The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 05, 1876, Image 2

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Henry A. r arsons, Jr.,
Henlamin H. Hrcwster. of rhlliididphln.
John ". Chitlfunt, of Allegheny.
uisriiicT electors.
I John Welsh.
i lli'nrv Dlvston,
;! Chris. J. lloirmiin,
4 Chan. T. .lorn-,
5 K.lwln A. Htl.'.v,
H licnlamln SmlUi
7 .1. W. ltornnrd,
,s .lacoh Knahli,
U .John H. WiirlVl,
1 0 Jiwph Thoinui,
11 Arlo 1'iiriloo,
12 t.cwls I'unlie,
I'i Ed. S. SUIIniHii,
il Wllllum Culdur,
Mill I.. Trai-y.
jltl t.V. jtmkwiittlur,
117 I'anlcl J. Morri'll,
lis .Jc-ri'inlah Lyons,
111 William Hay,
20 Wm. CatiU'rnn,
:'. J. H. ImntiHIv,
1-2 lnnlil OWVIII,
S', William N.'hb,
124 A. R Ilerirticr,
:iS Sam. M. Jacltson,
J'l ,1ns. Wptrriiiuii,
127 W. W. Wilbur.
Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia
vote next Tuesday, October 10. On
tlie.-e .States the result of the Presiden
tial contest undoubtedly hinges'.
Col. Ixokrholl says of Tilden:
"He courted men because woman
cannot vote, mid he has adopted a.rug
baby that really belongs to a person
whose name is Hendricks, alias 're
form.' At present his principal busi
ness is explaining, or trying to ex
plain, how he came to adopt that
Tin N. Y Irish World, in its last
Issue calls upon all loyal Irishmen to
support Cooper and Cary and labels
Tilden as a rascal who should not be
trusted with the reins of government.
How will this effect Irish fellow
citizens who have held such high alle
giance to the World. It also gives
Charles Francis Adams an. airing on
the Fenian question.
(.Vneral Xotes.
In a few weeks a young lady of great,
'veallh mid personal nltractions, who lives
in this city, will be led to the altar by the
mun of her choice, who is an ex-pcnitcutiriry
convict, he having served for nine years
for robbery. Richmond, Va Whig.
Brieluini Young has had to tiny three
thousand fix hundred dollars alimony to
jinn J-.lua and a Dole ot one hundred
uiniitmnu dollars m tlic Mote Jo meet
the-e pnymeuis he lias sold a lot of grape
canister anu eprmpneiu rifles ;or old iron
The captured cut-thronts in Minnesota
are in a weeping condition, and ank visi
tors to pray for their poor mother and sis-
ters. They can't be hung under (lie laws
ot Minnesota, and lliepeorle are busy lust
now praying for a n w law on the subject of
Wowing out a cashier's brains because he
refuses to hand over his treasure.
Cincinnati, September 2!). A Times
special from Coshocton, Ohio, Bays Francis, who was convicted in May last of
murdering Abraham Weriheimer. was hung
to-day. The fall did not break his neck or
even cause strangulation, tne poor man
uttering the most piteous cries and eroans
The trap was leadjustcd as speedily as
posmoie ana sprung a second time, dislocat
ing his neck und causing death without a
Captain Dates and his wife, formerly Miss
Anna Swan, the giants, whose marriage in
London attracted so much attention several
years ago. have retired lrom show life and
built a httiug residence near Rochester
JNew l oi k. He is seven and a half fet
high, she is an inch taller, and each weighs
over four hundred pouuds. The rooms of
their house f re eighteen feet high, and the
doors twelve feet. Their bedstead is ten
feet long, and all the furnilure is propor
tionately large.
Jew lork, September 20. General New
ton, in a communication to the Commission
ers of Pilots, says the reef at Hallett's
Point has been swept and the summary ot
lacts is as follows: From one hundred and
eighty feet distance from the thore line to
the line of buoys the bottom slopes
gradually irom etglit lect of depth at near
low water to twenty feet. Outside 'he line
of buoys nothing less than twen y feet of
ueptn at mean low water was observed
The divers have been examining the reef
ami report a tnorough break-up.
