Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 16TB. 1870. From the Pittsburgh Telegraph, Jon 12th. Affairs at Cincinnati. The effort to adopt the unit nil in the New York delegation laat night was a failure. No one will question the integrity of George William Curtis, editor of Harper' Weekly, nor will any one dispute his political sagacity, and his manly stand in the caucus of the New York delegation last evening agalnBt Conklin will have great weight with the more intelligent delegates to the Convention. Our special corres pondent telegraphs us that Mr. Curtis said he could not vote for Conklin, for the reason that he believed the latter could not be elected. That belief is shared by earnest and influential Re publicans in every part of the Union, and notably so along the shores of our navigable rivers. All the gold of Jones, of Nevada, backed by all his wealth of silver, cannot elect Conkling, and the fact that delegates are being bought up to vote for him would aid materially in his overwhelming defeat should he be nominated. The Pennsylvansa delegation will hold a caucus this morning and we predict there will be a stormy session Don Cameron, it is given out by our correspondents, is anxious that the delegation should adhere to Hart ran ft all the time, and an effort will be made by him and his faction to adopt a resolution to that effect. The design of this is to prevent the nomination of Blaine, the Cameron faction realizing that the majority of the delegation is favorable to him as second choice, and that in no event can Conkling obtain their votes. If the delegation can be held for Hartranft, it spoils Blaine's chances, and doea not help Conkling, and thus the vote of Pennsylvania would be of little or no account in de termining the choice of the Conven tion. Mr. Blaine, however, has warm active and influential supporters in the delegation, and we will not be surprised to learn that under the lead ership of John H. Hampton, Esq., their votes will be recorded for Mr. Blaine in Convention. An effort will be made In caucus to-day to cost the vote of the State for Blaine, in case the fifty-eight votes of Pennsylvania will secure his Domination. This will be asked for on the ground that Mr. Blaine is a native son of Pennsylvania, and is entitled to the support of the delega tion when it will secure his success. Should this point not be conceded, and the Cameron party insist upon their programme being carried out, the right of representative delegates to cast their own votes will be sprung in Con ention when a ballot is reached. There are precedents for the recogni tion of this right, and the friends of Blaine will gain their point. As the New York delegation could not afford to insist upon the adoption of the unit rule, but allowed the two Bristow men to vote their preferences, the ring leaders of the Pennsylvania delegation will probably take the same wise course, but much against their will. Oar dispatches this morning repre sent the Blaine men as active and con fident of success on either the first or second ballot. We commend the dis patches of our correspondents to our readers, for they are impartial and ac curate. At the recent meeting of the Lan aaster Co., Pa., Bee-Keepers' Associa tion, L. Reit, the President, stated in his address that there are in this country only about 70r00O bee-keepers, which, number cowl j easily be in creased to 300,000. These 70,000 peo ple have 800,000 stands, produeing 15, 000,000 pounds of honey, valued at $3,000,000, of which, Pennsylvania has 40,000 stands, producing 800,000 pounds and of these Lancaster county has about 3,000 stocks, producing 60,000 pounds, valued at $12,000, all on a low estimate-. Centexmial Pkoclam ATiox.