The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 31, 1876, Image 4

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    Innnltj In llie t'nlled States.
Oliarlos D. Robinanu, fa Scrihncr for
S 'ptotnbpr,. writes m follow : Tho in
tjiligont earn of llie itimtio, with a view
t itha rostornHoii to hunlth nnd sooirty,
U ro reonut that it mny bo rintitd, iu the
United States, iu th.i prrserit oontnry.
The time is evi'ii within the recollection
of many now living, whfn faith iu the
curability of the diseaso became general,
even among medical men. Upon the
Pawning of the belief that insanity was
susceptible of cure, hospitnln becun to
bo built, for the two-fold purposes of
custody aud treatment ; for besides the
difficulty of tnkiug care of lunatics at
home, it was found that comparatively
lew recovered. From thin prriod hos
pitals begun to bo regarded as not only
tne befct, but to most persons (lie only
places lor tuo ltisnno. Hf-n"o an ju
creasing demand for their Accommoda
tion ; B'd though tl.eir numbers have
Multiplied largely, nnd have preatly in
creased in siz, tiiey are Mill inndequato
to rtili rtaiu all wh j knock at their doors
and w ith piteous appeal Bec k admission
iu tins connection may bo noted
curious rcanlt of tde establishment of
nw uosnit-nl facilities. Tho newer
States, in estimating tho hospital ca
pacify necessary for their insane, have
intuinlly consulted tho census statistics
to find what 1. umber to provide foj ;
but it is invariably loumt tuat when t
hospital is opened for the accommodft-
t ou of a given district, the applications
for auiiiission far exceed its capacity,
largely outnumbering the statistics col'
locted by the census taker.
The country seems suddenly thronged
with iusano people, aud we are apt to be
impressed with tho be'ief that this
iread disease is largely on tho increase.
But the probable fact is that no such
mcreaso really exist. It is not uu
natural that, nniuly out of family pride.
the questions of the census takers are
often evaded, and the relatives of the
unfortunate patient, seeing no benefit to
come from revealing tnis "skeleton in
the closet.," keep it from observation,
Hut, promptly when an asylum is opened
within tluii reach, free to nil without
jviy, the curtain ii dniwu nnd they come
forward with their nlllicted
That insanity do rs 1.0s increase, pro
ruta, at least in the Unitod States, is
proven by the census returns for the
past tweuiy years. In 18.ri0. this countrv
hiul a population of '23,191, 87G, and
total mimbtr of iusano and idiots of
SI, 397, or one in !i7S. Iu I860, with
population of 6l,-lU,n2i, there were
42,801 ius..n: aud idi-its, or one iu 733,
And iu 1870, with a population of 38,
535,983, thero were 01,909 of that
class, or one in 023. Iu lugland, iliir-
iug tho H.i mu pciiod, there was an aver-
ago of anout oie in 450; m Scotland
oue in 400; in Ireland, one in 400; in
France, one iu GOO; aud in Australia, oue
in 521. These reports, if accurate, show
u favorable coudition iu this country as
compared witn tnat of others.
How Long Branch Grew Up.
The glory and gain of transforming
Long Branch from a deserted stretch of
New Jersey coast into a seacidn city,
says Olive Logan, iu Harper's Maga
zine, undoubtedly rest with a few cpi-
i lists, who bought farms in Monmouth
county for thirty or forty dollars an
aero, ana set about turning tneir corn
fields into villa plots. Easy enough to
do this much ou paper, but to make the
public buy the plots was something call
iug for ability and energy of the first
ordor. A sohemo of advertising was
adopted, brve, expensive, nnd pnviloup,
ay which the place was persistently
n ought beloio tho publio attention sum
mer after summer. J no ubiquitous cor
respondent of tho daily press wai sent
down to report. It Wtw not a very fasei-
n:iting spot in those early days, but the
f porter who cannot write au attractive
ettor merely because there is nothing
attmctivo to write about has mistaken
lis vocation. A vivid imagination, a
touch of Thackeray's wit and Dickens'
inventive gemus, are much more valu
able in a watering plaoe correspondent
thfvuthn mere photographic faculty of
reproducing fee's. To ' call a spado a
spado" is fatal to the charm of letters
from the seaside, especially if tho place
be dull and uninteresting. There were
as charming letters written from Long
Branch when it was dull and uninviting
as now wuen it is animated aud attrac
tive iu the season. By one devico aud
another, legitimate and illegitimate, by
building a new railroad, by improve
ments of various Rorts, aud divers plans
lor attracting public attention to their
put and pride, the capitalists forced the
growth of the place iu public appreci
ation, aud achieved a veritable emip
at tat when they mdnced President
Uraiit to go and live there in the sum
mer. Long Branch became tho summer
capital, and its fortune was made. The
villa plots sold like the proverbial hot
c.ikes. The hotels built huge additions
to themselves, aud all the world rushed
to sleep in them. Those who had money
iu their pockets found it burning moi-t
uucomfortably thero until they had
bought a villn plot, or a corner of a
farm, or an old house that could bo turn
ed into a summer seat. Many outsiders
mado largo sums by buying this week to
sell tho next at nu enormous advance.
Lots that oue Miniirfer sold for $500 were
held the following summer at $5,000.
Everybody was elated, excited: and life
was gay and fascinating to residents as
to tho going aud coming crowd. The
summer capital was a success.
Washing Dresses,
The Saratoga conespondent of the
S.m Francisco Chronir'e says: There
U no doubt as to tU j desirability of
wearing washing drcsiM-s iu summer, and
it is a matter of sm pri.-o to good people
who live iu their owu homes, and have
their own laundresses nnd cau put as
many lluted dresses aud bkiits iu the
wash as they please, that the fashioual:
women who live iu hotels and go to the
watering places avoid them, and stick to
llki and woolen tissues, wlieu thes
useful fabrics stick to them; but tho lea
sou is fouud in the lurgtj of the wash
ing bills. A cotton or linen dress does
not cost so uiuoh in the )h:-t place, but
it is a bill of expense right straight
through. A little friend of mine cried
when her bill for washing three dresses
c.iiiao homo the other day; it was 19.75.
Who had thought herself au fait iu the-e
things. Sho had considered she was
making ample allowanca iu appropri
ating t?3 as tho expense for tho most
elaborate, aud $2 each for tho others,
and had struggled with her desire to
have her dresses nicely "done up," and
her prudence for a iorg time before
finally taking tho step, uiid she could
hardly forgive herself for not discover
ing ex ictiy what the co t would bo be
foro venturiug. "It is the last time I
will ever have a 'washing ' dress as long
as I live," she said. Yet these were
nothing compared with the cost of
"doing up" the dresses which are
masses of delicately plaited rnflles, pull
ing aud lace.
