliock the Bret symptoms, as a
counh cnnlriici.t'd between now and Christmas
frequently lasts all winter. There is no better
remedy 'than Jahnmn's Anodgne Liniment.
For alll'diseases of the throat and lungs it
should tin uf fd internally aud externally.
Fortunes ron Ali,. Asrenta wanted.
Address iiuliion Mining Co., 178 Broadway;N.I.
By rcei,t lw. I'.ilrnla, Trills .narks, etu. llow to
obtal.i ihem. Wrlls Uenl. L. BINGHAM A CO.. Atti'
' " v. .11 ...... , & a. ou.., uauu HUB., t MU1UBLUQ, i'. Kj,
The JBariretj
rt-l.. SO. -.4 ,
EcorOattls Prima to Extra BcU
tt-rumon to Good Texan..
&U?b.Cows........ ................ ,60
ElOfK Live...... ............. ......
T . 1M
' 1 81.
U 70 '1
i oas.
Ehesii. ...
Laoii-s I....,
tt'Hff. OS
o. oi
6V I 17
itmon aiiaaung
Jflour Extra.Weatern
MX Jiv;
f,5 a j7
State Extra
Whsat Bed Wsst?rn..
TOO M 7 L l
1 58 1.2-lf
12" pi .T.
no. a bprins..,
Eye Mta: ....... .......
, e. no
85 ft !
. re v.3).
, t'J A !'l
to a ej
o a
uat :. state..
U&rlc-7 Man..
Oata Mis&l Wcistom
..... . .-. ,
Oorn lilxej Wcatrrn.
rsr evi
Straw, porct.....
0P: 70s 836.7., -73i
......17 10 17 TO
Machoiol So. 1, oos
17 1 1 aao-o
ko. x, nsw. .... .....
D'.-Csi, pit ovt
I?4-rrmr. .calei. per fcoj. , . .
8 (W ,vs 9 03,
22 S S.
16 C, .V
i-stti'lonui Orcle... 18
wool tiRiifornla Fleeo.
Texas -
Bottsr Stat......... .
Western Dtlr...,
Wmtern r.lliiw...
Woalern Ordinsrv
08 ,
" .
Uhtw State Factory
Xggt SLits
noprixo.. ;
Wioit No. 1 Hi.tiii::,..,
8 23
. 9
g 1
Oo.t Idixed. ,.
D:.i... ,
KTiey..... , ,t
lierf Cattle E-stra
Oi 4
(I 0j ,
181 .X
67 A
Hcfra Eire.'.--: J...,
Flfjcr Pen I vani. Ejtra.,
8 00
1 DO
Com Vellow
.YTII"il. .
( 8
Oats Mixad
Prttmlnum (Irnds 16XS 8
Itsfind, 28
8?S H liny to Aku. Sample trea. H. Albert, Hostun, M.
CS."l"r A II A V to Amenta. SarnnU fr.
C 'J Ca alogue. U I'LKTOHKK. ( I Day Si
. i .
Afl-VNTT"? 'OI'K- i0." Ohroraos FK EE.
Ff rVfll VCC",llol"l', 'll"!l
(J5"l l Day. Kmpln,n;eiit for all. Ohnmo Novlly
QM.r CutaioK'iH lr. lltun dUo.,lliWa.aaL.N.y
POSTR AITS, CtC, frswit lir ir.rblB.ry. A.psr.toi t. BkU
tflc. ip.ll w.MUii. Mrf Co., hiille., 1,.
j !."! IT KSKR. -Meet Onaoee Vol Wrlt.i
atOoce. 0('l.I.Ii;S i (Ah. I C'llnmn I'lec V.Y.
A3TTT1VTA Taaonlfaora-rsmedr. T.tnl package
-a IXitlXl. y-r. luSMligKlGjrr. Ulwoland. .
ftKfi 9 a Week to AMnta. rJaroplea KKEK.
OOOP $i 4 p. p. VlQKF:Hy,Au.-o. Maine.
9( WoeK tsry auraaUM-d to mulct female. (SetiJ
' stamp lor ulroqlar. K.. M. Hmllpe.lnrtlaiap'a.lnil.
fV ' t,J',rt- ''"nrerrl Oraiwloea. Addraea
4i , .MK8 THORP. Boa 481. Vlnelaad. N. J
WAJf Kioelalor M'l'a Co.. 161 Ulob. Ar.. CUlcmto.
