The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 14, 1876, Image 2

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CM A j
! i?
Ucnry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor.
or omo.
rou VK'K-ri!i:siDr..- r,
(!' ni:v YOIIK.
KI.KtTUH AT l.AttllE.
TV.hiI. until II. Ilrowst.'r. of rhil.nili'li'l.i.i.
John W. e'liultiuit, of AUi'iK'iiy.
.fcilin Welsh,
ltonry I'lto'i,
I hri. !. I loiVn
Mil"-i I.. Tiwy.
i s.w. s';ul;'-vi iitlnr,
17 I'l'.lliel .1. Mom-li.
1 .U v-minti l.vtms,
I I V"1 Ui:ni liny,
L 1 Win. 1 niiuM'tri,
.'1 .1. 1!. l'.ir.ncllv,
:2 1:hmc1 'N .'ill.
WlllilllH Xl'Ml,
Jl A. IS. KutL'in i-,
- (rii'.ii. M. .Inrkson,
-'I Wosti-uiuni,
J.7 W. V. WiiKr.
Clin.'. T. JiHH-f.
Kclwin A. r'itiry,
r,.'iii i:ni:i smith
.1. V'. H.-riiiird,
.ku'nli KiKli'!
.li'hll It. V, iil'Vi'l,
Joseph TlmllHl",
Ario I'nVilec,
l.i'wln l'lurho,
Kit. s. Silllmnii,
Wiliinm Cat dor,
Vrom the I'ornoy's Prcs-.
liio Outlook.
ZS'owthat the vtiriotw tC;ito ticket."
h:vo ln'i'ii mostly chosen, it iv wsili!e
to iimke calculation as to the li -
jiorfilion of the electoral vote with
come U'jme of eertiiinty. A month
iis'o Now York, Connecticut, North
Carolina, Califovna, and Nevada were
generally coik oiled to tlie Democrats,
but remarkably excellent Rciiuliiican
I'.ominaUoiis in the first three States,
and eonesjiondiiijily weak selections
of the Democrat, liave taken !ifty-one
electoral votes sijiiarcl.v out of tlic ii -t
of certainties, nod set them apart
an. on;:' tiie nrizes of the October strmr
jilo, l.ijicthcr with Ciili.'oniia's six
vofs and Nev.'iiiu'M Have, which the
pronounced declaration oi' Senator
j'.ooih for ( lovernor Hayes will more
than likely throw finally to the lle
pud'.ican side of the tally. The Na
tional UcnuMicuii C'oniiuiltce have
from the licuiniiinii' counted New
leisey sure for Tihleli, lint, with an
c-t'ticient organization, there is no
reason why she should not repeat her
proud achievement of 1.S72. The fol
lowinir table fairly presents the politi
cal situation:
Maine '
"pv llninjislitre.,
Huuih t 'aruiiim...,
.. 7 Alnhanui
.. fvArknnsiis
.. lii'iDwai'i'
..l.'t lieorfctia
.. I K'-nlucUv
."I .Mavylnn.t
. M :.-i:ie.i
. 1:1 .Mi:doiui ' i c-.,um
,. "i 'I'ell nrs.j( .. ,
.. ! T.-xa.-
.. N irvleia
.... (i
.... u
.... s
. . . . I"'
Total I'!,
I Xl 1 ItTA ! y.
Xew Yoik ralif..rvia H
liuliaiia i 'oiiin-. lie'.o li
Norlli Ciiioiina li' We-i 5
Xcir Jurtvy 1' I loi i'Ia 4
.C'L'i'ssai-y to elect i.'.'i
In this table it will be observed that
we place Mississippi and .Louisiana,
both .Republican under ordinary cir
cumstances, in tlie Democratic
column. It in extremely doubtful
whether the colored vote, opposed as
it is by a policy of quiet l)Ut ell'ective
ostracism which the l ederal authority
is. powerless to counteract, will be
polled in either State this autumn.
West Viryini::, ;n the other hand,
hitherto supposed to be certainly
Democratic, v.e led warranted, from
the favorable progress recently repor
ted in the canvass, in milking with
tlie doubtful States. Of the i ninety)
votes which these possess. Hayes, it
w ill he si en, needs but t wenty-live to
elect, while Tildeii rcu:ios seventy
four. New York alone, or Indiana
and North faroliua, or New Jersey.
I'aliforn a, Connecticut, and Florida
goiiifr Republican would insure the
election of Daves, bur the Democrats
cannot win without New York and at
least four of tlie reiuahiiiijr seven
States, ner ah'ord'lo lose Indiana and
any other State, or North Carolina
and any otlic:' iwo 'lhbot' course,
supposes t he Democrats able to carry
the. 'Mates we have formally marked
as theirs; but if, a- is possible, .Missis
sippi and Doiii.-iatia should between
this date and the November election
he recovered the colored voter-) a
Democratic victory would, of course,
be out of the,iiu.--tioii. Ad present
calculations, however, necessarily de
pend more or h ss upon the rtsii't of
the preliminaiy election, not simply
foratestof the political current, hut
for their own intrinsic value. Thus,
of the States which we have denom
inated uncertain, Indiana, ahlornia,
and West, Virginia, will vote before
November, and their voice will in all
probability decide the sentiment of
the rest.
