G. A. RATUBUN, Attoraey-at-law, Ridgway, p. SStf. HALL & JfCAULEr, Attorneys-ot-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Mala St Rld.way, Elk Co., ft. v8u2tf. . O. ff. BAILEY, ATTORNKT-AT.tAW. vloisyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi dent Iniuranoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMBS V. FULLERTON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently to eated In Rigway, offers bis professional ser vice! to the citiiens of Ridgway and sur. rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Sorvice & Wheeler's Building, up. atairs, first door to the left, ?8-n92ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmnceutist, N. W. eornei of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully seleottd For elgn and Domestic Drags. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at All hours, day or bight. Vln3y TV S. HARTLEY, if. Z., - Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours from to 1U A. M. and from 7 to P. M. vln'ijl. J. S. IWRi) WELL, M. Ik, Eclectic Physician nbd Surgeon, linsrwuoT tori liia nflim. tlfitn Ct.lr Htrvct. t4 Mail Bt Kidgway. Pn in the second story of the Be it brick building or jonn u. nan, oppo site Hyde's store. Olfitfo lijHrsj I to 2 P. M 7 to 0 P M HYDE HOUSE, Kiuowat, Sis Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a oontinuance oi the same. Oct 30 18 til). KERSEY HOUSE, Csmtb RvtLifK, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore eo liber illy bestowed upon him, the nen pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict nt tention to the oomfort and oonvenieuct of guests. I ' merit a continuance of the same. 1 W. HAYS, I'tAI.K. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. Barley 1. O. vln47tf. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, docewith he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly Ridgway Cemetery. Lois are now offiered for tale hy the Ridgway Cemetary Aseooiation in the new Cemetery. The present low price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN. Secretary Ridgway, 8ept. 7 1875. -n-29 JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO , JAMES II- IIAGSRTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND . QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on band, and aold aa cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. A general stock of winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K'a. Fresh family Groceries, and Canned goods at P & K's. The cheapest and best. Give ths Advocati office a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for your cards RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia ft Erie R. R. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON andafter 8UNDAT, APRIL 16, 1876 the trains en the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will ran aa follows i wbstwakb. NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo.... 4 20 p m Driftwood. 6 14pm " " Emporium 6 00 p m " " fit Marys... 7 06pm " M. Ridgway... 7 85 p m arr at Kane. 6 45 p m ERIE MAIL learet Philadelphia 11 65 p as .. Renovo...-....ll 05 a m " " Emporium...... 1 06 p m " St, Mary's.. 165pm Ridgway 2 22 p m Kane .....8,40 p m arrive at Erie 7 60 p m ERIE EX leaves Renovo 12.00mid't " Driftwood .1.18 a m ' - Kmporlum.......2 20 am " St. Marys........8.21 a m - Ridgway... ...8.61 a nt " Kan....MM 5.80 a m art. at Erie.. ...10.05 am EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane....M....6.00 a m Ridgway 6,56 am " 8'. Marys .-7 05 a m " Emporium..,.. ...8 10 a m Driftwood...,, ..8 68 p m Benovo 10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie... .........11.20 a m Kane 4 05 pm m . Ridgway mm... 6.16 p m " St. Mary's 6.48 p m Emporium,.,,,, 6.65 pm Renovo 8.65 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m PHILAD'A EX leaves Brie 7.00 pas " Kane 12.00mid't ' ' Ridgway.,, 1.07 a m " !' St Marys... 1.84 a m " Kmporium..2.30 a m 11 Driftwood..3.29 a sn " Renovo.... 5. 16 am Renovo Accom and Kane Aocom connect east and west at East with Low Grade Di vision and B N Y ft P K R WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIDNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittrens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Dujgies, to let 'jpon the most reason ble terms B&.Ite will also do job tesaing. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post OS or will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. If. J0BTT70RK We art new prepared TV to do all kinds of JOB WORK, hnvelopcs. Tags. Bill-heads. Letter heads neatly and cheaply executed. Office in Thayar A Ha.cnjv'a ae bBiMUs, Mia afreet Kidgway, Pa. Alpacaa cheaper than ever be to known at P. & K'a WOEK FOB THE UNEMPLOYED. The Thistle Edition is the only fully Illustrated Edition of Mr waiter eeott's WAVERLEY NOVELS of American make, and in '-the bent edition of the best English novelist." The books are standard, and will sell for all time. The mechanical execution is of the best. The price is of the low est. Agents wanted voywhora, to whom liberal terms and exclusive ter ritory are offered. Forty-eight volumes, averaging 400 pages each, and containing nearly 2,000 illustrations will complete the series. Subscribers supplied with two volumes (a complete work) monthly, Er.SVEH JdOHTHH Delivehieb (21 vol umes) are now ready. Price-in cloth gilt extra per volume 1.50; Half Tur key gilt top $2.25. For terms etc. ad dress E. J. HALE fc SON Publishers 17 Murray Street Kew York. A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of Debility and Sick ness fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any way should send and get a copy at otice. as it is sent free, prepaid by mail, Address the author as above. vGnl240t New Time Table. Eastward. DAY EXPRESS 6:86 A.M. ERIE MAIL, 5:16 P. M. PHILADELPHIA EX 1:07 A. M. Westward. NIAGARA EXPRESS 7:35 P. M. ERIE MAIL 2:22 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. M. The Niagara Express makes the fastest time of any train on the road Leaving Kane at 6 A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at 9 P. M.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A. M.; and arrives at Kane at 8:45 P. M. QUOTATIONS Of White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS. No. 42 South Third Street Philadelphia, April 18ah, 1870 BID. AsKKD D. S. 1881. c.... 1221 1221 do 6-20, e '05, M and N ......... Called do do '66 do .mmmm... do do '65 do 1221 1141 do do '65 J and J 1141 119 do do '67 do 1181 121 1 do do 'G8 do 121 123 10-40, do coupon ....122 118 do Pacific 6's ev InL off Ilfll I07I new o s iteg. it.MM ..127 117 ... .. .. . rr' v. ii 1174 117 Gold 117 112 Silver ....... Pennsylvania -. 112 Reading M Philadelphia A Erie 44 Lebigh Navigation ..... 17 do Valley... 46 United R R of N J. ........ ex. div- 67 Oil Creek 184 Northern Central ......... ...ti. div 0 Central Transportation 47 aesqnehoninr u. C A A Mortgage 't '') see 10s 1E jugate. "THURSDAY, JUNE 15TII, 1870. From the Warren Ledger, Warren Oil District. ths bsll well to bb a gusker. The Bell Well Is down eemethlng over 600 feet. This Is what is termed a wet hole. At this writing arrange ments are being made to put in smaller casing, cut off the water and drill a dry hole the balance of the way. The report is that oil has been reached, but It Is erroneous. The well has con siderable gas. Before going to press there may be further developments, but on Tuesday the above was a cor rect statement, which is liable to be varied at ny time after the water Is pumpnd out and going down a few feet deeper. The general Impression is that it Will be a good well, and sev eral new enterprises are hanging upon its result. A few rods west of the Bell, is a new rig going up by Mr. Lo.n, of Butler County. Geo. Leonhart Is making arrange ments to put down a well about forty rods south and east of the old Beatty well. Mr. Beatty has two rigs up opposite the Roy wells, one being drilled and the other getting ready He has ground marked off for two other wells all contiguous to tho Boy Wells, only across the road. Mr. Roy is starting another Well on the Sutter farm. The Nesmlth is being drilled. The old Bell well, owned by Mr. Roy has just been torpedoed, since which it has not had a fair test, owing to caving in. The slight test already given indicates its production has been Increased from a three to a four barrel well. The old Verbeck has been torpedoed, and its yield has been in creased about one barrel per day. The Verbeck, No. 2, Is flowing as usual, as Is the Roy, with an Increase of production, especially as regards the Roy, The Struthers, up Follet run, has been idle for some days owing to the driller taking out the tools to go into the NeSmith well. They are being reoluced by the company. Conse quently our report is not materially changed from those previous. P. 8. We learn that the Bell well gives every indication of being the largest one in the district, so far. Oil was struck Monday night, When op erations were sutiended to provide a tank, and smaller casing. We shall go to press before any test bus been niRdc. but there is every reason for believing that this will surprise those who have had doubts about large wells being developed in this district. DisrorRAGiNO. The look-out for railroad employees, mechanics and laborers, on the Pennsylvania railroad, is anything but encouraging ut present Within the last week 30 men have been discharged from the maintenance of way between Harrisburg and Al toona. At A 1 toon a 600 men were fur- Ioughed at one-time and 300 more afterward, within one week. Ninety employees have been dis charged from the shops and round house of the Pennsylvania railroad