The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 07, 1876, Image 2

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Ilpurjr A. Parsons, Jr., . Kditor.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 7X11.. 1870.
BeMiuiuiil II. Brewster, of lMilliuU-lpliiu.
John W. liiulfuut, uf Allegheny.
1 .Toll ii Welsh.
3 Henry Uisston,
3 flirt. .1. Hotl'umn,
4 l'lm. T. Jones,
5 Kilwln A. I'ltley,
Henliimlii Smith
7 J. W. llerimril,
8 .Tnruli Kntiltb.
0 John 11. Wnrfel,
10 Joseph Thomas,
11 Arlo I'onlep,
12 Lewis Pur ho,
111 Kd. . .Silllmnn,
1-1 William Culdur,
ll.i SI lies I,. Trney,
lit S.W. starkweather,
117 lanlel .1. Morrell,
: is J.M-emiali Lyons,
ll'i William liny,
IK) Will, t'nnieioii,
r'l J. It. Donnelly,
.- Daniel (l'Neill,
iSl Wllliiini Xelib,
-M A. IS. Itennur,
Sam. M. Jaekson,
I !M .Tas. Westerninn,
1 27 W. W. Wilber.
Vermont voted last Tuesday for
state officers, Fuirbarks, lletiuWiean,
has 30,000 majority.
'Leaf by Leaf the Kosos Fall."
And so do Mr. Tiklen's liojies of
success, as each day reveals its tale of
shame. The latest is the discovery of
his fraud and perjury in his income
returns. If this is true, and "'tis true,
'tis pity," the man is a fit candidate
for the penitentiary in his own city,
not for the White House in "Washing
ton. The proofs are overwhelming;
he is condemned by his own act. He
swore to his income in 1S02 as only
f7,118, and then, with a blindness
which is marvelous, swore to recipt of
20,000 in that year from one railroad
alone, the Terre Haute and Alton, for
professional services rendered. The
Chicago und Northwestern paid him
from ten to eighteen thousand a year,
and it was from 1859 to 1S70 that he
was counsel for this road as well as
the Chicago and Alton, the Pittsburg,
Fort Wayne and Chicago roads, and
also for the Cumberland Irou Com
pany, all of which paid him enormous
sums as yearly salaries, not as in cer
tain suits.
Can any one, be he never so infatua
ted a Democrat, read this one item of
his leader's record and not blush for
it? Did the man dream that these
things would be allowed to slumber,
and he permitted to walk into the
Presidential honors unchallenged'.'
Did he imagine that the loud cry he
raised of "reform" would deafen the
people? That when he pointed to
himself as the destroyer of ihe Tweed
ring in New York the people would
not point at him as the friend and pat
ron of Tweed as long as money could
be got out of him? Did he not re
member this little transaction, which
lis just come to light, or is his mem
ory so weak as not to go back fourteen
years? And if he remembered it, did
he not know that just so surely,
sooner or later, it would be held up to
public gaze in all its naked detormity?
Poor man! hat a torment his
daily life must be; how he must dread
to take up a paper, lest it contain some
fresh proof of his unutterable dishon
esty and falsehood. That old paguu
who was so remorselessly pursued by
the Furies had a gay and festive time
in comparison.
"Where, in view of this and other re
velations, is the "aggressive warfare"
which Mr. Tildcn so boldly pro
claimed himself about to wage in this
canvass? There will not be much
time left for that between this and
November if the Democrats are kept
us busy as they have been hitherto in
whitewashing and defending their
Take the advice of a friend, Mr. Til-
ilen, throw up the sponge, acknowl
edge that the Fates are too much for
you, and spend the remainder of your
life in the private enjoyment of that
wealth which you have labored so
hard to acquire and which a generous
government in view of your present
position, will refrain from depriving
you. And while you enjoy the com-
fqrts of your elegant home look over at
the large stone structure near it, where
many less guilty men than you are
expiating their crimes, and remem
ber that but for the clemency of the
Government you once would have
bern glad to see destroyed you, too,
would have been an inmate there.
The Republic Magazine.
The Cleveland Herald puts the Til
den money and income business us fol
Mr. Tlldcn's "barrel of money" was partly
filled with funds belonging to the Govern
ment, wltheld horn it lu 1U hour of need.
That money should have gone to the Kiipport
of our brave boys In the field and to the sup
pression of the rebellion. It is now UHed lor
the purchase of votes to overthrow the lU-imb-
licaa party, which was unuulmous and ener
getic in supporting the soldiers, suppressing
the rebellion, and saving the Union, It is
used to restore to power the Democratic
party, which brought the Union to the brink
of destruction in IstiO; which from that time
until the spring of 18t5 was openly or covertly
aiding or sympathizing with the enemies of
the Union; and which has now renewed its
alliance with those who were then the open
foes to the Union,
T vrtue of sundry wrlig of fieri facias,
alius fieri fftoins, venditioi.1 exponas.
levari facift, alias levari facias, and tes
tatum fieri iaoiag, issued out of tho Court of
Common Picas of F,lk county, and to me
directed, I, Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of
said county, do hereby give notice Hint I
will expose to public salo or outcry, at ilio
Coitrt House, in llidgffay, at one o'clock 1'.
