The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 10, 1876, Image 3

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Ridgway, Pa. 2 2tf.
Attorneys- at-Lw.
Offic in New Brick Building, Main St
Ridtrway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2l.f.
Attorneys-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk
County Pa. Office across the hall from
the Democrat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
Jne. 16 '76.
Tlnzojl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler' Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-82-ly
Druggist and Parmacoutist, N. W. cornet
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domcstio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day' or
night. vln8y
T. S. HARTLEY. M. .,
riiysicinn ana Surgeon.
Oflice in Drug Store, corner liroad and
Main Sts, Residence corner liroad St.
opposite tho College. OHice hours from
8 to 10 A. M. nnd from 7 to 8 P. M.
Eclectic Physicinn and Surgeon, has remov
ed his otlice from Centre street, to Mail. St.
Ridgway. l'a,, in tho second story of the
near brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store,
Olfieo hours: I to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M
HYDE 110 V HE,
Ridoway, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCII11AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying Birict at
tention to the comfort aud convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance oi thi
Oct 30 18G'..
Centbeville, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretotor
so liberilly bestowed upou hitn, the new
proprietor, liopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, t merit a continuance of tin
r. W. 1IA YS,
liKALF... IN
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
BUirley M. it.
Dealer in ail kinds of cabinet warp,
woodand Mint1 seat chair, kitchen and
extention tables, wood and marble tot)
stands, wooi I and marble top bureau,
what nots, looking glasses, wood and
marble top chamber suits, mattresses,
spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs,
Laf'erty's metal lined wood pumps,
4&c., fcc. Cane seats replaced" with
perforated wood seats, Weed jewing
machine reduced from S05 to St"), the
best machine in the market, utid pic
ture frames- made to order. Also a
large assorted stock of ready made
coffins constantly on hand and trim
med at shortest notice. All the above
goods are sold at panic prices. Ware
Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway
l'a. v5n 19tpdapr27'77.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main Btreet, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, docewith
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
faction guaranteed. vlnly
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, Aug. 1st. 1876
U. S. 1881. e 120J 120
do 5 20, 0 '05, M and N 115 110
do do '05 J and J 117 117
do do '05 do 119 11'JS
do do '65 do 121 121 f
10-40. do coupon 1181181
do Paoifio 6's cy Int. off 12.51 125
New o'e Reg. 1881 ll(i 117
C. loot lib1 1174
Called Bonds,
Gold 111J lllj
Silver 100 101
Pennsylvania exdive 50J 50 J
Reading 44 44
Philadelphia & Erie 17 17
Lrbigh Navigation 41 43 J
do Valley 501 67
United R R of N J ex. div..l39 j 140
Oil Creek f j 0
Northern Central ex. div 80 37
Central Transportation 40 40
Nesquehoning 54 55
C & A Mortgage 6's '89. 106 100
A Startling Cause of Debility and Sio k
ness fully explained in a large ootavo Trea
Use by Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, 21
Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J EVERY
MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any
way should send and get a copy at once, an
it i sent free, prepaid by mail. Address
tbe auth'or as Above. (inl2-0l
Rates of Advertising.
One oolumn, one year $75 00
" " " 40 00
" " 25 00
" " " 15 00
Transient advertisements per sauare of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Arrival aud Departure of Mails.
Eastern Daily except Sundays; ar
rives at 2:22 p. m., leaves at 6:10 p. m.;
"Western Daily except Sundays;
leaves at 2:22, arrives at 5:16 p. m.
Hrookville Daily except .Sundays
arrives at 12 m., leaves at 2:30 p. m.
Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 11 a. m.; leaves Wednes
days and Fridays at 9 a. m.
Lodge Meetings.
Elk Lodge, No. 379, A. Y. M meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month in Masonic Hall.
Elk Chapter, No. 230, It. A. M.,
meets the third Tuesday of each month
in Masonic Hall.
Knapp Commandery, No. 40, K. T.
meets tho fourth Thursday of each
month in Masonic Hall.
County Officers.
President Judgc-Hon. L. D. Wetmorc
Associate Judges Hons. J. K. W hit
more, Chas. Lulir.
Sheriff-Daniel Scull.
Treasurer Jacob McCauley.
District Attorney J. K. P. Hall.
Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixon.
Prothonotary, &c Fred. Schoening.
Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton.
Commissioners Michael Wedert, W.
H. Osterhout, George Iteuscher.
Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton.
Auditors W. H. Hyde, It. I. Spang
lcr, George Rothrock.
