The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 12, 1876, Image 4

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(titrations nnd Aanwrri,
Where the uuta work loose, what can
uu uuuo I
Out a throftd .fy front of them with a
r. I, I Alttnnl i .'
uy. uiobi,; tutor screwing tuem up
How provent n carriage from rot
llinor ?
Pianino" wnhliora nf onto 1n1.. 11.
Bpiudlos of the flxlotreeswill prevent the
uumu i-HUFnu vj too ranch. ? play." A
piooo of rubber put in between the thill
iron and clip will stop a clatter, and n
uiuo coal on on the oircle will Btop
What produces garget?
Garget, or inflammation of the udder,
is a disease which arises from several
causes, either local or constitutional;
nuiuugb mo lormer are counted nil in
juries dono to the udder, nnd not thor
ough " stripping ; " nmonst the latter
are all irreciilaritins of lit. a c,.i,i.,
onnnge to any food which from its nature
win mureuso mo now oi mult is a fre
quent cause of garget. Therefore, a
sudden or injudicious allowance of po
tatoes, green clover, Swedish turnips or
other feed in which witer abounds, will
bo liable to cause this disease, because
nil food in which water abounds will in
crease the flow of milk.
What is the best process for drying
sweet corn 1
Gather the com at the mcrct suitablo
ctate for boiling that is, noithcr too old
nor too green; take a thin slice off all
around the outside of the ears with a
sharp knife, just enough to cut the top
from each kernel; then, with the back
of the knife, scrape the ears, taking all
the inside of the kernels and leaving the
skins and hulls on the cobs. This done,
spread the muss on plates and dry in a
quick oven, being careful not to scorch
it. When nearly dried, put it in thin
muslin bags and hang np ntar the stove
until thoroughly dry. Then cover the
muslin bags with papers, to preserve
from insects, and the oorn will keep with
out further trouble until desired for
It there any way of breaking the mean
habit of young horses lying down in
their harness ?
A sharp blow from the whip is often
given to make them spring np, but this
frightens the colt ami U hardly the best
way. A farmer who has tried it says it
is better to beat him at his own game.
When he lies down keep him there until
he is uneasy and glad to get ud. This
can be done by putting the knee on the
animal's neck while the hands hold the
bridle pieces; then the colt soon learns
how powerless he i. In five or ten min
utes he will usually give np nnd allow
the man at his head to enjoy the victory
the mad look of the eye will, leave it;
muscles will relax their tension and the
whole body will lose rigidity. This is
the stage of exhaustion, nnd, better still,
of submission. He has been beaten and
he knows it, and will never try the same
trick ngain.
Domestic lterlpes.
Flour Pudding. One quart of milk,
six eggs, eight tnbh'spoonfnls of flour
and a little salt; bake half brown.
Jumbles. Two cupfuls of sugar, two
eggi, one cupful of butter, two table
spoonfuls of sour milk, scant half tea-
spoonim 01 suleratus.
"I.. m -
one of rour milk, three eggs, one tea-
B1.UU111U1 01 saieratus, three tablespoon
uuua uakk. una nnnfn .
one tablesposuful of butter, one cupful
yjL d t uc i iuuk, iwo eggs, one pint of
Hour, one and one-half tenspoonfuls of
Sro.voB Cake. Six eggs, the whites of
ma. cKSa it. sugar, the whites of four
egars in flour: bent t.Iih vnllm
together, the whites separately, to a stiff
iiuiu, jiuvur wuu lemou
bODA Biscuit. One quart of flour,
half Clinful of hllf.fnf nti.l ,J-J
J. " - - ..m JillU 1U1ACU.
teaspoonful of salt, three teaspoonfuls
0 yuwuer, mix with enougli
mnu. u liinio buic enough to roll out.
Lkab apple Fkesebve. Wash and
pick blows off, but have stems on your
crab apples. Take as many ponnds o
sugar as there nre pounds of fruit; add
ft little water to dissolve sngar; put in
part of fruit nt a time; when the apples
u6" " uiuck, mum out into a jar;
wueu tu are aone noil syrup a few mo
ments, and skim; then pour over fruit;
nccp urjr uaa cooi.
ivoquet fickles. One gallon of
cnopped cabbage, two quarts of green
chopped tomatoes, six onions sliced
thin, half an ounce of ground pepper,
half an ounce nf wlmlA nil
ounce of celery seed, half a callon of
vinegar, fourth of an ounce of wholo
ciovea, one-fourth cupful of white mus
tard seed, one-half gill of salt, one-half
puuuu 01 .Drown sugar.
Fertilizing Value of Lime.
When limn nf nnv lrin1 i'a n.AJ n .
fertilizer it is always scattered on the
yiuwou grouua ana narrowed in, or
upon the harrowed ground and left
upon the surface. Lime thus used
should always be in a fine condition,
dry slaked to a very fine powder. It
tnen sinKs rapidly into the soil when
exposed to winter rains, and when the
grouua is next plowed, some of it
that has not been dissolved will be
turned up at the bottom of the furrow.
It should be applied in the fall, and is
generally used when wheat or rye is
B iwn and the Held seeded to clover.
For old grass fields it is a valuable top
dressing, put is most valuable when
composted with swamp muok, yard
scrapings, old sods, weeds, mid nnnVi
matters. On clay loam soil about fifty
uusueis per acre is goneraiiy used every
time the ground is laid down to grass.
Fresh burned lime, exposed in the field
in small heaps of a few bushels, until it
slakes down to a powder, is the most
effective. The refuse lime from the
kiln is worth only half as much as the
best lime, because it is lumpy and can
never be brought into as fine a condi
tion. Gas lime is not worth anything
but the oost of hauling, as it must be
exposed to the air for several mouths to
gel rid of the noxious impurities which
are hurtful to vegetation.
The Lead Product.
