G. A. RATHBUM, Atlornoy-at-Uw,, RidgVtiy, Tb. 2 tf. HALL '& M'UAULEY, ' Attomoy's-at-Lw. . Office i'n New B'rlelt Building, Aaa SI Kidnway, Elk Co., Ph. v3n2tf. . J, 6. IP, BAIL EY, ATTORNEY-T-i-AW. Vlni.i1. KUlgTTfty, Elk County, Th. Agent, for tlio Traveler's Life nd Aco) 'dent Innurftnce Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES V. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offors 1'3 professional eer vices to the citizens of Hidgvn-.y cina s'jr founding country. All work Warranted. OlEce in Service & Wr-eclc'r's Building, up. 'stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-22-ly G. G. MESSED GER, Druggist and rarrr-aceutiBt, fT. W. cornei of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Ta. full assortment of cnrefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Ollice in Drug Store, corner liroad and Main Bts. Residence corner liroad St. opposite the Jolleg'e. Ollice hours from 8 lo 10 A. M. and lroni 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. J. S. LORD WELL, M. ID., Eclectio rii;-ioinn mid Surgcoti, has remov ed his ollice horn Ce'itre street, toMnii si. llidgway. Pn in the second story of the hew brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Offieo hour: 1 ti 2 P M 7 to UPM HIDE HOUSE, Piidqway, Elk Co., Pa . r. II. SCHHAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tlio pntrohago hcrctot'ore Bo liberally bestowed upon him, the new iircprietor, hopes, ty paying strict ai .cntion to the comfort and convenience ol Quests, to rherit a continuance ci t lie aniuo. , , Oct 30 18fJ'j. KERSEY HOUSE, btiiVrasviLLi:, Elk Co., Ya. Joi'n CoLt!:;s, Proprietor. ' Thauki'ul for the pntrcupge hefctotort bo libcrilly bestOTTed upon him, the new Proprietor, lope-:, ly paying strict in tention to the coiufurt rt-d convenient1 of guests. t'iiierit .1 continuance of the same. r. W. HAYS, iKA!.E. IN Dry Geods, Motions, Grccsries. and General Variety; FOX ELK CO,, PA. Ear leg I, it- ln47if. fTT,ij?T. ,' sr rrn r r - Wiitchniai'.ir, Engraver and .Tcwclcr Main Btreet, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Ilowc Sc.vinj Machine, and Morton Gold fen. Repairing Watches, etc, docewith he tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vluly Ridgway Cemetery, Lofs are now ofiiered for sole by the Ridgway Cemetary Aceociotion in tho new Cemetery. Tho present low price for lots may soon Ve advanced. Apply at the o&ce of , W. S. KAMCLEN,- Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875'. n-'J'J r YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAOERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. iRY GOObS, NOTIOyS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND OMARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. tl. vjcaTi Dli'iYna c viSiin 6cDstantlj on hand, BDd' sold' as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. A general stock of winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K's. Fresh family Groceries', end Canned goods at P & K's. The cheapest and est- Give the Advocate office a call for bill h'cads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for your cards railroads: PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON andaftcr SUNDAY, AP HIL 10, 1876 t"he trains on the Philadelphia & Eria. Railroad willron as follows t . WE8TWAHD. NIAGARA EX leaves P.enovo.... " ' Driftwood., " ' " Emporium " " ' St Marys.., " " " Ridgway.., nrr nt. Rnnn. , 4 20pm 6 14pm 6 00 p in 7 05 p m 7 p m 8 45 p m ERIE AiAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 G5 p m " nenovo ltuoam " ," " Emporium 105pm St. Mary's............. 1 So p m AV1UVVUJ ' " Kane...... " arrivo ftt Erie......... ERIE EX leaves Renovo. " ' ' Drifiwood.. ' .'' Emporium. 1 . 1i! , . J. V i p m ...S.40 p in . 7 60 p m 12.00mid't ...1.18 a m ..'2 20 a m " " St. Marys 3.21 am " " llidgway.... " ' Kane. " " an. at Erie EASTWARD. ,..:). 61 a m ...5.:jo a m ..10.05 a m DAY EX leaves Kans .(5.00 a m it Ku'gway O.uli a m, " V Si Marys..... .....7 05 a ni " " Emporium 8 10am ' Drift vood 8 68 pm " " Rcnovo 10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erio 11.20 a m " Kane 4 05 p m " " .Ridgway 6.10 pm " . " St. Mary's 6.48 p m ' " Emporium...... 0.55 p in ' " " Rcuovo 8.55 p m " arr. at Philadephia... C.50 a m PHILAD'A EX leaves Brie 7.00pm " " " Kane......l2.00mid't '' ' " Ridgway ...1.07 a ni " ! Wt Marys... 