in Harrisburg. There will be a reduc tion in the hours of labor for the re maining hands from and after June 1, as follows: Commencing at 8 a. m.; stopping at 12 m. Resume work at 1 p. m. and stopping at 5 p. m., making 8 hours per day. On Saturday 8 to 12 four hours; no work in the afternoon. The Pennsylvania railroad company Is one of the most liberal and encourag lug toward its employees in the United States, and this course is rendered necessary only on account of the stag nation of business. Columbia Cour ant. A man named Hollingshead was ar rested in Tyrone, on Wednesday of last week, charged with having murdered a man at Napoleon, Henry county, Ohio, some two years ago. For the past eighteen months, Hollingshead has been in the neighborhood of lloutz dale, this county, and in consequence of some difficulty with another man there, to whom it is said he acknowl edged his crime, information was lodged before a Justice who commu nicated with the authorities at Na poleon, by whom he has been Anally traced up ahd secured. He went to Tyrone about two weeks previous to his arrest, and was in the employ of a butcher at that place, to whom he gave his name as Charles Osgood. Williamsi'OBT was visited by a ter rific thunder storm last Friduy even ing. The Mulberry M. E. Church was struck by lightning and the 208-foot steeple shattered into flinders and the building otherwise greatly damaged. Some of the streets were flooded to the depth of two feet. Many buildings were injured and a large number of old and venerable shade trees were up rooted, to the great dismay of the owners. Hundreds of flags, which had been floating in the breeze, are now buried in the mud, to the great dis respect of the Centenniallsts who in vested their cash in that staple article of national pride. niou Handed Outbade. On Tuesday evening, about 0.80 o'clock, Mr. Clarance Luther was attacked by two strange men, knocked down and robbed of his pocket book containing about sixty-three dollars. The occur ance took place on the Mill St. cros sing of the Railroad, in our borough. The men have escaped. That so high handed an outrage should occur upon our streets, at so early an hour in the evening, seems almost Incredible. All efforts to capture the men on Tuesday night was unavailing. A?. Mary$ uuzcttc. This is Corpus Christ!. 4 Gaisx peas are next. 8cBscRi for the AdtoOati, Eitrsss East was late this morning. Potato bogs aro very thick. Chas. DicKiNadled June 9, 1870. Wl give a large amount of reading mat ter in tals issue. RmitHBtn that we print Visiting cards. Give us a call. C. W. Barritt now works on h Elk Democrat. Taa rain storm this week was of great benefit to vegetation. J. S. row ill's farm barn has been raised. IT is likely that Jamas G. Blnlne of Maine will be nominated at Cincinnati. Tits prospect for a large hay crop is excellent, "He lias most enjoyment in the world who expects least from the world." Ex-Speaker Blaine was taken sud denly ill last Sunday While on his way to Church. Hopes are entertained of his speedy recovery. Tux other day CapU Fred. Schoening J. O . Baily, C. H. McCauley and E. K. Qresh were out trout fishing amd caught 80 dotea. Noticx is hereby given that all traots of land not disposed of at the treasurer's sales on Monday will be sold on Monday the 26th inst. JACOB M'CAULEY, Treasurer. The Supreme Court at Harrisburg on Friday last, ordered the sherlffality case of King vs. King, of McKean county, stricken from the list. This probably ends the case, Rcri's Lccoks and W. S. Hamblen, have associated themselves in the practice of law nnler the firm name of Lucore & Hamb lcn. Their card wilt be found in another part of (his issue. The lighting, struck somewhere near this place during the storm on Monday last- A team of horses standing in front of Powell & Kime's store were badly frightened, and an ox team were knooked down by the shook. The English Catholic Church at St. Mary's will be dedicated on Sunday a special train Will leave Ridgway at 8:46 A. M. and returning leave St, Mary's at 8 P. M. a large number of our citisens intend going to the dedication. AV. S. Hamblen was admitted to practice in the several courts of Elk County nt the May term of Court. Hons. R. Brown and Jno. G Hall, and W. W. Ames, J. 0. W. Baile and C. H. McCaulcy were the ex amining committee. Notice. Mr. L. I. Daggett, of Erie, an experienced Piano Forte tuner and repairer will be in Ridgway, on or about June 20th. Orders left at the Post Ofiiceor with Edward Souther will receive prompt and careful atten tion. For.LOwixa we publish a letter from Pol V T j.lU Cf. r..a evhaoulng. The Democrat of last week contained a squib, which seemed to cast some reflection on the action of Company It. while at Corry. The letter is a sufficient refutation of tho slander. IlEADqUAHTRiu 17m Rkuimsst, 1 Skvrnth