Township Oflicers.
Judge of Election Will Dickinson.
Inspectors James Penfleld, P. It.
Justices of the Peace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fullerton.
School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas.
Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum
mings, W. S. Service, Eug. J. Miller.
Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jas. ltiley.
Treasurer W. H. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson,
John Wnlnisley.
Auditors J. H. Hagerty, James Pen
field, J. S. Powell.
Clerk-M. S. Kline.
Constable 1. W. -Morgester.
Lutheran Rev. I.Brenneman, pas
tor. Services every alternate Sunday,
in both English and German, at 11 a.
m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. in. Geo. Walker, Superintendent;
J. O. W. Bailey, assistant.
Grace Episcopal Rev. Win. James
Miller, rector. Services every Sunday
at the usual hours, 11 a. in. and 7 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 n. m. All are
cordially invited to attend. Seats free.
Methodist Rev. Wm. Martin,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
ti. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at
'.1:80 ii. m. C. E. Ilollmla'y, superin
tendent; Geo. R. Dixon, assistant.
Young Folks' Bible Class at 3 p. in.
Roman Catholic-Rev. Futhcr Mailer
pastor. Services every other Sunday
at 10 a. m.
Commencing Sunday, July 2nd, 1S70:
Mail East 4:37 p m
" West 2:47 p m
Phila. Express East S':o8 p m
Erie Express West 6;:;o a m
Day Express East 0:27 a in
Niagara Express West 8:33 p m
Mail East 5:12 p m
Mail West 2:11 p m
Phila Express East lu;28 p m
Erie Express West 5:00 a m
Day Express East 7:00 a m
Niagara Express West 7:51 p m
Mail East 5:37 p m
Mail West 1:40 p m
Phila. Express East 10:48 p m
Erie Express West 4:tf a in
Day Express W est 7:2;! a m
Niagara Express West 7:21 p m
Philadelphia & !e R. II Division
OX and after SUNDAY. JULY 2, 1870.
the trains on the Philadelphia &
fcria Kailroad will run as follows:
NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo..... 4 20 p ni
" ' Drift wood.. 6 27 pm
" ' Emporium 0 20 p in
" " ' St Marys... 7 21 p m
" ' " Ridgway... 7 35 p m
arr at Kane.. 0 00 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p ni
" " " Renovo 11 00 a m
" " " Emporium 12 65 p m
St. Mary's 1 46 p m
" Ridgwuy 2 11pm
" " " Kane 3.30 p m
" arrive at Erie 7 35 p m
ERIE EX leaves Renovo 2.15 a m
" " Drif wood 8 07 a m
' Emporium 3 40 am
' " " St. Mary 4.30 a m
" " " Ridgway 6.00 a m
Kane 0 20am
' an. at Erie 10.30 am
DAY EX leaves Kane 6.05 a m
" " Ridgway 7.00 am
" " Si Marys 7 23 a m
" " Emporium 8 10 a m
' Driftwood 8 68 pm
Benovo .........10 10 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" " " Kane. .......... 4 15 p m
" " Ridgway 6.12 p m
" " " St. Mary's 6.37 p m
" Emporium 6.80 pm
" " Renovo- 8.45 p m
" arr. at Philadephia... 6.50 a m
PIIILAD'A EX leaves Brie 6 10 p ui
' ' " Kane 9.40 a m
" " " Ridgway ...10.28a m
' ! St Marvs..l0.48 a ni
" " Empor'mJu. 11.80 am
" " Driftwood..l2.07a m
Renovo 1.10 a m
Day Express and Niagara Express con
nect east with Low Grvde Division and B
N. YJ & P. R. R.
Gen'l Sup't.
JOB TTTORK. We are now prepared
YV to doall kinds of JOB WORK,
bnvelepc'3. Tags Bill-iieada, Letter heads
neatly and eheaply executed. Office in
Thayer & I.'itgt-.ty's new building, Main
street Ridgway, l'a.
Facts for Voters.
Thursday, September 7th, is the last
day for being assessed.
Saturday, October 7th is the last day
for securing naturalization papers.
Saturday, October 7th, is the last
day on which taxes can be paid In
legal time to vote.
We do job work cheaply.
Green corn In this market.
Gone to find a mate to a pony.
How ducedly hot the nights are.
Nor a circus in Ridgway this season
Read our Centennial letter in this
Now blackberries sell at eight cents
a quart.
A rain storm would he a great
Oil has a decided upward tendency
as to price.
