The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 24, 1876, Image 2

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Henry A. Tarson, Jr., . . Editor.
i on VH'irnr.sii)i;x'i',
llenjamln 7t. llrewstrr. of Plillmleliiliiii.
John V. C'liiill'iint, f Allrulieiiy.
1 John Welsh. Miles I,. Trm-v,
3 Henry HlsMnn, la s.W. Ktnrkre'nlli-r,
:t Chris. J. Holl'muil, 117 litinli-1 J. Mori-ell,
4 (has. T. Jcines, IS Jereinlnh l.vciim,
fi Kdwln A. Kit ley, l'l M'lllinin rin'v,
tl llen.liiiiiin Smith L'O Win. Cmiierim,
7 J. W. lirrnnrcl, Jl J. 11. limin.-llv,
s .lneoh Kimlih, -: 1 imiii-l oNi-il'l,
1 Jnhn 11. Vniii-1, AVilliniii Nelili,
10 Jnspph Tliomas, 1-JI A. II. lieru'iii-r,
11 Alio l'nrdee, 'HI Ham. S. Jiirksnn
11 Lewis rnirhe, ''-'U .Ins. Westi-riiiiui,
l:t Kd. S. Hlillinan, 27 W. W. Wlllier.
J I William Liilder,
The wny to put it bi-fovo tin- iK'ok'
ix as follows: Let the people renieni
ber tliat the nvernge expenses of ISu
clinntiu'rt nl M I i li ist rat ion were i-ii-lily-one
millions per annum, or SL'.dl per
eajiita of our population in istiti
thirty-one million person.s nnd the
expenses of General Grant's lulminis
t rat ion in 1875, after deducting those
sums entailed hy the reliellion, were
only eighty-six milllions, heing only
'-,0o per eapita of our population of
forty-two millions. This is real re
trenchment and reform.
About two hundred men aroat work
on 1 ho State Hospital for the insane
at Warren, nnd L'0 bricklayers are at
work on their new Court House.
Sixty Crawford county nun, with
seven mowing machines, live horse
rakes, and eleven teams for hauling
hay, met, cut and put up, on a farm
near (iuy's mills, over lil'ty tons of
hay, from thirty acres of meadow.
On Wednesday night of last week,
tlic well owned hy .Messrs. Cook
Knight, on the farm of Mr. M m. M.
Lorali, at Monroeville, Jieaver town
ship, after being tubed, commenced
ilowingaiid the yas ignited, burning
the pumper., Mr. Thomas Klingen severely that the flesh peeled
oil' (litl'ercnt parts of bis body. At
latest accounts, lie was considered to
be out of danger. Clarion Jackxonimi.
David Uaxter and Jaim-s Gordon,
colored individuals, of Uniontown,
fought a duel with "popper boxes" in
Nicholson township, Fayette county,
. a few days ago. Gordon snapped
twice, but his weapon did not go oil'.
He then took up a stone struck the
hammer with it, discharging two bar
rels at hi?j antagonist, but without ef
fect, and then wheeled and took to bis
heels, passing through a brier field,
leaving the greater port ion of his clot lies
on the- bushes. Baxter lired three
shots after his retreating enemy, but
be too missed his mark.
Cleveland, Ohio, August 1(3. The
New York Kxpress which left Cleve
land about lo o'clock last night, on
the LakcShore Ilailroad, was thrown
from the track about '1 o'clock this
morning, near North Kast, J'a. A.
M. Clemens, of Cleveland, had both
legs broken and some other passengers
were injured slightly. The train was
badly wrecked. Divest igat ion shows
that the accident was a deliberate at
tempt to wreck the train, as the spikes
from one of the rails had been drawn.
It is supposed to be the work of
tramps, as a number were seen in the
neighborhood at the time.
At Hellertown, l'a., Miss Fannie
Kiegel, aged fifteen years, of Philadel
phia, saved the life of a young ladv
friend at great personal' risk. The
young lady had got into a row boat on
the mill-pond and pushed out until
she was iu the ciuTciit and was being
carried toward the dam, when Miss
Kicgel came from the house, dressed
for making a call and, seeing the dan
ger of her friend, hurried to' the pond,
jumped in, regardless of her own
safely, and swam to the assistance of
the imperilled girl. Taking hold of
the boat with one hand she swam
with tiie other and pulled it out of
The consolidation of certain revenue
districts under the legislative bill has
been ordered by the President. The
following are the changes in Pennsyl
vania: Part of the Nineteenth, con
taining the counties ofj-hie, Warren,
MeKean, F.Ik and Cameron is called
the Nineteenth, and Charles M.
Lynch retained. Crawford, Venango,
Mercer, Clarion, Lawrence and Forest
compose the Twentieth district of
Pennsylvania, of which James C.
Urowu is retained as collector. The
county of Allegheny south of the
Ohio river ami the counties of Wash
ington, Greene, Westmoreland and
Fayette compese the Twenty-second
district, and Thomas W. Davis is re
tained, i.eaver, Jiutlcr, Armstrong,
Jinliana, Jeflerson, Clearfield ami
Allegheny north of the Ohio river are
consolidated into the Twenty-third-
Pennsylvania district, and John M.
iMUlivan retained.
Laws Relating? to Newspaper Subscrip
tions and Arrearages.
1. Subscribers who do not givo express
nonce lollio contrary, are considered wish
ing to continue their subscription.
'J. If subscribers order the discoutinu
aiiuii of their periodicals.lho publishers may
coniinuc to send them until all arrcarges
ure paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to
take their periodicals from the oflit-e where
they are directed, they are held responsi
ble until they have settled their bills, and
ordered theui discontinued.
