The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 02, 1876, Image 2

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    -i nil 1 1 ,ri i
Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor.
THURSDAY, NOV. i!Xl.. 1870.
of onio.
for vicirREsiiM:.vr,
Benjamin IT. ltrewter. of I'hllndelphin
John W. llmlliuit, of Allegheny.
1 John WelKh.
't Hcury llntr,
8 Chris. ,1. ItoB'iiMin,
1ft Mile 1.. Tracy.
W S.W. Ktarkwenther,
17 Dnnli'l J. Morrcll,
IS Jnrcmiiih Lyons,
1S William Hay,
30 AVm. ( nmcron
4 una. T. .loneK
u Edwin . F ltlcr,
o uoniamin iraun
7 J. w. Bernard,
8 Jacob Knnbb,
ft John B. Wnrfel,
0 Joseph Thomas,
11 Arin rnrdee.
12 I.pwis Puzho,
13 Ed. 9. Sllliman,
11 William Colder,
-'I J. It. Doiilov,
12 Panicl O'Neill,
ZS Wllllom Nebb,
A. B. Bcnrn?r,
!2.'i Ssm. M. Jackson,
'X Jns. Wcstnrninn,
IW W. W. Wllber.
State Senator,
of Clarion County,
Associate Judgo.
HORACE LITTLE, of Kidgway.
District Attorney,
J. 0. V. BAILFV, of Ridgway.
Jury Commissioner.
V. V. Oyster authorizes us to an
nounce bis withdrawal a a candidate
fir the Assembly. He also wishes us
to return thanks to his friends frr
their efforts in bis behalf.
Nomination of Major Henry Wetter for
state ciiaior.
The action of the Senatorial Con
ferees of this district at their con
ference held at Tionesta, on Tuesday
last, meet., so far as we have heard
any expression, with the unqualified
approbation of the Republican party
and the people of the district.
The nomination being neither
solicited nor desired by Major Wetter
It was made in order to meet the
wishes of not only the Republican
party of the district, but also at the
solicitation of a large number of the
most prominent oil operators of
Clarion and the other counties coi
prised in the oil Region. Reiner one
among the most extensive operators,
practically acquainted with all the
needs of tho business, and a gentle
man in whom they have unlimited
confidence, on behalf of the oil inter
ests,. they, without distinction of
party urged his nomination.
We therefore present Maj. Henry
Wetter not only as the chosen expo
nont of Republican principles, but as
the representative man of the oil busi
ness which is the representative In
terest of this Senatorial district.
As such he will be everywhere
recognized, and from assurances ex
pressed he will receive the solid vote
of the oil interest of the counties com
posing the district.
We consider that a more fitting
nomination could not bare been
made. Aiaj. w otter's record is one
that cannot be successfully assailed by
the most malignant partisan. Ho was
a gallant soldier and lost a leg at the
second battle of Bull Run. As a busi
ness man bis career has been one o
marked success, and this sufficiently
indicates bis executive ability. A
sterling man, a christian gentleman
popular with all classes, if elected
which we have every reason to be
lieve he will br , he will faithfully aud
efficiently serve the best interests of
the people of the district. Clarion
How Colorado Went.
From a Chicago Tribune letter from Denver.
John L. Routt, Republican candl
date for Governor, has a majority of
nearly 1,000 over Bela M. Hughes
James B: Belford, for the Forty-fourth
and Forty-fifth Congress, has a ma
jority or between boo and oo over
Thomas M Patterson, late Democratic
delegate to Congress. The balance of
the Republican State ticket has ma
joritios running from 1,000 to 1,500 and
tho Legislative ticket from 1,600 to
2,2U0. The average Republican ma
jority on the whole ticket is 1,500 a
gain of 8,600 over 1874,- when the Ter
ritory went Democratio by 2; 100 ma'
jority. The total vote of the State
foots up 27,000, an increase of 10,500 in
two years..
The Business Revival Tilden
preaches bard times as one reason
why he should bo elected. Yet in
spite of bis dismal oroakings. his ar.
dent apologist, the Philadelphia
Timet, gives mm tnls slap in tne face
The fact that tbe condition of busi
ness, both present and prospective, is
better than It has been at any time for
three years, is admitted, even by the
most dismal croakers- From every
centre comes the same pleasant tale of
brisk trade, more numerous discounts
larger purchases and quicker collec
Abo alia at
Prii-tsI Vo use talking. Go to
Election Proclamation.