The lead product and consumption of
the United States are both rapidly in
creasing, while imports are deore&sing.
In 1866 the product was 14,312 tons ; in
1875, 53,000 ; with imports in 1866 of
27,200 tons ; in 1875. 11,000. The an
nual consumption of the United States
is about 60,000 tons, from whioh it ap
pears that a slight increase of produc
tion wonld give a surplus for exporta
tion. Spain and Great Britain are the
only countries whioh yield more lead
than the United States, their product
being 67,000 and 68,000 tons respectively.
A Mechanic Searching for n. Hecret Forty
Year la a Rnaalna PrlMB.
Forty yearn ago there livod in Provi
dence, R. I., a young man of great 1n
tolhgonoe and wonderful mechanical
ability, who spent a little fortune iu the
vain attempt of making a perfect repre
sentation of linssinn iron, and, after as
many failures as attempts in this under
taking, he beoame utterly ruined, finan
cially. His ambition for the secret in
creased ns his fortune grew smaller and
smaller, and when absolute want stared
him in the face he became possessed
with tho determination to accept of the
only menus of obtaining one of the
greatest secrets in mechanical art, and
to gain this he must suffer penal sorvi
tnre in the dungeons of Russia.
mi. - i
ua ruiers or itussia are the only
possessors of tho art of making what is
known as glazed Bnssinn iron, used ex
tensively for nil kinds of stove and stove
pipe WOrk. and Which lion fnr iinnr!
ceuturvbeen made within the walls of
xtuBnin a uuutTginnmi prisons. JNone
but life convicts nre allowed to be
initiated into the
of ouo of the piiucipal means of income
lu mu unraiM government, and when
once within its walls no one need ever
hope for a pardon, for none have ever
been granted, while but one has ever
oeen Known to have escaped, and when
the door is once shut to the outside
world it is never known what has been
the fate of the unfortunate. This, then,
was the Providence man's last resort for
gaining possession of the secret which
was the desire of his life, and became
his only ambition. Who would be un
generous enough to call him foolhardv.
crazy brained or without honorable
ambition, could he not bo looked upon
as a wholesouled benefactor to his race ?
Millions of money have been spent and
wasted all over the civilized globe in
experiments tn train vlinf. nnr Prni,i.
dunce hero de
ottempt to gain, and risk his liberty
and even his life, for the benefit of the
wnoie world. D'rance long since offered
a milhou francs fur tlm
and Prussia and England have similar
owiuumg uuers, put none has ever ap
plied for the hnnntv. A 1?
m. - AuuLunu
named Lamouut after long experiments
iuuuu very near imitations, Put shortly
before the time set for a trial b- foro the
appointed officials
was killed iu a quarrel which no doubt
wua orougut aDout lor the express pur
pose of taking his life. His secret died
with him.
The simple rnmor nf tha
assassination of the czar by on Ameri
can, aud Supposed to be inRunn trot, all
that was ever known to his friends nf
what became of our ambitious mechanic,
nud ns nearly half a century has rattled
On since he set out nnon liia :Brilii
undertaking, hardly a person living will
icmriuuct ma circumstance which is
here recorded. The
however, in Providence who remembers
wen me uoy tho hero of onr sketch bade
her a tearful farewell, nrnmifsiner thnt
before fche reached her toronfiAfli l-ii.fl
day he would return to her and fulfill
ma ijluuiih'J,
All thrcueh these lone vrava aha lino
never forgotten her promise to wait for
her lover, nor ceased to believe he would
come to her.
She now lives within a momnnf'o wait
of the chimes of Grace church, aud is
s, ill well preserved, and her grace and
beauty make her far more attractive than
many whose years aro tho same aa word
hers when her lover separated from her
so long ago. Lately she received the
glad tidings far awny over the water,
that he who had so long kept her pa
tiently waiting, was on his wny to fulfill
his promise of forty years ago, and let
us hope he may bring the secret ho paid
for so dearly, and that he may live to see
some reward for his great sacrifice.
The Winter Fashions for Ladies.
Dress sleeves are made close at the
Sleeves for outside garmocta ore wide
or nail wiuo.
Old fashioned knitted purses have be
come fashionable.
There is no diminution in the demand
lor colored hosiery.
Chatelaine pockets of velvet, silver
mounted, for shopping.
A greenish cream color will t ike the
lead among new shades.
Djesses are cut high on tho shoulders
ana very nigu in uij necK.
Crinoline avoids nil that is bcuffani
lmmemately below tho waist.
Solid colors are preferred to stripes in
uoin jauics ana cmiuren s hose.
Corsages of all kind 4 show nu unusual
nuniper ot perpeuuicuiar eams.
Catogan nets are in shades to match
tho hair, also in all bright colors.
Great variety is observable in the
style of trimming undergarments.
Necklaces of fihgiee silver will be
popular to wear with dark dresses.
Combination costumes will be quite
as iasuionaoie as tney ever have been.
Unbleached stockings finiHl.orl miti,
embroidery on the fronts and oiiloa n
in favor.
Peroale underwear is the great favor.
as it is fine and soft and vmh anA
washes well.
Evening gloves are worn verv lone.
requiring often ten or twelve buttons
and never lesa than six.
"Doff collar " nf faafVo
. . . vm .'MVkr.c O
claspod with tho head of the bird, or
tied with ribbon, are introduced.
Many of the new basques are cut with
gores under the arms. By this new
Stvle all basaues and rjolnnnisen nan ha
fitted porfectly over the hips and the
waist is also lengthened in eft,-!. Tn.
stai'oes of this fashion are seen iii
the "Gwendolen" polonaise, nnd tlm
Leona." "Mariana." "batilin"n,i
"Elsina" basques.
Romance and Reality,
He wauted her bnt she
her consent until he had consulted her
parents. So he went into the room
where they were and modestly ntnteA
the case :
"And von really think vnn lnva V.o
enough to marry her I" said the father,
after he had finished.