AOKNTS wapted, on salary sr eommlaal n. New bnal.
.. Adreee J. B. .Uebet 4 Oo . St. Loata, Mo.
1 OO A l.-e" Not-rliloa. Trlrkx, tinnira
J-"'" Popular Kio8, -lo. Send alamp, for Uata
loa-ne. Apuab 4 Oo., Box 47-49, Poatoffic. NewTork.
WANTKD-Agenta can e'lljmali$10 oerdayielllns
our new .nlole. Anoly i.rly to. uholoe territory.
The LI p rrer and Asrue On., 148 Broadway. New York.
i ?.1 i K? . Jial"uea free by mall.
BlIOifcY A- . 33 F.nat 14th Street. New York.
SO Eft A io'
on 111. Ageuta wanted. 3B he aell
article Iu thB world. One aampk) true
. rnuin'ifl. jJeUull.-Mloh.
a-la liyone Agent laar dam. IS new
ciiniim irt-o. A'lilrttu,
, '. St. LIXlKGTIIX.I'kl....
A ItlONTIl, hotel end tratelloc eipenee
Pit for miiI-i,iuii. NopeddilDC Address
WowiToa MAWi'r'o 0i., Olnoinnstt, Ohio.
jHIIjl.H for Pumping and Running
Klba, N. Y.
W ill HK(. A
. UrbAt Senaatluc. SwnpU
hatch auti OutAt fret to Atfcntt. Better taao
Gold. AddraW A.OOULTKHsfc 0..Ju.cayo.
rapidly wltb HtenoU and KeyObeck
ta. Catalovue and ammnlea tl!KK.
opencef,S47 Wash. St .Boeton.Mass
No pabllotty. Tin aboit.
Trirmi moderate. I.ikhi tMtimn.
Biabj. rteaorlbe oaaa,
J-)r. F. R. Mabbh. Waltit. Minn
IbTeited In Wall bt Htouk make
iuum every monto. uook eeac
Idrets BSXTKR OO . Bankers, IT Wall St-.N. Y.
expieuung TeryuiinaT.
WA aBWcaOo aslaemen ; hotel and trarel-
In expenaee paid by Oonipany. A
rare ebanee for permanent employment. Address
1 ulou Iodualrlul M orks.l'luo.unutl.Olilo.
T fmr Ty peandMateriaU lower than er
UVrUXVi bond I Oo. f or 1 1,
etrated O&Lalojnie.
B Ho. am St., rnna., fa.
The New Work. Indlapen-sble to F. A. M. Sells
at Slant, atxcnaive tam'Ors arlvea. Beoa for
Deserlpll. e OaUloKne. Rrfllna- a Oo . Pubs.
tUndajtdMaaooloWoyks.T31 Broadeay.N. Y.
k liKNTH.-Twenty Ball Monnted nhromoe for
i a. r I . v aaanpiee, postpaia. icoe. otretctiea i 'U-o
sane, all etaee, at low prices. Oataloinie in. (lOHTl.
MTi(.uauum, nasaaa ttirobt, new yoik.
Ottlde to muriaffa, wealth, and
beauty, never fu.P, lore Ifttwra,
wladom, etc Book worth lioij
now uaOeu fiee by TBI Umiom kv. Co., Newark N. J
1 ' Received the HICHEST
.1 Ti
Tim Fahk ItobT h Hakdu Tabu Earn.
makttf Ar.TTmr. ai t. uiisms OF
Oel.ulnld Kolf ill nirwt rtnrahtW tl T?iriC If 4fX.
tr.,lMlA makari tit Mi at 1 a T1 NT lfkl V If M
AlwAvollflw"'rrdMh," MKRIOKtf CUTLERY
fra mmr SPktB Farm HwM.rMrflii'iirBof Blood. g T m I
nUJU1 C)rtttl,ES',lAp,Hoirfl,PoQltTT,f.tfnr tjC-W
r-rT'g MUfflpg. N. P,.ttoTB. Hftrkb'p.PaV a1-
fymm w flnbd ?ft eent to aeorm Barn plea ftad
I U y. Agebov of pi iiu'v 3 J-Pg AJiuaoao.