ITniEREAfl, In and
the 13th tec-
V lion of the Act of General
of Pennsylvania, passed July 2, 1869, en
titled "ao act relating to the election of
(he Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the
Sheriff of every county to civ notioe of
fnch election! to be held, ana to enumer
ate in such Dot ice what, officer are t o be
denied. In pursuance thereof, 1 DANIEL,
SCULL, High Sheriff of the county or KU,
do therefore make known and give thi
public notice to tho electors of aaiJ oounly
of Elk, that a general election will be held
In Rnid county on
(it being the first Tuesday of the month)
fur the purpose of electing the following of.
ficcrs to-wit:
Twenty-nine Presidential Electors.
One person for Congressman, to repre
sent the Countils of Union Clinton, Clear,
field, Klk, Milllin and Center.
One person for State Senator to repre
sent the counties of Clarion, Elk, Cameron
and forest.
One person for Assemblyman torcpro
sent the County of Elk.
Two persons for Assooiate Judges.
One person for District- Attorney.
One person for County Surveyor.
One person for Jury Commissioner.
And the qualified electors of the county
of Elk will hold Iboir elections in the sev
eral districts, as follows:
lteneielto township, at the house of
Elitnbeth Winslow.
Ilcnzinger township, at the school bouse
on Miohael street, near the Elk creek
Fox township, at the Centreville school
Highland townsh.p. at the house of Levi
Morton towns-hip, at the school bouse
nearD. 0. Ov'nter's hotel.
Jay township, at the bouse or Aitred
Jones township, at the Wilcox Tanning
and Lumber Co's office.
Millstone township, at the house of Henry
Derr, at Burr's Dam.
Ridgway township, at the Court House.
Spring Creek township, at the house of
Stockdale, Downer & Co.
SI - Marys borough at the town hall.
1 also make known tbe following:
An Acr regulating the mode of voting at
elections in the several counties of this
Commonwealth; approved March 80th.
fiirTinw T Ki it fnnofcA hu the. Urn-
ate and House of Representative of thi
vommonweaun of Pennsylvania tn
General Assembly met, and His hereby
enacted by the authority of the same:
That the qualified voters ot the several
counties of tbe Commonwealth, at all gen
eral, township, borough and special elec
tions, are hereby hereafter authorized and
required to vote by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed and partly
written, severally clas3ibcd as totlows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of all
judges of courts voted for, and to be labeled
eutsiue "Judiciary;' one ticket- shall em
brace tho names of all State officers to be
voted for, and be labeled "State;" one
ticket shall embrace the names of all county
officers voted fir, including the office of
Senator and members of Assembly, If voted
for and, andmambers of Congress, if voted
for and shall be labeled "County," etc..
and each class shall be deposited In separate
ballot boxes.
I also make known and give notice as in
and by the 15th section of aforesaid act
''Every person except justices of the peace
who shall hold any office of appointment
of profit or trust under ihe government of
the Lnued states, or of any city or incor
porated district, whether a commissioned
omcer or otherwise, a subordinate orncer
or agent who is or shall be employed under
the legislative, executive or judicial depart
meuts of the State, or Ihe United Slates, or
of any city or incorporated district, and
also any member of Congress or of the
Slate Legislature; and of the select and
common eounoils of any city, or eoinmis
siner of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exeroising at the
same time Ihe office or appointment of
judge, inspector or clerk of any election of
the Commonwealth, and no inspector,
judge or any other officer of such election
ball be eligible to be voted for.
Also, in tbe 4th section of the act of as
sembly 'entitled ''An net relating to elec
tions and for other purposes," approved
April 16th, I860, it isenaoted that the 14th
section shall be so constructed as to pre
vent any militia or borough officers from
serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any
generator special election in this (jemmon
I also make known the following:
Whereas, The fifteenth amendment of
the Constitution of tho United States is as
Section 1. The ripht of citizens of the
United Slates to vote shall not be denied
er abridged by the United States or by any
State on account of race color or previous
condition of servitude,
Section 2. The Congress shall have
power to enforce this artiole by appropri
ate legislation.
And WHEBKAi, me congress oi me
United States, on the 81st day of March.