" Oh. ves. sir." said the vnntVin fAr.
vent easrerness. " I love hpr with all mv
soul. I love her better than I do my
life. She is my mudinc star. Hi a wor
shiped object of my every thought, every
iioj.e, every aspiration." ne Btood there
with Clasped hands, hia fann radiant, with
the strength of liia devotion. There
was a moment or pause, ana then the
mother softly asked :
"What do you think of that, old
'That sounds like business, old
woman," replied the satisfied father.
And SO it was arranend that, tha .Ian rr li
ter should accept her suitor.
A I.eef from Ihe I.lle t the Ureal Irish
t'ennncler. .
In the " History of the Mnnster Cir
cuit " we read of a trial that took place
on tho circuit, iu 1820, of several men
who Wore charged, on the information
of a spy named Daly, of having con
spired to murder certain landlords. who
resided near Donerailo. Four men were
first tried, and, having been found
guilty, were sentenced to death, and the
others were set aside for trial. Little
hope was cntortainod by their friends
nnd relations, ns it was well known the
juries were packed by friends of the
government. Iu this extremity their
only hope rested in the advocacy of
Daniel O'Conuell.
It would bo difficult to mngnify tho
terror whioh seized the relatives of the
men yet untried, when the fate of tho
first batch of the prisoners was thus
sealed. They were aware of the infa
mous character of tho Rpies and inform
ers, and knew that no scruples of con
science wonld restrain thoso hardened
catiffa from wbnt they called " pweailng
up to the mark " so as to obtain con
victions for the orowu. There was only
one resourco for the relatives only ouo
barrier between the remaining prisoners
aud the halter: this was the skill nnd
legal noumon of the greatest criminal
lawyer on the Munster circuit, Daniel
O'Oonnell. Fortuuotely he was at Der
rynnne, hi" country seat, in the county
of Kerry; but that was ninety miles
away, and there he was advertised to at
tend a meeting of the people of Kerry,
in Traleo, respecting the sub letting
nets, on Tuosday. Uut his advocacy
was the only chance for the untried
men, and on the Saturday tho judges
did not go into court until a Lite honr.
The solicitor-general, considering that
the, trial of the nest ba' ch of prisoners
would eueroach on the Sunday, pro
posed to adjonrn over until Monday
morning. Mr. M'Carthy endeavored to
ascertain tho nanus of the prisoners
who wonld be tried next, but this the
solicitor-general could not or wonld
not disclose. Tho crown, he said, had
determined to try every ouo of the pris
oners, nnd as the tamo evidence which
already procured tho conviction of the
four was applicable to all, the fears of
the prisoners and their friends were
naturally at their greatest height.
Under these oircunistanei-s, a young
fanner named Burke, a brother of one
.of the prisoners, resolved to ride to
Derryuane, and request O'Connell to
como off, at once, to Cork, so ns to act
for tha defnnsn nn tlm eiiBiiitior Mrimliiv
no uuuertooK to pe at uerryuane early
on tho next mnrniiw. nrul nt fivn nVliifir
on that Saturduy afternoon, monnted on
-L 1 m l
upi.roug uurBe oi powenui action nnu
singular endurance, he started on his er
rand fnr lifrt nr .lnntli fin lio oncl
heedless of the coming night, the lonely
roaa, tue uieaK winds, the pelting ram.
A bright, genial sun shone over the
wild, rock-bound coast scenery of Derry-
nane as u uonneii looked forth from his
mountain home by the billowy sea on
that Oitnllr Siinwlmr mnvninn. TT
looked over the pplintered peaks of his
ut'ioveu ii.erry mountains, nna, alter rc
turnincr. heard the mnvr.intr mns in hia
Drivfttfl nlinrifll in Hin tinll''t Tlawaa Bit
ting at breakfast, when ho was told "a
man, wuu uppearoa to nave come a long
way, donired to seebim." O'Connell saw
from his window that the man had ar
rived on horseback; and tho steaming
Hanks, the drooninc head, and cliest
vaut's notion that the man had indeed
come a long journey. The rider was at
once admitted into the library. Ad
dressing O'Connell. ho said : "I left
Cork last evening at five o'clock, and I
rode ninety miles to see you, counselor.
The friends nf th nrioiinppfl vAt. nntriAil
for the Doneraile conspiracy sent me for
you. If you don't undertake their do-
teuse, Donerty will hansr them all.
There's a hmulrail munr.nq fnr vmi nn.l
- O . - JU
if you'll come they'll be safe; if not,
il. Hi 1. - i -in n ii
tuey ii De uaugeu. kj ciouneu was not
nrnfif ncairiRt. tliij nninl!vnorit wrliiMi
expressed such confidence in his profes-
ninnnl filtill. Thnnwh linlf n nnnturir linl
sped since he was born, he was hale and
vigorous. He accepted the retainer, and
promised to start at once for Cork.
Burke then expressed his wish to go
with the good news, but O'Connell im
plored him, iu compassion to his good
horse, if not to himself, to take food and
test. In case that Burke might reach
Cork before himself. O'Connell wrotn a
short nolo to the prisoners' attorney, in-
iorming mm "ne wouia aitena to aeiena
the remaining prisoners, as fast as horse
could draw him;" aud then, after a few
hours' rest, elated nt his success, Wil
liam Burke commenced his return jour
ney. Eaeer looks were cast on the road
to Kerry from an early hour on that
Monday morning. When Burke was
doscried the question, "What news,
William ?" came from many a tongue.
The response, " O'Connell will be here
iu an hour," elicited a shout that raug
through the morning air. The joyoui
news pierced the barred dungeons, and
awoke hope in the oppressed hearts of
the prisoners awaiting their trial. The
fathers, sons and brothers, wives,
mothers and sisters fell on their knees
and thanked God that their dear ones
would yet again breathe the free oir of
their native fields.
