FARM, HARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Pnntrailo Itorlpri, To TnErAnn ToTAToitH a t.a IIayo ool.l boilod potatoes in suffloient ilimnuiy, cut in ilioes Biid seasoned with twit and popper; put them in a stewpan with a Jailleful of water and a pint of I'.Haaanolc PAtlCA. hnil ton Tninnto.. fin ish with four ounces of butter, a tdble- cjjuuuiui 01 cuopped parsley, and serve, Swebt Totato Biscuit. Grate boiled sweet potatoes and mix with an equal quantity of flour and four ounces of but- jer; ami salt and water; out out and bake in a hot oven; slioo and butter for Tea. fOTATO Bread. -To make potato bread, either sweet or white, take one- luunu 01 tne amount of flour used, and replace it with that much boiled pota- iuro uiuHueu very nne. ii wbite pota toes are used, put a piece of clean line me size 01 a iiicitorynut in the water. ii sweets are used, put a piece of char conl in the water. Moi,asses Dough Cake. Half a tea cupful of melted butter, a cnnfnl nt mn. lasses, one lemon chopped fine, and a leaspooniui 01 cinuamou; work this into three cupfuls of raised dough, with two wen upfiten eggs; knead for fifteen min utes, then put it iuto a well buttered pan, nud let it rise half an hour before Darning. To Pbepare a Sheep's Head a ia St. Flokentin. Take a large well trimmed sheep's head, put it in a fifth boiler with four ounces of butter, salt, a bunch of parsley, a green pepper and an onion, both chopped fine, six large ripe toma toes with the skins and seeds oil', cut in pieces; then add a pint of water; set ou the fire; leu it boil and simmer slowly for forty-five minutes, then drain the fish and keep warm, take out the bunch of parsley, put the gravy of the fish in a saucepan, skim the grease, reduce to one-half, odd a pint and a half of E&pagnolc sauce, boil down to a desirable consistency and keep warm ; to garnish the fish, prepare pep pers iu the following way: Have eight middle sized green peppers, take the skins off by immersing them for half a minute ;n frying hot grease, and then wiping out the skins with a towel, cut them in twos and take out the seeds; on the other hand, cook half a pint of rice, three parts of a pint of veal broth, a ladleful of rtewed tomhtoes, little suit, and two ounces of butter; boil twenty minutes; cool a little; then stuff the haif peppers with this preparation, range thorn in a bakingpau, sprinkle fine bread crumbs over and small bits of butter on the top, and bake them of a nice color in a pretty hot oven; serve the fish in a largo dish; pour some of tho sauce over; raDge the peppers around and serve the rest in a eaucebowl. New Varieties of Potato. It requires time, patience, and perse verance to raise potutoes from the seed; but if you succeed in producing a good variety it wiJl pay you well for your trouble. Eaiso your own seed. Choose fully matured, medium sized potatoes, of the earliest and best varieties; cut them transversely in the middle; plant only the seed end, with the eyes up ward; plant iu drills about thirty inohes apart, placing the pieces about ten inches apart in tho drills; putting the varieties (one of the varieties must be dcvju utmnugj auernaiciy. Planted in 11113 way 1 nave iiad non seed bearing varieties, such as peach blow, earl v rose. etc., bear seed balls. Cultivate in the usual way. When the seed balls are formed, pinch off from each vine all but two or three balls. In the fall, when theviues are mostly dead, gather the onus, press out tne seeds and dry them in the nun; when thoy are thoroughly dry, put them where they will keep drv. In the spring sow the seeds either in glass covered boxes or in the open air. When the plants are about two inches high, plant them in drills about two feet apart, and about two feet apart in the drills. Cultivate them well. When the vines are mostly dead, dig the potatoes, cuuu uiu ny useii. inject all very small, ill shaped or unhealthy tubers. Do likewise the second and third years; the fourth year they will be eatable and tneir quality actermined. Cure of Winter Fruit. First, carefully select the beet fruit, have good clean barrels and line them with paper, sides and bottoms. Fill your barrel one fourth full and cover with papei, fill in so many more and cover again, and so on until your barrel is full ; cover with paper and head up ; Keep m as cooi piace as vou can and not Have them freeze. To those who have been in the habit of storing away their winter apples just as it happened, in boxes or bins or old barrels iust rendv to fall down, a trial of this plan with a barrel or two will be amply repaid next winter and spring iu the extra quality of fruit, to say nothing of the economy of the thing, for a few moment's extra time in putting up in the fall is better iuhu iwioe as long a time spent in sort ing over and carrying out rotten apples next winter and spring. If any one has a better method that is as cheap and practioal for the farmer, I would like to see it ia print, i nave tried packing iu land plaster, but like the paper best. Keep manure Undercover. Manure in the barnyard pioperly pre served under cover in worth twice as much as that which is left exposed to the elements, its best constituents being washed away before jts application to the crops. . Early Days of Oil. The humors of oildom in the early days are many. A story is told of the owner of a barren farm who was advised by a shrewd neighbor to "plant it " with oil. He took the hint, purchased quautity of crude petroleum and pour ed it on the surface of the streams and springs upon his land. The report soon spread abroad of surface indications on the land, and an army of oil hunters de scended upon the proprietor. He sold his land at a fabulous figure, retaining a royalty of one-eighth of the oil. The fortunate landowner thought he had a pretty good joke ou the