4. If subscribers move to ther places
without informing the puulibhers. and the
papers are sent, to the former direction,
they are held responsible.
ii. The coui-is have decided that, "refus.
ing to lake periodicals iio.u.ilie oicc, or re.
moving and leaviug tlieui uaealli-d fir is
prima facie evidence of luteuiional
fraud "
li. Any person who recives a newspaper
uud makes use of it. whether he has
ordered it or not, is held ia law lo be a sub
scriber. 7. If subscribers pay iu advance, they
aro bound to give notice to ihe publisher at
the end of their time, if they do noi wish to
couliuue taking il omeiwiee the publichers
arc authorized lo send it on, and the sub
scribers wili be held responsible au
sxpress notice with payment of all arrears,
it tt ul to the publisher. I
BY Tirtue of sundry writs of fieri facias,
alias fieri facias, vcndiliot.l exponas,
levari facias, alias levari facias, and los-
tntinn fieri facias, Issued out of the Court of
Common Fleas of Ulk county, ami to me
dirccleily I, Daniel Pcull, High Sheriff of
saut couiny, uo nereny give nonce that l
will expose to public sale or outcry, nt the
Coiirt House, In Kidgway, at one o'clock F.
M., on
MONDAY, SEl'TEMMEft IX, 187(1,
the following described property, lo-wil.
AH (lie right, title interest , cUim and de.
mand ol'lhc defendant in and to nil that eer
tnin tract, pitcc- or parc-sl of land situate in
llen.inger township, Klk county, and slate
of Peiit.Kylviitiiii, hounded and described as
Co. lows: lleginning at the township (or
warrant lines dividing warrants -lO'.M and
Itlf'.i) dividing the townships of llen.inger
and Fox, on the old road running from St
Marys lo Kcrs-y, thence est. along said
lire o-o hundred and Ihivly-live (Pi'i)
perches, thenco nnrth twelve 12) perches,
tlience west one hundred and thirty. five
perches (13'") perches), thence along Ihe old
road southerly twelve pcrohos (12 perches)
more or less, to i lie plane of beginning, con
taining ten acres, more or lei.i, mid being
lot No i7 on Smith St. .Mary road, in (he
map or plan of the town or seitlenutit of Si.
Also nil t lint certain other tract, piece
or parcel of land in t lie (own or settlement
of ISl. Marys, Elk county, and stale of
Pennsylvania, beginning nl the warrant
line running north and south dividing waf
rants 4ll'.;,S Miid40H7 about twenty perches
south of the noi th comer of said line,
(hence west one hundred, thirty-three nnd
one-third (lo3, perches) to a post, thcucu
south tweuty-iour perches lo a post thence
east one hundred and thirty-three aud one
third ( 1 II;!1 perches) to a post on Warrant
line, thence north twenty-four (H) perches
lo the place of beginning, containing
twenty acres, being the same lands which
Charles ISchreUier conveyed to Andrew
Meisel by deed dated July 111, lS72,nnd re
corded iu Kin county, in deed book "F"
page 4 &c, and conveyed by Andrew
Miscl aud wife to Tobi Greincr by deed dated
October l"i 1874, and recorded ic Klk
county in deed book "IV page 2tl, itc,
upon which is erected a story nnd one ha'.f
store house 20 by :!(! feet, nnd a frame barn
i!(J by -10 feet. Said laud is under fence
and has abcut thirteen ncrcs under the
plow. A good well of water aud small
orchard of fruit trees.
Seized nnd taken in execution, and lo be
sold hs ihe property of Tobi Greincr.
ALSO nil (he interest of John Maiscl.
the defendant, in nl! that certain lot of
ground situated in tlie borough of Si.
Marys, lilis county, 1'cnnsylvania described
ns follows:
Ileginuing at a post on a line parallel to
the Philadelphia and Krie railroad twenty
feet more or less, north of (he said railroad
line, nnd ninety feet east of Lafayette street
stiid post being (lie south westerly corner
of (he piece of laud now being described,
(I ence norili fifty-tiro degrees, forty
minutes east ( 52 4U' ) on said parallel
line to the railroad, twenty feet to post,
tlience nonh thirty-seven degrees twenty
minutes west ( 87 20' ) ninety-one feet
nndseven-lenths of a foot ('.'1-7 feet) to a
post on the soulh side of nu alley, tlience
south eighty degrees, iliirly minutes west,
( 80 8'J' ) twenty-two feet, to a post (22
feet,) theuca south thirty -seven degrees,
twenty minutes east ( o7 2d' ) one hun
dred nnd one feet and five-tenths of a foot
(101 -5) to the place of beginning, contain
ing nineteen hundred and thirty-two square
feet (l'.'o2 sq. ft.) lieing (he same land
which Leonard Wittuiau and wi.fe by deed
dated the seventeenth day of June con
veyed to Halbina Maisel, now deceased,
wife of said John M.iisel. Upon which is
erected a two-story frame house twenty feet
by forty feet deep, which is used as a dwell
ing, store room and bakery, also, outbuild
nnd a good well of water upon said lot.
The lot is enoloitd by a substantial fence.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
ns tho property of John Maisel.
ALSO All that certain piece or parcel
of land beginning at the north-west coi ner
of town lot No. 07 on St. Joseph St. thence
north 21-! perches, thence east oo perches,
thence south 10-3 perches (hence cast :!)
perches, (hence south 1U,S perches (o the
northern of town hits on St. Joseph
street (hence west following the northern
Hue of town lots on St. Joseph street
l4 perches to the place of beginning
marked "C" on St Joseph St. und contain
ing one hundred acres. Also lots No. 7(1 and
72 on Michael street each 100 feet front by
200 feet deep, said 100 ncres situated in the
township of lienzinger County of Klk State
of Pennsylvania and the said town lots iu the
Borough of St. Marys County and stale af'or
said, upon which is erected a frame dwell
ing house, two stories high, 20x:J0 feet, a
frame barn 2(ix3ti feet with shed attached,
24xM0 feel, a barn 32x40 feet. There is a
good orchard and n good well of water
upen said land the greater part of the land
is improved and under cultivation.
Seized taken in Execution and to be sold
as Ihe property of Ludwing Simbeck and
Jacob llnpple ntsuit of Charles Luhr.