Ex-rresKlcut Fillmore.
Apropos of tho announcement that
an enterprising railroad company has
offered Mrs. Millard Fillmore, widow of
President Fillmore, the use of a palace
car from Buffalo to Philadelphia and re
turn during the Exhibition, ft cerre
spoudeut says tho little lady doesn't re
quire any suc:i f ivor iu order to hasten
to the Centennial Mecca, should sho de
sire to. Mrs. i illmore id in affluent
circumstances, and occupies a palatial
residence iu Bufi'alo, about which are
scattered mauy evidences of luxury, in
eluding a coachman, horse, carriage, aud
two Scotch terriers. The late Millard
Fillmore was, in appearance, a very no
ticeablo man. lie always dressed with
great neatness. He wore glossy black
broadcloth aud a high, stilf-.itaichtd
whit-j collar. It was the cx-Presidout's
custom to ride out ou Delaware avenue
with his handsome consort beside biro,
iu au undersized, close, black carnage
which had a small square window iu th
back. This conveyance wus drava by a
pair of noble bays, which were driven
by tbe JuitliiuL and trusty eoicbman,
whom iurs. Fillmore still n-t.uus. Alter
putting ou a high sili; hat aud a pair of
wiiite Kid ninve.s, Uio ex-PrcMdent and
his wife rode out the avenue in the litth-
closo carriage, perhaps two miles, then
tl.o ex -President nligUtod aud waueJ
straight back down tho avenue home,
while hi3 lady instructed tho Jehu to
slow up and keep pace with him. This
peculiai exercise Air. Fillmore took al
most daily, aud during his stately
promenade down under the elms he was
the cynosure of all eyes. His form was
a commanding one, and ho bore himself
almost pompously.
A Singular Itesene,
One of tho most singular rescues ever
report d occurred, the South Australian
Advertiser reports, during tho voyage of
the JCa Marole from Fremantle. ihe
Bohooner was running at tho rate of ten
knots per hour, before a heavy westerly
(;ale, when tho alarm was given of a
man overboard. One of tho Sjuth Sea
i - laiiiii m had been relieved from the
wheel, aud, in a heavy pair of boots aud
an oil&Uin coat, was going forward,
when ho was knocked overboard
by a eea which camo over the
side. The waves were running moun
tainously as he .dropped astern, but the
.report was no sooner mado than the
schooner was rounded to iu the bare
hope of saving tho unfortunate man
Sue camo to the wiud under a press of
sail, made a short reach, and was soon
about on the other tack. To judge of
the time on such occasions is difficult,
but tho master considers that a quarter
of an iiour elapsed before the position
where the man was lost overboard was
regained. A sharp lookout was kept,
and on heading over an immense sea the
voicu of the man was heard abova the
roar of the gale. The way of the craft at once stopped, and the man swam
up to tlw side and was taken on board.
He bad thrown off tho heavy boots, but
brought the oilskin coat back.
At the Fairg.
A Chicago firm, dealing iu gamblers'
implements for cheating, advertises to
scud free a complete list of country
fairs to be hold next fall. Thus swiud
lers may lay out a business tour satis
fictorily. Gambling seems, to judge
by the following extract from the firm's
circular, to have suffered by the general
depression in business : " We take
pleasure in haudiug you our revised
prico list, iu which you will find that
we have roduced prices to conform with
the times. Owing to tho continue,
shrinkage iu commercial values and the
decreased cost of labor aud material.
we offer you a complete list of first-class
goods at prices lower than have ever
before been offered by any house in the
trade. ' IlaviDg a large factory, iitli
ste:im power and all the late t improved
iniclnnery, we are ablo with our in
crtased facilities to fill all orders quick
ly and in a satisfactory macuer, and
stnud to-day the leaders in our branch
of industry in the United States, if not
iu the world." The catalogue iccludea
marked cards, loaded dice, uud many
oiher devices for cheating.
A y ar ago, says the New York TVt-
Lune, one of thoso events occurred
which every man of sense would pro
nounce trivial and n eaningless. No re
porter, however hungry for uows, would
jot it down as Having any present bear
ing on the history of the time, nor could
any novelist bring into his book a point
so insignificant and common. It was
only the birtu of a bany, a girl bany ;
the child of young Flaxman and his
wife, who are certainly as commonplace
a pair of hnmr.n beings as can be fouud
iu New York. Tho Flaxman family in
fact have but ono noteworthy point-
money. The batty was born into a
chilly nest. Anvbody could see that her
coming was a mistake of nature. Iler
father married a girl without fortune,
and brought her home just when the
business of tho firm (Flaxman & Bon)
was at its lowest ebb at tho beginning of
the panic. It was hard enough to fit
out the young couple with carriage,
horses, sorvnuts, etc ; to maintain, in
short, two establishments under ono
roof ; all of which was done, and hand
somely done, for the Flaxmans know to
tho last tithe what society demands, aud
overpay it.
But to briug n child at such a time,
not only as a source of present expense,
but to cripple all business projects for
the fill lire, was, to say the least, incon
siderate, ller grandfather, when told
of her birth, remarked that " tho aunnily
paid to tho widow of his sou John had
beeu a heavy hen upon tho estate, but
this was worse." Tho Flaxmans am lit
tle troubled with those affections which
daily bring joy or tortnro into households
not so well bred. T he old peoplo aud
tho young were courteous aud enter
taining to each other when they met at
table, just as they would be to any guest.
Old Fiaxman's real affections were giveu
to his books; his wife aud tho baby s
mother were probably fouder of kuf.;o
w;ire and old lacquer than anything elso
in tho world, aud Philip himself thought
oftencr of his bay trotter than of bis
pretty bride. These people heard elo
quent divines preao ; of humanity and
lovo, and admired them, just as they did
V atehel us Manneo, or Siuviui as
Othello. They were no more per
suaded to become faithful and loving
human beings thau to imitate tho tenor
or the Moor.