1870. passed an aot entitled "An act to en
force the rights of citizens of the United
States 4o vote in the several Slates of this
Union, and for other purposes." the 6 rut
and second sections of which are as follows
Seotion 1. Be it enacted by the Sen
ate and House of Representatives of
the United States of Ameriea,in Cong
ress assembled. That all citizens of the
United Stales who are or shall be otherwise
qualified by law to vote-at any election by
the people in any state, i errnory, aistrici,
county, city, parish, township, school dis
trict. municipality, or other territorial sub
division,sballbe entitled and allowed to vote
at all anch elections, without distinction of
race, color or previous condition of servi
tude. any constitution, law, custom, usage
or regulation of any State or Tel ritory, or
by or under its authority, to tne contrary
Section 2- And be it further enacted,
That if by law or under the authority of
the constitution or laws of any State, or ef
the laws of any Territory, any act is or
shall be required to be done as a ore.
requisite or qualification for voting, and by
such constitution or law persona or officers
are or shall be charged with tbe perfor
mance of duties in famishing citizens with
an opportunity to perform such prerequisit e
and to become qualified to vote with ou
distinction of race, color or previous son
dition of servitude, and If any such person
or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to
give full ettect to Ibis seetton, be shall fo
every such offenBe forfeit and pay tbe sum
of av hundred dollars to the person ag
grieved thereby, to be recovered by an ac
lion en the ease, with full costs and suob
allowance for counsel fees as the oourt may
deem just, and shall, also, for every suoh of
fence be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not
lest than nve nunarea aouars, and ne im
prisoned not lest than one month and not
Lit. -a than one year, or nom at iat direc
tion of tbe oourt.
And Whereas, It it decUrei by the 2d
teotion of the VI artiole of the constitution
and the lawt of (ha United Stales which
thall be the supreme law ef the land
anything in the constitution
or lawt of any btate to Ua contrary net
And Whereas, The Legislature of this
Commonwealth, on tbe btb day of April
A. V, IB7U, passed an act entitled
further supplement to the act relating to
the elections of this Commonwealth," the
tenth section of which provides at follows;
Btmicv 10. That o ttuch ef vtry act
of assembly that provide-i that only white,
freemen shall be entitled to vote or be
registered as voters, or as claiming to vote
at any general election or this common,
wealth, he and the same is hereby repealed,
and that hereafter all freemen, without dis
tinction of eolor, shall be enrolled and reg
istered according to the provisions of the
first seotion of the act approved 17th of
April, 18(10, entitled, "An aot further sup
plemental to an act relating to elections in
this Commonwealth," and when otherwise
qtmlfted under existing laws, be entitled to
vole at all general and special elections in
thi Commonwealth.
I also make known the following:
Whereas, By the act of Congress of
the United Slates, entitled "An aot to
amend the several aots heretofore passed to
provide for the enrolling and calling out
Ihe national forces and for other purposes,"
and approved March 8, 1866, nil persons
who have desertel tho military or naval
s rvioe of the Utlled Simes; and who here
not been discharged or relieved from the
penalty or disability therein provided, are
deemed and takon to have voluntarily re-
linqtiihcd and forfeited their right of
citizenship, and their right to become
citixens, and are deprived of exercising any
rights of oitizens thereof.
And Whereas, Persons not citizens of
the United States are not, under tbe consti
tution and Laws of Pennsylvania, qualified
electors of this Commonwealth,
hection 1, lie it enacted by the Sen
ate and Home of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same,
That in all eleotiona bereafier to be held in
this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful
for the judge or inspectors of any such,
election to receive any ballot or 'ballots
from any person or persons embraced in
the provisions and subject to the disability
imposed by said act of Congress, approved
March 3d, 1865 and it shall be unlawful
for any such person to offer to vote any bal
lot or ballots.
Section 2. That if any judge or inspec
tor of election, or any one of them shall re
ceive or oonsentto receive, any such unlaw-
lul ballot or ballots, from any such disqual
ified person, he or they so offending shall
be guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof in any court of quarter ses
sions or this Commonwealth, be shall for
each offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of
not less than one hundred dollars, and to
undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the
proper county, tor not. less than sixty daye.
Section 3. Tbnt if any person deprived
ol citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid,
shall at any election hceafter to be held In
this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers and offer to vote a ballot or ballots,
any person so offending shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof in any oourt of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth,' shall, tor each onense,
be punished in a like manner as is provided
in tbe preceding section ot this aot, in the
case of officers receiving such unlawful bal
lot or ballots.
