The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 09, 1876, Image 3

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fl. A. Ttnthhim i Attn.
npvM-nt-i.nW. Main Street. Ride-.
nay, Elk Co., Fa.
L fc VjjAULtil',
torn eye-at-Lw.
Brloa Building,
Mats St
at-Law, Ridgway, Elk
Office across the hall from
bat establishment. Claims
ectlon promptly attended to
jne. 10 wo.
J, 0 h. BAILEY,
Ylnayl. Ridgway, Elk County. P..
Agent for the Traveler' Lift and Acot
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, bating permanently lo
cated In Rigway, offers his professional r
tiee to the citiien of Ridgway and sur
rounding country. All work warranted,
nm In Service & theater's Building, up.
italri, first door to tlie left. "8-n-82-ly
Druggi3t and Parmaoeutlst, N. W. cornel
tl: ....I Mill fi-oata. RidffWaV. Pa.
ofc ,,, c ..nfulh selected For-
liuatd Domeetio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully, dispensed at an noun, uy r
.'Physician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and
vi. i.. Ttlrtti corner Broad 8t.
oppoid'.M Hi .College. Office hour from
B to 10 A. M. and from " to 8 P. M.
J. .S. BUR DWELL, M. D.,
Eclectic Physician and Purgeon, has remov
ed his office from Centre street, toMair it.
Ridgway. Pa,, iu the second eiory of the
be brick building of John O. Hall, opjo-
siti Hyde's store.
Ridqwat, Cle Co., Fa
V. II. SCIIIiAM, l'roprietor.
t. - . i. natnflgii herntofore
bo liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
loution to the comfort and convenience ot
guetf, to merit a mmmbmh v.
Oct 3tf lBGfl.
Cstttaavtu., Eta Co., P.
John Collins, Proprietor.
m ..'.r., fv th imtronaee herttotort
to Ubenlly bestowed upon him, the new
troprletor, hopes, by paying strict at
tftitijQ to the con.fort and conveniens
si gvu-eta. t merit a continuance oi me
j. n HA YS,
Cry Goods, lfttions, Grcoeries.
and Gbnoral Vri9ty
F K. 0EE9H,
D.ialcf iu all kinds of cabinet ware,
woodaml cane seat chairs, kitchen and
:v. tnMiu wnml unri marble tOD
tau-it", wood and marble top bureaus,
whatnot, looking glasses, wood and
uifc.rble tot? chamber suits, mattresses,
pring bed bottoms, bt-d Bteads, cribs,
t,afjrfy'H metal lined wood bumps,
ic, &e. Cane seats replaced with
perforated wood Beats, eed Hewing
xiachine reduced from $05 to $4Tt, t he
vest machine in the market, and pic
ture frames made to order. AIho a
large assorted ntock of ready made
eolftns constantly on hand and trim
med at shortest notice. All the above
KOOm lire buiu at jjauiu whwi --.
Rooms in masonlo bulldfug, Rldgway
Fa. vCn40tpdapr27'77.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Mala street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe riewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Hatches, eto, aoeewitn
he usie aoouraoy as heretofore. 8atis.
fwtlja guaranteed. vinly
White. Powell &
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, Oct. 24th. 1870
V. 8. 1881. e - "8 118
lu 6 20,0 "66, M and N 113
do do '66 J and J. 112;
do do '66 do 115
do do '66 do lib.
10-40. do coupon 115
di Paci6o 6's cy Int. off 124
New C' Reg. 1881 113
' C. 1881 i
tooid io,
Pennsylvania ex ive
Reading ...
t'biladeipbia At Erie
r hiirh Navigation
Ar. Vallov..
Uuited It it oi si J ......... ex. u"
il Creek
Central Transportation 89i
Nesquehoning - 61 J
North Pennsylvania 49
C& A Mortgage 6's '89 108
iHormBrn Lcnmi ......... .... w. u
A Startling CauBe of Oehility and 8io
sees fully explained in a targe ootavo Tre
lUe by Dr. O PHELPS BROWN, 2
Grand Street. Jersey City, N. J EVrEkY
MAN AMD WOMAN who i ailing in any
wiy should send and get a copy at once, as
it is sent free, prepaid by mail. Address
ike auaor aa above. TSul210t
B&ttt 9f Aftnttltlag,
One Mlsmsj, one year......-.M......47S 00
" " 40 00
I M S(00
( " " ... IQ0
Transient adTertisemente per iqflere of
eignt unee, one insertion twe later-
tiontL 41.60. three Inaartlnna 9.7
Business cards, tea lines o? lets, per
year fo.