ALSO all the right, title ami interest of
the defendant in and to the following de
scribed real estate. ALL that certain tract
of laud situate in t lint portion of Bcnzinger
township, in the County of Elk and State
of Pennsylvania, formerly kuown as the
Snint Marys Settleuieu(, nnd bounded ami
described as follows, to wit: Beginning at
a post on North Saint Marys road; thence
west ninety two (H2) perches, more or less,
to the lauds of Cusper J-liekkc; thence
north along said C. J. ISelckc's laud
twenty-two (22) perches, more or less, to
lnnds of Joseph Ehrig; thence east along J
Ehrigs land ninety. two ('J2) perches, more
or less, to Saint Marys road: thence south
erly along Saint Marys road tw?ntv-two
(22) perches more or lets, to the place of
uej-iuuiug. i-uuiumiug uurieer, acics,
more or less, and so much of Ihe southern
part of number niueteen IS on North
Saint Marys road in the map or plan of the
settlement of Saint Marys, Being the same
land that John mirgera and wife conveyed,
by deed dated 14th of August, A. 11. 1800, to
Joseph Winufelder, which deed is recorded
in Elk County deed book '-0," page 103 &o,
upon which is erected a frame dwelling
house, one story and a half high, 10x2o
icei ira-no earn 2ix.ii lect, and a shingle
house lox21 feet. The said land is all im
proved and under a good slate of cultivation
and has two living stream of water
Also AU that certain piece, parcel or
ioi oi ground situate in the borough of St.
Marys, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known
in the map or plan of said borough as lot No
10, on Centre street containing 100 feet
front on said street by 200 feel in depth,
upon which is erected u two-story frame
dwelling house, 24x33 feet; also, an old
shop, one-story and half high, 2Hx33 feet.
Said lot is enclosed by a substantial fence,
and has a well of water thereon, being the
same lot conveyed to Joseph Windfelder by
Walburger Trcsch, executrix of Maihias
Tresch, deceased, by deed dalcd October
8th, ls74.
Also All those iwo certain town lots in
the borough tf SI. Mary's in ihe county of
I.. a fctute ot I ennsylvauia, situate on Ccutre
street, each containing in front on Centre
street one hundred feet by two hundred
feet deep alright angles, aud being numb,
cis Eeveu nnd nine on Centre street ac
cording to the map or plan of the borough
of st. Marys. U5on which is erected a (runic
dwelling house, two stories high, 18x30 feet,
with frame wing attached, one story and a
half high, i!ox38 feel; also, a two story fruuie
building and stone basement, 80x0(1 feet,
used as a brewery and licensed hotel, wilh
shed attached, 12x30 feel, Iwo underground
beer vaults, steam engine and other fixtures
belonging to said brewery; also a lisuia
building, two stories high, fl0x88 feet, used
as a public hall; also, a frame barn, 2x41
feet, with ashad attached, 14x20 feet; nlno,
a stable attached, 14x40 feet, a si able nnd
wagon shed, 81x31 feet, shop and ware
house. 20x35 feet, a frame dwelling house,
10x25 feel, an ico house, coal shod and
other outbuildings: also, two good wells of
water upon said lots. The sail lmi'dings
arc all iu a good slalo of repair, and the
brewery Is in good running order,
Itesei ving, however, out of (ha foregoing
premises Hie following described piece of
bind: Beginning at. a point on the line of
W. Lyons lot, 110 feet from the southwest
corner; of lot No il nbovo describe I; thence
along W Lyons lino north 20J west. 170
feet, to a post, being Urissenlioff's south
west corner thence north 0(1.! east 4"). 0 feet
to a post on the right, hank of a run; thence
along said run south ltiij enst 170 feel I o in the run near t lie right bank of tho
same; thenco south 00.1 west IS feet, lo the
place of beginning, containing 5,:W-'i square
feet. Being Ihe laud heretofore sold and
emveyed by t'.ie Deft Joseph Windfelder to
John Leber.
Also reserving out of the rear end of lot
Mo 7 a piece of land 30x10(1 feet, lining Ihe
snino land which tho Deft conveyed to
Leonard Hoffman, now owned by and iu tho
the pojsessi m of Casper Webner.
Also. All those certain lots of land in
the township of Beti.inger, Klk county,
Pennsylvania, siluale in Windl'ehler's ad
dition to the borough of St Marys, bounded
ou Ihe north by L'epot sliect, on the east by
P. iC E. railroad and Fochtiiniu's land, on
the south by Mrs. Eckel's land, ami on the
west by M. Olatl's land and Bibcrger prop
erty, described ns follows to-wit:
l'ii st. One lot. on the enst side of Wind
felder street, being 13") feet long on said
street, on the south side 117 feet, on the
cast side, bordering on the P. & K. linilrond
properly, 10(1 feel, mil on the norjh side,
bordering on Depot street, 1 10 feet, upon
which is erected Iwo frame dwelling hon-es,
each one and a half stories high, 17i2" feet,
wood house and coal shed 17xlK feet, an I
one other frame dwelling house, one siory
high, lHx32l'ect.
Second. One lot south of the above on
east side of Wiufehler street, containing in
front on said street 121 feet, on the south
side along Elk creek 100 feet, on the cast
side 125 tc;t, and on the north side 117 feet,
upon which is erected two frame dwelling
houses, each one story high, one 17 by 2.)
feet and the other 2o by 27 feet, one barn;
12 by 10 feet nnd one coal shed.
Third One lot on enst Bide of Windfelder
street commencing on the southwest corner;
tlience along Windfelder street HO feet;
thence along Tierney's lot on the north side
2'! feel; tlience along Fochluinn's land on
east side feet; thence on south side along
Mrs. Eckt l's land 238 feet, upon which is
erected a two-story frame dwelling house
21x31 feet, ami a coal shed, being Ihe same
lot which the defendant by articles ofagrec
ment, sold lo Palrick Maluny.