Brandon of the St. Mary's Gazette
is on the Grand Jury.
Dont forget to get registered. Sep
tember 7th is the last day.
Eoas are selling here at from twenty
to twenty-five cents a dozen.
Read our WTileox notes in another
column. We hope "J" will call
We publish the Ridgway Township
Auditor's Settlement in another
The picture of R. B. Hayes occupies
a prominent position in the post office
There will be a Centennial dog
show. Ridgway could spare about a
Court commences on the third
Monday in September, being the
eighteenth clay.
There is some talk of nominating
Dr. C. R. Earley, for Assembly, on
the Democratic ticket.
The Chandeliers for Grace Church
have arrived and been placed in
position in the church.
The jury for September term of
court has been drawn. We shall pub
ish the list next week.
It is rumored that W. S. Service in
tends soon to start a hardware store
in the old post office building.
The excitement that usually attends
a Presidential election is not felt here.
Perhaps Ridgway will wake up yet.
Teams Wanted For Bark hauling
at Brookston Tannery.
G. Brooks & Co.
After August 15th it will be un
lawful to catch or kill speckled trout
uuder a penalty of ten dollars for each
A man in Ridgway said, when ques
tioned as to the state of the times:
"My flour barrel sounds like a base
Fish in largo quantities are found
dead along the shores of the Clarion
River. The refuse from the tanner
ies is said to poison them.
The mail west on Friday last struck
a valuable cow, belonging to Salyer
Jackson; Injuring her so badly that it
was found neceessary to kill her.
Last week Wednesday morning
McEnally's Foundry and Machine
shop, at St. Mary's was destroyed by
fire. Total loss f 7000; no insurance.
The Elk County Democrats hold
their primary meetings on Saturday
August 20th, and their county conven
tion at the court house on Tuesday
August 29th.
Last week Oscar Burgh had two
toes, next the big toe, on the left foot,
badly cut by an ax, which he was
using, striking a tree and glancing
from it to his foot.
It is stated there will be a "shower
of stars" between the 13th and 10th of
this month. Of course, as this is the
Centennial year, the display will be
grand accordingly.
Therk is said to be the biggest liar
in the State, in Willianisport. That
may be, but we think there are several
liars in this village that would make a
big struggle for the belt.
Look out for an attractive advertise
ment from Powell & Kime in a week
or so They are going to the city, and
will lay in a large stock of fall and
winter goods, which they will sell
cheap for eash.
It has been stated, by one who has
tried it, that to take a common sponge
and fry it in a sufficient quantity of
lard, aud place where the rats can have
free access to it, that it kills them al
most instantly.
Wte were in error last week iu stat
ing that deer could be lawfully killed
from the lstday of August. Deer may
be lawfully killed from the 1st of Octo
ber to January 1st. We give the sec
tion referring to deer and elk in an
other column.
Company I is Ridgwny's lutest or
ganization. The company is com
posed of misses from five to eleven
years old, and parades the streets
every night. Singing "shoo fly don't
bother I, for I belong to Company I "
Miss Jennie Hall is the Captain.
We call the attention of hotel keep
ers to the act published in another
column for their benefit. We print
the act on heavy card board with the
hours for meals and tarifFof charges,
with name of the proprietor printed in.
Send for sample aud prices by postal
Another Terrible Accident
from Nitro-Glycebine. On Tues
day last, as a man named Clawson. was
drawing up one of Sweatt's patent tor
pedoes from a well on the John A. Beck
farm, near Beaver city, this county, an
explosion took place, blowing off half
his head, and throwing his brains up
against the walking beam. He leaves
a wife and four children, who reside at
Mcrtina. Who will be the next vic
tim to this death-dealing element '!
Clarion J(',rl::j;ln)
Wilcox, Pa., Aug. 7, 187(1.
I saw a request In your paper for a
correspondent from this place, and I
thought, although I am not much on
the correspondence, I would try and
give you a few items. As this is a very
quiet town , locals are, of course, scarce.
J. L. Brown, Esq , and family have
gone to the Centennial.
Col. A. I. Wilcox is in town. He ar
rived home from Bradford on Sunday
morning, where he has been attending
to his oil interests.
A. T. Aldrich, Esq., has some speci
mens of millet, raised on his farm, one
mile north of this place, on land that
was never manured, five feet high,
and he says there is some taller than
that. Who says there is no farming
land in Jones township?