Pottsville. l'a. September "'J. This even
ing Jacob Iluutiinger, lata president of
the Miners Trust Dank, was rearrcstei
hero. There are five counts in the charge
against nun. ine nrst and second euargiug
that by fraudulent dividends, declared July
1875 and l7tf, ho and his family drew i'i,'
440; the third and fourth counts charge the
embezzlement of 59,100 from the Sheriff,
also cf the frauds remaining in the batik
when the doors were dosed the fifth count
charges that he received for a solvent bank
ever $114,000. In default of $238,000
bail he was committed to prison.
New York, September 28. The Dola.
ware and Hudson Canal Company sold at
noon to-ilay 100.600 tons of Lackawana
coal, deliverable at the coal company's
docks at Koudout. or brought to Sew York
harbor, the company towing vessels up and
1 down at its own expense. There was a
large attendance and prices were from 25c.
to $1.2o over those tf September 20. The
bidding was very spirited. The following
were the prices: bteamer, 5,000 tons
$3,12J u 8,15; grate, 30 000 tons, $3,17Ja
S.25; egg, 20 "00 tons, $3.27Ji 8.80; wove
45,000 tons, $4a 4.15.
Ex-Governor Underwood, of Vermont, a
wan vf as pure character as ever lived
writes over bis tame ' I have known Mr
Tilden for twenty yean; 1 heard him de
clare in couvcrsation with myself, near the
ulose of the war, that every man ef the
United (states urmy that marched across
Southern soil was a trespasser, and liable to
buit for damage in an action fortrespass!
1 asked him if he undertook te talk such
treason as thai, and if it was his cpiaon, as a
lawyer thai this Government could enlist
men, put arms in their hai.ds, and send
them U the protection of the Government
against rebels, and then luruisii tribunals
to try its own soldiers as trespassers and
te said that if was.
- 'II If!
The Public Credit.
From ttie New York Evening Post, Bept, 25
To "restore the . public credit" is
among the things for which the ft.
Louis platform nays reform i neces
sary.. Let us sec how the etc'llt of tho
United Slates now enmpnres with
wh at it was at the end of that period
which we often are culled upon to ad
mire as the brilliant and glorlou
1) nit'criilii' age. The figures which
we shall use are olllcial and were
furnished by Mr. Conant, Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury, In his let
ter to Senator ('rutin
On the 1th r March lull, there
v.i-' n d( rtcicticy. created by an excess
t xpcitilitiii'cx over receipts in that
! ll;;' (1m( e immediately preceding
yi..s, jiiiiunlitiiiji to S"i7,lls!,f2tl,!l-'
I'o meet tbi- dell. Money and current
expenses lite tiovernnient issued bonds
which were Mld at. a rate which made
the interest on a part of -the loan
twelve per centum and on another
part from six to eleven per centum.
This was the condition of the, public
credit when president lluchanan
went out with the Democratic party,
and the splendid Democratic era
What is its condition now? Mr.
Conant says that it "stands unpar
alleled In our history," and to prove
his assertion shows that In August
last United States bonds bearing In
terest at the rate of four and one-half
per centum were sold at par. This
certainly is a great gain In credit in
fifteen years- How has It been se
cured? Not by the Democrats. Bu
chanan has hail no party successor, the
Democrat have not come back since
they went out of power, and so they
have done nothing to "restore the
I public credit." It may be said that
'cverai great general causes nave con
tributed to the restoration. The sue-
ce.'s of the people in maintaining the
Union, notwithstanding the technical
objections of the Democratic party, to
e mild terms, Is one of these causes.
The demonstrated strength of the
country, its capacity for industrious
advancement, is another. There nrc
other and special causes. One is the
determination of the people, as shown
by the course of the legislative and
executive departments of the Govern
ment, to perform their obligations.