31., oil
the following described property, to-wit.
All tlicriirlit, Ittle interest, cUim a in I de.
maud of the defcudum. in and toiill ilial cer
tain tract, piece or parcel of land mltmtcin
Ik'ir.iiiirjr township, blk ooiiniy, ami stale
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described us
In, laws: llcgimiinc at the township (or
warrant lines dividing warrants lO'.'H and
4l)!".l) dividing llie townships of Ifciuingcr
nod Fox, on the old road running from rU-
Marys to Kersey tlienco esst along sani
line or.o hundred and t lilrly -ti vo (l:t")
porches, thence north twelve t -) perches,
thence west one hundred and thirty. five
perches ( W perches), theuoe along the old
road southorly twelve perches (11 perches)
more or U ss, to tho phiuo of beginning, con
taining ten acres, more or loss, and hoing
lot No H7 on South St, Mary road, in the
mnp or plan of Ihe town or settlement of St.
Marys. I pun which is eroded a story-
and-one-half stone house "0 by ill) feet, nnd
a frnmo barn 'M by 40 feet. Tho whole
of said land is under cultivation, and has a
veil of cood water and an orchard of fruit
trees I hereon.
Also all that certain other tract, piece
or parcel of land in I he town or settlement
of St. Marys, Elk county, and state of
Pennsylvania, beginning at the warrant
lino running north and south dividing war
rants -KH'8 and 4087 about, twenty perches
south of tho north corner of said line,
Ihenco west one hundred, thirty-three and
one-third (133J perches) to a post, tlienco
south tweuty-tour perches to a post thence
east one hundred nnd thirty-three and one
third ',133$ perches) to a post on warrant
hue, tlienco north 'wenty-tour (-1) perches
to tho place of beginniuir, containing
cnty acres, being the same lands which
Charles Schreiber conveyed to Andrew
Meisel by deed dated July 10, and re
corded in Kin county, in deed book "1"'
page 21 (So, nnd conveyed by Andrew
Midland wile to lobi uretner by deed dated
October to 1874, and recorded ir. Elk
county iu deed bouk "ft" page 21(1, (fcc.
Said laud has about three acres under cul
tivation, and is enclosed with a fence.
Seized aud taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property pf Tobt Oreincr.
ALSO all the interest ot John Maisel.
he defendant, in all that certain lot of
ground situated in the borough of St.
.Marys, Elu county, Pennsylvania described
us lollows:
Beginning at a post on a line parallel to
the 1 niladciplna aua Erie railroad I weuty
feet more or less, north of the said railroad
hue. and ninety feet east of Lafayette street
suid post being the south westerly corner
ot tho piece ot land now being describe ),
II euce north tifty-tivo degrees, forty
minutes east ( 5-J 40' ) on said parallel
line to the railroad, twenty ieet to a post.
thence north thirty-seven degrees twenty
minutes west ( ou ar 1 ninety-one feet
nnd seven-tenths of a foot (Vtl-7 feet) to a
post on the south side ol an alley, thence
south eighty degrees, thirty minutes west
( 80 3'J' ) twenty two 1'eot to a post (22
leet,) theucd eouth thirty-seven degrees,
twenty rjiuutes east ( d," L'll' ) one hun
dred and one feet and live-tenths of a foot
(lol o)tothe place of beginning, contain
ing uineteen hundred und thirty-two square
feet (l'J32 sq. It.) Being the same land
which Leonard Wittmau and wife by deed
duted the seventeenth day of June con
veved to Balbina Maisel. now deceased,
wilo ot said John Maisel. L pon which is
erected a two-story frame house twenty feet
by forty feet.deep, which is used as a dwell
ing, store room and bakery, also, outbuild
and a good well of water upon said lot.
The lot is enclosed by a substantial fence.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of John Maiscl.
ALSO All that certain piece or parcel
of land beginning at the north-west corner
ot town lot No. tiT on St. Joseph St. thence
north 213 perches, ihence east 55 perches,
thence south loo perches thence east 35
perches, thence south 108 perches to the
northern line of town lots on St. Joseph
street ihence west following the northern
Hue of town lots on St. Joseph street
94 perches to the place of beginning
marked "C" on t Joseph St, and contain
ing one hundred acres. Also lots No. 70 and
72 on Michael street each 100 feet front by
200 feet deep, said 100 acres situated in the
township of Bcnzinger County of Elk State
of Pennsylvania and the said town lots iu the
Borough of St. Marys County aud state afor
said, upon which is erected a frame dwell
ing house, two stories high, 20x30 feet, a
trame barn 2Ux3(i feet with shed attached,
24x:W feet, a Lam 32x10 feet. There is a
good orchard and a good well of water
upon said land the greater part of the land
is im proved and under cultivation.