AdTtrttiemeats payable quarterly.
Irrlral and Departur of Hails.
Eastern Daily except Sundays; ar
rives ai p. m., leaves at o:io p. m.;
Western Dally except Sundays;
leaves at 2:22, arrives at 6:18 p. m.
BrookTllle Dally except Sundays
arrives at 12 m., leaves at 2:80 p. m,
Sm-lne Creek Arrives Tuesdavs and
Thursdays at 11 a. m.; leaves Wednes-
uays and t ridays at v a. m.
Lodge Meetings.
Elk Lod?c. No. S79. A. Y. M.. meets
the seeond and fourth Tuesdays of
eacn monin in aiasonic nan.
Elk Chapter, Mo. 230, R. A. M.,
meets the third Tuesday of each month
in Masonic Hall. i
Knapp Commandery, No. 40, K. T.
meets the fourth Thursday of each
month in Masonic Hall.
County Officers.
President Judge-Uon. L. D. Wetmoro
Associate Judges Hons. 1. K. Whit
more, Chas. Luhr.
Pherltr Daniel Scull.
Treasurer Jacob McCauley.
District Attorney J. K. P. Hall.
Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon.
Prothonotary. 4c Fred. Schoening.
Deputy Prothonotary W. 8. Horton.
Commissioners Michael Wedert, W.
H. Osterhout, Ucorgo Reuscher.
Commissioners' Clerk w. 8. Horton.
Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Bpang
ler, Ueorge Rothrock.
Township Officer.
Judge of Election Will Dickinson,
inspectors James Pen field, P. R.
Justices of the Peace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fullerton.
School Directors 0. B. Qraht, Jas.
Gardner. O. T. Wheeler. N. T. Oum
mlngs, W. 8. Berv'ce, Eug. J. Miller.
Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jas. Riley.
Treasurer W. H. nyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Assistant Assessors Ooo. Dickinson,
John Walmsley.
Auditors J. H. Hagerty, James Pen
field, J. 8. Powell.
Clerk-M. 8. Kline.
Constable J. W. Morgester.
Luthefan--Rev. I. Brenncman, pas
tor. Services every alternate Sunday,
in both English and Ocrman, at 11 a.
m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a..m. the pastor Superintendent; Geo.
A. Walker, assistant.
Orace Episcopal Rev. TTzn. James
Miller, rector. Services every Sunday
at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7 p, m.
Sunday school at 10 a. tn. All are
cordially Invited to attend. Seats free.
Methodist Rev. A. Van Camp,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at
s:30 a. m C. E. Holladay, superin
tendent; Geo. R. Dixon, assistant.
Young Folks' Bible Class at- 3 p. m.
Regular Official Meeting the-second
Monday of each month at 8 p. m.
Roman Catholic-Rev. Father Maher
pastor. Services every other Sunday
at 10 a. tn.
Commencing Sunday, July 2nd, 1116:
Mail East 4:3?
" West 2:47
Phlla. Express East '.!58
Erie Express West C:36
Day Express East ..... C'.'7
Niagara Express Went 8,33
Mail Enst 6:12
Mail West 2:11
Phila Express East .....10:28
Erie Express West 6:00
Day Express East 7i00
Niagara Express West 7161
Mail East 6i37
Mat' Vc,-i.. . 1:46
.-. fcxprv- 1 1 i .iS
, '.- " t -!::.
ivi.V X , ,l'j::.-. tr.-1 ..... .
p m
p m
p m
a m
a in
p m
p m
p m
p m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
1) Ui
Ii m
V !
!i t.X Ci t-y'. - i ii
I .
it ft ft
. 51 "Attn
MAj.i.i EX leatet llndd.... 4 20 pin
' Drift wood 6 27 j m
Eaperiunt 20 p m
" 8t Marys... 7 21 p m
" " Kidgway... 7 36 p m
arr at Kane. 9 00 p m
ERIB MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 66 p m
" " " Ksnovo... , .....ll 00 a m
" Emporium 12 65 p m
8t. Mary's. 146 pm
Rldgway 2 11pm
" '' Kane 380 p m
" arrite at Erie 7 SB p m
ERIE EX leaves Reoovo. 2 16 a m
" " Drif wood.. 07 a m
Emporium. 8 40 a m
11 St. Marys.......4.86 a in
" " Ridgway ...6 00 a m
" Kane..... 6.20 am
" an. at Erie. -10.80 am
DAY EX leaves Kane.........e.0fi a m
" " Bidgway.,.....7.0Oam
" " 8t Marys......M7 23 a m
" " Emporium n8 10 a m
' Driftwood -8 68 p m
" Benovo 10 10 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie ............ 11.20 a m