Congress by passing an Act, and the
President by approving it, have de
clared that the principal and Interest
of the Federal bonds shall be paid in
gold. Meantime the Democrats have
been declaring in the year 1808 they
so declared in national convention
that the bonds ought to be paid in
paper. If the declaration of Congress
had not prevailed, and if the Demo
cratic declaration had been adopted in
its place, what would have become of
the public credit? It would have
sunk as low as that of the man who
not only neglects to pay his debts, but
openly announces that he does not in
tend to pay them. Happily honesty
triumphed; the interest on the bonds
and tlifit part of their principal which
has been discharged have been paid In
gold, and we are now ublc to borrow
money at four'and one-half per cen
tum instead of twelve. Now, will it
be pretended that in respect to these
various causes the Democratic party
has done anything to "restore public
But there, is still another set of
causes of the improvement of the Fed
eral financial standing. The people
might have deicnded the Union sue
cessi'ully and yet might not have paid
a dollar of the cost of its defence
They might have made the fairest
promises to the public creditor and
yet might have broken them all. The
money raised by taxation to pay the
debt might have been spent for some
thing else. In any of these supposed
cases, the public credit would have
grown rapidly worse. What really
has been done in the management of
the Federal finances may be shown in
a few words and figures. Let us not
be unjust to the administrations of the
last dozen years. There are texts
enough for discourses on economy and
reform without misrepresenting the
actual facts. In eleven years the debt
has been reduced f 656,992,240 44. In
seven years the yearly interest charge
has been reduced $31,285,281. In ten
years the yearly reductions of expen
ditures have amounted to 202,349,
C19 G6, and in the same time the yearly
reductions of taxes have amounted to
5309,350,171. "Every year since 1800,'
in the words of Mr. Conant, "the Gov
eminent has not only lived within its
income, but has been able to save
towards paying its indebtedness an
average amount per annum of $50,742,
Mi;M." Tiiat in an tnese years
money has been spent extravagantly
may be readily admitted, but the He.
publicans clearly have a right to set oil'
against the reckless arraignmeu
made by the Democrats the facts we
have shown. Charges of corruption
are not wholly tunfouuded, but it is
worth knowing that "the ratio of loss
per 1,000 to the amount involved" by
defalcations is less under tho present
administration than under any other
It is thirty-four cents, as against $3,81
undertheadministration of Buchanan
The financial facts of the last eleven
years certainly have contributed some
thing to the restoration of our credit
In all these years the Democratic
party had done little but to grumble,
although we do not mean to say that
grumbling is without its uses. Well
as the United States stand in the bor
rowing market, something Li still
needed to "restore the public credit
That ia the resumption of specie pay
ments; and the first Democratic step
towards it is a measure of repudiation
Btate'faire during the present year
nave not been nnanciaiiy successrui.
The Indiana fair closed at Indian
apolis on Hutu relay, und upon balunc
ing the books it was found that the
managers are losers to the extent of
eight thousand dollars.
From our regular Correspondent.
- rhiladctyhia, Oct. 2d, 1870.
I'Lach to rtiiiit chabaotkr.
Although the Exhibition is nearly five
tnrtiths old it aciually ha not got lis
an. will yet. In s me departments ad.
iliiions and ohanges are still being made lo
improve their completer's and atu-aotive-ncas
1 he pmunlngical or fruit dinpiay, for
insinncr, i belter than it ha been any time
smre the M'a-on began several ales now
being represented whose fruit was not sulri
ri'Miily iii-'IiiipiI to e able I lie in lo make a
very gend exhibit during the period of the
Muted display, from the 11th to the lOili
ois'ftiit. Among 1'ie Stnien now coming
toiwBrd are Maine and Wisconsin, from
nlinm Applications for have re
iHiitly been received, and fruit Is siill on
he way. while other collections will bo
shipped as soon as in proper condition.
The pnmological exhibit promises tor some
weeks longer to continue to be tho finest
ever held, embracing as it does fruits,
melons, etc., from Florid to Canada, and
from Die Atlanlio to the rnoiiio.
And special features of various kinds are
coutitanlly devised ami annnunood, so that
those who have been here from the very
first days of the show still fini new worlds
to coniiier. and new sights tu see. "State
days" are just now oecnsons of pcrticular in
terest. New York day bent all the days
since the opening until yesterday, which was
Pennsylvania tiny. The olliciul report gave
the attendance op Iew York day as 134 iHS.
This was a proud record, but Pennsylvania
has the ndvanlugeof being on her own dung
hill, as it were, and she saw tboso thousands
and Victil several better, I have as yet no of
ficial data as to the number of admissions,
hut the outpouring from the city and nil the
surrounding country was simply immense,
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia have made
the Exhibition, to a great extent, their own
from the outsot, and local pride was en
listed lo make the stale day pre-eminent.