speculators, but as it turned out they had a better one on him. They put up their derrick, sent down their drill, and struck a flowing well yielding over one hundred barrels a day. The origin of petroleum was a never ending topio of diaoussion among the oil men. A theory auvanced by an old whaling captain and, by the way, the number of veteran " blubber hunters" who have engaged in the petroleum business is somewhat remarkable is worthy of record. He explained the de posit of oil by the hypothesis, that a large shoal of whales were stranded in Western Pennsylvania at the time of the subsidence of the flood, and that the oil borers were simply tapping the blubber. His theory was, however, not generally accepted save among brother whalers. Characteristic of Tanderbllt. The New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Jinqnirer writes as follows: Whon Vandurbilt was eiehteen vears old the treaty of peace was declared with England, and two British vessels hrongut the news insido of Sandy Hook, He loaded his boat with-cider, provis ions, fruit, eto., and set off to sell his cargo to the British crews, and he made his cousin work so hard on this trip, to Huticipaie any oiner traders, inns tne cousin declared, on his return, that he would fa-. no mnrw with Vaudorbilt. Vauderbilt built a jollur boat in Jersey City, called thfl Dread, and became the best siilor of his kind in the waters of New York. He him a oreat scar now. as ho lies on his deathbed, made by the rubbing of a pole agai ist his breast as ne pushed against tide to get his passen gers into New York before anvbodv else. He was not an ocean sailor, and the longest trip he ever made was to the coast of Worth Uarohna to get water melons. But his knowledge of the manv crooKet cnanneis called kills around New York, and of the depth of the sounds and little bavs, rendered him ry use: u'. when steamboat came to ba more genrally introduced. At jxew iirunswicK ins wire rented a hotel, which she called Bollona Hall, at the steamboat lauding, and set a table for passengers by stago or steamer across Jersey or to New York. She was a good cook and superintend ent, and made more money than her husband, and saved it, so that she finally died about seven years ago, leaving a nice sum of money each of hor children, of whom she bore thirteen. Vanderbilt was the model steamboat enptuiu of his time cool, resolute, intrepid, and generally silent, His brothur Jacob, who is still living in moderate circumstances, was his engi neer, in tlint hotel was born, May 8, 1821, the eldest sou of Cornelius aud Sophia Vauderbilt. William, aud I think several other children. The property of Vanderbilt has not advanced only because he bought it. but ho improved it also. The closing years oi ins lite are almost Ulurtrious by the monumental work he has done ou the Central railroad aud the vigor he has given its finances. He has built the greatest depot in the new world, blcsted his way intothucity underground, found new outlet, bridged tho Hudson, put urn yenow piue ties umit-r niu rails and laid four tracks, rebuilt his stations to lat one hundred years, flanked some cities like Buffalo, run fast mail trains with safety, entirely inclosed his track. and made every flagman a justice of the peace, so that he is magisterial, and rules nearly a private State or zore from JNew lork to JJuildlo. He has also made its business what government ought to be simple, stable, efficient, lawful, se vere. He respects his city pastor, but cives mm nine or no inner relieious couti- dence, regarding him as a professional. high priced priest. The old, old ei- mons of country places llook in his mind the surviving religion of this gilded age. a m an ignorant man, he said, a few weeks ago; "this system of the ology or religion that has so manv branches and sacraments in it au old fel low can t bo expected to understand. I believe in a great God and a good Christ that's what I make out of it. " I have omitted to speak of Vander bilt's power to read character, and that greater power, having perceived it, to put it to use. tie looked at a man as he would at a sailor to ship in a crew, and took his whole dimensions and contents. If he quarreled wi h that man he nevor lully forgave him. though sometimes willing to do business again. He had no general aspirations disconnected with business, cared nothing for distin guished or rich people, lent his name to no calls for publio meetings, and hated brokers. Vanderbiit's joys wore in crease, a cup of ten, horse and horse talk, and a game of encher or whist, with au afternoon cap. To his son Wil liam he said on hi3 dying bed : " Wil liam, I want you to act through life on your own judgment. It is better to be wrong than to go to others for counsel. If you make a mistake nobody will see it quicker than yourself. If you should be right others whom yon consult will make use of that knowledge. Kly on yourpelf and keep yo&r own counsel. Trust nobody with your own mind." Vanderbilt hardly knew Uie Astors and never liked Mr. Stewart. Tho statue of him erected by Albert de Groot, the son of one of the old kins men aud captains, was voluntary ou Do Groot s part, and tho old man thought ho had taleut. Vanderbilt has twice been seen to weep when his first wife's sitter died who had nursed him after he was itjjurtd ou the railroad, nnd when his mother wa? mentioned. " Old lady," said a friend to this mother, "haven't you got your trunk packed for the North Star excursion?" "My son,"6aid the old woman, "I have packed my trunk for a longer journey than that." Tears came to Vanderbiit's eves when this was told him. The Bank Robbers. It has always been a mvsterv to the publio, says a Missouri paper, why the James and Younger toys went to Min- nesota to rob a small bunk in that dis tant State. The following, received from a