1.131 a m " '.' " Ktnporium..2.30 a w " '! Driitwood..3.20 a m " Renovo 5.15 am Renovo Accom and Kane Accom connect cast and west nt East with Low Grade Di vision and R N Y ft P R R 1VM, A. BAIDlVlN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW HVERY STABLE is m DAN SClllL'NKlt WISHES TO IN form the Cittzens of Ividgvraj, ahd the public generally, tliat lie has started a Liv ery Stable And will te;t GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Unties, to let vpon the eicst reason blc ternu E3iHo will also do job ter.n.ing. Stable C'i Broad street, above Main All orders loft attlie Post O'liee Kill jreel prompt nitention Aug 20 1370. !. TOlil'VTURK We itre now pvepnrcd V to do nil kinds of JOIJ WORK, hnvelepes. Tags. Pill-heads., .Letter heads neatly and choti'ply executed. Olhee in Thayer & liberty's new building, Main street Ki .'gwr.y, Pn. . AIjiucjs eheapcr tliao ever befo known at P. & K's TJ? Tliistle Edf'.iim isthconlv fitllv Illustrated Edifio'i "f " Sir Walter Soott's WAVEELEY HOVELS of American tni!;o, nn.d is ''(he liest edition of the !st Fnglisb noveliwt.'' The IkkiU.s Mi j staudnrd, uml vill fjoll for all time. The mechanical execution i.s of the hesf . ,'J'ho pvice Js of tho low est. Agents wanted evcywhore, to whom liberal tenn.i and exclusive ter ritory nre oltei'"il. Foi'ty-eiiiht 'olu'ii', jivrartr 400 jtajres t'ah. and containing nearly 2,000 illustrations 'ViU eomplete tli'e series. Suhserihevs fc'ij'pli'd v itli two voluni"s (a eotnpU'te wovk) monthly, El.GVKX jldNTJIS' J)i:f IVKHIErf (21 V(ll- uiiK's) tire liov.' ready. Price-in cloth gilt extra per volume $1.50; Half Tur key gilt top S2.25. For tonus etc, ad dress .1:1. J. HALE tf- SON Publishers 17 Murray Sfret York. A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of Debility end Sick ness fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr (). l'HELPS ' UUOWX, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, X. J. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN who ii nilifig in any way should ssnd and get a copy at once, as it is sent free, prepaid by mail. Address the author as above. vCnllOt Xew Time Table; jTastwavd.' DAY EXPRESS G 53 A. M. ERIE MAIL - R:13 P. M. PHILADELPHIA EST. .1:07 A. M. Westward.' NIAGARA EXPRESS 7:35 P. M. ERIE MAIL 2:22 P. M. ERIE EXPPES3 3:51 A. M. The Niagara Express makes the fastest time of tiny train off the road. Leaving Kniie at 6 A..M., it arrives in Philadelphia at 9 P. M.; returning it leaves Philadelphia ut 7:20 A, M.; and arrives at Kane at 8:45 P. jr. QUOTATIONS White, Powell a Co. RANKERS AND BROKER3, No. 42 South Third Street' Philadelphia, April 18sh, 187ff rin. . , asked U. S. 1881. do 0-20,0 1 do do dp do do da do do do do i e 122 122J Co. M and N 1 Called Go do ; f '05 do ..122 '65 J and J...........1U 110J 'tT do lli 12l 'C8 do 121 12:J 10-40. do coupon 1221118? do Pacific ti's cy Int. off 118A 127 Ncw&'sKeg. 1881.... 127 117 J' " U. H7J 117i Gold...:...;.' 1171 112$ o:i ..... Pennsylvania ;...112J 62 G2f 44 i .... 441 m Iteadinjr Philadelphia & Erie " Lehigh fifrngation do Valley United R II of N J ex. Oil Creek '. Northern Central... ex 17 45 45 135 div.;67 101 ...... Ui 84 ,'di? 0 47: Central Transportation ... 47 bit ... 62f 84 ...103 104 Isesquehoning.. C & A Mortgage C's '89 t . ... j . mm m t7 rr', (SO TIIUHSDAY, JU?fE 22ND, 1870. ArriTftl and Departure of Mails. Eastern Daily except Sundays; ar rives at 2:22 p. m., leaves at 5:10 p. in. Western l)ailv exeept 8undays: leaves at 2:22, arrivcs at 5: 10 p. m. jjrookville Daily execyt wuntiays; arrives at 12 m., leaves at 2:30 p. ni. .Nnrinir (.'reek Arrives J. tiesdavs and Thursday at it a. in.; leaves Wednes days arm Fridays t U a. m. Lodge Weetings', Elk Lodge, No. 3?!), A. Y..M.. meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Elk Chanter. No. 230. It. A. M.. meets tho third Tuesday of each month in Masonic Hall. Knium tJomntattdery. Vo, 40, K. T. meets the fourth Thursday of each month in Masonic Hall. Comity Officers. President Judgc- IIon. E. I). Wet more Associate Judge"!- Hons. J. K. Whit- more, C'has. Lulu-. Sherilt Davel teull. Treasurer Jacob MeCauW. District Attorney J. K. P.' Hall. Co. Superintendent Geo. K. l)ixon. Prothonotary, &C Fred. cho?i)ing. Deputy l'rotlronotaryW. S. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert. W. H. Osterhout, Georga Iteuscher. Coriniissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, 11. 1. Siiang- ler, C-eorgi.1 Rothrock. Township Officers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Veuli'dd. P. It. ymith. . . Justices of the Poac? Charles Mead, Jas. 1). FitUcrton. School Directors v. U. Grant, Jas. Otivdner. O. T. Whcl'r. N. T. Cum niiiigs, W. H. Spt-vico, Eng. J. Miller. Supervisors 0. 15. Fiteh, Jas. ltiley. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. S. KJii'e. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Wahnsley. Auditors J. H. Hiigertv, Jahies Ven field, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable I. W. Mergester. . . Miurcliesi J. utheran Kov. I. Erenneniai', pas tor. Services every alternate Sunday, in both English ad German,, at 11 a. in. and 7 . in. Su"diiy school at 10 a. in. Geo. Walker, Superintendent; J. O..W. P.ailey, assistant. Grace Episcopal; ltcy. Wm. James Miller, rector. Servlcs every Sunday at the usual hours, 1 1 a m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at . Jo a. m. A.U are cordially invited to attend. Seats free. Methodist Itcv. AYni. Martin, pastor. Services every Sund.iy at 11 a, nt. ami 7 p. m. Sunday school at i':30 a. m. C. V,. Ilolladay, supei-in-tendent; Geo. I'.. Dixon, assistant. Young Folks' liitde Class at 3 p! m. Itomaii Catholic-Rev. Father Maher liastor. Services every other S'inday at 10 a. in. Cir.br late the dicuments. Tin: prospect for tin "hundant grass crop is good. Jhhomi: l'dv'Ki.i.'H fnrm liou'vn 1ms been raised. Tin: weather has (iren nuile cool for a few days past. . Fhank Pai.lm.: has erected a new barn on. his property near the P. & E. It. It track. J. S. H.vnK lias had new picket fence put upon his lot at tho corner of Main and Depot f-treets. SiN'ii: the return ff specie pay. ments a nickel sounds just as loud as a quarter in the contribution box. Titkhh seems to be slim prospects of a Fourth of July celebration in this place. Such a thing oitght not to be. Tru;t:t: was a good Hood in our streams the early part of this week. Somo lumber was successfully run out. Wi: understand Company If has received an invitation to attend the celebration at S. Mary's on the Fourth. J. (). W. 15aii,i;y has moved his law ott'ice into the room formerly occupied by Fred. Schoenir1 & Co. in the Her. vice block. Tin-: 'Vhistlet'rvii pvoperty has again changed hands. The natiie of the new 11 rm is Tho Whistletown Lumber Co. Thaix agents have lately been put on the P. fc E. Railroad.' They col lect the fares, while tho conductor runs tho train. 31. S. Kuxe litis been appointed Assessor in place of J. , Kime, elected tit ilic Hpvfng election. Mr. Kime was obliged to decline owing to business obligations. Tin-: he was a large crowd it' St. Mary's last Sunday on the occasion of the dedication of tho English Catholic Church (it that , place. A special train was run from Kane to St. Maiy's. Hon. Jxo.'U. II T.l is as candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Senafor in the district composed of Cameron, Clarion, Forest and Elk. If a Democratjuust have the place we hope Mr. Hall will be successful. Tn irc or this The Auvocate of. fice is prepared to do all kinds of bill heads', white or colored, letter-heads, note heads, cards, shipping-tags, en velopeF. circulars, visiting cards, etc., at reasonable rates. Office over Powells & Kime's fctor'e, Main street. We printed bill's this week for J. K. Chamberlain of Brandy Camp as fol. lows: Strayed or stolen from the premises of J.'S. Chamberlain, on the night of June 14th 1870, one light bay mare, about fifteen hands high, with star on forehead' small scar or callous on right bhoulder, caused by a cut when young. Any person returning said mare or giving any information of her whereabouts will be liberally rewar. ded. The Warren Mail contains the fol lowing sensible piece of advice which our young friends will do well to heed: Don't change tddcH of the walk with a lady when yovi cross the street, says an exchange. Jt is nri evidence of verdancy. Place a lady on your right hand, whether .plio will bo Inside or outside of tho Walk. Then turn to the right and that, will bring you be tween the lady and 'persons passing in the