It seems that shovers of "the queer"
isit the Ccnteuninl too. The city papers
bought it was a good joke on New Y'ork-
rs that the largest amount of counterfeit
ouey taken ou any day io far, was re
ceived on New York day, but as the crowd
n attendance Thursday was larger than
hat of a week ago, possibly, the laugh may
come in some where else when the returns
remade. The amount taken on New York
ay wnf !? 10. Till consisting entirely of bogus
Iver pieces. The value represented in
mutilated silver pieces was $7.75, most of
his having boles through the centre.
his sort of thing brings grief to the stile
keepers, as all condemned money is u
ucted trout the salary of lite one receiving
Lovers of the lore of the middle ago? will
avc an opportunity to see a practical illus-
ration of one of the most interesting cus-
oois therein chronicled rm the Centccnial
grounds, October 19, the day of Maryland's
pectal celebration as one or I lie original
hirleen states The exhibition is called
he Centennial National Uiding Tourna
ment. fifteen knights, representing the
birteen original g ates, the Union and the
entennial, are to participate in the tourna.
ment. A queen of love and beauty, accom
pauicd by four maids of honor, represent-
tic, respectively, the North, South, bast
ud West, will be the incentives lo chival
rous conduct on the part of the cones! riaus
n addition to the medals whic I the United
Mates ('entennial Commission will award to
he conquering heroes, the executive com
mittee of Ihe tournament offer vaulable
ptizes lo bo tried for.
As already remarked, by far the mosl
interesting feature of the Exhibition is the
oppoitunity afforded the student of human
nature to prosecute his studies. He need
not confine his attention to one particular
portion of the show, for subjects present
hcmselrcs in every direction. Tliey are
specially numerous in the art galleries.
There i something about good pictures and
statuary that cauee the unrefined, those
who have not wrapped themselves up in the
mantle or reuerve, to sneak out: conse
qucntly the opinions of many can be ob-
ained without much trouble. 1 was curl
ous enough to take up a good position
alongside of a little conceit in marble in
he shape of achtld with an extremely sor
rowful face, the grief evidently euused by
he breaking ot a cup which lay shattered
at its feet. Seven out often persons passing
this made audible comments concerning it
to their companions or bystanders. The
naturalness of the piece undoubtedly at
tracted tbeir attention while they had not
given a glance for much more meriterious
works standing alongs'Ueol it. Hut 1 was
going to tell you of an art ceaior I happened
overhear in the annex. It waa in the
Italian Department whe'e it occurred, and
be objects that excited the censor's dis
pleasure were the subjects of general ad
mirationsome elegant marbles depicting
the grace and beauty of the female form.
'Hi em things are too vulgar said lie, 'Mo
put where decent people cau't help looking
at them.'' I turned to gate at the man
who had made the speech. He was an un
commonly dirty specimen oi humanity, with
unkempt hair and beard and lobbacco soiled
shirt-front, ilis companion was a shade
more decent in uppiarance, and conse
quently in thought, so I was not surprised
to hear him try to make a aelence ot tne
statuary, which be did by saying it was
meant "to show uatute. borne nature
oughtn't te shown," was the uncomproniii-
iug answer 1 heard as the two walked away
And this, thought 1 to myself, is one of the
swine before whom a --e cast the pearls of all
cations in the shape ot treasures ot art.
A lady from the uorth of Irelaud, at pre
sent employed in the performance of manual
tutor in the bouse of a friend of mine, went
lo the Lxpu8ition the other day. Uu her
return the mistress of the house said lo
her: ''Well. Kilty, what d id you think of
ill" "(Jch, sure, was uer reply, 'it'
all very well for them as hitssceu nothing,
but to any one who has heeu to the fairs at
Camcklaigus it looks very mane indeed.