TheTanningand Lumber Co's store
was broken into on Thursday night,
and some knifes, razors, and clothing
were taken. The thieves effected an
entrance through a window into the
oflice, and broke the glass in the door,
twecn the office and Btorc, and then,
reaching through, unbuttoned it and
went in. It is supposed to have been
some tramps that were prowling
around the day before.
On Saturday night some suspicious
characters were seen around town, and
some of the citizens formed themselves
into a vigilance or detective force, and
watched around town until two or
three oclock in the morning. They
detected one man skulking about in
the rear of Martin Sower's premises,
but he took leg bail, and they failed to
catch bin; and, although they failed
to catch any thieves, they didnot fail to
have lots of fun.
There was quite an excitement here
last week over a crazy Dane, who im
agined himself to be the Lord Jesus
Christ, and that ho owned the whole
town. He succeeded in considerably
frightening some women and child
ren. Going into one house he ordered
the Jady of the house to move, giving
ten minutes to pack up and leave, as
he wanted to move the house into the
creek. After this he left the house,
and was soon taken care of by some of
his own countrymen.
The new oil well is progressing as
fast as possible. They have the engine
and boiler moved to the new site, one
half mile west from the Schultz well,
and will have the derrick up this week,
and will probably bo ready to com
mence drilling in ten days or two
weeks. It is to be hoped that the
land owners about this section wiil
help the boys, as they are laboring
men, not overstocked with capital, but
chuck full of pluck and day's work,
and that they may succeed is the ear
nest wish of every one. J.
Sudden Dkatu at Hedbank. On Wed
nesday of last week, an unknown laboring
man, about five feet eight inches high, and
thirty years of age, with black mustache
aud upper left ii-ont tooth out, got off No.
1, and, after au unconsciousness of three
hours, died, as prouounced by a physician,
of cholera. No'bing was found on his pcr-
sod to show his name or residence, lie was
on his wuy from Pittsburg to Parker City,
aud wiAtoo unwell to stay on the train. lie
said that he had no home or friends. Clar
ion Republican.
A good joke was played on an agent, the
fore part of this week, which gave consider
able amusement to a number of our young
peuple. He seemed iucliu:d to get up a
flirtation with tho young ladies whom he
saw passing the hotel and made hiuiselt
particularly obnoxious to quite a number.
So, to have a little sport, a young gent, of
rather feminine appearance, and a blonde,
dressed himself in female attire, received
an introduction to, and, fur two evenings,
promenaded the streets with the agcnt,who
was, up to the time of coming in oontaot
with a force pump, consideiably fascinated
by the churuis of the young lady (?). Tho
joke was not discovered by the agent until
tveitnesuay morning, wuen ne was inclined
to gel angry, but thinks it a better pliu to
keep on llic right side of a '-log-rolling
comma, ity. ttiueron Press."
Albany Aug. 3. Attorney-General,
Fail-child bus referred to heeler 11.
Peckham for reply the letter of Sheriff
Conner asking instructions relative to
the failure to find any property be
longing to Tweed under the G.UUO
judgment. The reference is made to
Mr. Beckham, because ne was me
chief counsel for the prosecution of
the Ring suits. On his reply the At
torney General will base specific in
structions to the Sherilt-.
Washington, August 1. The Presi
dent, in accordance wiih the provis
ions of the act of Congress approved
March 8, 1875 to-day issued a procla
mation declaring and proclaiming the
fact that the fundamental eeuditions
imposed by Congress on the State of
Colorado to entitle that State to ad
mission to the Union have been reti
fied and accepted, and that the admis
sion of the said State into the Union is
now complete.
A terrible accident occurred about
one o'clock on Thursday at Bawbee's
Lake, about one mile south of Hills
dale, Michigan, where un excursion
party from Coldwater, numbering
about 300, were spending the day.
Sixteen of them were out on thelakeou
a flatboat or scow, when it suddenly
sank, and nine of the party were
drowned. The water is fifty or sixty
feet deep where the boat sank. The
names of the drowned areas follow:
G. II. Taylor, Mrs. Thornton and
child, Mrs. Musser, May Cunningham
and ncr sister Libbie, Alice Hayes,
May Keely, and Randall Blackmau,
all of Coldwater. The wildest excite
ment prevails at Hillsdale.
The fifty physicians who were re
cently appointed to visit the tene
ments and search out sick children
made their final report yesterday and
were discharged. They visited in all
5,6000 families, who Jive in 9,000 tene
ments. Very few children had
cholera infautum in any of the tene
ments, and the physicians say that
the children die mostly in private
houses, and and are tho progeny of
people who are wen orr. vine poor
women in the tenements all nurse
their own children. In private houses
tbe wet nurse is employed, or more
frequently the bottle is use.i, ami the
children are all weak and puny, and
liable to be lakt-n oil' by hot weather
The Titusyllle poundma.ter has
killed 874 dogs this season.