orjpcslte 'direction. This is a short chapter for young gentlemen. , On Monday morning last the second section of fast freights west was thrown from tho track near Bridgetown (west of Wiilmarlh) by n-misplaced tail, and seven cars were totally wrecked, and the engine W'lth three Irteh in the cab thVpwn down the em bankment into jtli'e Clarion river, and st range to fay none of them were in- jurcd seriously. The wrecked cars! contained sewing machines n& gen, eral merchandise. ... i Cleveland, .Tune 10 In the case of the Pennsylvania Transportation I Cempany against the Oil Creole Kail road Company, which was tried in May last in the Common Pleas of Crawford county, Pennsylvania, fori $l'.i7,283 in fay or of plantiU", the Ones- ! tion was raised ; as to whether" the I contract sued upon was within the powers of the contracting parties, j which . point was reserved by the 1 court for future adjudication.- To-j day Hon. W. II. Eowrie, Vrcsidine' judge, read an opinion, wherein he ainrmed tnp validity and legality or i the contract, and dll'ccted final judg. mcnt to be entered for pla'intiU' for the , full amount of tl:o verdict. This is an important yar it) the history of tin country and it is r eccs snvy that every cHifen should be in formed of passing events ih tho politi cal world. We would therefore sug gess the idea of subscribing for the Advocate. We intend to issue a good paper containing from fifteen to twenty columns of reading matter each week, keeping prigres4 vith all the important politicil svmts of the ilay, and giving I'csides a large variety of misccllanous reading matter. AVe will send the Advocate for 75 cents f-ori new until the first of Decern her. Ei.opkm ext. A hn-se jockey, named Win. Kellcy, w'il-l'i'own in Warreiij imd who married Miss Lucy Messncr, daughter of Mr. Wm. Meas lier, of Warren, some three yeai-s ago against the wishes of hei parents, has his name hi the papers ir a new role, Kellcy has lately been attending the races in Madison Tndiaia, where he met Miss C'litra Cavit, datglitor of a prominent citizen of that place, who was smitten with his style. Last week they made a runav at match of it, as Jher parents were opposed to Kellcy, and were last seen in Cincin nati. His Warren wife bra been liv ing in THusville, at the American Hotel. She biw many friends in Warren, and is to be congratulated in thus being rid of a wound"-! Tor a husband. "Marry in haste, and re pent at leisure" is again verified in actual f-ict. Warren Mail. It i believed tha- tho nomination of Itu.WB v-Hl nccuiT llm Vutos of tho Ito fornicrs, and their influence besides. Itcv. Dr. Woolsev, E-Vreslilciit of Yale College, and one of ill's leading r.eformei-s,says be likes ''Hayes' hard money views, and has g'-neral trust in him." It will be reiiicnilcred that when Carl Schurz lotiirred from Europe l-st full he scarcely halted in New York, but hatem-d to (bio to speak in behalf of the candidacy of Uuthford 15. Haves for (Jovernor of that Sf'do, ami it is thought that he was one of thom.'i'n age nts in Ids elec tion. Schui". will not otilv stump Ohio iiV hisbhalf this su'iiimer and fall, but also the principal States in the Union, and as liis inllu.-iu t over the cili'ens of Gorman decent is very great lie will, without doubt bo able to reiid-r important service, in the approaching campaign, for., the lie- miblican nartv. AVe, of coipsr, would havo preferred either Hartranft or Bristow, but all things taken into con sideration, perhaps tbeCjncinnati Con vention did the. best, thing under the circumst'in'cos that cotdd bftve been done. There can be n'o doubt of this, if, as tl'e United rrcnbijtvrini which was for Blaine says, the nominee was "foreordained" by the Oinnis;'ient Ruler of the world. Pittsbaryh Dis patch v The Polite Caxpidates. A waggish farmer living a few miles south of. this city, says the candidates arc-getting to be as plenty as black berries, and that a move polite and ob liging set never existed. Hs: s"ys if lie happens to be getting ready in the morning to go out and gather potato bugs, there is some man ready to ac company him, and that after they had got pretty well warmed up in business the stranger bhin-Tl? reminds li m tiiat he is a candidate and would be under everlasting obligations lo him for his support. If ho goct toxical