Kane 4 16 p m
' " " Hid g way .6.12 pm
" " St. Mary's...... 6.87 p m
Emporium ..... 6.80 pm
" Renovo. 8.45 p m
" arr. at Pbiladephia... 6.6C a m
fUILAD'A EX leaves Brie.. 6 10 pa
" Kane 9.40 a m
Ridgway ...10.28a m
" ! St Marys.,10.48 a m
' "Empor'uJu. 11.30 am
'" " Driftwood12.07a n
" '' Renovo...1.10 a m
Day Express and Niagara Expreas con
nect east with Low Grade Division and B
N. Y! & P. 11. R.
Gen'l Bup't.
JOB TXT OKK We are now prepared
YY t do M kinds of JOB WORK,
Envelepes. Tags Bill-heads, Letterheads
neatly and ehetply executed. Ofiet in
Thayer & llagerty'i ttw buildiog, Main
9-rtt Pidgway, Pa.
ESTABLiailED 1860
-LAAtM I TWMMSD BATS from Wete.,11,
t.U, t2 and upwarde.
LADIES rURS from CC0, , Ii, 16 to rs per
REAL MINK 8E8T M low as MOO.
elvet and Velveteens, In all colors, verjr cheap. Black English Crape,
Flowers and Feathers. A Full line of Hosiery, Gloves and Handkerchiefs.
Ladles and Children's. Knit Woolen Goods and Underwear, Shawls and
Dresses, Ac, 4o., at prices to defy competition. We keep all First Class
Goods and positively no Auction trash. We will send samples of anything
in our line, and should we receive your orders, will attend to them with every
possible care. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We are agent
for Madame Demorest's patterns. Catalogues sent free on application. Mil
liners and Dress Makers supplied at New York wholesale prices.
n84 3T WsjeI Thlrel Strt, Opp. the Court House, Williamsport, Pa,
s Eugene Lens, D, e- g
a' I
i - ,
1 1 Martin Clover, R. . pH?S 3 S 2 5 IfjTjg
1 Wm. Clyde, D. &2 5fSf SS g
Z Phillip Young, I. D. j"8gg "SS"' l
Horace Little, R. - S S 2 2 2 2 SS ? o 3 15 g
j George Ed. Weis, D. g
j Julius Jonss, D. Sgfl 2 SS S
" " ' 00 Nl ' sT CP" a l-i O H
i. Sebastian Wimmer, I. D. 10 W ci S
K i i .
jj C. R. Earlcy, D. o--rti
g J. O. W. Bailey, R. -scuo-Srt-gilw g
C. H. M'Caulcy, D. '-SS'"00 g3
g Henry Wetter, R,
. U 1 . ;
" Wm. L. Corbctt. D. "si:::S:SSSIS Is
" ri
jj R. V. B. Lincoln, R. M j
W u Levi A. Markey , D. 'fr",5'Jrir,S S
I i i
Cooper 4 Caffy.O. L' "JJ . S
ii i
0 22 cc o trV '"Vi-VS; m w) --i 94
Hayee a WheelcMl. ico-Sag5i 3
Tlldcn & Hendricks, D. ?trurSHci S
CongfesttteB Elected.
Chapman Freemati,Rj John W. Kllllrnor.B t
u'Kein, n
bdail. D.
. kpln-y. R.
E. Overton. It. e.
John I. Mitchell. B.
J. L. NuttliiK, II.
W. M. Stragcr, Vi
Levi MnUh. D. M
L a. Mackey, D,
Jacob Turner, I.,,
h'trTiai. K.-
A. iierr wraun, n. r
Russell Krrett. R. f .
ftemuel A BMdges, IM
Francis D. Collins, D,
H. B. Wright, D. t K.
W. It SUnton. D. J
James B R01II7, D.
k M. uajne, n.(.
1 s).BnaiienDrger,n
arrv White. It.
J. M. Thompson, R.t
U Ft Wateoa, B, g. -
Re-eloctedl 4 Members of former Con'
rreuee,but but present members; tlected
to ail vacancy occasioned by the resignation
of Judge KetchUm; g gala on present dele
gatloa. Republican. 16; Democrats, 11.
Present delegation Republicans, lOj Demo:
crate, 17. .
john w. citALFAjrr,
i .pv! rroiiE,
kI'-vakD s.f 1lLMAnV
.-.l.i'.Krj L. TRACY.
i. '.V. fJJ ARKWF.VrHEli
hAMi'! .5. MORBI5I.I
. . jM.