Division, National V GUAItD,OT Pr.NKSILVANIA. j UAPT. r RED MCHOSNINO CO H. Cattai.ni No one should infer from my Report of the Inspection at Corry, ou the 24th of May, that your Company was in any way disorderly, on the contrary, a more quiet, gentlemanly, guber set of men was not on the ground, any Military Critio would not draw the conclusion that I am informed some parlies have. Yours dec. C. W. LYTLE, Col. Corad'g OhExoitiment. There has been some excitement in this plans for a few days over the discovery of considerable quantities of crude petroleum near ths old oil Well on the banks of Elk creek. Several of our citisens have been over there and gathered the oil in bottles. Considerable interest is felt in ths matter, and it is though there may be oil in paying quantities. We hope the business will be thoroughly investigate!, for if there is oil in Ridgway as we have ever reason to believe there is from present indications, the finding of it in paying quantities will give business in Ridgway a fresh and lasting impulse. We will watch the progress of the investigation with interest and hasten to lay the matter before our readers as rapidly as possible. Give us oil, oh! give us oil. Peteksox's Magazine. The July number of this unrivalled lady's book is already on our table, brim-full of good things, and more elegant than ever. "Naught and Carry One," the principal steel plute, is. the loveliest we have yet seen. The mammoth colored fashion-plate is a wonder of beauty. Then there is a "Centennial Tidy," which every lady will begin to work at once, dozens of other patterns for the Work-Table; and a score and more of wood-cuts, Illustrating the fashions In bonnets, bats, linen, sea side and other dresses and children's costumes. The literary contents are even better than ever, and we had thought "Peterson" unequaled before. "Beebe," by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, is an intensely powerful story, such a one as We do Hot see more than once in five years. '"Josiah Allen's Wife" has also one of her In imitable sketches. But everything is good; if possible, better than goqd, No lady ought to be without this mag' azlne. It is unquestionably the cheapc$t and best of all, for the price is only two dollars a year, postage free, or one dollar for six months. For clubs, great deductions are made, viz six copies for ten dollars, for one ear, including an extra copy to the person getting bp the club, and also a superb large-sized engraving, "Christmas Morning;" all postage free. Specimens are sent gratis to persona wishing to get up clubs. Address Chas. J. Peter. bon, 806 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Ta. Centennial Letter. How Tits Exhibition oitu on Our CORRESPONDRNT TUtKKA IT 18 A 0000 tlllNQ Some Notes and in ci t is nts Tits Hunter's Camp First Pennsylvania Railroad Train Indkpendbnce Hall, from our Regular Correspondent,! Philadelphia, June, 13A, 1879. Long letters are a nuisance, as a general thing, and I have of late treat ed your readers to several of them in attempting to get through this Exhi bition by rote. So, for this week I will give you Only some rambling notes end gossip by way of variety. There never was a show where one could gat "so much sugar for a cent'' so many attractions under one can vass, so to speak, It makes little dif ference What part of the grounds you begin with or what building you en ter first, "all is grist that comes to the mill," as the old miller said, and there are pretty things, curious and inter esting things on every hand. Larger crowds of people are coming every day and the coffers of the managers are correspondingly benefitted to say nothing of numerous outside interesta. For a time there was a decidedly gloomy prospect for a lot of vendors and caterers of all kinds who had paid heavy bonuses fbf privileges, but things look more promising for them now, though even yet many a bright dream is a long way from realisation, The attendance, however, is getting to be hearer the mark, and the more visitors look about them the more they realize what a shame it would be to have such a magnificent exhibition fail of appreciation or support. And there is satisfaction in the statement that eo far the attendance exceeds by more than three times that at Vienna for a corresponding period. Incidents of the most amusing char acter divert the attention of observing persons on every nana, rne pniio sophtcnl student of human nature en joys these nearly as much as the Ex hibition itself. Every avenue and walk leading to the grounds is lined on cither hand with hucksters of all sorts whose seductive exhortations greet the ear of all passers-by. Here are some specimens gathered as I strolled leisurely out of the grounds the other evening. The lemonade man: "This Way, ladies and gentle men, for your real California