Fourth One lot on west side of Windfel
der street, containing in front on said street
")") feet on tho south side, 22'.l feet, border
ing on Sullivan lot, ou west side, along M.
Olatls land oil feet, nnd ou north side along
Elk creek 234 teet, upon which is a living
spring of water, said lot being knewn as
John Gibbon's Lot.
Fifth One lot on west, side of Windfelder
street, containing in front on said street 43
ft,, on the south side along Elk creek 131 feel
on the west side 45 feet, nnd on the north
side 133 feet upon which is eree'ed a ciii
aud a half story dwelling house, frame. 17
by 2o feet
Sixth One lot on west side of Windfel
der street, containing iu front ou said street
100fcct,on the south side 1H3 fjet, on the
west side 1 IS feet aud on the north side 13H
feet upen which is errected two frame
dwelling), l. stories high, 17x2") feel, a
coal house, ike; also, a living spring of
water upon this lot.
Seventh. One lot front ing on Depot St.
50 feel, on the east side along Widow tJiin
toons' lot 75 feet, on the south side along
Sinnel's land 50 lcel, and on the west, si-ln
along ltoger Welsh lot 75 feet, upon which is
erected a frame dwelling house, one story
high 17x25 feet, a frame barn 12x12 foot;
also, a good spring of water ou the lot, being
the same lot which the said defendant sold
to George Weis, by articles of agreement.
Also. All that certain parcel or piece ot
land situate in the borough of St. Marys, Klk
couiity, Pennsylvania, known ns the Al
pine House lot, boon led and described ns
follows, (o-wit; Beginning at a post on
Washington street, being the northeast cor
ner of land lately owned by IS. Eckel; thence
south 13 east along said Eckel's land;
ninety-two feet and one. sixteenth of a foot
to the southeast corner of said EokcI's laud
tlience south H( west eighty-two and five
tenths feet lo a post; thence south 37i cast
ninety-nine teet, more or less, to the line of
the Philadelphia and Eric railroad; thence
along the line of said railroad north 42 40
east lo7 foot to a post; thence north it0 west
I5'.i feet, more or less, to a post on the line
of Washington street; thence; south 81
west 05 5 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 13,08,s square feet of land more
or less, upon which is erected a two-story
frame dwelling house, 21r31 feet, with ad
dition ono story high, 8x31 feet one frame
barn, 12x20 feel, nnd an ice house. A good
well of water on the lot
Also One other piece of ground in the
borough of St. Marys, E'k county. Penn
sylvania, described as follows, io-wii: Be
ginning nt a point on tho Philadelphia and
Erie railroad depot load, at Ihe Lorlbcnst
corner of Jno. Kiug's lot; thence north 52
40' east 150 feet, more or less, to the north
east corner of Louis Burger's lot; thence
south 32J cast one hundred and seventy
three (173) feet; thence north 73 west 70
feet; thence north 7(4 west 71 feet; thence
soulh S3" west sixty-two feet; more or less,
to Ihe rear line of John King's lot; thence
34i west 25 feet to the place of beginning
containing 13,004 square feet, more or less,
upon which is erected one frame barn, 40x
48 feet, and a harness room, 10x10 feet.
Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold
as the property of Joseph Wind.'elder.
ALSO. All the ris;ht, title, interest, claim
and demand uf the d Iriidiiiil in and to those
twoci-rtniu town lots situate In tiie horouirh of
rt. .Marys, Klk county, t'eniisylvniiln, belnis
lots us. 1 nnd 2ou 1'urk t-treet on the limp
or plan of l.ulil' s nddition of St. Mary h
borouli, i-iu-h being rllty fei-t front on j'ni'k
street nod one hundred and thirteen teet
deep, cm Xo. 1 is t-ivrtod u two-lory l'rauie
dwelllng house, V,.,xir feet. Said house
litis a good stoned cellar thereunder, and the
lots liuvo n good well of water thereon, are
under fence and improved. Snid lots ure the
same purchased by the snld defendant of
('mines i.unr, iy iiriicies oi nsrreoineiii.
isi'iy.ed, taken iu ex will ion nod to be sold lis
the properly of Phillip islieezer.
The following must be strictly complied
Willi when the property is struck oIK
1. All bids must be paid in full, except where
the plaint ill or oth-T lien creditor becomes the
purchaser, ill which ease the costs on. the
writs must be paid, as well us nil Hens prior
to that of tho purchaser, and a duly certilied
list of liens shall be furnished, including
mortgage, seni'ehes on the property sold, to
gether Willi such lien creditor's receipt for
tiie amount of the proceeds of the sale, or
such portion thereof us he shall uppeur to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immedlntely will bo
continued until six o'clock I', il., at which
lime nil property not settled for will again be
put up, uud sold at the expense and risk of
the person to whom it was first struck oft",
and who, in ease of deficiency ut such re-sule,
shall liitike good the same, nnd in noiiislauce
Will tiie deed be lirot-nted in court, tor i-.m-
finntillon unless tho bid Uuctuully settled for
who me mid iu us
Sheriffs lillh-e, Ridgu-uy, Pa. I
Aug. -il, 1S7II. t
Soe Punlon's Iiigest, Dili edition, page 110:
Smith's Forms, putjc.'iM.
Estate of Cornelius "Wuinwriglit,
Lcttirn TtHlanicntary iijion tlic above
estate have lieeu giaiitial to the uii-uYi'sigiH-d,
all pt-roii8 iiult-btt-d to buiil
estate are ruiuested to make uyiiieiii,
anil those having clniuia to pment
the faume without delay to
HherlfT Wells Btnrted for the peni
tentiary on Monday with George
Hnytu-s. Tho primmer wns down
hearted nt lenving his old home for a
prospective life-long Imprisonment,
lie wna so HRiiffuinc of n full pardon
that lie forgot the terrible Hentenee
hanging over liini. J'otfrr Enfcrprinc,
on,Nn .tt-lions,
Milton Chnso Hotel Keepoiy.ilcnozcUe.