.. .. - It. 1 . negrrj
fun 1 -ii hi., and ;m
...rd u 'he . ng.ei ion .1 ''ommiite'li In
eoniieCtion with the not iu 1866, died in
the hospital at Memphis yesterday after- a
long iUneai. .
Nina ears and a locomotive were precipi
tated through a bridge a distance of tlilfty
feet, on the Baltimore and Ohio road, two
miles east of Mondsville. The englfaser.
Wash. Hamilton, was killed, and a siftage
man on the engine seriously injured.
A special to the London Standard from
8erajeir, the eapital of Bosnia, reports (hat
th residence of the Austrian Consul la that
town has been set 6a fire, it la said by the
Turks, and the troops who were summoned
to extinguish the flames plundered the
Weeden, Goodwin and Collyer, fonnd
guilty of manslaughter by aiding in the
killing of the prise fighter Walker; have
been sentenced te six years' imprisonment
each in the Trenton, N. J., Penitentiary.
Th remaining two prisoner! Clark atd
Neary, were sentenced to aa imprisonment
of two years.
Th crop report of the Agricultural De
partment for Ootober show the following:
Wheat redaction in yield of nearly on-ith,
while th quality is superior, yield Will be
about 245,000,000 bushels. Ric i four
per cent, less than in 1876, but quality
better. Barley, six per Cent, less than last
year. Buckwheat, fall average. Oats,
falling off of twenty-three per cent. Corn
crop deficient, but figures are not yet
obtained. Cotton crop lartfe, and likely
to approach the heavy yield of 1875. Sweet
potatoes, full average crop. 8orgUnm. fall
production. Tobacoo, about aa average
WEATHER prophets all agree' that
we are going to have a bard cold win
ten Aa a precautionary measure we
notice Powell & Kime are getting in a
splendid stock of ready-made clotbfng.
For a trifling compensation they will fit
you out so that you can laugh at the
antics of the Storm King, and defy tela
wintery blast Go at once and be
raids ccmferttb!e.
WHt, r.
. O O A T 8 .
F U H 8 t FURS!
keal and imitation
ii a i h aoor S
t.A TttVTM IVliTa mm 1M m an an A m .
tht up to $50.00.
YtV.At. UAIU DWTTrfltva m m-a. a w-
12, 4. and $r,. worth double the tnoncy.
1ILACK HlLK KHlNUhX as low m 46cas.,and
V W WW, IW A l.uut VeiaVViDVptST J WHO.
fl C M Ut SS
q a mm
Who It President?
We give tip the conundrum. After
waiting two day a for somo news that
were reliable, we are compelled to go
to press by stating that the question
is yet in duubt. We append the fol
lowing table giving the states certain
for Hayt-e and those certain for Tllden.
It will thus be seen that the final re
sult hangs on tho amall statu of
Florida. At this writing, the Indica
tions arc that Florida has gone Re
publican by a small majority and that
Hayes is electedi
California 6 Alabama,
8 Afkansas,
Bl Connecticut
11 Delaware;
6 !ln liunt.
8 Keatuek.
New York;
8New Jersey
New Hampshire, 6
North Cardliha. 10
Hhnde Island,
South Carolina,
West Virginia,
i The PresMeat an4 ficttPresideat Elect.
Peter Cooper atHtnncv
(From the New York Humid
Return frt m 119 district in Brook
lyn give Peter Cooper thirteen votes;
and in this ciwy he comes out with the
solid vote of 252 resolute spp6rters.'
This shows that the paper money can
vass has a great future before it. Its
chances are all iff future. Its glorious
successes are there. Its magnificent
triumphs are nowhere else. Peter has
bis principles, Lis organization, bis
speeches, all ifl nice state of prepa'
ration. All be wants flow Is a few
more voters; and a man so irigenitus,
so fertile, in Invention, cannot fall to
secure these. Mr. Cooper once inven
ted a plan for Betiding people to and
fro between this city and Brooklyn by
means of a drum. If he would now
brush the duut on that useful in&tftl
roent and use It to drum xtp voters;
there la no knowing what "the eWect
bv and by" might not do for him. It
is yet potwible;. as be has plenty of
time, that bi bait of Illimitable
printed dollars may take that great
carp the Presidency.
Powell & Kime have a special de
partment lor jsoom auu Diioea, in
.hl.l. ..m, nan nnri anvthlner vmi
trr T.arlipd MixfH. (Jhildren.