bark,' hoe corn or potatoes, chop wood, wash sheep, split rails, or any other occupation, however menial, ho has ofi'ers of assistance from grangers who turn out to be the self-sacilieiiig in dividuals known as candidates. Borne of them are wonderfully social, and have not the. slightest objection to as sist the "gude wife" by wiping dishes churning, or rocking the cradle Eric DixpoAuh, A terrible accident, resulting in tlie loss of two lives, occurred at Modoc City, in the Oil 1'egioiV, last Saturday forenoon. A boiler belongiugi to the Hope Oil Company, on the Troutman farm exploded with terrible force, in. sta'ntly killing two men, named John Lynch, and M. Skinner. Lyueh's head w as blown off. arid Skinner was crushed to a jelly. Both, leave .large families. The boiler was thrown GOO feet, striking an iron tank, cutting a large hole iu its side. About 7,000 barrels of oil raii.out, proving a total The remains of John' Lynch were taken to his mother In Summit town shin and were brought to this city yesterday and interred in the Catholic cemetery lour nines jrom ine city. -ie impatvn. Oil Fire Iii Bratlforrf, . . Tlie Bradford jVcm Pro. gives tlio following af cour t of a disastrous con flagration wiitch occurred on Tuesday, Si'nc 13th: . .... Yesterday noon, during a heavy thunder shower, the lightning set fire to ti'O gas from the Olmslead well, No. 1. (owned by Flishcr fe Earner) cm tue Kanford farm, n'-nr the twenty two thousand barrel tank, owned by the McKean County Pipe Lino. Some men were engagod in pulling the tub ing for tho pu'-pose of putting in a torpedo, when n. flash cf lightning came, and siniultsneou,sly with its de cent, the rig took fine barely allowing a man Viio wns up on tlje. derrick, . tunc to escape. The de'rlck was very soon consumed, the fire , spread with great rapidity to the tank house and tank containing two hundred barrels of oil, and enveloped it In flames. The immense volumes of smoke which poured forth, soon begun to at tract attention and hundreds rushed to the spol to -witness the exciting scene. It immediately became evi dent that the large iron tank owned by the Producers'" Consolidated ,Land & Petroleum Company was In danger. In a slmrt time the wooden tank burst, sending tho oil in all directions and enveloping the iron tank in a sheet of flame. The gas ignited with aloud explosion, and the spectators, half tVanlio with fear, hurried away to places of greater safety.. In 'a few moments the immense reservoir with its 522,000 barrels of oil was enveloped in a mass of black smoke and flashes of red tfanvs. The lire was not long confined to the immediate lu-iuhb'ii.'h.ood ,of the iron tank, hut . niched down tward flic railroad and Kennedy's steam mill. . In turn it swept away two twelve hundred barrel, tanks, belong ing to Prentice & Co., Jackson . & Wal ker's well, 'o .4, and a tank contain ing two hundred barrels of oil: J. B. Farrei's .veil, (formerly owned by Chambers A: Co.) and a tank contain ing over two hundred li'ivrcN; two of Prentice & Co. welis and tanks; a'oout forty empty wooden ear tanks, be longing to Prentice iC- Co., pumps, ap paratus for loading oil, and other ma chinery atid veil f ttings owned by the Pipe Line; five ear loads of oil that bad just been loaded, a dwelling house owned by a man by tho name of Itiicy; iind.a cuauitv of lumber and shingle's, belonging to P. T. Kennedy. Pi'cutiee & Co., are the heaviest lossers, but a portion of their losses to t lie amount of Ot 1,000 is covered by in surance. The other losses are about as fol lows: Jackson &. AVallU-r, SJ.OOU; J. 15. Farrel, ?2,Q0O; Prentice fc Co., property outsi do of iron tauk, 10,000 iron rank and and oil, ?