-Pres ldent Grant has issued a proclamation enjoining ail cSftizens, in eomplfanee with the resolution of Congress passed on the 13th of March last, to celebrate the coming Centennial Anniversary of our National Indepcndance, by as' sembling, in tSusir respective counties ortownst and causing to be delivered on that day an historical sketch of said oounty or town from its formation. A oopy may b filed in the clerk's office of said county, and also in the office of the Librarian of Congress, thus form' tag a complete record f the progress of our. country. A. T. Stewart's Will. The con,' test in regard to the will of the late A. T. Stewart Iras commenced. Notice was served last week upon the Surro. gate of New York that the will is to be contested. The paper Is signed by James Bailey, for the contestants, and the plea is want of proper notice to the "heirs" when the will was read, and "improper influences on the part of Henry Hilton and others unknown.' The movers are the Turney family In this country, who claim to be heirs at law.. The number of claimants, of more or loss-remote degree of relation 6hip generally less, is said to be large. Other measures are resorted to, to extort money from the widow and principle legatee. Mxs. Stewart k daily in the receipt of Begging and threatening letters, many pretending to come from her husband through tpirituaianAdiu aia, vho wish te obtain money.. .. ... GENERAL NOTE. Florida squeezes $240,000 a year from her sponge interest. Alabama will clear $15,000 from her penitentiary this year. Dartmouth College graduates a fifty year old student this year, Bunbury is to have a new Jnll, the cost of which will be $90,000. Seven stores in Chester were recently closed by the Hberill'inone day. The Hamilton Print Works, at Lowell, Mass., have suspended work. The funeral of George Sand took place at Nohaut on Tuesday. $4,817 In cash was stolen from the office of the Cliy Treasurer of Fall River, Mass., on Friday. Asa W. Rugg, of the Worcester Organ Company, hanged himself near Goe's pond, Mussachubette, on Saturday. Johnstown, Pa., tends a cnlf to the Centennial with Ave legs, which is three more than most of them have. Alexander P. Tutton has been con firmed by the Senate as Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. The daily expenses of the Centennial exposition are irom ten to twelve thou sand dollars. Make home bright and;beautiful with all that wit, taste, and goodnature can accomplish. Decoration Day was generally and patriotically observed throughout the country. Nearlv 500.000 strawhprrv hnsketa have been manufactured in Vicomlco county, Md., this year. The srauire of the Delaware. Lacka wanna and Western Railroad was nar rowed last week Sunday. The Senate bill providing for the retirement of Judge McCandless within six months has passed the House. About three thousand miners are already in the Black Hills. T ho nor thern mines are reported as paying well. An undergraduate crew will be sent from the Dublin University to partici pate in the American College Regatta. The yellow fever prevails at Rio Janeiro, the deaths from the scourge averaging from eighty to one hundred daily. It is reported in Paris that England is willing to agree to the holding of an international conference on the Kant- em question. The loss of the Gautemalean gun boat General Barrios is reported. The crew were saved, but sixteen soldiers were drowned. The Cunard Company is about to send their steamers 8cotia, Cambria and Cuba to the Clyde, to await the re vival of the Atlantic trade. Speaker Kerr's physician states that should no untoward symptoms occur his patient will be restored to his usual health in a few days. Clymer's committee have presented unanimous report exonerating Speaker Kerr, which was adopted unanimously by the House. The House Monday passed the reso lution to modify the treaty with China so as to restrict immigration to persons engagea in commercial pursuits. The Insurgents in Bosnio are very Bctive, and more hard lighting is re ported, resulting, it is stuted, in the killing of 860 Turks. The Methodist General Conference. on Tuesday, adopted a resolution look ing to an early ana thorough revision of the hymn-book. In the Presbyterian General Assem bly, a few davs airo. a resolution look ing to an early union with the South ern General Assembly was adopted. In the Presbvterian General Assem bly last Tuesday, a resolution was adopted recommending the use of the term "Sabbath" instead of "Sunday." Michael Nolan was kicked and beaten to death by Thomas McDonnell, Jr., near Lake Monticello. in Baltimore county, Md., on Friday afternoon. Henry Ward Beeeher's house, In Brooklyn, was robbed of between six and eight hundred dollars' worth of silverware on Saturday night. The Democrats will need fiftv-four votes in order to be the successful party at the approaching