m & Henry A. Parson, Jr., THURSDAY, OCT. 1MTH. Editor. 1870. SEPwTSLlCAK iUTIONAI. TICKET. FOR PKESIIIVNT, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, OF OHIO. FOH V'CE-PBfcMIiliNT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, 01' NEW YORK tXKlTdllg ATLAIHiP. H.'tij.imln If. fir.'wster. of I'hll:uhi)j.liin. Joliu W. Chuliaiit, of Alli nhi liy. llISTnitr El.ElTOlt. I John W.ilh. i Henry Illusion. 8 I'hrls. .T. IlolI'man, 4 (;Iih4. T. .Tones, 5 Ktlwln A. KItlpr, ncnlumln smith 7 J. W. Bernard, S .rneob Knnlib, V Jnhn II. Waifol, U Joseph. Ttioimi?, 11 Arlo rurden. U I.-wi rush, i:i F.d. t. Sllllman, II William OUdrr, Ti Ml!r ti. TrR'-v, 1H s.W. stui k weather, ,17 IJiuii.l .1. Mr.rr. ll, H .Troiiili.li Lynns, V William liny, 00 W in. I'miKTon, :U1 J. ft. Donni'lly, Pnnlr-I O'Neill, lit William Ncb!, "I A. It. nrrtfii.-r, i-.Vi Sam. M. .Inch inn, .Ir.a. W.ntormati, W. W. Wllbcr. i SSPWLIC&1I C3TOTY KOaWATIOKS. State Senator, MAJOK HENRY 1VKTTFU, cf (Marion Comity. Asf emblv, D. 0. OYSTER, of RtJgway. Associate .Tnige. A. W. Oil AY. of .lay Township. lU'KACi; LITTLE, cf Eldgway. Dnfriet Aiiovn.'r, W. r.AlIT.Y, if i'.iJgway. J. 0. Turv "'onimissioncr. MARTlS CLOVER, of Jay. Senatorial Conference Proceedings. Tne Republican Senatorial confer ence of the Thirty-tight Senatorial district composed of the counties of Clarion Foiwt, Elk find Cameron met nt Tion-wlu on Tuesday Get- Kill The following conferees were present Forest -Cupt. D Knox. T. Agnew W. R Dunn Clarion. "W". R Johns John Wray The Conference met fit the Central House at 2 o'clock P. M. and organized by calling D. S. Knox to the chair and appointing: V. R. Dunn, Secretary. A.i the Conferees of . Eik and Cameron were not present, it was decided to ballot for choice of candi dates. On the first ballot Green, of Forest, received three vote and Maj. Henry "Wf-tter, ofOlftrion, three votes On the second ballot, Maj. Henry "Wetter, of Clarion, received six voten, and was declared the unanimous eliolee of Forect and Clarion counties for State Senator. "W. R Johns, of Clarion, ottered the following resolutions, which were adopted. Resolved, Thai we, the Republican Senatorial Conferees of the counties of Clarion and Forest in Convention met declare a our choice as candidate, for State Senator, of the thirty-eighth Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Clarion, Forest, Elk and Cameron, Major Henry Wetter of Clarion,. and that wo respectfully ask the conferees of said counties of Elk ami Cameron to concur in our action. Resolved, That In case of the non concurrence of Elk and Cameron, this Conference stands adjourned to meet at Clarion, on Friday, Oct. 20th. On motion Capt D. S. Knox, and W. R, Johns, were appointed a com mittee to telegraph the result of this action to tho conferees of Elk and Cameron. During tho evening answers were received concurring in tho action of the Conference, and pledging hearty Rupnort for tho candidate, indicated:. Whereupon, Major Henry Wetter, of Clarion was declared the unanmoiia choice of the Conferees for State Sena' tor. and the Conference adjourned. V. . Drx.v, 1) S Knox, Sec'y Pics" t . According to the testimony of one of tho most prominent Democrats of Ohio. Tildnn has instructed the Chairman of tho State and County Committees throughout the North to get up Greenback clubs in every dis trict, wherever they can And a few Greenback men. The game is to have a half dozen Democrats sturk tho club aud then bring into its membership weak minded Republicans, The re ault is to be that every Democrat in the club will vote for Tildcn and the whole ticket, while the Republican sheep will throw away their votea on Cooper and Carry. Thia in a true etatemeut of one of Tilden's schemes for cutting down the Republican vote, aud its working wus demonstrated in Indiana at the late election. Repub licans in the Cooper and Carry clubs if they do not wish to be made fools of, will withdraw therefrom, immediately, and when they do they will see how speedily the mask will drop from the faces of the Democratic bell-weathers. Send in your subscriptions to the Advocate. "We will . give the County State, and National vote in full, as soon as ascertained, which will make the Advocate valuable for icference. Election Proclamation. WHF.REA8, In ami by the 13th mo tion of the Act of General Assembly' of Pennsylvania, passed July 2, 1809, en titled "An act relating to the elections of the Commonwealth," it li enjoined on the Sheriff of every county to give notice of such election! to be held, ami to enumer ate in such notice what, officer are to be circled. In purnuntioe (hereof. I P ANIEL f'Ul.i.. High .-hi'Htr of the county of Kl. i.i 'heri'f ire make known and g;V thin t uh'io iirittve to the electors of said ootinty of K'k, Hint it general election will be held in snid omniy on Ttr:tl.Y. NOVEMBER. 