Section 4. That if any person shall
hereafter persuade or advise any person or
persons deprived of citizenship and dis
qualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or
ballots, to the otheer of any election here
after to be held in this Commonwealth, or
shall persuade or advise any such officer of
any election hereafter to be held In this
Commonwealth, to receive any ballot or
ballots from any person or persons deprived
of citizenship and disqualihed as aforesaid,
such person so offending shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic
tion thereof in any court of quarter sessions
of this Commonwealth shall be punished in
alike manner as is provided in the second
section of this act, in the case or oBicers of
such election receiving such unlawful bal
lot or ballots.
I also make known the following section
of an aot approved Ihe 80th day of January,
A. D. 1874, entitled "A further supplement
to lh aot regulating eleotions of this Com
monwealth." Sec. 5. At all elections hereafter held
under the laws of this Commonwealth, the
polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock A. M.,
and closed at 7 o'clock P. M.
Sko. 9. All elections by the citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be
numbered in the order in which it shall be
received, and the number recorded by the
clerks on the list of voters opposite the
name of tbe elector from whom received.
And any voter voting two or more tickets,
the several tickets so voted shall be num
bered with the number corresponding with
the number to the name of the voter.
Any elector may write bis name upon bis
ticket or cause the same to be written
thereon, and attested by citizens of the dis
Sic. 10 On the day of election any
person whose name shall not appear on tbe
registry of voters, and who claims the right
to vote at said election shall produce at
least one qualified voter of the district as
witness to tbe residence of the claimant in
the district in which he claims to be a
voter for the period of at least two months
immediately preceding said election, which
witness shall be sworn or affirmed, and sub
scribed a written, or partly written and
partly printed affidavit to the facta stated by
him, which affidavit shall define clearly
where the residence it of the person so
claiming to be a voter; and the person to
claiming the right to vote shall also take
and subscribe to a wriltea or partly written
and portly printed affidavit stating to the
best of hit knowledge and belief when and
where he was born; that he has been a
citixea of the United Stales for one month
and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
that be hat resided in the Commonwealth
one year, or, if formerly a qualified elector
or a native born citizen thereof, and has
remove therefrom and returned, that he re
tided therein tlx months next preceding
said election that be has resided in the dis
trict in which be claims to be a. voter for
tbe period ef at leaBt two months im
mediately preceding said election tbal he
has not moved into the district for tbe pur
pose of voting therein; that be has if
twenty-two years of age or upwards, paid a
Stats or eonnly tax within twoyenrs, which
was assessed at least two months and paid
at least one mouth before the election. The
said affidavit shall also state when and
where the tax claimed to be paid by the
affiant waa assessed, and when and where
and to whom paid; and the tax receipt
therefor shall be produced foi examination,
unless the affiaut shall Mate in bit affidavit
that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he
never received any; and if a naturalized
citizen, shall also slate when, wheieandby
what court be was naturalised and shall
also prodnoe his certificate of naturalization
for examination. But if the person to
claiming the right to vote shall take and
subscribe an affidavit that he it a native
born eiiixen of the United States, or, if
born elsewhere, shall stats tbe fact in his
affidavit and shall produoe evidence that he
has been naturalised ot that he it tntitled
to citizenship by reason of hit faiher't
naturalization, and thall further state in hit
affidavit that he is, at the tine of making
the affidavit of the age ef Iwenty-ane and
under twenty-two yeait: that he hat been a
citizen of tbe United State ene month, and
naa resided ia me state one year; or, it a
native bor cltiseu of the 8 La to and re.
move therefore and returned, that he has
resided therein six months next preceding
said election, and in tne election distrtot two
months immediately preceding aueb elec
tion he thall be entiled to vote, although
be shall not have paid taxes. The said
affidavit of all persons making such claims
and the affidavits of the witnesses to their
residence, thall be preserved by the elec
tion board and at the clots of the election
they shall be enclosed vita the list of
voters, tally litis and other papert required
! e r fiiUd by the return judge
with the prothonotary, and shnll re
main on file therewith in theprotliono
tary's office, subject to examination
as other election papers are. If the
election officers find that the applicant
possesses all the legal qualifications of
a voter be shall be permitted to vote
and his name shaft be added to the
list of taxables by the election officers
and the word "tax." being added
where the claimant claims to vote on
tax, and tho word "age" where he
claims to vote on age, the same words
being added by the clerks in each case,
respectively, on the list of persons vot
ing at such elections.