What sermon this little helpless bit of
flesh, iu its roll of flannel, preached
haw cau we tell ? It was preached in
some speechless fashion. Everybody
has seen the baby and its moxplicab.e
influence in a household. Something
of the divine healing power which Iroia
the manger in Bethlehem drew peasants
aud kings to worship together still seems
to linger iu every cradle. The baby iu
tho Flaxman house was to out-iiders
like any other baby. But within it waa
a miracle, a wonder. Tho trivial mother
sobered into a quiet gentle woman; the
grandmother and iho held honily coun
cils over the blue bassonette and talked
of colic aud croup, instead of Miutou
ware and old Etruscan. Tho -old lady
suddenly dis covered " Thilip's wife to
bo a most sensible, lovable person," and
Philip's wife begun to call her "moth
er," and so brought tears to tho sharp
eyes behind tho spectacles. Philip this
spring sold his trotter for "a family
horse fit to take our little lady out air
ing ;' aud as for his father, he wai an
ubject slave from tho day she held out
her chubby arms to come to him. After
that sho tugged at hi i white mustache
or s ectaclcs as she pleased; old I las
man aud young Flaxman, who never
pulled together siuca tuo latter was a
boy, sat by tho nursery lire, good iel-
ows together, many a night, ioigttfnl
of ciub, of publio dinner. When the
Ir.ld was ill, they waited night after
uight till morning, silent and anxious,
wLilo tho doctor and the women were
busy overhoad.
The baby died. The political econo
mist would tuko no note of th?so weight
less atoms of humanity, or secretly deem
them mistakes among " tht myriad
germs which nature shapes and shat
ters." All that is left to tell that this
baby was olco iu this world is a little
heap of earth m Oreenwood with a
freshly planted rose upon it, and a si
lenco that has fallen upon one house
hold. No something more; a slr.uige
lovalty and kindliness which buv.4-
sprung np iu certain hackneyed, worldly
hearts toward each other, and toward
tint Power which gave the baby to them
and took it homo again ; a store of tiny
garments and toys of which they do
not speak to each other, but- which bring
back to each thoughts beyond all others
tender and near to God.
When men and women die, they al
ways leavo behind tneni a certain
amount of evil influence as well as good
at work in tho world. But when wo re
member that each of these thou
sands of little ones left iu its forsaken
home only this sacred memory, forever
softened and holy, we find, not one of
nature s mistakes, but a gilt beyond oil
others direct from tho Divine hand,
lying beneath the little hillock in God's
A Story of a Tramp.
He shti filed iuto the Utica Herald
office about eleven o'clock in the even
ing, lie was a tramp. There was no
mistake about that. His whole raiment,
from his dirty blue cotton shirt to his
ragged trousers and gaping shoes, looked
as thotlgli It might have been buea ny a
last year's scarecrow. Tho rolling
prairio of dirt and chronic woefulness
that constituted his face was relieved by
a rubicund nose, which stood guard over
a mouth ablo to span an Alabama
watermelon without a wiuk of the bleared
optics above. He approached tho ro-
poi ter as though death was lending him
by one ear and the prince of darkuttts
by the other, and in the voice of a man
about to be hung, he murmured : " My
friend, I want yon to do me a favor. I
liAven't drank anything but a glass of
cider in a week, and haveu't had any
thing to eat to-day, nud I have beeu try
ing to get work but can't, and a lnau
down to the railroad said ho would give
mo a place to sleep, aud if you could
only let mo have a few penuieu to pet
some crackers, for I thiuk I am starving
and cim't hold out any longrr." Th"
reporter rcmaiked that it v.iis prty j
hard for a man to starve, but that the I
hunger of the tiidup r i'.s generally for
whisky and net for bread; and dipt cnly
two days ago he lent a man thirty cents
to buy an overcoat, and the ungrateful
wretch had gouo off and bought an over
dose of gin, necessitating some over
work by n policeman nnd an overtnro by
f ho recorder iu tho morning. The sus
picion of tho tramp's truthfulness in
volved in this facetiousness completely
overcame him, and ho burst iuto a flood
of tears. At last, moved by his appeals,
the reporter forgot that the man before
him was a healthy looking man for a
wretch in the last agonies of starvation,
and felt around in his pockets for any
fit ray change that might have oomo out
of the last picnic unscathed. After
much searching u solitary silver quarter
was discovered, which ho handed to tho
tramp with the secret satisfaction that
tho latter was unconsciously receiving
but twenty-three cents nnd a half in
scrip, owing to tho present ruinous de
preciation of silver.
To tho tramp, however, it was twenty-
Qvn cents, and gratefully bowed his
thanks, and amid nnother flood of tears
and promises that he would immediately
go and buy bread, ho shuffled into the
street. His slip-shod footsteps would
have dreamily died away in the distance
had they not suddenly stopped iu what
strucic our reporter as beiug susptcious-
ly close proximity to a saloon. To lay
Chapped bunds, fac, pimples, ring
worm, Knitrbeum, and other entai.cns ,lfle:
tlorii enred, and rough skin mde soft tnt
praooth, by nuinpr Jtmipr.B Tas Soap. Be onre
fal to gft onlv thfit tnaile by Osswell, Hzrrt ft
Co., Nnw Xork, m there lire many imitation
m4e with common tr, all of whieb ere worth
loee. Com.
Ono conscientious saloon keeper in
Now Norwich bos behiud his bar a brick,
on which is the inscription: " Do not
get this in your hat."
Modern TVomon.
It Is a Mil oiromentary upon onr hoastfd
civiHu'ion tliht the worurn ff our time have
(!(n;iorri'i t in hraltli ami pli'i-iq le until llicy
ro liuuiil.y a rneo Lt levnlulH -mlo, uorvou,
fneblo ami 'liar.kachy, with etily I ere and there
a few noble txeenei-.ns in the persona of the
rulmut, huxnin laUien ohtraotermtio of the ei
m rla; a gone by. By a very large experiencn,
core-ruin a tieriod of yearn, and embracing the
troa'm'nitof winy thonpands of raaoa of tlince
allninnNi pociniar to women, Dr. 1'ieroe, of the
World' I)iiiieHarv. Buffalo. N. Y.. has rer-
focled, by tho combination uf certain vegetable
xtrKotna natnral epeoiflc, which he dims not
ertnl as a cur.) all, bat one whioh admirably
tnlllMn a riiiKli'iioxH of purpese, being a morl
put-i live ai d rulUMe remedy for those weak
ness and oiuptf.iiilH that afll ct tho w mien
of tho prevent 'l-y. This nalui al specific oom
imniid m railed br. 1'ierca's Favorite I'retcnp
tion. Toe fo'lnwtt'ic .re ainontt those diconHen
in which this woinlerful medicino has worked
c.nnn as if I y ci-tftic and with aourtainty never
bef 5r attained l-y snv rjooilii-incs : Weak back.
lervnus and general riebill'y, falling and other
disnl arenienta i f internal organs, rchu'ting
from dotjilily and lack ct strength in imt'ir-i
Hiipportrt, internal fr-vor, congestion, inflamuia-
i and ulceration sun very many other ctiroiuc
liseasrs inoidont to women, not proper to men
tion here, iu which, b well as iir Oitses that
huve been enumerated, the Favorite Proscrip
tion effects cures tho mm vol of the world. It,
will not do harm in any state or condition of
the system, and by adopting its nee the invtdid
lsdy may avoid that severest of oi deals the
oiiHUltuiK or a family phvsician. f avorite
l'lufcripliou is sold by dealers iu modicinoi)
generally. "
Debility and 'crTous IIciuIhcIic.