7, 1870. (it being the first. Tuesday of ihe month) fur the purpose of electing ihn following of. fiVer In'.wil: Twenty-nine Presidential Electors, 'no person fir Congressman, to repre ilic Comtti"S of Union t lii.lon, Clear, fi. Id. Kile, M.fflin '.nd Center. One person for .State fenaior to repro sent ihe counties of Clarion, Klk, Cameron and Forest. One person or Assemblyman toropre. sent the County of Elk. Two persons for Associate Judges. One person for District Attorney. One person for County Surveyor. One person for Jury Commissioner. And the qualified electors of the county of hlkwiU hold their eleotions in the sev eral districts, ns follows: Renezetfe township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. I'enzingcr township, at the school house on Michael street, near the Elk creek briilce. Fox township, at the Centrcville school houso. Highland townsh'.p, at the house of Levi Lininorp. Horton township, st the school house ncarD. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at tho house of Alfred FearsnU. Jones township, nt the Wilcox Tanning and Lumber Co s office. Millstonetownship. at the house of Henry Derr. at. Uarr's Dam. Ridgway township, at the Court House. Spring Creek township, at the house of Sfockdalc, Uowncr & Co. St. Marys borough at the town hall. I also make known the following: Ait Ac? regulating the modo of voting at elections in tho sevcial counties of this Commonwealth; approved March 80th lt3. Section I. Be it enacted btt the Sen ate and House of Jiepreaentativenof the Commonwealth of Pcnnwlvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enactea oil the authority oj the came That the oualificd voters ot the several counties of the Commonwealth, at all gen eral, township, borouuh and special elec tions, aro hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed ana partly written, severally classified as follows One ticket shall embrace the names of alt judges of courts voted for, and to be labeled outside vjuaiciary;" one ticket snail cm trace the names of all ftnte officers to be voted for, and be labeled "State:" one ticket shail embrace the names of all county officers voted fjr. including tho office of J-enator nnd members of Assembly, If voted tor and, andmainbcrs of Congress, if votei tor and snail be labeled "County,'' etc and each class shall bo deposited in separate ballot boxes. I a'so make known nv1 givo notice r.3 i and by the t"th section of aforesaid act t'nnt ' Every person except justices of the peace who shall bold any onu'c of appoint men of profit or trust under the government of the United Mntes, or ol any city or Incor porated district, whether n comm'ssione officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judicial depart meats of the elate, or (be United Slates, or of any city or incorporated district, an also any member of Congress or of the state Legislature; and ot tne select an common councils of nny city, or commi siner of any incorporated district, is by la incapablo of holding or exercising at th same time the office or appointment ol judge, inspector or clerk of any election of be Commonwealth, and no inspector, judge or any other officer of such election shall bo eligible to be voted for. Also, in the llli section of tho act of as sembly, entitled ''An act relating to elec tions and for other purposes," approved April 16th, 18C0, it is enacted that the 14th section shall be so constructed as to pre vent any militia or borough officers from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any generator special election in this Common wealth. I also make known the following: Wukbeas, The fifteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows; Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress fthall have power to enforce this article by appropri ate legislation. And YYHKnKAS, lfie congress or (be United States, on the 31st day of March, 1870, passed an act entitled "An act to en force the rights of citizens of the United States to vote in tho several States of this Union, and for other purposes," the fir and second sections of which are as follows: Suction 1. He it enacted by the Sen ate and Home of llepreacntaUoe of the United States oj America, tn Cong ress assembled, That ull citizens of the I'niteil Males who are or shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote at any election by the people in nny State, Territory ,'diatrici, county, city, parish, township, school dis trict, municipality, or oilier territorial sub division, shall be emitted ai d allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color or previous condi'ion of strvi tnde. auy constitution, law, custom, usate or regulation of auy Mate or Teiritory, or by or under v authority, to the contrary notwithstanding. 