Seized taken :n Execution and to be sold
as ihe property of Ludwing Siiobeck and
Jacob Uapple at suit of Charles Luhr.
ALSO all the right, title and interest of
the defendant in and to the following de
scribed real estate. ALL that certain tract
of land situate in tbat portion of Bcuzinger
township, in the County of Elk and Slate
of Pennsylvania, formerly known as the
Saint Marys Settlement, aud bounded and
described as fo.lows, to wit: licginuing at
a post on North Saint Marys road; Ihence
wesl ninety two (92) perches, more or less,
to Ihe lands of Casper J iieltkr: thence
north along said C. J. Beleke's laud
twenty-two (22) perches, more or less, to
lauds of Joseph Elirig; thenco east along J
Ehrigs land ninety two (02) perches, more
or less, to Saint Marys mad; thence south
erly along Saint Marys road twenty-two
(Tl) perches more or lets, to Ihe place of
begtnumg, containing thirteen (id) acies,
more ni' less, and so much of the southern
part of number niueteeu 19 on North
Saint Marys road iu the map or plan of Ihe
settlement of Saint Marys, Being the game
land that John Burgers aud wife conveyed
by deed dated 14th of August, A. D. 1800, to
Joseph Winufelder, which deed is recorded
iu Llk County deed book "O." page 103 &o,
upou which is erected a frame dwelliug
bouse, one story and a half high, 10x25
feel frame barn 27x37 feet, and a shingle
house 15x21 ieet. The suid land is all im
proved aud under a good f.ale of cultivation
and bus two living stream of water
Also All that certain piece, parcel or
lot of ground situate in the borough ot St
Marys, tlU county, Pennsylvania, known
in the map or plan ot said borough as lot JNo
10. on Centre street containing 100 feet
front on taid street by 200 feel in depth.
upon which ia erected a two-story frame
dwelling house, 24x33 feet; also, an old
shop, one-story aud e half high, 20x33 feet,
Said lot is enclosed by a substantial fence,
and has a well of water thereon, being the
same lot conveyed to Joseph Wiudlelder by
VYalburger Trench, executrix of Maihias
Trescb, deceased, by deed dated October
8th, 1874.
Also All those two certain town lotsiu
the borough it St. Mary's in the county of
Elk State ol Pennsylvania, situate ou Centre
street, eacn comaiuiug in tront on Centre
street one hundred feet by two hundred
feet deep ut right angles, aud being numb
era seven aud nine ou Centre street uo
oordingiotbe map or plan of the borough
of st Marys, upon which is erected a rame
dwelliug bouse, two stories high, 18x30 feet,
with frame wing attached, one story and a
half high, 2oxd8 ieet; also, a two story trume
building and atone basement, oOiGO ieet,
used as a brewery and licensed hotel, with
shtd attached, 12x30 feet, two underground
beer vaults, steam engine and other fi xture
belonging to said trowtry; 'c? frame
building, two stories high, 30x88 feet, used
as a public hall; also, a frame barn, 20x41
feet, with ash -d attached, 14x29 feel; also,
a stable attached, 14x40 feet, a stable and
wngon shed, 81x31 feet, shop and ware
house, 2lSx3,' feet, a frame dwelling house,
10x25 feet, an ioe house, coal shed and
other out buildings; also, two good wells of
water upon said lots. The said bui'dings
are all in a good stale of repair, and tho
brewery is in good running order.
llcHorving, however, out of Ihe foregoing
premises the following described piece of
hind: Itegiutiing at n point on the line of
W. Lyon lot, 111! feet from the southwest
oorticr; of lot No H above described; Ihence
along W Lyons line north 2HJ west 170
feel, to a post, being (irissonholf s south
west, comer thence north (i(IA cant I.YOfm't
to a post on tho right bank of a run; Ihenco
along said run flout Ii lt'ij)9 rait. 170 feel In
apsl in the run near the right batik of Ilio
sumo; Ihenco south lilj wos, 18 feot lo tho
placo of beginning, containing 5,385 square
foot. Being Ilio land heretofore sol.l and
ojiiveye.l by tho Deft. Joseph IVindfoldor lo
John Leber.
Also reserving out. nf th rear end of lot
No 7 a piece of bind 30x1 Oil feet, being the
sumo land which the Deft conveyed to
Leonard Hoffman, now owned by nnd iu Ihe
tho poesessl.iu of Casper Webner.