straw berry lemonade I Lem, Lent I The original California lemonade I Each glass is prepared from a choice juicy lemon, with half a pound of double re fined sugar. Each glass contains a piece of Ice as large as the baby ele phant's ear, and all for the low price of half a dime. Walk right tip this way; now's your time ! Thank you, sir; another glass sold, another soul made happy. Lem, lem, lem I" Another enterprising gentleman shouts T'rduutBj his votee, a melodious basso profundo, pitched in B. fiut: Walk up, run up, tumble up I This is the original Japanese Peanut, authorized by the Ceutennial Commission and approved by the Board of Health. These choice and delicious camel-back peanuts are unequaled in sise and flu vor. The ladies love them and chil dren cry for them I Buy them before you try them I Fresh roasted, camel back, Jupiinese peanuts, only five cents a quart 1" Peanuts may or may not be a wholesome and nutritious diet. Authorities differ on that subject. But no American show would be com plete without the fragrant, unctious peanut. They are one of our institu tions, and are indispensable to com plete happiness of the average Amer ican pleasure seeker. Standing on a box in front of asmall tent containing. I don't know what, a burly fellow of tragic mien bellows forth Rlde on, pale moon, thine orbs majestic high," whatever that may mean. But the most ridiculous feature of the many catch-penny schemes is the universal use of the term limited. The omnibus lines are "limited;" the boarding-house agen cies and the enterprises of all sorts are 'limited." With some of them the term has rather a different significa tion from that intended. Their pat ronage is decidedly "limited." It is said that ths bootblack's association to be organized on the stock plan will also adopt the "limited" principle. In one of the least frequented parts of the grounds, and so fur removed frotn the currents of travel that it is probably not seen by the one visitor in ten, is the very novel and interest ing exhibit made by the publishers of The Forest and Stream. It is called the "Hunter's Camp," and is a perfect representation of the externals of the life of the deer-forest and the trout stream. The thick foliage Of the trees in the cool, deep valley where the hunter's hut of logs stands, the noisy stream and waterfall in front, the still pool in which float two Indian canoes, the guns, fishing-rods, blankets, cook' ing utensils, traps, and trophies of the chose within the hut, all help to make the illusion perfect, and it would not be hard to imagine that one had been suddenly transported from the bust ling, exciting scenes of the Exhibition to some nook in the heart of the Adlrondacks or the Alleghenies. A curiosity rarely noticed by visit' ors, on account of its position in an out-of-the-way part of the grounds, is the first locomotive and passenger train run on the Pennsylvania Railroad- It is still serviceable, and made the run from A 1 toon a, where it has been laid up for many years, to this city. The cars are email and low, with windows so narrow that passent gers were in no danger of getting hur by thrusting their heads out. The engine has no cab, but the projecting roof of the combined tender and bag gage car partly theaters tha engineer , Xoc cow-catcher of the machine ap W,'aiSlSaSWWttU,iJ' pears to have been intended literally tocatfh the Intrusive animal and Mot throw her from the track. This calls to mind the recent achievement of the Pennsylvania Company, which is a good Centennial item, exemplifying the progress In rall-rosding, People here have manifested agood dettl of in terest in the fast-train experiments and the successful funning of the San Francisco train from New York to Chicago Over the Pennsylvan la Central and Pittsburg and Fort Wayno tracks in twenty-five minutes lew than sched ule time, which Was tweniy-two hours, is a gratify I bg achievement, which only perfect road and equip mclnts renders possible. From New York to Tittsburg, 444 miles) no Stop was made at Rll-the train running steadily on its way at an average rate fbrthe entire trip of 44 miles ah hour. The beauties and delights of a fine floral display can be fully enjoyed here along With all the rest Itavlhg walked through the acres of blooming flowers, verdant sod and healthy ever greens, surrounding Horticultural hall and through the orangeries and trop ical groves of the falryIike hall Itself, sweet music in the meanwhile floating from the organ in the gallery, the vis itor passes out and around to the north ern side of the building, when he finds another conservatory constructed as an an nex to supply space which the main struct ure lacked. This building is one great gothlo arch, oovering an Urea of ground 150 by 60 feet in sise. Canvas is used iostead of glais oh the arch, and delightful