8kction 2. Ino! be it further enacted That if by law or under the authority of the constitution or laws cf any State, or of ibe laws of any Territory, any aot is or shall be requned to be done as a pre. requisite or qualification for voting, and by such eouiiiiutii.n or law persons orirficerg are or shall be chirged with the per! or mance of duties in furnishing citizens witn an opportunity to perform sueh prerequisit e and to become qualified to vole with ou distinction of race, color or previous eon dition of servitude, and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to tbia seetion, he shall for every such offense forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person ag grieved thereby, to be reooveree bv an ae lion on the case, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the eourl may deem just and fehall, also, for every such of fence be deemed guilty ot a anadenieanor, and shall, on couvictiou thereof, be fined not legs tban nve nuuareu dollars, ana be lm prisoned pot less than one month and not more than ene year, or bom, at uie aires tion of the court. And Whereas, It is declared by Ibq 2d section of the VI article of the constitution aud (he laws of the United States which shall bo the supreme law of the land anything in the constitution or laws efany elate o the contrary not withstanding. And Whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the 61 h day of April, A. D. 1870, passed an aot entitled "A further supplement to the act relating to the eleotions of this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows: ZlZW.f 10. That to much cf tvry set of assembly that providej that only white freemen shall be entitled to vote or bs registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general election of this Common. wealth, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter all freemen, without dis tinction of color, shall be enrolled and reg istered acoording to the provisions of the first section of the act approved 17th of April, lHi'il), entitled, "An aot further sup plementnl to an act relating to elections in his Commonwealth," and when otherwise unified tinder existing laws, be entitled to ole at all general and special eleotions in his Commonwealth. 1 also make known the following: Whereas, By the act of Congress of tli n United States, entitled "An act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out lie national forces and for other purposes, and approved Mareli 8, 18G5, all persons who have aeserte'i the military or naval rvice of the L'tiied Slates; and who hr.ve not been discharged- or relieved from the penalty or disability therein provided, are deemed and taken to have voluntarily re- inquished and forfeited their right of citizenship, and their right to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens tnereor. And Whereas, 1'ersons not citizens ot the United States are not, under the oonsti tution and Laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth. suction 1, Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in ueneral Assembly met, and it is hercny t nacfctl by the authority oj the same, That in all elections nereaiier to be neid in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspectors of any such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability imposed by said act ot Congress, approved March d, lHb-j and it snail be uniawtui for any such person to offer to vote any bal lot or ballots. Suction 2. That if any judge or inspio tor of election, or any one of them shall re ceivo or consent to receive nny such unlaw ful ballot or ballots, from any such disquab ified person, ho or they so olfending snail be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof in any court ofquarterscs sions of this Commonwealth, he shall for each offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county, for not less than sixty days. Section 3, That if any person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers and offer to vote a ballot or ballots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof In any oourt of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall, tor each onense, be punished in a like manner as is provided in the preceding soctionof this aot, in the case of ofhocrs reooiving such unlawiul bll lot or ballots. Section 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons deprived of citizenship and dis qualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the oraoor or any election nere after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall persuado or advise any such officer of any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or persona deprived i,if!nAnhlln ami A t a it t a 1 A aJ a a n frtt jci a i il such person ho offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth shall be punished in a liko manner as is provided in the second section of this act, in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful bal lot or ballots, I also mako known the following section of an act approved the 30th day of January, A. 1). 