Och ma'am, '.him wor the sights tu see
Why I've seen silk wurms there as big as
calves, aud me own brilher in b'J druv
score ot pigs to it, and iviry one of tbim
was the size ov an illiphaul. The show is
very well in its way, but ye know ye're
young here yet, and much eanuot be ex
peeled of yei.'1 "Well, but, Kitty, surely
the diamonds were worth seeing, were they
not? Everybody says they are very fine
indeed. "is it you bits of things! Ucb
honey, ye can't mane thiin athiiugs of little
badesl Bure me ou sister when she mar
ried Johuny O'Toole, bad a striLg ov
diauiouJB round' 'er nick, iviry wan ovthim
as big as a potaty! Sure, I'd Liver think
ov compariu' tbim up yonder in the show
wid me sister's." and with a calm smile of
contemptuous superiority the resumed bcr
Ihe increased attendance of late lias
given rise to some figuring on Ihe general
result, anu some comparisons with other
World's fairs. During the 115 days up to
Saturday evening last, there were 4,071,313
paying visttois, whose admiss.on aggregated
jl,881,434,a3umW0,50Hin excess of the
total receipts ($'J94,05) from tbe 3,402.022
paying visitors to tbe Vienna imposition
duriug tbe one hundred and eighty six days
of its continuance, and $31U,141 less than
tbe total receipts ($2,203,675) of tbe Paris
Exposition or 1867 during tne two Hundred
and seventeen days a was pea. Up to thi,
time Philadelphia Ran boast a total attend
ance of 5,855,223, against 6,039,135 during
141 days of tbe London exposition orlB&l
and 0,211,103 on the 171 days of ihe London
Exposition of 1862, being but M3 U12 less
Supposing the daily utteudaucein Ucteber
and November to be as large as in Septera
ber the Philadelphia show will present .a
larger total of visitors than any previous
world's fair, except possibly) the Paris Ex
hibition of 1867, w,hioh was open 217 dy,
and bad A total at tendance of 8,805,909.
Executor's Notice.
TESTATE of Charles Broekl.
Iceased. Letter Testamentary upon
the above estate have been granted to
the undersigned, all persons Indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims to
present the same without delav to
CHARLES LUHlt, Executor.
All icrsoni are hereby notified not
to meddle with the following property
how in the nrosscssion of llurict Oul-
breuth In Spring Creek township, Elk
Co., liv Three sets of chairs: two rock
ing chairs: one clock: one table, set
chests; one parlor and cook stove; six
iietls and bedding: one desk and nook
case; one cupboard; one looking glass;
tin ware; ttiree lamps; one lot carpet.,
I lie same belongs to me and is leit in
her possession at my option-
ii Uken Internally, u4 Positively Cures
Rheumatism, Gout, Meuralela Si Lum
baftO. t'T'Bold by WhoieMl tad lUuil Druggists
vsrvwhar. Send for eirmlar to
Druggists, WASmMGIOH, b. 0.
J. The Best, the Cheapest und tho ,
.Most l'opular. i ou cannot afford
to be without the
It is a mammoth 10-page Illustrated taper
(siie of Harper's Weekly.) filled with the
choicest reading for old and young. Serial
and Short, Sketches. Poems, Useful
Kuow'edge, wit nnd Humor, "Answers to
oi respondents, ruzzles, Unnies; "ropu
ltir Songs," etc., elc. lively, entertaining,
amusing and instructive, Tbj largest
handsomest, best, and cheapest paper of its
class published. Only $1 per year, with
choice of three premiums; the bcnuti.'ul
new chronio, ''Yes or No?" size 15x10
inches; any ono of the celebrated novels by
Charles Dicken'. or an elegant Box of
Stationary Paper without premium, only
cts. per year. Or we will send it t our
Months on trial for only 25 Cents
Fnra'specinieu , cony sent on reooipt of
stamo. Agents wauled. Address 1'. M.
L UPTON &CO-, I'ublishcrs, 37 Park Row;
New lork v7-u32-4t.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of Frederick Dippold, tie
Letters Ttstamentani upon the
above estate have been granted to the
underMigned, all persons indebted to
snid estate are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims to pre
sent the same without delay to
CIIAKLKS LUHlt, v.,rti
C. L. HAYEK. rj
Our large life like Steel
Engravings of the
Presidential Candi
dates sell rapidly Send
for circular Y. En
graving Co, 35 Wall
Ktreet, Lox N. Y.
$18 A DAY
Adinliii.-itrafor's Notice.
Estate of .Michael Heindle deceased.
Letters oAdniinintration upou the above
estate have beeu granted to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said es
tate are requested lo make pay ment, aud
those having claims to present the same
without delay to
Estate of Cornelius Wainwright,
Letters Testamentary upon the above
estate have been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to sunt
estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims to present
the saine without dehtv to
j B. W'achtcl, Kt. Mury Pit- ropre-
Hvnts the fullowlns Coninunys for
01k timl MoKeun counties
North llri'ish und Mercantile. 27,5tK)tKM)
A;nn, Han ford 7,0iHi,0W).
l'aterison. N- J 4t.0,O(iO
Amazon of Cincinnati l,tHi),ooo
(iertiiuil Aincricaii, .' Y .2 (iutt,tMjti
Niajiiira, A V iuti,iuu
IioclifstiT, Pa MO.WK)
Tr. Li fe& Accident, Hartford 4,000,000
To ull who are suffering from the
errora and indiscretions or youiu.
nervous weakness, early tlecuy. Ions of
manhood, fcc, 1 will send a recipe that
will cure you, FlU-tiOPCHAKOi:. This
irreat remedv was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the Bkv. Johkph
T. Inma N. Station D. Bible House Sew
York City.