shade is the consequence. Tho Walks are of fine sntld kept damp thereby Imparling a pleas ant coolness to the atmosphere. But the attraction here is in the display of rhodo dondrons in all their charming varieties. There are no flowers in the building but these, and they are all owned and exhibited by one man, Anthony Watercr Khap Hil' Nursery, England. His exhibits here num ber 1,600 plants, bearing, probably, twenty times as many flowers, tn a short time he must remove them from ths building, to meke way for exhibitors of plants thriving later in the year, and those, in turn, must do in like manner for still others. Last Wednesday was the Centennial an niversary of the Introduction in the L'onti- tinental Congress of the orlgibal resolution of independence. The brief resolution was introduced by Richard Henry Lee, of Vir ginia, ohtlio 7ih of June, 177S, and lail over till the following dy wheh It went to a committee and finally developed into a formal declaration on July 4th. The scene was in Independence Hall, Which now at tracts many Visitors. A model, in metal of the old Hall has been placed under a glass covering in Memorial Hall, on the Exhibition grounds. Scale, three-eighths of an inch to the footi weight, 1,800 pounds It is an exact reproduction both of the in terior and exterior of the Hall. Outside it is of German silver, oxidized with red gold, Inside ore miniature copies of the 160 por traits in the Hall, with models of the fur niture, desks, d!c. And hre, alas, is ihe short loiter I started out to Write, The great railway lines have again reduced rates for Wcst-oound. freiarht, this time from 75 cents to 25 cents per iw pounds to certain points. General Sheridan telegraphs to General Sherman his departure for the Ilea Cloud Afreiicy. where he will have a personal observation of the movement connected with the nrcscnt Campaign against hostile tribes. Edward A- Pierce, a clerk nt St. Albans, Vt., absconded the other day with $0,000 of his employer's money. The 19th of September has been fixed upon for the commencement of the trittl of General Bnbcock, in the Criminal Court of Washington. Jacob Nunnemacher and Christian Guenther, who were convicted of con spiring to defraud the revenue at Mil waukee, were sehtenced Monday. iirs. It. 3. Carmlchhel. a matron in the Soldiers' Orobahs' Home at Gettvs' burir. was Monday bound over to ap pear at court on a charge of cruelty to one or tne children. Dr. George Cook, president of the Brleham Hall insane Asylum at Can anduiirua. New York, was stabbed and killed Monday morning by an insane patient by the name of BroWn. In the lobby of the House of Com mons Monday night the opinion was general that the negotiation between the United States and Great Britain on the extradition question is again dead-lock. A fire at Houtsdale, Pa., on Sunday night destroyed a house occupied by James U'Neill and his mother. The latter Was badly burned and the sbn perished from suffocation in rescuing her. George Slosson and William Sexton the fourth game in the billiard ton ma ment on the night of the 12th inst The game was won by Slosson in the thirty-seventh inning, he having made the necessary 000 points, while his adversary had only scored 236, Patrick Quinlivln attacked his wife with a scratch awl, at Binghamton, Is. Y.. Riohday, and supposing he had killed her, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a rnior. Mrs, Quinlivin may survive. The man had been partially insane. A Western Journalist writes! "We witnessed a touching scene the other day. A full-grown, healthy-looking married man going toward the sub urbs With a base bail ciud over his shoulder, and a few minutes after wards, while passing bis house, we noticed his wife sawing wood in the back yard." Srlgham Young spoke a feW Words or Wisdom the other day to a youthful Chicago enthusiast Who called upon him. He said! "Young man, be sure you are throuirh With your seurch for the kind of partner you want be sure you have got the pattern or woman that suits you, before leading her to the altar. Don't wait till alter mar riuee. as I did, and then be obliged to' keep on sampling." Lawyers are sometimes Very parti' ulur. The other day one was Waited upon by a young man, Who began by saying. Ji y miner aiea ana niaae will " "Is it possible 1 never heard of such a thing," answered the lawyer, "1 1 thought it happened every day," said the young man; "but if there is to be any difficulty about it, I had better give you a fee to attend to the business." The fee was given, and then the lawyer observed r'Ob! I think I know what you mean You moan that your father made will and died--ye, yes; that must be it." mainUilncdi BO Vermont baa .lust decided llUS ttllW tlon in the negative, Mr. BlAin's symptoms nr ihore al more encouraging every hOilri ttnd hi complete restoratron is only