The eventful Monday morning came,
the court was opened, the prisoners ar
raigned, and the judges refused to post
pone the trial for a minute.
Mr. M'Carthy, tho counsel for the
prisoners, endeavored as much as possi
ble to create delay, being anxious that
the prisoners might have the bonefit of
O'Connell's advocacy. The judges saw
thvnniyli ilia inAfmna an1 Tmlnra 'Pfir-
reus, with an epigrammatic air, observed
I . !i ii. . t. ; ii. . i
iiuat u was tne DUBiness oi tue court
to prevent delay and defeat artifice." A
VAt'V fair 4 tl vtt yrr.i a at 1 rr f ll omnnnaliiil
and the solioitor-general commenced his
address to the jury, when, nmid lond
nrH Artnf inn 1 ilicoiia vwVifsili onfnoltw
seemed to drown the sonorous tones of
tue solicitor-general, the tall form of
O'Connell. dust stained and travel soil
ed, strode into the court house. He
bowed courteously to the judges, nud
his RallltA woo rAtnrnAil vnnut. lriiillv Viv
his old circuit oomuaninn. Baron Penne-
father. He apologized for hia unpro
fessional appearance, which, ot course,
was excused, and to his rennnst, " to be
allowed some breakfast in court," their
lordships said : " Most certainly." A
large bowl of milk and some sandwiches,
plentifully cut, formed his morning
meal; while he partook of the food, which
his toilsome journoy rendered so neces
sary, he listened, with close attention, to
the statement of the prinoinal crown
proseoutor. On hearing a legal proposi
tion being luoorrectly stated by tha so
v .vwi-ptiUlllCU, UUIIUDI1 1UOWIUUJ V A
claimed (his mouth half full of bread
.1 ill. . ..mi l. . i .i. mi.
nuumiigj: " xnats not law r iiie
solicitor-general insisted it was, and the
court was appealed to. The decision
was in O'Connell's favor. Somewhat
crestfallen. . the solioitor-treneral ro-
ruuidv4 tvr a7 Bgreui JJU11CU UJe ..w
ferring to an aot of Parliament which
I 'l .11 1 1 1 M ..
u uuiuicu uiov won punned uniy lur a
limited time, he exclaimed : "That act
has expired." This was blow the seo
ond. , '.'
So ably and admirably did O'Connell
coumiot tne uefent-e, that one jury was
discharged because they could not
ftgree, and another found tho accused
not guilty. . ,
What Is Coming.
Some of the toilets now in preparation
for Russia, America and England at one
of the favorite establishments of foreign
ers in Paris, a correspondent says, are
elaborately and handsomely made, but
so ridiculous in proportion thut an abso- Ct 1 -1! . 1 . . .
iuio nun uum cumax nas poen reached,
and the caricatures of 1876
plete. A carriage toilet for a prominent
iiu.iuuii ubub is oi gray uuia suit, with
tnuio polonaise. The skirt is ornament
ed with two flounces of tho gray, and
b paraieu oy one oi s. .ded bronze, as
similating in color with the broDze
feather tiimming which edges the polo
naise. Below this falls a scalloped net
work of bronze, edged with narrow
lnnge, nnd outlined in the middle with
npphque embroidery in steel color,
whilst a fichu of similar trimming has
tho embroidered les.i
the shapo. Bronza boots, fastened with
wrougnt steel buttons, and Marie Stuart
hat. The latter nf errnir uilfc- ,,'ll U
' - - vm. Q.nj n in iyu
worn far back on tho head, and is orna-
uieuieu wuu suort gray nnd bronze os
trioh plumes, whieh
oyer the depression in front. A ruche
vi miie is pincea under the rim, and a
DrofllRa hlini'll nf ooririol vo.l
. " - iou iuddo Ulio
the left elevation over the temple, aud a
uim w percuea in tne other. All
this toilet ifl nrfififinolltr Vonntifnl nt;i
The figure becomes strictly statuesque
uimiiuu n ia ijonsiaercu uy some
but bevond the
The extremity in delineating the figure
uuw ueen rpnni)n in nnmnivinn
With loreicn Ctrdnra (mil motra nnoi
could be f picified where demands aro
uiauv mr me most ultra and conspicuous
itjjiuuiuos oi expense.
In tho forty Team that, tho
-v ' " " a
v.ar8uug ju nas oeen Deiore the public.
thousands of natent mAliniAno l,nr,n
been nshered into the market and retir
ed, while this old romedy has held on
its wav. increasinir in iinnnl ritTt
each succeeding year. Merchant's Garg-
ni.'g jh is kuowu tauiuiariy the whole
IcDL'th and breadth nf tha lui.l anA
name of the secretary, Mr. John Hodge,
ul tjyviKyiuri,, hub a iame as wide ns the
mcdicino ho disnenspa. Wo hm.
data as to the nnmher nf linf tloo cunt
from the manufactory last year, but the
luumiiy mnsi nave oeen enormous.
The comnnnv distrihuta ton m;n;a
l , .. w HT1W
ulmanacs and domestic recipe books an-
uuuiiy, ana wueu it is remembered that
these aro civen awav. nnma i.lna nf ii
' T " w ...... liiV.
extent of the advertising enterprise may
be formed. A medicine that will stand
the test of forty years, ns the Merchant's
Gargling Oil has done, needs no special
indorsement ut this late day. Buffalo
Good Humor.
Good humor is the clear, blue sky of
the soul, on which every star of talent
will shine more clearly, and the sun of
genius encounters no vapors in his pas
sago. It is the most exquisite beauty of
a fine face, a redeeming grace in a
homely one. It is like the green in the
landscape, harmonizing with every
color, nielloTTuig the glories of the
bright and softening the hue of the
dark; like a flu e in full chorus of in
struments, a sound, not at first dis
covered by the ear, yet filling up the
breaks in the concord with its deep
A gentleman, on walking ont one Sun
day evening, met a young Scotch peas
ant girl, whose parents lived near his
houo. " Where are you going, Jenny ?"
said he. " Looking for a son-in-law for
my mother, sir."
