Henry A. Tarsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, AUUU8T 81).. 1870. r.SrUELICAN NATIONAL TICKET. von riiEsn.iEXT. aUTERFORD B. HAYES, OK OHIO. 10 K V K'l I'll KS 1 1K NT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, OK NFAV YORK. EDITORIAL NOTES. J. Cooke, the famous banker, has been discharged from bankruptcy. Tilden will make public his loiter of acceptance an soon ns he can nee Mill Tweed. The Republicans are talking now of carrying New York state for Hayes und 'Wheeler. West Tennessee proposes to present the name of ex-Governor Ishnm G Harris for the sent of ex-President Johnson in the Senate, now tilled by Judge Key. The headqunrtes of the Republican State Committee are at 8303 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Hon. Henry H. Hoyt, the efficient Chairman of last year, is the Chairman this year with Major Jforris as Secretary. The proposition to rim William M. Evarts, the eminent lawyer, as the Republican candidate for governor of Kew York is favorably received not onlv at home but abroad. Were he to accept a nomination there is very little doubt but he would carry the utate by a sweeping majority. Governor Hayes was not enticed into the war bv a commission. He enlisted as a private; had "not time" to go home to attend an election; rose to the rank of general; lias killed off three Democratic governors, and is cirtaln to make sure the obsequies of Uncle Sammy next fall. It is unfortunate that General Grant should feel that he has placed his ad ministration in opposition to the sen timcnts of Governor Hayes' letter, That letter is satisfactory to the Re publican party and to the country and if necessary it should be the Frosi dent's first pleasure and duty to make his administration conform to the principles therein laid down. The Ohio campaign was opened by the Republicans of I ronton on Tues day by the erection of a, large Hayes and Wheeler pole, 220 fret high erected by the workingmen of the mills and furnaces of that region. salute of thirty-eight guns was fired by two Hayes batteries, and addresses made by the leading Republicans to a crowd of about 3,000. Tilden says the office holding class have become so numerous, powerful and unscrupulous that they assume to control the elections. This probably refers to the time when himself, Ross Tweed and Tammany ring returned a Democratic majority of more than 17, 000 in four wards of New York city where the whole legal vote was less than 12,000. Every time the editor of the Madison Patriot, of Wisconsin, sits down to write a soulstirring article in favor o Tilden, this sentence, which ho pub' lished two days before the Governor was nominated, rises up and dis couraged him: "Besides beinga hard' soft - bhinplaster - anything-to- make dollars man, Gov. Tilden is a big rail way shark, with a double row of teeth all 'round." From statements just made public it appears that the actual number of men on duty in the army is 20,979; 7,030 are in the territories; 3,718 are in Texas, and 3.334 in the southern states. General Terry has in the field 1.123 men and Crook 1,7'JO, of which proba bly fully 2,000 are to-day fit for active service. The remainder of the army is doing garrison duty at forts in northern states. The creditors of the First National Bank of Washington City will receive every cent of their claims, the Comp tro!ley of the Currencp having just declared the final dividend of twenty live per cent., making in all dividends amounting to one hundred per cent. How different this showing is from that which usually followed the sus pension of the old State banks, and yet the Democracy decry the National bank system. The Albany Journal says New York is a Republican State on a full vote, and produces the figures to prove it. Tilden 'a vote when he was elected Governor was 410,391, the largest ever polled for any Democratit ticket in that State. At the same time it was over 30,000 less than the Repub lican vote for Governor in 1872, when General Dix was elected, and when the full strength of the Republican party was brought out by the excite ment and importance of the national campaign. "Good government, good will, good money and universal prosperity" are the four good things which, Mr. Wheeler says the Republicans desire to secure for the country. They are just what the country needs, and it is to be hoped It will reeeive them. Bad government, hatred, unredeemable paper money and adversity are a curse to any nation. But if we have bad government we are 6ure to have all the other evils. Let ua hope and pray then for wise and prudent coun sels in the administration of the ountry's affairs. Laws Relating to Newspaper Snbscrlp tions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered wIbIh lng to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu- allon of their periodicals, llio publisher ma; continue to send theui until nil arrcurges lire paid. 8. If subscribers nejrlc-cl or refuse to tnke (heir periodical from the oflic.e where they nro directed, Ihpy nre hold responsl bln until they have tr illed their bills, und oid ere J III em discontinued. 