"No half-way measures will now
answer. The people. t.el that an act
of despotism has been attempted
which has connection with mysleii
ous actions of the past. The coining
convention must tearoll'the veil, show
why Tilden claimed the riht to name
his successor, why Tweed was re
leased, and why Tweed's old jmitnors
are now Tilden's most ardent sup
porters. Tilden packed the April con
vention, even by the exercise of mili
tary power in the various districts, as
was attested to by lJrastus Drooks.
Ho dare not undertake the same thine;
tor Saratoga. The result was that the
(Saratoga Convention was anti-Tilden
and refused to nominate Dorshoimor,
whom Tilden demanded should be
nominated. To carry out his schemes
his minions nominated a candidate for
Governor who they knew would m t
accept thepluce if elected to it, so that
the vacancy might be tilled by elevat
ing the Lieutenant Governor to his
place." Jlrookljn Aryus, JJcinuoaf.
Babcock is to have his trial for al
leged complicity in the safe, burglary
conspiracy on the If i li inst. The prin
cipal witness against him is Whitely,
the ex-thief of the Secret Service.
- V,. U :
TyY T'rtuo offmtnlry writs of fiovl fnoias,
)alin fieri fnoins, vcnilitiot.l exponas,
lovnri facing, nlina levari fiicins, find tea
tntnm fieri (uciim, IrsuciI oat of tho llourt of
Common Hens of Elk county, nnl to mo
ilirccte'l, I, Diinisl fciill, High .Slierill'of
siiiil county, Uo hereby givo notiee that I
wi'l exposo to public salo or outcry, nt the
Court House, in Uil.iy, nt onco clock l
M., on
MONL'W, S&l'TKM HER IS, 1K7(!,
I he followmj! ileei-iheil properly, tn-wil.
All the vilil, lilln inleriMl, cliiui mi l ile.
iimnil of tlie (lereiafuil. in and to all lieu cer
tain li'rttt. piiee or ireel ef l'inil situate ill
reii.ini;.'r Jownship, Kilt cuoi'v. nt'd si ile
of ri'uiiHylvniiiii, lieuniU"! niel ilocritiO'l mm
to low?: Iii'xiuninit nt tlie lowu-liip (ur
wto iioil lines itiviihoi wtivra' Is lO.l.S ii nl
Ill'.i'.l) ( 1 1 v i 1 1 o the lownsliips of r.riuiiiii, r
and l'.ix, on Inc old road liinnin Irani M-Mni-yK
in Kcrn'-y, iheaee col nloa said
li i.o " o:.o hundred ami I liirly-livo (
peri'lio.i, lln-nue north twelve i 12) peiolies.
tlienee f il olio bundled and tlinly live
pereliea ( 1 Si pi'l olieii), tlienee along tho old
load soul heriy twelve perched (i'l pcrche)
more or, io i lie place i f beginning, con
tniiiing ten acre, more or lcis, nnd beint
lot No .'IT on South tt. M-irv3 l oad, iii Hie
iniip or plan of the town or ccttlemout. of ft
.Marys. I'poii which i si ciccled n story-aiid-oiic-liiilt'
stone house by ittlfeel, nnd
n frame barn 1)0 by -10 feet, 'flic winds
id n.iid land is uiuli-r ou'.tival ion, and ha a
nell of pood wntcr nnd nn oi ch .r.l of f'-uit
treot; tlieveoli.
Also nil that certain otlicr tract, piece
or piiicel of land in the to'.vn or settlement
of Hi. Marys, KJk county , and stale of
I'elaisylvi'.nin, h-.;ii:uing tu the warrant
line lunniiii; noivli and soiita dividing war
runts 4il'JS jiio'i 4l t37 nliunt twenty p .-relies
south of li'.c noun coiner of sild line,
thence west . no hundred, tliirty-l lireo and
onu-thiid oi; perches) to a, tlienee
niuili twenty-l.iur perches lo a post thence
east one hiindreU and ihiilv-lluec and one
lliiid 'Jd:;' pci'cliesl to a post cu warrant
line, thence north womy-lo.iir (-1) perclios
to the p'uee of b-.-cinuiii:, containi-.g
1 f.enty acres, t iinj ilic sa.i.e lands wiiicn
( t-ehriilHT conveyed to Andrew
Miiselby deed dated July hi, 17-. and re
fU'i'cd in Kl county, in deed bonk "t'''
page "1 &:, nnd conveyed by Andiew
Mise! and wife to Tobi Gicincr by deed dated
flcl.)ljci' l"i lt7!, mid recorded ir.
comity in deed book "IC pupe --Id, fec.
faid land has about three acres under cul
tivation, and is inclosed with a fence.
Seized and taken in execution, nun lobe
sold as the property ol' fo'oi Greiuer.
ALSO nil ihc inierest of John Mau-cl.
die defciidiinl, in all dial certain lot of
(.'round situate 1 in the borough of St.