II It Wilson, Farmer '
!lMir.vl. In-rr Illnc-ksiiitt li "
John Oh-ixner Former, ficlizl tiger.
l'hlllp Young Kminer "
John tlroll.Jr Laborer "
I 'ut. Joi ilon Sehool TeiK-her.l-'o.x,
N. I-'. Apker, l'uriner '
John 1 leislny, ' '
Slim Mover ' "
loli n ( iineo Mrrclinn t I lorton.
Win. II, lli-wllt, 1-nrini-r Inv.
John Nest Laborer, tones.
dipt ..Ins. Wood wnril,..;ro-cr, llhlgwny.
(I. 1 1. Messenger, Lumberman, "
11.11. Wensel, Laborer "
M inor Wilcox, -
John H. Kline ...Clerk, "
I). 1. liavlsoii lol-her, Spring Creek,
.l.f'.WIiHll'chli-r.Saloon Keeper.SI.Marys ltoro
Chas. i-l-i ( lunsiiilt h,. "
Louis, (larner founder, "
John Dollengi-r, Wngonniiiki-r "
(l.C. Ilrandon, Kililor "
, , thavkiikk Jritoitsj.
John Mohan lliitehcr llenezettc.
Julius Jones I'mioer "
Michael Ni-ilu-rt, Carpi-nler, ..lh-nzlngcr.
1'iinl Hush l-aiiner
Joseph Wicket I.uhorer "
hrisl KreeUle, " "
Joseph Kernel-, : ..Sehoo Teacher "
Valentine Ncihei-t, rarpeiiter,.. "
Williiun Kneielil laborer "
1-". Sehlllttenholler " "
Andrew 1 lassenet ler.... " "
Joel s. Taylor I'ariner Fox.
V 1 1 1 In ii l-'riintx I.nlmrcr, "
1'. W. Mays runner,
John Taylor - '
James I iineo Miner "
Ji s lllxliy l'liniier, "
f'cvl i;ilillioipe Highland,
A. W. (irey .' Uiv,
William Weidert " lones,
W. II. Ilorton I nborer Morton.
M.S. Thayer Men-hunt lthlgway.
tieo. Jiiekiusoii gunner "
C.I i.e. Ilowers Caipenler,... "
H. '. Oyster Hanker
J. 1). l iillerton Mentis! "
John Vmil llsdull, Laborer "
James IViillcld, Druggist,..., "
Neil Itogoi-N Lumberman Spring Creek.
John (iei'her I jilmrer. SI. Mnrvx ltoro
Joseph Ilanhiinser, Clerk ' "
MClUgC UIU IH'I', iiruggist,..
Jos. Dornlsh Laborer,.... "
John l-'iuiik. Laborer,... "
Matt. Crleiidle Laborer,.., "
I 'bill ies Curlier l-'ounder,.. '
V 15. Wachtel, .St. Marys l'a. rcpre-
X scnisiiie toiiowing Loinpanys tor
Klk and MeKean count ii-s.
Nonli JSridsh and .Mercantile. 27,500 000
.K'lia, Jlarttom 7,000,000,
I'aierson, X. J 4(i0,ooo
Amazon of I'incinnati, 1, 000,000
Gorman American, X. V 2,000,0m'
Niagara, N. V 1,. 500,000
ltoclu'sier, l'a., 130,000
J r. J. Ho i: Accident, Jlartlonl 4,0011,000
11-2, -:-13.
Trial List.
1. W. ('. llealy vs. Isaac and
A brain liowiuan, No. 31, August
Term ls72.
2 The Spring Hun Coal Company
vs. Tenuis Tozicr No. 1(1, January
Term, isoo.
3 John Tudor vs. II. 'Woodward et
al. No. 5, August Term, 170.
4 ,M. V. Tyler vs The JSeiiiutt's
ISralieli Improvement Co. et ill- No.
3, August Term. 1JS74
5 .1. V. llouk vs- Salyer Jackson
No. l.i January Term, lSi'-i.
II A. Wolf & Son vs Martin Kn..
No 23, Sept. Term, 175.
7. J. W. Jirown vs. 1). J. l'oleli
No. 51, Sept Term, 175.
s George JI. l'age vs. V. S. Tyler.
No. Si". September Term, 4'!75.
0. The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Jacob Klaus No 243, September Term
10 Tho Columbia 1 iisin-ance Co vs
George Sebaut No 211 September
J ei ni, is,.)
11 Tho Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Anthony Sebauer No 2 15, September
lenii, (Si )
12 Tiie t'lilumbia Insurance Co. vs
Angelica Klausmati, J-'.x'r, occ. No
2 l, jscptcnilicr lerin, li-i
13 i) J M'Jioiiald vs Martin Kn.
No W, November Term, 1M5.
14 M K Lessor vs.) C liouk. Kxe-
1 ul fix of J V llouk, .lJee'd. No U ,
January lerin, liO.
20 ' l'HKi). SCIKKNING, l'ro.
rilKE L'XDlinSKiXED Ilb'HlvllV GIVES
1 uuuee unit mere win ocsoio, ni puo
lie vendue or outcry, upon the premises, ou
SATUtlUY, August '2(5, 1S7C,
at 2 p. M., all that certain tract, piece or
parcel of laud situated iu (lie township nnd
village of llulgway, Llk county, I'eunlylva
uia, bounded us follows, to-wit: ik ginning
at tlic south-east corner of a two-acre lot,
deeded by Ueubeii A. Aylworih to Jacob
1'obbin, by deed bearing dale 20th July,
LSU-j (the said corner is hereby considered
as commencing al the post, foi a corner, of
the board fence in fi-iiit of said lot, and
which post is the southwest corner of the
piece ot iahd hereby conveyed); tlience cast
ulotig the highway eight rods: llicnee north
live rods;! hence west eight rods; tlience soulli
ulong the line of the beforemcutioued two
acre lot live rods iodic place of beginning,
containing one-half acre of land (reserving
twelve feel ou the cast cud of said tract of
land for (he purpose of ingress and egress
to the public burying grouud), upon which
is erected a two-stoiy frame tchool house,
30x40 fee.