Chronic, b: k or nervous headache is gone-
l ail dependent on, or acoompanied by, im
paired dixestion, by which the circulation and
nutrition of the brain are deranged, aud the
nervous corners vitiated, iho 1'ernvian (syrup,
by reinvigorAting the digestive powers, lays
the ax at the root ot tho tree; the brain is duly
nourished. t'io nervous symptoms ceano, and
the headache disappears,
Oorrsepondencs (nvitrtf.
W mnt wrnk ymr ffw tat Itfrtlm n1 m th
IV" ot A t,9 tvot Mwrr lo or IIS ymm. It ttnnm
wit h Tn Im tifwnfie and earn thun jr m btnw on y-nr
Irilnri. ttmn(i tir mutt), lain jt t hn. ll r11 Tm
CftTflful to mu hint Hn'tlt It will tint Olllr
riwiftt thA effects of water and wind, hut will rhield ton
from Flro.
Protect yon fltilMInc by nln Ollnw' Plats Roofing
Paint, which nimer rrarftn in wimer nor ri in nm-
thna Inniimr than Htf ahlna-loa without tha
paint, for tm.f-i"rlh trio 0at of raahlnsllns. On rf.roi.
i,l nhtriqi' it fllla up ti-n b"lo and poioa, and (tln-a a
Fall llonnt'ts.
Fall bonnets have close fitting capote
fronts with high, pointed crowns. The
front or brim is so close that only a
slighf plaiting of lace or silk, or else a
small twist, ii allowed for face trimming,
with perhaps a little cluster of flowers
Ftuck on tho edge of tho brim. Many
of the high peaked crowns are too pro
nounce to please ladies of taste, but a
happy medium is fouud in lower taper
ing crowns that preserve enough of the
shape outline to be styliuh. Velvet re
asserts itself at the handsomest material
for dress bonut ts. Indications are that
felt has had its day of popularity, ex
cept for second best bonnets; the coarse
ness of American felts has brought it
iuto disfavor. There is an effort to re
vive plush as a fabric for bonnets, but it
lias not been largely bought by Ameri
can buyers. Long and ample strings to
ba tied uutler the chin will be found on
most imported bonnets. These strings
are of the libbous known to milliners as
Nos. 16 and 22. The handsomest rib
bons are gros grain on one side and
satin on the other.
A poet Las been strnggling with the
question: 'What is success I" Some
think it is a plenty of money and a hand
some mustache.
Getting His Clothes.
The tailor's bill of the shrewd tramp
is paid by tho county iu this wise: One
of the lottgois in the Cumberland station
house, Maryland, stripped himself, rent
his vermiu covered garments, laid them
iu a pile iu tho center of his cell aud set
tiro to them. Puffs of ill-savored smoke
escaped from the window, and the oil!
cers rushing in found him coaxing the
embers. Thero was a scamper for pails,
but before water could bo brought the
old clothes were reduced to ashes. Tho
tramp was willing to do anything to
oblige the authorities. He would stay
in the station house all summer ami
board at the county's expense; he would
set out on his travels stark naked
through the village; or he would take a
new suit of clothes without reference to
the cut. He got the clothes.
The Friendly Indians.
The friendly Indians with the United
Stut' s troops on the plains act in their
usual capacity as scouts. A letter from
the niuny says that they now wear, as a
distinctive mark, a small wmte flag twist
ed in their hair. Formerly they wore a
piece of red flannel on the shoulders
and the Sioux perceiving what this sign
meant, cut uo red blankets and fixed
similar marks on themselves. The result
of it was that the allies got one or two
volleys ponred into them by the troops,
for, as one of the officers remarked who
wa? engaged in the fight: " It was hard
to convinoe our men thatr day that any
thing wearing a blanket and riding a
pony was not to be shot at."
the conclusion to which we had come,
that tha " greatest of these is charily,"
ou tho table, pending inquiry, we hast
ened to the door, but tho lino of ga?
lamps revealed no tramp hurrying bread
ward. Snurred by an increased bus
picion, our reporter hurried to the near
est place where tho bilmlous do con
greg te, glided steallhily in and lost
-II f ..ti. 5.- I i mi .
uu lanu iu iiuman nature, mere upon
the bar lay that ilenreciated silver.
Leaning familiarly against tho bar was
that demon of ingratitude, with a decan
ter i f bourbon in his right Land and
live-iltiger drink in the other. Deletion-
ico was just reaching out for tho quar
ter, when ho beheld with amazemont
tho s;ze of the drink the trarup was
transiemng to his capacious maw.
Visions of financial ruin struck him dumb
for a, moment, but recovering his pres
ence oi mind, ho excliumca : " i snr
my friend, there's a tly iu that whisky,'
"Im there?" sail tho tramp, lowering
the glass. " Yes," remarked Dt lrooni
co, as he seizad a spoon and reached out
for the whisky, " let mo get it out for
you." Just as Delmonico got poRw.i.ion
of tho whisky our reporter ueiz -d the
quarter, with the remark thut he
gile.-stvi he would takoit back, a he hud
given it to this fellow to buy bfea l, not
to ptirchuso whisky by the wholesale.
" Well," added DelmoViio, "if tout is
the case, I'll take back the vhiskv :"
and back it went iuto the decuntor. A
look of amazement aud disgust com
bined fettled upon the countenance of
the tramp, and turning reluctantly upon
his heel ho shuffled out of tho saloon,
mnrmuring sadly and reproachfully :
" Only a smell, only a smell."