A York county farmer cut open an
old hornet's nest, Just to examine the
inside arrangement. He says he
thinks he will be able to see his barn
in about two weeks.
Tho Moravian Seminary at Bethle
hem, has been in existence 01 years,
and in that time had 0,772 pupils.
This institution is at present iu a
flourishing condition.
Thursday Mr. John T. Spencer
killed a rattlesnake on Bean Farm,
near Titusville, which measured eight
feet and three inches in length, and
sported nineteen rattles. The reptile
was undoubtedly an old settler.
We learn, from the Lcwistown Ga
zette, that a number of trout caught in
the mountain streams thereabout last
week proved to bo unlit for eating,
being full of a red worm which is
frequently found under tho skin.
The water louse is also said to be un
usually destructive this year.
Messrs. Jones cfc Brinker, of Fair
mount, Clarion county, have received
the contract to furnish 7"0,000 brick,
to be used in finishing the Summit
tunnel, on the Low (trade Railroad,
In Huston township, this county. Mr.
Geo. B. Dougherty, of Kittanning,
will superintend tfie manufacture of
the brick. Clearfield Jicpublican.
Warren is jubilant over the pro
posed completion of the Rochester &
State Line Railroad. The Mail says
the road is to be completed by Mr. ii.
A. Taylor, of New York, Colonel J.
Condit Smith having thrown up his
contract. The contract is nearly the
same as that made with Mr. Smith,
and requires the road to be finished to
Salamanca by January 1, 1877. Work
will probably be commenced on it
District Attorney Milliken, of IIol
lidaysburg, and Alderman PoU'enber
ger and Levi Knott, of Altoona, have
all been arrested for receiving money
from Mrs. Thos. Hicks, of Altoona, in
settlement of a whiskey case which
they had no legal right to settle.
They were held in $1,000 boil each to
answer the charge at Court. Milliken
is also under a $00 bond to answer a
similiar charge preferred against him
by Alex. Mock.
A singular accident occurred in Su
gar Valley last week to tho daughter
of Mr. Jacob Keister. The facts, as
stated to us, are that during a thunder
storm last week, while the young
lady was seated at a sewing machine,
a strok of lightning occured. and she
was so stunned that she did not en
tirely recover for at least twenty-four
hours thereafter. Tbe strange feature
of the occurrence is. that there is no
evidence of the lighting having struck
anywhere in the vicinity. Lock Ha
ven Democrat.
We have not been quite so fortunate
as some of our neighbors. During a
recent visit to Lancaster county, we
learneu that that section has been
visited by repeated fine showers,
greatly to the advantage of vegetation,
and the replenishing of streams and
springs. The corn in that county
looks very fine and promises a good
yield. The tobacco crop is looking ex
ceedingly well, and there seems to be a
larger acreage than usual planted.
Lancaster county is rapidly becoming
noted for its fine tobacco," and from
present appearances this year's crop
will be a largo and fine one. NorrU
lown Indcpeadaut,
Stntoment showing the number of
voters iu each township and borough
in Potter county, as returned by the
assessors for 1870: Abbott township,
10-"; Allegany township, ltW; Bingham
township 2UG; Clara township, C6;
Coudersport, borough, 104; Eulalia
township, 105; Genesee township, 183;
Harrison township, 208; Hebron town
ship, 185; Hector township, S'.il;
Homer township 40; Keating township,
80; Lt-wisville borough, iM; Oswayo
township. 153; Pike township, 6l;
Pleasant Valley township 57; Portage
township, 22; Roulet township, Ki3;
Sharon township, ."S; Stewardson
township, 41; Summit township, 38;
Sweden township, 108; Sylvania town
ship, 58; Ulysses township, 248. West
Branch township. 75: Wharton town
ship, 85. Total, 3,035.
The Oil City Derrick is responsible
for the following:
A young man named Smith, who
officiated as a sort of preacher at
Cochranton last year, was tried at
Aleauviiie last l riilay on a charge of
fornication und bastardy, preferred bv
a young lady whom he basely seduced
aud deserted. A child was born dur
ing the winter, but it has since died.