Gente and Boya. You can find any
1 : :
:::::. :
. . t :
..Itljj. 4n
i i I aiC-SL Is
Never despair. T "
We are a fast people
Let us have peace.
'Winter stares us in the face.
J. S. Hyde's new store is enclosed
We ara glad election Is over with
How much money did you bet on
the election?
In election time dally papers are
altogether two slow.
Returns on the night of elootion
are so very reliable.
We are prepared to do all kinds of
job work neatly and cheaply.
Electiou day passed off quietly
Radient Home at
Titfc weather first of the week was
Our Indian ' summer has paasod
CampAiqn Clubs have gone out of
The offltiial vote of Elk county will
be found in another column,
Pennsylvania gives Hayes &
Wheeler from 10,000 to 15,000 majority.
W, C. Healy and family, S. A.
Rote, J. F. Dill and mother, have
gone to Jacksonville, Florida.
Watson is elected to Congress from
the Erie, Warron, and Venango dis
trict. Services next Sunday evening at
tho Lutheran church In the English
language. All are invited.
We are late this week Waiting for
election returns which do not seem to
Gilbrcath, Iiid., defeated Benson,
Rep., for Judge in Erie county, by
i5 majority.
Harry White is elected to Con
gress over Geo. A. Jenks in tho In
diana District.
The plank road from Grant &
Horton 'a tannery to the depot is all
The Democratic majority of 125 in
Ridgway Township that tho Democrat
bragged over the official returns
makes 89.
The return Judges of" this Senatorial
district (Clarion, Cameron, Forest and
Elk counties) meet at the court house
in Ridgway, next 2 o'clock.
Henry A Parsons Jr., is the IUturn
JUdge for Elk county.
The female footmen in tho New
York walking match completed fifty
miles in twelve hours. If they prove
they can walk better than men it will
give many a poor fellow a chance to
rest in the street oars.
A fiW sidewalk baa been put dowu
Oil Elk street from Main to South.
The side walk is now completed on
West side of Mill street from Main to
South, and a new piece on Centre
street Hi front of Jerome Powell's
TltE Itetiirn Judges Of this Congres
sional District (Clearfield. Clinton,
Centre, Mlftlln, Elk, and Union
counties) meet at Bcllcfontc, Centre
county, next Ttlesday. Michael
Weldbft Is the Return Judge from
Elk county.
The main building at tne Centennial
exhibition, has -been purchased by a
company, for the purpose of creating
a pcrmanetit exhibition. A largo
niirnbcf bf the present exhibitors will
let their goods remain, and the ex
hibits wi.ll comprise'minlng, manufac
tures, education and science, art, ma
chinery, agriculture arid horticulture.
Aft OLtl citizen riEAD. Last Mon
day, NOv. 6th,'1676, Patrick Riley; Sr.
an old resident of Elk coiltlty died at
his residence, lri this township, of
hemorrhage tit the kidneys. He was
bbfh in the County Wicklow, Ireland,
in the year 1811 and emigrated to the
United States in the year 1836, and
has been a resident of this county for
19 years. He was buried at Centre
vllle last Wednesday.
Wm. Goodwin, a saloon keeper at
Ebensburg, Clarion county Pennsyl
vania, was shot this morning about
one o'clock, by a man named George
Aikeri, during att affray arising from
some dispute. The shot took effect in
one tif Goodwin's eyes, and physicians
say he can riot live longer than a few
hours. Aiken was seen leaving town
in a buggy shortly after the shooting
and parties are in hot pursuit.
Heavy floods are reported in Cuba,
the exact causes 6f which seem to be a
mystery, causing damage in some
portions greater thari that by the re
cent hurricane. Exact tHtiniatos can
not yet be made, btit It is supposed the
sugar crop has suffered by both calam
ities from fifteen to twenty per cent,
The crop will, nevertheless, be as
large aa last year, because it promised
to be exceptlonably large. The to
bacco crop will be retarded, because
seed!ngs were destroyed, but they can
be replaced In most cases.
I is evident from tile beat Jntelli
yr,' that. Vihh hfepn received that tbero
: : .. " ..
have been great lterublican Congres
blonal trains. The majority in con
irreia from belnz at present about
O w
seventy-five Democratic will be re
duced nrobablv to ten or fifteen, which
is a remarkable change, and should a
demonstration be made by the uoutn
11 rrfrt th treasury for "claims" such
as have been charged against them
and which Tildon is pledgeil to veto,
that light democratic majority would
be reduced Btill farther till it should
be no maioritv at all. Yet, even now,
the Republican Senate will hold the
House in chock ifl caw of any eflbrt
at nartlsan lceislafioin There does
not appear to be any caiie fof serious
apprehensions of congress. nueourj
A party of segroes broke into a residence
near Chester, S. C Thursday n tiht, and
murdered Mr. llansmah and liis nephew
named Batsman. After robbing the
premises, the murderers fired the dwelling.