AT1VE is unlike any other, aud lias no
equal. The Improved has new vegetable
tonio properities, restores grey hair to a
ulossy. natural color; restores laded, dry
narsn anu tailing uair; restores mesnes,
Hives vieor to the hair: restores liair
prematurely bald heads: removes dandruff,
humors, scaly eruptions: removes, irrita.
lion, itching and suuly dryness No arli
ole produces such wonderful eti'ecls. T.y
it. call for Wood's Improved Hair Kestora
live, and don't be put off with any other
article. Sold by all druggists in this place
and dealers everywhere, lraae suppneu
at manufacturers' prices by ! A- Cook &
Co , Chicago, Bole Agents for tbe United
Klaleg aud Canada, ana Dy jonnston,
Uolloway & Co., Philadelphia.
turm the Cittieos of llidgway, aod the
public gct.rally, that be bus started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Buggies, io let upon VU inoat reasons
ble term
8Qi,Ue will also do job teaming.
Stable en Broad gtreet, above Main
All orders left at tbe Post Office will meet
prompt attention .
Au i!0 1870. tf. .
LIFE, Growth, BEAUT?.
Not a lye; makes harsh hair soft and
silky; cleanses the soalp from all impurities,
causing the hair to grow where It has fallen
off or bcconie thin.
Can be applied by tho hand as il does not
stain the skin orpoil the finest linen. As
a Hair Dressing il is the most, perfeot the
world has ever produced. The hair is re
novate! and strengthened, aud natural
co'nr restored Without tho application of
mineral substances
Since the introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, il has
been the wonder and admiration i lall clas
ses, as il has proved lo be the only articlo
that will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hair lo'ls origiual jolor, health
softness, lustre and beauty, and produce
hair on bald heads of its original growth
and color.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article is complete within itself, no washing
or preparation before or afler its use, or
accompany ment ot any kind being required
to obtain thcBe desirable result J
Here Is Ihe Proof of its SUPERIOR
load this 1 1 urn o Ccrtificatu, testified to
j Kdwtii'd II. Q irrigues oui oi' the most
.iiiiipctei t Drug. sis au'l Cicuiiis of l liu.i
ilelphia, a ui iu wlmse veiacty none ca
I am happy to udd m . testi.ii'i y lo the
great value of tho London l.iur Cnur t.e
storer which lectured my lia.r to lis ungi
ual Color, aud the huo appears to be per
manent. 1 am satisfied that this prepara
tion not a dyo but operates upon the se
cretions. 1 1 is also a beautiful hair dress
ing nnd promotes the growth. 1 purchased
the first bottle from hdward It. uamgucs.
druggisl. Tenth and Coates street, who cau
also testify my hair was quilo gray when 1 MILS. MILLER, No.
730 North Ninth street, Piiilu.
Dr. rwyne Sou, liespccted friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you that a
lady of my nuquaiutunce, Mrs. Miller is
dclightid with Hie success of your London
Hair Color lies. brer." tier hair was fast
tailing and quite gray. The color has beeu
restored, the falling off entirely stopped,
and a new growth ot hair is the result.
Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila.
July 22d. 1871. Dr. Sway ne & Son:
Last winter while in lien ton, N. J , 1 pro
cured s.x bottles Loudon Hair Color He
stnier, which 1 like very much, ia fact bet
ter than auv thing X have uicd iu th last
nine years. If you please, send me one
dozen bottles C O D care ff a Fogier &
Son Druggists, No 72:1 Tremont at reel,
ltoston. Kespectfully yours, ADA liAKEH
No 09 llutland Square.
London Hair Color Restorer Dressing
Has compleicly restored my hair to lis
original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid aud luxuriant growth.
MHS. ANNIE MURK IS, No 010 North
Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it.