Smith betook himself to other pas
tures, and was finally arrested in Erie
last week. The matter has excited
much indignant notice around Coch-
rauton, more particularly as it is one
of the incidentals growing out of the
protracted meetings that so greatly
aroused the community sixteen
months ago.
Wilkesbarre, Ta., Aug. 3. This
city was electrified this morning by
the announcement that Thomas D.
Conyngham, son of the late Judge
Conyiigham, and of the most respect
able connections, had committed lin
geries amounting in the aggregate to
2uo,OMj. The rumor was found to be
true, and as the perpetrator of the
crime left the city yesterday it is sup
posed ue nas neu. i ne lorgetl paper
is said to have been distributed iu the
banks of this city, Poltsville, Phila
delphia, and other places. The
Second National Bank of this city is
reported a loser to the extent of $75,
000. It is said that his relatives pro
pose to settle the matter, and great
puins were taken to suppress the facts.
Rumor said last night that steps have
been taken for Conynghani's arrest.
The disastrous altuir was brought
about by unfortunate investments iu
coal and iron property, and heavy and
unlucky Wall street speculations.
The Oxford Pi-ess says the impress
ion has generally prevailed that the
depth of tho Susquenanna river at
McCall's Ferry has never been ascer
tained, and some even assert that the
river is bottomless at that point. This
is incorrect. We have been informed
by Enoch Swayne, of London Grove
township, Chester county, that lie
made a measurement of the river at
the above place about tho year 1840,
with a sounding line which he ob
tained in Baltimore, and the depth
was 4 40 feet. Mr. Swayne said he had
read when a boy an account of the un
known depth of the river, given by
Asher Miner in the Chester and Dela
ware county j'cderulift, (now the
West Chester ViUaye. Itccord,) who
made a visit to McCall's about 1814,
and described the ulace in bis naner.
stating that the depth of the water
had never been ascertained. This so
impressed Mr. Swayne that he deter
mined to measure it when lie became
a man, and the opportunity did not
present itself until the time above
stittcd. Tho measurement whs made
iii the deep channel clone to the Lan
caster county shore. Iiie river 'is
very i;r.:i-.v.- v u.;.- yj.:. u. :'
The President has signed the joint
resolution for the issue of silver coin;
also, the act to continue the public
printing and the act to remove the
political disabilities of Gen. Beaure
gard. Pottsvllle, August 3. At Centreville, on
July 20. John Uunning sold to Edward
Curley vhat purported to be a buoket of
berries. Upon examination Curley found
nothing but leaves and sticks in the bottom
of the buoket. This so enraged him that
he struck Gunning a terrible blow, from
the effects of which Gunning died last
night. Curley fled to the mountains and
has notV ten captured
St. Louis, August 3. Dispatches re
ceived from Jefferson City say that pardons
were reccivod there yesterday for Adler
and Furst, distillers and rectifiers of Kan
sas City. Under the terms of these par
dons the sentences are commuted to three
months in the county jail, whioh terms the
parties have already served, on condition
that they withdraw their writ of error to
the Circuit Court, aflirmation of the Dis
trict Court, judgment of condemnation on
which the confiscation of their distilleries
is ordered, aud that they pay the fine re
quired of $40,000.
Washington, D. C, August 3. Judge
Henry F. French, whose nomination as As
sistant Secretary of the Treasury was sent
to tbe Senate to-day, is a lawyer by pro
fession and a resident of Concord, Mass,
He was for some time a law partenor of
Senator Boutwell in Boston and for a num
ber of years Judge of the State Court at
Exeter, N. II. He has also held the position
of president of the Massachusetts State
Agricultural Society. Judge French is
said to be about 50 years of age, and is
described by members of the Massachusetts
delegation in being a man of fine metiil
attainments and very high moral character.
A good sign. Rutherford li. Hayes was
nominated June 17th, and yet up to this dale
no charges have been raised against him.
Even his old antagonist, Allen, is foroed to
admit that, "aside from his politics, Hayes
is a gocd man.'' Thurman shakes his
head, as if the Democratic skies had grown
darker since Hayes came to the front. Til
den looks blue, discouraged, and thinks,
now that a geuuiue reformer has takeu the
Republican bauner, Democracy will Btand
no chance in the Presidential campaign
Would it not be well for decent Democrats
to throw aside their ticket altogether and
celebrate the Centennial year by making
the election of Hayes unanimous?