Also. All those certain lots nf lnnd in
the township of Benzinger, Elk county.
Pennsylvania, situate in Windfoldcr's ad
dition to (he borough of 81 Marys bounded
on the north by Depot street, on the cast by
P. it K. railroad and Fochlman's land, on
Ihe south by Mrs. Kckel's land, ami on the
west by M. (Halt's land and Bibcrgcr prop
crty, described as follows to-wit:
First. One lot on the cast side of Wind
fcldir street., being 135 feet long on said
street, on the south side 117 feet, on the
east sido, bordering on the P. (it E. Railroad
properly, 100 fool, an! on the north side,
bordering ou Depot street, 140 feet, upou
which is erected two friimo dwelling hnu-es,
each one and a half stories high, 17x25 feet,
wood house and coal shed 17x18 feet, an 1
one other frame dwelling house, one story
high, 18x32 feel.
Second. Ono lot south of the above on
east sido of Winfeldcr street, containing in
front on said street. 121 feel, on the south
side along Elk creek 100 feci, on the east
side 125 fet, aud on the north side 117 feet,
upon which is erected two frame dwelling
houses, each one story high, oue 17 by 25
feet and the other 25 by 27 feet, one barn;
12 by 10 feet and one coal shed.
Third One lot on cast side of Winufelder
street commencing ou the southwest corner;
ihence aloug Wiudlelder street 9G feet;
thence along fierocy's lot on the northside
238 leet; Ihence along Fochliuan's lund ou
east side 95 feci; thence ou south side along
Mrs. Eckel's land 238 feet, upon which is
erected a two-story frame dwelling house
21x31 feet, and a coal shed, beiug the same
lot which the defendant by articles of agree
ment, sold to Putrick Muleny,
Fourth One lot ou west sido ofWindfcl
dcr street, containing in front on said street
55 feet ou the south side, 229 feet, border
ing on Sullivan lot, on west side, along M.
Glatts land 59 feet, and ou north side aloug
Elk creek 234 leet, upon which is a living
spring of water, said lot being knewn as
John Gibbon's lot.
Fifth One lot on west side of Windfel ler
street, containing in front on said street 45
ft., on ihe south side along Elk creek 131 feet
on the west side 45 feet, aud on the north
side 133 feet upou which is erected a one
and a half story dwelling house frame. 17
by 2i leet
Sixth One lot on west side ol rtindiei-
der street, containing in front on said street
lOOfeet.on the south side 13J iiet, on Ihe
west side 118 teet and on the northside Ida
feet upon which is errected two frame
dwelling i, 1J ttories high, 17x25 feet, a
coal house, &c; also, u living spring ot
water upon this lot.
Seventh. One lot fronting on Depot St.
50 leet, ou the east side uloug Widow Sim
inons' lot 75 feet, on the south Bide along
Sinnel's land 50 feet, und on the west side
along Koger Welsh lot 7-3 feel, upon which is
erected a frame dwelliug house, one story
hizh 1ix2j Ieet, a trame barn rjxiz leet;
also, a good spring of water on the lot, being
the same lot which tho said dcfeudanl sold
to George Weis, by articles of agreement.
Also. All thai certain parcel or piece ol
laud situate iu the borough of St. Marys, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, known us the Al
pine House lot, bounded and described as
follows, lo-wit; Begiuning at a post ou
Washington street, being the northeast cor
ner of land lately owned by B. Eckel; thence
south 13 east along said Eckel's lund;
ninety-two feet and oue. sixteenth of a foot
to the southeast corner of said EcKtl's laud
ihence south 80J weit eighty-two and five
tenths feet to a post; theuce south 37 i" east
ninety-nine eel more or less, to the hue of
the Philadelphia and Erie railroad; thence
along the liue of suid railroad north 42 40
east lt)7 feet to b post; thence north 9 west
159 feet, more or less, to a post on the line
of .Vashington street; Ibence; south 81
west (jo 5 leet to the place of heginning,
containing 13.088 square feet of land more
or less, upon which is creeled a two-story
frame dwelling house, 21x31 feet, with ad
dition one story high, 8x31 leet one frame
barn, 12x20 feet, and an ice house. A good
well of water on the lot
Also One other piece of ground in the
borouch of SI. Marys, Elk county, l'enu
sylviuia. described us follows, to-wit; Be
ginning at a point on the Philadelphia and
Erie railroad depot load, at Ihe Lort beast
coiner of Jno. King s lot; thence north o"
40' east loU feet, more or less, to the north -eust
corner of Louis Burger'B lot; thence
south 32-1 cast one hundred and seveuty-
ihree (173) feet; Ihence north 73 west 70
r .L I. -.IU ...... Tl .l...n.
leei; mence uuiui (uj icdi (a cct, iucuvb
south 83 west sixty-two leet; more or less,
to the rear line of John King's lot; Ihence
west 2 ) feet to the place ot bcgmuiug
containing 1-3,004 square feet, more or less,
upon which is erected one frame barn, 40x
48 feet, and a harness room, 10x10 leet.
Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold
as the property of Joseph Wind.elder.
ALSO. All tho right, title, Interest, claim
uml ili-innliil nf the lll lendll nt ill unci to those
twoeertnin town lots sltuntein the borough of
Kt. Murys, Klk county, Pennsyis'aniu, ueing
lots .No. 1 u nil Sou Purl street on the nuip
or plan of I.uhr's uddllion of lit. Mury's
horoimli. each beiim fifty feet front on Park
street und one hundred and thirteen leet
deep. On No. 1 Is erected u two-story frame
dwelling house, lti.;x feet. Buld house
has a good stoned cellar thereunder, nnd tho
lots huvo n good well of water thereon, are
under fence aud imuroved. Said lots are the
sumo purchased by the said defendant of
t'hurlL-s l.uhr, by articles of agreement.
Seized, taken In execution uud to be sold as
the property of Phillip Sheclur.
The following must bo strictly complied
with u-hi'ii the nronertv is struck off:
1. All bills must be paid ill full, except where
the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the
purehuser, lu which case tho costs ou the
writs must be paid, as well as ull liens prior
to that of the purehuser, and a duly certified
list of Hens shall bo furnished, including
mortgage searches on the property sold, to
gether with such lieu creditor's receipt for
tho amount of the proceeds of tho sale, or
such portion thereof us he shall uppeur to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until six o'clock P. M., ut which
time all nronertv not settled for will again bo
nut uu. aud sold ut the expense und . ibk of
the person to whom it was first struck oil,
HI1U WHO, ill Uinv ul uciiuiciiujr m auvu ic-wiic,
shall make good the same, and in noinsUtneo
will the deed be presented in court lor coii
tlrinullou unless the bid is actually settled lor
with tho Shcrin us
DAN I F.I. SCULL, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Rldgwuy, Pu. I
An if. Uvti. I
See 'union's Digest, Bth edition, page 446:
Bmitu s r onus, pugenoi.
Efatato of Corneliutf Wainwright
Letters Teatamentury upon the ahove
estate have been granted to the un
dersigned, all persona indebted to suid
estate are reuuestea to muke payment,
uud those having chains to present
the same witnout aeitty to
Washington. AusriiHt 80. The Hen-
rctary of War in jiurmmnee of tho Into
army appropriation hill limiting the
number of entlHtuil men to ",5,Ono, him
ismtu'cl an order honorably dUclmrirlnii
sixteen hospital HtewanlM. 'J' ho wholii
number of Htewardu In the army wan
xio, tint UoiiKrcHH! having liitulo appro
priation for 2tKl only, It, wan inwiiwnry
to dlHehnrgo (he number iibovp men
Olir llllVK life line Blool
Engrnvinq of he
Praaldanlial Cunril-
daloHt'll riipMly. Hentl
lor elieiiliir. N." Y. Kit
KtnvliiK t'o., lift Wall
HI reel, Jinx 11230, N. Y.
AilmliiMr-nlor'M No) lee.
Eslnlo of M Inlinid llnimlln dmieiiHrd.
Li tter VeHtainriitart upon Ihn abnvn
csliilc have been grim I ml lo Ihn under
signed, all persons Indebted In said es
tate nro rcqueslud lo ninka payimiul., nnd
I hose having chums to present the same
without delay In
K27ttt JOHN B. HIUXDI.K, Adm'r
Notice in hereby given that W. II.
OHterboiit, K. K. (Jienh, H. A. Olm
Htciul, CIiiim. Meiul, T. 8. Hartley, C.
10. ilolmluy and Jacob M'Cutilcy in
tend to miiUc application for the in
corporation of tbciiiHclvcH and hucIi
other us mIimII iiMxociatu with them.
under the corporate name and ntyle of
"The TruKteeH of the M. K, Church of
ltlitgway." The object or hucIi Incor
poration to be, to promotethe worship,
of Alllliehtv dial nceorilinir to tbc
faith of the Al. 10. Church, at Itidgway
in 101k Co., 1'a.
Pli. VVnehtel, St. Marys 1'a. repre
sents tho following Conipunys for
101k and McKcatl counties-
North llriiish and .Mercantile.27,oOO 000
lOma, Hartford 7,000,000.
ruterson, N. J ItiO.OOO
Amazon of Ci ncitiiiat i 1 ,000,000
Herman American, N. Y 2,000,000
Niagara, IN Y 1,500,000
Kocliester, Ta mo.OOO
" ' '
Trial List.