Intelligence has been reoelved of the
total Inee of th Hudson Uiy Company's
schooner Walrns, on th Slst of October, off
George s Island, coast of Labrador. Only
one man was save 4.
Salt Lake, November J A report from
Camp Stambaugh, Wyoming, cays a village
of five hundred lodges of Shosbonea waa ai.
lacked Ootober 80 by a large Sioux war
party, estimated at twelve hundred
lodges, at Painted Kook, about ninety
milas from Ramp btambaugh. As far as
lsaroed only one Shoshone, known by the
name of Humfr, asoaped. He was the In
dian who saved the life of Captain Henry
In Crook's second fight this summer.
St. Louis, Oot. 28. A special dispatoh
te tb Qloba-Dcmoorat. dated Little Kock.
October 28, says: ''Three Methodist min
isters, while riding their Circuit in Pope
county, were shot from the bush yesterday
morning by the two illioit distillers named
Hughes and Hale. It is believed they
were mistaken for revenue offioers coming
to arrest them, as warrants are now out for
their arrest lor illicit distilling. One of the
ministers was mortally wounded and died
two hours after being shot. The other two
are seriously If not fatally wounded.
Washington, November 3. Treasury
officials state that there has been for nearly
three months past an active demand for
money at Hong kong which has boen met
by shipments cf silver from San Frauoisco,
both on home and European account. The
price of silver at San Francisco during tbis
time has ranged above the London me.
Formerly silver was shipped to China by
way of. Loudon. Should the th'ua de
mand for silver continue importations of
that metal at NewYork will probably soon
be made from Europe.
Denver, Col., November 3. Hon. John
L. Routt Was to-day inaugurated Governor
of Coloiado. His message was mainly
devoted to topics of lodiil Mate interests
The financial shotting is particularly
favorable, there being a hanJsouie excess
of resources over all liabilities Educational
matters are equally encouraging. The an
nual produot of the mines is eight millions
of dollats, and il is predicted that with the
development of San Juan distrio'., in Sou b
western Colorado, next years product will
reach ten millions of dollars.
Washington, November 8. This wss the
third and last day of the fall meeting of tho
National Jockey Club. The first race was a
coneolatibn purse for horses that have run
and not won during tlie meeting, one-and.
a-quarier miles, and Burgoo won the race
by two lengthe, Leaoiington II. eecond,
First Chance tbiid, Fadladccn fourth and
Moorto last. Time, 2 14. The second
race, two-mils heat, for all ages. Was won
by Ir.epiaation. lime, 8.45. The third
and last race, mile beats, over four hurdles,
was won by Bay Rum. Time, 2000.
Auburn, Oct. 28 Th four years, sen.
tence of t'dward 8. toks for the shooting
of Jamsa Eiak Jr., expire! to day and ho
was released from Auburn prison at";30 A.
At. He exchanged his prison garb for a
new suit of cititen'g clothes and at cielit
o'clook be was surrendered to his friends.
They were then rapidly driven up State
street in a close carriage to the Oaylord
House whore the party breakfuntcd. Mr.
Horace Stokes, a brother; Colonel J. E.
Nutman, a former business partner, and Mr.
J. C. Colgate formed ths assort of Stokes
and all went east on the 8:27 New York
Central train. The depot was thronged
by people to witness the deparlur.
Bellefonte Floub. A splendid
article at Powell t Klme's for $7 per
ScbAii, tea, Coffees, Canned goods-
Everything in the Grocery line cheap
at Puwcll Rime's.
Pbterbon's Magazine for Novem
ber Is on our table, ahead of all others.