1874, entitled "A further supplement to the act regulating elections of this Com monwealth. Br.c. 5. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at 7 o clock A. M and closed at 7 o'clock P. M. Sec. 0. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded by the clerks on the list of voters opposite the namo of the eleotor from whom received, And any voter voting two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted shall be num bored with the number corresponding with the number to the name of the voter. Any elector may write bis name upon his ticket or cause the same to be written thereon, and attested by citizens of the dis (net. Sko. 10 On the day of election any person whose name shall not appear on the registry of voters, and who claims the right to vote at said election shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as witness to the residence of the claimant in the district iu which be claims to be a voter for tho period of at least two months immediately preceding said election, which witness shall be sworn or affirmed, and sub scribed a written, or partly written and partly printed affidavit to the facts stated by him, which affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is of the person so claiming to be a voter; and the person so claiming the right to vote shall also take and subscribe to a written or partly written and partly printed affidavit stating tn the best ot bis knowledge and oenel when and where he was born; that he has been citizen of tho United States for one month and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that be has resided in the Commonwealth one year, or, if formerly a qualified elector or a native born citizen thereof, and has remove therefrom and returned, that he re sided therein six months next preceding snid election that be has resided in the dis trict in which he claims tn be a voter for the period of al least two mouths im metl'ately preceding said election that he has not moved into the district for the pur pose of voting tbereiu; that be has if twenty-two years of age or upwards, paid a State or county lax within two years, which was assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. The said affidavit shall also state when aud where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed, and when and where and to whom paid; aud the tax receipt therefor shall be produced lor examination, unless the affiisnt shall slats in bis affidavit t hat it has been lost or destroyed, or that he never received any; and if a naturalised citizen, shall also state when, wheieandby what court be was naturalized and shall also produce his certificate of naturalisation for examination. But if the person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an . affidavit that he is a native born ciiisen of the United States, or, if I t -L , . born elsewhere, shall stats the fact in his affidavit and shall produee evidenoe that he has been naturalized or that be is entitled to citizenship by reason of bis father's OK'nraliialioD, and shall further stale in bis affidavit that he Is, at the time of making tue affidavit of the age or twenty-one and under twenty-two yeais: that he has been a eitiies of the United States one month, and nas resided in (he state one year; or. If a native born eitiien of the State and re. move therefore aud returned, that be has resided therein six months next preceding said election, and in the election district two months immediately preoeding such elec tion be shall be entiled to vote, although he shall not bare paid taxes. The said affidavit of all persons makiug such claims and the affidavits of the witnesses to their residence, shall be preserved by the sleo tion board and at the close of tho sleotion they shall be aaolosed with the list of voters, tally lilts snd other pacers required Vy lw :Tt filled by the retur'u judge with the prothonotary, and shall re main on file therewith in the prothono tary 's office, subject to examination an other election papers are. If the election officers nnd that the applicant possesses all the legal qualifications of a voter he shall be permitted to vote and his name shall be added to the list of taxable by the election officers and .the word "tax, being added where the claimant claims to vote on tax, and the word "age" whero he claims to vote on age, the same words) being added by the clerks In each case, respectively, ou the list of persons vot ing at such elections. Sec. Ji. ;Jt aliall be lawful for anv qualified citizen of the- district, not withstanding the name or the pro posed voter is contained on the list of residents tnxables, to challenge the vote of such person whereupon the same proof of the right of sutrrage ns Is now required by law shall be pub licly made and Acted ou by the elec tion