Ahirys, bU county, rennsy lvar.ia described
as lollows:
llepiuiiini; r.l n pot't on a line pnraliel to
the l'hihuleip liia and Lrie railroad twenty
feet mole or lets, north of the said railroa I
line, nod nineiy feet ea.-t of Lalayettc street
said post bein the souih westerly coiner
of the piece of land now being describe I,
tleiicc north tifiy-l.vo Uegiees, forty
minutes east ( ul!3 -10' ) on said parallel
line to the railroad, twenty feet to n. post,
ibence north thirty-seven degrees twenty
minutes west ( 07 '20' ) ninety-one feet
and seven-tenths of a foot i'.'l-7 feet) to a
post on the south side of nu alley, thence
south eighty degree-?, ihirly minutes we.-t
I 80 S'.l' I twooiy-two fe.;i to a post
feet.) thenca south thirty-seven degrees,
twenty minutes east ( Jj7j 2 I' I one hun
dred nnd one feet and livo-tenllis of a foot
I lol-o ) to the place of beginning, contain
ing nineteen hundred and thiriy-iwo square
feet ll'.i'- sq. it.) lioing the same land
which Leonard Wittmau and wife by deed
dated the seventeetil h day of June con
veyed to lliilhiim Maisil. now ilecensed,
wife of said John .il.viscl. Vpou which is
erected a two-story frame Iijii-c I'venty feel
by forty feet deep, whic-i is used as a dwell
ing, storeroom and b-iUery, also, ouibui'd
and a good v.eU of water iqion said lot.
The lot is enclosed by a substantial fence.
Seized, taken in execution, and lobe tjld
nslhc property of J jiin MaUt l.
ALSO All that certain piece or parcel
of land beginning at the narlh-west corner
9l town lot No. 07 on St. Joseph St. thence
north I'lti perches, thence e-ist ." porches,
thence south lilo perches thence east o
perches, thence souih leS pirches to the
noriheru hue of towu lots on St. Joieph I thence west following tiie noriheru
lino ef towu lots oil Si. Joseph s'rt-el
l't perches to the place of beginning
marked "C" on t Joseph St. and contain
ing one hundred acres. Also lots No. 70 and
"i'J on Michael street each lot) feet front, by
2011 feet deep, said 100 ncrcs situated in the
township of Ueazinger County of Klk Slule
of 1'eiiiisy lvania r.nd the snid lown lots in the
tlorough of St. Marys County and state nlor
said, upon which is erected a frame dwell
ing house, two storiei high, 200 feet, a
Inline barn 2liX"t feet with shed attached,
21x:ii feet, a barn d2x lo fe?t. There is a
good orchard and a good well of water
upon said hind the greater parted' the land
is improved nnd under cultivation.
Seized lakeu in Execution nnd lo be s:dd
as the property of Lad wing iiubeek and
Jacob liupple at suit of Charles '.uhr.
ALSO ail the right, title and interest of
the defendant in and to the following de
scribed real estate. ALT, that certain tract
of land sit ante in that portion of f.eiizinger
township, in the County ot Elk and Stale
of Pennsylvania, formerly known ns (he
Snint Marys Settlement, and b.ninded and
described as fo. lows, to wit: beginning at
a post on North Saint Marys road; thence
west ninety two (02) perches, more or less,
lo the hinds of Cuspcr J-lieleltr; thence
north along said C. J. beleko's laud
twenty-two 22) perches, more or less, to
1 Olds of Joseph KUrig; thence cum along J
Kln igs land lilutly two .i2) perches, more
or lets, to Snint Marys ri iui; iheneo soulh
erly along Saint Marys load iwniy lwo
(22) perches more or lets, to the place of
beginning, containing thirteen (bijiioies.
more or less, and so much of the southern
part of number nineteen I'.i on North
Saint. Marys road in tho map or plan of the
eeiiieiiient of Saint M irys, iieitig die same
land that John burgers and wif-j conveyed,
by deed d n ed 1 It li of A ugust, A. U. lHili. I"
Joseph inofeider, which deed is recorded
in I. Ik County deed bouk "(J,'' page. llM&c,
t.pou which is eiedel a frame dwelling
House, one story and a half hih, l(ix2j
feet fia'iie barn 27x17 feet, and a shingle
house l."ix21 feet. The said land is all ini-piove-d
and under a good state of cultivation
and lias two living Blrcain of water
th ercon.
Also All that certain piece, pnrcel or
lot of ground situaio in the borough of St.
Marys, fclk county, l'enusylvania, known
in the map or plan of said borough as lot No
10, on Centre street containing 100 feet
front on said street by 200 feel in depth,
upon which is erected a two-story frame
dwelling house, 2txlid feet; also, an old
shop, one-story and e half high, 2'.ix;W feet.
Siiid lot is enclosed by a Substantial fence,
nnd has a well of water thereon, being the
same lot conveyed to Joseph Wiudfelder by
Walbnrger Trcsch, executrix of Mathias
Treseh, deceased, by deed dated October
8th, 1S71.
Also All those two certain town lots in
the borough id St. Mary's in the county of
Klk Stale ol Pennsylvania, siiuaie on Centre
fctreet, caoli couiaiuiug in front on Ceutre
street one hundred feet , by two hundred
feet deep ul right- angles, and being numb
era seven and nine ou Centre street ac
cording to the map or plun of the borough
of st Marys, ujiou which is ereotcd a .nine
dwelling house, two stories high, 18x30 feet,
wiih frame wing attached, one story and a
half high, 2ix'iS feel; also, a two story frame
building and stone basement, 80x00 feet,
used as a brewery and licensed hotel, with
bind attached, 12x30 feel, two underground
beer vaults, steam engine and other tixiuro
belonging to raid brewery; olco u frame
building, twostorlei high, 30x88 feet, used
a a p 1 1 1 li o hall; also, a frame barn, 2'Jii tl
feet, with sh:d attached, 14x2'J feet; also,
a stable attached, III 10 feet, a, stable and
wagon shed, Dlxit feet, shop nnd ware
house, lillx!'.") feet, n frame dwelling houso,
Uix2o feet, an ice house, coal shed and
oilier outbuildings; also two good wells of
water upon said lots. Tlie said bui'dings
are alt in a good slato of repair, mid too
brewery is in good running order.