presidential contest. Where will they set them? A Miss Stewart of Hamilton. On tario, hits recovered $700 damages from a tover wno lorsooK ner alter an en gagement of twenty-six years. The State prison at Concord. N. H.. has more than paid expenses for the last year. The earnings were $36,309 and the expenses $15,81. "There may not be cold, but there's no question about the quantity of lead in me jBiacic mils. i,very Indian lias a gun full of it and isn't stingy. There was a torchlight procession in Doublin Saturday night in celebration of the eseape of the Fenian convicts from West Australia, Mr. Disraeli was burned in efligy. Charles Taubc. 63 years of aee. com mitted suicide at Iiarrisburg on Sat urday by shooting himself in the breast with a musket. Taube had been sick for several months. In the House Monday a joint resolu tion was presented for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States such as Assessors. Postmasters. etc.-, be elected for a term of four years. By the bursting of a fly-wheel weigh ing turee tnousana pounds, t. U. Kuntze's brewery, in New York city, was partially demolished on Saturday No one was injured. J. G. Berrenue, J. J.Hannah andE. J. Korschedt have been arrested at New Orleans on a charge of defrauding tne government in connection with the construction of the Custom House, Cochran, McLean Co., the reeentlv suspended dry Koodsfirmof New York city, on Saturday made a statement to their creditors. They place their as sets at $2,054,000, and their liabilities at i,ouo,ow. William Leith, of Brooklyn, doing business in New York as a bond broker was e&Saturday arrested on the charge of complicity with William Veltman in attempting to obtain twenty-one thousand dollars from the Merchant's National Bank on forged checks. Bexton and Rudolphe played a match game of billiards Saturday night in isew xor, tnree-DRii trench carem, six nunarea points up. cexton won on an average of 17.11-11. His best runs were 102, 97 and 03. Rudolphe's peei runs were urc, t, ui ana bu. Harrlsburg women protest against tne opening or tne centennial xhibl tion on Suadays, and are sending memorials, numerlousiy signed, laud ing the commission for the "noble stand they have taken in regard to closing the Exhibition on Sunday." William Baker avd Charles A Baker, wholesale fruit dealers, of Balti. more, the former a member of the second Branch City Council, were ar rested Monday, charted with fore-intr the name of different Individuals to thirty-six promissory notes, a'ulouc Afplitond American Cyclopedia that tie revised," and elegantly illus trated edition of this Fork, now being published, a volume of 800 page once in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in Amrriet, is certain. No library is com jtlele without it. It is a complete one in itself. It ouly costs $3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. J nelson, Fredonia, N. Y. BaUi of AdrtrUsInfi. One column, one year $75 00 40 00 26 00 16 00 Trsmient advert larmenls per square of eeeeeeaeeeee eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser lions, $1.60, three insertions, $2. Buainecs cards, ten lines or less, per rear $5. Adrertieementi payable quarterly. irKTwRESH, " Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen and cxtention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, what note, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, fcc, &c. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood scuts, Weed sewing machine reduced from $05 to $45, the best machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway Pa. v5u4'Jtpdaprl'7,77. TO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the faot that the National Hanks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Eoard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri olio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares o stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or post office order to the nndersi gned. FRED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia UTICA FoKiity. Wood & JUsu.) STATIDKARY S POBTJBLE Steam 1b gin The Best & Mot C. wl'e Assorts iu the .Viiritct. Tho Enyin1 have rtlwv miuntninM t mnti'iftuun of !'nirinM, nnl F.i.f 1 . sinjoiul'-y. Wo hare hiilar:-oi p., ni mm work of the Mrvl in t'tfromiuy, vn i inacit; pedtil! ntlnn'.