a question of time, If. nnnpVs I hot, a. trt Mir" Is to 1)0 brought before the courts for the de cision of the olu question, Whether lager beer is an intoxienuhttdrink. if it be rtot. then it Issupnosed that the prohibition of Its sale on Sunday Can- Counsel for Belknap have given notice of a motion to postpoh the tHnl until tihxt ftill. Manv Senator and members of the Uotise favor lbs proposition. The Pennsylvania Kallroatt Com pnny Is selling first-class passenger tickets from New York to Chicago tot seventeen dollars; a reduction of flva dollars. The strike Of the Chicago steel workmen has come to ah end, tho men having given up their intention of securing from ten to fifteen per cent, advance in wages. In the House Mbttday, a Joint reso lu tlon was Offered providing for the gradual resumption bf specie pay' mental and renealintr so much Of thO act as fixes the date at January 1st, 1879, The House appropriation committee has reported the army appropriation bill ($10,000,000 less than the estimates) and with the section reducing tho force of the army ahd tho pay or officers, We have referred elsewhere to the fact that the money receipts at the great exhibition are steadily on the increase. On Wednesday, June 7th, 81, 673 paying Vlsitort W ere lh attcn-' dance, which at fifty cents each amounted to $15,836 50. With the xception of the opeuihg day, May 10th, and decoration day, May 80th, this Was the best day's business yet done. The aggregate receipts of last week Were about $75,000. Compared with the Vienna Exposition in 1873, Ceutennial at Philadelphia runs far away in advance of it in cash receipts during the first month of the opera tions of both. These figures show that the receipts here are almost four times as great as they were there within that period. Instead of averaging, as the American Exhibition is now do ing, Over $12,000 a day, we shall not be surprised that during July the amount will reach $18,000 or $20,000 dully. The chance for stockholders to realize from their subscriptions is not therefore so desperate after all, even deducting the $1,600,000 which Con gress grud ngiy voted on the Shylock condition that this claim should have precedence over all others. It is noticeable that a large propor tlon of the paying visitors on ordinary days are ladies and men of leisure. The sons of toil, who would be most benefited by an inspection of the achievements of their co-laborers, from but a small portion of the total number of attendants. Stock's PMCa. R. li. Guidci IT2W ADVERTISEMENTS. L UCORE A HAM R LEX County Pa. Office across the hall from the DemocbAt establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 16 '76, LOUIS HAAS, MANUFACTt'ItER OP BILLIARD, CROQTJEWfl AND TEH Pitt BALLS, Turner In Horn, Hard and Soft Wood All kinds of Tool Handles, &c. Rear of 220 North Second St., (Second Floor,) Philadelphia, Pa. n 1641. TEY IT! THY ITI TRY ITl Trio Boat TONlO lh America. Thi "S" Celebrate! Bitter Cardial. No. 12 North Seventh St., Phllad'a. To be had from all Bret-class Druggists throughout the Country. nld m3. PATENTS. Persons desiring to takeout PateHtsi or desiring information from the U. 8. Putent Office, should consult P A. LEHMAN, SoijiciTott of American fc Fomtajr PatekTs Washington, 1). C. Examinations free. NO PATET NO PAY. Send for Circular. hlo-lm. A CARD To all who are suffering from the errors ahd indiscretions of youth nervous Weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, d'C-, I will send a recipe that wiiicureyou, l?aii; of charge. This great remedy Was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self" addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph r. IhmAx, Slalion D, Bibtc House Neu) York GU. Caution. All persons are hereby warned not. to purchase or meddle with one Mosler A liahman fire proof safe purchased by the undersigned at Sheriffs Sale, and leitin tne case or a, j. Avery of Weed ville, until convenient to remove tho same, as the said A. J. Avery has no interest in said safe. E.F. a Very, Weedville, April 1st , 1876 nStf. Cailtlfftii WeedVille, April 4th, Ififd.Ail hPR. sons are hereby warned not to purchase any of tho following named articles now ih the possession of Mr A J Averv of TVeedville, Elk county, Tn., as said nrncico were purcuaaeu uy the under- signed at Sheriffs Bale add are only lett in possession of the said Averv until convenient for mo to remove them 1 One sorrel mare, one black and white covr, three yearling steers, one two year Old bull, ohe tWoyear old heiffef , one White hog, otie buggy one lumber wagon, one pair log 6Feds! one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, one naif platform scales, one heatlmr ntr... pipe, one heating stove, one lot of po uttoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. V. L. AVERV. &8t& Mot be SvufeCMBi fo the ADV0CA7S,