Kcerving, however, out of the foregoing
premises Hie following de-critied pieco of
land: Hi-ginning nt a point, on thn lino of
W. Lynns lot, 11(1 feet from the southwest
corner; nf lol No K nhovo described; thence
nl oiig V Lyons line north 2ii. west 170
feel, to a post, being (IrissonhnlY south'
west corner thence north litij" east it (I feet
to a post on the right bank of a run; thence
along said run saiilh llr east 170 feet 10
up .st in the run near Ilia right bank of the
saaie; thence south lil)'wctt 18 feet, to the
place of beginning, cuuiuiuiiig 5,tl8"i sijuare
feel, being tho laud herclol'ure sold and
c .nveyeit by too Deft. Joseph Wiudfolder to
John Leber.
Also reserving out of the rear end of lot
Fo 7 a pice of land i'.Oxl Oil feel, being the
sumo land which the Deft convoyed to
Leonard Hoffman. now owned by and in the
the poosesif in of Casper Webtier.
Also. All those certain lots of land in
the township of licnxiugrr, I'lli county,
Pennsylvania, silualo in W indlc-bier's nil
dil ion, to t he borough of St Marys, hounded
on tho noil h by Depot slieel, on I he east by
T. it' 1'. railroad and Koelilmaii's laud, on
the iio-alh by Mrs. beliefs laud, and on the
west by M. H'.att's land and I'.iberger prop
erty, described e.s I'vllows tn-wit:
Fit si . One lot ou lbs east si. In of Wind
fel l, r street, being D!"i feet long on said
street, on ll: south side 117 feel, on the
ca-t sole b uilei iiig ou Ihc I', .'t 11. llailroad
pro) .'I'ly, 100 feel, an 1 on Iho nortn side,
bordering ou Depot street, 1 10 feet, upiui
wlrc'i is eieeled Iwo frame dwelling houes,
e-ieli one and a half stories high, 17t2.' feel,
wood house and coal shed 17x18 leel.nn l
one oi her trail. c dwelling hnu-e, one slovy
high, ISxVJI'ei'l.
Second. One lot. smith of the above en
c ist side of V. infelilei- sli cot, containing in
front ou said si reel 121 feet, on tiiepoiuh
side along Klk creek 100 feci, on the east
side 12") fct, and on ihc north side 117 feet,
linen which is elected two frame dwelling
ileuses, each one story high, one 17 by 2.i
feet and the other 2") by 27 feet, one bam;
12 by 10 feet and one coal shed.
Third One lot on east side of Winufelder
street commencing on the southwest corner;
thence along Windfeliler street !lti feel;
thence along Tierney's lot on the north side
2d8 teet: thence along I'oehl mail's laud on
cast side 'Jo feet; thence on sout h side along
Mrs. l'.ckt I s land 2:8 feet, upon which is
creeled a two-story frame dwelling house
21x"l fee', and a coal shed, being the same
lot which the defendant by articles of agree
ment, sold to I'airiek Malcny.
Fourth One lot on west side ofWindfel
d.?r street, containing iu front on said street
o j feet on Iho south side, 220 feel, border
ing on Sullivau lot, on west side, along M.
(.Hails land .V.i teet, and on north side along
Klk creek 251 tool, upon which is a living
spring of water, said lot being knewn as
John Uibbon't lot.
Fifth One lot on west, side of Windfel ler
street, containing in front on said street do
ft, ,cm tho south sidenlung Klk creek lul feet
on die west side ! feet, and on the north
side D'.tj feet upon winch is erec ed a ciej
andiihalf story dwelling house frame. 17
by 20 feet
Sixth One lol on west side of Windfel
iler street, containing ill front on said street
100 feet, ou Hie south side Id ! f?ct, on Hie
west side 11S feet and on (he north side bin
teet upen which is errecied two frame
dwelling!, 11 stories high, 17x2" feet, a
coal house, "eic; also, a living spring ot
ivaier upon this lol.
Seventh. One let fronting on Depot Si.
jO feet, on Ihc eat side along Widow San
IliOUS' Kit I't li-ei, uii ll.o rimlli b).1o ftlna
Satinet's land 60 tcel.nud on the west side
along linger Welsh lot ',' feet, upon which is
erected a frame dwelling house, onesiory
high 17x21 feel, a frame, barn 12x12 feci;
als i, c. gjodspring of water on the lot, being
the same Lit which the said defendant sold
todeorge Weis, by articles of agreement.