- l to th ? Wr Vri'p r ijafitnf :v in m-f Yxrcn nuniS Etiirinv, tt'hit-it ' ft f.iJi"' tliv. ry I 'wt ; id cm Ote fhnr" it :.. Vo bu.l I V.u-j Bi.t!v :vliipt"l ;o i -. Kivv Mi!l, t Taiw-ri's Oitli'i L..ut, Thru.-htv uid oJci.v of fit.inur.tetri"ic. nr 'ni'iiln. 11 ? ft ! rtrl Lr.no C. Irtr P.iw Mill, tho I- .-.in' in-utrumplrw raw rer invent,!. We mtike tleir..in,:fa-'TT- cf rs- M '.! ri' fpecial fM'iiM of o r ' "m. I t".n in-Oumnlc-oi tJ:eHli'r:iH im Ourwitiiitt aUuivT u to MrnUb th ! ohiuery in the m u-'u.-t, and w it. !olut-l euaW-d foih'nurenf nVim. irtiytutti r r-. 6;d1 for in'iilr tua I't'ioi L.iu UTICA STEAM ENGINE VTICA, W. T. VOX. CHA.RLB -I A. DXA. raitor. She gottar 3Wft felij $vm. A Kempt parol ibePnwent Time. Intoutled for Ftfovla Havr oa Itarfh. laoladhic vArmt i. Mehutoi, McrrbunM, Pro ftiuoual Men, WiKeii, Tiilukert, ital l I rot Hotxwt Koll . 1.1J tb iViv, Bom. u4 PnagbMri of ll molt. NLY ONK DOLt-Att A VTtAll J K nCNDItED CO PI EH VOS J0 Jt lt tiun On- Cunt Copy. Let there b . 830 Cmb l ofcrr i'ojt OBlce. SRttl.WKXKLY SUN, 94 A TV. Alt, r tin itin '. l general c'urao1r THK VVKKKT.r. tut ntrr vsrlntr mlvel'.iutBOiu rotdlnc, and runlihiog th n- to lt uMnrltMii with f rlor fnilinoM. HtQt emu tww s VHt luslott of our raolj. TflS DAILY 8 UN, tO A YEAB. A "rTnlnentlr tckI .hi nppr. wrai th rttrn' etruuiMitoit ! UM worii. rrr, loci Dtndriit. rd Urlfc :q i llln. A tlio ntw tram uTrryirbvri,. i em eop ; hj iimII (0 04 du t aioutn. or 90 t tr. TERM3 TO CLUES. TDK lOI.LAB WEEKLY TTN. .'Ir (nBtm. raofnr, Mvaratrlr dtrM'4, Pour lellr. Te cM, c t'. nrtiT f1.frMa (t.id at tun oi) MiM zetiw up of Mhd ). KtgUt Delia!. rntr eoT'Ct. one rr, lupnrMcl.- U.umw fjutt m xif jpy , mo teller it nf tir). Vtitoua UiUuk Irtr eort'. ' wr. to en Idrmi , ml uu hremi.ncek'r oarnr it Kctie up uf club), Tbtrtr-ihrco Dalisjra. flttr roylco. oa mr, tpin.T Arttt (r t aoot-Waenl u;.rrr'ouciirr n. nn im., thirty. aro Oolt&t. .to kan1rd tArln, tear, t" nu 44m (nd Aw DaJl tat vn j. r to iht iur an U e'ooj. Flu Oaltara. o knom! ., on ar. ,'iutrly . dreusd (as J Uta Dorr loro ytt in im volar otelij. fcixir Dolhtra, TBX BIHMmUT Bi7!t. TIts tewtot. oca jaar, wparstclv xlrliMit, fitckc Dalian. . Tea aootea, oa rcrr rarara ir r-lrmiid -as zuaeou' Wgeuar np .f rl.i ), etfxteaa Pllara bXXB TO Cli K05KT fPotl rate ordan. eaaoka, er draft a Va ark. barr auatChUnt. if not, u ractutf e IMtanebaiAtiiUi iiitOua. Xlilttt i. w.ks STEM Ell Villi, '-i'JrM-JJ!.iim3sS( THl5 ELK C0U1TTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPKR IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Thnjer k llagertj's Block, RIDGWAY, TA. SUBSCRIBE, 8UBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, 8UBSCR1BE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YE Ah. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Ad drew, THE ADVOCATE, Kidgw.jr, Elk Cp., Pa LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Djre; makes harsh hair soft and silky; oleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow where It has fallen o.T or become thin. Can be applied by tho band as it does not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perieot the world has ever produced. The hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural color restored without the application of mineral substances. Binoe the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this oountry, it has been the wonder and admiration of all clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original color, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hnir on bald heads of its original growth and color. Thisbeantiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany mcml of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. HerwUtha Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. tfend this Home Certificate, testified lo by Edward B. Oarrigues one of the most competent Dragging and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to odd my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. nal Color, and the huo appears to be per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dyebut operates upon tbo se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first, bottle from Edward B. Oarrigues, druggisl, Tenth and Coatcs