OM .lilr vln rnofa can ba painter, lonklns mtirs
rottar, fluff lan'g Inntfvr than aw aninalna
..a Miih trtn'inl rtinl that, laaf a tor laara. I'urlrti r
trurieii chlwrlna lt lirlnR-. to tholr placaa naff -r thm
raara. Tula plats paint requires so bealtnic or thinning,
l-i applln'1 tth ft hrtifli an-1 very ernsTi-i'tHl. Our
!Jntin attfola li rhornln color wil .1 firni aiipl'.OO,
chanvea to a nnliorm alat oolor, and Is to all Intonta
and yurpoaea a or..
ttisrM oolor l 'oknowladired ths IWf paint In t ham
kat for durability. It baa bnary body, hnt la ally
applied; einanda by beat, contracts by cold, la alow
(1 rler and ner cinrk nor rol... One ooat ICeqqnl to
i of any other paint Hnlldlnira covered with tar-telt
0 n be ma' la water-tltht at a amali eipsnes and pis-
horred for years.
NEW noors.
Mill, fotindHfli, fftotorioi ind dwaWnn a p4a1tt
Vaturtali. rn-i ftVf f r n tiw ntfpp or flat Koof of Ollnfr ..n-tintf nnmt hnt, ahnut half the orlpft of ro
nh'rwlintT. For Irivnt boniw, harm and nullrti? w of
.11 HninMnns it. 1 isrsniwn it n nnuninHrr'oi ni in
ttm world for oniiTnfftnr.e In luinK, and comblno tho
s.sdNiiis'n umiPiirnncn. rfHrnftm'". nn ar.nrJOi otian-
Ilea of tn, nnt-thirrt tho coil, nnoii laia oy contract
unaer mtarati wo.
How ti aava re-hlna-Hna- 'or 'ek f ff-ctnalty and
cheaply in rt-ora 01 an ki iov a nn'p1
any one scnllng where tney saw iui
In-iluy !
Nw York Slate Roofing Co. Limited,
7Odar Street, New York. Avntt Wnnlri.
iyu .IIONT'I and traBllnKeipenapld
Q L w'l for Mi!ei(-n. N.i pfflfllera wanted.
Aridr:a, MOHtTOB MaNllp n un., uiiioiimaii, umo
a fltf?TtT,VFl nan ha made wlthont ooat or rlak
i romhlnallr.n formlne-. Vartlonlara fr-e. Annreea
.1. K. BITHOirs, Manager, Bawllna Oltr, Wyoming.
,aa-e book trr to
is notioe. W rlts
nfiCPJTC I Onr larsw life-like Hpl V
HUCI1 I O lf th. l'rr-1 l.-nMnl I an
MARK 1 rapld'y. Send for circular. N. V. K:
(18 a DAT' in c ...:. Wail st.,iioi :vi:mu
Id flips aHI
Pi Y
bimple and inexpensive as it is,
Gi.n.NN'B BtTLPQcn Hoap is a most tflUient
romcrty for certain obnoxious diseases, to bc-
cureii of which those afllinted with thorn of ton
spcud thunsauds of dollars to no pnrpese.
Depot. Crittonton's, No. 7 Sixth avenue., N. Y.
Hill s Instantaneous Hair Dye ih tne bert
aud safest.
We pledge our reputation on the as
set tion" that anv educated physician, sfttr a
cure fill examination of tho reci; p, v.ill say that
rarionf J'urgatwe Ftut iiosi-cts mere merit
tbau any otlii-r pill cow offered tor sale.
once to J. II It I Li K .
ntnlrt. Of Rcrlhn ratii.
and itlorphrne UnbU abaolatA'r od
-He(lll cared. la n eat: no onhhottT.
AHtin amn tot rar'.onmrs. IT.
tun, 1ST waphlnpnn Kt., rjhlcKrti 111
If on wtnt th hpa !! nir nrMp
Inthd wnrl I ao1 a nlld i-oln rnt'"'1
Mwr watcn. trno oi enst, write at
J. Hill OR A CO.. Ifi't Bmadvra?. N. Y.
witn It yirI niAri trin, U.
4 B-.-.o.,Nf.wVnrk (Jh'n-
No pnlillclty. Time ahort
Terma moderate. 1.IHM teallrao
Dr. F. K. MAHBH, Qulncy, Mich.
A rtftMTll Aa-nnTs wanted e-ry.
where. Iln.nea honorable anit Mral.
claaa. Psrtloulflra eot froe. Adrlrna
WORTH OD., Rl. Ijonla, Mo.
tin-true, free rlt 1 Ihe Hum J'irnl. K'J.AO a rear.
aple ot our ,iv nnn paper, r-t-nja to Hnent,ero., I tl
Edward Bayer, Eq. , of Hoi ton, Kings
Co , N. H., wiiles that au SHtonishitig cure has
boeu t ffeuteu ou tits clauiiter by tne nse ot
hihnton't Anotlyne Linimmt. Tbe wholo spine
became uiscased, sue 10.1c tlieuoo or licr limbs,
and hr bick as rnnudo'l up like a tow, in
co;ir cq'irnce cf taking culd aner hnving beer.
inoculated lor me mue poci. one 14 now
ITOIIK own Llk . f-aa In nil colore, to ahow onT worlt
painlel 0:1 0 taa, o.aTH, from a pMoloaraph ot
i Hi, mi
A nam
Ota. b. T. Lll I' t li. Mill Vlllaiee, Trio oonnty. Pa.
1FN t TAN 1.4 Sltl.lTAH V A'IIO!V,
4'li:--ter, Pi-mi.. Konpuna September 1:1.
Tlioronsii luatmcllon In Olrllan.t Mining KriKlnaerlnic
Ihe 01a-;MCi, and F'istt?h Mrinrbf-a. For Olrcuiara
aimly'o UCL. Tltro. H V A 11, 1 roa. . r. . A.
with thnlr Tnhnppft. Frev-nts Vi'imon, DizziNfs,
KAiNTNf Rfl. Nehvc r B'wKss. whhnnt linpalrtni? It Sn.t h-
Inn. 1 1 ;m fori Ine and Trw nnl'tz'na pfwr. Trl i)rt,it1t
by mat) w'-ic. K. S I'F.AKNS, DttifrKiftt, Detroit, Mlib.