resident of Liberty, Clay county, will throw 6ome light on the subject: At the time of the detectives' raid ou the home of the James boys, near Kear ney, when a hand grenade was thrown into the house and a little boy killed, Mrs. Samuel's arm blown off, and others iujured, there was living in Liberty an attorney named Hardwick, who acted as counsel for the persons who performed this cowardly act. He declares that ho supposed a legal, peaceablo arrest to be made, and that if he had known the course to be pursued he would have had nothing to do with it. After the tragedy and the failure to arrest the boys, Jesse James learned of Hardwiok's connection with the affair. He at or.oe set about to avenge his brother's death and the inju ries to his mother. Hardwick removed from his farm to town, and always car ried arms, expecting to be shot down at any moment. Dozens of letters were sent him by Jesse, threatening his life, and notifying him to leave the country. At last the lawyer decided to go, and he went to St. Paul, Minn. Tho recent facts show that Jes6e James and his baud followed Hardwick to his northern home, with the purpose of taking his life. Getting out of money, the raid on the North Held bank was planned, and the tragic result will probably give Hardwick considerable satisfaction. In an interview with a gentleman who formerly resided in Lee's Summit. Jack son county, a reporter obtained some interesting information of Cole Younger. It was after the war had closed, in 1868, when Cole had returned to Lee's Sum mit, and was working on bis mother's farm, leading a quiet and peaoeable life, that this gentleman knew him. Cole was then highly respected by all, and even highly esteemed. , A liberal, free and I hearted fellow, upright in business matters and prompt to do a kind deed toT friend, no one had better pros- pbots tor nte man uoie xounger. John Jarrett and one Al. Shepard also resid ed there. They were known as desper ate mtn, and were so regarded by all. About this time the daring robot ry of the Russell ville bank, in Kentucky, oc curred, and a looal vigilance committee wrote down for descriptions of the rob bers. Shepard, Jarrett and Cole Young er were absent, but no one snspicioned .1 ,1 T, 41. yjviv hi mi. u niig tueir aurprise wnen their letter was answered to hud correct descriptions of three of their folio v townsmen Colo, Jarrett and Sheparc. It was some time before Cole return ed, and, on being questioned concern ing the matter, he admitted that he was guilty. From that time np to tho Min nesota robbery he has followed his dar ing calling with success. Jarrett, un doubtedly the worst man in the whole band, was the cause of Cole participat ing in the robbery. Such was the openly expressed opinion of Mr. Hall, Cole's brother in-law. That robbery was planned by a man named Shepard, who lived at Bussellvillo. His wife, a beau tiful woman, came on to Lee's Summit and laid her husband's plans before Jar rett, who readily acquiesced, and influ enced Cole to go with him. Thus did the leader of the Western bandits com mence his crimes. Fashion Notes, The rage for red inoreases daily. Boas are long and muffs of medinm size this fall. Pockets are trimmed to excess on nil late Paris oostumes. Black hare is one of the chean fnr trimmings tnis season. Black marten is the most stylish of nie iow pricea iurs. Fur lined wraps are to be worn in tho couiest weather only. Urny chinchilla will be tho most fashionable fur this winter. Filngreo ornaments in both cold nnd silver are very lasnionahler Anca chinchilla and Australian mar mot are the choice furs this season. White celuloid ivory combs and other ornaments are growing iu favor. Feather bands, with fur frimriuff each u: . r . ' c"b'i ttio iiuveibiea utf mo lurriers. An effort is beint? mado to revive tlin lashion oi caps for ladies of all ogos. .Black and brown cony bauds make pretty cheap trimmings for midwinter suit?. Natural lynx trimminnrn. not dved. but of the reddish shade of the animal, are coming in vogue. Pretty Marie Stuart and Marie An loineiie ureakiast caps are coming in vogue ior youug lames. Squirrel lock linings are -still more in vogue, but the entire erav Siberian squirrel s skin is also used. Long sack paletots are worn bv Torino ladies ; elbow sleeve cloaks and" close clinging dolmans by older ones. Chinchilla bands, with blue penoock centers, are fold tor trimming rich -bine, green, opal and chameleon tinted silks. The Parisian bonnet for a lady of a ceruuii age is tne Marie Amtue capote, with a close round brim, a pointed own, nuu a small curtain. oomo oi tne new is id doves nrn stiched on the back with triple lines of if d .or blue, green or brown, to matoh the accessories of tho toilet. The Kodern Printer. Ho must be satisfied with about one- third of a price for his work, and then he must bo willing to do the work over seven or eight times, " just to see how it wiil look," for the generality of peo ple do not know how a thing will come out in print, aud of course want it " a lit tle different." He must be willine to wait six months for his pay. and then take it out in second-hand clothespins or last year's garden seeds. He must never be so bold as to suggest that a lit tle cash might not come aunts, for peo ple expect him to work for nothinur and board himself, and yet always be cheer- inland happy, lie must at all times be willing to do this or that for nothing, or nt least at a greatly reduced price, as " it is for the association, yon know :" anu mnst inrow in a pun gratis also, if he happens to be publishing a paper. A Wonderful City. One of the mo:.i wouaeriui cities in the world is B inkok, the capital of Siam. On either .