street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Pwayne & Son, Respected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with tho success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, an J a new growth of hair is the result. E. 15. OARRIGUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottled London Hair Color Ko stoier, which I like very much, in faot bet ter than any thing I have used in the Inst nine years. If you please, send mo one dozen bottles COD care V 8 Fogler & Son Druggists, No 723 Tremont street, Uoston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER No 09 Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing Has completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No 61JJorth Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PEE BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE k SON 830 North Sixth 8trect, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SOLMi MtVtLI. ItntGGISTS t n u L ii x r s CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint and Us premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting flesh fever permanently cured by D3CT0& SWATNE'S COUPOUSL SYSUP OF WILD CEEBEY. BRONCHITIS A premonitor or Pul monary CoiiMiraption, is characterized by entArrh, or inflamation of the inucum mem braue of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest. For all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Hboil, may proceed from the larynx, travhia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of ihc vessels, wenk lungs, overstrain ng of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Srviijnc's Compound Sjrup of M'lld Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The ouly standard remedy for hemor rhane, bronchial and all pulmonary com pluints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail lo use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, uot only over con curapt-on, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and ussimilato the food, and every organ bas a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which now re creative and plastic material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 830 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold dy all Puomikukt Druggists. Itching Piles ! 1'ILKS, PILES, ITCHING PILKS, POSITIVELY CVBKD by tho USB of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as ltomog Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased br scratching, and not unfrequently become quite eoie. I bought a box ot B wayne's uintment; its use gave quick relier, ana in a snort time niaae a perfect cur. lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swavne's Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost Innumerable, without Uniting and permanent reliel. JOSEPH W. CHRIST. (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Boot and Shoe House 814 North Seoond Mreet, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Bwayne'i All-healing Ointment is also a speoifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Soald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch ISlotohea, all Scaly, ernsty, cutaneous Er ruptions. Perfectly aafe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Prioe 50 cents. Sent by mail to any address on re eeipt of prioe. SWAYWE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over tne world for ita renta ble cures ot Scrofula, Meroural and Syphil ilie complaints. Describe symptoms in all ocmmioanulio address nBletters to DK 8MfAVNB and SON, Philade,lpb.ia.n7yl iPAJftLOTl 111 (SmmT, j ft tj tig Jgggpilj ifi zi mmmimmm. lis mmmmmmmmm i'liflp rcinnTliahU: Ii. tr'iment powsas capvTiti:i fur mur flVrcfa atvl cxprcKprfti never before art(atnd, Aflnptcrl foraAmrteurr.nd Piofwioiuil, and nn ornament in anj'purlorr 3L7" Beautiful New Style) MW fdyr GEO- WOODS Sr. CO., Cambridgeport, Mass. 1 Alli:ROOMSf 008 WAMhlnKton St., llnnton: 170 Stuto St., Ohf a0, 2 rT?Jite frill, LonAm. TTTTi1 "UHY T-TTTTifAMA A leading Musical T'urnal of Effected music iinrf valtuible r(Ur L LlEj V v A HL U lil rill m;iitfr. Hy mail frr $i icr yt;ir, or ten rents a number. Each numbvr 'omnin frriTi $r lo wmth of th; finest kclected music. GEO. WOODS U CO,, Publishers, Cambrlagaport, Mas It you want any bl'cbcd or brown muslins, lrom J to 10-4 wide any quality, go