Bale positive, rain or sliine. Terms one
third cash; balance iu one aud twoyeais,
with interest.
Uy order of the Hoard of School Directors.
LUU. J. MILLER, Sec y.
Bidgway. To., Aug. X,'7C u25-;ti,.
The National l'nrk Lank, In the Court of
ol New York, C0111111011 l'leas
vs. f ol Klk County,
llobertlliilseyund Henry Xo. hw, September
llulsey. j Term. IsTii.
IClk C'UUIl), SH.
--Ss. 'I he Commonwealth of I'enu
fSKAL Jsylvauiii to lliefsiierilrof said
'Y'Couiiiy, f;:i'0iiiig: Wo com
mand you llmt you iimteh Hobeit
Jlalsey and Henry llatsey, hue of
your Con 11 ly, hy aid iuhI singular the
toods uud emu ties, lauds nnd tene
ments, moneys, 1 iritis and credit of
tiiesaul Lieiciiiiaiiis. or either ol'lhem,
in wnose haiuis. or. jui.-sessiou or cus
tody oi'any pui-on or poisons wiiuiso
evt,', nnd niiiniiioa taeii jieinoa or pei
suns tn .u. 11 Isuei in pica oflleul.bO
that liti-y be unit upjieui' before our
CoiU'i, 01 CoiuliiOil l'ieas, to be nolueil
at linl wit v, in aud ml' uid Coiuii v 011
li.e 'J 11 1 ii U MO.MJAY Oi?' f- KP
'J KM I; NK.V'l', iiitie to answer
'1 ue Nui.oiiul Vui& liauk, of New
And, also that you fciniimon ilie
ksa.d Ga. uishee-j u he peisoii or poisons
id nose tia.ius luiu j Mij-t i tyoi imj
tuid Huueri llalsey or lleiiiy llu'.sey
may be fotiiul,)fcO liiat mey be and
up pear be.ore vour taid Cur.rtoniiie
HKlt NKN'l', to uiis wer what tha'.l lie
oojtcted ugaiiis.1, lueni, and abide by
lue judgement of t ue Court therein.
Aim Lave you lUcu uud 1'iie.e this
u t.
iiu .T the irt.iio:';.b'e I.. D. M'oi-
llio.e, J'.isiuelll Jue or' o 11 . s;i ,.t
luui'i, ut iiiii-jwuv, lu.s liiuuav ot
J 11. y, A, 1). l.i'.o.
1- ii hD.fcCiitKN I N.G, rroi'aonoiary.
L-V true copy. J
Altesi LLvMt'L Si I'LL., Sheritf.
Shetiit's oiliee, ltidgwav, l'a., July
4, l7U-7t.
Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and
silky; cleanses tho scalp from all impurities,
causing 1)10 hair to grow whero It has fallen
off or become thin.
Can be applied by tho hand ns it docs not
stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As
a Hair Dressing it is tho nioRt peifeot the
world has ever produced. Tho hair is re
novated and strengthened, and natural
co'or restored Without the application of
mineral subslnnces.
Since the introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, it has
tiecn the wonder and Admiration ol all clas
ses, as it has proved to be Ihe only article
Hint will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hair toils originnl oolor, health
softness, luslrc nnd beauty, and produce
hair on bald heads of its original growth
and color.
Tins beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article is complete within itself, no washing
or preparation before or after ils use, or
acconipaiiyinetit of any kind being rciiiircd
to obtain these desirable results.
Hero is tho Proof of ils SUPERIOR
end this Home Certificate, testified to
by lid ward II. Oarrigiies ono of the mosl
Compel cut Druggists and Chemists of 1'hila
de'pliia, a man whose veracity none can
ili 11 lt .
I 11 111 happy lo add my testimony to the
gnat value id' the baiidun liair Color Ke-siori-r
which restored my hair lo its origi.
11 al Color, nnd the lino appears to be per
manent. I nui satisfied that (his prepara
tion not a dye but. operates upon llic se
cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes (he growth. I purchased
Ihe first bottle from Ivlward IS. tiarrigues,
druggist. Tenth nnd Coales slrcet, who can
also testify my hair was quite gray when I
commenced its use. MIL'S. MlLLKn, No.
7i!t) North Ninlh street, l'hila.
Dr. Sway-lie it Son, liespected friends:
I lmvc the pleasure to inform you that a
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is
delighted with the success of your London
Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast
falling and quite gray. The color has been
restored, the falling off entirely stopped,
and a new growth of hair is the result.
15. li. UAIllllUUEy,
Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs, l'hila.
July SilM, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son:
Last winter while iu Trenton, N. J., I pro
cured six bottles London Hair Color Ho
st ot cr, which 1 like very much, in fact bet
ter than any thing 1 have used in the last
nine years. If you please, send me one
dozen bottles C O D care V S Fogler &
Son Druggists, No 7:l Tretnoiit street,
boston. Respectfully yours, ADA DAIvliH
No VJ Rutland Square.
London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing
Has completely restored my hair to its
original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid nnd luxuriant growth.
MRS. ANMli MORRIS, No Olti North
Seventh Sticct, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it.
The London Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively among my patients ami
friends, as well as by myself. 1 therefore
speali from experience.
Address orders to Dr. SWA VNi; ,t SON
:;::o North Sixth Street, 1'hiladclpliia, l'a.,
solo Proprietors.