Also. All thai- certain parcel or piece ot
land situate in the borough of St. Marys, Klk
county, Denny lvania, known na the Al
pine llnusa lol, bouu led and described ns
li.lloivs, to-wit; beginning nt a post on
Washington street, being Hie northea.-t cor
ner of latnl lately owned by li. Kckel; thence
roiiih I P east along said Kcke-l's land;
ninety-two feet and one. sixteenth of a foot
to tho southeast corner of said Ecucl's land
ihence south NOP west eiglay-two and five
tenths feet to a post; thence south j, east
ninety-nine eel, more or less, to the line of
the I'hil.idciphiu. and Krio railroad: thenco
along the line of sail railroad north 42 10
east 107 feel to a post; thence north t west
feet, more or less, to a post on the line
of .VashingtoQ street; I hence; south M
west (ij -j feet lo the place of beginning,
containing Dj.tiSS P.jU'ire feet of land more
or less, upon which lsereeied a two-story
frame dwelling lioti'-e, 2i..i;l lent, .villi ad
dition one story high. Sx H feet one frame
barn 12x20 feet, and an ice hoiifO. A good
well of water on t ho let
Also Otio other piece of ground in the
boreu"h of St. Marys. KM; county, l'enu-
svlvtuiii. described is follows, to-wit: 1
ginning at a point on lite Philadelphia ami
Kric railroad deput load, at the Lortheast
corner of .Inn. King's lot ; t h"iice north o2
40' east 1-V) feet, mure or lei-s, to the north
east corner jf Louis Dinger's lot; theuc
south o2ln east cuo hundred and seveuiy-
ihrco (173) feet: thence north 755 west 70
feet; ihence north 74 west 71 feet; thence
souih tvi west sixty-two teel; more or les
lo the rear line of John King's lot; thence
84.1 west 2o feet to Hie place of beginning
coiituiniue DI.OOl snuare feel, more or less,
upon w hich is creeled one frame barn, 40x
46 feel, and a harness room, loxlu teet
Seized, taken in execution and to ba sold
as the property of Joseph Wind.'elder.
ALSO. All the rl'-'hl, title, Interest, claim
mi. I ili'iiiniiil of the ileleiiilant In and to
twoci-rliiiii ti.wn lotssitunlein the burouidi of
St. Marys, Kilt comity, l'l-iinsylvaniii, liein;,
lots .Sos. 1 ami Mou J'.u k street on Hie mnp
or plan of l.ulir s mitl'tHon id Nt. .onry s
boniu'.'li. eaeli belna lilt v feel front on l'ui'k
Kinet nnd one hundred and tliirte-i-n loot
d. i n. nil No. 1 is el ected u two-sloi y liiimi
dwelling house, l.i' .s'i;1.,' feel, (-.aid liouso
lias a filial stoned cellar ihercunder, nnd the
liilshavo a (jniiit well of water thereon, tire
iindi i leiiee and improved. Said lots are the
siufie iiuri-lia-ed l.y the siiul delendunt of
l hol ies l.ulir, by mlieles of imreeinent.
Seized, tnUeii in exeeution nnd to be sold as
the properly of l'iiillip Sheeze-r.
Tho fillowini; must lie strictly complied
Willi when Hie properly is struck off:
1. All bids must be paid in lull, except where
Hie phcUitUI'iii other lien creditor becomes the
piiiviinser, in which ense the costs on the
writs must be paid, as well us all liens prior
to that of the purchaser, and a duly cerlillcil
list of liens shall ho furnished, including
iiiortnajii searches on the property sold, to
pcthor with such lien creditor's receipt for
the amount of tho proceeds of the sale, or
such portion thereof us ho shall uppeur to bo
entitled to.
1. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued mil II six o'clock 1'. M at which
time all property not settled for will uKiiin be
1' ut up, and sold nt tho expense and risk of
tiie person to whom it was lirst struck olf,
uiul who, in case of dcllelcney nt such re-sale,
shall make good Hie same, mid in no Instance
will the deed be presented in court lor con
firmation unless the bid is actually settled for
w ith the siheriu us
Sihcrilfs Office, Ilidgway, l'u, t
Atfif. --', 1S70.
soo fur, Ion's Ulirest, Cth edition, page JIG:
Siniln's f'urins, pagoUsf.
Estate of Cornelius Wainwright,
Letters Ttntatnciiiafi unon the above
estate have been granted to the un
dersigned, all persona indebted to said
estate are reijui'sted to make payment,
and those having claims to jircbcut
the same without delay to
KALI'! JOllCiO, Admr.
Tho simple story of how they stolo
In the Rood old democratic days of
l'olk, I'lereo anil Huchanan is very
Impressive. The average leakage is
every thousand dollars collected nnd
disbursed In that golden era of
economy was about '. During six-te-en
years of ltcpuhliean rule the av
erage has been eighty cents. In plain
words Democrat ie ofllcinls Ktolc, pio
portionately, over ten times ns much
as their llepublietin mtceessors.
Our largo life-like Steal
Engravings of the
Presidential Candi
tfaiom sell rapidly. Send
for circular. ;. Y. Kn
graving Co., iio Wall
WU'cet, Jlox o2W, N. Y.
Adminid rotor's Jioticc.
Kslolo of Michael Ilcindlo dcccned.
hvltira ofArfihiiiixtriilioil ujion tho above
cslnte have been granted to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said es
tate ate rciiuested to nmke (.ayiueut, nhd
those having claims lo present the eaiiie
w .1 hunt delay (o
N27oi JU11N 11. IIKIN'DI.II, Adm'r
fiitl ice.
No I ice is hi'ivby given thiit V. II.
Osterlioni, K. K. (Irish, S. A. Olin
stejiil, Cliim, jMcnd, T. S. I Inrl ley, ( !.
I.. Iluliiihiv and Jnenl) .M ( iiuley iu-
teltd to iimUe ni.iilii'iit ion fur the in
corporation of I lieinsK'l ves nnd sindi
olui'ix ns slinil llssoel.ile Willi llielii,
under t lie cm liorule imine nlnl s.l vie of
I'lie 'l'riislei'.s of I be .M . K, Chilteh of
Kidgwiiy." 'J'he oliji'i'l of siudi ineor-
por.ilioo to be, fo proioolethe worship,
Aliourlilv (foil according to tlie
I'tiith of hi- ,. ll.Chincli, at Ifidgwav
In i:ik Co., l'u.