-ato of the wide, maiestic stream, moor- i d in regular strf ets and alleys, extend ing as xar as tne eye can reach, are up ward of 70,000 neat little houses, each ( no floating on a compact raft of bam- oos ; and tue whole intermediate space (.f the river is one dense mass of ships, junks and boats of every conceiv able bUape, color and size. Merchant s Gargling Oil has become one of the most popular liniments that h now prepared. It is, beyond a doubt, the best liniment in the world for the diseases advertised. Its use has not only become general in 6very State of the Union, but large quantities of -this valuable preparation are annually sent to foreign countries. The Revolution, iv. jr. .Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Oriran Do- clared Best at the Ceuteunial. Medals and diplomas have been so numerously awarded at the Centennial in Philadelphia that they indicate noth ing as to the comparative merits of ex hibits. The Judges' JtepoHt alone de termine rank in excellence. These un equivocally assign to the Maeon A Ham lin Organs " the first rank in the (several requisites of such instruments," which "is as much," says the New York 'JH- bune, "as to say they are the best reed organs exhibited, in all important quali ties." A Compliment to American Industry, The Grand Niebelunaen Orchestra at Bayreuth, under the leadership of Hans Kichterand August Wilhelmv. have pre sented to Biehard Wagner "a beautiful iionoert ttrand of Messrs. George Steck & Co. 'a make. New York, which ia lint only a high compliment to the well known firm, but also to Amerioan indus try. This is the same firm that was the recipient of the only Gold Medal for best pianos at the World's fair in Vi enna, 1873, and which was also just now awarded the first prize at the Centen nial Exhibition, George Steok & Go's name being placed at the head of the list of awards for pianos, theirs having again proved to be the finest in tone and ofgreatejr durability than all other in struments on exhibition. The bteck pianos stand thus acknowledged before me wuuu aa ueing BDOVe all OOinpeti tion. and are thnrnfnm nkMa tV,.,. ohili:ara vhn nriali 4a A . . 1 a i. -1 j I'll . i i . - urairiuiws auu reuauie instrument. Ton Don't Say So! A Western editor describes a confla gration aa follows : And now appeared one of themost terrible and magnificent spectacles it was ever onr lot to witness. The whole broad and high front of the international Hotel was wrapped, as in its winding sheet, iu one lurid mass of flame, which, seemingly aa in mockery oi me puny powers oi man and his ap pliances to stay its course, stooped toward the earth in the eddy of the wind with a hurtling sound as of demoniao rvngnrer, ann then swerving snrt vvrinr. as if in disdain tossing iti head, it arose towering almost to the very clouds, and T-an, it needed no fervid lantean imagi nation then to discover within the frin ges of that gilt-edged hell the glaring eyeballs, yea, and the very claws and bloody hair of the demon of the flames with one fell swoop it hurled itself across the broad street over upon and wound itself around, fastened its fearful clutches in, took possession of and in vested the whole immense building auuwn as me .turns piock. Pimnles on tha faro, much ahir oliapped hando, enltrhenm and all ontancotia iioouodb onrea, tne akin made soft and smooth, by the nse of Juripeb Tab Soap. That maue Dy uauweu, Hazard Co., New York, ia tbn only kind that can be relied on, u there are mnny imitations, mado from common tar, whioh are worthless. Com. Stelnvfay'g Victory and LanreR The following offioial report of tho Jndgos of Awards, accompanying the Medal, shows conclusively that the highest honon in the gift of the Centennial authorities wore unani mously awarded to Steinwax J Sons, viz. t " For, greatest concert capacity 'in Grand pianos, as also highest degree of excellence in all their rtyles of pianos, viz.: Largest volume, purity and duration of tone, and extraordinary carrying capacity with precision and durability of mechanism ; also novel disposition of lie strings and construction, and bracing of Oie metal frame." -Tho report then minutely doeoribea and em phatically indorses the six principal patented improvements which have mado the Hteinway THE STANDARD PIANOS OF THB WORLD. lloforring to Btoinway's exhibits in Machin ery Itall of samples of hardware, metal frames and patent tabular actions, the report further ttatea : ' Thoto articles of compoite metal show the highest perfection of finish and workman ship, Bill the greatest Urmuess and uniformity of niotal structure, a steel-like and sounding quality with a tensile strength exceeding 6,000 poui.ds per tqnare centimeter, as demonstrat ed by actual tot-ts. The full nutal frames of cupola Buare possess au unequaled degree of ici-ixtance, permitting a vastly increased ten sion of atringa without the Blig.iteet danger of crack or break in said metal frames, thcby considerably increasing the vibratory power, and augmenting the lasting qualities of their instruments." Foutunes for Ann. Agents wanted. AdJresn Bullion Mining Co.,178 Broadway.N.Y. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The standard remedy for the cure of coughs, colds, iufljeuza, bronchitis, hoarseners, asth ru, whooping congh.oroup, gore throat, diph tiioria, dirliculty of breathing, quinny, phtbioio, pain in the side and breast, spitting of blood, liver camplaint, bleeding of the lungs, and all diHiasts of the throat, lungs, and cheat, in cluding even consumption. It ecoms hardly necestary to dilate at length npon the virtues of this favorite remedy for all diseases of the ItmgH, throat aud chest. Ic was introduced to the publio by Dr. Wistcr nearly biff a century riuce, and by the wonderful cures whioh it performed, gained an immediate and enviable ipputaiion, which to this day it baa fully sus tained. From the pu f of the Bt. Lawrence to tho eboroa of th-i Paciflo, aud in many coun tries abroad, there are few villages or hamlets without " living testimonials'' to the rapidity nud certaiuty of its curative effects. The pro prietors, miudful of their responsibility to the afflicted, exercise the ntmoit care iu tho selec tion and compounding of the various ingre dients of which the Balsi'm is composed ; and tiie pick are assured that the high standard of excellence ou which its popularity in baaed will alays be maintained. Betu W. Powle & Hons, proprietors, Boston. Builders and all who contemplate building should procure a co) of " Atwool's Modern Amerioan Bomesteau." Trice, $3.50. Circular cf contents pent to any address by the publisher, A. J. Bicknoll & Co., 27 Warren Btrcc-r-, New York. Have you inflammatory sore throat, stiff Joints or lameness from any cause what ever i Uuve you rheumatio or other pains in any part of the body ? If go, use Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, internally and externally, Burnett's Cocoaink is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. Deliberate Suicide. Not for a single day cau a cough be safely neglected iu this climate Without delay re sort to Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. ibis bitlsamio vegetable preparation extin guishes a onugh or cures a cold with unex ampled rapidity. Bold by all druggists. Pikes Touthaobe Drops cute in one minute. Miiuy persons suffer with sick head ache and nervous headache, usually induoed by oostiveness, indigestion, eto. Huob persona will find relief, if not cure, by keeping the bowels i'pen with small doses of Parsons' Pur gative Pills. ATmiA AND CATARRH. With or without. A IDra onre. Indorsed by Board of littaltn and leading Pbyilclan. hnt irKKB oa locetpt o 50frnU. MllrON f AKKHUKiT, btlth Atouu, 4 9lb Street, New York. Tha Jiarkels. MW XOUK, t'aef Guttle-Prlme to Extra Builcoxt 1 I, 8 15 Coromcn to Good lex:' MX .61)00 Ues Live.. jjresaod. ....... o; 15 -4 Mi Tl She!p , I.41TbS Cot tor. Middling...,., 1 :our Extra wn.tei-n. State Extra 6 lit 1 .7 1 m Si ) 1 co 81 M i ) T 0 1 29 1 l 1 8 1 00 I 20 Vt 48 ' 61 vo 81 m t) Wheat bed Weieru . No. 2 B.irlr,!.. Pye State liarley 8til. ......... Lir.( -Malt Oata Mixed Western. Corn Mixed Western.,, itay, per cwi Ku-aw, per ewt tOi 7o'a 82 mi ... . 751 Id Pork lieaa. ....................... 18 81 it si f biHut C9H ' u .-aavaerei, no. I, new 10 uu 1011 U ' rto. u, now ? to 9 8 to DryOod.parowt I 00 9 I 8 J Usrrlns. Scaled, mi box 11 a 91 Petroleum Crude 11 tltS ReUned, 8 wool lialilorula Fleooe 18 1 88 SI (2 21 18 i8 28 ' 81 . f8 US 80 20 14 07 11 Texas " , Australian - e m m 1 Batter titato Waatern Dairy Weatora fellow Western Ordinary nhaaaa State Factory...... 08 06 08 BUte flkunraed , Weal era. KRgi State , BCHALO. Flonr. ........... ,,., Wheat No. 1 spring 8 28 1 80 f .9 1i 93 A T8 4 1 82 88 (8 78 8 Oftta.., ltye... Hurley, Dnef Cattle Extra. u hheep.. ...... liO(ta Dressed Kiour Pennsylvania Extra Wheat Bed Vvihmu Kye , Cora Yellow. OS 0V OeXi 08V CB 02 , 8 0J ut 00 1 98 B I VI 61 ',8 VI II 52 88 i at 14 Ban.d, 28 Mixed . Oata Mixed rouoleuu Grade.. ......17 18 ,The Graph. Among tbe efforts made to utilize: the grape crop of Gnliforniji, no schema srrrns to promise hotter ut present than that of making the jutw into syrup for the table. 1 It is estimntd that two tons and a half of grapes wu be reqmred for a hundred gallons ol good syrup, and the syrup in said to he equal, if not superior, to the .article Known as tne bent golden syrup. !( a month talary to ttti. Own MW't Co., St LotIh. H lay At. Sample fnm. H. A limit. on, M. T!Ti! ? Jmelta Siampi, I ilroolar" aod prloa llntr. rta tamp t;o , Bn Uf'4, Krinlon, V. !,Uy, SPRflFlfl Btit ta tki WerU. !.. l II11A V",VI T. POrilAM a CI. 11 18. Wt a., PMla POR-nurra, tan tnu-traarf, ipetraraa had o. Anauwum. miiii.tiii art o,, riiUa., Pa, $15 fnr JftR MamaMthOaUloanefrtsi. F. qAO AUr PP Bason A Co., I 1 1 Wawan Ht.. W V, AGENTS ?0JJ,f..S,' 00 nm fretY. J. At. MUfrYON A DO., I'bll.da., r f v n 1 v p r n '. to .pff - , , WasTaaiiUOB Woaaa.Oliloao,lll. WAWTKD. 0. W. Ilrnnett. OlIB. A.'l. fjlnc. Ml.h $10 a Day, Rmploynmnt for all. tlbmiM rwaV Oatalos-n trtm. Kullon A Oo. ,1 m Nnnnt. ,N V tfltj TJMIT t it at Onoo. Oi I'M Kit. riwtobaoee Yet. Writ IQI.LINS A 0) 8 Ollnton f la?.l $55 g $77 ?4MJ& 7 ( I f , Tj'ir' frV!(r!' " mala A fonulo. IW ia t alamp fnr rtrnwlara. K. M. Hodln.ln.WW..., . VA,T!!D"A,r.'!n!,,?,,'n,",'i',"'''"Mlnr I I OmntaftrUnliL A:,..,. .. 1 .'. .,. Tn t.l n Ft.t andA m On,, 1i Braartwar. WawVWlI rwJri 1al.'ia rra m v-i m.ll law Ynt. S350 A Month. Aantf wantod. 3l bmt tall ln arlkilaa In th world. (In nampla fw I T ....... worm. ma nampla rn lh iM'mJ , UltO.IWI W. DoW ,aw-t:. S3 .VU'lt' liy one Armit In AT .I.. I uitlrlJ... f.m,lri ft-!-. Addri-aa 4'. M. a.l.tIII.TOM.a-hl.L $80 .1,.ONTM' hnt"1 " t"n lianam U rr " ""-mrn. no panniinir. Addraaa L??!!!2w!IH'-.!i.AJll'?'0 0,,-i UlnolnnaM, Oli'o. WIND i 1 i.i.m Tor fnmplna and Knnnli.a Maohlnary.i Addrnaa TOItNAUO WINDMILL OO., KT.BA. N. Y. WAITIIBI. A Great Honnatlon. ftv,n,P, JIMrh and OutIt frt, to Annxlt. Metier tl'nu Oold. Addrnaa A. OOULTKH A 0O Ohlnai o. Artistic Samples "ttl UnllV, 15 cm.. KRWKHT HART. Rouhea'er, N. Y? A Tli" Now Work Indl-.pen-.ble to F. A. M. Sell. DMerlptlraUataloane. RdMlu A Co.. Pnbi. standard MaaunloWorka,731 fj roadway N.Y. A l-RNTM.-Twraty llfll Mounted Ohrnmna for ia. tf l . V aamplea, pnsupald, 2()o. btretcned Ohio. m.ia. a l eiz., at low pricea. Oataloiroa Ire. Unmi. p.b ial uMHUian ir .1 1 nasaaa street. Sew York. LOVERS' Onld to merriace, wnaltta, an 1 Dt-anta, neTer fnlla, loan li-ttara wis, lorn, eto. v Book worth X1C. dow uiu.teu linn by TlTK UmoH l-CB. CO., Newark N. J Qflfl sltOC aHaTaoremailabTAirani illlair oar Chromna, U) Bl "ditbaj t-rayo". Pirtura and Cbromo Car,l alt. H-tti K. int i U-rt Cnulnfue free J, II. BL l FMKU' ! ipaia ior niir. ll!ur . SO.Nli, BOSTON. MA&S. INCl.dNK IO 1FNTH and recelre hy return mall apnolnwj cony of Tlma and Caen Aoo ont Book. Aaen'a anil fmm Inn tn 1 mtn n A.m i w . , -1. 