Si) 1,33 W .1 I.I, Hill (i Si iS TS
'I'll is distressing and dan cent us e nm plaint
nnd its premonitory symptoms, neglected
cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting
flesh lever permanently cured bv EJiTCS
liKONCIHTIS A premoniior or Pul
monary Consumption, is ciiar.icti rizi"l by
catarrh, or inlla mat ion U the mueum mem
brane of the air passages, with cutigli and
expectoration, short breath, ho irs?iiei,
pains in the chest. For all bioneliial nll'ec
tijiis, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
Hemorrhage, or Spilling uf blind, mav
proceed lroiii the larynx, traehia, bronchia
or lungs and arises I10111 various causes, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or luil
ness of the vessels, weak lung-', overs! raili
ng of tho voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction of the spleen or liver, &c.
Dr. Swayiio's Compound Syrup of Wild
striken at. tho root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring the liver and kidney 4
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
The only standard remedy for hemor
rhatio, bronchial and all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or (hose predis
posed to weak lungs should not fail lo use
this great vegetable rcine ly.
Its marvelous power, not only over cuu.
cunipt-on, but over every chronic disease
where a gradual alterative action is needed
Under its use I lie cough is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
the pulse returns lo its natural standard,
the stomach is improved in its power to di
gest nnd assimilate the food, nnd every
organ has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it, out of which new re
creative aud plastic material is made.
Prepared only by
3,5!) North Sixth Stroll, riiihiilolpliia.
Hold 111' all PnoMiNL.NT Dm ouisis.
Itching Files !
ros.v.vKi.v i-1' nt: 11 by 1 ii e use of
I Was so: f'
1 H'cii'l w .:'n cue of the In out
d k:re .r o- ai. 0 -ea-es I'mr.tus -r l':u
: .0, or a ore c a.anni v l; t.s Leu.rg
i. t-. 'l.;e.:c!i i' a. I airs was a a."t 111
1 e . .1 1' e. : 1. e . - e i u V c :-.u ci; . a . In. u 11 :
11 , ! tr. f 1; y I ic.' I i l;i;:.t fie. i I'l U. ui
a W'V el Sflajiit- s I'.n a. eu j i's i;e . ,ve
Mi i k u-'.e.". tuu :n a suo-.-i t'nie u
j t-v eel cure- I c , a now s eep Lim.stdi td.
uiid 1 won l a i wuo hid
w il I a s o . coa.p.a .at 10
frwi. v r.e's O iKUieii t at once, I i,ud tr.ei
--jCi- p, ens i a;osi iunua.e-'ab.c, witiioui
liud'.eg iid ieviK:' nent re. ef.
(l i oit'T 1. oe ie Jt t ui'::.)
Toot Mid iMioe l.uuse i.-t l Ne.-.u fcecoua
Jvt:i;tie'i A'.VIiea'tag O u.uieat is a'.so
a pec lio 1ox T;:er. i.ea. ia i Kiieu'u.
Sja'.d Head. L'vysAe'.as, Cavbet'g licit
L otches, all Sca'y, ems:y, cuuueous r
vupt'Oa. 1'j ifc: y fca e and liavnt'.ess
e .1 ej Tie 11 jst .tinier ii-itn. oJ
I , u , s f 1 .it u in . : 0 u iv i. . . ei 1. 1 t e-
t ti l' li d,.ljl' i- 1110 I,., la 1 1 ul-
li e -i:r-s ot f ciuju a, M f veura. hrd Sy 1 a:l-
II ic coui p'.a: n is. symp:oii: in all
octiimicanutio address nsletteis to Dtt
6VVAVNE nnd SON, Philadelphia. -nTyl.
G-eo. Woods & Co.'s
1 '!rf:uj
-I, fir. y-iviir . , , ml
J s & M?&r&? wit
ill tt lit
ill t-
frpr.;.:v -XtJti( I'll!
E'f - ; - '' Mj'i! i-'il?
S IS .2 vv.i
f (3.5
C3 cs "
h'A ,:ict
flies- r -.nirlaiU in Jrvr -i.ih' t.- -. -. .-.-i -si- . l" -.- tr-i. t(T-ctt .-"'1 expression never before attained.
Adai-ted fcr Aii.r.f:arad I'r ! :s,i'-,a:.', ami r.a .rnar.-.-.iit in any rl.,r. iT Beautiful New Styles, now ready,
V,ZO; Vw'GCDS ot. CO., C".mbrids:eport, Mass.
Wni:s;00.".:' : !.;'. I'a-diinalio: St.. I!:.sftr.-, 1 70 f.lnte ("alcui;o; 8 I.udgate Hill, London.
fTTTt' TlOV 'f "T,',iT A fT Kt-ii.-' M-t-- "-T -X Folrcticl music and valuable realin
1 CiXU V IJA lU"llkit ti, fr. iv rnii f. : i i-jrv-ir, or ten rents a number. Each number
onV,i-i fr. -i st, i-. - w. :!. .-f -.; :.;. s-.t.u-l i:'--,. i :. CEO. WOODS & CO., Publishers, Cambridgeport, Mass.
To tt'l who ti;o stili'c. ill-,' from I l:t'
i-no; nini intr..i-i-i;iuii- ol' you; ii.
lii-i vmts winsiu -'s, i-nr y di ct-y. nl'
limn lioiul. l-t'.. will send ;t 1 1'-1 ; t ' ii.-'t
wi.l euro you f ' ii V. K Of (' il A l,i: l-l. litis
pri-nt l cnu-ily w:isi!i.- -.i'i .i- I ijy a n.l
siniiiiiy in ("oiiili An. i . ir.t. n si " I"
lulili'i'ssi'd en vi-.i'pi- to tlic lli.v. .'o.-kmi
T. 1 s I A X. iS.'ai'jii 1). r,,iilr, JPdikv JS'r w
York (''.'.'.
(orm tho Citizens of llitlj'wav, uml t lie
I'ltblic gcr.erally, tliat lie litis sliirtcda Liv
ery Stable and will keep
ll'iiics, to let upon Uie most reason i
lilc I erins
Bi3iIIo will also do jul) lean ing.
Stable on liroad slrcet. above Main
All orders lcl'IITittlic Post Ollice will nee!
pvompt attention
A it 20 1S70. tf.