Klil'.n. SCII' IONIXd, Clerk.
-V I H...I.I..I U!l M II..
S II. "ill llll 'i IU. .'lill IM I .1- II'IIM
J. -ents the following ('onijialiys for
I'.ik aim .MeKcan count us.
Nonh r.ritish iiiui .Mel'eaniile.27,.riOO '100
JOtna, Hartford
, 7,oi'0,(i00.
Y 2,000,000
l,ri 10,000
ratcrsoti. N . .)
ninzoii of Cincinnati,.
(teruiaii American, N.
A lagtirii, A. v
Ivochesier, I'll.,.
1'r. Life i!t Accident, Hartford 4,000,000
Trial List.
1. -V. C. Ilealy vs.
Vlirani llowiiiiio, No.
Isaac and
SI, August
'i'el'lii 1S72.
2 The Soring Hun Cottl
vs. Ionian lo.ier -Mi
hi, January
'I'erm. 1 Mi!.
John ltnltirvs. 11. ootlwaiil et
al. No. a, August Term, 1S70.
4 ii. V. iyier vs llie Heiinelt's
Branch Improvement Co. et al. No.
o, August 'firm. 1874
5 J. V. Hottk vs- Salyer Jackson
No. Id January Term, lHi-7.
o A. olt A: toon vs lat'lin Vav.,
No 2-1, Sept. Term; hS7o.
7. J. W. JJrowii vs. D. 15. Polcn
N o.
til, Sept Term, lb TO.
ieorge H. Page vs. V. S. Tyler.
'.:!, September Term, ltS70.
The Columbia Insurance Co- vs
t.i Kraits No 210, .Scpieniber Term
lo The Columbia
Insurance Co vs
241 September
(Ieorge Schaiil No
i et in, l-iio-
fl The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Anthony Sehaller No 2l.j, Sejiteinbel'
Term, 1N70.
12 The I'olunibia Insurunce Co- vs
Angelica Klausiumi, lis'r, ike. No
2 it. Seiifiiil'i'i' Terin, It-Vo
Id il J M'jjonaiil vs Aiariin ijnx.
No i:'2, Neveinber Tel m, ls7'j.
14 ;( IO i.esser vs J C Hollk, Kxe-
eutnx of J llodk, Dee'd. No Ul,
January Term, lt-7ti.
The Niitiunul Park P.unl:,'iv y.irii,
1 In
1 lie Court of
CiiiiLiitoii I leas
V of 1.1k rie.iniy.
Uube-rt Italsey and Henry No. liiSepti iiihcr
Jlalsey. Term. I7U.
Will r nl-' FOKKliiN" ATTAl'llME-M'.
Klk ( VUlltlJ,
- v The Coninion wealth of l'enn
sK.vusylvaoitv to the .Sheriii'of said
o'Ooutny, firi'i-tint;: We com
maud you that you attach llohert
llalscy and Henry llah-ey, late of
your County, hy all and singular the
gooibi and 'chatties, land and tene
ments, moneys, rights and credits of
the said Defendants, or either of them,
in whose hands or possetsiou or cus
tody of any person or jieisons whatso
ever, and summon each jierson or per
sons as garnishees, in jdea ofelcht,so
that they he and tippcdr heforu our
Court of Common l'leas, to lie hidden
at Kidgwav, in ami for said County on
the 'illiilD MONDAY OF hKP
'1'KMJiKll NEXT, tin re to answer
Ti-.e National l'ark lhtnk, of New
And, also that you summon the
said (iarnishees (the person or persons
iu whose hands and property of tiie
saul lloliert
Halsey or Henry llalsev
nd,) so that they he and
may lie iouin
appear before vour said Court on the
lilllll) MONDAY OF .-EPTEM-
DEK N EXT, to answer what shall he
oljtected tiKainst tlieni, tuul aniile hy
the lodgement of the Court therein.
And have you then and there this
AVitness tlie llonorahle L. 1). NVet-
niore, President Judge of our said
Court, at Kiduway. this 11th day of
July, A. D. 1S70.
FK ED. iSClKENING, I'rothonoiary
TA true eonv.l
Attest DANli:i.f-'e VLL., Shei itr.
Shcrill's Olliee, ltidgwuy, Pa., July
To all who are sull'ering from tin;
errors and indiscretions of youth
nervous weak ues:i, early decay. Ins of
manhood, iU'., 1 willsenda recipe that
will cure you, FUttl Ofc'CH.Ulli E. This
great ivnii dy was discovered hy ti mis
sionary in South America. Send n self
addressed envelope to the Rev. Joskimi
T. 1 nm ax, Station I). Bible IIouhc 2cw
York City.
form tlie Cittzeus of Ridgway, and the
public gcLerally, that he hug started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Uuagies, to let upon the most icasona
ble terms.
Ka,lle will also do job teaning.
Stable on Broad etreet, above Main
All orders left at the Tost Oilier will meet
prompt attention
Au 20 1870. tf.
Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and
silky; oleanscs the scalp from all impurities,
causing the liair lo grow whsro it has fallen
olf or become thin.