It is an unusually good number, even
for this Ant-class lady's book. The
principal Steel Plate, "Innocence,"
is from an original picture by tha
world-famous artist, Sir Joshua
Reynolds. A prominent feature of
this Magazine is its copyright Novel
ettes, two of which Hjipear In this
number, "Miss Crespigny's Absurd
Flirtation," by Fafany Hodgson Bur
nett, and "The Days of Seventy-Six,"
by Mrs. Anri 8. Stephens, both very
far superior to the continued stories to
be found in magazines generally. But,
cut a eotemporary says, the stories, the
fashions, the patterns, in short, every
thing in "Peterson" is the best of its
kind. The price of thia Magazine, too,
is another thing in Its favor. It Is but
Two Dollars a Year. The Pros
pectus for 1877 is published with this
number, and wefiud that the prices to
Clubs are astonishingly low, vis.:
three copies for $4.80, with asurperb
engraving (27 inches by 20,) "Surren
der op Cornwallis," to the person
getting up the club; cr si& copies for
if 9 60, and a copy bf the Magazine fo-
1877 as a premium to the person get-
ting up the club; or seven copies for
$11 00, and both an extra copy and the
premium engraving to the person
getting up the club. For large clubs
the prices are even lower. A choice of
eleven splendid premium engravings,
for framing, Is given for fifty cents
extra, to subscribers for "Peterson" for
1877; Specimens of the Magazine are
sent, gratis, if Written for. Subscribe
to nothing elo unt il you Have seen a
copy of this popular Magazine
Adders Charles J. Peterson, 306
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Wm. MtKnlght, tho fireman Who
was injured at the time of the ex
plosion of Engine No. 1115, died at
Kane last Friday; The deceased was
about 20 years old. His remains were
taken to Warren, for burial last
Saturday! Itcnovo Record,
Beautiful Dress Goods at Powell
d- Klme's.
Do not forget to call at W. B.
SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill Sts
before purchasing a stove.
Cardinal red. Seal Krowu and
Navy Blue are the prevailing colors in
Powell t Klme's dress goods depart
ment. Go and see.
Lapie! Your attention a moment
Step into Powell & Klme's and see
some Of the handsomest neck ties you
ever beheld. Also collars and cuffs to
W. B. Smith, who was for several
years in the employ of W. S- Sen-ice
has started a shop at tho corner of
Main a fid Mill Streets where be will be
pleneed to mc t hi old friends.
u .1 U!L.
Oil strikes m ' rcj
and bear lVirnlia
A bed o' ft. Vis k
.Tie 1 ii. i:"..v 11
"i r! a-
oovered t ear !n.ii . -i...-The
Buok tn u 'm i. 'i i
deelared a i)iv,dni ot im-eeii
The We.tinghuut.4 w .
worka in P.usnuii. are .
D I. Horner, of 6ohujli!: eotir.ty.
raieed thia year 432 bualiels of euro .u -J.
acres of ground.
Jesse Browiimiller was 1 illcl ht :nm
burg, lierki county, hy a baiiK nt' h.:vk
clay falling upou him
A sulxsa W'iS recenaky ciiugiit i'i t'.it
Susquehanna, near llarriRhurg. weighing
tea and a half pounds.
A young man near NorilminV.erliitid
coiltlty named lent or, recently husked
120 busbela of corn in ten hours.
This is a good season for bears. Six
werti reoently killed in Tioga county ouer
of them weighing over five hundred pounds
Jacob Donalddon, of Washington county.
while gathering nuts a few days ago fell
from a tree a distaaoe of forty feet, and es.
eaped with only trifling injury.
Th Reading Encle tells an unlikoly
story about two young Indies of that city
who carelessly spent all tbeir money acd
then sold ihoir hair to get money to go
home wi' ti.
Oeorge Cook, a clerk Iu a drug store in
Williamson, was recently so dreadfully
bufnod in the face while experimenting
ith nitric acid and mercury that it is
feared ho will lose the sight of bis eyes.
Six-hundred tons of rook were recently
displaced by a single bUst at the quaries
of School & Broi. in Lehigh county, near
the East Penn junction. It will requiro
from tbree to four weeks to remove the
rock that has bem loosened.
Pottsville, October 40 On Saturday
evening no ellercatiou took place between a
party of men at Loous'dule, and eubso
quently ono of the party named John
uoeueu, was wavlula and sh'jt dend. Three
men, uanied Lauglilin.Lenneti and Callegen,.
nave been arrested as the ass:wim.
The vnluablo horse Montgomery, tho
favorite aaimil of Governor Ilurtranfi, and
the finest of his stud, died Thursday
morning, at the stables rear of the Executive
.Mansion, HurftFburg cf lung fever after a
ten days sioknesa Montgomery vh
sired by Alexander's Addallnh (aire uf
Goldsmith Maid.) and waa valued at b
twecu S'J.OCO and $3,500.