Postuiastor James haB given general no
tice of the amendment to the law regard
ing lottery orrespondence, eto. By this
amendment letters and circulars relating to
all lotteries, withoutregard to the character
of such lotteries, so-called gift concerns, or
other similar enterprises offering prizes,
are declared unmailable, aud the depos.tiug
of Buch Idlers or circulars in a post office
to be sent by man is an ollense to bo pun
ished upou conviction by e fine of not less
than one hundred nor more than five hun
dred dolirrs and tho costs of prosecution.
All lottory correspondence in foreign as
well as domestic muils will be confiscated.
It is a strange commentary on the wisdom
of this world, that it should be necessary
lor the government of a civilued people to
interfere for their projection iu such a
transparent swindle as the lottery business.
N. Y. Observei.
Sheriff Bowen, after stopping at Harris
burg to get a requisition from the Governor
for the two thieves who stole tbe horses
from Mr. Walker, at Covigton, several
weeks ago, proceeded to Columbus and
Wilmington, Ohio, to secure the two ardent
lovers of good Lorsetlei-h. He found the
two gentlemen in the hands of the authori
ties one passing by the name of Claud Al
len, and the other, a colored man, being
known as Bogy Hicks. It seems that these
men were arreued by (he S ilmington officers
on suspioion that they were connected with
a gang of incendiaries, aud after their ar
rest they confessed that their team was
stolen in this county. Au effort was made,
after tbe Sherifi's arrival at Wilmington, to
keep the prisoners there on the charge of
larceny; but they were finally handed over
to the sheriff, who reached home with them
last Wednesday evening. Tioga Agitator.
I notice that there will be sold, at pub
lit vendue or outcry, upou the premises, on
SATUUDAT, August 26, 1876,
at 2 p. M., all that certain tract, piece or
parcel of laud situalee in the township and
village of Ridgway, Elk county, Fennfylva
uia, bounded as follows to-wit: Beginning
at the south-east corner of a two-acre lot,
deeded by Reuben A. Aylworlh to Jacob
L'obbiu, by deed bearing date 20th July,
1835 (the Baid corner is hereby considered
as commencing at the post, foi a corner, of
the board fenco in front of said lot, aud
which post is the southwest corner of the
piece of land hereby conveyed); tnenceeast
along the highway eight rods; tuenee north
ten rods; theuce west eight rods; thence south
along the line of the beforemeutioued two
acre lot ten rods to the place of beginning,
con.aining one-half acre of land (reserving
twelve feel on the east end of said truct of
land for the purpose of ingress and egress
to the publio burying grouuu), upon wuicn
is erected a two-stoiy frame school bouse,
3ux40 feel.
Sale positive, rain or shine. Terms one-
tniru casn; balance in one and two yeats,
with interest.
By order of the Board of School Directors.
EUG. J. MILLER, Sec'y.
Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 8,'76 n2o-3t.
The National Park Bank, 1 In tbe Court of
oirew ioik, I common riu
vs. i of County,
Robert Iliilsey and Henry No. KW, September
llaisuy. j lerm. itxo,
Elk County, ss.
-2. The Commonwealth of Fenn-
EiL cvlvnniii tn flip Khpi-ift of Siliri
cTrvitjouiity. greeting: w e com
mand you tnat you attacn rtoucn
Halsey and Henry Halsey, late of
vour County, by all and singular the
goods and chatties, lands and tene
ments, moneys, rights and credits of
the said Defendants, or eitner oi mem,
in whose hands or possession or cus
tody of any person or persons whatso
ever, and summon each nerson or tier-
sons as garnishees, in plea of debt, so
that they bo and appear before our
Court ot Common rieas, to be noiueu
at Ridgway, in and for said County on
TEMBER NEXT, there to answer
The National Park Bank, of New
And, also that you summon the
said Garnishees (the person or persons
in whose hands and property of the
said Robert Halsey or Heury Haisey
may be found,) so that they be and
appear before your suid Court on the
BER NEXT, to answer what shall be
objected against tnem, ana abiue by
tbe juttgeuieni or me uoun inerein
And have you then and there this
Witness the Honorable L. D. Wet
more. President Judge of our said
Court, at Ridgway, this 11th day of
July, A. D. 1870.
j? RED. fcCHCENING, Prothono
A true- copy.
AMeirt D-vv
..::. iV .
settlement of the Kidgway Town
ship Auditors with tho several Town
ship Oflicers of said Township for the
year 1876.