I ; PR 4 rr BROS., Marlboro1, Mr.
i. menrlh tent p itpnid lor 85o. llliulr.
vn. ririnraj mun vnrpmn l Sfm, iu wav
JfO Wftmn. Article pnnnmm a a;rat oHhttb for botb
-t . 0 (tolls at tht tn Trr fnjtnw lio tori knot,
PoiKNTTFin novelty Co., O Ator riaoa. New York.
I wnntthA boat MtHnir artleM
B world anil a oUd rold patent
wmtob, fra of oost, writ at
-w to J. BRIIK OO. 78ft Broadway, If. Y,
Ws win start res hi a boalnsM ton
Bints 9'VI a wMk wttbont wpltal, i
T. ri and n.pnotab! for lthr ss. AoasTS
'miNriX Bupput Oo.. gft I B-msry. W. Y.
$00 A AVEEK KirW:
that will hrlne ynti !"40 a month at horns 1a oi n't
INVWNTOHS' I'NION, 7 3 uraimwlon mrpcr., new inn
PAHt.Wt JA:HJf--I,ninichT. ot Wiii 'of
lVft-.l. nnl&!lv anknowldHl to hs thn Rftt
gum r pub!l.h-d. Kr atis bj All flsnlrs. uonfl
df mall on ri-lt of AO nti. Cl.-on'.ra frss. Pub-
IMD(1 ' y p . A . wmun l . n'no'nn&ti, unio.
or their ioni wintrd thli fkil and
iw1ntr. 1 1 or 2 in each Co.l to Mil
atwitnnle artirlfi o1 ril merit
to Tin i intvr hi t tirtr own ouunn,i lliufl-fM plrMNw, pru
litn K(rl. I'urlirulRrn i'rtp. J. W out II. t. Louis, Mo.
Rfl'ffthle In formation u to
h it looatlona Rend It)
fnr .toM'Wn HrrnM Adritvus OA1NBS afc
YlVfiMWO w 0 AtT now, firm Tort pity.
HM 4 d Thn oholfwsrt- in thn worM TmDortfta
I I J : r frHow- Lnncwwt Company In Amsrlcn
ftf tl article TWfw Tprybrw,T Trade onMnaalrr In
ort -Mine-"" A?rita wfintorf vorvwbrfl bw?t ladaoementa
rf'i wMl"tri-nra Tor Ulrcnlnrtn
m !- WKLM. 41 VsnT8t N. Y. P. O. Bo
Ntiinnl ( nm. Is nor Cnv-pr. 10 rent,
Kntiiifi in ( -loth. iih iiinwtmtinna. l
"ft, 83 crt bv mnlU
Adclrrna lo
;rnnfiwn"t few itoru.
ANV PKHaONof oidlnarv IniAllLirannn can Mrn ft liv
ing hjr cAuva'tilnir for Th IllnBtratod Weekly. Fiperi
ence ti not nece"ar only Tqrj!ntt bflnir, in all
anccpieful hnalne'S. Itd'wt y and ftn. Send for nnr
He ulan. ('tin.! I it can A' t 14 h irrm St., iv. I .
TOT All COST 035.
K-n-1 for Olrfml.rBto
K fflGIIT & K SIGHT, Washington.D.C.
(CO fA R I for n mwrl Vttmm,
mwDU Dr. .). P. Fitlmk. bi-lTtaraworn.iari: I Brad
BMi d in Ifitt, itpjMtatod to ProftMor'l ihalr ltVi ibt 4tua jaut,
iiu.lTtly, t Kri)Taktlita, 'imifla, iwnt, untraM utnvini
iiwii.' IR. mi BHU RHEUMATIC REMEDY, IMh; Cr4l4L i
rt I'U pmu)ri iir, or will t-fuad moaT. PasaphltM, Ba
it tu MHinl Orlra asrrt tT flkatla. Ad4rtM DA. FITU
J flouil Fourth tirwt. Pailni.lpbH. UBD1C1NM AT DRUUtfHTft
JM. 1 laVB. a Kill h e J r-wtwt"tt) tmnt ronnd. A
10 snv ann---i tor ofntn. Ancirei n. u. nuw kkk
A CO..'heniata. KfJ Milk Ktraet. H aton. Masa.