Chapped hands, face, pimples, ring
iroraiB, ualtrheuni, and other oncau: -"is affec
tions cured, and rough skin made soft and
ninootU, by nsing Junipeb Tab Boap. Be care
ful to got only that made by Caswell, Hazard A
To., New York, as there are many imitations
made wir.h common tar, all of which are worth
losa. Com.
Cut This Out.
The Antor Place Hotel, Ator Place, Third
Ave. aud Eighth St., New York, is one of the
boat plaoea for a stranger to stop well kept,
centrally located, walkiug dittauoeto principal
rtoros and theaters, aud with a good bed
clean, airy rooms at 50 centu to $1 per day. It
does not cost a small fortune to spend a few
days iu the city. With the affable aud gentle
manly Mr. Uorden (one of the proprietors) be
hind -the counter, no one can help feeling at
home. Go and see him.
Abscesses and sores of long standing,
whioh have resisted the operation of o- t
nients and washes, may be cleansed ar i
hea'.o- by frequent and persistent wash! ,g
with Glenn's Bulphob Boap. Depot, Gritten
ton's, No. 7 Bixtu aveuue. New York.
Hill's Instantaneous Hair Dye makes old
folks young.
Parsons' Purgative PUU will greatly
relieve, if not eutirely cure, dyspepsia, when
everything else fails. They have been tried iu
some desperate cases, and have given more
relief than any other medicine.
The Markets.
Oonuuen to Gooi TeitD 07 jt ui
l-'lcSOows .85 00 ,375 fit.
bkeep. ...a.............
tl 111
n....n .111.. I. '
Lam Lit
1 IS
1 SS
1 (6
nriur-KMi-a woctsru
Btits Extra
ita JteU Western.,,, ... ,.
No. 3 Bjrins.,.,;
nAtf M.!i
1 28
i te
1 8U
Corn Mlxod Western '.
my, per owt
Straw, imv nwt .
lo'aai'ss' "76.
i'Jlk 17 (I I
n as
tft inl' a
tin-a)w.f.rei Ko. 1, new IS 00 ifclT 01
Cod, pr cwt. .."1......
ftn. S. nmm
T oo .ia f no
(96 Mill
Efflnoi, ;e
i'ro.euai Orade .....14 SU
Vuj:-l)itllforala Flame
It 9 28
bultu t&t
Wbausrn Vtitf
Woxlcru Silow..,,.. ,
Western Ordinary ,
Obese Otcie Factory
" euaaued..w
B -Stele .'.'. "!Tt 29
l"l""r (CO m 9 00-
Vhit Ko. 1 Spring...,. J u 0 1 at
Ooru MixeU , tlM& afc
Pl 87 v to
87 t JO
B"y - 81 (ij 8j
Uif Cattle Extra ,'
Klieep...... ........,
Tlonr PanneylTeuia Kurt, . .....
WUeat Bed Weatero " .. ..
Rye H
Corn Yellow .
Mixed. M
Oats M tied
Petroleum Oruile ' -jj
(8 A
I t.7Wm 60
1 ao i&no
10 nt 'it
M a
4 It,
b- SD-il
C" Oatt'.e Poor toOhdce..
oo ia t n
. o tie 4 a
. 00 4 I 60
From a Physician.
TTtpb Park, Vt.t Fpb. 7, 1876.
Meeer. Poth W. Foale 8on, Boston i
Gent ton mv perhaps remfmbrr (hat I
wrote you everal weeks ago in rogard to the
no of the Peruvian Fymp for my wife, who
was snffcrinp; from genrral debility, the se
qnence of typhoid dysuiterv. I 1 ad tried the
iooft noted physicians In tills Btate, and also
in Canada, without relief. At your recommen
dation Bhe commenced the nre of the Syrup ;
the first fonr bottles made but little impres
sion, bnt while taking the fifth she began to
improve rapidly, aud now, after using six of the
dollar bottles,ahe had regained her strength,
and is able to do most of the work about the
house; and I feol that I cannot speak too high
ly in praise of the Peruvian Byrup. I have
iroeeribed it to several of my patients, and
lave prronred the sale of tepral dozen of it
hfre. You can make any nse of this letter
you see fit. Yours, verv trulv,
II. D. 'Belmin, M. D.
Many valuable horses die from the
effeots of colio. The beet thing to do in a
case of this kind Is to pour a bottle of John
eon'$ Anodyne JJnimmt into a long necked
Junk bottle, add half pint of molasses and
water, then pour the whole down the horse's
throat. In ten minutes the horeo will begin
to eat.
The nit. niion of soldiers and their
heirs U callo'l to the oard of MoNelll Biroh,
or waBimigiou, L. J., iu another comma.
SSn t.'nf loAgte. Bmnpln free. U. Albert, Boston, M.
AKT-For 40(1 Pupfr nnd JMitKnzlnpe
wanted. O. W. llpnni-tt, Onn. A'l, Qnlnoy, Mich
PBOFITAHI.F Wort for Awntt nt hom. Sample
ItU its. Ray. W. O. Loomh, Wectmorelanil, N. Y.
Profllnblr, l'leeAnt work ;bandred!i now employe.i,
hnndred more wanted. M. N. I.OVEI.L. Krlo. Pa.
a Dy. Kmploymctit for all. Chromo A NoTeltr
OMalOKnefreB. I'elton A Co..ll!tWiiiiiiilt,N.Y.
Qk OUTFIT FKKK. Beet Ohenoe Yet Write
'EM JLt..gc-0olJ-"l'8 i CO., a Qllnton Plece.N.Y.