W. II. Osterhout and O. B. Fitch, Su
pervisors and ex-oj)icio Overseers of
the Poor, in accuulil with the several
To am't tax levied on seated
property 1,091 4fl
" " unseated " 1,422 06
3,114 41
Excess of expenditures 1,980 07
$ 5,100 48
By am't taxes worked by tax
payers 038 19
" p'd by twp. orders for
labor on road 3,702 3-3
" " for niat'l furnished 78 U'i
" "to J. K. Whitmore '
for auditor's tervices '72 '73
and '74 25 00
" by twp. orders to O- li. Fitch,
supervisor's services for 1870 356 00
Total expenditures $ 5,100 48
To am't poor tax levied for
lfS7o, seated property 031 25
To am't poor tax levied for 1875,
unseated property 533 97
' am't ree'd from Emporium
lioro. for goods fu ru 'd for
'man killed at depot, Oct VJ. '75 2 00
" am't ree'd from W. H.
Osterhout for brooms manu
factured by Mrs. Woodward 1 32
" am't ree'd from P. Ken
nedy, $28 81
" for goods taken fin 4 75 33 50
124 20
50 32
E xccbs o f es pe n d i t u res
$ 1,200 52
By am't paid J. 8. & W. II.
Hyde tor material furii-
islied paupers $ 6 CO
" am't p'd D. Hcribner for
services 5 50
" " M. T. French " 0 00
" " M T. French for
kecp'g Mrs. Steel, '70 30 00
" ' various persons for
keeping tramps 31 75
' "paid various persons
for material furnished
pauper 752 24
" " p'd H. Taylor for
keeping Barbara- J uggi 108 00
" " p'd James Riekard
for keeping Betsey Gardner 180 00
" p'd T. 8. Hartley
for medical service 101 05
' J. K. Bordwell " 19 00
1 " C. Mead, signing
orders for relief of poor 6 28
1 " p'd A. Cummings,
signing orders for relief of poor 5 00
' p'd M. T. Freeh for re
demption of auditors' order 10 00
Fotal expenditures 1,200 52
To ain't tax levied for 1875 505 85
Total receipts $ 505 85
By ain't paid various persons
lor material turnislied 2-id o-t
' p'd various per
sons for labor 99 37
842 01
102 94
Excess of receipts
S 604 8-"
Jerome Powell, Esq., Treasurer of
cicnoui ana Sctooi liuiiainy j-unds
of ltidyway Tou'twhip, for the year
1875, iu account with mid kinds
To am't received from tax
payers for 1875 2.040 11
tax received from J. W.
Morgester, coll., 1874 840 95
" tax received from M. T.
French, coll., 1873 141 70
' tax received from J. Mc
Cauley County Treasurer 1,547 02
" tax received from Jerome
Powell, coll., 1872 40 56
" tax received from Hall &
McCauley on judgment
against ti. D. Messenger
aud B. F. Ely, bail for 375 51
" State appropriation for '75 364 68
5,357 91
" bal. due. treas. over paid fund 800 98
$ 2,217 90
By bal. paid due treasurer
tchool fund at last set
tlement $ 1,486 57
" am't p'd for teaching, or
ders redeemed 8,658 50
" ' fuel and sundry sup
plies, orders redeemed 703 80
' " paid for tuition,
Fox twp., orders redeemed 182 6S
" ' paid for secetary
for directors, orders red'm'd 60 00
" paid for printing and
advertising, orders redeemed 38 67
' " paid for Centennial
school exhibition, orders
redeemed 5 00
" com. on um'tof orders re
deemed, viz: $4,038 05 2.
per- cent. 92 77
$ 0,217 99
To bal. due fund at last set
tlement S 1,486 01
'am't ree'd of J. M'Cauley,
County Treasurer 474 00
' - J. W. Morgester coll '7-1 336 37
" M. T. French, 73. 92 01
" Jerome Powell "'72- 4103
I 2,409 45
By am't paid for building
material, &c, orders re
deemed $ 1,146 35
" paid for improving
school lots, orders redeemed 55 45
1,215 73
" bul- due fund
$ 2,409 45
We, the undersigned, auditors of
Ridgway township for the year 1876,
do hereby certify that in pursuance of
previous notice by us given to the
several township oflicers, and
as by law required, we meet on Mon
day, June 5, 1S76, for the purpose of
auditing, settling and adjusting the ac
counts of the several oflicers of 6aid
township, at which time we proceeded
to examine, audit, settle and adjust
the accounts of the above named su
pervisors and ex-oflicio overseers of
tho poor and Bchool treasurer for the
year 1875, und found them correct aa
above stated.
Witness our hand this 24th day of
June, A. D., i7.