1. W. C. Hcaly vs.
Isaac and
Abrani Bowman, No.
84, August
Term 1872.
2 The Spring Hun Coal Company
vs. Momas Tozler iSo. 10, January
Term, ion. .-
3 John Timor vs. 11. oouwaru et
al. No. 6, Auinist Term, 1870.
4 M. v. Tyler vs Tlie Uennett s
Branch Improvement Co. et al. No.
3, August 1'erm. 1874
6 j. v. iiouk vs' isaiyer Jackson
No. 13 January Term, 187o.
0 A. Yoir it sou vs .Mai tin Imiz.
No '2-K Wept. Term, 1875.
i. J. YV. Jirown vs. u. 1. l'olen
No. 51. Sept Term, 1875.
Ueorge 11. Page vs. u. ft. lyier.
.No. ti-i. bcnteniber Term, ia7o.
u. The Columbia insurance uo. vs
Jacob Kruus No 24:i, September Term
10 The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
(tcorge Schaut No 214 September
Term, 18o
11 llie Uoitimuia insurance to. vs
Anthony Schauer No 215, September
Term, 18ij-
12 The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Anirelica Kluusiuaa, Ex'r, &c. No
2oi. ScDteiuber Term. 187-3
is 1) J Ai'Uonuia vs .Maiun
Xo B2, Kevember Term, 175-
14 Jl lA'sscr vsj JlouK, exe
cutrix of J V Iiouk, Dec'd No 141,
January Term, 1870.
FUEL). .-UlH-r,-MiU, I'lO.
The National Pnrk Bank,! In tho Court of
ul .Miw lorK, I common i-ieus
vs. of blk County.
Robert Ilaisoy and Hon y Xo. lus, September
llalsey. J jerin. isiu.
WlllTOl,' tOltKIGN ATTACH illi AT.
Elk Count n. .
..--iv T he Common wcaiiu of I en n-
MRA L. 'Kl-I v.-lli i:L In llie Sbcriir of Ml ill
CTTCounty, greeting: Ve
maud you that you attach Ilobert
lialhi'V ami licliiy llalsey, tale oi
your County, by all and singular tue
lioods and chatiles, lands and leue-
meiiis, moneys, rights and credits of
UiesaiU Ueienuaiils, or euner oi inem,
iu whose hands or possession or cus
tody of any person or persons whatso
ever, and summon each person or per
sons us garnishees, in plea of debt, so
that they be and appear beiore our
Court ot Common I'leas, lo lie iioiuen
ut K'djrwiiy, iu and for said Cottnly on
llie TTHUU JH CIA 1AY Ul' ftJiP
TKM1JKK MOXT, theie to answer
The JSalional Tark liaiiK, ot JNew
Aud, also (hat you summon the
said clai'iiishecs (the pel sou or persons
in whose hands and properly of the
saul liouert llalsev or iTcni. y naisey
may be found,) so that they be and
appear before your said Court on the
15KR N EXT, to answer what shall be
objected against lliein, and aoiue by
the udtfenient of the Court I Herein
Ami have you then und there this
Witness the Honorable L. D. Wet-
more, President Judj;e of our said
Court, at Itidgway, this 11th day of
July, A. U. itMi.
FUED. SCHUONINO, Prothonotary
A true copy.
Attest Daniel Scull., Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Itidgway, Pa., July
To all who are sufrerinsr from the
errors ami indiscretions of youth.
nervous weakness, early decay, loss of
manhood, d-c.. 1 will send a recipe that
will cure you, FUfcfi OFC1IAUGE. This
great remedy was discovered uy a mis
sionary in South 'America. Scud a self
atldressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph
T. Ism ax, Station D. Bible Home New
York City.
loriu the Cittzeos of llidgway, and the
public gCLerally, that be litis Btarted a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Buggies, to let upou VUe most reasoua
ble terms
g,He will also do job teaaing.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
All orders left at the Post Office will is eel
prompt attention
Au 20 1 870. tf.
LIFE, Growth, BEAUT 1.
Not Dye; makes liarsh hair soft and
sllkyi olcansi-s Ihn scalp from all Impurities,
causing ihn linlr lo grow where It lias fallen
n If or hemiiun Ihln.
Ciiii lin applied by Ihe hand as II does not
slain Ihn skin (irnll the II nest linen. An
A Hair liiessing It Is the mips I. imifeat Ihn
world has nvnr produced. Tho hair Is re
novated and Mlritiigilieiie.l, and natural
t'o'nr rnsluted without Hie application of
mineral substance.