$55 g
1717 a Week to Arnte. Hamplee FRRB,
91 I P. O. VIOKKRY, Anguiite, Maine.
Ol)i Week Salary nrantd to male A female. Send
V.r etemp for olronlem. B. M. Bodlne.Indltnep'e.lnd.
AOKNTS wented. on nlary or commle'lon. New bnel.
em. Addreee J. B Masst A io., St. LouIk, Mo.
4STTTHTA Theo:,.l''",n'r"n,Bd- Trial nnokmee
fiOX JAiitA. fr, U Bmithsiubt. OleTeiand, O.
ftk?00 .nl". Ontflt worth I frrnto Airente.
CDHrr KioellorM'l'aOo,16l Mloh. AT..Oblcno.
mil.l.M for Pnmplnaand Rnnnlna
Muchlnorr. Addre TOKNADO
W1WDMH.I. CO , I'T.BA. N. Y.
TMK NPOIITMMAM. Tnrf, Kleld Sporta. Arrt.
, SSltSTSr f V J""- Nplnien cipr free.
(). J. K1STKR j O).. Inhe.. O MnrraT St.. New York.
MONTH end traTelln expenim paid
W-f-id't for Knlrnmrn. No pedillera wauted.
Addreaa, aloaiTQB MANur'o Oo., Ulnolnnatl. Oblo.
Montu. Agent, wanted. 30beetell
Iny artlolea In the world. One sample free
"J w rilf l.(!HSPt. Uetrolt.Mloh.
WATI'MEM, A Oreat Sensation. Samptt
Wnlrh aurl OulJU fret In AqmU. Better tb.n
Oold. Addreee A. OHUI.TKB A OO., Ohloago.
PT r.lCJ -"'!' and HtRK eelf-enre
XUIUplf Bent FRFR. 1 bave no bambnr medl
olne to rell. F. W. PUTWAM, 5 Kant Broadway. N.Y.
A cente Wanleil.-TwentyMil 1 Mounted Oimaiu
.V lor I . Ii sampled bj cnti.
iKriTAf. OUBQMO Oo., 3 t.MiM Hlreet. New York.
Mad rapidttf with Stencil nd Ky Ohsck
vjaiamiruw ana nampien ikkk,
Cjfift A AVTTT" Mala or fmal. Nocapi-
that will brln yoa $.MO a month at home day or m'it.
lNTMTgglUMqN, 173 (ireonwlca Street, New York.
tDlUtnaLO Crayon, IVtur? fill. I
Ae-nt iltin(rrurf'hromft,
il l-lir.-mn fur.U. lar, -at.,.
. . ... 7lws wortli ,-, -nt jt Mi.ii.l
i'u ivpt rrpf. j. ii. nrn- itiv ssons. it
Ijni.l r-r Sftp. Illiiftra-
No publicity. Time hort.
TArmn mnHnrittA 1 Akk tuatlmn.
Deacrlhe oaaa. Dr. F. K. Mau8H, Qnlncy, Mloh.
Vf will ttArt ron Id a baslneR yon can
make HTtii a wpk without caltnl. !.
XU.iritX Supply On.. U Bnwery. N.Y.
We send Plnnt I TllR I rtinii h Mull
of tried varltifts l)OM,AR Dot-paid, than
of Small Fruit. I NI'HSP.KY. I Others hy Exproaj.
ial0u?Jreo UPHAM A ANTHONY, Clayton, Iei.
yoa want ths best mil nv nrtini
the worlil and a nll.i vnlrl mfani
lever watob. free of cost, wrlia &t
. O"- Broadway. N. Y,
I lA afli ED f m'le rng; Bubfuloeit cured
tlm Doily mtdt rlgoroui ; ValuabU
H V UN, Hot 4'iri'J. N. Y.
$250 '
everj whir. BuslnesH bonorahle and tirat
otB. Partlcutari best Pkfe. Addieea
WORTH Jk CO., St. LonlB, Mo.
FREE ' 3.dOO Bnlldtn Lots (riven away In K.
JV cMlr.nville. ienn. (alternats ienetT.
ed). The Corapr.ny'a Attorney will eieoute War
ranty Djeda and forward to applicants for a fee of
fct 3 A(i Ky. TbQQ. Land A Mining Oo .Newport. Ky
RFVIH VFR UMl9 ,antf T-Khot, Self-Aotinii
nCVULVCn Cylinder, with Box CartrhW,
....... 3.ti. 4 pn. Utttalogap
for Agentat. BA LOW IN A CO.. II I Nassau Kt,, S. Y.
rilTJl A G, The choloest In the world Importers'
1. Alil a7?A nrloes LsrffHRt Onmimnr In Imarlpa
staple article pleases everybody Trade ornrtnaally ln
oreaslntc Agents wanteil everywhere best laducemeata
don't wnts time send for Circular to
nun i w r.LLa, -i ;i vesey rst., iv. y. V.O. Box 1287.
1 til OIA AKNT?4 Wnntrd-HtiOtoKtOO
HFWMF a Week. Or HCitMl fnrfeltnd. Nnxnnvul.
ties, cbromos, stationery pnukafres, watches, jewelry, etc ;
special terms klven to agents; valuable samples, with
catalofnie, tent free; a lH-karat solid gold watch glvnn as
premium. R. L. Fletchkb, 1 Dey Street. New York.
InveatUatethemerltsof The fllus
traled Weekly before determining
OD.m your work this full and win.
ier. The oomhiDatlon for this season surpaces anything
heretofore attempted. Terms sent free. Address
Aiiy-iJ 4 Warren St. t New York.