"Toisd a tt;e worn tiHreollv. Olderoan be made at
ntce Hoiiamr 1 tie." tsnnton "'f otobn.
MFf-SO.AI AnVtrC AWnagf-Fainphtelonepacia
(Ja'nrrn, Kti lurr, Oi
vnii rwi iV'i oini 1 nrnmc innrmtna, cancer.
bit, lc, SKMT FKEE on r :cei.
tt uaniti. AirWa.
I-r i.Mia');'
1 HflH. fn tnr Ihun Km nthnr hnnk. Ori AMnt. mM
t7 orip-e1 lti otH day. Seori fnr oar Aitra terras to
Kent. National PnnLinuiNa 0-., Philadelphia, Pa.
HO, F6F06WAU 1
rarmeri, re at era ana nirod men or Ainefloa
A ohoto 'Tnni l,2(1n(Kl aftrM of th bwrt lands p
Iowa on R. R. tairn-p. at Hn .and J4fi ntr mm ' RnA m
f.:ijtfl c d f ir map and tamphlt, oj call on tbe
y -i R. H. Land Co., fti Randolph Rt Ohlcrt. or
nx rtM .jn-t it w-i; tHW n.'ajHryw. una ump'-
It yon -want to do. your
own printing,
I. ...a., wN m.M.. M'.d Tui . ( itn.l.f. er.n.vaM .
F.-c.i. .ii Ujukof Tm A". M4lb..a.'iU. . V ,h
-hiti,i.t. iih lMet 'hitil tio'il'
eeir-fiil.liiu i.rliitliiw ii.Ma.-B.
a'. ..t . t..w K TT .. ( H..I..W; it I . ui......
I I nil... I... , V. IXII I.AIlw. V.ll..
SI5 shot m
t-double-harrel gun, par or front action lock. D'arrSnte
funuiut twint Imrruls. anJ a ghootr. UK v fcAi.r
1th I'lnsk. I'duch, mid atl-cutUT. t'.r Caul lit i.-ii
t,..J. V itli iirivilffu tu rxiiiimiu buluri' uiPK iiili.-Si-ii
JLM Onrea, White BwftlHnir, Oontraoted Ltmba, aoo
iiud rwi, wiiooni OQttiDg cord a or any tnrKloal opera
tion, or n hour's oonfincmenr to bed. and moetlv artth.
cut pain. F.ipniTe Snpporinra entire ydioardod. Nc
eonT-K" iwrariyiDinir nca in to cur. 'I hlrty tlx rT
emHrl.nye. Rnccptlona fornoona. at 124 8. fttb St..
Fhiludeiphta. Tncdar and Wednesday No. 1 Wmi
4 let Nt..Nw Vork, S mdny ; J u2 Waahtriffton St..
Boston, Tboriday and Kndan .Tnnd for Utroojar.
Potter's American Monthly,
Beit Family Maffuslne In
the Uount'-v. i
ear for $13; 10 uoplea for $35 ; 20 onple
for WM; andaooDT of Potlt-r'.. Hlhl
9 ror wr, ooopieaon
KnOCotiR. auartK B.(MM) lllnaira
tioos.tirice.Mjt.i.Klvun to tbe person send-Ina-thlauiab
Kor -ale at all News bU ids,
at 2,j oente a nnmbe'. Kpeol&l Terma tc
u. roiTEi t uo., rniia., ra.
The Kc TruM wlthon
Met&l Snrlncra nrar Invnntft.-
No hniubna claim of a er at
radioa cure, but a -durante
oi a oomfurtdbi , geouro, anu
aatlafaotorv appliance Ht
vitl take itaek and pay full
nxlna fnr nil ' rwf nn nf I.. .IU
Ike out. 9ik: for both .dea. Kent b mall, iwiat.
niu, if il icuoi ui raawsB, i. a. l ft sw j r te-oav wilt cure
mora Runturei than auu of thasn fnr vhirh ertravannnt
ctaiiHi arc Uiroulara free. POMEROY TFITbb
uu., n tsroaaway. fevt xora.