(io,000; FliHher & Farner, $2,000; dwellimr house owned bv Kiloy,'v'j00; Erie Hallway, fS,0iK). . The total loss will he in. the neighborhood o' 'Ki.oOO. Later. The flames burst forth with increased fury at half-past one o'clock this movninir, lightlmr up the v,-huV country with the brilliancy of day. Inafevv moments the sides of the tank collapsed, - and the burn ing oil run down toward the creek, hut was prevented feoni reaching it by the railroad Y, which runs west of town. . At three o'clock tha. flames began to subside. . It is yumon-d that another rig lias been destroyed. Treasurer New lias tendered his rasignn. tion, to toko effect from tho 1st of July. The House lins passed the hill pro7iilinff for aa equalization of bountiea. Tlio Bay S-i(r.ir Pefirery id Can Francisco wis destroyed y irc ycrterdny. boss, 8S5fi,(IOt.. Tlie Ecnato pa Ti'.cc b-y cngngc l in nn animated disccssicn on the Indian question but cime to no conclusion concerning th, proposed, transfer of the Bureau from the Interior to tho War Department. Cciitoiiu'nl Letter. SIX WEEKS CiOXE AND WTOCK 8TILE JilSI.NO THE I'lIAT HOY AT THE EX HIBITION DECISION" OF IF ACiHI tTI.Ti:UAL JL'HY THE WOMEN'S di-1'Ahtm: ent r it epaking Eoit th e cEoniut's rornrii a bw, ueli.. Krc'ht our Regular CVrrcspond' iit.l Philadelphia June 20 ) 870 Tlje sixth week of tlie Exhibition opened well and Is closing active. A steady increase iu tlie attendance is still not'cable. F.vcn rainy days art no drawback to tlie enjoyment of visitors for if tlie avenues and walks are wet and muddy, and the air damp, the interior of. the buildings afford a dry, comfortable, and most entertain ing retreat. A ludicrous incident occurred on Tuesday at one of the en trance turnsliles. A fit boy a home specimen from Illinois and a rival to Parniun's presented himself at the usual place of entrance but was to his own dismay unable to pass through. The gatekeeper were powerless to render assistance or advice. Their orders were to permit nobody to pass into the grounds except through the stile, and yet this applicant was in tlie most literal sense a "body." AVhat was to bo done. Tin boy had his fifty-cent piece in his hand and de manded admission. Tlie Depatment of Admissions was applied to, a hurried consultation was hold, and as a last resort the heavy youth was ad mitted through the wagon gate. Tlie AVomen's Department at the Exhibition ia one of the things not to bo sneezed at. The New England kitchen is quite a centre of attraction, and is one of those distinct features that a person is likely to inspect sev eral times. Tlie ladies, under the superintendence of Mis Emma South- wick, have been extremely fortunate in securing many objects of special interest for exhibition, which arc doubly notable by reason of their novelty and ace. A combination of quaint architecture, antiquated furni ture, and tlio epochal costumes of the attendants gives one a pleasing view of life in New England a century ago. There is a chair that was brought from Old England in tho second ship that lauded on our coast; and another made in Delivers, Mass., over 205 years ago, which has descended from the family of Governor Endicott. Under ueath a clock, Bald to have been made 108 years ago is John Alden's writing. desk which was brought oyer in tlie Mayflower, The , fireplace is glimpse of history in Itself. Hanging over the fire on the crane are two of the oddest-looking kettles said to have come from England in the Card- . . vjelt. i On the mantle arc, the ti'ider box, the crarjc-lainp and other ancient articles, above which hung, tlie old flint-lock musket and powder-horn. At tire side of the fireplace is a,sniall but C?at spinnjng-whecl, .which , ac cording to Mrs. General Cunningham, was brought to this country in tho Maiftower. Years ago it was thrown osidc as useless, but w hen , the Cen tcnnirl mqycipent begun, to extend Its Influence, over tho country a Miss Tower took hold of it, burnished it up and put It iii condition to ho operated on by her much to the amusement of the visitors. Alongside of the wheel is a chest of drawers sold to be 200 years old, an .assertion its appearance fully jitstifU-s.. the truth of. At the other side of the heal th hangs a sad dle, nindo 170 years ago, and ft sample of the kind used entirely by the gen tility Of that .day., Against the walls hangs a commission 'granted lo Lieu-' tenant-Colonel Nathan ;,P-ivreU from John Hancock first governor of Massa chusetts in 17S1. A W' pendent is a sword worn by Colonel Barrett in the niemprable Concord flght of April 10th 1773, w hen ho was only a captain. A pewter platter, said to have been made a century ago, is suspended be sides a canteen of tho Involution and a wooden plate tilled with marks of time, but which originally formed a portion of a fashionable young lady's weding outfit. On "an old fashioned sideboard is arrayed flic china-ware in vogue dtiring-the llevolut'on with its