The LnVPRQMre,eri'11' or
, MiigneiluChorrt. Tbsuosl
wonderful sd1 sod amu.iog Initrumenl crcr inenid. Secret
convcrieUioQ ca be carried oo from dCTurent roeuii, serou ths
tureet. ko., wtiliout detection. A child can Ii. trilr"AfftiitB
uiit-d to Uke or.leri Tor it. Sella like hot rtkei Sample lialr
eat for IO. Addru, Klcteher A Co., WillianisburKb. h. Y.
t'elnrrli, l'.ui'ture. u;.:uui IJabit. U,, SXT HILL uu r;ctii i
Vr. Umu' liiipenstry No 12 N. 8th it, Si.Loaii.ala
Fa nn era, reuten and hired men of America !
A oh'llntj. from l.tflf ktflllfl arai nf tkea tiut Innta lea
Iowa on R. R. terms, at )d and JjtO ier aore. Koud a
postal card for onr map aud pamphlet, or onll on tho
aune a.. , a.auu , na iViUi'lllU ni., VlilCMKO, or
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John B. CaLupun, Land Com'r.
If yon want to lo your
own printing,
'""i T.L iu.....). hi t'irtuUr. Irieavutl
hc.j U.-'..l Ttj. J.r. Mud Wa u lha
t'lii'iiiii-kt iiml lit'Kt huiiil mid
3 j-kukf itrliiiiiiir reat-s,
Va w Ii fe i.i Tln lnl 1 ,(,r. J auawatl
:uu:;s izzzizi. rss'sa co., u Uvnj St., vtwXxi
1814 TnrUn
Uaa dleiilaccd handreda ot other
Tnrbluee, but hne never been 11.
elf (Unplaced. Pamphlet free.
TUe Winning- BooU of Ilia Hraeon la eul !
' Gabriel Uonboy." Splendidly Illoatrated and
2.S.ut.i',u.!".B" Mdd rf11' Th l'reM Pleolng it
!fiB 'l)l"l' Woike. Saj. a prominent iinraal:
... fifnueiii is gei if. we went
trlke. Bend (or lllaatra'ed Ohoulsie and eee for your
liABTyoBu, Ot., OHiCAqo, 111.. (JisorasaTi, Ohio.
$501 two cash , ,$50
Offered for Fineit Pieoet of Work executed with onr
rftt.luiiiiliLl ItltAt HfcT hAU, Frlue, 4.50.
Treadle Puvier. For particulars, address the Manut'ri,
j (I'lUole-hnrret aTitn. bar or fnmt actinn 1ioL
ptnuine twist burrtfli. aud a $uud siiooier. UK NO balk:
w itlt J' lank. I'outh. aud ad-cutter, for Cin b tnt
( (). I, with privilpco tu cxauuno Lafure piyiuK Scud
Lmuip fur eirenKir Ut 1. 11
u" ftOI'..l I Lit
i:iiati. O.
New and Hrrond.uand. of efx Uri.cluae
ninkere. iui.mllnw u A'PI'UU A. tei.Kw ......
be aold at rxirimrdinury l.uw Prlrre firloee
out Hie emir aiiick, iirevioue to H K.IIOV AI.
in ihrlr ew Mure, 4t Keel 14lli ht., I'niua
Kuuare. Oct. Itiih
a' 2 rim. per PiiKi'. llluniraied
.Mneivai bHitprice. eouie
( miiluauee
.'...ri. Turiii- ..uLi-ii. eittet'iai nifture
nllNM, illRnulix lurcra and Urnilnr.. mi
ItroHdnr. New York.
Dfanbled in auv dwnii hv wnnrri nv it'w.u u
entitled lo reoeioa, and moat ot tbxiee pe eli&ed to la.
eroaee. Tboie vbo urred for tbiee yeaie or who were
dUcberted fnr wound cr lnjiry. Iievleg reca.vod but
SI(Kt.a tr.areeatltlelUl(!OaddliloneL Wbere
in- i.'d r le die. I reUtlree ie eotlced tj bounty.
ll:e. ... ' KIK. II,, .
one of wuo.u war Obii of Dlrl.lon In tbe Tension onW,
"! . . 'a. a peolelty. No fee thtraod tUI
elalui U ouilotited. For lull Iniennatloa addrew tbem
uoloaliMi etemp.
Ton inn odbe of
Cotiuns, Coi.dh, Intmtekza., Hoaiiss!-
UnoNcntAi, Tcbkh, ani Lcnos,
leadino to Consumption.
This, infalliblo remcly Is composed of
.tn. Honey of the plintlTorr hound, ia
sLomical union w i th T ar-B ai.m, cx I met
er' from, t'.ie Lira l'lirrriPLrj nf t'io
fou'st Irco Able3 Calsa!i:a. or Ii lm
o Oilca-1.
Thfe Honry of noruhound soothes
a:,d fcCATTEttanll irritation!) and inllnm
mntious, and tho Tnr-Iiaim cleanses
and hbai.8 tho throat and alr-pussagcs
leading to tbe lungs. Fiva Additional
ingredients keep the organs cool, moist
end in healthful action. Let nr) pre
jU tice ksep j'ou from tryin;r this great
medicine of a famous doctor, who has
javed thousands of lives by it In his
li'.le private practice.
It. B. be Tar Dalra has do bad
Taste r pmclL
Riicns, no ckn t-s and $t pitn Bonaa,
Groat laving to ba '.arye alza.
tSoid oy all Drugs'ista.
Pike's Toothache Drr;o'
. r - in 1 miiiuto.
Only mnchlne
producing Mi
in the ivcrta
( Antomatlo
'lon-lon fli.l
Trad. Mark In base tC. lr of orrn niarl.lnc.
Scad Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, 4c.
AVillcox aV Oihhs S. M. Co.,
(Cor. Bond St.) 058 Ilroadway, New York.