Skc. 11. It shall be lawful for any
qualified citizen of the district, not
withstanding the name of the pro
posed voter is contained on the list of
residents) taxables, to challenge the
vote of such person whereupon the
same proof of the right of suffrage as
lt now required by law shall be pub
licly made and acted on by the elec
tion board, and the vote admitted or
rtjecteu, according to the evidence.
Every person clrimlng to be s
naturalized citizen shall be required
to produce his naturalization certifi
cate at the election before voting, ex
cept where he has been for five years
consecutively a voter in the district In
which he offers his vote; and on the
vote of such perwm belns received, it
shall be tho uutyof the election officers
10 write r stamp on sucti certincate
the word "voted" with the day,
month or year, and if any election of-
ncer or oniccrs shall receive a secona
vote on the same day. by virtue of the
same certificate, excepting where sons
are entitled to vote because of the
naturalization of their fathers, they
and the person who shnll oiler sucli
second vote shnll be guilty of a misde
incanor, ana on conviction thereof
shall be fined or imprisoned, or both.
at tho discretion of tho court; but the
line snail not exceed nve hundred dol
lars' in each case, nor the imprison
ment more than one year. The like
punishment shall be inflicted, on con
viction of the officers of the election
who shall neglect or refuse to make, or
cause to be made, the endorsement re
quired as aforesaid on said naturaliza
tion certificate.
Sec. 17. The respective assessors,
inspectors and Judges of election shall
eacli have the power to administer
oaths to any person claiming the right
to lie assessed or the right of sufl'rugc,
or In regard to any other matter or
thing required to be done or inquired
into by any of said officers under this
act; and wilful, false swearing by any
person in relation to any matter or
thing concerning which they shall bo
lawfully Interrogated by any of said
officers or overseers, shall be perjury.
Sec. 21. Any person who, on oath
or affirmation, in or before any court
in this State, or officer authorized to
administer oaths, shall, to procure a
certincate ot naturalization lor liim
self or any other person, willfully de
Dose. declare or affirm anv matter to be
fact, knowing the same to bo falso, or
shall in like manner deny any matter
to be fact, knowing tbe same to be
truo shall be deemed guilty of perjury,
and any certificate of naturalization
issued in pursuance of any such
disposition, declaration or affirmation
shall be null and void; and it shall be
the duty of the court issuing the same
upon proof being made before it that
it was fraudulently obtained, to take
immediato measures for recalling the
same for cancellation, and any person
who shall vote or attempt to vote on
any paper so obtained or who shall in
any way aid In, connive at. or have
any agency whatever, In the issue cir
culation or use or any fraudulent
naturalization certificate, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, und
upon conviction thereof, shull tin
cleriro an Imprisonment in theneniten
nary ior noi more man two years, and
pay a nneot not more than one thous
and dollars lor every such or
either or ootu, nt the discretion or the
lao, to part of sertion nineteen of
said act, as follows:
Any iierson who shall, on the dav
of any election, visit a polling place
in any election district nt which lie is
not entitled to vote and shall use any
illumination or violence tor the pur
pose of preventing any officer of elec
tion from performing the duties of
him required by law, or for the'pur
pose of preventinir any oualified voter
or sue ii district exercising his right to
- m. . . ... - . . ....
vote, or from exercising his right to
challenge any person olierinir to vote.
such persons shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished bv a fine not
exceeding one thousand dollars or by
imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both, at the discretion of the
Pursuant to the urovlsions con
tained in the thirteenth section of the
act last aforesaid, the return judges of
me aioresaid districts living with in
twelve miles of the protbosiolary's of
fice, or within twenty-four miles, if
their residence be in a town, village
or city upon tne lino or a railroad
leading to the county seat, shall be
fore two o'clock, past meridian, of the
day after the election and all other
judges shall, before twelve o'clock
meridian, on tne second day after
election, delivere said return
together with return sheet, to the
pro'thonotary of tho court of com
mon pleas of lilk county, at Ridg
Oiven under uiv baud at Kldarwav
the 4th day of October, in the year o
our .Liorn one thousand eigut nun
died and seventy-six, and of the In
dependence of tbe United States the
one hundred and first.
D. SCULL, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offic e, )
Ridgway, Pa., Oct. i, '75
TV I RS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
111. Co., Pa,, takes this method of
announcing to the citizens of Elk
county, that she bus on bandan assort
ment or fashionable niliunery good!
which will be sold cheap- Also dress
making in all its brances.