Hii V Fili I I sa AO Trnnt.nnt-4-iif
rurdtw. contaltilnff a ncpne when bold to ttta kit-lit (5
No oihorctrri
ontflt Card
artnterhaatbBeamft. A(rntawant(d
brlotsr, Iyick Box lJ, Ashtand, Mant
ItpvCHOMAWCY, or Soul CtiarmlKs;.'
i UuW til tier 'X mny lnncitinle uinl Kii. tlm luv nxtl
ttacilon ot nv mi.i. tltt-y rlnmm-, ttiil iitl - tiln a'l ca
irosweei, frfe.tiT mall. T- r-nt: incft Vr with ft I-ov'ii ial Y
mn nrarlV. Dreams. Mini to I,all. ", c 1,H),0 OvH A
Mant who are suffering from tba effects of tha warir
weather and are debilitated, ara advised by phyulctunt.
in tk moderate amoaots of whisky two or three time
durlog the day. In a little while those who adopt thic
advice frequently Increase the Dumber of " drinks," aori
In time become oonflrmed tnebrlatea. A bererage willed
will not create thirst for latoiicatlug liquors, and whlcL
Is 1 attend tsd espe:lal'y for the benefit of dubllltnted
acrfinafi, whether at home or abroad, In Dr. Scbenck't
Sea Vttd Touto. Containlug tho juices of mauy meril-
herbj, tills pieparxktlon dors not create an appetite
i'tlio tutoitctitiug cup. The nourleblnx and life-sup
F or Hut; properties of many valuable natnral productions
oo'itttlned lu It and well known to medical men have a
most atveogtheutug influence. A single bottle of tbe
uulo Hill d?a.OQtr.itii Its valuable qualities, for
uhlllty arising from tilckneBF, over exertioa or from an;
:iti?e whatever, a wtuglaasaful of Sea Weed Tonic taken
i'.r wiiili will strpnglhn the stomach and create nn
Pimli'e for vtholosonte food. To oil who are about
lea i'l t r tb(4r h.mai, ..e ('e-dre t3 say that the excellent
effects of lr. iScbo lck'a feaeonable remedies. Sea Weed
oulo ar.d IMandn'ka Pills, are particularly evident
wbm tuken by those wbo are Injarlunsly affected by e
change of water and dint. No person should leave borne
w.ihuut taking a of these safeguards alonfr. t or
sale by all DrugKtsia.
T, 'l, l-r.'. IllnMmteil rs' -t r,iv
it t'bri'iim, -.moti, nJ Dt-wuiiui rn-iurj
inl "I n-'li-.l Tiint.wntiier iti'i PriitW lit! O-
A B 0 OK for the MILLION.
Catarrh, Kupturc. Up.uin iiubit, &c.,SLNr t KKh on r. ecu
..i craiM.r. A. !.)-(;-
Bought a Fiddle.
Origin of the Chinese Queue.
Tho history of tUo Chinoso queue iu
told by the Rev. Julius Doolittle, a m:a-
sioiiiiry iu Cama, as follows: ino lirst
urpjMTor of the prwent J.yDatty, who
bog.iu to rnign iu 1611, having usurped
the throne, drterariuwl to uake the tou
sure of Manchuria, his native country,
the token of submission of tho Chinese
to Lis authority. He ordered them to
uhave all the head except tbe crowu, aud
allowiug tho hair on that part to grow
long, aud to dresa it according to the
custom of Manchuria. The Chiiwae
had been accustomed, under other ua-
tivo emperora, to wear long hair ovtr
the rhole hen 1, nud to arrauge it iu a
tuft or coil. The change was gradual,
but liaally prevailed through the em
pire. At rirst, thoso who shaved their
heads and coulormed to tue laws re
ceived, it is said, a present of a tael of
silver, after a while ouly half a tael, and
then only a tenth of a tael, and after
ward only au egg finally even an egg
waB not allowed. The law requiring
the people to fchave tho head and braid
tho (lutuo was not only rigidly enforced
by the penalty of immediate death, but
it became very inauifeKt that those who
did not conform to the wishes of the
dominant dynasty would never become
succes-ful in a lawsuit against those who
did conform, nor would they succeed at
the literary examinations.
A rngged man, having tho appearance
cf au itinerant musiciau and carrying a
riddle under his arm, entered the shop
of a pork butcher and called for a sau
Hago. When ho came to pay for it, how
ever, he discovered that he had no
money with him, and leaving his liddlc
as a pledgo, hurried away to obtain
p.omo. Eardly had ho left than a well-to-do
rtrauger entered the shop to make
some inquiries as to his way. Ho per
ceives the liddle ou the counter, looks at
it, takes it np and cries excitedly:
" Why, it in a genuine Btrailivai'ius 1
I will give you fivo hundred francs for
" I can't sell it," replied the pork
butcher; "it does not belong to ne, but
has been left here for a few moments by
the owner.
" I'll give yon one thousand francs.
Same reply. Tho stranger slowly and
reluctantly lays down the piecious in
strtimeut, gives the pork butcher his
card, aud saying that he will be found at
the Grand Hotel and give one thousand
f railed for the liddle if it is brought
there, retires.
Tho proprietor of the Stradivarius re
turus, pays for his sausage, and is about
to depart when the pork butcher offers
to buy the riddle, offers him fifty francs
one hundred one hundred and lilty
This last tempting offer proves too much
tor the poor iellow, end ho accepts it,
Tho butcher pays the money, seizes the
liddle, which the mendicant surrenders
with tears, and hastens to the Grand
Hotel, where he learns that no such per
son ns the amateur who gave him that
card is known.
Centennial history
It mhIIk ifUMyr t tinn am oiuur bn.-U evnr DuhltuhHd. On
Atftiut sold (it coplen In one day. Kefid for our oiIti
ri-illadHlpmn, Ta.
I'ENTH and s r-oent stamp foroll
Wtlltu Urlatul VMllnic Oarda I'rJutKC
by a np pnicitaa. No nlc-r onea -vi
FMttn. Pilca rmvMr nafore nain-n. Lars
e-t v.u-1 ty evr abown. All o h-r
flnm.innrri ni?!v low. Circular.. .I-Cfit alamti. Inu
niftit uaver befene effurwd to asents. Territory faat
biilus taken.
W. O. CANNON, Boi 271), Boaton, Slaaa.
I Poranaantl'u! White Croat
l eatnlopj la t.Amillui ruai-i
Tiie Karkets.
ai-nf 0il!o--rrf.: !, 'IirriKulloctil 0T) Vk
.C't to UOO J'PI.-.LB 16X-9 Ma
now I5 0i) viJlu
s ;3
i in
1 15
.Jills 04
13 ,S
l.ivci...,. ...........
I .cm-ii. -. ..... ....
Fiour Kx-.r:. -Vt-Etori;
H.atr s-.ra
Wheat lied Mi-tn
So. ii iiirl2.g
Rye State.,..
Burley ststo ,
Birley Halt
Oata Miicoil Wiwterii....,,
C-iru Mlxc.l V,roctern
Uty, per cwt
I'traw, per cwl
uopa 75'a 10 til
eorx .ea.
F.'xh Mackeiel, No. 1, upw...
ho. a, uo
Dry Ood, per c-t
UrrlBB. Scaled, per box....