The Polanders employe:! at Shoemaker's
colilery, in Luierno county, Iihto such un-
prnnouncable names that the pay master
lias given eoch a tin tioket with a number
on it and keeps an acuouat in his books to
correspond, so now when pay-day comes
the Polo takes bis ticket and draws hij
wages They have been warned not to ex
change tickets or they will lose their
Pottsvil'e. Pa.i November 3 Thia morn
ing at seven o'cIock, at Mahanoy City, a
servant employed by Matthew Ellis l..ft 11
conl oil lump on a trunk. A little son of
Air. LIIib, seed tbreo years, blow down 1L0
chimney to put it out, when it exploded,
the flames catching the child's clothing, and
buruing him in a horrible manner. Mns.
tl.ts and a eon. five vears old. were also
burned badly in trying to extifigUish the
flames. The youncest child cauuot live.
John SicMuhen was killed recently near
Bloody Run, iu Venaueo county, bv the ac
cidental discharge of his t'i&lul Th.s
makes tho filth iiertou who Iihs brcii shot
in this locality. ix years nan )nvid .0
eard wa killed not far from the scene of
he late accident,' three years after Juci.b
Wingard ana Lew Wallace, a colored man
gave up the ghost; last year, tho 18th of
September John Wingard was added to the
list of victims, while MoMiihon ended the
sad catalogue of casualties for the present.
Pottsville, OctotSr 31. Last night, about
eleven o'c'ockj a fearful explosion of fire
damp occurred at the vl adenville shaft
colliery; about three miles from this city,
by wbtcu J. neisn, (uausew vormaay
and Peter Reilly were horribly burned.
They had fired a blast, and Reilly had en
tered the shaft with an open lamp Which
ignited the gas, and an explosion eneued
Welsh and Dormaay are not
live, and it is doubtful whether Roilly will
live. None of the men were relieved until
three o'clock this morning, having buffered
untold agemes. ihis was one 01 tho must
terrific explosions that ever occurred ia
that colliery.
The rcp?rt of the referee In tie. Erie
Railway suit for the month of August,
bows th receipts to nave Been ,iuu.-
615 94; disbursements $1,636,472 72; bal
ance at end of month, $0bJ,i4J ii.
John D. Lee is not going to be ehoi -
quietly. He has appealed his case to the
Utah feuprcine Court, ana then ne is going
up to the Supreme Court of the United
States, which gives him quite a ;eaae cr
Rush R Eloaa, cf Sandusky, Ohio, who
jumped hie bail and fled te Europe la
February, 187, ha returnea to this
country, and is expectea to put in an ap
pearance and stand trial, mere are seven
ndictmeuts for forgery against htm. Ills
forfeited bail, $32,602. was paid to th
County Commissioners a year agj.
The Baldwin Locomotive tTorks recently
celebrated the completion since 1831 of its
lour thousandth locomotive. Calling these
great machines worth on an average $12,000
eaou at tl.e time they were made, there is a
grand total of $18,000 000 earned iu thia
one ennb.ibhmtmt by the manufacture of
locomotives alone.
General Giles A. Smith, a distinguished
soldier of the late war and more recently
Second Assistant! Postmaster Goucrnl,
dies at Blouuiington, Illinois, Sunday. Ho.
served With distinction at the captures uf
r irts Usury dud Donaldson, und at lurinib.
bhilob aud ou other fields under Sheriduu,
and was wounded three times.
New York, November 4. The report for
the mouth of August of ex-Judge bpencer,
referee iu the suits of ths I armors' Loan
and Trust ompauy, and J. Baucrolt
Davis, trustee, etc , againi t the trie Kuil-
way Company filed yesterday in the
County Clerk's office, shows that tbeaggre
gate receipt during that month amounted
to$2, tl'U.tilo VV, disbursements, Sl,U;iy.
473 72 balance on band at the end of the
mouth, $5ti2,113 22; amount of certificates
of indebtedness issued, $3.441, 6o'J 40;
certificates aud notes paid out $2,201.039 40
certificates and notes outstanding, $1.180,.
.. Paul, November 4. A Pioneer-rress
special, dated Camp in the Field, on Vel
lowstcne, Ootober 27, via Oirumrck, 1). T ,
November 4, sa s: '-General Miles, com.
uanding the troops ou the Yellowstone,
after righting, defeating and pursuing fit
ling Bull and the confederated tribes under
him, this day accepted the surrender uf
fjur hundred lodge of Indians belonging at
Cheyenne Agency, these tribe surrender
ing five of their principal chiefs as hos
tages and as a guarantee of their faithful
compliance with the term of the surrender.
These bands are to go at once to the
agency, where, upon their arrival, they
will submiit to the requirements of the gov
ernment." The Inuisns held as hostages
left this evening for St. Paul, node it
charge cfa atrcsg guard