I Li L I.UI .Ml.
KI'MS TWO i01. J. MIS A YH Ai. j
TV 1'1 t.- i-i---r-
Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta.
V,: JT
II il
ill II
il Hi
; 9 2
IIS .-. " f.n
B 2
-- -i r r i r i
t. i
I'j Ti'.K Woi!i,Mi Ci.A". We can furnish
vi a e iiv-i.'-ut itt wn.cii you can make
l ii v li jay iu yi-ur own localities,
w. iupi,: ii-.i .iin;' f.i-.ii heme over night.
Au--i.!s i. i.-i-d in neiy town i.t.d county to
i.i r.s li r tiie Lei.:eun;al lie
uih.ica:lon in tiie United
til en. nil. 1:-; I'.leg.llltly
In . i s oi. 1 !J 1 i'Ci- year.
I is nr. -tut to wiiii'ever is tf
i . i. i
'1 i.e 1
ii. i-si-si wi-.n tho C'enteiinlal
y-i. :-. 1 he . n..' F.xi..hl;-:on nt PJi-'uulel-
ii a is ; n ly ;..ii-:; i ' i i in iteta.i. Evcry
tui 1 v.'i.n.s i";. 'J i.e wliole I'copla f o el
ptoi.t. iiiieret. in tin-. r cnuul-y's Ccntcnn al
illtliidny. an I v.i.n: to know all about it.
An v egaiit i.;riu:.c crayon drawing pre
mium 1 loiuro is i.i-esi-nu-d free to each
sni.-ivl' -. .-. Ii is t-u'i.ied. "In rcmenu
b, ;,'. e i I' ilie Oru- li aii't . A iinivers-r.-y
ol :a-- li.'U-i ii-uue ui' tnu I'ni.ed States,
.;:e -' by .'III iae.tes. Any ei. e call become
a seme -; al :Vr but siicw tae paper
uiid j : . : : Hi e and ituini:ois ol" suoscribers
arc oi::.:md every i liere. 1'nere is nu
l-u:i:es!i liiat W'i.l pay like tiiis at present.
We nave ir'' nls wiio are niakiiiii as iligli as
$CH I or day and upwards. mv is the;
t .net don't delay, llemember it. costs
tie i.lti 3 tu ;'vc Ine business a trial. Send
lui' nu i ei i mi nr. tn-inis. and saaip.e copy of
a: 1,'r. Wnioii art-scat l; eo to all iio apply;
uo It t :-.l.i v. C'liaiiilvie ot.tlit free to tiiio
hiio lieo.'ie In ei'L-.-ve. 1' urincrs u'ud iiie-c'ni)ile-
un-l tiif. i- s us nnd liaulilets
ii. ai o :i.e v," v urtii:eni. Ad ircss.
liiK Ct.M l.l.NAL I. hi OKI),
1' ui : land. .Maine.
Sulphur Soap
I. llcinsinj'. Pwiluririn?. nisinfi'ding, Sooiliitij,
Healing and I'lirilj ing.
Il l'l-inl- is tlie coatsi-st skin roninrknMv
- il un-l In.illlifiil. It imparts a l-oiuitiliil
ii'-'Mtliii..!.. ni th hUin, and forms an elantk
wlul -.i.'-s. It euros l.aras, eralils, elialini;,
v . .i i.i i, .ik. miiidiiH-iw, tan, sunljiirn, fit-i'k-I.
. rhapiir-il IiiuuIh, gurcs, Hirers,
: r .lint- I.IMi-i-s the InimU ami f-et. ilili,
-.ii i.i it'-li, iii-liinlii'tMi'i-ii tin-tot-., iti'hin
1 Hi - l,iiV, pilos, i-onis. Also relieves tin)
' -' -' i Kiel in itnlioa of Litinj; ami Minitlnx
in-A it is esierially ailalitiil to llui
'l-ii rr. Xussiaiv, ami IIaiii-koom, you can
l.i. i. :t .v..'.. H'tih at 'li';i-im For l-atli
in:: liiVavn. il in iiniiii:llei. Lailics who
il in llirir Toilet won 1. 1 never ito witliotit
ii. Il a. nlniii.-H Dm odor of ior)iinitioti,
;,:,,t. !,s t.-ni:il ri'ineily, eall seareely Ln
n-' a nini-.. K 1 1 1 1 ilireetioiis iieculunany cael.
IM.k'.i.-.-. Ti!V IT.
r.::: C-.:. jsr C:i8. 3 Elites f:r CO C.5.
l;y m. ul ( is. liy mail "b cis.
Main- Pr.roT at
Villi Dyke's onicc,
No. 1321 Greou St., Philadelphia.
toll l.y oil lleiifrfflMt..
voi; want to m:'
JAMM.-' II- 11 AG Ell TV
Main St reel, Hid" way, Pa.
l)(j;:s, Ii ATS AND GAL'S,
M I I. LOW. WAR i-:,
TO 13 At.: 1.0 AND CIGARS.
A Larj,e etotk of
Groceries and Provisions.
( Viisiutitlv on liaud, uud buld us cheap
as tiie CiiEAl'KST.
JI.VXL l-'AtTL lihlt OF
Turner in Horn, Hard and SoltWood
Ail kinds of Tool Handles, &c.
P.eur ot' 2ii0 Nortli Second St., (Second
l-'loor,) Philadt-liihia, Pa.
n 16-41.
WANTED! Areata 'a every townlnthe L'nited
.- ve tcr i ie Adjutta'eie Pick, with a
is i ii.liiua icu i f e'ui tools complete in ono
v iiek, uiK'toetc, she, lnmping iron,
-fiiae. me un i po' l ea.i, or say oilier tool
tliat ean bp iiiaei :nl in socVerg at about one
liiirtli east ( ;' ordinary tou's.
-I. V. I KFFiaTT. Aliuiiale Pick Co..
M3 South 2d Si., l lu'.a., Caambcr of Com-