Kincn the introduction of this truly valu
able prepiirali'in into tills country, it lias
bren Ihn wonder and ad.nii iillon if all clas
ses, ah it has proved In ha Ilia only article
I hut. will absolutely without, deception, re-
slum gray hair toils original jolor, healili
softness, lustre and beauty, nnd produce
hnir mi bald heaiU of its original growth
nnd color.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
articlo is completo within itself, no washing
or preparation before or after ils use, or
accompany incut of any kind being required
lo obluin these desirable results.
Hera Is tha Proof ol Ils SUPERIOR
'end this Homo Certificate, testified lo
by Edward II. Gurrigues one of the most
competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila
delphia, a man whose veracity none can
1 nui happy to add mv testimony to the
great value of Ihe London liair Color he
storer which restored my ha.r to its origi
nal Color, and the hue appears to be per
manent. I am satisfied that this prepara
tion not a dye but operates upon the se
cret ions. It is also a beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes the growth. I purchased
Ihe fi et bottle from Kdward B. Uarrigues,
drugaisl, Teoth and Coales street, who can
also testify my hair was quite gray when 1
commenced iib use. AIMS. M1LLLK, Wo
7.'!0 North Ninth street, Phila.
Dr. rwayue a Sou, Kesnected friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you that
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller is
delighted with the success of your London
Hnir Color Hesioier." tier hair was last
restored, the falling off entirely stopped,
and a new growth of hair is the result.
. 11. OAKK10UKS,
Druggist, cor Tenth aud Coates, Phila.
July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son:
Last winter while in Treuton, N. J., 1 pro
cured six bottles London Hair Color Ke-
stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet
ter than auy thing I have used in tbt Inst
nine years. - If you please, send me oue
dozen bottles C O D care W S Folder &
Sou Druggists, No 723 Tremont street,
Boston. Respectfully yours, A OA. BAKE 11
?o o9 Rutland square,
Loudon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing
Has completely restored my hair to its
original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid and luxuriant growth.
MKS. A.VNlrJ MOUKI8, Ko bio Korth
Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Daiton of Philadelphia, says of it
The London Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively" among my patients aud
friends, as well as by myself. I therefore
speak from experience.
Address orders to Dr. SWAVNK a 80N
3u0 Ni rth Sixth oacet. Phimdelphia, I'u..
sole Proprietors.
soi.u is'4m.l unvtiaisTs
t ii u Ji u n a a
This distressing und dangerous compiuiui
aud Us premonitory symptoms, neglected
cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting
flesh lever permanently cured by DO. TOE
CHE Sit Y.
RRONCHITIS A premonitor or Pul
monary Consumption, is characterized by
catarrh, or iutiamatiou ct the mucuin mem
brane of the uir passages, with cough and
expectoration, short breath, hoarseness,
pains iu the chest. For all bioncbiul affec
tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
Ileiuorrliago. or Spitting of Blind, dmv
proceed from the larynx, tmclna, brouulnn
or lungs aud arises trom various causes, as
uuiivio physical exertioD, plethora, or full
ness of the vessels, weuW luug9, overstrniu-
ug of the Voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction of the spleen or liver, &e.
Dr. Swayiic's Coiiipoiind Sjnip of Wild
striken at the root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
rue only sianunru remeuy lor nemor
rhane, brouchiul und all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should not fail to use
tbia great vegetable remedy.
Its marvelous power, not only over con-
cuuipt-on, but over every vuromo disease
where a gradual alterative action is needed
Uuder its use the couch is looseucil, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
the pulse returns to ils natural standard.
ibe stomach, is unproved iu us power to in
gest aud at-similate the food, and every
orean has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it, out ot winch new re
creative aud plastio material is made.
Prepared only by
339 North Sixth Street, l'liilatlelpliia.
Sold by all 1'bo.mijik.vt Dhuugists.
Itching Piles !
positively cubku by the use of
I was sorely adlicted with oue of the most
distressing ot all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or more commonly known as ltcning
Plies. The itching al limes was almost in
tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not
unfrequently become quite soie. I bought
a box ol Swayue's Oiniracnt; its use gave
auick relief, and in a Bbon lime niaue
uir led cure- lean now sleep undisturbed,
and 1 would advise all who are Buttering
with this distressing complaint to procure
Swayne's Ointment at once. I bad tried
piescriptions almost innumerable, without
nnuiug and perma neni renei.
JU&fct'U . LUU1HI,
(Firm of Roedel & Christ,
Boot and Shoe House 841 North Second
btreel, Philadelphia.
Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also
a specifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum
Ssald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, crusty, cutaneous Er
ruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless
even on the most tender infant. Price 60
cents Sent by mail to any address on re
ceipt or price.
Celebrated all over the world tor its renta
ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercurol and Sypbil
itio complaints. Describe symptoms in all
ocinmicanutio address ns:etlers to VR
S'AVNE and SON, Philadelphia. n7yl
eo. Woods & Co.'S
Thcic fimnrUabl
sir- hi- II 1-1
in itrumntt po:. ca,iacitiu fur i.iuital effect, andexpreuion never Miore atiainea.
r r,d l'rofc.e i'.nal. and an ornamimt in any parlor. ""' Beautiful New BtyW, BOW rMy.