I ho London Hair Color lieslirer is use.l
very extensively among my patients and
friends, as weii as by myself. 1 therefore
i-pe.ik from excellence.
Address otMui s lo .r. tV.m
330 .Niilli ixili j ieet. 1'lu .leMiiii. . a
note Proprietors.
T II K L I N G d
This uistretsiug ana Uaugerous coiupiaint
audits prenioiiii.iy symptoms, u. gireied
cough, mgiit sweats, hoarseness, wasting
flesh lever permanently cuied by D TOd
S WAYSIE'S C0iirO'J.T- U? Vlu .
lUO-N0iitTS A preuioniior or i in
m on my C'lui'-uuipiiou. it ciiaraoi.'rized bj I
catarrh, or it. tl .million ci the tnucuiu meiu
brauo ol lue .n passages, WUU coiigu anu
expeclurat 'on, shurl lueaili, boarsuueis.
pains iu ihe client. For ml bionoinal atfee
tijiia. Bore throat, loss ot voice, cuogus,
Compound Eymp of Wild Cherry
IS A biiVUthK'N Kh.MtUV
Heiuorilnigj, or Spitting of Hi d. mat
proceeu Hum uie laryux, irauuin, tiroiieni.i
or lungs aU'l aiie.i iroiu Various causes, as
uuuue physical exertion, pieilioia. or tu.i
uess of the vessels, we in lu.ig-, overntrai .
ii g ol tho voico, suipiesHtd evauu iliou, o )
Biruciiou ol tlie spleeuoi l.ver, c.
Dr. Swayue's Compound Syrup- of Wild
titer ry
striken at the root of disea&e by purifying
he blood, restoring the liver and kiuuey
lo healthy aciiou, invigorating the ucivous
The only slumlard remeily lor i.cuior
rhaue, bronchial aud all pulmonary com -
plaints. Consumptives or ihuse predis
posed to weaK lungs suoulU uot la.llouau
this great vegetab.e remeJ.v.
I iu ni.ii.i.imi. ti.iwai- itnl. nnlir nvpi-
' r-' j -. ---
euniui-on. but over every chronic uiscit-e
where a gradual altera!. ve actiou is uei-u
Under us use tbe cough is looeeiied, the
uight sweats dimiuishdd, tne pain subsides
ihe pulse ret inns lo lis natural standard
the is improveJ in its power lo dt
gest and assimilate tne tooU, uud every
organ 1ms a purer aud belter quality ol
blood supplied to it, out ot which pew re
creative aud plastic material is mudu.
Prepared only by
33!) North Sixth Stmt, Philadelphia.
Itching Piles !
rosiTiTKLY ci'Btu by tbe use of
I was sorely afflicted with one of tbe iiiobi
dietreeeiDK of all diseases l'ruritus or l'ru
i-igo, or more comuionly known aa llcbiug
files. TueucUiug m times was almost in
tolerable, iucreuBei bv acratcbiug, aud not
uufrequeutly become quite soie. 1 bought
a box ot 8 nay lie's Ointment; us use gve
auiek relief, and in a short lime made a
perfect cure- lean now sleep uudisturbtd,
and 1 would advise all who are Buttering
with tbia distressing compliant to proeure
Swayne'l Ointment at ouce. I bad tried
piescriptious almost innumerable, without
hudiug aud perouucut reliel.
(Finn of Roedel & thriBt.)
Boot and Shoe House 311 North beoond
btreel, Fhiladelphia.
Swayne'a All-healing Ointment ia also
a epeoifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum.
Ssald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotebes, all Scaly, erusty, outaneoua tr.
ruptiona. Perfectly safe and harmless
even on the most tender infant, l'rioe 50
cents Sent by mail to any address on re
ceipt or price.
Celebrated all over tha world tor ita renta
ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil
itic oomplaints. Describe symptoms in all
ocmmioanutio address nsletlers to UK.
fiH'AVNE and SON, rhilade.lphia. n7yl.
rjsriSE. iff. a I 5.T
.fygp 1 ; j fid
Fr? Hi ill
1 .: Tpsm
itciti'.- for
uu oritivrK'n
i'r . !::. .r.j:. airtl
V.i O fins &. Cfii.. : 1
WatiilairtKa Si., linstcnt 170 Mat St.. Chlcairo; S8 Ludpate Hfir, Londoo.