4. If subscribers mote to ther places without informing (ho publishers, and the pnpers nre sent to the former direction, I hey nre hold responsible. f. The courts have deoided that "rcfus. ing to take periodicals from llio offce, or re moving ami leaving them uncalled t r is prima Jacie evidence' or luiennonai Iraud ' ft. Any person who reoives ft newspaper And makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held In lnw to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in ailvnnec, they nre bound to sive notico to t lie publisher nt the end of tlicir time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers nro ant horned to send It on, nnd the sub scribers will be held responsible iimil an express notice with payment of all arrears, is sent to t lie publisher. CENTENNIAL LETTER. SOME MORE INTERESTING: FOREIGN KX1IIMTS A 8WIS3 MECHANICAL BIRD "THK OLDEST 1'KOlU.K IN THE WORI.n" A SC'RAI OK HIM.I CAti HISTORY A GATHERING OK l-RIZE lTl'S WAR AMONG THE TIANO MAKERS. I-'rom our Ueguliir Correspondent VhUaddphUi, July '29th 1870. Among tho foreign exhibitors, who come in for so large a share of the honors of the fair, the greatest of miracle-worker, are the Swiss, whose experincss in labor of minute detail is shown in the many curious things of their department. As you enter the court, a crowd of amused people is press, ing upon one of the attendants, mid the notes of a- very tiny bird greet the ear. The attendant has ,in his hand a gilt and ennmel jewel box, about three inches long and a hulf wide. The moment he opens the lid a gaudy little bird of half a dozen colors springs from the inside on to n perch, and pipes a joyous, clear-throated song, flapping its wings, opening and shutting its beak, audswiugiug from side to side in the mist natural uianncrconceivab'c. The bit-d itself is about an inch in length from beak to tail, and its song lasts two or three minutes, when it springs into the box again, aud the lid closes upon it with a sharp rap: In the same cabinet are Liliputian watches, which look small by the side of a gold dollar watches supplied with the very latest im provements nnd guaranteed as good time keepers, every part of which has been wrought and put together unler powerful ninguifying-glnsses. Here is a Bteni-winder set in a hLger-ring, about a third of an inch in diameter; another scarcely larger, set in a ball-charm; and another whose case is crusted with diamonds and pearls. The price ot the firBt one is $1,100 gold, ex clusive of duty. From the SwieB department it is but one step into that of lielgium. Here the prin cipal feature, is the large array of laces from Brussels ami Mechlin. From the most gauzy pattern to the elaborately designed window cuitiins, thecntiie collection rep resents the patient and dilligeut to iliug of ninny skillful hands. lacing the centre aisle is a large pulpit and canopy, carved in the most profuse and elaborate manuer, with representations of scriptural scenes in high relief. This nnd several eideboards and bookcases and a large mantel-piece show to what perfection wood-carviug is carried on in that county. There is also a tine display of marble mantels nnd mar ble slabs, upon some of which landscapes and retires are wrought with aqnatortis;ana there are iron and steel slabs and warlike arms, linen fabrics, and in fact nearly every furm of industry is represented. Egypt, a country that occupies many pages of ancient history, salutes America with: "The oldest people in the world sends its morning greeting to the youngest nation:'' and with the greeting sends quaint statuary, precious works in wood nnd stone and cloth evidences ot her antiquity in history and her proeress in civilization. Among these exhibits are two chastely- carved blnck-wn.nut cabinets, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, ebony, and ivory suits of ormor, and barbaric