to bead quarters, Powell & Kimo's nud select to your taste. Young man if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to PO'VKLL & KIMK'S Grand Cen tral Store, aud get youself a new white liucn bosom shirt, lou can pet a good fitting white clean shirt for SI. 25 and from that up. New goods, erery day in the yea except Sundays ami legal lioli Jays at the great mammoth Urand Central Store of P. & K's. Ho bragging around. ,Call for whatyou want. FTA TJ78 VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Evcrv year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation: which ia due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high Btandard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Haib to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and Bilken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and cleaw. xt removes ail eruptions ana aanarun, and, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and Stronger. In hUna, it raatores the capillary glands to tneir normal vigor, and will creato a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hatr Deessixg ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance, a. a. nayes, ixi.u atato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and! consider it tho Best Prepaeation for its intended purposes." Bold by all DruggitU, and Dtaltri in Mediants. Frloo One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; wnicn wilt quickly ana effectually accomplish this result. It is easilv atmlied. and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash olE Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & C0. XTASHUA HA xyer's Cathartic Pills, For llu- ivlii'f mill Cure of nl iti-ramrc-nivnlfl In the Mum ItWl, Hver, an.l ;' cl. Tin-) am u iiiiM aperient, and uu excellent purgative, living purely vege table, they contain no mercury ormiiie ml whatever. SI in h ntirimiri Micknerh ami sullciinfr Ir pievunl' eil bv tliuir timelv niio; ami every family ehotiM have them on hiinil for their protection anil relief, when require.!. Lon exporienee haa proreil them to ho llic saf est, biirent, and bent of all the Villa with whii U I Iri market aboiinils. By their oueadional use, thn hlooil 1.4 liurilleil, the rorruptionx of the bv ttn expnlleil, ob.ti'iii'tions reinoveit. anil the whole machinery of life restored to lU healthy activity. Internal organs which become i loggeil ani lu.Erjrii'li are eleam-eil by Ayrr'm l'ills, anil ptiiiiulaldl into nclion. 'i'hua inripWiit ili.-ta-u in change I into heal Lit, the value of which change. 'Alien reckoneil on ihu vn.t niulthiulcn nhenjoy It, can Inrrlly be coinpiuccl. ' Their ungar eontin'g makes them plcaianl to take, and orexei'viwNieir virtues tiuiuipaireil for any hiugtn of time, co that they are ever fresh, anil perfectly refmble. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to iie them as a Family rhvaic, and for the following complaints, which Utst HUt rapidly euro: For Ityaitt-fkai or Ia)dla;atioa, I,latlraa. , Laajraur aud Lwa uf AprtelWe, they ahould lie taken moderatuly to atiuiufute the atom ach, aud restore iu hcaltliy tone and action. For Civ.-r Corapltalx and iu various aymp tonis llilloua UradMche, Mick Ilrail arhr, Jaundice or Vrrra Hlckaaa, 1111 toua Colic and Ililioaa 'vcjra, they bhocld be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruction which cause it. For Uyac-aUery or niiarrbrjea,' but one mild doe is gcneially required. For Hliouinitaiana. iluaf, Oratvcl. Pn1 SltulioM of the 11,'tan, im tha iile, f luck and aoiata, they ahould be coutiik uously taken, as required, to etiauge the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Itroiiay and Dropalcal Swellings, they should be taken in large and freqneut dosej to produce the cu'eet of a drastic purge. lor fcuircsaios. a large uose should be taken, a it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take roe or two PUlt to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no seriooa derangement exists. One who feels yn'-inuiy wen, uiiou uutin tun. m uun ui urew l'Ul makes htm feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect ou the digestive apparatus. . PBKPAKED BY Dr. J. C. A YER Jt CO., Practical Chemitlt, LOH tLL, MASH., V. S. A. OR SALE BY AU. PBLCOISTS r.YCCY WHtKF. '.Woods &Co.'S ORG-AJNTS 7 g3 t