Tho FITTEIt" conFlsta of 5 acta of
1 .1 dttTcrcnt r zh nf a IhiIv'h nlnt. mr In
heavy paper. (o tfmt erter infisiireH tin, ta
ken, the cxiicl-fitliiitr unm-rii c in he sc-1
lectcd all reaiiy to cut the nuiiiif bv, si n
pie that a child cm ujo It huci-efiilly by
reading InstruclUms. Willi it ft v l ulv cm
fit her dresses perfectly, while It U ot price-,
l'nceof tsclf Drcsa Utter', fLPO.
A up ii is Wanted Everywhere t
will make yun a yuarlv mi mm rl'tur tu the
Monllily F.lite lrrcr.niniUcr nid
IIillini- (H i-1 1 1 in (1 ; . i !' ui. 1 1 1. it
ritiei.niid B. nd vcu l y ri'turt tnnil tno
Pond stamp for hew nud buuutlful
A I.MROftM :
16 East 11th Ct.,
"If fvN Hko nbnll of fire rolllnn an an ' down
(be rhHPt," U a common eip.twston among tuerer
f.ura ladiitestiOD. Theu ura
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient,
ret tbe syslvm Into a benlthy condition, so thnt tha
dlKtlve r(Mna cn do tblr lerltiniHte w rk. aud ytj
won't be troubled hftura lip. DypepA,a Is the fruit
ful motot-r of aiaoy pad dbess iBitrltintf from the
torpid uoiidtMon ct the stomach, and this a iiot
oarr.i off easily and pleasantly the oau e, and thus
cures the dlHusH,
Mnsic Boots ! lm Bools !
By L. O. Kmxrboh.
Ooutalns an eieeDent Sinfi ,g Hchonl Oonrse. A tine j
collection of PfealinTune and Ambbms. i
Resides the above there are nearly un paves filled with
frUfts. riaav Part toaiara and Glaaa tnr l'ra.nn and !
Dnfts. waay Part tojgs and Glees lor Pr actio and
As will be seen, there are abnndant materials of tbe
Iwt oharactor, for making Sirglon U!ase InU-reallng,
wide awake and popt-Ur.
Tb Knogbf 1b also an excel lent book to ace In Oon
rpnttoi H, At-admles, Gjllee Oholrs.eto. Piii,e 7o on.
H7dU toi dta a.
Church Kfufcio Book ! For 1316-77 !
By L. O. Kmebbon.
UootaiDs a Good Collection nf Kronlar Musi a A
thorough aSlngirg IHchoc-l ("ouist, with
abnadant exerutsts.
Bit tbe greater v art of this new and Impor'atit rousl
eal work i- tukn np with tu rn Mtricl Tunes, Antm-m-,
SeotMiufs. ( hanta, eto., to. The whole ennstttutMi a
book qnttH qnti to those already pLblitn-(1, which hav
oaosreo It: Lime of Mr. Ktuersn to h widely koowu aa
q of tt e most auoowstni of moilttrn omoo-ar of
ttacted Muslo Price m.;tS. Par dm., 9 1 .0O.
bpeclmtn ooples mailed. postfree, for retail prlc.
OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston.
711 llrondwoy, New Vork.
.1. E. UITKliN V I II,,
SucoewHire to Lee a Walker, Phlln.
rou THE
In the World!
Wilson Sewing Machine Co.,
Chicago, New Orleans,New York
Mi Xfl It;
1 V kJ
Centennial history
It sMs fvtnr than toy rthor honk. Or Ajrrt told
47 cnp'eii In ona dny. Rmrt for onr ) tra ttrms to
A Dr.a ee-r,n t1 ta. 1 1 J . 1-. a. I 11.
nUPllir. it w I a . m.irnirii ' Ul Ut?l,nt m, r a.
$3.00 for 10c I
Three beck numhcraof
cnntnininir Three
Itollnrx worth of neiv
and toed music (vocal
and Instrumental all (rrailpe) will bo acnt, post,
paid, to any ftiMrrns on receipt of Ten rent.
Address J. CHlitCH Ac CO., Cincinnati, U.
I nrflMi nnntfaltilnaT a ir-nrii hn htaM a fhaa t-.mwni IM
If you have R.wuinatiam, Neuralgia,
Headache, a Bum, or a Brulae, piocura
a boltle ol JQupeou. It will give Instant
relief, as thousands can testify. For
sale by all Druggists, H. A HURLBUT
& CO., 75 aud 77 Random h Etreet
Chicago, Agents for the Proprietors.
For the Mature,
For the Young,
For the Ladies.
For Die Farmer,
For'UiB Business Man,
For Everybody.
ISI.OO a Year
In obedlenea to tbe demands of tho time,
and believing the beat business policy to.
be to place our paper at tho lowi at living
rate, we announce that THE CIIIUAUU
LUnQElt can be had hereafter fur
31 HTlZJTEt. '
a fapeb vnuon
With an excellent corps of editor,
ami contributors with that ezperlnnce tn
this Held which enables us to know the
" tit ine reaaina; puitlia with a paper,
whleh Is now, and lias been for years, a
welcome and eaeei'ly-lookrd- for visitor In
thousands of homes, we oft'e r a
First-Class Family Paper
We believe this the best otter ever mad.
In this oountry. Nu reader should tail to
A Year's Reading
an suDscrining for THE LEDGER aa OWsi
AGENTS. The subscriber gets the full
amount for which he contracts. We have
no marielu for middlemen. W. simply
ofler a good paper at a low price. Every
reader is his own agent. .
Benel your name and address, plainly
Written, iuolosiu "ONM IJOLLAK, with
will .end the paper to yoa tor on. year.
n y h u
No. l
Bent la tills Paper.
Anr.un)t snut pont-pstd for 8ft cntr; fi moki, b nsniB.
1S5 1 . vf oihirPard prlirhnttai rnr, Aafiits wanted t
intHI HKj. OlH Vt'"'r ' V B"en Hy-t 'art.
Chicago ! edger
Jlj ii