horse-equipments The central cases are rilled with velvets and cloth, closely embroidered with gold and silver thread, which glistened us though every spangle was a jewel. Aud these elaborate illuminations ate the work of men of clumsy-fingered men in the city of Cairo. Ami this calls to mind a little incideut which goes to show that acquaint unce ith the details of Bibical history is not nearly so well diffused as it should be, At least there are parties who are not suffi ciently ncquamtcd with the narratives there contained to recognize them in the groups contained iu the collection in the Main liuilding cast of the transept and south ot the navo. Amongst the groups is one very elaborate one, with life-size figures, representing the Wise Men of the East bowing to the Saviour. A parly of visitors from the far-off rural districts were viewing this- Discussion aro3e concern ing the subject represented, which was finally settled by an old woman who insis ted that it was a representation of Moses in toe bulrushes. The "Id lady was sin cere and the saeredness of the subject for bade a smile at ber expense.. I am requstedto state that the necessary preparations ore being actively pushed forward for a Centennial Dog Show, which it is confidently anticipated, will excel any similar exhibition yet held in the United States- Very . gratifying responses have been received from the owners of fancy dogs in Great .Britain and Ireland, and should there be anything like a fair repre eentation of the maguiucient displays of dogs annually hold at the Crystal 1'ulace in Loudon, it will make the Centenuial Canine Exhibition worthy of the occasion Tho greatest inducements are held out by the committee to secure animals tor ex hibition. The prizes offered are of a very handsome character and silver cups from various sporting organizations in the Western Stutes. Five judges (four Ameri can and one foreign) will be appointed, and nothing left undone to make the ex hibition a great success. The entr.es will close on August 15, and parties desirous o obtaining forms cau obtain them from the office of the Agricultural Department Among the special prizes already offered. the Philadelphia Sportsman Club offers a silver eup, value $100, for the best setter dog over one year old; also, a silver cup value $100, for the best pinler dog over one year old. The Detroit Uun club oners $ 100 silver cup for the best one-year-old setter from Michigan. Several other prizes are announced by private parties and by the publishers f vurious sporting papers. The grand trophy of mineral and agricul tural produots of the United States in tti Government Building is now rapidly as sutning an appearance of completeness, as new samples are daily arriving and being placed in position. Three bales of the finest cotton from Maryland, Georgia and Texas were recently received and added to the previous collection. The columns of ooal from the MonmouUi vein, iu Ujis State has bees' gradually extended until it readies a height of forty-three' feet. Around the base are immense blocks of marble from Tennessee and Vermont. Samples of niokel, iron, South Carolina phosphates, magnetio iron ore from Lake Chnmplain, and some fine speoimens of wheat, rye, and other eereals are among the more recent arrivals. The remainder of the exhibit is expected within the next week or ten days. The task of creating such a trophy was undertaken by Prof. Dlake, in charge of the mineral department, more than a month agj, but as there has necessarily been delay in seleotlng, pre paring and transporting the samples it was found impossible to finish it as early as at first anticipated. When oompletcd, the display will he one of groat Interest, not only to Americans, but to visitors from all countries. Another of the new things is the parti, colored struoture with four towers that stands near Agricultural Hall. It is de voted soley to displaying the merits of what is callod a tea and coffee press an apparatus for making these beverages by confining the material in a strong cylinder with a sieve at the bottom and pouring the water upon it. The swelling of Hie tea. leaves or oolfce grounds produoes a strong decoclion. A ourlous feature of the inven is tTtht strong celfee can bo made with cold water, the process requiring one hour's time, however, while with boiling water about ten minutes are consumed. Now that the wenthor has coolod off, the hottest thing hereabouts ig the wnr ot the l'inno manufacturers The award of