1, . I'O., Pnhllbe-a, IUII 8'. Hallna 1st'. Rrra nae. N. V S MlI,l-r.51!t?RSl MICROSCOPT!' ! Sho a life lb wa'er. Rent h mall for If I ,OW. W. L SM I I H, 5 1 l Waah. Street, St. Lonla. Mo. i- MJTI''IT FREE TO AliKNT, nai and JL womm. Article paeeasea a great ebar-n for Dot l rein . Nella at alabt to erery ycnnir Ind- and cent. bcKNTI t ic Co.. W Ator Hlaee. Naw York. AGENTS 1 . r voa want tha btnt nnll.nv rttoim itfa world and a 4olid rold lcvr watch, free of coet. wrlin at J.JiiilrC 4 OO. 1fi5 Broadway, N. Y. NO W wl'l start yon fn a bnnlDtwa yoo cuo A1 v muVe fc.iO a week wit turn t capital, TtTHIMTTV nd r8pectabte for either mx. Aqknxu HUIiX HuppLTjJq, afi I B-jwury, N. Y. 860 A AVEEK W.$Zfc25ZSii itIto rinrrii that will bring yon JgCiMO a month at horns day or Invent-ihb' Union, i7; Grecawlcri Street ew Yoi . a aac rarw a,, vo itob, viiof vr r n H1IO, r)f raBHirn ADQ lOrK mil re Pijrs, Hootofa.Blfye and 8:iepberd l-nt. Fonltry and iRnuuB an uui import a Bvrm, ditq ana (oraaie ny FranoU Morria, Morton, Del Co., Pa. Bend for ctroalar. FARMERS: or their aont wanted thfa ftiti mnA winter. ( lor 2 in each Co.) to itll llailFllanU a lilaka nl au I 1. Jo the farmrri In their own countiai Buiiiiaaa plaaiant. diu- iit i KuUa Particulari frao. 1. WOETU. Sk lamia. Ale. GO SODTH! CHEAP HUMES' Reliable lnfoimattoo aa to IneatJnna K.nH III oen'a for Southtrn Jlrrald. Addreaa GAINKS A YINOLING, No. O Aator Home. New York Olty. GEBII AKD'M Grent BOOK of HEfHETH, and Dlrertlons tn ihe Worklna olaaa to atart a money making Bnalueea witn or wltbnnt oapltal. Prleo, All oenta, post-paid. Addrasa GKBUAKD A CO.. 21 W CIIdIou Street, Detroit, Mloh. DIt. H.H. HTCIl'H FAMILY PIIVWICIAN. Hninple Copy, Paper l ovrr, IO cenir, Hound In loin, aillh llliialriillona, 1 I'HKra, iiti crnm by mall. Addreea la 114 ironila-ii. New Y orlt e(f Kt ItKTVAMB for an mniralla rait, P-a.Hy Da. J. P. FlTLSa, brlnraworn.iaya: ljrrad 'M in iNia aijwtataa I. rraTMMr't aaair law; aa. aarMaa ' 7. : , ahrumatim. N.ur.lHa. Ooul. Ii4nn aad li Ua 1 autranu. ItR. FITUR-a aUKUMATIO RKMauT.XklM, tWdlaL aaA Liarlin,. a Mnaanpat aar., ar iQ rafaad Baaav. a.fu aaMaaad U.dfeal Ad.iea M b, taalL ea.Tra. Addraaa la. FlTUa. a6 Saair rouilb auaal. PUUdalpUa. MIP1G1KI8 AT paCUtilSTa. rilTjll Ct The cboloest In the world Importer, XJLJxAk?e prloea Lara-eat Company In America aiple article pleaaea everbodv Trade oonttcaally la creaatng Airenta wanted everrwbere beatlodauemeata dfii'l traate time aend for Clronlar to CWVWF.LU, 43 Veaey 8t.. N. Y. P. O. Boa 1 88T. BnTl"NTV Act ofiset revived. Writ i 1 A. A, term 01 asralce. eto., with atamp. PT? Tsl CS T TJ 5 aie eranted, bowerer al,litly Xd a OlUiiO disabled In tbe U. H. aeralce. PATT?IJTQ Trntln illarka, ajopyrlahm. aTAljDitl IO, eto. How to obtain them. Wrlto arnl. I., ill M; II A. II A ., Aaj'a forClaimaand Anv.mitel la nt A land title caawa.Waahlnaton.D.O. S15 SHOT GUN n aoutie-i-arrel pun, bar or front action locks, warranted f uui no twist barrels, aud a (fund sliuutvr, uk no bai.k; uitu ilask, Poiuli. and Wad-cutter. furl&. Can bo sent r.O. I), with rivilegt) to exsinino tiafore 1'aying k ill. Huttd sump fur circular Ui P. -Putt ItXb & Ciuciuuati, O. ft AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Ientennial history Tt celb fn-ter than any other book. One Annt sold 47 onp!es In o:ie dny. Send fur car eitra terms to Agent. National Pububhisq Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DU. .'IAN UF II II IMFM Spinal ('nrves, White Kwellin.r, Uou tract ed lambs, and Club Feet, nttboatoattlnit oorda or any .urgtu-tl opera tl u,or an hoar's 00. flneinen' to bed, and mottly nltba out pain. Expensive Bupporiera entire y dleoarded. Nu ctiarfT. fur auytiilns: uud In tbe oure. Tnirty six jearj erpMtience. .eot-ptluus lorAnO ' 124 8. llibHt., Fhitade phla, Tiusday and Wedntsriay: No. U3 Weat 4 let .it., Njw Yotk, K uday; Wathiuslon bt,, Ho? ton t Thursday aud Friday. tSbud for Ulrcular. C ' J? f J . ai'4-a! ! V For It. MONTH on Trial far 85 CENTS. We will aeud tha Great " Hard Tlmea" Paper, tue CRICKET ON THE HEARTH Konr raontua on trial for only 2 t cent. A maromotb 16-pate iH net rated paper (sice of Brpr Wkl ,),d. votd to LitHratan. Romance, Uaefnl Knowle It , AxDuwment. ate., eto. Tne beat, ebeaneat, aud nooet prpul r papnr publifhed. One dollar p v year, with eavle of iLre p eaiiums, or ? oeata wiibout premi urn (Specimen copy tor itemn. (Send 25 oe 'ta for four m -ntbs trial, to V. M. LUPTON A OO.. PabUsbera, 37 Park Uow, Nuw York. WHAT a Every Household Should Keep band ta a ramedr to enra wfthoat sail. In Ihe doafitr. Uolda. Ouusha end (Ion. sump lion prevail In al moat every family. AI.IaKIV'IS JaU.NU HAs.KAlrl wtl u tha avldt acd ovngha and prerunt consumption. A AN KXHR OR ANT IT II AA NO EOUAL It im hnriuleei. in the uioal delli-uie csiild. It ! rulusj no OtilMsa In Any J'oroi. Itra tlons acoc mpany eacb bottle. It la sold by aU dra.glila and medtuia dealera. RemovaH50Sffissf! Tivw and aaeeondhand of mix fli-ei-cltta uiuUrr., Inrludloa WATKH8 oV "tlMI. will be wild at extraordinary Low Prlree toeliaae out Hie eailrai lock, prevlaiua to UKHI1VAL to their New Knot 14ia Hi., Union Hquure, (let. lUih. Jll talc half-price, aoue u( 2 elm. pa-r paae. Jlluetrafed ('ataleauee Atrnl. W'xntrd. Hueclal Inoure. uieiii to Til K TKAUH. IIUHAC'B WATHKI4 k MINIS, itlaaufhciurern oaal UmUera, 4S1 llronilxiir, New Yark. THE BEST PAPER IS 1 : Only 1 1 .OO a rear, and 1 So. far poatajra, will aecora 0BUW M .!:. 1 V- U - f. - - Best Story and Family Paper la tha United Btatea. It la larcer and better than tha ,n-,t . . 