.IfitjUTI K l.-admo Mnsii.s.1 Journal of jelccwd music and valuable reaA'nS
I'tUtrlliltil, muter. l!v mail f'.r $i rr v.r, or ten rents a number. Each number
r . fi.if.i irt..ttd uu.,. GEO, W000S Sl CO., Publisher!, Cambrldgeport, MaNr
, V i I
it IS u
I k'A lli-,
I Ju
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
riu-.ii al c(r.:ni
, in any parlor.
and expression never before attained.
t& Beautiful New Styles, now reaay-
Cambridfreoort. Mass.
To Ttta WoHKisr. Ci.a.'-s We can furnish
ynu employment at wh'nh you can make
very lurgo pay in your own localities,
without being away from home over night.
Agents wauled in every town and county to
take subscribers for the' Centennial Ke
en nl. the largest publication in the United
Slates Hi puges, Cl columns; Elegantly
Illustrate ; Terms only SI per year.
The Kccrd is devoted to whatever is of
interest connected with the Centennial
year, "'he great Exhibition al Philadel
phia i fully illustrated in detail. Every
body wants it. Tbe whole people feel
great interest in their country 's Centennial
liLlhday, and want to kucw all about it.
An e.cgant patriotic crayon drawing pro
inium picture is proeiited free to each
subscriber. It is ensiled. "In rcmeni
biance of tho Ono Hundredth Anniversary
of the In iepi-ndence of the United States,
Size 20 by i0 inches. Any one can become
a suoce.bful agent, for but show the paper
and picture and hundreds of subscribers
are obtained everywhere. There is no that will pay like this at present.
We nave agents who are making a high us
$2(1 per day and upwards Now is tho
lime: don't delay. Remember it costs
nothing In g've the business a trial. Send
fur our circular, tt rins, anu sample copy or
paper, which are sent free to nil who apply;
do it tj-d iy (.'oinpli'ie ouitii fre to those
who decide lo engage. Fai inurs and me
chanic and their s us and daughteis
tuako the very best of agents Address.
Po;tl iiid. .Maine.
Sulphur Soap
l f leaosiajf. Deudomio? Pisinfrtling, Sootbiig,
Healing anil Purif)tog.
It rcnlra the cuAnwt ikin retnarkflbly
t...)i nnrt hetilthful. It imtnirts a Iwautifal
!iiHi(hiibs to tho skin, ami forms an elaxllc
l uliit-itesa It cures burns, acttlilit, chafing,
i'Miiition8. rough new, tun, sunburn, freck
i t. Hut BH)t, chapiNxi ImiuU, or?a, Hirers,
i trutt. blisters un the hantta and feet, itcb,
loinol itt h, itching betwotm tho tors, itching
r tlte IhkIv, piles, corns. Aleo relieve the
: inuff and irriiutluii uf biting and stinging
"i l. As it is especially adapted tu the
1' 'M.M Nl'RRKRT, ttlld B.TH ROOM. TOU Can
l ike it Sulphur Bath at pleasure. For bath
) i-ix Children, it is unequalled. Ladies who
j .ism it in their Toilet would never do without
it. It neutralizes the odor of iKirsm ration.
' uhl, n- un external renietly, can scarcely be
uiii'd u miss. Full directions accompany each
package. TBI IT.
P;ic9 21 C.i. per Ctio, 3 Ckei for CO Stc.
By mail 35 Cts. By mail 7 Lis.
Main Dkpot at
Ir. "Van Iylcoffa OfUoe,
No. 1321 Qreen St., Philadelphia.
Sold hj all ttruffslau.
ill) TO
JAME3 H- IlAtiEl'J V
Maiu citvect, I'idgway, l a.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Ucuslantly on bund, and bold us cheap
as the CHEAPEST.
Turner In Horn, Hard and Soft Wood
All kinds of Tool Handles, &c.
ltcur ot iWOrsonu Second St., (Second
Floor,) Philadelphia, Pa.
General Agents in every town in the L'nl'ei
States for tbe Adjustable Pick, with a
com'iination of eigoi tools oomplute iu one
via pick, mattock, adie, lamping iron,
sledge, axe a d pole head, or any other tool
that can be inserted in sockets at about one
fourlii ooat of ordinary toola.
J. V. LArraaTT. A ljustahle Pick Co.,
3 86outU 2dSt., l'hila., Cham ber ot Com