peculiar-ligured plates and many colored cups and s'titcers. There is a veri table whistle made from a pigs tail over which is placarded the fol lowing Pnes! "There's n porycrb as ancient as Sco land's tb'stle That out of a pig'stall you can't make a whistle ; i ' t AVe believe we've accomi:l'sh -d the wonderful, thing And all who may wish can make the tail sing. And these are not all tlie unique ex hibits in this Department, of which 1 shall sheak aerain hereafter for the benefit of your lady readers' . Yesterday I had a look at the famous AYiscousi'i War Eagle. "Old Alio" now on exhibition iii Agricul tural Hull. This old votran of w hom nearly everybody has heard was cap tured by a Chippewa Ivdian In Northern AViscmsin, in JS(I, and was carried by tlie fcih Vi-iconsin regi ment three years, passing through 2-3 battles. Ac afterwards became a "(State P.ii-d" and has frequently been on cxhibitation for charitable objects earning over 525,000. AVhile in the building I learned that the jury on agricultural muchinevy have decided to abandon the old priictico of field trials, hciieveing that no fair estimate of the value of machines can be formed from such trials; The quality of durabilityf for instance, which is one of the most important in the compe tition of reapers, plows &c, cannot be ascertained at all by a single exhib ition of. their working. . .The jury will therefore, merely examine the machines as they stand in Agricul tural Hall, and will recommend such makes as seem to c'.mibine the most improvements. A conflict of authority, has arisen etween the Centennial Commission rs and the Centennial Board of Fi nance, tlio taller contending tnat as they .are entrusted with the money md their olllerrs are under heavy bonds for tlie proper expenditure of it, they should havo absolute control of the funds. They therefore decline to pay some unek-'-s salaries and other xtravagancies. The preponderance of legal opinion and public sympathy appears to be with the Board of Fi nance, who have .so judiciously guarded the purse-strings against the moonshine of pompous figureheads. Arrangements for tho 4th of July de monstrations are in jirogrcss though there are indications that (he. parade won't be so large an alnur r.s was con templated. A disposition was mani fested on the part of the commission to have the ceremonies tako place within the Centennial ('.round1, but good sense has prevailed to make It a free show on that day, and Indepen dence Square has been selected as the spot. Governor Hartranft will take command. Governor Tilden will also appear at (lie head of tlie New York column. New York could turn out a splendid display but no appropria tion was made by tlie legislature for expenses of regiments and only some of the wealthier ones wiil bo able to come without that aid. The new bell for Independence Hall arrived from Troy a day or two o. ft is a delicate little tiling weighing only 1:5,700 pounds and measuring sevpn feet in height and 23 J iu circumference. Some of tlio material of which it is cast was melted from old cannons .'captured from the British ut Saratoga in the revolution ary war. Tlie bell bears the mode inscription: ''Presented Jo the. city of Philadelphia July 4 1875, for the belfry of Independence Hall, by citizen." Around the lip is the motto. Proclaim liberty ; throughout all the land unto all tlie inhabitants thereof." and at the top, '-Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace good ill toward men." It will be hung In the belfry at once but will not be rung until noon on July 4th, when it will peal forth thirteen strokes, one for each of the original states. , Thousands of people have engaged quarters here for periods ranging from the 25th lust, to the 10th of July, and on the Fourth tho crowd will be im mense. - . . .... New goods, every day in the yea except Sundays apd legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Ceotral Store of P. & K's. No bragging trouad. Call for wlutyou want. v - ,.. - , NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS.- POSITIVELY-CURED'. ,AVI-n 'lentil wm hmrly expectod from CONSUMPTION, till, remedies having failed, and Da. 11. James wan experimenting lie accidentally made -a peparation of INDIAN HEMP, which oared his only child and now gives this rouip free on receipt of two ptnnips, to py expenses. Hemp also cnrea , night-sweat, nuuaca nt the stomnch, and will break a ficilr cold iu twenty-four hours. Address Ckaddock & Co., 1032 Race St., Philadelphia, naming this paper. General Agents in every (own in the United States for tlie Adjustable Pick, TiitU a cninhinatinu of eiglw tools complete in one viz: pick, mattoek, odze, lamping iron( sledge, axe and polo head, or any oilier tool that can be inserted iu sockets at tbout one fourth cost cf ordinary tools. , J. V. Laffbrty. Adjustable Tick 'Co. 133 South 2d St., l'hila., Chamber of Com merce. ANNUAL 8TATKM10ST U.l' T.lll'J Hoard of Directors of Jones School District for the year ending June, 1S76 SCHOOLS. Whole number of schools Average number of months c 3-5 2 taught . . , . 'I'l-AC'IIEIIS. No. male teachers employed- female " " BC'HOIiABB. No. male scholars attending all scho"'s..... ; 110 118 190 HO ' - -I " female ' . " Average daily attendance of scholars ereentugo of attendance... TAXKS IJ2V1KI). Amount school tax levied... $2,1 on oo . 000 00 buildingtax levied JtKflvII'TS DlTRINCI YKAU .State appropriation From col 1 '.-c t o rs . . . - Collected by. treasurer From County treasurer.... 279 98 ; 471 PI ,. 1,10 i .- 67 50 ?2,0"8 07 . mt) 50 .. l,8i 00 ,. 10 60 20 Total KXPKXPIITI'ES. Kcpaivs learners' wages 'uel and contingencies Treasurer's commission Secretr. rv's salary Cash in treasurer's hinds..... 30 00 19 93 ,. S2.SG3 75 . -. ... $285 08 i ft3,419 Total Kxpc.iiditur'ys over receipts Kr.souti:s. . Taxes tlu-j from all sources.. LIADII.ITIK.S. Orders outstanding 22 Resources over liabilities ?52S- 73 Value of real estate of district $7,000 A. T. ALD.UICH, President. Attest: ... . J. L. BitoWJi, Sscretary. Jones, June 19th, 1S70. I,UCOJiE& HAMBLEN. Attorncys-at-Law, llidgway, Elk County Pa. Ofiice across the hull from the Di:;vioi'BAT establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. LOUIS HAAS, MAXrFACTUREll OF BILLIARD, CROQUETTE . . . AXD TEN PI IT BALLS,, Turner in Horn, Hard and Soft Wood ASI kinds cf Too! Handles, &c. , Uear of 220 North Second St., (Second I-Toor,) Philadelphia, Pa. nio-lt. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! Tho Best TONIC In America. The "S" Celebrated Bitter Cordial, No. V?. North Seventh St., Philftd'u. To bo had, from r.11 f.rat-clus3 Priiecistg throughout tho Country. nl5 m3. PATENTS." Persons desiring to takeout Patents, or desiring information from the U. S. Patent. Ollice, should consult F. A. LEHMAN, Solicitor of American C- Foheicjn Patents Washington, D. C, F.xaminativvs free. NO PATFT NO PAY. Send for Circular. iil5-lm. . Jl CARD.. To all who arc suffering from the errors n'nd IrdiscreUons of youth,' nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, t-c, I 'w ill send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OFCflAUGE. This great remedy, was discovered by a mis- sionaryjft South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph, T. Ismax, Station D. Bible House New York Cit!. Caution. All neisors iire hereby warn ed not to purchase or meddle with one Mosler & liahinan lire proof safe purchased by tlio undersigned at . Sheriff's Sale, and left in the case of A. J. Avery of Weed ville, until convenient t'j remove the. same, as the said A. J. Avery has no interest in said safe. E. F. AA'ERY. We'.'dville, April 1st, 1876 utf. Caution. Weed ville, April 4th, 1S7.G, All per sons are hereby warned not topurchaso any ot ine loiiow ing named articles now in tlie possession of Mr A J Avery,, of U'eedville, Ellc county, Pa.., as said articles were purchased by the under signed at Sheriff's Sale, and ure only left In possession of tho said Avery until convenient for me to remove them: One sorrel mare, one black and white cow, three, yearling steers, one two. year old bull, one two. von r oi.i 1 ! 11" 1 . 1 , iiejuer, one wmie nog, one buggy, one lumber wagon, ono pair log sleds, ono pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, one pair pmuuiui.Be:ues, one neailUg StOVO U11U- pipe, one heating stove, one lot of io totoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. , . 0. L. AVERY. i.str. It you want aDy bl'ched or brown, uiuiiiiDfi, lrom i to 10-4 wide any quality, go to bead quarters, Powell Kiiae'u-and select to yur tabte. - I,,- . i . j - i guEfcCEiBE for the Advocate.