Pttroloum H-SlJJf
Wool C'alitorDla l-lot-ce
Texoi "
Anatrallan "
Bntter State
7,'oBteru Dairy
Western Yellow.....
Weetern Ordinary
DhM-so State Factory .......
State Skimmed......
Kgffs Btatu
Wbtit o. i rii--ri'ifii
Ooru lixeJl
Oat..... . ..
Beef Cattle Extra ,
Hons DroLsed......
Flottr PonuaylT&uia Extra. ......
VTUeat Bed Woatern
Core Vc-liow...... .........
OafaMixed ,
Petroleum Crude IS 7B
Heaf Oaitle Poor to Clioioe
tlop ...
Laiiiua, ........... .. .
W9 (H.!
01 lA 0
ns i.-v.
B 39 14 S ti
If) I 1 '
i 0i
u Si
4 -
la) 1 ro
ti 75
(. CI
.10 ii u17 no
.7 81 IU 8 01
, e uo a b 7 .
js i ai
Be Seed,
1 m
LiT'i.W'i 7j Vt-J) KrS o-i dark baeliftroiitin, li
EV afyl gV M KreD. Oolliolor.lUHIiiobM,
audtbelioalonW.wk.y Olohi
t!j&..!-ft2f 8S SB an ann lainllv atory napm.
STJXaPiiuii Soap
Am. Local Ikin Diprases;
Permanently Bhautipim thb
complbxion, prevk.nt9 and 1emb
dies Hhedmatism and Qout,
op tite Cuticle, and
is a Reliable Disinfectant.
This popular and Inexpensive reme
dy accomplishes the same results
as costly Sulphur Batiib, since it
and Irritations of tho SUin.
Complexion!, iilemisiiici" are al
ways obviati'd by its uc, and it ren
ders the cuticle wondrously fair aud
Sores, Sprains, TiunsF.s, Hcalou,
Mums and Cuts are speedily healed
by ii, snd it prevents and remedies
liout mi l Uhentnatisin.
lr removes Dandruff, Hlrenpllirns
tin: ri')H of the Hair, and preserves
it vnutliful color. Asa Disinfectant
of Clothing and f.inen used in tlicsiek
toom, and as a I'iiotixtion against
Contagious Direaset it isunequuled.
Physicians emphatically endorse it.
PiticF.s, 25 and 50 Ck.nts per Cake,
Per Box, (:i Cakes,) 60c and $1.20
M. B. There it economy In Imj lng thelargc cakes,
PoM by U DruypliI".
" Hill's Hair nn 1 '.Vhisher Iye,"
ll'aelv or lirovvn, ,"i!lc.
C, S CElTiHVION. Propr. 7 Mi At. NT.
how fMmX
iTovrti htirh.m.
to tidll bun. flow to
hi,,. Uiti In full fl
(tniatuitHren to H"p-pi
m-in. St'nt hj mall for"J
.1 I a lAthil
X dfl.CBICAOO. ItaL.
Afcrr nn ntfncK nf nnrp vnU nrwonn are HaMe
to many Hl in-y di wlilt h iMrt not BfTet-t t ,vm
neiore. i onr o -c or i i in '- i'"' .-.
our bowcU rt Kliir. 1 nia cun dh nesi aoue ij unu
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient.
It olfansef without w-aki nlnr, tn9 ertpbllnn tbe lk
man to r-aln hl fetrfnuin. Atk your yhBtt-UD,and be
will racouimwua n nee.
l itf.
i K-ni
tor thrut luonthn. Chronif-
n id papers inallfd prunptli
Tun hrnit offer out. AddrfSf
GIHiPUUCO.. 2JIH VfabluKlm St.aiuBton.M w
Tbe h.nt d chai't in market, on the line of tii
Union I'cikic Kailroad, In Kaeura N-br. ana, fm
h -le on iunif tljiud low ,a6of lnteieu fef n
ti titMiip UU.V, Kntl lnforuiaMon about lanne, price,
et v ; lilno ne descrlptivt panip:il:t. tifw oomlwr oi
;i tr hu: f:ee to ail appH ao'f. Add'e ' . . Davis.
land C-irarrl'iHr,er, U. I. K. KOnui!, Ntb.
Ilaa lii-lui ril nana e'. uf ottiei
Taiblnea, but lliia lil-vr lion ll
t'll ltNllnt'-l. frea.
0 E
.8" S 3
a .V kLi V
w ? J? S
V"V".. 5 vV 1-
u CJ
8 o
g o
UH 4
19 i
58 S
5 It
I It
I 1 11
4 6'
oi m
1 10
5 I
is i ;
1 75
1 (0
8 00
m t ttx
110 00
Savage Bee-.
A donkey, tethered within a short
distance of two beehives, at Abindon,
England, waa recently attacked and
killed by thern. Thin is the seooud year
the same hives have lecome aggroAHivo
after their harvest of honny has been
taken from them at a time of year when
little or no honey can be got from flow
ers. Exasperated through starvation,
they invaded private houses, marauded
the town half a mile distant, and made
an inroad on the sugar in a grocer's
shop. They not only killed the donkey,
bnt attacked several ponioa and passen
gers on the road.
A Malay Female,
L. Maria Child says, in a letter to th
woman 8 Journal : D oityyedrs ago
met iu a stace an elderly man, the
thumb of whoso right hand huug down
as if suspended by a piece of thread,
and some of the passengers inquired the
cause. Ho replied : "A Malay woman
cut the tendon with her saber." "A
Malay woman I" they exclaimed. "How
came yon to be fighting with a woman I"
" I didn't know i-he was a woman, for
they all dress alike there," said he. I
was on board the Potompo when it was
sent out to chastise the Malays for
murdering the crew of a Salem vessel.
Wa attacked Quallabattoo, one of their
fortiUed towns, and killed some two
hundred or more. Many of them were
women, and I can tell yon the Malay
women were as good lighters as the
Painting. Alcohol was invented 950
years ago in Arabia, and was unt-l by la
dies with a powder for painting their
faces. Since that time it has been used
mainly by gentlemen for painting their
notes, aiid ivfl jn r. i-'.ila t'. bo
cause they required no powder to tire
tliem on.
TIIOTO Onpytna; Affaats. Send for onr a am rata.
A l-ju. Tnt Al'bl HN I ornxn CO., Aubnro, fi. Y
WANTKD-Trarallne-Halaaman and fnrararv onuntv.
Liberal Salary or eiramUaloa (lera MatiY Co ,St Lonla.