Agent for Dr. J. Ball & Co.'s Patent
Ivory and Lignum itie Eyo Cups,
oenu ior descriptive circular.
Tlin inii1,tiulivnf,l hitvtnfr nrAvlrl
himself with a team of horses, wagoa.
etc., is prepared to do job teaming of
uu uescripiion. a migu ui seu.
soned hardwood on hand, aud for sale
at reasonable figures. Your patronage
is solicited.
Sept 21s 1870.3m.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of Frederick Diploid,
Letters Testamentary upon tbe
above estate have been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims to pre
sent me same without aeiay to
C. L. BAYER. x
Call at
Mill Street
the corner of Main and
for your Stoves and Tin
Not a Dye; makes harsh hair toft and
tilky; cleanses the tealp from all impurities,
causing the hair to grow where It hat fallen
off or become thin.
Can be applied by the band as it does not
stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As
a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the
world has ever produced. The bair is re
novated and strengthened, and natural
co'or restored without the application of
mineral substances.
Since the introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, it has
been the wonder and admiration of all clas
ses, as it has prored to be the only article
that will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hair to its original jolor, health
softness, lustre and beauty, and produce
hair on bald heads of ill original growth
and oolor.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article it complete within itself, no washing
or preparation we fore or after its use, or
accompany men! of any kind being required
to obtain those desirable results.
Her Is the Proof of Its SUPERIOR
Acad this Home Certificate, testified to
by Edward B. Qarrieues one of the most
competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila
delphia, a man whose veracity none can
I am happy to add my testimony to the
great value of the London Hair Color Re
storer which restored my hair to its . origi
nal Color, and tbe hue appears to be per
manent. 1 am satisfied that this prepara
tion not a dye but operates upon tbe te
crctions. It is also a beautiful bair dress
lng and promotes the growth. I purchased
the first bottle from Edward B. Uurrigues,
ruggisl, Tenth and Coates street, who can
also testify my bair was quite gray when I
ommenced its use. MK. MILLEH. no.
780 North Ninth street, Pbila.
Dr. 8wayne s Son, Respected friends:
have the pleasure to inform you that
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, it
delighted with the success of your London
Hair Color Restorer." Her hair waa last
falling and quite gray. Tbe color has been
restored, the falling off entirely stopped,
and a new growth of hair is the result.
E. 11. UAUKltiUbB,
Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phils.
July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son:
Last winter while ia Trenton, N. J., I pro
cured six bottles London Hair Color Re-
stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet
ter than any thing I have used in tbe last
ine years. If you please, send me one
dozen bottles COD care W 8 Fogler &
Son Druggists, No 723 Tremont street,
Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER
No 59 Rutland Square.
London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing
Has completely restored my hair to ils
original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid and luxuriant growth.
M KB. AN.ME MUIvnla, 10 blO Horth
Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Pulton of rhiladclpnia, says of it.
The London Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively among iny patients and
friends, as well as by myself. I therefore
speak from experience.
Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE a SON
3:i0 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,
sole Proprietors.
SO Lit 11 V. 4 LI. IHtli01STS
This distressing and dangerous complaint
and its premonitory symptoms, neglected
coiigh, night sweats, houraeness, wasting
flesh lever permanently cured by DQCTOtt
liltONCHITIS A piemonitor or Pul
monary Consumption, is characterized by
catarrh, or iuflsunation of the mucum mem
brane of tho air paxHngef, with cough and
expectoration, short breath, hoarseness,
pains in the chest, ror all bronchial aOec
lionB, sore throat, lest of voice coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Bhod. may
proceed from the larynx, trauhia bronchia
or lungs and arises trom various cauaes, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or full
ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain-
ng ofthe voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction of the spleen or liver, &o.
Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
strikes at the root of disease by purifying
tbe blood, restoring the liver and kidneys
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
The only standard remedy for hemor
rhane, bronchial and all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should not fall to use
this great vegetable remedy.
Its marvelous power, not only over con.
cunipt-on, but over every cbronio disease
where a gradual alterative action it needed
Under its use the oougn is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
the pulse returns to its natural standard,
tho stomach is improved in its power to di
gest and assimilate the food, and every
organ bat a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it. out or whioh pew re
creative and plastio material it made.