the udecs has not yet been announced, but seme of tho firms interested nre loud heir charges of a "put-up job,'' and the ontroversy bos got into the newspapers. The judges are divided in their favoritism etweeo three lending concerns--C bicker ing, Steinway and Webber ana that the thcrs have no show of proper recognition Retrenchment nnd rctorin has extended to he Centennial management, who have re ccnlly reduced expenses by discharging quite a number of gate-keepers and other employees more ornamental than useful. Rt. Paul, July 20 Mrs. Porter, widow of Lieutenant Porter, killed in 'lister's fight goes from here for her home in Maine. Twenty-eight other willows irom the same light are ex nected from Fort Lincoln for their former homes on Wednesday. Cincinnati. July 26. About two thousand workingmen assembled at Fountain ttuuare this morning, in answer to a call for a meeting to de mand "work or blooa " Speeches weee made by . X . Uury ana outers. and a column marched to tne city buildings, where the demand for work was formally made. iso trouble is anticipated. Chicago. July 20. Mrs. General Custer is still prostrated and is con fined to her bed most of the time, at Bismarck. First she was braver than any other. 81ie visited the wounded at the hospital, but her grief was too great to bear, ami she nnauy suceum bed and has frequently lain in a swoon for an hour or more, other ladies at the post have forgotten for a time thei own grief in ministering to her wants Josenh Wise, of Reno's command and just discharged, arrived at Min neanolis last night, en route to ew York. He irives a verv graphic ac- eountofthe terrible fight in the Black Hills. He denies the story that Jus ter's heart was cut out. He says that the only disfiguration on the body was a red cross on the toreneaa, wnicu in dicated that he was a great brave The other otlicers were horribly muti lated, and Wise exhibited an Indian scalp which he pulld in the .engage ment. Washington. July 27. Official re- tui-n mnilp tn the Korean of Statistics show that during theliscal year ended June SO. 1870. there arrived m tn United States, 22,572 Chinese immi grants, of whom only 2o'j were females Ot this number zi.-tw ur ved in San Francisco. Vlo in Oregon and 395 in PuL'et Sound. During the corresponding perion of 187a the total immigration to the United States from China was 16,4:17, of whom 382 were females. This shows an increase in 1876 over 187-5 of 6,135. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Fox School District for the year ending June 5th, 1870: RECEIPTS. Heed, of collector, taxes of all kinds o a" From Co. Treas. unseated lauds 1058 07 " State annronriatlon 30'J 0 From all other sources 187 IS 8715 64 EXPENDITURES. For building and furnishing house 600 00 Renting and repairing 105 7 Teachers' wages For fuel and contingencies 2073 00 80 0;' fees ot collector and treas. secretary 's salary debt and interest paid other expenses 181 2 40 00 475 10 201 04 3740 16 Amount due treasurer 30 62 BKSOUBCKS. Total resources o3IS 63 LIABILITIES. Ain't, due treasurer 0 o: ' borrowed and unpaid doJ bu Total liabilities 4414 12 Excess of resources over liabili ties S12 51 DR. II. STRAESSLY, Pres't. Attest: P. W. Hays, Sec'y. To Tub Wobkinq Class. We can furnish you employment at which you can make very large pay in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take subscribers for the Centennial Re cord, the largest publication in the United Stutes 18 pages, Ol columns; Elegantly Illustrated; Terms only $1 per year. The Record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with the Centennial year, lbe great exhibition at rnuauei- phia is tuny illustrated in detail, every body wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their country's Centennial Birthday, and want to know all abaut it. Au elegant patriotic crayon drawing pre mium pioture is presented free to each subscriber. It is entitled. "In remem. brance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Independence of the United Stales, Size 23 by 30 inohes. Any one can become a sueeessful agent for but show the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are oDlaineu everywhere. There is no business that will pay like this at present, We have agentkwho are making as high as $20 per day and upwards. Now is the time; . don't delay. Kemember it costs nothing to give the business a trial. Send for our ciroular, terms, and sample copy of paper, wnion are sent tree to all who anply: do it to-day. Complete oal&t free to those who deeide to eugsge. Farmers and me chanics and their sons and daughters make tne very cast or agents- Address. THE CENTENNIAL EfiCO, t Portland, Maine. Tim ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN VAVKVL IN ELK COUNTV. Office in Towell Rime's Ulook, RIDGWAY, TA. SUBSCRIBE,. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAlv. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WO UK! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HE AS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, F03TERS, &C. ORDERS - BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgwsy, Elk Co., Pa' I LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RE3T0RER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silky; eloanses the scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Can he applied by the hand as it does not stnin the skin orisoil tho finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. The uair is re- novated and strengthened, and natural co1 or restored without the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of (his truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of alt dai ses, as it has proved to be tho only article that will nhsolutcly without deceptiou, re store gray hair to its originnl color, health softness, lustre and beauty, nnd produce hair on bald heads of its original growth I and oolor. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed arliclo is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its uho, or accompany merit or any kind rieing required lo obtain these desirable results. Hero Is the Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. lead this Home Certificate, testified lo by Edward U. Onrrigues one of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of 1 lnlii- dclplna, a man whose veracity none can doubt. 1 cm happy to udd my testimony to the great value ot the Londou Huir Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi mil Color, and the hue appears lo 1)0 per manent. 1 am Butihnud that tins prepara tion nut a dye but operates upon tliu f.e- cretiniis. it ih also a uvuuniul uair urt-KB- ing and promotes the growl h. I purchased ihe hint Imllln from I. Iwai'l 11. (iarrigucs, di ui!,ll, Tenth and ('oals street, who can uIho rectify my hair win (iiiiln irrny when 1 commenced its uce. MKH. MlUJilt, No. 7oO North Ninth Mret-t, I'hila. Kr. Kwayim Jf Hon, lldipeoied friends: 1 1 1 11 v 0 the iileusiiro to in lor in you that a lady of my ac'iuainhirioe, Mrs. Miller is delighted Willi the mmnexs of your London Hair Color Kestorcr." Her hair was fast fulling ami (iiiite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of huir is the result. E. 11. UAUlllUUhS, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs, I'hila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 2'Jd, 1871. Dr. Swaync & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re- sloier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in the lust nino years. If you please, send me one dozeti bottles CUD care W S Fogler & Son Druggists, No 723 Trcmont street, lloslon. Itespecttully yours, At)A 13AK.LK .No oil Itutluml square. London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing Has completely restored iny hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MUS. A'ME MOKK1S, ffo 610 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dallon of Philadelphia, says of it. Tho London Hair Color ltcstorer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well ns by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PES BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAVNli SON 330 Nurth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, l'a., solo Proprietor j. SO Lit II1'4LL HilUlifjiMSTS T II K LUNGS CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous comtdainl nnd Us ri'cmouiiory symptoms, neglected coi-ghf night sweats, hoarseness, wustinz flesh fever permanently cured by CJTOS SWAYNE'S COKPOUNJi SYBOT OF 77IU CHESSY. iiUO.SOIiITIS A premonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or luttamulion of tho uiucuin mem brane of the air passages, with cuugh and expectoration, short breath, hourseness, cuius in Ihe cltcst. ror all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrnp of Wild Cherry- is A 6UVEUKION REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from the larynx, tiachiu, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness ot the vessels, weak lungs, overstraiu- ng