Can bo applied by tho hand as it does not
stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As
a Hair Dressing it is the most pcrl'eot tho
world has ever produced. The hair is re
novated nnd strengthened, and natural
co'or restored without tho application of
mineral substances.
Sinco Iho introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, it has
been the wonder nnd admiration ef all clas
ses, as it has proved to be the only article
Hint will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hair toils original jolor, health
soilness, lustre nnd beauty, and produce
hair on bald heads of ils original growth
and color.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article is complete within ilself, no washing
or ion before or nl'lcr ils use, or
nee. ut. pan vinoiil of any kind being required
lo obtain these desirable results.
Hero is Uio ProoJ of its SUPERIOR
iViid Ibis Homo Cert ilicate, testified to
tiy lidward II. liurrigiies one of the most
miiiipeloiit hritggtKis and Cliemisls of Phila
delphia, a man whose veracity none can
1 am happy to add in tesliuiotiy to the
great value of the Loudon hair (Julor I'.e
slorer which restored my hair to ils origi
mil Color, mid tlie hue appears to be per
manent. 1 sin satisfied t hat this prepara
tion not. a dye but operates upon the i:e
crclions. it is also u beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes the prowl h. I purchased
the first bottle from ivlward 15. Cinrrigiies,
drugiiisl, Tenth and Coales slreet, who can
also testify my hair was quite gray when 1
iiiincnce-'l its iie. MI!S. .Mil. Li. it, ro.
:i0 North Ninth street, 1'hila.
Dr. .Mvavnc a! Hon, Hcspcctcd friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you thai a
hidy of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is
ie-lighteU with the success ot your London
Hair Color Hes'.orcr." Her hair was fast
falling and quite gray. Tho color has been
restored, the falling o-T entirely stopped,
ul a new growth ot hair is the result.
K. li. UAKnlUUCs,
Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs, Phila.
July 22d, lh71. Dr. Swavne & Son:
Last wilder while in Trenton, N. J., I pro
cured s.x bottles London Hair Color Ke-
stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet-let-
than any thing 1 havo Used in the last
nine years. If you please, send mo one
loze-u hollies C (J 1) care w ti logler &
Son Driijisrists, No 72d Tremout street,
lloston. It espect fully yours, A.i)A BArilill
No 59 Kutlaiid Square.
Londoii Hair Color Restorer at.d Dressing
Has completely restored my hair to us
original color and youthful beauty, aud
caused a rapid nnd luxuriant growth.
Mils, A;MK MUKKI, No bib North
cventh Hiteet, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, eays of it.
The London Hair Color liestorer is used
very extensively among my patients and
friend.-:, as well as by luyteii'. I ihercfure
speak IVo'ii experience.
Address orders to Dr. 8WAYNE 60'.s
U N. rlli Sixth Btrect, Piiiiadelphia, Pa.,
sole Proprietors.
s a i. n it . i. f. it u ra a is ts
T 11 E I. I! N G S
This .liM i c-siiii; ami dangerous complaint
and its preiiuiiiituiy symptoms, neglected
cot. nil, nigul Mveals, Hoarseness, waslmg
Hesli fever permanently cured by E3T0K
JsUUNCHITlS A preinonitor or I'ul-
nionary CouMiinution, is characterized by
catarrh, or iutlamatioii of the miicuin meiii-
brane of the air passages, with cougU and
expectoration, shurt breath, hoarsvue'S,
pains iu the chest. For ail biouvlnal alfe';
lijus, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs,
Compound Syrup of V7Ud CheiTy
llemorihago, or Spilling of lllood, may
proceed from the larynx, trachia, bronchia
or lungs aud arises from various cauies, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or full
ness of the vessels, weak lungs, oversliaiu-
ng of tho voice, suppressed e racial ion, obs
truction of the spieen or liver, c.
Dr. Swayuo's ('otitjiuiiitd Syruii of Vi'ihl
etrikea at the root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring the liver aud kidneys
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
The only stanilaril rcmcily tor lienior-
rliane, bronchial and all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should not fail to use
this great vegetable remedy.
Its marvelous power, uot only over con-
eumpt'OU, oul over every clii omo ttisease
where a gradual alterative action is needed
Under its use the cough is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
the pulse returns to its natural standard,
the sluiuacii ij improved in its power to di
gest nnd assimilate tho food, aud every
organ has a purer aud belter '(Uality ot
blood supplied to it, out ot which new re
creative and plastic material is made.
l'repared only by
North Sixth Street, riiilauYlpliiu.
Solu by all Prominent Diiiiiuisia.
lichiiig Piles !
rosiTivKLT ci'beu by the use of
I was sorely ofllictcd with cne of tho most
distressing ot all diseases rruritua or l'ru
rigo, or more commonly known as Itchiug
files. The itching at times was almost in
tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not
uul'iequetitly become quilo aoie. I bought
a box of Swayue's Ointment; its use gave
duick relief, aud in a short time made
perfect cure, lean now sleep undisturbed,
and I would advise all who are suffering
with this distressing complaint to procure
Swuyno's Ointment at once. I bad tried
prescriptions almost innumerable, without
finding aud permanent relief.
(Firm of Roedel it Christ,
Root nnd Shoe House till North Second
Blreet, Philadelphia.
Bwayne's All-bealina Ointment is also
a gpecifio for Tetter. Itch, bait Klieuiu
8:uld Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, erusly, cutaneous Er
ruptioas. Perfectly safe and harmless
even on the most tender infant. Price 50
'cents. Sent by mail to any address on re
ceipt of price.