Prepared only by
339 Sorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Solo bt all PaouixxaT Duvcoibti.
Itching Piles!
rosiTivsLT ccbsd by the use of
I was sorely afflicted with one of Ihe most
distressing of all diseases Prnritut or Pru
rigo, or more commonly known at Itphing
Plies. The itching at timet waa almost in
tolerable, inoreated br teratohing, and not
unfrequenlly become qnite sote. I bonght
a box ot Swayne a Ointment; its ubo gave
ouiek relief, and in a short time made
nerfeotcure. I can now alecp undisturbed,
aud I would advise all who are suffering
with this dittressing complaint te procure
Swavne't Ointment at once. I had tried
prescriptions almost innumerable, without
finding ana perms nentrenei.
(Firm of Boedel & Christ,)
Boot and Shoe House 844 North Seoond
Street, Philadelphia.
Swayne't All-healing Ointment ia also
a specifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum,
Ssald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all 8caly, trusty, cutaneous Er
vuptioat. Perfectly safe and harmless
vea en the most tender Price 60
eentt. Bent by mail to any address oa re
eeipt ef prioe.
Celebrated all over the world for its renta
ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil
ltle complaints. Deewribe symptoms in all addrn nsletters to DK
SWATSr and SOS, Thnade.lpMa -7yl
& Woods & Co.'s
,jjJ4jm-iii "
fl fi ? i t r. r.
:! mMrkiWh $a its;
' " i3t' R'jjrtK;ST I'Al .1 IS
A.Upt-d for Amitturwitt I'rofewion-il, and an cnieincnt in any parlor. t Beautiful New Stylet, BOW may.
GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mast.
H iHU.00.1Si SOS Whtirton 8t., Betnnt 170 Slate St., Chleagoi SS Latsato Bill,
mi. from to , worth of th n-. le.;icd mmic GEO. WOODS i CO., Publishers, CambrMgtpsrt, Man.
Ei3evrr, X:k C9, PV
The Times
Are surely getting better notwith
standing the croakings of politicians;
else why should our most sagacious
merchants venture to lay in such
tremendous stocks of goods. "We no
tice that our downstairs neighbors,
Messes Powell & Kirne. are opening
up one oftbe largest and most com
plete assortments of merchandise that
we remember ever before having seen
in our town. Indicationiftoo aro that
they have made no mistake in ventur
ing to increase their business, for
there is a constant rush for their new
goods. Every department of their
well arranged salesrooms seems to be
well filled not only with the choicest
of seasonable goods, but also with well
pleased and satisfied looking customers
If you have not already been there
this week, wc advise youto go at once.
You will never bo sorry.
J Muiu Slrtot,r.idgway, Pa.
A LnrRe Snc:;
i CcustHDtly on liiiod, uutl i.-KI as chrup
ins tlicCIlEAPL'.ST.
j AT1VK is unlike ui.y o;licr, and has no
! eiial. Tho Improved bit new vegetable
! tonic propcritieit, restores grey hair to a
f glossy, natural color; rcetores faded, dry
! harsh and falling hair; restores dresses,
1 gives vigor to u:e intii'; vestures hair to
prematurely bald heads; removes dandruff,
humors, scaly eruptions; removes irrita.
tion, itching and sjuly dryness- No arti
cle produces uuch wouderful effects. Try
it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restora
tive, and don't be put off with any other
artiolo. Sold by all druggists iu this plaoe
and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied
at manufacture rs' prices by C- A- Cook &
Co , Chicago, Sole Agents for the United
States and Canadas, and by Johnston,
HolKwiy & Co., Philadelphia.
I r
form the Cittzeus of Ridgway, tod the
public gcLerally, that ht Las started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
liujgies, to let'ipoatUe most reasons
Me terms.
tQuIIe will also do job leaning.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
All orders loft at the Toil Office will meet
prompt attention
Au 20 1870. tf.
T) B. Wachtel, St. Marys Pa. repre
Xesents the following Company s for
Klk and McKean counties
North British and Wercantilo-27,600000
-r-uia, naruoru 7,ooo,ooo.
Paterson, N. J.. -400,000
Amazon of Cincinnati 1,000,000
German American, N- Y 2,000,000
Niagara, N. Y ..1,500,000
Rochester, Pa., -180,000
Tr. Life & Accident, Hartford 4,000,000
, u W ft
Executor's Notice.
ESTATE of Charles Broekl, de
ceased. Letters Testamentary upon
tbe above estate have been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims to
present the same without aelay to
CHARLES I.IIHU i .."I....-,.
' '"