board, and the vote admitted or rejected, according to the evidence. Every person clrlmlng to be s naturalized citizen shall be required to produce his naturalization certifi cate at the election before voting, ex cept where he has been for five years consecutively a voter in the district in which he otters his vote; and on the vote of such person being received, it shall be the dutyof the election officers to write or stamp on such, certificate the word "voted" with the day, month or year, and if any election of- ncer or omeers snail receive a second vote on the same day. by virtue of the same certificate, excepting where sons aro entitled to vote because of the naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall offer such second vote shall be guilty of a misdc miTanor, ana on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both. at the discretion of the court; but the line shall not exceed five hundred dol lars in each case, nor the imprison nient more than one year. The like punishment shall be innictcu. on con viction of tne omeers ot tne election who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to be made, the endorsement re quired as aforesaid on said naturaliza tion certificate. bec. l. rue respective assessors, Inspectors and judge of election shall each have tho power to administer oaths to any person claiming the right to oe assesseu or the right ot sun rage. or in regard to any other matter or thing required to be none or inquired into by any of said officers under this act; ana wlirul, false swearing by any person in relation to any matter or thing concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated bv any or said officers or overseers, shall be perjury. Sko. zi. Any person who, on oatn or affirmation, in or before any court in this State, or otheer authorized to administer oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization for him self or any other person, willfully de pose, declare or affirm any matter to be laet, Knowing the same to oe raise, or shall in like manner deny any matter to be laet, Knowing tne sunie to oc true shall bedeenied guilty of perjury, and any certificate of naturalization issued in pursuance of any audi dosposltio'u, declaration or affirmation snail be null ami void; and it snail tie the duty of the court issuing the same upon proof being made before it that it was fraudulently obtained, to taue immediate measures for recalling the same lor cancellation, and any person 1 who shall vote or attempt to vote on any paper so obtained or who shall in any way aid in, connive nt, or have any agency wnatever, in tne issue cir culation or use of auy fraudulent naturalization certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd upon conviction tnereor, sunn un dergo an imprisonment in the peniten tiary lor- not more than two years, and pay'n line of not more than one thous and dollars for every such offense, or either or both, at the discretion of the court. Also, to part of section nineteen of said act, as follows: "Any person who shall, on the day of auy election, visit a polling pluce in any election district at which he is not entitled to voto and shall use any intimidation or violence for the pur pose of preventing nny officer of elec tion from performing the duties of mm required by law, or lor the pur pose of preventing anv tmalified voter. of such district exercising his right to vote, or from exercising his right to challenge any person offering to vote, such persons shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished bv a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion of the court. Pursuant to the provisions con tained in the thirteenth section of the act last aforesaid, the return judges of tne aforesaid districts living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's of fice, or .within twenty-four miles, if their residence be iu a town, village or city upon the line ot a railroad leading to the county seat, shall be fore two o'clock, past meridian, of the day atter tho election ana nil other judges shall, before twelve o'clock, meridian, on the second day niter election, dcliverc said return, together with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of com mon pleas of Elk county, at Ridg way. Liiven under mv nana at linigwav. the4th day of October, in the year of our LMra one thousand eight nun dred and seventy-six, and of the In dependence of the United States the one hundred and first. D. SCULL, Sheriff. bIIEBIFF'8 OFFICE, Ridgway, Pa , Oct. 4, '75 i KILLINES? AND DEE5SMAH1TS. 1 f RS. J. It. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk 111. Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to tho citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assort' ment of fashionable millinerv goods which will be sold cheap. Also dress making in all its brances. Agent for Dr. J. Hall fc Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitus Eye Cups Bend for descriptive circular. TEAMING. The nudersiirned having provid himself with a team of horses, wago l I..... J.. . 