11 papen rf New Yotk, and la told lot on. Uil(4 . Addraaa , , ,( 4 THE LEDaEli, CHICAUO, ILLINOIS. j) HICAGO I EDGEB REMARKABLE LETTER From a Gentleman. Known and Hon ' ored from tho Atlantio to the ' ' Paciflo Coast. Mcajra. VKur. A foTTKn, Whnlranlc nrtipglaU, Moa ton Mn.t Omilxinonr-I havo lor antne rnontlia felt It a duty tliatlotacd to an (r-rl iik humanity to wrlto yon, itatliui therrrnt tie ntnt that I havn derived from Ins nae orHaaronii'H KamcAL Curk mn CaTAaitn. For ii. wi v ,i.ii w jr-in i uuve iipcii ninirien Wltu ttlll TrT tronblt-aome comnlnltit. 1 ttavetrlod all the remedies that I conld flntL tint without matoi lal or permanent nenefit. I.aat fall thedlaeaac bad arrived at that Hale that I innathave rallcf or ill". The entire mcmhran ouaflyaiem had br-nome no Inflamed, ad theatntnarh i illaortlelf fl, that It is na a tluiilil'itl mntt-'r whclhi r I could o to the Pnrinc rnaat, or If I did ico whether I ahould live) to come hack or not. 1 auw an adver iiaotnent or una njeiiictnn, atid althonirli Dclnv veri Inrradulmia ahont aneelllrtor noatruma of any kind, yet In aheo.r d-aperatlon I tried thla, and waa at onee 1,'Tienird hy It. Tha rhanxta of climate, a chronlo dlaraaenf tha llrer, and n,y aire over ID mar tire vent my entire rcatnratlon. but the bnrllt 1 derive from Ha dallr nan la to me tnrahtnht. and 1 am hnnlntf to ha cnmpk-t,lv cured, and at laat arrive al a reapect ahle old axa If thla ai Atrmant of my eaae can be of any I'rrlre to thota amtntad aa I havo been. and mania yon to brine thla remedy Into more vimernl nae, renerlnllv on the Paoino roaat (where It la mueli ln;i;dotl, my object la wri.iii ni. mnn will nn ftntaan '!. vera irviyyoma. UMVltY wr.l.l.H, Aoaoaa, N. T., Jiirm, mi. ofWi:lla,rarrotkCo, Faeh narkaea ftnnlalna fir. aanfr-rd'a Imnri-arf In. hallnar ttit'a, and full dlreetl'.na for tiae in all r.i.-a. Price tun. For aale hy all wholesale an i r trti dnimlala IhroiiKbont tha llnllei ntat-a. WI r.KS At PonKIt, It-neral Ag. nta an 1 'Wuoiraale l)ru. Klata, lloaton, Maaa. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS Tor Taonal Palna, tammen, Brrronnaa, Weaknoaa, Niirnbnoftajjtnrl InflaramaUon of 'h?JninK. 1,1 vor. KitlneyaPploen, HoweIj Bladtlwr, llnart nntl JVIaaoler., aro erinal to an Brlny??do?t?Ti aoroa) of plait and ahruba. Eyenjn Poralyaia, Epilepsy, or Flta, and Weryouiijtnd Involuntary Mub- ??!5rAotion th) Plaater, by Ballyintt the ggfoyJj!grg'"i effected Curea when every other known remedy haw failed. BOLD BY A DBPQOI8TB. Price 25 oenta. Sent on receipt of price. 25 centff rOne, $1 25 for Six, or $2.25 for Twelve, to any part of the tTnlted Btatea and WEEKS & POTTER, Proprietora. Bostonl AGENTS :' nv-Wlsnt-- thrTitJrtt- rf The Ulaa mr. rn oomhlnntlnn icr this eeaon en-paa-" anrttaloc hmrtnnn art.rn.--te , Tarmavi-nt f-(v. Andn-R M Aawa a am worn nuon innr wnr tnia Ta. I And bIm. miitp. ui.uuh at UU., 1 rwarren 8., New Tot. T JN Pit-L"JU FITS READYTIfB "CENTEfiPIWOSITION A rrn.1e nn-nica of It- bfstorr, rranti bnlldlnira, vonf1erf ill exhihlti. onrlntiUlnn. trrAivt Hi-ji aat fa..- Fdai-I Hllllrilfri. (horouahfu nonutttr. inrl ohtap. Mni ti Immnnsely. .?,(' Aienlti wanted. Send for fnll partlcatars. Ti ta will be tbe chance nf tM year n oMn raonnr fast. Oet tta only reliable history. HUBHXPD BROS.. Ptihp., 733 Srnsoni rre. -nt'an' inn a, ia..or ntnntif-in. Mat-. (H A TT'TTfiTff Ie n deceiver. b- ormatar boka, avnralntrtob4Moffltat,wandteUlog w-at will happen lo Amun aod Seotcm ber Any oup rnn tPh Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. If ll ItlOnt arreeahl 0 th taatl Knitlt ma.lra1r.aa .M rpatly ofTe.n-.iTe, and tbe stomarh rej ctm thrn. This oaa be taken bv children. If, wltl pirre wn y enr-t oonatl'attoDal orwifvAf-i; errdtoate afffct1ros rf the liver : remnra hfalthl'y thecaiseof rbnmntlm : hraoa up fh(. neron ryntm n w f hout oreattRR nausea or Tomltlnir. In a word, tMt aperient la N .tube's remedy, In tbd alemblo of the fur the cure of maa. WOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTB. ! t REDUCTION IN PRICE!! RICHARDSON'S HEW METHOD FOR PIANO. A CARD. '- THE PtTBUSHKKS, BELIEVING THE DE MAND OP TI"E TIMES SflOn.D BE MKT, HAVE KEDICF.D THE PRICE OF THIS FAMOV8 METHOD FOR TIIE 1'IANOFORTE TO $3.25 THEV BEI.IEVE THE PUBLIC WILL APPRE CIATE THEIR ACTION. AS TO MERIT AND EXCELLENCE THERE IS NO BOOK ITS.EQUAL. IT STANDS FIRST AND V0RE.MOST, ITS SALES OF HUNDREDS OF 'l .1OU8AND8 WILL ATTEST. IS ATTRACTIVE, THOROUGH AND SUCCESSFUL. IT IS CONSIDERED BY ALL FAIR JUIXIES TO BE TIIE PERFECTION OF A PIANO INSTRUCTION BOOK. TRICE $3.23 SENT POST-PAID FOR THIS PRICE. BJ?" SOLD BY ALL MUSIC AND BOOK DEAL ERS, AND USED BY TIIE PRINCIPAL TEACHERS IN TIIE UNITED STATES AND. CANADA. OLtVER D1TS0N &CJ, Boston. I'a H. DllfcON v ,:., Ill Hiaailway, Nrw York. J. E. 1)11 SON I'll., riaoueatora to J.e Walker, Pi Ha. Highest Honors CENTENNIAL! MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs : Unanimously Assigned the aaf. . FIRST R TIIF SEVERAL REQUISITES" ut sucn instruments I MEDALS OV atlUAL AiKKIl' a. . oiorll II artielM akeaaad afor'Ay of rteogntHom, ao that It will bt anay for d. any maksra to adraituaa tnat thny hava ra alTSd ' hlghaat modala." It U by tha JUDOBV EB PORTS, ONLY, that oompaUn art olea ara aaalfntd thalr oomparatlra rank la aioellenea. From tnaaa raporta tha followtnc ta an axtraot: TUB MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN OO.'S aihlblt of Read Oraaaa and Uarmoalnais ihoara Inatmmanta of tha UltHT RANK. IM THK RKTBKAI. HE. QUIflTfc8 Olf 1-TUU.1E.T1 UP THE Vli ASS, via., Smoothnaaa and aqaal dla rlbnlltm of aoao, aoop ol aipraaalon, naonanoa and alnalcg quality, (raadoni and qulokueaa In aotlon of keya and ballowa, with taoronfhnaaa of workmanahlp, oombtned with almpUolty of aotlon." (araad ( all UU Judgu.) : The MASON t HAMLIN ORGANS are (hut declared to SANK FI31T, not in one or two respttsls only, but in ALL the IMPOR TANT QUALITIES