of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction ol the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Sw ayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying j the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. Ihe ouly standard remedy for bemor- rhane, bronchial and ail pulmonary cun- plaints. Uon?uuiptive8 or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con cumpt-on, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its uso the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to lis natural standard. the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate tho food, and every organ has a purer and belter quality of blood supplied to it, out ot which new re creative und pUstio material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE&SON, 339 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Fbominent Dbuuoists. Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosiTivcLT cured by the use of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases I'ruritus or Pru rigo, or more oommouly known as Itohing Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a box of S wayne's Ointment; its use gave nuick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure, lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without hnding and perms nent relief. JUStrii W.CHRIST. (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Boot and Shoo House 844 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a speoibo for letter, itch, Salt Rheum, 8 Bald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er- ruptioDB. Perfectly Bafe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price 50 cents. Bent by mail to any address on re ceipt or price. SWAYNES PANACEA. ueieoraiea an over me worm lor its renta ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Pyphil itio eooplaints. Describe symptoms in all oommicanutio address ns'.etteis to DR- snd SON, Philadelphia. -n7yl. Ueo. Woods & Co.'S PARLOR Thee f-rilTV-inl-: in tni-nrim po c."iTi.i-;.ti-: frr Adapted lor Air...tcur and I'r- f l"inl, anil an orliiiieiil P.m. WOODS A. CO.. WiltKI:OOMSi '.0S Wn-l.incton St.. Fimton; II 1L. I L I ' " I ill rnm wwSS? !! b 6 Y&r ;ti3v- i AiO? vii;: 1 ' fi&a '.uM, ' f I rr-TTTp -f?ri"V TJTTMA'MA - U"i!i. Macil Journal of selected music ana vamaDie renaing XilU VU1 ilUL'lAllA. matter, l.v in.til f"r Si per year, or ten cents a number. Each number Di.t miii (r -. j lo -i worth ..f i he fn.-at sekcttil music. A CARD To all who an: siifli.-riiio; from the t-rrorH nnd iniUHfretiorm oi youin. ihtvoiih wi-iikriwK, tfitrly k-oay, loss of niwihooil, I will n-ril a, rn'-ipe tlmt will curt! yon, FKKK OPCIfAKOIv This fn-iit n-tn:ly wax Ii-:v'-r-I hy a ints fcloniiry in South America. ri;iil u e.i.-lf U'l'lri-HH(!1 t,-nvflot- to tin; Kkv. Jokki'ii T. I.vma.v, Sta'i'jn J). Jlihlr. JIhukc Nciv York City. Aitletons American Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages otjee iu two months, is the best Cyclopedia in Am erica, in certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs 83 a month to get it in leather binding. Tho best and cheapest library iu the world. Addres?, U. K. Judson, irjduuia, JN. 1. THE BEST YET for AGENTS' Sales is Of It If JEJaVf IVOJC A manuM ot Ktiquetto and Dress of the Best American Society by Mrs- E. S. Duffey- Will sell at sight in every house Is indispensible to all who desire to get ahead in the world Written with great ability, Printed and bound splendidly. Sold at low price. The only book on this subject sold by agents, and will sell better than any other work in the market. 'Jtrcuiars ana terms sent on immediate upplicat.ou lo the puh- lisners. J. M. STODDAHT . Co , 723 Chestnut St., I'hila. NEW JIVBltY STAULE IN DAN SCIUBNEll WISHES TO IN form the Cittzens of Itidgway, a ml the public goLerally, that he hue started a Liv ery Stablo nnd will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAiSllIAGES Busies, to let -apou the most reasons ble terms ac,lle will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Otlice will meei prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Keystone Printing Ink Co. HAHUFACTL'BEBS OF PRINTING HTKS. (Book and News a Specially,) No. 17 North 5th Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Our Inks are of a superior quality, being made from the best ingredients and under the personal supervising of a practical printor and pressman, therefore we will UCABNTKE EVliBY POUN D OP INK 8 01,1) to be of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Diying and entirely Free from Settiug-Off. Our Prices are from 30 to 50 per cent, lower than any other Inks manufactured in the United btiucs. A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks in times past. Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address ...... n r n ii V" T. . .1 "I IL-I- -n No. 17 North 5th Street nl9l3 Philadelphia, Pa. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES H- IIAGE11TY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. IIY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES n. IIAGERTY. Subscribe for the Advocate. ORGhAJNTS sag; jg x - -v-'-tt ira-i 7 riusial effects and expression nevir before stuiacd. 1:1 any parlor, w Deauiliui new Olin, nvw wi Cambride'eDOrt. Mass. 17(1 Ktntc St.. Chicago; 88 Lndgate Hill, toadoa. btU. WUUUS & LU-, rUOIIsners, wmonugepon, mmw FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Sprlny Crrek School District for the year ending June bth, 1870, Hiram Kiscniiuin Collector Dr. To hal. due on Duplicate of 1874 (5(1 14 " ain't- of duplicate "1&75. 2 370 09 412 23 Hiram Eiwiiinan Collector Cr. Hy ain't, jiaiil over to Trcrasucr 610 "9 ' uiiHetttwl returns to co com. 1618 77 " Routed " " " " 3 72 " exonerations on duplicate 43 37 o percent, col. ice on ?biu,7'J lmid over ?0 53 " bal. due district 1020 62 $2442 23 KKCKU'TS. Front colk'ctor Eisennian 610 "9 " county trctiH. Windfr'Mer 150 00 " " " Mt-Cuuley 610 0O " state appropriation lor yenr ending June 1H75 99 61 Balance due treasurer Irwin 09 $1470 3D KXI'KNDITITKKS. Paid teachers 1232 00 " for fuel and contingencies 47 25 " ' Imilding out houses re pairs Arc. 57 34 .Salary of Sect'y for year ending June 1876 25 0t " on bill, due former treas. 75 1,0 '' interest on teucherH orders 4 97 2 per cent, tmis com. on $1441. 47 disbursed 28 83 $1470 89 ASSKTTS. lial. duo from (.'ol. Eisenman " " former treas. 102 05 13 21 S4S61 1835 98 co. treas. ind- feldei- it M'Caulcy 220'J 85 INABILITIES. Unpaid order in favor of iciicheix I. U tt ii former treasurer 4H2 72 175 81 " for fuel and contingencies Tial due treasurer I .twin J9 18 0! lo42 05 -2299 85 Aiwetw exceed liabilities A A RON' FlihMKIl, rtesideiit of Board. C'ounteivifrned. M. Korkrr, Sec'y. TV THE i l'1'lZt'.NS OF PENNSYL MA. Your alteiiliiin is specially invited to the fact thit the National Banks arc now prepar .il lo receive tubsui ipthuis lo the Capital .Shu I; ot the Centennial Hoard of l-'iiianco. The funds realized from ihis soul co are to be employed in the erec tion of Ihe buildings lur the Internationa Exhibition, und llio expenses connected with the name. It is confidently believed that the Keystone 8tale will be represented the name of every citizen alive to pntri. c uomniunioriil lou ol Hie ono liundredtu birth day of the nation. The shares o slock nre ottered for ilO each, and sub serihi rs will receive a handsome engraved C'evtiticaic of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as u national memorial. Interest at the rale ol bix percent, per annum will bo paid ou all payments of Cen tennial Slock from dale of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not ncai a Nation Bank can remit a check or post otlice order to the undersi gtied. FUKD'K fcUALEY, Treasurer, Dili Walnut St., Philadelphia Caution. AU persons arc hereby warned not to purchase or meddle with one Mosler & bahnian lire proof wafe purchased by the undersigned ut Sherilf's Sale, anil left in the ease of A. J. Avery of Weed ville, until convenient to remove the same, us the said A. J. Avery has no interest in said sate. E F. AVERY. Weedviilo, April 1st-, 1S76- n8tf. Patents! Persons desiring to takeout Patents, or desiring information from the U. S. Patent Ofttce, should consult F. A LEIIMA, Solicitor of American i iiFoRRiGN Patents Washington, D. Q. Examinations free. KO PATET Is O PAY. Send for Circular. nl5-lm. LOUIS HAAS, MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD, CROQUETTE AND TEE PUT BALLS, Turner in Horn, Hard and Soft Wood All kinds of Tool Handles, c. Rear of 220 North Second St., (Second Floor,) Philadelphia, Pa. n 10-41. WANTED! General Agents in every town in the United States for the Adjustable Pick, vitas. combination of eight tools complete in one vii: pick, mattock, adze, lamping iron, sledge, axe and pole head, or any other tool that can be inserted in sockets at about one fourth cost of ordinary tools. J. V. Latfibtt, Adjustable Pick Co., 133 8ntrth 2d St., Phila., Chamber ef Com-jnerce.