1 ..I ,1... I.-I. w4 etc.. is prewired to do lob teaming all description. A large stock of sea. soned hardwood on hand, and for sale at reasonable figures. Your patronage is solicited. ; W. A- DERBY. Sept. 21s 187fj.3m. Executors' Jiotiee. Estate of Frederick Dippold, dc- CeaaSCd. i- Letter Testamentary uiion the above estate have been granted to tho undersigned, lU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay to CHARLES LUxitt, 1 V. U. BAYER. Call at tho corner of Main and Mill Street for your Stoves and Tin Waro. LIFE, Growth, BEAUT. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silky; oleanscs the scalp from all imparities, causing the hair to grow where it has falleu off or become thin. Can be applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orisoil the fineBt linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. The hair is re novatel and strengthened, and natural coor restored without tne application oi mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration cf all clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original color, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed artiole is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompanyment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Her Is th) Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Acad this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Oarrigucs one of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to ils origi. nal Color, and the hue appears to be per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates vpou tho se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing nnd promotes the growth. I purchased Die first bottle from Edward B. Garrigues, driiggisl. Tenth and Coates street, who oan also testify my hair was quite gray when 1 commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Swayne 4t Son, Respected friendj: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is the result. . B. vlARKlUUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swoyne & Son: Last wiutcr while In Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in tht last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles COD care W S Fogler & Son Druggists. No 723 Trcmont street, Boston. Respectfully your, ADA BAKEH No o9 Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer at.d Dressing Has completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No 610 Norlh Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients aud friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address order to Dr. SWAYNE SON .30 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SOLO BWILL DHVGU18TS T II K L V N O S CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous cotnplaiul nnd its premonitory symptoms, neglected coiigh, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting flesh lever permanently cured by CUCTOtl SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYSVP OF rTILO CHERRY. BRONCHITIS A promoiutor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or intlamatioii of the mucuui mem brane of the air passuges, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hourseuess, pains in tho chest. For nil bronchial u flec tions, sore throat, loss of voico, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVfcRKION REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spilling of Blood, may proceed from the larynx, truchia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraiu- ng of Ihe voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struct ion of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swaync's Compound Syrup of lYlld Cherry. strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The only standard remedy for bemor rbuno, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvolous power, not only over con- oumpt-on, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is neuded Uuder its use the congh is loosened, the night sweats diminished, (he paiu subsides, Ihe pulse returns to Its naturul standard, the stomach is improved in its power to dt seat and assimilate the tood, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new re creative and plastio material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 839 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia 0Lt BT AH l'BOMISIXT DaCOQISTS. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosirivsLT cvikd by the use of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing ot all diseases frurilus or f ru rigo, or more commonly known as Itohing Flies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequeutly becovue quite sote. I bought a box ot Swayne's Ointment; its use gave auick relief, and in a short time made nerleclcurs. loan now sieep unuiBiurDcu, . . ,. . . . . aud I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment st once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without ending and perms nent renei. JOSEPH W. C1IRI8T, (Firm of Roedel & Christ, Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's AU-bealing Ointment is also a specific for Teller, Itoh, Salt Rheum Ssald Read, Erysipelas, Barber's Itoh Blotehes, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er ruptions. Psrfeetly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Prloe 60 cents. Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for Us rema ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil ilia complaints. Describe symptoms in all ocmmicanutio address nsletters to UK SWAYNE and SON, Philade,lpbia.-n7yl. EO. W OODS & CO.'S RLOR :Z msss&gSmT, jfg SI'S H fgZzii -SOft " f-'yr T M teipa i ffi !i sal 1 feJre Th rcmark-ibis hutrmnenu pee" cap..citi Lw mucl effcta amleicrrcwion "'m"J' Adapted for Amateur ami Professional, aud ;m ornament in any parlor. ff Beautiful New atjies, BOW reatrf GEO. WOODS fe CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. WARtROOMSi 808 Wah!eton RU, Itci.tont 170 Mnte St.. f hlCBto 8 tsdgat Hill, leaoa. mrm TTAV TJITM A M A A Wtta Minicil Jr.urnilof selected music and valuable rca4utf THE VOX idUMAlNA, r)ym.ilfrr$,per5enr.orleBcenUanumbr: .Eaeh number Wairu firm to - w..nh "dhe mi Mlecil mini-:. GEO. WOODS U CO., Publisher, Cambrtdgspert, Ma TIIiS ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPLll IN ELK COUNTY. TEKM3 TWO DOLLARS A YEAK GIVE US A CALL 1011 JOB WORK I CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HE AS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &0. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgway, Elk Co , Ts ORGfAJNTS iii -re. T The Times Arc surely getting better notwith standing tho croakings of politicians; clso why should our most sagacious merchants venturo to lay in such tremendous stocks of goods. Wo no tice that our downstairs neighbors, Messes Powell & Kirue, are opening up one of the largest and most com plete assortments of merchandise that we remember ever before having seen in our town. Indications too are that they have made no mistake in ventur ing to increase their business, for there is a constant rush for their new goods. Every department of their well arranged salesrooms seems to bo well filled not only with the choicest of seasonable goods, but also with well pleased and satisfied looking cuatomcra If you havo not already been thcro this week, weadviso you to go at once. You will never be sorry. 1 V YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP so lo J AMES II. HAGEKT V Msiu all-eel, Ridgway, Fa. BY GOOPS, NUTIONM, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND ('APS, GLASS AN J.' QUEENS WAKE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND ( HiAKS. A bi.rire ir 'ui k of Groceries and rrovisiocc. Tho BEbT BUANDS td ELOUB ! Ccustaully ou liatid, nnd mjU us cheap las tbcCliEAPEST. I JAMES li. HAIil'.IlTY; HANYYEAES OP CAREFUL RE SEARCH HAS PRODUCED IT. WOOD'S IMPROVED HAIR RtSTOlU AT1VU is uulikc any oilier, and has no uijual. The Improved has new vegetable tonic propel ilics, ventures grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry litii'tli aud falliug hair; restores dresses, gives vigor to tue hair; restores hair to prematurely bald licud.; removes dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions; removes irrita. tion, itching snd scaly dryuees. No arti cle produces ouch wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restora tive, and don't be put off with any other article Suld by all druggists iu this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' prices by C- A Cook ii Co , Chicago, Sole Agents for the United States and Cunadus, and by Johnston, liolloway & Co., Philadelphia. NEW J.IVEJIY STAHLE IN DAN SC1UBNEK WISHES TO IN torrn the CittzcDS of Hi Igway, and the public gcc.erUy, that he has started a Liv ery Stable aud will kep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let 'jpou the most ressona ble terms . fi.Ile will also do job teastipg. Stable on Broad street, above Muin All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. "U B. Wachtel, St. Marys Pa. repre t .setits the following Company s for Elk and McKean counties. North British and Mercantile. !i7 ,500 000 itna, iiantora -7,000,000. Paterson, N. J 400,000 Amazon of Cincinnati, 1,000,000 German American, N. Y 2,000,000 Niagara, JN. V i.wu.uuu Rochester, Pa-, 180,000 Tr. Life & Accident, Hartford 4,000,000 n-27-t-13. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Charles Broekl, de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon lire above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ttlAP.LE3 LUHK, Executor. h23tri, f