AiLipteJ fnr Aait
nm. VJnfiDS A. CO..
WAItlinoOlISs COS Wr.f,hln:?ton St., Bnilon; 1 71 State St.. hlcagoi 88 Lndgate Hill, loaJon.
rpTTT.1 'fT A V TTTTTlT A TJ A A lc.vli:ig MmicM Journal of selected music and valuable Msdinff
i Tib VUA XlU MAIN A. matter. l!y mail for $i per year, or ten cents a number. Each number
oi.t ,;-.. from tc $ woit'n ..f the nnrt clectcl muiic. GEO. WOODS & CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Has
h US A iJAl.L 10 R
KiJgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Cnmbride'eDOrt. Mass.
To Tits Workiko CtAss. AVe can furnish
you cmploynent at which you can make
very large pny in your own localities,
without being nway from home overnight.
Agents wanted in every town and county to
take subscribers for the Centennial Re.
cord, Ihe largest publication in the United
States 16 pages, 04 columns; Elegantly
Illustrated; Terms only SI per year.
The Record is devoted to whatever is of
interest connected with the Centennial
year. The great Exhibition tit Philadel
phia is fully illustrated in detail. Every
body wants it. The whole people feel
greut interest in their country's Centennial
birthday, and want to knew all about it.
An elegant patriotic crayon drawing pre
mium picture is presented free to each
subscriber. It is entitled. "In remem.
brance of the Ono Hundredth Anniversary
of the IuilepeDdenee of the United States,
Size 2-3 by ol) inches. Any one can become
a successful ageut, for but show the paper
nnd picture and littndre ls of subscribers
are obtained every where. There is no
business that will pay like this at present.
We have ageuts who are making as high as
20 per duy and upwards Now is tho
time; don't deluy. Remember it costs
nothing lo give the business a trial. Send
for our circular, terms, and sample copy of
paper, which are sent l'rce to ull who apply;
do it to-d.iy. Complete outfit free lo those
who decide In engage. Farmers nnd me
chanics arid their sous aud daughters
make the very best of agents. Address.
Portland, Maino.
Sulphur Soap
Is Clpaofii'g. PMih'riziD?, Ihsinftcling, Sorihiag,
Healing and l'unfviag.
It ri-mleTf tlio cuumwt akin remnrknMy
r 'It uml lir-nllliful. It impart a beiiutltul
n!,ittim-M ti the Rltiu, anil form an ulstic
M liiti-ni'us. It cilrv liunis, suililn, tlinlltiK,
rvMriutiotiB. ruiiKline&s tun, sunburn. fivi-V-l-".
livi-r sjKits, tbnppiHl luinilv, son-s, ulcere,
Ut tlriitf. tilHtor. on the ImiuN ;niil l'iet. ili-h,
ul-uiii.l itrli, itcliiliK between the lues, itdlilix
i Ilio bmly, iile, cortld. Also rt-liove. Ilio
itrliiiig aiid irritation ul' Mtitig nnil stinging
iiinet-i. As it is capoclnlly uUupleil tu tliu
T"M.i:t. NruscRV, untl Hatii-houm. you cnti
t.ike ii Sulphur Hath at iileosui-u. For bath
in,; ( hililron. it is unequnlleil. Lailies who
u.-ie it ill their Tuilct wuulil never do wltliuut
it. It neutralizes the cxlur uf peispirnlliiii.
hiiiI. s an external reuieily, can scureely be
used Hinias. Full riirectiuus aceuRtiAuy each
lMCkte. TRY IT.
F.-iee ii C-.j. ptr Ciis. 3 Clio: for CO Cti.
lly mail 3j C'ts. Uy mail 75 Ct.
Main Depot at
I Jr. Von Dyko's Otloc,
No. 1321 Green St Pliiladulphia.
Sold by all Drucclsts.
Main Street, Uidgwny, l'a.
A Lar;e Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Ccnstantly on baud, acid sold as cheap
aa tbo CHEAPEST.
Turner in Horn, Hard and Soft Wood
All kinds of Tool Handles, &c.
Rear of '20 North Hucond St., (Second
Floor,) Philadelphia, Pa.
General Agents in every town in the United
States for the Adjustable Pick, with a
combination of eight tools completo in ona
vis: pick, mattock, adze, lamping iron,
sledge, axe and pole bead, or any other tool
that can be inserted in sockets at about one
fourth cost uf ordinary tools.
J. V. LArritrv., AJ-,uatutle Tick Co.,
133 South 2dbt., FhiU ., Chamber of Com.