We will aend the Great " Hard Timea" Paper, tne
froor montua on trial tor only SJ. centa. A mam mot t
lt-pfte lliuetrated paper (size of HarpeiU Wetkly),
voi-a co ij.ierttumi. ttomance, ueeini nuowie lr ,
Ainaseinent, etc., etc. rlbe beat, oheaneet. end moa
Dooulir D&oer nubilbbed. Odd doilur nir vear. with
ohoice of iLree p emlama, or ceute without preml-
nioaiud- trial, to t. m. LUl'l'Urt k OO., abUabers,
inuiui v'Wj ' syi r- in ltduu trM vsw ao l ui lull I
a t rrit now, nuw tors.
aumu-iou prevail In
Every Household Should Keep
hand la a rentdy to on re without oall
iit mil (trevMil In alniiat evnrv famllv. AI.I.KN'K
ia aootor.- uouu. uotuiia ana ton-
.4i NVI wia cme tue oolda and ooo4rb
ana prevent DUDsuuiuoa.
ii in naruiukM ip me 11101 ueiiraie em id.
lc no:lnine 10 llnluiu la Anv Form.
Dlrectloua noumoaas each botlle.
dnufglati and medicii e dealera.
n ia aoia Dy ati
in en 1 Ms-outfits keadv.-tue
DHCUllitJJ AM) 1 UL L? T 1 1 A TK U .
A rrapblo pen-nlotare ot lt history, arrand buUdlnc,
wunurriui eia.ous, corinsixies, jrreai a a; a, ew. rro
liialv llluaaf 1 1 led, thotuhyhly popular, nd vury
oheap. Mwtt imineoaely. 3,0(M Aeuta wanted,
bend for full uartloulara. Ti la will be the ehanoe cf
I HO years to coin money fast. Oefc tbe only reliable
history. HUBBARD BROS., Pons., 733 Sauarm
Htrfet, PhUsUlniphia, Fa., or tiprtntrneld, Maaa.
f! TTTTriXr Be not deceived bv premaUire Ivwks.
wilU IXUil awumlng to be "oflf. iat.M and telling
wnmx win nawpee im u(un uo wcwigHiPBr.
Iuveutlon, and
. Keaoita.
Only machine
ia (at vjorid
Tension and
TredtMsrklabaae - - ' eta-rarymacblna.
' Send Pa uil Card for Illuatrateil Price List, Ac.
Wi;,lcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.,
(Cor. Bond Bt.) 6S8 Broadway, New York.
Wster's Diciflaiy;
- 111)00 Ennravlnna. tfUd Punea flusHA .
kUOO Eagravinpa. 1S40 Paoea Ouarto.
una runny or ehUdren harm, wibbtkb's Una-
UIUUED, and using it freely, and another not having it,
tue fitsl will become muoh the most Intelligent men ana
Wuinen. Aak lour tuaohMr or mlniatAr it 111. nntu il.Mi.
nny lue Dr.t a , and tiae, and nrge Its use, freely.
j ! , r
UO." on tba blftd. wmnfMMnioinoFuir.
Oonglu, OoHs, Inflaonza, Hoarseness,
Breathing, and ail Alloctions oi ins inroat,
Bronchial Tubes, and Lnnga, leaaing
to Consnmntion,
T1; inTnlUlili? rnmetlv is comnosed of tlie .
Honey of the plant Horchountl, in chemical
union with l ar-isai.m, cxirncicu umu
Life Princitle of the forest tree Aueis
Balsamf.a, or Balm -of Gileacl.
Th Hnnev of Horehoiind SOOTHES AND
SCATTERS all irritations and inflnnimatinns, and
the Tar-balm cleanses ami heats the throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. Five
additional Ingredients heep the organs cool,
moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great medi
cine ot a famous ooctor wno nas sara umu-
sands of lives by it in Ins large private practice.
N.'B. The Tar'lSalm lias no bad TAbiK or
Great saving to hny lnrge size.
"Pike's Tootlinclic Drops" Cure
' ' in 1 Minute.
Sold by all Druggists.