OAWfa rII,XI ! j, rj-i. Naw maoblna. Stamp
7 inr uinai. circmaia r. rir i ti. nea uarorn. ra.
i.w nii'
BuDerb (Jraon L-ltuoarnt hn. inobi.a
naitn aua .atiuiuu.tjbt-,
For artlatU
uoriialia oauuot n- tur.
patwed. A tamp It vf either 'l( by mail, pont-puhi, fat
M rniM. A (litre.- UONliNKMAL CllHOMU
UU., 3 2 Ntsau birwet. New York.
Mate) FOY'3
Corset Skirt Supporter
Increases in Popularity every
year, snd
ackn.n -ladg d 'I HE UKST AKTICLK el
tba kiaj ar mad.
For ! Iy all leadla? jn1 ban and r
telltr. llLWaraofimitallnl and lAirlug.
New Haven. Oonn.
-lrj M "3 : ,.
B c .g 1 i
s X3 g Too A
d a -i.rt-'-a - o u ..
Si 5 "
a 0 a
Cut Out Certificate Bolow
and Return with S3.00.
Plotareofnext PT? 'I?fJTTlTi, rJ'P Kbhdaix A Co.,
aent fita AT AViliatlJLI Jil A Bimluu. Ma-.
OHIU.M IIBIT,an1 how I was Uar-A. Free for
lamp. Iln. P. B BOWSKR, ixiganaport, Ind.
fi.'t llll'HT PIIKP
Oju Once. (lOl.LlNS A OU,
Beat Obanoe Yet Wrlla
4 Ultnlon flaoa.n 1 .
O d i a W.-sk Salary irnaranteed to male A female. Send
Uf atamp lor olroulara. K. M. Bolne.luillanap'a.lml.
$12 K
theme. Arent wanted. Ontflt and termfc
i 'dresa TKIJ K 4 (JO., A a so La. Maine.
Profll ahle, Ple&aant wrk;hacdrndfnowemployrd,
h nnd red more wan'ed. M. IS, J.OVELL. Ki'.&, Pa.
ICPTTWA Tbe only tare remedy. Trial package
JxO 1 Alia A l. BMi rilNiuaT, OleTeUnd, O.
$R EO A advy at homo, bamp'ee worth Ml aaat
O fretl. A OU., FortUnd,
CUT CARDS A NO ( Alfl) KTOl K nf every
deeortptl'irj. Printers n.H Stafionr inupUed.
HAWLfrY MKYERS. ift 8;ate tSt . Rochester, N. Y.
100,000 ACRES WWnrui
wmii i mi V ii
GK't. B. WRIGHT, MtaneapolU, Mian.
TILnFN tutd M A YE ft. tC
ttalla.k.. C... ..T. . ...... I,- .....t 1. ik
Laifl UiAcwutaU u Atfcut. J. II. tUt- tyltlVi SONS, IMJb'lUN.
A !ilt;-tli. A2du vautod, 3U beat c4k
a arttoiTta lu me world. One earacle fre
dd'ae .1 AY HHUNHtN, Uetrolt.Mloti.
tf WAT1H1E1. A
f- fold. AddraaaA.O
A Great Kanaatlon. Bamult
rre to AuentM. Matter tban
0 IULTKH A (X., Ublcuo.
A(ni. .. b.utcd. Twenty Bit 1 Monuted Obronoa
for 1 . t aamplea bi mall, poat-pald, vUo. Oonxl.
kajnal. OaBOMO Co., 41 Naaaan Btnet, Kaw Vork.
The l.rat rlifonrnt and nrorHt Farnifnn I-ande
D' w tu tbe murket are the bi ui t.Hy A ht. Paul Kali
roid Landn, lu rMH 1 II M I NN I fOTA and
Mtit riilUN IOWA, Tbe. aie otfeied on the
u oet iavoia'ne trtn at a low rte ot Int-iest, and lung
time li dnnlrriil. Free rttllioa i to purcbaaera.
Write for iiriloulare It vot hot oue ont to wad tjk
a pobtul card, with your a-irM, and y..u wUl receive, bj
ruturn mall, ctcuUrti wi:h fnli lnfotmnUon.
F. O. TAYI.OR, Land U .mm'Mlwer,
1S4 DoAit.,ru htrwl.i hlcifc , 111.
Ad Eleotro-GaWanlo Fatteiy eorablned ttb the Cele
brated totdtcted Poroua Strengthening Pltuter, form'
ing tbe best FLur-er for l alua and Aobea in the WVrld
of .Medicine.
Aa a grand curative and reatoratUe ngeut la not eqnalf-d
by au element or mtdicine lu tbe hli or ot the healing
art. Uulebe tt-e vitul bpartt hat limit b'tty, retto ra
tion by means of eleculuitv is noBttib e. it is il.e iet
n-surt of all pbyslctaus aud i-'irtfjons, and bs rescue-'.
thousands, appaiently tie id, frni an untimely grave
wben no otbor buumn ne ioy cuuid aw suuoreuea.
Tble la tne ibaonug ourative tsieu.eut la mu i'it.ter.
The heal taw prieril-a of our own fr tyrant balsumand
ptue and tue nuian nt hi r-at i tut) vo l ku"u lo re
quire d'-aciipit..n. '1 iir .riefu., Le ilnir. .-utlilitg. nod
Si.ieuKtuenlnr prop rtta ttrokucwu t Latu-iiiUri. Wueu
" 1 hiiitMi in co 'id .lice Mt'ii iuie aiid 1 -lipuruii'-t aie
mi le lu ph&i Qikoy i n-ir ;.e 11 jk aut 6irj it fnijn prop-
ctiesttrti 'U:e.d teu.ul i. Jn tins re peittiux rla er
is tae bebt in ue mIluoui the aid oi ebutnctty.
Thus combined we bave two grand medical agenta in
one. fcMeh ot wutch urriurms iia tuuutl n and uuiUtdly
proline more curea iban auy lluiuiaut, 1 tiuo, waitn. or
piaster ever belore ouiiipv uiioed iu tue buwryui uea
cuie. i ry one. rttica, vtMiB.
Hold br all OmgiilMiB, nud meut on receipt
I tea eeuie far wue, tfl.k.5 for sis. r Jl.K'i
for twelve carefully wrapped warrant
ed, by WfctKE, cV POTTKK. Froprleioro,
Boaton, Mcum
0 s o
awa 1j Pi-a
u. filler
3 i S 1 si
aa f a i v
to oEsIll
1 1
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test la IliU paper.
'I p.ea ut that yon aa. w taa adv"