rf such instruments ; end they are the ONLY organs assigned (his rank. , Thla triumph was not nnaipactcd, for tha Maaon Hamlin Oablnat Oraana baya uattormly ban aaardaa tha blahaat honora in oonipatulona in Amariea, thara haaloa baan aoarcely llz axcepllona In huudreda of ton. patltluna. Ttutf wars awatiiaa HIOHiL&r HONORS and fltat madail PARIS, 1867: VlrNA.187l: SAM TIAGO.IKS; r-lllLADEI.I-HIA.lMS; and nain thoa b -uu awaraad hlabeaL bouura at raaij a orld'a Kzpoal. tlon at wbloh ttu-y baaa bran axtilbltad ; balna tha only Ajuailuan oraana whteh haya aver obtataad an award at any oompaiittun wttn bat ituropatau uiakaxa. w ia any World'a H ipoalUnn I nafal on kaaiaf MiaoK HaHLTJt Oi'SAWt ata aal taa aa otktr. Vmaltrt otm racuajiaiaaal inf trior otmow.t heatim lAay oaa ynaid lai am oommiaaioaa for a. lliaa (A.M. NBW HTYLkB, with KXI'ENDtD TOPtt, yaiy fleaanr. and othar improyinauta, ahlt.itad at tha (JKNTKNalAL, alaaaot na cataa In arrtmt aartaay. Prloaa fary lomuM ouualatant with bavt matailai and woramaoahlp. Organa aold lor aaah or Inatallmanta, or rentad uulli rant padra. JCaary Organ tearranud to yiva aitllra matUfaetion 10 aaaru raot,abU pyrcArwaa- or tu humit iuntauiac, ULX.UB'1 ItAT 0,0 UA'I ALOUUIW aant I raw. MASON HAMLIN ORGAN 00.-18 Tramon't Btraat, uoaton i ii Union oqujkra, Naw Yoifci HO al.d 8 Adama klmat, Uhiiadro. AN GLENN'S SULPUUIt SO AT, The Most Effect-tys Extrrnal Reuedy Eykr Offered to the Public GLRim't Bulphub Soap enres with wondrona rapidity all Local Dispases and Irritation of tbe Kkin, rcmt dii a and preventa Rhmimntisin and ) nt, rcmovct Dandruff, i'rrventa tbe H .11 from Falling Out and Turnine Orny, and is the best possible protection against diseases cemmunicated by con tact. COMTLESIWIAI titPKtfi JO PER MANENTLY Rbmovkd by its use, and it exerts a most tikactifyinq infix bnce npon the fce, dock, arms, ami, indeed, upon the entire cutMe. wliirb it endows with remariiati".2 pupiiy, VAIRNE8S and softness. This TWEirPENsrvE and contentet RPRC1FII EBNDF.Mrl UNNECESSARY '1 1K oniXAT .TTENDiNO Sulplinr JJalii-. It tht-romrhly 1iinfi-cis coii'umi nated clothing and lin .. PHYSI0IAN3 ADVISE V t L. Prices, 23 and'CO Cents "inCAKit, Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 60c. n 11.20. KB. By porch ail ny tha larare at I. 50 eenta yon f at triple tlia -ttantitv. "IIIIPb Hair and V hisH yyfc, -Black or Brown, 6(.'r- C.N.CEITIiMflN'.ProD't.JhutiiAv.N.y. A BOOK for the MILLION. WtU'UAL AUVICt .r-yBKSSES (Atartji. Uuptura. ipiuui liabit, c, StA'T t'HEE on r cclri ui atamp Atl'lra... Ilr. n,m. llipanaT Nn I! N (that.. St. Ixn,a. Ms N. F. EURKHAM'S 1S14 TarHna WATER WHEEL Hu aitaplnrpd bandreds ol other Tntblnw, but hns neTrr benn It elf dtflplnrrd. Patnphlt frM. N r BURNHAM, York, Pa ' ' EUPEON! If you have Rhenmatiam, Neuralgia, Headache, a Burn, or a Bruise, procure a bottle of Bupcon. It will give instant relief, a thousands can testiry. For sale by all Druggists, II. A. HTJRLBTTT 8c CO, 75 and 77 Randolph Street Chicago, Agents for the Proprietora. Whether You Travel or Not, INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF ACCIDENTS, BY A YFAHLY T0L1CY IN THE Traveler ME OCCIDENT M CO. Or IIAItTK(lltt, CONN. Apontaj Etroary-apayin.ex'aa. NEW AYIIXCOX & GIBBS Latest Invention, and producing moat Marvelous iteaolta. Only marjWnB rat ine vvrta tth Antomatie Tenaion and Stitca Indicator. Tratta Hark Id baaa af avery macbt na. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Prlac List, ic. "Willcox & Giblis S. M. Co., (Cor. Bond St.) 608 Broadway, New York, Established 184S. J.EST3Y&CO. BrAttloboro, "7t. CSend for Illustrated Catalogue HAIR RESTORATIVE Wtiat It Does! It iwtorM, quickly, Grar Hair to It frlowv Nat and eoior, it hns tue effect nf Kestorinir tbe linir to preiptv tur! j Bald Head a. It Heraovea Dttndruff, Humunand aiiKruptionarrom 1 venia dVrntauon, Divnaaa of tbe 1 aided, dry, haraU . t renewa,dreaaea. me ncatip. it pre 1 tolling and Scaly fckia. It Retjre and falling Hair, aoiteni and give of tbe Hir. It desired effects In ny Reatorative tearing tbe hair a;)oay, whether aSortotbeKrovrth i accompliabeamore E a anort time tb&a ever made, alwaya aoft. lively and . lifted U I Umtuillff lira.,! tha ai.l... 1 ha,r ..aa nw.aa ohm. K1T in nunhtn ionditioo : tbua renderuig it, for tha Old and Younjr, aa article ot' unoqualed exoellence. No Preparation offered to the public produce euch wonder ul result. Try it! T.y it! CU 1 r "Wood's Xm proved 1" aa It contains no injurious qualitiea. It was orfirlfially fntnxbioed SO years sax v Prof. O. J. Wood, but the reoeut change ot iDcred'.t.ta in thla ar ticle la making a demand for it In all part- f tbe United otatea, Canadaa aod foreign eouiitriea. ANNOUNCED INT OONSUMEES! Tha treat radlaal lmpmvameat Introduced ' i thla ar tiele baa induced ua to take tbe agency and ad 7.mie ita rlrtuea to the world, lueilecta aaa Ho .rative ire what baa been ltiria- souarht tor and wsi. " . mainv vuara k. (iig more dbcidedwrnw- - .wy wd ittlafactory Uinwhvr m a mm tuia ad. No Dmggiat B 111 in tha world knows Ita oompo. B B fl anion, and cannot make it ; therefore it, " Wood'a Im. let any annrlncU rinea yon tiiat ha or Kane war aa tlilnf? aimilar. mm when you call for proved," do not pled dealer con. has a Ktw to ntiva ffood, or aomaw there la none hka Itl Iitsiat uiMm having WiMld'al Imnrrail " a rrl no other, for your money! H will not be long bVilora all dealera averywhere wUl bate it. If you ahould fail to 2?if V 'V i!?!?nd l0u .S" byal for a bottle, or MJ0 for sU bottlea, and wa will send it to you, UreuaidL wi aui r.aim tsuiuun aesirea. Bolt AgniU for t Ke U ul ted Hi kua aXan- 22 i oL K- w?r . UdelphiZ Jobnaton, Hot luway Uoa.fcnd by W'"lMniti iruga.iaU geaexaliy. amir Mo. 43 vyilKN WRITIMJ Tu AIIVKBt.dK' 'ai 7a aaiv tat aatva.w a s HuTSMTIu 1 : wvaa tm aaaa y taper.