0. II 0EITTENT0N. Prop., N.Y.
ycu haQ RUeumUsku-
Headncbe, a Burn, or a, Bruise, procure
i bottle:of Eupdofi. T will 6ive instant
relief ap tbouaauda can testify. For
Kile by all Druggists, H. A. HURLBUT
& CO- 75 and 77 Randolph Street
Ch i on go, Agents for the Propiitetora. .
,7;-' Tarranti Seltzer Aperient
lr,T,, aflki tbn putferfiF i-oii a,i. i I a i it's
V?&mf. It will rfinotn from h" vatnni thf aotlv
inan ot of V.m dtna; thM 11 -h 1 bfr to It
voa't mend a tirretr limb, nor i.n a nuii-i noi-;tnc
it ifiav ba nroflf&biv naed In (otnaobi'j dl;fniw It m 111
L o op. oatr an bann aw! rciny do inuou Rood. Try
- ina ao ii it tron'fc unit root ca-e.
Boynton's Furnaces--
(Out or Plate Iron). '
Especially adap. d t. b. ailuK '
RxtremeW DOweiful In hallutf. AtiiaotlTA. hrllllant
durable, ecooomtoel.
BOYNTIIN'M "Tlie" Opi-n-Hrnle (Move.
The moat attractive library stoTd evr made.
Hena lor oirculara. Ksllma'.ea given tor heauns. oor
roapot denoi. an lo.ted.
KiutiAKUbon iioYNTUN uu., at anuiaotmen.
No. 8834 Wair Mtreet, Kew York.
Highest Honors
. Cabinet Organs
Unanimously Assigned the
ut sucn instruments I
MKDALS OV KyUAL AIKRIT Itave brrm avardtd
all article dcemse? vorthy rf rfMfni'iant so that It will
be easy for n any makers to advertise tbat ibey bare ra-
seWed " hlabest medals." It Is by tbe JUDO ECS' RE
PORTS. ONLY, tbat oompuln art olea are assigned
tbelr comparative rank In ezoellenoe. From theaa
reports tbe followtnar Ik an extract:
of Reed Oraans and Harmoniums tbows lostromenta of
riA 1 viz 1 Smootboesa and equal disirlbatlon of
toaei aoota of eapresllon, reaonanovand atosina quality,
freedom and qulokneaa la action of ksysand bellowa,
with thoroughness of workmausblu, oomblried with
slmpllolt of aotloo. iSigtud by all (A Judget.)
thus declared to RANK FIRST, not in one or
two rttpteU only, but in ALL the IMPOR
TANT QUALITIES of tuch instrument ;
and they ore One ONLYorgam atnigned this
rank. "
Thfa arlnmnh wsa Bet nweTiMMir.ii . in tvm u a.
Hamlin Oablnet Oraans bare uniformly been awarded
tbe highest honor. In competitions In Amerloa, there
baring been rearcalv ail exception. In hundreda of enni
petlllina. They wera . awarrted HIGHEST HONORS
and Bret medelaPARlH.lfW7! VlnHhl laa. fi.aj.
TIAOO.1875; FHILADKLr-HLA. 1878: and nan u,-.
been awarded highest honors St -very World's ElDosl.
tlon at which thn. have hMn . A . . - -1-
I Americas orgaoa which have ever obe'ned any award
at any competition wltn best Rnn.peaa uiakera, or Iu
Jaiitt ew Aeiefee al Maanar HaMLlw 0:tOAaT; do not
laics any atkrr. XmIts often recommend inferior oraant
heoauee they art paid larger eoatatiMieas for s Hint them.
elerant, and other Improvementa, axhlulted at the
OKNTEANIAL; elegant new caee In great variety.
Prices nty loteent eousistent with bsMt material and
workmansbto. Organs anld for onsh or lnslallmenta or
rented until rent pays. Meery Organ warranted to giro
entire eatief action to eeery reaeo-abl purckteer or TBI
M..aT aaruaaxD. lLLUbTstATaD OATALOOUH.S
aent free. -
. - . -1
MASON HAMLIN ORGAN 00.-154 Tremonk
Bwt. Kosto.; M U. loo Baua.N. Yiri, 80 Td
b 4 Adama Street. Obioairo "
n y n u
No. 44
pies auv that fan saw tut, slv- g-J