Celebrated ult over ihe worm lor us renta
ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Pyphil
ilic complaints. Describe symptoms iu all
octnmic&uutio address nsletlers to 1U
VVAYNE and SON, Pliilade.lpliia. n7yl .
J i SI i'i&- -t r.U&t 11 B
v v'v$.i Wi-; m "'''" 1 sm wm. mn mm
, . , : : - i.. ,;r.-.'.?nl-; ti i ':i .. '..--. .''.I :n Isi-.'li elfrcta
-.- i r tV-..i-.a..l. -oi
I IW M.htn:'f.l f t.. Ita'it
:. : ', f : .. .1
Kiduway, Elk Co., V:.
in oi i.r-1.-. jut in any parlor.
art rxTireBRion never before attained.
KSJ" Beautiful New Styles, now ready.
Cambridgeport, Mas3.
J-,0 Str.ti-St.. ChlenRO) SSIaidgate Hill, London.
Ml. .;.! ! nrr.r.l cf r.cred irunic ard valuable Tcadinif
i. :1 t y.v vi.-.-.r. or ten cents a number. Each number
sk. Geo. V0iitS it Cu.i Publishers, Cambridgeport, Mass.
i V 1 i 7 1
t-i i -.-. i 1.2 i
To Tun Wop kiso Class. We can furnish
you cinployncnt at which you can make
very large pay in your own localities,
without boinjt. away from home over night.
Afrents wanted in every town and county to
take subscribers fur the Centennial Re
cord, the lar(re?t publication in the United
States 10 puces, (it columns; Elegantly
Illustrated: Terms only SI per year.
The Record is devoted to whatever is of
interest connected with the Centennial
year. Tho gi-eat Exhibition nt Philadel
phia is fully illustrated in detail. Every
body warns it. The whole .people feel
prcat iuierest in their country's Ceotcnninl
birthday, and want to knew nil about it.
An elegant patriotic crayon drawing pre
mium picturo is presented free to each
subscriber. It is entitled. "In rerneni.
brance of the One Hundredth Anniversary
of the Iu.Iepeudenee of tho United States,
Size "i hy 30 inches. Any ono can become
a successful npent, for but show the paper
and picture and hundreds of subscribers
are obtained everywhere. There is no
business that will pay liko this at present.
We linvo agents who are making as high as
Sill) per day and upwards Now is the
time; don't delay. Remember it costs
noiliing to give the business a trial. Send
I for our circular, terms, nod sample copy of
! paper, which are yeni tree to all who apply;
! .In it to-day. Complete outfit free to those
who decide lo engage. Farmers and me
chanics and their sjns and daughters
make the vei-v best ol'acenls. Addrens.
l'ortland, Maine.
P:n.teriri3' riHcfidioe. Soolliinir.
Ilraling and Puriftiag.
If rrml- t tlie coairost ukln rpmftrkally
ti j.n.l hrulthltil. It iinivirtff n ht-Hutrful
t:tiiihn'cs ti Hit- kin, nnd forms na cIariic
j - iiiUMi"-i. It cur.'S burns, wnUU, chnrlng,
! t'.-.-.-i:iiii)ii?, voui;hnoii, tnn, ffunliuin, Iruck-
liv( r sjinH, rlmpin-d hanils, rvn,
"U'.tlmii". liti.itfra mi tho liuwls and left, itrh,
! i mid ii-'lijitHiing bftwuuu tin- tor, itching
j ( thf Imfly, piles, corns. Aleo lelU'Ves tho
ii hiiivritnit irrihttiuii of l.itinsnnd itiiin
I iittn. it espMciHlly adaptfd to" tho
1 T"ii.t j. y t'RSKitY, itnd Hath-hoo.ii, you cun
I i:iU-- Si(iUur Ha'h at poa?uiv. v l)nlh
j i w I'hiMn'ii, it i unofuallrd. &Wh who
no- it iti iTir-tr ioilot would never do without
it. It nriiimlizt's tho odor of perspiration,
and, as an cxtcnial ronn-dy, can twarcfly iw
ur-il ami!. Knll (Uret'tions uccompany caoh
pK-ka-c. TUY IP.
P:!:a 23 Cra. per Cais. 3 Ciics f:r C3 C'.s.
Jly mail 35 Cts. By mail 7j Ltd.
Main Pf.pot at
Tr. Van. Dyke's OlTloo,
Nc. 1321 Green St., Philadelphia.
Sold hy nil DrutfsfittN.
jam;;.-h. hai.;kuty
Mnitt Hireel, Uidgway, l'a.
A Lare eStock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Tbo REST E11ANDS ot l'LOUli
CciiHtunlly on hand, udiI buKI as cheap
as tho CHEAPEST.
Turner in Horn, Hard and Soft Wood
All kinds of Tool Handles, &c.
Rear of 220 North Secoiul 8t., (Second
Floor,) riiilaele-liiliia, Pa.
iieiierui mcrtith in Avnrv tnnm ; i. n:.
t- 11
a v.vlr iunu m i uu j on ou.
oiaie-s ior me Aojustahla Pick, with i
tuuiuiu.uuu oi eigui toots complete in i
.... uiauocK, aaze, lamping
sledge, axe and pole head, or any otlie
"8 insertea in sockets at ahoi
lourm cost or ordinary tools.
V LArrentv. Adjustable
i -oouHin I'lula., Chamr